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➡ The text is about a person exploring a forest with petrified trees, particularly large redwoods, in Colorado. They discuss theories about why these trees are petrified and where the rest of the trees might be. They also mention the historical attempts to cut and transport these trees for display. The person is fascinated by the size of these trees and the evidence of ancient life they represent.
➡ The narrator and his son are exploring a forest in California, filled with large redwood trees and fossils. They are particularly fascinated by the petrified redwood trees, which have turned into stone over time. They discuss theories about how these trees might have become petrified, and despite the law, the narrator expresses a desire to take a fossil home. The journey is filled with beautiful scenery, snow, and the occasional wildlife sighting.
Yeah. And road trips and just, you know, go get groceries and stuff like that. So a big shout out to the good vibe tribe. Huge thank you to everybody that pitched in and helped us out. Yeah, the car seems to be working pretty good here. Put me on there. All right. So the car seems to be working pretty good. I took it to two different mechanics. They all ran diagnostics, said it’s pretty. Seems like a pretty reliable car. Toyota 400 and it seems like a bunch of people have those out here too. Oh, yeah. All right.
Hey, thank you everybody. I hope that you enjoy this little special road trip video. Yeah. Thank you everybody. See you later. Hey, guys. Hey, guys. Now we’re up in Woodland Park. The nice view of the mountains and a nice. We’re getting pretty close up there here in Woodland Park. Here’s what it looks like around and we’re getting more higher up into the mountains with some nice beautiful scenery. Like, look at that. Those are beautiful mountains. Yeah, they are. Yeah. So here we are in just Woodland Park. Every time I see those kinds of mountains, I always like to imagine that like Gandalf is up there like on the pass with Frodo and there’s like some big Balrog demon that they’re fighting the ring to the top of the mountain.
Yeah, we should go help him out. Yeah. Look at that beautiful forest. Yeah, it’s pretty cool up here in Woodland Park. Yeah, if you could record a Bigfoot, I would appreciate it. Okay, I’ll be on it. And we could sell the video for probably like, I don’t know, at least a million dollars. Yeah, probably. Okay guys, see you in the next part. See you in the future. See ya in the future. Alright, so tell them about hey Cow again. Start all over. So hey Cow is a pretty fun game. So when you’re driving and See a batch of cows and you’re close enough that they could hear you, you stick your head out the and yell to them, hey, cow.
And each cow that looks at you is one point. And it’s pretty fun, I think. I think my top score is like 14 to 16. That’s pretty good. Yeah, it’s a pretty fun game for like hiking and stuff. Some horses and a barn over there. I might even see a cow up here. Is there a cow? That’s a cow. Ready? That’s a cow. Hey, cow. No. Yeah, he just ignored me. No. Oh, man. Good try. Yeah, good try, good try. Maybe a little louder next time for me. So, yeah, now we’re getting into like a birch forest, I think, or an oak.
What? Whatever. That’s aspring. Those white trees. Yeah. Look like a little eyeball all over them like Illuminati freaking trees. Yeah, yeah. Those are called Aspen. Yeah. Okay. There’s a city up here way back in the mountains called Aspen too, so. Where all the rich people live. Wow. It was really good snowboarding and skiing up there. Nice. Well, yeah, we’re almost there. About like 10, 15 minutes till we’re there. See you in the next video. See you in the future. See you later. See you later, guys. We’re up here in fluorescence. The fossil beds now at the visitor center.
As you can see over there. It’s pretty cool so far. Nice long, big forests as you can see in like long plains and stuff. Here’s the visitor center over there. Some restrooms, streams behind me, and a whole parking space. It’s not bad, but it’s pretty cool. So. Yeah. Yay, fluorescence. What’s up, everyone? Special big shout out to my cameraman, Jace. Thank you so much for helping me out. And we just wanted to say thank you to everybody that helped us to get what’s to us, a brand new new car. And take a look around at the beautiful places that we’re able to visit now.
