Jacob Israel This Could END DAYSTAR the way we know it! Joni Jonathan Suzy Lamb this is your WAKE UP call

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Reality is a Code – I am the glitch that reveals its secrets.

– Tommy Truthful




➡ Jacob, a former employee of Daystar Television Network, discusses a scandal involving the network and his attempts to help resolve it. He criticizes the network’s decision to involve Marcus Rogers, a controversial figure, in the situation. Jacob believes everyone involved has made mistakes and needs to learn from them, relating it to the biblical story of Samson. He expresses disappointment at being ignored by the network and others involved, despite his efforts to help.
➡ The speaker discusses a complex situation involving a religious community, comparing it to the biblical story of Samson. They express concern about the community’s behavior, suggesting they are not acting in a godly manner. The speaker also mentions their own efforts to help, which were not well-received. They conclude by promoting their merchandise and a special deal.
➡ The text discusses the biblical story of Samson, comparing it to the current situation at Daystar, a religious organization. The author suggests that just as Samson was upset with the religious infidelity of his time, so too are many upset with Daystar. The author encourages those involved to forgive each other, fear God, and return to their faith, just as Samson did in his story. They believe that if this happens, the situation at Daystar could improve.
➡ The speaker is asking for prayers for his family and his sick son, Ethan. He expresses frustration with religious figures who he feels are dishonest and hopes for a day when their corruption is exposed. He admits his own flaws and asks for divine guidance to help others find meaning. He ends by acknowledging God’s superiority and eternal nature.



Foreign hello, my friends. Jacob’s here. One more time. Hopefully this will be the absolute last time that I even talk about this subject. The subject is pretty important when it comes to, we’ll say, religious Christianity. Today, the largest Christian television network in the world. The fastest growing Daystar television network. The place that gave me a, a shot and I worked there for almost seven years, I believe. Place that I ended up being let go from and was then allowed the opportunity to grow something for myself, to plant my flag, to build my altar here and, and strong island as I sold mattresses and start to share with all of you because I, I will tell you, have dedicated my life to serving God, my family’s life.

It’s important to me because it’s the only important thing that really matters in, in the grand scheme of things. Well, this scandal, if you’re, if you’re living under a rock and you, you don’t know about it, you probably, if you’re new to the channel, you probably came here because you heard about the channel. And yes, I was Joni’s writer and I did a show, a big show, which I took a lot of heat for trying to, I don’t know, you know, bring this family back together to bring an end to all of this nonsense. Because I’ve seen, I mean, just such terrible, terrible things happen and terrible things being said and terrible actions on everyone’s parts.

So much anger, so much callousness and divisiveness and deception and, and it’s just, it’s just, it’s gotten a little bit too much. When the news first broke about Susie and Jonathan and the alleged cover up of the abuse of their child and other things, there were a lot, you know, I was, I was a little taken back. I clearly, because, you know, this was a place that I worked at. This is a place that in the past I had kind of concerned myself with the direction, if you will, of where they were going. But, you know, God’s in charge of everything, so everything happens for a reason.

So now we have this huge story, the story that could have been over by now, as far as I’m concerned. I laid out a little bit of a plan and in my video, I called it Beauty for Ashes because I thought, you know, what a great way to bring the family together than to realize that you’ve all been taken advantage of by, you know, influencers will say, Christian influencers and reporters and celebrities and you’ve all been taken advantage of, in my opinion. In my opinion. And that’s what I actually said in, in my video, which, you know, you would think that maybe more of the.

The Lambs would have shared around. Maybe, you know, Rachel or Rebecca or whoever. I don’t know, Joanie, maybe the daystar network would have shared parts of it, but they didn’t, you know, they didn’t really acknowledge much. I got. I actually, I know that they were probably very gracious because I had. I had reached out to a friend who works there, and, you know, they were. They were. They were thankful. They were thankful that I was praying for their family and everything else that was at least privately. Publicly, you wouldn’t even know I exist, because they don’t.

