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➡ The article discusses a wrestling scene on Netflix where The Rock, acting as the devil, tempts Cody Rhodes, similar to the biblical story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. The author relates this to our current times, suggesting we’re all facing temptations and challenges, much like in a wilderness. He emphasizes that it’s not about personal success, but about following God’s plan, and that we should find fulfillment not in worldly things, but in God’s word.
➡ The text discusses the importance of resisting temptations and staying true to one’s faith in God. It emphasizes that success and happiness don’t come from worldly possessions or desires, but from serving and worshiping God alone. The text also highlights the importance of not testing God or giving in to temptations, but instead, trusting in His plan. Lastly, it discusses personal struggles with temptation and shares strategies for overcoming them, such as focusing on love and faith.
➡ The speaker discusses their personal struggles and faith, encouraging others not to be too hard on themselves. They mention that everyone faces temptations and challenges, but it’s important to keep faith and strive for improvement. They also mention hosting regular meetings on Patreon and promote a product. The speaker ends by expressing gratitude and love for their audience.
A Mhm. Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Yeah. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Hello, my friends. Jacobs here one more time. Thanks for pressing play for spent a little Q. T. With me. You watch wrestling, huh? U W. W. F. Man, you ready, ready for the rock to come over and tempt ya like the devil tempting Jesus in the wilderness this is what’s happening right now in the mainstream you know we’ll say mainstream TV I don’t even know what you say streaming services Netflix right now WWE is a big thing on Netflix and they’re huge and The Rock obviously now he’s part owner with this company he’s one of the you know the big-time board members he’s going by the the title the final boss we’ve talked about him recently on other broadcasts we’re in WrestleMania it was actually like kind of a picture of the devil sifting you like wheat coming down and you know seeing what kind of metal you’re made of but now he’s back in the ring again with Cody Rhodes and probably one of the most cringy segments I’ve ever seen in world wrestling it was like really it was terrible went on for like ever it was like 15 minutes it was very we’ll say it was a little touchy-feely a little weird a little awkward and the devil you know portrayed by the rock in this scene was asking Cody Rhodes to you know basically give me your soul that was the whole thing I can’t play a clip of it of course but you see you see some stills over there in the middle of the ring this is the big thing and the irony is I find it to be something that’s a little check in my spirit I’m like why are they acting out this famous scene this is like the most famous scene in scriptures where Jesus is tempted in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights and in that time he doesn’t eat anything and of course there’s a big-time spiritual meaning to this because when you consume something it’s not just about you’re eating you know an apple or you’re eating a banana because when you eat something you become one with it but really Jesus says in the scriptures later he says the food that he has to eat is to do the will of God so in the wilderness you know he was hungry for the will of God but he didn’t you know it’s it’s it’s a tough place to be because the devil’s in your ear all day long messing with you it’s a scene of temptation so when the rock was in the ring talking to Cody Rhodes and saying them I’ll give you everything if you just be my champion of course I found out to be so strange because of course the gods champion t-shirt that is available by the way if you want to go to the links in the description you just you click on down there and you can support the channel get yourself a gods champion outfit it helps you know what else helps smashing that like but even better sharing the video around how about them apples but don’t just share it to other people because some people like I don’t want to share it because people think you’re a weirdo and I wonder why that is share it to yourself hit the share button just send it to yourself so you could watch it later how about them apples so he’s in the middle of the ring acting out you know this scene I go this is a moment because it is really like it’s kind of like one of the biggest shows right now that it’s on Netflix WWE it’s getting numbers still less than when I was working there because that’s I had a little bit of a time as one of the writers there between 99 and 2001 but still the ratings right now are still off the charge so why is we’ll say the Jesus Barabbas of the world and the American nightmare of the world because that’s what Cody Rhodes is this is a picture of this is a picture of all of us right now in a moment in time where we’re being given a little bit of a temptation you know how are we gonna act how are we gonna behave how are we going to exist in this new order of things this new order where you’re not gonna get a you’re not it’s gonna mess around and you’re gonna find out you know it’s gonna be one of those things so what where