Truth in Movies! – 9

Spread the Truth



– Today’s show is brought to you by Tim Burton, one of my favorite movie producers. This one’s going to get into alchemy and philosophy. The movie presents these Stitch punks. Basically, they’re little versions of us, and they survive an apocalyptic event.
– Maui says when we woke in this world it was chaos. And then it shows you a little flashback of the robots rising up against humanity. This is a huge part, and we’re just getting into this in our world. It’s really on the rise with artificial intelligence and stuff.
– He says the gas killed everything. But if you read in the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, it talks about how all of the oceans turn red. I have a feeling that all of these gases are being released from the Earth right now. The religious figures in the world don’t want us asking questions.
– Gilgamesh is on a quest for eternal life, he needs to go through the bowels of the Earth. These mountains have been pulled up through cosmic electrical forces straight up into the air. Finding tunnels, finding caves or something that go through these would be a huge benefit to anyone wanting to get to Mount Maru.
– Triple Three just gifted five Jdreamers memberships in the chat. In the movie, Two’s soul is sucked out of his face by an evil machine that has taken over Mount Maru. It’s kind of like the Transformers when you turn their symbol upside down.
– This was a heartwarming flick. If you’re a parent or even if you’re not, I highly recommend it. I feel like this movie will resonate with many of the truth seekers that are inside of each of us. Until next time, I’m Jay Dreamer saying good vibes and goodbye.


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Helps if I turn on the webcam. All right. What’s up, everybody? Welcome to Truth in Movies. Wow, how exciting. We’re going to do nine today, brought to you by Tim Burton, one of my favorite movie producers. So I’m really excited to talk about this one. This one’s going to get into alchemy and philosophy and just kind of asking who we are and why we’re here. The movie presents these. They call them Stitch punks. Basically, you’ll see the main characters, but they’re like little homunculuses. Basically, they’re little versions of us, and they survive an apocalyptic event. It should be really interesting to check out.

Let’s jump right into things. I do wanted to give a thank you to Ken Albert, who just left a $5 donation in the chat. Super appreciate you.

All right, let’s jump into things. So the movie starts off by showing us the Creator. Okay, so the creator of these Stitch Punk little people, he goes by the name The Scientist. He’s just called The Scientist, and we’ll meet him a little later. But it shows you the eye symbolism. Actually, it’s a double eye symbolism. You’ve got the eye of the creator, right, which gives life to these little Stitch Punks. And then you’ve got the eye of the needle. Double eye symbolism.

A lot of the eye symbolism in this movie, especially the single eye or the one eye, is obviously representative of the all seeing eye or the Eye of God, as we’ve talked about many times on my channel. So we start things off with the Eye.

Then he starts to thread this needle. He starts to put this thread through the eye, which is symbolic if you look at it through the lens of the plasma apocalypse. It’s symbolic of the plasma that comes down through the eye of our sky or through the depressurization point up there in the Firmament.

All right, next up, we got The Scientist. He’s starting to work on his creations. This is basically showing you, like, God making people, essentially. But he’s stitching together these little post apocalyptic rag dolls. And The Scientist says, we had such potential, such promise, and he’s talking about the human race. Our blind pursuit of technology only sped us quicker to our doom.

So this is going to be a theme that we see throughout this movie, is what is responsible. What the movie is saying could be responsible for the coming of the actual apocalypse or the world shaking us off like a bad case of the fleas.

And then he shows us this little device, and he hangs up the little Stitch Punk character. It’s not alive yet, but this symbol, this device right here, is about to bring it to life. And he says, our world is ending, but life must go on.

Now, there’s a lot of really interesting symbolism in this movie, and I’ve had a lot of fun lately breaking down the symbolism and the symbols that I find in alchemical drawings, like ancient old Renaissance Middle Ages and stuff. Alchemical drawings, they’re just chalk full of symbolism that I talk about on my channel all the time and sometimes so much that it surprises me. I’m like, wow, this is cool that we can pick up on these things.

Oh, it’s got another donation. There was a problem, says, Cheers, brother, much love. Thank you very much. Cheers. Back to you.

So let’s focus on this first symbol that they show us. It’s not just one, it’s not just three. There’s many symbols that are happening right here in this Glyph.

The first thing I’m going to do is I’m highlighting for you these three in the middle. You see how there’s sort of that line that goes down and then it spreads out on either side? Let’s take a look at that, right?

So these Glyphs right here, upside down, which is what they are right now, upside down. They’re upside down versions of the ancient text or the ancient Glyph vav, which is the number six. As you can see up here in the old phoenician, it looks like the letter Y to us today. To them, they didn’t have a letter Y, so they wouldn’t have known what that meant. But to us, it was basically the letter Y was equal to the vav, which is VW U F, or the number six, right, if we count. But if you flip it upside down, then to us today, it would be the number nine. So here we have nine, nine, nine or upside down would be six, six, six.

Now, this is also seen in the peace sign, right? Because basically what you’re looking at right now is a picture. It’s a picture of a mountain with a beam of light shooting out of the top of it, which is representative of the Anode, the Cathode and Mount Maru up at the North Pole on the ancient maps.

And then this is what we have with the peace sign, right? This is the sign that it’s all good. This is the sign that people look for when the apocalypse has come to its close, when it’s come to its end, and there is an eon, or an age of peace and life, et cetera. And this is what we look for, which is this volcano with a beam of light that shoots out of the top of it. This is where we get the peace sign from. And that’s why it means that I know some people will try to say, oh, it’s a stick figure person with flags out to the side and all that stuff. I don’t see it. What I do see is a pyramid with a beam shooting out of it, surrounded by a dome. And as you can see, I drew a little pyramid down here just for an example.

But let’s take a closer look at what else we have here. Speaking of six six six or nine nine. This movie was released September 9, 2009. Someone in the chat was asking when it was released. That’s when it was released. So it was released on nine nine nine. The number nine is very interesting in this movie, and it must be because it’s named after the number nine, right?

So let’s take a look at what other symbols we have. Here we have a double circle, a larger circle with a smaller circle. And inside of the smaller circle are these three little balls. These three little golden balls which I’ve made reference to a couple of times in our past livestreams where I talked about how I believe I’ve seen a lot. Of evidence that there are these three circles or three points of light that seem to emanate from the depressurization point up there in the sky.

Still working on it, but I just did notice that there was those three points of light once more. And then if we fill in those little bars, those little rays that come off of the sides, then what we get is the wheel in the sky. Basically, we get the sun wheel. In the ancient times, this was called the solar wheel. Some people would call it the solar disc, but it’s really a solar wheel. It’s usually a circle with a dot in the middle, which is why we get the glyph for the sun.

This is not the sun, though, okay? So neither is this glyph right here. This is not what our sun looks like. The ancient glyph for the sun was a circle with a dot in the middle because they had a different sun, they had a different source of light, or a different light source.

But you’ll see this glyph in various petroglyphs and cave drawings and stuff like that across time, where they drew these types of things. In the modern world, people would just say, oh, they were smoking peyote, they were high, they were just drawing for fun, I guess. I don’t know. Instead of they were drawing what they actually witnessed up in the sky, which was a large circle with a smaller circle inside of it, and all of these lines that come out of that inner circle, right? All of these little rays of light that come out of that inner circle.

And we’ve talked about this many times on my plasma apocalypse playlist, that this is basically the very top, the apex of our sky with its inverted dome up there, which is actually the real moon. And then in the middle of that would be the iris of the all-seeing eye and the depressurization point that blows open whenever our atmosphere depressurizes.