They’re not. They don’t follow me and everything else. But, you know, in private, it’s okay. It’s okay. I believe a little bit differently. I. I see things a little bit differently. And, you know, maybe I’m a weirdo. I don’t know, maybe I’m. Maybe I’m somebody that’s a little bit too far out there for them, but that’s okay. So then, you know, they go to the. We’ll say they’re like the Marcus Rogers of the world to, to tell their story. That’s fine. It is what it is. But you see, I was not going to talk about all this because I.

I’ll be honest, I was a little bit upset. I sat back, I. I put out this video, and I tried to kind of, you know, reach them, and I, I had hoped that maybe they would see that all of these organizations like the Royce Report and, you know, these other Christian influencer watchdog groups, which is so wild because all of them that I followed and I’ve. I’ve, I’ve looked at. They really don’t do a lot of encouraging and teaching. It’s always like, we’re going to make fun of and we’re going to point out how messed up things are.

You know, I felt they were all a little bit insincere. This is my. My feeling. I felt like they were probably in it for the wrong reasons, but yay, you know, whatever. And I actually went out, I went at them with questions, many questions to which they didn’t really respond much except for blocking me. I got blocked by Julie Royce. I got blocked by this, you know, this. I don’t know, this guy Blaze. I got blocked by this other guy, this other New York Times bestselling. All these people. I don’t know who they are. I got blocked by him immediately because I was talking about how important it was to protect the child here and that the child should have never been brought into this.

And that the whole everybody on all sides, as far as I’m concerned, I think God has made it clear by now that everybody’s in the wrong. So what they need to do is they need to make it right. But I was going to stay out of it because I got my feelings hurt. This is true story. I got my feelings hurt. I couldn’t believe that after I did my video and I reached out and I was trying so hard and I was interceding and I was praying for this family. Family that they brought this guy Marcus Rogers on.

Marcus Rogers, who. I don’t know if you know much about the guy’s past. I’ve done a couple of videos about him. In fact, one of them I just did recently on the fact that he was, you know, he did a video saying that he was arrested for disciplining his child, I guess, whipping him with the belt, leaving some arts. I don’t know the ins and the outs of it, but that pretty much is a good gauge. And as to probably the person that you shouldn’t bring into the mix to, you know, tell your story, I’m going to tell my story.

And originally, when he first did his first video, he had said that the Lord, that the Holy Spirit told him that he needed to go tell Jonathan and Susie’s story and he needed to come against a Christian Illuminati. And then there was various different, varying accounts of. Of whether or not, you know, Joni reached out to Marcus or Marcus reached out to Jody. Who knows, right? Everybody’s got a different story. But I sat back and I was like, I reached out to a friend. I said, this is not a good look for you. I said, this is not going to be a good thing.

And then I said, whatever you do, don’t thank this guy because God’s working on their behalf. I literally reached out to them. I said, whatever you do, don’t thank this guy. You know, I also, when I saw that, you know, Susie Lam and Rachel Lam were like, you know, they were throwing zingers back and forth. I couldn’t believe it. Here I’d like. I threw everything out there. And I was like, oh, Lord, help them, you know, But I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to, because clearly they need something to learn, right? Clearly they need something along learn because, you know, God wouldn’t be making such a spectacle of all this if they weren’t meant to learn something.

And you’re going to find by the end of the show that there is something to learn and it’s connected to the story of Samson. So after I find out that after Marcus Rogers says that Joni’s in the Illuminati and, and a bunch of other things and basically, you know, tears every, you know, daystar and everything down and gets like half a million views, that’s another thing that’s interesting. Like, if I was tearing down the system and everything else, I would have been more well received. All of these smaller channels, and I’m not like, diminishing them, they’re just smaller channels than mine.

They, they’re, they’re getting lots and lots and lots of views. By tearing down the daystar television network and, and Joni Lamb, the largest, fastest growing Christian television network in the world. It’s a rebuke on religious Christianity and such a rebuke. But I sat back and I tried, I tried helping out. I tried. And then I was like, oh, goodness, I can’t believe they’re going to bring Marcus Rogers into the mix. So then Marcus Rogers comes in and gets Joni’s side of the story, which is like, okay, you’re gonna, you’re like making this guy, you’re making this guy.