Thanks to all the subscribers and the good vibe tribe. You can show them around. Yeah, go for it. Selfie mode. Whatever you want. There’s no. There’s no wrong way to record a. A fun thank you video. Yeah. This way, this way. Come back this way. All right, you want to say hi? Hey guys. And thanks for the new car. It’s super, super cool and it’s nice and comfy in the inside. I named the car and its name is Wild Cherry or Wild Red. Wild Red. Wild Red. Wild Red is the name. And I. And I think it’s a Pretty good fit name, so I like it.
Here it is. Here’s the car you guys gave us. Yeah, walk around. It’s nice. Has a little stool. Go slow. Go slow. I’ll make people dizzy. All right. Nice tires. Now show them the back, and then we’re gonna go up to the visitor center. Yeah. Hey, point towards those mountains over there now. Now zoom in. Let’s see if we can find Gandalf. Gandalf? I hear the evil wizard. Okay, that’s good enough. Let’s back out. Yeah. Okay, guys, thank you so much for again, huge shout out to you guys, and thank you. All right, everybody, we’re here in Florescent Fossil Beds National Monument at the entrance to the visitor center.
What you see behind me is an example of what they. This one’s called a brontothere. This is an example of the gigantism that existed a long time ago during the last oxidation event, where the animals and everything, all life was much larger. As you can see, this is way bigger than a rhinoceros or a horse or anything. And these things used to walk about in this land, in this area. We’re gonna go check out some more stuff. Yeah. Oh, my God, look at this. I’m so loud. I’m sorry. Look at this. Sitting quietly in a circular web, the orange orb web spider awaits the arrival of its next meal.
Look at that nasty, freaking gigantic spider. Oh, my God. They had gigantic spiders. Forget it. Look at this. What is this, a beetle? No, no, no, wait. Oh, here’s pictures of them. Or here’s likenesses. Yeah, forget that. Forget that. Or is this like in florescent? No, this is stuff that used to be here a long time ago, back when there was gigantism. Check this out. Fossilized. Look. Look at this sucker here. Look at that sucker. Check that out. There’s a pirate fish. Oh, how cool. Check this out. Dude. How. How is it fossilized? It. Fish live in water, dude.
Yeah. You know what I mean? Look at that. Okay. All right, cool. I’m pretty darn sure. Let’s see what else we got. Well, let’s see. Oh, my. What is that? What do they got in there? Something. Let me see. It’s the Matrix code. What is that? I think it’s a leaf or something. All right, cool. You want to go outside and look for the actual wild fossil stuff? Look at all those fossils. Yes, buddy. All right, let’s go outside. Yeah. Oh, hello there. All right, we’ll come back and then we’ll get a super in here, okay? Oh, hold on.
All right, Boom. Here, let’s open the door for these people. All right, let’s go. Now, he said to see all the cool stuff, like the petrified trees. We need to take the path. Oh, there’s one right there. Oh, my God. Hold on. Watch this. Right in front of you. Yeah, it’s really bright, so it’s hard to see. Yes, that’s a petrified ancient biological life form. Wow, look at this thing. Check this out. Please stay on the designated trail. Damn. That’s way bigger than I thought it’d be. Me too. Hold up. I thought it would be a little bit more here.
Let’s go around the other side. This thing’s gigantic. Oh, dude. Hold on. Let me get some perspective. This thing’s huge. This looks way bigger in real life than it does on the video. So let me. All right, so check this thing out. Look how big this is. I wish I could go down there so you can see how big it is. All right, hold on. Okay, you see it? Can you see it? The sun’s in my eyes. There we go. I can see myself better. Okay, this right here is a giant, gigantic, huge, petrified organic life form, also called the tree.
But this is a redwood tree. Where’s the camera? Right there. Listen. We don’t have redwood trees in Colorado, but we did a long time ago. There was a whole bunch of redwood trees out here. This is a gigantic tree, Okay? I know to some people, that’s just, like, common knowledge. Like, oh, yeah, there was. So what? There’s gigantic trees. No, no, no. This is living proof evidence of an apocalyptic event. This tree is sticking right out of the ground. Okay, you see that? It’s not covered in mud. It’s not all excavated or anything. And I wish it wasn’t cut down.
Where’s the rest of this tree? Where is the rest of this tree, Jason? Yeah. No idea, right? Probably in a museum. Maybe it broke off and got sucked up into the sky or something or got. Or maybe it sank down. I don’t know. But what I do know is that all these fossils being in this one place. Where’s the camera? There it is. All these. All these fossils hold up. All these fossils being in one place and petrified trees that are still in the ground growing or, you know, they obviously was petrified while it was growing.
