NOTRE DAMES 8 Bells SECRET REVEALED | TRUMPS VICTORY Fulfillis Zechariahs Prophecy! Jacobe Isreal

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➡ The Notre Dame Cathedral’s bells rang together for the first time since a fire in 2019. The author compares this event to a scene from the 2012 film “I Pet Goat 2” where a church and its spire fall, similar to the Notre Dame fire. The author also discusses the symbolic importance of the crown of thorns, which was saved from the fire, and its connection to the beast system, a term used to describe worldly power and control. The author ends by discussing the discovery of ancient tombs and statues beneath the cathedral and their potential spiritual significance.
➡ The text discusses a vision of a curse that will banish thieves and liars from the world. This curse is represented by a flying scroll and a lead-sealed casket, symbolizing the wickedness of people. The casket is taken to a temple in Babylon, symbolizing the world’s iniquity. The text encourages readers to trust in God, be kind, forgive, and love others, despite the challenges they may face.
➡ The text simply says that the person will speak to you later and then says goodbye.



The Notre Dame Cathedral’s eight bells rang out in unison. For the first time since its suspicious fire in 2019, eight bells rang in unison on 11-8 and mass will return on 12-8. The bells may now be ringing, but in 2019, when the entire church burned to the ground, I knew I saw this once before. In 2012, I Pet Goat 2 came out with a very famous scene. The crown of thorns disappears and in the background a church and its spire falls and crumbles to the ground. So I immediately matched the two up and I thought to myself, it’s identical.

Identical. The two of them, they look almost exactly the same. But what stranger is, look at that crown of thorns. The crown of thorns disappears before that church burns and falls to the ground, just like it did with the Notre Dame Cathedral. They actually saved the crown of thorns before the church fell to the ground. The crown of thorns, just so you know, represents the beast system and what they did was they pushed those thorns as hard as they could and they actually dug the thorns deep into Jesus’s head. So a little while ago, I heard about, I read about the sarcophagus that was found under the Notre Dame Cathedral.

It was sealed and led. It was at the very base of like they found this thing because they’re in the midst of construction because you know that it just burned down a little while ago. I did programs about that and how it’s connected to the crown of thorns because the one thing that they actually recovered from it was the crown of thorns. That’s right. Believe it or not, supposedly that place housed the literal crown of thorns that Jesus had and they turned it into some kind of a, you know, some kind of a this thing.

So it was there, but they, they, they, uh, when, when, of course, when the Notre Dame Cathedral burnt down, which was just a couple of years ago, one of the things that they saved and they made a big deal of talking about was the crown of thorns, like as if it was a great thing. I said, of course the beast system would be focused on the crown of thorns. A crown is symbolic of an authority, a rule, right? We got the virus of the crown. We’re given the crown of Christ to rule and reign with him, but of course there’s a virus because people are sick today.

They don’t have faith today. People have given up on God today. This crown of thorns was thrust upon Jesus right before he went to the cross. Big deal. Crown of thorns. It’s a big deal. Very symbolic because if you’ve watched the show long enough, if you haven’t, you should subscribe to my website, I think it’s in this corner. I don’t know where it is, but you should subscribe there because then we can stay connected and everything else. It’s free, but I have plenty of essays about what the crown of thorns was.

Paul was given a thorn in his flesh. Adam, when he was cast out of the garden, the ground only produced thorns. Jesus revealed what the crown of thorns, symbolic of an authority, a rule of thorns was. You want to know what the thorn is? People didn’t know what Paul’s thorn is. Very simple. A sower goes out into the field. He sows seed. Some of it falls among thorns. The thorns grow up, strangle the seed. And he says to his disciples, Jesus said, the thorns are the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches.

We worry about everything that’s going on in the world, right? We worry about, oh, but if we have enough money, we’ll be okay. We put our faith in the system and we’re ruled by the system and yet it’s our suffering. And we got to worry and we got to care and we got to, and that’s the thorn. And that’s what was thrust on Jesus right before he was put to death. He took upon himself the sins of the world, the cares of the world, the sins of the world, us, what we worry about.

So the fact that the crown of thorns was saved from Notre Dame Cathedral, not a great thing, but of course the beast system would be after it because that’s what they want. You know, they want that control. There’s a little spooky tie-in to that animated movie from a while back called I Pet Goat 2, where that cosmic Jesus was coming out and everything was, you know, changing. And you see this, it looked like Notre Dame Cathedral was burning and it was the spire falls and it falls in such a way it looks just like when the Notre Dame Cathedral fell.

And at that moment in that video you see the crown of thorns that that cosmic Jesus was wearing disappear. So it’s quite strange that the crown of thorns and Notre Dame Cathedral disappears the same time. Now it’s stored in a Louvre. I’m telling you all of this because all of this is linked to something else. So if you’re new to the channel, you should watch toward to the end of the show. I have to lay the groundwork to get to the big wahoo because that’s what it is. It’s like what the heck is going on.