You’re, you’re like the pinnacle of like what religious Christian television should. And you’re bringing Marcus Rogers in to do an interview. I thought, okay, maybe God’s in it. The name’s Marcus, you know, you know, God speaks to people through different means. He talked to Balaam, which I actually, at one point I was worried. I’m like, lord, I don’t want to be like, Balaam, I don’t want to go and like, you know, bless these people if, if you’re meant to correct them, you know, But Balaam, he had a donkey that, that, that, that kept him from doing the wrong thing.

So maybe, maybe, maybe Marcus was used for a reason to go there. And ironically, as this is happening, so I’m reaching out and I said, whatever you do, I said, you know, don’t thank this guy, okay? Because if you thank this guy, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta sneak in suspicion this is not going to be a good thing because really, you need to be fearing God right now. You need to be returning to God right now. This whole family has really been taken advantage of. And I feel like there’s, there’s a reason why there were a bunch of enemies placed in the daystar camp.

And I don’t mean to call Jonathan an enemy, but there’s a lot of infighting and there’s a lot of stuff happening for a reason. So I said, whatever you do, don’t thank Marcus. And what. What do they do? Joni’s like, thank you, Marcus. You’re a man. And, like, calls his character. He’s like, I could tell by your character. Yeah, he’s a man of character. He’s made a character. Holy Spirit tells him one day I need to expose daystar. Then. Then, you know, it’s like he reaches out or you reach out or whatever. Next thing you know, you’re on daystar, much bigger platform, and it’s like, oh, the Holy Spirit told you to repent.

Come on. You’re getting mixed messages there. You get mixed messages there. And they thank. They don’t thank God. You know, it’s just strange to me. The whole thing is strange. The fact that all these little. Little. Little Christian watchdog reporters, all them. I’m, like, watching them, like, salivate and. And, like, run around like lunatics with this story. Just look, trying so desperately to burn things down. Like, right now, they’re trying to make it out like, oh, you know, Joanie was receiving naughty texts from Doug ahead of time. All of this is, like, hogwash. Never happened. Joanie’s even had to go so far as to say, he’s like, we.

We. We had sex the very first time when we were married. She had to, like, tell people this. She’s a grown woman. You don’t need to know her business. Everybody wants to be involved in all this stuff. So I was a little bit. I’m like, okay, I’m done. I’m, like, done. Lord, I’m kicking the. I’m kicking the dust for my shoes. You know, I did what I could. You know, I did what I could. Maybe it wasn’t as welcome as I thought it would be. You know, I will, like, I had dreams and hopes that they would, you know, reunite, and they would be like, oh, let’s do it for the Lord.

And we let the enemy come between us. And we let these, you know, these reporters and these gotcha, you know, influencers get a hold of us and divide us and make things worse for us. I offered. I offered the path. I said, look, you know, you’re all being taken advantage of. Hear it again, because it’s the last time I’m going to say it. You’re being taken advantage of by all of these foxes. Calling foxes. You’re going to see why. Because it’s connected to Samson. Samson. A story that I’ve been telling for a while now, in connection to what’s happening in the political arena in the world, Samson is the last biblical judge who comes on the scene and he burns it all down.

You know, he’s the last one before Christ’s kingdom. He’s the last one. He’s not the. He’s not the. He’s rough. Right. He’s the strong man. He’s God’s champion. That’s why you should get the merch. You go to the description of the video. It’s right. Christmas is coming. You want to get a great gift. Get to get to get some of the merch. You know, you want to make people laugh. Uranus is a planet. Remember what Uranus is. This is the word for heaven in the Bible, believe it or not. Yep. Get yourself the merch. Go in the description of the video if you want to get yourself truly free home product, wherever it is.

