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X SOCIAL Media CREDlT SCORE The Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector A Cautionary Tale

By: Jacob Israel
Spread the Truth


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➡ Jacob, a social media user, had a disagreement with another user who used his content without permission. This led to a productive discussion about respect and sharing on the platform. Meanwhile, the platform introduced a new algorithm, similar to China’s social credit score, that promotes positive content and penalizes negative behavior. Jacob, initially upset by his score, realized the importance of respectful interaction and the potential benefits of the new system.
➡ The speaker discusses their experiences with online interactions, including content theft and misunderstandings. They express their desire to be a positive influence and to learn from their mistakes. They also mention their fluctuating social credit score, which they believe is affected by their online behavior. The speaker emphasizes the importance of respectful and intelligent discourse, and believes that everything happening is part of a bigger plan.
➡ This text is about a person who acknowledges their flaws and seeks to improve. They use a biblical parable to illustrate the importance of humility and not judging others. They express gratitude for their supporters and encourage them to stay positive and seek help from God in difficult times. They also share a poem about crying out to God in times of need and hardship.
➡ This text talks about the joy of children playing, friendly neighbors, and the comfort of a cool breeze and a loving home after a hard day’s work. It encourages choosing happiness over sadness and asks what you see in your life and what you aspire to be or believe in.



Hello, my friends. Jacob’s here. One more time. Thank you for pressing the play button. Spending a little time with me, figuring out how to live in this new world that we find ourselves in. Something interesting happened to me on social media, on the X platform, formerly known as Twitter. I got a little bit salty. I got a little bit upset about somebody who, you know, used something that I created in his, his, his video, which went on to be very, very successful. I got a little upset about it, you know, lashed out a little bit, a little reactive, called it lazy and lame.

Needless to say, yesterday we had a little bit of a back and forth, back and forth that I think was productive because we all learn from these things, you know, because when we react out of feelings of whatever I’ve been taken advantage of or frustration or whatever, usually it’s not. We haven’t really thought about it. We haven’t sat back and said, is this even going to be beneficial and profitable? Turns out this thing was pretty profitable. Because right now on the X platform, if you don’t know, there’s a. There’s a big thing going on. And this is directly tied to my experience and the story in the Bible about two people, one a tax collector and one a pharisee.

Tax collectors who were not known to be like the best in the, you know, no one liked the tax. No one likes the tax man, right? And, well, this guy, he goes up asking for repentance because he feels like he’s just such a sinner, such a terrible person. He’s like, forgive me, Lord, I’m so terrible. And then the other one is a Pharisee who’s like, thank God I’m not like this guy over here. Why am I bringing this up? Because when I posted on X about this influencer, his response to me wasn’t like, hey, I’m sorry, you know, it was a mistake.

I saw it, I thought it was cool. I used it in my piece, which he would have made me look like a big baby. Instead, what he did was he basically called me out on being prideful and like, you know, put me down in a very superior way. He said that, you know, the image that I created, it wasn’t my image, that it was the Lord’s and that he encourages his people to share his stuff around freely, like I do you, of course I want you to share my, my videos around. I want you to hit the, like, I want you to comment.

I want you to subscribe and support the channel. I want that because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do it. But also because I believe this is my purpose is to encourage and inspire people. Go gives us the desires of our hearts. And my desire has always been to serve God. But you know, I can learn a thing or two along the way, can’t you? Something that I said for a long time now is I said that, you know, we were going to behave whether we wanted to or not. I said that we were going to find that the world was going to be very uncomfortable if we weren’t following and being, we’ll say, respectful of others.

That’s what’s happening right now it seems on, on the X platform, you know, Elon has now rolled out his new, his Grock 3 and basically the capacity, you know, for this thing. I think that he really wants it to be built on something more positive because for so long how many times do I come on here and complain about people that are gonna, you know, just not be great and they’re gonna say horrible things and they’re gonna make up stories and they’re gonna lie and they’re, they’re going to call things, you know, that they don’t know for a fact to be one way just to provoke, just to instigate many people being insincere, you know, just basically taking other people’s contents and share it and everything else.

But it’s a little bit more complex than that. You know, everybody is where they’re at and it doesn’t necessarily mean that just because a majority of the people on X right now are seem to be more divisive or more upset or more triggered, that’s what people say. I find it very different. The people that follow me on X and if you’d like to, it’s acobIsrael71. They’re very inspiring and encouraging and everything else and I’m supposed to be an example, but you know, this meatball, right, 53 year old, insecure guy, you know, who grew up, you know, I didn’t feel like anybody loved me, father, you know, abandon me, abuse, illness, you know, never it was the loser.

