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Truth Mafia News

Hello, fellow truth seekers! Tommy Truthful here, with another amazing update from the Truth Mafia team. The royal family recently dropped a new photo of Kate Middleton and her three kids to celebrate Mother’s Day (March 10 in the United Kingdom). It took mere seconds for everyone to notice a pretty glaring photoshop fail on Princess Charlotte’s sleeve. Major news outlets are buzzing about it, and you can check out the details here: and here for more on Kate Middleton’s ‘Vogue’ Cover Editing Theory:

These stories are absolutely wild, making you wonder what’s really going on with the royal family. Make sure you guys leave your comments and feedback under this video on the website. I make sure that I answer everyone that leaves a comment.

Here’s another story that’s going viral right now: Kate Middleton’s Apology Over Photoshop Is Fueling More Theories. This morning, Kensington Palace shared a personal apology from Kate Middleton, who wrote, “Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day.” She signed the note, “C,” short for Catherine. The apology did not quell the theories around the image; it intensified them. From TikTok accounts with no followers to publications like the New York Times, everyone’s analyzing the edits Kate supposedly made to the photo—Princess Charlotte’s sleeve disappears, Prince Louis’s sweater pattern is odd, Kate’s hair and zipper are misaligned, and so on—leading to numerous questions about why Kate felt the need to alter the photograph. Here’s the link to that story:

In conclusion, I believe this is a major distraction. I’ve told you what I truly believe: that we are in a Greenland style event. The governments around the world have already gone underground into their bunkers. We are going through a pole shift known as the plasma apocalypse or the Phoenix phenomenon. There’s many different theories on what causes it. Some people believe it’s Nibiru, a planet on an elliptical orbit with our sun that comes around every 3600 years. 7 years before coronavirus, a declassified file was released, the same year the pope became the pope, which actually is the anniversary today. He became the pope, the first Jesuit pope on March 13th of 2013. Today is the 11-year anniversary of the false prophet becoming the pope. But that was the same year that the CIA declassified the Adam and Eve story talking about this pole shift. Here’s a bit about what that talks about: Event 29 Genesis 35 Conclusion 45 Declassified in Part – Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8. The NEXT CATACLYSM, like Noah’s, 6,500 years ago… Like Adam and Eve’s, 11,000 years ago… This, too, will come to pass… With a rumble so low as to be inaudible, growing, throbbing, then fuming into a thundering roar, the earthquake starts. It’s not like any earthquake in recorded history. In California, the mountains shake like ferns in a breeze; the mighty Pacific rears back and piles up into a mountain of water more than two miles high, then starts its race eastward. With the force of a thousand armies, the wind attacks, ripping, shredding everything in its supersonic bombardment. The unbelievable mountain of Pacific sea water follows the wind eastward, burying Los Angeles and San Francisco as if they were but grains of sand. Nothing – but nothing – stops the relentless, overwhelming onslaught of wind and ocean. Across the continent, the thousand mile-per-hour wind wreaks its unholy vengeance, everywhere, mercilessly, unceasingly. Every living thing is ripped into shreds while being blown across the countryside; and the earthquake leaves no place untouched. In many places, the earth’s molten sub-layer breaks through and spreads a sea of white-hot liquid fire to add to the holocaust. Within three hours, the fantastic wall of water moves across the continent, burying the wind-ravaged land under two miles of seething water coast-to-coast. In a fraction of a day, all vestiges of civilization are gone, and the great cities – Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, New York – are nothing but legends. Barely a stone is left where millions walked just a few hours before. A few lucky ones who manage to find shelter from the screaming wind on the lee side of Pike’s Peak watch the sea of molten fire break through the quaking valleys below. The raging waters follow, piling higher and higher, steaming over the molten earth-fire, and rising almost to their feet. Only great mountains such as this one can withstand the cataclysmic onslaught. North America is not alone in her death throes. Central America suffers the same cannonade – wind, earth-fire, and inundation. South America finds the Andes not high enough to stop the cataclysmic violence pounded out by nature in her berserk rage. In less than a day, Ecuador, Peru, and western Brazil are shaken madly by the devastating earthquake, burned by molten earth-fire, buried under cubic miles of torrential Pacific seas, and then turned into a frozen hell. And here’s the link to the full declassified file:

Stay tuned, truth seekers, and remember, always keep an eye out for the truth behind the headlines.



