Truth in Movies! #95 The Secret of NIMH

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Unveiling Hidden Symbolism: A Deep Dive into “The Secret of NIM  by Tommy Truthful

Movies have a way of weaving intricate stories that often go beyond the surface. “The Secret of NIMH,” an animated classic, is no exception. Jay Dreamerz takes us on a fascinating journey into the world of esoteric symbolism and apocalyptic themes hidden within this beloved film.

The Cyanobacteria Connection

At the heart of Jay Dreamerz’s analysis is the concept of cyanobacteria multiplication. This environmental phenomenon, triggered by changes in ocean temperatures and increased sunlight, leads to the infamous “Red Tide.” The Red Tide not only alters the color of bodies of water but also poses health risks to humans, releasing toxins into the air. This intriguing phenomenon sets the stage for a deeper exploration of symbolism within the movie.

Cultural Beliefs and Protections

The analysis delves into various cultural beliefs, such as the practice of wearing red strings and using dream catchers for protection against negative energies. These beliefs, as Jay Dreamerz suggests, may be tied to warding off the effects of the Red Tide. The concept of plasma, viewed as an energy entity, further adds layers to the interpretation.

Biblical Passages and Mythology

Jay Dreamerz interprets several biblical passages and texts, drawing parallels between the movie and religious symbolism. The notion of “crystal” or “glass” representing ice, and heaven as a combination of fire (plasma) and ice, is explored. The analysis also introduces intriguing connections, such as Julius Caesar’s tale of Atlas and the Squatter Man symbol as a savior figure. The theory of an impending apocalyptic event linked to atmospheric depressurization adds a captivating twist to the narrative.

The Urgent Call to “Wake Up”

Throughout the analysis, there’s a recurring emphasis on the necessity to “wake up.” This phrase, in the context of the movie’s symbolism, signifies an urgent call to action or awareness. It serves as a constant reminder of the underlying messages within the film.

The World of “Changeling”

Jay Dreamerz extends the exploration to the TV show “Changeling,” introducing us to a character named Jeremy the crow. This character symbolizes a figure fighting against evil forces, often represented by red strings or plasma. The analysis highlights the significance of Jeremy’s name, drawing parallels with biblical figures. Other elements, including the Frisbee and the concept of “moving day,” further contribute to the grand narrative of good versus evil, divination, and impending apocalyptic events.

Survivors and Remnants

The text takes a deeper dive into the Proto-Indo-European root word symbolizing an assignment or allotment. It draws comparisons to popular culture references like “Finding Nemo,” suggesting that survivors or adventure-seekers are those with ties to past energies. The analysis suggests changing thought processes among survivors and concludes with discussions on the symbolic representation of structures and landscapes in movies.

Symbolism of Rats and Impending Change

Another layer of symbolism is uncovered, using rats as a metaphor for humanity facing an imminent apocalypse. Comparisons to previous warm, tropical periods in Earth’s history hint at a significant shift or “moving day.” Mythological and symbolic references, such as the Great Owl symbolizing wisdom and its connection to the North Pole, add depth to the interpretation. Overcoming fear and embracing preparation and urgency become key themes in confronting impending change.

Analyzing a Movie’s Symbolism

The analysis explores various symbolic elements within an unspecified movie. It touches on concepts like Thorn Valley as a safe space during apocalyptic events, increased buoyancy and plasma interaction with the Earth, and the amplification of the soul’s power through energetic “injections.” The narrative concludes with the idea of a sleeping God being unlocked by a courageous heart, suggesting the potential of a single individual holding immense power.

Unlocking Ancient Artifacts and Texts

The text delves into the symbolism of ancient artifacts, particularly a stone radiance that glows when worn by the worthy. A medallion symbolizing the door to other realms becomes crucial to interpretations, emphasizing protection from an impending cataclysm. References to the apocalypse and biblical links hint at the need for safeguarding against a sky-breaking event, possibly represented by a falling mill. Thorn Valley, located on the lee side of the stone, offers temporary safety in the narrative.

The Symbolic Elements of a Movie

In the final analysis, the text explores the symbolism within a movie, highlighting themes of survival and self-sufficiency. Motifs like the green light, the tet symbol, worldwide storms, and the sinking house are dissected. The interpretation of an emblem known as the ‘Aten’ is discussed, drawing connections to Norse, Native American, and Japanese mythology. The text also associates the sky with a stone dome, exploring linguistic connections to hardness, thickness, and the formation of walls, creating parallels with a firmament of ice. Passages from religious texts, such as Job and Ezekiel, further depict the concept of a strong, firm sky akin to molten glass or a crystal.

In summary, Jay Dreamerz’s analysis takes us on a mesmerizing journey through the intricate layers of symbolism and apocalyptic themes hidden within the world of “The Secret of NIMH.” It challenges us to look beyond the surface of movies and discover the profound messages and allegories concealed within these cinematic masterpieces.


➡ Jay Dreamerz provides an in-depth analysis of the movie “The Secret of NIM”, focusing on esoteric symbolism and apocalyptic themes. He interprets characters and their actions as allegories for concepts such as the degradation of humanity, the apocalypse, and worldwide sicknesses, potentially caused by cyanobacteria.
➡ The text discusses an environmental phenomenon known as cyanobacteria multiplication, triggered by changes in ocean temperatures due to increased sunlight. This leads to bodies of water turning from blue to green and then to red, also referred to as the Red Tide. It poses health risks, including respiratory issues, as toxins released into the air are breathed in by humans. The text also discusses related cultural beliefs, such as the wearing of red strings and the use of dream catchers for protection, associating these practices with warding off negative energies. The concept of plasma, presenting it as an energy entity, is also discussed.
➡ The text elaborates on the interpretation of various biblical passings and other texts, positing that “crystal” or “glass” often refers to ice, and that the concept of heaven could be a mix of fire (plasma) and ice. It also proposes that Julius Caesar’s tale of Atlas as well as the Brussels animation character Mrs. Brissby represent the Squatter Man symbol signifying a savior. Further, it theorizes that an apocalyptic event is linked to atmospheric depressurization, leading to temporary antigravity and resulting in ecological rejuvenation or return to the “Eden” state.
➡ The text repeatedly emphasizes the necessity to “wake up”, possibly signifying an urgent call to action or awareness.
➡ The TV show “Changeling” features a character named Jeremy the crow, a symbol of a figure who fights against evil forces, represented by red strings or plasma. Jeremy’s name comes from “Yarim”, meaning “God will raise”, creating parallels with biblical figures. Other characters and elements, including the Frisbee (derived from words meaning “frozen place”) and the concept of “moving day” (akin to an apocalypse), further weave this grand narrative about good versus evil, divination, and apocalyptic events.
➡ The text discusses the proto Indo-European root word that symbolizes an assignment or an allotment, often used metaphorically for survivors after an event or an apocalypse. The interpretation dives deep into popular culture references such as ‘Finding Nemo’, implying survivors or adventure-seekers. Comparisons are made between the energy and frequency of the modern world to the past, suggesting those with ties to past energy are considered survivors or remnants in a new age. It later delves into film analysis and the metaphorical representation of rats as humanity, suggesting a changing thought process among ‘survivors’. The text concludes with discussions on the symbolic representation of structures and landscapes in movies, and their connection to mythologies and changes from desolate to paradise-like environments.
➡ The text discusses the symbolic representation of a movie, using rats as a metaphor for humanity facing imminent danger or apocalypse. It compares our current climate to previous warm, tropical periods, suggesting we’re approaching a significant shift or “moving day”. The story also delves into mythological and symbolic references, including the Great Owl’s symbolism of wisdom and its correlation to the North Pole. It emphasizes the need for urgency, preparation, and overcoming fear to confront impending change.
➡ The text is a detailed analysis of various symbolic elements and their interpretations in a movie. It highlights recurring motifs associated with elements such as the “tree of life,” “world tree,” “owl,” “crow,” and the concept of prevailing winds for survival in apocalyptic scenarios. The narrative also draws parallels to different belief systems, mythologies, and cyclical events in history and fiction.
➡ The text discusses Jeremy, a symbol of a prophetic figure, in a dystopian world where others are ignorant of an imminent apocalypse. This world draws comparisons to religious and mythological narratives, such as the Tree of Life and the Garden of Eden, highlighting the existence of a magical world filled with potential. Various symbols, such as a hidden red amulet representing power or the advent of technology in a world drained of magic, add layers to this narrative.
➡ The text discusses metaphors and symbolism in an unspecified work, focusing on the concept of Thorn Valley representing a safe space during apocalyptic events, based on theories of increase buoyancy and plasma interaction with the earth. It also highlights humans being compared to rats, suggesting societal structures as cages, and the effect of energetic “injections” as an amplification of the soul’s power leading to heightened intelligence. Finally, it represents the unlocking of a sleeping God through a courageous heart, implying a single worthy individual being capable of holding such power.
➡ The text explores the symbolism of ancient artifacts and text, with a stone radiance that glows when worn by the worthy. A medallion representing the door to other realms is crucial to interpretations. References to the apocalypse and biblical links indicate humans needing protection from an impending cataclysm, a sky-breaking event, possibly represented by a mill falling apart. The temporary safety exists in Thorn Valley, on the lee side of the stone. A generosity driven donation within the discussion is greatly appreciated.
➡ The text discusses the symbolic elements in a movie, highlighting themes of survival and self-sufficiency, along with in-depth analysis of motifs such as the green light, the tet symbol, worldwide storms, and the sinking house. It also delves into the interpretation of an emblem referred to as the ‘Aten’, which is related to beliefs about the sky and shares analogies from Norse, Native American and Japanese mythology. The writer associates the sky with a stone dome and brings a linguistic approach to connecting stone to the ideas of hardening, thickening, and forming walls, drawing parallels with a firmament of ice. Passages from religious texts, Job and Ezekiel, are used to depict analogous concepts of a strong, firm sky akin to molten glass or a crystal.


Aloha. Welcome everyone to Truth in movies. I’m Jay Dreamers, and today we’re going to be breaking down one of my all time favorite non Disney movies, non Disney animated films and cartoons. It’s called the Secret of NIM. And I remember this movie when I was a kid being so steep, full of symbolism, and it was obvious that they were trying to send a message to the person that was watching it.

When I was a kid, I didn’t quite understand a lot of what was being revealed to me. But now that I do this and I’ve studied Esoteric symbolism and etymology and things like that for so long, now I get to break it down with all of you. So without any further ado, hopefully everybody’s doing good. Hopefully it sounds good and looks good. It’s good to see everybody in the chat over there.

Let’s go ahead and start things off with who brings us this movie. It’s Aurora. It says Aurora Presents. And Aurora is really interesting name for this, like the people that bring you this movie because this movie is all about plasma and electricity and it really gets into the Esoteric history, or what I call ancient oblivion of the world that we live in. And it hearkens back to giants and otherworldly humanoids and things like that.