So I’m always, you know, whatever. I always had a problem when I, when I, when I saw people that I thought were insincere and not really out for the right reasons. But who am I to judge right now? I don’t even have to worry about that because now on X, the, the, the, the new algorithm is going to decide, it’s going to judge for us, you know, so in other words, if we’re not behaving and we’re not doing what we should do to be kind, to be courteous to, you know, you can criticize, but do it in a way without saying that this person’s the Antichrist or this person’s.

That many times I feel like I’m a little misunderstood because I’ll, you know, I’ll use thumbnails and I’ll make it look like I’m going to be revealing something. And I do. But it’s always a spiritual thing because this is a battle that’s going on within us. It’s not like we can point the finger at a bad guy outside of us. But I said that the day was going to come when things were going to be a little more strict. They call it social credit score. It’s a big thing that’s happened in China. Now. This is something that I’ve talked about for years and said was coming.

I, you know, just never thought that it would be this quick. And I also never thought that I’d be a little bit intimidated by it because, you know, it’s like, ultimately, don’t we want people to do the right thing? It doesn’t mean you can’t do it, but it just means that now the algorithm is not going to promote it. Maybe put you in a little corner, a little timeout. People have to go look for you if they want to find you. But wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing if, you know, more positivity, more encouragement, more of this stuff is what is actually promoted.

Now, this was all going down at the same time that I was, you know, in this little back and forth yesterday. So I start seeing comments and posts. People is like, what’s your X score, Jacob, if you want to know, you know what a social credit score is something that is used in other countries and in China. It’s one of these things where if you don’t have a. If you have a bad social credit score in China, you can’t, like, go to certain universities, you can’t use mass transit. That’s what some of the stories are. You know, they want people to behave okay.

And in a day where we may be seeing more and more of this type of, we’ll say regime change, where we’re going to have to be told to behave. It’s going to be used, you know, algorithms are going to probably be used to do that. Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing? This is something you have to tell me in the comments section. It’s something that I said was common and now Here it is. And I think to myself, now that it’s here, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Why am I so upset by this? So I asked Grok yesterday.

I say, grok, hey, what’s my, you know, ex social credit score? And he says, based on everything, you’re 75. And I was. I felt a little bad. I’m like, 75, like, C plus. It’s like my high school scores, right? I’m like, come on, Grof. But he got me on a bad day because that was the day that I was going back and forth and acting a little bit. We’ll say, a little bit immature because, you know, the guy called me prideful. So what do I do? What do I do? I show them how prideful I am.

I’m like, oh, yeah? Well, why don’t I challenge you to a debate? And we’ll talk about the core topics. Like, hell, you believe in torture, being tortured endlessly. I don’t. Let’s do it. Let’s see who’s. God’s the best. That’s the way I responded because, you know, I’m a little dramatic. And it’s. It is. You know, I’m still kind of one of those. I’m, you know, I’m still. I’m still just a meatball, and I’m just doing the best that I can. But also, there’s other things going on where, you know, I may not be in the best frame of mind at the time.

And if I see something, just, like, I even forgot about the whole thing in the grand scheme of things, I really was just being a big baby the first time. Who cares? People steal my content all the time. You know, they’re just. Usually. They’ll change things around. In any event, I started to like the guy, even though he kept correcting me. Even called me like a high school school girl at one point. It was pretty funny. He even did, like, a video, too. And I got sucked right in. And it was fun. I mean, because it’s showing us how foolish we are.

We’re supposed to be leaders out here, setting a better example. This is why I have the meatball hat, so that you don’t put me on, right? I say, come by you want, you’ll get. You’ll thirst. You’ll thirst again. If you just think that this is all there is. You gotta. You gotta go elsewhere. But I found it interesting because it happened at the same time that all this stuff was happening. So I was excited. I’m like, okay. And then I asked Grok. I’m like, well, you know, Grok, I really want to do good, you know? And I know people are gonna be like, I can’t believe you’re doing that.

