Earth Tours!

Spread the Truth


Earth Tours!



➡ The text is about a person who is starting a new series called “Jayjimmers Earth Tours”. In this series, they will be virtually touring different places around the world, starting with the Smithsonian. They will be using 360-degree virtual tours and Google Earth to explore these places. They also mention that they will be taking recommendations from their channel members on where to go next.
➡ The text is about a tour of a museum, focusing on a giant ground sloth and the theory that it might have been a monster terrorizing France in the past. The tour also explores other exhibits, including a section on dinosaurs and a discussion about gigantism in animals. The text also mentions a theory about an asteroid causing a mass extinction event 66 million years ago, which the narrator questions.
➡ The text repeatedly urges someone to wake up, suggesting there are many ways to avoid doing so, but it’s necessary to face reality.
➡ The text talks about a visit to a museum, exploring exhibits about giant sea creatures, dinosaurs, and prehistoric life. It discusses theories about why these creatures were so large, suggesting it’s due to the ocean’s buoyancy and increased oxygen levels in the past. The text also mentions a theory that dinosaur fossils might have been fabricated for fame a century ago. Lastly, it explores the idea of mass extinctions caused by volcanic eruptions and the evolution of life after these events.
➡ The text is a rambling monologue of a person exploring a museum, questioning the theory of evolution, and expressing their fascination with ancient history, symbolism, and respect for nature. They also express their disapproval of deforestation and the destruction of ancient trees. They seem to be lost in the museum, but continue to explore and comment on various exhibits.
➡ The text discusses the process of fossilization, suggesting it can happen quickly, not just over millions of years. It also questions the traditional methods of dating fossils, arguing that the layering of rocks doesn’t necessarily indicate age. The author believes in mutation and adaptation, not evolution over long periods. They suggest that rapid changes can occur, leading to new species or variations.
➡ The text is about a person exploring different places virtually, using Google Earth. They discuss theories about how volcanoes are formed and visit the Pink House, or Casa Rosada, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They also speculate about the purpose of certain architectural features, such as pillars and arches, suggesting they might be used to control electricity.
➡ The text is about exploring different historical and architectural sites. The author talks about the purpose of certain structures like domes and pillars, which were used to attract and redirect electricity. They also discuss the symbolism of certain elements like obelisks and green domes. The author ends by planning to visit a castle in Germany.
➡ The text is about a virtual tour of a castle and its surroundings, located in a remote, mountainous area. The castle is compared to structures in Vegas and Colorado Springs, and its fortifications are discussed. The text also mentions a future virtual tour of the Vatican museum and a national park in China. Lastly, it talks about a visit to Gobekli Tepe, an ancient site in Turkey, and the interpretation of its carvings.
➡ The speaker is exploring various historical and geographical sites virtually. They discuss the appearance and theories about places like Gobekli Tepe, Mount Kalash, and the Hoover Dam. They also mention the possibility of hidden secrets at Mount Rushmore and end with a tour of Dracula’s Castle, highlighting its medieval torture instruments.
➡ The text is about a visit to an exhibition at Braun Castle showcasing medieval torture instruments. The author explores various devices, including a spiky chair and a breaking wheel, and discusses theories about why torture was so common during the medieval period. The author also interacts with members of their online community, the “good vibe tribe,” during the visit.


You yesterday there was sun and there was rain beauty in the mundane as the light startled our eyes we let go of disguise oh, it and now there’s something in the air and a sparkly shimmer on our skin restoring everything within oh, dreamy, breezy we go on easy on our tiptoe under cover agents of the other beyond gravel beyond hand in hand building castles out of sand reaching for the grand can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? All right, sweet.

I think I did fix the audio. I jumped right on that one. So, wow, it’s good to see everyone. So this is going to be a new series. A brand new series. This is the first episode. So welcome. I’m so excited to have everybody here. Hopefully the sound is good. Now, let me just turn it up a bit. There we go. Hopefully that’s better. I don’t know, man.

We might have to work out some kinks. Let me see here. I might be too quiet right now, actually. So let’s put a filter on this bad boy real quick. Yesterday, or last time, we did a little Google Earth searching, and that gave me an idea to do this new segment, new episodes called Jayjimmers Earth Tours. Earth tours. All right, so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to fix up my volume until it looks like it’s a little louder.

Okay. So I pushed the volume up a bit. Hopefully that’ll do. I’m not sure if that’s too quiet or what, but I’m going to leave it right about where it is. And I might have to just cross my fingers might have to cross my fingers on this one. Hopefully it’s not too crackly and loud. But if it is, we’ll make sure to get it all fixed up. This is like a beta testing of our first episode.

All right, so now that you guys can hear me, let me explain. Let me explain. So what I’m going to do is I’ve posted in my community section a post that only my channel members can see. And in that post, it explains everything about this particular new segment that I have where I’m going to be your tour guide. And I’m going to take you all on a great many fun filled, casual, super casual, laid back tours of many places.

Today we’re starting in the Smithsonian. The Smithsonian has a lot of different halls and places throughout it. So we’re going to be walking around using virtual 360 degree tour type things. We’re going to check it out. I’m going to be in the chat. I’m going to put any super chats and stuff like that. Just for example, Eric just totally did a super chat. Thank you, Eric. And your comments up on the screen, especially if you have recommendations and whatnot.

But if you’re a channel member, I’m actually going to be taking us to places that channel members recommend as long as they meet the criteria that I’ve given in the community section. And that’s only for channel members. You won’t be able to see it unless you’re actually a channel member. So just doing a little bit of fun things for everyone in the public and everyone in the community section.

I mean everybody in the member section. I’m nervous right now. I don’t know why. I don’t know why. Probably because I hate messing up. I hate messing up. But anyways, this is just laid back. I just want to take us through to tour the world. I want tour the earth. I want to be Indiana Jones, man. Has anyone else ever wanted to be Indiana Jones? So this is not going to be like I’m the tour guide who knows everything about everything.

I’m going to be commenting basically, I’m going to be your tour guide commenter and I’m going to share my insight on the places where I take us. So if there’s any questions, feel free to ask. Oh, look at that. It’s right up Eric. That’s right in the middle of the screen, isn’t it? All right, hold on. Let me fix that up real quick. Alert box for the payball.

All right, we’ll just scooch that on over and I think I’ll make that a bit bigger too, that way. Let me just test this out real quick. Thanks for bearing with me while we work out the kinks, so to speak. I think I’ll subscribe to myself real quick, see what it looks like. Probably put that down underneath. Oh, it disappeared entirely. All right. Right there. That looks good.

Okay, cool. Maybe make it a little smaller so it doesn’t take up the whole thing. All right, let me just become a member of my own little channel. I believe all of these up here, they’re pretty much random. I selected some fun ones and some cool ones and stuff. All right, sweet. Let’s see what we’re going to do tentatively. I’m sure this whole segment will grow as we go, as should we all.

But for now, what I would like to do is I’m specifically looking for recommendations, and I have already some really good ones that people have put in there. Of actual online virtual tours. There’s a million of them on the Internet. Actual tours websites that we can go to where you can look around and it’s 360 degrees and we could check it all out from top to bottom. Those are what I’m looking for.

Once we do our first tour, then we’re going to switch gears. We’re going to go over to Google Earth and I’ll be taking my channel members recommendations to check out some interesting places in Google Earth. Specific places, not like, hey, check out Texas or California, you know what I mean? It’s got to be a specific place so that I can actually go there. And I put all the rules and stuff in the community section.

But then once we exhaust that, then I’ll be asking everybody in the chat. So we’ll get some recommendations from people in the chat and that’s kind of going to be the flow of know. The layout will probably change as we go. Carrie Musgrave just donated five channel memberships to people in the chat. How cool. Now you guys can, all of you, let’s see. Shout out to child of yah.

Spiritually in tune. Gangster of love, Susie flat, Stu B and David Levi. Everybody just got a free channel membership. Not only can you go to the community section and make a recommendation for places for us to go tour, but you can also go check out a lot of my members only videos that are archived. Some of the older ones, I just archived them because they’re getting old or whatnot.

Excellent material, excellent work. I’m ready to have a good time and check this place out. So here’s the first place. Here’s the first place. Let me get Carrie Musgrave put up here gifted five memberships. Now, those memberships are given out by YouTube, not me. And you have to have it enabled, you know what I mean? To accept the gifting and whatnot. You’ll have to figure that out. And they give it to people who participate the most is what I’ve heard.

So the people who are active in the chat or leaving comments, know, liking the video and things like that, those are the people that tend to get the memberships when they’re given out. There were two actually. Hold on. Carson. Flowers. I’m doing well, thank you. Carrie Musgrave donated twice, it looks like. Wow. That’s awesome. All right, sweet. Well, I’m going to leave that up there for a bit.

Thank you so much on behalf of everybody who got one, Carrie. All right, so here’s the first place where we are. We are in the Smithsonian, specifically we’re in the ancient past section of the Smithsonian here. It says, exploring Earth’s distant past helps us to understand the present and plan our future. So this is going to be really interesting. And for those of you who are new to my channel, I am an esoteric researcher.

