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Truth in Movies! #108 READY PLAYER ONE

By: JayDreamerZ
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Transhumanism, Utopia, and the Nuances of Reality in “Ready Player One”: A Reevaluation by Tommy Truthful

In the TruthMafia discourse surrounding “Ready Player One,” both the cinematic adaptation by Steven Spielberg and Ernest Cline’s original novel have faced critical scrutiny, often being dismissed for their heavy reliance on pop culture references or criticized for perpetuating androcentric narratives. Such evaluations, however, overlook the depth and complexity inherent in the narrative, which at its core, serves as a speculative exploration of future human-cyberspace relations, the dynamics of interpersonal connections in a digital age, and the societal impacts of corporate greed.

At its essence, “Ready Player One” is a narrative that oscillates between dystopian and utopian visions, presenting a future where technological advancements enable complete immersion in cyberspace, introducing a form of transhumanist technoshamanism. This aspect of the narrative raises pivotal questions regarding the essence of reality and the significance of the virtual in shaping human experience. The story’s engagement with themes traditionally associated with religious discourse—such as the quest for meaning, the nature of the sacred, and the delineation of the real—underscores its complexity beyond mere secular categorizations.

The notion of myth, as employed in the analysis of popular culture and religion, provides a lens through which “Ready Player One” can be reinterpreted. This perspective reveals the story’s ability to convey cultural identity and meaning, challenging stable constructions of myths and highlighting their fluidity and the role of audience and narrators in reshaping narratives. The adaptation of the novel into a film and its reception exemplify this dynamic process, showcasing the ideological shifts and the underlying religious dimensions that are often overlooked.

In discussing the virtual world of the OASIS, “Ready Player One” delves into debates about authenticity and ontological reality, particularly in the context of virtual experiences and identities. The OASIS serves as a utopian refuge from the dystopian realities of the physical world, embodying ideals of freedom, knowledge, and egalitarian access. Yet, it also presents a contested space, where questions of control, authenticity, and the nature of reality converge.

The religious undertones of “Ready Player One” are further elucidated through an examination of the OASIS as a space that mirrors aspects of shamanic journeys and theosophical explorations, challenging conventional distinctions between the sacred and the profane. This analogy, while not perfect, highlights the narrative’s engagement with themes of spiritual exploration, identity transformation, and the quest for knowledge within a technologically mediated cosmos.

Ultimately, “Ready Player One” transcends its surface-level critiques to offer a profound commentary on the human condition in the digital age. It presents a vision of the future where the boundaries between the real and the virtual blur, inviting reflection on the nature of reality, the potential of technology to reshape human experience, and the enduring quest for meaning in an increasingly digital world.

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➡ The speaker is excited to analyze the movie “Ready Player One”, focusing on its themes of simulation theory and reality. They also delve into the symbolism of the Warner Brothers logo, suggesting that it represents the idea of “watchers” or protectors. They further explore the meaning of the name “Warner”, linking it to concepts of caution, protection, and light. The speaker also discusses the symbolism of doors and domes in ancient languages, suggesting they represent portals or gateways.
➡ The text discusses a theory that the moon is a gateway for aliens who are preparing for a war against Earth. It suggests that humans are being conditioned to fight these aliens, who are expected to be unhappy with the state of our world. The text also explores the idea of a future where buildings are stacked on top of each other, and people live in a virtual reality, with drones doing manual labor. Lastly, it mentions a character named Wade, who is an orphan born in 2027, living in a world where reality is disappointing.
➡ The text talks about a complex game involving a map, keys, and a company called Gregarious Games. The game involves finding a place of safety, surviving an apocalypse, and understanding various symbols. The players, known as ‘egg hunters’, are on a quest to find a ‘copper key’ and are represented by characters from different cultures and eras. The text also discusses the symbolism of numbers and letters, and the concept of left and right brain thinking.
➡ The text discusses the symbolism of ‘101’ and its connection to ancient myths, legends, and structures like the Pillars of Hercules. It suggests that ‘101’ represents a gateway or entrance to other worlds or realms, both above and below the earth. The text also explores the idea of ancient artifacts and their significance in mythology, using examples from pop culture and historical events. Lastly, it delves into the symbolism found in different cultures, like the German Ananerbe and the African Dogon tribe, and how these symbols relate to the concept of ‘101’ and the idea of a central, powerful force or place.
➡ The text talks about a movie where characters are in a race to find a key. The key to winning the race is to go backwards, not forwards, which is a metaphor for returning to old ways instead of always seeking progress. The text also discusses symbols and their meanings, like the Atari logo representing a place of creativity and the Firestone logo hinting at a deep history. The text suggests that these symbols and the race itself are all connected to a central theme of seeking a mythical place called Mount Maru.
➡ The text discusses a movie where the main character is on a quest to find clues and survive an apocalypse. The movie also shows how distractions, like advertisements, can prevent us from reaching our goals. The text also delves into the meanings of certain words and names in the movie, relating them to concepts like purity, light, and gardens. Lastly, it mentions a prophecy about a dragon causing destruction, and how mankind will have to face the consequences of their actions.
➡ The text talks about a catastrophic event that will wipe out most of humanity, leaving only a few survivors who will start a new civilization on the ocean floor. These survivors will be visited by a group of unknown men who will teach them how to live and love, leading to a new golden age. The text also discusses a movie where a virtual reality world is created, including a dance club called the Distracted Globe, which the creator hates. The movie also features a future where people are trapped in virtual reality, doing manual labor as avatars, and a character who is offered wealth and power to join the government’s side.
➡ This text is about a complex journey to find the fountain of youth, which is more important to the rich than anything else. The journey involves deciphering clues from movies like The Shining and involves elements of symbolism, such as the number 11 and the color blue. The journey also includes navigating through a maze and taking a leap of faith. The ultimate goal is to find three keys, each representing a different stage of the journey, to unlock the secret to eternal life.
➡ The text talks about a virtual reality world where people are stuck, detached from real life. It suggests that life isn’t meant to be all work, but rather to relax and play. The story also mentions a final challenge in a cold place, where one must pass an ice dome to reach other worlds. Lastly, it discusses the idea of being trapped in a continuous simulation, even when you think you’ve escaped.
➡ The text talks about a prophecy from the Book of Revelation where people from all over the world gather at a mountain for a final battle. The prophecy says that fire will come down from heaven and destroy them all. The text also discusses a modern interpretation of this prophecy, suggesting that it could be related to a virtual world where people fight for power and wealth. However, the main character in this scenario chooses not to fight, but to play and have fun, rejecting the idea of winning at all costs.
➡ This text talks about a game where players are tested for their goodness and creativity, similar to the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The winner inherits a virtual world and decides to share it with everyone, promoting freedom and unity. They also implement rules to balance virtual and real life, emphasizing that reality is the only thing that’s real. The text ends with a song about waking up, possibly symbolizing the need to face reality.
➡ The text talks about a virtual world created by a character named James Halliday. James, whose name means “one who comes next,” is seen as a god-like figure who has the power to change things at a genetic and chemical level. He created a place for people to escape the chaos of the world, a paradise at the center of the world with four rivers and a mountain in the middle. The text also discusses the concept of traveling through different worlds or “hubs” within the mind of God, using energy conduits similar to neurons.
➡ The text talks about the possibility of humans riding giant birds, using examples from video games, movies, and historical records. It also discusses the symbolism of a blue beam and artifacts in a game world, relating it to a real-world phenomenon. The text ends by suggesting that two characters in a game represent different aspects of the same energy or phenomenon.
➡ The text discusses the symbolism behind the names of characters in a movie. The character Ogden Morrow represents a powerful energy from the earth, with his name meaning a hollow place in the earth and his last name relating to words meaning to shine or die. The text also discusses the symbolism of the blue beam, which represents good energy and vibes, but when it disappears, it leads to chaos and destruction. The text also delves into the symbolism of George Washington’s name, suggesting he represents an earth worker or shaper.
➡ The text discusses the origins of the word ‘orc’ and its various pronunciations. It also explores the meaning of the name ‘Washington’, suggesting it comes from ‘Wasa’, which means water, and ‘ing’, indicating a tribe or community. The text also delves into the symbolism in paintings of George Washington, suggesting he is depicted as a god-like figure. Lastly, it questions the authenticity of various portraits of George Washington, arguing they depict different people.
➡ The text discusses the author’s skepticism about the authenticity of George Washington’s portraits and his existence. The author questions the varying depictions of Washington in different paintings and suggests that he might not have been a real person. The author also discusses the symbolism in various images and suggests that they might represent ancient gods. Lastly, the author questions the authenticity of Martha Washington’s portraits and suggests that she might also be a fictional character.
➡ The text talks about the history and symbolism of pointy hats, like the dunce cap and birthday hats. These hats were originally worn by smart people, not dunces, and were believed to channel energy into the wearer. The text also suggests that these hats were worn by beings from the stars, and that they were used to protect against sunlight and to attract energy in an electrically charged atmosphere. The text also mentions that these hats are seen in various cultures and religions, and even in popular culture like Star Trek.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including the symbolism of the “eye in the sky” and the concept of an “all-seeing eye”. It also delves into a prophecy about the end of the world, involving a fiery dragon and a silver serpent. The text then explores the origins of Easter and its connection to the direction of the sun’s rise, and the ancient goddesses associated with it. Lastly, it talks about the symbolism of Easter eggs and their significance in various cultures.
➡ The text talks about various symbols and phenomena, like light shooting up from the ground into the sky, which is actually plasma. It mentions Easter, solstices, and equinoxes, and how they relate to the return of light after it “dies” and goes into the earth. The text also discusses the symbol of the moon goddess Inanna and the concept of an “Easter egg” as a huge inverted dome in the sky. Lastly, it talks about a movie where a character named Anorak hides an Easter egg in an oasis, and whoever finds it gets special abilities.


Aloha, and welcome to truth in movies. Happy Sunday, everybody. I’m back and I’m ready to break down another movie with you all today. We’re going to do ready player one. I’m so excited. I’m always excited. There’s so much good information, and this is going to be a long presentation. I haven’t even covered half of the things, especially the Easter eggs, that are found within this movie. But we’re going to get really deep.

Before we do, I just want to give a shout out to one of my viewers who sent me a kind little letter and a drawing in my po box. I just wanted to say that made my day, and so I would like to just give them a special, warm thank you for that. All right, without any further ado, let’s break down this movie that’s all about simulation theory and asking the question, what is real and what’s important? Do we live in a simulation or a video game, et cetera? We’re going to get so deep into ancient history, ancient oblivion, et cetera.

Let’s go ahead and begin. Red, your player one starts off. Now, like I said, I like to watch these intros from the production companies to see what little gems that they provide because they usually give some symbolic imagery right at the beginning of the movie. This one you can see, it’s the Warner Brothers studio lot, and it’s that golden age color, and then there’s sort of a ripple that goes through it, and they show you the actual Warner building right there, which is representative of the golden age every single time across the board.

I’ve noticed this, right. A lot of these production companies, especially the real imaginative ones, especially the ones that seem like they’re trying to share some deep, esoteric wisdom with people, or the movie is definitely not just an entertaining story. And that’s it. But that’s how the best truths I’ve found have always been shared is through allegory and metaphor, et cetera. So I saw this and I’m like, wow, the shield, Warner Brothers Shield.

I wonder why they chose a shield. So I had to look into this, right? And of course, there’s little halo wrapped around it, too. So let’s check out the name Warner Brothers. Now, you’ll notice it’s a blue shield as opposed to a red shield, which we’ll see later on in the movie, the Red Shield representing a certain family. So let’s check out Warner Brothers. Let’s do an etymological study real quick on Warner.

What does that name mean? Now, if we check it out. It comes from the root warn. So they’re quite literally those who warn the Warners of people, brothers who warn people, etc. There’s a lot of brothers, especially a lot of twin brothers and whatnot in Hollywood, too. But it comes from Warren, old high German Varnon or Warnon, which means to take heed. Now, there’s a couple of things it can be.

See how it says it’s related to weir, the proto indo european root weir. Let’s check that out. It’s good to always look these up. Sometimes they have multiple meanings. Okay, see how there’s a number four right next to it? That means there’s four different original words called Ver or Wehr. So we’re going to look up all of them. So we’re looking up Warner Brothers and the name Warner, to check it out.

It means to take heed, to take caution, to be careful, number one. Ver, which means to raise or to lift, to lift up into the air. Right. Ver means to watch out for, to be protective, to perceive, quite literally, watchers. I do believe that there were families of people and positions that people had that were known as the Watchers. And they weren’t just the watchers over humanity. They were the ones watching out for the sign that things were about to change in this world.

They were looking for particular lights or signals. Ver means also to cover those who cover. Right. Now, a cover could be twofold. All of these things have twofold interpretations, depending on your own energy. If you have energy that resonates with bad things, you’re often going to see bad things. If you have an energy that resonates with good things, you will often see good things. That doesn’t mean that that’s the case in either of those times.

But to cover can mean to conceal, to hide something, to cover it up, to make it esoteric. Right? Or it can also mean to cover it up to protect it, like the dome above our world protects us. Ver. The last one means to bend, to turn or to bend. This one reminds me a lot of avatar, the last air bender, which are those who can manipulate and move and bend the elements, et cetera.

So keep those in mind, that’s war or weir. And now we’re going to check out nur for Warner and Warner brothers. Basically, it comes from the root word, which means vitality, vigorous, strong, a life force, a life energy. But if we get a little deeper into it, we look up the Hebrew. And ner quite literally means lamp. If you look at the bottom right there, it says lamp.

So a life force and an association with a light, an actual light. If you look at it in Albanian, it says it comes from the turkish word and the arabic word nur. Nur or nar. Oftentimes the vowels don’t matter, not always, but oftentimes they’re just filler vowels to force a pronunciation upon you. Nar in Arabic means light. Specifically in Islam, it refers to the holy light. So now we have VAR nar, which is the protectors, coverers, watchers, et cetera, for this holy light.

Those who are watching for this holy light, et cetera. And then if you look up menorah, this is also the root of it in Arabic is nar, like Naruto if you watch anime. And nar means fire or light or qi or energy or prana, and all of these different derivatives, basically plasma, just to be direct. Now, the next production company shows you just a black sky with a few stars.

And the sky starts to open up. That’s basically what they’re showing you here. Okay? The sky starts to open up. It cracks open, and then there’s this triangle door that opens up, and it’s called access entertainment. This triangle right here is a door. In ancient languages, especially if you go back to the Phoenician and the paleo Hebrew, the triangle represents a door. It’s the letter D, and it’s where our letter D actually comes from.

Let me show you. Let’s get a little deeper into this. This is how the letter D used to be drawn. This is an older version, not the oldest, though. And then it just went right into a triangle. And then now it’s more of this, like a door post, and then a door frame on the top. And it’s supposed to be open. An open door. Right, a portal, et cetera.

Now, let’s focus on this part. I’ve done this before. I broke this down. I think it was when we did Stargate. I can’t remember, honestly. But this letter over here, which is the letter D, these are all different forms of a letter D. I believe, first and foremost, it wasn’t always written as a square underneath a line. This was a dome, an inverted dome underneath a line which represented, according to my studies and research and beliefs and feelings.

This is the firmament. That line at the top is the firmament, and that is the eye in the sky. That is the inverted dome at the top of our actual firmament, or the actual world, which is the door of heaven, which is the portal of the gods, which is the star gate. When it opens. Once it opens up during depressurization events that opens up, we are free to leave.

Others are free to drop on in. Here’s another version of it, surrounded by some more paleo hebrew letters. This is Dalet, the letter D, the triangle and the delta in Greek. Right. Here’s some other versions of it you can see. One of those variations is that it was more rounded. I believe that it became more of like a square shape or a triangle shape as people were trying to carve the image into stone.

It’s very difficult if you’ve ever tried to carve your name into a rock or even a tree, which sucks. But it’s not easy to make bending lines on those substances. So over time, it just becomes like a line and a triangle, and it gives us our modern letter D. But it used to be more circular, like a dome shape. Here’s sort of how it turned into. This is a really good channel.

I can’t remember their name, or I would totally give them a shout out right now, but they break down the Hebrew Alphabet. I’ll give them a shout out another time, but you could check it out, just type in original Hebrew language and I’m sure their channel will pop up once again. That is the firmament. This is the actual inverted dome at the top of the sky, which is Humpty Dumpty, which is the actual physical star, the star, the only physical, real substance star that’s not a light or a luminary.

And I believe it actually casts the other luminaries down into our sky. This also gives us the delta Force. Right. When you hear about the delta Force, their logo is the triangle and they’re the force of the gate. They’re the gatekeepers, quite actually. And they’re making know this space force and all that. It’s basically Delta Force. Right? They’re making ready to get ready for war against alien beings that come down into this world, that follow up and they come around and they take a look to see what the status of things are.

And every ancient religion indicates that they won’t be too happy with what they find. Right. So we were being conditioned and trained to shoot up at the aliens that arrive, because they’re going to take over the world and it’s really painted in a negative way before we even have any knowledge about it. Right. And then you also notice the red sky symbolism. That’s the sword shooting up. We’ll see some more sword symbolism here in a minute.

