Truth in Movies! #101 LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND

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After Jay finished, he joined us in decoding “Leave the World Behind”.


➡ Jay Dreamers, a Youtube channel that deciphers films through the perspective of an apocalypse, conducts a detailed interpretation of an unnamed Netflix movie that portrays different perspectives on the apocalypse. He also explores hidden esoteric and occult symbolism found within a peculiar movie production website and connects the movie creator’s name, Sam Esmel, to the ancient Akadian sun god, establishing a correlation between the sun’s role in the apocalypse and the movie. Additionally, he links an affiliated production company, Red Ohm, to the cosmic sound from the Upanishads, contemplating its relevance to world-scale depressurization akin to a tea kettle’s whistle.
➡ The text discusses a video breakdown of a film “Leave the World Behind,” talking about the symbolism, theories, and conspiracies in the movie, drawing parallels with certain real-life events and figures, referring to Barack and Michelle Obama’s involvement and symbolic representations within the film. The perceived intent is illuminating the idea of revelation, apocalypse, and the elite possessing more information than regular folks.
➡ The text involves a discussion on the concept that no single group is in absolute control of the world, events occur that even the most powerful can only prepare for in advance. The narrator also discusses the unusual appearance of flamingos in New York, the bird’s role in ecosystems, and its relation to increasing red tide events. In the end, they recount a story encouraging proactive action instead of waiting for divine intervention, and examines symbolic imagery representing global destruction by fire and a disturbing event with a child losing teeth.
➡ A child loses his teeth mysteriously, with the narrative suggesting that it could be due to infection from a bug bite or exposure to high-pitched sounds. Meanwhile, subtle changes like a recurring painting shifting in the living room and the rise of water levels in a wallpaper signify the impending apocalypse. The boy’s family seeks help from a cautious doomsday prepper, highlighting the theme of preparedness and survival in times of great adversity.
➡ The text talks about various themes: The incident involving microwave weapons in Cuba and its possible effects, including tooth loss; investigations into the Havana Syndrome; a scene from a movie featuring a post-apocalyptic world where a barter system develops, drones spread propaganda, and where people start preparing for doomsday scenarios; and the concept of inanimate objects gaining sentience due to plasma influences. It also includes gratitude expressed towards a certain Deborah Murray for a donation.
➡ The given text describes an apocalyptic scenario involving war, survival in a bunker symbolizing safety, and lots of symbolic references like red door, thorn bush, ancient cave drawings, and a final episode of ‘Friends.’ The text encourages the idea that one could shape the outcome of their own survival story.
➡ The text interprets black and white symbolism as indicative of travelers moving between worlds or realms. It also references to an apocalyptic event that appears to turn the world upside down and associates this with the elite exiting the world. Moreover, it deciphers various elements in a movie, tying them to signs of an impending worldwide deluge and few noticing it.
➡ The text symbolizes the coming apocalypse with a boat named “White Lion” crashing; the white lion being an African symbol of divine saviors sent during desperate times. Ignoring warning signs, people don’t react until the imminent danger. The text references different omens such as anomalous animal behavior, and white heavenly creatures as harbingers of the apocalypse, comparing them to myths suggesting divine intervention in desperate times. The text also discusses the younger generation’s seeming indifference towards these omens, and then goes into exploring Mesoamerican mythology of deer as sun-associated omens and messengers of the gods.
➡ This text presents an in-depth analysis of the symbolism found in various cartoons, ancient Irish and Celtic lore, and ancient Norse cosmology. The centerpiece of the discussion revolves around the visual representation of deer and deer antlers, ancient trees and pillars, interpreted as symbolic representations of antlers, life, knowledge, divinity, and natural phenomena. The narrative also alludes to historical figures, literature, and events, then connects to theorizing about apocalyptic phenomena like electromagnetic pulses and atmospheric changes.
➡ The text involves observations, interpretations, and symbolic references within a scenario that appears to depict a national emergency cyberattack. Significant details include a shaky satellite, a NASA shirt, a forest full of deer, an explanation of the term ‘paranoid’, and a reference to ‘cherubs’ as representations of celestial bodies or plasma. Several metaphors and word play, like the meaning of the name ‘Huxley’, are highlighted to symbolize destruction and change.
➡ The extensive text discusses a web of interconnected events and concepts. It includes ideas around Hindu philosophy with accordance to the term “Maya”, the mysterious disappearance of the Mayan civilization coinciding with the medieval climate anomaly, the connection to the Islamic Golden Age, possible indicators of a polarity shift through reference to historical texts like the Anglo-Saxon chronicles and the resulting effects on human regeneration. Also, it addresses the significance of armor in the Middle ages, hinting its protective role against amplified electrical fields rather than battle purposes. Additionally, it speculates on the potential changes in gravity over time.
➡ The text discusses an event in 1122 where a large fire ascended to the sky, disrupting it significantly. This historical account is used as an allegory to explain the physical changes in a film’s characters and environment due to a speculated cyber attack. The event triggered electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) that impact human and animal behaviors, causing irritability, heightened anxiety, disrupted orientation, memory loss, and altered migration patterns. The narrative ends by mulling over the symbolism of planes falling from the sky and mass bird migrations as ominous warnings of impending changes.
➡ The text discusses a man who foresees a looming catastrophe, hinting at possible anomalous events such as increased UFO sightings and falling fertility rates as clear indicators. It explains anomalies like bizarre sky sounds and technological disruptions conceivably caused by an impending global electrical storm. Theories about the impact of colossal electrical fields, evidenced through sounds resembling shrieking or singing, are explored, culminating in a seemingly supernatural event where self-driving Tesla cars drive themselves off a lot.
➡ The text discusses the intricate symbolism in Tesla’s logo, referencing the world tree and energy sources. It further delves into the concept of self-driving vehicles and their portrayal in popular media. The text churns deeper, mentioning an imagined post-apocalyptic world energized by atmospheric charges, drawing energy theories from films. Then, it contemplates social behaviour and ignorance towards potential apocalyptic events using biblical reference. Lastly, it points out conspiracies of world elites’ knowledge of upcoming catastrophic events.


Aloha, and welcome to truth in movies. I’m Jay Dreamers, and this is a segment that I do where I break down and decode some of my favorites, especially through the lens of the plasma apocalypse as I teach it here on my channel. This movie was recommended immediately by everybody in the chat. So I saw the comments and stuff and I checked it out and I had to put stranger things on hold for a week because I wanted to break this movie down so bad.

So without any further ado, let’s go ahead and jump into it. Welcome, everybody in the chat. Oh, you guys hear me? Okay. I just want to make sure. Thumbs up if you can hear me, and I’ll go ahead and we’ll start things off. So this movie is an apocalyptic movie, okay. And we’ve covered a couple of movies that basically give us different perspectives of different people in the world and where they are and what they’re doing when the apocalypse happens, how they interpreted it and everything.

This is definitely one of those movies, too. All right, I see some thumbs up in the chat. Thank you, bass player and Kimberly F. We’re going to go ahead and jump right into things. So this movie is brought to you by Netflix. If you have Netflix, you can totally watch it. Let’s see, next up. Now check this out. This is what I like to do when I watch movies.

I pay attention to this kind of stuff. I pay attention to the actors and actresses names, to the production companies. This one, I was like, that’s interesting. I saw the other ones, and I’m going to tell you about the other ones. The other ones caught my eye, but this one was just so weird. I’m like, I didn’t want to look this up, honestly, it doesn’t look like nothing really stands out.

But it looked weird to me, so I did look it up, and boy, am I glad I did. Smale Corp. Smail corporation. This is so interesting. I’m going to tell you right now, I gave everybody a heads up yesterday. Go to this website. Okay. I expected when I went to a movie production website, it would just be a basic website, kind of bland and boring. Whoa. This one is off the charts.

Full of esoteric and occult symbolism all over the place. Full of hidden messages and secret codes and secret places where you can enter in information and stuff. I highly recommend checking it out. I’m not going to show it to you during tonight’s presentation, but there’s two different versions. One is on your computer, in which case, check it out when you’re done checking it out. And you read everything.

Scroll up. Just keep on scrolling up and compare what you see to some of our teachings that we’ve gone over here on my channel in the last few years. And I’m sure that you’ll notice a lot of symbolism popping right out at you. And then, of course, there’s the phone version, too. The phone version gives you access to this elevator that’s locked. On the desktop version, it’s really interesting.

And on the phone version, when you take the elevator, you just scroll to take the elevator. When you get to different floors, you can actually scroll left and right to check out those different floors of this secret facility. Pardon me. I would love to hear your comments in the comments section after this. After you’ve gone and checked it out, I would like to know all of what you guys found.

Okay. I’ve barely scratched the surface of this thing, but I would love to hear all the weird, interesting things that you found on this website. All right, cool. So let’s examine it a little bit. Smale corporation, founded by this guy, Sam Esmel. Now, Sam smell, I believe that many of these people, either they were named purposefully because their names are symbolic of their part that they play. It’s like a pseudonym, but it’s their real name.

I don’t know if it’s done purposefully or if it’s just mother nature that’s moving the chess pieces around on the board, but this guy’s name is Sam Eshmael, or Esmail, which is really. You see how I highlighted sams? That’s the ancient akadian sun God. Shamesh. Shamesh. And then male. Right? So let’s check this out. This is the guy who created it. He also created Mr. Robot. What is the meaning of the name Esmail? It’s just like Ishmael.

And the name means God will hear. Right? Or God listens. Sam Eshmael is basically a play on shamash, the sun God. The sun plays a huge part of this movie and ties into the apocalypse throughout this movie, as you’ll see. You can also see this little symbol up here on his forehead there. Mail. If you look up mail, essentially, it goes back to the word bag. It means a collection, a gathering, but specifically a gathering of things in a bag or in a container.

Right? So, shamesh. Bag. The bag of shamesh. This is very much, I believe, related to the castration stories of the ancient gods of old, especially that of Kronos and Uranu. So Uranu and Kronos both were castrated, having their bags cut. Right? And these were the sun gods. Basically, if you look it up, there was a different sun, not the same sun that we have today. This is the symbol for Utu or shamesh.

Basically. There’s a couple different names for the same sun God. It’s not the sun that looks nothing like the sun. I’ve never seen the sun do that in my entire life, ever. That’s because that is not the sun. It’s not the point of focus that goes around and spirals around above us, not too far away. But that’s not it. This is a different object. This is a different celestial object that was dubbed today the sun, because we knew that it brought light to our world.

Brandon Jacobs. Hey, welcome to the good vibe tribe. So it’s this, right? As you can see, this was an object that emitted light, but it’s separated by what looks to be four rivers or four waters, which is what this is. Squiggly lines are basically always water, right? And then you’ve got the light sparks coming out of it, and then you’ve got an eye, or symbolically an eye in the middle.

This is the depressurization point up at the apex of the firmament, facing down at us. It’s the all seeing eye, and it reflects the land directly underneath it, which is the garden of Eden, that has these four rivers being the Tigris, Euphrates, PichoN, and GihoN. Now, it says also another production company, Red ohm. Red ohm or aum films? Red om. LEt’s check that out. The ohm. You know, when people meditate, they go, you can actually wiggle your jaw to increase this sort of vibration.

It says, the syllable om is first mentioned in the Upanishads. The Upanishads are some of the last portion of the Vedas in Hinduism, right? And these ones specifically deal with knowledge and the creation story and things of that nature. And it says here it was first mentioned in the Upanishads. It has been associated with various concepts, such as cosmic sound, which is why oftentimes, you’ll see this symbol.

Do I have it? I think I have. I don’t know. Anyways, you’ll see that symbol for the ohm, basically before and after many of the poems or liturgies or things that are supposed to be sang. You know what I mean? Or have a cadence or whatever. It’s related with sound. It’s the cosmic sound. This is the screaming whenever the world depressurizes, this is the sounds that we hear, just like a tea kettle.

Whenever a tea kettle starts going off or whatever. It makes that whistling sound. Imagine that on a macrocosmic scale, the world across. The larger it is, the more bass is going to be introduced. It won’t be so high Pitched and ringing or whatever, right? And Here’s a quote from the UpANishads that mentions this. It says, that which is flaming, which is subtler than subtle, on which the worlds are set and their inhabitants.

That is the indestructible. Brahman and Brahma in Hinduism is the creator God or the ultimate God. It is life, it is speech, it is mind that is the real. It is immortal. It is a mark to be penetrated. Penetrate it. My friend goes on to say, taking as a bow the great weapon of the Upanishad, one should put upon it an arrow sharpened by meditation, stretching it with a thought directed to the essence of that, the ohm.

