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Truth in Movies!

By: JayDreamerZ
Spread the Truth



– We’re going to talk about a really cool movie called Annihilation. Not just the end of the world, not just the apocalypse, but another classic esoteric tale of people that travel to Mount Maru. This one’s going to show us some of the dangers that may be involved.
– Let’s say that the movie is talking about a journey, an exodus, if you will, to Mount Maru. The compass just starts spinning because of the electrical fields that are closer to the north pole. The movies drop us huge breadcrumbs as to how to get there.
– We’re all growing from the same branch structure or the same root, right? This also hearkens to the phantazoids that I talk about on my channel so often. As the energy amplifies in our atmosphere once again, the energy will turn on junk DNA and therefore give rise to various types of mutations.
– There are forms of radiation that are beneficial and good. Other things like mutations or abilities, you could call them, right? It all depends. Doppelgangers we see this in the world today? I believe that the code is being repeated.
– Jinkies follows the journey of a group of survivors through a series of mysterious lands. Just like in The Wizard of Oz, these characters go through a similar path because they’re all traveling on a similar map, basically. And then they find a clue. For those that follow.
– There’s so many ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up. Dreamers saying good vibes and goodbye to fade away? But something forcing me to say?


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Sam aloha, and welcome to Truth and Movies. I’m J dreamers I’ll be your host today. So check this out. We’re going to talk about a really cool movie called Annihilation. Now, what do you suppose this movie is about, given what we talk about here on my channel so often? Not just the end of the world, not just the apocalypse, but another classic esoteric tale of people that travel, symbolically speaking, to Mount Maru. This one’s going to show us some of the dangers that may be involved, some of the things that you can expect, some of the things that might surprise you. And this video right here is directly related to the last video I just did about mutants or post apocalyptic mutants. So if you haven’t seen that one, check that one out too.

Let’s go ahead and start the show. What’s up, everybody in the chat, good to see you. Well wishes out to hippie wizard. Sorry I called you happy wizard last time, but Hippie wizard well wishes out to you. Everybody else in the chat, make some friends, pull up a seat, grab some popcorn. Let’s start the show.

All right, so as always, this movie is brought to you by Mount Maru, right? So the tallest mountain in the middle of the world, according to many, many ancient legends and myths. A huge tower that juts up out of the center of the world at the North Pole. Also said to be an inner Earth entrance or the main inner earth entrance, one of the largest ones. This movie’s, I like to look at these and break them down right before the movie because they often add it’s like a preview of what the whole movie is going to be about.

Enigmatic waters. Hey, high five. Welcome to my channel. All right, so brought to you by Mount Maru. Now, we start things off in this movie where we’ve got a girl who’s locked up in a cell and these people dressed up in some sort of nuclear, biological, chemical gear or something, and they’re asking her about her journey. The beginning of the movie is actually the end of the tale, the end of the story. And this whole story is about her trip personally to symbolically speaking, mount Maru, or what you’ll see is a lighthouse, which we break down. That lighthouse symbolism. How many movies have we done where there’s a lighthouse featured and people trying to get to the lighthouse know something happens to the lighthouse? I feel like that pops up quite often.

All right, so the guy starts off by interrogating her. They want to know these people back here, they represent the government, all these dudes dressed up in white. They represent people who have no idea what’s going on. That’s why they’re protecting themselves. And they’re trying to get information from somebody who’s been there, somebody who’s made the trip and made the journey. So they’re asking her these questions, and they say, what did you eat? And she says, I don’t remember eating. Which is really interesting because we talk about so many times, the more energetically charged a person is, the less they actually need to eat. Because we only eat to get energy. I turn a TV. We only eat to get energy. And so if you’re already energetically amplified, which you would be, the closer you get to these energetic sources like Mount Maru, then the less sleep you would need, the less you would need to eat and stuff like that. There are some exceptions to that rule, though.

He says, how long do you think that you were inside? So we hear from her days. She thought that she was inside. I’ll show you what she was inside of. It’s this energetic bubble we’re going to talk in depth about. She said days. I think days, maybe weeks, right? In reality, she was inside of this other place, this other worldly place for something like, I want to say, like three years in the book, something like that. It was an incredibly long amount of time, which tells us immediately that there’s a time dilation between the outer world, where they are now, and the inner world, which I’ll show you here in just a bit. Time dilation is a huge difference in how beings experience time. Much like how little dogs, they see us moving around in slow motion because their metabolisms are so quick and so fast. So different creatures and different sizes of creatures and creatures in different locations as well can experience what we call time differently. As a matter of fact, it happens to us all of the time. Sometimes something may have fallen off of the table, like the remote control or something falls off the table. You ever get like superpowers and instantly just you just catch it out of nowhere, and then you’re really impressed with yourself and you feel like time slowed down and it was easy to just grab whatever that thing was that was falling. That’s just an example of how time affects us differently.

Now they go back before this moment right here. They go back even further, and they show you that there was this comet that was headed towards the Earth, or meteorite or whatever it is. We’re just going to call it a comet. So there’s this comet that’s headed towards the Earth and this would be what kicks off this apocalyptic event that happens in the movie. Also, can you guys give me a thumbs up if I sound okay? If you could hear me and all that? Thank you. I appreciate you.

So comets as portents of evil, as harbingers of doom, as signs and omens, which I do a whole series about this on Tuesdays, and this Tuesday we’re going to talk about it, too. But there’s a reason why comets show up all of the time. This right here, I mean, obviously this is an artist rendition and the Earth is all sideways and it looks weird and stuff, but a comet nonetheless is important or a harbinger or a sign of the apocalypse each and every time. When people saw huge, great grand comets getting bigger and brighter and changing colors and stuff in the sky they knew that the Apocalypse was soon on the way. And whenever it was a lesser comet or a lesser omen, right. They still started to freak out all over the place. People thought it was the Apocalypse and they would become afraid. Well, this is what that is, I believe, according to my research.

I have an alternative cosmology where we have something like a glass dome over our sky just like the ancients. And every single one of your forefathers, for the most part or ancestors or relatives from times long past all believed in this was common knowledge at some point in our history.

Many points, I should say, in our history. And this was the prevalent view which was that there was a lens type firmament over the land, over the sky, a separator between us and what we would perceive or call in the modern era, space. Right? So what happens is that there’s a plasma in the so called plasma sphere wrapping around our world. That plasma is light. The physical portion of that plasma is repelled by the magnetic force of the Earth herself. But the light may pass through. The light passes through and then hits a focal point and then redistributes that light into what we call daylight.

There are also anomalies on that firmament itself. So there are domes and craters in the sky in the actual firmament itself. And those create little projections just like little mini suns up there in the sky. But they’re much smaller and much further away. We tend to call those stars. There’s also other luminaries, like the moon and planets and stuff. But that’ll be it for another time. Anyway, whenever the light above the dome, it’s moving around, it’s swirling around when it goes into flux and it hits places within those smaller anomalies like those craters excuse me, those craters in those domes, right? Especially when it hits the edges of them, it creates what’s called an aberration. So basically, it will cast a star out of place. And that star will not be a perfectly focused point of light. It will be an out of focus point of light. And in optics, that’s called a comatic aberration. And here’s an example of how it looks there. So here’s one where it’s perfectly focused, just a point of light. That’s a star. That’s what you see up in the sky. And here’s one where it’s out of focus where the light is hitting the edge of domes or craters above. ProbablyCraters, I would assume, because then it would redistribute the light outwardly. I’m not sure. But anyways, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that if that light, if that straight line of light does not hit that point of focus because it’s hitting the edge of the lens, then it will basically create like a little comet tail. And that’s what we see in the sky from time to time. And that’s why the ancients knew that something was wrong just beyond our sky. Something was acting anomalously.

So this comet crashes down and hits this lighthouse. So we have a comet and a lighthouse. Hey, what’s up, Ingrid? Good to see you, Ingrid’s, in the chat. Thanks for being a member. And that brings us to the title of the movie, Annihilation.

So when you see the comets appear in the sky, right, especially the larger they are, the bigger they are, typically there’s a huge great grand comet that’s definitely a portent of the end, and it’s got a huge tail and stuff. Keep an eye out for that. And if you’re interested in that, check out my Omen series on Tuesdays. And then it hits the lighthouse. The lighthouse symbolizes Mount Maru, because Mount Maru is not some mountain that’s just really tall, like the Himalayas or the Rockies or something like that. Mount Maru is a tower. It is muddy land that has been pulled straight up into the air by the electrical charge that is coming up out of the Earth for an entire age. And it pulls the Earth up with it, petrifying it as it goes. So what we get is a huge mountainous tower, right? And it’s very much like a lighthouse. And because light comes up out of that tower, that’s why the lighthouse symbolism is often used for Mount Maru.

All right. What’s up, Ingrid? Good to see you again. All right.

So now, the movie starts off by showing us a cell. It’s a picture of a cell, like a cell in your body as seen through a microscope, and then it divides in half. The main character, who we’ll meet in a moment, her name is Lena, she says this is a cell. It is born from an existing cell. All cells were ultimately born from one cell. So, from the beginning, this movie is harkening back to what’s known as the law of one, which is sort of retold to us in various myths and legends and religions and religious stories and stuff. Like the story of Brahma is the main one that comes to my mind. According to some traditions in Hinduism, Brahma, the creator god, before anything was created, that’s all there was, was Brahma. So in order to create something, Brahma had to trick himself into splitting in half, which he couldn’t really do if all there was was Brahma. So it was an illusion, it was Maya. It was a spell that Brahma cast on himself and he split himself into another Brahma. And then they kept doing that and kept doing that, which gave rise and birth to the universe as a whole. So ultimately, what they’re saying is that we’re all connected. We’re all one, right? All of this perceived differences that we have, it’s just for fun. It’s just for the experience of things. There really are at the root of it, no differences. Everything is related. Everything is one. Everything is all the same. So any perceived difference is just that.