I study things that are arcane and weird and strange, and I have a totally different worldview on history and cosmology and stuff. So that’s the lens through which I will be commenting and sharing my thoughts on stuff. Oh, check it out. They got, like, video introduction right here. I don’t even know what that is. Let’s check it out. The national fossil hall. Oh, hold on, hold on. Time out, time out.

So this is a YouTube video, so I better actually stray from that one. All right, let’s check it out. So we can go this way. I think this is the main section. And then we can curve around through this little hallway right here. Looks like there’s some kind of mastodon action. Aplesiosaur of some type. Travel back in time, as you can see, and there’s, like, a lot of fossils and stuff down that way.

Or we can go left. We can go this way. I’m going to take us this way first, mostly because I see a giant sloth fossil right back there. And I’ve done videos on gigantism, so we’re going to go check that out first. Here we go. Buckle your seatbelts and we’ll get right to the actual tours a bit quicker in future episodes or whatnot. Check out this monster. Look at this bad boy.

So this is a giant ground sloth. And I’ve actually talked about the giant ground sloth a few times. This thing is humongous. Look how huge this is. I believe that these existed until not too long ago, up until our recent past. And they may be the monster of Gavardon. I believe that’s how you say it in France, where the entire country in France had a monster problem, that there was this monster that looked like a gigantic rodent or some sort of beast that was terrorizing all of France, and it was going about killing people and ripping them to shreds.

And so the king of France actually commissioned his people and told them all to go on a countrywide monster hunt for something that looks like it could have been a giant sloth. Right? And I don’t imagine that the giant sloth was as slow as the modern day sloths. However, this does hearken back to gigantism. Look how huge this thing is. Wow, look at that. And I believe I can even zoom into all of this stuff, but the giant sloth is really interesting.

Let’s see what else we got around here. If you want to get my attention, make sure that you type in at jdreamers if you have anything that you want to add. It’s good to see everybody. Good to see you all in the chat. All right, cool. So what is this? Let’s go sneak around this way. Rotunda north. I have no idea where we’re about to go. Let’s go there, though.

Let’s check it out. Okay, we got a map. Looks like there’s a map up here. Interesting. How do we. Okay, we’ll get. Okay, so here we are. Let’s orient ourselves. So we’re at this elephant facing the dinosaur section. We might head that way next. Let me see. Oh, wow. It moves around with us. So this is kind of cool. So if we continue forward, that’s the dinosaur section.

I think we might actually head that way, but for right now, let’s just check out the rest of it. Let’s look above us. Okay. I want to comment on this one first of all. Right. I’ve done many videos about an alternative cosmology that I have about our world. I believe that we have a firmament and a dome, as is discussed by many ancient belief systems across time. And this is what it would look like.

This right here. You ever see how they put, like, this dome, and there’s always a circle and an opening at the very middle of it? Right. I think that that reflects our world that we live in with an inverted dome at the top. All right, here we have an elephant, which I also have done an entire video about elephants and how they actually may be alien creatures that made their home here on earth during the last.

And, you know, obviously, they used to be much larger, but they’re gigantic animals. People forget about gigantism all of the time. Let’s see. Oh, there was a giant sloth found in Colombia. That’s interesting. Right on, carrie. Good to see you. Much love. Back to you. All right, let’s continue the tour. We got a giant elephant right here. Elephants in danger. Yeah, because people hunt them down and kill them so they can get their tusks, which is messed up.

I like to be friends with the animals. All right, what do we got here? We got rotunda. Not sure what that is. I kind of want to check out the dinosaur section. I’ve always liked dinosaurs, and I’m curious to see. I can zoom in on this. Check this out. Mammals. Okay. Mammal museum store. Okay, look at the architecture here. Check this out. You ever notice how they put these interesting signs and symbols on the architecture everywhere? Like these wreaths and whatnot? I always find that interesting.

All right, let’s see what else we got here. I’ll try not to go too fast or too slow. That’s the entrance, so, yeah, let’s head over to the dinosaur section. That sounds fun. Oh, we’re right back where we started. Is this the dinosaur section? Hold on. Let me go back and just make sure. Let’s see. You’ll have to bear with me as I figure it all out here.

Is this the dinosaur section? I believe it is. I believe this might be the actual dinosaur section. So which way? Which way? Let’s go this way. The not too distant past is what it says here. Navigating the deep time exhibition. What do we got over here? Let me check out this little chart. What do we got here? Let’s check out what they say about time. Where’s today? Okay, cool.

So here’s today. Humans in deep time. The first modern humans. Now, this is all academics. Okay, so I may be slamming on a lot of this. The first modern humans 300,000 years ago. The end of the last glacial period. Okay. The great pyramid of Giza. I feel like that’s a guess. The US Declaration of Independence, which nobody follows or cares about anymore here in America, at least. What else we got? So this is the ordinary.

These are the different epics. Now, for me. These represent polarity shifts or polarity reversals in our world, basically. I don’t agree with their timelines because I believe in something called exponential entropy, which is where things speed up as time goes, including how they break down. But time itself basically speeds up the closer you get to each reset point. So this is probably more like thousands of years than millions of years, and not very many thousands of years as well.

Then it starts to spiral off. I’m not sure what this is supposed to be here. All right, let’s check out something interesting. Let’s look at dinosaurs. Let’s see. I feel like we should go left. Let’s go left. Okay, cool. We got some interesting fossils. I’ve heard that these are not the actual bones, that these are not the actual fossils of things. Let’s see. We got some interesting fossils.

The cost and the benefits of living large. Well, see, this is also another thing, too. Oh, we got some new membership donations in the chat from Susie flat. Susie flat. Looks like she gave out ten J Dreamers channel memberships. Thank you. Susie. That’s awesome. Let me get your name up there. Booyah. Right on. This is so cool. All right, cool. Let’s see. We’re going to check this out.

The cost and the benefits of living large. So gigantism, right? When it comes to gigantism, this looks like maybe some kind of dodo bird or something. But when it comes to gigantism, academics has a hard time with gigantism because they often attribute atmospheric conditions and stuff to the world that we live in today, or they misrepresent how long ago these things were. And they make it sound like it would be really difficult for giant creatures to exist, that they would be so heavy that they’d be lugging themselves around and stuff.

I feel like we could think a bit more outside of the box when it comes to gigantism, especially whenever we take into consideration all of the influx of oxygen that comes into our world. Dense forests open up. Okay, interesting. Mass extinction. What does this say now? You know that they believe that these extinctions basically were caused. Let’s read it. Let’s just read what this says here. This one gives me a good laugh.

Mammals after mass extinction, an asteroid strike wiped out most of the dinosaurs and led to global ecosystem collapse 66 million years ago. Exactly 66 million years ago. Afterward, life evolved in new directions, right? So there was like a lizard that made it, and then the lizard turned into monkeys and birds and all kinds of stuff. They really like pushing the birds used to be dinosaurs thing. I don’t really believe all of their explanations.

Afterward, life evolved and went new directions, new ecosystems, forms. So basically, they believe that an asteroid hit the earth and a giant fireball wrapped around our world and lit everything on fire. And all the volcanoes went off, and all the big things disappeared because the plant life started dying because it got cold. There’s so many questions that. That begs, though, you know what I mean? Like, I have so many questions about that.

So they say things like this, smaller mammals survived, and then they were able to adapt or whatnot. Let’s go check out the rest of this stuff. I totally don’t believe that story. Let’s see. So interesting. We’ve got some giant sea predators now. I do believe that many of these. Look how huge this turtle is. Wow, look at that thing. Sea turtle. I do believe that a lot of the things that survived the last apocalypse, especially the one when the oceans were introduced into our world, many things in the ocean survived because there’s no humans in there.

And look how big this fish is. Oh, my God. Hold on. Let me get over here to this fish. The ocean is a good place to hide, basically. Look how big that fish is. A shark is a giant fish, too. It’s a giant predatory fish. I don’t know if you guys knew that, but a shark is a fish. Huge fish. Huge gigantic things, and especially bugs, live in the ocean, right? They made their home there.

That’s why we have so many gigantic things, because the ocean allows them to stay gigantic, basically because of the buoyancy in the waters. So they’re gigantic animals all over the place, but the ocean will disappear one day. Let’s see what else we got. It looks like some brontosaurus is over here. And a stegosaurus. I want to check out the stegosaurus spikes versus claws. Wow, this is confusing to look at.

I don’t even see a stegosaurus. Do you guys see that? I don’t know. Oh, check that out. That’s its tail. That’s the tail of something over there. Well, this stegosaurus picture is terrible. You can’t even see it. What else we got over here? Let’s see this one. I’m not sure what this one is, but this is like some sort of prehistoric gigantic whale type deal. Interesting. Okay, let’s check it out.

Boom. After this, we’re going to be hitting up Google Earth, too. So if you guys have some cool recommendations, let me know. All right, so we got this brontosaurus looking type deal as well. Huge and gigantic. There’s also. I’m not saying that these are all real and viable, either. This is just what they put on display. There is a really interesting study that you can do about dinosaurs actually not having existed in the forms that they put the fossils in today and how people made up fossil forms for notoriety about 100 years ago.

It’s really interesting. People just made their own little dinosaur bones and stuck them together, and then all of a sudden, everybody started to find dinosaur bones all over the place. Gigantic trees. We got some gigantic trees. Technicolor tree fossils. Yes. So this is petrified, I believe. Let’s see if it talks about petrified trees. That’s one place we’re definitely going to go check out is the petrified forest in Arizona.