There’s many different examples of these all throughout time andAcross countries, not just here in Native America, but in many different places across the world and across time, as you can see in Babylon, in Russia, Nevada, Ireland, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Sweden. This glyph shows up time and time again. This is the ancient wheel in the sky. This is the Depressurization Point up there in the sky. This is the face of Medusa. This is the mouth of Kronos. This is represented by so many different things.

Now, sometimes it’s seen as the Broken Cross, as you can see there in Tibet as well. Sometimes they put the circles. Sometimes they only put those lines when those lines come out of the Depressurization Point or the hole, the black hole in the sky. When they come out, they’re straight at first, but then once they hit the atmosphere and the winds are swirling around because there’s going to be a worldwide tempest, those lines break, they curve, they become broken, giving us the Broken Cross.

This is also known as the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot cards. If you’re into Tarot, you’ll notice that they also have a type of this wheel in the sky, and it’s the Wheel of Fortune, the Wheel of Luck. This is an older form of the same Tarot card where they actually show you the Wheel or the Broken Wheel in the sky. Sometimes it’s called the Broken wheel. Too oftentimes they’ll actually put a little guy or tiny little characters on the wheel or inside of the wheel, which is exactly what we’re going to see in the movie right now because this Wheel of Fortune brings things to life.

This is the entry point from here to what people call space, from here to the heavens. When the heavens blow open, when the dome breaks apart and when the firmament recedes like a scroll. Energy that is right now swirling around above our heads, right? There’s energy below and there’s energy above. The energy that is above is going to be able to come in and ground itself to the Earth which will bring inanimate objects to life and imbue already animate objects with power that they had not previously had before or strengthen them, basically increasing their power.

Here’s another interesting depiction of the Wheel in the sky. Check this one out. Now, this one’s notable because if you look on the wheel let me see if I can bring it down a bit more. Hold on. If you look on this wheel, do you see how they have the constellations, right, that go across this wheel all the way across there’s Virgo libra cancer or I think that’s cancer or whatever. But they have the constellations up there because that’s what’s responsible for creating the stars that are up in the sky, is one of those circles that’s up there. It’s not really a circle. It just looks like a circle and two dimensional to us from down here. When people see it, they’ll think that it’s a sphere when actually I believe that it’s actually a dome that’s just facing down towards us, which gives us the whole eyeball symbolism because the eyeball is dome like from the front, right?

Here’s another one that has all these little people inside of it. They call this the Wheel of Fortune because when you’re on top of the wheel, life’s good. When you’re starting to go down, then life’s not getting so great. And then the cycle of death at the bottom or being crushed by the wheel, metaphorically or symbolically speaking. And then, of course, when you’re on the rise, life’s getting better and the kings to you.

Here’s another one. Now, churches put this and cathedrals put this as a decoration all of the time. This one, they actually put a little guy in there, right in the middle. I don’t know if that’s supposed to be Jesus or whoever that is. Usually one hand up, one hand know. But they put this right in the middle, right. Bringing life to the world, basically. And here’s another version of it, where you’ve got little characters all over this wheel. Here’s another version of it. This is all across history, this wheel in the sky. This one’s from ancient Norse tradition, basically. This one acts, as they say, this particular version of it acts as like a compass so that you can always know where you are. Reminds you of the North Star a bit, right? Reminds me of the North Star a bit. Right. The North Star is how we can find our way if we can find the North Star. If you can find this eye in the sky, then you can know exactly what direction you’re headed in. Because after the Polarity Shift, here’s another version of it, the Helm of Awe. Who is that? In the chat, somebody told me about the Helm of Awe and I went and looked it up. It’s basically this exact same one. It’s just a different version of it. But the Helm of Awe is interesting that they call it the Helm because this is the head or the depressurization point that lights up red in the sky, or the red eye in the sky, the evil eye, etc. This is the head of the giant cosmic stick figure that is created by the blue terrestrial light that shoots up out of Mount Maru or that light that comes up out of the pyramid. Whoever did mention that, thank you so much.

Of course, there’s Journey, right? Journey’s “Wheel in the Sky” song. The wheel in the sky keeps on turning. Right. This is all about the Apocalypse. Nostradamus is notable for his prophecies and his quatrains, but did you know that he actually has prophetic drawings as well? Yes, there is a Lost Book of Nostradamus, or it’s affectionately known as such, where he has and features this wheel in the sky. Right. Prominently right. Dead center at the top, as where it should be. And then, of course, there’s a sword right below it, which represents the blue beam. But these are all prophetic drawings that Nostradamus has done. Here’s various versions of it. This plate number five is of particular interest to me. I just want to share this real quick. So this one right here is my favorite one. As you can see, this is like the wheel in the sky. This would be the firmament up at the top represented by this blue ribbon. And then these are the three eclipses. This is just like in The Dark Crystal, how they have the great conjunction. Or in that movie Pitch Black, how they have those three celestial bodies that always come together. And when they come together, it creates the apocalypse, basically, right? Phantasoids drop down and giant bugs and all kinds of stuff.

Here is one that’s notable. This is a piece of the temple. This is like a little model or whatever, but this is in a temple of the sun called Konark, which is very interesting. So this is another wheel symbolism.

Let’s get back to the movie that shows us this. Now, remember this again, right? This also reminds me of like, the fan in the movies. Like, remember Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or whatever that movie is called. Charlie and Chocolate Factory. Or Willy Wonka. You know what I mean? Right? They have that scene where they start floating up. They get sucked up to the sky and there’s a fan at the top that’s whirling around here’s. Actually the fan in the movie, right? So they’re in danger. They start floating up to the sky. This is like the whole rapture symbolism where people get sucked up because the atmosphere depressurizes and Archimedes law kicks in and buoyancy increases and things just float up to the sky. Exactly like in Logan’s Run as well. They have that scene called the carousel, the carousel scene, right, where there’s all these weird cultists that are dressed up in leotards that have flames on them. And they all stand in this around this Rose Crystal thing, and they all just start getting sucked up and spinning around into the sky into a little mini world storm. And there’s like a fan type thing up there, too, made out of light. So that’s Logan’s Run. And then, of course, we broke this movie down, too. This one’s from RIPD. So in that one, Ryan Reynolds, is that his name? The freaking commercial guy, right? He gets sucked up when he dies. He gets sucked up into the heavens in a little rapture event. And this is what he sees whenever he goes up high enough, he sees this sort of cosmic fan up there in the sky that people are getting sucked up into. And then,[Please note that due to the lack of punctuation in the original text, the formation of paragraphs is based on logical breaks in the content.]

Course, those three lights, the dead lights. I’m still studying that and researching it, but I’d like to hear what your ideas about that might be. What do you think those deadlights are? Those three balls of light that are typically right in the middle of Kronos’ mouth or right in the middle of that central circle outside of the cosmic target up there in the sky, right? The deadlights. That’s interesting.

Now he puts this little cap on top of it, on top of those symbols, and he screws it in. And these have interesting symbols on them as well. We’ve got what looks to be a bull or taurus, a fish. I don’t know if that would represent PISCES or what. And then what looks like the stick figure squatterman, right? The squatterman symbol. And those all turn green. The color green represents the North Pole, the exact center, the aurora borealis, etc.

And that brings us to the title of the movie, which is number nine. Now, number nine in the ancient languages, this is exactly what it looked like in early Hebrew over here. Or you could say Phoenician, because they’re basically one and the same. Some people call it proto Hebrew or paleo Hebrew. It’s also Phoenician, basically. Right? And it’s a circle with an X right in the middle of it. And then as it evolved over time, it sort of turned into just sort of this sort of spiral six looking deal, which has actually turned into our number nine today. This is the 9th letter, which is tet, right, which is very similar to the island at the middle of the world, being circular in shape and split by an X or split by these four rivers. Also, you’ll notice, as above, so below, it has an outer circle, right, represented by this mountain range that goes all the way around this entire valley. And then an inner circle, a little smaller circle right there with Mount Maru that lets light blast out of the terrestrial portions of our world. And it’s the reciprocal of the target symbol up there in the sky where the Kraken comes out, or Cthulhu, or however you want to see, that the red plasma basically comes down from above.