We’re there. It’s. It’s. It’s already a thing, you know, it’s. You have to understand how something operates to be able to be super effective there. That’s where the people are. What else am I supposed to do? I want to. I gotta go where the people are. I’m learning from it. I’m learning from it. And I actually felt a little bit of a check. I felt a check. And then when I got my social credit score, it was like 75. Then I got another one. It was like, you know, he said, well, let me reevaluate. He’s like, possibly an 80.

I was like, oh, sweet. Then I woke up this morning, and then I asked again, and I said, well, what’s my X score? And he’s like, 38. Then I noticed that 38 is going around a lot. Some people that have 38, some people, they’re not very nice at all. All the time, right? Some other people are a little controversial. But I’m like, you know, so I asked. I said, so why is this? And he. What Grok said was, you put this comment out. And the comment was. I was referring to the video that I just did with the Economist magazine where I, you know, basically said there was, like a Trump space void in it.

Not like, that’s a negative thing. I’m hoping that there’s going to be a positive transfer of power. Look, he’s the President of the United States. This is what God chose, right? And unless God wants to change it up, I pray that it goes smoothly. And I want to believe and have faith because we can’t do anything else, but. But maybe we can come together. Jesus says, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, right? You could say to this, you know, you could say to this president over here, do good in the world and create the world better, and it will listen to you.

This is what I believe. So I can’t get sucked down into the negativity. I can’t get sucked down into the nonsense, even though it produced something good. So this is weird. So he gives me this, you know, the very small, tiny score, 38. I was like, oh, my goodness. I’ve never gotten a feeling great. I felt terrible. I was like, what kind of an example am I if I’m getting 38 on there? Like, I want. I want to Be positive. I want to encourage. I share poetry every day. I shared a poem yesterday that I wrote yesterday called Cry out to the Lord, which I’ll probably share later because, you know, this is not an easy thing.

What we’re all going through right now is a very difficult time. It’s birthing process. It’s like labor pains, right? We’ve been pregnant for so long, but now we got to give birth. So of course things are going to get a little more restricted, right? Constricted. But of course it’s going to feel like, it’s going to feel like, oh no, the whole world’s coming to an end. But what if it’s all working together for the good? So I ask, I said, well, why do I get this bad score? And he says, well, you put out this post and the post was like a Trump spaced, Trump sized vacuum on the COVID You see, it’s a silhouette.

I get it. He’s still there. People are saying, but for whatever reason you look at this and Rob even said, trump is gone. And I was like, cool. And I reached out to him. I think he’s bush buggin on YouTube. You should check him out. I believe that’s right. But he said, oh, Trump’s gone. And I was like, wow, that’s interesting because that’s kind of like my fear, you know, that there’s going to be some kind of a swerve and he end, you know, on January 6th, there’s going to be, they have to, you know, put in the votes, right? They got to make sure that they approve of this.

And I was kind of already concerned about January 7th because of all the things going down with that, you know, that guy that, that did that terrible thing and lit that poor woman on fire. This world needs to change though. I responded back to Gronk, I’m like, well, Grog, that wasn’t a negative thing. That was more like I was talking about a cover of a magazine. And then Grok said, oh, okay, well now, knowing that that context was an issue, I mean, I thought the smiley laughy face would have done it. He said, now you’re. And I say he.

Like it’s a he or she. Who knows? Now you’re a 65. So one little post brought me from 65 to 35. So then I get a little worried. I’m like, oh, oh, geez Louise, geez Louise. You know, maybe I better. I’m gonna go, I’m gonna see if I can change my score. This is what I do. So I was already Kind of upset that I had this little back and forth beef with this guy who. See, I guess he seems like a. He’s a young guy. Look, I’m 53. I’m. I can at least know when, you know, when I’m acting like a little childish.

I was acting a little childish yesterday. It was a little bit fun because, you know, sometimes you want to just, you just want to like, you know, when you see wrong, you want to say something. And then they’re going to, oh, you’re going to call me prideful. I want to debate you, pal. Come on the show. Which, by the way, I hope he does come on show. I think it would be really fun. I would love to have helpful conversations about these big topics, you know, without the whole, you know, emotion that, you know, somehow gets sucked into it.

But I decided, I saw, I deleted all these things and I even posted that I was going to do so because you know what? I want to do the right thing. I don’t want to do the wrong thing. I don’t know about you. And you know what’s ironic is yesterday I thought about doing this video on that parable from the scriptures about the two men. And it’s found in the book of Luke, Chapter 18, the Parable of the tax collector and Pharisee. And what I wanted to do was I wanted to like use my altercation with this influencer, this back and forth, because I got upset because I felt I was wrong, which I was wrong.