A lot of these trees became petrified whenever the cosmic plasma came down and changed their electric and chemical bonds and made them more dense, and it petrified a lot of the trees. What do we got over here? Okay, these are all bones and stuff like that. Let’s see what else they got. I’m just getting warmed up. I’m just getting started. Volcanic events cause mass extinction. Okay, let’s see what it says.

Massive volcanic eruptions 252,000,000 years ago, released gases that dramatically altered the climate, causing extinctions that rippled through food webs and devastated animal communities. Now, this is interesting because volcanoes interest me personally. For me, those are exit points for those blue beams of energy. Whenever we go through an electric polarity, shift reversal, right? And ionized gases explode up out of these volcanoes, and they become plasma volcanoes. And all of the ejecta and whatnot gets sucked up into the sky.

So it’s not like the whole world is just covered in all of this disgusting smoke and debris and stuff like that, the world across, causing it to become colder because it all leaves our world. It gets sucked up through the depressurization point in the sky. So this is interesting, though, that they would have that. All right, I don’t want to get lost. Let’s get back in here. Where are we? Oh, survivors.

What does it say about survivors? This is how they show apocalypses. They’re like, oh, yeah, the world went through an apocalypse. They don’t even call it apocalypse. You don’t even see apocalypse anywhere. When you go to the museum, they don’t ever use that word. You know why? Because they don’t like to talk about apocalypses, especially if they’reoccurring and if they do allude to an apocalyptic event, they push it back so many inconceivable amount of time ago so far back that nobody worries about it, nobody cares.

They don’t study or prepare or anything. Let’s see. Those lucky few that survived the end permian extinction evolved and diversified into many important groups of plants, animals, including dinosaurs, mammals, and sea urchins. Okay, interesting. Let’s see. Let’s get out of here. This place has given me the creeps. All right, where am I? Where am I? I need that map. Where is that map? All right, cool. I got a map.

Now we’re over here, and it looks like. Did we already go through this main section? Let’s go this way. I think we need to. Yeah, I think these are all just bones and stuff. Let’s go back to Southerway and see what we got. Oh, there’s a little tree over there. Oh, and it’s like, neon colors and dark. I like that. Let’s go check this out. It’s not easy to live on the land.

Ooh, what is this? Okay, I like this. Let’s check this out. What is this? I love that. I can zoom in. Let’s get rid of that map. A tree trunk. Okay, interesting. So check this out. They find these petrified tree trunks that are straight up and down like that in layers or strata or whatnot of the earth that even academics says are like thousands or sometimes millions, I guess, of years apart.

So the question is, how does a tree trunk petrify and exist between those strata when they find them there? Which they do. Let’s check out this giant ocean bug, because that’s clearly what this is. How did plants adapt? Okay. Plants will grow gigantic. I’m going to answer a lot of these questions. So, plants grow to gigantic sizes whenever we go through each apocalyptic cycle because of those beams of ionized oxygen that shoot up from the earth because of less density, right? So there’s less density in the world.

There’s less pressure in the world. All the pressure is released, and it has a direct effect on density. So as the pressure releases, things become less dense in that world. Things grow into that world less dense, and they become a lot larger as well. For plants, whenever we go through a different. We go through a color spectrum shift. So the sky is more of a red spectrum color than it is a blue spectrum today that we have today.

And because of that red light, the plants love that, and they eat that up, and they grow even larger. Now, these, let’s check this out. You see this right here? Most people might look at this and say, oh, look, it’s a giant crab from a long time ago. No, it’s not. Does it say it is? Hold on, let me see what this says. What’s the official ruling on this? Coconut crab.

Oh, we still have these today. Okay. Yes. So they call these coconut crabs. The word crab comes from grab. This is a graboid. This is a bug. I’m sorry, but if you can’t tell, that’s a giant tick of some sort or. You know what I mean? Yeah, that’s definitely a bug. And the bugs grew to gigantic sizes because of all of that oxygen these creatures breathe through their exoskeletal skin, whatever you call it, through their skin, basically.

And if there’s more, let me see what it says right here. I think it might say it. Breathing air. Most land arthropods, which is bugs. That’s just a fancy word for bug. Okay, so lobsters, crabs, crawfish, crayfish, shellfish, which are. None of those are fish. They breathe through their skin. Most land arthropods had pores and tube like trachea that channeled air through their bodies. Yes. That is it spiders and scorpions.

Bugs, however, evolved book lungs, whatever that is, breathing membranes that resemble the pages of a book. Excellent. So what this means. Look at that nasty, gigantic bug on the tree. What this means is these arthropods, these seafood, to many people, they sucked in all of that excess oxygen that was going up into the atmosphere, and our world had way more oxygen content. I don’t know if the museum is going to mention that.

Even academics admits that they believe that the amount of oxygen was at least twice as much as we have today. I’m quite certain that it’s much more than that. Probably three times as much, at least. But all bugs, if you survive the apocalypse, I don’t want to stay in this too long, but this is something you can expect to see all the time, unless you’re in colder regions where bugs don’t enjoy living.

Right? Like towards the north, towards the Arctic Circle area. Right. All right, what do we got over here? This is some interesting looking deal. What is this, some sort of ancient lizard type deal? Okay, interesting. Let’s see. All right, let’s go check out what else we got here. What is this? I like it when there’s, like, stuff to check out and interactive things to play with and stuff.

I like going to these museums so much. Oh, let’s see what other exhibits they have. Okay, I’m starting to get the hang of it. Thank you. Let’s see. Oh, boy. Here we go. Hold on. Let me just go over here real quick. Every living thing on earth evolved from a single species. Yep. This is what they teach your kids. This is what they teach you that every. Check out this little chart, right? They got this little tree deal.

So, like, where’s humans? Oh, here we are. So here’s humans right here. Jesus. Hold on, let me zoom in on this. Here you are. And here’s your family. And you came from, according to the museum and academics, paramecium. Look at that. Here’s a paramecium right here. You’re directly related to. What else? Bacteria. There you go, your bacteria. I do not subscribe to that at all. No. I would be more inclined to believe that God just snapped his fingers and made different things than I would.

That some nasty soup of freaking bacteria crawled. I don’t know how that even works, but it crawled out into the land and stuff. Like, how does stuff. Check this out. Let’s ask a reasonable question, right? How do things allegedly go from breathing water to breathing air and just being on the land? Like, what’s the first one to do that? They always show that. They always show those mudfish or guppies or whatever those are.

You know what I’m talking about? Those muddy, nasty looking fish that look like they’re gasping. They look like frogfish or whatever. They’re gasping for air, right. The first one, right. Is like, how does that work? That it goes onto the land and it’s like it clearly would not be able to breathe the air, right. Because it breathes water and it goes up on the land and it starts suffocating and choking.

And so what does it do? Like, go back into the water and it’s like, oh, God. Oh, God. Let me try that again. Crawls back up until it just does that over and over for its entire life and then teaches its children the same stupid stupidity, right? Hey, listen, kids, I know you’re scared to suffocate and go into places where you can’t breathe, but I tried it. Are animals that dumb, too? What is this? Life’s long beginning? What is this? Life’s long beginning? Is it a video? I don’t know what this is.

I’m not sure we’re going to skip on that one. All right, let’s see what else we got here. Fossil laboratory. Let me see where the map is. Where are we? Where are we? We are. Oh, we’re way over here towards the edge. Let’s just keep on going, see what we got. So this is a fossil laboratory where they just broom off sand, off of bones? Basically. Yeah. I imagine that I’ll have an interesting experience in my comments section after these episodes.

What else we got? This is interesting. Some fossilized tree, african voices, the elevator and ocean hall. All right, where are we here? Let’s check it out. I have no idea where we’re going right now, but we’re going to check it out. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Okay, so this is interesting, too. And controversial. Ooh. Bum, bum, bum. All right, so what do we got? People, like words are enduring.

Is this the. Let’s see what it says here. Africa’s history and peoples. Isn’t that weird that it says peoples like people is already plural? Africa’s history and people have profoundly influenced global culture and thought and continue to do so today. America’s own past and present are strongly linked to Africa. I agree with much of that. What bothers me is that they do this purposefully. They do things like this.

I don’t know what all the jargon is. I don’t know if it’s politically correct or whatnot, but the same thing could be said of every single one of these continents, in my opinion. It seems to me you could say the same thing about Asia, same thing about Europe. I want them to show the north. All right, so this whole place is just a huge shout out. Oh, there’s the Mandela effect.

Who’s this dude? I don’t know. I don’t know who these people are. Let’s get out of here. Getting creeped out. Not because it’s Africa, but it’s weird when they single out individuals like. Like, let me give you an example, okay? Here in Colorado, in Colorado Springs, we have this little museum, and they put up. They have severed heads of indian people, of tribal people, on the walls, on the architecture.

I’m going to have to show you this. We’ll take a tour there sometime, too. I have done a video about it, but they have these severed native american heads on the architecture, guarding the entire. It used to be a courthouse. Right. And, you know, that they didn’t get along well with the tribal people. But then they have, like, these murals and stuff like that where they try to pretend like, oh, we’re best friends, us and the Native Americans, we were all besties and stuff.