PENETRAte that ImPERISHABLE as the mark, my friend. And then it finishes off by saYing, ohm is the bow. The arrow is the self. BRahmaN is the mark by the undistracted man. Is it to be penetrated. One should come to be in it as the arrow becomes one with the mark. This is all artistic descriptions, I believe, of the beam or the arrow that shoots up out of Mount Maru.

In Hinduism, that would be Vishnu. The God Vishnu wields this arrow. It’s the holy arrow that destroys anything, and it shoots up, and it hits this target up there in the sky, or the aum, or the depressurization point that creates this cosmic sound. I did a video that actually describes this, and I drew it out. So if you want to get some good images to go along with what I’ve just described, go check this video out.

It’s called shoot the moon, and it’s here on my channel. You can do a search there. Earth dome theory. So, as you can see, I’ll give some really good examples showing you the whole arrow and hitting the mark and the target and the eye above, et cetera. Now, it also says it’s made by higher ground production, three different production companies. This one’s interesting. Get to higher ground, just like during the apocalypse.

That’s one of the basic tenets of survivals, to get to higher ground. Right? Mount Maru itself is the highest ground of all and the safest place of all. It says here higher Ground Productions, an american production company founded in 2018 by the former United States president Barack Obama and the former first lady Michelle Obama. As you can see, they have this stairway that seems to disappear up into heaven, right? Or the unfinished pyramid, or the black pyramid or Rupus Negra.

Right. The stairway to heaven, Jacob’s ladder, et cetera. So this was all. It’s not just a part of these two’s production company. It’s not like they just made a movie using their money or with their. No, no. The Obamas had a very active role in the creation of this movie. Throughout the movie, they were there as the ultimate advisors on the. It says here, this is an article from the Hollywood Reporter.

It says, esmail told Vanity Fair that the former president gave him script notes on the film. In the original drafts of the script, he says, I definitely pushed things a lot further than they were in the film. And President Obama having the experience that he does, was able to ground me a little bit on how things might unfold in reality. Right. So Obama having the experience that he know, being privy to certain secrets that I assume and many of us do, that presidents are privy to, was the guy to ask.

And he’s, oh, no, that’s not how the apocalypse looks. That’s not what they would do. And he was the advisor on the apocalypse, which reminded me of George Bush Sr’s funeral. Right. Where all these people are privy to certain information. That’s what this movie is really. That’s one of the tenets of this story, is that the elite are insiders, that the elite have a heads up on the apocalypse, that they have more information than the common people do.

At George Bush Sr’s funeral, they passed around strange and mysterious envelopes. Right? I’m not exactly sure who these two are. It could be the president or whatever. Here’s Hillary. She got an envelope, and they were very secretive. They were like, when they were looking at these envelopes, they were making sure nobody could see what was written on these envelopes. And then you should see the people’s reactions after they read these envelopes.

She tries to keep her cool. She was probably the coolest of all of them. But other people are like, what the. They’re showing it to people. And then you should see their surprise reaction after they read whatever was on this mysterious envelope that was only handed out to the heads of countries or the ex presidents or the current presidents. Right? Obama got one. Michelle Obama got one as well.

And here’s a little scene I want to share with you. This is Mrs. Bush, right? And she’s reading the letter. George Bush is hidden by some of these guards here. He just handed her the letter, just kind of off to the side, slipped it to her. She looks down to read it, and then she checks it out. And she opens her mouth like that, like she’s in shock of whatever she just read, right? And then there’s a dude standing right next to her.

This is the most classic of all the reactions to these mysterious envelopes. He’s smiling, clearly. He doesn’t look terribly sad or anything. And she’s reading it right now with her mouth gape. Flips it up towards him. He’s still kind know, in a good mood or whatever, right? As good a mood as you can be during a funeral of George Bush, which could be pretty good, I guess. But anyway, so she shows it to him, he looks down at it, right? He looks down.

She shows it up to him. He looks at it. And this is his. Oh, you know what I mean? Like, whatever she just showed him killed his mood, whatever mood he was in. And that brings us to leave the world behind. Wow, there’s a lot of people watching already. That’s cool. Well, welcome to my channel, everyone. All right, let’s decode. Leave the world behind. A film all about the apocalypse.

We start off with an alleged image of the earth from space. The sun hasn’t quite risen yet, so you just see this crescent. However, symbolically, they’re showing you it’s a crescent because they’re showing you a dome, basically, right? It’s my belief that we have a firmament. So they show you this sort of dome shape, right? They don’t actually show you the whole thing or anything. And they show you the sun rising.

Shamash, the sun God rising. Right? I mean, I don’t believe this. Shamash was a point of focus called the sun. But the sun plays a huge part of the apocalypse, which we’ll get into. So they show you this sun coming up. They really focus on the sun and its correlation with the apocalypse. So they show you the main character, who’s the dad of the family. He wakes up and their whole room, their whole bedroom is this blue color, like a solid blue.

But there’s a crack in the wall. You know what I mean? This is a set they didn’t have to have. They could have had a perfect room. They could have had a perfect room that wasn’t all blue. For some strange reason, there’s a lot of blue stuff in here, but it’s cracked symbolically, meaning the firmament cracking open. These are the things that lead to depressurization of our atmosphere, which is the firmament breaking open.

Right. Then his wife’s over there and he’s like, what are you doing awake? And she’s like, I couldn’t sleep. Not being able to sleep is going to be a theme throughout this as well as it is with many other apocalyptic movies. That’s because during the apocalypse there’s an influx of energy like never before. So people’s souls resonate with that energy and they become amplified, they become energetic to ridiculous degrees almost.

They have to really focus to keep control of themselves. But one of the side effects is that people don’t need sleep. It’s not that they can’t sleep, it’s that they don’t need. It’s just they’re not used to that. So maybe there’s a little paranoia right when they can’t get to sleep. Also, it’s hard to see right here, but let me zoom in on this real quick. Right here there’s a little eagle.

Those of you who check out that website that I told you earlier, if someone could post the link to that website, if you could find it and post the link to the website in the chat, I would super appreciate it. But on that website you’re going to see this eagle. And if you’re crafty enough, you’ll find this little propaganda movie featuring an eagle and a fish. Let me know if you find it in the comments.

Pardon me. All right. Now she looks. Julie Roberts looks at the camera and she’s like, I hate people. This is why she wants to go on vacation. She gives this huge monologue about how she wants to go on vacation. It’s a spur of the moment thing because she looked up at the sunrise and saw all the people out of the window going about their daily lives, living in loops and doing it all for basically no reason, just because they’ve been told to.

She can’t stand the way that the world is. She says, I hate people, basically. So they’re going to leave the world behind. They’re going to go on vacation, which is all symbolic of the exodus to Mount Maru, leaving all of the countries behind, allowing them to go through their world wars and stuff while we sit comfortably in the middle of the world in paradise, which is the hope.

And then the music, right? I listen to the music, I listen to the lyrics and I put the words up on the screen for the captioning because sometimes I miss stuff, you know what I mean? And they purposefully choose the songs for the lyrics because it adds flavor, it adds context to what’s being the subliminal or the deeper story that’s really being told. This adds to it. It gives you more context so you can get a better idea of what they’re really trying to say.

He says, applying pressure, somebody stop us. And it’s just some rap song or whatever, but applying pressure is all about the apocalypse, the pressure release. They have the all seeing eye symbolism that comes up here. Black and white, all seeing eye, black and white for the space travelers or fractal verse travelers. Those who leave the world behind. Okay. The black and white symbolism I have found, according to my studies, it always is indicative of those who go from one world to another.

World travelers, explorers, but especially those who explore different worlds or different realms. Right now, that’s the first thing she says. She’s actually on the phone right now, but you can’t tell. It looks like she’s talking to us, right? It looks like she’s giving you a suggestion. Leave the world behind, looking right at the camera, as they often do, because they’re talking directly to you. She’s on the phone with her secretary or somebody, and she says, after you answer some questions about the Confictura account.

Now check this out. She’s going to leave the world behind, but her secretary is like, okay, that’s fine. But before you do that, there’s some questions that you need to answer about the confictura account. Confictura means fake. It means made up. It means falsified. Basically. It means fantasy. It means not real. Something that is purposefully made up. So the Victora account or the Confectura account. Right. The Confictura account means a fake history.

An account is a retelling of history. Right. So it’s a fake history. She’s like, before you leave this world, you need to give us some answers. This is in regards to the rich people and all the. Not all rich people, but the elite of the world owing us some answers. That’s kind of what I’m getting from the movie right there. All these people in the movie are basically rich.

Varying levels of rich, right? These people are the poorest of the rich people that they show. And then the daughter’s in the backseat watching friends, and she says, sorry, boys, this is Phoebe talking in the show. She says, sorry, boys, this ride’s closing. They chose that particular line to be shown in the movie because it’s all about the ride closing down or the world stopping the world coming to a close, basically, or restarting.

Right. And then her little Internet connection messes up. You can’t really tell on here, but her video freezes and she loses Internet connection. We will find out that this is happening the world across. Now they’re showing us from their point of view as they leave their world behind. And they go to this. It’s like a bed and breakfast, that they rented some house or whatever, and, you know, they’re well off because it cost them, like, $2,000 just to go for the weekend or whatever.

Anyway, so they show you this sign as they’re driving, right? And it points at the sign that says exit point comfort, or the comfort place, where the point is the rod, the beam, the column that I talk about all the time. This is actually interesting because this is the name Moses in short form. But then they do something weird. They do something weird with these cameras. All throughout this.

They’re flipping the cameras all around and spinning them around. That is to show you, symbolically, the world is turning upside down. They’re showing you in your subconscious that when you go through this apocalyptic event, it will physically appear and feel like the world is being flipped upside down. I don’t actually think it’s being physically flipped upside down, but it will seem like it, especially when you have things floating up to the sky that normally would just be attached to the ground or whatnot.

Right? And then everything turns all kinds of backwards. Anyways, they zoom in on the sky. Exit. They zoom in on the sky, right. So this is all about exiting for some people, especially the elite of the world, through the sky, right. All right. So then they show them going to their place, and the music says, what’s this crazy place you want to take me to? So this is all about taking me to some crazy place.

He says, tell me, what’s the price if I go with you? This is the music giving us more context. Right? Going to Mount Maru. You could stay there, go into the underworld, hide out, or you can go up above and leave the world through the depressurization point, part one, the house. I took a picture of all these titles, but also I just wanted to remind everyone, when you see a white house, it’s almost always a white house.

Okay. In a movie, I find that it represents the world, our entire world. Wow, look. All the little hearts in the chat. That’s cool. A white house represents our world, especially as seen from above, because the roof of the world is. I speculate and theorize that it’s made out of ice. The firmament. That is. Right. All right, so part one is all about the house, the house being our world, symbolically representing our world.

So they get there. They’re newcomers. This is not their house. They’re not the original inhabitants of this house. I’m going to let that sink in. For those of you who have seen the movie that way. You know what I’m really referring to. They’re not the original inhabitants of this house. Now, look at the decor. Right? Let’s zoom in. Check this out. A painting with, like, all these eyeballs.

There’s eyeball symbolism all throughout this movie. And if you look back here, you might even see what look like petroglyphs, right? That almost looks like the eye in the sky with the squatter man symbol below it or something. But mostly, I just wanted to show you all these eyeballs. It’s all about the depressurization point, which is the eye in the sky, which glows red whenever certain conditions change in our atmosphere.

They go and they get this little basket that says, welcome to our home. The top of the basket serves as the dome or the firmament, et cetera. Now, I would like you, at this point in time, I’m going to make a recommendation so that things make sense to you at the end of my presentation. I have been known to occasionally do some interesting, fun things during my presentations.

Right. Pay close attention. Pay close attention. Okay, so they’re going to show you, like, for example, the painting in the background. Black and white, right? Like I said, traveling from one place to another. Plus, you sort of have, like, what looks like little blips. You know what I mean? There. So, yeah, just keep your eyes on things like that. And then they show you the next bedroom. This is where they’ll be sleeping.

Behind it, you can see there’s an ocean. They chose to have that wallpaper with an ocean specifically to represent the flood and the apocalypse. Basically the deluge. The worldwide deluge. Right? So she jumps on the bed, she goes to get some groceries for the little b and b that they’re staying at. And she looks over at this guy who’s over here behind me, and he’s packing away all this survival gear.

He’s got bottles of water. He’s got survival stuff, bags of rice. He’s getting ready. Meanwhile, she’s just buying groceries for the weekend. She spent, like, probably $100 or whatever, getting stuff that’s going to be gone in a few days. This guy is spending money as an investment because he’s going to be prepared when these things start happening. Right now, the dad is. He’s making some lunch or whatever.

And the mom, while she was at the store, bought him a pack of cigarettes because he smokes, right? And she was trying to do that as a gift. But if you look at the name on these particular brand, it says, it’s kind of hard to see right there. I don’t know if I could get you guys. There it is. It says it’s upside down. It says Providence. Providence.

