Truth in Movies! #110 – A BOY AND HIS DOG

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➡ This is a review of the movie “A Boy and His Dog,” set in a post-apocalyptic world after a nuclear war. The movie, made in 1975, predicted the end of the world in 2024. The main characters are a man named Vic and his telepathic dog, Blood, who survive by scavenging and searching for women. The reviewer also discusses various themes and symbols in the movie, such as the phoenix, the apocalypse, and the relationship between man and dog.
➡ This text talks about a post-apocalyptic world where some people survive by becoming cannibals, while others live near energy sources and don’t need to eat. It also mentions a place called “over the hill,” which is seen as a paradise. The text suggests that many survivors don’t know how to grow their own food and rely on scavenging. The story also includes a telepathic dog who wants to find this paradise.
➡ The text is about a post-apocalyptic world where a group of young people follow an older man named Fellini. Fellini is from the pre-apocalyptic world and has knowledge of the old world, which gives him an advantage in finding resources. He is also physically stronger, which makes him feared and respected. The group follows him because they don’t know how to survive on their own. The text also discusses the concept of charisma and how it can lead to the formation of cults.
➡ A group of people stranded on a volcanic island survive by scavenging from crashed ships, avoiding metal due to the island’s magnetic properties. Over time, they become pirates, looting from new shipwrecks. Meanwhile, a group of strangers observe a man named Vic and his dog. Vic and his dog discover a hidden woman in a settlement, leading to a conflict with a group of scavengers. The woman is revealed to be from an underground society, hinting at a larger world beneath the surface.
➡ A guy named Vic refuses to go into a mysterious underworld, preferring to stay above ground with his dog. However, a woman tricks him into following her into the underworld, leaving his dog behind. Once there, Vic finds a strange society of people with clown-like appearances who constantly eat and listen to propaganda from speakers everywhere. Despite the weirdness, Vic shows his kindness by freeing a tied-up dog, hinting at his longing for his own dog left behind.
➡ The text talks about a post-apocalyptic world where people treat pets like slaves and a committee rules an underworld area. It also discusses the author’s dislike for makeup, which he believes is an attempt to mimic the appearance of otherworldly beings. The text further explores the idea of beauty and attractiveness, suggesting it’s more about energy than physical appearance. Lastly, it tells a story about a man named Vic who is chosen to impregnate women in an underground society because their women can’t conceive, which he initially sees as a great honor.
➡ A guy named Vic wakes up in a hospital, tied down and being forcibly drained of a white substance. A woman helps him escape, wanting to take over the underworld with him, but she turns out to be just as bad as the people they’re running from. They end up being chased by a killer robot, which they manage to destroy. In the end, Vic chooses his injured dog over the woman, and they survive by eating her.
➡ Despite feeling heartbroken and wanting to hold on, the person realizes it’s time to move on. They understand that there are many ways to avoid facing reality, but they’ve decided it’s time to face the truth and “wake up.”


Aloha. What’s up, everyone? Welcome to truth and movies, where we decode some of my own personal favorites. Now, this one is a boy and his dog, which I only recently saw this one maybe in the last year or so, and only because all of you recommended it. So this one was voted on in the community section. A lot of people wanted to check out a boy and his dog.

So that’s the movie that we’re going to break down today. Welcome to everyone in the chat today. Let’s go ahead and jump right into this movie. It’s post apocalyptic. So this takes place after an apocalypse that happens in the future, some sort of cataclysm in the movie. I believe that it’s supposed to be like a nuclear war or something, but we’re going to examine it a little closer.

This one says World War IV lasted five days. And you’ll never believe when this movie takes place. It says politicians have finally solved the problem of urban blight. Then next up, it says 2024. That’s when the world ends. So many people ask me all the time, when’s the world going to end? Right. Well, according to this movie, it’s this year. So it’s really interesting. They projected the end of the world to happen this year, back in 1975.

So we come to the modern day 2024. It says, world War Three, hot and cold, and they start reviewing these different world wars that they had. I also want to point out, my research has always indicated when studying eschatology, that world wars, almost every single time, I found that they precede the apocalypse. And I believe that the apocalypse is cyclical in nature. And I’ve always found that there’s some sort of worldwide war, a huge war that happens right before the apocalypse comes.

So this is sort of what the entire scenery looks like, sort of a Mad Max type world. And we meet the dog. Now, we’re going to learn more about the dog right now, because the dog is talking telepathically to his friend. We’ll meet his friend in a minute. And the dog says, I thought you were doing all the scouting today, Vic. So there’s two main characters. There’s Vic, who’s this guy right here, and then there’s his dog.

And they can speak to each other telepathically, which they’re doing right now. You can see Vic’s mouth is actually closed in this. I try to get a picture of. It’s hard to catch when I’m just sharing screenshots, but he’s just looking at him. Mouth is closed and they’re having this conversation. He says, damn it, blood, don’t give me a hard time. Just smell it. So the dog is helping out.

They sort of have this relationship where the dog uses his canine abilities to sniff out women for this guy who just constantly. He wants women more than food. In this movie, the dog’s name is Blood. The main character’s name, the protagonist’s name is Vic. So I’m going to talk about those two real quick. Vic stands for victorious or Victor, which, when you’re looking at things, when I’m looking at things through a plasma apocalypse lens or an apocalyptic lens or eschatology lens, that implies survivor, somebody who was victorious over the end of the world or the final war or however you want to see it, right? So oftentimes they’re called things like the Victor or Nikke or Nicholas or things like that.

They’re named in those manners, right? So this is Vic. He’s a survivor of the apocalypse, and his dog is blood. It’s really interesting, too. I’m writing a second book right now. My first book was all about the plasma apocalypse. Just shorthand notes, getting right to the point, because I have thousands of hours of videos all about it. So I wrote a book to just sort of put all of the main points together so people can have that.

And I’m writing the sequel right now, finishing it up. And it’s all about the land at the North Pole. It’s called return to hyperborea. And in this book, I just recently finished the chapter that’s all about the dogmen or the island of Anode and cathode islands up there at the north Pole. It’s very interesting. Essentially, there are hundreds of legends that refer to dogmen. And I’m not talking about just myths and that’s a rumor or anything.

I’m talking about, you can find references to real historic people, humanoids that looked like dogs enough that even ancient historians that academics builds upon talked about the dogmen, and people wrote about their experiences with them, that they met them, what their preferences were, what they ate, their dietary habits, how tall they were, et cetera, and so on and so forth, how they fought. I mean, it gets very in depth.