where are we and what are we to learn from this so I went back and I looked at this I looked at this and this is found in most in all the gospels but Luke 4 is what I looked at and you gotta understand something because I find it to be a little connected to my journey and what I’m going through right now because right now we’re all kind of in this little bit of a wilderness experience right we were filled with the Holy Ghost just like Jesus was right we were baptized well we’re gonna do the Lord’s work right and then what ends up happening we end up going into this wilderness adventure this this journey where we’re like we had to deal with the virus the crown we had to deal with lockdowns we had to deal with all this stuff and in the midst of it now after going through all that we’re like almost at the end of the journey and that’s the irony because at the end of the journey is when that devil starts to tempt you and the test you right before you get into that promised land because after 40 years in the scriptures it’s very symbolic Israel was wandering around for 40 years until they entered in 40 days 40 nights of temptation it’s 40 weeks to a pregnancy it’s a picture of us spiritually but when I was looking at this because the devil uses three things Jesus full of the Holy Spirit left to Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness so God’s leading led us into this journey that’s the point I want to I want to point that out you didn’t do nothing to yourself okay God has a purpose and a plan for you you want to give your life to God so what happens is the spirit then leads you into the wilderness why so you could be tempted so you could be tested and tried so so that the Spirit of God prevails in the end so you learn a lesson that it’s not on you it’s not about what I can do to make my channel go viral or to get more subscribers which you could do by hitting that subscribe button right there you see that I even put a little sound effect there so that you click it like like Pavlov’s dogs click go subscribe but I can’t I can’t make somebody subscribe you know I can’t decide whether or not my channel is gonna survive or not it’s all in God’s hands and this is what this temptation is about and that’s why it was so it really hit me today the devil said to him okay so this is right afterwards he says where for 40 days he was tempted by the devil he ate nothing during those days and at the end of it he hungered so at the end he’s hungry I’m hungry Lord I’ve been at this a long time Lord I’m starving and the devil said to him if you’re the son of God tell this stone to become bread now I’ve taught what that stone means many times because you know the tablets of stone that Moses wrote the law on okay a stone is hung from the sinner who the millstone hung around his neck so turn the stone into bread and I’ve I’ve used that as an example it’s like turn this rudimentary you know understanding of how God is and his grace and the spirit turning into something that is we’ll say fulfilling but God understands something sometimes a stone you throw it into the water it sinks a stone doesn’t have any life in it if you have a situation that you’re going through right now and and it’s it’s like a stone it’s like it’s like a rock and it’s stuck there and you’re like I’ve been serving God I’m doing the right thing what else can I cut out can I cut out carbs Lord is that the next thing I could do to make my life a little bit better so this stone becomes something that can fulfill me and satisfy me and sustain me the devil’s like hey you’re the son of God right make it work make your child channel go viral you know so I put a little post up this video is gonna go viral then nothing happens you know why because this is what Jesus says it’s written man doesn’t live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of God’s mouth the devil let him up to a high place so here’s the thing now you know what’s really interesting is as I’m reading this it’s almost like I’m hit with a Mandela effect Jesus answered says it is written man shall not live by bread alone the next line you know what it is is probably in one of the other gospels is but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God because that’s God’s will so man’s gonna not gonna live by bread alone so you can’t take the stone and turn it into to bread it’s not about making this work it’s not about taking your your your thing that’s going down the tubes right now or your your trouble that you’re facing right now making it work it’s about understanding that God’s in charge of everything God’s in charge of it you don’t have to live by that you live by every word that comes out of God’s mouth the devil then led him up to a high place and showed him instantly the kingdoms of the world and he said to him I’ll give you all their authority and their splendor it’s been given to me and I’ll give it to you any any one I want to I can give it to if you worship me it will be all yours Jesus answered and says it’s written worship the Lord your God and him alone you serve it’s that’s what the rock was acting out he’s like if you’d just be my champion if you’d just do this I can give you Hollywood I can give you that I can give you everything and ironically if I did certain things for my channel if I will say sold out or if I you know refused to show love when it was very popular to be hateful or if I lied and I exaggerated because in the