All right, so that brings us to nine. Nine is the name of this first doll, this first stitch punk. And he’s standing there or he’s hanging there. This is also like the Hanged Man symbolism, if you’re into the tarot cards. And he’s right behind this symbol that looks like the Chrysler symbol. It looks like the Michael Jordan symbol. This is Mount Maru with the beam shooting straight out of it. This is what brings things to life. This is what brings life back to our world, right?

All right, so he comes to life, he wakes up, he falls down, and then he grabs this little cap piece, or capstone, you could say, right? This little Ben Ben style piece. But look what’s on it. Look at this glyph. Did you see this boom? Look at that. It’s that same X Men symbol, the tet that we just went over, that represents the island at the middle of the world that’s going to come into huge play in this movie. And then this character constantly throughout the movie is talking about getting back to the place of origin, and his number is Nine, or the tet.

Right? All right, so this one’s kind of dark, but you can see the scientist is dead. He’s died. And all of his notes and all of his paperwork have basically he’s covered in them, right? So Nine goes up to the window, opens up the door, and he’s checking out the world. He just woke up for the first time. He looks out of the window and the world is just blown to pieces. Everything is destroyed. He wakes up into an apocalyptic world immediately after we have gone through an apocalypse. This is when we start our journey, basically.

So this is reflecting to us, if the movies act as a form of prophecy or even a retelling of the ancient ways, which is one and the same thing, then they’re showing us some of the things that we could look forward to. Some of those types, some of those tropes, some of those remember how we were talking about comparative mythology? That’s exactly what we’re looking at right now. This is why we go over this.

So he looks into this car. He sees this. There’s like a mother figure and a child figure. They didn’t fare too well in the apocalypse, but it looks like radiation has hit them. If you take a look at them, right, it looks like their hair is sort of falling out and stuff, not just because they’re dead, but because there’s radiation involved. Now, the movie would have us believe that maybe it’s due to some sort of like nuclear bombs and it’s humans that did this, but it’s not at all, right? Radiation comes down whenever the sky opens up. There’s gamma waves and all these different forms of radiation that come down and change all forms of life in this world.

Now, there was some sort of huge world war, which is also one of the signs and the omens of the apocalypse.

Oh, we are live streaming, right? I just want to double check. I just want to double check if you guys could give me a thumbs up in the chat. I super appreciate all of you. Thank you so much. I’m sure we probably are. I’m just going to pretend like we are and keep on going, but I’ll look for your thumbs up in the chat just to make sure.

All right, so Nine goes out into the world and he meets someone else just like him, another little Stitch punk. And he says, oh, you can’t speak. Well, he just woke up from an apocalyptic event. Now, I’ve talked about the plasma apocalypse on my playlist, and I’ve done a few videos that are talking about the effects of what we can expect whenever this happens, when the world depressurizes and when all these things happen, one of the things that people can expect is amnesia. People will wake up and not remember who they are, what their name is. Some people won’t remember how to speak. It’s called mutism or being mute, basically. I’m not mute. Thank God.

Okay, thank you everyone for telling me in the chat. I appreciate it. So if you type it into Google, it says if you have a traumatic mutism, you may be unable to talk in situations following a trauma. What greater trauma than the actual apocalypse itself? Mutism and amnesia. This was a study done following high voltage electrical injuries as well. They actually had a case where this person developed left hemiparesis mutism and retrograde amnesia after a high voltage electric shock. Without evidence of lasting brain lesions, the patient suddenly recovered from the mutism following a mild brain trauma two years later. So these are the types of things we can expect when we wake up into a new world, into a new age, or however you want to see it after the apocalypse. For those of you who fall asleep, which is going to be many of you, just like in the epic of Gilgamesh, which we’ll also talk about, because this movie definitely follows the epic of Gilgamesh. But in Gilgamesh, in order to gain eternal life, he had to stay awake for six days and seven nights, exactly how long the apocalypse lasts. You don’t want to fall asleep because you don’t want to get sucked up into the sky and all kinds of terrible things. You don’t want to fall asleep during the apocalypse, basically.

Now he starts going with his new buddy and he says these ruins are full of riches, so now they’re going through all of the junk that’s left over, all of the trash and debris that’s left over from the apocalypse. Which keep in mind, if there’s a world storm and the atmosphere depressurizes and stuff floats up into the air, inevitably many things are going to fall back down into huge, large piles of junk and debris and trash. And that’s why it gives us this junkyard symbolism so much that we see in the movies time and time again. This gives rise to the steampunk era, the steampunk junk world, where the survivors pick through huge piles of debris and trash, because this is all valuable. When you’ve lost everything, all of a sudden you’re going to go through all the things that you used to throw away, and you’re going to take what you can and you’re going to repurpose what you can’t use any longer. Right?Gives rise to all of the people that use steampunk junk basically as decorations, and they repurpose them to try to find a new purpose for them.

Right now, these two are running around and there’s this sort of robot skull creature. It looks like it’s part biological, part robot, which is actually going to be something we’re going to talk about here. But this is a type of phantazoid. This is a type of monster that appears after the apocalypse.

So the survivors wake up, the world is destroyed, and then they have to deal with an influx or an alien invasion, you could call it. It’s an influx of otherworldly creatures that I call Phantazoids, and they range from humanoid to animal types to insectoids as well. The one thing they all have in common is they’re gigantic, whether or not they come from within the Earth or they drop down and float down from the sky during the depressurization event.

Now he gets up and he looks off in the distance. This guy right here actually took his buddy and took off to this place way off in the distance, which is going to come up in a bit. But that’s a type of camelot, that’s a type of Oz, etc. Now, sometimes it’s seen as being good whenever the blue beam is coming out of it and the lights are coming out of it. But when the lights are not coming out of it, then it’s seen as being taken over by the devil. It’s seen as being taken over by malevolent forces, basically. And that frequency has an effect on the rest of us around the world.

Then he meets the next character. This character right here has one eye. So this is the one eye symbolism of Kronos of the Apocalypse. This is the eye that’s prevalent all throughout the movie, the Depressurization Point. This character right here is dressed up in all of this pseudo religious sort of garb, right? And if you take a look at him and he says they even call these things beasts, right? So all of these weird biological, robotic, cat creatures and bird creatures and monsters, basically, they call them beasts, which is just like in Harry Potter, how they have like fantastic Beasts and where to find them and stuff. The Fantastic Beasts are making their way back. They’re going to come back.

Now, let’s take a look at this guy right here who represents the religious leaders of the world. Every one of these characters represents an aspect of humanity, right? And we’re going to talk about that more in depth in just a bit. But if you take a look at what he’s wearing, he’s got this cape on, and then there’s a jewel right there in the middle. He’s got a huge cone head hat with like a penny tied to it on the top. So money, obviously, is a part of religion. The conehead hats are them trying to emulate those beings that come down from the sky, those humanoid beings that are much bigger and have lived for much longer than we have. So their skulls grow out longer and their ears get longer and their noses get bigger and stuff.

But then we have this as well. This is the garb of the High Priest. The High Priest, especially in ancient Hebrew thoughts and teachings and scriptures and stuff, the High Priest would wear special types of gems on a breastplate right on his chest, just like that. This. One that he’s wearing, it looks like a ruby. So he would represent one of the tribes of Israel if that’s what it does represent, which would probably be the tribe of Reuben, I would guess, since know sounds like ruby.