➡ This text talks about various rumors and events surrounding the British royal family. It mentions the coronation of King Charles, the death of Queen Elizabeth, and the speculation about Kate Middleton’s health and appearance. There’s also a theory about a possible affair and violence within the family. Lastly, it discusses the controversial figure of Kate’s uncle, Gary Goldsmith, and his upcoming appearance on Big Brother.


Hello, my friends. Jacob’s here. One more time. Thank you for press and play, for spending a little quality time with me as we move over to jolly old England. And we’re going to be discussing the royal Sussex is. You get it? Suss X’s? Sus. No, but I’m serious. I’m serious. I’m always serious. There’s a lot of buzz and a lot of hubbaboo. Is that a word? Hubbaboo? There’s a lot of hubbaboo surrounding the royals.

We’ve had a lot of. It’s been a tough year for them. A lot of people died. Queen died. Prince Charles became King Charles at the coronation on May 5, when there was, like, an eclipse and a lot of weird things that happened, like the Grim Reaper showing up. King Charles was just coronated on the stone of Destiny, Jacob’s pillow. And besides, of course, the fact that the Grim reaper showed up, which has everybody talking, there’s a lot that needs to be discussed.

It happened on an eclipse in Scorpio. Some say he is the Scorpion king, but the stone is important video saying that. This is, like, going to be a bad omen. There’s some stuff that’s going on. Tabloids were awash with news from Harry, and know Harry, the red haired Harry, who’s basically in the States. He married Meghan Markle. The whole thing was just a big shambles. So much gossip and so much talk about all the bitterness and the anger and the anxiety between the brothers, the younger brother and the older brother, which I see is quite symbolic.

But lately the talk has been about Kate. That’s William’s bride. You know, she’s the mother of his children. She wore some interesting things when she had her baby. She wore the rosemary’s baby outfit from Rosemary’s baby. It’s, like, identical. It’s very spooky. Disgusted. When they did their portrait, the big portrait. Know, the royals get their portrait done. It was huge news. She was wearing the vampire’s wife’s dress, like, literally, that was the name of it.

These are all freaky, interesting things, but the reason I’m talking to you today is because people are saying she may not be her anymore. That’s right. A lot of people, I’ve talked about this as well, have been concerned about Kate Middleton. She’s Piper. Remember Piper? Piper is her sister. Everybody thought Piper was so cute. Well, she had a boyfriend, her ex boyfriend. His name. Kingston. Kingston. And I think his first name is Thomas.

And he was, like, 45 years old, and he just died. This is all royal family interesting news. Of course, we knew that Jacob Rothschild just passed away and all the wild craziness that surrounded the fact that it happened on two six 2024, the same day McDonald’s became McDonald’s, and says on 226. It happens. The world changed, especially when it comes to banking. But this guy, he’s dead, too.

He’s another one of the royals, just gone. He was married to Lady Gabriella and he’s Pippa’s ex boyfriend. People are calling it a little bit suspect because he died of what they’re calling very, like, massive blunt trauma to the head. By a. Yeah, by a got. I guess he got shot in the head. There’s no real news on whether or not it was him that did it. Know.

They’re kind of calling it like an accident, but it’s strange. Kate goes missing. There’s the connection to Thomas. Someone on X responded to me and said, I got my working crime theory. This was Elizabeth Wingfeld said, my working true crime theory. Kate and Kingston had an affair. William beat up Kate to the point that she needed surgery because she was unrecognizable, even though he probably has mistresses and everything else, she added.

