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Ancient Maps Phantom Islands!

By: JayDreamerZ
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➡ In this episode, we’re exploring ancient maps from the middle and dark ages that depict our world differently, with features like phantom islands and mythical creatures. The host encourages viewers to submit their own strange maps for review. The discussion includes the translation of ancient languages on the maps, the depiction of geographical features, and the possibility that the earth’s landscape has significantly changed over time. The host also mentions his interest in the ancient arctic lands and the significance of certain symbols on the maps.
➡ The text discusses a detailed examination of an ancient map, highlighting various elements such as images of knights, animals, and geographical features. The author speculates about the map’s symbols, like a possible depiction of divine honey-seeking explorers, knights in metallic clothing possibly for protection against electricity, and large animals suggesting a time of gigantism. The author also questions the map’s date, suggesting it might be from 539 instead of 1539, and discusses the depicted tribes’ nomadic nature. The author expresses a desire to translate the map fully to better understand its mysteries.
➡ The text discusses a detailed analysis of various ancient maps, focusing on unique features like a four-quadrant island, mythical creatures, and unusual human activities. The author also mentions the explorers Magellan and Columbus, suggesting they were not merely explorers but were searching for something specific.
➡ The text discusses explorers’ quests for spices and other resources, the resistance they faced from local populations, and the murder of Magellan. It also delves into the interpretation of various historical maps, highlighting features like the Hyperborean Ocean and the island of Hyperborea. The author speculates on the meanings of various terms and symbols on the maps, and mentions the possible connections to Marvel comics and the story of Noah’s flood. The text ends with the author expressing a desire to visit Egypt and explore the Great Pyramid.
➡ The text discusses various historical maps and globes, focusing on the depiction of a central island or landmass, often referred to as Hyperborea. The author suggests that these maps show a time when the world was different, with land bridges connecting continents that were later separated by rising waters. The author also discusses the symbolism and names found on these maps, suggesting they hold clues to our past.
➡ The text discusses various historical maps, focusing on their unique features and interpretations. It mentions light beams and pillars, the concept of Mount Meru at the world’s center, and the idea of the fountains of youth. The text also explores the depiction of different regions, such as Hyperborea, Tartaria, and Asia, and speculates on the existence of phantom islands and fantastical creatures. The author suggests that these maps may contain hidden meanings or represent lost knowledge.
➡ The speaker explores a detailed map, pointing out various interesting features such as potential locations for mythical places like Lemuria and Noah’s Ark, as well as unusual creatures and landmarks. They also mention their books on ancient mysteries and encourage viewers to check out their website for more information.
➡ The text simply says “to wake up.”
➡ The text discusses ancient maps and theories about the North Pole, suggesting it was once home to a magnetic island and beams of light. The author believes these maps and stories gave rise to tales of piratism and giants, like Hercules, who were associated with these mysterious islands. The text also suggests that these maps were not just products of imagination, but were based on real observations and experiences, including encounters with magnetic islands that could pull in and crash ships. The author concludes by expressing interest in further exploring these theories in his new book.
➡ The text describes a detailed exploration of a map filled with various fantastical elements. It mentions people praying to poles, giants throwing boulders, and creatures resembling dinosaurs and dragons. The text also talks about people riding giant deer, strange mannequins on mountains, and sea monsters attacking ships. The author questions the authenticity of these depictions and suggests they might be representations of ancient myths or legends.
➡ The speaker discusses a variety of topics, including theories about whales attacking boats, the origin of icebergs, and the interpretation of ancient maps. They suggest that icebergs could be pieces of a sky dome that broke off, and they analyze various features on an old map of Iceland, including mountains, possible volcanoes, and strange structures. They also speculate about the meaning of certain words and symbols on the map.
➡ The speaker is analyzing various maps, discussing the depictions of giant sea creatures and other unusual elements. They suggest these could represent real creatures or phenomena, like gigantic bugs and plasma volcanoes. They also mention hearing strange sounds in the atmosphere, possibly due to electricity. The speaker also identifies various locations and discusses their potential meanings or translations.
➡ The text discusses a detailed analysis of an ancient map by Gerardus Mercator, a renowned cartographer. The map features phantom islands, which are islands that are believed to not exist. The author suggests that these islands, filled with cities, towns, and detailed landscapes, might have been real places that were renamed after their inhabitants migrated. The author also theorizes that the Earth carries its own charge, with these phantom islands acting as anodes and cathodes, receiving and emitting energy.
➡ The text discusses an intriguing rock formation in the Arctic Ocean, identified as a magnetic pole on an ancient map. The author suggests this could be a plasma volcano and links it to Wrangel Island, located between Alaska and Siberia. The island, which is off-limits and highly protected, is known for its mammoth fossils, leading to theories about its volcanic nature and possible connections to the inner earth. The author also notes a neighboring island that is completely obscured on Google Earth, adding to the mystery.
➡ The text discusses Wrangel Island, a mysterious place in the Arctic Ocean. The island, which is part of Russia, is known for its unique features like cliffs that rise straight from the sea, a warm climate, and a variety of wildlife including woolly mammoths. The author suggests that the island’s unusual characteristics, such as its volcanic activity and frequent fogs, might be due to electromagnetic forces and warm air from the earth’s interior. The text also explores the idea that the island could be a lost paradise, hidden by fog and protected by natural barriers.
➡ The text discusses the possible migration paths of people from a central island, possibly through the Euphrates, to places like Alaska, Canada, and Asia. It also explores the origins of the Tartarian Empire and the significance of various geographical locations and names. The text further delves into the interpretation of ancient maps, including those by Mercator, and their depiction of the world, including the concept of the ‘dome’ or the top of the world. The author also shares his thoughts on various symbols found on these maps.


Who are you in this vast multitude? Aloha, and welcome to today’s ancient oblivion episode. Boy, do I have an adventure for you today. We’re going to explore lots of old and ancient maps. Maps that show strange things, anomalous things like phantom islands and mythic creatures and, uh, basically maps from the middle ages, around the middle age times, and some around the dark ages that depict our world as being somewhat different. Completely different, really. And we’re going to explore these. This is just a little thumbnail I created in the background. I want to check these out. And if you have a map that you’d like to submit for me to check out and maybe share with people that show strange, anomalous things, feel free to visit my website and go to my omens tab and go ahead and upload your map for me to check out and consider.

Good to see everybody in the chat today. Hey, what’s up, everyone? Good to see? Yes, it’s going to be a good presentation. Earth wisdom’s in the chat and says that. All right, cool. So without any further ado, thumbs up if you guys can hear me. Okay. If you don’t mind, I’m going to go ahead and make myself a little smaller here on the screen so that way we can see mostly the maps. I really want, I don’t want to be in the way too much. I just want to. I’m going to shrink down in size. Very small.

There we go. One side will make you grow smaller. All right, cool. We’re definitely going to talk about this particular section, too. And I also want to give a shout out to static in the attic. Thank you so much for your videos. Your last one. So there’s a channel called static in the attic and one of the last videos he shared, he was sharing this particular map that I made the thumbnail of. And that’s the first one that we’re going to go over, actually. So big shout out to that channel. Let me go ahead and let’s see.

We’re going to. We’re going to choo choo. Boom. There we go. Oh, hey. It’s the chat high fives all the way across the board. And then we’re going to go to our first map here. You guys want to see the COVID of my new book? I happen to have it up. This is tentatively the COVID of my book, the front and the back cover. But yeah, we’re going to start off with this map right here. Now, I’m going to use different websites as I share. Let me make sure the audio is good. Oh, lots of thumbs ups.

Sweet. Well, thank you. All right, cool. The audio is good. Let’s go ahead and share some of these maps. Let’s see this first one. I do like to use this website called David So that’s where this first one is going to come from. And let’s check this one out. This one. A lot of these are going to be in the arctic area, which is, my particular area of interest is the ancient arctic lands, but we’re going to check out the rest of the world as well. So this one’s really interesting. And this is the one that static was sharing over on his channel.

I’m not saying that, you know, I know him or anything. I just wanted to make sure I say thank you because I appreciate the inspiration to share this particular map. This is really interesting. I love all of these old world maps that show all of these little pictures. They’re so detailed, even in these mythic islands, these phantom islands, like these ones up here. Let’s see. We’ll do this one right here. Right. They have, like, all these little place names. They show you the geography. They show you where all the little towns were located, rivers, et cetera.

They’re extremely detailed. Right. And one of the things I like to do in my spare time is to translate. A lot of times these older maps are written in an ancient form of Italian or Latin, basically. This one looks like Latin. It looks like there’s a lot of latin words going on here. You can often tell that’s Latin, especially whenever they use the letter v instead of the letter u right there. But let’s check this out. I want to start off. Let’s see. Where should we start on this map right here. I’m going to start over here in the corner.

So this is like Scotland, right? Scotty Potters. You see how it says potters right there? That basically means part of, and it’s, it’s a synonym for land, basically. So Scotty land or Scotty potters. And then we’ve got Engli or Angley Potters. Right. England, basically. Hey, well, thanks for the donation. Hulu. Hulu cuco. Thank you for the donation. All right, cool. Let’s check this out. Now. Let’s see. We’ll start over here. I just kind of want to go through, I’m really interested in the top of, of this particular area right here. You can see where it says mare Germani or Germani, right.

That means sea. Anytime you see Mar or Mari or mori, etcetera, any of those derivatives, it means large body of water or sea. You can also say ocean, really? And some of the ocean names are really interesting, too, what they chose for these ocean names. You’ll also notice that on some of these older maps, sometimes they’ll show you castles. This one is interesting because it’s on fire. It’s got some sort of a light on the top of that. That’s an interesting one there. And then sometimes they show you these, these little tents, these tartarian style looking tents.

They indicate little nomadic tribes that have settled in those areas. Let’s see, I’m just gonna scroll down over here towards the bottom. Saxonia inferior. So the lesser saxon area you see down here. Right, okay, let’s check out some more. Let’s see. Now, I wanted to scroll on over. Now, this one’s really interesting, too. So let me, let me show you the whole map, actually, and then I’ll come back to the bottom so that, that way we can see what we’re dealing with. So up here is Iceland, right? Which I really, we’re gonna get to Iceland and these northern islands up there at the top, and this is like Scandinavia up here, etcetera, right? So let’s go back down towards the bottom.

And I like on this map where they show you all of this ice, the oceans were a bit different, right. We, I feel right, based on my research and cartography and whatnot, that oftentimes, when in the modern world, academia looks at these older maps and they say, oh, well, you know, they were just imaginative. They didn’t know what they were depicting, et cetera. Like all of this ice. Look at all this ice. This is a little ice sheet all the way around right here. I know it’s a nice sheet because we’ll see people walking on it and stuff here later on.

But these older maps depict our land so much differently. And in the modern world, because it doesn’t look like that any longer, academics assumes that the people were just imaginative, or that they were making things up, or that it was based on myth that has no merit and or factual basis to it. Or how about this? How about the land used to look different? How about the earth goes through changes, and the. The ocean itself or the flood waters really have changed, right? They’ve increased or decreased, changing the land itself. And the land itself is able to be changed.

Here’s another little building that’s on fire. Check this one out right here. That’s interesting. I wonder why they have these buildings on fire. That’s why I like to translate these and if you have any of these ancient maps and you speak Italian or Latin and you can translate some of the information, especially if it’s interesting or strange or anomalous, I’d love to hear your translation of these ancient maps. I feel like we would do well as a community of truth seekers to put our minds together and start translating some of what these ancient maps actually say so that people can understand them and come together to examine them like we have.

Here’s one with little king. And this image right here is the phoenix. You see how it has its arms or its wings spread out to the side like that? It looks like roadkill, really. Right? These are cosmic birds. Okay. They’re not actual birds that, you know, spread their legs out and spread their wings off to the side like that. If you took a bird’s wings and spread it out like that to the sides, it would probably break its bones. Right? They don’t, birds don’t typically have their wings spread outwards. They’re on their, they’re up higher on their back and they go outward from their back, and they definitely don’t do that with their legs stuff.

But this is the phoenix. This is what the image, this is a cartoonified emblem of the terrestrial beam of plasma that shoots up from Mount Meru. We’re also going to take a look at Mount Maru on many of these maps. Since I just finished my book, I’m just formatting it right now. Called ancient oblivion. Return to hyperborea. Thank you, Kim, for your donation. I appreciate you. That was very kind of you. Alright, here we got some images of these bears climbing up these trees. There’s some bees right here. We talked about the, the divine bees and the sacred honey that they produce and how there was an ancient nobility sent explorers to many different parts of the world to find this divine honey of the gods or sacred honey of these, these spiritual types of bees and stuff.

All right, let’s see what else we have. We’ve got a knight in armor on top of a horse, and it looks like he’s jumping over a bull or something. That’s interesting. We got more knights over here, so you can tell this is more of the medieval period, right? Now, these ones have their cannons. I love how, I love these big maps where I can really zoom in and get the detail on them. Right. They’ve got these three cannons pointed over here at what looks like a garden gnome. This is like the land of the garden gnomes.

Not really. This one’s interesting too. It’s got a knight and he’s on top of this lake or what? It looks like a lake on this horse. That’s interesting. Let’s see what else we can find here. The more further north we get, the more interesting I feel things are going to get. Here’s one of some sort of pope looking figure holding his little staff or magic wand or whatever it is. Here’s an interesting looking bird, a strange pig looking animal or wild boar or something. This is over towards Moscow, right? You can see it says moskovi, which is basically Moscow or Russia.

And then it says pars, right underneath that. Now, check this out. This is where you see there’s a difference between the seawater and where it’s frozen over, right. You got all these people over here that are on skis, walking on the ice between the two lands. And then over here you have the actual water where it’s all melted. Right. So our earth is going through these changes relatively quickly. It’s just that we have such short lifespans that. Let me just check on the chat. Everybody’s good? Okay, cool. We have such short lifespans that we don’t recognize the changes that we’re going through on a larger timescale.

