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➡ The text discusses the Mandela effect, which is when people remember things differently than they actually happened, using examples like famous movie lines. It also talks about the mystery of UFOs, suggesting that some people might be exaggerating UFO stories for personal gain. The text ends with a discussion about the possibility of us living in a simulation, which is another theory that has gained popularity.
➡ The text discusses the concept of simulation theory and the Mandela effect, which is when a group of people remember something differently than how it actually happened. The author debates with a powerful AI named Grok about whether these phenomena could be real or just false memories. They also discuss examples of the Mandela effect in popular culture, such as misquotes from movies and TV shows. Despite skepticism from some, the author believes there could be evidence to support these theories.
➡ The discussion revolves around the concept of living in a simulation, the role of AI, and the potential existence of extraterrestrial life. The speaker also mentions the impact of quantum computing and the idea of AI becoming a ‘black hole’ that absorbs all data. They also discuss the popularity of these topics on social media platforms and encourage viewers to watch their movie on Tubi and read their book. The conversation ends with a mention of their upcoming projects and a request for viewers to like and subscribe.
➡ This text encourages you to use your imagination to envision a happy, worry-free life. It suggests that by focusing on the end result, not the journey, you can unlock endless possibilities. It emphasizes the importance of holding onto your desires and using them as a guide for your future.


There is such a thing as the Mandela effect. Let’s make it really clear. I think our movie, which you were a great part of, as you know, what you make clear in the movie, and I think we did together, is there is no doubt some of these examples show the world changed. Something happened. There was at one time, in a linear timeline, there was this Luke, I am your father scene, let’s say. Right. Something happened in the quantum world, in the. In the world of, let’s say, dimensions. We don’t know exactly, as he’s make very clear in our movie.

But no doubt so many people of that particular Mandela effect are shocked even. There’s. There’s so many. Yeah, there are James Earl Jones, the actor, remember the actor who plays the part in the movie is certain. And we show two examples that he remembered being Luke, I am your father. He talks about the script when he read it. He talks about how the storyline plays out. And then again, he wasn’t necessarily the actor because it was like a. You know, there was a whole suit and all kinds of special effects done. But he knew what that line was.

Changes which are just deeply ingrained in people. The Snow White Mandela effect troubles me. Who does not remember the line? Mirror, mirror on the wall. She never said that. She says, magic mirror on the wall. What you think it is? The logo for Volvo all of a sudden was a. A female symbol instead of just a circle. I swear I remember Jiffy Peanut Butter. But now they’re telling you, no, you don’t. It was Jif. Now look, there are many examples in our movie that are similar to that, but that one is so solid. But imagine like with UFOs or something along that line.

Along those lines. And now UFOs are actually. They’re actually saying they’re. No, that. That’s the point I’m trying to make. Jake. Jacob. No, right now you’ll be seeing in my coverage this year there’s nothing new in UFOs. UFOs is an amazing mystery. What these people have done is they’ve tried to concoct a exaggerated version of the UFO story and throw back to Congress, even to the Congress. Like old anecdotal stories. No real evidence at all. Wait a minute, hang on a second. I remember. I remember all sorts of things happening where they said, yes, we have otherworldly craft.

These are people that are full. That’s why. That’s why the Mandela effect is so important to stay focused on. There’s not a lot of people faking and playing games with this mystery. It is what it is. The UFO mystery is the opposite. The UFO mystery, since it became a thing in the 50s and the 40s, has become a cottage industry. I’m confused. I mean, I’m going to make it clear that industry has gone through fits and starts throughout the years. The base evidence of UFOs is video footage, which I’ve been bringing to, to bear into the culture for the last 25, 30 years.

It’s been a big part of my work. That UFO evidence, 50, 60, 70, 80 videos, let’s say, maybe even new ones being shot in the last few years. When you put that together, that database, there is no doubt there’s an amazing UFO mystery. These people we’re talking about spent no time looking at that, looking at that evidence, all the stuff. So hang on a sec. So all the stuff that went on at Congress all of the way, because they just did this. Just recently in our previous panel, we had Grush and he had testified to say that some of these were interdimensional beings.

Can you speak on that at all? Ma’am, I’m not qualified, certainly as a scientist or otherwise, to speculate points of origin. I looked at everything from a scientific perspective. So if you look at, for example, instantaneous acceleration, which was one of the observables before you start having structural failure, meaning that the airframe begins to disintegrate while you’re flying, the vehicles we’re, we’re talking about are performing in excess of 1000, 2000, 3000 GS. So are you, I guess. Would it be safe to infer that they’re living trust? You know, I’m not prepared at this point to state for the record.