You’re 100% come true with what was just discovered underneath the Notre Dame Cathedral. This is crazy to me. And very encouraging to me. So let’s get into what this was. Extraordinary ancient tombs and statues on earth beneath Notre Dame Cathedral. Now I want to just tell you about when Notre Dame Cathedral right before it burnt down, they were doing renovations and what they did was they took all of the saints. They had these statues of saints. They saw it off their heads and they were going to take the saints to be restored.

So all the saints were beheaded. And I did a program live show years ago. I said, this is telling us what’s going to happen in the future. It’s not too great. I was worried. I was worried about it, especially when they retrieved that crown of thorns. Now that the bells are ringing again, does it mean that the saints may indeed be hunted down and beheaded? As the scriptures say. Or will they be restored? Because it’s really all how you see it and how we see the bells ringing again is what matters the most.

Now if you don’t know who Zachariah is, he’s one of the, I guess you could say, one of the minor prophets. And he’s being given a vision of what’s to come. Chapter four talks about the gold lampstand and of course the olive trees. And he’s talking about the witnesses of God. So there’s kind of a time frame. So the witnesses of God kind of appear. And then eight bells ringing symbolizes the end of the watch. This is very symbolic spiritually as well, considering Zachariah had eight visions about the end of the watch.

So this is chapter four. This is the word of the Lord to Zerabble. Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord Almighty. Right? It’s not about us. It’s never been about me. What can I do? What can I do? I can’t do nothing. It’s not about me. I can’t do nothing to change things, but a spirit of God. All I can do is not my will, Lord, but yours be done and just kind of sit back and thank God that I want to serve God. And hopefully I’m doing the best that I can.

What are you, mighty mountain, before Zerabble? You will become level as the ground. And he will bring out the capstone to shouts of God bless it. God bless it. By the way, the capstone, of course, is the head of Christ. Christ. We’re supposed to be the body of Christ. We’re given the name of Christ. We’re supposed to take on the mind of Christ. That’s the head of Christ. That’s the capstone, dressed at his head on a stone. The capstone is Christ. Also found within the remains of the Notre Dame Cathedral was a perfectly carved stone representation of Jesus.

Zachariah asks, I asked the angel, what are the two olive trees? And on the right and the left of the lampstand. And again, I asked him, what are the two olive branches beside the gold pipes? He says, you don’t know who these are? No, my Lord, I said. So he said, these are the two anointed to serve the Lord, the witnesses of God. This is us. So here we are. He’s shown that the witnesses of God are going to stand up. Then he’s shown this in chapter five. Then Zachariah is shown this in chapter five.

It’s called the flying scroll. I looked again and there before me was a flying scroll. All right. It’s kind of like it’s been written in the stars, if you will. He asked me, what do you see? And I answered a flying scroll 20 cubits long and 10 cubits wide. And he said to me, this, what have we been talking about on the show? That God is going to curse the wicked, that the curse is going out, right? The curse stones we just found that were revealed, the curse tablets on Mount Ebal. Talked about God’s curse going out, right? We talked about this.

That’s why this is strange to me. You’ll see. I see a flying scroll. He said, and he said to me, this is the curse that is going out over the whole land. For according to what it says on one side, listen to this, every thief will be banished. And according to what it says on the other side, everyone who swears falsely will be banished. In other words, people that are lying, people that are stealing the beast system, they’re going to be banished. This is the day there’s a curse that has gone out into the world and it is going to get rid of the liars and those who swear falsely and those who steal.

The Lord Almighty declares, I will send it out and it will enter the house of the thief and the house of anyone who swears falsely by my name. People that say, God told me this, God told me that, the beast system, Notre Dame Cathedral, right? Like as if that’s where you’re going to find God. Let me tell you where you find God. Just close your eyes and ask, you got God right with you. There’s nowhere God is not. You don’t need to go to an old fancy building. It will remain in that house and destroy it completely, both the timbers and the stones.

God’s saying, I’m going to destroy the system. That house that you’re going to see. Then the angel who was speaking to me said, look up, see what’s happening. And I asked, what is it? So here’s Zachariah’s like, look, he’s having a dream. And he records the dream. Look up, what do you see? And what he saw was, it is an ephah. This translation calls it a basket, but it’s a big basket. Most scholarly insight says it should be called a casket. It should be called a sarcophagus. It’s a tomb because the tomb is flying between heaven and earth.

It’s the grave. He replied, it is, we’ll call it a casket. It’s a casket, a sarcophagus. And he added, this casket that you see is the iniquity of the people. The iniquity of the people throughout the land. So God’s showing Zachariah. Here are going to be the witnesses. They’re going to come out. They’re going to start spreading the word of God. And he goes, now look at this. And you see this right over here? That’s the iniquity of the people throughout the land. Then the cover of lead was raised. It was covered and sealed in lead.