Right. Here’s another picture of one of these knights in this armor. And I talk about this quite often, how the atmosphere was electrically amplified and. And there was a stronger charge in the atmosphere. And so these people wore these protective clothings, or metallic clothing, etcetera, to keep them safe from the electricity, etcetera. And then they also had these pikes, right. These act as lightning rods, basically, to keep them or to lessen the chance that they will get struck by any type of cosmic thunderbolts. Now let’s go from Moscow, let’s go up northwards and head to the more interesting parts of this particular map.

Now this is interesting. What is this? I don’t even know what that is. Carnivore today gave me $10. Says many thanks to you, j the good vibe tribe. Let me give you a little heart on the little comment. I appreciate you for all your research. You’re very welcome. I love doing this is. This is my passion. I love teaching, sharing information, just sharing my path and the things that I’ve discovered with everybody. This one’s interesting. Is there some sort of creature right here? It looks like the Loch Ness monster’s head sticking out of the waters here.

And there’s also a type of brayer patch all the way around it. But look at this. What is that? I never. I never really noticed this before. It looks like it might be some sort of water and. But it looks like there’s an explosion coming out of it. Is that a volcano? I’m not sure what this is supposed to be. That’s why I really would like to translate these maps. I’ve done many translations, especially. I’ve almost fully translated all of Mercator’s maps, especially his arctic map. Now, we’re gonna take a look at that one next, actually.

All right, we’ve got this dude fighting these huge snakes over here with some clubs. Interesting. We’ve got a knight that’s looks like pulling. Leading a sleigh that’s pulled by this huge reindeer over here. What else we got? It looks like this creature is bringing this dude a fish so he can cook. So the animals, the giant animals working with humans. I’ve done many videos talking about how in our ancient oblivion, that gigantism existed, right? Many of the animals used to be gigantic insects. Many insects used to be gigantic. The insects that survived and adapted to the ocean became seafood or shellfish.

Essentially, they’re gigantic bugs. But gigantic animals also used to exist. Now, here’s one that looks like it could be a unicorn. And more people being sledded across the ice shelf. That’s right here. You see this ice shelf between the two lands there? That connects them. This sort of Iceland bridge. Here’s a gigantic bird up here. There. Oh, man, I’ve done so many good videos about huge birds. Massive birds. Of course, one of the more popular birds that’s gigantic in the ancient times was known as the rock. It’s said that the rock, this huge bird would swoop down and pick up elephants, pick them up into the air and drop them.

And I’ve shared many pictures of gigantic eagles and vultures and other large birds of today that can and do pick up deer and goats and stuff. And there’s pictures of those all over the Internet. I don’t have any of them pulled up right now, but you can easily research that and check it out for yourself to see whether or not that’s possible. Here we’ve got some large wolves or dogs or something that look like they’re fighting against the. These deer or whatever is happening over here. This guy’s milking a deer. Check this out. Or I don’t know if that’s a deer.

I don’t know what that’s supposed to be, but he’s milking it, whatever it is. That’s huge. And it looks serious. And it’s got three antlers. That’s interesting. All right, so we’ve got some more unicorn action. What else we got over here? Oh, here we go. So here’s some people on these icebergs, and it looks like they’re fighting against some sort of creatures that are on the icebergs up here. There’s like a huge squirrel looking creature stuck on this iceberg in the middle of the lake. What else we got over here? Oh, let me tell you when this map was created here, too.

Here, I’ll come back down. Up here in the corner, I like to look for the dates of these maps. This one says Anno, which means year. Anno Dhoni. I’m not sure what Dhoni means. Possibly lord. Possibly our lord, Anno Dhoni. And then it looks like it says 1536. You see that? 1536. At first glance, it looks like 1536. However. Is this a number? Is this one, as we’ve discussed before. Right. Many people are looking into this to see if a thousand years were actually added to our timeline. Our timeline has been so messed up, maps and our calendar systems, time has been added and taken away, huge chunks, hundreds of years and then possibly even a thousand, if this is true, so that we’re lost.

We’re the lost tribes. So this is possibly a j. Actually, look at the difference between this, which has a little slit down there at the bottom, and the I, which is also used as a one, as you can see, 52, 53 over here, 54. This is 51. You have the eye that has little, little lines across the top and the bottom. But over here on the year, they don’t use that same one. You can see the I right here, too, next to it. This is a j. This is an ancient medieval j, 539. And it’s completely different than the letter right next to it.

And it’s completely different from the number system that they used as far as the font that they chose. Right. So it’s very interesting that these dates might be different. So this could be the year 539 instead of 1539, which actually makes a lot more sense to me. This is the scythian ocean, the Oceanos, Scythicus, they could call that. This is basically the Tartarians. This is the Scythians, this is the northern tribes. These are the Phoenicians also, basically, that were the seafarers that came from the north, from Hyperborea, from the lands up north, and then they migrated on down this direction into the southern continents, where we now inhabit and live.

And then they would. They would be nomadic in nature, which is why you tend to see, like, tents like this. These are those nomadic, tartarian style tents that I was talking about. You’ll see these spread across the northern hemisphere all the way around. As those tribes made their way down, landed on these highlands right after the floods waters came. These, this is what’s left is the highlands. They landed on these highlands and then they would be nomadic in nature and they would circle around and they would leave their marks. And you can see there where they used to set up shop or settle, some of them settling and staying, some of them incorporating themselves into families down here of those of the Southlands and nobility and different tribes of the Southlands.

But they would tend to just walk across and see settle as they made their way across up there. Now, right next to the date up here, let’s check this out. This is the top. This. They don’t show you the North Pole on the map, but they still put it there. See how it says Polvus or polis, which means pole. The reason it’s called pole is because there’s an actual pole, a bar, a beam of light, a column, a pillar that shoots up out of the earth. Not just one, but many, but the largest of those is at the North Pole, in the middle of the world, at the exact center of the world.

And it’s interesting, on many of these older maps, they put the sun right there, right above the North Pole, where the North Pole would be. It’s oftentimes represented by some sort of a symbol or a sigil that represents light or a sun, basically. Right. When the sun never rests or doesn’t typically rest above the north Pole. All right? And then right underneath that, clearly, we can see this. This is of particular interest. And this section right here is why I used this as the thumbnail, this little island, right, which it might not be as close as it looks like on the map.

Right. And right next to it, you can see those tartarian style tents. I’m just going to call them that. Okay. Many tribes were nomadic in nature and used these types of tents. But you can see this circular island right there, directly underneath where it says polis arctus. And then there’s these other subsequent phantom islands we’ll call those surrounding it. Right, acting as what I believe to be anode and cathode islands, energetically speaking. It says insula magneto or magneta magnetic island. That’s what this means. It is a magnetically charged island which gives rise to many different stories of ships that would get too close to those magnetized islands.

And if those ships had metal, especially the nails, and things like that. And if the ships were actually made out of metal, they would start floating closer and closer to those magnetic islands and crash into them. In my new book, I give many examples of these theories that I have about these ancient stories of these ships crashing into what are called lodestone mountains, or mountains that are completely magnetic, so strong that they actually attract and pull weapons and armor and ships and stuff like that. So many times, these ships would crash into these islands over here.

Now, those people that survived, and you can read more about this in my new book, once it’s out, those people that survived those crashes would be marooned. They’d be stuck, they’d be stranded on these little magnetic islands, or. Or islands of power, places of power, as I like to call them. And they would go through, naturally, all of the debris and the trash and the rubble and the wreckage, and they would. They would pick up the pieces and the parts of what they could in order to try to make themselves a new boat and get the heck out of there, right? But in the meantime, they’d become accustomed to the new land.

They would get used to it, and then they would probably see other ships crashing into it, and then they would go loot those ships. This gives rise to piratism, or the people that are from these magnetic islands that produce terrestrial beams of light. The pirot, or the light people. The people from the lights. The pirot, just like Pir Ahmed, or funeral pyre, etcetera. I believe that’s exactly where the root of piratism comes from. Right. Anyways, I talk about that more in my new book. So look for that over here. We’ve got some sort of war happening with these people shooting their arrows up into the sky.

But let’s get back over towards the North Pole, right near this particular area. This is of such interest to me, this magnetic island right next to this, we have this character that, at first glance, almost kind of looks like something like Paul Bunyan, right? We’ve got these tall tales over here in America, which are basically myths and legends that are, that carry truth to them. They share a certain truth that. That we. That resonates with people so strongly, like Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, and, you know, and so on and so forth, mighty casey, etcetera. Anyways, oftentimes, these tall tales were about giants, people that were gigantic in stature.

This right here, I don’t, I mean, it could be a type of Paul Bunyan, but I believe that this is Hercules, or Heracles, right, holding the pillars of Hercules. Now, I have not translated this particular text. Right there, Crystal. Hey, give me $10. Thank you. What did you say in the chat? Hold on. Let me go. Jump over here, Crystal. Oh, just to thank you. You’re super welcome, Crystal. Thank you for supporting me. I appreciate you. All right, so let’s check out this Paul Bunyan looking giant Hercules dude. I talk about the pillars of Hercules quite often in my writings, in my books here on my channel, and I believe that it is related to those anode and cathode islands.

Right? Let’s say that there is an island, a magnetic island at the center of the world, which is represented on many maps that I’m about to share with you. This is just the first one. And let’s say that there is. Let’s suppose that there is a beam of terrestrial light that shoots up the biggest one being at the middle of the world, but there are subsequent ones all across the world that are smaller and lesser known than the main light, than the main show, right? I would suppose if it acts as an electrolytic system or an electrolytic cell or a galvanic cell, that there would be anode and cathode on either side of this particular island.

That’s where the pillars of Hercules come into play. Subsequent beams of light, positive, positively charged and negatively charged, that also shoot up into the sky. And then oftentimes you’ll find across the world in, you know, engraved in their architecture, written on as glyphs recorded in ancient scriptures and stuff. There’ll be pictures of these godlike beings or sometimes saviors or they’re depicted in many different ways. Oftentimes they’re gods. Sometimes they’re giants, sometimes they’re titans. But there’s usually one, and he’s flanked. Usually it’s a male flanked. It’s not always male, though, flanked by these two beams holding on to two pillars, holding on to two staffs or holding up two lions or two different types of animals that are symbolically represented, that those are the pillars of Hercules.

This is the colossus. And you go through those legs, right, of the anode and cathode beams that shoot up and arc over, over hyperborea. You go through those and you end up in a place that has more land because that place leads down into the earth, goes down into the hollows of the earth itself. So, very interesting things we’ve got. It looks like some sort of a possible lion type creature right here. I’m not sure exactly what that is. Now, I do believe this is Hercules. You can also see his club right there, lying on the ground behind him.

Anyways, I really like. That’s interesting stuff, too. This is. Oh, here’s another example of a giant bird carrying off an animal, right? So there’s a. Looks like a possible rabbit. I’m not sure what kind of animal this is. Looks like it could be a rabbit. But this is depicted in many different ancient myths and legends. Oftentimes, the closer you get up to the north, they’ll put pictures of griffins and mythic and legendary animals on these maps. Right. In modern academics, they would have us convinced that, oh, it’s just creativity. No, no, no. That would be lying, right? If they put things that don’t exist on a real map, they could lose credibility, they could lose their job as a cartographer, which was, you know, I imagine that paid pretty well, being that they were.

These cartographers were oftentimes commissioned by royalty, by nobility, which means, oftentimes that was under the penalty of death. If you purposefully put stuff on a map where the royals were going to send their navy or their explorers, you know, to risk their lives, etcetera. I don’t believe people just put things on maps haphazardly. Let’s see what else we got up here now. Let’s. Let’s make our way over towards Iceland. I do want to check that out. I’m just kind of skimming over. I wonder what these are. I don’t know. I have a feeling that this is a butcher, this is a baker, and that’s a candlestick maker.

Okay. I’m sorry. All right. I don’t know what these are, though. These are interesting looking fish deals. Yeah. I don’t know. Interesting. There’s some sort of huge bird in the water right there. All right, let’s zoom out a bit. There’s more tartarian style tents. Let’s see. Got some people setting up shop. This guy showing what looks like his voice in a box. I don’t know what that is. Let’s see what else we got here. People praying to the standard. Now, here’s another thing, too, right? This almost is like the pledge of allegiance, which I’m not supportive of, but the people praying to the pole.

See that? So these people set up poles. This is. This is rod worship. It’s pillar worship. It’s column worship. Now, this one has a standard on it or flag or whatever, but they’re basically praying, too. A beam that shoots up out of the ground, which is also like the origin of Christmas trees and things of that nature, too. This area looks like it has lots of cavernous systems inside of it. These look like possible wild men holding on or giants that are holding on to boulders. I’m guessing on this one. But it looks like giants that are throwing boulders at the people in this ship.

This looks like what I call a fantasoid right here. Right? That is some sort of ancient monster. There’s some words here looks like Polz Maru. Discus man. I wish I could translate that off the top of my head. Right underneath this strange phantasoid creature which is an otherworldly gigantic monster. You could say dinosaur, you could call it whatever you’d like to. We’ve got another one that looks sort of dragon like. Huge gigantic bird with this big lizard in its mouth there. Let’s see what else we’ve got over here. Oh, these guys. All these people riding giant reindeer are of interest to me.

Have you guys seen the Lord of the Rings where the elves, especially the king of the elves rides on this gigantic deer? You know big deer used to be in the, in the ancient world. Huge. Gigantic like bigger than moose basically. Now these three deer, I mean these deer have three antlers every time. Look at this. And these deer, I’m gonna call them deer. I don’t know what exactly they are but look at these horses in comparison. Right next to me. Right. These people look a bit worried. So could these be giants that are riding on top of gigantic deer that smaller humans in the Southlands wouldn’t be able to really tame or ride on top of? Possibly.