And it’s also brought to you by Amblin. Amblin. Which has the moon right there, right? That’s the moon logo. Not just the moon, but a moon with somebody who’s floating, right? The depressurization up to the moon. That’s what happens. A superhero cape, which is what happens after the depressurization, or the plasma apocalypse, as I call it, is that people inherit super strength, superpowers and stuff like that because of the conditions in our world changing so drastically.

Basically, it’s like you have super strength and speed and things like that if you’re a survivor, not if you’re born into that world. And then, of course, there’s an alien on that, too, because that’s where the aliens come from. They come from the moon, the actual moon that is a part of our world up there in the sky, right? And then Amblin. Ambul means to wander. It means nomadic, and then in is just own.

It means of thee. So these people are of the wanderers or of the nomads that are from the moon, the location of the moon. They’re aliens, basically, if you want to just be blunt about it. All right, so we started off in the main character. He lives in the future, and in the future, a lot of the buildings are stacked up one on top of each other, especially in the ghetto, rv park type areas.

They stack these rvs on top of each other, and it’s called the stacks, which is directly related to the word stick, and is also related to stake, which is a beam, which is a pole. So this is the land of the stakes, or the land of the poles, et cetera. And there’s also an interesting. There’s a lot of connections between these ancient, legendary cities or countries or nations or whatever.

And these beams and these poles in Islam, they have one that’s of particular interest to me, and it’s basically their version of Atlantis. But the thing it was known for was these huge columns that were lofty columns and pillars. It was actually called Iran of the pillars, and it was destroyed just like Atlantis, by God. All right, so we check this out, and they’ve got a commercial going on.

So this is the main character over here. His name’s Wade. We’ll get to him in a minute. He’s basically going about his day, leaving his little rv or whatever. He looks over and sees this commercial for this new product called the X one. There are a lot of eleven references in the movie. This is just the first one, and I’m only going to point a few of them out because there’s a whole bunch, right? It says, get ready for the feel.

The feel of real, the X one, right. Eleven. The feel of real, having real feelings. This harkens back to the elven race. Eleven is symbolic for elven. Right eleven, elven, et cetera. And those are the people who are either from the stars, from the sky, who drop down, and they’re seen as being gigantic, having superpowers, et cetera. But not just that, but being filled with. To the top, completely charged up with life force, with that life force energy, as is anyone else that lives at the center of the world.

Paradise or hyperborea or. Oh, I just got a donation. Thank you so much in the chat. I love rods. $5. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yes. So just going to scooch that down a bit. All right, cool. All right, that should be good. Let me just test it out real quick. I just want to make sure. All right. Oh, that’s too far down. Hold on. Let’s see. You got the alert box, but.

Bam. Sorry about that. There we go. That should work better. All right. I just want to make sure it doesn’t cover anything up here. Let me become a member. All right, cool. Yes. All right, perfect. All right, so back to the movie. So it’s the x one, the eleven symbolism, right. Right now we’re in a weakened state, energetically speaking, the earth is charging energy, which means it’s taking it away from the surface, and it’s being siphoned or drawn into the hollow recesses of our world, going back to its source, down into where the smoky God lives, if you’ve read that book, the smoky God, et cetera.

So we’re losing a lot of stuff. We’re losing a lot of feeling, a lot of taste, a lot of senses, and a lot of sensations, including emotional ones, especially important ones like love and things like that. So they’re talking about being an elven. Right. This is all about returning to Mount Maru, getting your true feelings back, true sensations, et cetera. And keep that in mind. This entire movie is about going to Mount Maru and returning to paradise, the Garden of Eden.

Now, you can see here that the people in the future, they all have this false reality. They all have these goggles on, and they’re the opposite of. They live goggles. Okay. Like the. They live goggles are symbolic, at the least, for showing us what’s really happening in the real world, right. Everyone else is basically wearing these goggles, which are like the evil version of the. They live goggles from the movie.

They live, right. The rowdy, rowdy piper goggles. So everyone in this world, they put on these goggles for fun, to play games and stuff, but they also put on these goggles for work and everything. They do everything through virtual reality or augmented reality. There’s also this interesting concept, too, is that there’s all these drones in the future. The drones do a lot of the manual labor, right? The humans do, too, but they’re in prisons, and I’ll show you that a little towards the end.

But these drones, this one in particular is delivering a pizza from Pizza Hut. And I thought it was really interesting, given the moon glyph that I showed you earlier, or the dalette, the ancient delete, which is the firmament. And then that little square underneath, that’s what Pizza Hut’s logo is, except for it’s upside down. It’s an inverted version of the doorway or the pathway or the covering or the roof of our world or.

You know what I mean? It’s the hut. This is supposed to be like the roof of a building or whatever, but it’s the exact glyph that I showed you earlier, except for it’s upside down, as is everything in this world. See, when we go through these polarity shifts, I feel okay, based on my research and experiences, especially in life, that everything becomes energetically flipped upside down. Everything is the opposite of what people like myself feel that it should be.

Feel, which is the natural way. Feel, which is a good way. And the world just becomes ran by evil. I don’t know how Dallas to describe it. You know what I mean? Everything becomes inverted. Everything becomes flipped upside down and put onto its head. All right, so we get back to Wade. Wade says, I was born in 2027, which is only three years from now. So be on the lookout for future Wade to be born.

My parents didn’t make it through those times, so there was something that happened in those times. They didn’t make it right. Sounds like an apocalyptic scenario, but also it infers and implies he’s an orphan. There’s a lot of orphan symbolism in Hollywood. In the movies, oftentimes, the protagonists are made purposefully orphans when they don’t have to at all. There’s no reason. It’s not just easy because you don’t have to write more storyline or whatever.

They purposefully choose them to be orphans because there’s a direct correlation between apocalyptic events and cataclysms and an influx of orphans in the world. So we follow this orphan named Wade. He says, these days, reality is a bummer. And you can see he looks down at his he man lunchbox, which is pretty awesome. The entire cartoon. He man is completely esoteric and touches on every subject about ancient oblivion and the plasma apocalypse that I talk about here on my channel quite often.

It’s just a cartoon version of our real, actual history. It’s not just a cool cartoon and you just kick back and watch or whatever. It’s cool because of how deeply it resonates on a truth level, as is much fiction and fantasy and Sci-Fi and stuff like that. Now, he talks about the creator of this virtual world, and we’re going to learn more about that right now. He says, james Halliday saw the future.

So James Halliday is the creator of this virtual world. Let’s check his name out. James comes from Jacob, which comes from Yahakov, which means one that takes by the heel a supplanter. Now, that’s maybe difficult to understand. It’s a lot of big words, so I’ll just be plain. It means somebody who comes next. Right? Someone who comes next. It’s also related to Jago Yago, Diego, Giacomo, James, Yaco, Jamie, Jaime, et cetera.

Right. These are all ones. These are all names that mean someone who comes next, someone who comes after. Right. Somebody who is left after an apocalyptic event, somebody who is a survivor, basically. And also the newcomers as well, those who come down from above and come up from within the hollow recesses of the world. Now, it’s going to be in reference to actually, like, an energy that permeates this world that many people might refer to as El or God or et cetera.

Right. We’ll talk more about that in a bit. So it says that this guy James, the one who comes after he built it, he built this place. So he’s the architect. Right? So when they talk about the architect, they’re talking about a godlike person, somebody who can terraform, and I’m not talking about a human who’s in the flesh or anything. I’m talking about the energies in our earth within this place, and cosmic energies as well, that are that powerful, that they have the ability to change and shift things around at genetic levels and at the chemical element level as well.

Says he gave us a place to go. So this godlike creator person, this architect, gave us a place to go. Right. There is a place to go to escape the madness of this world and to escape the apocalypse. That is cyclical and happens all the time. Eden is that place. Mount Maru. This is the old Mercator map of the Arctic. There’s many versions of it. This is one of the most well known versions of it, and I like it.

And one of my subscribers sent me this as a tapestry. I actually have it hanging above my head right over there in my room. So, thank you. Anyways, so he gave us a place to go. So this guy, James HallidAy, symbolically is representative of that energy or that being, or whatever you’d like to refer to it as that created, at the very least, this island in particular, the island of paradise at the center of the world, the one with four rivers splitting in the middle, with the crystal lake at its center and a mountain in the middle of that.

Here’s another version of it. I’m going to go ahead and zoom in on this one so that you can see at the center of this one. This is the Urbano Monte map of the 15 hundreds or 500s, depending on how you look at time. And it’s got the letter g right there in the middle. That’s the gimel. In the ancient languages, it was a glyph. That was a picture of a foot.

And that foot implied movement towards something. It also implied a destination. Right. So they would put the g where there was a destination. Oftentimes they would put the g. Sometimes they would put an x, because as you can see, those rivers kind of make an x as well. We’ll come back to that, too. So that’s the g, that’s the gamel, that’s the foot, that’s the Nike swoosh. That’s why they put that on shoes and stuff like that.

And that’s the destination, the oasis, which is where he’s about to go when he puts on these goggles, right? So he puts on the goggles, he gets into the oasis. What’s the first thing that he sees? He sees this neuron looking thing that looks like some sort of a plasma filament with like a z pinch in the middle, where everything’s created, basically, and it looks like space, which, if you have seen my fractal verse videos, this would be entering into the mind of God, right? Or the fractal verse, or all the different worlds that exist out there.

And the heavens are really bright and full of light. Closer to what it’s portraying here. Maybe even brighter than this, actually, because there’s a lot of darkness off to the sides. So he goes through this portal. There’s all these different worlds that you can visit when you’re out there in, quote unquote space, or the fractal verse. It’s not really space. This is beyond space. Space is between the ground and the firmament.

The sky is the limit. Once you get past that limit, you’re entering into the heavens, right? Which is where all of the other worlds exist. So he goes in through this portal, goes on in there, and you can see he travels through what I call a plasma conduit. This is a hallway of light and energy, and its purpose is to transfer energy from one hub within the mind of God to another hub within the mind of God, just like neurons do, right? So imagine we’re microscopic and tiny, flying through one of these little neurons to get to these other hubs or worlds where there’s different purposes whenever you get inside of them.

And this is shown to us in Doctor who enter the spiderverse and like, a million tv shows and movies, right? So this is us going through these plasma conduits, which are on the other side of a black hole that opens up in the sky, which is a hole is in a physical object. Okay? So have a hole in nothing is ridiculous to me. And that’s how academics teaches that.

All right, back to the movie. I just noticed the battle toads. There’s so much. There’s so many little. This is my time, okay? I’m from the 80s, early ninety s, et cetera. Like, all of this stuff, I recognize everything in this movie. I don’t want to break it all down because I didn’t want to detract from what the movie was actually trying to say, but I think that’s cool.

They put that in there. He said. So when you go out into the fractal verse, you can become a different species. You can be live action or a cartoon. There’s a robocop appearance, which I thought was kind of cool, too. At first I was going to record all of the little Easter eggs from, like, the stuff, but then I was overwhelmed. I’m like, no, we need to stay focused.

Now they show you Wade. This is his avatar, and his nickname that he goes by is not Wade, but it’s Parzaval, which we’ll break that down here in just a second. But I want you to pay attention to his little avatar. Sherilyn Grovit. Hey, welcome to my channel. You got the Ghostbusters. That’s cool. Slimer. All right, so focus on his little avatar. Notice his skin, right? They made his skin purposefully, have these large, scaly look to them, right? And he’s also purposefully, like, very pale and pasty and white looking, right? That’s because it harkens back to when bipedal humanoids or fractal verse travelers, space travelers, you could call them.

When they come into these other worlds, they tend to be very pasty and pale skinned and are said, according to myths and legends, the world across and across time to have a scaly look to them. That’s why people oftentimes refer to these as the reptilians, right? I do not, because I don’t think that they evolved from lizards, just like I don’t call us monkey people because I don’t think we evolved from monkeys or whatever, right? But that was purposefully done, he says, except for eating, sleeping and bathroom breaks, whatever people want to do, they do it in the oasis.

Let’s review that for just a second. Now, if you’re just mindlessly watching the movie, you’re just thinking, oh, people are constantly playing video games so much that when they have to use the bathroom, they stop. And when they have to eat, they stop or whatever. But esoterically, that’s not what this is saying. This is showing you paradise. And in paradise, people don’t need to eat, they don’t need to sleep, and they don’t need to use the bathroom.

Why? That’s because it’s energetically charged. And when you live in a place that’s energetically charged, as paradise is typically described as being, then you resonate with that and you become energetically charged. Right. The reason we eat so much and we’re all consumers these days, and we sleep for a third of the day or longer sometimes, if you can sleep, there’s a lot of truth seekers like myself that have problems sleeping because my mind is like, you’re charged, you don’t need sleep.

That’s what sleep is for. It’s for charging up the body because you lose energy. That’s what eating is for. So that you can put something in your face and chew on it and break it down and then have it decompose in your body. And your body can send more energy from something else that was once alive. And we’re stealing that life, basically. We’re taking that life into us.

That’s why many people give thanks and all that stuff before they eat, because that’s what we’re doing. And then bathroom breaks, if you’re not eating, you don’t need to go number two, you know what I mean? You don’t need bathroom breaks, which could help to explain the lack of so many bathrooms and different periods in our past, in major areas and things like castles and stuff. So whatever people want to do, they do it in the oasis that’s paradise.

Now they zoom into this war planet. This is like a video game section within the oasis or whatever. There’s millions of little planets and video games. They zoom into it. And if you check this out, right, there’s these people going to war with each other, but one side is all like, they look like scorpions or something, right? But the other side has these birds, and people are writing on top of the birds, and some of them, I don’t know if I can zoom in enough here.

Yeah. So you see there’s one in the air jumping up in the air, and it’s got human beings on it, right? Giant birds. This is from the video game joust, which was a classic when I was a kid. Basically, you ride on top of, like, a vulture or an ostrich or some giant bird, and you joust one another, right? It’s a cool video game, but it’s cool because it’s fun.

But it’s also cool because of the esoteric symbolism. You notice the eight pointed star right there, too, in the middle. Right? So let’s talk about giant birds and whether or not it’s a possibility for people to ride on top of them, the pygmies. When we look up the story of the pygmies, which if you look on that map, there’s a quadrant of that map that says in real big letters, pygmies lived here.

They were tiny humans. They were tiny people or humanoids. And the pygmies were said to always go to war against the cranes, which were this type of long legged bird with a long beak, et cetera. So they were constantly fighting these giant birds in comparison to their small stature. And then this one, in some images, you can see them actually riding on top of the cranes. Sometimes they tamed them, sometimes they killed them, oftentimes, actually, because they were trying to pick them up.

The rock. Rock is a bird, not the actor or anything, but there was a giant, legendary bird called the rock, which was said, and this is in historic records, okay? This is in the record books and the annals and the diaries of world explorers who went around the world. Some of them actually put into their diaries little entries about this giant bird. The bird was said to swoop down.

It was known to swoop down and pick up elephants, pulling them up into the air and then dropping them to kill them easily, just letting them smash into the ground or whatever, and then flying them back to their young to feed them to their young. Now, many people in the academic world, in the modern world, they would say, oh, well, that’s just a myth. That’s just a legend.

And they would minimize it immediately because it’s not, to them, possible under these conditions in the modern age. So they project the modern conditions and what we are used to and what we call norms into our esoteric past, and therefore they erase that past, just like in 1984. They alter information, they alter what is possible. But this is shown to us throughout the movies, just like in dreamland that we broke down right when they’re riding on top of the geese, the giant geese flying on top of them, just like in the Lord of the Rings, they fly on gigantic eagles on the backs of eagles.

This one is from a really cool movie called the school of good and evil. There’s actually a bird that’s carrying these two. And it’s talons right there. This is from what was this one? I forgot what this one, uh, what’s that one? Explorer. Not Jason and the Argonauts. I forgot. Anyways, there’s another legend about somebody being carried by a giant bird. Now, this is actually still photos from videos of birds carrying gigantic creatures.

Many people speculate and say that this was a video. Okay, I can’t share the video, but it’s a still frame from a video of what looks like a bird carrying a shark. Some people argue and they’re like, oh, no, it’s just some weird fish or whatever. Many people say that looks a lot like a shark. And people were watching this one. Here’s a story about a woodpecker who jumped onto the back of a bird.

I forgot what kind of bird that is. But the bird was flying around. The photographer took his picture and everything, and it’s riding on the bird. I’m sorry. It’s a Weasel on a woodpecker. That’s what it is. So the weasel jumped onto the back of the woodpecker, right, and just went for a ride. Then here’s another one still frame of an eagle swooping down to grab a deer.

Let’s zoom into the back. You can see it actually has the skin in its talons. And they are known to pick them up into the air and swoop away with their prey in their talons, right? But people today will say, oh, there’s no way. That’s impossible. Well, here’s a still frame, two of them from a video that people caught this live on video. Now, some people say, oh, it’s a goat.

That’s not a deer. Who cares? That’s the damn big animal that just got swooped up by a bird, not even a giant bird, like they talk about, like the rock in the old times or other giant birds of renown, right? Here’s another still frame of an eagle. And there’s bigger birds in our world, too, that swooped down on a lamb, scooped it up, picked it up into the air, and flew away.