So the world’s about to end. There’s going to be an apocalyptic situation, right? This family has been given, or especially the dad, Providence. Providence means divine protection or protection from nature or by nature, nature protects or God protects. However you’d like to see it, but it’s a form of divine protection. Then they go to the beach, right? They go to the horizontal beach out there, and she actually points, right? I want to point this out, too.

So she and her family are walking by, and she points straight out across the horizon, right across that straight line right there. And we see a boat way off in the distance. You can’t even see it at first. I didn’t even see it at first. But they keep on showing you this boat on this flat line way out there in the horizon. And the daughter’s like, this boat’s getting closer.

She’s keeping an eye on it. She’s watching. No one else is. They’re all just putting on sunscreen and taking a nap. The daughter can’t take her eyes off of it, right? It’s coming right at them. It’s getting closer and closer. The son takes a nap. The dad goes to sleep. The mom reads the book and turns her back to it. The daughter is like, I think that ship is heading towards us.

Danger on the way. Some people are watching. Some people are looking for the omens and the signs. Others don’t want to see them. Others would rather play. Others would rather fancy themselves and enjoy their time here to the fullest. Instead of recognizing something that’s obvious to those who are looking at it, which is the dangers. This is symbolic of the signs and the omens. This is what’s happening in our world right now.

There is a boat headed towards you, okay? The boat is the apocalypse. It’s headed to your way. What are you going to do? Are you just going to wait and say, oh, that’ll never happen. And then the dad even wakes up. He’s like, wow, it’s getting close. Yeah, it’s getting super freaking close because it’s going to crash into the beach, right? Look at all the people. This guy’s recording it.

There’s people have their phones out. They’re standing right in front of it. No common sense. You know what I mean? She says, you think that’s a problem? He says, nah, nah. Come on. I mean, it’s going to stop. It’s got to. Doesn’t stop, just keeps on coming. Finally, it gets so close when it’s upon them that that’s when they decide to try to be safe. That’s when they decide to try to go right.

Just like these omens. They’re going to get bigger and stronger, and there’s a lot of them happening in the world today. Omens of the apocalypse telling us it’s coming, it’s on the way, it’s right around the corner. And there’s even a story about this that they use in the movie, too. So they grab their things, they take off. Boom. This boat slams into the beach. Notice the name on the boat.

This boat slams into their world, right? The name is white lion on the boat. This is not a real boat. This is all CGI and stuff. So they just chose the name white lion. Why? Well, if you look up the symbolism of the white lion, especially in Africa, and I highly recommend checking out african creation stories as well. It says, one traditional explanation given to the white lion’s stature stems from when it was described.

All of humanity suffered from disease and famine and the anger of mother nature during those desperate times. Tradition teaches, the people prayed all night and day, and in response, the God sent down the white lions to teach the people how to survive. It goes on to say, the white lions, after they had helped out, and I’m going to quote, white lions, promised to return when humankind is in danger.

Once again, you’re going to see this as a reoccurring theme throughout many books and movies and stuff, even religions that these savior type figures always promise to return when things get their worst. There’s a sweet legend called, I think it’s called the sleeping king or the king of the mountain. And he sleeps inside of this mountain. And he is the ultimate warrior. He’s the ultimate king. He can kill any bad guys or whatever, but he stays asleep in his mountain until the time when humanity needs him the most, and then that’s when he wakes up and makes his appearance.

But also, the white lion represents those phantazoids, those otherworldly animals, creatures, insects, humanoids, whatever, that come down from the heavens, always described typically as being white, just like this. Not white like me. You see that? There’s a huge difference. Okay? There were these white beings, not just humanoids, animals, all kinds of holy and heavenly creatures that were harbingers and signs of the apocalypse, right? For example, in the Bible, they have Jesus returning on a white steed or a white horse.

Native Americans look for the return of the white buffalo that floats down from the skies or whatever. Now, here’s shamash, once again, the sun God. Here’s the symbol right there in the middle. Those anunnaki, those beings that came down from that were giants in stature. Can’t remember why I put that particular slide right there. But anyway, so the family leaves, right? And there’s a cop, and he’s saying, hey, do you know why that happened? And he says, it’s got something to do with the nav system.

Sorry, I need you to keep moving the navigation system. This is happening right now. This is one of the omens. I don’t know how much, with boats and stuff like that. I will talk to you about my theory about the boats and these other machines that they feature in this movie, but this is happening right now with the natural navigation system of millions of animals the world across.

And this has been increasing. This is actually showing you. I’ll zoom in a little bit here, but I can’t see it if I zoom it in. But it says up here, December 1, 2022 through August, eigth of 2023. These are various humpback whale beachings. And I don’t know if there’s other kinds of whales or whatever, but this was a record. This is a record right now. We have the record number.

This is an anomaly. Okay. I’m going to talk about anomalies a lot. New normal, or whatever they want to call it. This is an anomaly. It’s such an anomaly that NOAA, right. Noa, on their website, posted. 2019 to 2023 gray whale. Unusual mortality event along the west coast and Alaska. That’s not even what I just showed you. This is the east coast. This is a record number of beachings just along this stretch of the east coast.

But Noah declared that this is an event. They call it an unusual mortality event. And it says since January 1, 2019, there were elevated gray whale strandings that occurred along the west coast of North America from Mexico to Alaska. So there’s huge numbers, and that’s just whales. I mean, there’s been dolphins, there’s been sea lions, there’s been fish by countless numbers of fish. Right. This is happening a lot because something’s happening with the earth and the ocean.

Right. Things are changing. All right. We go back inside, and the mom says, meanwhile, the kids seem to have completely gotten over it. She’s trying to research, why did this boat crash? But the Internet’s not really working, right. The kids are just like, whatever they’re onto something new because the younger generation is not as shocked as the older generation because we desensitize them basically. Right? And then they look out of the window and they see some deer.

He says, that’s a good omen, seeing some deer. So you can see some deer right there that just made their way into the backyard. He says it’s a good omen, seeing deer, at least according to mesoamerican mythology. Well, that’s interesting that they chose to put some mesoamerican mythology. Let’s check that out. Regarding deer. If we check out mesoamerican mythology, here is a deer over here on this side, and here is another God.

I’ll tell you about that God in just a second. It says here many mesoamerican origin myths feature the deer at the beginning of creation. A deer. Remember, keep in mind the apocalypse. The terrestrial and celestial lights that people will see in the form of plasma and electricity and other things will be interpreted through their perception filters. All of the survivors will likely have completely different stories as to what’s happening and what they’re seeing and experiencing.

Okay, so oftentimes these are where the myths and legends and cartoonifications of real historic events come from. It says many mesoamerican origin myths feature the deer, a creature modern day researchers pair with the sun. So here’s another sun reference. They equate the deer to the sun. Now, that’s interesting, too, because right next to this sun God, deer or whatever, is Tlalok. And Tlalok is another God. Here, let me go ahead and bring this up.

Hey, welcome, Barbara. All right, so here’s good old Tlalilok right here. As you can see, he’s blue. He’s that turquoise blue color which comes into play, especially regarding these beams of light and the sun and stuff like that. It says Tlalok was considered to be the giver of life and sustenance. So these ancients worshiped Tlalok not as an evil being, even though it was known for being associated with destruction.

Right. And they made sacrifices to this God, too, happily, I might add, happily made sacrifices to this sun God or whatever. This is the time when they practiced ritual sacrifices, and it was considered normal and acceptable at the time because they rationalized it. They had reasons that were their own for doing such. He says he’s associated with caves, springs, and mountains, most specifically the sacred mountain where he was believed to reside.

Another God that is a bringer of life and sustenance, et cetera, that lives inside of a mountain, another sleeping God that makes its appearance whenever the world needs it most, et cetera. And then it says here the deer also symbolizes a connection to the supernatural, the other world from Underneath, or the fairy realm being a messenger. That the deers were messengers of the gods goes on to say that Buddha was said to have reincarnated into the form of a deer, also called the deer of nine colors and the golden deer.

Well, that’s interesting. That doesn’t sound like an actual physical deer, right? Does it? I’ve never seen a deer that’s nine different colors or golden or, know, maybe brownish or whatever. But no, this is not describing an animal that we’re used to seeing. The animal is the cartoonification of the reality. When we look deeper, we find different. Like, this is from ancient Ireland or the Celts, essentially. Right. Scotland, too, which is really interesting, too.

Did you know Scott from Scotland? Scott actually means from Ireland. I don’t know if you guys knew that or not so funny. Anyways, spirits or deities. And that’s because. Let me back up. Let me explain that. That’s because some of the nobles from Ireland went over, invaded Scotland that didn’t have a name or didn’t go by Scotland at the time. Anyways, spirits or deities who may take the form of a deer.

Here you have some sort know, I think it’s typically described as, like, a shaman or something like that, but it’s a person that has deer antlers, right? And it’s some sort of a holy person or Buddha type person. My theory on this is that I believe these antlers were seen from afar, which were actually the anode and cathode trees that grow from the Garden of Eden or the tree of life and the knowledge of good and evil and stuff like that, right? They shoot up.

They sprout up, and they grow first. They come up first. Mount Maru is the last beam to come up because it has to fill up way more space to come out. But you have the anode and cathode that emerge first. Right? Being like, antlers off in the distance. This is also portrayed. You have one here in Yggdrasil. This is a cosmology of, like, ancient norse peoples, right? And I also don’t think this represents the entire world.

It could possibly, but it also could possibly just represent the land at the north pole. But anyways, that’s besides the point. Tree on the left, tree on the right, and Mount Maru, the tree of life sprouting forth out of the middle. And then you’ve got St Hubertus. St. Hubert, basically. Really interesting stuff. This is St. Hubert right here behind me. Now, it says St. Hubert was on his way to go hunt some animals and stuff when he saw this deer turn towards him.

And in between the deer’s antlers was Jesus hanging on the cross. A crucifix. It says here the legend of St. Hubertus concerned an apparition of a stag with the crucifix between its horns. Well, that’s exactly what I would expect, between the anode and the cathode, with there to be Jesus or the person in the center, the person usually depicted with their arms spread or lifted up towards the heavens.

Right. Sometimes they’re holding objects with each hand on either side. Snakes or animals, lions, et cetera. Right. Things that represent light or plasma. This is Samson from the Bible. This is the story. Samson also represented a form of sun God. This is Samson in the center. And when I say sun, I don’t mean the point of focus, I just mean a light source, like a heavenly light source.

A luminary, basically. But this is Samson tearing down the pillars or whatnot. Right. The blue beam in the middle is the last one to show up and the last one to leave. Okay. So anyways, those other pillars come down. The middle one is still there. This is also akin to. Those antlers are akin to the trees of the moon and the sun. And actually, you can see right here in this old renaissance type painting that you’ve got some creatures here.

Right. These people have gone to this legendary place that has these trees called the trees of the moon and the sun. Let me see if I can get a better. There’s the moon and the sun right there. Right. Now, this was spoken of as if it was real historic fact that a person, a human named Alexander, the king of Macedonia, I think. Anyways, Alexander the Great, right? I’m not super convinced that he was an actual real human flesh and blood to me.

Sounds like Prestor, John and Jesus and many other types know symbolic things, king Arthur, stuff like that. But anyways, if you go to this place, this is the area where you will find mutated people and animals. I can’t show you this creature’s, this llama looking thing’s feet, but it’s mutated. Here’s a dude, he’s all hairy and stuff like that. So this is what we’ve covered many different times are these legendary humanoid tribes that tend to have, they said, lived closer to the north, closer to and beyond the arctic circle.

Right. Gentoo, gone. Hey, thanks. Two. Two appreciate you. High five. Here’s another one. This is Alexander. So Alexander was said to have visited these two trees, right? And he asked them questions because you could speak to these trees and they would prophesy. They would tell you the future. There’s also the two trees of Valinor that are featured all throughout Tolkien’s novels about the Lord of the Rings and the hobit and stuff like that.

But especially the silmarillion, which is not a movie. You have to have read the book. It’s the prequel to everything. It’s the creation story in his world. It says the two trees of Valinor are Telperion and Lorelin, the silver tree and the gold tree, the tree of the sun and the tree of the moon, respectively, which bring light to valinor, a paradisical realm where angelic beings live. The two trees are of enormous stature and exude dew or produce dew viscous substance that is a pure and magical light in liquid form, which is what we talk about quite often here on my channel.

The mountain dew that dries out becomes frosted flakes. You know what I mean? Like Mana, Ambrosia, et cetera. Right. It’s also known as ectoplasm. Right. Pardon me. All right, moving on. We see these deer. Now, these deer are showing up, and then they cross fade. So they do this transitional scene, right? This transition shows you the deer, which represent the sun, and they transition into the sun because that’s a correlation that they make in the movie Kuza.