world if I do that it’ll succeed if I just fall down and worship the devil if you will and what’s the devil the father of all lies the deceitfulness of riches the lusts of the flesh the lusts of the eyes the deceitfulness of riches if I fall down and worship that I’ll give you all this I’ll give you that new Tesla if you just kind of repost all of Elon stuff right I’ll give you that but Jesus said very clearly goes he says it’s written you worship God and you serve him alone I don’t gotta cut corners I don’t gotta play games I don’t gotta you know go along with the crowd even if that means they’re gonna call for my death because that’s what Jesus did that’s the thing you got to be willing to take up your cross in this wilderness you know we’re we’re tempted it’s like how you gonna make it work you’re supposed to be serving God why isn’t it working okay well you know what maybe you should do you know what maybe you should do maybe you should start reposting Alex Jones maybe you should start you know just going along with things maybe you should say Andrew Tate’s alright if you follow that maybe you get into the algorithm and then you get that push Jesus like no no I’m not gonna follow after the ways of the world I’m not gonna do the things that they’re doing because God alone is who we worship and who we serve and then listen to the last temptation because this is the best one you know if you get through the first two then the devil led him up to Jerusalem and he had him stand at the highest point of the temple if you’re the Son of God he said throw yourself down from here for it’s written he’ll give you command of his angels concerning you to guard you carefully then lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone remember what stones are again Jesus said it is said do not test the Lord your God and then devil finished the devil finished that last temptation is like you know what why don’t you just forget about being a moral man why don’t you just forget about it right you’re up there you know that God loves you and you know that God’s in charge right why don’t you just what does it matter why don’t you just do what everybody else why don’t you do the things you used to do again why don’t you throw yourself down and we’ll see how loving God is and he’s like now we’re not gonna tempt God I don’t know about you I don’t know about you Lance but I’m not gonna tempt God what about you my friend you know I think the first temptation kind of even summarizes all three you know because you know to me man shall not live by bread alone I mean I tried that you know all my life because I thought this Bible here this is the Word of God you know and try to live by that but when it really comes down to it man shall live by every word that proceeds forth from the mouth of God so you know an understanding that Christ dwells within us that you know we’re the temple we are the temple and the Word of God dwells within us and through that inspiration through that intuition and all that you know when we when we follow the Word of God it comes forth from within you know I struggle with that sometimes because I know if I’m still I used to I think be still and know that I am that I am God you know I think I might have to go in the room and be still or whatever no what I have to do is when somebody triggers me I just have to be still mm-hmm and you have anything you have anything it’s very hard not to react it’s very difficult you know right away you know you want to want to launch forth with the you know you have rebuttal and anger or whatever emotion that you’re triggered with do you have anything in your life that you that was a stone and you had the temptation that you had to make it work instead of just leaving it on the ground yeah I probably have many of them but I’m gonna I’m gonna pass I’m gonna let rock give you his cuz uh what about you rock so any temptations no well you know you had your daily life temptations I’m mostly most ones that you know I’ve already beat a lot but you know the most what I face is lust you know as a man you know you see a pretty woman and you get them thoughts and you know but for the most part you know only thing really is just lust can I can I tell you how I um I combat that with my you know and it is because look we’re wired we’re men right so we’re wired evolution what are the evolutionary I don’t even know if that’s the word but we’ve evolved from we had these drives to see women that look like they would then take you know our genetic code and then create babies we were programmed from birth to you know be fruitful and multiply so that’s something that’s deep ingrained but the object of your desire and your lust how do you turn it into say your wife or your girlfriend or whatever you know what I started doing I started instead of like you know obviously I stopped looking at porn that’s like a huge thing okay and you know and that could take many many times and you know it’s it’s it’s you gotta understand that God’s God’s grace is like endless and there’ll be they’ll come a time like when I was smoking cigarettes for years back in the day when I just you know many times I tried to quit I desire to quit I prayed to quit and then one day I just didn’t have that urge and I just didn’t go back to it because I knew that that was a demon that was very difficult to get rid of something that you know was bad for me that brought me a lot of shame and I