So let’s check it out. The secret of NIM. What is the secret of NIM? And who is NIM? We’re going to learn that today. We start things off by checking out this character named Nicodemus. He’s a rat. He’s sort of the wise man of all of the rats and one of the leaders of the rat people. He’s writing in his magical book and he says, she knows nothing of us or our plan or the plan.

So these rats, we’re going to learn more about them. They’re sentience, they’re very intelligent, and they have some sort of a plan. We learned that one. And this is Nicodemus who’s writing this, and it makes a reference to the farmer’s cat named Dragon. We’re going to check out Dragon in just a bit. Now, Nicodemus has this special medallion, this sort of necklace that has this special ruby looking crystal inside of it.

Welcome, Justin Maddox. Good to see you. So check out this crystal. This crystal right here is the centerpiece. It’s almost a character in and of itself. We’re going to learn exactly what this crystal is and what it represents as we move on throughout this movie. He stares into his crystal. And we have our second character that we meet, Mrs. Brisbee, and she’s looking for somebody named Mr. Ages.

Ages is another way of saying eon or the age between cycles. And age for me is from apocalypse to apocalypse. That’s an age, basically. I know some people would say, well, it’s 1000 years or it’s 500 years or it’s however long. But for me, traditionally, whenever I research ancient history and whatnot an age or an eon lasts from one apocalyptic event to another one. And specifically, there’s many cataclysms that happen worldwide.

But the apocalypse is whenever the sky depressurizes, whenever the actual firmament itself, which we’re going to talk about in great length here in just a bit, when the firmament opens, whenever the sky itself crumbles and comes crashing down and the atmosphere depressurizes. And then we have that’s the beginning all the way to the next time that that happens. And that would be an age. So she’s looking for Mr.

Ages. And this is Mr. Ages right here. And he’s a special mouse. We’re going to learn more about his backstory in just a bit. He says, you never know when it’s going to up and blow. Now, for me, this is a subtle reference to the apocalypse itself. I study the apocalypse in depth. I’m an Eschatologist, somebody that studies the end of time or the end of the world as we know it and how that happens cyclically.

And he says, you never know when it’s going to up and blow. So you never know when the apocalypse is going to happen. There have been many attempts, many people who try to predict the apocalypse, people who swear up and down that they have figured it out. But the apocalypse is supposed to be a surprise. It’s supposed to catch people off guard. It seems to me, based on my studies, that this is something that is supposed to cleanse this world, and therefore, it’s supposed to catch everybody off guard.

Therefore, the wise people are always ready. You know what I mean? It’s kind of like that movie The Day After Tomorrow. The name of that movie is giving us the answer. When is the apocalypse going to happen? That’s the mindset that we should have is that it’s going to happen the day after tomorrow. So Mrs. Brisbane is looking for Mr. Ages because her son Timothy is sick. So she needs to try to help him out.

She says, Mr. Ages, my son Timothy is so sick. Let’s check out what Timothy means. Timothy comes from time. So check this out. Make it a little bigger so we can see it here. So Timothy or Tim comes from honoring God. It’s Timmy, which means honor or respect. And then theos. Which means God, basically. So to honor or respect God, her son, if this is apocalyptic in nature, then her son represents the status of humanity.

Humanity has lost the ability to honor God or to respect God. And there’s something wrong with time being time itself as well. So this, to me, hearkens back to the degradation of society, that society has become sick, and it brings about, or it’s related to an apocalyptic event that comes right around the same time that humanity starts to become sick. And there’s a raspy sound when he breathes.

So she’s talking about Timothy or the people who have lost their honor for God, basically, and have become sick mankind. And they have a raspy sound when they breathe, symbolically and in the movie. And he says a raspy sound, you say a raspy sound. So let’s talk about that raspy sound when people breathe, right? Let’s talk about how humanity collectively and in general can become sick, quite physically sick.

And I know that there’s talk of sicknesses the world across, and that’s a huge topic right now. But I will tell you whether or not you believe in the current events or the things that have been happening and really put in our faces in the news. I will say that there are prophecies in many religions and ancient scriptures and writings that indicate that this is something that people should expect.

It’s one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is worldwide sicknesses, also called pandemics. So where could this possibly come from? I’ll show you. My number one suspect on the list, cyanobacteria. I’ve talked about this quite often on my channel. Cyan is the color cyan. It’s sort of a blue with a little bit of green in it. And then bacteria, of course. Right. So what is it? Well, this is what grows in the ocean and other water places or whatever.

Water places. And it changes the color of the water from specifically the ocean water changes it from blue water to green water. Our ocean is changing color right now. That’s something that we should keep a pulse on, something that we should definitely keep tabs on and watch. Most of the ocean over 50% is no longer considered blue. It is now considered green. And it comes from this cyanobacteria.

It’s bacteria that starts growing whenever the waters heat up. Whenever the ocean water starts getting hotter and hotter, many things happen. It sort of creates a domino effect. One of those things is that it releases a lot of the oxygen that’s in the water. And then one byproduct is that we’ll get more oxygen. So you’ll start seeing things affected by the increase in oxygen just before the depressurization of our atmosphere.

But what’s bad for those animals that live down in the waters is that the ones that have gills and need to breathe the oxygen that’s in the water, they begin to suffocate and they’ll die off en masse. You’ll see currents and currents of floating dead fish and other marine life, but those things sink down to the bottom of the ocean, too, and they become decrepit. Bacteria starts growing on them.

The more bacteria that grows, the more it blocks sunlight and all that stuff sort of acting as a cycle inside of the ocean that encourages more growth of more cyanobacteria. It’s called sort of a blue green algae bloom. So it’s a bloom whenever you start seeing more and more of this, the entire ocean is blooming. Right now, a blue green algae, a bacteria, it becomes thick like paint, consuming all of the oxygen and killing fish.

And the sea life. Some types of blue green algae have nerve and liver toxins that affect animals and humans that come in contact with or ingest the tainted water. Wormwood poison toxic water, right. So the waters of the ocean begin to bloom whenever the world gets hotter and hotter. And I do blame that on the sun mostly, but there’s other things as well. Now that green will eventually turn red to protect itself.

That bacteria will go from green to red in what’s called red tide, which we’ll get to in just a second. But basically, if it gets too bright, then that bacteria will turn red to keep itself from being burnt or destroyed. Here’s some examples of what it looks like. You may have seen this in your local region where the waters, whether it be from a local lake or other places, a lot of places that have still water tend to be like this.

They have a lot of bacteria growing in them. The world’s beaches are going to start turning this color of green, and then eventually they’ll turn another color. But this is what the cyanobacteria looks like whenever it goes unchecked and it continues and it multiplies and multiplies. And all of this is not just something you wouldn’t want to swim in, but this is something you don’t want to be around, because it releases toxins just like bacteria does, into the air, up into the air that we breathe.

And so the oceans that we have right now are turning green. A huge sign that we should look into this and be careful and be prepared for the things to come. Why are the oceans turning green? Most likely because of the heat. I took this image off. The Internet says climate change is turning the oceans green. I don’t want to put labels on it or anything. If I did put my own label on it, I’ve explained this many times, but it’s because the sun is becoming more focused, and the light source behind the firmament, which we’re going to talk a lot about today, it’s becoming more focused as well.

It’s pulsating up there above the firmament itself. It pulsates. And whenever it gets really small and it’s getting ready to go into flux, it’s so narrow that it causes the points of focus, like stars and other luminaries, like the sun especially, to become brighter and brighter and even appear smaller and smaller, but they become extremely bright. And that brightness brings heat and it changes the oceans. From what we used to know, you used to get out a crayon that was blue to color the oceans.

You used to get out a crayon that was yellow to color the sun, or yellowish orange, right? But now our oceans are starting to look more like this. And it’s not because of humanity and pollution and we’re dumping stuff in the ocean. I think that stuff sucks. But this is a cycle that is natural. It’s nature that’s doing this. And it will go from blue to green to red, the oceans turning red, blood red, which is also a prophecy of the end of times.

Whenever the oceans I think a third of the oceans become like blood or blood red, they start bleeding. And this is known as the red tide. Whenever all of this happens, this is extremely toxic because all of that cyanobacteria is releasing all of these toxins into the air, which humans then breathe, right? Imagine a third of the entire world’s oceans and especially all those people that live near the shorelines and whatnot breathing in all of these massive amounts of toxins that are being released from the ocean itself.

When we have red tide, they’ll put up signs. They’ll say, don’t go anywhere near here. Don’t come near here because it’s a toxic area. This one says, Notice red tide in the surf. May cause eye and respiratory irritation. If affected, leave the area for fresh air. Persons with asthma or breathing problems may have greater difficulty being in this area. So we look it up. Cyanobacteria and pneumonia. Pneumonia, as you can see right here, is one of the possible byproducts of breathing in all of these toxins from cyanobacteria.

People develop pneumonia the world across. They start rasping, they have lung problems, upper respiratory infections, et cetera. Isabella, welcome. Isabella, good to see you. All right. So he says, Your son has pneumonia. Boom. That’s what’s wrong with Timothy, aka those who have lost their faith in God or society that has become find. And then we meet Jeremy. He’s sort of the comic relief of the movie. He’s a crow, and he’s always tangled up in all of this string.

Typically, it’s the red string which represents the plasma that comes down from above when we go through this polarity shift. And you’ll notice, too, the colors in the background, right? It’s almost always throughout this movie, they’re constantly showing you an orange or red colored sky. Not just because it happens to be sunset on every single image that they show of the sky or whatnot, but because it symbolizes our shift from a blue sky, from the energy coming downwards at us to a reversal.

Of the electromagnetics of our Earth and the energy flowing up and around our world instead of coming down, which creates a different light source and light spectrum altogether, bringing us into the golden age. Now, you’ll notice the red string, right? So I’ve talked about this before a few times as well. There are many people, especially those who have a Jewish background or a Kabbalistic background, and they’ll tie a red string around their wrist, a scarlet string, a crimson string.

This is also featured a couple of times in the Bible where certain characters were noted for being associated with the red thread or the red string. All these different celebrities, they all partake and they wear this red string. As you can see, it’s got Justin Bieber and Paris Hilton and my celebrity look alike, Jake Gyllenhaal. Maybe, I don’t know. Anyways, they’re all wearing this red string. Why? Because it’s supposed to ward off evil.

It’s supposed to keep evil away. Now, what do we mean by evil? Right? Evil is just an energetic phenomenon. It’s an energetic frequency that is on the scale of polarity, right? So if good is way up here at the top and evil is way down here at the bottom, right up here and down here, then they’re just different frequencies that exist on the exact same line or polarity, right? It’s a frequency.