It’s the best stuff ever. This is toxin free. I don’t do the best job of like, marketing my show, but this, there’s a huge deal going on right now. You go to trulyfreehome.com you enter code Jacob, you’re going to get 30% off on top of their big holiday deal. Come on, you should do it to support the channel. You know, especially since I don’t, I don’t got like the daystar people or the people on the other side supporting. I’m not exactly liked from any of the sides. You know, I got, I got attacked for trying to stick up for Joanie and trying to, like, say, well, you know, maybe.

Maybe the story is getting a little out of hand. And. And so now I’m probably, I’m going to get maybe, you know, a little bit rebuke because I’m going to be coming against. I’m going to be coming against all of these influencers because I see the story of Samson happening in such a way. It’s nuts. Five days before, you know, the whip came to daystar Television Network, I put out this post where I said, you know, the whip is coming. Think Money Changers tables. Because my buddy Wayne sent me this really cool video of this guy with the whip cracking the whip.

And I said, the whip is coming. Think Money Changers tables. Five days later, Julie Royce’s report comes out. And man, has it been like a nightmare to watch all of this go down. I wish more people would have taken a high road, you know, like, Rachel went to. She was like, posting and reposting memes of, you know, just like, stuff that was just like, demeaning and everything else. And it was. And I’m not like saying one person wrong or the other. They’re all wrong. They’re all wrong direct, like children. And they’re supposed to be the representation of the children of the owner of the largest Christian television network in the world.

So what does that say about religious Christianity? Says what I said it would say when I left there long time ago. Listen, if you’re not going to serve God and seek God and really put God first and really do the right thing and not think too highly of yourself and. And not be like, oh, you know, if you don’t give me what I want, I’m going to tear you down. Or if you don’t listen to what I say, I’m gonna fire you. You know, because it’s on both sides. Everybody’s. Everybody’s not acting godly, in my opinion.

But who am I to judge, right? Who am I to judge? I don’t know. I feel like this whole thing is the story of Samson. Why do I feel this way? Well, because. Exactly. 71 weeks. 71. You know, Moses, when he, He. He decided to pull together, they ended up being called the Sanhedrin with 70 elders, right? 70. Moses was like, 71. All right, 71 is symbolic of, like, a religious order of things. So here. So I find the. The fact that it was 71 weeks exactly, I think it’s interesting. So I put out this post because here’s.

Here’s Joni, and it’s a Day Day Star Table Talk episode. And somebody said it looks kind of like the Last Supper. We’ve been talking about that. Interesting, because Susie was sitting at the table and then the betraying her, which I find interesting. I find that interesting. But the post said that, you know, you should join us, ladies, as we, you know, dig into the Bible stories. And I write old Jacob with his goofy stuff. I write, it better be Samson. Hope it’s the Samson story. And then I put like, a little fox, and then I put like a little flying little fire, because the foxes burned down the fields of the bride of Samson.

This is wild. This is wild. So I immediately think to myself, I gotta. I gotta. I gotta do a post about this. Now, why do I have to do a post about it? Because in the morning yesterday, before I stumbled, I shouldn’t say stumbled, before the Lord would bring to my attention, you know, this. This post that I made 71 weeks before, you know, Julie Royce’s report, I mentioned Samson because there was a discovery of a Samson mosaic. Wild. Because I’ve been talking about Samson a lot. So I decided to look into the story, and then it clicks.

And I realize, oh, my goodness, Samson stories. It’s. It’s very clearly in regards to daystar as well. Samson fell in love with this. This. This. This girl. He was married a couple of times, by the way, but he fell into love this. This philistine girl, okay? Now the. His mom and his dad, they. They weren’t really that approving of it. They’re like, why can’t you. She’s not even. They’re not even circumcised or not. They’re not like, they don’t serve the same God, you know, why can’t you fall in love with someone who actually knows our God? Now.