So this is, in my opinion, also a slight reference to the dog men and why they say that the dog is man’s best friend. And the relationship with dog aliens or dogs that are like part alien, part dog. Just like how we covered in spaceballs, right? With Mog. Anyways, so this is blood. I believe that’s why he’s called blood, right. That he’s related. And there are people that are related, I believe, to the dogmen and the Amazonians and so on and so forth.

All right? So these two get together. He’s helping him to find women. And that also ties into the plasma apocalypse. When the atmosphere becomes electrically amplified, so do people’s bodies, so do their spirits and their souls. And my research has indicated that there tends to be a jump in libido, we’ll say, which helps to explain why the gods, there’s so many stories of the ancient gods and how sexually active they were.

Right? So this touches on that all throughout the entire movie. We’ll come back to that a little towards the end here. And then Vic finds food for the dog and helps to feed the dog. So they’re out there in this desert landscape, walking around. There’s just other survivors, little bands of people, tribes. Everyone is nomadic, which everyone will be nomadic after the apocalypse happens. And there’s more famous nomadic tribes than there are others.

But all of this takes place soon after an apocalyptic event and everyone’s just running around out in the desert. And that brings us to the title, a boy and his dog. And then allegedly, where you see all of these little craters. These are all throughout the movie, these little craters right back here. These are where people dug. So I don’t get the impression those are like from bombs or anything like that.

The movie doesn’t specifically say, but every time that people go down into a crater, it’s because that’s where people were digging. They were digging down into the earth. I’ll come back to that in a minute because there’s a lot of interesting things about why they’re digging. So he goes on and he says, now, World War IV lasted for five days, which is also interesting to me, too. It’s about that week long span, and they talk about, and they really emphasize how short the apocalypse is.

And it really is that short. About a week. And he says, now there’s only desolation. And you can see there’s these little communities of people. They just pick up trash. They become trash diggers. This leads to the steampunk era and the steampunk world for those who survive. They go around scavenging and picking up things and repurposing old technology that they don’t know how to invent or they don’t have the means to invent that stuff anymore.

So they go around looking for things that are of value from the old world. It’s much like that movie somebody recommended that movie, I watched half of it the other night. I can’t remember the name, but it’s that one where the cities are all giant machines and they just, like, roll around on these giant machines and same thing. They’re all looking for artifacts from the time before, from before the apocalypse, so that they can repurpose all those things.

So it says, civilization lies smothered and decaying under an ocean of mud. So everything you see here is actually a mud flood that has dried up. It was an old mud flood that dried up and everything is now buried. They’re on top of modern cities right now. Says this was all for anyone. Belonged to anyone who was strong enough to dig and to fight and to take it for his own.

Now, this is interesting to me because it touches on the modern world and why we have wars and all this land grab that people have. It’s not just to establish a little home or a place to stay, but countries across the world have been having their people dig and mine. And it seems to me that they’ve been looking for things like artifacts. Some countries were more forthright than others.

In declaring they’re looking for artifacts of power, we’ll say. So they take off and he said, spread about us is the city of Phoenix, Arizona. Now, there’s a Phoenix symbolism, right? So if you follow my work and my channel, I explain quite often in great detail the specifics of what the phoenix is and how it comes about and how it’s interpreted by people across the world who look at it and see it.

And it’s directly related to the apocalypse. So they’re in Phoenix, Arizona. However, all of the city, the old city of Phoenix, is beneath them. Like 20, 30ft, buried in mud that’s now all dried up. It’s just dirt and soil and stuff. It’s a desert. So they’re walking through and there’s this one scene where there’s these scavengers that grab this little boy or teenager and they just take him off, they take him away and he’s yelling and screaming and it says indistinct chatter.

But I was listening with my headphones and I turned it up real loud. And these are cannibals. And they were talking about how tasty this boy is going to be, that they’re going to eat him, which is very interesting after the apocalypse. Right. I’ve got some theories about this, so I just want to touch on cannibalism. Sometimes people tune into my show when I’m talking about one subject or one perspective or one side of a subject.

And then that’s all they get from it, because they didn’t tune in during the other times when I balanced out that subject. So, for example, after the apocalypse, there will be many people who do not need to eat food. They will need no sustenance because they live in places of power. Places of power are where terrestrial beams of energy shoot up out of the earth and form columns and pillars and poles that reach up to the sky.

Those people that live near those places will have an abundance of energy for their body, and they won’t need to eat, or they will need to eat much less than they do today, than we do today. People that live in the garden of Eden or hyperborea, et cetera, they won’t need to eat at all. They will be breatherians, or however you want to say, just they’ll get their energy from the air itself or from the ether or the atmosphere around them, right? But then there are people who live outside of the gathering places, which are the poles that shoot up out of the world, the lights, those are where the first cities are made.

The people that live further away from those places of power, I imagine that they will feel hunger. They will have less energy than those people who are energized, right? So they’ll be on the hunt for food, looking for things and scavenging all over the place. And you got to keep in mind, these are modern day survivors, just like the Flintstones are portrayed, right? They’re modern day people. They are not taught how to farm.

They’re not taught how to put a seed into the ground and make infinite food forever. All that information is suppressed. It’s taken away from them. And they were turned into consumers. So that’s what they become. They become eaters, they become consumers. And when they can’t find an animal to hunt because they believe that they’ll die if they don’t eat the flesh of another being. They will look for you.

Some of you out there will be cannibalistic. Even if you’re like, oh, I never would do that. When your stomach starts rumbling and you get super hungry and you believe that you’re going to die, there are people that I’m sure will turn to cannibalism, and others will do it a lot quicker and more voluntary than others. So anyways, be careful, because there will be those who are cannibalistic, those tribes that are cannibalistic, and it doesn’t bother them.

And once they get past the first shock of it all, it will become normal. And a way of life to them. Also on that tip, the dogmen. Where’s that dog? Where’s blood? There he is. The dogmen were said to be cannibalistic. There’s legends about, like, for example, the king of Arcadia. He was changed into a wolf man or a dogheaded man because he offended Zeus by inviting Zeus over to dinner.

And he offered up his own son as dinner. He cooked up his own family member and served it to Zeus. And Zeus got pissed off and turned him into a dog. But there’s historic examples where people talk about the know eating their own. And they will eat the people that lose in their wars against the dog men as well. So cannibalism. Boom. He says. Now they’re having a conversation, a telepathic conversation.