Right? That’s two huge connections, everybody. What do you see? Something else. Okay, we found something else. We’re moving on. We’re moving on. Hold on. Let me stop the video. Okay, I’m back. Now check this Out. I’m gonna read this to you guys, okay? This talks about the ancient giant trees. Ancient clones, clones. This family circle of fossilized redwood stumps grew out of the single trunk of an older parent tree. So basically, I don’t know if you can see down there. You see down there? Yeah. So see how there’s three. There’s three of them that are growing up out of the trunk of one of them.
And they’re basically clones. They’re like. I think that’s what it was saying. They’re clone trees. But check this out. We’re gonna go down here. I’m show you how big these trees are. Head on down. All right? Hey. All right, sweet. So check this out. Let me. Let me. Let me turn this around. You guys gotta see. Let me watch this. These are gigantic petrified redwood trees up in the mountaintops of Colorado. Okay? The only other place you can really find these in the United States is on the west coast in California. And that’s amazing. Oh, my God.
I gotta go there. Oh, I gotta take you guys to the redwood forest and the Sequoia National Park. You can see this. This. You can see these things still growing up there, right? But look at this. Look how big this thing is. You see that? This is kind of like what it looks like. There’s like a little diagram. I don’t know. Anyways, but look at this petrified tree. Looks like it’s partially petrified. It looks still kind of like wood. There’s a pine cone up there. Anyways, let’s go check out this other one, too. There’s a bunch over here.
Look, here’s. Here’s an ancient photograph of, like, settlers that found these petrified already. See, you got like, Doc Hollywood. Mary Poppins also was there. And some rich people. I don’t know who these people are, but anyways, check this out. No, no, no, watch this. Let me show you this. So here’s what the official explanation is, right? You’ve seen this before, where it’s just like, here’s all the earth, and then suddenly there’s just a tree in the middle of the earth right there. And then, like, you know, there’s more. I don’t understand any of that. But what I do understand, I mean, it doesn’t make sense to me.
What is that? Why would that be here? What is that? I can’t see anything. I still can’t see anything. Hold up. What is that thing? What is that doing there? That looks like such a contrast. You see that, Jace? Yeah. Like weird technology, right? Next to this tree. That’s weird. But look at this. Look how big this is. This is petrified. It’s rock. It was once living a living organism. And then rock apocalypse, baby. Plasma apocalypse. Check it out. Get the book before it’s too late. That’s actually true. Like, you should probably get the book before it’s too late.
One day it’ll be too late. And that might be a nice little survival guide. You don’t know. All right, we’re back over here and we found another one. Check this out. Look how big this bad boy is. It’s a stump. So, I mean, we don’t see any petrified gigantic trees laying around. So that’s interesting. And that kind of correlates with the, you know, the, the theory of the ancient giant trees having been turned into rock and stuff. Where’s. People say, where’s the rest of the tree? Where’s the rest of this tree? Look at this bab. Look at this thing.
Where’s the rest of it? You know what I mean? There’s no broken off piece or anything, but regardless, this is amazing. Look, the big stump. Oh, hold on. Before this area was protected, a failed attempt was made to saw the big stump into pieces that could be transported to display at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. You bastards. Notice the rusty broken saw blade on the left still embedded in the stump. Where? There’s two. Where? Where? Where? Like, see that metal? No. Oh, I do. Hold on, let me zoom in on that. Look, my phone sucks at zooming in.
I don’t know why. Oh, yeah, that worked. Okay, so you see that? You can still see the freaking saw blades that are inside of it and the saw marks where they were trying to tear this thing down. Hold on. Okay. Hey. Okay, so check this out. Why are they trying to tear down these ancient petrified trees? Right? The same thing in Arizona. They had all these giant petrified stumps. Or those ones weren’t giant, those are just regular size. But these huge petrified stumps, right? And the people, the government and others and rich people basically came in and started cutting them all in pieces and like selling them off and hauling them off.