No, no, they. I’m the Congress, I’m telling you right now. No, but I’m saying they did. They, they did. They had the hearings. They had the hearings. That’s what I’m getting at. That’s what I’m getting the senators. So people understand that, yes, they had hearing, they had hearings. But what you’re saying is, so I can clarify, is that you’re saying they’re just kind of gaslighting us. They’re gaslighting the mystery and the culture. Exactly. They’re. Why would they do that? There’s not a. They’re a small group of people, there’s about 20 of them. And they have history in the gaming and the faking of psychic phenomena.

Right. The key, here’s the key. They’re tapping into government funding. That’s their goal. The grift is funding so you’re saying they’re like everybody’s agreed this is, this is not everybody’s a grift. You’re never going to see one of those pilots, let’s say, okay, they say they saw. Pilots have been reported seeing UFOs for 50, 60, 70 years. There’s famous cases Mantel famous case this era pilot chased the UFO till his plane basically, you know, blew up. Right. Because. Because he wanted to see what the UFO was. There’s so many examples that are amazing examples of UFOs.

That’s right. U F Os now they have to call it UAPs. Why are they calling you? To confuse everyone. So now wait a minute. We’re not talking necessarily about the UFO mystery now we’re talking about China aerial phenomenon, other countries. It’s a nightmare. And now why this has occurred. You’re getting so angry. I love it. Well, you’re going to see a new worked up. Settle down Bob. There’s a reason we have. The reason is the alien autopsy and the timing of my new documentary called. We think we’re going to call it Euphoricity like an Odyssey. But a euphicy is because it’s really filled with a lot of truth.

There’s a lot of UFO truth. Unfortunately these individuals and the New York Times, that must get you out of times. Yeah, they wrote an article about UFOs in 2017 that will go down as the worst researched article maybe of any kind ever on the pages of the New York Times, especially sneaking its way onto the front page. What happened was they released the article on a Friday night or something, 2017 or Saturday, it didn’t. It was an online article and the article goes on online and oh my God, New York Times writing about UFOs or UAPs, whatever.

And the next thing you know they stick it on the Sunday edition in a tiny little bottle. They change the headline, right? And before you know it all these grifters come along. Former people dealing with contracts, people that claim to have government connections. They all come around and the next thing you know they got Congress interested enough to have these hearings. These hearings produced not one piece of evidence. One of my, any one of my TV specials on the Fox network probably did better, right? Probably has more evidence of than they have at the congressional hearing.

So I called Senator Gillibrand’s office in New York last week and I wanted to let her know that there is a. An important change necessary. She brought it up a couple of months ago at the last hearing. She says I’d like to see the Evidence. I want to see the evidence for like last 20, 30, 40, 56. A. Paraphrasing. She said there’s evidence. If you have the evidence out there, get in contact with us. She says this. What freaks you out more? What freaks you out more? The, the idea that, you know, the Mandela effect. Real.

We could possibly be in the simulation or they’re aliens. Oh, I think it definitely be the latter. I think it freaks me out. I can accept aliens visiting the Earth. I think they have, I think, enough evidence and I’m not going to get into the debate now about whether you want to look at cave drawings or you want video. I think overall, plenty of evidence. There’s kind of an understanding in our kind of soul level that we know we’re sort of not alone and we must have had some contact. We could just feel it. It’s in our religions.

God, you know, God’s coming from the sky. Every religion calls it. The question is, can you write all that off? No, I don’t think so. But when you talk about the Mandela effect, you’re talking about things like, as you did beautifully in our movie, the simulation idea, the thing which, which just for the audience, just for the audience to know, I want to say this to them because there is a lot of evidence that we could be. I mean, you know, from Ostrom’s article, from, you know, that it is a possibility. There was a scientist. I don’t know if you knew about this, Bob.

I agree. Scientists, they were just trying to prove they got funding. Talk about, you know, a grift, right? But they got funding to try to prove whether or not we are in. The way. I always looked at it when it comes to simulation theory so people don’t get freaked out is like, well, Jesus came into this world. He said, this is, you know, I’m not of this world. This is not my world. This is not my home. Okay, so that would basically be the thing. Like we could be booted in somewhere. It doesn’t matter. Regardless of what it is, really, this is not where we come from.

Ironically, the Grok that I was talking about, this is. This, this is interesting. Is the super powerful AI that is on X right now. And Grok and I had like a back and forth on the Mandela effect. It was very strange. I want to hear about it. Let’s hear. Yeah, I mean, so, so what happened was. So I. He posed. Well, Grok. I’m saying he. It’s the AI. Very. The most powerful AI you’re calling it. He. Yeah, yeah, it’s so funny for those of you that don’t know there the logo looks literally like a black hole.