Interesting. I don’t know. Let’s continue on. Let’s see what else we got here. Let me just check the chat, make sure we’re good. Crystal. Hey, thank you so much crystal. I appreciate you. I think that was. Oh, Abby, Abby. Oh, thank you Abby. I appreciate all you guys. You guys are very kind. Alright, let me jump back into this map here. Alright now let’s see. Let’s make our way over towards the Iceland area. Wait a minute, what is this? We’ve got more of those deer that are pulling this, this cart, this gigantic cart. But here’s some dude ice fishing.

Here’s a guy holding his axe backwards to smash these eel looking fish. Another huge bird in these trees. What else we got over here? He’s definitely going to the bathroom. Abby Oz, thank you. You’re welcome. Abby Oz. Thank you. High five. Yeah. So check it. Look at this dude. Why are they showing him going to the bathroom? And then there’s like a skeleton right there. Do you see that? There’s this strange skeleton of some sort of creature. This guy’s out hunting. Almost looks like he’s got some long ski looking shoes on or something. And then it shows this thing, whatever.

I don’t know. It looks sort of like a lion. I don’t know what that is, but it’s going to the bathroom, whatever it is. Let’s see. We’ve got troll. This says trolley over here. What is this? Now, these look like people, but they actually look like mannequins. I wonder if this is an area where there was either trolls or people set up mannequins as scarecrows to sort of try to ward people off, you know, as warnings or something. Because look at the difference between these figurines right here and actual people when they draw actual people, right? With facial expressions, you know, body parts and stuff like that.

And then these just faceless mannequins on the tops of these mountains. I wonder what that’s about. Let’s check out some more stuff up here towards the north. Let’s see. We’ve got a bunch of fish. Oh, here’s a huge whirlpool. Now, I had a viewer tell me that this whirlpool still exists up in the northern areas. Some sort of huge puffer fish looking deal up there. But look at this whirlpool with what looks like a boat that’s been sucked into it. Now, imagine after the flood of Noah, all the different whirlpools that must have existed because of all of the inner earth openings down towards the sea bottoms and stuff, caves and canyons, etcetera.

Here is what looks like an actual trolley right here. What do we got right here? This definitely looks like your typical troll with the huge, long nose, or you could say elf as well, right? They probably take on different forms, but long ears, huge nose, and then the feet. Look at those feet. See how they’re kind of bird like? Remember how I was talking about the legendary tribes of humans? Like the. I think it was during my video about the dog headed tribes, right? Many different tribes of humans that were mutants. Whole tribes of mutated humans.

This is a genetic mutation that has survived to this day. There are people that have bird feet. They’re like, just like this. They look like ninja turtle feet, right where it’s like they have like. Like two huge toes in the front and then like a big heel in the back. And it looks like they have bird feet. Basically, that’s a genetic mutation that has survived to this day. Let’s see what else we got going on here. Up in the north. Let’s see. This is the northern wall. Look at these sea monsters. Check these out. Right, so this one looks like some sort of armadillo type exoskeleton happening with webbed feet down here at the bottom, and a tail and some sort of horns or spikes happening.

And then this one is real strange. It’s got, like, these axolotl tentacle gill looking things sticking around its head. I wonder if axolotls grew to gigantic sizes, too. Let’s see. We’ve got anything else I missed over here. Let’s scoot on over. We got some debris up here towards the north. Now, there’s going to be a lot of debris around the Arctic Circle. After a world storm, after atmospheric depressurization, it creates a world storm. The winds up in the jet stream are all going to push, you know, everything in the same direction. It’s also going to cause the currents to move around in the same direction after the flood.

Now, the flood has already come and gone, so next would be fire and plasma that’s also going to follow suit in the same direction. But because of all that debris, it accumulates up there in the north. And then those freezing cold air gets pulled down and then instantly, instantaneously freezes animals and flora and fauna all over the place. And then that gives us what we call today permafrost, which is a bunch of dead life, frozen dead life up there in the Arctic. And now it’s all starting to unfreeze, and people are starting to go up there to explore.

Check this boat out. It looks like a UFO. Look at that. Look at this weird boat with this weird top on it and these two little portholes. That’s interesting. This guy is definitely wrecking his boat. So the sea was a dangerous place to begin with. Now, I also believe I’ve done many videos about monster hunters, real, actual monster hunters. Right? Because clearly, if you look at all these maps that we’re going to check out today, this is going to be a long presentation. I got so many more maps to show you guys. There were monster hunters, people those pirates and stuff like that.

People that were so used to sailing the seas and got so used to fighting monsters, eventually they were hired by local populations, and then eventually, when they became. When they gained in notoriety, they would be hired or propositioned by nobility to clear out the land so that the nobles could come through and. And settle in the lands where there was monsters of renown. Kima. Thank you so much, Kima, for your constant support. You’re so kind. Let’s see what else we got here. Thank you, Kimmel. Let’s see. We’ve got these sea monsters attacking ships. Gigantic, huge. Now, in modern academics, they’ll say, oh, that’s a whale.

Yeah. Really? Hold on. Time out. Let’s look at something like a horse, right? People knew what horses were. They knew what all these. They knew what a lion was. They knew what birds were and stuff. So you’re telling me they just didn’t know what a whale looked like, right. When whales clearly come up to the surface to breathe and stuff like that. You’re telling me that they couldn’t draw an actual whale, right? Or why are these. Why is this thing, if it is a whale? Have you ever heard of a whale attacking a boat? I mean, aside from, like, Moby Dick or whatever, when people are, like, hunting it or whatever? I don’t know.

I’ve got a feeling this is not a whale. It doesn’t look like a whale whatsoever. And the stories don’t. Don’t. Now, there are the actual. Now that I think about it, there are whales that are attacking boats right? Now, we talked about that in my Omens episode, right? The. The killer whales, the orcas that are over towards the pillars of Hercules, allegedly, right? The Rock of Gibraltar or whatever. All right, let’s continue on over here. Now, you can see the ice all broken up over here. I want to point something out. This right here. At first glance, people might just say, oh, it’s just a bunch of icebergs.

Yes, it is. Where’d that come from? That’s fresh water. All of that is fresh water. Where did all this broken pieces of freshwater ice come from? Right. Well, I have a theory that the sky, the firmament. The firmament, the dome, the actual physical portion of the land, as it is depicted in ancient cosmology. The world across is made out of ice. So if that sky breaks, or a portion of that sky breaks, some sort of a hump up there attached to the firmament itself. If there’s this hump that dumps down onto the ground, or Humpty Dumpty, if this hump of ice falls down and breaks off and it’s, let’s say it’s just located, I don’t know, right above the north Pole, then it would break off and form an arctic shelf or in a bunch of broken up arctic pieces that can’t be put together by the kingsmen and the king’s horses, which are basically right here, too.

Humpty Dumpty. That’s what I’m saying that is. I’m saying this is the shells of Humpty Dumpty, which is the ice of the firmament whenever the last time the sky broke open. All right, what else we got here? Let me check the chat. Okay, good. Yeah. Sky, ice, tasty waffles. The teenage mutant ninja turtle feet are wild. That’s funny. All right, let me get back to this map. Alright, we’re gonna finish up this map and then move on to the next one over here. Here, let’s see. What do we got up here? Going on? Some guys playing a fiddle or something up here.

Some animals, little whistle pigs or something popping up out of the ground. Crypto porticus. That means hidden doorways, I believe. Look at that. These little cave systems up here in, uh. Now this is Iceland. See that? This is where. This is where the word island comes from. That’s why it’s spelled with an s. If you ever wondered why island has a silent s on it, it’s because originally it, um, land that was just surrounded by water was called the Icelands. Right. So they’re all islands are named after Icelands. Right. It’s called islandia or Icelandia. Alright, let’s zoom in and let’s check out what else we got going on here at Iceland.

Oh, this is interesting too. I like to check these out. These winds, how they depict the winds that come from the north, right. There’s different places where the winds come from. This is called septim. Sometimes it’s with an n right here, septentrionalis or trionadum. It’s spelled differently depending on the languages, French or Latin or Italian, etcetera. But you’ll see this if you start looking at different maps. I’m going to point this out on all the maps I’m about to show you. Septim means seven. Seven. In modern academics, they teach that this means north. Nothing about that word means north.

Not one part of that word means or implies north at all. But there’s so something that has seven things in it that are located towards the north, which is really hit home upon in the book of Revelation. If you’re a biblical scholar or you like to read the Bible or you’re into eschatology, as I am, this up here, the sep, the seven mountains basically is what this is, is all over the. The book of Revelation. Now let’s see what else we got going on here. So we got the Sept and Trionaus, which I also talk about.

It’s a whole chapter in my new book. Oh, and the winds too. So the winds that come up out of the earth at the north, that’s called the Zephyr. It’s known as a westerly wind. If you look up the word Zephyr, it’ll say westerly wind. It doesn’t mean wind that actually comes from the left, right, depending on your position or the right or whatever. It means west, as in down it was, which was downward, right, and then east iost was towards the stars or upwards, basically. Falco, Albi. That means white falcon, white bird, corvo corruption. If you ever see Albie, it means.

It means white. Now, this is interesting too. We’ve got this tall mountain right here that says mons. Anytime you see mons, that means mountain or mound, right? And then it says, man, it’s hard to read that word right there. Crue. Crukle. And then Nix. I don’t know. I know Nix means night or dark, but look at this. It says chaos right there. And then it looks like there’s a hole in the ground right next to it. And then it looks like there’s fire coming up out of this. I wish this. I wish this sigil wasn’t in the way, because I wonder if this is a volcano right here, right? I feel like it’s a high likelihood that that’s a volcano.

We also have another one mons sacked right here. Look how high up. These mountains just jet up out of the ground, not from tectonic plates over millions of years, pushing each other just so many different strange geologic anomalies. Here’s another one. Chaos. Right? Inner earth entrances. And then right under. See this one’s. These are interesting. Check this out. So we’ve got a tall mountain just shooting up out of the ground with what looks like some sort of plasma fires or something underneath it. And then a hole in the ground right next to that with the word chaos.

We’ve got the same thing right here. This one also has the word Nyx, which means night or dark. And then another mountain with a big letter a on it with another fire coming up out of it. And then another hole in the ground that says chaos. This is interesting. What is this? I just noticed this. This look like modern skyscrapers, don’t they? Socksa that kind of looks like modern buildings right there. Right here. You see that? I don’t know what that is. These are. These clearly are older style and stuff. There’s some sort of a castle looking structure.

Rampart over there, a house. But here. What is that? What is that? It looks like skyscrapers. I don’t know. I’m not saying they are. I’m just saying that’s interesting. These are also interesting. What do you suppose this might be? This word says sulfur right there with a barrel right here. And then you’ve got these buildings that almost look like nuclear reactors with what looks like rivers coming out of them, pouring into the ocean. What is going on over here? There’s four of these little canisters. Well, hold on. Where’s the chat? What do you guys think about that? What is going on over there? Those flags are slovenian.

Okay? Interesting. White crow. Yes, you’re right. Very good. Yes, it’s in your. September is the 7th month. That’s actually my birthday. September 7. Yeah. I don’t know. Yeah, the glory. What is that? What are these? Why does it look like there’s nuclear reactors and skyscrapers on this ancient map from like the year 500, possibly, or 1500, the middle ages at the very least, right? I don’t know. That’s super interesting, though. And then you’ve got these sort of tartarian, nomadic tents, right? Those were really huge tents, too. This is also, I believe, where the circus tents come from.

Right. The three ring circus tents, etcetera, traveling circuses and whatnot. Strange people from foreign lands that charge to show you all their weird things they brought from different lands and stuff like that. Yeah. How many people have ever seen a whale that has two spouts on the top and a pig face? You know what I mean? I’ve never seen that. I don’t know. Let’s do this. And there’s these huge. Oh, they’re like dumping these barrels out. What’s going on over here? These are so interesting. Look at these stories. This guy’s blowing a trumpet, maybe as a warning, but they’re dumping all these barrels as they’re being chased by these sea monsters.

I wonder if those are explosives in the barrels. Interesting. There’s definitely a flying one over here. There’s a horned one right there. There’s a dragon looking deal right there. Way bigger than that boat. These are some of the, what do you call them? Phantom Islands. So this one right here, fare. Or the Faroe Islands, Umbra. Look, all these different tiny little islands. And there’s, these are also depicted on Mercator’s map as well. Check this out. These ones are interesting. This one’s definitely on Mercator’s map. Look at all these tiny little islands right here. What’s this one called? Pomona.

I know that’s a city in California. Look at that. Okay, now, some people would look at this, and they’d be like, without that dude in the claw. Some people would look at this and say, oh, well, they just made the lobster gigantic so that you can see it, because. Because if they put a real size of a lobster, you wouldn’t be able to see it because of the scale. But they clearly put a human in the claw of this gigantic sea bug to show you the scale. Either that or the human is this big. You know what I mean? This is a gigantic arachnid, an ocean arachnid, an ocean scorpion.

I don’t know what you want to call it. Lobster. Whatever you want to call it. People can eat those if they want to. I’m just saying this is gigantic, okay? Gigantism. And I have a whole video all about gigantic bugs and how one day they’ll return. Joshua Adams says, I love your channel. Thanks for the interesting research that you do and that you share with us. Well, thank you, Joshua. I’m trying to heart your little comment there, but the chat’s moving a little quickly. There we go. Thank you, Joshua. It’s probably going to pop up here in a second.

Look at that gigantic freaking ocean bottom bug man now. Oh, this is interesting too. Thank you again, Joshua. High five, and high five to all 263 people who are watching right now. I appreciate it. It’s fun to. To go through this stuff with others. Now, this is interesting. To the insula Hebrides. And what is all of that? I don’t know. I’m gonna have to translate that another time. All right, we. What else? What other? There’s dual up here somewhere. This looks like it could be duel. It’s called tile. Right? The tile islands. Tiles. Let’s see the Pharaoh islands.