Most people cannot hear this dog. It’s only certain people. And in the movie, they allude to if you vibe with the animal, if you share a similar frequency, basically they’re tuned into one another. Then it’s easier for them to hear or to transmit their thoughts and emotions and feelings and stuff like that to one another. So for most of the movie, these two are the only ones that can really hear each other.

Because they’re connected to each other, very much like an avatar. Whenever they physically connect through their ponytails or whatever that was to animals and stuff, it’s just like that, except for without the physical connection. And that would be because the atmosphere is so electrically amplified. Now, this is based on a book, and they might have a different story because in the book version of it, this is really interesting, actually.

So this, what you’re looking at is an alternative timeline of our world. They say, at least that’s what they say in the book, okay, but they allude to that all throughout the movie because they talk about things that did not happen in our history. This was made in 1975. And when they start recounting history, which they do a few times throughout this movie, the history is totally different.

The whole timeline is different. So this is an alternative timeline. This would be like a quote unquote Mandela affected world or reality where things happened all slightly differently than what we are used to, historically speaking. It’s just like the movie show sliders, right from the 90s. They’re alternative earths that I talk about quite often in the fractal verse. And that’s what we’re looking at. We’re looking at one way it could have gone, which means that’s one way it did go.

If there is like a multiverse or a fractal verse, et cetera, with, like, earth copies out there. So really interesting. They’re talking to each other. They’re telepathic. Vic says, no, the dog is talking to Vic, and the dog wants to go to a place called over the hill, which is just a metaphor for paradise, basically, right? Paradise is in a valley. Paradise is surrounded by hills. So when you go over the hill, you’re going to a heavenly place, a paradise place type place.

And the dog’s like, your continued narrow mindedness and refusal to believe in over the hill. And he’s like, well, when do we start looking for over the hill? The dog wants to get to over the hill. I’ll tell you, if you study the dog men, and when you read my next book, if you get it, you’ll learn all about them and their location and proximity to hyperboreia and why this dog wants to get back there so badly.

Because that’s his home. Or, I mean, not hyperboreia, but there’s an island just outside of it. So he says, when do you start looking for over the hill again? And Vic doesn’t believe in over the hill. So he’s one of the many people in our modern world that survived. And he’s not going to go north. He’s not going to look for hyperboreia or a Garden of Eden because he’s been indoctrinated and convinced his entire life.

And he’s played by somebody that’s intellectually lacking, right, which basically represents modern society. He’s been taught that there’s no such thing as a physical, actual paradise on earth. So he doesn’t believe in it. It’s not something that he’s looking for because it’s been stripped from his mind. It hasn’t been given to him as an option. You know what I mean? All right, so the dog wants to go to over the hill, and Vic says, I know what you mean.

Over the hill, where the deer and the antelope play. And it’s warm and clean and we can relax and have fun. He’s being super sarcastic, man. They grow food right out of the ground. See, that’s the modern mindset. They grow food out of the ground. Like, who can imagine food growing out of the ground when we know it comes from cans? Like, all throughout this movie, they’re scavenging for food that’s in cans.

You know what I mean? Stuff that has preservatives and stuff like that. Because that’s all they know. They know if they can’t go dig up an ancient Walmart or some grocery store or someone’s house and go through. If they don’t find canned food, they’re going to starve, because that’s all they know, is that the canned food doesn’t go bad. And growing food out of the ground is a ridiculous concept to them.

So the dog is light years intellectually above. You know, he’s way more intelligent than Vic, and he’s like, how do you like that pipe dream? And then the dog’s like, it’s called farming, okay? It’s a real thing that exists. And he says, all right, well, we’ll go just like I promised. So find me abroad and we’ll go to the promised land. Now, that’s the movie. Just subtly throwing it in there.

That’s exactly what over the hill is. It’s paradise. It’s the promised land, which is the same thing in the Bible, in the Old Testament. Whenever the whole hebrew stories, looking for the land that was promised, et cetera, says, find me a chick and we’ll go. He’s amplified. He’s energetically amplified. His libido is on overdrive. His mojo is full. So that’s all he can think of because that’s all he’s been taught to think about is consuming and breeding.

You know what I mean? So that really charges up now we got this crew coming in of all these people, pardon me, a lot of younger people that are pulling this guy. I call him the king of the washing machine. So this guy comes in, check this out. There’s this dude up on like, this chariot, this makeshift chariot. He’s got all these slave people that are pulling him around.

They’re all much younger. And he’s on top of this washing machine deal. And Vic and the dog just stop and they’re watching all these people go down. They’re looking. They’re scavengers. So they found an area where they think there’s a house buried underneath. So they start digging right there. And this is how those craters are created, right? So they’re all digging and stuff. The king of the washing machine’s yelling at everybody, and he’s like, dig, dig.

Get out there and dig these holes. He’s got this makeshift go cart deal. He’s got like this bard with a rope tied around his neck, playing music for him and everything. Just this weird makeshift chariot wagon deal. And then he gets out because one guy fell down and he didn’t get back up. And he’s like, get up or you ain’t never going to get up. And he goes over and beats up that guy, basically, and kills him.

And then all the people who are digging, this guy’s name is Fellini, and he’s one of the characters in the book. If you read the book series, he says, they say, how’d Fellini know where to get. How’d Fellini know that there’d be a house here? So this guy knew that there would be a house if they dug right there in that spot. And they go down deep enough.

Right. I want to talk about this for a second. This represents a few different things. One, this guy is old enough to remember this area. He was obviously from Phoenix or was familiar enough with Phoenix, and he could look at the landscape, at least the parts that didn’t change, and he could figure out where he was. And then he takes his crew over there and then they all follow him and stuff.

One, because it’s sort of implied that he’s much stronger than everyone, okay? And that is something that happens after the apocalypse is that the survivors basically inherit super strength, right? So if the apocalypse happened far enough down the line that he’s from the old world, he’s from our modern age, he would have super strength, and so they would actually fear him if they were born afterwards, which is what is implied that this is a group of young people or teenagers or maybe even less than that in the book, okay? He’s basically like a slave trader for children or something in the book, but he would have super strength if that were the case, as will it be the case with all of you if you survive.

So that’s one reason that they fear him. Another reason is they respect him because they say, how’d he know there’d be a house here? And they say, because he’s smarter. That’s how. Right. Well, he’s from the old world. He’s about to clobber that dude. He’s totally dressed up like a pirate, which I want to talk about, too. He’s more intelligent, really. So just as a reminder, that’s the proper thing to say in that situation, not he’s smarter.