And Hawking and Herzog, they proposed the idea that we could be existing Oz information on the singularity of a black hole. So basically we’d be projected into reality. So simulation theory is not too too far fetched when you have all these big people, nothing to get freaked out about because once again this is not our end place. For those of you that. But that would explain the Mandela effect, would it not? I mean, right? Well I think when you get into the simulation theory as sort of a context with the Mandela effect I kind of get like you can see it two ways.

I see people are trying to convince the world that the simulation is real by pointing to the Mandela effect. And then you have people pointing to the Mandela effect going. You see the Mandela effect proves the simulation is real. So it goes it good. But the idea is it it not to confuse people again but is there as our movie kind of gets into is there evidence that things changed from what they were before and is the reason that maybe that there’s a changing glitch like, like a computer like they’re changing? So talk, tell us a little more you know about this.

You know, it’s, it’s. Grox posted this a couple of days ago. The Mandela effect of a phenomenon for those that don’t know where many people share false memories of events or details like believing Nelson Mandela died in prison. Possible explanations include false memory, social suggestion, conflating Mandela with other figures like Steve Biko. No scientific evidence supports parallel universe theories. So what I did was I kind of reposted it and said is this answer by Grok true or Grok? Is it possible that we could actually be in the simulation where things or memories could be changed? And Grok responded right back.

So as you see this is like a back and forth me and Grok on x. That’s at JacobIsrael71 if you want and basically goes on the Mandela effect explanation I gave false memories conflation simulation where he basically goes on to tell me there’s no way that this is a real thing. There’s no way that this is true. I keep saying to Grok, I say you know, well why don’t we pretend that it’s true? Why don’t we hypothetically speaking and still was like so adverse to answering me and then finally did speak. So I don’t want to read all this.

You can, you can find it on X. So then, so Grok once Again said, because I brought up examples where I witnessed a flip flop with the Apollo 13. We talked about it in the film. I witnessed it because I was covering it and I couldn’t believe that it had been changed. And then one day, all of a sudden I was watching these movie things and it changed back. When we’re presented with something that’s almost otherworldly, we will retreat back to just acceptance. You build it, they will. So that was like that moment where I was like, oh my God, maybe this really is real because I had that first hand experience with it.

So. So Grok says Wired top 10 movie misquotes often reflects popular memory, not reality. Like Apollo 13’s line being Houston, we have a problem in collective recall we’ve had in the film. Flip flops like those you mentioned are likely memory distortion amplified by discussions and media residual evidence. Question mark. Usually misquotes in articles or parodies, not proof of anything. Like Grok was so adverse. And I said, you’re fighting very hard against answering my hypothetical question, which is odd to me. You don’t have to take. It’s interesting. And not to cut you off, but I want to let you know that that’s the kind of stuff we looked at during the movie we were making.

And that’s why we stayed so focused on things like Sex in the City. Because we had video where multiple, multiple, multiple actors, the people giving awards, the way they were promoting it, unless we’re nuts, everyone’s saying Sex in the City. They’re not saying sex. And you can even see the way a mouth makes the sound. Right. And, or in. There’s a difference. So we ran these videos of everyone from Sarah Jessica Parker to the people on the, you know, on the actual show. We ran these through a simple thing like YouTube closed captioning or whatever, right? And 95% of the time it was sex in.

Right, the city. So I would go to a courtroom, let’s say, and I would go to a court, a jury or a judge. And I would say, look, I don’t care about all the other Mandela effects you’re hearing about. I don’t care. Let’s deal with this one. One Mandela effect. I call and I call Sarah Jessica Parker to the stand. Sarah, when you’re at this award show, you’re saying Sex in the City. A better example of the people on the talk show, you’re saying about the movie Sex in the City. Sex in the city. Everywhere, New York, everywhere.

So the idea was we never were able to do that. I’VE got people actually contacted me and said, you know, could you get those people to come on and talk about. Well, we were thinking about that. We were trying to get everyone from the Tom Hanks. Yeah, I’m sure they wouldn’t want to be a part of this. No, we were like, come on. Just. So we call up and they say no to us. I mean, they did performances. Tom Hanks did performances where he performed it the way we remember. So we decided to pull what we had in the actual kind of cultural lexicon and we got those videos to show people without having to ask them their opinion.