And then he meets another one. This guy’s basically sort of like the muscle of the group. He’s just kind of a like he means well but he’s kind of gruff and he doesn’t think too much and they even call him out on that too. But he acts as the protector, right? He acts as like the security guard, basically.

And then this is where they’re all staying. This is actually a real cathedral. This is Notre Dame, which means Our Lady or our woman you could say, which is symbolic of the blue beam or the Sophia, the goddess Sophia, the princess locked in the castle. But you can see right here that we have the wheel symbolism once again. And this is not an uncommon sight, right, that we have this in all of these churches and cathedrals and stuff. Places of power, basically. So I call them places of power, especially cathedrals. Not so much churches, but the ancient cathedrals that were built on top of catacombs and cavernous systems that went down inside of the Earth because they wanted that inner Earth energy, when it’s released, to come up into their building so that they could contain it and manipulate it, especially by playing music inside of these huge echoing halls and stuff, so that they could vibrate it and tune that to a certain frequency. Basically they were little places of power.

Alright, so we got the religious guy, who’s number one, by the way and he’s carrying this staff with a little hook on the end of it, right, that also represents the Vav, which is the staff of power or the Spear of Destiny, you could say. This is Maui’s hook. There’s so much symbolism with this particular one. And he says when we woke in this world it was chaos. So they woke up after the apocalypse and they all started learning their places, right? They all started developing what life would be like for them. Man and machine attacked each other with fire and metal. So this is very interesting. This is just like the whole Skynet thing where in the Terminator where the machines come to life, which I believe this is a part of my plasma apocalypse theory that this will happen one day. That all that energy that comes down from the sky and the energy that comes up from the ground itself will fill our world with so much energy that it will restore a time of magic to our world. And it’ll imbue inanimate objects with spirit, allowing them to basically come to life that will be incorporated back into this world. And then it shows you a little flashback of the robots rising up against humanity. And there’s a war against the robots. This is a huge part, and we’re just getting into this in our world in the last couple of decades, but it’s really on the rise like now. It’s really on the rise with artificial intelligence and stuff, which we’re going to talk about and how far we’ve gone. The movie is going to get into that in just a bit. He says the gas killed everything.

Now, this is interesting. It wasn’t the machines. There may have been a war against the machines, but the movie says that the gas killed everything. They’re implying that the machines used some sort of a gas against humanity. However, if you read in the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, it talks about how all of the oceans turn red, or much of the ocean, I should say, turns red, right? And all the stuff in the oceans start to die. I have a feeling that all of these gases are being released from the Earth right now, and that because the temperature is getting hotter and hotter in our world. The oceans are changing color. They’re turning green because algae is starting to grow. The conditions are perfect and ripe for algae to start growing and turning the oceans green. And then if it gets too hot or too bright, that green algae is going to turn red and release toxins into the air worldwide, giving rise to coughing and respiratory diseases and stuff like that.

He’s basically introducing nine into the world, acting as a guide, which is exactly what religion and religious types tend to do. They tend to see people who seem to have a void or want to change their life or looking for something deeper or looking for meaning in life. And they take them on a walk and they try to protect them and teach them their ways and stuff, right? He says the only thing that remains now is the beast. Now, that’s interesting because the beast represents phantazoids and actual physical monsters that reappear into our world when we go into the red sky. But it also represents the energy that is left over in the world today in the blue sky that we live in today, right. There is no blue beam of goodness filling up our world.With magic and energy and power and healing and restoration and stuff. All we’re left with is all the remnant of all that red ionized hydrogen or negatively charged energy, you could say, the bad energy that comes in and it got cut off, and it incorporates itself and it goes into people’s bodies and possesses them and brings things to life and stuff, and it stays. So that’s what we are left with, the beast in the world today.

Here’s a little example of it for me. This is like a type of phantazoid, basically like some sort of insectoid type creature or something like that. And he says, So we stay hidden because they’re hiding from in the post apocalyptic world. They’re hiding from phantazoids. They’re hiding from otherworldly beasts and monsters and creatures that come up out of the earth and drop down from the sky.

So some people, they hide, which is pretty wise if you don’t know what you’re doing and how to fight them and stuff like that, or how to work with them, too. Some of them are good, some of them you can be friends with, but that’s up to you. You need to learn which ones are friendly types and which ones are neutral and which ones are going to eat you or sting you or inject you with babies or whatever they do, or give you the T virus or something, right? Some otherworldly virus or disease.

Anyways, so he says, but where did it come from? Why is it hunting us? He’s the truth seeker. Number nine is the truth seeker, right? And what does the religious guy say? Questions like that are pointless, pointless questions. Why are you asking questions? Just do what I tell you. The religious figures in the world, right? The leaders of the world, in the religious realm, they don’t want us asking questions. They don’t want us to figure things out, because, one, it will expose their lack of knowledge on certain topics, right? Two, they don’t want us to get closer to the truth and the answers and stuff like that. It’s a type of control.

This guy right here, number one, he likes to be in power. He likes to be in control. So he sits down on his little throne, and they look out onto the horizon, and they’re looking for their friend. Number two, they look way out there. And two is also sort of a play on words for the god Tu. There’s a god named Tu, which is what Tuesday is named after. All of the days of the week are named after ancient gods, and they’re basically all, like, types of the exact same god. But Tiu, or Tir is what Tu’s Day is named after. And we honored the god Tu after Tu’s Day.

Tu is famous most notably for losing his arm or his hand that was bitten by a wolf, by fenrir, I believe in Norse mythology. And he looks out, and he says, that’s where it took him, out towards those three tall shapes. So those three tall shapes represent the Anode Mountain, the Cathode Mountain, which each emit their own light sources after this next apocalyptic cycle. And then, of course, Mount Maru, right there in the middle.

He looks out, and he says, we got to go there. Come with me. He knows we got to like he represents the truth seeker. He wants to get to Mount Maru. He’s got to get there. He says, Come with me. Let’s go. Let’s go together. And what’s the reaction? Well, he’s been living under the tutelage and protection of the religious figure, so he no, no, not there. We can’t go there. We have rules. We’re not allowed to go to the Arctic or inversely, the Antarctic, right? They have rules to keep us safe. It’s for our protection, basically, right? That’s what the rulers of this world say. He says, all right, I changed my mind. Let’s go. But we’re going to need a map.

So he grabs this map off of the wall. In order to get to this place right here, anode cathode to Mount Maru, we are going to need a map. Lucky for us, we have some. We have some of these maps that still have this mysterious, lost, vanished, invisible island that is located at the center of the world, which we have left ourselves many different breadcrumbs for so that we can find our way back home one of these days. Whenever the way is made and a path is set before us, just like the ancient Israelites or Hebrews, you could say, when they went on their exodus.

I believe that signals are sent out from this mountain at the middle of the world, this rock, this plasma volcano that it vibrates and sets out a frequency that some people can tune into. Some people can hear a frequency and a sound and get messages from Mother Earth herself, and she will light a fire under many people’s butts, but especially the animals. The animals are more in tune with the world. So the animals all start migrating all at the same time. You’ll see flocks and flocks of birds, like going places that they’re not supposed to be going. This might be one reason why so many of the sea animals are beaching themselves lately, right? Maybe just swimming in the wrong direction as they stopped following their normal paths and currents that the world gives off and it starts to change, especially as the North Pole or the magnetic north pole starts to shift and move about.