He’s more intelligent. The word smart comes from to cause pain, right? Something smart, it hurts, right? When somebody’s intellect is higher than ours, sometimes it can hurt our feelings. They say that’s smarts. They say that person is smart, somebody that hurts others with their intelligence, right? So it’s just interesting for me to see how our vocabulary changes so quickly and sort of deevolves back into a caveman like speak form or a way of speech.

So this guy, he’s like a survivor. He’s from the pre apocalyptic world. He’s from the modern age. He knows the area well. So he has these people go. And that’s another reason why they would follow him, because they have no idea. They’ve never seen Phoenix. They’re born after the apocalypse. So he knows where to find all the food. And they have no idea how to forage for themselves or fend for themselves or anything.

All they know is they were brought up in a world where you have to find cans, and you got to dig cans out of the ground and eat whatever’s in the can. Right? So that’s another reason that they follow him. He has a lot of value to a post apocalyptic group of retarded people like that. All right, so he’s smarter. Look how smart he is. He’s actually physically being smart right now by bashing, like, gorilla, smashing this dude that’s on the ground and acting like a freaking caveman.

That’s so crazy. Anyways. And they’re just watching this whole thing go down. They’re like a couple hundred yards away. And Vic is like, I wonder why they hang around him. And then the dog blood, he says, probably just charisma. This is a cult, okay? There’s governments that are like this, all right? Our world is turning into this. People just follow whoever’s the most charismatic. It doesn’t matter how intelligent they are or they’re not, okay? They vibe with their charisma.

They exemplify that they have a stronger spirit, and they get really into it, and then they start becoming a little louder. And then they’re good with the frequencies. They’re good with vibrations that come out of them. They vibrate. And people are attracted to that because it indicates there’s life there. There’s stronger forms of life there. That doesn’t imply automatically morality. And it also doesn’t have to imply intelligence.

It just means that that vessel has a stronger spirit, which is charisma. Okay, anyways, so that’s how cults begin. Just so you know, people get really into people’s charisma and stuff like that, which, well, you know, I’m sure it happens on my channel too, but whatever. So he’s like, yeah, probably just charisma. That’s probably about it. All right, then we got macho man, randy Savage, king of the washing machine guy here.

Now, he pulls on the, like, he’s got this guy, like a slave, right? He’s like, play music. Play music. But I took a picture here because I wanted to point out the pirate hat. I have an interesting theory about where pirates originated. I don’t believe that pirates originated, that there was just land, and some random guy was like, I think I’ll make a raft. And then he just went out rafting, and it turned into piracy somehow.

I don’t believe that. I believe that. The word pyre, or pira comes from Latin, which meant light. It’s pira, which meant light, or like a funeral pyre, that means funeral light, or funeral fire. That’s where the word fire actually comes from. So that p is pronounced like an f, like ph, as in phone. Okay, so the pira ot is a plural form meaning those from the lights, those from those beams of light that shoot up.

Now, let’s say you have islands that are volcanic in nature and that they shoot up those beams of light. Just imagine for a moment you’re in a different time, in a different place where that exists, right? And you have those lodestone islands. All volcanoes are magnetic, okay? So if you do some quick research or whatever, you’ll quickly find that a compass will freak out when it gets close to a volcano.

So let’s say you’re out on the ocean. There’s a lodestone mountain nearby, or a magnetic mountain nearby. It’s shooting up a beam of light, and you’re on a ship that’s attracted to it, and you don’t know it, and all of a sudden, your speed starts picking up, and you’re going faster and faster, and the knots are increasing as you fly about on the surface of the ocean. And pretty soon, everyone’s bracing themselves because they’re about to smash into the side of this gigantic magnetic tower, right? That happens.

Some people may die, but you’ll inevitably have survivors that don’t, people that survive those types of crashes. And I’ve read many stories and accounts of people who have, well, they would be marooned. They would be stranded on that island, the island of light, where that’s shooting up all that electromagnetic energy. That’s why the volcanoes are magnetic, because they’re electrically charged for, like, an age. Anyway. So people crash.

They become marooned on that island. Eventually, they’re going to look around and see what they have. What do I have to work with? Well, I have whatever’s here on the island, which is not much because it’s mostly just, I want to say balsanic. Like vinaigrette. It’s mostly volcanic rock. You know what I mean? Not a lot’s growing there. So they’ll go over and they’ll pick apart or loot or pillage, which means to take the furniture, quite literally, they’ll go take out the furniture.

They’ll go take the wood and stuff off of the boats, and they’ll start repurposing it, and they’ll start building and putting together their own boats and rafts and stuff. And they’ll do it without the magnet. I mean, without the metals. Right. The metals will just fly off anyways and probably go attach themselves to the mountain, I would assume. But they’re not going to make the mistake of putting metal back on their new boats that they build as they progress and make new boats to get off of that island.

Right. And it’s going to take them some time, so they’re going to become familiar with that island in the process. They’ll probably fish and do stuff to try to survive or whatnot. They’ll scavenge all the boats. They’ll repurpose all the parts. They’ll create their own boats. And then, inevitably, more ships over time, I imagine, would crash and follow suit. So they would hang out in those areas. These would be the people from the lights, the people from the islands of light, right.

Or the Pierre ot or the pirates, basically. And they would just wait for others to crash into the freaking thing, and they would go get their stuff because they have a boat, they know not to have metal or anything. And they could just go dock and get off the boat and go pick up all the new supplies from the people that died there. And whatever happens, happens. And then they would put certain flags up to warn people, let them know death is in this area anyways.

There’s more to it, but that’s essentially why I believe this dude’s wearing a pirate hat. They’re scavengers, et cetera. Not that they were just started off as just mariners, honest mariners who just were down on their luck and decided to just rob other ships or whatever. I’m sure it turned into that over time, especially as the magnetic properties of those mountains weakened over time when those blue beams retracted back down into the earth.

And then they could no longer scavenge from those ships that were crashing. So they had to go make those ships crash. Right. Anyways, now, while this is all happening, we meet these strangers. Notice right here, this guy says, I don’t know. This guy checked out cracker Jack all the way up to here, and he’s wearing these real new looking pants. They don’t have dirt on them or anything, very clean.

They look pressed. And he’s wearing these medical, you know when you go to a hospital and they have, like, those little slippers that they put over your shoes? He’s wearing those like they don’t want to get infected or something. So there’s these weird strangers here, and we’re going to come back to them. But he says, I think he just might do these guys, this guy and his little crew are spying on Vic and the dog.