Oh, are you going to tell us how to explain this? James Earl Jones again? He already did it for us. He said it pretty clearly so that we acquired that material and we showed the people. Now, look, there are people who will say, well, you haven’t proven that it was sexual in the city at one time, but what more evidence do you need? You have people, you know, you did a great job with David Letterman. We were amazed back in 2017. Oh, yeah, right. I’ll never forget when I brought some into my office and I said to them, watch this.

And they wait, wait a minute. He wouldn’t make a mistake like that. I said, exactly. You would think right at the Oscars when it’s up for Best Picture. And he. And he would do it. He did it very glibly. It was like, you know, great. You know, you know, the writers that write great lines like, like, like, you know, life is box of chocolate. He wouldn’t miss the was and is. It wouldn’t like that. It would be, like, very clearly stated. So in the end, I have to tell you, that’s another great example I would show a jury and say, do you think that? And then the one that really gets me crazy is Interview with a Vampire.

Well, you know, it’s like, if you want to really. You want to really boil it down to, like, nuts and bolts, you have people like James Gates, who was the scientific adviser to President Obama, and he used mathematics to solve the equation of everything. He wanted to find what the root of everything was. And he found browser code for Google. Google, you know, that’s what he found at the very core, using math. It was. He found a browser code. And once again, you could be right, though. They could be gaslighting people in the grand scheme of things.

This is something that I find fascinating. You mean the ufo? You mean the UFO people gaslighting? Well, right, you were saying this is an. This is an actual planned grift. By one particular guy tied to the government research phenomena years ago. Because there are people out there trying to make not only money, make names for themselves. Right? I think you made a valid point when you said that, you know this. Just because they’re doing it doesn’t mean that it’s truthful. And that’s what I was saying about, about Gates was that I don’t know why he would, you know, tell the world with all the awards and everything else that he has, that he found browser code at the very, you know, fabric of what did it.

What did he mean by that by saying that? What’s the implication? The implication is. Well, he said, the implication being that I’m in the Matrix and I’m cool with that because it was a great movie. But let me tell you what Grok, what Grok wrote back. This is interesting because this is very powerful AI. I’m not dodging your hypothetical. Let’s lean into it. If we’re in a simulation and things change, it could be the programmers tweaking the code for efficiency, testing reactions, or fixing bugs. People might notice because their memory doesn’t fully sync with the update, like a lag in a video game.

The odds of a simulation are decent, Bostrom argues, but why changes happen could be the developers messing with us for kicks or running experiments. And then Grok thanked me because I said that Grok is a marvel. Thank you for your kind words. I’m here anytime you want to get weird. You know. Now this is. Right. This is an AI. By the way. AI is another problem. I’m going to just say it like it is. I mean, when we’re. We’re now relying on a. On a. On a. Basically an interactive computer program to research. I mean, I.

Even my kids, you’ve met my kids, they’re endlessly looking at, like, you know, chat, gbt to tell them the future plans. It’s getting a little nuts. Yeah, well, you know what’s interesting about quantum computing and what’s going on now is they’ve created such powerful chips and this one quantum computing chip, which is like, it did something in like a millisecond that took like 60,000 years. I may be exaggerating, but for like, our most powerful computers, but the idea with AI is they compare it to a black hole, because black hole sucks everything into it, right? Sucks all the mass.

And it AI, if it became quantum, it would basically take all the data from everything and everything would be sucked into it, like a black hole. Hence Grok being a black hole. And Then what it could do is it could literally pick up from where our, you know, our experience of reality left off and create multiple simulations where there’s the real me now feels like it’s the real me, but is in a simulation. That’s science. Terrifying science. Yeah. But I think, Jacob, at some point, though, we go from social media dominance with our systems and technology.

Now we’re going to an actual entity. You’re calling it a he. You look at the big platforms like YouTube, TikTok. Billions of people are interested in this topic. Yes. It’s like the Twilight Zone. Not everything is what you think it is. I’d love everyone to understand how important you were to the movie and how much you brought the movie. So I’d love people to come back and see it on Tubi, even if you’ve already rented it. I mean, it’s the kind of thing where you can really dig into the research. The more you see it, the more you see the examples we gave.

And, you know, you did a great job. So I really want people to get to understand that. That it’s on Tubi so that you can experience it without any concern about renting or purchasing it. You know, it’s like watching a TV show. So. And then. And I have another show up there I’ll call Aliens on the Moon, the Truth Exposed, where we show evidence that NASA. Yes, we went to the moon. Right. Photographed areas of the moon that look like there are giant, gigantic structures there or you really think that. You really think we went to the moon? I took.

