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➡ Jacob Israel, a social media influencer, discusses the misinterpretation of the term “Synagogue of Satan” by some Christian influencers. He clarifies that the term, mentioned twice in the Book of Revelation, refers to those who falsely claim to be Jews, not actual Jews. He criticizes the spread of hate and division in the name of religion, and encourages understanding and love instead. Jacob also highlights the importance of studying scriptures to understand their true meaning.
➡ The text discusses the struggles of spreading love and faith in a world filled with hate and deceit. It references biblical stories and teachings, emphasizing the importance of staying true to one’s beliefs, even in the face of adversity. The text also warns against judging others based on their faith or background, and encourages finding joy and fulfillment in sharing the word of God.
➡ This text encourages us to seek joy and love, even in difficult times, and not to judge or hate others. It also introduces a story about a boy named Thomas James, who experiences hardship and loss, but discovers a great purpose in his life. This story is meant to inspire and possibly reveal a truth that could change our understanding of life and suffering.


Hello my friends, Jacob’s here one more time. Thank you for pressing play, thank you for spending a little time with me. The days that we’re in right now, you probably want a little bit of a break, so what better way to take a little break and have a little bit of freedom and enjoy yourself than clicking on a video that’s titled The Synagogue of Satan Finally Revealed. Because that sounds like a great old time, doesn’t it? Lately on X, which by the way, if you’re on X and you want to have some, you know, really awesome posts and things to get you to think more and go on there.

It’s at JacobIsrael71, I’m on X, and follow me there. I share a lot of stuff there, but recently because the platform is growing exponentially and I maybe have like about 32,000 subscribers on there, please let me know if you want me to follow you back, just at Jacob. But there is a lot of ugliness that goes on in that place. Sometimes I wonder why I’m still there, but then I realize it’s like, you know, the doctor doesn’t go to the person who’s healthy, right? The doctor goes to the sick and right now there’s a terrible sickness in the world.

I don’t know if you’re aware of it, there’s a great sickness in the world. A lot of social media platforms, there’s a big prevalence of it right now, where a lot of people want to, I don’t know, just blame people that are Jewish for everything. You know, it’s the Jews’ faults, the Jews this, the Jews that. You can imagine being Jacob Israel on that platform, that people automatically assume that I’m Jewish. I’m not. I’m Italian and Irish. I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve been seeking God and Sharon. I have a website,

It’s got, you know, hundreds of essays that I’ve written about this. But every time that I see hate in the name of God, it just, it irritates me. Because the people that are hating, usually they don’t really know the scriptures. And one of the things that these Christian influencers that are saying today is just so disturbing. It really is, and it’s just incredibly ignorant. What they do is they say that the Jews are the synagogue of Satan. But what they don’t know is if they’ve ever read the scriptures, besides the fact that, you know, Jesus was Jewish.

He was given the title, the King of the Jews. He was circumcised according to the Jewish tradition. He hails from the tribe of Judah. These things are not things that I need to debate, because it’s right there. If you have the Bible, it’s right there. But the fact that people want to turn things and they want to say, oh no, no, no. On the show, I’ve talked about this a lot. It’s not a popular subject to tell people that they should love. It’s not a popular subject to get people to realize that they’re really following after a false God.

One that divides. One that makes you hate and think that you’re so great when you’re really not. In the book of Revelation, the term synagogue of Satan appears twice. Appears twice. Now what is a synagogue? A synagogue is a gathering of people. It’s a gathering of people in the Jewish tradition, or if you were a Hebrew, you would go to probably a synagogue where it’s like a church, or you know, or a mosque, or it would just be basically a place where people gather together to know about, you know, their God. Their God would be Satan, because it would be the synagogue of Satan.

And to understand what the synagogue of Satan is and who the synagogue of Satan is, and I’d like to point out right off the bat, in Revelation 2, it says very clearly, who say they are Jews but are not. They are the synagogue of Satan. The scriptures reveal Jesus himself, speaking to John on the Isle of Patmos, says it very clearly. They say they’re Jews, but they’re not the Jews. They’re the synagogue of Satan. So the synagogue of Satan, according to all these big-time Christian influencers, who are like, oh, the Jews are the synagogue of Satan.