The evil eye bracelet, sometimes a necklace, they’ll call this, it says, let me zoom in on this. So the evil eye bracelet, it says red string provides the grounding, while the evil eye provides constant protection, good fortune, and welcomes positive intentions into your life to be worn often. No need to remove, even while bathing. It says the more you wear it, the more it becomes a part of you.

Handmade with love in the US. Of A. So this evil eye, it’s string, basically. It’s all it is. And it’s designed to direct the current or the flow of energy, basically, because that evil or that negativity or whatever is just energy. It’s a form of energy and it’s a frequency, basically. And it’s the same exact concept as dream catchers, right? Whenever we broke down the Blob, I mean, we didn’t do the movie the Blob, but we talked about the Blob as a real entity, a real, actual Blob, right? And when we did that, we also talked about these types of manifestations, otherworldly manifestations, like ghosts and demonic entities and stuff that were said to creep into people’s houses and specifically look for babies, specifically look for sleeping children, et cetera.

So people would that’s that’s how the dream catchers began. People would they would take a circle and they would knit this string all throughout this, and they would hang it right above the baby’s head. Why? Because it’s energy that has come into the house. It is that negative energy or frequency that has come into the house in the form of electricity or plasma. It’s the same exact reason why Santa Claus comes through the chimney and he can’t just open the door or magically unlock the door, right? Because Santa Claus represents red plasma, hydrogen plasma specifically, that comes down from the cosmos.

Whenever the magnetic field that is blocking it and keeping it out goes away during the neutral point, right? That plasma comes in, it comes down, and what does it look for? It looks for sustenance. It looks for food. And what does plasma eat, right? Well, I’m just going to speak figuratively, right? It eats gas, it eats gases. And what do babies give off? Gases. I mean, you give off gases, too.

We’d breathe out gas, right? But babies have diapers and all of that fun stuff that comes with being a baby. And if the baby’s room was not protected by this types of protective string or circuitry, which is really what it is, this is the same reason why people put, like, horseshoe magnets on their doorways and stuff to keep plasma out, because it’s repelled by a magnetic strong magnetic current.

But anyways, the plasma would hover over the baby’s face, and essentially, if it’s strong enough, it creates a viscous byproduct, which could drip down into the baby’s mouth or nose or whatever and choke the baby, and the baby would die in its sleep, which is terrible. There’s another reference to this in The Changeling, right? Tommy Truthful. Shout out to Tommy truthful and the truth mafia. They’re going over The Changeling episodes right now.

So on the very first episode of The Changeling, this TV show, they have this sort of witch doctor chick, this witch woman, and she has the same red string, and she ties it around the wrist of the main character, and she gets these three wishes, right? So it’s energetically. There’s an energetic connection there, right? And he says, my name is Jeremy the crow. The crow that wears the red string, right? He’s always tangled up in this red string as well.

I’ll show you what Jeremy represents here in a second, but let’s look at his name. Jeremy. Where does it come from? It comes from yarim. Yahoo. So let’s check this out. Let me make it a little bigger here. So here’s the Hebrew letters right here. This is basically Y-R-I-M or J-R-I-M jerem, jeremy or Jeremiah, which is what it actually was, originally comes from Yarim, which means he will raise or yahweh will raise or God will raise.

The God of the Old Testament will raise or lift up, just like Jesus from the New Testament was lifted up or raised up by God, right? God will raise, yahweh will raise or yahuwah, however you want to pronounce that. Now, here is the crow, once again, upside down, tangled in this red string, which does represent plasma to me personally, right? Orific metamorphic. Thank you so much for your donation.

Appreciate you. All right, so he’s upside down, and you’ll notice 1ft is sort of crooked right off to the side, upside down and hanged, which represents the hanged man of the Tarot cards, right? I mean, we could talk about all of these Tarot cards. Basically, every single movie that I’ve seen, I could pull out the whole entire tarot card deck and show you that it’s all divination. All of these movies, all the everything, basically commercials, movies, we can’t help it because it’s all energetically entwined.

It’s all connected. So this is what divination is. Divination is being able to listen to God or listen to your goddess, if you’re a goddess worshiper or listen to Mother Earth and listen to the song of the world that’s being sang, like they discuss in the Dark Crystal, right? And it reverberates throughout everything. So it has an effect on everything, and you can read it, and you can pick up on the past and the future throughout these different forms of just nature, right? You could use cards.

Some people use cards, some people throw bones, some people throw dice, some people read the skies or whatever. Some people read movies like myself. All right, so we get back to Jeremy. Jeremy is being chased. He’s the hanging man, right, who will be lifted up, basically the hanging man, too. I also want to point this out, too. So this particular card right here, you’ll notice that the guy seems really calm, right? So the hanging man, they say, represents somebody who is hanging there not because of persecution per se, but because of choice, that this is somebody who is sacrificing themselves for the greater good or for humanity at large, right? You’ll notice that he’s hanging upon a tree which has a cross beam at the top, and it’s a living crossbeam, so this is a living section.

This all represents that blue beam that shoots up out of Mount Maru and other places, but it shoots up, and then it separates, giving us the of like the Saxon world tree and the vav, right? The great vav of the world, the tent peg of the world, and other forms, the flux capacitor shape, et cetera. And basically, this is Yggdrazil, this is Odin. This is many different other things, too.

But his foot is in the exact same shape as the crow’s foot, too, right? Kind of crooked like that. He’s the hanging man. So he meets dragon. Dragon’s this cat that has one eye. So Jeremy, who represents the hanging man thank you, Gentugon. Jeremy, who represents the hanging man, he goes face to face against Dragon the cat. Now, this is your great battle of good and evil, of Jesus, or the positive savior type, energetic frequency and force or God or however you want to see it, versus the one eye symbolism of the dragon that comes down from the skies, the plasma.

That’s why he’s always entangled in these red crimson strings, because he fights the plasma, he fights the dragons, he fights the fireworms, et cetera. The one eye symbolism comes from the one eye above which we’re going to get more into that here in just a bit, too. So Dragon the cat, chasing after the hanged man. Meanwhile, we meet Mrs. Brisbee. Right? Now, check this out. Her name originally was not Brisbee.

It was frisbee. Isn’t that interesting? So the book you can see says Mrs. Frisbee and the Rats of NIM. I’ll tell you what, NIM is here in a bit, too, but her name originally was Frisbee. Now check this out. This is really interesting. The movie changed it. The people who did this movie didn’t want the story goes, they didn’t want legal trouble with Whammo and the actual toy frisbee, right? Which is really interesting.

So check this out. If we look up Frisbee and we look up the origin of it, it says it comes from Old Norse frizzier, right? That IR at the end is just plural form. So we have to ask ourselves what freeze means. And then beer is the b part of Frisbee, and it means settlement, right? Or a place where people live, basically, or a town or things like that.

A little Hamlet, stuff like that. But let’s focus on the freeze of freeze be, right? What does freezier mean? What does freeze mean? Well, I look it up and I find that it’s connected to the word freeze, as in to be cold, right? So check this out. From the proto Germanic FreeUs, the equivalent to the proto Indoeuropean root word prius, interesting. Which means to freeze, but it also means to burn.

Interesting, right? Just like freezer burn, you can have something have freezer burn. If you leave it in the freezer too long, it’s burning. Either way, it’s an extreme temperature, either too hot or too cold. Right. To freeze didn’t always mean to be super cold. It could mean to be super hot, too, and to burn. So freeze B, the place of cold, basically, the frozen place. The frozen place where somebody lives, the frozen habitation place.

So this is the Frisbee, right? And you can see, basically this is the top portion of it, but if you flip it upside down, it has lips that curve upward where you hold the actual Frisbee, right? That’s because it’s a dish shape. The original Frisbee from Whammo came from Frisbees Pies, which is shown to us. This is the pie plate. People would when they were done, they would play with them and throw them to each other.

And you can see here the whole Mount Maru and the beam coming out of Mount Maru symbolism right there in the middle. The Chrysler, the Michael Jordan symbol, all that stuff. And this is obviously from Back to the Future part three, which we also broke down part one, two and three. And he says, Frisbee far out, or whatever, right? So this is interesting. The movie changed the name of Mrs Brisbane or Mrs Frisbee to Mrs Brisbee to avoid a copyright strike, basically, right, to avoid legal problems.

But Whammo changed the spelling of their Frisbee because it used to be spelled like this because they wanted to avoid any legal problems with the pie makers. Everybody’s changing things to avoid copyright strikes and stuff all throughout time. It’s crazy. But this is the Freeze B, or the frozen inhabited land, or the land beyond the frozen place, which is, I believe, this island at the middle of the world exactly.

At the North Pole, if you take a look at it, right, all the way around the edges, it’s a valley. It’s just like a plate or just like a shallow bowl, a grail, a crater, et cetera, right? It’s all a valley. This is Hill Valley, too. From Back to the Future. Basically. All right, so we get back to the movie and we meet Auntie Shrew, and she says, I’ve come here to inform you that the frost is off of the ground and moving day is at hand.

So moving day equates to the apocalypse, basically. Conspirator. Thank you so much for your donation. I super appreciate you. So when they say moving day, that means that all of the rats or whatever, they need to move because they live on a farm where there’s going to be a harvest, and this farmer is going to drive his tractor and plow up the ground, basically. We’ll come back to that in a minute.

So moving day is at hand. That’s the mice and all the animals and the rats. That’s their apocalypse. Okay? This is all happening on a small scale. Now, the farmers that live in this house, the woman says she’s speaking with her husband, and she says, Dear, a man came by today from NIM, you know, the National Institute of Mental Health. So this is really interesting, right. The root of this, which I’ve talked about many times, is NEM.

NEM, right. It comes the proto Indo European root word that means an assignment, something that is assigned, something that is an allotted to a person, something allotted to a person, and something that is a take. Like when you play poker, what your take is, is what is left over or your portion out of the pot when you’re playing poker, right? So what this is are the leftovers. The NIM, by implication, are the survivors of moving day, right? Are the survivors of the apocalypse itself.

They are the nemo. They are those who are of the NIM. Finding Nemo is all of these Nemo characters, right? Throughout books and movies and stuff like that, all these characters named Nemo. Thank you. Ken. Albert Nemo represents adventurers. It represents people that cross boundaries, but specifically, it represents survivors, people who survive. Finding Nemo is all about finding, gathering together. The Good Vibe tribe, basically, is how I refer to them as, or you could say, the lost tribes of Israel.

You could call it many different things. But those people who have been scattered to the four corners of this world or scattered to the winds, who still have a trace of that last frequency, that last energy that permeated this world, this world today is not ran by the same energy. It’s not the same frequency. That is the majority in the world that we have in this age and in this era.

It’s a different frequency. So we from the last frequency, if we carry that frequency, become the Remnant, right. Captain Nemo, obviously from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. There’s also another one here called and the underwater city. I wanted to zoom in on the little dome there right at the middle of. Their underwater city. Captain Nemo, little Nemo Adventures in Slumberland, which we broke down that movie to the live action version of it, right? Dreamland.