Like, no, they put all that stuff up to distract you from the fact that they took land away from the Native Americans and stole it and did really messed up bad things to those people. I want to see some more, like ancient history. I don’t know. Maybe I’m in a different section of the museum. That’s interesting. That’s the eight pointed star. What is this journey of sun and soul? Each point in the sculpture marks a moment in the sun’s journey across the sky.

What do we got here? This is kind of interesting. I like this. Worlds meet at the crossroads. Yes. That would be the north pole. I’m just checking out what it says here. These are interesting. I like symbolism and stuff, obviously. Right. All right, let’s continue on. Let’s see what else we got. I need that map. I don’t know where my map went. Let’s go to the second floor.

Ooh, this looks interesting. Looks like some egyptian stuff. All right, we’re going to go check out the second floor, and we’re going to start with this little egyptian coffin looking area. Now we’re basically just going to get lost in the Smithsonian. You guys getting lost with me in the Smithsonian? Have no idea where we are. Oh, this might be actually super interesting. I like it whenever they start showing the tribal beliefs and stuff, and their dresses or the way that they dressed up, especially whenever they paid homage to their gods and stuff, I find that to be extremely interesting.

All right, hold on. Let me get back out of here. Let me see what else we got. I did see some of this. That looks interesting. Can I go that way? We cannot go that way. All right, hold on. I’m not sure how to bring up the map here. So we’re just going to keep on walking and see where we end up. I think I’m getting lost in the Smithsonian.

Lost in his own museum, eh? Let’s see. Yes, I’m definitely getting lost in here. Let’s go this way. If you’re in a maze, the way that you get out is to just pick one direction, left or right, and keep going that direction, and eventually you’ll get out of the maze. You just can’t switch it up. All right, I think we’ve been here. This looks familiar. Okay, here’s our little starting point.

There is some petrified wood. That’s so sad to me that they cut down all these giant trees to make paper and stuff like that. I don’t like that. I respect the trees. I say let the trees grow. I say let the trees live. Let them be. They’ve been here for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years. And it’s heartbreaking. It’s heartbreaking to me. That’s why I resonate with the elves and whatnot and tree people, and people who respect the trees and nature.

Look at this. They put a picture of trees on the piece of tree. Giant redwoods. Look how beautiful. They were so tall. But we cut this one down to put a picture of giant redwoods on it. A slab. Man. Man, we should go to Yosemite next. Or maybe, I don’t know, next. But we should definitely go check out sequoia National park and Redwood National Forest and stuff. That place is majestic and beautiful.

All right, let’s get out of this weird. Let’s. Let me check my map here and see if we have anything else. Cool. I’ve never really been here before. I didn’t think it was going to take, like, research to check out how to use this, but clearly that would be a good idea for me to actually wander around a bit and check out some interesting things and then be a bit more prepared.

Oh, here we go. This is interesting. How do fossils form? Well, let me tell you how fossils form, actually, before I share my opinion and research, let’s just read what they say. Okay. Here’s an old grandma holding a bone. When something dies, it remains and traces of its life. Fossilize only if conditions line up just right. Imagine how many conditions the world across were just right. Like, imagine all of the petrified fish that are in the middle of eating another fish.

What are the ods of that? You know what I mean? I’m going to bring that up one day, and I’m going to do a video on fish, instantly petrified, clearly in the middle of eating another fish. Mammoth cave. Ooh, that’s a good recommendation. I just happened to see that. Yeah, that doesn’t happen slowly. Okay, and what are the ods? That there would be so many fossils of fish with other fish in their mouths, and they fossilized and petrified.

When something dies, blah, blah, blah, conditions have to be just right. No, that doesn’t. These things happen instantaneously quickly, the world across, within hours of each other. Basically. A quick burial makes a good start on becoming a fossil. This is what I enjoy. I enjoy slamming on the official versions of things. A quick burial makes a good start on becoming a fossil. Having hard parts such as teeth and bones increases the ods.

Okay, then how do you explain petrified jellyfish? He says, as crickets chirp. But so much depends on being in the right place at the right time that just a tiny fraction of all the plants and animals that ever lived left fossils. Yeah, because a lot of them got sucked up and out of our world or sank way further down. Like, way further down. Or exploded. That’s another thing, too.

If you become petrified through a strong electrical charge, oftentimes things explode. Right. And this is shown to us in fiction and fantasy with trolls and stuff, whenever they see the sunlight, and sometimes they’ll slow down and petrify and turn into stone. But oftentimes in the old stories, they exploded. And that’s what happens whenever you’re petrified too quickly or you’ve got too much gases in your stomach or whatever, it will explode the body.

So it’s not about just the right time and millions of years, and slowly the SAP or the tar or whatever rolls over your dead body and preserves you perfectly. As they show, everything else was recycled back into the earth or into other life forms. Okay, gotcha. So here’s what they’re showing here. What do they show? This stuff’s comical to me sometimes. So they got some animals doing their thing lion king style.

Let’s see, animals eating the other animals. So they’re like, okay, it won’t leave fossils, skeletons buried quickly and remain buried. Yeah. So how does that happen, that they’re buried quickly as soon as they die? What are the ods of that? That things would just be covered in mud as soon as they die the world across, like, dropping stuff over here. And then the minerals seeped in and the earth lifted up and the rocky Eroded.

Yeah. How did the earth lift up? Right. Tectonic plates. Oh, boy. All right, hold on. What else we got here? I’m just checking this stuff out. Some fossils are not all stone. Let’s see what that says. Many fossils. Some, but not all of the original cell material has been replaced by minerals. Yes. Mineralization or per mineralization, fossils can look hard and stony, but still preserve the original tissue.

Yes. Very interesting. Okay. I’ve heard stories. I’ve heard stories where they have found, allegedly, Tyrannosaurus rex bones that they cracked open and still had marrow inside of it. Interesting. Right? Now, if they brought those dinosaurs back, and those dinosaurs, I’m just going to call them dinosaurs, most likely, they’re probably phantazoids. Okay. And most likely, they probably don’t look exactly as they’re portrayed, how we cartoonify them and draw them and guess this is all guesswork, you know what I mean? They probably looked much different than how people guess that they look.

All right, let’s see what else I got here. Let’s see. How do we find fossils? They just dig them up out of the ground. Carl Sagan’s being quoted. Lovely. Let’s see what else we got here. How does the earth work? Oh, trilobites. This is interesting that they’ll show you trilobytes, and they’ll say that these are extinct, but they still exist. People find these trilobites, trilobites, whatever you want to call them all the time, especially up in the northern areas.

I have not been to the botanical gardens in Denver. It sounds interesting, though. Oh, this is how they date fossils. Oh, this is interesting. Let’s learn something here. How do we date fossils? Well, first you want to pay the fossil a know. Get to know it. See if you have anything in common with the fossil. If you guys believe in the same types of things. I’m just kidding.

How do we date fossils? Hold on. Let me get over here. She probably wants to date fossils. Hold on. To figure out how old fossils are, we look for clues in the surrounding rocks, the fossil dating game. Okay, well, I wasn’t far off on that. You have unearthed the jaw of an extinct saber toothed cat in East Africa. How old is the fossil? So basically what they do is they have their top researchers, their top men, their officials date these layers.

Okay. And they believe that these layers form over millions of years, and dust slowly accumulating and things changing and happening over vast stretches of time. I’m giving you another option, which is there was a worldwide flood that mixed up all of the debris on the surface. And then that debris, whenever you mix it up and shake it up and stuff, it layers out. As it calms down and the waters get back to equilibrium, this stuff all layered itself out quickly, not over millions or even thousands of years.

I very much doubt that. And there’s a lot of evidence for that, too. So this is what they say. Look, check this out. The fossil’s location in the layers of rock. The rocks were laid down in an order, oldest at the bottom. That does not have to be true. I’m not saying that’s never true, but that does not have to be true at all. Okay, you can do your own experiment with this by just getting different types of stuff and putting it all in a jar or like a two liter bottle or something.

Like, shake it up, twirl it around and stuff, and it layers itself out. Right? That’s like saying, like, our atmosphere is layered. I don’t know if you know that, but the air we breathe is a homogeneous mixture of different gases. The higher up you go, those gases start to layer themselves out. They start to separate. Right. And like attracts like. And so they have these different layers of gases.

That’s like saying the gases that are highest up in the sky are the oldest gases on earth or whatever. You know what I mean? Which also would be a fallacy. That’s just how they layer out. This is how things work. So the oldest ones are at the bottom, the youngest ones are at the top. These stacked horizontal layers, you notice how they have them horizontal. They’re showing you.

Look. They’re horizontal layers. However, there’s, like, millions of examples of layers. They even have their own over here, don’t they? Yeah, they’ve got a layer right here. See how it just goes up? Right? These different layers, they move and they go up and they swirl and stuff because they were swirling and moving, and they were moving with currents and stuff, too. But they don’t think so. They think that all this dry rock and soil and debris just, like, grows and stretches over millions of years.

The age of the index fossils in the rock. So, basically, if they find a watch. Okay, I’m just going to say. Let’s say that someone that lived in Atlantis, right? I’m just going to say 10,000 years ago, right? I’m not saying that’s how long ago Atlantis was. But let’s just say 10,000 years ago, someone, Atlantis had some sort of watch. And then the world went through a deluge and a flood, and that watch was dropped and it sank down into this muddy, liquidy nastiness.