They don’t even know what they’re talking about. The actual passage says the synagogue of Satan are not Jews. That’s the passage. Yeah? And do I have a dog in this fight? No. This is Revelation chapter 2. This is to the church in Ephesus, and then this is the next passage, which is to the church in Smyrna. Smyrna, which means the destruction of the people. That’s what the word Smyrna means, destruction of the people. The angel of the church of Smyrna, and what is an angel? An angel is a messenger, a witness, someone who’s going to speak on behalf of the destruction of the people.

Smyrna. These are the words of him who was first and is last, who died and came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty, yet you are rich. You know, it’s kind of like whoever is in Smyrna, whoever that angel is in Smyrna, right? I know that you’re having a hard time. I know that you probably feel like you’re really poor, but you’re not. You’re rich. This is what God is saying. This is what Christ is saying. I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but a synagogue of Satan.

This is an interesting thing because that then becomes very, very clear. So then the question becomes, well, who is the synagogue of Satan? What is it? Who is it? Who’s in it? Something I’ve done on the channel for a long time is I’ve said that the world is a corrupt place, and that people today, they would be calling Jesus’ King, and they’d be calling for Jesus, but they’d really be calling for Jesus Barabbas, a passage in Scripture that talks about Jesus right before he was put to death, and he brings two Jesus’, literally those were their names, two Yahshua’s.

He brings them out to the people because the custom was that on the feast day, Jewish feast day, by the way, which Jesus celebrated because Jesus was a Jew, but in Christ, we don’t need to discuss whether he’s Jewish or Gentile or anything, because in Christ, we don’t see people as Jewish or Christian or Muslim. We don’t see people as male or female. That’s written in the Scriptures, the very same Christian Scriptures that people seem to ignore, brings them both out to the people, and the people are like, we want Barabbas.

We want the guy who’s into politics, who’s going to kill his enemy. We want the guy who’s going to, who’s going to go on tears and tangents and attack people and generalize individuals and demoralize individuals that are based on something that’s outside of their purview because they really don’t know God. What they know is they know the basic story in the book of Revelation. This is interesting. This is a group of individuals called the Nicolations, or a group of individuals that basically understood that Jesus died for their sins, and they kind of felt like, you know, we’re going to say Jesus is King.

We’re going to run around and, you know, do whatever we want. We’re going to share hate and everything in the name of God, because that’s our duty. That’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go to our big Republican events like Don Jr. did, and we’re going to say, I understand the idea of turning the other cheek, but that’s gotten us nowhere. We can still say Jesus is King and not turn the other cheek. The Nicolations. Nickelodeons. I ironically, the very same passage that I have to go online and I got to correct people.

I got to say, Oh, don’t you know this and this and this? It’s like ridiculous. People are so unskilled in the scriptures, but they’re so skilled in hate and division. It’s really so sad. Even the good ones, even the good ones still teach things that are just so idolatrous and monstrous. They don’t know the things of God. How could they? This is the reason why I study the Bible, the scriptures. This is the reason so that I could use them because I know that God inspired them so that the truth is still in there.

You just got to figure it out. You know, so when you got a lot of people saying they’re the synagogue of Satan, but the line is they say they’re Jews, but they are not Jews. They are the synagogue of Satan, meaning the synagogue of Satan are not actually Jews. It’s written right there. But the irony is if you go on, you read more. Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer because this is the day that we’re in. I feel like this is a word for the moment because I’ve been down the dumps.

I’ve been on X and I’ve just been, I’ve been, I can’t believe the mountain of prejudice in the name of Jesus Christ I see. It’s beyond me. It’s like that song that I wrote many, many years ago, The Children of the Light. I see my children turn down everyone in sight. I see people hating in the name of Christ. The Children of the Light. It’s like I see people killing in the name of Christ. What is going on? It’s a mess. I remember when Elijah had that problem and was like looking around in the book of Romans.

It talks about how he cries out. He’s like, they built temples, the bale everywhere, altars the bale everywhere and here I am and I’m speaking to things of God and the life of God and I’m trying to share the love of God and all they want to do is hate. All they want to do is hate. It’s like I feel like I’m alone. I feel like they’re gonna, and they’re shutting me down. You can’t even Google me and find me. They’re shutting me down, Lord. And how does God reply to Elijah? He says, I’ve reserved 7,000 who’ve not bowed their knee to bale, that system that’s in the world today, to the church of Smyrna, to the church, to the called out ones of Smyrna, the destruction of the people, which is what happens in the end.