Somebody who they’re also associated with sleeping and dreams, but specifically like a wonderland, a strange place, never, neverland stuff like that. Because they go from there are people who are taken from one reality, right, which is considered normal or the modern world, and they’re put and thrust into a science fiction world, a fantasy world, a strange place, a wonderland. Et cetera, because the conditions in this world change so drastically that our world is not recognizable by anybody who used to live in the modern age.

Our world becomes wonderland. Our world becomes fantastic as its energy fills our world once more. When all of those blue beams of energy and ionized oxygen fill up our world and all that ionized hydrogen comes in, and then the dome goes back, it fixes itself, basically, and pressurizes our world once more, trapping in all of that energy for an entire age. As the world fills up once more with energy, which gives rise to an age of magic, NIM, or Nemo also implies Nobody.

Right? That’s sort of what it means in the modern vernacular is Nobody, mr. Nobody, any references to Nobody, I’m nobody, or Nobody can do this, or Nobody can kill the bad guy, or whatever they’re talking about. Only the survivors. Those are the nobodies, basically. They’re people that nobody knows where they came from. Nobody knows who they are. They’re nobodies, basically, they have no lineage. They have no past because their past is directly tied to the modern world, which is going away soon.

Right. Thank you so much. Jorage says, thank you for taking your time to research and share everything with us. We all appreciate it. You’re super welcome. Thank you. All right. So this is Mr. Nobody. It’s another good movie, too. But we get back to the farmer’s wife, and she says that NIM, this organization, right? The National Institute of Mental Health. Right. Why are they calling a farm? Why are they even calling a farm? She says that they were asking if we had noticed anything strange with the rats on the farm.

And the character almost looks right at the camera, right? So these Mental health institute is asking the people who own the farm if they’ve noticed anything strange with the rats that live on the farm. Right. The rats that live on the farm and all rats, pretty much, and mice and stuff like that. They represent humanity. I’ve found that they quite often represent humanity in general. Right. So we have some sort of secret government organization that’s asking the owners of the white building, which is where we live, under.

We live in a building, figuratively speaking. I mean, it’s quite actual. We live in a building, in a structure. If they’ve noticed anything strange with the minds or the mental health or the thought process, of the rats that live on the farm, specifically those who are connected to NIM or the survivors, the surviving rats, right? That’s us. She says. No, nothing usual. No, everything’s normal. Everything’s, you know, a OK.

But behind the scenes, she closes her little curtain right there. And then behind the scenes, you can see the rats. There is something different about the rats and their thought process and their minds and how their minds work. We’ll learn the backstory here in just a bit. But they zoom out from this white farmhouse right here. The white houses, white house and a black house, okay? They represent our world.

One is our world seen from space or seen from the heavenlies looking down. It would be white. It’s all white. And I’ll explain to you why. Because we have a roof that’s white, basically. But from the inside, looking up, it’s black, it’s dark, because it cuts off that firmament, cuts off the glory of God or the glory of the heavens, you could say, right? The lights from space that we all know should be lighting up all that darkness.

Now they zoom out and they show you this thorn bush right over here. And this is where these intelligent rats or whatever these advanced rats live, she says, like the rats might have some horrible disease. There’s another reference to the rats that represent humanity as having a disease, right? Now, they zoom the camera, they pan it over, and all of a sudden, this bush, this thorn bush or rose bush lights up with electric blue light.

And it stays like that, basically, right? And then they take you down inside of it. But then we pan over to meanwhile and we take a look at Mrs. Brisbee’s house, okay? Now, I thought this was weird, right? They live right by this strange shaped rock and this shape for this particular rock, which, if the mice represent us, then this represents some sort of structure or mountain in our world, right? And it’s that same sort of curved mountain or curved hill rock that I’ve seen, like, for example, in The Nightmare Before Christmas.

The same type of curved hill. This is where the Grinch lives, right? He’s also a type of fallen angel, or whatnot you could say, right? He lives on top of this curved hill, this curved mountaintop as well. And then it kind of reminded me of Pride Rock, too, but I wasn’t sure if I should include that one. But then, the more I looked at Pride Rock, the more I’m like that’s a petrified fish sticking its head up out of the ground.

Man, it looks just like a fish to me. I just thought that was an interesting thing of note. But then check this out. I want to show you. So here’s where Mrs. Brisbee lives now at this point in the movie. But I’m going to skip forward and show you what it looks like. Her place at the end. It’s like a paradise, right? So they transition her home transitions.

And plus, you can see she lives in this tree stump, which represents Yggdrazil and stuff. We’ll talk about that, too, but this is showing you our world transitions from desert type of world desolate and stuff like that, back to a paradise world as we go back into the Golden Age, right? So it went from this one to this one. All right? And then, of course, where she lives sort of represents that central island place as well, which is the trunk of I mean, which is the trunk of the World Tree or the trunk of Yggdrasil, which is the Norse World Tree, the Norse version of it.

The trunk portion of it is the actual physical mountain, the volcano, which I call a plasma volcano, right? When the tree blooms, it is the plasma that shoots up out of that cavernous opening in that mountain, and it shoots up and it branches out, and it gives us the World Tree. When that tree dies, or it is chopped down by the angels, et cetera, it retreats, it retracts, and it goes back into the world to charge, leaving only the trunk of the tree, the pan and the pot symbolism.

That’s also Grail symbolism and crater symbolism as well. But moving day has come, and you can see the tractor goes right up to this rock, and then it sort of stops right there. And this is also what it looks like at the end of the movie, too. So it’s a paradise transitional state. Now, she knows that the tractor is going to come. She knows that moving day is going to come, but she cannot move her son out of the house because he has pneumonia and he’ll catch a chill and he’ll die.

And she says, for the last time, get your children out of here before it’s too late. Right? That’s speaking about us. If the movie is indeed referencing the rats and mice as symbolic of humanity, then the movie is telling us, get your children out of here before it’s too late, before moving day comes, and they’ll tell you exactly where to move to. So check this out. She says, the chill in the air could kill him, right? So this is a reference to the time where we live in now, which is the time of cold, right? Our atmosphere.

I mean, we have summer and stuff like that, but it wasn’t always like that. Whenever we were in our last cycle, the last cycle was the Golden Age, where it was constantly tropical and warm, desert like. The world across it was very warm. People did not need clothing and stuff like that. You can see the rats are clearly wearing clothing, which also indicates that they are humans during the time of the cold, which is our time now.

The blue sky where we have all this strange seasons and weather and stuff like that. It didn’t used to be so it used to be tropical and beautiful and, like, paradise all the time. So people were naked, basically. So that’s why the rats have clothing. And she’s referencing the chill in the air. She says, well, child, that tractor surely will kill him, right? The tractor that the farmer immediately jumps on and starts coming right at them with the plow.

And she screams, and they all start freaking out. And they’re like, It’s Moving Day, which is the apocalypse, okay? That’s the day everything moves, okay? Everything will move on judgment day. Everything will be moved in some way, shape or form from the Depressurization, causing an increase in buoyancy. And everything floating to the winds, picking up and moving everything, basically. And the land itself is shaped and terraformed by electricity.

So the farmer comes on and he’s on the plow. Now, the plow, I can’t remember if I got into it already, but it represents the threshing floor. Oftentimes. The Bible references during Judgment Day that God says that Babylon or basically modern Earth is going to become his threshing floor, the mill, et cetera. I’ll come back to that because I know I have it up here again. You’ll notice the red sky once more, right? The red sky symbolism, danger, et cetera.

So she jumps onto this plow and she’s trying to figure out how to stop it, right? She also has that Little Red Riding Hood cape, which is very symbolic as well. The path of the truth seekers, et cetera. Now the engine stalls, which is symbolic again, of the Apocalypse not coming. When you think it’s going to come, it always throws us off. Right? These are birth pangs, basically.

Like, it could have come, but it didn’t. And she went and she cut the gas line, basically. So the farmer has he’ll come back on another day. So they have a little extra time to get ready. You have a little extra time to get ready? We do. Okay. Now, Auntie Shrew and Mrs. Brisbane, they take off and they’re wondering what to do about Timothy, right. And how to get him moved and how to move their house.

And she says the Great Owl would know what to do about this. And you can see they’re being looked they’re being watched through some sort of energetic portal that acts as, like, a scrying mirror. And you can see it’s electrical in nature as well. Also, the green light typically represents the North Pole. Right? The auroras. Here’s a great thumbnail that I found. Shout out to Bro Sanchez TV for providing this one.

I just yanked it off the Internet. But what we’re looking at with this Great Owl symbolism we’re about to meet the Great Owl. The owl symbolism. I know a lot of people hate owl symbolism because, like, oh, the Illuminati love owls, so I hate owls or whatever. No, the owls are represented symbolically as the goddess of wisdom. The blue beam that shoots up out of the world, that energy creates toroidal fields.

And what you’re looking at is what people saw the world across, and they drew it in stone and they had pictures of it and they saw a beam of light shoot up to the top of the world, creating a tree or branching off towards the firmament, basically, right? And branching down towards the bottom. And we get these plasmoids off to the side, basically, it’s a vortices, basically, that swirls around.

It looks like big old eyeball of owls and a big old owl eyeball staring at us. And then it sort of comes up at a point, creating, like a little owl nose and stuff. So these are things that people saw. This is what it looks like in a laboratory down here on the left hand side, you can see that this is plasma, and it creates these toroidal balls on the left and the right from the plasma discharge that goes up through the middle.

Here’s a graph of it being charted out. And this is in comparison to thank you, Donna Bentley. This is in comparison to many of these glyphs, right? These owl eyeball sort of glyphs and owl worship and why the Illuminati and the elite worship owls. This is what it looks like. If you were up close, you could sort of see one of the balls and the toroidal field. Now, let’s play a game, right? This is a still image, okay? But they say if you’re at peace, the image will be still, right? If you focus or you meditate and you calm yourself, what you’re looking at on your screen right now will not move.

But if you have anxiety or stress or things like that, if your energy is off a bit, you will see this still image looks like it is turning and it looks like it’s moving about. And the more anxiety or stress that you have, the more this image will move, right? I looked at it and it was flying. I asked my son to come and look at it, and I said, hey, is this moving or is it still? He’s like, oh, it’s still it’s not moving.

I’m like, okay, it works. Interesting, right? I’ll just leave it up there for a second. But, yeah, take a look at it. Is it moving to you or is it still to you? That should tell you if you are frustrated or if, you know, jostled or whatnot, or if you are still. Right? Interesting how the world reflects what’s going on inside of us. Now, she says, you must go see him.

Remember, they’re always talking to us. It’s not Mrs Brisbane that needs to go see the great owl. It is some of us in this world that need to go see the great owl, right? We need to go to a particular place. They tell us where that is. And I’m going to tell you, too. She says, I couldn’t do that. Owls eat mice. Well, this right here, this is seen at the North Pole coming up out of Mount Maru.

