The FlNAL BATTLE The LOCUSTS of REVELATION Loosed at ECLIPSEThe Torment of the Wicked Comes

Spread the Truth



➡ Jacob Israel, the host of the show, discusses the significance of locusts and cicadas, which he links to biblical symbolism and prophecies. He mentions two groups of cicadas, known as broods, that take 13 and 17 years to hatch, and how their emergence is seen as a significant event. He also talks about the upcoming American eclipse and its potential connection to these events. Lastly, he criticizes the misuse of funds in politics and makes connections between current events and biblical stories.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including historical events, spiritual beliefs, and personal interpretations. It mentions the significance of the year 1776, the last time cicadas came together, and the Napoleonic wars. The author also talks about a dream of a big attack and the spiritual war within us. They mention the concept of ‘we the people’ and the importance of unity, as well as the idea of Christ rising in our hearts. The text ends with a call to speak life into the world and to stand up in the midst of darkness.
➡ This text talks about spiritual events and symbols, like Poseidon and the trident, and how they relate to current events. It suggests that we’re in a time of spiritual change and struggle, with references to biblical events like the opening of the bottomless pit and the release of locusts. The text also mentions the importance of truth and warns against lies and deception. It ends by encouraging faith in God and not to be swayed by material possessions or false idols.
➡ The speaker is urging people to change their ways and support his channel and the products he endorses. He promotes a company called, which sells toxin-free household products. He believes in this company because it’s environmentally friendly and run by like-minded individuals. He encourages his audience to stop supporting companies that harm their health and the environment.


Hello, my friends. Welcome to Jacob’s ladder. I’m your host, Jacob Israel. I’m glad that you took the time to come on by and press the play button. And to find out that we’re in the end stages of revelation. That’s right. The abyss is about to open up. Smoke’s going to pour out, and locusts are going to pour out and just devour the world. Except for those people that got the mark.

Because, of course, God says you can’t touch those. That I’ve given that little mark to. And we’ve learned on the program, if you haven’t been around, welcome. I’m Jacob. Do me a favor. Hit the like button. Subscribe, share. Check the bell for notifications. But that mark, that number, it’s 22. Yeah, baby. We got some exciting things to share and to talk about today with you. By we, I mean me and my chauffeur that my buddy sent me a long time ago.

What a beautiful gift. That’s how they sound the alarm. And I’m sounding the alarm today because we have, like, real, live locusts making mainstream news. And that’s not all. We’re going to talk about everything that I’ve been sharing on the show. Things that I’ve been sharing a while ago. Guess what? Go figure. We have another one of those things on our hands. I call them Quinky Dinky do’s.

Things that I talk about a while ago, and then, boom, here they are. But what it hit me today that I felt like I really needed to start this show with was these cicadas. I’ve talked about cicadas on the show. If you don’t know what a cicada is, it’s this thing right here. They go underground, and they bury themselves. They’re, like, called resurrection locusts in some circles, because it takes many years for them to come out.

Now we got these two broods. A brood is like a batch. It’s like when you plant a garden, it’s like, this is batch whatever. Batch whatever. So this would be brood 13, and then there’s brood 17. One brood takes 13 years to hatch, and then another takes 17 years to hatch. This is very significant because locusts in the Bible. Well, let’s just say they are a game changer when it comes to symbolism.

I put this out on x. And if you’re not following me on x, you really should. It’s Jacob Israel, 71. I’m over there. Go find me and follow me, and I’ll follow you back. It’s good because I share a lot of stuff. I share a lot of stuff, and I’m trying to teach everybody to learn to do this for themselves. They always ask me, how do you do this? So what I do is I’m kind of helping people.

I’ll put out, like, a breadcrumb or an idea. I’m like, why don’t you dig into this a little bit? One of the things that I put out today was about revelation, chapter nine. I think it’s verse four. When it’s about these locusts in revelation nine, what happens is there’s a trumpet that sounded, and then these four angels of the apocalypse, which, by the way, they’re on the debt clock.