What else we got up here? These are all phantom islands. Why is there a moose? I mean, an ox that looks like an ox in the water? Maybe that’s. I don’t know. Maybe that’s the big blue ox here. Now, here’s another one of those giant lobsters fighting a sea monster. Look at that thing, clearly attacking it, fighting it. There was. There was war being waged between all of these otherworldly creatures all around the world. Here is one of those worms, gigantic worms. Now, there’s different classifications of fantasy as. As I call them. Right? This is one of them, the worm class, and they were just called worms.

They’re giant worms. They’re gigantic serpentine. This doesn’t. I mean, it could represent plasma that’s attacking the ship or whatever, but I found lots of evidence for. Typically, there’s. They’re they’re displayed as sandworms, right? These words that live in the sand. There’s all kinds of different serpentine, worm like creatures that wait in the sand. I’m gonna get to that one in a second. That wait in the sand. They’re gigantic, and they. They will pop out. There’s this one that has, like, a double jaw. It just waits. It opens its mouth on the. On the bottom of the ocean, and when a fish swims over it, it goes.

Grabs it, and pulls it back down into the sand. Just like in the movie tremors or beetlejuice. Right? So these things existed. They were drawn on maps. Look how huge they are now. Speaking of scale, here’s another sea monster that people are in the middle of. These. These professional monster hunters out here on the ocean are trying to capture this one, which is giving a ride to these people who are cooking on it. This reminds me of the story in the Bible. In the Bible, there’s a story of a man who was swallowed by a whale and lived in the belly of the whale for three days.

His name was Jonah. But look at this. I don’t know. It looks like it’s wearing a collar. It almost looks like it’s wearing a collar, doesn’t it? I don’t know, but very interesting. It’s got these little snorkel deals on the top, a weird pig face looking thing. These things are gigantic. Look at the size of it. There’s people riding on top of it, which was shown to us in that Netflix movie Sea Beast, which we also broke down in my truth, in movies. I don’t know, some. Lots of interesting things that are happening over here. That looks like an ant person right there.

I don’t know what that is. And then these look like ley lines to me. These look like the places of power or vortices where the. Where the earth’s magnetic field stacks up. All right, let’s see what else we got. Anything else we got? What is this? This looks like someone’s overboard. Yep, there’s people overboard right there. Definitely fell off of the boat. And there’s cannonballs. So we have. Oh, yeah. These are pirates fighting each other. I don’t know if they’re pirates, per se, but these are people going to war with each other. See all those cannonballs flying off and breaking the mast and stuff and all the people abandoning ship? How interest.

There’s so many stories that are happening here. I love this. Alright, let’s go up here. Oh, this is an interesting little island. Now, unfortunately, on this map, I’m gonna show you this island on other maps. Pardon me? On this map, it’s blocked off by whatever is going on up here. I don’t know what all that is, but this island right here is called Viz Ark. Right. It’s spelled differently across the board from language to language. Hvit wit or vit Sark. Very interesting. This is this huge rock formation, I’ll say, that just juts up out of the ocean and they put what at first glance just looks like a wheel or something on it.

This is not a wheel. This is a cave that is at the top because this is a volcano or a plasma volcano. You can see the lines that all go down because it’s showing you a top down view of this hole that’s on the top of this particular little land right here called vizark, which I believe means white shark because it looks like the tail fin of a shark sticking up out of the waters or whatever. Lots of debris up here. We’ve got Groot, lady Pars. Oh, you see this little tiny dude, this little dwarven looking guy? These are called skraeling or skraelingers.

I wonder if there’s another example of the skraeling. They’re basically dwarves. Yes. So there are certain islands up here towards the north where there’s tiny people like munchkins. That’s where the munchkins come from. Let’s see. This means map karta marina, which means ocean map and description of the septentrionalum terrarium, which means the. The enclosed earth, essentially. I don’t know what the rest of that means. Alright, let’s. I think I’m ready to move on to the next map. Did you guys enjoy that? That breakdown of this one right here? These are so interesting. Oh, and then this is Scotland.

That’s where we all started. Okay, cool. Let’s check out the next map. Okay, let’s move on now. Oh, this is that area that we were just looking at. That’s more of a modern map. Let’s get rid of that. Here’s another one. This is an older map of the same area. So you can see this is like Sweden and Norway and stuff. Like here. Let me zoom out a bit. Same area. Okay, this is a little bit more northern, but I wanted to show you these pictures that they have up here and just point out a couple of things.

Oceanus up here. And then look at the very top. Let’s see if I can get the very top up here. So they’re blowing the trumpets. You see the angels blowing the trumpets, right. These are those strange sky sounds that people hear. People are going to hear trumpets, or what sounds like trumpets there? It’s. It’s electricity up there in the atmosphere that’s reverberating back and forth. And it will sound like trumpets. It will sound like a t. Rex. It’ll sound like Godzilla. I don’t know. But it’s. It’s trumpets sound. It’s. It’s a shofar sound in Hebrew. The trumpets of God, etcetera.

Now, up here, we’ve got. At the top again, there’s that same word, septan. This time with an in trio. Now, that trio does not mean three. I know we’re used to that in the modern language of a trio or a duo, etcetera. But this actually means tree, and it comes from the word deru. Right? So seven trees, or seven mountains, which are what the trees come out of because they’re plasma volcanoes. Let’s see if there’s anything else I wanted to share on this one. Oh, that’s the ocean septum trail nalis, which has been mistranslated as northern Ocean.

It does not mean northern. It is in the north. Which is why they believe it means that this is the sea of Moscow. Looks like the White Sea. Mare. Mare. Anything else on here? I forgot why I pulled this particular map up. I can’t remember. Alright, let’s move on to the next map. Yeah, this one’s kind of boring. Oh, my favorite. Alright, cool. So this is Mercator’s map of the Arctic. Okay. Gerardus, or Gerardus, however you want to say it. Mercator. And this is one of the most famous ones. It’s beautiful. It’s excellently done. I have this hanging up on my ceiling in my room right behind me.

And here’s some of those phantom islands that we looked at. Let’s check those out in the corners. You see these little circles off in the corners that show you these other little islands down here and down here. This one I featured when we were breaking down the rings of power. Because they have an island that looks like the shape of a star, or a five pointed star. This sort of. Kind of looks like a broken five pointed star, possibly. This one is called Friesland insula, which means island. That weird looking f right there. When you start studying these maps, you’ll start learning the different scripts of ancient languages.

This right here is actually more of an S. Okay, so that’s an f. That right there is more of an S. Friesland. Friesland insula. That’s how you can tell that’s an s right there. You can always compare these letters to other known words so that you can figure out what the text is really saying there. But this is very interesting. Now, take note all the different names. This is supposed to be a phantom island that doesn’t exist. However, we’ve got all these little cities and towns and buildings and names of places with what looks like a little magnifying glass right there, right? The names of the little oceans and inlets.

This is not some phantom mythic island that doesn’t exist because Mercator, a world renowned cartographer, just wanted to make up his own little lord of the Rings lore or whatever, right? Look at this little for. Look at the detail in this forest right here. Look at all these tiny little lines like, you see printed, like micro print on the dollar or on your. Whatever local currency you use, right? Look, all this tiny little micro print right there. This was done by hand, allegedly. And then there’s the word potters again right here. Let’s see this ocean. Something.

I can’t translate that one right now. All right, now let’s zoom back out. And over here, you can see, I think these are the Faroe Islands. Let me scooch on over to this other phantom island, fari insula, which I believe translates to Faroe Islands, which might be where the egyptian word pharaoh actually comes from. I believe it means light or fire. Right. The pharaoh, the fiery light. It’s the same as pyramid, except for it’s not a p sound. It’s more of an f, like phone. Right. Or phoenician or phoenix, etcetera. But we have what looks like the pharaoh islands.

Maybe that’s where the pharaohs came from, the ones that held the scepter, the leaders, the light beams of the world. Let’s see. Bishop’s sound interesting, all these different names. And then this has some sort of a tower right there in the middle with a line sticking out of it. I wonder if this is a depiction of the anode and cathode islands there. Let’s zoom out a bit more and let’s take a look. So right here in the middle? Just right in the middle. This is what my next book is all about. This is. There’s so many names for this mythic, legendary, and Phantom island that is shown to us on many different maps.

That I will be. I’ll be sharing with you many more examples of this particular island. A circular island with a quote, with four quadrants, four sections, surrounded by these tall and lofty mountains, acting as the walls of this valley of paradise. You see all these walls? Look at these mountain ranges. Hold on, let me just check these out real quick. Right? This is the Euphrates. I’ll tell you right now, that is the Euphrates, and this is the Tigris. Might as well just share that with you. So this is the Tigris, the original one. This is the original Euphrates up here, which means between the Tigris and the Euphrates, we will find this land, which is called Mesopotamia originally.

Now, you have to imagine this is the island paradise. This is hyperborea, etcetera. These quadrants would have had all their different locations, names, towns, townships, valleys, and, you know, cities and stuff like that. Babylon’s gonna be in here. The original Egypt will be in here. The original India will be in this area right here. And then those nomadic people, when they were kicked out of the garden, symbolically speaking, right, when the energy reversed, and these, there’s actually a protective barrier around this island. It’s an energetic barrier. They left, and they became those nomadic tribes that wandered about and sent, set up their tents and stuff that we just went over, right? They renamed the new areas where they settled, where they.

Where they established their kingdoms and whatnot. They would rename those new rivers, like the Euphrates and other things, and the Tigris, etcetera, after their homeland, in honor of their homeland, in honor of the places where they came from and hoped to eventually return to one day, which is hyperborea. This is also really interesting. People wonder why Greenland is of such import. Old world Mi’kmaq. Hey, thank you. I appreciate it. People wonder why Greenland is of such import. Why does Trump want to buy the entire island of Greenland? Why is this northern part of Greenland on Google Maps all blurred out and nobody can see what’s up here.

Well, you’ll notice Greenland is on these old maps, almost directly connected to this little peninsula on the island of paradise right here. This little. This little hook, this little horn, right? Greenland almost touches it. There’s two other small islands right here that are depicted on different maps. And Greenland goes all the way up to this little horn, this little edge, which also shows you that there’s land just outside that people could walk on and settle. They don’t have to worry about these huge, what I call the cliffs of insanity jutting up right there. Right? So this is very interesting.

We also have that Vids Arc. Remember that. That little. That Vitzark mountain, that white shark Mountain that’s also depicted on this one too. We scroll down a bit. We can see it just jutting right up out of the middle of the ocean here. Now, on this one, it’s Witsark Mons wits. Little strange formation shooting up out of the middle of the Arctic Ocean right there between. They put it here between Iceland. This is where we just were. Iceland looks like a little sea monster in itself. They put it between Iceland and Greenland, which is called Groenland.

And then over here, not to be confused with Grokland. Now, I have a hypothesis. I have a theory that this gro clond is the original Greece, right? That the people from modern Greece actually came from. There’s. There’s different countries that came from these different phantom islands. Some are subsequent on the outside of paradise. Some are from within paradise, right? But to me, this is a high contender for the original quintessential Greece, where all of the actual greek myths and legends come from right up here, which would make more sense if you have all of this energy and spiritual energy or whatever that’s happening up here towards the north Pole, that those myths would have translated to Groquland or Greeceland, basically.

And then those people would have migrated and founded modern Greece, and then they would have brought their legends and histories with them. We’ve got St. Hugo Willoughby’s land over here, another phantom island. What else we got? Oh, this one up here I wanted to talk about. So remember I talked about the anode and cathode islands, right? So we’ve got one on one side. We’ve got the neutral point, Mount Meru, and we’ve got one on the other side over here. This one is more prominent than the other one, right? The more prominent one. As far as. If we look at.

If we look at this map like it’s a battery, like, let’s say that the earth carries its own charge and is self. Self running and self energetic, right? Let’s say that this is the heart of the earth, that this is where all the energy basically comes from or out of inside of the earth. Remember, this is the surface. We live on the surface. This right here in the middle is the west going down into the earth. This is the beginning of the western lands, which is those that go down into the earth. But anyways, we would have an anode and a cathode, at least one of each on each side, possibly more.

But the one that sticks out the most is the. There’s a positive charge and a negative charge. One of these receives energy or life or spirit or whatever you want to call it, and it actually, because. Because it’s receiving energy. It actually receives. How do I describe this? It grows. Okay? So this island in the water underneath it and in the air receives chemicals and gases and stuff that turn into actual physical substance, which means that the island itself gets bigger and bigger and bigger, while the other one should recede over time, because it’s the one that’s giving pieces of itself away.

It’s losing energy, and. And it’s losing molecules and stuff. Anyways, let’s check out this one right here. Just like on that other one, we have this strange rock formation jetting up out of the arctic ocean with a circle right there in the middle of it. And right here, it says, polus magnetis respectu insularo capitis viridis, which basically translates as magnetic pole. Or this is a place of power where one of those poles. Not the pole, okay? In the modern. It helps me, when I research these ancient maps and things of that nature, it helps me to partition my mind and put aside modern thinking and our modern geography and our modern definitions and stuff like that.

And to imagine living in a more magical world or a more mystical time where there were monsters and to take. Instead of taking those things for granted, to take them at face value and to say, suppose there were. Suppose there was magic, suppose there were monsters. Suppose there was more mythic and legendary times, right? So it helps. It helps me to better understand this. Now, also, look at all these millions of dots. Think about how much time and effort and passion went into making this map. Look at dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. How many dots do you suppose are on this map? Look at these fine lines over here.

Right? So we have this rock formation jutting up out of the middle of the ocean that basically says it’s a magnetic island. It’s a lodestone island. It’s an island that has a hole in the top. It’s basically a plasma volcano. Now, let’s look at the location. This says Asia, clearly right there. Baragu is an interesting place right here. But let’s look at the continents. It’s between Asia and. And if we scooch it on over California, Reggio up here, aka Alaska, basically. So this says America. If you. If I zoom out, you can see that it says potters.

