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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ The speaker discusses their struggles with health and financial issues, and their attempts to improve their health by watching their diet and avoiding certain teas. They also talk about their experiences with moving frequently and feeling at home in Idaho, but facing challenges that force them to move again. They share their belief in the importance of doing the right thing and letting God handle the rest. The conversation also includes discussions about work, prayer, and the potential for recording future group discussions.
➡ The text is a conversation between friends discussing various topics. They talk about weather changes, personal experiences, and life challenges. One person shares their experience of caring for a spouse with dementia, emphasizing the importance of family and resilience. They also discuss their beliefs and perspectives on life, suggesting that hardships can lead to personal growth and understanding.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of understanding your audience when sharing personal beliefs, using the story of Moses as an example. They also discuss their experiences with dreams and their interpretations, suggesting that dreams can reflect personal growth and change. The speaker encourages sharing dreams and experiences openly, but also warns against engaging in debates. They end by expressing gratitude and love for their listeners, and their desire to continue these discussions in the future.


I’m gonna record this today, see. See what happens. So there’s a spotlight. Unless you all don’t want me to. I don’t have to now. Go ahead. Kind of. What kind of speed bumps you got going on? Oh, some health issues. Finance as always. You know, just life in general. Yeah. What. What are you doing to make your health issues better? Try not to go to the doctor as much as possible, but, you know, do what I can. I don’t drink that wormwood tea, though. I just can’t. Oh, listen, I would. I wouldn’t recommend it. I would.

I’m drinking. I’m drinking today. I’m drinking a different kind of tea. Someone gave me this, um, ah, strainer because, um, you know, when I did it, I kind of did it comically last time with a coffee filter. I’m not that bright, but the wormwood drops are actually better than the tea. Yeah, I don’t like the Wormwood tea. I mean, I don’t think I have parasite. I mean, I, you know, it’s like, it’s so. I think that it’s a lot of fear. I think the only parasite we got to worry about is what we hear. It’s the mind parasite.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mind parasite. So I. Okay, so you don’t do the worm roti. What. What do you do? I try to watch what I eat, you know, not as much process, but I obviously do you do dairy? Are you a dairy person? I’ll eat some dairy. Not a lot. I’m not a big dairy person. Anyway, I don’t. I never have liked milk, you know, that’s good. Yeah. So I’ll use. But when I cook, I like to use whole cream, 1% whole cream. Instead of regular milk. I’ll do cream. That’s your good cook. So I try to do it that way.

You know, little things here and there. Yeah, yeah. Eat more meat instead of others. Other stuff, but, you know, try to do little things here and there. It’s, um. I mean, that’s. There’s not much you can do, but little things, you know? Yeah. It’s like. But because they come at us from everywhere, they start to add up. Yes. And it’s not. It’s so it’s not really a bad thing. You, you know, Travis is here. Hi. Do you know, do you know Melinda, Cindy, and we obviously know rock Travis, but do you know Melinda and Cindy? You want to say hi? No.

Hey, how you guys doing? Hello. Hi. Hi. Travis. Got a little bit of a setback going on. You want to talk about it or, no, I don’t care. That’s, that’s a good attitude. That’s a good attitude. He was just saying, the two of them, him and gemming for, they’re always, um. You gotta put it in God’s hands, and you got it. You didn’t just take the right steps, do the right thing. And I’ve been doing the wrong thing my entire life, and I’ve always been on the go. Could never stay in one state for longer than three or four years.

And finally, I thought, I finally I felt at home up here in Idaho. Just felt comfortable. And then just before we got, our rig got more than doubled, I started telling Jennifer, I said, man, I’m getting an itchy, like, I need to go. Oh, about that time. I’m overdue. And then, lo and behold, a rank I more than doubled. So it’s time to go. But this was kind of blindsided me. I mean, I just feel like I. Anytime I speak the truth, the world just comes back at me ten times harder. Sometimes, you know, sometimes you got to really know your, this is lesson I learned the hard way, is you got to know your audience, you know, and you get that there’s a reason why Jesus says, you know, you have to be wise as a serpenthe but harmless is a dove.

So you got to be smart. You know, if you know that people aren’t going to, you know, if you know that people are conniving and everything else, sometimes you just got it. You got to, you got to outsmart them. You don’t want to hurt them. But so what you do is you just, you focus on the right thing. You know, try to, like, I always tell my son, no. I said, you know, he had a dream where he was at work, and there was, like, a lot of, like, snakes that were coming around. He was trying to stomp them, and he couldn’t stomp them.