Right? So this is highly possible and maybe even related to the story of storks, which are types of like cranes and those types of animals that delivered babies less than 100 years ago. This was the story. If people, this was their talk to their children. Where do babies come from? Oh, the stork delivers them. That’s interesting that there’s this legend also about a bird that carries little humans and delivers them.

All right, getting back to the movie now, they’re getting into this war game or whatever, and you’re going to meet this next character. This is H. Parcel’s best friend. He shoots Freddy Krueger, which is cool. I thought that was a cool little appearance or whatever. And then, oh, there’s one more little Easter egg I wanted to show you guys because from my time. But this guy pops up to shoot him.

And this guy right here that’s about to shoot a bazooka or a rocket his way is Duke Newcomb, which I thought was kind of cool, too. That’s just a side thing, right? Also looks like Kurt Russell. I always thought Duke Nukem looks just like Kurt Russell. Artifacts. All right, so this is within the game. This is in this particular world where everyone’s warring against each other. And then you start talking about artifacts, and I’m going to tell you about artifacts, and we’re going to dive into that.

But before I do, please notice that this is the Mount Maru symbolism, and there is a blue beam being emitted from the top. And he’s talking about artifacts, right? This is a plasma volcano. For those of you who don’t know, this is what creates day in our world. When we talk about cycles of day and night or apocalyptic or epics or eons or ages, right? Right now we live in night, even though we have what people call the sun, which is a little nightlight, basically, we have two nightlights at this particular moment, but it’s dark.

It’s dark outside, it’s nighttime, et cetera. But whenever these terrestrial beams of energy shoot up from within the earth, these columns, these pillars, and they rise up and touch the heavens, they’ll provide light, and not just physical light, but illumination as you resonate with the energy of the earth herself. So it’s a Mount Maru symbolism, and he says artifacts. Those were key. All these people are trying to collect these artifacts.

I’m going to come back to the artifacts. When we talk about a certain country and World War II and things of that nature, he goes back to Halliday and his partner. Here’s Halliday right here, the creator, the architect. And he had a partner. He did have a partner, right? Halliday represents Mount Maru and the blue beam. But oftentimes this is twofold. Okay? There is the blue beam that is seen that people see up here on the surface, and then there’s the rest of it that’s down inside of the earth, in the underworld, in the underdark, or in the upside down, et cetera.

So these two people represent one in the same phenomenon or energy or power or God, if you like. It says he and his partner, Ogden Morrow, released the first Oasis build in 2025. So this guy’s name is basically the one who comes next, which is a holiday, which is what holiday means, right? When you see that blue beam shoot up into the sky, you’re on holiday, you’re set free.

It’s the year of Jubilee. People don’t have to obey the system. After all the chaos that ensues from the apocalypse. You’re free to live life however you want. You live in a new world and you make your own rules and stuff. So this guy represents the other side of that, and his name is Ogden Moro. So let’s check out his name, first and foremost, his first name, Ogden.

He says at the end of the movie, call me Og. He represents King Og, which is a type of that blue beam. King Og is represented as holding up the mountain he’s going to throw onto the camp of Israel, et cetera. Og, king Og, the Titan. He’s atlas, basically, which is not a physical, actual humanoid titan, but plasma or ionized gases that come up out of the earth.

Right. And then split once they get close to the firmament. So king og, or Aug den, if you look it up, means a hollow place in the earth, right? That’s what it means. It means like a cave, basically is a den. Right. Now, it’s got other modern meanings and whatnot, but that’s what it means. So the den of Og or og inside of the earth or that beam energy down inside of the underworld, basically also cave.

Here it is again. If you want to pause it, you can check out all of the different roots where it comes from. Right. Den Doni is an interesting one, too. Lair. Right. Alternative forms of Moro, his last name. So Ogden is the inner earth, home of that beam energy, and then his last name is Moro. Right. Like Dr. Moro. That’s kind of also what that reminds me of, too.

Right. Moro, like tomorrow. Right. So tomorrow, what does Morrow mean? Well, it’s related to this word morgen. Like they say, good Morgen, good Morgen, et cetera. This is really interesting, too. So if we go a little further, we see it comes from the proto indoeuropean root word mer, which can mean to gleam, to shimmer, to sparkle, to shine, shining, which is going to play a part here later on in the movie.

Right. So, Moro, what does it mean? It comes from two words, mer or Mar. Two very similar same words that have the same root. We look it up. Mehr or Mar. Right. Remember, the vowels don’t always count. Protoindoeuropean root word meaning to rub away, to harm. There’s always a positive and a negative. Mer means to die and forms words that mean to die or death. Right. Because whenever that blue beam goes away and it goes down into the earth, then there’s famine and there’s destruction and death ensues and there’s no longer the time of no death, et cetera.

So that’s one side of it. Let’s look at another side. Oh, it’s not going to show you the other side right now. I didn’t take the picture, but I’ll show you in a bit. It comes later, but basically it means purity and things like that. We’ll come back to that. Right. All right. So he says he wasn’t just the owner of the world’s biggest company. They’re talking about James Halliday right here, the guy who built this virtual reality world.

He wasn’t just the owner of the biggest company. Now, what’s the biggest company in the world? Blackrock. Right? Essentially, they’ve got trillions of dollars, far more, at least three times as much as the second most powerful company or richest company in the world. So this guy who represents the God of the world or the energy of our world, we’ll say, I know people get in their feelings about using the word God, and that’s okay, I get it.

But he represents the blue beam. That’s why he’s all in blue. You see that right there? Dressed up all in blue? He represents the blue beam. He also, the blue beam comes out of the black rock. Right? People in this world, humanoids, want to get there first. There’s a race to try to establish that’s the land that they want to claim. The people who believe in claiming land and taking ownership and taking things away, that’s what this whole movie is about.

We have those people who are in control of our world right now because that beam of good energy, of good vibes, of good vibrations and frequency is gone. I mean, it’s gone from the surface world, I should say. It left traces of itself here that live within many of us, right? But for the most part, it’s gone. And while the cats away, the mice will play, right? So all of the evil people try to take over the world and take over the land, et cetera.

And they especially want to take over the land at the Arctic, the north pole, rupus negra at altissima, which translates to the high and lofty black rock or black stone. Right. Why? Because that’s the antenna of the world. That frequency reaches the entire world. Take out a compass, look at it, and it will pick up on the frequency of Mount Maru, I promise. Okay? It’s the magnetic mountain or the lodestone mountain.

It says he was like a God. People loved him. So right here, they tell you point blank, he’s like a God. Maybe not the all everywhere, omnipotent, omniscient God, et cetera, but he’s like a God meaning a powerful leader, right? Or a powerful rod, which is how the word God was originally written. And then on January 7, 2040, he died. Now, this is where we get deep, right? We’re just getting everybody warmed up for what comes next.

Some really deep stuff. So the blue beam dies symbolically, which means it retracts. It goes into the earth, which always is followed by bad times and corporations taking over the world, and merchants and contractual laws and the laws of the ocean, et cetera, and famine and disease and all these things, right? So he dies, the blue beam dies, goes down into the earth. Then they show you this scene of his body, allegedly with these quarters on top of it, right? This was to pay the boatman or the ferryman that’s supposed to put these coins on top of the eyes in order to pay this myth.

It’s an old myth. Okay? But I want you to focus on what it’s showing you. Aside from just the myth of the two coins on the eyes, many people know that. So that’s the surface esoteric story that’s being shown to you, right? But if we get a little closer to the obvious, which is this. This coin in particular on the eye that they zoom into, they put it heads up, right? They chose this coin on purpose.

It didn’t have to be this coin, but they wanted this person or this effigy or this likeness to be shown to you next to these words, in God we trust, showing you this particular individual or this particular alleged individual. Let’s check this guy out. His name is George Washington. They say he was the first president of the United States. I’m going to show you why. I don’t think know, aside from just physically being like, who was first? And maybe someone else was the first one, I don’t think he existed.

I’m not convinced that this dude existed. And I’m going to show you why. Let’s look at his name first. Now, I’m going to begin by saying this. To me is a symbolic effigy. This is a symbolic human, a humanoid that they have drawn out. They have an idea of maybe it represented somebody who actually lived, I don’t know. But this George Washington character is symbolic, like many other characters throughout history.

But basically it goes back to the freemasons. Now, I’m going to take you down a road. Check this out. Let’s look at his name. George. If we look at George, it comes from Gorgos. Gorgos, Giorgos, Guillaus. You see the geo right there? That means earth and then ghost or ergos. Let’s check this out. Gorgos means farmer, right? Somebody who tills the ground. An earth shaper. Somebody that moves about and terraforms the earth.

You could look at it on a small scale, like human farmers. Or you can look at it on a big scale, like gods do. Comes from the word Gaia, right? Or gay, or g. And then ergos, which means those that work, right? Which work comes from verg or werg. Down there at the bottom, you can kind of see that right there. So, earth worker, earth shaper, earth mover, earth bender, you could say as well.

Let’s continue on. Orcs. The orcs. The geo or g. The g is the exact same letter as the c in ancient languages, right? The third letter of many alphabets. The g sound was a guttural, right? And it was also c. So people went from g to c real quick. So an. org meant also orc, which were earth tillers, earth workers, earth movers, earth shapers, oftentimes colored green in fiction, et cetera, because they basically come from the north pole.

Orcs. The origin. Geo orc. Geo. org, George. Right. An opening in the ground, somebody that opens up the earth, et cetera. Farmers, you could say, too. That’s more of a newer connotation. Now, that word work comes from verg or werg or werg. There’s many pronunciations. You can pronounce it however you like to, but these are some common ones. Comes from the proto indoeuropean, and it means to do.

Some related words are listed below here. Gorgic and George are related. Now, this is related to so many words. Gargoyle, gargamel, gargle eaters, those things that eat, et cetera, right. Swallowers, et cetera. And it says down here comes from the greek word ergon or orgon or orko if you’re a heman fan. Right. Oregia, religious performances. Armenian word gork. Right there you have the word ork in it. And right down here in English, vyork.

Vyork. Ork, right. Also related to yurka. This is where the word York comes from. If you’re over in England or here in America. New York. Right. The new workforce, the new working city or working class, et cetera. Now, let’s take a look at Washington. I’ve showed this before. It’s called the apotheosis of Washington. It’s on the ceiling underneath the dome of the Capitol building in the United States.

And it shows George Washington up on the roof surrounded by many gods. We’ve taken a deep dive on our last stranger things episode, so if you want to see this painting in detail, you can go check that video out when we’re done here. But as you can see right there in the middle, they do show you that inverted dome at the top of the sky, which reflects the land underneath it, which shows you this crystal lake right here, and the rivers, et cetera.

Right. This is George Washington, and he’s surrounded by all of these gods. Apotheosis means to make a God of. And remember, they put the quarters on James Halliday’s eyes because it says, in God we trust. And then they show you a picture of George Washington. Right. The earthbender, et cetera. Let’s go deeper. Let’s look at Washington’s last name. Literally comes from estate of a man named Wasa. Well, that’s not super helpful.

Right. What does Wasa mean? That’s what we need to know. Ton at the end just means town, right, or estate, et cetera. Wasa in ton. So let’s check out Wasa. If we look up Wasa and we click on etymology right there, it will show us, make it a little bigger so everyone can see it. Wosa vosa, vasser, et cetera. Vaser, wator. Ah. Interesting. In Dutch. Can I pull it up? Let me make it smaller in Dutch.

Water. Right. In English, water. Right. So water, like when you wash things, you use water. Right. Washing town, et cetera, you could say. Right? You could say that. So Washington, we’re looking up Washington’s origin of his name, and it comes from Vasa, which basically means water. Watertown. Right. If you look down here, Vasa, plural of water, basically. Right. So this is interesting. What is ing? It’s not a suffix for a verb.

It doesn’t mean you’re in the action of doing water or anything like that. It can, but there’s three different versions of ing. In this one in particular, it’s a suffix for names or patrionymic suffix is what that’s called. So they put this at the end of somebody’s name. Vasa was a name. So we put it at the end and it means and denotes tribe or community. Tribe or community from the water or town of a tribe and community.

Who is from the water. Right. Who is from. Not just the waters, but the place where the earth opens up those waters. Interesting. George Washington or the earthbender. Basically, it’s Mount Maru. It’s the land right at the middle. Mount Maru is surrounded by these crystal clear, pure waters, a huge circular lake. You can check it out when I show you the map, which is going to pop up many more times.

Now here’s a couple more ancient paintings or drawings of George Washington. And it says, in God we trust, right there. Now, interesting to me also is this little symbol. It’s got this double a, which is what anorak, the all knowing uses in the movie. That’s his symbol, too, except for the a’s are right side up. And they show you George Washington, or what you think is George Washington being crowned with a halo, being made a God floating on the clouds, et cetera.

At the bottom of this, I won’t zoom in all the way, but it says apotheosis of Washington in 1800 that this was drawn allegedly right over here. It says the apotheosis of Washington or the commemoration of Washington, 18, two to 1816, made by a man named John James Barrett. Sacred. What does that say? Sacred to the memory of Washington. I don’t know what the rest of that says, but basically this is making Washington a God.

There you have the frigian cap, by the way, that’s going to come into play here in a bit, too. And here’s Washington spreading his arms out, being held by angels, right with the hand signal. The freemasonic hand signal on both hands. Right there and right there. Look at this dude’s face. His face. Oh, my God. Let’s take a closer look at Washington’s face. Okay? You think you know George Washington? Nah.

Check this out. Watch this. I pulled up some old portraits of George Washington. All of these are allegedly. They’re all genuine. Okay? They’re all genuine paintings. Not of a genuine person, but genuine paintings of allegedly George Washington. Here’s one of Washington. This is the very first one, or the original one, or the oldest one. I think it’s called Mount Vernon or something like that. And it’s got him sticking his hand into his coat pocket.

I mean, into his coat, not his pocket. There’s no pocket up here. Okay? When people did this little deal and they hid a portion of their hands or whatever in their jacket, that was a hand sign saying that they were affiliated with or a part of or represented the hidden hand. Right? The hidden hand, which is above, which is hidden from us right. Now, basically, it’s an evil energy.

It’s a bad energy. Okay. But I also noticed something else about this. Let’s remember his face. Okay? I want you to show you his face. Remember this long kind of skull that he’s got here in this young picture of George Washington. Right. That’s interesting. Dwarves wear that on the rings of power hand, the hidden hand. But I also noticed something else. Right. If you zoom in on his pocket, they purposefully added this little piece of paper hanging out of his real coat pocket where he could put his hand, right? And I figured out what it says.

This right here, it’s a little piece of paper, and it says, order of mark or order of the mark. What is the order of the mark? I’ll tell you. The order of the mark is a freemasonic order of one of the highest degrees, mastermasons, essentially. And they put that little piece of paper in his pocket purposefully. Here’s another picture of George Washington, allegedly a real human who allegedly existed.

Keep this face in mind, because you’re going to see a change and look a lot different in these different pictures. He also has drawn with his hand being hidden. The hidden hand. Right. The left hand, specifically. What was the other one? That one was his right hand. I guess it doesn’t matter anyways. So he’s hiding his left hand. Boom. Wearing the red spectrum colors, et cetera. Here are some other real portraits of George Washington.

You’re probably most used to seeing this one right above my head with the square jaw. Right. As opposed to that long face. That he had on the other paintings. Now look at these other ones. Do these all look like the same guy? Let me zoom out a bit. Does these even look like the same people, or do they just look like people that have similar facial features and similar haircuts, but they’re clearly not the same person? People keep trying to draw this person over and over and over again.

Look at these ones. This is the one you’re used to seeing. Here’s some other ones. Here’s a profile. Here’s another. Look at this one. This is allegedly supposed to be George Washington, right? Look at these people. Let’s take a look at some more. Here’s some more right behind me here. Look at this guy. All right, look at this one. This is another picture of George, allegedly George Washington.

And some people, they’ll make excuses. They’ll say, oh, well, academics taught me in school that George Washington didn’t like to sit for paintings, and he didn’t have time for all that. I don’t know about that. That doesn’t know. I don’t have proof of that or anything. But look at these different people that are supposed to be George Washington. I don’t believe it, okay? I don’t believe at all.

The first president of the United States just refused to have his picture drawn. You know who refuses to have their picture drawn? God. Yeah, it’s one of the commandments. You’re not supposed to draw pictures of God, at least in the biblical sense of it. Right? Look at this ugly, crazy picture. Check this dude out. Hold on, let me zoom in less. Okay, look at. That’s supposed to be Washington.

It says it, right? Could. I mean, I cut it off, but you can see it says Washington general. Oftentimes these are just paintings when he was a general. Allegedly. Here’s another one. Here’s a weird profile of his face. Damn, I got to zoom in a little less. So check that out. Does that look like George Washington to you? Says it is down here at the bottom. If I could zoom into the.