All right. So then she says, the rhythm of the dividing pair, the structure of every microbe blade of grass, sea creature, and land creature, and human. Right? So basically everything, all living things are made from these little dots, just like pixels, right? Everything is made out of pixels, basically, you could say, symbolically speaking. She says the cell that we’re looking at is from a tumor. Now, this is a specific group of cells. These are actually famous cells. I don’t know if you knew that. These are affectionately known as the first line of immortal human cells. These ones, bam. Right here. These cells are considered to be immortal, that they don’t die. Why? Well, they come from a woman named Henrietta Lax. It says, Henrietta Lax was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1951. Her biopsied cells, called HeLa cells, have been used to study the effects of toxins, drugs, hormones, and viruses on the growth of cancer cells without experimenting on humans.

Really interesting backstory, too. Basically, this woman went into the doctors and they just took her cells without telling her, without asking her or anything. They just stole her cells. Her family’s, over decades, been going through lawsuits and stuff because these hospitals just took her cells, and they still have them. Nobody asked permission or anything, which is really interesting. Just the concept of taking other people’s DNA without their permission. That seems to happen a lot, especially in this day and age. Right? But anyways, thank you to Henrietta Lax. From me to you. Even though you didn’t give permission or anything, I appreciate you for helping advance medicines and whatnot.

All right, moving forward. Oh, by the way, I also know that it’s about that it’s in reference to Henrietta Lax, because if you look later on in the movie, it shows the main character, Lena, and her husband, she’s reading a book and check it out. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lax. So it’s obvious that the movie isn’t making a reference to this particular woman. They also say that she’s 31 years old and she died at 31. So it’s obviously Henrietta Lacks.

Now, Henrietta’s cells, let me just go back to that real quick. Henrietta cells, the thing that was interesting about them is most cells, they have a shelf life, basically. They have a certain amount of times that they can replicate themselves, and then they stop. They start dying off or replicating less and less, which gives rise to aging and deformities and tumors and stuff like that. But when they took some of her tumorous cells, they didn’t die ever. They just continued to grow. And so that’s why we still have her cells. Even though this happened over 50, 60 years ago, we still have these cells today. They are immortal cells from a human being. Think about that. That’s going to come into play here in the movie too.

She says, we’ll be closely examining cancer cells in vitro or in real life. So in real life, basically what I get from the movie is there’s a rise in cancer or in deformities in the world the closer we get to the end. And we’re also going to look at mutations, right? Not just cancers and tumors and stuff, but actual mutations where nature is trying to figure out all of the mixed up coding that’s been introduced into our world before it cleanses our world in this next apocalyptic cycle.

All right, so we go to her house. It shows a picture of her husband and her right there, that’s her husband over here on the left. You can see him. And her husband’s been gone. He’s been missing. He went missing. He was in the military. They sent him out on some secret mission to some secret island, to some secret place, and he went missing for a year. So she’s in mourning. She’s trying to paint the bedroom to get over it and stuff. And then all of a sudden, the husband shows up. He’s downstairs. He’s acting way different than he used to, right? Clearly that he’s changed.

So they go in the kitchen, have a conversation. She says, you vanished off the face of the earth for twelve months. You must be able to tell me something, because he can’t. He can’t remember. Like amnesia is a huge part of this movie, and I do talk about worldwide amnesia after the apocalypse and how so many people will, it’s likely that many people will suffer amnesia for different reasons. So he doesn’t remember a whole lot. He’s trying. But on the other hand, there’s something different about him, which we’ll get to later on in the movie.

So he starts coughing up blood and stuff like that. Obviously there’s something wrong with him and he’s not used to this new environment from wherever he just came from. And they’re taking him to the hospital, and all of a sudden, all these military looking government types, they break in, they take him and they basically steal him. And then they stab her in the neck with something to put her to sleep, right? So she wakes up in a facility in some unknown location because now she has information that the government wants. So they need to quarantine her. They need to seal her off from theSure! Here is the reformatted text:

Sort of the black goo is destructive creative, and then the white goo is just purely creative, basically, which is sort of like the anode and the cathode energy. So I imagine that on those anode and cathode islands, you would find one that would have black goo and the other one would have white goo, if you want to call it like that.

And then this creature, which is you’ll see, it’s actually a doppelganger of this girl Lena, right? They show it to you and it’s all lit up and stuff, and it’s sort of got that shimmery rainbow shine to it, even though it’s all black. And then it’s got these tentacles coming out of its back. Totally remind me of the movie Eternals when we broke that down and you had the deviants, right?

And the deviants had the leader of the deviants had these tentacles that grew out of his back, too. He also has four eyes, right? I don’t know if you saw that, but boom. This leader of the deviants in the Eternals has four eyeballs. And in the Nuremberg chronicle right here, it shows you and depicts historical representations of mutants that existed in our world commonly.

So commonly that they had to draw pictures of them and put them into a historical chronological book saying these people exist. So just so you know, there was people with four eyeballs back in the day. All right? So her doppelganger gets up, she actually starts fighting with it a bunch, and it mimics every single thing she’s doing. It’s like she’s looking into a mirror.

Now, this is also symbolic elements of leaving the Earth. Before you can leave this world, you have to come to terms with yourself. You have to look. At yourself into the mirror physically, that’s looking at the dome above us as a reflective surface. But internally, we come to terms with all that information is turned on and all your synapses that are turned on, and all of a sudden, you kind of find yourself in the shoes of the character Kane that we saw earlier, the guy that turned into a light.

We thank you so much. I appreciate you. Holly. Holly S anyways, we come to terms with ourself because we start realizing not just things about the world around us, but things about ourself, right? Removing the veil from who we really are.

So this thing is copying all of her movements, and she tries to run for the door. So it runs for the door, and she grabs the door, and it slams into her, and she’s pressing against it, and it’s pressing against her. It’s not really trying to hurt her as an alien creature. That’s malevolent. It’s just copying exactly what she’s doing. It’s putting as much force out as she puts out. Right? She’s fighting against herself right now, which is what happens when you go to Mount Maru.

You have to come to terms with yourself. You have to look into the mirror. And that’s one of the challenges in the Never ending story. Remember how Atreyu had to pass through that weird arctic mirror, right? Like, that didn’t look hard. Didn’t look difficult to me at all. You just walk right through the know. But it is because you have to come to you can’t go insane realizing deep inner secrets about yourself. You have to be accepting of yourself and love yourself.

So when she stops fighting against this thing, basically, it presses so hard against it, against her, because she’s pressing so hard to get away, right? The more she presses, the more it presses. And she’s getting crushed. She’s crushing herself. She’s depressed. She’s depressing herself, basically, you could say, right? So she’s fighting against herself. And whenever she runs out of energy and she’s blacking out because it’s crushing all the air out of her, she loosens up. And when she loosens up, it loosens up.

So they both fall down to the ground together, totally mimics her, and copies her. So it’s showing you this is not something that’s different. This is her, right? This is not an alien that’s in there with her. This is her, right? She’s going through all of this mentally, spiritually.

So she falls down. She has to give up, basically. She has to give in. So she walks over, picks up another phosphorus grenade that her husband had left for her and puts it into her own hand. And when she touches it, it’s able to copy her DNA, and it starts to physically look like her as well. But is it something that looks like her, or is it actually her? That’s what the movie is going to beg the question, right?

So she has to kill off her evil side, right? She has to stop fighting herself, basically, and destroy that perceived enemy within before she can escape, before she can make it through, right? Otherwise, she’ll end up like her husband, right? This is how you can end up. You can end up like this, or you can end up like that, right? And this is an inner struggle battling against ourselves.

So she sets off the phosphorus grenade, turns her other self into a light being poof, all that stuff starts igniting. And then she takes off outside of the lighthouse. She’s able to escape. But wait a minute. There’s a twist. When she looks over, when she touches her, there’s a transfer, right?

The movie doesn’t do a really good job of explaining this. It sort of is enigmatic about it. But this is her now, right? This, right before she touched it, that’s her over there. And this is the alien in the movie. But as soon as she touches it, there’s a transfer that happens. And that’s why she becomes her, because that’s actually her now.

And she’s standing there with the grenade that’s going off, and there’s all this fire that she can’t feel. She doesn’t feel fire or anything. And she’s standing there. She walks over to her husband. You see right there, the dead, charred body? She walks up to it and puts her hand on it because this is her, and she recognizes her husband, and she remembers, and she walks up to it, like, out of compassion, and touches it. Whereas the alien creature never would have done that. The alien creature seems to be indifferent to everything, but the second she touches it, she’s no longer indifferent to anything.

Captain Krampus. What’s up? Thank you for the donation. Says thanks for mentioning the never ending story. The movie is meh. But the book the book is awesome. Contains much more than the Meh movie. That’s cool. I have never read the book. I’m have to check that out. Thank you, Captain.

All right. So she touches her husband. She’s still on fire, but she’s not really burning or anything. She goes over against the wall, leans against the wall. And then when she looks up, she looks up at her hand and she starts freaking out, basically. This one on the outside, you could say this is the doppelganger. She’s watching it all.