If my guess and my theory and my research is right, then this would be seen, that owl’s face would be seen at the North Pole, right? So they’re saying, basically, you need to go to the North Pole. She says, I can’t do that. I’ll zeet mice. This is fear. People think that they can’t travel to the North Pole. They’re like, oh, the government won’t let you. We’re not allowed to, et cetera.

Listen, you’re allowed to do anything you want to do. You’re allowed to say anything you want to say. You’re allowed to, okay? If you need to hear someone say it, I’m saying it. You’re allowed to, okay? You have my permission. If you need permission from somebody, I’m giving it to you. Do whatever you would like to do with your life, anything you’d like to do. So I don’t want to hear people say, well, we’re not allowed to, et cetera, okay? That’s if you’re a slave, okay? So if you’re a slave and you acknowledge that you have masters and owners and all of that stuff and you want a slave mentality, then keep saying you’re not allowed to, okay? Keep complaining about the fear of, well, I’ll get pulled over know, ocean cops at some point or whatever.

I don’t know what people think. I’ll get shot or whatever if I go to Antarctica or if I go to the North Pole or whatever. No, you can go wherever you’d like to go. She says, I can’t do that. Owls eat mice, et cetera. And Nicodemus is watching them through his little magic mirror, and he says, a visit to the great owl may indeed be profitable. Speaking to us once more, right? And then it turns purple.

Energy is crackling. So they’re showing you that this is electromagnetic in nature or electric in nature, right? And he says, Go there. They’re really hitting this they drive this point home, right? Go there. It’s like he’s trying to encourage her to go, but they’re really encouraging us. And then it turns green. Go there. Once more. They repeat the really important stuff in this movie time and time again.

And then the green in the green, you can see the picture or the silhouette of the crow, right? Now, the crow comes in red sky. Once more. You’ll notice another red sky reference. There the crow, Jeremy, the one who is lifted up, the hanging man, etc. He makes an appearance during the red sky. That’s when you see the hanging man. That’s when you see the burning man. That’s whenever you see the Jesus appear.

That’s whenever you see all these different symbolic motifs and tropes and elements and stuff that are repeated across religions, across movies, across fiction and all of these things, right? It’s a never ending story. Now, he gives Mrs. Brisbie a ride because they’re buddies, right? Now, remember? She’s like, I don’t want to see the owl. Owls eat mice. So do crows, so do ravens. Okay? They also eat mice.

That part kind of made me laugh there. But he’s obviously not really a crow. These are just all cartoonified versions of realities, of actual phenomenon that most people don’t understand these days. Electromagnetic phenomenon, right? He says he’ll know what to do about everything. So go see the great owl. Go see the wizard of Oz. Go see these enlightened people, et cetera, right? Now, they get to this magical forest with this mangled gnarly looking tree right here in the middle.

And Jeremy says, that must be the owl’s tree over there, right? Well, if the owl represents the Toroidal Field on either side of the Tree of Life, this would be the Tree of Life with all of the little electrical plasmas emanating off the side of it, giving us a sort of Jacob’s laddered look as it makes its way up to the heavens. So they go into this knot in the tree or this opening, this hollow portion of this Tree of Life type of a thing.

Now, who else? What other wise character in history lived inside of the World Tree or lived in there? It was somebody that I’ve mentioned quite a few times. Mamir. Mamir, in Norse mythology or history, resided by a well, a hole in the ground, a cavernous opening in the earth that stood beneath one of the roots of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, which has three roots, three main roots, by the way.

Right? So there’s one here, one here, and then the middle one right up in the middle, right? And Mamir, the wisest of all of the Norse gods, even more wise than Odin himself, right, lived in the trunk of the World Tree. Yggdrazil. All right, cool. So we finally meet the owl, and guess what? His eyes are lit up because they’re toroidal fields. It’s not really an actual physical bird, you know what I mean, that some mice need to go visit or whatever.

This is us and our journey, and this has happened time and time again. That’s why these movies start to repeat themselves many times, over and over, right? It seems like Hollywood’s running out of ideas and stuff. They’re not. It’s just that they’ve told the story from every perspective, so they have to start trying to find new perspectives to tell the same old story. He says, Why have you come? And she tells him what’s going on with her son being sick.

Timothy, who represents mankind, his eyes still lighting up, right? He says, Move your family and notice what she’s standing on, right? She’s standing on a microcosmic little version of the trunk of the World Tree, or Yggdrazil, which is where she is. You also notice that this same exact room was seen when we broke down the movie Annihilation remember that when she goes down into the lighthouse, which is the world tree, is the lighthouse, she goes down into that little room or whatever.

It looks exactly like that. And she stands on a little tree trunk down in that one, too. So he says, Go to the rats, because she doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t know how to fix it or anything. And he says, Go to the rats. Now, if she, being a mouse, represents humanity or modern age humanity, the rats, being much bigger, represent giants or humanoid type beings that are gigantic in comparison to us mice, right? And then he looks right at the camera and says, Go there.

Right? He needs to go to the rats of NIM or the survivors. Go to the giants who also survived the last apocalyptic cycle and ask for Nicodemus. Nico, by the way, is like Nike. It means victory. DIMO comes from people, right? So victory of the people, victorious people, or those people who were victorious over the apocalypse or the survivors of the apocalypse, they must move your house to the lee of the stone.

Now, this is very interesting, because the second they said lee of the stone, I was reminded of a book that was banned or restricted by what was it? The CIA, I think I did a whole video about this. This was classified I don’t want to say banned, but it was classified by I think it was the FBI or the CIA. I can’t remember which one. But it’s called The Adam and Eve Story by an author named Chan Thomas.

And I do have an entire breakdown on this book, too. But in this book, right at the very beginning, I’ll read this little paragraph. It says, A few lucky ones. This is telling everybody about the apocalypse. This whole book is about how the apocalypse happens cyclically, over and over. And the author tells people what to expect when this apocalyptic event happens. So you can see right above it, talks about New York and stuff like that.

This says, A few lucky ones who manage to find shelter home from the screaming wind on the lee side of Pikes Peak, which just happens to be in my backyard. Like I live on the Lee side of Pikes Peak. So that immediately caught my attention on my personal journey and path that I’m on. A few lucky ones who managed to find shelter from the screaming wind on the lee side of Pikes Peak.

Watch the sea of molten fire break through the quaking valleys below. The raging waters follow, piling higher and higher and higher, steaming over the molten earth fire. So the lee side of the mountain, right here it is highlighted for you to see, so you can pick it out easily. But the lee side of the mountain, the lee side of the rock, the protective side, where the wind will go up and over and people won’t be blown away, especially if they’re floating about during an increased buoyancy.

And then the owl takes off, and he looks at Mrs. Brisbee, Aka us, and says, remember the lee of the stone? The lee side of the stone? The side of the stone that is protected from prevailing winds, right? So many people ask me, like, how can I survive the Apocalypse? And I drop clues all the time, okay? I don’t like to just give people answers and say, well, here is the absolute answer, right? But I do like to share good ideas.

Here’s a good idea, all right? You want to be on the leeward side of, not the side where the prevailing winds come from. So you need to ask yourself, naturally, where are the prevailing winds in your area of the world? Up here in my area of the world, the wind blows from west to east. It’s called a westerly, right? So the wind blows in this direction. I live on the lee side of Pikes Peak, which protects me or could protect me, we’ll say, from those winds that will pick up whenever the sky blows open and our atmosphere depressurizes.

Whatever way the winds are blowing, it’s going to increase, right? It’s going to become way more powerful. So my tip to you, and it seems like the movie’s tip to all of you as well, is to know and familiarize yourself with the prevailing winds, also known as trade winds, and where you live in comparison to possible protective rocks and boulders and mountains and stuff like that. She says it again, the lee of the stone.

They repeat this so many times, I had to share it. Oh, my God. PQM Construction just gave me $200. My God. That deserves a stop, and thank you. For sure. I appreciate you, too. I’m going to continue on, but, Jeez, thank you so very much. Wow, that was a lot. Thank you so much. All right, back to the movie. So she’s going to that burning bush, which is what that rose bush represents, right? She’s going to that bush, which you’ll notice it’s sort of in a well also, right? This is where the rats live.

They live inside of the Earth. They live on the hollow recesses of our world. We live on the surface, right? Basically, it’s like we live on the roof of the house and all of the giants and all of the creatures that live for a very long time, hundreds and hundreds of years, they live in the house, which is where you’re supposed to live in a house, but we live on the top of it.

So Jeremy is in disguise. He says, this is that blue beam. This is that savior type figure or energy or frequency that is in disguise right now. People don’t understand. They don’t know about the Apocalypse. They don’t study it. They’re too afraid, because we’ve been taught that it’s all doom and gloom, and it’s all bad news, and why would you want to talk about everyone in the world dying, et cetera, right? And it’s just a catastrophe like that.

It’s hushed. And that’s the whole hush from Hollywood is they’re like, don’t talk about it, right? The people who don’t care, the people who are afraid, the people that want to live their lives as consumers. Don’t tell them, right? This apocalypse is meant for them. So Jeremy takes off. He’s going to help Miss Brisbie by go watching her kids while she visits the rat. But he gets tangled once again in the thorn bush and hangs once again upside down.

The hanging man, which is what he represents. He will be lifted up. That’s what his name actually means, right? So once again, Jeremy is represented as the hanging man or the crow, right? The crow is also seen in the sky. It’s another bird type of the cosmic bird, okay? The cosmic crow that spreads its wings. It’s a phoenix, it’s a crow, it’s a bluebird. It’s many different things, but it’s the cosmic bird, basically.

And he’s like, oh, wait, where do you live? Because he has to know where to go, right? So where do you live? And she says, by that big stone in the garden. Now, I showed you where she lives. It’s not a garden. She lives in the grass, okay? She lives in the yard, basically. I don’t know. Maybe they plant stuff. That’s where they’re plowing and stuff. So maybe they have a garden there.

But it’s the Garden of Eden, symbolically speaking. And the big stone, she lives by the big stone, which is Rupus Negra, or the Black Rock or the Black Mountain, the plasma volcano. Here it is on Mercator’s popular Arctic map. Rupus Negra. This is the stone that is protecting her house from the plow or from the harvest, really is what this is. It’s harvest time. The Bible calls this the harvest, okay? It’s the harvest of God.

Now, the owner comes out and ridicules the cat for being sleepy and lazy and sleeping all of the time. And the cat’s name is Dragon. This is the sleeping demiurge. This is the sleeping evil figure or evil god type thing. Not always evil, though, like Shiva. Shiva is also called the sleeping God, who is waiting to destroy everything. It’s not like a sleep, though. It’s more like a meditative waiting, right? And I was totally going to make a Chuck Norris joke here, but I decided not to.