Ah, it’s hard. Portrait of George Washington. Boom. The last portrait of George Washington. I’m not convinced by any of these pictures or paintings or whatever they’re supposed to be that this dude, George Washington, is who they say he is and who they portray him as. Here’s a couple more, right? Here’s another interesting one. Now I want to really zoom in on this one. Look, he’s back to the elongated face, right? Sometimes he has a little double chin action or whatever.

He’s got, like, this broken nose. In this one. But more interesting to me, being that he’s a freemason and that I often am constantly, like, divulging the freemasonic secrets for everyone to just learn this image on his hat. Look at this image. It is a mountain that has light emanating from it. And if you look even closer, right, it’s not a complete mountain. No, this is the mountain portion.

And then it stops right there and there’s an explosion and there is a beam that comes up out of it. This is Mount Maru on George Washington’s hat, or Rupus Negra, the plasma volcano. Isn’t that something? There he is again. There, you can see it right up there. Okay. George Washington. This is the George. Now it’s like shocker. Like, oh, my. Oh, yeah, I forgot. Oh, yeah, that’s supposed to be him, the guy on the dollar, right.

When you see him compared. And that’s just a few of the paintings I found. Okay. There’s many more pictures and stuff. You can even see the differences in different quarters that have come out and been made right between this version of Washington. It’s like they fine tune it over know, and they make it look a little similar each time or whatever, but there’s clear differences between the Washington’s that are shown to us.

And it’s not my theory. I’m sure other people have. There have to be people who have seen this besides me. There have to be. So it’s not like my theory or anything, but I’m telling you, that’s my theory. George Washington never existed as a human being, as a person. Okay? And not only that, but there’s many records of people who allegedly met Washington, and they described him as basically being black and not a caucasian.

So lots of strange things. Here’s a couple more pictures. George Washington. Hmm. Time out. Before I get into these next pictures, let me show you Martha Washington. Okay. Speaking of freemasons and things that they do, I want to show you George Washington’s alleged wife. Now this just. I’m not going to do a lot of speaking on this part. I’m going to allow you to just watch Martha Washington, everyone.

Yeah. You want to see it a little closer? I can’t zoom in that much. Next up, Martha Washington. Next up, Martha Washington. Next up, Martha Washington. I’m not saying anything. I’m just going to show you the pictures of George Washington’s wife. I mean, so check Martha Washington. I don’t know. Yes. Thank you, Ralph. I appreciate it. Welcome to my channel, Ralph. Marsha. Martha Washington. Notice the head as well.

Okay, we’re going to talk more about that cone head shape here. Look at this Martha Washington action. I don’t know. I kind of have a feeling. Okay. But, yeah, I’m not buying it. I’m not buying old man Martha’s action on the history timeline. So maybe. I don’t know, maybe they’re both fictional entities. Maybe they both, I don’t know, represent different people or whatever. But I’m not convinced. Okay? I’m not convinced that they were real people.

Let’s get back to the movie. All right. Now let me just recap, okay? There’s this virtual reality world. People live inside of it. It’s got all the video games and all workforce and everything inside of this augmented reality world. Basically, this is the guy that created it. Right? James Halloway, or holiday, I should say holiday Halliday. Right. I forget his middle name. Oh, Donovan. That’s also an interesting study, too.

But let’s check out this scene. So he comes back to life. Okay? He looks like he’s in a casket, and this is a video that he made before he died, anticipating his own death. Right. We’re going to break this portions of this down. Okay? Remember, he represents the blue beam. So it’s a lot of blue colors, a lot of blue symbolism. Golden. Also the blue beam, I just call it blue.

Okay. It’s not always described as being purely blue. Oftentimes it’s described as being white or golden as well. Especially once it disappears and it leaves this residue up there in the sky. It’s always a golden color. But let’s break this down. Let’s see, what do we got first? Is casket. All right, Star wars or Star Trek fans, excuse me, will recognize this casket as being the mark six.

The number six. The mark, right. He’s inside of it. The Mark six photon torpedo, which is on the Enterprise. Right. This is one of the weapons of the Enterprise. A photon torpedo quite literally means an electric ray. A torpedo is an electric ray. Photon is light. Torpedo means a projection of. Right. So he’s inside of an electric ray, which is where the word torpedo comes from. So he represents an electric ray or a beam of light.

Right. Now, let’s take a look over here. You see this little symbol over here? The Star Trek Starfleet symbol. Have you ever wondered who chooses these symbols? Why is it designed that way? How come it’s not explained? You know what I mean? Why does it look like that? Well, I have a theory, and I’m going to share that theory with you. This is the symbol for Starfleet or the Starfleet Academy, et cetera.

Right. It’s this weird dome shape, but it’s got, like, this zerk. Like, it goes up right there, and then it goes down to a point, and then it’s got this star in the middle that shoots all the way up. Right. It’s an elongated top. It has an elongated head. Okay. Some people might already starting to see the connection going, right. This star has an elongated top or an elongated head.

Let’s check this out. I believe that this is a headwear. This star right here is actually headwear of the ancient gods who came down to our world from the stars. And those gods wore conical shaped hats and helmets and things of that nature. And oftentimes they look like Smurf. Know, this is Papa Smurf’s hat right here. Basically, they would go down, they would cover the ears. Right? But then they would come back up to a point on the forehead.

Let’s go back. Okay. It would go down. You got your cone head top, and then this part right here would be where it goes over the nose. It hangs, and it goes back up over the eyes to cover the face up. Right. Because they didn’t like sunlight. They didn’t want any of that sunlight on their face, et cetera. There’s other reasons, too. So, anyways, here’s an example of a really terrible version of one that humans wear.

This was also known as the frigian cap. So humans emulated the gods. There was an elven standard of beauty. We copied them. We emulated them. We tried to dress like them, especially royalty, who ended up taking their place. Human royals or humans that were the half bloods or half offspring of these particular beings. Right. They started dressing like those beings as well. They wanted to keep up appearances, especially when those beings took off and left.

Right. Here’s another stylistic version of it, right. It goes all the way up just like that. This one actually has the wheel in the sky printed on the side of it right there. Or a flower, you could say. This gives us our conical hats of royalty. Many different types. Okay? The royal ones were the pasty, white skinned ones quite often, especially in the northern hemisphere. Right? And then they started bringing that into the southern areas and teaching native people and tribal people like, oh, yeah, you should have a nobility.

You should have kings and queens and stuff like that. I don’t know if that was originally how the way it was, but this is your princess hat. Okay? Now let’s make some connections. We got your little princess hat, which usually has a veil on it. That veil is so they can cover their face when they go out in the sun because their pasty, nasty, freaking nephilim skin was photophobic, okay? They were allergic to the sun.

The sun physically damaged them and hurt them. Exactly like the orcs or the dark elves, et cetera, of Tolkien lore, et cetera. Right? The dunce cap. It’s related to the dunce cap as well. Now, the dunce cap. I’ll just read this. The dunce cap was not placed on the head of a bad child, but instead on the head of a slow learner. That’s what they ended up doing over time in schools.

They would put this conical hat onto you because geniuses wore conical hats, beings that came from the stars and were related to beings who came from the stars, who were partially eternal or eternal themselves, who had conical shaped heads. They wore these pointy hats. And so the hope was in school that a kid who was a slow learner, they would put this conical shaped hat on it, because in the old days, under different atmospheric conditions, when there was electrically charged atmosphere up there above our heads, you could funnel energy down, over, around, and into the body and stuff like that.

And you can become charged up. You know what I mean? Which had all kinds of fun byproducts. So oftentimes you’ll see royalty wearing these pointy hats. Birthday hats, basically, is what these are. That’s why people wear these cone shaped hats on birthdays and stuff, too. But it wasn’t stupid people that wore these, okay? That’s what it turned into, because the world, the energy in the world flipped upside down, and everything became the opposite of the truth, okay? Everything became upside down.

These people wore these in colleges and academic universities and religious institutions and stuff. They wore these as a sign of honor and respect, not to insult someone and put a big stupid hat on their head just to make fun of them. Actually, dunce comes from the dunsmen, right? Who were soon viewed as not just a symbol of scotism or scotism, but as a signifier of high intelligence. That’s where these dunce caps came from, the 15 hundreds middle ages.

Interesting. So back to the Starfleet insignia. That’s why they wear this, because they’re the space travelers. They’re basically the gods who are up there. They have the elongated skulls. And this is the birthday hat of clowns, too, who also dressed like royalty, wearing ridiculous collars, baggy clothes, types of clothing that was very long and protected them from sunlight, even though it was during a time often it was during a time whenever the temperature was said to be moderate.

It was temperate, it was warmer. It was nice. But royalty didn’t care. They didn’t want any of that stuff on them. So they had their elongated hats that they would wear. They had big, baggy clothes, huge collars to keep the sun off of them, long sleeves, et cetera. And they were pale, pasty white skinned people who painted their pasty white skin to look more alive and look more flush, like how we do.

Right. To fit in. They invented makeup, and this is mentioned in the book of Enoch whenever it talks about the fallen angels that came down. They taught mankind different forbidden practices, like the making of weapons and makeup being one of those. These were pasty skinned killer clowns from outer space, to quote another movie, right, that came down. They tried to not look so scary and freakish, and so they would paint and put rouge on their faces and stuff, and they turned into these clown looking people, which is how our royalty dresses.

But oftentimes, you can also actually find pointed hats that are metallic, used as a form of armor in the ancient days. Right. This doesn’t help you to protect against fighting. All you need is something that’s like a cap. Exactly how I’m wearing. It fits the skull, maybe a little bigger to protect from some kind of blows. But you definitely don’t need an elongated portion of that metallic object, especially with a little ball at the top, as the clowns would often wear.

Unless you’re an electrically charged atmosphere. If you’re within an electrically charged atmosphere and you would like to actually draw energy down into the body. Right. Then you would put a little metallic ball at the top of a pointy metal head piece to attract lightning. One of these probably this week, later this week, I may be doing a presentation about the french lightning fashion, lightning rod fashion. That’s going to be super interesting.

But we can see versions of these types of hats that had a pointy top and a little ball right at the top. This one’s metallic, or it seems to be metallic. Can’t tell exactly in this picture. But they had these little metallic hats with balls on the top of them. Right. These were known as jewish hats as well. This is interesting. And they would draw these bird looking people with these hats on top.

They look like ufos or. You know what I mean? Interesting stuff. Right. Let’s continue on. We just want to show you a couple more examples of these hats. This one right here, you can see they actually put it up there for you to read. You know what this also reminded me of. I forgot to put a picture, but the Tin man, right? In Alice in Wonderland, he wears a hat that looks exactly like this.

The Tin man. Right? So here is your Starfleet command from the movie. They really put this in there. I just kind of did an impromptu drawing on my own, just to give you an idea of what this represents, right? It’s a hat. It’s an elongated hat, et cetera. They also have this in ancient Hinduism, many of their ancient gods wore these huge, elongated hats, oftentimes with a ball at the top or a conductor at the top.

Right. Sometimes it was a conductor, if it was just a spike or a mohawk or something, that was actually to keep electricity away. Right. So you didn’t get hit by electricity. These blue gods, et cetera, they wore many types of hats like this. This is another one. This is from the hindu priest. The high hindu priest would wear this type of a hat. Conical hat. Here’s another version of it.

There’s different variations of these birthday hats or whatever. That’s basically what they are. And then royalty. Royalty also wear their crown, right? Now, if it’s a crown with just spikes, that’s to keep the energy away, acting as little lightning rods to keep energy and electricity off. But if you connect all of those and you put a little metallic ball on the top, that’s to attract it, right? So oftentimes you’ll see royalty wearing these crowns with a little ball on the top of it.

The anunnaki also had these same birthday hats, pointy hats, for their pointy heads. Now, I specifically don’t believe these are actual people. Yeah, that’s Todd, and that’s Janice, obviously. But this one’s two faced, too. I never noticed that. He’s got a face in the back right there with a little hooked nose. I never saw that. Anyways, let’s check out the hats. Okay. I want to show you these hats.

Some people believe these are horns that maybe, like, they’re actually horned. They have horns on their heads, et cetera. That may be because they do represent not just the energy that is in this world, right. Plasma and stuff like that, that people cartoonified and personified. Right. But it also represents actual aliens and humanoid fractal verse travelers or aliens from other worlds or whatever that came down into this world according to many myths and legends and pop culture and everything.

Right? But what if these pointy hats don’t have horns that are protruding out of them, per se? What if this is a form of St. Elmo’s fire? What if this is actually electricity? Because the hat is maybe metallic or it’s attracting electricity, and this is electricity that’s like firing off from the hat. Right. And, of course, the longer your skull would be, the taller your hat would be, and the more horns you would have, or more electrical little horns or whatever.

Interesting. All right, cool. And then that brings us to these. There’s five ancient, giant, cone shaped golden hats that have been found in the world. Artifacts. Speaking of artifacts, mysterious golden hats of the ancient wizards, they have found these, and they’re not just for decoration. If you look it up, it says they used this headgear. And this is strongly supported by the fact that the three of the four examples have a cap, like, widening at the bottom of the cone, and that their openings are oval shaped, not round, with diameters and shapes that are roughly equivalent to those of a human skull.

So people know that these were actually worn conductive material as a hat. Way up high, big cone shaped hats. Right. Interesting stuff. And then, speaking of Star Trek, right? This is from Star Trek discovery. You’ve got the blue beam symbolism. Boom. The eye in the sky, anode and cathode beams on either side. Right? Now, if you don’t believe me, here’s another version of it, right? Where, if I zoom in a bit, you can see that the enterprise is blasting straight up from this world, leaving a blue beam behind it, and then it goes right to the eye, right? The eye in the sky, which is the egg, or the aegis, as we’ve talked about before.

Right? Which is that inverted dome, which is the delete, which is the stargate, et cetera, and so on and so forth, which is the all seeing eye, et cetera, up there in the sky. All right, cool. Well, wow. I’m going to take a quick break, and you guys take a quick break, too. We’ll be right back. Let’s see. Do I have a break screen? I’m going to use a restroom real quick, if that’s cool.

Let’s see, intros. We got a lot more to cover, so stick around. Let’s see. Credits. Oh, there’s a new credits. I’m sorry I was late on the credits, but, man, it took me days for this new credits, and they’re amazing. Let’s do. I’m going to run. Damn. Don’t I have a. Oh. Intermission. Here we go, papa. Around the world, men’s thoughts will fly quick as the twinkling of an eye.

And water shall great wonders do. How strange. And yet it shall come true beneath the water men shall walk, shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk. And in the air men shall be seen in white and black and even green. For in those wondrous far off days, the women shall adopt the craze to dress like men in trousers wear and to cut off their locks of hair. They’ll ride astride with brazen brow as witches do on broomsticks.

Now there’ll be a sign for all to see. Be sure that it will certain be. And love shall die and marriage cease and nations wane and babes decrease as wives shall fondle cats and dogs. And men live much the same as hogs pictures alive with movements free boats like fishes beneath the sea. When men, like birds, shall scour the sky. Then half the world deep, drenched in blood, shall die.

Then half the world deep, drenched in blood, shall die. For those who live this century through in fear and trembling, this shall do. Flee to the mountains and the dens, to bog and forest and wild fence. For storm will rage and oceans roar when Gabriel stands on sea and shore. And as he blows his wondrous horn, old worlds die and new be born. Fiery dragon will cross the sky six times before this earth shall die.

Mankind will tremble in frightened be. For the six heralds end this prophecy. For seven days and seven nights, man will watch this awesome sight. The tides will rise beyond their ken to bite away the shores. And then the mountains will begin to roar. And earthquakes split the plain to shore. And flooding waters rushing in will flood the lands with such a din that mankind cowers in muddy fend and snarls about his fellow men.

And when the dragon’s tail is gone, man forgets and smiles and carries on to apply himself. Too late. Too late. For mankind is earned, deserve his fate. His masks smile, his false grandeur will serve the gods. Their anger stir, and they will send the dragon back to light the sky. His tail will crack upon the earth and rend the earth. And man shall flee, king, lord, and surf and men will die thirst before the oceans rise to mount the shore.

And lands will crack and rend anew. You think it’s strange? It will come true. And in some far off distant land, some men owe such a tiny band, will have to leave their solid mount and span the earth. Those few to count and those surviving this will then begin the human race again. But not on land already there, but on ocean beds stark dry and bare. Not every soul on earth will die as the dragon’s tail goes sweeping by.

Not every land on earth will sink, but these will wallow and stench and stink of rotting bodies, of beast and man, of vegetation crisped on land. And those that live will ever fear the dragon’s tail for many years. But time erases memory. You think it’s strange, but it will be. And before the race is built anew, a silver serpent comes to view and spew out men of like unknown to mingle with the earth now grown.

All right, we are back. I’m back. Thank you so much. Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve had to take an intermission. Appreciate it. Still got a lot of people here with us when we have a lot more to decode and to break down in. Ready player one. So here we have James Halliday. He sits up. He’s basically faking his own death, right? It’s a precursor, and you probably can’t see it.

I’m going to try to zoom in on this. He has a little tag on his shirt here. It’s hard to see that one. There you go. So this is the game, Simon. So this shape is the exact shape of that land, that island land at the north pole. And he wears that representing that island land that’s separated into four quadrants. The circle in the middle is a giant lake.