And I said, oh. I said, you know, he’s working where I used to work, selling the mattresses, said, well, these are people that you’re working with right now. I said, right now, you got to be very smart. You got to be wise, because that’s a warning dream. You’re trying to put the snake out, but you’re missing every time. So I said, so what you want to do instead is you want to sit back. You want to let God handle this. Those two people that he was working with, they’ve been moved to another store. Now he has a new manager.

So it’s like, if you do the right thing, you’re always going to be okay. So it doesn’t really matter if you. You know, you didn’t. Because I’ve acted out in haste. Doesn’t matter if you did anything wrong. You didn’t. It just. It’s time for you to move on, you know? And that’s. That’s what happens. So now, how are you handling that? Well, I got a little bit of nest eggs, so I’m not in any big panic around. Find a minimum wage job. Which minimum wage? This day is 735 an hour. Right? Up here it’s 20. Up here it’s $20.

Maybe. Maybe you need to come to Long island. Yeah, maybe that’s what I need to do. You can wait. Wait for the tsunami to come and cover us. All right. I’m looking for another place because I’m seeing an employee housing right now. Right. So if I don’t have a job, I don’t have a place. Right. So everybody’s gonna be praying for you. Yeah, I know. I get the, uh. I’m always thinking about you. That’s why I always reach out. I appreciate it, you know? Yeah, no worries. We’re gonna get there. It just takes time. I decided to record it to see if I.

To see how it works. So, like, if in the future we decide to do maybe a show with all of us, I can record it. So I just want to see how it works. You never know when you can get a good clip, you know? Right. Exactly. Exactly. You know. Melinda, what are you doing? How are you handling things? Just one day at a time. And prayer and meditation. Reading my bible. Yeah. Have any. Anything that you’ve been studying lately that you think is interesting or anything? Well, I’ve just been reading psalms. Psalms are beautiful. Yeah.

Do you have a favorite one or, like, a favorite verse in the Bible or anything else, or a favorite thing or certain prayer that you pray? I can do all things through Christ, who gives me my strength. That’s amazing, isn’t that? Yeah. Do you like social media? No. Really? I’m on there all the time, but I don’t like it. Well, do you like this, what we’re doing right now? It’s really hard for me to talk out loud. And yet you’re doing it. Yeah. Wow. Texting. It’s a lot easier. Yeah. They always said Maggie Simpson doesn’t talk very much.

Is that what they call you? Maggie Simpson? Well, um. Yeah, I love it because, um, my family. My mother, my. She’s not my mother. She’s my cousin that adopted me, Elizabeth Mallico. And you look up Margaret Matilda Malacho Simpson. Direct match. But if you also look up Mary Magdalene. Malako. Direct match. Yeah. You go by Magdalene, too? Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I think it’s wonderful. Do you know what, like, Magdalene actually means? I forgot. I’m gonna look it up right now because I forgot. What? Magdalene. Like the name Magdalene. I know. And our family is from Magdalena, New Mexico.

Oh, my goodness. He was meant to be. And right before COVID bunch of nuns from Magdalena church came down and prayed with me and told me that I would never get sick during COVID Oh, is that. What did you. No, I was the only one in the nursing home. I never got sick. And an ant. It means tower in Hebrew. That’s amazing. Magdalene. That’s right. Hightower. That’s right. I remember. Yeah. But you know also my name. You know. Melinda. That means honey. Oh, I love that dark honeybee. Ooh. Okay. It’s better than dark maga. And here you are for the end times with all of us.

It’s like, special. We’re all here together. Yeah. Like day before yesterday, I was dreaming. Like, I was coming back to my body. And first Mary came and she spoke with me. Wow. He said that she was giving me her knowledge. And then Jesus came and they were standing right by each other holding. You know, they were holding hands. And they both said they were going to give me their knowledge. Wow. Plus, they were. In three days, I will be able to breathe with no oxygen. Are you serious? That’s beautiful. Yes. And then when I woke up, there was feathers all over my house.

Come on. I don’t have no birds. Yeah, right, right. That’s amazing. But that’s a good sign, you know? And I’ve been turning down my oxygen. And you’re talking. And you’re talking. Yeah, I won’t. Dropped it from eight to six. We got to go over to Cindy’s house so she can cook for us anytime. You gonna come to Oklahoma? I would love to come to Oklahoma. Do you get twisters there? We do. I live in Moore, so, yes, there’s a lot of tornadoes and stuff that come through. Have you seen one personally with your own eyes? Oh, thank God.