Maybe that’s where the rest of this tree went. I don’t know. I’m not sure. But what I do know is this thing’s gigantic. It’s huge. All right, let’s continue on the path. What’d you find? What is this? What’d you find down here? No idea. That. Pick it up. Pick it up. If it’s on the ground. You can pick it up. What is it? This is bark. Oh, really? Yeah. It’s tree bark. Yeah. It’s not petrified or anything. It’s just regular old tree bark. Oh, okay. I don’t know what I’m doing with this camera. See, that’s just regular tree bark.
All right, here, you want it? You want to hold it? Okay. All right. I think let’s go back down this path. I think we’re gonna check out some more. Okay. Yeah. Okay. All right. Let’s see where we’re going now. I don’t know where to go. Let’s follow these people. Stay out of the mud, please. Just walk on the bushes or the ice. Okay. Yeah. Wow. That was amazing. Yeah. Wonder if there’s more. Stay out of the mud. There’s got to be more. There’s all kinds of stuff. Hey, start looking around, too. You might find yourself a little fossil.
Is this as far out as this zooms? How far does this zoom? I think it’s zoomed in all the way. I don’t want to zoom in. I want to zoom out all up in my face. All right, let’s see where we are. Ponderousa Ponderosa Loop Trail. Petrified Forest Loop. That’s where we are. Sweet. We’re on the right track. We are still here. Tribes and Monument. Yep. Okay, we’re not going to read all that. I’m gonna take in this beautiful nature in this beautiful Chinatown you see all around you. I’m just kidding. That’s from the movie. Calm down.
All right, now let me show you where we’re going. Just beautiful forest everywhere. This is nice. I wish I could. I wish. I wish you could smell what I’m smelling. You bite the tree, the tree bikes back. My man. Damn. Damn. Damn. It’s terrible. Look at this. Look at the beautiful tree, man. I’m gonna hug this tree. I’m gonna hug this lovely tree. Little baby tree, little baby tree. One day be as big as the big huge redwoods and sequoias. When gigantism returns and the world’s filled with oxygen once more and I can breathe again. It’s hard to breathe in this world, man.
All this pressure. All right, let’s see where. What else we got? Underwater fluorescent fossil beds record some of the species that. That flourished. I can’t see this well. Yeah, because this whole place used to be underwater because the earth flooded. So you’re gonna have all kinds of fish. We call it fish. You know what I’m talking about, Jay? Yeah. You’re gonna have all kinds of fish. Fossils. Yeah. Because the world was covered in water, which means it was covered in fish. Yeah. The fish ruled the. The earth, our sea creatures. If the earth was flooded. Shortcut.
Shortcut. Keeping an eye out for fossils, going on a fossil hunt. Gonna find some big ones. I’m not afraid. What’s that up ahead? It’s a tree trunk. Where’s that one? I want to see that one big one. Those ones were huge, though. Yeah. Weren’t those gigantic? Yeah. I’m telling you guys, they’re way bigger in real life than they look on the video when I was recording the video. These things are huge. I mean, if you’ve ever seen a redwood, you know how big redwoods are, Right? And it’s amazing that redwoods still grow, still thrive to this day in California.
I don’t know how they survived all those different apocalyptic cycles. All right, be careful on this ice. Hold on. Yes. Here. I want you to, like, carefully walk across this way and run. Go over there. There you go. Hello. All right, we’re still on the search for more fossils and more redwoods and fossilized creatures. And if we can find a fossil, I’m pretty sure we’re not allowed to take them, but I’m gonna, if I find one, I’m gonna take a fossil. They say it’s against the law, but, you know, it’s a fossil. Yeah, I think that’s like more of a rule of thumb.
What? Did you find something? Okay. Look at all this snow. Hold up, let me show the people. Look at all that snow. Isn’t that lovely? What do you see? Nothing. I’m just. I’m also looking out for animals and stuff. You know, I’m also part dad over here, trying to protect the tribe. So this path we’re on is a one mile path. It goes in a loop, goes in a circle, and I guess it’s going to take us around to these different fossilized tree trunks. Right? Jace, how do you think these tree. Hold on, let me record you.