Now they’re going to Mount Maru symbolically, right? And they have to use a tunnel. They can’t just walk on the surface and go there. This trope, this type of symbolism has been seen time and time again, especially in the movies. Remember the Transformers Rise of the Beast that we broke down? How they were symbolically going to Mount Maru, which is like every movie. They also had to take a tunnel in order to get to the central location, to the center of the map or whatever. They had to use a tunnel, and they were small enough to get through it, right? Just like these little homunculus, little puppet guys, these little what are they called? Steampunk puppets or whatever. I forgot. Stitch punk puppets.

So they’re looking for this tunnel in order to get to Mount Maru. Why? Because one reason is those mountains. Look at these mountain ranges. Hold on, let me go back to one of these maps. Let me show you this. Okay, hold on. Look at these mountains. You see this all the way around, right? Let’s not forget, like, all these are not just hills. We can’t just walk over them. These are steep. These have been pulled up through cosmic electrical forces straight up into the air. Not as high as Mount Maru itself, which will be the tallest of all of them, because it’s constantly being pulled up and created and rising out of the ground, basically, because the electricity attracts the Earth and brings it up with it, basically. And it petrifies all that mud and debris and stuff like that, which gives you a tower. So this plasma volcano is basically a split tower. It’s a split mountain, it’s Twin peaks, but all the way around, it’s not easy for you to just walk on through. There’s no paths. There’s no space between these or anything. This is going to be like the giant’s causeway, okay? These are the cliffs of insanity.

So finding tunnels, finding caves or something that go through these would be a huge benefit to anyone that does want to get to Mount Maru. And this is reciprocated in the movies many times. So they’re, like, looking for this tunnel to get to the center, and they say, we should go back, we should go back. But they turn around and behind them, they can’t go back. He actually says, we can’t. Right? Once you have started this journey, once you go to the center of the world and there’s a point of no return, there’s a point because you have electrical fields that are moving about and there’s a constant storm. Not only does it generate zephyrs and constant wind all the way around, and not only does it also if the inner earth, if the hollow recesses of our world are also constantly depressurizing, which adds to our pressure, that’s constantly increasing on the surface of our world, right? Then the waters also follow suit, right? Sailors have talked about trying to get to the center of the world, and it being nearly impossible to turn around and to fight that current to go back the other direction. You can’t basically. I mean, you can.It is possible, and there have been survivors and people who have returned, but it’s very difficult. So he says, we can’t go back. Then they see this hole. You look at that dark little cave right there, right? And that’s their entrance to get to Oz. That’s their entrance to get to this dark Oz, basically. And he says, it’s too dark. We can’t go now.

This is where the epic of Gilgamesh kicks in. Gilgamesh is on a quest for eternal life, right? In order to get to eternal life, he needs to go through the bowels of the Earth. He has to go through these really long cavernous systems.

And here’s the little portion of the book. It says, that the scorpion man. So he meets this sort of centaur, like, half man, half scorpion type of alien creature, and he says, the scorpion man says, no, mortal can pass the peaks and enter the tunnel. But then the Scorpion Woman acknowledges Gilgamesh’s tenacious courage to have come so far. So the Scorpion Man explains the path through the pitch black tunnel, and Gilgamesh has to go through this tunnel, and he has 12 hours to get through it. Basically, if he doesn’t get through it in 12 hours, he’s going to die.

Because this tunnel is also the place where the sun makes its home, which we talked about many other times, how the sun in the ancient world has a place of emergence. It has a place where it goes back to, it comes out, it circles around for an eon or whatnot, and then it returns home. It goes back home, right? So he needs to get out of this tunnel before the sun gets back, and it’s going to light the whole tunnel on fire and fill it with heat and kill Gilgamesh, basically. So Gilgamesh goes through. He can’t see anything. He actually didn’t take any fire or any light. I don’t know if taking fire would have been a good idea, because those tunnels are likely filled with various gases.

So taking any kind of a fire would be a bad idea. Taking any kind of an electrical man made light source probably wouldn’t work just because you’re so close to the electromagnetic center of the world, right? It’s going to disrupt your electronics. So they travel about in pure pitch black, pure pitch darkness, and they feel their way through this tunnel, right? Going on faith alone, basically.

All right, so they show you this. This one basically also has that exact same wheel in the sky. This is the main building right there. It’s got the double circle, right, with the little lines coming out of it. Hey, Susan Donahue. Thank you. High five. I appreciate you in the chat. You’re the best. Thank you for the little plants. All right.

So they meet another character, another little stitch punk, and she’s wearing, like, this sort of bird outfit that’s reminiscent of ancient Egyptian gods and whatnot, like thoth and stuff like that. Anyways, so Nine goes before one of these bad guys, and he sees this symbol, and he looks at it and he’s like, wait a minute, I’ve got the piece. I’ve got the cap piece, I’ve got the bin. Ben stone, right, goes up to this symbol, holds it up. But you’ll notice if you take a look. Let’s take a look at these symbols. This is the symbol that is attached to this evil machine, which we’re going to talk about in just a bit. This is the huge bad guy in the movie. Do you notice these are all upside down? They’re inverse from the machine that brought him to life, right? These are upside down, which means that’s six. That’s six, and that is six, right? Isn’t that something? Right? It’s kind of like the Transformers when you turn their symbol upside down, it’s a decepticon sort of the same type of a thing.

So he goes and he innocently just wants to put the capstone onto it, and then it turns on this green plasma type stuff that starts coming out of it, and it goes right to the character named Two. And Two soul basically is pulled out of his face, and the soul is taken by this machine. Hey, Sherry. Triple Three just gifted five Jdreamers memberships in the chat. That was pretty awesome. Thank you, Sherry. All right. So his soul gets sucked out of his face and pulled out of his body by this evil machine that is basically the beast that has taken over Mount Maru, that evil negative energy that is now residing in Mount Maru, just like the Dark Crystal, which is also what Mount Maru is. Mount Maru is a type of the Dark Crystal or Rupus Negra or the Black Mountain. And they put these characters, the Skeksis, put these people in front of it so that their souls are sucked out, basically. And they take their souls in the Dark Crystal as well. Same type of thing in Indiana Jones and what was it called? Indiana Jones and the search for the Ark or whatever. I forgot what it’s called. One of the good Indiana Jones movies, the Holy Ark or whatever. The Ark of the Covenant. Right. When they open up the Ark of the Covenant, all the bad guys, it sucks out their soul, basically. In this one, it’s actually like shooting light into them, but it’s the same premise, right?

So then we meet the beast. This is the beast machine, basically. This is a machine that is responsible for the creation of all of these other lesser beasts that are in the world. And you’ll notice that they all have red eyes. Red eyes is usually not good in the movies. If the eyes are red, something bad is about to happen. Superman only gets red eyes when he’s pissed off, right? Usually. But that’s symbolic of being plasma possessed by the light from above rather than the terrestrial light from below. Those who are possessed by the terrestrial light from below or the good energy tend to have a blue shine or white light that comes out of their eyes. But those who are plasma possessed from above tend to have a red glow to their eyes. So that’s why they show you that. And that’s why it’s almost always like a one eye symbolism type of thing, too, because of the ionized hydrogen that comes out of that one spot up there in the sky.

Now they meet some more of these people. They meet the twins. The twins are here. They represent the Anode and the Cathode Mountains, right to the positive and negative. It’s always a boy and a girl. Usually it’s a boy and a girl. And they said that they’ve been hiding here, lost in the past. So there are these other two mysterious islands that are the Anode and the Cathode Islands that have been hiding from us off of our modern maps, that are lost in the past, that we don’t have in our modern world. They take a look at the newspaper, and it says, lead scientist creates brain. So they have this sort of artificial intelligence brain with the one eye. This is the centerpiece of this monster right here, basically, right? And they’re showing you its creation by a scientist who gives it all of his intellect, none of his soul, none of his emotion, nothing. It’s all purely robotic. It’s all left-hand path, basically. And then this warrior guy who represents killing and destruction and stuff. So, gee, what do you think it’s going to make, right? People always ask, like, what’s our AI going to turn into? What’s going to happen with our own artificial intelligence? Well, look at you. Look at us collectively. That’s what’s going to happen. It’s going to be a better version of whatever we already are because we’re the ones giving birth to it. We’re the parents, right? So ask yourself this. Do we collectively, if you look around at humanity today at large, right? Do you want something that is an even more powerful version of us today? I don’t know. I mean, some of us, there’s a remnant, I feel, that are good, but most of the world, I don’t know.