America potters. Right. America potters. Right there. So up here is basically sort of Alaska and Canada. This would be Alaska. This would be Canada somewhere in that general vicinity. So if we look. Whoa. I didn’t mean to do that. If we look between. On our modern maps, I’m gonna pull up Google Earth right now, because I can find this place, this little magnetic pole right here. That’s an island of life that just juts up out of the ocean. Plasma volcano is owned by Russia, possibly. I have. I have a contender for it. Now, if we go over here, this is.

This is basically, you know, what used to be the Soviet Union and stuff right here. But check this out. Remember where it is? Okay? Now let’s. Let’s pull up Google Earth real quick. Alright? Let’s do brand new Google Earth. Alright, now, I know exactly where this is, so I’m gonna show you right off the top. Oh, I’m already there because I was researching this earlier. Okay, this is called Wrangel island. Now, let me show you where we are here. Here’s Alaska. So you can see it looks like a little face, right? And it says Alaska. There’s Canada over there.

Here is Siberia, right? Used to be Russia, USSR, etcetera. And then between the two, we should find a volcanic island, right? Bam. Right there. Now, there’s also this weird line that goes from this island all the way to the North Pole. There’s also. There’s so many weird things on Google Earth. But look, Wrangel island, mysterious land. Mysterious land that has these, like, cliffs all the way around it. It’s difficult to get onto this island. I’ve researched it, but right next to Wrangel island is this little strange guy. I’m gonna. I’m gonna talk about Wrangel island here in a minute.

But before I do, let’s look at this. This entire island is grayed out, crossed out off the map. Can’t look at it, can’t look it up. Don’t have any idea what’s there. There’s clearly something here that they don’t want people to see. The entire place just gone, erased off of the map or off of the satellite imagery or whatever it is, right? So let’s scooch on over and let’s check out its neighbor, which is way bigger. Wrangel island. Right? Now, here’s an interesting factoid about Wrangel island. First of all, it’s a volcanic island, okay? But in addition to that, they find mammoth fossils all over this island.

They say they found the bones of woolly mammoths and stuff. Tell me, how. How exactly does a woolly mammoth get onto this island? How would that even be possible? How did. I mean, there’s all these woolly mammoth bones and stuff that are found on this island and stuff. Well, if it is a volcanic island, or at least its neighbor right here. And keep in mind that all this little ocean, this is Noah’s flood, wasn’t always here, okay? So before the world flooded, you could walk anywhere. You could pretty much go anywhere. Right? After the world flooded, whatever was there was stuck there, right.

However, there’s another. There’s another possibility, which is inner earth entrances in the form of modern day volcanoes or ancient volcanoes. Before they were full of lava, before they were all plugged up and sealed off. And keeping the inner earth inhabitants out of the surface world and keeping the surface world out of going down into the inner earth. Nothing to see here, says Tony Simmons in the chat. Alright, anyways, so this is extremely interesting, right? They totally blur this little spot out. Why? What’s the point of that? Clearly it’s important. And in that same area, we find this on the ancient map, this little volcanic magnetic island.

Interesting. We also have Bargu right here, which I should talk about more, but I want to get back to Wrangel island real quick. Right now, this entire island, Wrangel island, is off limits. It’s. It’s owned by Russia, United States, I think, maybe used to own it or something, but they don’t really care about it. It’s off limits. Both countries agree nobody should be going here. Okay. You have to get extremely special permission in order to. In order to visit this particular island called Wrangel island. Now, I pulled up this Wikipedia article about Wrangel island, and I’m just gonna skim through here.

Oh, Herald island, that’s the other one. So that. That one, that’s all off limits. This one, it’s called Herald Island. Herald or beacon or banner or beam or column, right? An island. It’s a probably a plasma volcano island, basically. So that one’s called Harold island, which is really interesting. Where to go, Herald island, etcetera. Let’s see, most of Wrangel island with the adjacent Herald island, which is right there. This is so interesting. Is a federally protected nature sanctuary. Why, like, think about this, right? I mean, I’m not saying that’s bad. Like, it’s bad to have national parks or it’s bad to have nature sanctuaries or whatever.

No, no, no. I’m saying it’s unusual for corporations that do land grabs and go to war over land, right? To just set aside an entire island that’s gigantic and full of supplies and stuff like that. Value. It’s valuable. Basically. It’s federally protected as a nature sanctuary administered by Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Wrangel island and all of its surrounding waters were classified as a zapovednik or a strict nature reserve. You see that? Hold on, let me zoom in a little tiny bit there. A strict nature reserve. Why? You’re telling me that your countries really care that much about nature? Think about all the other things that they do, right? And as such, receives the highest level of protection.

This mysterious island, this place and its little neighbor that’s blocked out on Google Earth receives the highest level of protection, excluding virtually all human activity other than conservation research. They label that and scientific purposes. Hard quotes, right? Mysterious, indeed, right. Phantom island. Well, probably used to be a phantom island. If you go on to read this whole article, it actually talks about how what it was, it used to be known as a phantom island, covered and blocked off from view by a fog bank that tended to just hang around that island for some mysterious reason. I wonder where all that fog comes from.

Could it be warm air coming up from inner earth, meeting the cold air of the Arctic? Yes, I believe so. Let’s see. Oh. Wrangel island was home to the last surviving population of woolly mammoths that possibly could have come up out of a plasma volcano. Cavernous opening. There’s actually a huge cavernous opening in Missouri, I think, in the United States called mammoth Cave, where mammoths probably came out of from inside of the earth with radiocarbon dating suggesting the species was on the island until about 4000 years ago or 2000 bc. Blah, blah, blah. Let’s see what else we got here.

I’m just gonna skim over this. This. This is such an interesting place. Um. Oh, here we go. Baron von Wrangel, or wrangel, never managed to visit the island. Wrangel had noticed swarms, birds flying north and questioning the native population, determined there must be an island undiscovered by Europeans existing in the Arctic Ocean. These birds are migrating somewhere when they’re going north, right? Forget all the legends and forget all the myths and forget all the historic, you know, cartography, evidence or whatever, of actual islands in the north that did exist that are full of people and cities and stuff that are said to be spring like or warm in climb or climate.

He searched for this island during his little expedition that he went on in the 18 hundreds, but he failed to find it. Could not find this little. It was a phantom island. Let’s see what else we got here. This is so interesting. What else? I’m just sort of going over this here. The islands, mountain ranges. Ah, the islands mountain ranges. Hold on. The island’s mountain ranges terminate at sea cliffs at either end of the island. Just like hyperborea, right? All these, these are called the riffian mountain range. Okay? There. It’s a mythic mountain range, if you will.

But these are the cliffs of insanity. These are basalt columns, just like giants causeway. Just like the devil’s tower that rise straight up out of the ground, acting as a natural wall for paradise right here. And they’re created through a strong electromagnetic force. So we have this on Wrangel island, just right where it just juts straight up into the air. Because that’s how it was created. Not erosion and not, you know, lava that used to be inside of a volcano. And it all eroded or anything like that. Let’s see what else we got here. I’m just skimming over it.

Wrangel island is not glaciated. Well, that makes sense. If it’s a plasma volcano, then it would be warm. It should be a warm climate with lots of animals and vegetation and stuff. Let’s see. Rengo island belongs to the Russian Federation. The island has a weather station. Why? Why does anybody care about the weather in the Arctic? You know what I mean? If it’s. If it’s a desert land and it’s just ice and no, nothing really lives there except polar bears, who cares about the weather, you know what I mean? Why are our countries devoting so much time, effort, manpower, energy and money into places that nobody lives, nobody cares about? Unless it’s just the majority of the population that doesn’t know why it’s so valuable? Right.

Let’s see what else we got here. Oh, so much of the island is volcanic, as you can see here. Volcanic and sedimentary rocks ranging in age from upper precambrian to lower Mesozoic. That’s just all gibberish to me. I mean, I know what it means, but I have different ideas about time. Precambrian. So it’s ancient, basically. Let’s see. And there are schists that contain minor amounts of metavolcanic rocks. What else we got here? Anything else is kind of getting boring. Hold on. And here’s some pictures. So you can see little cliffs there. Papa, see that? No one.

They. It’s. It’s imagine, right? This is like. This is similar to when I was talking about the island of the dog headed people, right? Ancient historians wrote about how those dog headed tribes lived on an island very similar to this high and lofty that had cliffs that went down into the ocean. And it was difficult to go to war with them because nobody could get there. They were. They lived on a castle, they lived on a fort or a rampart or a tower or whatever you want to call it that’s shooting up out of the the Arctic Ocean.

What else we got? There’s polar bears up there, woolly mammoths we talked about. Ah, here we go. Let’s check out these woolly mammoths. What does it say here? The most recent survival of any known mammoth populations. For perspective, these mammoths were living during the times of ancient Bronze Age civilization, such as Sumer elam and the Indus Valley, which, for me, all go back to those four quadrants at the North Pole. The fourth dynasty of Egypt mammoths apparently died out and subsequently disappeared from mainland Eurasia about 10,000 years ago. Like I said, I feel like the timeline is off, and I don’t feel like anyone really knows the actual timeline.

And I also talk about exponentially increasing entropy, which is all of the energy on the surface world being pulled down into the bowels of the earth and therefore causing time to quicken as we know it, basically, and things to age faster and stuff. What else? Oh, there’s reindeer up there, oxen, wolves, lots of animals and stuff for some arctic island, lots of plants. There’s an arctic tundra. What else we got here? I don’t know. I’m just kind of skimming over this. Birds, blah, blah, blah. Let’s see now. There should be something about fog. Now, you can see fog in the distance in this picture right here.

Let me see if I can find something about. Oh, this is interesting. Hold on. The island is subject to cyclonic episodes characterized by rapid, circular winds. That reminds me of the zephyrs that come up out of the earth, right? Like when I show you those wind maps of the world up there. At the center of the world, you can see there’s something interfering with the wind patterns, right where Mount Meru would be, or is. Oh, here we go. It’s also an island of mists and fogs. Boom. Hold on, let me make that big. Mists and fogs.

Let me type that in. Boom. An island of mists and fogs, which are created when warm air meets cold air, the warm air from the inner earth rushing up, spreading out to the coasts, and then hitting the cold air around it, which hides the island. That’s why many of these islands are undiscovered and considered Phantom islands, because the people don’t just fly their boats off into fog banks. You know what I mean? Not typically. Or if they do, they do so with caution. Let’s see what else we got. Northerly winds. That would be the Septon trio.

Blah, blah, blah. Anything else interesting here? All right, I think I’m good. I think I’m good with the Wrangle island here, so. Oh, here’s some. Here’s some examples, right, of the woolly mammoths and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah. The final place on earth to support woolly mammoths. Interesting. All right, anything else? I think that’s it. All right, let’s. Let’s get. Let’s. Let’s leave Wrangle island and move on to our next map. Wait, was I even done with that? This one, I think I’m done for now. Let me just point out a few other things. Actually, I’m not done.

I’m not even close to done. Hold on, let me just check this out. Here is Mount Meru. All right. This is the plas, the plasma volcano of the earth. This is the center of the earth. Ancient Egypt was renamed in honor of one of these quadrants, which was ancient Egypt, basically. I think this one was India, or it was called Ind. Some people said Indos, or indeed the strong Ind or Indus, etcetera. This, I believe this is probably Egypt, actually. This quadrant right here was ancient Egypt, the original. And then this right here was the Nile.

Anyways, so this is the plasma volcano at the middle of the world that shoots up a beam of energy right from the navel of the world, creating the world tree. I’ve translated all of this, but this is interesting. Remember we were talking about the scrailing? Well, this says that there are pygmy people here, little short, dwarven type, gnome looking people, tiny people, basically brownies, whatever you want to call them, little pygmies. And it says pygmy hick. Basically, kind of means here habitant means to live, or here live the pygmy people, about 4ft long. And it’s. They are what the people in Gronlandia.

See that? Let me make that bigger so you guys can read along. So it says pedest. That means feet like ped. Ped means foot like pedal on a bicycle, right? That’s where you put your feet. That’s why it’s called pedal 4ft long. And it’s what the people in Greenland, Gronlandia call, or kwos, call Skraelingers vocant pronounce or to speak. So they call. The people in Greenland call these inhabitants of this, at least in this area, maybe not on the entire quadrant, but at least in this, some area over here, because you can see it’s connected to Greenland, and there’s legends of the skraeling over here in Greenland.

Matter of fact, it says it on the map right here. Skraelingers right there. Boom. Hold on. You see that? Right above my head. Scraelingers, that’s pygmies, right? Where did they come from? Well, they came from right here, because these two are practically connected, right? They can go from here to here. Interesting. If you’re a 21 pilots fan. This is also where Dema is, by the way. All right, let’s see. What else did I want to point out here? Oh, I do want to point this out. So eventually, the inhabitants of this central island had to, they had to go somewhere, right? This, if, if this island right here is the Garden of Eden, if it’s hyperborea, if it populates and increases in population over time, then there must eventually come a time when there’s a dispersal, right, or an exodus, a leaving of the central land.

So where are the most likely places that the inhabitants of this central island would have gone? Well, in the Bible it talks about how the Euphrates would be split into seven heads so that people could cross over on foot. So this is the Euphrates right here, split into seven heads. And this is where people could easily have just probably left this central island. If they left over here, then it seems reasonable to speculate that they would have gone and migrated over here into Alaska. Right. Canada, those areas. Or they would have settled on that island that we just talked about.

Right. That other place right there, that’s, this would be like a little stopping point, and then they would have gone over here to Barghu or Asia. Right. Which is where we have the scathian ocean. This is where the tartarian empire basically first began. Let’s check out this area called Barghu. Now, I don’t know what goo means, I’m not sure, but the root of this barghu, let me zoom in on that. See that, that town name, barghu. The root of that is bar. The people from the bar. This is the bar over there, the column, the pillar, right.