And I’m. No, I haven’t. Oh, wow. Is your house felt built, like extra special or something? No. No. But we do have a, what we call me and my kids call a hidey hole in our garage. So if there’s one get close enough, we get down into it. I would love to come to Oklahoma. I’ve been there. I’ve been everywhere. I just never really got to enjoy it. When I worked with the WWE, I traveled a lot, but I never really got a chance to really enjoy anything. But I would love to. I’d love to go to Oklahoma.

Just because of the musical. Just the musical itself. Just because of the musical. I’ve never seen the musical anymore. I haven’t either. I haven’t either. I’m making a joke now that we had that one tornado this year, earlier this year, that was really bad in a small town south of where I’m at, and I knew. I knew the lady that was killed in it because it was from a town I used to live in, so. And we had all those twisters right before the storm. So strange, you know? What do you think? What’s going on, Rock? Do you think the weather’s manipulated, or do you think that something outside of our weather is affecting.

What’s your thought? Well, usually, whatever they usually say, I take the opposite. So right now they want to say is harp and everything. So I’m really, really leaning to the earth. Is leaning tilting more than it’s supposed to be? So you would think you have to come to the completion. Why is it tilting more? So then you lead to. What is that? Yeah. And I don’t want to just say it’s a big planet because who knows? But that’s what the information I’ve gathered, you know, that’s what I would lean to. Yeah. I mean, who knows where we are, you know? That’s why I think the flat Earth argument is and the round Earth argument and the fact that people are so passionate about it, we may not.

We may, we may be computer information, like, we may be like Stephen Hawking. We may just be ones and zeros, which doesn’t even bother me because when I play my VR game, you know, the real me goes into that virtual world. So my spirits in there. So it’s like we’re not this place anyway, but who knows where we are? All of it’s so strange, but it gives me, gives me hope, gets me excited, you know? Yeah. But definitely there’s weather. You can look out and see the weather’s changing. It’s been changing for years now, so. And you can, you could have watched.

I’ve been watching it. So the jet streams been getting all whoppy and everything for the past years, and now it’s all over the place. So there’s definitely something going on now. The what is what? We got to figure out if we can even do anything about it. Did anybody see the northern lights? Anybody get to see them? Me neither. Sleep so early? Yeah, me neither. I go to bed early, too. Mary Lou’s here, everybody. Okay, so everybody say, hi. Marilyn. Everybody say hello. Mary Lynn. Hey. Glad to see you. Been watching you for a couple years.

Oh, cool. I love how I feel like I’m in your house right now with you. You’re taking it to a whole other level. It’s like, almost like documentary style. You can walk around. Oh, I just didn’t want you to hear all the barking. Oh, no, I enjoy it. Five dogs in this house, and it gets loud. Especially the two dachshunds. They have loud. They’re little, but they have loud voices. Big lungs. We were talking about speed bumps, like, things that just kind of slow us down a little bit and, you know, get us annoyed. Stuff that sucks.

What. What speed bumps are you dealing with, and how are you dealing with them? Oh, well. Oh, who’s that? Hey, husband. Brent. Hey, Brent. Everybody say hi to Brent. Hello. Nice to see you. I finally have friends. Oh, we feel like you’ve been a friend for years. Oh, that’s wonderful. Oh, Jennifer. Jennifer’s been a friend. She’s camera shy, but she’s. She’s been. Come on, Jennifer. Let me see you. Come on. Come on, Jen. Jennifer, I got to see you chase her down. She’s going to get mad at me. That’s okay. Don’t worry about it. That’s okay.

Listen, at least I got to hear you, Jennifer. I appreciate it. Yeah. This makes me happy that, like, I’m more than just you in the house, enjoying. Well, it’s. It’s a lot. We. I. My husband has dementia. We talk about speed bumps. Oh. And we was a successful dentist. I had. We had a home. We had two homes. Yeah. Florida. We had. We had to sell everything. Sell a business, and moved in with my daughter. Wow. This daughter, Megan. Hey, Megan. That’s amazing. There’s. I got Jennifer. Oh, she’s okay. Jennifer. Jennifer, what are you eating there? What are you eating? Is that an apple? Now she’s running away.

Right? It’s just a cheese and tomato soup for everybody. It’s cool day here. Oh, cool. Finally. It’s kind of. I’m in Ohio, as you can see. Yeah. Ohio. You know, that means. I think that means high in japanese or something. Hello. I’m in. Hello, Ohio. Gazamas or something like that. Ohio. Gazamas. Yeah. Yeah. That’s amazing. So, like, even. Even this huge speed bump, which is more like a total detour, something amazing comes out of it. Now you’re with your. Your. You know, your family. You’re closer together, and it’s like. And now we all love on each other.