It’s a crystal clear lake. It’s a crystal lake. Basically. He says, before I died, before I died, I created what we in the biz call an Easter egg. Now we’re going to talk about Easter, and we’re going to talk about Easter eggs and the origin of all of this. So what is the significance? How many people in the chat, just by a show of hands, okay, how many people have ever wondered, why on earth do people on a holiday that’s supposed to, in the christian world, represent the light of the world? Jesus raising up.

Why do people look for and hide eggs? And why is it important to find an egg on this particular time of year? Right? What’s the symbolism? What’s happening there, right? Is it pagan? Is it christian? We’re going to dive into that right now. So I asked chat, GPT, artificial intelligence, and it says proto indoeuropean, the root. Oh, let me back up. Okay. Let me give you a little pretext, a little context.

In order to understand the origin of different holidays, especially this type of one Easter, we need to understand esoteric directions, right? I’ve done a couple of videos. One more popular of my videos is called east is up. Right? Esoteric directions. It’s got a little thumbnail. It says, east is up. It’s from 21 pilots, et cetera. And I describe these esoteric directions, right? So east and west are not infinitely left and right.

That’s ridiculous. And it doesn’t make any sense, okay? Because eventually you’ll end up in the west or in the east, and every place on earth is east. It’s all comparative. Right? So we need to understand west and east. We’re going to break those words down first in order to understand Easter, right, and its relationship with an egg. So I asked Chat GPT, what’s the proto indoeuropean root word for the word for west or west? Right? And it means to go down.

If you look closely, you can see here the root word wes for west means to go downwards. Okay, so originally west meant down west, not with the t. Right? But if we continue on and we look up tur, because west comes from wester. That’s the actual original name for it is Wester, right. Like you say, a westerly wind. Wester is where they get that. Western is something is of the wester, right? So west means down.

Tur means location. It often denotes a direction or a location. Wester means downward. That’s quite literally what west means is downward. It does not mean left, does not mean right, anything like that. Now let’s look up east. The root of east is. The root of it is ous, or you could say oz owls, like Australia. Right is a good example. Ous, and it means to shine. Right. This is the root of the word east.

It means shine. So the root of west means down or a downward direction. The root of east means to shine. Now, east was also easter, which means the direction of the shine. Right? The direction of the light, the shining light. Okay, so what that shining light is, is the blue beam that shoots up out of the plasma volcano, Mount Maru, going upwards towards the stars, right? East star, right.

That’s where the word star comes from, going upwards towards the sky, towards the Velkian, towards the firmament, towards the dome, basically, because that’s the direction that that light travels. It goes up. Right? So Austur means in a direction of the shining or the light. Right. Wester means in a downward direction. So let’s continue on. There is ancient goddess, many of them, actually, who are related to the holiday that we call Easter.

This one is called Oster Oaster. Oster, right. And she’s directly related to the direction of the shine owls. Ouster or ouster. You see the word there? Here’s another one. And it shows you ouster. You could say Easter. It’s fine with these eggs, right? This one has a spiral on it, which is interesting. Easter. Many people, especially in christian communities, have figured out that Easter, the word is exactly the goddess Ishtar, which is just another way of saying the direction of the light.

That’s what that means, right? This is not an actual person that had chicken feet and wings and all of that. It’s a personification. It’s a cartoonification, right? Just like these symbolic imagery of the owl here and all of this, it’s all symbolic and represents very real phenomena to most people. It’s just a phenomena because they don’t understand what it is. It’s plasma. It’s light that shoots up out of the ground and goes up into the sky.

It’s a rod that meets a circle up there in the sky, right? So Easter is Istar, or Wolstadr, depending on your pronunciation, who is also related to, like, Venus and some other goddesses as well, is the morning star Inanna. Inanna is oftentimes equated to Ishtar and Ostar, et cetera. This is their symbol. Inanna is the moon goddess. Well, the real moon is directly above Mount Maru. That’s the mountain of the moon, basically.

So if you look up from Mount Maru and the conditions are correct and they’re right, you’ll be able to see that inverted dome, which is the delete, which is the delta, as we talked about in the beginning. And whenever it depressurizes and opens up a hole in it, you can see plasma and light coming out of it, right? And that’s where this comes from, right? The morning star, the physical star up there in the heavens, the only one that there is.

And this gives rise to the light reemerging from the underworld, right? When the light dies and it goes down into the earth to charge, as we’ve discussed, cataclysms happen, famines happen, disease happens. The life force actually just seeps out of the world that we live in or live on the surface world, okay? And then, so people look forward to that light returning and rising from shiol, rising from the underworld, et cetera.

This gives us the time of year around which these holidays are marked, right? There’s four main holidays where these events occurred, which are the solstices and the equinoxes. Equini. I don’t know how to say that. Equinoxes and the solstices, right? If you look at the birth of Jesus, who is the light of the world, the wise men followed his star, and his star across the board is almost always drawn just like this, right? Just like this, with a portion of it reaching all the way up into the heavens to an eight pointed star.

So there’s a beam of light that shoots all the way up from Bethlehem, from the town where the light is born. And the wise people of the world go towards that light, right? Because that’s a safe haven. That’s a place of safety. And it’s drawn just like this time and time again. This is the light of Jesus. This is the star of Bethlehem. This is a star of Jesus, et cetera.

Oftentimes it’s drawn as, like a bluish color or whatever, but it doesn’t have to be the leading light, right. This is the sign, this is the marker to go to this particular location to be safe from all of the crazy stuff that happens after the apocalypse. Here’s just some artist impressions of also what it may have looked like. You can see, like the squatter man, the eight pointed star.

This is the inverted dome at the top of the world. Once the energy reverses, if you could see that, it should reflect a red color spectrum because of the ionized hydrogen just on the other side of it. Here’s some more examples. I’ve added to some of these, just kind of drawing my own little things in there or whatever. But these are just examples for you to get some perspective on what it may have looked like and what people may have interpreted this as if they had no idea what it was.

You know what I mean? Here’s the quote unquote moon, the crescent, which is Inanna’s symbol, and Nana, the moon God and moon goddess, et cetera. The blue beam going up to the inverted dome and the depressurization point there in the middle. Here’s another version of it, right? This time it’s red. I didn’t make these ones, but these are just to give you an idea of where that comes from and why people seek this out.

Because the Easter egg is this that huge inverted dome that faces downward. This is the eye in the sky. It was seen as an egg. That’s Humpty Dumpty. It’s actually white because it’s ice. But whenever the energy in our world reverses, we go through a polarity reversal energetically. People saw that up in the sky. All the stuff that’s hidden from us right now was revealed. People saw the dome, people saw the actual heavens up there and stuff like that.

So this would be the egg of Easter, right? This was called the aegis. This was the shield of Zeus. This was many different things, but it’s the eye in the sky, basically. All right, continuing on, he says, the first person to find the egg I’ve hidden somewhere inside of the oasis. So he’s hidden an Easter egg somewhere in the oasis. Right? And whoever finds it, this is the race to Mount Maru.

Whoever finds it, whoever gets there, gets special abilities, special attributes, special gifts. This is the gifts of Christmas. Right. Also another time when the light is born into the world. Now he becomes anorak, the all knowing anorak. He says, in the form of my avatar, anorak, the all knowing anorak, spelled backwards is a particular word, right. Can you see it right there? Let me just make it a little bigger so you can figure it out.

Oh, it’s hard to. There it is. All right, so here it is. So you have to say this word backwards. Okay. And that’s why he picked this word. That’s why the movies chose to use this as his name for his wizard form. It’s the same guy, James Halliday. This guy right here is Anorak, the all knowing wizard, right? He says, in the form of my avatar, anorak, the all knowing.

Now, look right behind him. What do you see? That’s a volcano. Okay. That’s his chair, that’s his throne, where he sits in the movie, but that’s also the throne of God, the pedestal of God, the footstool of God, et cetera. The place where God touches the earth, et cetera. This is a volcano being shown to you. It’s not in the movie, but from that angle, that’s what it looks like.

And that’s what this is right here, which is the footstool of the earth, the access Mundi, right there in the center, where the energy resides and where it comes from. It’s also depicted to us anorac backwards is crown, essentially. I don’t want to say the other word, you know what I mean? But it means crown, basically, which is a circle of spikes, which is shown to us in north mythology when they show you the world.

I don’t think this is the whole world in north mythology. I think this was their world and the world they came from before they ventured off south during the diaspora into the southern lands where we now most of us live. Right. And you can see all the way around is a wall of what looks like ice. Right? It’s all these peaks. Well, these mountain peaks all the way around are pulled up, jagged rocks that reach high up into the heavens.

This one’s the highest one. This is Mount Maru with the blue beam just shooting right out of it, the tree of life. Right. But this is on the other map. Where is it? Right here. If you look at the lands at the north Pole, it’s surrounded by high and lofty cliffs, a mountain range that’s jaggedy all the way around, acting as a wall and a barrier to the Garden of Eden.

So the only way you can really get in safely is if you can find a cave system, an underground route, which legends indicate that there are. Right. You have to know where they are. Or if you can find a sort of basalt stairway, a natural stairway that you can just kind of climb up. It’s more dangerous to go that way, especially in all the mist and stuff that’s said to exist there.

Or you can try to come in through these rivers, which is not always easy either, because they’re very swift. All right, continuing on, he says, I created three magic keys. And you can see this little chair. It looks like a volcano there. With each. Let’s see. Whoever gets these keys will reach the end where the prize awaits. And then he shows you these three keys, one here, one here and one here.

There’s the jade key, the red key, and then the crystal key. All of these we’re going to talk about. And then it makes an unfinished pyramid. This is the plasma volcano. It even has it, like, erupting at the top up here. Okay? This is Mount Maru. The unfinished pyramid is a plasma volcano. It’s a volcano. That’s what that is. Okay? That’s why it’s unfinished, hidden in a dark room that’s at the center of a maze.

So a dark room that’s at the center of a maze. That’s our map that I just showed you up here. And then he points to his head. The word head was Rosh. Right? It’s where we get the country name Rosha or Rosh ya. Right, Rosha, which is the head of the world, the top of the world. This is this place right here. This is where these keys are hidden.

Okay, first you have to get past the mountains, which I’m going to show you all of that here in just a minute. Okay? So he says, whoever does this will inherit my stock in gregarious games. See that down at the middle? Gregarious games is the company that makes the oasis GG. Double G’s, right? Double G’s are the third letter in the Alphabet. They’re also double C’s, if you like.

And they’re three. Three. That’s what GG is. That’s why they chose gregarious games, because it’s the double G, which is really the double three, which is 33, which is, if you read on this map right here, I believe it’s in this section. This is the pygmies. I think it’s up here where it talks about it being 33 french miles in circumference. Okay, so this mountain right here is 33 miles around.

So if you map that, you can actually figure out how big the entire island is, right? 33 miles around. Gregarious games. 33, the place of safety. Survivors of the apocalypse. This is why the Illuminati use all of this symbolism. That’s why they have the mountain, the unfinished pyramid, et cetera, right underneath the moon or the circular object in the sky, et cetera. Right? Now, we get to our first race, our first test, and he says, the only one still trying, or it’s Wade.

The only one still trying to find Mount Maru or the egg. Right. Are the gunters, as in egg hunters. And if you look up here, it says copper key. Right? Hold on. Did I take a picture of that? Well, we’ll come back to that copper key thing. Well, let me just. I might as well point it out. I’ll point it out in a minute. So, first, I want to talk about his crew.

Okay? They call him the high five, which is cool, because I give high fives to everyone who subscribes and all that on my channel. So the high five are parsival, which is the main character. And then he lists his friends, show Daito H. And then they’ll pick up another friend along the way named Artemis. Let’s check them out real quick. So Parsival is from the Middle Ages, from the dark Ages, right? It’s this huge, epic book that was written.

That’s like. I think it’s like 15 or 16 actual books compiled into one. And it’s all about this knight of the roundtable who goes on a quest to find the holy Grail. On the COVID here of this particular volume, this is actually a part of the ancient work. You see that they use these vovs. One vov is inverted. One’s regular. Well, this is regular. This one’s inverted right here.

And these two columns, these two pillars that represent Parceval, who’s on his quest for the holy Grail. Right. I’m going to talk more about those two pillars as we go. All right. Now, sho. This is a show in Japanese. It’s a musical instrument. Take note of the shape. It’s a reed. It’s made out of reeds, right? And in many native american legends, they talk about the creation of the world at the creation of the world God or goddesses or whoever caused a reed to grow up out of the ground and touch the sky.

These are the columns and pillars, but this one is in the shape of Mount Maru. Mount Maru is said to be a split mountain, a mountain that was split specifically at the top that had these two spires, these two spikes or whatnot. Right? But this is a show, a wind instrument, japanese wind instrument. Here it is again. This is the Mount Maru symbolism in this actual device, this musical instrument.

And to play it, you blow into it, but it looks like you’re kissing Mount Maru. Like the rock, the black, it looks like you’re giving it a kiss. And that’s sho. Daito is a sword just like Excalibur, right? That blue beam that shoots up and then branches out at the top looks like a sword that is in the stone, that is immovable and no one can take it out except for, like, the king or whoever would be the king of the world, right? Or the energetic king of the world at the very least.

So that’s what Daito is. He represents a sword. Excalibur. H is his best friend, Wade’s best friend in the movie, or Parsival’s best friend in the movie. H comes from het and also hay. This is the ancient letter het. We’ve broken this down many times. It’s the 8th letter in the hebrew Alphabet, as you see right there. It looks like the number eight. Right? Which is why we have words like hate and eight and things like that.

They all derive from this. It’s a boundary. It’s an outdoor boundary or an outdoor wall or an outdoor marker, specifically. Right. Originally, this was actually put on its side, but that’s basically the letter h. So we have boundaries, outdoor boundaries, markers. Artemis. Artemis is the fifth one in the group, and she is associated with the moon. Now, the ancient Greeks didn’t actually associate Artemis with the moon, but the Romans thought that she was basically the equivalent of their moon goddess.

So that’s how she sort of inherited the moon. But another one of her symbols, aside from, like, the laurel leafs and whatnot, is the deer. Right. The deer with the antlers as well. So this is all Artemis symbols. Here’s how they drew her on some pottery in ancient times. She is the vav. She is the world tree. She is the blue beam that shoots up and then splits at the top, giving you that y shape.

Or the vav. The ancient vav. Right. Oftentimes flanked by two witnesses. Or they’re drawn as two animals or a hero holding two staffs or rods or animals or whatever it is, right? It’s all cartoonified, basically. And then copper, of course, right? So if you think about, do I have the map? No, I don’t. But if you think about that map that I showed you earlier of that circular island at the middle of the world, Mount Maru is the magnetic mountain.

It’s the lodestone mountain of our world. That’s why your compasses point right at it. If you hold one up, it’ll point to it, right. Copper is diamagnetic, which means it’s repelled by a magnet, right? A magnet will push it away. It creates its own opposing magnetic force or whatnot. Right. It’s diamagnetic as opposed to paramagnetic, which means it would be attracted to it. So if you have this blue beam that shoots up and magnetizes this mountain, one, you can’t have any type of metallic objects anywhere nearby because you’ll get pulled toward that mountain.

But copper in the earth will actually be pushed away, and it will be pushed all the way out to the circumference that is around that mountain, which is on that map represented by those mountains that shoot up all the way around the edges or whatever, right? So those are the copper mountains. Basically. They’re probably filled with a lot of copper, and it’s an electrical conduit as well. So electricity likes to run through copper.

So you’re going to have ghosts and plasma entities and electrical phenomenon all around those copper mountain areas. Now back to the movie. So not only do we have the egg hunters, these people, his crew represents some of us, some of you who are in the chat right now. I see a lot of you guys in the chat. Thanks for all the thumbs up. I see all that in the chat right now, too.

Some of us are egg hunters. Some of us are looking for paradise, looking for the fountain of youth, looking for our origins and the land of our origin, et cetera. And we’re not the only ones. There’s others, government agencies the world across, that have also been looking for the same place that we’re talking about right now. In the movie, they call them sixers because that’s the company rule.

It says no names, just numbers. So you can see they’re all represented by numbers. This is the left brain system that we live in today. Left hand path, left hand energy. It’s all about numbers and only numbers. There’s no balance to that, right. The other side is a picture form, which is words, basically, because words derive from pictures, right? So we’ve got the left brain, right? Brain symbolism, the two different frequencies.

These are all the people of the modern world represented by corporations and stuff like that, right? Drones, people that just do what they’re told, et cetera, as opposed to the rest of us, who are represented by these guys. Right? So sixers and the other ones are called the egg hunters or the gunters. No names, just numbers. Now, let’s talk about this 101. So, it’s actually IoI in the movie, but it’s 101.

Okay? 101 implies, like, if you take a class in college and the first class is always called 101 instead of just one, I mean, why is that? Right. Well, 101 is the place of beginnings, and in our world, in our earth, it is the place of creation, right? Just those symbols of a tower or a column or a pillar, an opening, and another tower, a column or a pillar, gives us the pillars of Hercules, right? This is actually a monument over in the Mediterranean, which is not where the original pillars of Hercules are, but that’s where they are attributed in the upside down that we live in right now.

