Elroy, this little boy right here, creates a time machine, okay? And he wants to take the Jetsons further into the future, but there’s some sort of mishap and they end up way in the past in the Stone Age. Or do they? Have you ever seen the movie Time Machine? It’s based on the book Time Machine by Orson Welles. In this movie, and in the book, I’m assuming as well, I haven’t read the book, but in the movie, this person builds a time machine, because he wants to change, you know, his, what, something that’s happened, basically, on his timeline.
So he builds a time machine, and he goes so far into the future, he accidentally falls asleep in the time machine, gets knocked out. And he goes, like, hundreds of thousands of years into the future. He goes so far into the future that apocalyptic cycles have come and gone, and when he wakes up, it looks like he’s in the Stone Age. He’s in the past, but he’s not. He’s gone forward in time. [tr:trw].