Yeah. And then you realize how unimportant other things are, you know? That’s pretty cool. Yeah. What does she think? What does she think? Does she watch Megan’s watches? I watch. Come on. Are you serious? I was the one that started it. You started it. You on Marf. Google news through a comment. Oh, my God. It makes me so happy. Your voice makes me so happy. We have your book. Oh, my. Come on, now. One that has the heart in the picture. Yeah. On the. On your. On your comments on Amazon. That’s. That’s me. Oh, she. I bought her a hoodie.

Oh, cool. Definitely Jacob. We’re Jake. Oh, I love it. That’s. I can tell you, I make, like, $5 every time somebody buys, like, a hoodie or something. I mean, that helps me. I think they’re cool hoodies. I got it from my. When Noah turned 24, I got him a bunch of merch because I figure I’ll use him as a billboard, too, you know? Yeah. That’s great. Wow. 24. Yeah, he’s 24, and Anthony is about to turn 23. Shiloh just turned 21. And Ethan, we just left his basketball game where he played amazing, and he’s 13, and he finally used the skyhook that I’ve been working with him.

He finally got the sky. It was. It’s a good game. He lost, but he played great, you know? So, how do you handle this now? You have to talk. It’s difficult at times. It’s very challenging. And sometimes I can’t talk, you know? Yeah. Yeah. You know, and I got to tell you, you should share your experience, because it would be helpful to other people. You know, our lives are so. It’s like, our lives are whatever the scripture calls us, living epistles. So it’s like we’re all books. We’re walking around. We’re all books. And you know what.

What a book you have. You know? It’s like all of us. We all do. Well, I always say that I’m. And I tell the girls, because when we go through. We’re being refined. The Lord is refining us. Yeah. It’s not fun. And it’s not fun. No, it’s not fun. And we all do it. We all go through it. Hey, Travis, what would your book be called if you. If you were to come up with a title for the book of your life right now? What would your. What would it be called Travis surviving hell. Oh, I could count on you.

You know, there’s. My life is a living hell since I could ever remember. Yeah. With my parents, I was grounded for first whole summers at a time for nothing other than telling the truth. Right. But it wasn’t the truth. My parents learned in church, so I was labeled a liar. Mm hmm. It was just what God showed me and put on my heart at a very early age. Yeah. I felt obligated to share with people, and the more I shared it with people, I couldn’t understand at that early of an age why I’m being sheltered in the corner, why I’m not accepted here, why I get kicked out of here.

I couldn’t. I couldn’t. I mean, he sent me apart from the world at very early age. And now fetch. Fence yourself. That’s kind of what I felt like. Can I tell you? Can I tell you that that’s, um. Do you know the story? Did anybody know the story of Moses, where Moses kills the Egyptian? Yeah. You know, he knows that God says, okay, you got to deliver the people. You got to spare the people. He gives you this great truth. But then what you go about and do, and you end up killing, killing the Egyptians, what you’re doing is you’re telling people to their face that they don’t know what they’re talking about, but they’re not ready to hear it.

So what ends up happening is you get persecuted. That’s why I try to hammer this point home, know your audience. You know, that’s why I think social media is so great, is that you could just put it out and let you know. It’s like you cast your seed, but you don’t got. Don’t even bother getting in debates. And, you know, I think you’ve come a lot on the flip side of the coin. I think you’ve become, since I’ve known you, you’ve become so much more wise and, you know, so it’s. I feel like you’re coming into your own right now.

Well, the guy will hire me back. I’ve worked there before. And he’d come in his office, we’d sit there for an hour talking about God and Christ and the ways of God, and he was all about it. Now, three years later, I go back, and he’s not anything about it at all. He totally flipped on the situation and. Well, you don’t want to tell him that. Yeah. Huh. And you don’t want to tell him that. No, I didn’t tell him that. Yeah. Because he’s not good. But then. Then you understand why maybe it’s not working out, you know? Yeah.

So. All right, Cindy, you’re up. Come on. You didn’t talk enough. I didn’t talk enough. We need more. We need more from you, and then we need more from Melinda. What do you want to know? I don’t know. What. Do you, um. You have any dreams? Any. Any weird dreams ever? Oh, I’ve had lots and lots of weird dreams. I haven’t had any in a while, but I’ve had several different ones. Okay. Are you more of a vision person? Like, do you daydream at all? Oh, yeah. What do you daydream about? Just different things. I just.