And then they find it down here. They’re going to date that watch at 66 million years old when it’s not. You know what I mean? So a lot of this is just not good info, in my opinion. Let’s see. Okay, so this is getting into evolution and stuff. I definitely believe in adaptation. I’m not a big fan of evolution over millions of years. I believe in mutation, and I believe that things can mutate and change and depending on the dna that it has inside of it and what those beings have taught their own dna as they’re living in the blink of an eye, that especially when we go through these apocalyptic shifts, that mutants, like, legendary tribes of humans, for example, right? Those are mutants.

When you see these weird legendary tribes of humans that, like the blemies that have no head and their head is like their shoulders are way up and their head is like in their chest or whatnot, or that tribe of humans that only had one gigantic foot and they were really fast at hopping and stuff. Those are mutations. And those mutations, I believe, happen extremely fast. Pig people. People changing into pigs.

Just imagine if you eat a whole bunch of pig all the time, and that’s on your diet. And I’m not slamming on your diet. You eat whatever you want, but there are rewards and consequences to everything that we do in life, right? Myself included. So imagine just like in the movie the fly, where Jeff Goldblum gets into that pod, and it’s in there with the fly, and then it turns on the plasma or the electricity or whatever, and it’s like, oh, wait a minute.

There’s two totally different types of dna. I need to combine them together, and it instantly changes Jeff Goldblum’s DNA. And over the course of a know, days or whatever, weeks, I don’t know how long it was. In the movie, he turns into a manfly. And there are records of pig people and other types of people, dogmen, pig people, stuff like that. That’s the museum I want to visit.

Somebody did leave a pretty cool link to the Vatican museum. We might be checking that one out next. I have a feeling it might be more interesting than this one. This one’s a bit boring. I’m sorry. All right, let’s see what else we got here. Life in the ocean. All right, are we on the map? Maybe we should go to Google Earth now. We might be done. Let me just double check.

Let’s run through the halls as do. Yes, we’ve been here. We’ve been here. Back this way. Yeah, we’ve been here. All right, so I may be done with this particular museum or this section of the museum. I’m sure they have other areas and stuff like that. All right, so here’s what I’m going to do for Pao. Get rid of that. And this is that post I was telling you about where the channel members can have access to this post and you can go leave recommendations.

So we’re going to bring up Google Earth. That’s what we’re going to do first. Boom. Google Earth. You’ll have to excuse the imagery there. All right, now I’m going to zoom out. And there’s a. Oh, wow. What is that? That’s definitely a volcano. I want to check that out real quick. Look at that bad boy. Now, hold on. Let me talk about volcanoes real quick. Okay. Now, modern academics will say that this volcano was created because the earth was level at some point in time.

And then lava, which is liquid, came up out of a hole in the ground, and it just kept on solidifying and solidifying or whatever. No. Have you ever spilled a drink? Like, try that with a shake? Okay. Go to a store or a fast food place or whatever. Buy a shake and just squeeze it up. It just spreads out. It just evens out. That’s what liquid does. You know what I mean? I don’t buy their little stories of this, especially when they’re on land.

Oh, it’s Mount Vesuvius. Wow, check that out. Anyways, my theory is that electricity shoots up out of these every other apocalyptic cycle, not this one that we’re in right now, but electricity shoots up out of these and the surrounding area, which is all muddied from liquefaction the world across from worldwide earthquakes. Right. All that mud is attracted to the electricity, and it pulls the mud in. And when it gets too close to the electricity, as we talked about earlier, it petrifies it, or it changes its composition, it changes its bonding, and it makes it more dense.

And so as it gets closer, it does get more dense, and then pretty soon, the rest of the mud has to go up that dense mud, and then it has to go up that dense mud. And the mud, initially, at the very beginning, actually could be pulled straight up. Electricity can pull the earth up into the air. I don’t know if you guys know that. But just like, you rub a balloon on your head and you pull your hair up and it defies gravity or whatever, that’s what electricity can do with the actual mud and earth and stuff itself.

So that was Mount Vesuvius. All right, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to go check out my channel members. First we’ve got medillo. I’m just going to call you Medeo because that’s a huge, gigantic name. So I’m just going to go with Medillo. Medillo recommends that we check out the pink house or Casa Rosada in where was Argentina? Yes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. So let’s see. We’re going to do Casa Rosada, Argentina.

Found it. All right, cool. I like it whenever they’re specific like this and it makes it easier for me to find it, you know what I mean? Instead of saying, just know the rainforest or whatever. All right, so let’s check this place out. The Casa Rosada. Literally the pink house, is the president of the argentine republic’s official workplace. Located in Buenos Aires, the palatel mansion is known officially as Casa de go.

All right, cool. Anyways, let’s check it out. What is this? I don’t know what that is. Like a landing pad or something? All right, let’s check out the front of this place because he was saying that the architecture looks interesting. This over here catches my eye. This looks interesting, too. I hope there’s going to be a path that takes us back there. But right now I’m just going to drop us on down to street view and I would like to check out the front of the building here.

So let’s go far away first. I’m just going to guess we’ll see what it looks like from far away. All right, here we are in Argentina. This is fun. I hate that they blur out all the people. That’s a part of the fun, you know what I mean? Boogled. Hey, thanks for your donation, boogled. Super appreciate you. And another shout out to Susie flat and Carrie mostgrave in the chat.

Bab shino says, check out Edward Leeds Skaldin’s coral castle. We could definitely check that out. I actually have, like a tour of that on my website. Let’s see. So here’s the pink house. We’re a bit far away from it, so I want to get us a little closer. So let’s actually back out. And then we’re going to jump back in a little closer to this pink house or Casa Rosada.

Let’s go here. Yes, this looks good. This looks promising. Here we go. Now let’s check out this architecture to begin with, right? You notice these pillars and columns immediately. I don’t know if the pink house has that. Let’s see if they do. This is Banco de la necion Argentina. So the Argentina bank, or the Argentina National bank, and they have these four columns and four pillars that represent the four witnesses around Mount Maru, typically.

But the reasons that they have these on buildings, I believe, is so that they can redirect energy. Right. You have these four pillars. You’ll often see this everywhere you go, right. You always have these four pillars, and then you have a triangle on the top, which basically, typically represents, I believe, Mount Maru, or the delta represents a portal or a door or a gateway, which is above these pillars.

So it could represent the sky as well. Actually, I do believe that probably represents the sky, because that triangle shape a long time ago, that actually represented the roof of the firmament and then an inverted dome right underneath it. So it’s the letter d. They just started making it all jaggedy over time, and that was a portal. All right, let’s check out this pink house. Why would it be all pink? Right, now think about this.

Let’s say that we do go through color spectrum shifts, as I believe that we do, and today, all of these colors would look much different if we went further back in time, where everything was illuminated more into the red spectrum. So this would look a lot different. The people who built their houses and made them red, or in a red color spectrum, they would blend in a bit more.

Basically, they would blend in with the background. Maybe it’s like a camouflage. I wonder. I wonder if it’s, like a type of camouflage. All right, let’s take this path. I think there’s a path. Is there a path? Can we go somewhere? Maybe not. I might have to zoom back out. Hold on, let me double click. No, I can’t. I want to get back over to that thing in the little courtyard.

So that’s the Casa Rosada. Let’s go this direction. Here we go. I want to check out this little courtyard. Deal with this obelisk looking thing in the middle of, like, oh, there’s a fence blocking our way. I hate fences. What is that? What’s that little bubble thing? Wendy, Magnus just subscribed. Hey, Wendy. Welcome. Everyone knows it’s Wendy, all right, welcome, Wendy. Here’s the backside of the pink house with some.

What is that? That’s interesting. What the heck is that? I don’t know. I don’t know what that. Hmm. Mysterious. It’s a mystery. Yeah. You see all these arches and stuff, for me, that’s to control an electrical current. When I see stuff like that, when I see these pillars and columns and arches, I’ll bet you anything there’s metal on the inside of them. And I’ll bet you anything that at the top, there’s something to draw in electricity so that they can power their house.

And they probably have an underground section as well where they have capacitors, because oftentimes in these old, ancient buildings and this older architecture style, they have these basements, and oftentimes they’ll have something out in front of it like this, like a little garden or a waterway or something like that. And it’s all about redirecting electricity and saving electricity to repurpose it or to redirect its path. All right, I wish we could move around, though.

It doesn’t look like we can. Let me jump back up into the sky here. All right? I want to check this out. See, this is what I’m talking about, right? They have this type of stuff always right in front of these older style buildings oftentimes. Let me jump back in here and see if we can walk around down here. Let’s just go right there in the middle of pow.

I hope we can walk around. All right, there’s the eight to ten foot alien Google guy. All right, let’s see what we got here. This bad boy is what I was looking for. Okay, so this is an example of a lightning rod, right? Let’s say that the air was electrically charged. This is where they want to keep the lightning from hitting. They don’t want to draw it down here, even though it could.