Now imagine for a second that Samson is a picture. In scripture, we learn that there are many biblical characters that represent Christ. So the story of Samson is he was supposed to marry this girl, and he comes back to marry her, and what ends up happening is the father gives her away to another. So it’s kind of like imagine Christ coming and seeing all the nonsense going on at daystar. It would probably make him upset, right? So what. What Samson does, he’s outraged that because the bride, which would be religious Christianity, has not married, has strayed, has committed adultery, which is what they’re saying about Johnny, ironically.

And Samson is so upset that he wants to burn down everything that was created by, you know, them. There was. The wheat harvest was going on, the groves, the. The. The olive groves, all of this. He was going to just tear it down. He’s going to tear it down. And how does he do this? Well, he gets a bunch of foxes. Now, in scripture, animals are compared to different things, okay? So like, we just talked about the lion being compared to. We’ll say, like, it could be the adversary. A fox in scripture spoils the vine. Don’t let the little foxes in, okay? The fox.

You tell Herod that fox. Herod was like the ruler, the king over all of Israel. Foxes are like a representation of religious Christianity gone wrong. Okay? In my opinion. Now, what does he do? He gathers about 300 of them, and he ties their tails together. Now, in scripture, a tail is the lie of the false prophet. The head is the honorable one. The tale is the lies of the prophet, the lies, the tail. He ties and binds. So just imagine these 300 foxes being like all of these watchdog influencers. That. That. That blocked me, right? That blocked me.

They’re really up to no good. They’re tricky. They’re Out. Out for the views. I’m not saying that this is the case. Maybe their hearts are right. I’m just saying I see the story. And what’s interesting about the story is the fact that he gathers all these foxes together. He binds them all together. Like, that’s the thing now, like all of these influencers that are coming against daystar, they’ve really banded together. We’re seeing collapse take place. So all these foxes are coming together. What does he do? He gives them a torch. A torch. You know what you do with a torch? You march with the torches to take down Frankenstein.

You march with the torches for the witch hunt. You taking the torch. And he puts a torch between them and he says, go burn it down. So all these foxes, they run wild. Samson put a fire under their butts. And what they just. Without even thinking, they’re just trying to burn it all down. It’s so obvious to me, the story playing out so obvious to me. You know what’s interesting is that Jesus uses the word foxes. And I. I related to this a little bit because when I saw Marcus Rogers going to daystar to be interviewed and everything else, and then when I saw his name being thanked by the daystar television, by Rachel, by Johnny.

Thank you. And then, of course, the people that were saying how great Marcus Rogers were, now, they’re so against them. You see how double minded everybody is. Double minded. The double minded man is unstable in all his way. And this system is coming, it’s going to come crumbling down until they fear the Lord and they return to their first love. Now, why is fearing the Lord important? Well, because it’s the beginning of wisdom. It’s the beginning of it. You. I fear God, especially after my accident. And the. The stuff that’s happening with the tinnitus, the nonstop.

It’s like. It’s a reminder to fear God. It’s like I know that today is the day where I can’t mess around. I can’t go back and do dumb things anymore. I can’t be a jerk off and attack people and hate people the way I used to be. Like the watchdog Christians too, I’m sure. And I like a fight. You know, I can be like Samson. When I get upset, I’m like, I’m gonna burn it down. I could be like that, too. But I want to be better, and I want them to be better. I want this whole situation to come to an end, to come to a close.

And the only way it’s gonna. They’re gonna do that is if what they do is they forgive each other and they return, they ask God for forgiveness first, and they don’t with without condition forgive each other and then do what you got to do for your family, you know, do what you got to do for your family, but you can’t keep tearing each other down. You have a lot of these people that are doing everything they can. They’re getting so many views. They’re making so much money off of this stuff, Right? I haven’t had, like, a good video.

Like, you know, I have just such a great group of individuals. I do okay. I have more than I need. I would love even more people to be watching and sharing and liking and subscribing, but I’m not really good with making money. I’m not, like, really focused on it. I’m not like Marcus Rogers, where I’m gonna, you know, tear. Tear down an organization without really getting their side, and then go to the other side, say, hey, what can you do for me? And then go. And then make them look good. Where’s the integrity? I’ve always been about the one thing that daystar needs to work on, the whole group, forgiveness.