Mostly on Vic. Here’s his crew right here. And you can see this guy’s got a little cane going on, and they’re wearing, like, some pinstripes and stuff. So it implies that they are well off, right? He says, that’s our boy. That’s him. Put out the cheese. So they’re going to try to capture Vic. For some reason, they’ve been watching him, and they want him. Now we go back to this little settlement, right? Vic and blood.

They head out towards this little known settlement where people can donate or pay with canned foods of different items and stuff like that. And then they could go watch a movie. They’ve ghetto rigged some old tv they found and stuff, and they can get popcorn and adult fun type stuff that’s happening there now. They’re watching the movie, and the dog, he’s like, all of a sudden, he’s like, hey, there’s a female here.

And then he’s like, yeah, right. Whatever. I mean, there was a female there, but she’s working, if you know what I mean. So he’s like, no, there’s a female here. Like, there’s a random chick that’s here that’s blending in. She’s hiding, and Vic doesn’t believe her. And he says, the dog won’t tell him. After a while, vic’s like, okay, okay. You’re way smarter than me. I believe you.

Where is she? Where is she? Right? And the dog’s like, meh. You find her. He’s like, listen, there’s no other canine in your class, and you’re the best dog ever. He starts kissing his butt. And so the dog likes that, and the dog’s like, all right. She’s dressed like a solo, and she’s wearing a knit cap. So he tells her where to find it. He tells him where to find her.

And that takes them down into one of these holes that people dug, which once you get down into the top of the hole, you’re basically climbing down into a house or a department store or something in the old world that’s hollowed out and covered in mud. So he goes down there, and he’s like, that’s stupid broad. She’s in there where the screamers hole up. Now they have these monsters called screamers, and these screamers are known for going down into these holes and living down in these bunkers or whatever that are down under the earth.

They don’t tell you exactly what the screamers are. It’s implied that there’s some sort of mutants from radiation or something. That’s a possibility. But they also say that if you touch a screamer, you will die, basically. So for me it seems like a screamer represents, symbolically, plasma. Okay? Electricity. In places where there’s high electrical currents, if it’s in abundance, it will make a sound. It can sound like anything from voices to rushing water to insects buzzing, to somebody crying.

I mean, electricity can make and does make all sorts of sounds and even to the point of copying our sounds and being like the mocking jays, right? So he’s like, she’s in there with a screamer’s hole up and the dog smells it. And he’s like, nah, she’s alone. They’re not in there right now. So they go down, there’s this whole scene and they find the girl and he starts talking to the dog again because he’s trying to hook up with the girl, right? And she’s actually willing too.

She’s like super into him. And it’s weird to everybody, to them, to him too, but he doesn’t care. He’s just overrun with hormones. And the dog shows up and he’s like, what are you doing here? And he’s like, hey. And they start talking. He starts talking to the dog, but she can’t hear, so she’s like, who are you talking to? And he’s like, I’m talking to him. She’s like, the dog? You’re talking to the dog.

He says, now what’s going on? And the dog tells him that there’s a rover pack, that there’s these scavengers up there that knew that there’s a girl down there. They probably have a dog that can do something similar. And he says, there’s 23 of them up there. We’re surrounded. Like the dog wants to just give up the girl. He’s like, just give him the girl, man. We don’t want to die.

And this kid Vic is like, over my dead body. Like, they’re not getting this chick that I just found and I was totally spying on a minute ago. So he’s like, well, they got the building surrounded. And he’s like, great. Some other mutt must have sniffed her in the theater. So the animals have their senses are heightened already. So imagine what happens in a world where everything’s electromagnetically amplified and whatnot.

Now, here’s the group. They’re up there above that little hole, and they’re coming down. They’re going to come in and try to get that female, and they’re talking about the screamers. He’s telling her because she has an idea what a screamer is. And he says, if one of them touches you, you’re dead, green dead. And this green light appears, and it flashes, and they don’t show. The screamers.

This is the only time that they really, even really strongly reference these entities, whatever they are. So that’s all you get. You just get, like, this green light. So it’s interesting. So to me, it could possibly be a reference to the Aurora borealis, plasma, et cetera. I’m not sure. It could also possibly have something to do with radioactivity, but it doesn’t really say specifically. All they know is if you touch one of these, you’re dead.

Okay. It also reminds me of, like, the Ark, the Ark of the Covenant. They say if you touch that, right, and it’s not grounded and there’s no electrical current properly being conducted the correct way, that you’ll die instantly to. Now he says, I don’t exactly think he’s going to fit in down under. Okay, so she is from the underworld. She’s from underneath the earth. And we’re going to learn way more about that in just a second.

There’s this whole society living down there, and she wants to go with him down under. She wants him to go down under. And she’s like, the dog’s not invited, okay? The dog is not welcome to come down there. And she. I mean, oh, so Vic is like, no, there’s no way I’m going down there. I’m not going down into the underworld. Are you crazy? I’m staying up here with my dog.

He’s like, we’ll make it up here, the three of us. So she wants him to go down. He doesn’t want to go down. He wants to stay up, et cetera. There’s also some other symbolism that’s happening there, too, with, like, masculinity and femininity and the battle between the two, et cetera. Now, she actually clobbers him, knocks him out with the flashlight, and catches him off guard. And then she takes off.

And then she left this little key card behind, purposefully. And so he’s like, here, smell this. Tell me what it is. Where is she going? And he’s like, it’s probably an id that she uses to get into the down under. So he wants to go follow her. He wants to get his girl. And she acted like she liked him. We’ll find out. She may, she may not. But she seems to have affection for him.

And that’s pretty rare, because in this just. They just take. They’re just a bunch of takers. So he’s like, you can’t go down there and ever hope to come back. The dog does not want him to go down there. Blood does not want Vic to go. And he’s intelligent. He knows he’s being set up. He’s like, she left that key behind on purpose. So you’ll follow her. Don’t go down there.

Pardon me? He says, forget about her, Vic. Let her go. Come on, let’s go to over the hill. Let’s go, man. Let’s go look for paradise. But he doesn’t. He listens to his hormones instead of listening to his best friend. And he says, just think about it, Vic, instead of walking right into their hands. And then they go to this place, and there’s this bunker. There’s this bunker door that sticks up out of the ground, right? It’s also interesting that it’s sort of in this sort of semi volcanic shape or whatnot.

It’s black in nature, and it’s sticking up out of the ground. But that’s the door that takes you into the down under, which is this whole. It’s not even a mean. It might be a bunker, but if it is, it’s extremely large. There’s an entire civilization and a whole world down there. So Vic takes off. He leaves his buddy behind. He’s just following his hormones. Poor dog is left outside all by himself in the post apocalyptic world.