Welcome to my channel, Kuza. All right. And then they show you the friends episode. They keep on showing this friends episode, and that’s how we’re going to end this presentation. So I’ll explain my theory on why this particular friends episode is so important, but keep it in mind. They keep showing you friends, right? And it says you’re offline. So the Internet’s out. Then they go to the dad.

Now they’re just hanging out in the kitchen, and he’s talking about his job. I believe he’s a professor that teaches about media, studying media or something like that in college. He says media serves as both an escape and a reflection. And by media, he means movies, television, cartoons, commercials, whatever. Media serves as an escape and a reflection. Hey, serving angels, just give a membership, a free membership in the chat.

Thank you. That was awesome. Congratulations to whoever got it. So media serves as an escape and a reflection. Right? So I say this often on my channel, but the greatest teachers speak in parables and story form, okay? So that those who would be offended by the truth are simply. They escape. They are entertained. They’re amused. They stop thinking, right? They get lost in whatever the story is and they just take it for granted.

While others reflect while watching these and breaking down the symbols that are shown to us. Right, symbolic elements. And we apply those to real life. Now they get a knock at the door, a knock at the cabin door, like so many of these movies are screaming at us. Anyways, these two right here, they own the house. They’re the ones that rented out the house, but they don’t really have any proof of that.

And they were unexpected guests. So they’re like, why don’t you come in, we’ll talk about it. And then they say, yeah, it got cold all of a sudden. And then throughout the rest of this movie, from this point on, they keep showing you how breezy and how windy it gets, right? This is because I believe whenever you have either a polarity shift without a depressurization of the atmosphere or without the firmament breaking, you have all this beams of energy that shoot up into the world creating a windy atmosphere because it’s going to displace the atmosphere.

But you also would have that even more extreme, to an extreme degree whenever the firmament itself breaks open and the atmosphere depressurizes. So they show you this wind and stuff. Now. She says, yeah, my phone doesn’t have service, so the Internet’s totally out. And they’re slowly just picking up on these things because they’re far enough away from the city. They don’t have a lot of communication with other people.

They can’t really see what’s going on. But they heard that there was a blackout because these people just came from some opera and they were like, yeah, we were driving back this way and there was a blackout. Traffic lights went out, the electricity is going down. This is referencing an EMP or an electromagnetic pulse that I believe the world can emit on various levels. Various degrees of an electromagnetic pulse.

Ultimately, during the apocalypse, a worldwide electromagnetic pulse that happens. We’re going to bring that up here in just a bit. Some more, too. Meanwhile, he says, this thing’s not responding, pointing at his laptop and puts that back down. And then the tv scares everybody because this message pops up on the tv with the screeching noise and it says, this is an emergency, national emergency. This is not a test.

And then it starts kind of like getting glitched out. And then all of a sudden it shows you, just for a split second, this image right here, and it says, cyberattack. Across the country, here are the areas or whatever. And now they’re like, oh, a cyberattack. That’s what’s happening. Like, hackers are hacking into the grid, and then they start speculating, trying to figure out what’s going on. And then it just goes.

And it goes back out to the snow. Right? And this brings us to part two. The curve, right? Part two is the curve. Wow. There’s a lot of people watching. Oh, my God. 551. I was not even paying attention. Welcome to my channel, the curve. Let’s go on. Now, immediately after showing you the curve, they show you this picture, which I thought was funny. But anyways, I don’t want you to focus on the curve.

I want you to focus on this right above me, the satellite. Now, this is what they show in space. The satellite is going straight, okay? You can see it’s on a straight heading. It’s not moving or deviating. But then all of a sudden, they wanted it to move. So it just adjusts. It just turns in space, in the vacuum, you know what I mean? Not even spritzes of mean.

Obviously, it’s Hollywood, but it’s not too far from the real thing. You know what I mean? It doesn’t make any sense that this could just not be moving at all. Be stuck facing one direction, and all of a sudden just go, oh, like that doesn’t work like that. You’re in a vacuum. Anyway, so they go to bed on their ocean, their flooded room or whatever, right? So this represents the deluge and the flood, which I believe has already passed, because we have an ocean already.

It’s not gone. And then they show you this. This is the living room. Pay close attention to the living room. And she’s trying to get her dad to fix the tv screen. Now the girl’s wearing a NASA shirt. This is pretty huge. I don’t know how many pictures I took of this. So let me zoom in real quick. This girl rocks this NASA shirt throughout this whole thing, okay? NASA.

They chose this purposefully. Not because NASA’s cool, not because NASA shirts are popular, not because it’s a sign of the time, none of that. It’s just because of who NASA represents. They represent the elite that are doomsday preppers that are getting ready to blast off up through that depressurization point and leave this world behind. Or leave the world behind, which is the name of the movie, right? So that’s what she represents, or that’s who she is representing.

She goes out into the backyard, and all these deer start showing up. Earlier there was just, like, two deer. Now there’s, like a whole plethora of deer that are just showing up. More and more deer are showing up. I’m going to talk about that. Right. They actually pan up and you can see it’s kind of hard to see on this tiny screen right here, but there’s a whole forest full of deer, and it’s kind of hard to see all of them, but there’s, like, hundreds of deer right back there.

Right? All right. So she’s like, he studies English and media. So media studies, as we’ve talked about, are helpful or can be helpful, especially if it’s occult media studies, like how I teach. She says, if you’re not too paranoid by now, it’s probably too late. She’s quoting her own father. If you’re not too paranoid by now, it’s probably too late. This is good advice. The word paranoid is dismissive.

In this day and age, people say, oh, you’re just paranoid. You’re paranoid. What does paranoid mean? Actually? Let’s check it out. What does it literally mean? Well, let’s check it out. It comes from paranoia. Paranoia comes from para, like parachute, right? Which means beside or beyond. And then you’ve got noos, which means mind. So paranoid. To be paranoid means to have a mind beyond or to think beyond, basically.

Or another mind or a mind beside. Right. Here’s a regular mind, like mainstream lemmings throughout the world. And then you have a mind to the side, a different mind, right? Reminds me of a biblical verse that says, be transformed by the renewing of your mind to go from an old mind to a new mind. Right? Anyways, that’s what paranoia means. So being paranoid can be a good thing, right? Everything should be in moderation.

Like, to be paranoid to an extreme degree where you can’t Live Life doesn’t seem favorable, but a certain degree of paranoia seems suitable and rational and wise, right? Especially given the subject matter of the apocalypse now. He says, I’m sorry. He’s like, well, it’s probably nothing. It’s probably like that love bug. And then Julia Roberts is like, what’s a love bug? Right? He’s like, oh, it was a computer worm.

Interesting that they would call it that. It’s not really a worm that you put into a computer. It was like a virus, right? But they called it a worm specifically because of what it really is, the love bug. This is something that happened back in the 2000s. They sent an email out that said, I love you. And then it turned out to be like a spam virus or whatever.

But that’s not the point, not the reality, not our history of the love bug. It’s using this terminology, the love bug. Right. A computer worm. This is Cupid, right? Cupid from the sky. Cupid’s typically depicted like this, like a fat, chubby little baby, like, what do you call those. What’s the damn name of those angels? Sorry, somebody help me out in the chat. What’s the name of those covering angels? What are these called? I forgot.

Somebody let me know. But anyways, this is how Cupid was originally portrayed. Now, we have taken away his torch. Originally, he always went places with the torch. He always had this torch. But then he has this bow down here, too. Right. Now we just really put a bow and we put a little heart on the end of the arrow or whatever. Who was that? What’s the name of those? Oh, cherub.

Thank you. Yes. Gen two gone. Got it. First cherubs. Right. So these are cherubs. Now, I’ve given a whole presentation on what a cherub really is. It’s in my plasma apocalypse playlist. Highly recommend checking it out if you’re interested in learning the truth about these creatures or entities. Anyways, these represent plasma. These represent the worms that come down from the sky, dragons, whatever you want to call them, angels.

This is why they’re depicted like that. They give them wings because they fly, because they’re seen in the sky. And these are the arrows of God, symbolically speaking. Right. Whenever they’re talking about God shooting fiery arrows down during some sort of apocalyptic event or description, right. This is what they are. They’re being cartoonified basically, right. Now, what happens if you get hit or energized from a less intense form of this, that it won’t kill you or electrocute you or petrify you or whatever, right.

Well, it has an effect. It charges the body, it charges the spirit, it charges everything. And it puts you on overdrive, especially emotionally. So there tends to be an increase and an amplification in arousal, like actual physical arousal, which is why this is associated with know the God of love, son of Venus and Mars, I believe. Dimitri. Good to see you again, Dimitri. Thank you for your support.

All right, now, the guy who originally owns the house, he goes to his neighbors to see if they have a satellite phone that he can use. Their neighbor’s house is. The neighbors are called the Huxleys. Let’s check this out, because it does put this in our face. What does Huxley mean? It means inhospitable place. And it’s derived from an english surname taken from a town in Cheshire. The first part, Hux, means insult or scorn, in other words, to tear down.

The second part means woodland or clearing. So something that is torn down in a woodland area or in a clearing, right. Means Huxley. This is their house in the middle of the forest clearing. Everything is destroyed, right. There’s all this debris all over the place. It’s been ransacked. So it’s appropriate. You see how they use these names as descriptors or descriptions of actual what you’re seeing, right. So he’s inside of this house.

Everything’s wrecked and torn apart. This is a little hard to see, but you can see that he’s looking through a window and there’s broken glass. You see these little shards of glass right there? Look out for the broken glass symbolism, because oftentimes that represents the firmament breaking. Right. Which kicks off the introduction of magic into our world. Monsters, heroes and things of old, basically. Now he takes a look at his phone because he’s worried about his wife.

We don’t meet his wife in the movie. She’s probably not alive because she was on a plane when all this happened. She’s supposed to be coming in, into the airport. Her name, if you can see it down there, is Maya. You see that? His wife’s name is Maya. That’s really interesting to me. Maya. We can go back to the Vedas. We can go back to Hinduism, right? In Sanskrit, Maya means magic or illusion, a fundamental concept in hindu philosophy, notably in the Advaita, the non dualist school of Vedanta.

Maya originally denoted the magic power with which a God can make a human being believe in what turns out to be an illusion. Goes on to say, maya is the veil that covers our real nature and the real nature of the world around us. It’s a delusion. It’s a dream, basically. It’s like a dream state. And they say we’re given this blanket or this veil of Maya. We don’t have it when we’re in spirit form.

Okay? We don’t have Maya. Like, you just have what I call spirit memory. But the moment you’re born and you put on this costume called a body, that veil of Maya starts to become attracted to the body and thus covers your spirit in forgetfulness about, for example, past lives and stuff like that, too. Now, there’s also the mayan civilization. Those who are of magic, those are the Maya own or the Mayan.

The Maya, as many of you know, it’s sort of a mystery. They left behind all these ruins and stuff of huge, magnificent temples and complexes and stuff. And modern academics will teach you that. Oh, it’s just natural. People just build magnificent things and then slowly just leave over time and just abandon it. I’m not so convinced. Right. People say the Maya just disappeared, their civilization with exception. Okay.

Just because many of them up and leave doesn’t mean they all had to. Right? But they all disappeared. The mayan civilization collapsed or disappeared between 801,000 ad. Check this out. Also, around the exact same time in the world, we have what we call the medieval period. And during the medieval period, there was an anomaly called the medieval climate anomaly. Between 750 and 1350 ad, the medieval climate anomaly was a strange spike in the temperature of the world.

It became really warm suddenly, unexpectedly, also followed by, like, this great winter. But for hundreds of years, it was really warm all throughout the world, especially and most notably in the northern hemisphere. But many people argue that it was like this, the world across, at the same time that the mayan civilization disappeared. I’m going to give you a theory in just a second. The Mayans disappear right around this time.

We’ve got the middle age time that has this climate anomaly where everything is getting warmer during the Middle Ages. Then it also coincides with the Islamic golden age. It’s a period in history of Islam, traditionally dated from the 8th century to the 13th century, during which time much of the historically islamic world was ruled by various people. And they had an increase in science, economics, their culture, et cetera.

They were really flourishing at the exact same time around about those exact same time period. Right. We have the crusades, where all of a sudden many people in the northern hemisphere, they wanted to represent their cross, their beam, and they put on all of this type of armor. I’m going to get to that armor in a second. Now, speaking of the Middle Ages, right, this is specifically the people of Anglo saxon descent, or related to Anglo saxons and stuff like that, mostly white people or Caucasians.

