This is the Last Hour | Trump the 144000 The Beast that Rises Out of the Sea

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➡ There’s a concern about the influx of people entering the country, some of whom may be harmful. There’s a need to limit this flow, deport individuals as necessary, and tackle related crime. Reforming our elections with strategies like paper ballots and voter ID, and harsher punishments for ongoing crimes are among the future plans. Also, the idea is to enhance the safety of cities by offering police officers immunity to avoid lawsuits and take strict action against criminals.
➡ A person named Jacob Israel discusses various symbols, events, and interpretations that he believes are linked to Bible scriptures, specifically mentioning 911 events. He emphasizes the importance of faith, suggesting that our beliefs can shape our realities. He also addresses the world’s current state, claiming we are children of God who have forgotten our origins and have long been oppressed by the system. Jacob believes that this oppressive system will soon collapse and change the world.
➡ The speaker discusses predictions surrounding a seven-year period, referencing the ‘wheel of fortune’ and suggesting a reversal of power where the ‘bad guys’ receive justice. They link this to current events, such as scandals and reports that seem to align with their predictions. They also mention some beliefs related to a biblical judge named Deborah and how her story seems to play out in current events.
➡ They mention possible future changes, such as harsher penalties for crime, police immunity, and the end of city crime. The speaker touches on apocalyptic themes, like a thousand years of darkness and the millennial reign of Christ. They conclude with uncertainties about the future and a message of hope, urging trust and positivity despite the challenges faced.
➡ When you ring the bell, subscribe, and share this, there’s a chance to buy some cool things from the video’s details. There’s even a special meatball hat still for sale.
➡ To find these items, click on ‘more’ in the video’s details. All the links are there. I’m thankful for all of you, and I can’t wait to chat again soon. Goodbye!


Because right now we have an invasion. We have an invasion of millions and millions of people that are coming into our country. I can’t imagine why they think that’s a good thing. It’s a very bad thing. And, you know, they’re coming from prisons and jails. They’re coming from all over. They’re coming from countries that most people have never heard of. And they’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums.

They’re being emptied out into our country. And they’re terrorists. Many terrorists are coming in. They have hundreds and hundreds of terrorists coming in, known terrorists, some of them really bad. And we’re going to have to deport. We’re going to have to have a deportation level that we haven’t seen in this country for a long time, since Dwight Eisenhower, actually. So I don’t want to be overly rough on the president.

So we have to stop the invasion and we have to stop the crime and we have to help rebuild our cities. And we have to rebuild the capital. We’re going to straighten out our elections. We’re going to do a lot of great things. We’re going to try and go to paper ballots as soon as possible. Voter ID one day. One day elections. You want peace through strength? You want peace through strength? Russia would have never attacked.

Israel would have never been attacked. We’re going to get him solved. We’re going to get him solved very fast. We’re going to get the Ukraine war solved. We’re going to get the israeli situation solved. Don’t want people in our country that are going to blow up our shopping centers, thank you very much. We’re going to take control of it. And we’re going to make unbelievably harsh penalties for people that go around shootings.

Unbelievably harsh penalties. Rebuild our cities, and we’re going to make them safe. And we’re going to give our police officers immunity. And we’re going to give our police officers immunity so every time they do something, they don’t get sued and stopped. Going to end crime in our cities. Going to stop it. And we’re going to come down very hard on criminals. And we’re going to stop crime. Come down very hard on criminals.

We’re going to stop crime. Well, hello, my friends. Welcome back to Jacob’s ladder. I’m your host as always, Jacob Israel. Happy to get all of you here today so that we can talk about that last judgment that is found in the old Bible, in the book of Revelation. A lot of weird things that are happening. I’ve been sharing on the channel and I’ve been sharing on X. You can follow me there if you want.

Jacob Israel 71 been putting a lot of stuff out, especially the last couple of days about this time where we’re going to have to choose. It’s called the final judgment. It’s like where the tears are gathered together and they’re burned and the wheat is allowed to kind of flourish. A time of judgment for both the good and the bad. The harvest, if you will. These are the days that we’re in, and there’s a lot of things that have been kind of coming out and coming to my attention in more than one way.

