➡ The text discusses the symbolism in a movie, relating various scenes and concepts to the theme of an apocalypse. It proposes that symbols like the gold foil and alpha particles hint at ionized hydrogen beyond the Earth’s atmosphere waiting to infiltrate, and it associates the lyrics of a song (“should I stay or should I go?”) with the dilemma of deciding whether to remain on Earth during an apocalypse or escape it. It suggests that characters’ actions and names, as well as particular scenes in the movie, are metaphoric representations of the apocalypse concept. The text concludes by suggesting that our world could transform into a “junkyard world” following a massive depressurization event.
➡ The text focuses on symbolic analyses of characters and events in media, primarily relaying a post-apocalyptic scenario where technology is repurposed and names and symbols are interpreted through these themes. An emphasis is put on the name “Benny”, its implications of offspring and fertility, and its continued representation in media as a doomed character. The text also delves into notions of speaking with the dead, the reality of zombies, and the concept of Regeneration. The symbolism of the Chaos Star, its associations with the manipulation of energy and magical power, and its representation in various media forms are discussed too.
➡ The text discusses a character breaking free from control and becoming independent, symbolized by an object she takes off. References to movie scenes with a tunnel that represents transition and transformation are made, suggesting an alternate realm or a different world that’s full of magic. It also touches on superpowers, hinting they can be real, and people’s disbelief even when confronted with proof. The text discusses the concept of “benders” who can manipulate the physical world, and the symbolism embedded in a game board scene. The narrative suggests that our world has an inner realm, symbolized by a game piece positioned under the game board, drawing parallel to the Adam and Eve, or Ragnarok stories where the characters hide in the earth from the apocalypse.
➡ The text discusses a sequence of motifs and symbols from a television show, investigating themes of spirit communication, electromagnetic disturbances, and interactions with otherworldly creatures. It highlights their ties to mythical locales and esoteric symbolism, arguing that fictional narratives often mirror mysterious phenomena from the real world.
➡ The text emphasizes the inescapability of a situation and the urgent need to confront reality, symbolized through repeated calls to “wake up”.
Aloha. And welcome to The Stranger Things decode truth in movies. Number 99, if you will. One more and we reached 100. So we started breaking down the series Stranger Things. Last time we did episode number one. Today we’re going to pick right up where we left off on chapter two, the next part. I’ll go ahead and give everybody a quick review. Thanks for joining me today. I see everybody in the chat welcome.
All right, so just to do a quick recap on what happened in chapter one, chapter two is going to be called the Weirdo on Maple Street. That’s what we’re going to be getting into right now. We’re going to talk about that word as well, weirdo. And last time we left we had, let’s see, Lucas, Mike and Dustin all out in the forest in a rainstorm looking for their friend Will, right? Will is lost.
He’s basically been abducted by the Demogorgon and taken to the Upside Down, which we’ll see here in a bit. Now they run into Eleven for the first time. Eleven is this girl who was kidnapped and taken to this underground government facility where they experiment on people and test out their psychic abilities and whatnot in order to manipulate them and use them. So she’s escaped from there. They’re actively looking for Will.
This is Will right here. And the Sheriff Hopper, he’s out in the forest with everyone. They’re looking all over the place for Will, right? So everyone’s looking for Will, which is symbolic also of the will to live, your will, your spirit, you know what I mean? The word Will actually is directly related to the word well, for example, like a wishing well to manifest your will, et cetera.
And then we meet the Demagorgon. We saw this sort of shadowy creature off in the distance that took Will. And we’ll talk about the demigorgon a bunch here in this series. We start things off here with the kids, take Eleven back to Mike’s place. And they’ve got Mike. This is like down in their basement where they play Dungeons and Dragons and stuff. And Mike made a little fort for Eleven.
He asks what her name is and she busts out her little tattoo and shows him that she has a tattoo with the number Eleven on it, which is interesting, too. We talked about the word Eleven and how it’s related to the Elven race or the Elu or of the gods or of the L. And she acts like that oftentimes. They actually call her L, which is the word for God in Hebrew.
So she shows the tattoo and he freaks out and he’s like, sorry, I just never seen a kid with a tattoo before. Now, this is also symbolic of us as kids, okay? Basically we’re all children. The Bible even makes a reference to children. After the Apocalypse, people will be considered a child up until 100 years old. So right now in those eyes, comparatively speaking, we’re all children. We’re all children that don’t live for a very long time.