All you had to do was put a little Jacob71. You didn’t even have to like, shout me out, you know, you just said Jacob71. You know, that’s all he had to do. But maybe in the future he will. And in the grand scheme of things, maybe he just wasn’t thinking about it. Whatever doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Needless to say, a lot of people chimed in and it was funny. And I thought to myself, oh my goodness, I need to be a better example too. So maybe I deserve that 38 score. And, you know, until I realized it had nothing to do with that.

It had to do with one simple comment, which is very strange. It’s very strange. It’s peculiar. Going forward, I think that we need to be a little more aware of this stuff. But maybe people will, you know, realize they can’t be so hateful. Maybe they’ll try to frame things in an intelligent and rational way. I know what some people are going to say. It’s like, oh, Jacob, you’re calling for censorship, calling for. No way am I calling for anything. I’ve been saying it was going to happen, and it’s here. I said, come hell or high water, you’re going to behave.

Remember how many times I’ve been saying it? It’s happening. It’s happening. And it’s like I can’t think. Like, if I really put my mind to it, I can’t think that anything that happens in the world is not God ordained. And the day that we’re in is a day where people should learn that they’re not so great. And even. Even though I be, we’ll say, a leader of the faith, a forward thinker of the faith, someone who’s been doing this for a long time, someone I know that is respected and, you know, and. And admired and appreciated.

I know this. I could still be a meatball, right? I can still get upset when I see what I perceive as being wrong done to me. I can still lash out, like it. Like a. Like a goofball. I do it, all right? I do it. But what do I do? I. I realize I could be better. And I say, I’m sorry, Lord. I shouldn’t let these things pop. I gotta move on to bigger things, better things. And so I wanted to, like, use him as this example because he, like, felt so, like, I don’t need to do anything, you know, that was not your content.

It was the Lord’s. I’m going, you know, it’s like someone comes to my house and like, this is not your house. It is Lord’s. Because, of course, the Lord gives us everything, right? But I wanted to do it in a way that was, like, kind of putting him down. And I think that we’re all just a bunch of silly gooses who’ve probably been, you know, had our lives gone through so much stuff where you make mistakes and you don’t know any better, and. But maybe we could be people that learn from it. So in this parable, you have these two, okay? To some who were confident of their own righteousness and look down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable.

So in other words, there are people that were like, I know what I’m doing is right, and the heck with any of you, okay? You see how I was, like, currently gonna kind of tie the two together. I’m not saying that guy was doing that, but this is what Jesus wanted to point out. Two men went up to the temple to pray. One a Pharisee, the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and he prayed, God, I thank you that I’m not like the other people. I’m not a robber or an evildoer or an adulterer, or even like this tax collector.

I fast twice a week. I give 10th of all I can get. But the tax collector stood at the distance. He wouldn’t even dare look to heaven, but he beat his breast and he said, God, have mercy on me, a sinner. I tell you, Jesus said, this man rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all those who humble themselves will be exalted. That’s a huge lesson. That’s a huge lesson. Because I could be like that Pharisee. Thank God I’m not like those other ones that don’t even know that hell is not endless.

Thank God I’m not like that. I could be like that. But I’m telling you, at the end of the day, I am always the man that is crying out to God saying, help me to be better. Teach me the truth, no matter what the cost. It’s on the back. If you want to support the channel, that’s the way to do it. Thank you for those who do, by the way. And I’m also thinking about. I’m also thinking about putting a little album together for those of you that, you know, are supporting me on Patreon. You know, this is.

This is just. It’s really one of my greatest joys in life is to be able to do all this. And those that go above and beyond, those that like that, share that, do that. That’s. That’s. I. I’m grateful for it. I’m grateful for it. And. And I know that it’s by God’s grace alone. You know, sometimes I don’t want to be like Jonah, where Jonah was like the prophet. He said, you better get. I told you this was going to come. Two years, two months, two days. I told you, right? And then, you know, the gourd, the leafy gourd, the shelter, the beautiful life that God placed above Jonah that gave him such comfort.