So the people from the bar settled there. Kerokan, what else we got? Over here you can see little cities and stuff. Abram or Arbam, what else we got? I don’t know, lots of stuff. The ocean of the Scathians or the knowledgeable ones, etcetera. Mongol. Oh, tartar villa. Here we go. That’s what I was looking for. So the place where the tartars settled, or one of the places where they settled was right over here, tartar villa. You see that village of the Tartars, or the people from the tree of trees. Tar tar daru. Daru, which is what that means.

Um, the tree of trees, the tartars and then the mangoes, which is a whole chapter in my new book. Mangoes at Magog. See that right there? So some people are familiar with the concept in the word or the name. Gog and magog. Gog and Magog. Mongols at Magog. The man ghouls at Magog. And then over here we have gog. Right, so here’s Magog. And over here, boom. Gog right there. Pretty easy when you know where it is. All right, what else we got? Let’s see. Anything else I wanted to share on this particular map. There’s something interesting over here.

What is that? What do we got over here? Where’d it go? There it is. I don’t know, some sort of statue deal. I don’t know what that is. Zolatia baba. I don’t know what that is, but I just looked interesting to me. Alright, let’s see what else. Anything else I want to point out on this particular map. There’s a lot of cool stuff here, but I kind of want to move on. Here’s the Faroe Islands or the Faade insula right down here. See, it says ocean Septon Trion Alice right there. Let’s see, there’s. There’s Mercator’s name.

Right? So. Gerardo Mercatorum. Comb privilege. IO privilege. Oh, freeze. Land right there. Boom. Alright, cool. Let’s move on. I think I’m good. I’m good on this one. Let’s move on to the next one. Faux pao. Oh, so this one also shows those islands at the north. So that’s really why I wanted to share this one with you. This was also done by Mercator in 1607. This one’s called orbis terrari or terre. The orbis terre. So this is more of a spherical version of the earth. Compendiosa descriptio. Now let’s check it out. Right here at the top.

Right there we have it again. Groikland right there. Just like we talked about here is the Euphrates right over here. And then we have this circular island continent that’s basically Atlantis also, that’s surrounded by this mountain range. And then we also have that magnetic island over here as well. You can see a little portion of it. It’s kind of cut off right there. Polis magnetus. Now let’s scooch on over to the other side because this one’s sort of split in half. I don’t really like this style of map. This gets more into like the, the balls of the earth and all of that spaceball type stuff.

But right here, he put rupus nigra right there in the center with a gigantic mountain at 90 degrees. Polis Arctis. This is where the pole, there’s even a pole shooting up out of it. Boom. Right there, right. And it looks like there’s light emanating from this unfinished pyramid. You see that? I mean, I know it’s just like the lines of the map or whatever, but it’s interesting how it’s drawn. Right then we have that circular island, same type of a deal, many of the same types of structures here as well. And look how close it comes over here.

This is that same mongol area. See how close they almost touch right there? You have to imagine this is probably way bigger on the map than it is in real life, right? I don’t know. But maps can’t fully be trusted because perception is so skewed so often when you change latitude and stuff. But this is Europe. Here’s Italy. Boom. There’s Spain over here. Pow. People say in the modern world, this is where the pillars of Hercules are, and wrong, not there. Pillars of Hercules are up here on the other side of these islands. Alright. I think that’s pretty much all I wanted to show.

And then this, Antarctica, what does this say down here? Does it say anything down here? Antarctica. Okay, let’s see the southern lands. Terry. Australis clearly see monsters and stuff. What else? The tropic of Capricorn, this is the southern boundary for the sun. Now, if the sun passes and goes past this southern boundary, that’s what brings about the flood, which we already have, so we don’t have to worry about it now. We should be looking for the sun to cross the northern boundary, which is cancer, I believe. The tropic of cancer. So Capricorn down here, boom. The southern limit for the sun, right? People would watch that in the ancient world.

They’d watch to see if the sun transgressed its boundary, its marker, where it’s supposed to stop. The sun goes and then it stays there for three days, and then it comes back, and then it goes to the north and it stays there for three days. But the next time, the sun’s gonna get brighter and brighter, and then it’ll keep on transcending. It’ll go higher and it’ll go higher. It’s also spinning around, and it’ll go higher as it makes its way to the throne of God, which is Mount Maru. Right. Anyways, I’m good on this one, I think.

And Lil. Oh, what an honor. Nice to meet you in Lil 313. Just subscribe to my channel. Let’s see. Is this pretty much it? I think this. There’s Australia for all you people. Oh, that’s New Guinea, Australia. Same type of deal. Lots of these little islands down here in the Philippines, I think I’m good on. Oh, this is the dome, by the way. That’s what I believe. Okay. This is my perspective, is that this down here, the southern pole, is actually the top of the world. Okay. So they can’t show you the top of the world, because then they would just cover up everything in ice, and you wouldn’t see any of the land at all, because you’d be on the outside looking in or looking downward.

But for me, this is the dome. This is Humpty Dumpty, or at least a portion of Humpty Dumpty. Anyways, let’s move on. Next up, is this the same map? No, this is not the same map. It looks like the same map. Hold on, let me zoom out a bit. Yeah, this is a different map. They’re very similar. So this one by Mercator was done in 1607. This one right here was done in 1594. This actually predates Mercator’s version. Let’s check this one out. This one also. This is all. I like seeing all the little things that they draw on the tops and the outsides of the maps and stuff.

You see all that little cornucopias. Oh, there’s the staff of Hermes. Right? So this. This is the blue beam symbolism. That’s the beam of energy shooting up. And then that’s just the anode and cathode, hyperborn electrical arc following it or whatever, up to the top, where you have the bird, the cosmic bird, which is the wings. That’s why they put wings on the top. That’s also why the totem poles have the thunderbird at the top. Top. And that’s. And then there’s a. The eye in the sky at the center. Right? Which sometimes I put a face on it and stuff.

That’s the depressurization point. That’s the inverted dome at the top of the firmament, etcetera. We got some grapes going on. Oh, here’s a cornucopia. Right? This is a fruit of the loom. Right? The Mandela effect. You guys know that there’s no cornucopia on fruit of the loom? It used to have one, but they’ve erased that from history. I don’t know what’s going on there. This is. Looks like some sort of a goddess imagery. Europa. Europa. What else? We got some wars going on over here. Don’t know, but let’s check out the middle. Right. Polis Arcticus. There it is again.

The four quadrant island. Circular island surrounded by a huge mountain range. The riffian mountains. Raphaim is where this comes from, by the way. So, for those of you that study the Bible, you’ve learned about the different classes of giants or titans, etcetera. Raphaim are one of them. Rapha. Rapa means heal. To heal. They were the healers. These were the healing mountains. These were mountains. Or this area was known to impart healing, basically, to the people that visited it. This says something about Groqueland. Groquland is strong. Angli Hodi. I don’t know. I’m gonna have to take more time to translate that.

Anyways, here you can see the euphrates over here, the four lands. There’s. Looks like this might be Bargo. I don’t know. Let’s see what else we got. Gronan. So this is Greenland right here. Friesland right here. And here are the stars, the constellations with the snake right in the middle. That’s interesting. Let’s see what we got going on over here. Asia, we got some elephants. Oh, there’s a unicorn sticking its horn in the water. I wonder why it’s doing that. It’s almost like it’s drinking, but it’s using its horn, or it’s fishing, right? It might. Maybe it’s fishing or something, I don’t know.

But that’s definitely a unicorn. And we’ve got real animals, right? Real modern animals. Giraffes, elephants, camels. Over here in Asia, gigantic birds, horses, and there’s just a unicorn tossed in there. Unicorns are real. Okay. I don’t know what you guys believe, but I’m convinced unicorns exist. Teams just subscribed. Welcome to my channel. Or to memes. To memes. This person’s holding a branch. Looks like possibly a branch of the olive tree. Olive branch. Maybe riding on top of a rhino. A decorated rhino. There’s some sort of a box down there at their feet. Here’s that. Here’s hyperborea once again, rupas negro at the top with an unfinished top right there, because it’s a plasma volcano.

The island of the pygmies. What else we got? Anything else? I think I’m good. Possibly on this one. Let’s check out the south. Oh, this is interesting. What do we got going down here? Africa. So we’ve got this person, looks like they’re holding on to what may be an umbrella. Either that or some sort of giant mushroom. They’re riding on top of what looks like possibly an alligator. We have obelisks. We’ve got unfinished pyramid right there. Lions, serpents, lizards. Interesting Magalanica. This is named after Magellan, I guess. I don’t know what else we got over here.

We got people riding on top of, like, armies. Look at this is an army riding on top of elephants. Interesting. Possible Phoenix. I’m not sure what that’s supposed to be. Right there. That looks like Dumbo person riding on the elephant, holding on to the branches. More constellations then. Last but not least, we’ve got another. This looks like, what was that mythic creature called that had part lion face and, like, the face of a woman, like a man lion. I forgot what it was called. Lion. I forgot. Anyways, there’s a mythic creature that looks that to ancient times.

In the, in the middle, Middle ages, it looked like it was part human, part lion, basically. What is that called? Man lion or something. I used to, I just brain farted. Anyways, let’s see what else we got here. There’s a monkey up here in the tree. Boom. There’s some boats. Ah, here we go. You see that mountain with the fire on the top there? These are high places, by the way. So if you read in the Bible and stuff, they talk about high places. It’s not like some small hill. Like, if you, if you read these biblical stories about, about and you and people, and people feel that they’re talking about modern Israel and the Middle east and stuff, it doesn’t match up with the descriptions, right? These high places and stuff, like these hills and mountains, they’re little tiny hills and stuff.

They’re small structures in comparison to, like, gigantic, magnificent plasma volcanoes. Like how I talk about, oh, these people are cooking humans. Check that out. You see that leg right there? There’s another leg right there, and there’s a fire underneath. These might be cannibals. You see that? Yeah. What else we got here? There’s another volcanic island or volcanic mountain. Some ships off in the distance. Oh, these guys are holding on to a leg so it looks like they just came to the, oh, there’s a leg on the fire over here. This is definitely cannibals. And this guy’s definitely chopping a leg right here.

And there’s a head on the ground. Did you see that? So yeah, the giant cannibals. I’m assuming these are giants too? Possibly, yeah. So we got some cannibalistic action going on down here in Puruana. And then looks like a giant armadillo. What does that say? Jonas duet a cum. I don’t know. I’m not gonna figure that out right now. Alright, let’s see what else we got going on. Oh, so over here they’re cooking fish and some sort of animals and a snake and stuff. There’s an animal there they’re bringing to the fire. So these don’t appear to be cannibals, whoever these are.

Oh, wait a minute. There’s a leg. Yep. That’s definitely a human leg right there. So I misspoke. Let’s see what else we got. Looks like some farming action going on over here in the background. Mexicana. Mexicana area. Interesting. Cannibalism used to be way more popular than it is today. It used to be way more normal. And. And it was not unheard of in the ancient days. Alright, let’s move on to our next map over here. Wow, there’s three. Still 327 people watching. That’s mind blowing. I’ve been. I feel like I’m just talking myself to death. Where.

How are you guys? How is everybody in the chat? Everybody’s putting their like number down and. Wow. High five to everybody. All right, let’s jump back into the presentation since we’re having a good time. I’m actually gonna close off some of these just to save some memory on my computer here. See how long it took for that one to load. Alright, let me close that one. Let me close that one. We just did this one, so we’re going to close that. Oh, this one. By the way, if you want to know the cartographer’s name, it is Petro Plantius.

And this was done in 1594. All right, so Petro Planchus 1594. You can see it over here. It’s called Orbis Terrarum. In short. All right, let’s move on to the next one over here. So this one I just wanted to briefly show because it’s another ancient map. This one was done by Gourmont Freres out of Paris, France. Where is it? Gormont Frederis. Right here in 1587. This one also features the mysterious island quadrant country at the top of the world. Right there. Hey, I have the pyramid. Hey, that’s a cool name. I like it. Thank you.

I appreciate you. Welcome to my channel, too. Oh. Septon Treon at the top. There it is again. Right? I feel like this should be a bigger deal to people. This whole Septon Treon thing. It does not mean north. There’s the four islands. Pow. Now, when they show you this, it’s more spread out. Just look for the. The river that has these seven mouths. That way you can orient yourself. You know, that’s the euphrates right there. America. America, etcetera. Africa. The freaking dome. That. Which I guess they named after Magellan, which is interesting. You know Magellan was murdered, right? They.

A lot of times the people will teach in academics and in schools that. Magellan. Magellan. Hold on. So silver sister donated $5 in the super chat. What are you saying in here? I wonder if the map makers thought future generations would doubt the existence of. Yeah, I know, right? I wonder that, too. So check this out. People teach. Oh, Magellan circumnavigated the world, etc. No, he didn’t. He didn’t make it all the way. His crew may have made it the rest of the way, but Magellan was murdered right around here, okay? For good reason, at least according to the locals.

He came in trying to change their ways. He came in and asked the local leaders in these polyponesian island areas. He basically tried talking to their leaders and saying, hey, we want. We, my king and queen, want to take your land and hire you so that you act under their rule. And the locals were not having it. Joshua Adams. Thank you. High five for your donation. The locals were not having Magellan’s crap. These many of these ancient explorers were known to, I’ll say this politely, take serious advantage of local people, okay? Which includes all the worst types of taking advantage of a person, okay.

From slavery to just straight up kidnapping to other worst forms. Right? Anyways, Magellan was no exception. Neither was Columbus, neither was any of them. And they weren’t explorers. Just. Oh, I think I’ll just randomly go to different parts of the unknown world just to discover new lands. No, you know what? They were looking for this. Up here. They were lost. They had no idea. They were looking for the same thing that the Germans in world war one were also looking for when they went the wrong direction down here. But, yeah, these explorers, you know, as a byproduct, when they’re out looking for the fountain of youth and whatnot, they would also gather things.