Jim Donovan hey, thank you so much. High five. Jim Donovan but we’re basically kids, right? And so when we transition, survive the apocalypse and we go into a new world where there’s regeneration of our cellular structure and we live for much longer, then many of us will carry those of us who have tattoos and whatever, people will see us as basically children that have tattoos, right. He says, Maybe we can call you L, short for eleven.
Right? So maybe we can call you God or a mighty one. Mighty leader is really what that translates into. And she’s basically one of the L or one of the mighty leaders. These are the four kids. These are the main four groups. Kind of reminds me of the Goonies, actually. We’ve got Lucas over here, Mike right here. Will, who’s the lost kid, and Dustin. Right. And all of their names are really interesting.
These are like the four witnesses around the throne of God, you could say, symbolically speaking, and then L would represent God. Right? If we look at the words, let me just break down their names real quick. So Lucas comes from the protoindo European root word luke. Like Luke, right? Just like Luke from Star Wars or Loop. Sometimes it’s with a P, but it means light, basically. So we’ve got someone who represents light, Mike, whose name is Michael, and his name translates into who is like God.
Oftentimes that’s translated as a question, but I don’t feel like that’s very appropriate because it’s not really a question. It’s more like saying Mikael means he who is like God. Not who is like God, but he who is like God. Okay, so light, he who is like God. Or Michael, like Michael the Archangel, Will, which is the same exact word as well as we’ve talked about before, or an opening in the earth that has life giving properties inside of it.
Typically water in our day and age, but it can also be plasma or electricity. And then Dustin. Right. So let’s check out Dustin. His name was something I wanted to look up because I hadn’t looked up the origin of that name yet. And it says Dustin originates from the English surname, which is derived from the Norman personal name Tustin, with a T. Sometimes these letters were interchanged or changed over time depending on the dialect, as the dialect changed a variant of Turstin or Torstein.
So Dustin is Tustin, which is Torstein or Torstein, which is in turn derived from the old Norse Torstein, which is the Norse name, is composed of elements meaning thor, or the god thor and steen or stein, which means stone, as you can see right here, right, means stein, means stone, like berenstein, which is what it is. It shouldn’t be stain, but berenstein bears. Right? That steen and Frankenstein and berenstein and stuff like that.
It means stone, right? So the stone of Thor, that’s the mountain. That’s the rupus negra the electrical mountain. All right. It says, Written and directed by the Duffer Brothers. I looked this up real quick. I thought it was pretty interesting, too, that did you know that the Duffer Brothers are identical twins? That’s really interesting, right? There’s, like, groups of brothers, like warner brothers, the duffer brothers. I don’t know if the Warner Brothers are twins, the brothers that did The Matrix or like it’s really interesting to me to see these families and who they are creating this, but especially the twins and the twin symbolism, as we’ve talked about many times here on my channel.
Now, he says, who are you in trouble with? Because Elle’s in trouble. She’s ran away, right? And she says bad. She’s in trouble with bad, with not just individual people, but there’s a problem with the vibration. There’s a problem with the energy or the frequency. She representative of, like, many things. She represents a few things, right? On one hand, she represents the gods, the L or the Elu, right? The beings that fall down or float down from the sky during the depressurization.
She also represents the beam itself, the blue beam itself that gives people different powers and whatnot, especially telepathy and psychic powers. Now, we get back to the government people in their little facility. Last time we saw that, they were listening and tapping into people’s phones and listening to their relevant conversations. And he’s listening now to Will’s mom, and she’s like, It was my son. I know it. And there was some kind of an animal or something.
Now, this is what they are paying attention to, the animal. There’s some kind of an animal that’s the demagorgon or phantazoids is what I call them, basically, right? Otherworldly monsters or demonic creatures. I mean, people describe them in different ways, right? They’re not all evil just because they’re hideous looking or strange or ugly or whatever, but there are some evil ones. There’s predators out there. So the government’s tapping in, listening for clues and signs as to hints so that they can go and find these occult creatures, or it doesn’t always have to be a creature, either.
Mary Cronin. Hey, high five. Mary Cronin. Thanks. Appreciate you. But this is what the government does. On the surface, they’ll deny UFOs, they’ll deny aliens, they’ll deny monsters and things of this nature. But in their secret organizations or some people say the alphabet organizations, or even those that are above, those who are usually, like, top level classified and they just have nicknames and stuff like that. But those are the ones that are out exploring the world, and they’re led by typically, this is across history.