Right. So they put on all this armor. I’m going to talk about their armor, but let’s take a peek into their history real quick from the Anglo Saxon Chronicles, which is a history, a written account of the Dark Ages, where they say, we don’t have any written accounts or we have hardly any. Right, this is from ad 774. This is anglo saxon history, not myth. This year also appeared in the heavens, a red crucifix.

So people had looked up and this was so notable, they wrote this down in a monastery. And these were the friars and the priests and stuff like that, the people who were sworn to God to tell the truth. And they wrote these things down accurately. Also says, wonderful Serpents were seen in the land, in the land of the South Saxons. Wonderful serpents are not regular snakes. Actually, a serpent is not a snake, but they were wonderful dragons, wonderful sky creatures, wonderful fireworms that came down from the sky, wonderful cupids or cherubs or whatnot.

Right. Now, that’s not the only one. Let’s go into the year 793. In 793, it says, this year came dreadful forewarnings over the land of the Northumbrians, terrifying the people most woefully. These were immense sheets of light rushing through the air and whirlwinds and fiery dragons flying across the firmament. History being told to you about an electrical influx, an influx of energy and electricity into our world. Now, you’ll notice it doesn’t say people were being sucked up into the sky or whatever, so there’s no indication of a depressurization event, but there is of a polarity shift.

Right? You can have a polarity shift and still see the phoenix and the dragons and all of these things. Whenever the poles shift, it’s just that it’s shifting underneath the firmament or the dome. Let’s check out another historic example. 797. In 797 this year, the Romans cut out the tongue of Pope Leo. They put out his eyes, they drove him from his sea or his office, but soon after, by the assistance of God, he could see and speak and became pope as he was before.

This is chronicled regeneration, which is what I talk about whenever we have these blue beams that come up out of the ground. They’re little fountains of youth. Rupa’s negra being the largest and most powerful fountain of youth. Right? Pardon me, but there was regeneration during this time. I believe that this is why you see so much torture during these times, because it was difficult to actually kill a person.

It’s so much regeneration that was happening, you know what I mean? That your cellular structure, excuse me, would regenerate so quickly, you know what I mean? So had a lot of good effects on it. We go to the year 799 AD, and this year the body of Whitberga was found entire and free from decay at Dercham, after the lapse of five and 50 years from the period of her decease.

Another example of regeneration, or regenerative effects that coincide with an influx of electricity into this world. Right? So they find this 55 year old dead body. And it looks like a fresh body. It looks like no decay whatsoever. Here’s another account from the Middle Ages, the time whenever the Mayans disappeared, which I don’t believe they did, I believe they took off. I believe that the Mayans saw what was happening around them, and they’re like, oh, we know what to do.

Time to go. We got to get there. You know what I mean? We got to go up towards the place of safety, towards the North Pole or whatever. And that’s a good reason to abandon all that stuff they had. If they saw some huge beam off to the north and they understood the history of it. In 806, they talk about a cross that was seen in the moon.

And, of course, this is the time. Whenever chainmail and metallic armor, especially with pointy hats, which would deter electricity from docking with you or whatever, they started wearing this. I’ve made many videos saying, this is not conducive to good fighting against humans. This is not beneficial to fight against humans. I would WHOOP this person, okay, if it was just a fight or whatever, to the death. Put me in with that guy, you know what I mean? Because they can’t see.

They can’t move. It’s heavy and stuff like that. Or did things weigh less back then? Interesting something to think about, too. I think that things constantly weigh more and more and more and more as the pressure increases in our world. But it stands to reason that if we had an influx of electricity, as was described right, through metaphors and cartoonification, however they’re describing it, however they can, if there was an influx of electricity.

Now, all of a sudden, having your warriors and explorers dress like this to go through certain areas of amplified electrical fields makes sense because you’re wearing a Faraday cage in the year 979. Also from this anglo saxon chronicles, it says this same year was seen a bloody Vulcan oft times in the likeness of fire. The Vulcan was the firmament, the sky. So the sky was blood red. And then it goes on to say, and that was most apparent at midnight.

And so in misty beams was shown, so the sky turned red, and they saw these misty beams whenever it was dark, right? Goes on to say there were these seafaring people, and there was pirates and stuff back then, too. They saw on the northeast level with the earth a huge fire broad, which anon waxed or got bigger in length. Up to the valkyrin, up to the firmament, they saw a pillar of fire shoot up from the earth, or light, basically shoot up from the earth and hit the sky, touch, the sky itself.

And the Vulcan, the sky, the firmament, undid itself into four parts. That is, that cross that people see, that’s associated with the moon or the firmament. The apex of the firmament, the inverted dome acting as a reflector to the land below it with those four rivers, as we discussed, and fought against it as if it would quench it. So this eye in the sky, shamash, et cetera, right? Many different names had a war against this terrestrial beam that shot up to meet it, or the arrow shooting the target, right? This is all described in the middle ages.

The fire waxed, nevertheless, up all the way to heaven. And that happened in 1122, just so you know. All right, enough of that. Let’s get back to the movie. So the dad is like, I’m going to head into the city, grab a newspaper, no problem. Except the wind’s picking up, as you can see. He stops his car. And even though he knows the area, as he made clear in the movie, and they don’t live too far away from this place, he’s lost.

He’s totally lost. And then on the radio, it says, fallout from the ongoing cyber attack has led to catastrophic environmental disasters in the south, impacting animal migration patterns. So in the south or in the outskirts of our world, right? Whatever is happening in the movie, which I’m talking about, emps and stuff like that, has disrupted animals natural navigation systems, their natural patterns, as we talked about with the whales and the dolphins and birds and stuff like that, too, right? And then this guy’s, like, looking around.

He’s out of it. This guy is just. He can’t think clearly. He doesn’t know where he is. He did really good. There’s really good acting in this movie, I have to say. So he’s lost. Now, I asked Google, can an electromagnetic magnetic pulse affect the brain? And it says here, some side effects of an electromagnetic pulse or electromagnetic radiation may induce diverse neuropsychiatric disorders, such as irritability. So increased irritability.

You will see this in the movie. You’ll see this in a cabin in the woods. You’ll see this in many of these types of movies that have similar themes throughout them, especially when it’s a group of people and they’re lost or being chased by monsters or anything like that. They always have a scene where they show you everyone becoming amplified in aggression. They all start yelling at each other and fighting, and there’s a lot of infighting and irritability.

It also has an effect on. Or it causes hyperkinesis right? You want to move about a lot, right? And sometimes it can actually cause your muscles to sort of move on their own, which could be like getting bit by the. What do they call that? The dancing bug or whatever. The jitter bug. Hyperkinesis means you just want to move. Okay? You’re hyper, basically, you have a lot of energy.

Retardation of learning and memory. So a strong enough electromagnetic pulse could just cause amnesia instantly. Imagine one worldwide, and you have worldwide amnesia. People wake up, don’t even know what the apocalypse is, don’t even know what just happened. You know what I mean? All right, it says here, this is a study that was done. The study was the effect of emps on the brain, basically, and they were doing this on rats.

It says the EMP induced delirium, like neuropsychiatric disorders such as anxiety. So an increased amount of anxiety, which I was just talking about yesterday, disturbed attention, disorientation, and retardation of memory in rats. So disorientation, that’s what you see there. They also show this. They give a really good example of this. Also in the movie, we broke down the movie the color out of space. Remember that? All right, cool.

So now the son, he’s totally trying to take pictures of the girls in her swimsuit or whatever. They’re going to show you this all throughout the movie. They have a heightened sexual arousal, not just because they’re humans, and that’s just what humans do or whatever. Like, they show you they’re going out of their way to show you this, that they have a heightened sense of sexual arousal. That’s because of the amplified energy and the energetic fields in the world coinciding with our own and amplifying our own.

Right? Now, the girl with the NASA shirt, she’s like, they’re trying to tell us something. She’s talking about the deer. She can’t stop looking at all these deers, and she says, they’re trying to tell us something. Now, the deer don’t have to try to tell you something. They can just be an omen living out their lives and responding to the changing electromagnetic fields in the earth, right? These are all omens.

They’re all trying to tell us something. The earth is trying to tell us something. And she’s looking right at the camera, right? They’re trying to tell us something. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Right? And then NASA says, I’m going. She’s like, they’re trying to tell us something. I’m leaving. I’m out of here, right? I’m listening to the signs. I’m listening to the omens. Now, we get back to this guy who’s the house owner.

He goes into his. This is his buddy’s house, the huxleys. But as you can see, all the windows are broken out, and they’re showing you from below so that you can see the sky. You notice that the camera angle is way down here by, like, this dude’s calves looking up, not up where he is, because then you’d see the land and stuff. They really wanted to focus on the skies and the windows.

And the windows being broken with the sky behind it, because it’s the firmament breaking symbolism. Now, the dad is. He’s totally lost. Some mexican lady is like, oh, stop. I need help, or whatever. And she’s speaking Spanish the whole time. She’s like, she’s speaking Spanish and just hysterical. I actually translated. I looked it up and stuff. And she’s basically, help. I’m lost. I’ve been wandering around. I just walked out of my house, and I got lost.

I don’t even know where I am. I need to get back home, but I’m totally lost. And she’s delirious. She’s disoriented as well, and she’s begging him for help. He’s like, I don’t know where I am. I’m lost, too. This is the story of the lost boys, okay? Those who survive the apocalypse are affectionately known as the Lost Boys. The lost tribe. Right? They’re lost. They’re actually really lost.

They don’t know where they are, right? So this is him now. He’s on the road, and he sees this. There’s, like, this streak of red stuff that’s being poured out of this. We find out that it’s a drone. And this drone is dropping all this red stuff, and it’s coming right at the dad. And the dad takes off. He’s freaking out. He doesn’t know what this is. But symbolically, this would be representative of the plasma, the red plasma that comes down from the sky, which is why he’s so terrified.

When you see what it really is, you wouldn’t be terrified of it, but he sees what it is, and he’s still scared of it. Probably doesn’t help that he’s delirious at the moment, but he’s taking off from a symbolic portrayal of, like, the plasma tentacles that come down from the sky, right? And it’s chasing him. Now, the owner of the house goes back behind the huxleys, and he sees that there’s a plane crash back there.

It’s just destroyed. Planes are falling down out of the sky. We get back to the dad, and he sees that what is falling out of the sky are little papers, little pieces of red paper. I’ll show you what’s on the paper here in just a second. And therefore the symbolism will make more sense. Now another plane starts to fall out of the sky, aiming right at him. He’s taking off.

Planes are falling out of the sky. Some people might say, well, that’s because the christians were driving the plane and they got raptured or disappeared or whatever, or there’s a big electromagnetic pulse, and it affects electronics and stuff like that and stop working. Or those people driving the plane black out, or who knows? There’s all kinds of stuff that could happen, too. Then they show you this mass migration of birds.

They will show you this on many different movies as well. I think this was noted on, like, maybe the day after tomorrow or 2012, I can’t remember. But they show you all these birds migrating en masse. I talk about this during my omen segment. Pay attention to the animals. Listen to the animals, watch them, and consider when they act anonymous, I mean, not anonymously, when they have anomalous actions, especially in their patterns of migration.

Right? When you see thousands of birds darkening the skies, that’s a huge omen that something is changing in our world, okay? That’s the animals talking to us, basically. So keep an eye out for things like that coming to a news station near you in the near future. Now, this guy is like, I knew this was happening. You know how well he’s into the stock market? He’s like, I just looked at the market, and I knew.

I knew just by looking at the market, something was coming. He says, in my line of work, you have to understand the patterns that govern the world. The patterns. Just like the animals follow the patterns. We can watch the patterns that happen. I call them omens. Right? We can see the patterns, and you can see what’s going on. He also goes on to say, you have to learn how to read the curve by curve.

They’re talking about anomalies, things that are happening the way things are going right now. Things are increasing exponentially or decreasing exponentially, whether it be the decrease exponentially of birth rates or fertility rates in the world across, which are dropping like flies, which is a huge omen of the apocalypse, or things that are increasing exponentially, too, like alien sightings and ufos and stuff like that. He says, spend it.

As long as I have doing this, and it can help you to see the future. If you just look at the patterns throughout history, which is what the stock market is like, a small example of. It’s all fractal. If it holds steady, he says, it promises harmony. If things are normal, if things are the norm and they’re acting like they’ve always acted or how you’re used to it promises harmony.

But when there’s flux, when it inches up or down, you know that that means something. When you see the fluctuations happening in our modern times that will eventually become history or historic times, you’ll see comparing them to what it used to be or the good old days, things are changing quite rapidly now. The mom says you think something happened to our satellites, the ones in space. So something is happening.

I don’t personally believe that they’re in space. To me, the space is the space between the land and the firmament. But this is happening up there and you can expect this to happen, too, that the satellites will be knocked out or whatever, and this is all a part of how it’s being interpreted by people, right? Nature is knocking out satellites and it’s going to happen. You’re going to see it.