That’s right. And they’re given power, as we’re about to find out on the show. But one of the things that happens is the abyss opens up and then smoke pours out, and so do these locusts. It’s a big deal. U when two broods come together, a 13 year cycle and 17 year cycle of resurrection. Locusts, revelation nine, four. Out of the abyss, here comes the smoke. Here comes the locust.

They come together. Guess where they’re coming together. Guess where these two broods are coming together, where they’re going to be like, it’s like the epicenter of these locusts. Illinois. And you’re like, jacob, what about the illinois? And I’m going, when I was at the gym, I’m thinking to myself, I bet you. I bet you that’s where the eclipse is, because I forgot for a second that it was Illinois.

You know, the great american eclipse that took place in Carbondale, that made this x where we’ve been talking about this very significant six year, six month, six week, six day period where there was going to be, like, a judgment, and we’re going to see, we’ll say, the manifestation of the sons of God, which has been all over and all the rage of the debt clock. As you’ve seen in my last couple of videos, the revelation of the latest Us debt clock is also my favorite first verse I ever memorized in the Bible.

It’s a symbol of Christ being in you, greater than that which is in the world. This is the revelation that I’ve talked about, that the mighty army of Joel that will rise up in the last day. The dead clock secret window has all of these lights that look just like Christ, and they’re all over the place. I wrote about this in my novel, but the best part is the fact that it says that, which literally means the servants and saviors of the most high, even the symbol is the very same symbol of that UFO.

And the eclipse is coming. It’s about these four angels that are at the corners. And the 144,000, the army of Joel, that’s supposed to rise up. How can we not be excited about the debt clock window this spring? Which, by the way, that’s when the great american eclipse takes place, is the spring. You’re going to have, like, billions of these cicadas. It’s going to be like an alien invasion.

It’s going to sound so weird. You know that sound? It’s freaky, that freaky sound. We get them here, but the epicenter is right where these two eclipses come together. I say this is significant, but it gets more significant. And as you’re going to see, everything that I talk about on this show is incredibly significant, and it’s going to give you the chills. That’s why you need to share the channel around.

You need to share this video around. We need to get it out there. Get it out there, because by the end of the show, you’re going to see that this is like a timely message, as they say. But this is what they’re calling a once in a couple of lifetime experience. Because guess what? It won’t happen again for another 221 years. There’s that two. Two again. It’s going to be very significant as the show progresses.

But this year, around springtime in Illinois, the cicada explosion is going to be different than any before it because you got these two broods that are coming together. They’re emerging together, these two sets of people. The wheat and the tears. This is what I’ve talked about. It’s almost being played out. You got the number 13, which we’re going to find out is like, all the rage right now.

You know why Nikki Haley wearing the 13 stars, right? What’s that got to do with anything? Except for the 13 colonies? Except for the fact that that 13 is more symbolic than, you know. 13, of course, is how many right now. There are that many signs. Remember we talked about a fuchus joining the ranks? A fuchus, the man wrestling with the dragon, the snake. 13 is a big number.

Nikki Haley wearing the 13 stars. I even did a little roll in with it because I thought, that’s interesting. We’ve been talking about 1776 a lot, and here she’s wearing the original 13 colonies, responsible for politicians to spend, like, $100 million in Iowa on tv ads which go to mainly news stations that have lied to us for years when there’s homeless veterans out there that could use that money when you didn’t even come close to beating Trump and you spent like 100 million in tv ad monies.

Do you know my husband’s a veteran? That’s fine. When the media doesn’t tell the truth. The whole reason you put commercials on is to tell the truth because the media does. My point is, you’re not going to be Trump, and all the money you’re wasting could go to better causes that would make the republican party actually democracy. You know, Trump calls Nikki Haley Nimroda. Isn’t that interesting? Nimrod.