As far as I could tell, every single government of the world has had some sort of inner circle of people that look into the occult and the arcane and ancient myths and legends, and they try to find relics from times long forgotten, or they’re looking for the Fountain of Youth and things like that. Right. All right, so they’re all out there looking for Will in this foresty area.
We get back to the high school and we’ve got I forgot the girl’s names. I’m going to have to look up their names, I forget. But this girl right here, she’s like one of the love interests. She’s studying for a test. Remember last time I showed you those little cards and how they put the cards right in front of the thing? Their little memorization cards that she was using for notes for her test.
It’s interesting, all the stuff that they decided to put into the movie that they wanted to share with you what she is learning, which means it’s important, right? So let’s check out some of these questions. When an alpha particle goes through gold foil, they become what? That’s one of her questions, right? So alpha particles going through gold foil, what is an alpha particle? Basically, it’s identical to the helium nucleus or helium, basically.
So an alpha particle is just a fancy way of saying helium that’s been ionized, which is what we talk about here on my channel with the plasmosphere that’s wrapped around our world, waiting to get in, waiting to come in and bond with things and change things and TerraForm this world. So it’s interesting that they chose that particular gas, right? They are a highly ionizing form of particle radiation.
Highly ionizing, which means electric, basically. Usually they have a low penetration depth. However, so called long range alpha particles from this particular type of fission are three times as energetic and penetrate three times as far. So what am I trying to say? I’m making the correlation that there’s this ionized hydrogen out there beyond the limits of the sky waiting to get in. And once the doors open, once the portals open, that red magenta spectrum gas that’s ionized floats on in and spirals on down like the fireworms and dragons of old.
And it comes down into our world and it bonds and it changes things physically and it influences things energetically as well. It does a lot of things. Now we get to Will’s brother. He’s in his car rocking out, and this song comes on. It goes, should I stay or should crank, crank. I don’t know. I can’t sing the song. Should I stay or should I go? So for me, I’m hearing the plasma apocalypse symbolism.
And that’s the question. If you know the apocalypse is upon us, right, or upon you, do you stay or do you make plans to leave? Because that’s the time when the doors open. That’s the time when the portals and the stargates and the entrances into the hollow recesses of our world and above they open up. And you can leave during that time if you know how. So that’s the question.
Should you stay, or should you go. If you stay, then you can survive and live in the post apocalyptic world, which has plenty of benefits to it. And if you go, you can become a fractal verse traveler out there above in the far reaches of quote unquote space or the Elysian Fields, or you can go into the house, into the Earth, down under, or really down under. Down underneath the earth, actually.
All right, so Will’s playing with his toys, showing them to who is intrigued by the concept, and he says, this guy’s Yoda, he can use the force to move things with his mind like this. Now, imagine, right? He represents us right? Now, today. Mike represents in this scene, he represents your average kid or human or whatever, playing with toys, pretending it’s a play is pretending, right? And he’s playing with these toys that are dinosaurs or whatever, which are cartoonified versions of phantazoids and monsters and giants that really did walk around and exist when our sky was red or in the red spectrum and the world was altogether different and the atmosphere was electrical in nature and amplified.
So he’s playing with these toys, and then she’s distracted by something much cooler than his toys, and she takes off, and he’s like, this is my dinosaur, Rory. And she looks at this, which is this trophy that he has in his room. This is her symbol, basically. This is the symbol for the blue beam. This is the symbol for the phoenix. This is the symbol for Lady Liberty and the goddess of wisdom, Sophia.
It’s that blue beam that shoots up, and then it separates at the top, giving you the Atlas pose, right, of that god that’s holding up the heavens or the firmament or the roof or another world up there above us. And as you can see, she’s got the eternal flame right there in one of her hands as well. That gives you more context to what she’s talking about right now.
She catches a glimpse of this picture, and she sees Will in this picture. It’s interesting because they won this competition. It says volcano eruption, and they’re actually holding on to the blue beam, which comes out of rupus negra, which is a plasma volcano. So she’s like, I know that kid. Oh, my God. And then we cut over to Hopper, the sheriff. They’re looking for Will. They think he’s dead.
So they’re searching this gorge, the word gorge and its related route. Garga, we talked about that last time. It’s very interesting, right? It’s a lot of correlations, but the gorge, this right here represents, symbolically, the opening of Mount Maru. And in many movies, at the very least, there’s a reference to what I call the leap of faith, right? The leap of faith is whenever somebody is standing at the edge of a cliff or a gorge or a canyon or something, there’s a drop.
