MASSIVE SHIFT OF POWER CHANGE COMING | Pluto in Aquarius has Biblical Consequences

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➡ Jacob discusses the significance of Pluto entering Aquarius, an event that happens every 248 years. He links this astrological event to major changes, referencing the last occurrence during the Revolutionary War. He also mentions the discovery of Uranus during the last such event. Jacob suggests that these celestial events might signal a time of significant change, possibly revolutionary, in our current era.


Hello, my friends. Jacob’s here. One more time. Thank you for pressing the play button, for spending a little time with me so we could talk about Pluto entering Aquarius, which sounds probably a little perverted, but it’s not. It’s like something that happens every 248 years. It’s not a big occurrence because Pluto’s like the farthest planet away from the sun. Let’s think of it this way. Let’s look at the sun as kind of like a picture of, we’ll say, like the son of God.

We’ll say, like, the true source of love and warmth and life. And you got Pluto, who’s like the ruler of darkness, way out know, getting pooped on by a bunch of scientists saying, you’re no longer a planet. You’re a planet. You’re no longer a planet. Pluto is like the farthest away. So the fact that Pluto, the one that is farthest away from the sun coming around and entering into Aquarius at this period of time, it’s pretty significant.

Talked about this in my last show. If you haven’t seen my last show, you should check it out. It’s probably one of my favorite shows that I’ve done in a long time. Very powerful show. But the day we’re entering into a 1776 moment, I called it we the people create a government that is accountable to us, not the other way around, that we the people choose who leads this country.

And so we heard we the people last night. And that is why last evening, I met my friend here. We met in person, and I told him that I would endorse Donald J. Trump for president of the United States and do everything in my power to lead us to victory in this war. Victory in this war. It is a 1776 moment right now it is a 1776 moment right now.

1776 moment right now. That’s where we live right now. That’s where we live right now. Most consequential protest in american history. 1776. We know the race is not to the swift nor to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in a whirlwind and directs the storm? And even in the little teaser that I used at the beginning of the video, I mentioned Pluto entering into Aquarius, which it hasn’t done since, like, 1776 around there.

Revolutionary war. The time that the Illuminati was founded. Now, I’m not like the biggest, I’m not, like, into the old astrology stuff, but I do know, know the scriptures talk about signs in the heavens. They do. They talk about the sun, the moon, the planets, and stars. They talk about this all the time. So there’s something to it, right? So if Pluto is entering into Aquarius, probably means something.

Every time I think of Aquarius, I think of that scripture right before the last supper goes down where they’re making a passover. It’s the end. This is right before Jesus is betrayed. And he says to his disciples, he says, go. When you find a person who has the water jug, follow that person into their house. Get it? Aquarius. When the moon is in the 7th house, you know the song, right? So when you go into that house, prepare a table for me.

And then the person who is the master of that house is going to be like, there’s a great place for you. It’s upstairs. You got to go up for this meal. That’s right. This is an important thing. Now, ironically, Aquarius is ruled by a planet. You wanna know what planet it is? That’s right, baby. Uranus. It’s a planet. Uranus is a planet which, by the way, you can get in the description of the video below.

Get it? It’s a great coffee mug. I drink my tea out of it like every other day because I do shows like every other day. But Uranus is an important planet. It’s a very specific planet. It’s the ruler of heaven. It’s like another name. If you were like, into the sumerian mythology and all that stuff, Anu would be like the Skyfather. It’s like the God of gods. Sometimes when I hold this cup, I think of the day that I realized that it says you are Anus.

Almost like a picture of like the kingdom of God owns you. Because in the Bible, believe it or not, Uranus, that’s the word in Greek for heaven. So the kingdom of Uranus. So Aquarius is actually ruled by Uranus. Now you want to know a little bit about Aquarius? I put a little x out, a little post on x. Put a post on x. And I said something about Aquarius.

Aquarius, which know one of those constellations up there. It’s a big deal. This guy right here with the. Looks like he has the water jug, but really he’s the wine bearer. He’s the guy who holds on to the pinot. That’s right. I actually brought out some pinot for this show. I already had half of the glass, so this is going to be a good one. But he’s the cup bearer for the gods wine.

Wine is symbolic of like a deeper. It’s a spiritual understanding of things. It’s a fruitful time that comes after the harvest. Very spiritual. Jesus, when he went to the old wedding, they ran out of wine. There was no wine. So when he came, he’s like, give me the six jugs. Six is the number of man. Fill them with water. Water is a symbolic of teaching and doctrine. He said, I’m going to turn it to spirit.