Oh, this is a little freaky. This is a little freaky. You know why? Because, you know, Nimrod built the Tower of Babel, points back to you praising her, and now she says that you’re using a nickname based on her given name, Nimroda. You called her nimbra in a post the other day. Why do you do that? Tower of Babel, which I talked about in a show 22 months ago, 22 months ago that also is connected to, guess what the events that are going on right now is called the Poseidon Archer occupation.

This one in that show, I talked about Hades returning in Pluto. Very interesting. Of course, we just talked about Pluto, Hades entering into Aquarius, which is a sign. And you know what? Nimrod is Nimrod. Thanks to Nicholas, I found this out. This was great. He sent this to me on x. He goes, another side note, Nimrod is the 13th generation from Adam 13. Nimrod, Tower of Babel. You got the 13, then you got the 17.

You know, 17, right. And I don’t mean that letter Q, except for the fact that rest in peace Q was trending as well. It’s a cute little doggie. I don’t know, but I thought it was maybe significant for some people. I don’t really follow sports too much, but she’s wearing this. She’s wearing this sweater with the 13 stars. Very wild, because here we’ve been talking about 1776 and now with the cicadas.

Do you know the last time that the cicadas came together like this? Do you know when it was 18? Three. That’s another crazy little revolutionary war that took place between Ireland and England. And if you’re following me on x, you know, I had a weird dream about Ireland and England, but that’s besides the point. I had a dream that there was going to be some kind of a big attack, and someone was showing me a sign in the dream, and they say, oh, this is going to be the start of the big one, and I’m in the dream.

I said, nah, I don’t think so. Just because you see smoke doesn’t mean there’s always fire. This is going to be important because the locusts are coming out of that smoke, according to scripture. Is it all smoke and mirrors? Is this a war that’s going to be fought where everybody’s going to get blown up? Or is this a war that’s being fought spiritually within? And we got these two broods that are coming together at the eclipse.

The eclipse the same time. And you have this historical evidence of the napoleonic wars that took place 18 three, all connected to 1776, Independence Day, which, by the way, I just happened to be talking about 22 months ago where I was talking about that. And it’s all connected. Everything’s coming together just to catch you up. If you’re new and if you’ve been watching for a while, this is a cool little roll in.

But remember, I told everybody about Pluto entering into Aquarius the last time was 1776. And I talked about it and I did roll ins about it. Take a look. We the people create a government that is accountable to us, not the other way around. That we the people choose who leads this country. And so we heard we the people last night. That is why last evening, I met my friend here.

We met in person, and I told him that I would endorse Donald J. Trump for president of the United States and do everything in my power to lead us to victory in this war. Victory in this war. It is a 1776 moment right now. It is a 1776 moment right now. 1776 moment right now. That’s where we live right now. That’s where we live right now. Most consequential protest in american history.

1776. We know the race is not to the swift nor to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in a whirlwind and directs the storm? Why am I bringing this up? Well, because it’s all connected. Everything’s coming together like a nice piece of the puzzle. I get a little breadcrumb. Next thing you know, I got a nice matza loaf. They don’t gummen loafs, they’re flatbread. But that’s pretty funny, though, if you think about it.

The US debt clock. If you don’t know, it’s know. You probably know by now. But it’s like the running tally of all the debt. They have a secret window. And these secret windows have been progressively getting more and more interesting. So much so that I’ve actually predicted one, like, perfectly accurately. And I’m calling for another one. And the last decode that I did, I explained that it was all about this 144,000 people.

Could you imagine? I was talking to lance on the phone before I came home to tape this, and he was saying they had a problem with one Jesus. Could you imagine 144 christs? Like the prophet Obadiah talks about the saviors that are coming to the mountain. This is what it’s called, the manifestation of the sons of God. This is what the whole world has been waiting for. This is the moment that we’re in, and everybody’s getting freaked out.

Everybody’s scared. I’m going, oh, my God. Superpowers are coming, baby. Superpowers are coming. We got to learn to direct the storm. Remember 1776? Doesn’t the angel ride in the midst of the whirlwind? But doesn’t the angel also direct the storm? And then you’ve got this new debt clock, which just so happens to look like this. And if you take a look at it, it looks like a door has been opened at the bottom, just like a door has been opened in heaven.