And then the lighthouse starts to burn. It catches on fire. Now, what this is you’re seeing in the old world, there were these pillars that held up the sky. So all these trees around the lighthouse are the Witnesses, the other pillars that were shooting up into the sky during the age of magic, et cetera. But when that beam retracts and we go through an electromagnetic shift, it disappears.

It retracts very quickly down into the Earth. But it leaves behind an aura. It leaves behind a glow, right? A residual glow, because the air itself is still ionized. In all of those places. So it looks like the tree of life is now a burning bush. Basically. It leaves this sort of glow, this faint flowery glow to it. You can’t see very good. So I’ll point it out here. But the girl now goes down to live in hodmimi’s holt or in mount maru.

She’s not being burned by the fire, which tells me that the plasma that comes out of mount maru is what’s known as cold plasma or plasma that won’t burn you. You could stand inside of it and stuff, right? And you can see there’s actually a little tree trunk right where she’s standing, like a little altar. There’s a little tree trunk right there.

So she turns around and she watches the other pillars, which are representative of the pillars of the world. She looks at them, right? And this girl becomes one with the tree trunk or whatever. But all these pillars are just catching fire, which means that they have actually retracted. If these are the beams of light atThe middle of the world, they retracted and they have left an aurora or a glow behind them. It’s a residual energy of ionized air or atmosphere that’s left behind and leaves an imprint of that beam of energy that was once there. So she looks at it. This is just like whenever what was that like, the phoenix? No, it was a myth about narcissists and some of the myths and the tales of narcissists, the guy that looks and sees his own reflection and falls into the water and drowns or whatever. Some of those stories say that narcissists actually turned into this golden flower in its place, right? So this is what you’re looking at, is the golden flower, the residual ionization of the atmosphere where the beam once was, right?

So you got the anode and the cathode, and mount maru beams in the middle. The anode and the cathode disappear. Mount maru would be the last one to disappear because it’s the strongest ionization column, right? So it would take the longest amount of time to actually disappear. And finally, mount maru will fall. The world tree of axis mundi would fall down and retract back down into the earth.

So she’s talking to the guys in the present day and she’s like, yeah, it mirrored me. It wasn’t evil, it wasn’t an alien, it wasn’t a creature like that. And then they’re like, well, it was destroying everything. And she says, no, it wasn’t destroying. It was changing everything, right? So the world changes. The world is not destroyed. Your modern world is destroyed. The things you’re used to are destroyed. Your comfy life that we live now, where you don’t have to survive or learn how to forge for food or you can’t explore, all this stuff is destroyed. The world is not. The world has changed. We turn a new page and we enter into a new chapter in this realm that we live in. She says it was making everything new, everything brand new.

And then she gets to see her husband. She walks up to him and she’s like, you aren’t Cain. So now she knows that that’s not her husband or that her husband is so totally different, that he’s no longer the man that he once was. She says, you aren’t Cain, are you? And she says, I don’t think so. Are you?

Lena? Now, think about this. We’ve got two survivors of the Apocalypse. These are forms of Adam and Eve, basically the anode and the cathode, or the first man and the first woman after this apocalyptic event, Cain and Lena. Lena, if you look it up, is directly related to the name Helena, or Helena, which means the bright one, right? The bright one, Lena, or you could say Luna, which is the moon, not the light that’s in the sky, but the actual physical part of that firmament, which is an inverted dome, I believe, up there in the sky that causes that light that we see or that image. And then we’ve got Cain. Cain, if you look that up, means a reed, a cane, a spear, a tube. It’s all symbolic for that beam of light that comes up out of Mount Maru. A cane, right. And some of the older canes were actually split on both sides, just like the yerminzul, like the Norse Tree of Life. Looks just like this. Looks like Thor’s hammer, looks like a t or a cross in the sky. It looks like the Y, the vav, the tent peg of the Earth, et cetera. And then if you want more information on this, I did a video about it. This one’s called shoot the moon. So this talks about the cane, the beam at Mount Maru of energy that goes up and then conforms to the shape of the moon up there on the inverted dome at the top of the world, or the top of the firmament, I should say. So check that out. It’s called shoot the moon.

And then they hug each other because they recognize that they’re both unique in the world. Not only are the husband and wife in the old lives, but you can see that their eyes start to light up. So his starts to light up and you could barely see it. They barely just kind of add this effect that they’re light beings on the inside, that their eyes light up because they just come from a place of electromagnetic amplified energy that energized their souls. So those that make it have energized souls, basically, and eyes that emanate light.

And that is our presentation of Annihilation. I hope that you guys enjoyed the movie. I hope you had a good time in the Chat, making some good friends, making some sweet connections. The things that I share are by no means all of it at all. I’ve left out all kinds of stuff. I hope that you guys help to fill in the gaps. And if you’re watching in the future, fill in the gaps by leaving some comments and share with us some of the things that you noticed. Until next time, I’m Jay. Dreamers saying good vibes and goodbye to fade away? But something forcing me to say? It’d be easy upon me if I turn away to sleep? But there’s something holding on the way? Being all gone? There’s so many ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Any ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? I know I should have done this? Should have quit this long ago? Can’t send another heartbreak? But it’s time to let it go? It’d be easier for me if I turn away completely? But there’s something holding on the way being on? There’s ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? I don’t escape but I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up? Time to wake up, wake up, wake up? Don’t you wake up, don’t you wake up? There’s so many ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? Any ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up time to wake up.Rest of the world. So she doesn’t talk about whatever she might know, right? This is the hush hush secret, right? She looks out on the horizon and sees this huge wall, which is actually like a domed bubble of all this energy that goes across. This is what it looks like up close. Basically, they call this the Shimmer and this looks just like a bubble that’s wrapped around the land here. It’s like this huge dome of different colored materials.

I’m going to talk about what I believe those materials actually are because I believe this whole entire movie, just like so many others. And this is why I do truth in movies, that it is reflecting back to us our own history and our own futures, that there’s nothing new under the sun, that there are no original ideas, that everything is fractal, that everything reflects off of everything else.

So anyways, they show us the lighthouse, and they say, Blackwater National Park reported that a lighthouse was struck by a comet or whatever, right? So where is this place? Where would it be? If we’re talking about reference to Mount Maru or the Tree of Life, et cetera? Well, it should be right smack in the middle of the world. There should be a black water in that area, too. Here is Mercator’s map of the Arctic North, which is what this whole movie, I believe is basically about, is traveling to this location. And here in the middle is a black volcanic rock called Rupas Negra. But around that rock, the legends all seem to agree that this is a freshwater lake, that this water is so pure, there are no impurities in it. And whenever you have water that is perfectly pure and has no impurities, sunlight just keeps on traveling. It just keeps on going, so it doesn’t reflect back any color. So the water looks black. It all depends on the situation. But in general, that’s what happens. The water can look very dark and very black. Anyone that would be from this location would be pirates from dark water, basically. So they’re talking about how there’s this what was it? Blackwater National Park. So this is Blackwater right here. And then that’s the lighthouse in the middle, basically. And here’s a zoomed out version of it so that you can see what it looks like. Keep this image in mind. Keep this shape in mind. This plays a huge role in our history.

All right, let’s go back to the movie. It says that the lighthouse was surrounded by something that they termed a shimmer. Basically. This is the shining. This is the shimmer. This is the shining. This is light. This is plasma. It is an energetic force all the way around the island. There is a shimmer. There’s a light and a shining, which also reminds me just the shape of it. Now, keep in mind, it’s like a circular shape with a point in the middle that has light or a beam that emanates out of it. This is a magnetron. A magnetron basically has a cathode right there in the middle that shoots out all that energy. This would be a type of the island at the North Pole, all magnetic. And then at the middle, you would have the cathode beam or ray of life giving energy that shoots up out of it, right? And then, as you can see there, it swirls too. So whenever, because it’s magnetized, it will follow the magnetic current all the way around. This gives rise to or this is what happens right here, basically, right? Whenever that blue beam shoots up out of the middle of it, it goes around. All that energy goes around and creates a dome of energy all the way around this magnetic area around this island.

For example, here’s another one of a magnetron, and it says hot cathode emits electrons which travel outward from the very middle, right? And then electrons from a hot filament would travel radially to the outside ring if it were not for the magnetic field. The magnetic force deflects them, in a sense, shown, and they tend to sweep around the circle. So this is what it looks like, basically. This is the top of a magnetron. And what happens is that the plasma gets trapped by the magnetic forces and it creates a shimmer, it creates a dome, it creates an electromagnetic wall, basically all the way around that island.

Now we go back to this other character. This is the lady who’s in charge of this mysterious organization that makes these trips into the shimmer. Take a look at what she’s holding in her hand. First of all, she’s wearing black and white, right? Which is the black and white symbolism for those who would be space travelers or sliders or fractal verse travelers. But she’s holding in her hand a black rock. You see that right there for no reason. The movie tells you a lot of stuff that seems like it’s for no reason. But I’ve found that whenever something seems to be for no reason, that just means that I couldn’t find the reason behind it. But there’s a reason to everything. I believe I don’t believe in coincidences and stuff, but black Rock, right? She’s holding on to the black rock. This is the black rock. That’s what they’re showing us, the symbolism. It’s literally called the Black Rock. It’s called Rupas Negra, which means black rock. And there’s a company out there called Black Rock. Many of these people, they are the relatives and direct descendants or possibly more to those who survived and came from this area that came out. They took their knowledge and they kept it a secret, basically.