felt bad forcing you the same thing can be said for that so that was that would be one way another way was I started to fantasize about my wife in our adventures it sounds silly but you know like the ones that were like extraordinary I keep them on repeat in my head instead of you know what I mean so it like and I’m older now you can ask anybody who gets it’s over 50 it becomes less and less an issue and thankfully you know I’m very attracted to my wife and I love my wife very much but I’m a man so you know so you understand that you shouldn’t be ashamed of it you’re wired that way but the fact that this is something that bothers you proves your love for the person you’re with in a huge way love is much deeper than the flesh right so the lust of the flesh the product Paul said this he said he prayed about this he said you know it’s like you know the thing that I hate to do the most I’m doing I find myself doing it Lord will you take it away I prayed three times to get rid of this and I’m still you know if there’s a girl’s walking by the micah I’m like come on can you get rid of this for me and God says my grace is sufficient for you this is like this is a process so I guess the first thing to do is to not beat yourself up to too much about it give yourself a little bit of credit for the fact that this is something that bothers you and that you want it to be less of an issue and that faith is proof that it won’t be and I’m proof that it won’t be too because this is something I struggled with I don’t know many men that didn’t struggle with it you know um so I think that that’s that’s pretty amazing but yeah it’s kind of like if you’re the Son of God you know why don’t you just you know go back to it God forgives you no big deal right you see what I mean see how it works give you a little temporary pleasure then you’ll feel miserable for like hours afterwards and pray for forgiveness take a shower do whatever you gotta do to get that stupid shame off of you you’re a good dude I think that you should really be proud of yourself for that oh thank you thank you but yeah it’s just a problem if I know it’s a sanctification process so I just like I said I’ve recognized it I bring it forth and that’s the main thing you’re doing good word yesterday you said being in God’s hands is scary it is scary yeah I mean listen I’m not I’m not the only one that is um you know like I wake up in the morning sometimes I know I put on a brave face and I have a good time with things but you know like anything else there’s a reason why in the scriptures it talks about he’s a man of many sorrows and stuff like this is we’re all gonna go through this the birthing process can be excruciating at times but it can also be so invigorating and so when I am encouraged that a really boring you know part of the WWE was a really boring segment really boring segment and really it’s like you know the storytelling it could have been so much more interesting and cool and but that’s that’s that is what it is but it gets me to then look it up like how many people now are going to maybe learn about that story and about how that temptation we’re all tempted Christ was tempted in all ways that we’re tempted why is that because like Lance said because Christ is in us and all we’re tempted Christ is tempted he took upon himself the sins of world our sins and that’s how we know we’re gonna be delivered from them I don’t know I I was actually tempted in the wilderness today I came to my my dog started running up to a lady and barking at her and she was super scared scared and I guess instead of I was trying to like he’s not gonna attack you like I think you know when dogs when you’re scared dogs see that made they feel that they’ll react to it but I guess my temptation was I was I couldn’t I didn’t handle it properly you know like she kept calling me names but I was trying to be nice but it was just in the moment so I guess I don’t know that kind of a temptation it’s hard to um you know I mean a dog barking is a good thing because the dogs in Scripture the dogs are outside so you shouldn’t really even concern yourself with that but it is it is a scary thing and that person is probably going through something you know this as well as I do that has nothing to do with you Danielle got this she likes this youtuber or influencer named Mel and she has this let them thing like if they’re let them be jerks you know let them be jerks well listen everybody I want to thank you all for coming on by the way we do this every we’re gonna probably do this maybe once a month but we’ve been doing it every every other week here on patreon if you want to join all you gotta do is the link is in the description you join in you can join for free dollar five dollars anything it all helps to channel but everything five dollars and up gets you in here and then we get together and we have a good time and then next thing you know maybe you’re on YouTube so if you want to support the channel that’s one way to do it of course but the way it’s come to an end truly free home but a truly free home and um down the links in the description you get to 300 free loads of laundry if you buy something I mean it’s like that’s like the whole year and it’s awesome toxic free I don’t know it’s a beautiful thing you’re beautiful people I love each and every one of you want to thank all you for coming on the show today god bless you all and we’ll talk to you soon bye bye