And it looks like out of that door is shooting power to these four angels. And then you got all of these other lights all over the United States. And I explained in that roll in, these are the army of Joel. This is what’s going on. The deck clock actually had this great passage, and I want to read it to you, but I want to just read the passage.

I want to explain why that passage is important, because it’s basically what I was saying. The passage that it reads here, it says, verily, I say to you, he that believes on me. The works that I shall do, he shall do, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go to my father. But if you look at the whole passage and you imagine you’re sitting in the room with Jesus Christ himself, how cool would that be? The idea, actually, is that Christ is now in us.

That’s the thing where there was one, now out of one, there are many. That’s the idea, that Christ rises in the land, he rises in our hearts, and there’s that marriage that takes place of our intellect and our soul and our understanding and the child in the holy spirit of the living God, the two becoming one in the world, declaring victory over the darkness, over the smoke and the locusts.

Jesus was trying to say, he says, look, don’t you believe that I’m in the Father and the Father is in me? Think about this for a second. If you look at the world. And you look at the world, you think, like, right now you’re like, you’re in the world, but also the world is in you. Something that’s actually on my shirt that’s been going around, which is interesting.

Let me pull this up and I’ll just show this to you. It’s champion shirt. It’s interesting. I didn’t do this on purpose, but you see that. Oh, okay. Right now that is going around. It’s been all over social media, resharing, like the Rick Rubin book or something. But you know what that is? That’s a symbol of man in God and God in man. Now, I know probably has taken on other occult meaning and everything else, but that’s what it means.

And that’s what Jesus was saying. He was saying, don’t you believe that I’m in the Father and the father’s in me? And if you believe this, if you believe this, then believe it’s the same with you. Because when I go, I’m coming to you. And then, then you’re going to be in the Father, and the father’s going to be in you. And greater things than these shall you do.

The scripture says that once Christ is raised up, it’s going to draw all men to him. Well, guess what? He’s been raised up. He’s being raised up right now in the world. That one passage that’s on the debt clock, it also holds a very symbolic meaning. But here’s the power in it. Whatever you ask in my name, whatever you ask that will I do. In other words, whatever you believe in your heart, that’s what you’re going to get.

Judge not, lest you shall be judged in that moment, whatever you say may indeed become. This is why we need to speak life into the world. We need to talk about how the corruption is going to be revealed like never before, and things are going to be changed. And we’re not going to have everybody killing each other in their madness on the streets. I mean, maybe that’s what they want, but it’s not going to affect those that are seeking God.

It’s not going to affect those that are doing the will of God. They’re going to be standing up and they’re going to be shining in the midst of the darkness like champions themselves. No. Yeah, get the merch. You should walk around if you’re like, I know the cicadas are coming, but I’m God’s champion. I got nothing to worry about at the end. He says, yet a little while and the world sees me no more.

But you see me because I live. You shall also live. He says, at that day, you shall know that I’m in my father, and you’re in me, and I’m in you. That means we’re all one. He that keeps my commandments and keeps them is he that loves me. What are Jesus’commands? What is love? God. Love of his love. And those who do this, I will love them and make myself manifest.

Make myself manifest in them, with them, for them, to them. This is the day that we’re in. So when I saw that Operation Poseidon was just launched, and you know that I’ve been talking about. On the show, I’ve been talking about Poseidon, and I’ve been talking about the. How many times do we talk about the trident? Because it’s the shin. It’s the hebrew letter shin, which is known as also sin.

So this operation that’s being carried out against the yay men, this is like a spiritual thing that’s going on. So a lot of people think. They think that there’s going to be this rapture, that this is going to be the next thing where people are going to be just poofed away. Now, here’s what’s weird. On that very same debt clock. If you take a look at the bottom right there, you see that? That’s Sir Walter Raleigh.