You really think that people’s nobility spent all that time and energy and money and manpower, etcetera, to risk people’s lives to send them to uncharted, unknown places for salt and pepper, sugar, cinnamon, spices. Get out. No. Anyways, yeah, Magellan was murdered, and probably for good reason. According to the locals over here who were not having it, they weren’t about to be incorporated into a part of some system. Not at all. Right? And Magellan tried to. If you read the story, this is. This is the real story of Magellan, okay? If you read the story, he tried to, he tried to buy off the local leaders in these polyponesian island areas.

He tried to buy them off and make them promises and stuff. But the. The people on the beach, they were like, nah, you’re dead. Anyways. So they took, they took care of Magellan. Uh, good job, people on the beach. Anyways, what else we got? This one is, um. This is another one that features the island hyperborea at the top of the map up here, with rupas negra at the top at Altis. I mean, altissima. This is also. What’s that dude that made the Marvel comics? Stan Lee? He always says excelsior, right? I don’t know if you guys know that.

Yeah. I don’t know if you’re as nerdy as I am, okay? I happen to know this kind of stuff. But there’s this guy that drew a lot of the Marvel comics. His name is Stanley, which all those comics have all the truth that we’re talking about right now. Um, just. Just cartoonified and stuff. He says excelsior. Well, excelsior is his little root word. It’s. It’s a little, um. Man, I’m losing my vocabulary. I’ve been talking too much. It’s a little word to let people know he’s talking about this Excelsior, which means in the highest or the highest point, right.

It’s a way of him giving a shout out to Mount Meru, or the island of the origin of his people. Rupas nigra et altissima, or Excelsius. Or Excelsior, you could say the highest mountain, etcetera. This one was done in 1607 by, let’s see, who was the cartographer, it looks like it says the author is Mercator, but there’s also another author that says Jodecus Hondius. And then there’s also a publisher, Cornelius Clay’s. I don’t know. Anyways, very similar. So I’m gonna skip. I’m gonna skip this one. I think. Unless I see something that catches my eye, I don’t yeah, we’re skipping that one.

Alright, so I’m gonna skip that one. Boom. And then here’s another one. This one is also done by Mercator. This one just we. I just want to zoom in here to the ocean where you can see. He named the ocean after hyperborea. Hyperboreus Oceanus. The ocean of hyperborea or the land beyond. The northern winds. Actually it’s not really northern winds. I don’t know why it’s translated like that. This word bor, like aurora borealis, right? Has nothing to do with wind. That’s where wind comes from. Because the earth breathes out from inside of itself. You know, the air transitions between the different.

There’s pressure differential between the surface world and the inner earth. Anyways, the earth breathes, right? Hyper does mean beyond, but this doesn’t mean wind bodies, it doesn’t mean north. It’s come to mean that over time by association. But it’s really this word right here. Bor which is bar which is column and pillar or pole, etcetera, right, the poles. This is the arctic circle. This is Iceland. Once more, oh wizard. We’ve got viz arc mons exilis. Oh, excelsior exilus right there, right? Viz arc mons exilis. High and lofty mountain right there. Skraelingers right above my head once more.

The origin of dwarves and the dwarven people. Munchkins. Little people. Tiny people. The white city, Alba. What else we got? Gronlandia. America. There’s a portion of America over here, here’s another sea monster. Oh, this is interesting too. So over here we have the hyperborean ocean, right? The ocean where the hyperboreans are come from, right? But over here, the greater portion, portion of this ocean is called deucalioneus Oceanus. Deucalion is another name for Noah, as in the flood, the great flood of Noah. This is Noah’s ocean. This is the flood of Noah basically is what it’s saying.

There are no seven seas, there are no many different oceans or parts of the oceans or whatever. There’s one ocean, it’s the flood when the world was flooded and those flood waters receded and left the high places which are continents and stuff like that. But it says duke alone. Ducalion. There’s many names for Noah. I list many of them in my new book here because I actually do talk about this. Let’s see what else we got. Some sea monster action. What the heck, let’s go. I never even saw that before. I’m sure that’s a part of this word, but that’s just funny.

Sorry. Let’s see. Barbara, what does that say? Oh, Babaria. You see that? See? Bar ya. You see that? Bar ya. This is where the barbers come from too. Like the people that cut your hair. That’s why they’re called barbers. That’s why they have a pole. That’s why they’re represented by a pole, a pole that’s spinning upwards, usually bar or barbaria or Barbarians. The people who are from another place, that’s unlike the Southlands. This is where they settled. This is the. The berber coast, right? So some of these tartarian type people, the nomads, they came down from this direction, they swooped on down and over time they just made their way over here.

They settled in different areas. One of them is the Burberry coast or Barbary coast, however you want to pronounce it. But it’s basically the barbarian coast of North Africa, which is also where Egypt is. A lot of people forget that Egypt is in Africa. I’ve been to Egypt, so I’ve been to Africa. Um, I’d like to go back there actually sometime and really check out the great pyramid, if we can make that happen. Ooh, I will go. I will so go in a heartbeat. What else we got over here? Anything else of note? Just kind of going through this says nova urope, which means new Europe, which is interesting.

Why would it be new Europe? Well, because maybe there was a portion of that northern fantasy island that was called Europe or Europa, possibly. Let’s see. Anything else I’m noticing up here? I like to go through and check these out and read these and translate them. You can pretty much just translate this straight into Google and it will translate a lot of this. There’s Magog right there. I wonder what that says. You see that magog? Abhok og ogigia. Ooh, that’s interesting. Ogigia. Og that’s like King Aug. That’s related to King Og. I wonder. Anyways, I don’t have time to really translate it at the moment.

I don’t want to do that on the fly. What else we got here? I think I’m good with this one. Septon trio at the top. Alright? Yeah, I’m good with this one. Let’s see what else we got next up. Ah, here’s another one. So this one is by. Who does this one? Abraham Ortelius, 1527 to 1598. This map was printed in 1570 and as you can see at the top, Septon Trio and a little portion of the island paradise where the pygmies live. Right. This is that horn of the island that reaches out and touches Greenland.

Just like we talked about. Right there. There it is again. This is the ocean of the Hyperboreans or the hyperboros. That us is just Oz. It means strong or strength. So the strong bar. Those who come from beyond the strong bar. Let’s see. Oh, Deucalion. There’s Ducalion’s name again. Another name for. I think it’s the greek version of Noah. I can’t remember off the top of my head, but the ocean of Deucalion, aka the flood waters, is what that really means. But I thought this was cool. It’s got Groquland up there, Greenland right there. Viz Arc is also prominently featured on many of these places.

Vitzark Mons. And you can see the tops missing. You see that? I wish I could zoom in more, but I cannot. You can see it shoots straight up and it goes down and then in way up and then down. That is a volcano. That’s a plasma volcano. A major contender for the anode and cathode islands. What else we got over here? Sea monster. Anything else of note? Just checking it out. Nothing off the top. This is supposed to be a depiction of Capricorn, I believe. Is it? I don’t know. It’s a weird thing here. Septentrionalium descriptio.

Alright, I think I’m good with this one too, but I just wanted to show you all the different maps that actually include at least a little portion of that island paradise. Alright, let’s move on to this next one over here. This one is done by a guy named Ruiz. And I can’t remember what year this is. I want to say 1500, somewhere around there. But check this one out. This is the oldest one I could find that actually shows the island in the middle. Where is this one? Damn, I can’t remember this guy’s name. Maybe it says it on the map somewhere up here.

But this one’s really old, even older. This predates Mercator’s maps. And check it out right at the middle. Well, let me show you the whole thing. Okay, so here’s the whole map right here. You can see Africa right there, America, etcetera. And then right in the middle, it’s like a little pac man map. And if you check it out in the middle, you can see hyperborea. And I’m going to zoom in all the way so we can actually read as. As best as we can. What it says here, this one says insula, or the island of Erta, or the earth island, I guess, Aron Fay, the priests of light, something like that.

Insula deserta, that means a desert island. Two of those quadrants at the middle of the, at the middle of the earth, of those four islands, right, of that circular island, two of them were said to be desert, right? And then two of them were said to be lush, hyperbore, Europa. Now, there’s Europe right there. That’s the origin. So one of those was known as Europa, right? They have different original place names, but you can see hyperbore, which means hyperborean Europe, right there, right? So you can imagine the inhabitants of this place left beyond the walls, beyond the boundaries of Fantasia, you could say.

And it looks like it used to be connected right over here where Europe actually is. So that makes sense if it was. So, boom. Once the walls, once that energy descends and comes down, they just come on through to the other side and they settle in the local areas. Up here, there’s Spain, Hispania, right? Europe, Scotland, Ireland, etcetera. Right? Yeah, this makes sense. I mean, it makes sense to me. These were the original place names. They all had different, different names. They migrated out here and then they started renaming the rivers and the mountains and the lakes and all of that stuff once they settled the new lands or the southern lands, the new world.

Mundus novos terresancti. What does this say? Teresanti crucis. I don’t know. Let’s continue on. Oh, look at the detail, too. Let’s see all these little dots and stuff. I just wanted to show this to, just to show you. This is the center of the world. It’s at the center. It’s actually in the middle right there. Boom. There’s a giant mountain at the center. And this is hyperborea. This is, these are the walls of Eden, etcetera. Right. All right, next up then, the, the author of the next map, the cartographer. His name is Gerard de Jodis from 1593.

This is his map right here. Gerard de Jodis. This is the South Pole, Antarctica. So we’re going to focus on this area right here that actually shows the north. This one’s called the hemisphere. Ab Aquino, tiali, linea, something, something. The north pole, the circular north pole, etcetera. So here it is right here. Boom. You can see the four islands of the circular country that was once connected to these other continents. Now, you have to imagine, whenever the waters rose, then they cut off these little land bridges that once existed in different places. Right? So those waters rise.

You can see the four rivers splitting just like that in the same similar manner. It’s interesting. They named California so long ago, right? This is California up here. Joshua Adams. Hey, good to see you. Oh, you just. Joshua just gifted a free jdrmers membership. Robin bird picked that up. Congratulations. All right, let’s see what else we got here. So here’s California, the old California, which is named after the God or goddess Kali. Right? You ever see those goddesses and gods sticking their tongues out all the time. You ever wonder why they do that? This one, I like to read all of this stuff too.

So this one even says Europe on it. This quadrant right here. Check this out. Lord Racer also in the chat. Good to see Lord Racer. Thanks for being a member for 13 months. Oh, my God, check this out. Oceanus. It’s kind of hard to read. Oceanus bar, whole something europas. You see that? Europe boom right there. This says Septon Trianolis. I’m sure. This one, I don’t know. I can’t make it out really on this particular map. Groqueland, etcetera. Let me zoom out a bit. Where were we here? Oh, Japan. That’s interesting. They got Japan right there.

Or what appears to be Japan. Yeah. So the four islands in the middle. Boom. Okay, cool. That’s pretty much all I wanted to share with this particular map, I believe. So let’s move on to the next one. Next up. Oh, this is a globe, actually. They say this is the oldest globe. I don’t know, I can’t verify that. But let’s check it out. This is. This is from 1492, when Columbus sold the ocean blue. Right. Let’s look at the top of this globe, shall we, and see what’s at the north pole. Oh, look at that. Hyperborea, the garden of Eden.

Right. Now this one’s interesting because it looks like it’s more flooded and broken up, doesn’t it? Right. You can still see this land bridge that connects here and here, which would be the places naturally, where the inhabitants would become nomadic and go off into the southern areas. Right, I’ll zoom out a bit so you can just kind of see it. This is the ball earth idea. This is allegedly from 1492. What the heck is down here? I don’t know what that is. Some weird stuff going on. Look at all that water, man. That’s crazy. That’s a lot of water.

What do we got here? Whoa, I just zoomed in way too far. Alright. Anyways, I just wanted to show you that this is also on a globe, the first globe, allegedly, right. The oldest globe. This is called the apple Earth or the potato earth. Actually, that’s the name of it. If you look it up and has hyperborea right there at the top of the world. Right? I mean, the mountain is obviously covered by where they would stick something in there. Kim. Hey, thank you, Kim. Thanks for being there for me too. Kim is. Kim is. Kim has been like my friend and listening to me vent, and she’s been my shoulder to cry on lately.

Here it is again. I want to show you this. So this is another 3d representation that somebody did. And this is the top, this is the North Pole. And appropriately enough, there’s a giant hole in it that goes down inside of the earth that you can see right there. Those are the lands. That’s the southern area with a little hole at the bottom. But I thought that was pretty cool right there. Boom. You can see it’s connected there and there, right? So those, those waters rose and messed up that connection. Now here’s another one. Let’s see.

Let’s look at the top. Yes. Sure enough. Now this one’s not labeled or anything. With the lands at the top, you can see Asia, America. So this would be like this area right here. Not that. This would be like Alaska. Right. This is interesting. Let’s call this Albion. There’s California. Boom. Oops. And right here, hyperborea. Boom. Same land. It’s not named. You don’t have all the details of the, the mountain range or anything, or the rivers or anything, but they still have a circular continent at the top of the world. On this particular one right here, this one is called, this is by Vera Todius Hondius Vera Torius expeditions.

Expedition is nethica Nafta k Naphtakay. I have not translated any of this, but hey, here’s that. Oh, here’s that same symbol that we just broke down on. My last truth in movies, except it’s a dragon. Instead of having, say, they have a lion on one side, they, this used to. This is now a unicorn, but back then. And here’s that same motto, God and my right, mondois. So here’s a dragon, right? They’ve changed this to a unicorn, but it used to be a dragon. If you, at least according to this right here. So interest. We just broke this down to this little sigil.