Turn it to wine. Saves the best wine for last. Aquarius is the dude that holds on to the wine. So I put this little post out as a little said, you know, in a twist of fate, Aquarius, after drinking the wine of the gods, finds himself wrestling a jellyfish. Uap. Because it looks kind of like a jellyfish, doesn’t it? But this is not what I’m talking about here.

This is just something that I found interesting because I looked at the picture. But really, Pluto is an agent of change. Like, we’re talking, like, major change. That’s why the last time that Pluto entered Aquarius was the revolutionary War. That’s right. It was a huge time. Huge time of change. So it’s like every astrologer out there that I stumble upon, they’re all saying, get ready. It’s like, either you better accept the new, get rid of the old.

Like that debt clock, this debt clock right here. Get rid of the old, go into the new, or you’re going to be dragged into the new. That’s what I’ve been saying on the channel for a long time. You know, Pluto’s known as the God of the underworld. Another name for Pluto was Hades. Pluto’s the Romans, because, of course, roman reigns, especially in the WWE, until the rock takes him out.

This is my little prediction. If the rock gets involved in Wrestlemania, because it’s coming up, by the way, on the night of the eclipse, Pluto, the God of change, the God of the underworld, Hades. If there was ever a human being that would look like this, it would be like Elon dressed up as the devil’s champion. But seriously, folks, seriously, folks, this is the day we’re in. Everything kind of seems to be lining up the devil planet.

You know, the devil comet, the one, the millennial falcon comet that looks like it has grown devil horns. It’s going to be right around the eclipse, too. All it is stuff. It’s, like, literally playing out now. You wanna know weird? The last time Pluto entered into Aquarius, guess what was discovered? Yeah, that’s right. The planet Uranus was discovered. It was discovered the last time this happened. This is weird.

It gets weirder. Hang on. You know, Aquarius, it has a symbol. You want to take a look at it. Look at it right there. See, that looks like frequency, right? Looks like frequency. I look at Aquarius and I think of, like, the frequency that’s going to be disrupted by Pluto entering in. And I think of the struman resonance that’s been going off the charts. And I think to myself, I probably had a little bit too much peno before I taped this show, revolutionary War, all of these things.

It’s something that I just talked about. So the devil’s coming down onto you. Remember my last video, this video right here with the devil comment? It’s because this is revelation 13. The deck clock kind of backs all of that stuff out where it’s been sharing, like, these little messages. And I said, oh, I hope that it shares the message of Michael and the archangel. And then what happens? They do you, right? Strange how all of these things that I share on the show, all of a sudden, they just, like, I’m not a time traveler.

I don’t have, like, a vision into the future. I don’t know. I just get ideas. I ask, God, give me the truth. And then I share it with all you. I’m just a witness of these things. Y’all don’t put your faith in me. I’m just looking at it. But I see the devil coming down onto the earth for a great period of judgment. It’s happening. It’s happening. How else do I know this? And why is 1776 so important? Well, because, you know, Pluto, the real Kim Shady sent this to me.

She must have saw my 1776 post, and she sent this over to me. Turns out Pluto, otherwise known as the God of the underworld, it would be like Hades, would be like Apollyon, be like Lilith. It’d be like this character that I told you is coming for this period of time that’s basically the same, dude. It’s Pluto. Pluto is moving into Aquarius. She pointed this out to me, and I go, wow.

And the reason is because it hasn’t been that way since, like, 1777, okay? And that when 1777, all of this stuff is connected to the big days that we have ahead. The last time Pluto journeyed through Aquarius, okay, this is the age of Aquarius. Journeyed through Aquarius was between 1777 and 1798. The world’s balance of power massively shifted back then. These two decades saw the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and more.

So check this out. So this is what happens, right? It enters in today. This is January 20. It’s going to be very difficult to put this all together because I’m taping this now at like, 03:00 but the fact that it’s out, if it’s out, you should really share it around because it’s encouraging. Everything that we see happening right now is boating. Well, for those that are going to be kind and compassionate, this is just a new day that’s upon us.

Come hell or high water. Get it? Come hell or high water, you’re going to have a choice one way or the other. You’re going to be in a smart city, miserable, or you’re going to be on a new way and a new path to life. Trust me, my friends, that’s the day we’re in. The famous passage that has to do with Aquarius and Jesus and all that is Luke 22 22.

And listen to what it says, because it’s really about the moment in time where it’s like, this is where Jesus is betrayed. This is where Jesus is then turned over to the court, then this is where Jesus is turned over to Rome, and then this is where Jesus is raised up on the cross is why we see so much of that symbolism going on in the world. We got, you know, being raised on the cross.