How do you think that. That these trees, giant trees, turned into stone, turned into rock? What is. What’s your theory? You gotta speak up. I believe that. Well, say. Let’s start with this. Say it seems reasonable to me so far. Seems reasonable. Reasonable to me so far. That there was an ancient apocalypse back then and a lot of water got sucked up with a lot of like, like dirt and sand with that. Yeah. But I fell back down, it was mud and got petrified. That’s only one thing that I could occur different Things. I got a roof.
Petrified redwood tree. Oh, don’t step in poop. Be careful. Yeah, don’t step in any of that. That’s not petrified. I know. All right, let me take in some of this beautiful scenery real quick and take an old man break to breathe. There we go. This is the prairie, baby. This is. This is a nice little spot up here in the mountains. Oh, you’re right. Okay, check it out. Way off there in the distance. Let me see if I can get that. Where is it? It’s hard for me to see because it’s so bright. I don’t know.
Somewhere over there, there’s another tree. We’re gonna go right over there and check it on out. All right, I’m gonna stop the video. All right, here I am again. Me and my boy are out here in the fossil beds. Here’s another one. Another petrified redwood tree. In the Rockies, in the mountaintops. This is amazing. It harkens back to the golden age. You see that? It’s way bigger. Let me see how close I can get. Okay, you’re not supposed to get super close, but check this out. Oh, check that out. Isn’t that awesome? Bam. All right, let’s continue on the journey, shall we? Yeah.
Here at the Fluorescence fossil beds in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, where you can see here’s one example of a smaller tree that’s not roped off or anything. So I can actually touch this and stuff. But look, if you just look at it, it doesn’t even look petrified. It just looks like just tree bark. But when you touch it. Okay, I’m touching this for you guys. I know you can’t feel it, but this is rock. This is solid stone. And it’s amazing because, look in the middle, it’s actually still tree. Jace, come over here and fill this.
Look, just barely touch right there. Not too much, but you can feel the wood. Yeah, yeah, Right there is wood, but out here is stone. You see that? And it looks like there’s like a. Maybe a burnt mark right here, too. Hey, guys. So this one right here, you can actually see that it’s partially wood. Really? Yeah. So right here in the middle, it’s right here. It’s like you can kind of touch it. It’s fuzzy still. Like it’s still wood and the outside of it is petrified. Oh, that is neat. Isn’t that cool? And I wonder what this feels like.
Oh, yeah, that’s. See, this is wet wood. You can feel this. This is wet wood right here. But the rest of it. Let me zoom out. All right, there we go. The rest of this is petrified rock, or, you know, it’s dense or whatever came off of here, too. And I guess this, to me, looks like it’s not petrified, but dried. Yeah. I mean, it still looks like a regular tree. Yeah. And there’s parts of it that almost looks singed over here, like, on the sides and stuff. This looks almost burnt right here to me. But this right here, Jace, fill this.
This is some wood. And you can feel it’s still damp from the snow. That’s what wet wood feels like. Yeah. Step out of. Out of the light. All right, so I’m gonna show you guys this. Check this out. So right here, this is rock. This is petrified, or they say that it’s rock. You know what I mean? But it’s solidified, it’s densified, It’s. It’s dense. It’s. Something happened into this to cause the outer portion to become rock. Like, and it almost looks like there’s singes. Like, it’s almost kind of burnt right here. Look. This is partial wood.
Partial petrification right here, though, when I push on this. This is wet wood. Okay. So this is very interesting to me. It’s still kind of organic right there in the middle. All right, back on the path. Check this out. So at first glance, it just looks like a tree piece, but when you get closer to it, you can actually see that it’s rock. Look at that. Look at that. This phone’s pretty good at zooming in. Wow. It’s amazing. Like, an hour ago you said the phone is terrible. I shouldn’t really be nice. Well, you know, like, when I actually zoom in, but when I just put it real close, it’s pretty good.
I wonder what would happen if you, like, zoomed in all the way, like, in the tree and just focused it and kept it really still and what that was. Here, let’s do it, like, with the leaf. If you do that. Look at that. Wow. Anyway, so it’s another petrified tree remnant. Look at that bad boy. This is the one in front of us. Look how huge this one is. Yeah. All right, what’s up, everybody? So thanks for joining me and my son.