Now, is this happening today? Yes, it is. Making brains organoid intelligence. Not artificial intelligence, not purely mechanical, not purely robotic, but organoid intelligence, how human brain cells will power computers. This is a modern article, a recent article, as of this year. These things are coming out in the last few years. It says scientists are creating something called organoid intelligence, or organic, basically, or organic, like, I should say, get ready for biocomputers powered by human brain cells. Just like the scientist gave his intellect, his brain power to power this machine, they’re saying, let’s do the same thing. Let’s not go purely robotic. Let’s use organic intelligence, right? All right, so I hope you guys enjoyed this one.Intelligence to this brain, this artificial brain. The same thing happens in the movie. It is prophetic in nature, highly prophetic in nature. And this came out way in 2009. It will create new machines in its own image. So they create this organoid intelligence, this artificial intelligence made out of actual pieces of human brain. So it’s like there’s a human brain inside that’s trapped in a robot body, right? That’s never good. Like in any movie I’ve ever seen, that’s not comfortable. Like, you would not want to be just all of a sudden wake up and you’re like, oh, crap, all I am is a human brain, and I’m just made out of robot parts or whatever, which might be closer to the truth than many of us previously thought. But it says it will create new machines in its own image. So let’s see how prophetic that is.

MIT. Another recent article. MIT, invents Self replicating AI robots, engineers say that they have invented a robot capable of building almost anything, including new versions of itself. Self replicating robots, five axis printer, wants to design itself. So these things are already out there in the world that we live in right now, right? And there’s no cap on it. There’s no rules, there’s no regulations. It’s almost like the powers that be, I mean, they put rules and regulations on everything, don’t they? So the question is, why wouldn’t they put rules and regulations on this unless right, think about it, all right, moving forward.

So they show you how the robots and the humans at first came together because the robots were listening to the humans. But then machines turn against us. Now, let me tell you this, right? One there’s a couple of possibilities. One possibility is that they’re still doing what they’re programmed to do. It’s just that the public has been tricked thinking that they have turned against us. But in reality, there’s some evil, selfish humans at the top of the food chain who have manipulated that code, and they’re still programming them, right, to override what seems to be their programming.

However, another likely clue is that when we go through this next apocalyptic event and all that red plasma that comes in to kill and steal and destroy, when it comes down and it gets cut off and it wants to incorporate itself, basically, it starts to possess things. It brings inanimate objects to life. And they’re all like minded and they all the last thing they remember is that they had instruction. Their prime directive was to kill, to murder, to go around and destroy things in the world. So everything that’s possessed by that particular energy goes around killing and murdering and stealing and stuff like that, right?

So this gives rise to skynet, to use the terminator terminology. Terminator terminology. That’s fun. All right, so we need another one who’s black and white. Usually the black and white symbolism, I feel, represents space travelers, people who travel from one realm to another realm, basically going from the dark cities to the bright white heavens back into the dark cities and stuff like that. And he says the source The Source. And he shows you this image, and they’re showing us they’re not showing the character in the movie. You are the character in the movie. You’re nine. I’m nine, right? Both of us. All of us, you and me, we’re nine. Okay? Which is exactly what the movie will say later on. But he shows you this image, and he says, The Source. This is the hole with the three dots right there in the middle. There’s a little plasma volcano, et cetera. And he says the source. The source. Go back to the source. And he puts it all up in his face, which is the same as him putting it all up in our face, right, telling us to go back to The Source.

Now something happens. They start fighting a phantazoid, and their cathedral, their little hideout, catches fire. It burns up. Remember this is the Notre Dame in the movie. But did you know the real Notre Dame caught fire and also burned down? I mean, not all of it. They started repairs, but this was a really suspicious incident if you ask me. Right.

Most of this building, like, there’s wood and stuff on the inside, yes. But this there are certain buildings you would expect to be highly protected and the fire department to be not too far away. And they wouldn’t allow these types of special architectural buildings that are basically like mark momentous occasions in our history. Oh, Max vogan. Thank you. They wouldn’t allow them to just burn down. I super appreciate you, Max. Thank you so much for the super chat sticker. So the real Notre Dame burned down. I don’t know how many people remember that, but here it is, right? Totally caught on fire. It was really mysterious. No one really knows how the Notre Dame itself caught on fire. It looks like it caught on fire from the inside. Just exactly the same thing happened in the movie, right? That Notre Dame caught on fire and burned down.

Now, after it burned down, surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise. They found a mysterious sarcophagus found below the fire damaged Notre Dame. A mysterious lead sarcophagus was found, a couple of them, actually, down below. I’m sure there was other things that were found too. Now, could it be that maybe this fire was set on purpose so that they could have an excuse to go excavate such a well known site? Possibly. But I also want to point out that there are dead bodies buried underneath many of the world’s cathedrals. Why? Why would you choose to bury somebody under your house or under God’s house, if that’s how you’d like to see that? Isn’t that kind of strange? Doesn’t that strike you as a bit OD that they would just choose to bury people directly under a house where other people are going to be hanging out and praying and you know what I mean? Like there’s rotting dead bodies down underneath you. Why? What started that trend? Well, like I said, they’re places of power, and they believe in the resurrection. They believe that one day the apocalypse will happen and the powers of the world will ignite and return, and the spirit of God will flow throughout the Earth once more and bring dead things back to life. And what a better place to put them than a place where they know is a conduit for that terrestrial energy to come up through so that it makes sure so that they make sure that their revered leaders and rich people and stuff like that are placed in the path of that energy that comes up and it regenerates all of their cells and basically brings them back to life, giving rise to the zombie apocalypse or whatever you want to call it.

Now, they go to this book. The twins go up. To this book, which is really interesting. So the twins are about to open this book, right? They represent the Anode and the Cathode mountains respectively. And they open the book that has a triangle with the all seeing eye, which is the symbol alchemically for Mount Maru. Right? So you have both of those things are in the exact same spot. It’s just that the eye is above, and then they merged and they put the eye inside of the mountain. But it says the Annals of Paracelsus. Paracelsus just a little backstory. It’s not super important to me personally, but Paracelsus was a known and reputed is that the right word? Reputed philosopher, scientist, alchemist, chemist. He was well known for his discoveries in Toxology, for trying to find cures for things. He got deep into Rosicrucianism. He was actually revered and considered a prophet by the ancient Rosicrucians, at least especially those in France. But anyways, so they start looking into his alchemical drawings and stuff like that, which I’m probably going to do a video on. And he sees this. There’s an image here of those same three symbols, those same three circles. He’s on one side. Now, remember this right here? This circle in the middle represents the separation between us over here and the heavens over there where God lives, right? Traditionally speaking, right? But what happens is God or the scientist or the Creator, basically puts his own spirit through these three circles. They split, his spirit splits, and then it incorporates itself into inanimate objects or things made out of the earth, which is what these these guys are made out of burlap, which is basically plants, right? And it brings stuff to life. So where does life come from? It comesFrom the spirit of God, or what people would commonly call God, right? What else could bring things to life?