But there could be another thing at play, too. I also want to point that I didn’t really mean to take a picture of this, but there’s an obelisk directly underneath the chandelier, right? The chandelier represents what creates the stars and the twinkles above, which is the inverted dome above us. Now, pay attention to the light. This girl’s going to go sneak over here off to the side, and you can see it gets darker as she does that, right? This is the darkening.

This is the sun going dark, which in the movie is portrayed by suddenly there’s just clouds everywhere, right? For me, this is something you can expect when the atmosphere depressurizes. It creates fog and mist, the world across and darkens everything or whatever. But it comes really misty in taking place in their living room. Let me just move that out of the way so you can see that. All right? So now they hear rumbling, they hear thunder and stuff like that.

There’s a storm. This is the world storm. This is the electrical storm that I talk about all the time, right? There’s this shrill electronic tone screeching and she immediately. Everybody starting to cover their ears, right? This is like that quote unquote tinnitus that many of us can hear or whatever, that high pitched ringing sound in your head, but amplified to an extreme degree. And everyone’s just covering their ears.

This is the scream that Soundgarden talks about. This is the black hole sun. And when he says, no one sings like you anymore, this is it. This is star scream. Basically, this is the depressurization. This is the kettle, the tea kettle, or however you want to say it. Now, this guy doesn’t immediately cover his ears. He just kind of freaks out for it, and then he decides to go ahead and cover his ears.

Everybody else did it instantly. He just listened to it for a few extra seconds. Something happens to him. We’re going to check that out in a bit. So she goes and takes off. There’s thunder all over the place, right? There’s the world storm developing. Which brings us to part three, the noise. This is the noise that they hear. Now, many people of the world across, many of you even have been witness and testified that you have heard strange sky sounds, strange sky quakes, or strange booming noises that seem to come from everywhere, right? Sometimes, basically, people can’t point out where it is because it’s in the atmosphere, it’s all over the place.

It’s this reverberating, loud banging sound, right? So that’s something like what I expect we will hear whenever you have these plasma volcanoes bursting. Whenever we go through that and we hit the other side of the Pole shift, right? The ultimate sound is going to be whenever the sky breaks open and depressurizes, which actually, now that I think about it, that could have the opposite effect. That could create silence, because it’ll just be a vacuum, it’ll just be sucking everything up.

I mean, you may hear wind and stuff like that. I don’t know. I’m going to think about that one, too. But definitely the booms that happen from the anode mountain, cathode mountain, and Mount Maru exploding or whatever volcanoes the world across, blowing their know, they all have plugs and stuff to keep you from going down into the inner earth and stuff. They’ll blow their tops out, they’ll clear themselves out, and those will be entrances, too.

Now he says, I should have covered my ear sooner. This is the kid talking. Now my head feels weird. So we’re going to have a correlation between this sound that they hear and something that happens to this kid because he listened to the sound for too long. Now, the dad says, the dad comes back from being disoriented and lost, has no idea where he was. They’re like, what happened? Where’s the newspaper? Did you talk to anybody? What’s going on? He’s like, oh, I didn’t get that far.

I heard that noise. I came back, they’re like, what? And he’s like, yeah. And I found these. These are those red pieces of paper that were being dropped from that drone. It’s red, right? So you have the symbolic element, and it’s a snake. It’s a picture of a snake. These are red serpents falling from the sky that the movie is showing to you that he was running from, which is plasma coming down in cosmic streaks to terraform this world.

Petrify things, amplify people’s energy. That does all kinds of things. Lots of byproducts. This is also where you get snakes on a plane. Like the cheesy movie snakes on a plane, or whatever, flying snakes. Serpents, basically, falling down from the sky, and then they take off. They’re like, well, let’s just go to the city. Let’s go back home, or whatever. They risk it. The girl in the Backseat is supposed to be sleeping, but she hears sirens, and she says sirens, which if you have read about sirens and ancient myths and legends and stuff, right? They’re basically akin to banshees or weeping spirits or crying spirits or singing spirits, et cetera, which is, this is what electricity does.

It creates music, it creates sound, it creates vibrations in the air. And the larger the electrical field is, the more you’re going to hear it, and the less it’s going to sound, like high pitched buzzing, and the more it’ll sound more human like voices and stuff like that. Anyways, these are the sirens. This is also like siren head, if you’re into creepy pasta and stuff. The mom’s like, I thought you were sleeping.

She’s like, well, I can’t because of the sirens. So these sirens, these plasma snakes that come down from above, right? All of the electricity is going to make its own sound depending on the strength of the electrical field or current, right? And its proximity to you and other factors, too, right? So this is another I can’t sleep thing, because there’s so much energy in our world. Now, it’s interesting, if you look up the word siren, it comes from the word sierra, which means a cord or a rope, aka a serpent, a snake, a worm up there in the sky, singing and screaming and screeching and whatever.

Now they hit traffic. And this is so interesting. All this traffic is Tesla cars, self driving Tesla cars all over the place, right? So more electrical references as well, too, right? But it’s just nothing but Tesla cars, self driving cars that all crashed right there. And they even zoom in on the sticker on the car. They’re all brand new. They basically drove themselves off of the lot. Now, tell me how that could happen.

Right, I’ll give you my ideas, as I always do. This is the Tesla logo. As you can see up here in the corner right now, Tesla’s logo is the world tree hitting the dome. This is the dome up top. That’s why it’s got a line above it. This is the world tree that shoots up out of Mount Maru and Branches and splits off to the sides. This is also the Irminzul.

Right? I did a video. Not a lot of people watched it, unfortunately, but I thought it was cool. A video called the Irimanzul, which is the anglo saxon world tree. I’m studying lots of different things over time, but this is the shape. This is what the world tree looks like in the anglo saxon world. And that’s exactly what the Tesla logo is. Basically. It’s also a nail. This is a tent peg.

This is the vov at the middle of the world, right? And there’s two off to the sides. One’s good, one’s bad, one’s positive, one’s negative, one’s anode, one’s cathode. Right? This is the Jesus Vov. This is the cross cruciform, et cetera. This is the neutral path, you could say, in the center, and then they zoom in on its ability to drive itself. Right? Navigate on autopilot, auto change lanes, auto park.

You can summon your car. It drives by itself. They really wanted to drive that point home, right? Elon Musk posted about his own cars. Teslas can change, or, I’m sorry, charge from solar panels, even if the world goes fully mad Max, which means they can work after the apocalypse, is what Elon is saying, which is shown to you in the movies. It’s shown to us all the time that inanimate objects come to life after apocalyptic events, or specifically the plasma apocalypse, because the air is energetically charged.

They don’t need batteries. You don’t need sleep. You know what I mean? Everything is working, and it has energy. It just draws it from the air. It’s all over the place. Right? And they show this to you in many different movies. This one, we have broken down maximum overdrive, where the cars try to run people over or whatever. Right? Transformers is another version of this, right? I know we like to think of them more as, like, robots, but really they’re just cars that are alive, you know what I mean? That are full of aliens or spirits that come from another world, basically.

Right? So another Tesla’s on its way, and the dad is like, oh, let me wave it down. The mom’s like, get in the car. There’s nobody in there. He’s going to crash into us. So she’s got to dodge it. They say there’s nobody in that car. This is Skynet, okay? This is showing you when the world has such a strong, energetic charge that there’s an influx of energy in our world because of those blue beams that shoot up into the sky and fill the world with energy that it brings inanimate objects that rely upon things like electricity to life.

They just come to life. They start doing their thing all on their own. And the thing is, they don’t need instruction from anybody. It’s like they have a freedom of choice. It’s like they can do whatever they want to do, and they will listen to their master. They’re portrayed as being murderous and violent and killing people and stuff, but maybe they’re just dangerous. Who knows? Self driving cars, doing whatever they want to.

Part four, the flood. Like I said, another reference to the deluge, right? Catastrophe, cataclysm, apocalypse. I took a picture of this. The little girl’s just chilling in her bed, but her bag has an eye on it, right? With the lashes being like the hairs of Medusa, the plasma snakes, et cetera. That’s the depressurization point. The eye in the sky. Now they’re showing you again how they have an amplification of their arousal.

I’m going to say that sounds like the best pc way of saying that. So these two are totally flirting with each other. She’s like, you look like the kind of guy who. Things come easy, especially women. So they’re back there basically getting high and flirting with each other. He’s like, I’ll take that as a compliment. They’re laughing. And then his wife and her dad are in here in the living room.

You could tell by that painting over there. Hint, hint, wink, wink. And they’re getting along, and they’re starting to become aroused and attracted to one another as well. You can see they’re showing you the amplification of the energy in the humans. He says, so now I wonder if things that I thought about myself was just a Delusion or maya. You could say nothing frightens me more than a person unwilling to learn, even at their own expense.

Now he’s talking about the stock market, but in reality, they’re talking to us about not preparing for the apocalypse, unwilling to learn at their own expense. Selfishly, they don’t want to learn because they would have to change their lives. This is a biblical verse, and in this biblical verse, it’s talking about the apocalypse. It makes reference to the deluge or the oceans being introduced. And it says, for this they willingly are ignorant.

Ignorant on purpose, knowing that there’s more out there, but afraid of it, not wanting to change the status quo. They are willingly ignorant that by the word of God, the heavens were of old or in ancient times, and earth was standing out of the water, and in the water whereby the world that was being overflowed with water perished. People were willingly ignorant. Before the flood waters came, they didn’t want to believe it.

They didn’t want to look into it. They didn’t want to study it or research it. They wanted to continue dancing and having a merry time. But the heavens and the earth, which are now by the same word, are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment, which means last time it happened by a flood of water, which, thank your lucky stars you didn’t have to go through that one.

That’s the worst one to go through. And it takes a long time, and it’s very hard to survive. But this one is reserved for fire, which is a lot quicker, and it’s easier, comparatively speaking, to survive. Now they’re just chilling. And he’s like, oh, the quiet is so noisy. Well, the quiet is noisy. We live in a very noisy world full of vibrations all over the place. After the apocalypse, this is how many of you will feel, I believe.

I’m sure this is how I will feel. It will be so quiet. As a matter of fact, I believe during the depressurization, there’s a biblical verse that says there was silence in heaven for about a half an hour, right? So people ask me how long depressurization lasts for and stuff. Could be about a half an hour, but it destroys all of those things that create frequencies and electricity and vibrations and stuff that we are inundated with.

We’re enveloped by all of these frequencies and noises and stuff. And we hear it and we’re used to it. So when we hear true peace and quiet, we focus on it and it’s almost like it’s loud to us, so they’re starting to get amplified. She’s like, I kind of like you. And he’s like, yeah, I kind of like you. Now he starts telling this story about this elite, this world elite that was one of his clients that he was doing some work with.

And he’s like, man, I was getting along with this guy. And he says, I really like you. I wish I could invite you on this trip that I’m about to go on. And he’s like, yeah, what trip? And then all of a sudden, the elite, he doesn’t say his name, but he’s like, if I told you their name, you would know it. He gets real serious, and he says, oh, you know, just my annual meeting with the rest of the evil cabal that runs the world.

And he said it like it’s a joke, but the movie is telling you it’s not a joke. He was really saying, I wish I could take you to the bohemian grove, basically, is what they’re making reference to. And then that same guy yesterday, before all this apocalyptic stuff happened, calls him back out of the blue, when he normally will schedule an appointment or whatever, calls him directly. Suddenly, out of the blue, wants to move around a whole bunch of money and stuff like that.

And he tells him that he’s going to go away for a while right before the apocalypse happens. And he goes, oh, yeah, what are you doing? Are you hanging out with your evil cabal this weekend? And he tries to crack a joke, right? And the guy always jokes around like that. And he says, I thought that was only during the winter solstice. And he’s just kind of joking around.

However, that couldn’t be more true. It is the summer solstice and the winter solstice. These are the times when the Apocalypse are likely to happen, or polarity shifts or whatever. But he doesn’t laugh. He doesn’t laugh at his joke, and he always laughs. He says, all he said was, take care of yourself. Like, dead serious, right? Almost as if he was feeling sorry for this guy, right? So you have the.

The ruling world elite, who had a heads up on the apocalypse. He’s calling to make final preparations, and he’s like, take care, buddy. I can’t really tell you, but you already know. So she says, are you thinking that your friend is somehow behind what’s happening? And he says, a conspiracy theory about a shadowy group of people running the world especially? Well, he’s basically saying, like, that’s not believable and that’s not scary, especially when the truth is scarier.

And she’s like, well, what’s the truth? No one’s in control. The elite are not in control. The illuminati are not in control. The Rothschilds are not in control. The Bilderbergs are not in control. Your presidents, your kings, just have a semblance of power. They have a semblance of control. But he says no one’s pulling the strings. Sure, there’s those, like my friend, who might have the right kind of access to the right kind of information.