God destroys the carnal nature and man, the Antichrist spirit. It’s done away with the devil. It’s done away with. This is the day of the Lord. It’s the day of great judgment. To the destruction of the people. This is what Christ, he was talking to them. He was saying, I know that right now you’re feeling broke, but you’re rich. And then it was a warning of the days to come that it’s not gonna get better. It’s not gonna get easier. I just repeat that one more time. I’m gonna read from the top.

I’m gonna read from the top again. To the angel of the church of Smyrna write, these are the words of him who was first and who was last, who died and who came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty, yet you are rich. I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not. I mean, this is like, God knows the people that are saying, you know, that they worship God. He knows what they’re actually doing. He knows how they’re attacking and how they’re tearing down and how they’re mocking.

He knows. He says this. He says, I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews, but are not. But are a synagogue of Satan. And who is Satan? He is the father of all lies. So it’s the church of those who lie. A church of those who worship the lies. Synagogue of Satan, he was a murderer from the beginning. From the beginning, there was no truth in him. There never was. When he speaks, it only is a lie. This is what Jesus says. He says, these are liars. These are the people that called for Jesus to be put to death.

You know, it’s not the Jews. It would be like saying, it would be like saying today, you know, the Americans did something wrong. When there was only a couple of Americans that were corrupt. And they say they’re Americans, but they were not. You see what I’m saying? Jesus was Jewish. His followers were Jewish. I mean, this is a matter of record. But once again, why are we even focusing on that? When in Christ, there is no Jew. When in Christ, there is no Gentile. You know, I don’t care. Listen, I don’t care if you have an issue with, you know, this type of person or that type of person.

I don’t care if you, you know, you feel like, oh, you’re wrong, Jacob. You know, you’re wrong. You don’t know. I know that there are corrupt people. And I know that these corrupt people are doing terrible things. But I also know you can’t blanket it. And you have to get past thinking that somebody who is different than you is an enemy because it just makes you feel better about yourself. And it gives you an excuse as to why things are the way they are. When it’s time for you to repent and those that do, they find that life doesn’t get much easier.

It just gets more rewarding. But he who has ears to hear the scripture says there’s something good waiting. Don’t be afraid of what you’re about to go through or what you’re about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you even in prison to test you and you will suffer persecution for 10 days. Be faithful even to the point of death. I will give you your victor’s crown. Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear what the spirit says to the church. The one who is victorious will not be hurt by the second death.

The second death. Twice dead, the Pharisees. That’s what he called him. He called him twice dead, the second death. You’re not going to be hurt by it when it comes. Blessed are you who overcome and don’t point fingers at other people. Before you go around thinking when you hear, oh, the Jews are the synagogue of Satan. Understand that it’s the Christians, it’s the Muslims, it’s the Jews, it’s the atheists, it’s the Mormons, it’s the the synagogue of Satan. Can be anybody and everybody. But it doesn’t mean that it is everybody. It only means that there are some that come in that lie and say that they are Christian.

They’re very much like the Nicolaidans which are spoken of in to the Church of Ephesus. To the Angel of the Church of Ephesus. These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks with the seven golden lampstands. It’s a picture of completion and enlightenment and wisdom. I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know, sometimes I feel like this could be me, he’s that God speaking to me. I know that you can’t tolerate wicked people and that you’ve tested those who claim to be apostles and are not.

That’s what I’m doing this online. People that are coming in Jesus’ name, I’m doing this. I’m challenging them, I don’t tolerate wickedness. You know, I was supposed to go on the quartering. We were supposed to do a debate, me and some YouTuber or influencer named Melanie who then, after they decided, I guess they were a little too scared to do it or something, who then went on to say just the worst things ever about people who are different. Like the most racist things that you could think of. And these are the people that are talking, I can’t tolerate that.

That’s what it says. You can’t tolerate wicked people. That you’ve tested those who claim to be apostles but are not. And you found them to be false. I find a lot of these Bible teachers and these pastors, I’m not a pastor, I’m just a guy sharing my faith, but I find a lot of them to be false. You’ve persevered, you’ve endured hardships for my name, and you have not grown weary. I’m a little weary, but I’m still gone. Yet I hold this against you. You forsaken the love that you first had. When I read that, I was like, you know what, you’re right, Lord.