And then she said William was enraged and went after Kingston. And then that’s her true crime theory. I said. I said that would make a great b movie, because it seems like reality today is sort of following a b movie plot. So, of course there’s royalty to be spilling today. When it comes to this stuff, it’s just suspect. If he had died from a heart attack, probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal.

But the fact that he’s connected to Pippa and Pippa’s connected to Kate, or maybe there’s something else going on. That’s what other people are saying. People are know Kate, she supposedly went under surgery for her stomach. I spoke about this just recently. I’ve talked about the royals for a long time. You know that, right? You know that at the coronation, there was a lot of weird stuff. I actually even titled a video the last coronation, as if that King Charles is that’s know this is going to be the last coronation after him.

It’s no longer going to be coronations. And of course, I spoke about this like the queen of Denmark had abocated the throne and the sun took over, but there was no coronation. So now people are know that King Charles is going to abocate the throne and maybe William will take over. But there’s this weird thing now surrounding Kate and there’s a lot of strangeness. I knew it was going to be strange when I did this video.

King Charles was just coronated on the stone of Destiny, Jacob’s pillow. And besides, of course, the fact that the Grim Reaper showed up, which has everybody talking, there’s a lot that needs to be discussed. It happened on an eclipse in Scorpio. Some say he is the scorpion king. But the stone is important, a stone that’s been beneath kings for many thousands of years. It’s called the Stone of Destiny, or the Stone of schoon, otherwise known as Jacob’s pillow.

I’ve done video after video about this. I’ve studied it and researched it and followed people who, some of the best researchers in the world have tried to track down the location of this stone, the stone which supposedly holds properties that can unlock the mysteries of all things, as when the patriarch, Jacob, slept on it, he had a dream of a ladder going up to heaven where the angels of God ascended and descended upon him, and he understood that God was in that place.

It also goes by other names, like the Holy Grail, and many people have set out on quests to find it. In fact, it was actually stolen by thieves once from the place, it was securely kept at the coronation, the horses got spooked, acted all weird. Just recently, they had two black horses and the one white horse, and they were, like, parading down the street and it was, like, a big deal.

And they had, like, a captured flag and they had, like, an empty boot. People were saying that it symbolized someone passing away. So people are like, where’s Kate? Where’s Kate? Where’s Kate Middleton? And so just, I guess a day or two ago, the news broke. Here she is in the car. There’s a picture of her, but people are going kooky. They’re like, hang on a second. What did she just.

She kind of just eat a lot and gain a lot of weight because she looks like she’s gained some weight or her face is swollen or something else. Maybe she’s really been ill. Something really happened. But people are pointing out the fact that she doesn’t seem to have her mole anymore, which is kind of hard to describe. Here. Take a look at the picture here. It’s like you can’t really make it out.

But then again, it’s a very blurry picture. It’s very grainy. It’s not the best image. If the royals wanted to quell people’s suspicion, they probably could have done a better job. But supposedly she’s just trying to get better and all that stuff. Princess Kate. Kate of Kate hall. My super dainty Kate. For daintiest of all, Kate’s Kate. Take this of me, Kate. That’s from Shakespeare, one of his place.

But Kate, the princess. The royal news. The pals had to break their silence on the rumors of this. And guess who’s the one that’s breaking the news? It’s her uncle. Did you know Kate had an uncle? I didn’t know. I just found out that he was like a multimillionaire, like a drug dealer. This guy’s like, susses they can get. Vanity fair even did an article back in 2009, Prince William, to have a drug dealing uncle in law.

Weird. But this guy, Gary Goldsmith, who has been like, there’s been like a video, undercover video of this guy popping this, doing this, talking about how the royals come over and everything else while he’s giving people ecstasy. I don’t know, the little bit of research that I did, it doesn’t seem like they have a very popular opinion of this guy. He doesn’t seem like he’s the best. But guess what? I guess he’s going to be on big Brother.