This is right before the know there’s no greater love than this, than someone will lay down their life for a friend as Christ laid down his life for us so that we could live. Now we need to lay down our life in this world so others can. It’s a beautiful process, and it’s all coming together. And the fact that Pluto is entering into Aquarius, it’s like, astrologically, we’re talking about, like a massive uprooting of belief and a shift and a shift.

It’s time. The people that I watched, and once again, I’m not into astrology, but I think that there’s some truth to this. It’s time to confront our shadow. Right? It’s like that moment where Jacob was wrestling the angel, the man in the dark at night. It was the darkest part of the night. And it’s time to really understand what it is that’s keeping us from, we’ll say, evolving spiritually to moving into the kingdom of God.

Because if you’re not going to go into it willingly, you’re going to be dragged in, because God’s arm is not slack that it cannot save. And just so happens, Aquarius is known as the 11th house. Yeah, isn’t that funny? The 11th house. And it’s ruled by Uranus and Satan, which is also known as Saturn. Very interesting, the days ahead. But frequency, frequency, a shift. There’s something going on? I just find it interesting and I think that this is something that we should all just be excited about.

I don’t know why I think we should be excited about it. That’s the only reason. Because I look at all this stuff and I go, oh, yeah, this is next. This is next. This is good stuff. It’s far better than going to like, Davos. The World Economic Forum is far better than going there to their know. And they have like a shaman coming out, by the way. They had a shaman coming out to do like a blessing.

And this, this lady right here, this is Chieftice Putani. Putani is her name? Yes. She went around, she did all sorts of weird stuff. She like, blew. I don’t know if it was blowing kisses or she was spitting on people and she was coming over and she was doing stuff, trying to get people to raise their hands in victory and she was talking all gibberish. She’s talking all weird.

She’s like. I don’t know what she was saying. She was saying some weird stuff, but she pulled off this great big blessing. She’s a shaman. Shamans seem to be everywhere, don’t you know? Right? You got the QAnon shaman who was in the Capitol. Shamans are everywhere, right? Witch doctors. It’s all witchcraft, but. So what do we do? What do we do? We sit back, we enjoy the show, and we’re like, that’s all right.

We’ll let the Lord handle it. We’re God’s champions. We’re going to love people. We’re going to forgive them. Chiefs Patani. She probably was doing her best. But I do find it strange that her name means demon. Her name means demon? Yeah. Putani means demon. It also means whore. Whore. Like the whore of Babylon. Isn’t that strange? Like from Putana, which is not a great thing. I remember I lived in a very italian neighborhood, grew up.

If somebody calls you a putana, that’s not a good thing. You got a chief, this Putana spitting on you. You might want to go to the doctor and get checked for some kind of stds. I don’t know. It was probably the best idea to drink the pinot while I was getting ready for the show. But listen, I want to tell you all how much I love you and I think you should be responsible when you drink.

I’m not driving tonight. This has gotten weird. It’s gotten weird. But Aquarius was the wine bearer. Wine lifts your spirits, but it can also mock you, so don’t get too crazy. With it. Listen, I love all of you. I hope you had a great show. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you share it around. Hope you tell your friends. And let’s not wait another 248 years for this to happen.

Right? Time for Independence day. Time for that big bell. Bell is vibration. Frequency. Frequency is Aquarius. It’s all connected. I love each and every one of you. Do me a favor. Get some of the merch in the description of the video below. Don’t forget the novel. It’s available on Amazon. It’s got like well over a 1005 star reviews. People love it. It’s probably like the best book ever written, in my opinion.

Really is for today. And I’ll even read like, every chapter starts with a poem. I’ll read a poem for you. Okay? The longer we dwell on the fault of others, the longer our peace will be smothered. The longer we replay the pain of yesterday, the harder it is to enjoy today. The longer we wait to end our debate. A world at war we continue to create, the longer it takes to appreciate that you can do what you’ve always dreamed to do, the farther away that dream will stay instead of being accomplished by you.

When nothing seems to go your way, when you believe you’ve had the absolute worst day. When it seems people have nothing nice to say. When your blue skies have turned gray, you must remember times like these won’t always stay because you’ve entered into a new day where nothing shall be impossible to you. When the moon is in the 7th house, right? That’s the day we’re in. I didn’t mean to open up to that.

My novel’s awesome. Get it@Amazon. com right now and have the best day ever. I love each and every one of you. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye. .


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