And she says nothing comes back. And that’s also what the legends indicate about this particular area of the world. When people try to go there, there’s a point of no return. It’s very difficult, according to the legends and the myths and the stories about this legendary northern polar island that used to be featured on many maps that once you get past a certain point, the currents take you closer, the currents draw you in. And not only that, but if you have any metal whatsoever, especially on a ship like, there’s many legends about ships that were actually pulled to this gigantic magnetic mountain because of the metal, just nails and stuff that were inside of the ship. So she says, nothing comes back, and the boundary is getting bigger. It’s expanding. Well, that’s exactly what happens in the magnetron, too. Like that energy starts off small, and then it grows and grows and grows, and it wraps all the way around to the edges and creates a nice little wall of plasma, which is what we’re looking at now. So you’ve got this wall of plasma here in the movie that they have no idea what’s on the other side of it. Basically, it’s a hidden island. It’s a hidden place.

This is also the OROBOROS that we’ve talked about whenever I did my video about comparative mythology, right? This is one of the symbols that we talked about. We talked about the auroboros and the Phoenix in the last episode. This is the OROBOROS. And that’s why it’s oftentimes featured as wrapping around the world tree, because it does. It goes right around that island in the middle of the world, where there is the plasma volcano that shoots up the tree of life or plasma straight up into the air. And that’s why we see that snake wrapped all the way around, is because it’s an electrical current, right? It’s not eating itself as a snake, or it would get smaller and smaller and disappear or die. But this is a snake that’s continuously moving in a particular direction, right? So you can see this is the direction that it’s headed in. That means it’s a current, it’s a circuit, and it goes all the way around this island, which means it’s an electromagnetic force. The whole island is.

Now, her and her husband, we flash back and they’re acting weird. They’ve got some drama between them. And the husband says, oh, I was just looking at the moon. And he says, it’s always so weird seeing it like that in the daytime. They’re looking out of their window, I assume, and he’s looking up at the moon. It’s daytime. And he says, it’s so weird to see it out in the daytime. Now, let’s imagine that the movie is reflecting back reality to us. Let’s imagine that somebody who made this movie or whoever wrote the script that they are in on it, that they know that they understand these certain secrets. They don’t have to, but let’s just say that theyOkay, here is the reformatted text:

Did, right? Why would they put this thing about the moon appearing strange looking in the daytime sky? I’ll tell you why. Because that’s not the way it’s always been. The moon should not be in the daytime. As a matter of fact, if you read in the Bible, it says specifically, God made two great lights. The greater light to rule the day, the lesser night to rule the night. The sun doesn’t creep off and you see it at nighttime. However, I believe that will happen. And the moon should not be seen during the daytime. That’s a sign and an omen telling us that we’re getting closer, that there are anomalies happening up there in the heavens that reflect back down here in the form of omens or harbingers of what’s to come.

And then she says, you take a cell and circumvent the Hayflick limit and you could prevent senescence. Now, that’s just all scientific jargon, basically. But what she’s saying is we see aging as a natural process, but it’s actually a fault in our genes. She’s saying that there’s something happening within our actual genetic structure that causes it to break down, or what I call exponential entropy in the world to come.

And it’s very simple for me. We live in a world where the energy is charging. It’s going down into the Earth. It’s not up here on the surface where we live, but the day will come when that energy reverses, fills the surface world with energy, leading us into the red sky, the time of magic, the time of regeneration, and monsters and superheroes and all kinds of interesting stuff. And that’s whenever our cells regenerate, right? That is how we bypass, as she said, or circumvent the Hayflick limit. The Hayflick limit is just a limitation or a perceived limitation on how many times a cell can multiply. But obviously we have examples where there are anomalies, there are exceptions to that rule, as we talked about earlier, right? So just keep that in mind about their regenerative qualities in the post apocalyptic world, because if you’re afraid of the apocalypse or it’s something that intimidates you, or I’m going to show you some scary stuff as far as phanazoids and monsters and mutants and stuff, just keep this in mind. There’s a treasure at the end of the race. There’s a goal, there’s a reward, right? And regeneration is one of those rewards.

So we meet some of the team that’s going to go in. They’re all females. It’s an all female cast of characters. They’re all scientists, and they’re going to go into the Shimmer. This one says, I’m a geomorphologist. That means studying how the world changes or the Earth changes. Earth changes. I’ve been testing the magnetic fields around the boundary, which is like using confetti to test a hurricane.

So there’s another reference to the great amount of magnetism that is said to be on that ancient, mysterious island at the North Pole, aka hyperborea, and how there is a current that’s moving about swiftly all the way around that island. And then we’ve got the leader of the group who says we’re supposed to reach the supposed source of the Shimmer, the lighthouse. So the source of this Shimmer is the lighthouse itself. It’s the tree of life, it’s the burning bush, it’s Atlas, the Atlas figure, the squatterman, et cetera. It’s that beam of light that shoots up out of Mount Maru, out of the plasma volcano. She says we are to enter, acquire data and return. That’s her little mission that she has. Enter, acquire data and return. So go to that lighthouse, go to mount maru, go to the center of the world, acquire data, and then come back, basically.

Now that short little sentence directly describes many different tales of various tribes across the world, and it basically recounts their origin stories where to survive an apocalyptic event, they were all recalled, or they were called to a specific place of safety. They survived the apocalypse and then they redistributed. There was a dispersal between them as they populated the world once more. She says, So I went in back to the modern she’s telling the story, right? She went in, she went to the island, right? She’s going to go to the island now. This is her and her crew looking like the Ghostbusters. They’re all coming up on this plasma wall, which is appropriate. That’s basically a ghost wall. But they all come up to this barrier, and that’s what it is, too. Keep that in mind because barriers are going to be a huge part of this, symbolically speaking. They all walk up to the barrier. They’re all on a trip to mount maru, basically. But first they have to get past the barrier. They have to get past the shimmer. So they come up in front of it. This is what it looks like when they’re all standing in front of the shimmer. You know what, also this reminds me of, this actually does remind me of Ghostbusters. Like whenever part two, remember whenever there was that library and there was Vigo, that weird evil guy that tried to get the baby or whatever, right? There’s this huge wall of slime or ectoplasm that went up around that library, and the library is the place that contains the information. Also, the library was a place of safety in the Day After Tomorrow that we broke down. Wow. All kinds of stuff are just coming together right now. Anyways, that’s very much what that looked like. And it represents plasma, right? The plasma that’s wrapped around the island at the middle of the world. So they take their first steps. They walk through I’m not sure if you could actually just walk through the plasma. This is basically an electrical field and many stories, but most notably the Bible, talks about how there’s this flaming sword, which is electricity, basically, that turns every which way that’s guarding the entrance to the tree of life, where they’re going right now. So I don’t know. It’s possible maybe if you have like knight’s armor or a faraday cage or something that you could pass through this. Maybe it has something to do with them being women and matching the frequency. I’m not really sure, but I do know that I would be careful before approaching any electrical barriers.

Oh, speaking of electrical barriers, I totally posted this little short that I found on the internet about these women who were at the Grand Canyon, and they walk up to an electrical barrier and they touch it and you can hear it and stuff like that. They’ll pull away, nothing happens. They walk up and they put their hand on an actual electrical barrier. What’s another word for that? I don’t know. Anyways, you know what I’m talking about. It’s an electrical wall, basically, right? An energy barrier. Damn. I can’t think of what it’s called. Anyways, some people were leaving comments like, oh, they’re about to get hit by lightning. No, it doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to get hit by lightning just because your hair stands up on end. Can you? Yes. Is it indicative of it? Yes, it is. However, what we should take away from that, or what I take away from that, is that there are a such thing as natural electrical damn, what’s the word I’m looking for? Barriers. Does anybody in the Chat know? Force field? Oh, thank you so much. Yes, a force field. That’s what I was looking for. It’s a force field. Force fields are not the thing of just pure fantasy and fiction. They’re real, okay? The Earth produces force field. There’s a huge one around our Earth that people in academics call the magnetosphere. That’s a force field. It’s a field of force or energy, right? Electricity, in some cases, right?

So they walk right through it. Poof. They go right through that. And all of a sudden she wakes up and she’s in a tent, right? No idea of what’s going on. She comes out, she starts looking around. She’s wondering where she is. She has no memory of even setting up camp. All of her friends are like, hey, you don’t remember us setting up camp, do you? And she’s like, no, I don’t remember anything. So the second they walk through an electrical barrier, all of a sudden something happens to the mind, to the brain, which is electrical in nature. So, duh. You think that they probably would have a little bit of amnesia or their brain might be a little disoriented. Yes, definitely. She says, I don’t remember anything. None of us do.

And then she says, from the depletion of food, it looks like we’ve been out here for at least…Three or four days. So let’s think about this. Let’s say that the movie is right? Let’s just throw out some hypotheticals. Let’s say that the movie is talking about a journey, an exodus, if you will, to Mount Maru, right, and showing us the actual path, which I find many times. The movies drop us huge breadcrumbs as to how to get there. It’s so fun. I love breaking it down.

So she says, at least three or four days out. I’m going to bust out a map here and show you basically their trip all the way to Mount Maru on the map. But how do we know, right? We need some more context to see how we know that this is probably that area, the magnetized mountain. Well, this lady pulls out her compass, handy dandy compass, and guess what happens to it? Flip, skip, skittley, do. The compass is moving. It doesn’t stop, right?