Can’t hunt. Doesn’t know how to find his own food or anything. He can only just sniff out girls for some reason. Now he gets down in there, right? And he starts hearing wild animals. And he sees bushes and stuff. And you hear an elephant. Elephant trumpeting off in the distance. And he looks. And there’s these speakers everywhere in this place. These speakers are constantly just nonstop promoting all of the views of the underworld.

And there’s all this propaganda that comes out of the speakers and stuff. And the speaker says, with these terrifying sounds of primeval savagery. Thanks for listening to sound tours into the past. And it’s talking to. They’re in a cemetery right now. So I don’t know if it’s supposed to be set up. This movie is amazing in that it purposefully does not explain the symbolism. It purposefully does not tell you this is why they have a speaker in the cemetery.

And that they’re giving a lecture to their dead. That’s what it seems like they’re doing. It also just might be there because these speakers are everywhere. They’re in the cemetery. They’re in the chow hall. They’re in the park. These speakers are all over the place. You can’t go anywhere without constantly being bombarded with propaganda from these speakers. So the speaker is there in the cemetery. That’s interesting, too.

Maybe they plan for the dead to rise one day. That also could be an implication that’s happening there. So it says today, chapter three. Africa, the dark continent. And this whole lecture being given. And now Vic gets caught. Immediately after that, somebody in the bushes grabs him by his throat and drags him away. Next thing you know, he’s, like, being forcefully washed in this bathtub with all this patriotic music that’s playing.

This guy that’s dressed up like a farmer. Like a typical farmer type of overalls and stuff. This guy. Now we’re going to meet these people of the underworld. They all have faces that look like this. And some are worse than others, right? This. What you see down here is just the propaganda that they’re talking about and stuff. But this guy’s washing him and washing him up and stuff.

And he’s cleaning him off. And all these strange people that have all of this extreme amount of makeup on their faces. That they do not explain in this movie whatsoever, right? They have lipstick. All of them have lipstick. Very pale faces, right? And their lipstick kind of takes the corners of their mouth further than what it should. If you. If you’ve read through the looking glass. Alice in Wonderland, part two, right? She talks to Humpty Dumpty.

And she makes the comment that Humpty Dumpty’s smile seemed to wrap all the way around his face, which gives you that Joker smile. You know what I mean? So on one hand, it’s a reference to the moon as well. But anyways, they all have these pale faces. They’re all eating, like, throughout the entire rest of this movie. Almost anytime they show you these underworld people, which, if you have not figured it out, they are clowns.

They are the killer clowns, right? And they have just the blush on the cheeks and stuff like that, right? They’re eating. They’re consumers. They’re constantly eating. And then there’s, like, this propaganda that’s constantly playing in the background, so they wash them up. They drag them throughout their main road in the city here. And there’s all of these girls that are, like, lined up and waiting for him. And we’ll find out why in just a bit.

And they’re all super happy. Big, huge smiles, right? And there’s, like, this huge picnic table full of food, a lot of garden food and stuff. They’re not strictly vegetarians, because I’ve heard them eat in the movie. They ate chicken and other stuff, too, but they’re all having, like, this strange gathering, this party or whatnot. And it’s right around the 4 July time frame, which is an interesting correlation to the apocalyptic cycles that we go through.

There’s this singing quartet of these guys. They all have these white joker faces, these clown faces. Now, remember when I talk about the anunnaki, the nephilim, any of those creatures or animals or aliens or beings or angels or whatever that fall down from the skies, they often are described as that. That’s what I’m talking about when I say that they were white, not like this. Okay? Like that.

Now, it could also be that there are some that go underground, and they stay underground, and they keep their pale skin and whatnot, too. There’s also legends that there are underground people, like the ant people and whatnot, who are more red than they are white. Like that. Right. But anyways, so we have these killer clowns. I’ll show you why they’re considered. I consider them to be the killer clown motif.

You know what I mean? And then on the speaker, it says, june 29, year of our Lord, one ought three. That’s basically 103 years that it’s been since the apocalyptic cycle, right? Because the year of the Lord is when. The year that those lights appear, or in masonry, they call it Ano Lucas, which is the year of light, or the year of lights as when the lights appear.

Right. Or the daytime or whatever. And then it’s January 29, which is right around the time that the apocalypse, the summertime apocalypse, would happen. This is about a week after the summertime apocalypse from the plasma apocalypse chronology, if you want to call it that, or whatever. So they’re all eating. This guy really has, like, the original Batman TV Show Joker vibes. They all do. But here’s vic right back here.

They dressed him up like a little farmer or whatever, and he sees a little terrier, a white terrier, which I have, too. So my puppy’s downstairs right now, but he finds this little dog, and he’s so excited because he’s friends with the animals. Or he’s at least friends with dogs and his dog, he’s probably missing them and stuff. And then he’s all happy, and he looks down and he sees that the dog is tied up.

And they’ve tied it down to this bench. And he’s like, this really offends him, right? And they’re watching, and he unties the dog right away. He’s like, what the heck? And he unties it and throws away this little thing that’s tying down the dog. He can’t stand that. And I thought that was very interesting, too. Because in the world to come, there are no pets. When everything is energetically amplified.

And you can speak to animals and they can speak to you. A pet is a slave, okay? If you have not that just petting something would make it your slave. But tying it up and putting a collar around it and dragging it around everywhere, that’s slavery in the world to come, at the very least. I know it’s very socially acceptable and stuff here or whatever. But anyways, that’s just people forcing friendship.

That’s not real upon their pets. Now, sometimes in the modern world, don’t get me wrong, people do that because some animals don’t know, like, hey, you need to stay away from traffic or you need to do this or that. And they might direct them for their safety or whatever. But in the post apocalyptic world, it’s a different story. So they take him into this little meeting area. So we see the meeting of the committee.

The committee is the people who are in charge, or those beings who are in charge in this underworld area. And she mentions the year one ought three once more. This woman has, like, the clowniest face of all of them. And I will tell you this, too. It’s no offense, okay, time out. No offense to anybody who subscribes to my channel, anyone in the chat or anything like that, but I hate makeup, okay? I can’t stand it.

And the more there is, the less attractive people look to me personally, okay? This is what I see whenever I see people out and about. Or pictures of people that are done up with all of their makeup. This is where that comes from, okay? All of the makeup stuff comes from those white beings that came down. And they put makeup on their faces because they were not flush.