Because that’s normal, right? For a b movie, at least. He spoke out about the Duke, the Duchess of Sussex in the Celebrity big Brother house recently. Kind of. Some people are saying that he was kind know, going off on Meghan and stuff like that. But I don’t know. I didn’t see it. But I do know that there is a division, and I do know that I’ve talked about the royal family in depth, in fact, especially about Prince Harry, because he’s red haired and we know the symbolism there.

I even put out a little poem today. I said, red haired Harry waiting in wings. Dual citizenship. In all the perks it brings, the elder shall serve the younger. And a royal line restored. This is a test for the king the world tried to ignore. Meaning that I’m putting it out there. I just got a vibe. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the red haired ruler comes in? We’ve talked about this and the fact know, a lot of people say that he doesn’t really look like Charles at all.

He looks like Diana’s, like, tennis coach. People are saying that. I’m not saying it’s true, but there are rumblings and there are people that are saying that there’s something else in the midst here. Like perhaps the royal line is going to be coming back to where it should be. That’s what people are saying. I’m not one of those people. I just find it interesting. Once again, this is just the speculation.

This is just me trying to encourage you into looking into world events and seeing that your life is so much simpler and so much better. Aren’t you glad you don’t have to deal with this? Aren’t you glad that your wife didn’t wear like, Rosemary’s baby’s outfit so the world could take pictures of you? It’s strange. Even Vlad, you know Vlad. He comes on the show now and then, tries to get me to talk about Pookie things.

Even Vlad was talking about Kate. And I’m supposed to say what exactly you are supposed to tell them about the portrait. The portrait? The Portrait. For first time in ten years, the prince and his bride. They do the portrait painted by the very famous artist Jimmy Kora and Anjun. 23 23 23rd of the month. That is the number for the illuminati. I have proof. Prince is a vampire.

Blah, blah. I want to suck it. Blah. That kind of vampire, I’m telling you. What proof? In portrait. Kate Mittletown, ton. What? Never mind. Kate Middletown is wearing the vampire’s wife’s dress. The vampire’s wife’s dress? This one I, madame dress. That’s your proof? She wore a green dress like the green horse of the apocalypse. Okay, all right, think about it. It is the dress worn by the wife of the vampire.

It is the vampire’s wife’s dress that she wore. Or maybe it’s just a clothing line that she likes and it’s the same dress that she wore when she went to Ireland in 2020. I know about the dress. I think to myself, I say self, perhaps it is cry for help. She is asking for our help. Maybe not cry for help. Maybe she is telling everyone to our faces as a joke.

Kind of like, ha. I am married to a vampire. That is what you say on the show. This, my friends, is totally sucks. Suss. No, sucks because vampires, they suck the blood. No, I want to suck your blood. Blah blah. That is the whole thing. Come on. Totally sucks. Yeah. No, no, listen, I gotta tell you. I gotta tell you, Vlad, you need a little bit more than that to go on before I do a show.

That’s right. You need a little more research there, pal. Oh, I see. I see. You are suspect of my research abilities. Well, what if I told you that she wore Mia Farrow’s dress from that movie with the Satan baby? Rosemary’s baby. Well, I’d say she was probably wearing it, like, at a costume party. Perhaps. Maybe she, like, sees into the horror stuff costume party. That’s what I’d say.

But she wore it the day the baby was born. You’re kidding me. The day that she introduced her son, Prince Louis to the world, she was wearing the same dress as Miofero in Rosemary’s baby. Rosemary’s baby? The horror film about the lady who they drug. And then the cult brings down, the devil comes, takes advantage of her, and she gets pregnant with the devil’s baby. Satan’s child. You’re talking about that movie with Mia Farrow? Yeah, that movie.