Right. But it’s actually to prevent it from hitting right here. When you see domes like this bad boy and that bad boy right there, they put domes up in order to draw the lightning or to draw the cosmic electricity or the atmospheric Electricity. And then later on, they would actually put lightning rods on top of the domes because they changed their mind about it, because the atmospheric conditions in our world changed once again.

So sometimes you’ll see a combination of those. Here’s some more interesting older buildings with the columns and pillars and whatnot, but, yeah, definitely an obelisk. Definitely not anything that represents a body part of Osiris. So let’s just not. Okay, that’s not what that is. If you think so, I recommend you go to look at one, because that’s not what that looks like. All right, let’s see if we can get around the front.

I want to check this obelisk out. Or this. It’s a type of obelisk. Yeah. Let’s see what’s over here. Yeah, let’s see what’s over here. Let’s see what’s going on over here. Let the coffee kick in. The 25 May 1810. Wow, check that out. Oh, I want to get closer. Hold on. I want to get full frontal. I want to get right in front of this bad boy.

Where is it? Oh, man, I skipped over. Hold on. It’s picky. It’s being picky. All right, this is probably going to be close enough. Let’s see what it’s got here. I can’t really make that out, man. 1810, over 200 years ago. Looks like maybe Athena at the top. Right. So these are also. A lot of people say that these are rays of the sun, or they’re symbolically supposed to be rays of the sun.

Right. If it was that, then wouldn’t it be upside down? Wouldn’t the point come down into the earth? You know what I mean? It’s not. These are rays of light that came up out of the earth. If they’re symbolic of rays of light, pillars and columns and whatnot that shot up out of there, especially when they’re topped with a God or a goddess that represents light. You know what I mean? Basically, these represent those beams that shoot up out of the earth there.

But they’ll put images like this, and then people will say, oh, it’s like one of the sun rays, or whatever. I’m not convinced by that. Palm trees, man. I haven’t seen palm trees in so long. Minds me. California. Okay. When you see the tops of them turning green like this, you know what that is? We don’t even have to get. You know what that is, right? When you see the tops turning green, that’s because they’re probably made from copper, and they wanted to attract the electricity.

And once again, that’s domes. Right? So oftentimes you see green domes, and they wanted to attract electricity to that location, to that particular area, so that they could redirect the energy. All right, cool. That was the pink house or the Casa rosada. I think there was one more thing that he wanted to check out, too, actually. So he said, the pink house and the congress building. Let’s check out the congress building.

I’m not exactly sure where that is, but if I were to guess, it would be right down this way. Now, I also want you to pay attention when we check out the city view from above, wherever we go, because these are spells. Okay? And I’ll clarify what I mean by that. These are avenues of currents. These are avenues just like how they try to force the currents of the electricity to hit the building, and then they put the pillars there, and they have conduits for the electricity to flow through, et cetera.

This is a grid, just like a microchip, which is a type of spell. It’s a drawn spell, it’s a written spell. Incomparable. Just donated $5 in the super chat. Thank you so much. Super appreciate you. I have no idea who’s watching or how many people are watching. I don’t really care. I’m just chilling. All right, Congress, here we go. So you go straight across, and this grid directs the flow of energy, which is represented by us and other things as well.

But we travel through all of these. We bring our energy through this grid, which is an electrical grid, basically, or a microchip on a larger scale. All right, let’s see Kong. See? Same deal. See how there’s this long ass park? This long park right in front of it? Let’s go check it out. Yeah, let’s go check this out real quick, and then we’ll move on to something else.

I can already see the green dome. Anytime you see a green dome. All right, let’s go right out in front. I believe this is out front. Okay, let’s look around, gather our bearings. There’s the park. There’s some random dude who thinks he’s in charge. Wow, this is interesting. Hold on. Let me back off a bit. Let me back off so I could check it out. Ooh, that’s cool.

I like that because I’m an anarchist at heart. Or a type of one, at least. All right, what else we got here? This is all very interesting. Look at this. Sometimes that’s all I’ll have to say is, wow, look at this. It’s really interesting. They got, like, a smurf hat on a stick. What is the rest of this stuff? This is interesting stuff. But there you have the pillars.

Once again, the triangle at the top. Once again. Right? The doorway to the heavens. I don’t think it does represent Mount Maru, now that I think about it, because it would be a missing pyramid. It would be an incomplete pyramid or whatever they call that. It would be a volcano shape, right? Which is a pyramid with the top cut off. So I believe that actually represents the portal in the sky.

And these are the pillars holding up the firmament. That makes more sense to me. Okay, cool. What else we got here? I want to see that park. So let’s jump out and check out this park real quick. Plaza del congresso. Okay, let’s check this out real quick. I want to check this out. Let’s walk around this park, see what they got. We’ll start right about. Pow. Right there.

That looks good. I wonder what we got here. Okay, interesting. So some fountain work, water, like we were talking about, right? Oh, my goodness. That dude is definitely getting some sun. Okay. Some people chilling at the park. All right, let’s see if we can take a little stroll around the park. And then I’ll move on. And they go so slow. It’s because there’s people that walk. We actually move at the speed of them walking.

Here’s some people feeding the birds. Oh, the smurf hat on the stick is the official symbol of the nation. That’s interesting. Very interesting. Oh, this is cool. It’s a lamp. Okay, right on. Gas lamp. Is that a gas lamp? Can’t tell. Looks like there’s wires hanging off of it. All right, that’s enough for that for now. All right, let’s jump up out of here, and let’s go to the next one.

All right, next up we’ve got. I’m going to go with ya. Was chosen. Said that she really liked the center of the world, that place called the center of the world in California. And I have done a whole video about that. So we might come back to that place. We might come back to that place another time. This one. This castle. I want to check out this one.

Nooshwan Stein castle. Nooshwenstein Castle. All right, let’s check out Nushwenstein castle or Steen. Noushwenstein. Boom. All right, we’re going to go check out a castle. That sounds fun. Reminds me of Indiana Jones. Do you have any tapestries? We’re here to view the tapestries. And if you are a scottish lord, then I am Mickey Mouse. That’s what reminds me of. All right, here we are. Where are we? A historic place, a historic palace on a rugged hill of the foothills of the Alps in the south of Germany, very close to the border of Austria.

Very cool. All right, I like this kind of deal. All right, let me zoom out to get my bearings real quick. Where are we here? So we’re definitely at the top of this old village looking Glen area in the foresty mountains. Interesting. Look at this. This looks like a beautiful place. Wow. I just want to zoom out a tiny bit. All right, let’s zoom back in. Let’s get back over here to the castle.

Did I lose the castle? Damn, I lost the castle. Hold on, let me try it again here. Yeah. Okay. I was off by a bit. All right, let’s jump on in and check out the castle. All right, we’re going to go right down here. Let’s check out what they got. We have something similar to this in Colorado Springs. I got to show you. I’m going to have to take you guys on a local tour.

Oh, this is the dude. This is the Google dude. Looks like some tourists. Okay. Oh, here’s the castle. Look at that. Big old towers. This kind of reminds me of like, Excalibur in Vegas. We should definitely go to Vegas sometime. There’s so much symbolism in all those buildings on the strip. Well, that’s about all we get for the castle, it looks like. Look at these tiny little holes.

What do you suppose this was for? Clearly, it’s a fortification, right? It’s a fort. It’s a stronghold that houses a great many people. So a family that eventually became known as nobility. So this is a giant family house. But why such the strong fortifications, right. Was it to fortify against humans? Why all of this? Let’s see these gigantic base with these huge stones that they always have at the bottom.

A part of me thinks, yes, it might help to keep out other humans or whatnot. But this is a pretty remote area, you know what I mean? On top of a mountain, et cetera. If you did not go north and you live in the southlands, right, you would be facing gigantic bugs like we talked about. Phantazoids. You know what I mean? All types of dangers and whatnot, but especially the phantazoids.

So you would have huge, gigantic walls all the way around your house, which becomes a type of walled know as your family gets bigger and bigger. Oh, we can go this way. Let’s go this way then. Road trip to Vegas says Louis Martinez. All right, let’s go. This guy’s like, don’t take my picture. Let’s see. Anastasia says, how can we trust anything at all that we see here or that you see there? I don’t know.

I’m not asking you to trust anything. That’s up to you. Each individual trusts in your own path, right? That’s a. Choose your own adventure. That’s the fun of it. All right, let’s check out the actual castle. Oh, look at that. Well, that changed quickly, didn’t it? So we went from the pink house to a pink castle. I believe that they also had similar colors in Babylon with their ancient structures, some of their ancient temples and whatnot in Babylon or in the babylonian era or area, I should say.

Look at that. All red, all pink. Well, this is interesting. Let’s venture further. This is like Disneyland, but. Oh, Brimley, Brimley J says I resonate with you. Or Brimley says I resonate with you. That’s cool. Aloha, secret of truth. I see you in the chat. All right, let’s get around here and let’s see what’s going on. Here’s all the tourists. This is what the tourist people do. They just stand around.

Man, look how beautiful that is. Look at that countryside. That’s not a bad place to set up shop, dude. You got this huge wall for protection right there. And then here’s the castle. Let’s check out the crest. Okay, we got the lion on either side there and a shield in the middle. Probably a red shield. If I were to guess, this lady might be scratching herself there. So huge draw gate.