See how they have, like, that little bit of rouge right there on the sides? That’s just natural. I have that look. You can kind of almost see it right there. That’s blood that’s in your face. Or whatever. And their bodies are a little different, so they’re really white. So to not freak people out completely, they would try to look more like us. So this is their way of looking like us because they considered us to be naturally beautiful.

If you put on makeup to try to look like them, you’re doing the opposite. You’re taking away your beauty, okay? This is the elven standard of beauty. Okay? That’s what we have today. People want to look like the elves. Men will say to other men, why don’t you shave? How come you haven’t shaved? You know what I mean? That’s the elven standard of beauty. When the younger gods were in charge of the humans and the population and whatnot, and those younger gods that still were maybe 100, 200, 300 years old, they haven’t gone through puberty yet.

Those are children. People want to look like children or whatever. Anyways, I just wanted to point that out. I’m not saying you’re ugly if you wear makeup or anything. I’m just saying that’s the truth behind it. You know what I mean? And the more you learn about these things, the less attractive it will probably be to you, and the more proud of yourself you’ll probably feel. And the more attractive you’ll probably feel, too.

There’s an element of attractiveness or feeling attractive or even being attractive, because that’s what that really is. You’re attracting others by your energy. It’s not by how you look or anything like that. I’ve seen people that physically out on the outward appearance. Most people would say they’re sexy or they’re beautiful or they’re handsome, or they’re this and that. But, man, you get to know those people. And I promise you there are some people that have sludgy, muddy, dark, dirty, freaking souls that will change your perspective instantly, and you’ll never see them as being beautiful ever again.

Anyways, I just wanted to point all that out. All right, so they’re holding some sort of counsel. These two over here are in trouble because they haven’t been obedient to their system, right? So these are, like, the judges. These people are on trial. There is no jury of peers or anything like that. So he’s like, well, let’s make these heart attacks. And they’re basically saying they’re going to murder.

They’re going to kill these people, like, right away. And he just make up stories to tell everyone else. It’s like, let’s say that they died from heart attack. The doc will do the eulogy. May God have mercy on your soul. Go away. Get out of here. Right, so this is your government as well, okay? This happens today where people make things up who are in positions of power, and everyone just believes it.

But anyways, now the girl comes back, okay? So the girl that Vic is looking for, this is her home. And she puts on her little makeup and stuff like that. And this is her dad, who’s unusually close, like awkwardly close. And he’s like, oh, I’m glad you’re back home. Kisses her on the cheek. And she’s like, she wants to be a part of the council. That’s why she tricked Vic into coming down into the down under or whatever, and she wants to be on the council.

And he’s, you know, maybe we’ll put you on the council one day. And so she’s very upset that she didn’t get immediately put on the council. And then they bring in this dog, that same terrier from earlier that was set free, and they walk up to the dog and start questioning it. So they apparently can speak to the dogs. At the very least. He says, what’d you and Vic talk about? He starts getting in the dog’s face.

He’s like, come on now, we want to know. And then the other guy comes in and plays the good cop, and he’s like, what do you say, boy? How about you just tell us? What did that guy Vic say to you? What do you guys talk about? And they’re trying to trick this dog into talking to him. And he’s like, how about it, boy? And the dog’s looking at him.

And then it’s just like, if a dog does that, that’s the dog’s way of putting the middle finger right in your face. Okay? That’s like, I speak dog. And when dogs don’t look at you either, they’re terrified and they’re scared, and they’re like, I’m sorry, because they don’t like to be stared at. Dogs don’t like to be looked at or stared at. It’s a form of intimidation. So when these guys are right in their face, staring right at the dog, they’re making the dog uncomfortable, even though they’re trying to make them comfortable.

But the dog’s like, no, mom, I’m not telling you. You’re not getting anything out of me. And so he’s like, the farm. Immediately when he says, the farm, you remember that movie the giver, when the people are promoted to. I forgot what they call it in the giver, but it’s outside. Of the city limits, you know what I mean? And everyone thinks that’s paradise or whatever, but they’re really just killing people that go out and they just dump their bodies outside city limits.

That’s what the farm is in this movie. So when they send people to the farm, it’s them burying dead bodies, probably to use as mulch and fertilizer on an actual farm that’s growing food, which means that they’re ingesting their own dead, basically. Just like, was that Johnny Depp movie a secret window? It’s very much like that. Sorry for spoiling that whole movie for you. But anyways, now they bring in Vic.

They bring in Vic, and Vic’s just like. He’s got an attitude. He’s like, screw everybody. What do you want? He’s like, now listen, son. And he goes, suck wind, wet brain. Which he just cracks me up. Pardon me. All right. He’s like, you better be nice, boy. And Vic doesn’t quite understand that he’s in a lot of danger. However, he’s from the top world, he’s from the surface, where he experiences danger all the time.

His life’s constantly in danger. So they’re like, listen, you’ve been chosen. We brought you down here not to kidnap you, but to give you something. We chose you to be the recipient of an honor that only occurs once in several decades. And Vic’s like, yeah, what’s that? And they say, you see, we’ve been underground too long. Our women can’t get pregnant. So every once in a while, we need new blood.

And he’s like, you mean you want me to knock up your broads? He’s like, you talked me into it. Okay, line them up. Let’s start with you, lady. And it’s the funniest thing ever, dude. I love this dude. So he’s super excited because he’s now gone to heaven and he’s going to get all these virgins, just like in Islam. I quite often wonder if islamic people who watch this movie second guess this whole getting 70 virgins when they die and go to heaven or whatever, does it look like how you thought it would look like? Because I’ll show you what it really looks like.

So he thinks all these chicks are just going to get naked and he’s going to have a wild orgy and stuff. And this woman busts up. She turns into the people from the Soundgarden video, the black hole sun, whenever their mouths get super crazy big or whatever, and she loses her mind. I used her for the thumbnail in the video. But this is the reality. He wakes up strapped down, tied to a hospital gurney with tape on his mouth so he can’t scream while there are tubes going down between his legs, hooked up to a jar and some equipment.

I’ll let you figure it out. You guys are pretty intelligent. And this jar is slowly filling up with this white substance that’s being taken from him forcibly. So you can tell why this woman, they all thought that this was so hilarious that he’s like, line them up. Let’s do this, right? Sometimes things are not as they seem, right? Anyways, now this chick, she comes back to help him out.