So when they show you this in movies, which happens a lot, so pay attention when they show you someone’s like, I don’t know where we are, but look at my compass. And the compass is just flying around, spinning around. That comes directly from real life. That comes directly from actual accounts of historic events, of people that have said to have journeyed to this mysterious island far beyond the northern reaches. And when they got close enough, the compass just starts spinning, right, because of the electrical fields that are closer to the north pole. So that’s another reason how we can tell that this is a movie about a trip to the north pole, right?

So she says no compass, no communication, no coordinates. No coordinates. I think we do have some coordinates, though. Let’s check out our map right here. Now, if we go according to, let’s just say, biblical knowledge, right? In the bible, it talks about how god split the euphrates river into seven different heads so that the people could walk through safely, right? On foot, on their sandals, basically. This right here, I believe, is the euphrates 123-4567. Boom. So we’ve got seven different heads. This would be the place. You see how it’s all split like that? That’s indicative that the water is a lot slower in that area and that the currents are less.

So over here, we’d have stronger currents and stuff. So this would be an opening. You see this mountain ridge right here? You’re not climbing that. They’re not going to get through that. Those are the cliffs of insanity. Okay, you could go that way, but like I say, nobody’s going to want to go that way. Plus, you have to deal with electrical force fields and all that stuff. So what you want to do is go this way, right? An entrance into paradise, an entrance into hyperboreia, the garden of eden, et cetera. The lowlands, the marshlands, the swamplands.

So they go through this way, and they’re about, I don’t know what they say, like three or four days out, so I would imagine. Well, they say that mount maru takes three days to walk around. And if we calculate a person walking a circumference three days, it takes them to walk three days in a circumference or a circle. That would be, I don’t know, about 60 miles, 60 to 90 miles, maybe, just estimating. So this is 60 to 90 miles around, which is mount maru itself, and then probably 20 to 30 or 40 miles in diameter, I would guess, right, so you can calculate exactly how large the land is just by using the measurements of mount maru according to the ancient descriptions.

And we could also calculate how far they are on their journey right now. They wake up and they want to get out of there. So they say, all right, if we head south, we’ll hit the ocean and just follow the shoreline. So what she wants to do is she wants to go south. So they’re like up here in the marshlands, they want to turn around and go back this way. Now, they’re about four days out, so I’m going to say they’re about right here. Okay? They want to turn around, go south, which is outward, go back through the marshlands, or they might even be at the edge, actually. I don’t know. But they want to go back and they want to go south, which is towards the rim or the crater wall, right? And they think that’s a good idea, to follow the shoreline. She’s talking about this shoreline right here.

So they continue on, they start moving about, and sure enough, they are in a swampy, boggy, muddy mess of a forest, basically, right? As you could see. Oh, here’s a satellite dish, so that’ll tell you which way south is, because in the Northern Hemisphere, for some reason, all of the satellites point south. Did you know that? That’s weird. That’s so strange. Anyways, so you can tell this is a swampy, boggy, muddy mess. This is also reflected in Star Wars when they show you Dagoba or what was that swamp? And The Princess Bride, where they had, like, the spurts of fire and the rodents of unusual sizes and stuff like that. This is what we’re looking at. This is a magical place, we’ll say, right?

People who don’t know why it’s so strange and why it’s so different, they’ll just call it magical because they don’t know how to describe it. It’s magic to them, basically. And they say, Get us out of this damn swamp. So there’s another reference. They’re definitely in a swampy area, and they come across all of this flora, which looks strange, all these flowers and stuff. And she says it’s interesting. They’re all so different, but they’re growing from the same branch structure, right? So you have the same roots, the same vines that are producing all of these different types of life, these different types of flowers. Just like in the beginning when we talked about the cells dividing, and all those cells come from a cell, right? But this is also a hidden reference to humanity, right? All of us, we all seem so different on the outside, blooming and flowering in different ways.

It could just be from different physical features to different parts about us, to different races and stuff like that. It’s just perceived because if we trace it back far enough, we’re all growing from the same branch structure or the same root, right? There’s an ultimate root in the Bible. It’s called the root of jesse. All right? So it’s the same plant. The same plant is producing all of the life, right? All of these so called different forms. And she says, it’s like they’re stuck in a continuous mutation. So that’s something that we’re going to see in this movie, are these mutations. And that’s that video that I just did, a whole video on mutations and how we can expect to see more of that as time goes forward.

And as the energy amplifies in our atmosphere once again and we return to an amplified energetic state in our world, the energy will correspond and or will turn on junk DNA, right? And it will try to make sense of foreign DNA and therefore give rise to various types of mutations, especially within the human body. She says, what the hell happened? Oh, my God. There’s something in the water. There’s something in the water. And they look out. Now, remember that they’re in this area of blackwater, right? That’s the area that we’re talking about, that island at the middle of the world, beyond the north, beyond the Arctic Circle and stuff like that. It’s said to be filled with sea monsters, or at least once was a time long ago that there were these strange, huge, titanic animals, strange in form. Some were very much predatory, some were benevolent, right? So they meet one of the predatory ones. This is huge. Crocodile. Take a look at this bad boy.

Look at the color on this crocodile. It’s white, right? This also hearkens to the phantazoids that I talk about on my channel so often. Those heavenly animals, or space animals, you could call them, that drop down from the heavens when they come down, when new types of life forms are introduced into this world, many of the legends and even religions, even in the Bible, for example, when Jesus returns, he comes upon a white horse, right?

Many of these animals are described as being white. And when we see the arrival of these white animals, many ancient tribal people have stories that we are to look for the white buffalo or the white calf or the white horse or whatever it may be, because these are animals that areLiterally, physically coming down from the heavens. They’re floating down from the sky during the depressurization event because buoyancy is increased. They don’t fall down and die. They just float right on down from the other side of the sky itself, right? So they tend to be even giants, even the humanoids. They tend to be this color. This is why you have the killer clowns from outer space, giants that were portrayed as being pure white, almost like albino looking, except for without the red in the eyes, right? And this is what we see, Gigantism. And this take a look as it opens its mouth. Let’s zoom in. Let’s go deep inside of this bad boy. Look at all those teeth. You see that? Rows and rows and rows of teeth, just like many of the different types of phantazoid examples that I’ve shown here on my channel. These alien creatures oftentimes have, like, more teeth as it goes back, or sometimes they have a mouth inside of a mouth, you could say. She says sharks have teeth like that, don’t they? That’s a good point. Sharks do have teeth like that. So if this crocodile represents a phantazoid or a heavenly creature or a creature, it doesn’t have to be heavenly. It can also come from inside of the Earth, okay? Inner terrestrials, not extraterrestrials. But if this crocodile represents that, and the crocodile’s got rows and rows of concentric teeth, and sharks have rows and rows of concentric teeth, and sharks are gigantic fish. That’s what they are, okay? Like, they’re not just sharks. That’s a fish and that’s a shark. No, they’re both fish. A shark is a giant fish. This blows my mind. Gigantism that we’ve accepted in the world just totally blows my mind. It’s just normal. We’re just so used to it, right?

A lion. Right? It’s a giant cat. It’s just a lion. Don’t freak out. A giant dog. It’s just a bear. Calm down. A giant fish. It’s just a shark. Oh, my God. We just grow so accustomed to gigantism that we don’t recognize these jewels in the form of giant animals that we still have, which are proof, hardcore, absolute. I don’t know if it’s absolute, total proof, right. That giants and gigantism existed in our world, and some of it carried over, some of it survived. Right. Oftentimes those creatures that lived in caves or survived in caves going deep inside of the Earth or down inside the ocean, right? Like, so many deepwater creatures way down in the depths are huge, gigantic. Right. They went down there and survived anyway. She says the mutations were subtle at first, on their way to Mount Maru, more extreme as we grew closer to the lighthouse. Well, that makes sense, right? This is like electromagnetic radiation being emitted all over the place. But think about this. Don’t be afraid of the radiation itself. Just because we’ve been taught to fear radiation, right? Because it’s sort of an unexplored area for the most part. People are just taught, and the media puts out that all radiation is bad. Any kind of radiation is bad, and it’ll kill you, et cetera. No, the world you live in is bad and is killing you right now, okay? There are forms of radiation that are beneficial and good and can aid in regeneration and destroying diseases and stuff like that, right? But if you couple certain types of that beneficial radiation with regenerative cells, your regeneration being restored to the cellular structure of your body, then we have something different. We don’t have to worry about death from being radioactive or whatever. But there’s other things like mutations or abilities, superpowers, you could call them, right? It all depends.

Corruptions of form. Also another one. Now, we would say corruption because it’s different from the norm. It’s different than what we’re used to and duplicates of form. Doppelgangers we see this in the world today? I have a video that’s got, like, over 100,000 views on it, all about doppelgangers. Some people say that the celebrities are time traveling because they found all of these clear examples of doppelgangers of these celebrities in real life across time. Right. All the like, Leonardo DiCaprio. Oh, he’s a time traveler. John Travolta totally a time traveler or whatever. I don’t think so. I have a different opinion. I believe that the code is being repeated, that the coding in our DNA is on a loop, that it gets to a maximum amount, it reaches an apex, and then it goes on repeat to save information in the coding. Anyways, so we get doppelgangers and stuff like that, too.