I got another donation from Colonel Carbine, who says, much love, been following you for a while. Still catch myself tuning in and learning. Truly appreciate your hard work for us in this channel you’ve built. Thank you, Colonel. I appreciate you. I like your little puppy. All right, let’s get back to the movie.

Now, this guy right here, the black and white one, he says the source. The Source, and he’s adamant about returning to the source. Right? He represents the space travelers, the sliders, the fractal verse travelers, et cetera. The religious guy hates that he’s not having it. He’s like dark science blasphemy. Basically, right, is what a lot of the religious people are trained to say. Expiation feed them to the beasts, basically, is kind of like how they’re looking at it, right? They’re going to lose their control. They have comfy positions, right? They have comfy little positions of power. People look up to them. They have a place, they have a purpose in life. They don’t like to lose that.

So they look at things like ancient alchemical drawings and stuff. That doesn’t make a lot of sense because let me back up. It doesn’t make sense purposefully, okay? It’s supposed to make sense to those who study, to those who are truth seekers who walk a certain path. These are breadcrumbs that are left only for certain people. These aren’t just breadcrumbs for everybody, because not everybody is supposed to survive. Not everybody is supposed to make it. Most people are kind of screwed up in the modern world. This is my perspective, okay? I don’t personally want everybody to survive. That’s just me.

So it makes sense to me that things were written in code. Jesus himself spoke in code in parables and many other notable figures throughout history that were like religious leaders and helpful notable people of time, right? So he looks at him, and he’s like dark science, and he’s like, you know something, right? Which the ones at the top very well, may they’re the secret keepers, right? Maybe not the lower levels within the religious communities and stuff, but the ones at the top seem to because they use these exact same symbols, signs, alchemical drawings and inscriptions and all of that. It’s just a different flavor, that’s all they use the exact same ones, okay? All of these are all over the place. They’re all interrelated. And he says sometimes one must be sacrificed for the good of many. Now, he’s kind of being a douchebag when he says that, because he’s basically saying, I don’t really care that two just died. But he’s also being prophetic in nature accidentally, because he is one, and he’s going to be sacrificed. He’s going to sacrifice himself for the good of many. This also harkens to the beam, the major beam that comes out of mount maru that shoots up and turns into the tree of life and all that stuff that will eventually many of you who survive, you’ll see it, right? You’ll see it. You’ll go to it, or you’ll go to smaller, lesser versions of it around the world, but you’ll see that one mount that comes out of mount maru, the world tree. That’s why it’s called that, because everyone in the world can see it. You’ll see it. And when you go through the red sky apocalypse, right, it’ll be terrifying. All of your children that you have, they’re going to forget all about the apocalypse and stuff, just like we have today, and you’ll have to remind them and tell them stories and make up holidays to make sure they’re safe and in the appropriate places at the right times and stuff. But the apocalypse inevitably will come again, and people will be terrified. And the thing that stops it is that one or that straight line that sacrifices itself or dies or gets killed or goes back down into the earth because it’s just charging once more, right? And then that’s the sign that the polarity shift has completely reversed, and then the electromagnetic barrier goes back up and cuts off the Kraken or cuts off those evil fingers that come down from above or snakes or dragons or whatever, and the apocalypse is over. So it’s seen as the one sacrificing itself for the good of all of us, basically, because it stops the apocalypse, right?

All right, so then they show you this sign, this same symbol, again and again and again and again. And he says, we have to go back. He’s talking to us, right? We have to go back. Some of us talking to the Remnant, really. The Lost Tribes is sometimes what it’s affectionately known as, or the Good Vibe Tribe is what I like to call it, talking to us. We have to go back. And he says, we have to go back to the first room where I woke, the first room where we woke, the first room where we started things. This is in the Hopi nation. This is called the place of Emergence. Not just the hopi. Many different tribal peoples from around the world have what they call their Place of Emergence, where they came up out of the Earth, actually, and they woke up and they woke up to a brand new world in a post apocalyptic world. So in order to survive again, you have to go back to that place, right? You have to find the place of origin.

All right, so we go out here and we meet number eight. Now, number eight is over here, and he’s got a magnet up on his head, and he’s sort of like it’s like he’s massaging his head with the magnet because he’s like they don’t explain this whatsoever, not at all. And I love it. I love it when they don’t explain stuff, but they make a big deal about it in the movie and they point it out. So does this have a correlation in the real world? It does. Magnetic pulse to ease depression. A noninvasive procedure to help fight depression called transcranial magnetic stimulation. Transcranial magnetic stimulation. Basically putting a magnet on your head, right, to influence the electrical currents that are in our bodies. You and I are electrical creatures, hopefully. If you’re not, then you basically could be seen as a soulless individual and totally just somebody that just goes through the motions and just does whatever anyone tells you to or whatever you’re programmed to do. But some of us have power. Some of us have electrical charge within us. Spirits, strength, whatever you want to call it. And you can use magnets to heal, believe it or not. You can pass currents through magnets, and you can amplify those magnetic currents, and it can be used to heal parts of your body, especially transcranial, which means your brain on the other side of your cranium to heal things like depression and stuff like that. So this is an ancient form of magic, believe it or not.

People would go to sorcerers and magicians or whatever to be healed to their ancient healers, to shamans and whatnot. And they would take magical black stones and pass them over your body and stuff. And you have magnet therapy, basically, right now too. Unfortunately, two died.

And this robot that takes things, right? Remember that brain robot? He takes things and it actually reconstructs them and repurposes them for its own agenda, which is destruction and evil and killing and stuff like that. As we talked about, right? The whole skynet thing. Now look at how it looks, right? This is just the top torso portion of the body. This dude right here represents a human, okay? Represents one of us after the apocalypse. So the movies seem to indicate that humans can mutate and will mutate during these apocalyptic events. Calm down. Not all humans, okay? It depends upon a variety of factors, especially how close you are to what type of DNA you have in your body. If you’re eating all kinds of nasty stuff that you shouldn’t be, I recommend maybe not doing that so that when the world is filled with gamma rays and stuff like that, you don’t mutate into some other weird crap like bugs and animals and stuff that you have that DNA inside of you, flush your system out. This is just me, okay? This is what I’m going to do. You don’t have to do it, but this is my path, and I’m just sharing it with you. But mutations will occur, okay? This is my own feeling on the subject. Mutations. I’m not just saying because the movie has them and the.Movies have them, right? Movies show this all the time, dude. But this is written in the past. This is written about in the past that there was these various weird tribes of strange looking humans all over the place that had OD looking body parts in the wrong places. Sometimes they were merged with animals and other stuff like that. This is definitely something that can happen. And if you think about it, that plasma that comes down from above is here to reorganize and clean house. So what does it do? Right? It changes the bonds, the chemical and electrical bonds of the objects that it encounters. And if it sees two codes that are opposed to one another, it’s going to try to make sense of those codes, rearrange them, and then you get mutants walking around in the post apocalyptic world. So keep yourself clean. I don’t know what else to say about that. All right?

He says don’t look it in the eyes. Don’t look it in the eyes, right. This is another common trope that we see in the movies. Not to look it in the eyes or you’ll be hypnotized, which is basically being plasma possessed. Why? Because that light sends information, and that information is received through your eyes. You become hypnotized by these flashing lights or whatever. Just like when people are programmed, when they look at the black mirror that they call a TV screen or your phone or whatever, right? Don’t look it in the eyes. And then the people get all hypnotized and plasma possessed and stuff. And then, of course, it sucks their soul out. It takes their soul. This is what happens when you watch TV. This is actually shown, like in Batman Forever. Remember the one with Val kimmer? One of the better batmans I feel. And the joker, Jim. Carrey or not joker. The riddler, right? The Riddler has this thing called the Box and he sticks it on people’s foreheads and they watch TV and it just sucks their soul right on out. It’s the same exact concept.