So look at this. This is a door, right? A giant door for giants. And then they put like a little tiny human door inside of it. Isn’t that something? Also probably to allow in large things and animals and stuff like that, too. Wow, look at that, though. A pink walled castle. I never expected it. Well, that’s cool. All right, let’s see what else we got here on the channel.

Members recommendations. I did delete some of these, not because I didn’t like them or anything, but if they’re too vague or they’re hard to find, or if somebody just wants me to check out Los Angeles or whatever, we probably won’t be able to just randomly walk around. I’m going to go for specific locations and stuff. Oh, that’s right. Linda wants us to check out the Vatican museum. So this is one we’re going to look at next time.

Okay, this one looks extremely interesting, but I’ll give you a preview. She says the Vatican museum has a virtual tour that has a wealth of treasures, statues and figurines of mythic creatures and more interesting, right? And then also there’s this national park in China that has all those mountains that just jutted up out of the ground. We’re going to take a closer look at that next time, too, and I will heart these little comments and like them.

All right, cool. Now I’m just going to jump into the chat, and we’re just going to freestyle. So if you guys have any recommendations of some places you want to go check out, we’ll do some globetrotting for a bit. That’s how I think I might want to wrap up these presentations, is just taking some recommendations from people in the chat and doing some globetrotting. So where would you like to go? Let’s go some places.

Remember to type in at jdreamers if you can, or at least type in j to get my attention. And I’m going to be checking out the chat right now. Anastasia is the first one I saw who says Gobekli tepe in Turkey. Let’s go there. Gobekli tepe. It says here Gobekli tepe is a neolithic archaeological site in the southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey. The settlement was inhabited from nine and a half thousand to at least 8000 bce.

Interesting. Okay, well, let’s go check it out. I’m going to do drop us on in if I can. I don’t know if it’ll let us, but I’m going to try here on the side road, see if it’ll let us jump on in here. Okay, so this looks like the road outside of Gobekli Tepe. You see this? I had to teach my son about this the other day about flags.

Flags are not for earth. They’re not for ground. They’re for the ocean. Okay, so anytime you see flags that are planted outside of some sort of facility, usually that’s some sort of government facility, that’s people who enact maritime law and they’re letting you know you’re walking onto their boat symbolically, they like to pretend that they still live on the ocean. And that’s what all these flags are for.

That’s originally where it comes from, this whole flag stuff. I’m not a fan of flags and stuff like that. In the old days, you would write out your rules or your laws of your land or whatnot and just put it on a rock or whatever out front of your property. But all this flag stuff is from pirates. Okay, so just so you guys know, be careful when you see flags.

I’m not a big fan of any of them. I don’t know if we can go inside of here. So I’m going to give it one more shot and click on one more thing. Let’s see if it lets us drop down on the inside here. Remnants of the neolithic worship site. Let’s try that. Oh, I don’t know if it brings up anything except for some pictures here. I don’t think it lets us actually walk around down there.

All right. That would be cool, though, if we could do that. Oh, I like these pictures, can I just click on them? Oh, cool. I can totally click on these pictures. All right, hold on one moment. Let me just check out some of these ancient drawings. That looks like a spaceship. Wow. I don’t know what this stuff is. Oh, this is a canopy to keep the sun off of it and whatnot, the weather.

Now look at these. These are interesting. They kind of remind me of, like, ostriches or something. Emus looks like there’s maybe a shepherd or somebody standing there with a staff. Possibly. Unless that’s another emu that’s just. Oh, that might be another one, actually. That’s, like, at angle or some type of creature. Trees. Nice. Oh, this is cool. This is one of those famous ones, too. So some people believe that this represents, like, the constellations or different constellations in the sky.

These are of note for me. Let me just see if I could zoom in. I can’t zoom in, but these are of note. These remind me of the quote unquote anunnaki handbags. You see these at the top here, but it also might just be a representation of the firmament and domes on top of the firmament as well. Right. So if light. Let’s just pretend like it is, okay, if it was a representation of the firmament and light hits those domes, then they would redirect the light and change that.

I’m not saying that’s what they are, but definitely looks like the anunnaki handbags. This looks like some sort of vulture or something. I’m not sure what that is. More two legged birds. These are interesting. This looks like some sort of giant insect. And I don’t know what that is either. Oftentimes I feel like people drew and depicted these gigantic and strange animals of a long time ago. So all they really have is pictures for us to check out, but they’re pretty interesting pictures.

Pretty cool ones. All right, we’re going to jump out of Gobekli Tepe. Good recommendation. I wish that there was more interaction going on, though. All right, next up, dodo birds. Yeah, you’re totally right. It does look like dodo birds. All right, let me see what else we got here. Let’s see. I’m looking for the highlighted comments that have my name. Let’s see. I’m going to go with. Let’s see.

There’s a lot. I see Mount Klosh, Mount Kalash. So I’m not motivated to check out Mount Kalash just because it just sounds like you want me to look at a mountain and there’s, like, millions of mountains. You believe it’s man made structure? Man’s attempt at Babel or Rupus Negra. Okay, well, let’s give it a look. Let’s give it a look and see what it looks like. Mount Kalash.

It sounds familiar. I think that’s come up in my research. Oh, I still have Quebec leplay on there. All right. Mount Kalash. All right. I have seen this one before. Okay, cool. Mount Kailash is a mountain in Nagari Prefecture. Tibet. In Tibet. Okay, I’m going to give this a look at, because I have seen this before, and it has come up. I wish I could. How do you angle it? I want to angle this bad boy.

Three D. Oh, sweet. Okay, I like that. All right, so this is the 3d version here. Let’s check this out. Definitely a huge mound. This is the peak. And I think Chris. Chris was saying that he believes it’s man made and they’re attempting to rebuild Babel or rupus negra. That would be quite an undertaking. Let’s take a look. Yeah, this is pretty interesting. Let’s zoom out a bit, just kind of get some perspective.

That’s pretty big, right? I wonder if there’s a place where we can drop down in just to check it out real quick. It looks pretty solid, right? It looks pretty dense. I don’t think there’s anywhere where you can actually go in, though, and check it out. But I have seen that particular mountain many different times, and Tibet is known to have entrances into the hollow recesses of our world.

So I wonder if that could be. Let me take a look. Let me zoom in a bit more here. I don’t know. I’m undecided. I have no opinion on it at the moment. All right, let’s move on. What else we got? Let’s see. The more specific it is, the more I’m likely to choose what you guys say here. Like the figures of the republic. Man, I don’t even know what that is like.

If I type in the figures of the republic, will it pull it up? This is good practice for us, the figures of the republic. But just because I’ve never heard of it doesn’t mean the winged figures of the republic. Oh, this is it. I have seen this. Yeah, this is at Hoover Dam. Wow. I knew what it was. Okay, right on, void. Thank you so much, void. Appreciate it.

All right, the Hoover dam is of interest to me. Yeah, let’s definitely zoom in on that because they got some strange things afoot. Strange things are happening at the Hoover dam. All right, where should we jump on in here? Can I just drop that, dude? No, but I’m going to go at this welcome center right here. Yeah. There’s lots of mysterious things happening here at the Hoover dam.

Oh, they didn’t blur anybody out. That’s good. Here’s the Hoover dam. There’s a bridge. Where’s all the weird statues and stuff? What is this? It’s all blurry. That looks safe. All right, let’s see what else we got. Not really much going on in this particular area. Where’s the winged pictures? Let me click on those bad boys. So these look like seraphim. They look like covering angels. Right. Which we covered whenever we were talking about sprites and electromagnetic phenomenon that reaches up with its wings and its arms and whatnot and then reaches down with its other wings.

That’s just my first impression of it. I can’t zoom in on this one, unfortunately. Look at that. Interesting. Yeah. All right, we’re going to zoom on out here, and I’m going to go back to some other recommendations. Let’s see what else we got. I’m going to be fair and catch up to the very front of the chat here. Conspiracy cracker says, jdrimmers, tamps Bay, tarpoon springs, mysterious land of pirates, giants, huge stone anchors and mystery.

All right, let’s see if we can find it. I’m just typing in exactly what you said. Tamps bay. If you guys misspell stuff, that’s on you. I don’t know if you meant Tampa Bay. Tarpoon Springs, mysterious land of pirates. I’m not putting the rest of that. Let’s see what it says. Pirates night out entertainment in Tarpon Springs, Florida. It is Tarpon. A park in Tarpon Springs. Tarpon Springs Bayou.

Yeah. See, it didn’t really go straight there, so I’m kind of out of luck. I’m just clicking on the first one. We’re going to check out pirates night out, whatever that is. I have no idea. All right, here we are on the road, and boom, there you have it. This is it. It’s a paint store. Yeah, I’m sure you probably meant something else. All right, let me continue on.

Let’s see Mount Rushmore. Okay, I like that. Let’s check out Mount Rushmore. Something I recognize. Here we go. Now, this is the top of Mount Rushmore. Where’s the actual. Oh. Profile view. So is this it here, let me zoom in a bit. Can we see it? Where is it? Where are the faces? Sculptor studios. Over here. Mount Rushmore National Memorial. What are they remembering, I wonder? This is interesting.