For example, I had an email. I forgot who sent it to me, but they were like, did you know that the orange that you were talking about. You were talking about Orange. Been talking about this on the channel a lot, that the orange alert was. That was what happened in Japan. And that I was like, wow, I got to look a little more into this has to be more than just clockwork orange.

And I find out that the orange alert is kind of like an alert to get everybody ready for some kind of impending terrible storm or something where the powered grid could go down or transportation is blocked. It’s like a big orange is a big alert. It’s kind of like the 911, if you will, of colors 911, which is something that I’ve been talking about also on the channel because of the strange timing of certain things.

I explained to you that my daughter Shiloh, she was born on 911 two years to the second of that first plane hitting those towers, those twin towers that I talk about. The twins. We had twins that were just born one last year, one this year. Both had very significant names, Ezra and Ezekiel. I talked about these on the show. I talked about the 911 and how it was strange and how ethan was born during the earthquake exactly nine years and eleven months and eleven days from 911.

I did the math with my oldest son, my biological son, Noah, because we’re a blended family. Three of my children are my biological children. I don’t really look at aunt as not my biological child. I love them all the same because we both had custody and we came together. But my three biological children, they’re, like, connected to this 911 event. It’s very strange. Noah, his name, Noah. Eleven months and seven days to 911.

Very strange. And that’s the passage. Eleven seven is the building of the tower of Babel in Genesis. And Genesis 711 is it talks about when God opens up the flood. Very strange. So 911 is something I’ve been talking about. Then what happens? 911. 911. Everywhere you look. So much so that yesterday on the old x, I freaked out a lot of people. I didn’t mean to, but I had looked at my phone and I’d been contemplating all of this stuff, and I see that the time is 911.

So I write 911, and I put that little post out there, and everybody’s like, is it okay? I’m praying for you. And I meant to just say, here we are. This is something we’ve been talking about. 911. Very weird. I get to the gym. I get kind of the download of the next show. I come home and Shiloh, my daughter Shiloh, who’s born on 911, tells me he’s like, dad, did you see this? This was sent to you? Yeah.

And it says, never forget 911. But that’s weird, right? It’s not that weird, I guess, but it’s weird that it’s from the tunnel to the Towers foundation. I got this sent home. Right? I think that’s got to be even cooler. When I open up the old package and see what’s inside, I open up the letter and I rip it up. And guess who it’s about? Israel. That’s right.

A guy named Israel Del Toro. They call him DT, like Donald Trump for short. I just think it’s all interesting. Life is interesting, and these moments that are happening right now in the world, it’s really kind of pressing. This story that I believe is really good news for people that are going to be kind and they’re going to follow. Love and peace in the world. Not so great for the other guys.

The bad guys. Judgments coming. The revelation of the latest Us debt clock is also my favorite first verse I ever memorized in the Bible. It’s a symbol of Christ being in you, greater than that which is in the world. This is the revelation that I’ve talked about, that the mighty army of Joel that will rise up in the last day. The debt clock secret window has all of these lights that look just like Christ, and they’re all over the place.

I wrote about this in my novel, but the best part is the fact that it says that, which literally means the servants and saviors of the most high. Even the symbol is the very same symbol of that UFO. And the eclipse is coming. It’s about these four angels that are at the corners and the 144,000, the army of Joel, that’s supposed to rise up. How can we not be excited about that debt clock window? If you’re new to the show.

If you’re new, welcome. I’m glad you’re here. I hope that you do hit the like, subscribe and share these videos around. But if you’re new, I wanted to tell you that I, years ago, started this little hashtag called if they be corrupt. I talked to everybody on the channel for a long time about the power of our words and how faith is important, that one of the kingdoms that Jesus gave us was, whatever is bound in heaven is bound in earth.