Cthulhu is another type of waiting God or sleeping God or meditating God that’s waiting for certain events to happen, right? And then she goes down into the burning bush, and you can see all of the little thorns. They’re sort of this circular it’s not easy to see because it’s kind of dark, but there’s circular path with all these thorns everywhere and electricity all over the place. This represents going down into Yggdrazil or the trunk of.

The world tree, the Tree of Life, right? Going down into it and electricity is going off all over the place. There’s little balls, plasma balls of light down there. This is Psychros Cave, where Zeus was born, et cetera. It is electrically charged, right? This is where the plasma comes in, blasts out of this area, and it still carries a charge with it once she goes down in there, underneath this burning bush, way down in the middle, is like this rat paradise, right? So this is like Shambhala and all these fantastic hollow Earth underworld type places, agartha, stuff like that, right, that are not hell.

It’s the opposite, man. It’s crazy down in the Earth, according to many different descriptions, there are places I don’t want to be absolute and say it’s all beautiful and it’s all paradise and it’s all perfect, but there are places, caverns rooms I don’t know how to say this, like separations. There’s different parts of the hollow recesses inside of the world where it’s very beautiful and it’s very paradoisical in nature.

Now we get back to Nicodemus. He holds up the amulet, this red amulet, and he says, thus far, the amulet has remained safely hidden. So this amulet represents something in our very real world that has remained hidden for a very long time and is directly connected to the apocalypse itself. This amulet has been safely hidden, but Jenner, I fear, could do her harm. Jenner, he doesn’t want Jenner to find this amulet, right? This amulet has power, right? It’s a source of all power, basically.

And Jenner is the one that he doesn’t want to get his hands on it, he says, but if he finds it, heaven help us, right? Why? Well, Jenner’s name, if we take a look at Jenner, just zoom in on it real quick. It’s an occupational name and it comes from in Jenner, or engineer, basically. Right? So Jenner is an engineer or a derivative of Ang Jiang cunning ingenuity a stratagem device.

This, for me, is a correlation with technology, having to invent technology because the world is so drained of magic or this increased frequency or energy or energetically charged atmosphere, et cetera, right? That the magic dwindles and the magic is gone. So mankind goes and they create devices, right? And they put life into those devices and this becomes the engineers who create technology which is not needed during the world of magic, all right? They don’t need technology the way that we have it today.

We have to create technology because we have lost, we’re drained of magical abilities, but that’s not the way it always was. So they don’t want Jenner to get his hands on this red circle, whatever that is. We’ll check that out in a bit. All right, let’s go back to Miss Brisbane now. She says now to what you are about to see here. Oh, she’s talking to Mr Ages.

See, he says, you must swear to absolute secrecy. So going down into the Garden of Eden or down into the World Tree, down into the hollow recesses of our world, he’s a part of this secret society, okay? He’s one of the only mice that’s allowed into this secret bush, the secret burning bush or whatever. And he says, you must swear to absolute secrecy. That’s what the hush is all about.

They don’t want you common people out there, whoever may be a common person, they don’t want people to know and to learn about the secrets of the world we live in. And basically that all of our fiction and all of our sci-fi and all of the implications behind it, which is superheroes and monsters and gods and titans and elves and magic and fairies and all of these things are real, that they once were commonplace the world across, because the entire world was wonderland and it was a wonderful, magical place.

But conditions changed during the last apocalyptic cycle where that energy went down into the Earth and we lost all that magic or appeared to have lost all of that magic. So she’s down inside of this tunnel, underneath the burning bush, and all these lights turn on, right? All these glowing lights and stuff. This is very much the scene from that book Vril that I have read to you guys.

I read that book called Vril. I think it’s called The Power of the Coming Race or something like that. And it was all about the giant humanoids that live inside of the hollow recesses of our world. This is how their world was described down below our feet. Not that they needed or had electricity, as in, like, trying to direct currents through wires and stuff like that. They had balls of light that naturally emitted from places that emitted gas.

They would just become electrified and they would turn into plasma. And all of the underworld was lit up. Not all of it, okay, I shouldn’t say all of it, but much of it is lit up. The places where people lived, there were places that were lit up. There’s also very dark places down there, too. It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen, she says as she goes down into the hollow Earth.

Now she meets Jonathan. He’s one of the good guy rats, because, remember, out of all of those people, giants and otherwise other humanoid type beings, there’s good, there’s in between, and there’s bad. It all depends on the frequency that they’re around at the time, which one is amplified and which one is diminished. Jonathan often spoke of electricity, she says, when she’s talking to oh, I’m sorry, her husband’s name is Jonathan.

This is what’s his name? Justin. I can’t remember, but it’s like Justin or something. But her husband’s name is Jonathan, and he often spoke of electricity. So there’s an electrical connection to that burning bush that they live in. The Thorn Valley Plan is the aspiration of idiots and dreamers. Now we meet Jenner. Let’s zoom in on him so you can see him. There he is in the middle, just losing his mind.

He’s basically a cult leader, okay? And he’s trying to hype everybody up to get them to and you can see the blue beam symbolism behind him as well, right? He’s trying to get everyone not to go to Thorn Valley, right? It’s a place of safety during moving day, which is the apocalypse, right? So let’s check this out. Thorn Valley. Now, in our real world, the place that would be considered Thorn Valley is the place, I believe, where lightning, electricity, the thunderbolts of the god strikes places that used to have water, which is like the oceans and stuff, but that water will be removed.

It’ll be because buoyancy increases so much that everything floats. Water especially will float. So the oceans disappear. They get sucked up into the sky and out of our world. The oceans will be no more. And then the plasma comes down, wants to ground itself, and the second it hits all that muddy sand and mud and stuff like that, it creates thorns in the desert, which give the appearance of vulgarites in our modern world, right? Oftentimes you can only find these by digging down into the sand.

But if the electrical current is strong enough, it will actually pull the dirt and the mud and stuff up into the air. And then once it comes in contact and creates and completes that circle or that circuit, then it petrifies. It changes the bond of the sand, changing it into glass. These are all hollow as well. Very interesting, right? We see these in Beetlejuice with the sands of Saturn, and we saw this on pitch black, right? Same type of stuff.

It creates these little chimneys, these little chimney rocks that shoot up out of the ground. And this is Thorn Valley. This is the valley where you would go through in that middle land is the valley, hill Valley. Remember how we talked about that? Parts of it are desert, right? According to tradition, those four quadrants in the middle of the world, two of them were deserty, or mostly desert, and the other two were luscious and hospitable.

Here’s another version of a fulgorite sticking up out of the ground, right? And these are the thorns of the desert, right? Magic deserts, basically, too. Haunted deserts possessed deserts. Deserts with spirits and stuff like that, too, because they’re electrified. All right? So back to Nicodemus. He says, in the beginning, we were ordinary street rats. So if this is us, he’s saying, in the beginning, we weren’t intellectual humans like we are today.

In the beginning, we were ordinary street rats. And you see the electricity going everywhere, and then all of a sudden, the rats start to glow, right? In the beginning, we were ordinary street rats. Rats are running around all over the place, stealing our daily bread. And living off of the efforts of man’s work. That’s us. That’s us today, okay? We do not just live off of the fruit of the world, right? We don’t just live for free or anything.

We basically are taught to steal, like taxation and all that type of stuff. I don’t want to get too deep into it, but this is us, right? We were captured and put into cages. If you’re watching me from your house right now, you’re watching me from a cage, okay? If you’re watching me inside of a cube or a cubicle or a rectangle of some sort, that is the frequency that is in this world today, in the world to come, domiciles and dwelling places and whatnot will be more circular, more spherical, right? It tends to go back and forth between the two.

We live during the time of the cube, the boxes, et cetera, and sent to a place called NIM. Now, this is where the survivors live, right? NIM, or the nemo, right, in the laboratory. Now, this also harkens back to the story of the anunnaki who came down and they were geneticists and they manipulated the genes and whatnot. You could also see that story as being factual, actual and true and literal, right? That there was these gigantic humanoid beings and they were geneticists, et cetera.

Or you could remember, we could speculate and say that that story itself is also cartoonified, that it represents electromagnetic forces that came down and had the ability to rearrange DNA at the molecular level, which I believe it does. They were put through the most unspeakable tortures to satisfy some scientific curiosity. And then they show you all the different animals that were affected by these injections. Now they show you these injections.

Remember, the rats represent humans, okay? They represent humanity, okay? That’s why you have so many rats and mice and stuff in the movies, especially in cartoons that are just like people, basically, right? 20 rats and eleven mice were given injections. Now, this injection, there’s different kinds, okay? So you can interpret this however you’d like to interpret this. There’s a bad way and there’s a good way. The good way is getting injected with energy, okay? Not a physical injection from an actual syringe, but an energetic injection to your soul, amplifying your soul.

Our world began changing. Now he’s cringing and stuff, and this injection is changing them on the molecular level. We had become intelligent, right? So when they’re associated with NIM, basically when they survive the apocalypse, okay, they get superpowers. I’m just going to be blunt. When these people survive the apocalypse, they become extremely intelligent. Like all the electricity and the energy or magic, however you want to look at it, that we come in contact with has the ability to complete all of the missing circuitry in our brain so that all of the pathways are clear and you have clear thinking, okay? Perfect thinking.

You have the ability to remember perfectly photographic what do they call that? Photographic memory or whatever and stuff like that. So this is a good byproduct, basically, of surviving. We could read. So the rats learned how to read and they were able to escape through the ventilation system. Now, comparing this to our very real world, we have a ventilation system in this world where every once in a while, the air, which becomes toxic and poison and all that, needs to get replaced.

It needs to get sucked out because we live in a closed system. So that system needs to open every once in a while to ventilate, to let all that air out, all that toxic negative, mixed up toxic DNA and air and atmosphere and all that stuff gets sucked out through the ventilation system, which is metaphorically and symbolically the chimney of our world, okay? Just like Santa comes down the chimney, et cetera.

This is also in Mary Poppins the Chimney Sweep reference. Same exact thing. The mice were blown away. Now, this is a reference to those winds, those screaming winds that was referenced in Chan Thomas’s book, the Adam and Eve Story, right? Screaming winds. They were blown away, the mice were blown away. We were trapped by a locked door on the roof. So symbolically, this is like NASA and Elon Musk and all these people who are going to try to blast off and go to the door at the top of the world, the portal, the stargate, to leave this world through the ventilation system, through the chimney, et cetera.

It was Jonathan, this is Mrs. Brisbane’s husband, who made possible the unlocking of the door, right? And you could tell he comes across as a good vibe, kind of little mouse or whatever, right? So I’d say there’s a correlation there. Now let’s check out Jonathan. Jonathan’s an easy one. It comes from John, right? And then nathan John. Nathan literally means he has given or yahweh natan. Natan is the root here, okay? It basically means gift, something that is given to somebody else.