Now, Sir Walter Raleigh, why is he on the debt clock? Right. Well, because he was one of the people that founded the 13, right? He was part of the 13 colonies. It’s pretty obvious that this is the day that we’re in. So I get the worry and I get to thinking. I’m like, oh, lord, the heart of the storm is a source of evil that will change their lives forever.

Come on in. My God, who are you? Give me what I want and I’ll go away. What’s your name? And I think that harvesting start two or three weeks ahead of normal. Give me what I want and I’ll go away. Refuse me. I assure I can punish. Well, electric car could be storm. Storm is when those four angels in the. In the book of revelation, when they. When they are like, you know, given their power, it’s like you’re talking like a third of mankind.

It’s like it’s not the best. The fifth angel sounded, and a star fall from heaven to the earth. And a key was given to open the bottomless pit. And so he opened the bottomless pit. By the way, do you know that word pit also means, well, that interesting. It also means, well, right. That well that is in Christ. There’s never going to be an end to it. And the well that’s in sin, it can be never an end to it.

There’s no foundation in it. But the irony is that it is 100% something that’s opening up to bring about God’s judgment and God’s correction and ultimately God’s reconciliation between God and man. This is a good thing. Of course, in 1776, the illuminati was founded so that they could put an end to all that thinking and all that stuff, I think. I don’t know. But once again, we got to trust God.

And why do we trust God? Because after the bottomless pit was open, smoke of a furnace, of a great furnace. Smoke as of a great furnace. So it seems like smoke that comes out of a furnace could be like pollution, could be anything, right out of that smoke. Remember that smoke that went all into New York and everything else, but could also be like smoke and mirrors, because it doesn’t say fire.

It says smoke that comes out of this pit. There came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth, and unto them was given power as scorpions on the earth have power, and it was commanded them not to hurt the grafts of the earth. That’s the good people, the loving people, the kind people, nor any green thing. That’s those that are walking around in life. Neither any tree, but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

See, here we come, full circle. We talk about the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel. We talk about the Tov, talk about 22. I tell everybody, everybody’s getting sealed, and now we got the locust literally coming up, the resurrection bugs coming out of the earth, right? Right around the time of the eclipse. Spiritually significant and sound. Everything’s getting freaky. Everything’s weird. You got the Poseidon mission happening literally 22 months after I do a show about Poseidon in a great war.

There’s a trident. We’re going to get into that in a second. That’s the symbol for the Ukraine and other things, like the God of the sea. When the lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, come. And I looked, and there before me was a pale horse, a green horse. Its rider’s name was death, and Hades was following close behind. Now, why is this interesting? Hades literally followed and showed up here on February 22, 2022.

Remember, that was the day that I did my program called the day of reckoning has come. And I said, oh, it’s coming. That’s it. I’ve been trying to be positive, but it’s coming. It’s interesting how God kind of gives us the heads up ahead of time before things happen, right? It. Because I saw it and I said, well, that’s what would happen, right? Hell’s coming. I did a program about what was going down on the 22nd, 2022.

And I talked about the war, because last time it was here was when the independence. It’s like 4 July a while ago. That was the last time it was here’s. So there’s a big battle that’s going to take place that’s going to get us to some kind of spiritual independence and liberty and freedom, if you will. I don’t know if that’s anything, but I thought that was interesting as well.

It. And they had a king over them. What’s the comet that’s passing by over the eclipse again? What’s the comet again? The devil comet. That’s right around the time all this stuff is going on, we got the devil comet. And how many times did I tell everybody that the devil’s coming down onto you? Right. Well, you got the angel of the abyss. By the way, that’s Pluto, which, by the way, Pluto is in Aquarius right now.

Also, 22 months ago, I talked about Pluto entering in in a great war and all that stuff when it was closest to the earth. It gets interesting, does it not? And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit. I wonder if that could be like social media, if you think about it, that could be like a bottomless pit whose name in the hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the greek tongue, his name is Apolion.