They got to think of their child here. They’ve taken advantage of this, this. This story. People taking advantage of this, this family, and they’ve forgotten that. Okay, maybe they’re wealthy, maybe they’re powerful and everything else, but they’re just like us. God placed them there for a reason, just like he placed all the biblical kings, you know, that. Maybe they were like Saul and now they’ve fallen, but maybe they can return to that spirit of David. Maybe they can bring life and. And breathe it into the bones. That has become of religious television today. Maybe they can take this and learn from it.

Maybe when that lion, when day stars ripped into and the busy bodies come in. The bees. Right, the bees. Because that’s what bees are in scripture, by the way. They’re symbolic of enemies. They came in like a swarm, okay? Like, not thinking like, like, like zombie bees, okay? Coming in, rip the place in two. Bees come in. But what ends up happening? And the enemies. The enemies come into the heart of daystar. It’s ripped in two. What is it? What does that. Produces honey. So that when Samson comes back after you’ve been ripped into. After you had all your enemies, you know, you know, doing everything they can and humbling you, getting you where you need to be so that you can return to the truth of God, there’s that honey waiting for you.

Honey that you can. Samson can then Bring to his father and have him drink and doesn’t even have to tell him. Look, it was from. It was from the. It was from when I married that girl that didn’t know you. It’s an interesting thing. What’s even more interesting is you want to know what Samson’s riddle is? Samson gives a riddle when he’s. When he gives the feast before he marries. He says to the Philistines, 30 of them, he ends up killing them because they mess it up. They did everything they could. They even, like, manipulated the Samson soon to be bride into getting the answer.

But he asked. He goes, look, if you tell me this riddle, I’ll give you like 30 pieces of linen. 30 is very symbolic. Third, there were 30 of them at the time. 30 is when Jesus’s ministry begins. So he gives him this riddle. Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet. And he was talking about the lion that he ripped in two that became honey. And then. So the answer to the riddle was, what’s sweeter than honey and what’s stronger than a lion? Now, a lot of people don’t take it a step further because this is the answer to the daystar riddle, too.

Stronger than a lion is a man’s faith. Because King Saul and Jonathan, ironically, Marcus and Jonathan, you could say King Saul and Jonathan, they were as they were stronger than lions. Faith. Faith is stronger than a lion. And the fear of the Lord is sweeter than honey. They need to have the fear of God again and they need to have faith again. This is what needs to happen. And if it does happen, then I believe the situation can come to a much better. A much better happy ending than what we’re witnessing today. So there you have it.

You know, the story of Samson playing out. Fox is trying to burn it all down. But something good’s gonna come out of it. I hope and pray and I hope that if you like this show that you tell people about it, share the channel around, you know, do stuff. Pray for this family. Pray for them. Pray for old Jacob. Pray for my son Ethan, too. He is. Pneumonia is not feeling. He’s feeling really terrible right now. And it’s. It stinks. Stinks. All right. I love each and every one of you. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.

Bye. The teachers teach for hi. The evangelists speak of either no responsibility or infinite fire Forgetting their remain fun name. They claim the truth while proving to be liars. And I Lord, oh, I feel like a spider land A giant seeking day and night and feeling like I’m never going to find it because you’re truthful or if you seem to want to buy it they build out of the reputations they’ve killed A kingdom that will become a funeral pyre for the behavior of those who claim to be God. I have truly grown tired When Lord, when will you show the world? If they be corrupt they will be fired or else how will they know your kingdom and this life they never know until this type of behavior they retire and I Lord, oh I feel like a sp and a giant Seeking day and night and feeling like I’m never going to find it because you’re a truth oh Lord, you seem to want to buy it but here I am oh Lord, here I am A broken and be incredible men Crazy’s never misleading Here I am, do your will but please help me and others to find a meaning show them, grow them, leave them for you are far better than me a worthless worm recognizing to create harmony so one day they’ll say the God of Jacob is the God of eternity.



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