Sometimes I just daydream just about whatever I’m working on. Right. Whatever. I’m, you know, trying to figure something out. Trying to figure out different ways to work with things. Yeah, I’ve had lots of dreams. I used to have dreams. I don’t have them as much anymore, but I’d be in a cemetery being shot at, trying to get out of a prison, and in the cemetery, trying to get out. So you’re in cemetery. You’re getting shot at. Yeah, I’m in the cemetery. What it is, I’m trying to get out of a prison, trying to escape from a prison, and I’m in a cemetery, hiding behind headstones.

I’m being shot at. I’ve had those. Those I usually start having when I’m trying to take things on myself and not let God handle things. Yeah. Yeah, that one. And driving backwards into traffic in a cardinal, no breaks. You know, those type of dreams. Yeah. Those are the end. Those are. They’re very spiritual. I wouldn’t imagine you’ve had them within the last year, though. No, I haven’t. Can I tell you how I knew that? How did you know that? Okay. Because those dreams tell me specifically of a person that hasn’t really understood things that I’ve been saying, and I think that if you’re a patron, you probably do.

So you were in. You were in a cemetery as a place of a dead, and you were prisoner. You were imprisoned there, and you were being shot at. Yes. That’s the first dream. Okay. That’s not a dream of somebody who’s been resurrected from the cemetery, hiding behind headstones. Heads. Very symbolic thing. A gravestone is. Is, you know, it’s not a positive thing. So you were basically will say, ignorant, if you will, to the life that you had, and you were scared. The other dream, you’re going backwards into traffic, meaning once again. But by hearing you speak, there’s no way this could have happened within at least the last year.

So it was telling me that, you know, you’ve. You’re not in the cemetery anymore. Those dreams don’t matter anymore. You’re not being shot at anymore. You’re not going backwards. You’re going forwards. That’s. That’s why I love dreams. I think they’re so cool. I do, too. I just have trouble understanding what they mean. But I used to have them all the time. Life is so wild. I had a dream a couple years ago that drones were false security. Drones were following me, and I had to dodge them and in order. And if I. If they saw me, they were gonna laser beam me.

Have you had any dreams? Anybody? Have you had one recently? Anything? What was the last one? You remember drones following you? Is. That’s not. That’s. That’s a big deal, too. Were they shiny and silver? It was dark in my dream, so it was like, nighttime, but I remember seeing, like, a red laser beam. Oh, my gosh. And they were going. And, like, I was trying to get away from them. Yeah, I think those are aliens type stuff, but, yeah, scary. I think they’re aliens. They sound like aliens to me. Yeah. I have so many. I have so many dreams.

It’s out of control how many dreams I have, and they’re so weird. Yeah. So many of them. You know, you should post them, by the way. When you have them, post them quick. Put them out there. You never, because it may end up happening, and then you can brag to everybody. Wait, I was the one that stood up for you in comments. You pinned my comment. I did. That was me. Oh, my goodness. Do you remember what it was? Remember what? I was getting beat up for you. People being so mean. People can be mean, you know? I mean, listen, I can’t.

I can’t. I could if I wanted to not talk about certain things and be more decidedly. I like to be honest, and people can just keep going. There’s too many people that watch you, that you forget all those haters. And a lot of people think that I’m, like, jewish, and it’s very mean. Like, I wouldn’t want to be jewish today, I’ll tell you that much. The amount of stuff I get, like, it doesn’t bother me so much because I’m not jewish. And I think, oh, they’re so stupid. You know, forget the fact, obviously, they’re so stupid because they’re hateful.

You can’t hate other people, but yeah, it is what it is. I got you all, you know, that’s why that’s. I just got say thank you. I love you all so much. And very good. And this is a lot of fun. I think I now figured out how I want to do this. I want to interview all of you from now on. Place that you post the link. No, just patreon. Because if I posted it anywhere else, someone could sneak in. Oh, okay. I want to make sure that I do this just for you all, you know.

Have the best day ever. I love you all. Talk to you soon. Bye.

5G Danger

Spread the Truth


avoiding certain teas for health caring for a spouse with dementia conversation between friends discussing weather changes experiences with frequent relocation feeling at home in Idaho importance of doing the right thing improving health through diet letting God handle challenges life challenges discussion recording group discussions sharing personal experiences struggles with health and financial issues work and prayer discussions

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