She says echoes, and then she looks at her arm. She’s got this tattoo on her arm. Let’s check that out. It’s the number eight. But wait a minute. It’s also the OROBOROS in one of its different forms, right? Typically, the real OROBOROS is just a circle, but this one is the number eight. Right? The reason why the OROBOROS would sometimes be twisted like that, because the true one is just a circle because it’s a circuit. But the number eight it’s twisted into because it represents the letter Het. In ancient Phoenician, or Paleo Hebrew, the letter Het is sort of like the letter H, sometimes a K or a KH type of a sound to it. And it’s the 8th letter, which represents the number eight. And if you take a look at the ancient picture forms of it, this is more like the modern Hebrew over here, right by my head.

But over here, this is how it was originally drawn as three beams from the Earth to the sky. That’s where you get, like, the Roman numeral three, basically, which is the Anode, the Cathode, and Mount Maru at the middle of the world, right? These are various types of trees of life, anyways. They’re boundaries, they’re barriers. Those three beams are the ones that you see if you get close to the central island at the North Pole. And therefore they’re barriers and boundaries. And that’s exactly what Het, or the number eight, represents. Represents. This says it goes back to the Egyptian hieroglyph for a courtyard, right?

Which reminds me of the Hopi prophecy of the blue kachina removing its mask and dancing in the plaza or the courtyard, you could say. And then it says to compare this with the identical Hebrew letter Het with the Egyptian Glyph for a thread or a wick, which represents a wick of twisted flax, basically. You can’t see it right there. Hold on. So there it is right there. Bound. So this is also the letter Het in Hebrew, and it represents plasma, light, fire. This is the thing that catches on fire. But not just any fire. A pillar of fire, a column of fire that twists up as it goes, right? Now, if you take a look at the meaning, there’s different ones. People interpret these in different ways, but if you look at all of the different interpretations, you can get a good idea for what it may have implied originally. But it all depends on what other letters follow or come before it, right? If you look at the letter het, which you could say is Chet, if you use an American accent, right, it means tent wall. So a wall, a barrier, a boundary, just like the one that I just showed you, the bubble one that they went through a fence, which is a type of boundary that is outside. Het implies a boundary outside, right? Something that’s already out in the open, and separation a boundary as well. Here’s some more examples of it. A wall, a divider, something that divides or splits or a boundary type, right? So she has this on her arm because she’s one who has been to or beyond the Pillars of Hercules, the anode and cathode beams that are acting as outdoor boundaries to that central island or that central location.

Now they’re out there on their boat, and she says, we’re all damaged goods here because they’re all wondering why they’re there, right? Why are we here? What are the ODS that we would get together? And something that they have in common is that they all have issues. They all have problems, they’re all broken, they’re all fractured. They all don’t like the world as it is, the modern world, because it’s crushed them, right? Basically, she made a comment earlier that if you’re okay with your life and everything’s great, you have a wonderful life, you wouldn’t be on a mission like this,

right? This is speaking to many of us, which we’ll come back to that concept in a bit. Now, they continue on and they get to a place called Fort Amaya. YouSee that right there? Well, that’s interesting. So imagine they’re on their journey, right? They just got to the mysterious island at the center of the world. They’ve gone out for a few days. They passed the marshlands and the swampy areas. They went through the Euphrates, et cetera, and then they get to a place called Fort Amaya. If you look up the word Amaya, it means the end, the mother city or the Heavenly valley. So now they’re entering into the Heavenly Valley.

So let’s take a look at the map and follow them on their trail. First they go through past the Euphrates, past all the swamp land, et cetera. And then they get to the valley portion. This entire part of the map right here is considered to be a valley because look, see the mountain range all the way around it? This is a bowl. This whole land right here is basically like a dish, you could say not really a bowl, but like a dish, how it’s got upturned edges but flat on the bottom, that bottom portion right down here is a valley, right?

And many of the legends and the myths and stuff, when you use comparative mythology to check out these mysterious hyperborean lands, they talk about how there’s a valley area that’s very beautiful, and then there’s also a magical forest or a dense forest, a dark forest, right? And that’s something they’re going to have to pass through as well. Just like in The Wizard of Oz, these characters go through a similar path because they’re all traveling on a similar map, basically.

All right, so here they are. Basically, they went from here. Now they’re in the valley portion. So they’re know right in this area, right in the middle. And then they find a clue. Jinkies, she says, for those that follow. For those that follow. For those that follow, are you following? For those that follow, she says. And then she says, I believe that means us. Well, I also believe that means us. I believe that means you and me together, survivors, people who are picking up on these different clues and picking up what is being sung to us by the song of the world. Those that will follow, those that will return to Hodmimi’s Holt, to Mount Maru, to the Tree of Life, for those that follow. That’s why we do this movie series. All right, cool.

So they all get together and they’re checking out this video that was left for them, which is exactly kind of what we are doing right now. And they see a video of this guy, and he’s got like his stomachs kind of moving. So they open up his stomach, and look what they find on the inside. Huge, gigantic worm looking things. Just like all kinds of them were in there, just like all moving around and stuff, right? So he grabs one in the video and they’re just panicking. They’re like, oh, my God. She’s like, something wasn’t alive inside of that guy. And the other girl, this one right here, she doesn’t want to believe it. She just saw it. And she says, no, that was a trick of the light. That was a trick of the light. She doesn’t want to believe it. She goes into defense mechanism mode in her mind, does not want to come to terms with what she just saw. There’s a reason for that because she’ll actually reveal that she’s been looking at her skin and she’s been seeing her skin move on its own. So this freaked her out. This is not an easy scene to watch if you’re eating, by the way.

But I also want to talk about this because we spoke about Gigantism, right? So not only do whenever you increase the energetic, the energy in the atmosphere and you amplify the spirit or the soul, etc, and there’s an influx of oxygen and things that we talk about that add to gigantism. In our world. Not only do the plants grow gigantic, not only do the animals grow gigantic, not only do the people grow gigantic, but those things that may not belong inside of you parasites, worms, nasty stuff that we should not have in our body which is due to poor diets and bad decisions and poor habits that many of us have. I highly recommend, and I believe the movie is dropping us a big clue to get cleaned up, to change those habits and to make better ones, replace them with good habits so that hopefully you don’t make a trip to Mount Maru, get cut open, and there’s gigantic worms crawling around inside of you. People have these already. Some worms in the human body can grow to be 3ft long. Now imagine Gigantism applied.

Now, keep in mind also I’ve talked about how the survivors if you’re already past the point of puberty, you’re not going to grow super gigantic. You might get a bit bigger, right? But your children are the one, and their children are eventually going to get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. You don’t just all of a sudden grow to huge, gigantic sizes. You’ll remain the same. You’ll be a tiny shrunken or appear compared to the world around you, which is growing and getting huger and huger, right? Plants shooting up from the ground just springing up. Animals getting bigger with every generation, insects especially getting bigger with the amplified oxygen or the increase in oxygen in the atmosphere, right? So another good reason to be clean, right? When you go, you want to bring the clean, best version of you into the next age as you possibly can. That’s what I would do. That’s what I should do. That’s what I’m going to be working on or what I have been working on. And give it your best, right? Just give your best shot. Don’t be hard on yourself, all right? Don’t try to be a perfectionist and get down on yourself when you mess up or whatever. You just keep on walking forward. Don’t give up. Keep on trying. Keep on moving forward, and you’ll get there. Okay? Just a tip for me to you, all right?

So she says that was a trick of the light. I don’t want to believe that. No, not giant worms can’t do that. I don’t blame her. She says that was not intestines. That was like a worm. So it’s a giant worm inside this dude, right? Some can grow really big, more than 3ft long, and then they get up to this weird thing right here. Now, this is interesting because this is basically portrayed as all fungus. There’s an increase in fungus in these particular areas, which is funguses are really interesting, too. I should do a whole video about funguses because they’re not quite plants and they’re not quite animals. They’re just sort of in between. They’re like meaty plants or something. Right? And the way that they did this with the person here and the person here looks like a mushroom, right, that just sprouts up. There’s all this fungus growing everywhere.

And in the post apocalyptic world, I believe that there will be huge amounts of fungus especially in the form of giant mushrooms that will grow. Mushrooms will also grow to gigantic sizes everywhere. And many of the giants I found some legends that indicate that giants fed off of mushrooms and stuff like that until those beams went down and Gigantism stopped. Obviously, the giants remained gigantic, but they had less and less and less food to consume as they went forward. And a hunger developed in our world. So when all the mushrooms disappeared, they turned to cannibalism and other things. So all these mushrooms and funguses are growing all over thing. She takes a sample of her own blood, looks into the microscope, and she sees that it’s split in half. But one half of it is this sort of rainbow color. So it’s changed. This is interesting. And I believe that there’s a connection between this and an alleged prophecy. This prophecy was basically attributed to Native Americans, but that’s not true. It doesn’t come from Native Americans. And some Native Americans are actually kind of pissed off that people are saying that this is their prophecy, but it’s not. But I still like it, and I still see the truth in it. So I’m going to read it to you.

When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the Earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. They will be known as theWarriors of the Rainbow. Here’s another example of the exact same thing. So this is sort of a prophecy of these rainbow children or rainbow warriors that rise up during these last times. And if you look at the phantazoids like we talked about, they aren’t just white, right? I say that in general that they’re white, but they’re like a shimmering white. They have, like little strands of color and striations of color in them, just like that bubble does, right, that you saw at the beginning.