She’s pissed off at the committee because she didn’t get promoted or whatever. And they did also pretty much threaten to kill her, too. So she’s like, we’re going to be the committee. I’m going to free you. We’re going to take over the underworld, et cetera, me and you. We’ll do anything we want, anytime we want to. And then they show you these speakers, right? And on the speaker, it says, now they’re running away.

They’re trying to escape during all this. And the speaker says, and then faint Thunder became an uproar. The winds changed to a great vibration of air. And I thought this was all very interesting. It’s talking about the apocalypse. And they allow you to pick up on little parts of what the speakers are saying. Kind of like when movies show you people at an airport, and then every once in a while, you know that there’s a speaker in the background saying, like, town of 3100 blue blaine, blah, blah.

But every once in a while, they turn that volume up, and they allow you to hear what the speaker, or whatever the microphone or whatever it is, is saying, right? Which means it’s a part of the movie. It’s a part of the deeper story that’s being told. So I always tune into those parts, and that’s why I put the captions on, too. So Vic is like, no, I’m not killing anybody.

I’m getting the hell out of here. I’m going to go back to my dog. And she’s like, you better kill them. She loses her mind. She’s like, I just risked everything to rescue you. Like, you better do what I tell you to do. And this is how she’s been raised. You see, there’s always two sides. There’s a polarity to everything, right? So now she wants him to do the killing so that she can be in charge.

And she’s no different than the people who she’s rebelling against now, the committee, they put out some chairs, and they start announcing the death sentence on people who are involved in this escape. This guy was one of them. So there’s, like, some collaborators, and he gets grabbed by that farmer John looking clown dude. His name is Michael. He’s basically the bodyguard. He’s basically the henchman, and he has super strength.

So he just walks up to these people that they have decreed death upon, like, Jason Voorhees, and he just starts grabbing them. This is where the killer clown portion comes into play, right? And he’s got this smile on his face the entire time, right? Like he’s getting something out of this, right? Or at least it appears that he is. So he goes around, he’s snapping necks left and right, just murdering the crap out of everybody.

And then he comes for Vic and his girl, and Vic’s aiming at him, taking shots. Pow, pow. Nothing’s working. This guy’s not going down. So he shoots again. Boom. And this guy’s just with a smile on his face, coming after him, just like Jason Voorhees would, and he takes another shot. Bow. This guy’s unstoppable. He’s not coming down. So they’re running. This guy’s out there in the fog.

In the mist. This has a lot of different symbolic imagery behind it, okay? But especially when you see the fog, it oftentimes represents the depressurization of our atmosphere, in which case there are plasma possessed humans. People are energetically amplified. People can’t feel pain. There’s monsters and stuff. So that’s the whole fog symbolism. And she’s like, stop him. Oh, my God. Freaking shoot him. And then in the background, there’s this real contradictory, weird stuff that’s on the speaker.

They’re teaching you how to cook bacon on the speaker. As all this is going, it’s real weird. It’s like, if any of the hash sticks to the pan, lift it up with the spatula, and they’re, like, teaching people how to cook bacon. This is so weird. I don’t know. Serve the eggs poached, if desired. And he’s like, bram. Bram. He’s trying to kill this killer clown. Finally shoots him in, like, the kneecap or something, and he drops him, and then his back starts exploding with all these different sparks, and it’s, like, electrical.

And then these guys, they see that he’s died. This is all happening, like, just down the hill from where they are, right? And they’re like, let’s get another Michael out of the warehouse. So they’re basically implying this was a robot the entire time, that this was a humanoid that was designed like this. And if you read the backstory and the lore of the books and stuff, they tell you that their timeline.

Kennedy survived assassination, and after that, they started making androids and stuff, like, way decades ago, right? And that was a common thing at the time. So these people seem to know from a time whenever they had these androids, or they have that technology to make androids, like, realistic, human looking robots, basically. So this guy’s basically a Westworld style robot, killer robot. He’s like, let’s get another Michael out of the warehouse.

And then they escape. They go back up out of that hatch. They get out of there, and he’s looking for the dog. And the dog’s right behind the little door, and he’s like, blood, what’s up, man? What’s up, blood? And he’s like, how about over the hill tiger? Come on, let’s go. Let’s get out of here. But the dog’s messed up. The dog’s been attacked. In the book, it says that he’s attacked by, like, giant insects or something, too, which is also part of the apocalypse or the post apocalyptic world.

He’s like, I can’t make it the way that I am now. You go ahead. And Vic’s super concerned. This dog’s, like, his best friend. You know what I mean? They work together. He’s pissed at himself that he ever went down into the underworld, and he just wants to hang out with his dog friend again. And he’s like, he needs food and he needs medicine. We got to go get him some stuff, right? And then the woman says.

He says, we’ve got to get it fast, because he can’t make it without some food. And then the woman’s like, we’re too late, darling. It’s just too late. There’s nothing we can do for him now. And she’s like, real quick to just give up on this dog. And she’s basically like, let him die. We have each other. I have what I want. She has this very selfish mindset, okay? Throughout this entire movie, she’s very selfish.

And she’s like, there’s nothing we can do now. And she tries to kiss him and woo him and charm him, right? And he’s like, he can’t even believe. Like, what the fudge? Are you even serious? My dog needs food. Like, we got to find him some. So the next thing you see is there’s a little campfire and him and the dog are taken off and he’s like, you sure you had enough to eat? And he’s like, I don’t know.

You’ll probably have to cook up what’s left later on, man. She said she loved me. And he’s like, well, the dog tells him, I’d say she certainly had marvelous judgment. Albert, which is Vic’s real name, if not particularly good taste. And then they both start laughing and he’s like, get it? Particularly good taste because they ate the. I love it. It’s such a good ending, such a good twist on the ending of the movie because they’re survivors.

They’re from the top world. You know what I mean? And this woman was not going to be a part of their family or whatever. So they cooked her up, killed her. They totally ate her. And that is a boy and his dog. Great movie. Great flick. Thanks for joining me. Thanks for checking out this old movie with me. Leave some comments, let me know what you thought about the presentation and everything.

Until next time. I’m Jay Dreamer saying good vibes and goodbye sate away but something for save me today it’d be easier for me if I can wait to sleep but there’s something holding on the way we escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up baby time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up baby.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up I know I should have done this should have quit this long ago can’t send another heartbreak but it’s time to let it go it’d be easier for me if I can wait to leave but there’s something holding on the way be gone there’s so many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up any ways to escape I get it I’m awake I’m to wake up.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. I don’t escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up baby.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Sake close. .

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts

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