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Same place where they’re running the McDonald’s Happy Meals for adults. They probably get toys, too. Yeah. And, you know, like, advertising’s everything, right? You get that one little slogan that gets everybody talking about your name. Where’s the beef? Remember those days when everything was so sweet? Where’s the beef? Everybody, you know, wanted to know where the beef was and it was about, hey, we got a meaty burger. Now it’s like, come to Kentucky Fried Chicken and you may be, I don’t know, eating human beings? I mean, if you factor into the equation this latest ad that was run for Kentucky Fried Chicken in the United Kingdom by the huge group known as Mother London, the news is all abuzz with this being all about capitalism.
Yeah, you probably say why. Well, let me play this for you. Where you see the Gen Z’er there standing there. Oh, what am I doing in the forest? Next thing you know, this person comes down, got a puffer jacket, and then all of them come out, like, just like a horde of, like, something out of some kind of a spooky horror movie where people are moving all weird. Then they come together. Next thing you know, they’re lugging this gigantic, dark-looking, spooky, alien-type egg thumping it and they’re dancing and the music’s clicking and everything’s freaking me out when I’m watching this thing.
And then they all come to this big clearing where there’s this big sea and it’s some kind of a ritual where everybody goes there and it’s the sea of gravy. It’s a sea of gravy and it’s bubbling and, you know, the Gen Z’er is ready to be the sacrifice. So they carry him out into the gravy and then they dunk him in. Next thing you know, he comes out as a chicken nug, a chicken nugget. That’s, that’s not normal, people. And then the big red, bright red letters, uh, believe, pop on the screen.
I mean, this is the day we’re in, right? This is the day we’re in. It doesn’t get any more ludicrous than this. It just, well, if you think about it, this has been going on a long time. I mean, McDonald’s is talking about grimace portals and all sorts of weirdness over there. McDonald’s, all over social media, people are saying all sorts of weird things about this. Even truth seeker, truth seeker of all people. I’ve just reached out to him and let him know. I was doing a little research on this and then they’re, they’re using his post.
This is the day we’re in. A lost man meets a chicken in the woods. This is how mother London, London describes it. Transfixed by the bird’s spell. We’re talking about like a rooster or a chicken, but really kind of like it looks like a rooster. This is spiritually significant, my friends. Take and eat. This is my body. Then he took a cup and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them saying, drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Peter replied, even if all fall away on account of you, I never will. Truly I tell you, Jesus answered this very night before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times. But Peter declared, even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you. And all the other disciples said the same. What can we even believe in anymore? Because, you know, in Norse mythology, Norse mythology, you know, Thor, Loki and all that stuff. Well, they got this thing called Ragnarok. We would call it like Armageddon. Okay. And our, we’ll say our understanding where Ragnarok has a bunch of interesting characters and the characters of Ragnarok, which is like the apocalypse, the end of the world is these three roosters.
Okay. So it’s a little strange, but they’re carrying this giant golden egg into the, into the forest, into the wilderness. And it’s just like, you know, I mean, is it bad advertising or is it good advertising? Because I’m doing a show about it. So now I’m bringing attention to Kentucky Fried Chicken. And I’m saying probably maybe you might want to eat healthier. I’m not saying that there’s human DNA in their food, which by the way, has happened over the years at some of these chains. Not going to name names, but I mean, you know, it’s bound to happen.
You know, with the meat, the grinding fingers getting caught in the machine, getting mixed in. I’m just saying it’s probably a thing, right? I mean, what are you doing? You’re talking about a slaughterhouse. You ever been to a slaughterhouse? Now, this was the second ad, by the way, that they did. The first ad was, it started off talking about AI and how, you know, it’s taken over and it was very strange. Next thing you know, everybody’s possessed. They look like they’re possessed. And then everybody’s walking like a chicken. And then everybody’s walking down the street like a chicken.
This was like six months ago, in June, they started this Believe, you know, Believe campaign. And next thing you know, they’re all circling around and worshiping this rooster, this chicken. I just think that it’s spooky. I think that the whole thing is just odd. And this Norse mythology, the red rooster, I think is Fjarlar. Fjarlar. Fjarlar. Fjarlar. Fjarlar’s crowing signals the beginning of the end. This ad should probably be the beginning of the end of Kentucky Fried Chicken in the UK. Because I don’t know a lot of people that are gonna watch that out on TV and be like, Hmm, yeah, I’m in the mood for some finger licking good chicken, right? It takes a whole new meaning of the word finger licking.