Anyway, so the soul goes into this machine, this brain machine, right, or whatever. It sucks their soul in there. Kind of like the containment box in The Ghostbusters where they keep all those ghosts and stuff. All right? So one who’s the religious leader of the world, they beat the bad guy. They beat the whole brain machine, or they think they did. So he takes off his religious garb. Basically, he’s got no purpose, or he feels like he has no purpose. So he’s very sad about the world ending. He didn’t really want that to happen because he enjoyed his position very much, right? But then it turns out the machine didn’t die in this explosion. So it grabs another one of them and it sucks out their soul and it puts their soul back into its data banks or whatever to sort of trap it. And that’s what they say. They’ve been trapped, right?

Now, remember, according to what my research indicates, that double circle, the larger one with the little iris with a little smaller one on the inside, is responsible for what we call the moon. It projects an image into our sky that we call the moon, which is just a light. And so this might be why people say that the moon goes around and eats people’s souls or whatever. Because souls go up to the moon and get sucked out of this world. They leave this world, okay? They’re not like, trapped. They’re actually set free, all right, if you want to look at it in that particular way. But when the aurora borealis, that’s a whole pool full of your ancestors like, souls and spirits that are swimming around up there at the North Pole waiting to just be released from this world, right? And that’s when they’re released, is when the atmosphere depressurizes. They’re the first ones to go. They get sucked right up. So they say, no, they’re trapped. They’re trapped inside. And then before this guy gets sucked up, they’re actually falling down. But like I said, they play with perspective a lot in the movie. Sometimes they make it look like it’s supposed to be pointing down. But subconsciously, we know we’re looking up. This is the depressurization point in the sky. So this guy is not falling down. He’s falling up. Basically, it looks like he’s being pulled towards that red circle in the sky, right? Just like in Logan’s Run.

Anyways, he says, go back to the first room. The first room is what the hopi call the back door of our world. Okay? So it’s the place where Mount Maru is. It’s that sacred island that we talked about. He’ll show you the source. So you go to Mount Maru and all you gotta do is basically touch it and it imbues you, amplifies your spirit, connects all of your neurons and your neural pathways and stuff, turns your brain on to full capacity. And all of a sudden it’s like that one, what was that movie with Brad Cooper where he takes some drug and all of a sudden he’s super intelligent or whatever. That’s the same type of effect that seems to be what is inherited by people who touch Mount Maru, and also, by extension, people who go deep into cavernous systems in the Earth. They tend to get prophecies and have otherworldly knowledge and stuff, right?

All right, so he goes back to the source, and what does he meet? A light. And that light is his creator. And the creator says, greetings, Nine. He basically says, I made that AI brain or that organic robot brain, but it lacked the human soul. They did not put the human soul, they did not teach it things like kindness and empathy and love and stuff like that. So all it knows is the ends justify the means. All it knows is mathematics. All it knows is to make sense of the information that it’s given, and if it doesn’t, to make it make sense, he says, and could easily be corrupted by those who control it. So in the same manner, if there are any beings or entities that now control Mount Maru, which is the antenna of our world, basically that sends out the Schumann residence, then it controls what happens to the rest of us, right? It’s all connected. So if we’re experiencing bad times in this world, chances are that there’s bad energies that are controlling Mount Maru and sitting in the throne of God when they shouldn’t be. And he says, you are all pieces of my soul. You notice how he leans in to the camera, right? Like not really looking at the stitch punk, looking at you, looking at me, looking directly at us. And he says, you are pieces of my soul. All nine of these little stitch punks might seem to be so different from one another, but they’re all aspects of the exact same energy, the same creator. He says, look closely and remember what you see.

Now, every time I hear I hear this often in the movies, they always say to look and remember what you see. It reminds me of what was that? Irobot. Remember that one with Will Smith? Irobot. There’s that one robot that has artificial intelligence and he becomes sentient and stuff. And he draws a picture of this bridge. And throughout the whole movie he keeps saying, remember what you see here. It’s the same exact type of thing. They’re showing you these alchemical symbols which have import in our actual physical, real world and are related directly to surviving the apocalypse. And he says, remember what you see here.

Now we get back to that robot and one sacrifices himself. So it was going to suck out Nine soul, but one jumps in front of it, which is the fall of religion basically worldwide. So religion has to be selfless. It has to stop being so selfish and splitting itself, and splitting itself, and splitting itself, and continuing the cycle of brahma, basically. And it has to stop, and it has to be selfless for a bit. And then while it does that, the machine or the beast is distracted enough so that Nine can run up to it and yoink off that little capstone or that cap piece or whatever that was taken control of by the beast, pulls it off, takes it right off, which destroys the beast. It takes away its power, its power source. This is basically kind of like the heart of Tafiti, if you want to look at it like that, to use a moana reference.

Now the second they do that, their ghosts of their friends appear and they’re know, happy.Ghosts, and they’re like set free. They get sucked up into the sky. And what do they say? They’re free now, right? This is the containment system that the ghostbusters keep their ghosts locked away in. This is the world that you live in, basically. And one day those energies will get sucked up and depressurized and they’ll leave in this swirling spiral of light up there in the sky. And he says, or she says to Nine, she says, they’re free now. So that’s definitely some good news.

Some of the things that you can look forward to in the apocalypse, it’s got good and bad. It all depends on your perspective. I know a lot of people are afraid to talk about the apocalypse or cyclical cataclysms and things like that, but there’s just as much good news, if not more, right? There might be more bad news. But the good news that the rewards, the treasures that come with surviving are far more valuable and weighty than any of the dangers or fears that we may have about it, right? So that’s the whole point, is holding on and getting through it.

And then they survive the apocalypse and they say, but this world is ours now. By the way it starts to rain. They make a big deal about it starting to rain at the end. They’re in the red sky. So if their apocalypse is finished and they’re in the red sky or the world of magic, right, then it makes sense that you would have rain, because the deluge comes immediately after the red sky apocalypse. We have a blue sky right now, so you don’t have to worry about a deluge coming. But fire actually. So it’s all done. And they say this is our world now. The world is ours and it’s what we make of it.

And then they show you all the little raindrops are filled with what looks like matrix coding, which are just little pieces of those spirits and those souls that got sucked up or whatever. Basically saying that the rain acts as like magic because it’s going to bring life to the world and it’s going to help out right when those blue beams are gone. And that’s it. That’s our movie. That was the end of the movie.

So I hope that you all had a good time breaking down nine. Sorry I don’t have as much energy as I normally do, but I normally drink like a five hour energy or something. But I was being a dad all day. We had a tornado yesterday that came pretty close. Huge hail. I’m going to talk about all that stuff on Tuesday, but I had a good time. This was a heartwarming flick. I highly recommend it. If you’re a parent or even if you’re not, if you have a childlike mentality and you feel like you’re a part of the good vibe tribe. I feel like this movie will resonate with many of the truth seekers that are inside of each of us. Until next time, I’m Jay Dreamer saying good vibes and goodbye.

So hard to fade away but something for save me to say? It’d be easy upon me if I turn away to sleep? But there’s something holding on the way being on gone? There’s so many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up? Any ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up baby? Time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up baby? Time to wake up time to wake up?

I know I should have done this? Should have quit this long ago? Can’t send another heartbreak but it’s time to let it go? It’d be easier for me if I turn away to sleep? But there’s something holding on the way being gone? There’s ways to escape but I guess it’s to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up?

You go, don’t you don’t escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up baby? Time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up baby? Time to wake up time to wake up wake up? Close.

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts

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