Okay, but if you take a look at the pillars of Hercules, they have a pillar here, a pillar here, anode, cathode, an opening. This is an entrance. This is like Mount Maru, or it’s opposite up there in the sky, the opening in the heavens, right? 10 one. This is the place where it all starts. And if you go between these pillars of Hercules, then you’re now going into more land, which is down into the earth, into Agartha and the inner earth, hollows and stuff like that.

Or inversely, if you go upwards, you’re also the same going into other worlds. So oftentimes, they would write more beyond, except for after the deluge. Eventually, they started writing nothing more beyond, which is interesting, too. So that’s the 101 symbolism. Chat GPT says, as Hercules fled, so these different accounts, these different labors or works that Hercules had to do, or Heracles says, as Hercules left, so he was charged with going and taking some of these sacred cows, or cattle, which I think that they were probably something else, but he was charged with stealing some of these sacred cows, basically, from the Hesperides, which is the lands at the westernmost points of the world, the ends of the earth.

Remember, the western origin, right. As Hercules fled. Okay, so let me back up. He meets Atlas. Okay, Atlas is holding up the sky. Atlas is the blue beam. Right? Hercules is also a type of that, too. Atlas is holding up the sky. And Atlas tries to trick Hercules into holding the sky for him. And he doesn’t intend on taking it back. He just says he wants a break.

So Hercules tricks him. He holds up the sky, but then he’s like, oh, I’m just going to paraphrase, let me tie my shoe real quick here, hold it real quick and I’ll get it again. But he doesn’t take it back. So Atlas is stuck with the sky once more, or the firmament. Right? Now Hercules takes off. As Hercules fled, he caused a great earthquake which split the mountain where Atlas stood.

The event is sometimes associated with the creation of the Pillars of Hercules, the split mountain as well. Right? So it could be anode cathode beams from other plasma volcanoes could also just be the tops of Mount Maru poking up out of the waters that now exist up there, right? Anyways, that’s the split mountain. Jesus also stands upon a mountain that is split. In the Bible, it’s a prophecy about Jesus returning and a mountain splits in half.

Here it is again, just some examples of it. You can also see how the pillars with the ribbon across it, which is electricity, because this creates an electrical arc between the two because it’s energetically charged, right? So you get this little h. That’s the h symbolism in the movie, basically, right? This is also electrical arcs that go upwards, right? This is Jacob’s ladder, this is the stairway into heaven, et cetera.

This is seen in the Lord of the Rings as the two trees of Valinor, the lights of middle earth, one on one side, one on the other, and a plasma volcano right there in the middle, which was Mount Doom. Just here’s an example lamp of the Valar. You can even see this pillar looks just like it’s broken, you know what I mean? Just like the other one. It’s like a broken top of a pointy volcano, basically.

Right? Here’s the other one, the lamp of the Valar. They were also called trees in the Silmarillion, which was the prequel to like the Lord of the Rings and stuff. Here’s another one. This is on a real map of our real world. This is the land in the middle. This would be Mount Maru at the center. There’s an island over here that says it’s a magnetic island and it looks much like a volcano.

And there’s one over here. Right? Let’s check them out real quick. This one down here, if you look on the Urbano Monte one, five hundreds map, this says husi arca, which means basically house of the dead. It means stay away. This is like a negative charge. Okay. And then this other one says land of life. So this would be like the positive charge, right? The two witnesses in the Bible.

That’s also what this correlates to the two witnesses. The two lampstands. Two lamps, two lights on either side of the Ark of the covenant. Right? Energetic dome covering Eden. Back to the movie. So these are all of those sixers represented by 101 numbers, binary, et cetera. The left hand path. He says that they have a support team made of holiday scholars, so people who study, and they’re obsessed with all of this esoteric imagery.

Pop culture is what the movie calls it. But when we apply their pop culture references to our world, they’re really talking about esoteric stuff that many of us have been talking about on channels like mine that says, like me. They spend all of their time studying pop culture, right? Popular culture across time. These are called myths and legends. That’s pop culture. If you give it enough time, it turns into myth and legend, right? Trying to find clues to solve the contest, trying to find clues how to get back to Mount Maru so they can keep control of that frequency and therefore retain their rule.

They don’t want to lose their ability to rule over people. So the ancient Germans, I’m going to think about, how do I want to explain all this? About a hundred years ago, okay, there was a war that many countries were involved in. Germany was one of them. And the leader of that country at the time had an esoteric inner circle that was a secret part of his government.

And that government entity’s main and sole purpose was only to look for artifacts that were mythic and legendary in nature to report back to their leader. And they would send them out on expeditions and whatnot to find these things. Basically, they were looking for the fountain of youth, the holy grail, et cetera, paradise. So they were called the Ananerbe. I believe that’s how it’s pronounced, Anan Erbe, the Ananerube.

And this is one of their logos. Pay attention to this. Let’s check this out real quick. Right here we have the irminsul, which is the anglo saxon tree of life, right? Which is the blue beam that shoots out of Mount Maru, which you can see right there, that at the bottom is Mount Maru. It’s not all one structure. This is the physical mountain. That’s the beam that shoots out, and it splits up at the top.

And then we have this glyph, this rune in the background, right? Let me back off so you can see who is in charge there right now? This is the Zul. Here’s just another one. Know another version of it. So these are the same organization that are shown to us in Indiana Jones. He’s always fighting against these people. And in the movie Indiana Jones, they’re always looking for these sacred relics, these artifacts, et cetera, mythic and legendary items and places.

Right. So let’s take a look at that rune real quick. It’s called otala or Odala. Right, the Odala or Otala. And it means homeland. It also means inheritance, estate, legacy, greater peace. Can I get it on there? Inheritance, estate, legacy. Something that’s passed on in the form of land, greater peace and heaven on earth. It means those things as well. Greater peace and heaven on earth. So this glyph right here, this rune meant land that is bequeathed unto somebody else, land that is inherited as a legacy, as an estate.

Right. And they couple that with the irminsul or the tree of life. What land do you suppose they might be referencing? Continuing on, let’s compare that with the glyph for the Dogon tribe in Africa. Right. Dogon means of the fish. Essentially, their gods were called Nomo, or some of their gods were called the Nomo. Right. Typically they’re called the fish gods. So many people today are like, oh, they were fish people.

They’re reptilians, they’re scaly. They must be the fish people, et cetera. There’s probably some truth to that. But if you take a closer look at the Nomo and the way it was drawn here, you’ll see that it’s much more than just a fish. I don’t know if I can zoom in that far. Let’s see. Yes. So I want to look at the tail here. This is a volcano.

Okay. This is a volcano that is emitting a beam that branches out as it goes up. Right. Here’s some other depictions of it. And at the top, it almost looks like there’s another one up there too. This also, you’ll see in the middle of this fish face is an owl. An owl’s face. That’s because it creates these little toroidal fields instabilities off to the side, and they just swirl around, and it creates what looks like an owl, basically.

An owl’s face. Right. This is the Nomo. Sometimes they’re drawn with these eyes and stuff that looks like an owl too. But see how his hands are up? That’s the itermansoul. That’s the tree of life branching out and upwards. Right. The vov of the world, the tent peg that attaches the sky to the earth and secures it. All. Right, back to the movie. He says, oh, I just wanted to point this out, that they put Bigfoot in here, right? So Bigfoot, also a cryptid, a mythic creature, a legendary creature, a giant, hairy humanoid that is said to live and come from the inside world of our earth, right? Take a look, a closer look at the Bigfoot, and you can see on its tires.

Check this out. See how it says Firestone? Some people might just be like, oh, that’s just the name of a tire company. Oh, it’s much more than that. It goes deep. It goes back in time. Firestone was the name. Firestone is the name of a person whose grandfather migrated here from ancient Germany, and he was contemporaries with, like, what was that dude that allegedly invented the light? Know, took credit for it, or, um, him, Ford.

All of these really know people that started all these businesses in America, right? And his name is Stone or Fyr. Stone or Fyodor Stein, which is very interesting, too. The firestone is Mount Maru. That’s the stone of light. That’s the stone of fire or whatever that emits that, right? So it’s just a play on words there, too. Their logo is represented by the red shield, which tells you who they rubbed elbows with, right? The red shield people, represented by this f in the middle, which is also the vav.

All right, back to the movie. So they’re doing this first race to try to win the first key. They pass by this sign in New York. Remember, York is related to the word verk or orc, et cetera, and so on and so forth. George, George Washington, Earth mover, Earthbender, earth shaper, terraforming. And it says central park. Go that way. Right? They need to go through Central park or get to Central park.

That’s actually the destination here. Central park is the garden of Eden. It’s the central park in our world. It’s the center park place. All right, so they zoom in on the Atari symbol on this motorcycle, and let’s check that out real quick, right? The Atari symbol is these two lines that go inward. They stop at the top, and there’s a middle line that goes straight, a vertical line, right? If you take a look at it, this is Mount Maru, right? The place of creativity, right? This is all these games, all of the fantasy and fiction and Sci-Fi and stuff.

These are echoes of forgotten truths, of real things, real places, real events that we now consider to be lies and fantasy and myth. And just stories and just this and just that. No, these harken back to the time where we once lived in a totally different fantasy world. Actually, the root of this is tar, which comes from Deru, which means tree, or this is the tree of life.

This is the beam growing up out of the mountain on the other side. You can also see this in the Irmanzul, right? So there’s another version of it surrounded by the Septon trio or the seven stars, seven mountains, et cetera. Here’s Mount Maroon right here. This is the Atari symbol. You can see the beam coming up through the bottom and then bursting forth at the top and separating once it gets close to the heavens.

There it is again. That’s the Atari logo right there at the bottom. Boo. Boom. Now, in this race, in order to find this first key, remember, symbolically, they’re on a journey to Mount Maru, right? They encounter all of these ancient things like dinosaurs, right? There’s a t rex following them, which represents, like, phantasoids and stuff. King Kong. Also gigantism, right? We’ll come back to those in just a second because I’ll tell you how they figured out how to win the first race.

He meets Artemis. Artemis. Also, if you take a look, she’s an elf, basically. She’s elven. She’s of the elven race. Scaly skin, just like how we talked about. More pasty white looking in color. She’s kind of flush. She’s got pointed ears, big, large eyes. Big old huge eyes and stuff, right? This is exactly how the watchers were described as. His name is Wade Watts. That’s WW, which is also.

Mm, upside down or 33. Okay. Now, it also means wade means to go or to move forward, to proceed. Right, to go, to. To advance. And then Watts is a unit of electrical measurement. So to go towards the electricity, basically, right? It’s Mount Maru. It’s a plan. Mount Maru. So once Halliday died, they opened up the archive of his mind, the mind of God, you could say. The day the contest was announced, the holiday journals appeared.

Take a closer look at Parsville as he’s going in. And he says, he told us to look in his brain. This was the next best thing. So this is akin to doing research and studying independently, right? Not just listening to IOI and letting them tell you what to believe. Look at the door handles. That’s the squatterman glyph. This is a z pinch right there in the middle. This is plasma going up and around the hourglass formation that has been carved into rocks the world across.

In petroglyphs. In petroglyph forms, right? People find these formations all over the world. Guyana, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Italy, all over the place. They have the same glyph with these little dots underneath as well, right? Those are those toroidal little instabilities I was telling you about earlier. Now he’s looking at a memory from the past and he says, this is halliday, basically the blue beam, basically acting as, like, the good energy of this world.

And he says, I don’t want to make any more rules because they’re like, no, everything’s advancing. This is turning into a business now. It’s no longer just a game. And he hates that. He’s very creative. He wants people to play. He says, I don’t want to make any more rules, right? I’m a dreamer and I like this part because this resonates with me, right? Dreamers dreams, visions, seeing picture forms and things like that.

Very much the right hand side of the brain that provides balance to the world that we live in, which is that left hand path. He says, why can’t we go backwards for once, like really fast? Just put the pedal to the metal as fast as we can? And this provides the clue that was needed to win that race, which is our race to the north pole, basically. Right.

We’re going to talk more about that. So parsival figures out that he needs to go backwards in the race, right? So he jumps in his car at the start, and when everyone takes off, he goes backwards and it looks like he’s going to smash into a wall, he’s going to hit a wall that looks like it’s there. But when he goes at it as fast as he can and he goes right towards that wall, which is like the edge of this little world right here, an opening opens up.

There’s a cave system that goes down underneath the wall. And notice all the green light that’s coming up out of it, that represents the underworld, that green light. So parcel’s down there in the underworld. And he takes a shortcut to symbolically Mount Maru, which is Central park. Right? So he’s driving his car backwards, goes through, revisits, right. Halliday says that in order to win this race, basically they need to go backwards as fast as they can instead of going forwards.

Instead of all this modern progress, which the movie hints at as well, we need to go backwards or return to the old ways, right? Return to the old ways of our ancestors and the ancients and whatnot, especially to survive the apocalypse, because they taught us a lot of really useful things in surviving the apocalypse. But he goes down into the underworld, he goes backwards, and everyone else is trying to progress at the forward, at the top.

So that’s like the modern world up there in the front. And they have problems with gigantism, they have problems with dinosaurs and phantasoids and things of that nature, right? They have all these issues. They’re crashing into each other. It’s very hectic up there as they try to make progress. But down here, when he goes backwards in the underworld, he’s able to get to the finish line, which is Central park.

Right? And I think if we take a look here. Yes. It’s represented by this flame. This is the eternal flame, this candle right here. Right? So Central park, he makes it, he gets there. You have this double circle symbolism with the star symbol in the middle, too. That’s basically like how we were talking about the gate, the Stargate. So he gets the first key and he says, give yourself a clue or get yourself a clue.

So he’s saying that we need to find clues. Okay? This is a movie talking, right? To us. If you’re interested in eternal life and regeneration, cellular regeneration and getting superpowers and surviving the apocalypse and all these types of things, it’s our due diligence to find these clues, to research, to figure things out, right? And that’s not a guarantee of any of those things. And the movie makes that abundantly clear that you could just wander around in the dark and you might just be lucky, or people would say it’s lucky.

Anyways, so they get a clue and we get back to the business people. This guy is in charge of IoI, and he says he’s having this little conference, right? And they’re all really upset because one of the egg hunters found the first clue. This guy is basically the head of IOI. He represents all of the business corporate world that we live in today. And he says, we’ve got this new advertising campaign.

We call it pure two. That’s pure oxygen, right? So they show you the plasma volcano in the background with the blue beam. Right? And instead of focusing on the plasma volcano and the blue beam, all this other junk is just advertisements all the way around. And he says, we can estimate that we can sell up to 80% of a person’s visual field with those goggles before inducing seizures.

So he’s talking about how to win or how the bad guys are going to win. They put all these advertisements out in front to take up as a distraction, basically. This guy’s like. And this implies that we win the contest. And he says, yes, it does. Yes, because all of these little advertisements in the movie, ready player one, right. Are put there to block your field of view so that you can’t focus, so that you’re distracted from the goal, from the finish line, from the purpose, from winning the game.

Right. Anyways, so I just wanted to share that. Oh, thanks for. I got another donation. Thank you so much. I appreciate you guys. All right. He says, now, this bad guy, this is his avatar. So this guy right here, this is his avatar. It’s like an evil superman looking dude in the movie. Thanks. I love rods. Super. Appreciate you. High five. Now, he goes down, he gets this artifact.

It’s called the orb of. I forgot what it’s called. It says, in a minute. But this orb creates an impenetrable magic shield that can only be taken down by a magic spell. He holds it up. This is his henchmen that got it for him. The orb of Ossovox. Now, owls, like we said, means light. Ous like Australia, right? Remember, west or east. Aus means shine. Shining. The shining of volks.

Volks means voice or frequency. Right? Something that’s emitted. It’s a voice. So the light of the voice, it’s basically a play on words for the voice of God, right? And it creates this dome. Now they get this next clue. And he says, a creator who hates his creation. A hidden key, a leap not taken. Retrace your steps, escape your past, and the key of jade will be yours at last.

That’s the next clue. Now they take a look. He’s looking at all of his little conspiracy stuff that he has pinned up to his wall there. And it says here that there’s a newspaper article. It says Ogden Morrow has left gregarious games. So he didn’t like the direction the company was going in. He sold his half of it. Morrow is directly related to the word morrowin, which is interesting if you play video games.

And it means morrow or morn, as in mourning, right? So let’s look up morn. People say good morning, et cetera. It comes from Marigin or Morgan, like Morgan Freeman is one of the most famous names that people recognize, right? Morgan, Marigen. These two words, mar and Gen or Gan. Let’s check it out. Mar comes from mere, which means pure and clear, right? Which is representative of that pure and clear lake at the middle of the world.

It has no impurities, no salt, no anything. It’s a crystal clear lake of water, fresh water. And it also means a pool, a small lake, a pond. This is the root of mermaid, okay? Is mere. It also is like Mother Mary, where the light is born up out of the virgin. She’s pure mer. Also is related to sea. Marine. Applies to things that are from the ocean or from the sea, et cetera.