And in the movies, they take this leap of Faith where they jump. Like, remember the neo in The Matrix, the jump scene? Same type of thing. They always jump. And instead of falling to their death, they float, typically, right? They float or they’ll just slow down and they’ll fall forever and then they’ll land softly or whatever. But this is the leap of faith. Because once you get to this part of the world, at the center of the world rupus Negra what modern society considers to be the law of gravity or those types of laws, they shift and they change, because the conditions in this world change in that particular area, which allows people to safely jump without falling to their doom.
And this guy’s like, oh, I could survive that. And he’s like, what? Yeah, George Bernice made the jump. So he’s talking about when he was in high school. Some kid jumped off of it when he was drunk or whatever. Now, let’s look up this name, George Bernice. They could have chosen any name because it’s a non existent character in the movie. They just made it up, right? But this guy, George Bernice made the jump.
So let’s see if we can relate George Bernice to what I was saying earlier about the plasma volcano and the leap of faith. So George just means gorge, basically. We talked about that last time. It implies an opening that goes down. It implies swallowing, it implies eater, it implies an entryway into something else, right? So gorge, basically. And then what was his last name? Bernice. Bernice. All right, so looking up burnish here sorry, one SEC.
Looking up burnish, we’ve got well or spring. Hold on, let me see. Where is burnish? Oh, born in this oh, it’s related to the word born. You see up here in the corner, born, like that movie, The Born Identity, right? So butterness is related to the word born and it comes from the word born and it means a well, a spring or a source, right? So this gorge, George of the well, or a cliff or a cave or a drop, an opening in the earth that goes down that leads to a well or a spring or a source, which is what you have right here with this gorge with the water at the bottom.
And it also says that in Scott’s Gaelic has the word burn, also a cognate, which means fresh water. The actual Gaelic for burn is Alt, sometimes Anglicanized as Alt or ALD, which is interesting, it reminds me of Aldzein. And then it says from the headland, Ness. So burn is born. Basically, Ness means like you’ve heard of Nessie, the Loch Ness monster and stuff like that. Ness is a gender neutral name of Scottish origin, meaning from the headland.
And a headland is a part of the land that protrudes out into the water, basically. All right, so next up, they show you this construction. There’s like this junk, there’s all this junk like a junkyard. And they have this crane with this claw on this hook that’s reaching down to pick the junk up. This is a reference to the junkyard world that I’ve talked about many times. Our world becomes a junkyard world after the apocalypse or after the depressurization when the sky blows open or the firmament blows open and the sky or the atmosphere depressurizes.
There’s an increased buoyancy factor and then wind picks up. So it quite actually sucks things up into the sky. Things float up and float away and they’re blown away in the wind. And not all of it gets sucked out of the sky and eaten by kronos. A lot of it falls right back down here leaving these mounds and mounds of debris and rubble and trash and stuff that people that survivors wake up and they go through because they know that that’s a lot of useful garbage and stuff in a world where they’re thrown back into being living like cavemen.
You know what I mean? So it leads to the junkyard world or the steampunk era, basically, where people repurpose old technology that they’ve gone through. Now there’s this dude who owns this burger place and he was helping out Elle earlier, making her some food, and his name is Benny. So we go over to Benny’s place. Benny’s burgers? And here it is too. The cops go there. There’s a problem at Benny’s Burgers.
Benny’s dead, right? So Benny got murdered. Remember on the last time he trusted that government lady, he got shot by the government lady. If we take a look here oh, Benny. Let me explain the name Benny real quick. So Benny basically relates to my family, basically, or my lineage, my offspring. So Ben basically means like son. Benny means like sons or offspring, right, or progeny. And they show you this oftentimes the character if your character is named Benny in movies, it dies.
It almost always dies. And that’s symbolic. When we look at things through the plasma apocalypse perspective that the sons and the daughters or the offspring in the future, they start to die off. There’s a dying off of the sons going forward in time, basically. I believe it relates to fertility rates, right? So prophecies and even the movies talk about this all the time, that there would come a time right before an apocalyptic events when the fertility rates start dropping and dropping and the suns basically are seen as dying off in the earth because people can’t procreate any longer.