You know what I mean? But that’s just where we are today. Things are so messed up and you’re probably like, Oh, that’s that’s a little too far fetched. Well, they they have been talking about this type of stuff for a long time, humans being in, then you’ve heard the stories, the conspiracies. Now, you know, there was an article just recently. I mean, this is like a couple of years ago. I don’t know if you heard about it. There’s this process of getting rid of human remains liquefying. You basically take a person instead of burning them instead of this, you liquefy them.
It’s called alkaline hydrolysis or liquid cremation. And it doesn’t mean that human remains are fed to the living. This is from Reuters magazine, they were telling everybody that just because the end result ends up in the drinking water, which it does. I was reading this like, how do you not say that? Experts told Reuters that the liquid resulting from the process is thoroughly tested and it’s safe for disposal. There’s no DNA present in the liquid and it is sterilized before entering water treatment facilities. It’s being fed into the water supply.
I don’t care how you want to slice it. That’s basically, you know, I mean, I don’t see the need for that either. Why don’t you just pour it into the backyard, you know, you know, it’s like help grandma become a tree or something. Why does it got to go back into the water supply? That’s a little bit of a weird, weird thing. And it brings up all these movies that we think of serve man from the twilight zone. It’s like it’s about us. It’s a cookbook. It’s a cookbook. Soil and green. You know, and that’s the way things are today, right? You don’t know how I got to tell you something.
I have such a problem buying food anymore. It’s like, you know, you start to realize, you know, the cereals that say they’re hard healthy. It’s like they’re filled with like heavy leads and poison. The baby powder that you thought was like, you know, safe to put on your child’s bum. Oh, it gives cancer. Like the stuff that you hear now, you know, I’m like brushing my teeth with like charcoal. I’ve gotten to that point. I’ve gone, I’ve gone way off the deep end of like, I want to get away from all this super process, over process, crazy food.
I just got into a little back and forth. I got Dan Dan upset because she made rice. And you know, those boiler bags, you know, those heat resistant plastic bags, just, you know, boiling the rice and that. And I’m like, I’m not eating that. And of course, I made a big, steep sink. In other words, you know, in fun. Obviously, it’s not like the Dan Dan. She made dinner. I usually make the dinner, but she makes, she made the dinner. It was such a great dinner. But you know, we have it. She’s of the belief.
We have it. We should use it instead of just getting rid of it. They gave us the wrong ones. But I’m like, I don’t want to boil more plastic. I’m not going to put the vegetables into the microwave. The things, the things I used to do. Oh, my goodness, things are a little bit different now. So it’s no, no, no coincidence that when you have these these gigantic corporations that are profiting from all sorts of probably not the best practices when it comes to the environment and when it comes to animal safety, and I’m sure they follow all the rules, but I’m saying on such a scale, you know, you’re going to have some corners cut or some problems somewhere.
And when all that money involved, oh, it gets real spooky. But you got to tell me in the comment section, if you think that this really bad commercial is, you think it’s something else, you think that there’s disclosure? I sure hope not. I mean, you know what they said? You know what they said? This is something. The fact that they even addressed this, they thought that they were doing like us a favor with this, to be honest. They said they were like, they were on it to like offer something above the mundane, you know, something to get people interested and to think and I was horrific.
It was a horrific thing. This guy’s just alone. All of a sudden, he’s crowded by a bunch of cult members and then he’s sacrificed to the gravy god and he comes out of chicken tender and everybody’s having a great old time. All right, listen, I got to go because there are more important things to talk about, but I wanted to share this with you because it’s just weird. And remind you, maybe you should probably not spend your money on fast food. Eat home, go to the store, get some stuff, make it yourself. A lot healthier, it’s gonna taste better, it’s gonna save you a lot of money.
And you don’t got to worry about all the spooky stuff that all of these, you know, organizations that do have clear ties. They must, I mean, they must, right? With the movers and the shakers in the shadow world, the Illuminati, if you will. Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know. All right, listen, you tell me in a comment section. I love you all. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye. [tr:trw].