I used to be so excited and so happy, and I’d wake up in the morning and go, oh, Lord, hallelujah. Let’s do it today. Now it’s a little like it’s, I’m a little more burdened. You know, you look at what’s happening and, you know, you don’t want to beg people for like, oh, please, like, please, please, because it helps. Please share, please, please, it helps. Oh, please, if you don’t get the new buckle up merch, which is by the way, going away, it’s awesome. Look at this, huh? How is this shirt? This is an awesome shirt.

Get this, it’s a limited time. It helps to channel it, but you don’t want to have to do that. Stuff you want to trust. God’s going to work it out, and God always does. But I don’t wake up in the morning as happy as I used to be. I’m a little more burdened. I’m a little more weary. And this is like God saying, this is the problem I have with you right now, you know? It’s like the beatings will continue until morale approves. No, I’m just kidding. But it’s like, you know, just snap out of it already.

Gotta remember, he says, consider how far that you’ve fallen from that joy that you once had. Repent and do the things that you did at first. If you do not repent, I’ll come and I’ll remove that lampstand from you. I got these lamps all the time. I read this, I’m like, oh, look, don’t take away this. Don’t take away that, you know? It’s like, I’m going to do my best to enjoy it. I take things a little bit too hard. Maybe he’s not really speaking to me. But personally, I think that there’s a relationship between the Scriptures and myself.

But he says, you have this in your favor. You hate the practices of the Nicolations, which I also hate. Whoever has years, let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. You forgot how joyous it is to follow after the things of God. I don’t forget all the time, just sometimes. Return to your first love. Man, you may have, all of us, may have just gotten to the point where like the world is so, so hard that you just, you know, just you don’t find that joy anymore. But I’m telling you, the joy is there.

The joy is waiting. And yes, I don’t like the deeds of the Nicolations. I don’t like the people that say, oh yeah, well, Jesus died for me so I can just continue to talk about, you know, who I should, you know, who people should hate and who the world is just, that’s the synagogue of Satan. You know, you judge a tree by its fruit. And if the tree you see is corrupt, you know, you’re going to feel it. You’re going to know it. If it’s hateful, if it doesn’t love, even our enemies were supposed to love.

That’s very difficult. And everybody online, well, in this, I get this one area of X because X is filled with also a lot of beautiful stuff. I don’t want to like sell the place short. But in this one area, it’s just very much they’re blaming. They think that the enemy is somebody who’s Jewish. This is terrible. It’s terrible. And it’s got to go. So anyway, there you have it. Synagogue Satan has nothing to do with religion, okay? Very clearly written there. Has to do with a gathering of people that are worshiping and listening to a bunch of lies and should be seeking after the truth and remembering how joyous it is to be in that kingdom of God and a relationship where you love people and you’re loved by people.

All right. I love each and every one of you. I’ll talk to you soon. Make sure you hit the like button, share, subscribe, do all that stuff and have the best day ever. Bye bye. September 10th, Mars hangs closer to the earth than it has 6,000 years. Like the light that led men from the east to a child in a manger. It could well be a sign of good things to come. Thomas James shall be his name. The world will change because of him. In a small town of Bethel, at a time not unlike our own, a child with a great purpose is born.

Years later, alienated by its peers, abused, Thomas suffers a devastating loss. When it appears he has nothing left to live for in the world, this is when his true calling begins. While trying to escape the sinister powers that be, a terrifying vision haunts him. Miraculous events seem to follow the peculiar young man as he struggles to come to terms with what he was born to do. The stage is set. The time is at hand. The truth will rise and a revolution will begin. The startling revelation of who Thomas James is truly will change the lives of those around him and set off a chain of events long ago foretold.

There is more to this novel than one might think. Inside these pages hides a treasure just waiting to be discovered. So if you’ve ever wondered if there’s more to life, or why it is we suffer, then the story will not only captivate you, it may just open your eyes to a truth that could set you free. Find out what is in us all that makes us heat. The call. Click it. [tr:trw].


Spread the Truth


biblical teachings in modern world Book of Revelation references Christian influencers misinterpretation false claim to be Jews finding love in difficult times Jacob Israel social media influencer joy in sharing God's word not judging based on faith spreading love not hate staying true to beliefs studying scriptures for understanding Synagogue of Satan interpretation Thomas James inspirational story

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