So yahuwah natan, all right? Or Jonathan the gift. So he’s the one that gives gifts. Just like Santa Claus comes down the chimney, leaves gifts or petrifies stuff and turns it into coal and burns things and stuff like that, too, right? Now, he holds out the amulet to Mrs. Brisbee and he says it sleeps. It sleeps. The sleeping God reference, the medallion itself sleeps until somebody with the right frequency and the right energy can activate it.

Okay? This is all extremely esoteric on how to start and end or prevent or postpone the apocalypse. If you pay close attention, you could pick up on some of these clues. It sleeps. And he shows you this red, all seeing eye, the evil eye, this circular thing. I’m going to show you what it is here in just a SEC. We’re almost there. When worn by one with a courageous heart, it becomes a Blinding Radiance.

Now, there is only one who is the quintessential, one with a courageous heart that is many different figures, many different names, okay? Names are just descriptions of something or of someone, okay? They’re just descriptions. Remember that it all harkens back to one quintessential person who is worthy to wear this. It becomes a blinding radiance. When they do wear this, the stone glows red, calling this a stone. So now we have a stone connection and that it’s going to be a blinding, radiant stone and that it needs to be worn by somebody who is worthy, basically.

Now, this is a picture of the ANC in the middle that is cartoonified by having hands added to it. ANCs don’t have hands or whatever, right? But it’s cartoonified. This ANC represents the blue beam, okay, shooting up. It’s actually the cross section of the hanging man. Remember, that the tree that was alive, right? And then it goes up into a circle, wraps around, and it has the Atlas arms of the god Atlas holding up this other realm, this Other World, sometimes depicted as being the whole Earth, which is erroneous.

Sometimes it’s the sky, which is correct. Atlas holds up the sky. Sometimes it’s the moon, which is also correct, too. And then you can see the Jed pillar underneath that. This is all imagery. You could see the male and female witnesses on either side. Anode and cathode, et cetera, right? This reaches up. This beam shoots up, spreads out at the top, at the inverted dome, which is under.

You can sort of see up here, that’s the firmament up there. This is the inverted dome that is under that firmament. Right? Here it is again. This is the medallion, okay? This is the sun disc. This right here is not the point of focus in the sky that today is blindingly white, that we just had an eclipse of or whatever. That’s not what that is. Everybody should know that that’s not the sun, okay? That is something else.

So people falsely or mistakenly attribute this image to what we currently have as a light source in our world today because they knew that this was some sort of a light source. And because we only have one major light source that brings about daytime or lets people see or whatever, they say, oh, it must be that. That’s not what that is, okay? That’s plasma coming out of a hole in the sky, basically.

And that’s exactly what you see right here, even with the gold rim around it, right? And the red eye in the middle, she looks on the back. There’s an inscription. It says you can unlock any door if you only have the key. This is the door. This is a clue. Jinkies right? This is a clue. Something may act as a key to unlocking this door. This is talking about the apocalypse.

This is talking about how to get out of the maze, how to get out of the world, or the labyrinth that we live in with shifting walls all over the place. Right, so he’s about to give her the amulet. Look at the shape. I paused it right here. Purposefully. So you can see it’s flat on this side and domed on this side, a red domed light source. Right.

This harkens back to ancient phoenician writing or paleo Hebrew. I highly recommend, if you’re interested in this type of stuff, check out my ancient Oblivion playlist. One of the first videos should be my Phoenician alphabet video, where I go over every single one of these glyphs that you’re looking at right now. But this one is where we’re going to focus. Dalet. Dalet means door. And originally this is in old proto Hebrew.

Basically this old Hebrew script, or Sinai script, there’s different names for it, right? But originally it was a line across this one’s drawn sideways with a dome underneath it, or an inverted dome underneath it. It was the firmament with a door or an inverted dome underneath it. And this was the quintessential door. Over time, they started making it more pointy as they carved in the rocks and stuff like that, and it changed.

But that amulet is the door. It represents the door of this world going upwards into the heavens, right? Yggdrasil. And the tree trunk of Yggdrasil or Hodmimi’s Holt, represents the door into the world, down further into the actual house where we live on the roof. But if you want to get out going upwards into the heavens, that is the door you take. You have to go through the sky, through the stargate.

Now back to Nicodemus, he says, because the injections slowed the aging process. So those people who survived, the NEM, the nemo, the secret of the nemo or the NIM, are that because they survive, they inherit certain qualities. And one of the inherent qualities in the survivors that go into the Red Sky Age is that their lifespans increase because there’s so much energy in the atmosphere that it regenerates us at the cellular level right.

Stimulating our very skin to create more what do you call it? Like elastin and the stuff that keeps your skin together and stuff like that. So, you see, you would have grown old while he, her husband, remained young, so he had to keep this secret from her because he knew that it would break her heart to know that he’s not going to die and that he’s going to have to watch her grow old and die.

You know what I mean? So he says tonight oh, Heather, thank you so much for your donation, Heather. I appreciate it. Tonight, you must move your house to the protected side of the stone. Another reference to the lee side of the stone. And then she repeats it. The lee of the stone. Got it. It’s like we learn by repetition, right? Which is why we repeat many of these same types of things in these truth and movie segments, too, because it helps us to learn.

Now, they’re on this little boat, and they look up, and there’s, like, pieces of the roof that are falling down at them. And Nicodemus is sort of acting as, like the ferryman in this situation. Like when you die or you go into the inner earth or the underworld or Tartarus or Hades or Shiol or whatever, there’s the ferryman who has to ferry you across this river because he knows how to get you there, and he’s the one that you pay two coins or whatever.

Like you put the coins on the dead people’s eyes or whatever. They’re like, Whoa, that was close. And she says, what’s up there? So this part that just obviously, you can see, it’s the sky. But remember, this is us looking up at the sky. What is up there? He says the mill. It’s falling apart. I hope it stays there. This, symbolically, is the sky breaking and falling down.

Huge chunks of whatever the sky happens to be made of, which is coming up next, falling down and crushing humans like grapes. Okay? At least until we’re done with the plan. So he says, I hope the sky holds until we’re done with our plan, which is to get to a place of safety on the lee side of the stone in a place called Thorn Valley, basically, right? So there’s a place of safety that’s being hinted at in the movie, in the real world, at least until we’re done with the plan.

So let’s get back to the mill. So they look up, and he says that’s the mill above them is the mill. It’s falling apart. A mill is a place where farmers put all of their grain and they crush it, right? And then they separate the bad parts, or, like the shell, basically, from the fruit or from the nuts, or whatever you want to call it, and they separate the wheat from the chaff.

Biblically speaking. That’s the separation of the wheat from the chaff. You can’t tell what’s going on on the inside of a person because it’s easy to hide in this day and age where there’s no telepathy or anything and people can just be charlatans all day long, right? But the time will come when the wheat and the chaff are separated from each other. In the Bible, in Jeremiah 51 33, it says this for thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, the daughter of Babylon, is like a threshing floor at the time it is stamped firm.

Yet in a little while, the time of the harvest will come for her. Hey, Patricia. Fearless. Oh, my God. Just give me $50. This is so awesome. Thank you. I don’t know what to say. Thank you very much. I super appreciate you, Patricia. That was super kind. All right. You guys made me tear up all right? Anyways. The Daughter of Babylon. Okay. That’s basically the modern age, modern humanity, right? And when the sky breaks open, then our world, the surface world, is subject to the huge chunks of ice or sky.

I’m going to tell you it’s made out of ice, okay? I’m going to show you that, but I’m going to tell you in advance. Huge icebergs floating down that weigh a lot, basically, okay? Crushing humans and squeezing our blood out like grape juice or like the juice of grapes, basically, right? Which is exactly what it’s referenced as in the Bible. Many times Nicodemus looks at her and says, my child, we can no longer live as rats.

We know too much. That’s really in our face, isn’t it? Right? We know too much. We can no longer live as rats, okay? We can no longer live siphoning off of being leeches and parasites and whatnot those of us who know, we know to live, right? We know to live better. We know to survive and to be self sufficient and to take care of ourselves. Another huge shout out to PMQ Construction.

Thank you so much. And to Patricia Fearless. You guys are amazing. Thank you so very much. I appreciate you. All right, now back to the movie. Now, you notice the green light, right? The green light inside of their house. Who has green lights in their house? Nobody? Okay, so this is all very symbolic. The color spectrum here was chosen purposefully. Take a look at the window in the background, right? It’s that tet symbol that I’ve shown you many different times.

The tet also represents that island at the middle of the world that’s separated by four rivers, right? With a huge circular lake in the middle with Rupus Negra at the center of that. So this guy jumps on the phone, and he’s talking to NIM, which are these government scientist officials, and they’re calling again to check on the rats. And we go back to Mrs. Brisbie, and there’s a storm, obviously, right? This is the world storm symbolism.

And so there’s rain and all that type of stuff. And the block, the cinder block where she lives as a house, they were moving it with these rigs and stuff like that, but one of the guys cut the rope on purpose to try to kill Nicodemus and squish them. So this block sinks down into the mud, and it starts to sink, and she’s like, oh, my God. It’sinking it’sinking.

This is Liquefaction in action during the worldwide earthquakes that happen, all that water that’s down underneath, especially as the atmosphere is depressurizing, rises up, and it creates a very muddy, boggy, swamp-like world for a short time. Many things that are heavy will sink down into the Earth while other things will be lifted up and they’ll be revealed. So her house is sinking down, and she drops her necklace, which floats up into the air above her and casts this radiant glow, so much so that she’s sort of blocking her hand in front of her face.

This is the aten. Okay. And I’ve talked about this when we broke down Stargate, right? So if you want an in-depth teaching on the Aten and this symbol right here, go check out that movie Breakdown Stargate. It’s very good. And you’ll learn some hieroglyphs along the way. But this is the aten. This is one of the main creator gods, okay? There are different perspectives on this, but this is the main creator god.

This is not the point of focus called the sun. This is red, okay? There was a time when the sun was red, I believe, but this is different, okay? These hands, which is plasma, reaches down from this circular red shape up there in the sky. This is Akhenaten, right? And then nefertiti, et cetera. And then this is life giving substance above. They interpreted this to be the point of focus called the sun, but it is not.

This is the medallion of Mrs. Brisbie. This is the eye in the sky. This is the portal. This is the door above us at the apex of our world, on the ceiling or the roof of our world. That’s why Horace also wears it as well. And he’s a bird, right? He’s a falcon, basically. And this is what it is, right? Same gold ringed. And it’s illuminating all of this red light because it’s ionized hydrogen wrapped around our world up there in the plasma sphere.

They use all this terminology in mainstream academics. They just twist it a bit. Okay? It’s a little twisted, but anyways, it’s ionized hydrogen, right? And what people are looking at is whenever the frequency switches or we go through an electromagnetic shift or reversal, the light no longer comes down and creates a point of focus through the ice or through the dome above us. It reverses. It goes up and around and even curves down into that crater above.