A casket, a sarcophagus covered and sealed in lead. Then the cover of lead was raised and there in the basket sat, guess what? A woman, a nine-tailed fox, a horror babylon. Do you see? How long have we been talking about the corrupt carnal soul of mankind? The beast system? How long have we been talking about it? Of course, what’s in this lead-sealed basket is a woman, the horror babylon that sits on the many waters that the dragon is going to turn against. The cover of the lead was raised and there in the basket sat a woman.

Because once again, we’re not talking about a literal basket. We’re talking about something that they called an eph-, it was a big, big tomb, a sarcophagus covered in lead, sealed in lead. It was opened in Zechariah’s vision and he saw a woman sitting in it and he was told by the angels that it was the iniquity of the people, like Pandora’s fox being opened up. And then he looks up again and he sees two duality, sees two women with the wind in their wings. They had wings of that of a stork. They lifted up the casket, the basket, the sarcophagus between heaven and earth.

Where are they taking the basket? I asked the Lord. This is Zechariah speaking. And the angel replied to the country of Babylon, Babylonia, Babylon, to build a temple for it, a house for it, a place of worship for it. When the house is ready, when the temple is ready, the basket, the casket, the sarcophagus will be set there in its place at the very base, the pedestal of it. Because that place in Babylonia is called Shinar. Just so you know, let me pull this up. This is crazy. This is crazy. Shinar, which is also where the Tower of Babel, we just did programs about how in Russia they literally burnt down the Tower of Babel.

This is also so interesting. So the sarcophagus is taken to a place to be buried. And then he said to me to build the temple for her, for the sarcophagus, for the woman, the wickedness of all the all the iniquity that is in this world pictured as a woman sealed up in a sarcophagus sealed in lead, buried at the midst of a grand temple that the world would know, like the Notre Dame Cathedral. And it just so happens the sarcophagus sealed in lead happens to be at the pedestal, at the very heart, at the very base, and the foundation.

So literally it was placed there and everything was built upon it, just as written in Zachariah chapter five. Very strange, but it gets stranger. To build a temple for her in the land of Shinar, and when it is prepared, she’ll be set there on her own pedestal. Shinar means place where two rivers are, country of two rivers. It’s the ancient name of Babylon, or Chaldea, Babylonia, Chaldea, the Chaldeans. Two rivers. So strange, you know why? So they said basically there’s a casket, there’s a woman in it, it represents all of the iniquity of man.

It’s going to be taken, and it’s going to be buried deep beneath something. There’s going to be a temple, a house of God, that is going to be built upon it, between two rivers. It just so happens that the Notre Dame Cathedral is between two rivers. Literally, that’s what it literally means. Its location on an island between two branches of the city, although it’s in the midst of the city, it breaks the flow of the river, and in doing so creates two rivers. Strange. A lead sealed sarcophagus. Very strange. They find included several tombs of these ancient tombs.

The body shaped lead sarcophagus buried at the heart, the pedestal of the fire ravaged monument known as the Notre Dame Cathedral. Very strange. Now archaeologists are going to open it, so I think, oh my goodness, it’s a picture of all the wickedness in the world being released. Just like that stone that opened up the nine-tailed fox, the woman, the Whore of Babylon, all it is. Everything is pointing to a moment where things are going to get so wicked. Pandora’s box opening up. All of this stuff happening now. Interesting to me, should be interesting to you, and it gives me a lot of hope, people.

I’m very excited, because I know that the coming days, they may be stressful, they may be really stressful, but holy macaroni, if God is not in control of this all, don’t be one of those people that says this thing is God. How does this happen? Because the devil right now is at work within us all. The beast, the dragon is in the earth, and he’s angry. Right? He’s cast into the earth. You don’t think you’re going to have troubles. You don’t think you’re going to have trials. You are. You know what I do? I pray, and I, you know, I share, and I ask for forgiveness, and I do better.

That’s all we can do. We’re not perfect. We’re not perfect, but if we’re on our guard, and we’re paying attention, you know, we encourage ourself in the Lord, you know, the wiles of the devil, you’ll be able to resist the devil. The devil will flee. Trust in God, people. Pray, be kind-hearted, forgive, love. Don’t look at other people as the enemy, all right? Because the only enemy you’ve got to worry about and concern yourself with, you can’t literally see. That’s the problem today, but God’s going to handle it. It’s going to handle it.

God’s got other plans, so pay attention. I love each and every one of you. Please do subscribe, tell your friends, share the channel around, leave a comment, do these things, get yourself a copy of the calling. It helps, and it’s an amazing novel. You know what? I’ll just open up to something. Let’s see. Here we go. I’m going to read one of the poems. Every chapter starts with a poem. Is there anything we can imagine that can’t come to pass? Is there anyone too far gone that love cannot bring back? Is there any height we cannot climb? Any depth we cannot descend? Can we not live a full life or choose to put it to an end? Whatever, therefore, we think, we find and become.

Whatever we believe can either defeat us or help us to overcome. So remember, my friends, the power of life and death is in your mind and in your tongue. Think better thoughts, be better, do better, love others, give a hug to those around you, and I’ll talk to you soon. Bye-bye. [tr:trw].


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