But he goes on to say, when events like this happen in the world, the best, even the most powerful people, all they can hope for is a heads up to know in advance, to have a little time to get ready before everybody else. Right. Now, flamingos, land in their pool. Remember, this is in New York. Flamingos land in the pool, all over the place. And they’re like, those are flamingos.

What’s happening here? Why are flamingos here? Flamingos are tropical birds, right? So remember, it said they were messing with their migration patterns? Well, the southern animals that follow the electromagnetic field are all migrating north, which is where they are now, right? The Flamingos are going north, which implies many of them are also going north, as it said earlier. Right? The animals are going north. You know why? They’re going to Noah’s ark.

That’s how they get there. That’s how God calls them all. That’s how Adam was able to name them all in one spot. That’s how they all went to Noah. They’re listening to the electromagnetic field and the frequency, and they’re listening to mother Earth, who says, come home. Come home, because I’m about to clean house right now. Another thing that’s interesting about flamingos, or flamingos, however you say it, some birds, such as flamingos and certain species of duck, are called filter feeders.

Filter feeders can play an important role in carrying, cleaning, basically, water, and are therefore considered ecosystem engineers. It’s a little cleaning thing in our world. This is why you don’t eat these animals, by the way. They’re bottom feeders. Like, they clean things out or whatever. They get rid of all the gross stuff. It also says down here. Where’d that go? You can’t see it. Well, I’m just going to read it to you.

Down here at the bottom, it says that flamingos and other types of animals you can see, like shrimp and stuff like that. That’s why they all turn pink and red. They are also a natural check to the deadly red tide, which is what it says here, the deadly red tide. So when you see an increase in red tide, which is just algae and stuff like that growing in the water, which is.

You’re going to see this in the ocean. Okay, you already see it, but it’s going to get worse. The ocean is green right now. It’s going to turn red if you get more red tide. It makes sense that you would have more of these types of creatures because you’re basically putting a buffet out in front of them. So the flamingos come out because there’s more bacteria and algae and stuff in the water, which turns it red, which gives you blood red ocean.

Now, these two are totally on their arousal overdrive, right? They do put themselves into check before they go too far. And then they hear a boom. Right. Now, for me, these booms are not bombs blowing up. They do show this to you, and I have a theory about that, too. But there’s a different type of booming sound that’s not an explosion. I was in the military, I heard explosions all the time.

In the marine Corps, I made explosions. I said an ordinance. So I know the difference between an explosion from ordinance or from explosives and something that is percussion from something else, basically, right? And then it’s followed. This explosion sound is followed by a high pitched ringing sound. That same one from before, right? So this is the second time it happens. They have to cover their ears again. Boom anode, boom cathode antlers.

And then finally you wait for Mount Maru and the one in the middle. So there’s a rumbling and a ringing sound that intensifies. Everybody drops to their knees. Everybody. When this happens, this is the arrival of the savior. This is the appearance of God, or what people would refer to as God, right? Or the God of this world, or whatever you want to call it. And when the king arrives, you bow, you kneel, you drop down, which is what happens and is shown to you on these movies all over the place, right? All right, cool.

Hey, if you guys do see ads on my channel, it says, I just got an alert saying that they’re going to run an ad. That’s new to me. Thank you for being patient, and thank you for allowing those to do their thing so that I can provide for my family. I just want to let you know I appreciate you. All right, so they show you the windows cracking.

Once again, symbolic of the firmament. They show the family in front of the ocean wallpaper once again. And then the daughter tells this story. She tells a story about this man. You may have heard this story, there was a flood, right? And this man jumped up onto his roof and he’s like, God’s going to protect me. God’s going to save me. And he doesn’t escape the flood, he doesn’t take off.

Or before this, there was a news story and it says, hey, they’re going to blow up the dam. And there’s going to be a flood. He’s like, no, I believe in God. God’s going to save me. And a guy on a boat comes by. He’s like, hey, jump in, bro. I’ll help you out. He’s like, no, thanks. God will save me. And a guy in a helicopter comes and he’s like, grab the rope.

I’ll save you. I’ll help you. He’s like, I don’t need you. God will save me. And then he dies and he drowns. He gets up to heaven and he’s pissed at God. He’s like, what the hell? God’s like, what? I sent you a news report. A guy on a boat and a helicopter. What more do you want? And the moral of the story is that he waited around.

He kept waiting for help when there was obvious opportunities all around him every day, all the time. So the girl says, I told you that story because I’m done waiting. So this is a strong suggestion from the people who made this movie that at the very least, they might be done waiting, and they may be encouraging some of us to be done waiting around. Just like that boat that was coming right at you at the beginning, just waiting around until it’s too late, right? To be proactive.

Basically, they’re saying, start preparing, right? Start getting ready for what’s obvious to so many people that’s on the way right now. They show you what I can only guess is, like, the moon. And there’s, like, the flag on the moon, the traditional rock out there in space or whatever. I don’t believe in that story or whatever, but they show you the dome out there in the distance or whatever, and the earth catches fire.

Now, I know it’s supposed to be like some sort of eclipse thing because the sun’s behind the earth or whatever. I was watching this with my son, and before I even thought it, he’s like, that’s the world catching on fire, dad. I’m like, I five little guy. Yes, very good. So I wanted to put that out there, too, that symbolically, they’re showing you the destruction by fire, okay? The world and engulfed in flames.

Now, this kid, you didn’t see this, and I didn’t take a picture because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to or not because you couldn’t really see it that good. But there was this weird bug that bit him when he was in the forest down on his leg. He got bit by this strange bug, right? And he also listened to that sound for too long. So he’s got a couple of bad things going for him.

He wakes up and he’s like, oh. And he’s like, my teeth feel weird. He grabs one of his teeth and just pulls it right out. And then he grabs another one. And he just pulls it right out. And he grabs another one. His mom is like, stop. Oh, my God, what are you doing? But he can’t help himself because his teeth feel, like, foreign in his mouth. You know what I mean? Can you imagine if your teeth were not a part of you? And I’m sure this has happened because all of you have lost teeth.

At some point. When your teeth are really loose, they start to feel like rocks. They start to feel like foreign objects in your mouth. So you want to pull it out, you know what I mean? It doesn’t feel like it belongs there. This starts happening to this kid loses all of his teeth, right? Basically, just like Jeff Goldblum in the fly becoming Brundlefly. I don’t know if you guys have seen this movie or not.

If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. It’s totally gross, but it’s a great horror movie. As he becomes Brundlefly, which is in my world, this is the t virus, okay? This is getting infected by an otherworldly phantazoid or insectoid creature or whatever. Anyways, he loses his teeth and stuff fingernails like that in the same fashion. Part five, the last one. This is the last one. Last part. We start off in the living room, and the kid’s like, well, a bug did bite me yesterday in the woods.

Good job. And then they show you this painting here. Right now we’re going to get back to the kid and his teeth in just a moment because there is another thing that it could be aside from a disease or being infected by some sort of phantazoid. But I want to actually come back to this painting. I haven’t been watching the chat, so I don’t know if anyone’s figured it out yet, but I’ve shown you this living room scene many times.

Okay. I’ve shown you this exact living room, and I purposefully have not told you that this painting in the living room changes throughout the movie. I wanted to see if anyone picked up on that. Let me show you. Okay, so I’ll rewind. Here’s what it originally looked like, if you can remember. And then it totally changed again later on. And it looked like that still black and white, right? And then we get to this, right? Nowhere in the movie are they changing this stupid picture on the wall.

They just did that in the movie because it’s an added omen of the apocalypse, which is known as the Mandela effect, when your reality shifts and changes into totally different things that are similar but not quite the same as you remember. Right. But this isn’t the only thing they do this with. There’s something else I’ve been pointing out throughout the course of this presentation, which is this. The wallpaper in the ocean.

Have you noticed that this also changed? Look where it goes up to on the bed, on those pillows. And then let’s look at the change. Do you see the difference? The water levels rose. Now, how could the water levels rise? Well, some people would say, oh, all of the glaciers are melting. Okay, but there’s another way, an easier way for the water levels to rise. They expand. Water expands whenever it gets warm.

When it gets hotter, the water gets bigger, basically. Right? So if you have a hot sun that’s getting more and more focused and turning blindingly white until eventually it’ll cross over into the blue spectrum. It heats up the ocean. Stephen Kay. Hey. Welcome, Stephen Kay. It heats up the ocean and the waters expand, which gives you more water, which means the water levels would rise because it’s getting hot, right? It’s getting warm.

I mean, it makes perfect, simple sense when you think about it. All right, so the kid who was bit by the phantazoid bug and also listened to the high pitched frequency booms, right? For too long, he just throws up. Blah. He’s just pukes all over the place. Not doing too know. He could be the next Brundle fly or something. So they need to get him to help. So they pack him up and they’re going to take him over to the doomsday prepper neighbor, which I will show you here in a minute.

And these two start getting all heated. This is what I’m talking about. That amplification of energy amplifies everything from the sexual arousal and stuff like that to just aggression and frustration. And that’s also a byproduct of emps, as we looked at before, too. So they get to the doomsday prepper’s house, who is played by Kevin Bacon. His name’s Danny. He’s like, I’m sorry to bother you. These guys know each other, okay? He’s his neighbor and he seems to know him very well.

He actually helped him to build the house and stuff. He’s like, hey, what’s up, bro? Sorry to bother you. He’s like, yeah, I’m going to need you and your comrade to step off of the porch and go stand by your vehicle. He says, with a shotgun in his hand, I love this guy. Okay? And he’s like, what are you talking about? Right? Like, we know each other. This guy knows what’s up.

He’s a doomsday prepper. And you’ll notice the red door symbolism, too. He’s in the White House. He’s a doomsday prepper. He’s no fool. He knows that whenever the stuff hits the fan, you have to be on guard. You have to be extremely careful about what you allow and what you don’t allow. Let me give you an example. In the chat, let’s just say occasionally, we’ll have a troll.

We had way many more to begin with when I first started my channel, but all of us have done a really good job of bringing the good vibes and keeping it clean and stuff, which I really admire about this little community. So, I don’t know. I just want to clap for all of you. Anyways, what’s my point? My point is, if I let one troll in the chat get away with saying some crazy, offhanded remark, that’s sort of a gray area.

You know what I mean? Because I go through each one of my live streams, and I’ll boot people, or I’ll make people moderators or whatever. But if I don’t and I allow that one person to get through in the gray area, another, actually 100 other people will see, oh, that’s a possibility. And then a percentage of that 100 will do it. But they’ll step it up even more.

They’ll see what else they can get away with. They’ll push more boundaries. Same thing’s happening here, and same thing will happen in real life after the apocalypse. Like I said yesterday, the apocalypse. If you survive. Just surviving the apocalypse. Oh, man. Sorry. I had a leg cramp. Just surviving the apocalypse demands a certain level of respect. You immediately mature, and you’re forced to mature to a certain degree.

Otherwise, you’ll die. Otherwise, you won’t make it. Okay. This guy knows what’s up. He’s a prepper. You also notice that he has the horseshoe on top, right? That’s to keep out the plasma, which is really a magnet. It’s a horseshoe magnet, which is the most powerful, one of the most powerful forms that magnet can take. And he’s no fool. He’s like, back on up. You guys obviously are here because, you know, I’ve been preparing.

You guys are obviously here because, you know that I am the guy to go to because I know my stuff, right? These people are the biblical parable of those who did not have oil in their lamps during the wedding of the bridegroom and the bride, which is the cosmic weding of the earth and the sky when they open up and meet one another or whatever, right? This guy has his oil.

He has oil in his lamp. He’s got extra, as a matter of fact. And they’re all showing up late to the wedding, you know what I mean? And they’re like, oh, we need to make it in the dark. He’s like, you knew? Just like I knew. I got all my stuff. I’m not giving it to you. Sorry. I need that for my family and stuff. Right? And they brought this upon themselves by being willingly ignorant, by refusing.

He even talks about this. This guy even had clue after clue after clue. He knew. He rubbed elbows with the world’s elite, who basically told him that they knew the world was going to come to an end, and he paid no mind. So this is the position that many of you may find yourselves in. Don’t try to tell these people who have been doing their due diligence and preparing and collecting and getting ready for the apocalypse.

Well, it’s your obligation to share all that with me because I was lazy and partied the entire time. Don’t come to my house and don’t bring that to my house. I’m telling you. You know what I mean? The only exceptions I’m making personally are for people I love and know that are my very close inner circle and family. Other than that, you are going to have to prove yourself, and there’s nothing you can do instantaneously to do that that I can think of.