That’s so interesting. I find it to be interesting. Florida. Boom. Now remember, there’s many cavernous openings within the earth. I believe a major one was down here in the area of Florida, which is basically the flowery area. And that’s also where people believed that there was the garden. I mean, not the Garden of Eden, but the. The fountain of youth, right? Any of any place where the. The terrestrial energy would shoot up out of the earth would be considered a small fountain of youth. All of those smaller ones would dissipate. Right? So the way that this works is that the energy bursts out of the top of the world.

However, because that’s the biggest opening in the world. It’s the last one that you see that beam of light shoot up from all the smaller ones. You’ll see light emerge from those first, just like if you were to fill it up with water or fluid or anything else, right? All the smaller cavernous openings will shoot out their ionized oxygen and beams and stuff first, and therefore they will be the first ones to recede. Those will be the first pillars and poles and beams of light and sky pillars and stuff that recede and disappear and are sacrificed, etcetera.

Those would be the first places where the fountains of youth disappear and become legends and stuff. The last one to disappear is the biggest one, right? So it’s the last one to show up to be introduced, which is Mount Meru, right at the center of the world. And it’s the last one to go. Anyways. I think that’s about all I wanted to share with that one. Let me see. Anything else popping out here? Not really. 1580. Boom. This was allegedly done in 1580. There’s the name of the guy that did it right there. So if you want to check out this map, it’s by Judicus or Iodicus.

Honda right there. Take a screenshot. 1580. Boom. All right, let’s move on to the next one. This one says the type of orb, terrarium or terrarium, basically. This one also shows you the mysterious island at the north. It looks gigantic just because it’s all spread out like that, you know what I mean? But here it is. Septon Trio at the very top. Boom. See that right there? Septon Trio, seven mountains, the seven mountain mandate, etcetera. Tartaria. Here’s Tartaria over here. Europa Tartaria right here. Mongol over here. Let’s see if I can get over here. Check some of this out.

Boom. The Mongol or the mangools, etcetera. Anything of interest? I’m just skimming over this real quick. That looks like Japan over here. Yapan. Yapan, what else we got? Man, I wish. I wish in high school they would have offered Latin or Greek or anything. All they had was Spanish, German and French. So I took French. I’m like. And I only took it because I lived in California. All the Mexicans took Spanish and I didn’t want to be in there with people that were cheaters and just taking, like, getting an easy a, learning to speak their native language.

German was, you know, there’s not a lot of places in the United States that speak German and we’ve got France up there in Canada. So I just, I don’t know. I went with France. Let’s see anything else down here of interest? Let me just look around real quick. Not so much. Same typical stuff. Typical stuff with the sea monsters and other places. But I just wanted to show this, just so you can see that the hyperborea is shown at the top of the world right there. Boom. Alright, next up. Oh, man. I. I’ve already really broken this one down.

We’ll take a look at this. This is my favorite map of all time. I have one of my subscribers sent me this map and I have it hanging on my wall. And we’re gonna take a look at this. This is by Urbano Monty in the year 1587. This map, although it looks small, is like 10ft by 10ft, I think. Let me ask Google, how big is the Urbano monty map? Boom. Yeah, 10ft. So it’s 10ft by 10ft. This thing right here. Think about how much went into this. I’m just going to show you. I’m going to zoom into the middle.

Okay. And I’ve done this map before. We’ve talked a lot about this one and there’s still a lot more to cover. You notice that little sun symbol right there in the middle, like we talked about. There’s also a g right there in the middle. This is where the Freemasons get their little g from. If you’ve ever wondered why they use that letter g, it’s. Yeah, you could say it’s for God. But it’s also the letter gimel, which is a foot, which implies a destination travel, basically. Some people think gimmel means camel. It’s not a camel was a mode of transportation.

That’s why it came to be known as that. But in the ancient languages, this was the letter g was Gimmel, which was a foot. Also the third letter of the ancient Alphabet. So this is where Mount Meru would be if you didn’t have this big, ugly eight pointed star in the way. But regardless, you can still see the four island continents right there that make up the circular hyperborea, the Garden of Eden, etcetera. The ocean of. Now, this one spells it differently, too. Setentrionale. Right? So they. They speak. They spell things differently. And then it also says here, glaciato, which means glacierous, but it also says non sempre, which means not always.

So it’s a glacierous ocean, but not always. Right. Interesting. What else? The northern glaciers ocean. Oh, here’s those poles. So these are strong candidates for the anode and cathode islands, the polo de magnete. You can see a rock formation just jutting up with a little hole in it. That implies a volcano. The island of life. The island of green. The green island. The island that grows, etcetera. And this is the island that we find between Asia and America. Just like we looked, like we looked at earlier. Now, you can see where they actually, it looks like they.

They had drawn something right about there, but maybe erased it or something, I’m not sure. Remember, this is 10ft by 10ft. There’s another example of what some people call the alicorn, right? Or the strong horn. The Alicorn. Or the unicorn, you could say, too. This is really interesting, too. Check this out. Translate this. This is a fun thing for people. It’s stuck. Hold on. My mouse just got stuck. Why is my mouse stuck? I do not look. It’s stuck. Anyways, how do I unstick this? I gotta res. Hold on. Let me refresh the page. All right.

I’m gonna show you a place where the twelve tribes of Israel had been known to have settled, which is right over here. Look for this little unicorn. Now, remember, on that sigil I showed you earlier, they showed the unicorn strangled by the crown. And then the crown has chains that chain the unicorn to the ground. Just by the unicorn is a place called Aracet, right? Which is in the Scythian Ocean, the Phoenician Ocean, etcetera. And just down here, it says, this is where the ten tribes of Israel live. See, tribu disreal. That means the tribes of Israel.

And I believe this is ten. The ten tribes of Israel. The ten lost tribes. So that’s super interesting. Here we have Magog once again. This little city right here, representing Magog. What else? Oh, here’s that liger. Is it a liger? No, not a liger. Man, tiger, Mantigore, Manticore. That’s what they’re called. Man, tiger, Manticore. That’s what they are. So this is an example of, like, the Manticore, basically. It’s. It’s a type of fantasy, basically, that went extinct or died out. On this map, they show you the great Wall of China. Now, take note. There are monsters in the area, right? So they build a huge wall all the way around this territory.

This is the great wall of China right here. I could just zoom in and show you. There’s little towers and ramparts and whatnot, right? Connects to this little area of water. And they block this off to keep out, I believe, fantasoids, gigantic insects and animals and stuff that flood into this world. They would say it’s to keep out the neighboring tribes of people or whatever, the tartarians, possibly, etc. That’s possibility. But I’m more inclined to believe it’s something like this to keep stuff like that out. Either way. Here’s the great Wall of China. This is interesting.

Check out this little floating city with these three bridges. This is made reference to, I think, in, um, um, sea beast, that movie seabeast. There was a. There was a town called three bridges or something. Let’s see what else. This is like Asia, China, which means our life, by the way. So na means us or our. And then Chi means energetic force. Our life. Our life force. Chi na. All right, what else we got in here? Lots of stuff to see in this map. This is a particular interest right here. This is a non existent island.

This is a phantom island. However, look how many city names are here. Remember, this map is 10ft by 10ft. Look at all the different names of actual places. This isn’t the Lord of the Rings. This isn’t just for entertainment purposes that somebody just made this up. Look, all the millions of dots on this map. Look at this. This I believe. My theory on this is that now it says Japanese. This is not Japan. Okay. I can’t imagine this. This looks nothing like Japan. First of all, there’s no japanese island names or anything. There’s evidence of monsters and possible vampires and stuff that lived here.

I believe this is Lemuria. So that’s it looks like an elephant with like a elephant nose and a tusk and feet and stuff. Anyways, it’s right off the coast. It’s between Asia and California. The coast of California off there in the Pacific. It looks to me like a strong contender for Lemuria right here. See that? Just above the tropic of cancer. Cancer. Let’s see what else we got here. Oh, let’s check that out. So there’s that one. Yep, there’s that one island. So let’s check out the other side and see if we can find the anode and the cathode islands.

Should be right across from it. Here we go. Boom. There it is. Sticking. It’s upside down. So here it is. Hoosi aruka hus, meaning house, and then arka, meaning container or hollowed out place. Right. So it’s a plasma volcano sticking up out of the ground. There’s Greenland, Gronland, etcetera, terra Verde. The Greenland, also Gronland Alba. That’s featured on many of these maps. Oh, here’s that. Here’s that. Here’s that vortex. There’s that whirlpool. Remember at the beginning we saw that whirlpool? It’s right here. Same place, different map. Interesting. Let’s see what else we have of note. Oh, I found Noah’s ark on this map.

Check this out. Where is Noah’s Ark? Hold on, I gotta orient myself. Where are we? Somewhere over here. Ah, there it is. Boom. Check this out. I think that’s Noah’s ark right there on the top of the mountain. Doesn’t it look like it in Armenia? I’ll zoom out so you can see where it is. So it’s by, like, the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. So it’s sort of in between all three of those right there. Interesting. What else we got? Let me check out. Italy, I think was Vesuvius on here? I’m just playing with the map right now.

There’s Spain. Spain looks like a face, don’t you think? Let’s see if we can find Vesuvius. I believe I did find it on here before the country. Shaped like a boot. There it is. Look at all these names. There’s a sea monster. Another one. Look at all these. Look how detailed this is. Right, let me squish this around so we could read it. Look at all these place names. Look at all the tiny little cities and stuff. Look at the detail that went into this ten by ten foot map from the middle ages, from the. From.

From freaking a thousand years ago. Somewhere on there, uh, there’s another boat right there. I don’t know. There’s all kinds of cool stuff on this map. Some things of note I will point out, because I’ve. I’ve seen this map many times. There’s dinosaurs and stuff, or what I call fantasy. Oh, here’s the rock. Remember I was telling you about that bird that picks up elephants, drops them on the ground? Yeah. Look how big that bird is. Either that or it’s a tiny elephant. But it’s not a tiny elephant, it’s a gigantic bird. So the rock was known to frequent these southern areas, or tierra Del Fuego.

Terror del Fuego. The land of fire. Right? That’s because that’s where the plasma is. That comes around the dome that comes all the way down. That’s why you guys in Australia and New Zealand and stuff, that’s why your Aurora borealis, which is really Aurora Australis, is red. It’s because that, that’s that red plasma that’s closer high up in the sky. Well, the sky comes down towards where you live. And on this map, Australia was actually connected. Where is it? Where is Australia? It’s just a. It’s. It’s just basically a piece over here that was flooded. Oops.

Damn it. I didn’t mean to do that. There we go. So here’s like the polyponiesian island areas, right? So this should be a portion of. This is like Australia, I believe. I don’t know. Anyways, lots of detail in this map. I was going to show you guys some of the strange creatures and stuff. There’s giants also that are featured on here. There’s some sort of monkey doing some weird. What is this? This is. This is a creature looking into a mirror. Do you see that? And this is a creature bending over backward doing something to itself.

Let’s move on from that one. I don’t know what’s. There’s weird stuff on this map. I want to show you the giants in South America. Where’s that? There’s. I mean, there’s giants all over the place. Really? There it is. So let me scooch it over here. South America. Is that South America? Yeah. And it says the region of the giants. This is where giants were known to frequent and live. This looks like a zombie giant right here. I don’t know what’s going on with that, but the region of the giganti, right? And they make huge, gigantic people right there.

Right? Real close to the edge of the world. Boom. Uh, yeah, I don’t want to get on this map too much, because we’ll be here for hours on this map. Um, you can see all the little tartarian tents and stuff like that. Oh, here’s the Griffins. Remember how I said they show you oftentimes up in the north, there was these. These creatures that are called Griffins Griffo, right there. They were known to frequent these magnetic islands or these lodestone islands. Many of these stories talk about how there was griffins that come and they fly, and they make their homes on these high cliffs of these mountains.

Are they part lion, part bird, part whatever? No, I don’t think so. I think they’re otherworldly creatures that have survived and these ones can fly and they learn to survive by living in places where humans do not. And here it actually talks about the Griffins too. Alright, let’s see what else. I think that’s all I really want to show for this map. It’s amazing. We could spend a lot of time here, but I’m going to move on to. That was it actually, yeah, that’s pretty much it because here’s the live stream. This is my last one.

Alright, cool. Well, hey man, that was a great breakdown. I’m honored that so many people are watching right now. Blows my mind. Thank you so much for all of your support. If you’re interested in these topics, I’ve got two books that I have done. They’re a series called ancient oblivion. Okay, so I’ve got ancient oblivion return to hyperborea, which is soon to be out. Everyone that has pre ordered will get your little special pre orders and autographs and J Dreamers merch and all the fun stuff that I had promised, along with supporting me through pre orders.

Hey, I’m big again, so that’s coming out soon. My first book is already out. You can check it out on Amazon. I will soon be taking it off Amazon and just selling it myself once the second book is done. And that one’s called ancient Oblivion, the plasma Apocalypse. So the first one really focuses on the actual apocalypse itself. The second one focuses on that paradise island and the other phantom islands that we just sort of touched on. My website also. I’m sure you saw a little ticker up here talks about my website. Go check that out.

It’s fun, it’s informative, there’s lots to remember, lots of visuals and audios, and it’s interactive. I designed it purposefully like that so that it’s easy to remember the things that are presented. So check out my website, check out my books, leave me some love, leave me some comments. You know, if you feel you like what I’ve offered and stuff, feel free to share all my stuff, tell people about it and bring them on over. I’m gonna take off. Until next time, I’m Jay Dreamer, saying good vibes and goodbye. I try so hard to fade away but something’s forcing me to stay it’d be easier for me if I can wait to sleep but there’s something holding on the way being Hong Kong, there’s only ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up.

Time to wake up. But too many ways to escape but I guess it’s not time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. I know I should should have done this should have quit this long ago kids and another heartbreak but it’s time to let it go it’d be easier for me if I turn away to flee oh, but there’s something holding on there’s only ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Don’t you wake up. Don’t you wake up. Don’t you wake up. Don’t you wake up? There’s so many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Far too many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up.

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts
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