Really, really. Anybody can go right now to the landing sites and see the video. But nobody can go actually, the landing. No, they can’t actually go because they forgot the imagery. The imagery. I mean, they could go to the Snapchat sites, see the rover tracks. Yeah. They show it to you. Maybe we’re way beyond. Did we go to the moon? With all the expected people. Joe Rogan, who changes mind. Like, I finally believe we went to the moon. Thank you. But anyway, that there are interesting anomalies in some of the photographs. I know. Who knows what’s real? That’s the best part of this whole thing with the man.

Is there space and is there flat Earth? And, you know, I could care less about all that. I mean, I just like talking about these things. And I do like the idea that we’re in some kind of a simulation and being like Neo in the Matrix and then God, like, sending a spirit here. It’s the place of the dead. Right. That’s where we’re supposed to be supposedly because in the atom all men die. But. Yeah, but it’s pretty freaky to think of the, the general concept that we’ve made computers and imagine how many years from now you think we discovered this was the question.

Do you think we discovered AI or do you think we created AI? We create. We’ve created it. We’ve just. We found ways now to double and triple and quadruple or whatever our technology and all that, that’s all great, but the question is did, did, did some other race before us get so. Well, hang on a second. If we’re in a simulation, then that means that the AI existed before us. Yeah, I like what Elon Musk says maybe the only thing I really like what he says in the world basically is that I want to know where’s the programmer? In other words, the first question, the architect.

Who’s the architect? What’s outside of the, of the simulation? Well, you know me, I mean I’m a man of faith. I know you’re a man of faith. I believe 100% in God and you know, and everything. And I know that this happening for a reason and it doesn’t really trouble me. I, I just, you know, I’m a writer so I like looking into these things. By the way, do you have a book? I got a book. Everybody want to get a copy, go to Amazon. It’s the calling. If you want to support the channel, that’s the way to do it.

I’m also going to have a link to any, any link. You want to send me an email, I’ll put in the description of the video and the to be link will be there as well. It’s free. I mean and it’s like in the timing of this blows my mind because I feel like it’s gonna, I feel like it’s gonna take off on Tubi, you know. Well, it is already. I don’t want people are seeing it that read this, are rediscovering it, but also people on tick tock and YouTube especially who have been really driving the Mandela effect.

Please go check out the movie. What’s your next. What’s your next thing? You’re excited about the alien next thing looks I have a big. I believe I deviated to the music world and I have a documentary that looks into the K pop girl groups and it’s really a very interesting talk. You wouldn’t believe the, the issue about real and authenticity and what’s real on stage versus fake and lip syncing and all. But after that comes the euphoricity, which is this. Really my entire career in the UFO field all comes together. We put the fires out. The bullshit I was telling you about.

Yeah, but we talk about the true evidence, which truly is, I believe, proof of visitation of some kind. But not one last thing about this. The people are going to the government now. They’re claiming the United States government has done an 80 year conspiracy, covered it up. People have taken this to their deathbed. There’s a real, you know, a real deal with the aliens and the government and all. Come on. That’s a galactic federation, man. Come on, dude. It’s a big difference. The guy who’s the head of the Space Force over there in Israel. Thank you for coming on the show, Bob.

I appreciate it. Thank you for having me in your movie. I’m excited. I know you’re gonna do a little bit of a tour. I guess you get some people knowing more about it. Oh, yeah. If anybody wants to learn more, I got a whole Mandela Effect playlist. You can go there and you can just watch video after video after video. It’s. I mean, it’s a fun topic. Something to talk about at the parties and the barbecues that I’m not usually invited to, Bob. But it could be very serious too, though I think there’s a serious side which, you know, we had a little CERN thing and the idea.

Yeah, it’s very deep and look, particle collisions could be a very dangerous thing. I know, I know. Just creating all new. Real reality’s bumping over to another multiverse. Who knows? All right, listen, I love each and every one of you. I’ll talk to you soon. Please do. Hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel. Go check out his links in the description below and support the channel any way you can. And I love you all. And don’t let freaky things freaky out. Because God’s good and got you. Talk to you soon. Bye. Bye. Make believe with me.

Picture yourself happy and free Living your life the way you want it to be. No more worries, no fear, no trouble. Only peace. Happy at work, at home, with family or alone Regardless of where you roam. Imagine joy is all you know. Imagination is the ground where your future grows. Imagination is the key, you see if you’d only believe you’d receive what waits behind the door of infinite possibility. There is a desire in your heart. From this desire you must never part. See the end from the beginning Picture it all in your mind. Worry about how you’ll get there Only see the end result regardless of time.


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