Oh, gone. And then gone just means Eden. It means garden specifically. Right. So the pure garden, et cetera, is what Margan means. Man, we’re going down. Morrow. That’s what morrow means. Okay? Now, morrow means daytime, too. So we say good morrow tomorrow, et cetera. And it implies daytime. Daytime is created the real daytime across ages. We go through very long epics of day and night. Now we live in the night.

Daytime is the morrow. When those lights appear at the Garden of Eden. Right. Which is where king og lives. Ogden morrow. Right. That’s him right here. This is. What was his name? Ibn Anak or something like that. I forgot his arabic name. But this is King Og, basically in Arabic. And that’s him holding up the mountain or the inverted dome at the top of the world. Also Humpty Dumpty.

Right. And for more information, I did a video recently about this, and I’ve been bringing this up more and more. But here’s just a picture so you can see. This is king og in the blue beam holding up this mound at the top of the firmament up here, which is the all seeing eye. Humpty Dumpty, the egg in the sky, the agus, et cetera. All right, cool. Dang.

This is a long presentation. I hope it’s cool. I didn’t know it was going to be this long, man. We’re already like, how far into this video are we? Like, 2 hours, man. This is going to be a long one. All right, cool. Let’s do this. Let’s take one more break, okay? Because I’m drinking coffee, so I’m super sorry. Let’s take one more break. We’ll come back, and we’ll wrap up the rest of the presentation.

It’ll be our last break. Okay? This one’s going to be just a short one. And we’ll be right back. Around the world, men’s thoughts will fly quick as the twinkling of an eye. And water shall great wonders do. How strange. And yet it shall come true. Beneath the water, men shall walk, shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk. And in the air, men shall be seen in white and black and even green.

For in those wondrous far off days, the women shall adopt the craze to dress like men in trousers wear. And to cut off their locks of hair they’ll ride astride with brazen brow as witches do on broomsticks. Now there’ll be a sign for all to see. Be sure that it will certain be. And love shall die, and marriage cease, and nations wane, and babes decrease, as wives shall fondle cats and dogs.

And men live much the same as hogs. Pictures alive with movements free boats like fishes beneath the sea. When men, like birds, shall scour the sky. Then half the world deep, drenched in blood, shall die. Then half the world deep, drenched in blood, shall die. For those who live this century through in fear and trembling, this shall do. Flee to the mountains and the dens, to bog and forest and wild fens.

For storm will rage and oceans roar when Gabriel stands on sea and shore. And as he blows his wondrous horn, old worlds die and new be born. Fiery dragon will cross the sky six times before this earth shall die. Mankind will tremble in frightened be. For the six heralds end this prophecy. For seven days and seven nights, man will watch this awesome sight. The tides will rise beyond their ken to bite away the shores.

And then the mountains will begin to roar. And earthquakes split the plain to shore. And flooding waters rushing in will flood the lands with such a din that mankind cowers in muddy fen and snarls about his fellow men. And when the dragon’s tail is gone, man forgets and smiles and carries on to apply himself. Too late, too late. For mankind is earned. Deserve his fate. His mask smile, his false Grandeur will serve the gods.

Their anger stir, and they will send the dragon back to light the sky. His tail will crack upon the earth and rend the earth. And man shall flee, king, lord, and surf. And men will die thirst before the oceans rise to mount the shore. And lands will crack and rendez anew. You think it’s strange? It will come true. And in some far off distant land, some men owe such a tiny band, will have to leave their solid mounts and span the earth.

Those few to count and those surviving this will then begin the human race again. But not on land already there, but on ocean beds, dark, dry and bare. Not every soul on earth will die as the dragon’s tail goes sweeping by. Not every land on earth will sink, but these will wallow and stench and stink of rotting bodies, of beast and man, of vegetation crisp on land. And those that live will ever fear the dragon’s tail.

For many years. But time erases memory. You think it’s strange, but it will be. And before the race is built anew, a silver serpent comes to view and spew out men of like unknown, to mingle with the earth now grown cold from its heat. And these men can enlighten the minds of future men to intermingle and show them how to live and love, and thus endow the children with the second sight, a natural thing, so that they might grow graceful, humble.

And when they do, the golden age will start anew. Okay. All right, we are back for round three. Had to let my puppy go for a walk as well. She had to go to the bathroom. Oh, and also, while I was on break, I got a donation in my Paypal account from Ali Yeti. So I want to say thank you so much, wherever you are out there. Thank you very much to everyone who’s supported my work.

I really appreciate it. All right, let’s continue on breaking down this movie. So the next part, the next clue is about this chick, Karen Underwood. Underwood is just a hearkening to under igdrizil or under the stump of the world tree. Basically, it’s under the wood. Right. And finding her is going to be a key part of this movie. Now, next up, we get to the distracted globe. The distracted globe scene.

Let me show you this. You see that? So this is one of the places that was created by Halliday in this virtual reality world, and it’s called the distracted globe. I just want to say that one more time. Okay. The distracted globe. Now they go into this place. It’s a dance club. All right? They think it has something to do with the clue. When they go in there, they see all these people floating up into the sky and stuff.

The people who are distracted in our world by the distracted globe, they symbolically are being caught up during the apocalypse. This is the depressurization. It causes an influx of buoyancy in our atmosphere, which causes objects to be weightless for a time, basically floating up and being caught up into the winds and sucked up into the sky and eaten by Kronos. Fun times. You see all the plasma and stuff like that.

So this is all the people being sucked up into the sky. This is not the leap of faith. They’re supposed to take a leap of faith. This is not it. This is the leap that people take. They don’t want to. They’re unwillingly taking this leap because they’re just weightless. So they’re all up there dancing, floating around, having a good time. This is also pennywise and how he talks about, you’ll float, too.

And all that symbolism, that’s the same exact thing that you’re seeing here, right? So they’re all up there dancing and not paying attention and just having a good old time partying or whatever, right? And they say, so Halliday’s the creator who hates his own creation. So he created this dance club because the girl that he took out on a date, Underwood, that chick Underwood, they only went on one date, but it was to the movie theaters, and he learned that she loves dancing.

So he created this whole dance club called the distracted Globe. And he hates it because he hates dancing. He doesn’t like any of this dancing nonsense or whatever. If you like dancing, that’s fine. I’m not a dancer, so I’m not saying anything bad about it, but I’m just saying Halid is the creator who hates his own creation, and the club is the thing that he hates, and the club’s name is the distracted globe.

Just let that one sink in for a bit. Okay, so the distracted globe is the creation that the creator hates. And then they jump up there. They’re not sure if it’s going to work. He’s like, I don’t think this is it. And they have no sense of direction. They’re up there floating around. They don’t know which way is up or whatever, which is similar when you think about modern cosmology, right? If people in Australia are upside down and stuff like that, he’s like, I don’t think this is it.

There’s no scoreboard, no obstacles. It’s a distraction. That’s why they have this in the movies. Now we get back to this guy who basically hires his own personal hitman, this chick that works in the real world, to try to go and find these people, and they put them into these loyalty centers. Now they have these little cubes, these little phone booth looking cubes where people are stuck. They have the VR goggles.

And this is prison in the future in this movie, right? People have, they’re stuck in the VR world, but in the VR world, they’re having them do manual labor as avatars. So they’re doing manual labor in this little phone booth type environment, which they’re stuck in, and they’re locked in it, and they can’t take off their gloves or their mask or anything, right? And that’s many of us.

Or could be many of us, right? Let’s just say all the world was a stage and all the men and women were merely players playing a game, right? And some people were distracted, and some people have been hijacked or taken over or the frequency has been adjusted or messed with and people can no longer play the game, but they’re now slaves within the game, right? Allowing only the people who are rich and powerful to actually play and to enjoy themselves, right? Well, that’s bad energy, that’s bad juju, that’s not good vibes or whatever, right? And they call these the loyalty centers.

They’re basically futuristic prisons. Now he asks Parsival, who’s here in hologram form in his real office, to basically join his team. Parsival is the truth seeker who is doing his own research. He’s basically a conspiracy theorist that’s put together and figured out a lot of stuff and this guy can’t figure it out on his own, but he’s got money. So he decides he’s going to try to hire Parsival.

He’s going to try to make him a paid agent of the government’s side or team or whatever, right? In the modern, we call these people know, paid agents, stuff like that. And he’s basically trying to recruit parcel, right? The government comes knocking and he says, you know, if you came to work at IoI, you’d get one of these. It’s like fancy equipment or whatever. And then there’s the.

Basically this is like the story of Satan taking Jesus up to a high mountain, which is Mount Maru, showing them the whole world and saying, if you just work for. Right, then I’ll give you all of this stuff, all this technology, making life easier for you and you’ll get paid as well, right? Well, in the modern world, that’s how it’s set up is people need money, they need currency because we’ve lost our own current, our electrical current, our spirit, right? And he goes on to say, and if you do happen to find that Easter egg, there’s a bonus, $25 million.

Well, who cares? Who cares about dollars, right? If you live in a world that is already electrically amplified, you don’t need an outer form of that or a representation of your current, your electrical current, your spirit, basically, to pass it around and divvy it up in what we call dollars and bucks and monies and euros and pounds and whatever, right? Money’s worthless, especially after the apocalypse comes. It’s just paper or little pieces of metal.

That’s all it is, right? It’s nothing. It’s not useful. All this money stuff comes from the traders who are traders or who became traders. They always traded up to try to take advantage of people. And those are the merchants who came and dispersed around the world. Right? So his name is Wade Owen Watts. He figures out his real name, right, instead of parsival. He knows his real name now.

And that’s a big no no, is to tell people your real name. That gives power, okay? Because your name is a descriptor of you. It tells people stuff about you that most people don’t even know. They don’t even know their own descriptors. They don’t know what their name means. They just think, oh, that’s just my name. That’s just what I’m labeled as. That’s just what I’m called. I have no idea what it means or even that it does mean something.

It definitely means something. It’s a descriptor, right? And you can change your descriptor. You can name yourself or rename yourself, which is what they do in these movies, like the Matrix and ready player one and stuff. But wait, Owen Watts is wow, which is vav, right? In case you didn’t put that one together, it means vav. Wow is actually vav, which is the vav of the world, which is the most amazing thing ever, et cetera, right? Which is that blue beam or that light of the world.

So they blow up his real world house and kill his family and stuff because he’s a threat to them finding the garden of paradise or the fountain of youth, et cetera. Right? And that’s what’s more important to the rich people is life, okay? That’s the one thing that’s more important to them than anything, than money or gold or any of that stuff is living longer, right? So that they can continue to enjoy themselves.

But they’re up against the clock, they’re racing against time, right? They need more life. They need more time, all right? So in order to figure out the next clue, they have to go into the movie the Shining, which it shows you right here. There’s all these vhs tapes or whatnot. So they pick out the shining, and he says, this is Halliday’s 11th favorite film. There’s those two pillars once more.

The shining, the two pillars, the 11th favorite film. Eleven, elven, et cetera. And it’s based on the best selling book by Stephen King, who wrote the Shining but hated the movie, the creator who hates his own creation. They’re starting to figure out the clues and how they work and stuff, right? So there’s false clues out there. There’s false little trails that sometimes we take, right? But we can always get back to the true path.

So they go into the movie the Shining. They’re outside of this really cool movie theater. And it’s called the Overlook, right? Which means you’re standing up on a high place, looking down, just like the story of Jesus and Satan in the Bible. The shining, which is where this takes place. The overlook, the high place that has the shining light, right? Which is Mount Maru. So they go in, they rush into the movie theater, open up the doors, and boom, they’re in the Overlook hotel, the Stanley here in Colorado.

An exact replicas. This is a really cool part of the movie. It’s very convincing, right? Now check this out. When they go in, if you look right above my head, you can see these native american imagery and pictures and stuff like that. These are all the blue beam that shoots up, and it just creates. These are all gods that they have the feet down or whatever. Hands up and they’re blue.

They shoot up and they create these little electrical ladders and stuff like that. H goes over towards the elevators and he sees the twins also wearing blue. Right? This is the twin symbolism. Gemini symbolism, man. The twins of the anode and cathode twins. Usually it’s a boy and a girl, but it doesn’t always have to be. And then the red doors, right? The red door is the door up there in the sky, which starts to bleed, right? So the walls are bleeding.

That’s an omen of the apocalypse. The walls start bleeding. All this red blood. It’s not really blood, right? But it’s because of all of the oxygen and stuff. It becomes oxidized. That’s why things have that rusty color to them. Anyways, all this blood rushes throughout the whole place. And he grabs onto this door, which is door two three seven. And if you’ve seen the shining, you know that door two three seven is this evil room, basically, that has this really bad frequency to it.

And he goes into room two three seven. And that’s related to the moon landing of Apollo, right? Many people who study the shining like they know all this already, right? The moon is, on average, 237,000 miles away, according to academics, from the surface of our world or from the earth, right? So that’s why they chose room two three seven. That’s why they have the Apollo moon landing, taking off, going to the moon.

All that is symbolic of them trying to escape Earth. They can’t actually leave and go to other worlds and stuff like that, right? So they go up there and they test it out, and they’re doomsday prepping building rockets and stuff and planning on actually leaving one day. Going to the actual moon, which will open up and crack open, and they’ll go right through it. All right? So he goes into room two, three, seven, which is really weird because it’s just a bathroom.

In the movie. It’s not just a bathroom, but in this movie, it is just a bathroom. And it’s all green. That green light. Green energy, green color. It goes back to the north Pole and the light that comes up from the underworld, basically. And he meets this chick, just like in the movie the shining, and know just got out of the bath, but then she turns into this undead zombie, and she tries to kill him.

She’s plasma possessed, right? The dead rising. This is the dead rising symbolism. They take you out into the backyard of the Stanley that has that iconic labyrinth, right? The labyrinth symbolism is our world. Our world is the labyrinth. Everyone’s running around. The walls have changed. The mountains have moved around every cycle, right. Mountains are created very quickly. They’re not created over millions of years or anything like that.

So they’re running around in the maze, trying to avoid the evil energy, the bad guys, et cetera, in the maze, which is what we’re doing. And then they finally collect their senses and they figure out where to go, and they get to the real leap of faith, right? So what you see here is there’s this cliff or this edge, and all these zombies are, like, floating around, dancing.

They’re all having this dance. It is a dance, right? And they say, look, that’s the zombie circle and the level mayhem mansion. Another mm reference, or 33, right? So at 33, she has to do the leap of faith, jumping over what looks like a canyon or a gorge. There’s that word again where it looks like you’ll just be jumping to your doom, however she jumps. And just like we saw in stranger things and a million other movies, the leap of faith is successful, and they don’t die, they don’t get hurt, et cetera.

And this is all symbolism of where this is taking place in our actual world, right? This represents the underworld. This is where the dead come back to life. Their spirits are, et cetera. So she takes the leap of faith, grabs onto one of the zombies to hold on, and she’s supposed to try to find the Underwood woman who’s stuck down there in the underworld. Underwood Underworld. And she has to rescue her.

This is the princess who is locked away in a castle. This is Sophia, the goddess, or wisdom. And I think she’s actually wearing a blue dress. I can’t remember. I think that’s blue. But she has to rescue her, basically, from the underworld. This gets back to numerous myths of antiquity and legends about goddesses that get pulled down into the underworld and trapped down there. And other people need to go down in there, into the world of the dead and rescue them and bring them back up or whatever.

That’s all the symbolic imagery. Hey, anthrax axis just gave five random memberships in my chat, so if you’re in the chat right now, you may get a free jjimmers membership for one month to go check out all my other members only content, which I’ve got about a hundred videos, I think, out of my thousand, by the way, that we’ve done. Approximately. Anyway, so they get the jade key, right? So this is the green key represents Mount Maru, or the underworld.

Sorry. The first one was copper. That represents getting past those mountains that surround paradise. Okay, the copper mountains, right? The second one is actually getting to the center point and going down inside of Yggdrasil, or going into the underworld, which is the green spirit. Right. Now, the next clue reads. Let me see if I can read this. What does it say? Oh. If you know the answer ultimate, divide by the number magic and what you need, want, and desire will be found in the fortress.

Tragic, right? So if you know the number ultimate. Is that what that says? I got, like, all these lamps in here. If you know the answer ultimate. So the answer ultimate is a reference to the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy. And at the end of that movie, they tell you the answer to everything is this two digit number. If you know that two digit number, you divide that by the magic number.

That gives you a clue as to where to find it, which was sector 14 in the oasis, and there’s a fortress in sector 14. Okay, so basically, IoI, the corporate people, they figured this out, and they sent all their people to every place in sector 14 that had a fortress, until they eventually found the next place where the last key was. Now they meet show, and he’s like, yeah, I’m eleven.

So what? So there’s another reference to the number. Eleven is this guy’s eleven years old, right? The two pillars. The two beams. His real name is Zhou, which is Xo, which is interesting, too, because that’s the shape of this island at the middle, which is an o and an x. An x that marks the spot right there in the middle. The bullseye, Artemis gets captured. She goes to the robocop prison or whatever this is supposed to be here.