So she says everyone wants to go back, and they’re like, Go back? It took us six days to get here, right? So let’s just imagine they’re six days out, right? If go back to our handy dandy North Pole map. They go across the Euphrates Boom, past the Swamp Lands past the Swamp of Sadness? Or past the Bog of Eternal Stench. Past the what’s that one in The Princess Bride. You guys remember? Man, I forgot. But you know what I’m talking about, right? So they go out past that. They come all the way past the valley. Remember there was that fort that meant valley. So they’re over here in this area, and they’re going towards the lighthouse. They’re going towards mount maru. So now you can imagine they’re probably right about here, I would say, right. Another leg to go on their journey. Six days out.

So it takes them six days so you could calculate how far they’ve walked. If the average person can walk about 20 to 30 miles every day and they’ve been six days out, you just multiply six by 20 or 30. And that takes you right here. Which means you could also further calculate the rest of the island and how large it is, she says. And the coast is only two days away. Well, boom. If we look at that, right, most of this six days and then two days just the rest of the way to the coast. But it’s a different coast, right? This is the inner coast. This is the blackwater coast or the dark water, the clear water, right? The camp, crystal lake, basically two days away, she says.

You’re saying that we get out by going deeper. Ah, super interesting stuff. You get out by going deeper in. This is totally a reference to going to mount maru, the sacrifice of the virgin into the volcano, et cetera. I mean, mount maru is a plasma volcano. But you go deep inside of the rabbit hole, right? You go deep into the rabbit hole, you go deep into that tunnel, into the earth as a place of safety. We’ll talk about that more in just a bit. But here’s the example. You go right to the middle of the map or the middle of the labyrinth. The middle of the maze.

Now we get back to this magical forest, and she’s checking out this mutated deer. It’s very beautiful too, right? Not all mutants are just ugly or predatory or anything. Like there’s beautiful mutations and it splits. It totally splits itself in half. It looks up. So let’s take a look at this, right? I actually saw a I mean, I don’t know if it was a trick know, some sort of mirage or whatever, but there’s a YouTube video out there that James from the Impossible Channel shares sometimes of a deer. And it’s right by a tree and then all of a sudden it will look away and there’s like another deer. That’s exactly what happened right here in the movie. So this deer right here on the left is like the clone or the doppelganger of this one right here. This one’s the pure white one, like the sort of phantazoid. This one’s the rainbow warrior deer, you could say. And this one doesn’t have it hasn’t grown anything on its antlers. This one will grow stuff. Now, keep in mind, if you live in a world where if you’re not cleansing or bathing or anything stuff, especially if the energy is amplified in the world, everything’s going to grow rapidly, extremely fast, including all that stuff that would naturally just start growing on your skin. Imagine giants and trolls and how many times they’re depicted as having just nature growing on their body, right? So that’s what’s happening to the horns of these deers and stuff. But this one’s brand new. That’s why it doesn’t have anything growing off of it quite yet. Alright?

So then they move on and they find these really interesting statues made out of plants. These vines and plants just grew in the shape of humans. So they’re checking them out and it’s just creepy. They’re just totally still. I’m just kidding. Anyways, they’re all totally still. And this girl’s enamored with it that she finds it to be really interesting. It’s like it’s emulating the humans. Well, it shows us what happens. So she’s talking to this girl right here. So this girl’s talking to this girl. This girl is actually this is her field of expertise as plants and stuff. And she looks over at the biologist and she says they’re refracted. Like she’s talking about the energy inside of this shimmering dome, or bubble. She says that the energy inside of it is refracted. The lights and the signals that are trying to send out bounce right back and they’re all refracting off of each other. Not just off of the Shimmer or the dome, but all of the energy is bouncing off of everything. Because that’s how energetically amplified it is within this Garden of Eden, within this barrier, within whatever you want to call it. It’s just the energy or the light. And the energy is just bouncing off of everything, right?

She says that leaf in your hand, right, because she’s cutting off some leaves. That leaf in your hand, do you know what you would get if you sequenced it? Broke it down into its coating? Human hawks genes. And human hawks genes are basically like, what the coating? The blueprint for the human body, right? So inside of these flowers are these human hawks genes. She says the shimmer is a prism. Not a prism, a prism, right? And it refracts everything. So everything is being refracted, all the information, all the energy and the light. It’s like in a microwave, right? The microwave bounces the energy inside of your actual microwave. If you cook something, right, it’s bouncing the energy off of everything, which is how a microwave works, basically, which also has a magnetron inside of it, by the way. So she says not just light, it’s not just refracting light, not just radio waves, but DNA, animal DNA, plant DNA, all DNA, right? And she says she’s talking about us. Yeah, she’s totally talking about us. Right? If you were to go into this particular type of a location, your DNA will change. It reminds me of a verse in the Bible. The Bible’s coming to my head a lot these days. Is there any wonder? Especially all the prophecies and stuff like that. But anyways, in the Bible, it talks about how people’s bodies will be changed in a twinkling of an eye or in a blink of an eye. Like people will become changed when the light reappears into the world. All right?

So they all get tied up in the middle of the night by that girl who thought it was just the trick of the light, and she didn’t want to believe that there was those giant worms. That girl goes crazy, loses her mind and ties all the other girls up in the middle of the night, gags them and everything. And she’s about to stab them, and she hears one of the other girls died. By the way, there’s this phantasoid I’ll show you in a second. She died, and she hears her voice and she goes, Help me. And she’s like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. You said she was dead. So she stops whatever she was doing and she runs outside. And then all you see is this phantazoid bear. You see that? Over in the hallway? It comes in, and it goes right next to their faces, and it opens up its nasty skull face and a shrieking human voice is inside of this bear. It has mutated to develop a voice box that can copy sounds of its prey. Basically. Totally. Just like on what’s that movie? The Hunger Games, where they have the genetically modified animals or whatever, where they copy other people. I mean, not just the mocking jays. The mocking jays do that. But they also created these evil, predatory monsters just like this that have a voice box that can emulate human voices, right? Used to trick people as predators.So be careful. That’s what the movie is saying. If you do make a trip like this and you find yourself in a magic and mysterious place, be careful. When you just hear the voices of someone that you know but you don’t physically see them, be very careful.

So this thing, this bear, it’s a bear. This is a giant bear. Giant. Huge. We talked about Gigantism and all those giant animals when we broke down the movie The Day After Tomorrow. Extensively. We got into extensive detail about the Gigantism. I showed you that one scientist that was eating the freaking mammoth meat, right? Just took a bite of it. That blows my mind. Anyway, so this bear is screaming in a human voice. It’s obviously a big old mutant phantazoid bear. And it’s crazy. The whole scene is crazy.

So it’s genetically modified because of its environment. Now, I took a picture of this just because I thought that the top of this tree looks like a squirrel or like a giant sloth or something. Right? Here’s a tail over here by my head. Right? There’s the tail. There’s its butt all the way up onto its back. Maybe there’s someone riding it on top. And there’s the head. I don’t know. I just thought that was interesting. Doesn’t really have anything to do with the movie, but it’s related to how the plants grow into human form, as I’ll show you right now.

So the girl that was the botanist or whatever, the ones that’s interested in the plants, she starts having grass grow out of her arm. Leaves and stuff start growing out of her body, and she takes off and she becomes a plant, right? All these people basically were once people that became plasma possessed, went out to be with nature, and they willed themselves to become plants. Basically, that their DNA and DNA can do this. What is it called? Stem cells, right? Stem cells. Basically, they’re building blocks of life. They can change into anything. They’re like little Legos. So if there was no restriction and you were able to control your very own body, right? Subconsciously, if you didn’t know what you were doing and you couldn’t focus on how to control your body, you might turn into something else. Also, we talked about how the plasma comes down and it turns on junk DNA, and the DNA within the human body wants to make sense of foreign DNA inside of it, right? And I had a lot of people who are like meat eaters that were getting slammed on because we were talking about how you could become you are what you eat, right? Well, just because you’re a vegetarian does not mean that you’re safe from that either, right? If you’re eating a whole bunch of veggies, it could be the shoes on the other foot and you turn into a plant, right? Instead of turn into some pig creature, dog creature, or whatever it may be, right? So just something to ponder.

So she continues her journey. She gets to the edge of the magical, dark, mysterious, lush forest, and she gets to the shore, the shoreline. Now, remember where they are on the map. Remember where they’re headed out on their trip, right? What should she see now that she has reached the dark water, the black water on that map? She should see the lighthouse, right? Right there in the middle. She should see it. Let’s zoom in on it. There’s the lighthouse. This is where she would be, right? They started over here. They got to the valley. She continued on for two more days, got to the shoreline. This is not the shore where they started. This is the other shore where the lighthouse is across the way. In the movie, the lighthouse is not really like off on an island. It’s just off to the side. So she starts walking over there, and she crosses in the sand. You can see there’s all these crystals that are just shooting up out of the land. Watch for this, okay? Watch. Watch for this. They show you this in many, many different examples on the movies. The one that comes to my mind is the never ending story when Atreo is writing Artex, and either he’s going to the ivory tower, which is the lighthouse, Mount Morrow, et cetera, or he’s going away from it, and he passes through a desert that’s made of crystals. Basically. You’ll see this a lot, this crystalline desert, or a desert full of fulgorites and strange things, like in beetlejuice, how we talked about, because this is the area where there’s high electrical charges that are pulling the sand up out of the ground and petrifying it or changing its composition, crystallizing it, basically. So they show you this a lot, too, as a reference. These are little points on the map, right? They’re throwing out breadcrumbs. And it’s also said that those four islands at the center of the world that are crossed by four rivers, it’s said that two of them are desert and the other two are lush. Isn’t that something? Right? So she’s walking through the desert area, right? Electrified desert, spiritual desert, haunted desert, call it what you will. And then she comes across these trees. You can see the lighthouse right there behind me. So she’s on her way to Mount Maru. She’s getting close. But around Mount Maru, there are said to be witnesses, various witnesses, not humanoid in form, but these are other, lesser cavernous openings, which you would expect there would be a lot around Mount Maru that there’s huge, extensive cave systems. And these are other, smaller, lesser cavernous openings where other beams of light are shooting, know, symbolically speaking. So that’s why we have these crystalline trees of light. Basically. Later on, you’ll see that they’re actually light. So here’s Mount Maru, metaphorically speaking, symbolically speaking, with the light at the top of it, surrounded by these witnesses, right? This is the throne of God, as is mentioned in the book of revelation. All these other light sources shooting up. And then she goes into the lighthouse.