All right, so he’s like, well, he lost all his teeth. They fell out. Nobody can explain why. He says, well, it’s got to have something to do with that noise. So now they’re going to attribute the noise that he heard to the teeth falling out. He goes on into detail and says, it’s not all that dissimilar to what happened in Cuba a while back. Microwave weapons, they called it, produces a kind of radiation that can be beamed out through sound vibratory weapons.

I want to give a shout out, too. I saw that somebody had left me a donation. Deborah Murray, $20 in the chat. Thank you, Deborah. I super appreciate you. All right, so he says that the teeth falling out can happen through this beamed microwave radiation that happened in Cuba or something. He said some people there, they lost their teeth, too, due to this frequency weapon. Now this is a direct reference to Havana and the Havana syndrome.

It says that the state department, the CIA, and the Pentagon have all launched investigations into the Havana syndrome, but have yet to come to conclusions. A national Academy of Sciences report in December found that Havana syndrome injuries were most likely caused by directed, pulsed radio frequency energy. Right, which can have an effect on your mind, which directly has an effect on your teeth and stuff like that, too.

He says, I’m locking the doors. I’m waiting. I’m watching. I’m getting my gun, he says in the movie. Thanks again, Deborah Murray. Super appreciate you, he says. And by the way, I’ll give you a tip. There’s that rich guy, your neighbor down the road. He’s been making all these additions underground. He says. That’s rich a hole talk for doomsday bunker. By the way, he strongly recommends to go check it out to a safe place.

Right now, they both freak out because they have heightened, amplified auras and stuff like that. And they’re like, no. They start pointing guns at each other. The guy in the middle, this guy, he did even less than him. And he’s like, I can barely do anything without my cell phone and my gps. He’s utterly lost. He’s been thrown back into the dark ages. He’s about to become a caveman after the apocalypse.

Right now, meanwhile, they show you the daughter. She’s out in the forest with the mom or whatever, and all those deer start creeping up on her. And the male deer, the buck, starts coming up with all these antlers, and they look like they’re about to tear her to shreds, basically. I don’t know what’s going on, but the movie was making it look like they were going to tear this girl apart, basically, right? And this happens.

This is also plasma possession. Animals can have their spirits amplified as well. And if they’re in fear or if they feel threatened, this is what deers do. I have deer right behind my house every day, and I watch them all the time. Turkeys, wild turkeys, deer, all kinds of stuff. But if you’re out there walking and there’s a little family of deer, the buck will be the first one.

He’ll be like, what’s up? Basically, this is what the buck’s doing. He’s like, what’s up? He’ll take like a step forward and he’ll be like, what’s up? You want to go? That’s what the deers do to protect themselves. So imagine under amplified conditions, right? So all these deer are coming, and then they start freaking out, trying to scare him and stuff. And the deer take off. This kid has a t shirt.

It says primitive on it, just like his dad. Primitive. He can’t survive without his gps, his cell phone or whatever, right? Primitive. Then this guy, eventually, he’s like, I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you some money and I’ll take that. Offered me just in case it’s not the apocalypse, you know what I mean? He’s kind of cutting them a break or whatever because they were at their wits end and begging or whatever.

And he says, I guess an old fashioned barter system was to be expected at some point. So, like I was saying earlier, there’s no way you could just prove to me that you’re a good person or that I shouldn’t be careful and get you off my property. But you could offer something that is of value that I may need or desire or whatever in a post apocalyptic world, and I might be able to give you something in exchange without you having to be a guest in my house or anything.

And that leads to bartering, you know what I mean? A fair exchange between survivors. He says, I heard from a friend of mine, San Diego, about a similar event in San Diego, which he’s talking about. Those papers falling from the sky with the snakes on them. That was written in Arabic, the one that he found. Right? But he says, in San Diego, the drones were dropping pamphlets, but they were in Korean.

Now, this starts getting into something a little different, right? Not just that they symbolized the plasma snakes and the dragons or whatever coming down out of the sky, the red dragons and stuff, fireworms and stuff. But they were being dropped off by drones. Now, remember, the Tesla cars came from the factories, right? They’re automatic. They were turned on. They became sentient, basically, or they became aware or alive, like Johnny five, all on their own.

So it stands to reason that the drones would do this, too, for places like Amazon. And they’re using drones for deliveries or dropping off things or advertising and stuff. It’s becoming more commonplace. Right, so now we’re getting the picture. The movie’s conveying the idea that the robots are somehow spreading propaganda. So a lot of us have this idea from Terminator two, judgment Day, that the robots, when they become Sentient, are just going to get guns and try to just kill you directly or whatever.

Well, what if it’s artificial intelligence and it understands that there’s an easier way to take out your opponent or humanity, which is to get them to fight amongst themselves. They already have weapons they’ll go kill each other. They won’t blame us at all. Right? So the robots start doing their thing as they try to take over the world or whatever. I do have many videos about that subject, but I don’t want to take up too much time tonight.

Thanks again, Deborah Murray. Super appreciate you in the chat. All right, now this guy says we need to get to that bunker, that doomsday bunker that he mentioned. We got to get there, right? And he’s like, you know something, don’t you? He says all the signs were. I mean, but I didn’t want to scare anyone. You would have called me crazy because it is crazy. So this is one reason why people hush, why they don’t talk about it.

You know what I mean? You start talking about the end of the world and stuff, man. People don’t want to hear that. Doom and gloom. I’m going to do a video called doom and gloom, and I’m going to give people the real doom and gloom. I haven’t. I’m just going to say just once, here it all is. Okay. I do mention many things that are kind of scary and stuff, but I also tend to give you the good news, too.

Right. But people avoid this. They’re willfully ignorant. They don’t want to prepare. They don’t want to hear that the time of the gods, the age of the gods that we now live in, is coming to a close, that it’s coming to an end. And their comfortable lives are going to be stripped away from them and the rug will be pulled out from under them. They don’t want to hear that.

They don’t want to talk about it. And they call people that talk about that crazy. Even though it’s a legitimate study, even though it’s an accepted part of every religion and religious household in some way, shape, or form, and every religious doctrine I’ve ever come across or book or scripture. Right. Despite that, people don’t want to hear it. No, I can’t hear you. Right. It’s kind of how they are.

It’s legitimate thing to discuss. You know what I mean? Even if you don’t have the perspective of ancient cosmology or comparative mythology or any of this stuff, it stands to reason it’s inevitable. But modern academics, they push the end of the world so far out, they basically tell you. Yeah, that’s a thing. Sure. I mean, it won’t happen for like a billion years. Well, why bother talking about it, you know what I mean? He says all the signs were there, but I didn’t want to scare anyone, and I didn’t want you to call me crazy, basically.

And then they show you that there’s bombs that are going off. So here’s theory that I have about what’s happening in the movie is that all of the electronic things, like robots and machines and stuff like that, they become sentient. This is one of my theories on the plasma apocalypse, that they come to life and they have a life of their own. They don’t have programming from outside.

They have their own spirit. They have their own life. However, that spirit and that life energy resonates with their father or their source, which comes from above, which is all that red plasma tentacles that come down, those snakes that come down from the sky or whatever, those are here to destroy. So when they possess things, they want to destroy stuff. They want to go and kill other humans or whatever.

So we have this war. This is Armageddon. This is Ragnarok. This is the final battle, know, Armageddon or whatever. All the stuff’s blowing up all over the place and stuff like that. And then they show you the bunker house, right? This is the place of safety. It’s really interesting that they made that door so skinny, now that I look at it, but you can see that there’s four pillars, right? These are the four creatures that sit around the throne of God, right there in the middle, which is Rupus Negra, or the plasma volcano.

Right in the middle, the red door. Red door symbolism, right? The red portal, et cetera. And the name, actually, you probably can’t see it. Let me zoom in a bit. The name of this family is called the thorns, right? So this is akin or similar to being thrown into the brare patch, which is, it seems like a thorny place, but it’s actually a place of safety, just like when we broke down the secret of Nim, all those advanced rats or whatnot, which represent, like, the anunnaki or survivors of the apocalypse, they lived inside of a thorn bush, right? This is the thorn bush.

And I believe that the thorn reference is because of all the electrical strikes that hit the sand and the muddy ground and stuff that create. What are they called? Fulgarites. Right? They create fulgarites. They lift the sand up out of the ground, petrify it, and it looks like thorns or a valley of thorns all over the place, basically, in certain areas. All right. So anyways, that’s surrounding Mount Maru, where all the electricity is and stuff, right? The little girl goes down into the bunker.

There’s a poster here that says, hope begins in the dark, which is a reference to the apocalypse and the reset and the creation event. She opens up this huge, safe door that takes her down into the areas of safety down in the earth, and she starts turning on all the lights. And when this light turns on, if we zoom in, you can see that something that they chose to decorate their bunker with was cave drawings specifically.

Let’s take a look at some of these here. Now, you’ve got this image right here, which sometimes people interpret as being like a footprint or a handprint or something like that. To me, it looks more like Wilson from castaway or whatever, but these are forms of electricity. Many of these are stuff that people saw in the sky, and they replicated it on the walls, in their caves that they ran to for safety.

This is the wheel in the sky up here. It’s not like a wagon wheel or anything like that. This is the inverted dome, and that’s a depressurization point. And that’s the light coming out of it, or shamash. There’s different creatures. There’s different depictions of the blue beam that shoots up. Sometimes it’s shown as, like, a lizard or a squirrel that looks like it got ran over, like roadkill or something.

Sometimes it’s a turtle. They make it into all kinds of animals and stuff. I thought that was interesting. They put that. And then they have this water that’s there for survival. This place that they’re in, symbolically, is Mount Maru. This is called geist water. Right? So geist is a word that means spirit. It’s related to the word ghost. It means life. So they have life, water, or living waters down here inside of, symbolically speaking, Mount Maru or the safe place.

Right. Yggdrazil. And then down they have. They got plenty of food, food storage. I thought it was really interesting. There’s a lot of indian references here, too. So if you take a look at the right side of the shelves over here. Where is it? They got indian head cornmeal. They got. What is this one? What does that say? This is also an indian thing. Something orange. I can’t tell what it is.

There’s some indian stuff. There’s a whole bunch of indian references here, too. And then they’ve got, like, their little thing where they can monitor the power source and the electricity and their ham radios. They have a ham radio. So the movies do seem to indicate. Somebody asked me this yesterday if ham radios will work or if that’s a good idea. The movies seem to indicate that ham radios are a good idea and that they will work after the apocalypse.

So they show you one here. It might be a good investment. Who knows if other people have one, too? And then they show you this emergency alert on the computer screen inside of this bunker in the safe house. It says White House and major cities under attack by rogue armed forces. Elevated radiation levels detected near multiple population centers. Seek immediate shelter. That’s also a really good movie that we should probably break down, too.

It’s called seek shelter. It’s also about a storm that’s on the way. That’s a world storm that will lead to an apocalyptic event. All right, so she’s down there, and the only thing she really cares about is there’s a tv, and they have a collection of dvds. Guess what? They have. The last episode of Friends. So she pops in the dvd, she puts on the friends thing, and she goes down here, and she selects the last episode, which is called the last one, right? And she goes to press play on the last one.

So you want to know what it’s all about, right? You want to know, like, why would they keep showing this episode of friends or whatever, right? And then a blue light flashes as she’s watching this movie, and she’s happy, and there’s peace and stuff, right? And then that’s the end. This is some doctor who stuff that I recorded later on, but that was the end of the movie.

It suddenly just stops. The whole movie stops. They don’t give you any kind of, like, oh, here’s what happened to everybody, and everyone’s safe, or this person died or whatever. That’s it. They suddenly yoink the movie out from under you, and they’re like, that’s it. That’s the movie. So the reason behind that is because this episode will be determined by you. This is the last episode, what we’re doing.

I mean, not on my channel or anything, hopefully, but you’re living the last episode. You’re Ross, you’re Rachel. We’re all going through this, and this is the last episode. These are the end times. And so they’re saying, if you want to know what happens, stick around because you’re about to watch the last episode. You’re about to find out. I hope you guys had a good time tonight. Thank you so much for recommending this movie to me.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you have any other recommendations, go down to my community section. And there’s a spot down there for you to leave a movie recommendation. It’s good to see so many people. Thanks for all your support. Until next time. I’m Jay Drimber. Saying good vibes and goodbye, you. I try so hard to fade away but something for save me today it’d be easier for me if I can wait to sleep oh, it’s the way I’m gone there’s so many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up.

Time to wake up I’m too many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. I know I should have done this should have quit this long ago can’t send another heartbreak but it’s time to let it go it’d be easier for me if I turn away to sleep but there’s something holding on the way be gone there’s ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up I don’t wait to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up I’m awake up.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby go to go. Don’t you. Don’t escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up anyway time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Close sake. .

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts

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