Anybody we know? Into Apollo, one woe is passed, and behold, there comes two woes hereafter. And the 6th angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before God, saying to the 6th angel, which had the trumpet. That’s what he’s talking. They’re talking about Shofar, some people would say. They’re talking about Trump loose the four angels, which are bound in the river Euphrates.

The four angels being loosed. You got the deck clock giving power to the gate is in, heavens being open. Boom. It’s all playing out around 1776 with the 13 colonies. It’s freaky. You know what else is freaky is that people think that people are going to poof away. And just so happens there was a colony called Roanoke, which Sir Walter Raleigh, by the way, founded. It’s coincidental all of it’s coincidental.

Revelation nine finishes up. It’s very interesting because it talks about these slocus that have the tails. He says, but the power is in their mouth and in their tails. Think about that. You know what a tall tale is? A tall tale is a story that’s not true. The power is in their mouth and in their tail. Think about that for a second. We’re talking about lies. Talking about people who can torment you with lies.

Like, you better build a bunker, or else. Let me tell you something. How many people can build a bunk? I can’t build a bunker. Have yourself some food for like, I don’t know, three weeks. Some water, just in case storm, stuff like this happens. Have faith in God. God’s going to take care of you. I am telling you that this is the truth. This is the truth. Don’t buy into any of the other nonsense.

Our words have great power. And the only thing that I think we might have to worry about would be like meteors. But hey, let’s not talk about that right now. For their powers in their mouth and in their tails. For their tails were like unto serpents. And what does a serpent do? What does a snake do to snake? Lies. What are their tails? They were like unto serpents and had heads.

And with them they do hurt you by lying to you. And the rest of the men, listen to this. Which were not killed by these plagues. What are the plagues? The lies. The lies. All of this torment that’s coming in, it’s supposed to bring you closer and get you away from the things of this world. It’s supposed to bring you closer to your knees to ask God for the truth, to love, to forgive.

Supposed to bring you down there. But if you’re not killed by these plagues and you don’t repent of the works of your hands, those that worship devils and idols of gold, and their sorceries and their silver and their brass and their wood. Neither can they see, hear, walk. Neither do they repent of their murders. Neither do they repent of their sorceries or their fornications or their thefts. It’s not going to be good for them, just so you know, because the next chapter it says, I saw a mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud and a rainbow on his head.

And his face was as the sun and his feet. That’s Christ. So you better get your act together, people. But all this stuff I think is interesting. I think it’s exciting, and I think that you should get out of the system. Get out of the system. You know, a way to do it to begin with is support the channel. Help me out. You could do that by helping yourself out.

Trulyfreehome. com. I use all of these products. Hopefully soon they’re going to approve the skincare so that I can offer that and give you. Because if you go to trulyfreehome. com and you enter code Jacob, you can order anything you want. Cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, vegetable spray, anything you want. Some kind of aromic stuff. All that is stuff. But there’s no toxins. And a man of God and a family of believers and wonderful people that are, like, tuned into doing something that makes things better for the world environmentally, you know, reusable, recyclable.

It’s a company that I believe in a company. It’s Stephen. He fan of the channel, right? He’s a man of God. We talk back and forth about the things of God. You should get this stuff. You should. You should get off. Stop allowing these companies, which they put stuff in, that gets you sick. We need to get off of that, as they say, the tea of wickedness. We need.

Because this is the day we’re in where we’re being separated from this world. God’s separating. You got maybe two broods. It’s like even though they’re close together, we’re going to live like we’re different. And I hope that you do today. Hope you have the best day ever. If you want, get a copy of my novel, the calling. It’s on Amazon. com. Help yourself some merch. But do go to trulyfreehome.

com. Click code Jacob. You get 30% off. It helps me out. It helps you out. And you will be glad you did, because you’ll feel better every time. Next time that you’re cleaning after you cook, I spray the stuff. I don’t care if it gets on the vegetables as much. I don’t got to worry about what I’m breathing in. No terrible smells. I can’t promote a company more than I could.

What Steven’s doing is amazing. And I hope that you check it. At least go to the website and check it out. All right. I love each and every. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye. .


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