Whatever is loosed in heaven is loosed in earth. This is about spiritual bondage. If you don’t believe something’s going to happen in the world, it’s not going to happen. If you believe something’s going to happen, it’s going to happen. It’s like your faith. Faith is the evidence of these things that are hoped for. Sometimes we hope for the wrong stuff because we’ve been brainwashed. Little parasitic worms get into us, these lies, these earworms that we see on social media and everything else.

And then we start to believe the worst, and then we follow after the worst. It’s the trick of the devil. The devil doesn’t want us to understand who we are, that we are literally children of God that totally forgot and have been under the bondage of the system for far too long. One that’s coming crashing and burning, that’s what’s going to happen. I talk about this, if they be corrupt and what happens? I told everybody 2023 to 2024.

I showed everybody on the judgment card, I explained every single date, every year correlated to this seven year period. And that, you see, there’s the wheel of fortune. And I said, oh, this is where things are going to be turned on their head. The bad guys are going to get their just fruits. I promised everybody this on the channel and then here we are. A list is coming out.

Don’t you find it strange? Maybe you missed this on the last show, but the guy that jumped, deborah, the mentally ill guy, Deborah, it comes from the biblical judge, Deborah. And I said, I felt like this was an important story. And Deborah, if you know the story, it has to do with the fact that there’s a really very powerful kingdom that’s in charge. They’re not great, they’re perverse, they’re messed up and everything else.

And there was another group of individuals that know God was setting to take over and they went, and the guy’s name was Barack, and he went and he went to this biblical judge and her name was Deborah. And Deborah’s like, this is what’s going to know? There’s going to be victory. God is going to grant you victory, but it’s not going to be you that does it. It’s going to be a harlot, a prostitute.

A prostitute is going to bring down a world leader that is connected to the system, not the king, but like, maybe like Prince Andrew. And isn’t that strange that here we have Deborah’s story playing out, literally, where we have Guthrie’s list. That’s out. Did you see some of the things that they’re saying, some of the things that they’re reporting on? It’s all crashing and burning. This is something that I’ve said.

A lot of people like, oh, no, it’s not going to happen. I said, look, it’s going to happen. It doesn’t mean that it’s going to be all smooth sailing in the future. I don’t think it’s going to be smooth sailing. A lot of people are excited because there’s the deck clock, this thing that’s running all the time. The tally that everybody talks about, the secret window, if you haven’t heard about it, it’s very cool.

It’s the clock. And then there’s a secret window. There’s been a lot of them. Well, the last one was very interesting. The last one was this right here. But I do find it very interesting. I find it very interesting. Like, almost like it’s a fulfillment of sorts. This is getting interesting. But the judgment that I really think is going to be in the land is going to be swifter than before.

This is probably the day we’re going to take control of it. And we’re going to make unbelievably harsh penalties for people that go around shootings. They’re leaving harsh penalties for rebuild our cities. And we’re going to make them safe and we’re going to give our police officers immunity. And we’re to give our police officers immunity. So every time they do something, they don’t get sued and stopped. Going to end crime in our cities.

Going to stop it. And we’re going to come down very hard on criminals and we’re going to stop crime. But I do know what I found super weird was the fact that I’ve been talking about this thousand years, this millennial reign of Christ, if you will, but also this time where the devil’s released for a certain amount of time, a small period of time, like I said, with that japanese killing stone that opened up right after the devil was in bondage for like a thousand years and opens up for this last battle that takes place, this final judgment that takes place, which is ended shortly by fire from heaven.

And then we got, like, a wicked cool comet coming, the devil comet coming during the eclipse. It’s pretty interesting stuff, but I’ve been saying that I felt like we were going to see evil kind of like unleashed in the world, and it was going to be madness. It’s so mad right now that depending on where you are in the world, they say that there’s, like gigantic reptilian hybrid wolf dinosaurs or something that parole in the streets in Miami.

This is like, don’t let the mind virus get into you. It’s like, I see all these people chirping the same thing. Look, if they’re aliens and they’re spooky and everything else, someone sure would have seen it, and this would be a totally different story than some blurry, weird images, like, oh, what do you see there? What are they hiding? I don’t know what they’re hiding. I’m not really worried about that.