All of a sudden, his subs, they stay. They start dwindling. His fae is there and he doesn’t understand why. So he works harder. He’s like, I don’t understand. Lord, I knew that you were a God of love and you were going to spare everybody. I’m still looking for another story, another chapter of Jonah’s life, but I can feel like that sometimes. But I’m like that guy, standing, crying, coming to God and saying I’m not worth worthy, I’m not worthy. I don’t feel worthy. And so I wrote a poem yesterday. Cry out to the Lord, you who are heavy laden and boredom.

Cry out to the Lord. Cry out to the Lord. Cry out from your heartache, your misery and despair. Cry out to the Lord who never went anywhere. Cry out from your weakness, cry out from your pain. Cry out with questions about things you can’t explain. Cry out from the race after losing your pace. Cry out for the years you felt like a disgrace. Cry out to the Lord. Cry out to the Lord. Cry out to the Lord if you need a hand to lift you when drowning and you don’t understand why things can be so hard in this godforsaken land.

Cry out to the Lord. Cry out to the Lord. Cry out to the Lord if you lived as a drunkard or whore while desperately yearning for more. Cry out to the Lord to break the chains of the enemy’s hordes who want to bring you to heal by sticking your nose to the floor. Cry out to the Lord. Cry out to the Lord. Cry out to the Lord. And from the mud of your anger, jealousy and scorn from which day and night you mourn, you will no longer be torn by every wound one of the enemy’s thorns.

Instead of wishing you were dead when all your trouble comes to a head, you’ll rise up on eagle’s wings and begin to soar. Cry out to the Lord, Cry out to the Lord. There is a calm river he wants you to explore. There is a table waiting to overflow with more. And it will be seen when your heart is clean by all the enemies God places placed it before. Cry out to the Lord, Cry out to the Lord doesn’t matter if you don’t feel worthy. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done before. It doesn’t matter what you have or have not.

All that matters is taking this advice many forgot. Remember the wife of Lot. Cry out to the Lord. Cry out to the Lord. For only God is your salvation. This you can no longer afford to ignore. Thank you very much. That was my poem. I’m a poet and I know it. And I love you for letting me share it with you. So you got to tell me in the comment section if you think that this is a bad thing or a good thing. Do you think that God ordains even these people that are, you know, moving and shaking and manipulating society? Do you think that this positivity algorithm is going to be a good thing? I, for one choose to be positive and I choose to cry out to the Lord when I’m not feeling so hot.

I love each and every one of you. Please do like the video. Share the channel around. Hit subscribe. Get the truly free home products. If you want to support too and you want to clean your house, you. You could do that. You save money. Better products. 30% off with code Jacob go to that’s so awesome. Their dish soap is so great. The dishwasher, it’s just. It’s the. The whole thing is a great company. You should definitely support it and. And it helps me out. Use code Jacob. 30% off. Anything else that you do for the channel, I’m grateful for.

I thank you. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye bye. What do you see? What do you want to believe? Empty garbage cans in the street Maggots crawling looking for me the snake hides beneath the doghouse surrounded by leaves the pool runs to no one the winds overcome the surrounding concrete Colored mulch cover the ant and termite kingdoms as the woodpecker burrows into a dying tree the flowers shrivel While the neighbors pretend to be civil Hiding their misery the truck carrying oxygen squeals as it feels like a tamer so a young child can breathe the blood and bustle cause mutter sounding like thunder as the middle aged man pretends to yell again but no one is deceived what do you see? What do you want to believe? Believe the day is long past now and it’s time for the landscapers to go to sleep.

Perhaps tomorrow all the beauty around them they will once again see what do you see? Do you want to believe? The sun rises and this rising sun the landscaper meets he returns to learn a different lesson this week the vine blooms purple with delicate flowers A heart shaped bush above the sun garden towers an ocean of green beneath his feet Children laughing as they play in the street Neighbors putting aside their worry and ignore your hurry to shake hands and allowing eyes to meet the cool breeze comforts and wipes away the day’s heat A loving home waits fairly to embrace the soft bed to ease weary feet Job well done, good noble servant now enjoy the beauty of your labor as you take your seat Give chosen wealth is he having Instead of hell it’s always better to choose joy over misery what do you see? What do you want to be? What do you see? What do you want to believe? What do you see? What do you wanna.



Spread the Truth


benefits of respectful online interactions biblical parables about humility expressing gratitude for supporters impact of social media algorithms on user behavior importance of respectful discourse online joy of children playing outdoors learning from online misunderstandings managing social credit score online poetry about seeking divine help positive influence in online communities seeking help from God in difficult times social media content sharing etiquette

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