The virtual reality prison, right? Where everyone’s just stuck in virtual reality, these are all the people in the real world that play video games constantly. Just check your phone constantly. You’re detached. By you, I mean me, when I do those things, okay? But I’m sure a lot of people can resonate with that. Detached from living, detached from surviving, detached from life and relationships and encounters. You know what I mean? Now I get that, trust me.

Especially when maybe you’ve got anxiety, like I do from time to time, and you don’t want to go out among crazy people, like Alice says. But anyways, back to this. So she puts on her little goggles, and this is what it looks like. She’s in prison. She’s in an actual virtual prison made to do work. And this is us, okay? Without goggles. Like, this is me right now as I’m doing this.

I’m doing this because I love it. I enjoy it. And I’m thankful that I’m in a position that I get to do what I enjoy doing and just love doing, which is studying and stuff to get paid by IoI. They’re the ones that pay me right now to do this for all of you and for my children and for whoever watches. I don’t need to be wearing virtual reality glasses, because I am.

I’m doing that right now. This makes sense on a simulation theory type of a level or whatnot. But this is all of us. You’re going to work all the time. That’s not what this place is for. That’s not what it’s designed for. That’s what it’s been changed into. It’s not supposed to be a place of work. The work is done, all right? The work is done by George, basically, and the gods or whatever you want to say.

The land’s already been shaped. It’s already been taken care of. It’s already been terraformed. Everything’s already been provided. Now you’re supposed to play. Is that what you’re doing all the time with your time, is relaxing on vacation, like, playing and whatnot? That’s what it’s supposed to be. But instead, we work, right? And people think that’s the point of life. I need to get a job. You need to get a job.

You need to find a job. I need to find a job. No, you really don’t. You need to relax and play. You know what I mean? That’s what it’s for. All right. Anyways, so they find this last location, the last challenge, the last test for the last key. And it’s a place filled with ice. It’s a cold place, right? I’ll just cut right to the chase. This is the dome, okay? That’s how you get out.

You have to go up. I mean, you can go down into the earth and chill in paradise for a bit, but if you want to leave and go to other worlds and stuff like that, the heavens and go to heaven or whatever, you got to get past the ice dome. All right? That’s what I’m seeing with it, at least. Now, this is so funny. So this is the guy’s avatar who owns the corporations.

This is his henchmen over here. This guy gets the orb of Osavox, and he’s like, has it got, like, a remote? Is there a button or something? This guy, who’s, like, a serious gamer, takes it from him, and he’s so condescending. He’s like, nolan. It’s a level 99 magic artifact, so not one of your drones. It doesn’t have a button on it. It’s activated by a magic spell.

If you like dungeons and dragons or you’re a nerd on the inside, this is one of the funniest parts of the movies. It’s so hilarious. This corporate dude has no idea how to activate it. He’s looking for a button, like it’s technology or something. The dude takes it from him casually, and he puts it up, and he says, would you care to do the honors? This guy, he’s being sarcastic.

He knows he has no idea how to activate it. He’s like, or would you like me to do this? I study these things. Right? Now, if you take a look at the orb of Osavox Ausovox, right? It makes these interesting shapes. This is just one of them. I took a picture of it while it did this. This shape just happens to line right up with the sigil of Azazel or Azazel, which means strong, strong, mighty leader, or strongest of the gods.

Basically, you could say Azazel. Right? Now, Azazel or Azazel is featured all throughout history and pop culture and many different things. But getting back to a biblical reference, you would have the high priest of the Hebrews who had his umum and his thumim, which were a form of divination that was approved of by Yahweh in the Old Testament. Right here, it’s represented by dice to basically divine or figure out the will of God.

They would have these two goats, right? They would bring these two goats. This is all symbolic of real events. They would bring these two goats. They would cast lots or they would cast the umam and tumam, or roll the dice or however you want to see it. Okay? Toss the runes or whatever. And one goat would be designated as one that would be chosen for God. That would be accepted by Yahweh in the Old Testament.

The other goat would be cast out into the wilderness, not even killed or anything. Right? I mean, sometimes they did that anyway, but it was supposed to be cast out into the wilderness, which is really interesting because that’s the land of Azazel, where we live now, which is. Azazel represents the devil or Satan, okay? And he rules. I say he, but there’s really no he or she. He rules this land.

I mean, it’s a masculine energy, I guess you could say. But anyways, that’s the ruler of the outer lands of the Southlands, of the outer lands that are outside of the center of the world, right? And that’s represented by the scapegoat, the goat that escapes or is a part of the diaspora and gets cast out of the holy land of paradise, basically. Right? So that’s the Azazel sigil.

And then once it’s activated, it shoots out all this plasma and it creates this huge dome or orb or circle that goes all the way around. Right? Now, this also exists. This right here is Anorak’s castle. Anorak, the all knowing, the wizard. Right, which is Halliday, which is a version of the blue beam or God or a savior figure, stuff like that, right? This goes all the way around, but on the surface we only see the top of it.

So it creates like a dome, an energetic dome around the garden of Eden, around that circular land in the middle. And where the edges touch are all those jagged mountains and stuff, because they’re pulled up into the sky and petrified. But it goes all the way around underneath and it creates another barrier on the underworld, or what do they call that in stranger things? The upside down. Right? And if you take a look, you also see the eleven, the two towers, and there’s basically a plasma volcano castle right there in the middle.

All right, we continue on and they grab that business guy. He thinks he’s about to take off his VR goggles, but they hack in right before he does, and he still stays in the VR world. So they trick him into thinking he’s in the real world. They say we grabbed him just as he was logging out of the oasis. He thinks he’s back in his office in the real world, but he’s actually here, still in the oasis.

Right. This has been shown to us a few times in the movies and stuff, people think that they have escaped the simulation, but they have not. It’s a continuing simulation. It just continues on and on and on, right? If you take off your simulated goggles and the world you’re in looks a lot like the world you just left. The Ods are pretty good. You’re still in the simulation, you know what I mean? Anyways, continuing on.

Oh. So parsival throws up his magic eight ball and it records him, and he gets to address everyone in the oasis, basically everyone in the entire world. And he calls them to a battle. He says, citizens of the oasis, meet me here at this final test, which is planet doom, which is represented by this dome barrier that goes up over this castle of Anorac, which is Mount Maru at the center of the world, or paradise, right? This is also the cherubim that guard.

This is the cherubim that guard the paradise, the Garden of Eden, right? They’re a serpentine. It’s plasma, okay? That wraps around, it’s a dome of plasma. Basically, it’s electromagnetic. Now they show this, and then they show all these people gathering in this frozen wasteland, right? For this final battle at this place where there’s an electromagnetic barrier around this castle, which is just a tower, which is just a high and lofty mountain, which is Mount Maru and Rupus Negra, right? So all these people from all the way around the world, they all gather here, and this is in revelation.

This is a prophecy that says this will happen in the book of revelation. And it says here, I’ll read it to you now, when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison, that is, down in Tartarus, or the underworld, and he will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, that would be at the north pole. Gog and Magog, we’ll break that word down another time to gather them together for battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea.

That’s many, many billions of people. Basically, it’s a whole bunch of people. They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints. So they encircled, made a circle around this camp or this place where God’s people reside, right? Or the immortals, et cetera, right? That’s at the north pole. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. All those people you just saw in the movie, if this prophecy represents what’s happening in this movie, they are all going to die, all of them, right? There’s always exceptions and anomalies.

But all these people, they gather around fire, according to the prophecy, comes down from God out of the sky and burns them all up, and then the devil’s destroyed, et cetera, right? There’s another prophecy from the Old Testament in Zechariah or Zakar Yahuwah. Zechariah yahuwah. Zakar yahuwah. That’s how that’s really pronounced, Zakara yahuwah. I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it. Now, unfortunately, in the modern world, we’re taught a totally different location.

So people are going to know. Some armies gather against modern day Israel, which is not the original Israel. I’m sorry to break any hearts, okay? That’s my opinion, that’s my perspective. It’s based on my research. No need to insist or debate or anything like that, okay? Like, I’m convinced in my own mind I’m good, all right? I’m not trying to convince you. I’m just sharing my perspective with you.

Modern day Israel is not the original Israel. Modern day Euphrates is not the original Euphrates, modern day Tigris is not the modern day, and so on and so forth, a thousand times over. But they will all gather together in the Arctic Circle, which is where all those nations touch. Where they all meet is in the north. Anyways, then they all go to war, right? And you can see that’s the Atari sort of mountain, Rupus Negra, right there.

Plasma volcano surrounded by anode and cathode on either side. And it says it’s not about winning. So he gets in there while they’re all at war, right? And you’ll also notice if you watch this movie, like the main guy, he doesn’t really fight unless he has to. At the very end, he says it’s not about winning, it’s about playing, right? It’s not about war and fighting. And, oh, I get this land, and I took it from you, and I won the points and I this and that.

It’s about playing. It’s about being creative and having fun, having a good time, and peace and prosperity. But the world we live in now is just the opposite. So he says it’s at the center of a maze, middle of the world, as we talked about. And then the bad guy shows up with his little avatar, and he’s got this bomb that will eradicate everybody and kill everybody. The bomb is represented by red and blue meeting together.

When you mix red and blue, that’s the apocalypse. When the blue sky turns into a red sky when we go to this electromagnetic shift, that’s the blue sky and the red sky meeting one another. And that’s the creation event. Also the destruction event, which destroys most of the people on the world. And this dude over here, his henchman, he’s like, wait, I thought you were bluffing. You know that kills all of us, right? He’s really worried because their avatars contain all of their money that they’ve made in the virtual world, and he doesn’t want to lose, like, ten years worth of gold and artifacts and stuff.

So he’s like, hold on, wait a minute. So this guy, he’s starting the process of activating this bomb? Well, when the blue and red mix, you get purple, which leads us. Whenever the blue sky turns into the red sky, there’s the purple dawn. It’s a purple flash of creation, which is a misty, cloudy light, basically, that permeates our atmosphere for a while. And this dude’s like, I’m not going out like that.

No, man. That’s a camper move, bro. He starts talking all this trash, and it’s so funny, like, if you play video games, it’s so funny. This dude’s just going to use some artifact that he paid for. You know what I mean? He didn’t earn it or anything. He doesn’t know how to. And then he’s like, you don’t even know how to activate an orb. If you play video games.

That’s, like, one of the funniest things ever, right? Because this dude, there’s people that play video games that they just buy their way to the top, okay? Which is representative by this guy right here. He buys all the cool stuff, gets all the cool equipment. You can just buy it because video game makers allow that these days. Or you can spend hours and hours of your hard earned life trying to earn these items.

Like this guy has, right? He’s poor anyways. He’s like, that’s a camper move, bro. You don’t even know how to activate an orb because he’s just some rich guy. So he does activate the freaking bomb, right? And he makes it go off, and it emits this bluish white light, this blue light. Basically, that is a wave of energy that goes all throughout this entire place and kills everybody, decimates everybody.

All the camp that was surrounded, this castle, aka the holy city, they all died, which is why many people ask to. Should we go up to the North Pole right now? Should we just leave right now and just go? No, I don’t believe so. I took years to meditate on that question. And I say with confidence, even though I’m still growing and still knowing and still understanding and learning, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

I’m not going to. Okay. I believe the road will be paved. We’ll see a sign the road will be paved. There won’t be any oceans in the way or anything. Those will be removed. But if you go now and you join the Ragnarok and the armies of the world, you know what I mean? Like, unless you’re already safely there, then you’re going to be stuck outside of those walls that we talked about earlier.

And when the sun transgresses the northern tropics and it gets hotter and hotter and hotter, the heat will come down from the heavens, the fire of God, and it will burn everybody at the North Pole. So, no, I don’t think it’s a good idea. But afterwards, you totally can go up there. It’ll all be yellow brick when the oceans are removed, that sunlight that bakes away the freaking Arctic Ocean and stuff like that, and fries all these people and melts them and stuff, turns them into stone and ash and stuff.

It’ll bake all that mud and debris and stuff. And then you get your spiral yellow brick road beginning from Oz. Right? So anyways, Parzville makes it. He had an extra life, which is represented by this coin that had George Washington’s picture on it, which is a God, or a know, a picture of a God or an image of a God or a graven image of a God. And it says extra life.

So he had this extra life coin or whatever. He flips it up into the air and he says, thanks, curator. And the curator is the one who was in charge of the museum. He’s basically the Janice type figure, right? A curator is a janitor, basically. And so the janitor God is Janus or Ganols or the Strong one of the garden. So he finally gets the crystal key to unlock the heavens and he meets Anorak again, who’s like all happy.

He’s like, oh, congratulations, it’s all yours. All you got to do is just sign this contract. And he’s about to sign the contract and he’s looking at all this legal jargon and stuff. And he’s like, wait a minute, this is wrong. All these tests you put me through were about my inner character and rejecting maritime law and playing and not being bound by rules and regulations and stuff.

I won’t make the same mistake that you did. So he refuses to sign it, and he refuses to enter into a contract with Anorag. And if he would have, he would have lost everything, right? So Anorak’s really happy and he’s like, oh, good. That was his final test. All of these have been tests of inner character, because they want to ensure that whoever survives the apocalypse and makes it back into the Garden of Eden are people who are good, right? Because those people will populate the next.

You know, one domino will hit another, and people will have babies and all that stuff. And they want to make sure that the future is secure with good energy, good people. So they’ve set up these tests to know if people deserve the prize or deserve the reward. So he says, I just needed to be sure. Which is reminiscent of Charlie and the chocolate factory or Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, right? That’s what all this was about.

It wasn’t about just winning a tour of the chocolate factory. He purposefully took them into sections of his chocolate factory that were testing the children who were to be the inheritors or the survivors of the apocalypse, if you want to see it through those eyes, the inheritors of his chocolate factory. People that would have imagination, people that would be creative, people that would play and have fun and a good time and wouldn’t enslave other people and have bad energy.

Right. It’s a selection process. And he makes it. So he wins the egg, the golden egg, and he goes back to Halliday’s little room here, and he says, Mr. Halliday, I don’t understand. And then the kid and the old man turn around because this is Halliday as a youth. This is him as an old man. This is the ancient God symbolism of the God that both represents the elderly or being an old God, and at the same time, a young God.

Right? The beginning and the end. I’m getting, like, antsy in my chair. Sorry. All right. He says, you’re not an avatar, are you? And he’s like, what are you if you’re not an avatar? Right? An avatar is whenever a spirit or an energy comes into a person and incorporates themselves, they go into a corporation. Like they go into a body. All right, or a corpse. He says, you’re not an avatar, though.

What are you? And he says, goodbye, parcel. Thanks for playing my game. This was his game. The creator, the architect. Right? It was all designed so that the people could play and enjoy themselves. So back in the real world, Halliday’s ex partner, Og, says, you can call me Og. So he definitely represents King Og, right? Arms outstretched, etc. He’s also wearing blue, by the way, blue collar. And he inherits all of this virtual world.

And he says, I’m going to split this with my clan, which is what it’s supposed to be. It’s supposed to be shared. The world is supposed to be shared. Not supposed to be claimed, not supposed to be borders and boundaries and walls and flags and rules and regulations and diplomas and certificates and all this stuff that put limitations upon us. We’re supposed to be free, and we’re supposed to enjoy that freedom with one another.

So he says, we’re going to run things together. And they’re all super happy about that. He says, that’s a good choice. And he’s like, wait a minute, you’re the curator? He says, well played. Possible. And he does his curator voice. He says, yeah, but he’s like, you found out that Kira was the key, or Miss Underwood was the key. He’s like, no, she wasn’t the key. It was you, Mr.

Morrow. King og. Right. You were the key. And then he goes back and he says, the high five took over the oasis. So this is the different races of the world. There’s like chinese, asian, black, white, et cetera, and so on and so forth coming together in the utopian paradise to share what they have inherited with one another, right? And he said the first thing they did was sign Ogden Morrow to a non exclusive consultancy.

The salary that he asked for to be paid was a quarter $0. 25, which is symbolic of the land at the top. Boom. Circular in shape, and it’s divided into quarters. So he says, we closed the oasis on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Right. That’s one of the first rules that they implemented. You’re not allowed to just be stuck on the Internet all your life, not allowed to be playing video games every day, all day.

They forced people to go out into the real world. He says, we need people to spend more time in the real world, not on the Internet, not on any of the platforms. And they kiss and they say, because reality is the only thing that’s real. So now that we’ve had our time in the virtual world, on the Internet together, and you’ve had lots of screen time, I’m going to roll these credits, and then I hope you’ll go experience something and do something fun and just play.

Until next time, I’m Jay. Dreamers saying good vibes and goodbye it. But something for save me to say it’d be easier for me if I can wait to sleep but there’s something holding on the way we escape but I guess it’s time to wake up time to wake up I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby time to wake up.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up I know I should have done this should have quit this long ago can’t send another heartbreak but it’s time to let it go it’d be easier for me if I kind of went to sleep but there’s something holding on the way be gone there’s ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up time to wake up I don’t escape but I guess it’s time to wake up.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby time to wake up. Time awake I’m gonna wake up close. .

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

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  • Tommy Truthful

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