So she is now inside of Mount Maru, right, which is the stump of the world tree. If the light is retracted, then all you get is the stump or the plasma volcano itself, the tower itself. So she goes inside of it and she sees a recording like this little camcorder right there. So she walks over it, she checks it out, and what she’s looking at on the camcorder is this video of her husband. And her husband says, I thought I was a man. Now I’m not too sure. So he’s been inside of Mount Maru, right? He’s been inside. Remember, the whole mission was to go inside, acquire knowledge, right? Download information from mother earth herself and then get out of there. This guy goes in, acquires the knowledge, but he can’t handle the influx of knowledge that has been given to him. This is very much, and I see this all the time, when the movies make reference to anything that symbolically represents Mount Maru or the black rock or whatever, when people touch it, it turns on all of their synapses in their brain. And all of a sudden, not only does their brain work at full power, full capacity, or full potential, but it also uploads information into humans by default, right? They just tap into the Akashic records of the world. And his name was Cain. He says if I wasn’t Cain, what was I? Was I you? Were you me? Okay. So this is the movie talking to us directly, using one of the characters, talking about perceived difference and how difference is actually an illusion between us. And then he becomes a light being. He actually sets off a phosphorus grenade and explodes himself. But the reason is because he’s losing his mind. And there’s two ways to look at this. One is, in the movie, that guy physically dies and he had a doppelganger that was in there with him, right? The energy from his own body cloned itself and turned into another version of him, which I’m going to touch on that more in just a bit, right? Or you could look at this in another way, which is that a part of him died, right? Not that there’s two different ones and this one’s an alien or whatever, which is a fun way to look at it. But let’s look at it symbolically. Let’s internalize it, like so many people like to do. And let’s say this is an inner struggle with himself, right? Breaking free from ego and the ID and all of these different types of clothing that we wear, spiritually or energetically, that giveUs identity. What happens when you merge with the all? You lose identity, right? So he couldn’t take it in the movie. And he becomes a light being. And the other version of him, his doppelganger, comes out and she sees him in the video. She’s like, oh, my God. And she’s tripping because she sees her clone of her husband or whatever. So she turns off the video. She goes down inside of this little hole that was in the side. I don’t know. Did I show you guys the hole? There’s a little hole in the side. Well, you can’t see it, but it’s like right behind my head. There’s a hole in the wall right there on the bottom. So she crawls down into that hole, which is exactly like Alice in Wonderland, when she falls down into the hole and she ends up in a totally different world, a fantastic world, exactly like in Coraline. Whenever Coraline goes in the hole that’s in her house, which is the house is our world, basically. And she crawls through that rabbit hole and even looks the same. See how it’s all ribbed on the sides there? They typically draw this the exact same way. It’s always like ribbed and stuff like that. That’s because that’s what I imagine it would look like if energy was constantly shooting through the Earth, that it would move in waves, like a wave pattern. So the Earth itself would conform to that wave pattern, giving you this wormhole inside of the Earth, basically, that you can travel through and get to other worlds.

So she meets the leader who’s back there. You can’t really see it, but she has no eyes. Whenever she’s like she’s in this weird meditative trance, and she has, like, no eyes at all. And she says it’s the last phase. Unfathomable Mind they’re trying to make her look like she’s just lost her mind, right? But she’s not. She’s in the spirit world. She’s receiving revelations because she’s down inside of the source of energy in the world. This is exactly what I talk about when we make references to the Oracle of Delphi and other oracles and priests and priestesses and stuff, who would go down into cavernous areas, into caves and holes down in the ground and stuff. And they were able to prophesy. They were able to predict the future. They were able to give advice to kings and queens and stuff and know things that they had no business knowing because they were connected to the source of energy in our world, which is down inside of the world, right? So that’s where she is right now. She’s connecting, and she can’t put a cap on it. She’s possessed, basically. Unfathomable Mind so you go down into the World Tree, into the trunk area, and that’s where the energy is. That saves all of the information that we call experience up here on the surface of the world. It’s connected fractally, just like it talked about, right? There’s no separation at the smallest level, everything is connected. So if everything is connected and all of that connection has a source, which would be like the heart of the Earth, it would be inside of it at the trunk of the World Tree, which is where they are, symbolically speaking. So what does that mean? That means that you could tap into all kinds of information if you were to go into this particular location.

There is an ancient Norse god named Mimir who was known as being the wisest of all of the ancient gods in Norse mythology. Odin even sat down and had a conversation, had to ask him about the apocalypse because he had no idea what was going to happen. Mamir had access to the energy of the world and therefore was the wisest of all of the ancient Norse gods. Where did Mamir live? In Hodmir’s Holt, also called Hordmir’s Holt. This was his place of safekeeping. This was Mimir’s house? Basically. And if we continue reading about it, it says that Hodmimir’s Holt, or Hordmir’s Holt was another name for Yggdrasil, which is the World Tree in Norse mythology. So this all wise god was such because of his location, of where he lived at the base of the World Tree. In the prosetta, it actually goes on to say, as the owner of his namesake well. So a well like a hole in the earth that know water inside of it. Mamir himself drinks from the well and gains great knowledge. This well is so sometimes Mount maru is represented by a lighthouse, and it’s really tall and stuff, but sometimes other times in the movies, it shows you a well, which is still a tower. It’s still like a little mini version of it, right? Usually rocks or something that shoot straight up. You look down inside of it, there’s the hole in the earth, and it’s usually a magical well or a wishing well or a place where dreams come true or a place of transition into some other place or dimension or world or whatnot, right? It also goes on to say that the well is located beneath one of the three roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree. The world tree, which is represented by the beam that shoots up out of the center of Mount Maru, has three routes. The central route, which goes down into Maru itself, right, or into the Earth, right? And then the anode and the cathode, which go off to the side of it, right? So the three roots of Yggdrazil are where Hodmimi’s Holt is, and that’s where they are, symbolically speaking, right now, she says, and now a beacon.

In the movie, they make it look like she’s just speaking gibberish, but I’m like, I’m getting all kinds of stuff from what she’s the gibberish that she’s speaking now. A beacon. Now sea, right? This is what she’s talking about. This is the beacon. This is the sign that people are looking for. This is why watchtowers are set up, so people can watch for the light. This is all symbolism. And then the sea around it, right, is the sea of the dark sea, the dark water, et cetera. And then she totally regenerates, Doctor Who style. All this light comes bursting out of her and stuff, all this light’s shooting up out of her, and she turns into like this weird, energetic toroidal field. And then it turns towards the camera. It looks like an eyeball, right? So this is the all seeing eye symbolism. That’s how it’s drawn. The all seeing eye used to be above an unfinished pyramid, which is a volcano, right? It’s a plasma volcano, and that’s why it doesn’t have a top on it, but the eye used to be portrayed on top of that because that’s where the depressurization point is, directly above Mount Maru when our atmosphere depressurizes and a hole blows open in the sky, which turns into that right there. But then they combined those two images, and they took the all seeing eye, and they put it down inside of the triangle, which gives you the pyramid and the all seeing eye together, which is why you have the all seeing eye inside of Mount Maru, symbolically speaking, all right? So then she sort of turns into, like this luminous flower or lotus or something, and she’s looking into it, and she’s just mesmerized by what she’s looking at. Her eyes start to light up. It’s sort of the reflection here, but later on, her eyes will actually light up, and then it takes a drop of her blood. I don’t know if you can see right there in the corner, she has like a form of stigmata, right, where her eyes actually start to bleed and a drop of blood falls down into this hole, and it takes the blood and it codes. It basically acts like a computer, like it receives new information and it tries to create out of it. That’s what it wants to do. That’s what this energy does. It’s a creation energy, right? So it takes something and it starts creating, and it makes a replica of her that’s born out of this black goo or what looks like some sort of colorful black goo or whatever, which is similar to the white milky substance that they show you in the movies as well, right? Both of these are types of creation substances, right? The black one usually it creates, but it also destroys as it creates the white substance. The milky white substance that they symbolically represent in the movies oftentimes doesn’t destroy. It amplifies, and it creates and stuff like that. But this one creates, but it destroys what it was or whatever.

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts

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Blackwater Brahma cervical cancer Delphi Euphrates River Grand Canyon Heavenly valley Hinduism hodmimi's holt hyperborea Krampus mology mutated mutation paleo Hebrew Pillars of Hercules Tree of Life

One thought on “Truth in Movies!

  1. Very interesting, I need to study this a bit, a lot to wrap your brain around. Thank you for the presentation 🌸🩵

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