Let’s go down this way and see maybe if we can see it. I can’t make out faces quite yet. I know. It’s actually much smaller than it’s portrayed typically on movies and stuff. Damn. I’m not seeing any of it. Let’s see. Visitor center, profile view. Let’s just click the. Well, let’s drop on in. Let’s drop on in and see what we got. Mmm. There we go. Okay, cool.

So we’re going to have to get to the other side, then. All right, so let me zoom back out. And we were facing this direction, which means we need to be over here. Maybe. Let’s try it. I’m going to go this way. All right. Boom. Right next to these rocks. Nada. Struck out. Nothing. Oh, man. Traveling at 5 miles an hour. Is that a cop? Oh, it is a cop.

What’s up, cop? What you doing? Whoa. He’s got. Check that out. Law enforcement law. All right, let’s see. Park ranger. Yeah, let’s jump up out of here. I’m not sure where to see the actual heads or whatever. I would guess it would be somewhere in this area. Maybe the visitor center. Yeah, it’s not really giving me, like, a ground view. Sorry about that. Well, there it is. There’s Mount Rushmore.

Booyah. There’s the heads. Now, a lot of people say that they actually made these to cover up something that was already there, possibly, like, petrified giant remains some people speculate on. I think they were supposed to make another head, a fifth head, right here in this area. And there’s supposed to be some sort of a secret area as well. Some little secret back cave up there near the head somewhere.

Yeah. All right, I’m moving on. Let’s see what else we got. Let’s see. Dracula’s castle. Sounds good. I like that one, Linda. That might pull up. It did. Braun Castle is what they say, built by the Saxons in 1377, a national monument and landmark in Transylvania. The fortress is on the transylvanian side of the historic border with Wallatia. Interesting. Okay, let’s check that out. If this is Dracula’s castle, I want to see it.

Yeah, I think this is the right spot. I’m just going to jump in at random and see what we got. All right. Boom. We are inside. We got a lot of wood going on. Okay. We can walk around. So let’s go ahead. Feel like I’m in Skyrim now. Mmhmm. Oh, there’s a well down there. Oh, that’s interesting, too. There’s a scale. They probably put a duck on one side.

Right. And a sinner on the other, or a witch on the other. That’s funny. All right, let’s see what else I got here. All right. We could walk around inside. We got a wooden door. I feel like we dropped in on, like, a weird part of this castle. Medieval torture instruments. Okay. It just got interesting. Blood curdling exhibition at Braun Castle. Medieval torture instruments. The whole subject of medieval torture is extremely interesting to me.

Why that was so common. Public torture. Right. What does this say? Discount for children. Well, that’s so kind of them. What else do we got down here? Can’t read that. All right, I want to see this exhibit. Let’s go that way. For sure. I want to see these medieval torture devices. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Right. The spiky chair. What else we got? Oh, they got a picture of someone in the spiky chair.

I wonder what else they did with this spiky chair deal. Here’s another chair. It looks like there’s holes right here. Oh, they put their feet in there. So you actually lay in this chair backwards. Here, check out this picture. So they stick your feet right up in here. Hey, fs countess just became a member of the good vibe tribe. Let me just toss your little picture up there.

Welcome. Welcome to the good vibe tribe. Thanks for your support. All right, so we’ve got a priest or a friar, it looks like, with his trusty crucifix. Right. Blessing this person that they’re torturing. I wonder what that person did. I wish they would say. I wish they would say what they did. I’m always interested in hearing what they did wrong. Let’s see, what do we got down here? Oh, that’s graphic.

Hold on. Let me just scooch that up a bit. Well, I mean, it’s going to be graphic. They definitely are doing some stuff, though. What else we got? I wish I could read this. The throne. They call it the throne. I can’t read the rest of it, though. Interesting. It’s like an upside down torture device. This looks like the Iron Maiden, I believe. I don’t know what they call this one.

Iron Maiden. Anyways, so, yeah, I assume they just stuck people in here and shut it. So why? What do you guys think? Do you have any theories? Moon harvest. Hey, Moon harvest just joined the good vibe tribe. Welcome, moon harvest. What do you think? What are your theories on why torture was so prolific? Why? Why was torture so prolific, especially across Europe, right. I would like to look at that one.

I don’t know if we can do that publicly. Yeah. Why? What’s the reason for torture? Right? So here’s one of my ideas. Here’s one of my ideas. Let’s say that the atmosphere was more electrically amplified. Let’s say maybe it was more difficult for people to die, right? So, basically, in order to kill somebody, you’d have to just cut their head right off, basically, or sever. Oh, my God.

There’s all kinds of drawings and pictures. What is this? That doesn’t look fun. Can I see it? So you guys can’t. I don’t know. I want to peek at it. I want to peek and see what’s going on up there, but they got stuff happening. Anyways, let’s say that it was more difficult for people to actually die because of the higher electrical charge in the atmosphere, right? Let’s just suppose.

Well, it would make sense, then, that they would actually torture people as a form of punishment, right? Oh, yikes. You see that? I don’t want to zoom in too far on that one, but. Yikes. Wow. What do you guys think? What are your theories on why torture, this incredibly innovative forms of torture were so widely and commonly accepted and employed during the dark ages? Let’s see. Traumatizing people makes them far more controllable, says Carson.

Freya says that the food pyramid is another scam they’ve pulled on us for their benefit. They want us sick, tired, and deep in the medical system. Right on. All right, let’s see if we can go this way. What’s over here? More torture devices. Okay, let’s go into this room. Kind of worried about what we might find here that didn’t look comfortable. Is this a chair? Is that a chair? Not fun.

What is this thing? Can I read it? The belt of constraint centura or something? It’s kind of blurry. I can’t really make that out, but I imagine people probably sat on that. Let’s see. We got some mermaid action with the split mermaid legs there. Like Starbucks torture devices brought to you by Starbucks. Oh, yeah. Oh, they definitely did. I knew it. I knew it. We just keep on moving.

What else we got here? Interesting. Okay, I don’t know what that one is. All right, we got to get out of here. What is this one? Oh, man, they got all kinds of crazy stuff in here. The wheel. The braking wheel. Oh, my God. We got to check out the braking wheel. Okay, I have actually. Make sure it’s all good. Yikes. Okay, so the braking wheel. I brought up a few times here on my channel.

Let me get a little closer. I was teaching my son about this one the other day. This is extremely interesting, man. Morbid. This is messed up, dude. This is hell. You know what I mean? This seems like hell, dude. Anyways, this is a braking wheel. So what they would do is sometimes they would tie people to the ground, like you see here, and then they would take this huge, heavy wheel, like this one, and they would just slam it into their bones, like their shin and their arms and stuff, and they would just make them noodley.

And then they would weave the body into the spokes of the wheel, and then they would stick the wheel on a pike and put the body up in the air, as you see here. They did it different ways. Sometimes they just tied the person directly to the wheel, and then they would break their arms and legs and weave them through the braking wheel or whatnot. Look, this guy’s all excited.

Look at this dude. He’s super happy. Oh, my God. It’s the best braking wheel show I’ve ever seen. Did you guys see the breaking wheel last night? Oh, yeah. It was a good episode. Anyways, they weaved people into this wheel, right now. Form of torture. They would just leave them up in the air to hang. You can actually see this if you pay close attention in Monty python.

Search for the holy grail. They show this right at the beginning, and there’s people on it, but this represents the blue beam that shoots up. People saw this, and they emulated it. The blue beam that shoots up in the sky, and then you have the wheel in the sky, and then you have all this plasma that worms its way throughout the light and stuff like that. But, yeah, this is the braking wheel.

Medieval torture device. Interesting stuff, man. Interesting times. What do we got over here? I don’t know what these dudes are doing. This guy’s stuck in the ground. This looks like the Philadelphia experiment. Looks like these dudes fell right through and got stuck in time right there. I don’t know what’s going on. It looks kind of like they’re just tied down in uncomfortable positions, like being in school or something.

Oh, yeah, we’re not going to go that way. All right, cool. That was interesting. I’m going to leave Dracula’s castle there. That was pretty cool. I thought it was going to be boring at first, but it turned out to be pretty interesting. All right, cool. Let’s see. Anything else? I think I might call it a night on that one. That was interesting. I did like that. I recommend highly for future episodes, I’m going to be taking recommendations from the chat.

Find yourself some stuff, some interesting stuff if you’d like to, and we’ll go globetrotting. We’ll check out some things in the world and have your ideas ready because I plan on doing many episodes similar to this, hopefully a bit better. I’m going to be more prepared myself. There’s Antarctica, where we visited last time. Let’s check out the North Pole real quick. Let’s see, do they have water or ice? That’s right, they have water.

Interesting. All right, cool. Well, that’s where I’m going to leave it. We’ll just flip it around there and I’m going to take off. Until next time, I’m Jay Dreamer. Saying goodbyes and goodbye so hard to fade away but something for sing me to say it’d be easier for me if I can wait to sleep but there’s something moving on the way we are gone there’s so many ways to escape but I get this time to wake up.

Time to wake up I get it. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. I know I should have done this should have quit this long ago can’t send another heartbreak but it’s time to let it go it’d be easier for me if I turn away to sleep but there’s something holding on the way be gone there’s ways to escape I guess it’s time to wake up.

Time to wake up anyway to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby don’t we go? There’s so many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up.

Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Close sand. .

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

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