Because on the other side, to them, it’s a crater, to us, it’s an inverted dome at the top of the firmament, okay? And we see it. It’s lit up. Now we can see that red light through it. Also, there’s probably a hole in the middle of it from the depressurization. And she looks right up at it, just like she’s looking up into the sky and says, the stone.

So what correlation do we have with the sky and stone or rock? There are many stories in religion and word of mouth that has been passed down from generation to generation which say that the ancients believed that the sky was made out of stone. Right? Now, I believe it’s made out of ice. But I’m about to show you that ice and stone are the same. Check this out.

All right, so I went to Chat GPT, and I was just asking because I wanted a shortcut. I just wanted to, like. Someone to just tell me the answer real quick, because I’ve seen this all before, right? But in Norse mythology, the sky was often depicted as a massive stone arch or a dome known as the skystone. Okay, so that’s in Norse mythology, the sky itself was an arch of stone or a dome of stone.

Right? Now, check this out. In Native American. There’s many different Native Americans. I’ve referenced quite a few of them already. But this says that some Native American tribes, such as the Blackfeet, have legends that describe the sky as a stone or solid canopy stone. Once again, these beliefs can vary between tribes, but the idea of the sky being made of stone or other solid materials can be found in their cosmologies, another reference to the sky being made out of stone.

So let’s check this one out. This one right here says the Japanese sun hiding myths imply that the early Japanese believed the sky was made of stone. Where does this all come from? There’s got to be truth here somewhere, right? Let’s look at the word stone and go back to the etymology and the origin of the word. This is reconstructed to be the protoindoeuropean STOI. No. So stone comes from Stoino, basically a suffixed form of the root stai, which means stone.

Also, it means to thicken or to stiffen, to become hard. The source also of the Sanskrit stayat, which means curdles, something that curdles up, becomes thick, like tartar sauce is a good example, or tartar on your teeth. I’m specifically using the word tartar on purpose or becomes hard. Okay. It also in Russian, steina means wall. So we have a direct correlation with the ice wall that goes up, creating the dome or the firmament, et cetera.

It was water, it was liquid form or possibly even gas form, and then transitioned into a solid form, becoming hard, stiffening, thickening, et cetera, which is appropriately called stone. Right? Now, the word stone today has picked up different meaning because our language and the things that we say have changed over time. They have evolved over time, right? But originally, a stone didn’t have to mean a rock, right? Just like freeze didn’t have to mean cold.

It could mean to burn as well, right? All right, let’s check out the Bible. Let’s go to the book of Job, arguably the oldest book in the Bible. And in Job, he says, let me see if I can make this bigger. Hast Thou with Him spread out the sky, which is strong and as a molten looking glass. So Job is talking about or Job’s having a conversation with God and then with a couple of his friends, and they’re talking about God creating the sky.

And it says right here, let me make it smaller. It’s actually probably better smaller. Hast Thou with Him, or were you there when God spread out the sky, which is strong and as a molten looking glass? Right. Glass, aka. Ice, aka. A reflective surface, right? That’s not the only one vision of the divine glory. This is the famous Ezekiel’s Wheels story. So Ezekiel was given a vision of the heavens, right? He’s looking up at the heavens or he’s in the heavens or whatever it was, and he says, and the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the terrible crystal stretched forth over their heads above.

In short, this is a description of the actual separator barrier container that separates and pressurizes our world from space or from the heavens. Okay, I’ll read that again. This is from Ezekiel, chapter one. And the likeness of the firmament, the solid portion of the sky upon the heads of the living creature was the color of the terrible crystal. I’m going to examine that right now. Let’s check that out.

What is the color of the terrible crystal and what is a terrible crystal? Well, if we look it up in the interlinear, which shows us the original Hebrew translation, right? It says crystal right here. So you can see of the firmament rakia, which means sort of spread out or hammered out the color of crystal. Now, this word right here, crystal, is mistranslated. It’s a poor translation, I would say.

Okay, it’s not the word crystal, although it kind of is crystal. I’ll tell you what I mean. Let’s check it out. It’s hakera. Hakera. Okay, so if we look it up and we go to the root word, it means frost and ice kera the crystal or the crystalline substance. And in every single reference, at least in the Bible, hakera means frost. It means ice. So in this biblical passage where it says the likeness of the firmament, the solid portion of the sky upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the awesome, which is what terrible meant.

It meant like awe inspiring amazing, so big that it can scare people. Crystal was the awesome ice or the awesome frost or the great frost, right? Or the frost wall above us, the ceiling. Hakera. All right, so it means frost and ice. So ice is also called rocks, right? Just like in Roger Rabbit. Whenever the cop dude, I forgot. Eddie Valiant. Right. He orders scotch on the rocks and he goes, I mean ice, right? Rocks are associated with ice because ice and rocks are synonymous.

Ice and stone are synonymous. They’re substances that congealed and hardened into a solid form. Okay? Now we’re not even done. We have, in the Berean standard Bible version, the song of Moses and the Lamb in Deuteronomy 32 one through 47. And he says here, then I saw another great and marvelous sign in heaven that means up there in the sky. And he describes it and he says, I saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire.

This is so interesting. This is all throughout the New Testament too, especially in the Book of Revelation and stuff, beside which stood those who had conquered the beast. Okay, this gets very symbolic, and I don’t want to break down the rest of it. So let’s just focus on this. A sea of glass mixed with fire in the sky. The fire in the sky. The fire in the heavens, right? It’s a sea of glass.

That glass is ice or water that’s frozen, basically, right, or some sort of gas that’s frozen. It’s ice. Right. So glass, ice up in the sky, the dome as ice, right? But mixed with fire. That fire is plasma. Right? It’s the fire of the heavens, the fire of God. Right. So fire and water mixed together create the heavens above. Right? This is an excerpt. Let me show you this.

This is interesting. This is an excerpt from Josephus, all right? And his antiquities. So Josephus was a Jewish historian who wrote a very popular book called The Antiquities of the Jews. Now, in this book regarding the firmament Josephus says this on the second day he, being God, set the heaven above the universe when he was pleased to sever this from the rest and assign it a place apart congealing ice about it and withal rendering it moist and rainy to give the benefit of the dews in the manner congenial with the earth.

That’s a lot. Okay, but let me just translate that. What this means is when God made the sky or the heavens or the firmament, he solidified it with ice, topped it off with ice. That’s what Josephus has to say. Now, the word heaven in Hebrew, you can see it right here. It looks like a W. That’s actually the letter S or sh. Right? Now, this is very interesting.

Remember how earlier we had a correlation with fire and water? Well, this portion right here, if I block this one off, this word is mayim, and it means water in Hebrew, right? Shemaim, I believe, comes from ash shamayim or ash. Mayim. Ash is not really ash, but basically it’s fire. It’s fire in Hebrew is ash, which is where we get the word ash from, right? But that a that aleph at the beginning of ash, or ash is not originally pronounced.

It was silent. So it’s just shemaim, which means heaven, fire mixed with water. Right? So back to our movie. Mrs. Brisbee, or Frisbee, reaches up because she now represents the squatter man symbol. She represents the savior type hero or heroine, the goddess of wisdom, et cetera, reaching up with both hands to hold on to this orb up in the sky. This circular object. This would be Niburu for all of you Niburu lovers out there.

This is Aten, the Aten with all of the life giving energy coming out of it. This is also Medusa and so many other things, right? So she reaches up, she does the Squatter man, she does the ANC. She does the ANC symbolism reaching up to the exact I mean, this is the exact same thing, right? Come on. This is exactly the same. All right, cool. So anyways, and then light emanates from her.

She is the one who is worthy. Remember, it says that that amulet, the red circle up there in the sky, it will glow brightly, becoming a sun or a type of sun, right, that lights up the world when it’s worn by the only one who is worthy to wear it, which is this type, okay? This trope right here, right? It’s the squatter man symbolism. It’s the Atlas pose, holding up the other world, holding the orb, typically the red one.

And you notice they’re all bowing down. All the other rats, for no reason whatsoever, are kneeling. Because when this happens and Jesus returns, or however you’d like to see, this atlas returns or the light of the world returns, et cetera, you see this beam of energy shoot up and the apocalypse comes. Many people are going to hit the floor, okay, for many different reasons. But one of those is because all of the oxygen is getting sucked out and the atmosphere is getting sucked out and people fall down.

Plus people pass out. People are freaking out. There’s many reasons why, but every knee will bow, as it has been said, so they appropriately bow before her. She takes one of those strings that was holding up the cinder block and infuses it with energy, which turns into a type of tentacle symbolism, or the plasma, the red plasma, and causes the cinder block to float. This is showing us increased buoyancy in our world.

When we go through the depressurization, where one beam meets the all seeing eye, there’s a beam in the eye, right. When that happens, the atmosphere depressurizes. When the atmosphere depressurizes, according to Archimedes’principle, however much air escapes or however much gases, however much weight in gases escape, our atmosphere will be equal to a new buoyant force that pushes up, nullifying what people now commonly call gravity. So it’ll be antigravity.

Basically. Everything in the world floats for a time until it reaches equilibrium, and then everything floats back down altogether, weighing much less. Right? So you thankfully, are going to keep your muscular structure and have superpowers. Basically, it’ll be super strong. So the plasma is connected to these things. These things float and move about. They move her house to you could see this is a part of like the Earth or whatever, but it’s opened up like a tree trunk, right? Opened up.

They set it down in there, and then we have paradise, basically. Welcome to the new world. Welcome to the new age. This is the Garden of Eden. Everything’s going to be way more lush, right? Because there’s going to be an increase for an age of oxygen pouring out of our world or whatever. There’s going to be red sky, which will plants tend to grow way bigger and even flourish differently under different light sources, but especially a red light source.

And that is the end of our presentation for today. I want to say thank you for joining me, and thank you so much, everyone, for all your kind donations. And I can’t wait to go back and read the chat and see what you guys thought about everything. That was the secret of NEM. And that’s our presentation for today. Until next time, I’m Jay Dremmers saying thank you. Good vibes and goodbye.

So hard to fade away but something forcing me to say it’s the easy only if I can wake up me but there’s something holding on the way we are gone there’s so many ways in this case but I guess it’s time to wake up time to wake up any ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake come. I know I should have done this. Should have quit this long ago. Can’t send another heartbreak but it’s time to let it go? It’d be easier for me if I turn away to sleep but there’s something holding on the way be gone? There’s so many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up, baby time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to Wake Up Time to Wake Up Time to wake Up I Don’t Escape But I Guess It’s Time To Wake Up Time to wake Up Time to wake Up Time to wake Up Baby Time to wake Up Time to wake Up Time to wake Up Time to wake Up, Baby time to wake Up Time to wake up lam it.


  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

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