You got Donald Trump, who is releasing videos about a thousand years of darkness. Donald Trump just released a video warning everybody about 1000 years of darkness. Same thing that I talked about exactly 22 months ago, about the thousand years of darkness that’s to come. The rule of Satan, which I talked about four days ago on a show, and I also talked about yesterday on a show, and that killing Stone opening up after a thousand years, releasing what they call the nine tailed Fox demon, which brings a judgment on the earth.

Devil being released for a little bit of time. And now all of a sudden, what Donald Trump’s warning everybody about a thousand years of darkness. That’s suss we’ll preserve for our children this the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness. The last step into a thousand years of darkness, of dark, openings up. After a thousand years, he ends up releasing that video.

Exactly. It was on January 5, exactly 22 months from when that killing Stone opened up. And that just very strange where the devil’s released for a short period of time. Now, see, a short period of time in scripture, could be a day. A day is in God’s eyes. Could be a thousand years. Could it be that we’re entering a time where Christ’s millennial reign is going on at the same time that the devil and those that are in outer darkness are cast into this world of suffering? Could it be that we’re going to end up in a world where there’s going to be two groups of people, people that are really just like, they’re trapped in smart cities and everything else, and they’re ruled by the image of the beast, which would be AI.

And who would be that guy, by the way, in revelation, who would be that guy? Everybody wants to point to one person. One person. I’m telling you, the story could be played out. It could be played out. But this scripture, it’s something that I can’t get away from. I even put a little tweet out about it. I said, is this the time we’re in? So let me get an answer.

And I got an answer, like, 22 minutes later. It was really strange. So let me read this to you. He that leads into captivity, into captivity they go. Those that kill by the sword, they’re going to have to die by the sword. This is what it says. But here’s the patience and the faith of the saints. So at the same time, you got this captivity going on, you got people getting killed, then you got the patient and the faith of the saints going on the same time.

ANd I beheld a beast coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, spoke like a dragon, and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him. It’s kind of like he’s almost like the same guy, just maybe back again. Who knows? And he causes the earth and them that dwell therein to worship that first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he does great wonders so that he can make fire come down from heaven.

This is how the story goes. But I’ve explained that this is a spiritual message. Sure. You could know the dragon is Elon Musk and he’s going to give power to the beast, and it’s DonaLd Trump. That’s what people think. That’s what people want to say. But maybe if that’s the case, this is part of, you know, when the JuDGMENt comes, it’s usually not done. Know, there’s people that are like, you know what? We got a job to do.

We’re going to do it. So we got to stop demonizing people, and we just got to trust that maybe God is in control and that maybe this is all working together for the good. So maybe when I’m talking about the thousand year millennial reign of Christ and you hear Donald Trump saying something about a thousand years of darkness. Sentenced. The word sentenced, it was an old Ronald Reagan speech.

Just strange. What are the ods that on that day, 22 months later, that he’s going to say that I don’t know. I think it’s interesting. So I want to thank all you for watching the show. I hope that it helped you. I hope that it encouraged you. Hope that it just helps you to be better and live a better life. And I hope that you hit the bell and you subscribe and you share it around, and I hope that you get yourself, you can get yourself some merch in the description of the video.

The meatball hat is still available. If you want to get it, all of the stuff, just go to the description of the video, click more and you could find the links there. And I appreciate it. I love each and every one of you, and I’ll talk to you soon. Bye. .


Spread the Truth

2 thoughts on “This is the Last Hour | Trump the 144000 The Beast that Rises Out of the Sea

  1. Avatar Of Lynn Carder Macdonald
    Lynn Carder MacDonald says:

    I can’t believe you think that a plane took down those towers,I was going to subscribe to your format…..but not now.

    • Avatar Of Tommy Truthful
      Tommy Truthful says:

      Hey, we all have our own opinions. I’m with you I don’t believe a plane brought down them towers either. But Jacob is very open-minded. I’m sure he would listen to our argument. and I lived in Brooklyn when this took place.

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