She was wearing that dress. Now you are catching on, my friend. Identical, identical, identical. According to Harper’s Bazaar, of course. Oh, well, Harper’s Bazaar, yeah. That is weird. That is weird. Harper’s bazaar’s, that solves it. Perhaps it is cry for help or coincidence. Perhaps they are telling us to our face to prepare. Or coincidence. Where is your garlic? Why? Because of course I want to make you nice sauce for dinner, you meatball.

It’s like for the vampires, they do not like the garlic. What is wrong with you? All right. You could use some of my garlic powder. You put it on your hand, you blow it in their eyes and they can’t see anymore. Lots of weird stuff connected to the royals. The scorpion king, King Charles, connected to Vlad the impaler, Count Dracula himself. It’s all strange. The fact that the queen wouldn’t allow garlic at the table.

It’s a little spooky. It’s probably just because of bad breath, but it’s a little more interesting when we start to think these things. But what do you think? Do you think that there’s something going on? Do you think there was a little twist going on? Little love triangle? You think, you know, kind of coming over and seeing Kingston on the side because there’s a connection with Pippa and maybe they knew each other.

You think William flew off into a rage like she had said on X? I don’t think that’s the case. I don’t know what the case is, but I do know that it’s suss. That’s why I did this show a couple of years ago. The royal suss, X’s. You know, at the time the coronation went down, do you know what else was going down? Dragon was the docking to the space station.

So the dragon was in the heavens when the king was being coronated. At the same time there was an eclipse. But that’s nothing. That’s weird at all. And then like a month later, Lilith showed up in Diablo in New York saying, welcome to hell, there’s a time in scripture, know the corrupt people that are in charge. Hashtag, if they be corrupt, they’re taken out of power. They’re taken out of power.

And it seems to me like, I don’t know if you’re paying attention, but there’s a huge change going on. It’s palpable, as they say. But I say, I say, sir, I don’t believe that you should be making fun of the royals. Who are you? Now, do not pretend you don’t know who I am. I’m Lord Frostile. And you, my friend, should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you besmartch the name of the royals when you have James O’Keefe going to a camping trip at Bohemian Grove.

I thought that he was supposedly on the up and up, but you spend your time talking about Kate, Princess Kate. You should be ashamed of yourself, sir. Real journalists would know that it was important to remind everyone that tomorrow is meatball day. And in honor of National Meatball day, I believe it is important that everyone knows that they can still get the hat. I should. The little beanie.

They can wear it all day long. It doesn’t have to be the winter. Be a proud meatball like Lord Froth child is. Yeah. You told him? I told him. Tell them to do what Lord frothchild says to do. But I really do want to. You got to tell me, what do you think? What do you think is going on? The royals? Do you think that this is. Who do you think is going to be? You think it’s going to be William? Think it’s going to be Harry? I think there’s going to be shakeup everywhere, and I’m excited for it.

So thank you for coming by. Spending a little quality time with me, a little cuteness. Do me a favor. Hit the like button. Share the channel around. Tell your friends. And don’t forget to give the people around you a love. Tell everybody how proud you are of them. If they’re your children or your parents, give them. Reach out to people you haven’t talked to in a while. Just touch base.

See how they’re doing. It feels good when you’re doing good for others. I love each and every one of you. Pray for everybody, even the royals. Hopefully this all gets worked out right. This is weird. It is weird. Like, is that her? I don’t know. I don’t like getting hung up in the whole it’s a clone thing. I’m not really down with that. I’m not really down with it.

Maybe it’s a thing, but, I mean, it’s just a little too ludicrous. Don’t forget to hit the like button. Share and subscribe. All right. I love you. Hit the like. Share it around. Tell your friends. Have the best day ever. I love you. Talk to you soon. Bye. .


Spread the Truth

1 thoughts on “SOMETHING STRANGE is Happening with the ROYAL FAMILY!

  1. Avatar Of Taylor Laurie
    Taylor Laurie says:

    Well that was highly entertaining, good podcast in all your personalities, quite the nuance, have a marvelous day Logan☮️💟

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