Now they’re in the forest and he says, well, we’ll ask Will when we find him. These other cops, they believe that he’s dead. So he says, you can’t ask a corpse questions. Asking a corpse questions is a reference to necromancy, right? Or speaking with the dead or whatnot, right. For example, there’s a famous instance in the Bible where the first king of Israel, King Saul, things were going bad for him.
He lost touch with God. He lost touch with his power and stuff. So he went to a witch or he went to a sorceress he went to a medium. And even though it was against the law to go to these types of people, or to even worse, try to communicate with the dead or pray to the dead or anything like that, saul goes there and he asks to speak to the prophet Samuel, who is known for being a righteous man.
There’s a lot of debate in Bible circles whether or not this really was the ghost or soul of Saul, I mean, Samuel, or if it was like some sort of know by some demon or whatever. Regardless, there’s an instance of it in the Bible there. And this is also speaking with the dead. This is another way that you can actually speak with the dead. So this guy’s wrong when he says you can’t ask a corpse questions.
There’s many movies that show you people that are asking dead people questions, waking them up or whatever and asking them questions. Zombies are a prime example. Zombies are real, okay? There’s been many, many examples of zombies or people who have died and come back to life, or even people that were just buried and just came up out of the graves and stuff. And I’m not just talking about voodoo, but medically speaking.
But this is a part of the regeneration in our world that happens and people will be able to talk to zombies. There’s different classes of zombies, I believe, and that’s probably for a whole nother show, but it all depends on how recently dead the person is. Whenever the energy comes into this world that regenerates our cellular structure. How dead the people are is going to depend on if they can run, if they can talk, if they can just utter stuff and moan, or if they’re, like, walking all stiff and crooked or whatever, or if they’re bones or whatever.
So it all depends on how long they’ve been dead for whenever their bodies are becoming regenerated, right? Which is what this one’s kind of about. Like this movie right here, warm bodies. It’s more of like this guy would represent someone who recently died, not somebody who’s dead for 20 years, and then they come back to life. All right, so now they’re looking for will, but they actually pick up some clues and they find a piece of Elle’s nightgown or her hospital gown, and they show you this.
Check it out. They show you the symbol on the nightgown. What you’re looking at right here is a circle with eight spokes coming out of it. And at the end of this one, the spokes branch out even more, right? So take a look. This is her nightgown. I zoomed in on it for you. You can see they dressed her like this purposefully, right? Because while she’s in this nightgown, or while she has these sigils or symbols covering her.
She’s under control of something else. She’s not free. She’s not under her own control. Let’s talk about this symbol real quick. So this symbol in some circles is known as the Chaos Star or the Star of Chaos, right? The chaos star. And basically it’s drawn many different ways. Sometimes there’s two circles, sometimes there’s one circle, sometimes the arrows are different lengths and whatnot. But it’s called the Chaos Star, and it relates and it symbolizes chaos magic, right.
I don’t just mean pretend magic or I definitely don’t mean magic that you go and watch at a show where people are just doing sleight of hand and tricking you. I mean manipulating energy, right? Being able to manipulate energy directly with your energy, basically. Right. And what this is, is you’ll see that it’s the double circle. Typically, sometimes it’s one circle, but this is the eye in the sky.
This is the opening. This is the depressurization point or the hole that opens up or blows out in the firmament above us. And then you have all these rays of that ionized hydrogen like we talked about earlier, coming out in the streaks. These are the dragons that come out. This is Medusa’s hair, et cetera. Here’s some other versions of it. Sometimes they’ll draw that circle in the middle as the eye or the evil eye or the all seeing eye.
And this is the symbol for chaos magic, right, which is magic that is different from the orderly form of magic that we have today. We do have magic today. It’s just nowhere near as powerful as this kind of magic whenever we go through the next polarity shift in our world. And it’s oftentimes red as well, because that red color represents the red sky and the red spectrum, and that red ionized hydrogen above.
Here it is with the crystal ball representing the crystal firmament, et cetera. Up there. It’s also the wheel in the sky, right? The wheel in the sky that keeps turning. I found it in a video game. And then in this game, you can actually see the mountains. At least two of them have these giant skulls. Like their mountains are made out of dead bodies, which is really interesting in this game.
I don’t know what game this is, but it’s really interesting. If you look at the lake down here at the bottom, you actually can see the Chaos Star right down here. They put that in the lake, too. And it looks like this might be a footprint. Like the lake is a footprint or something. That’s really interesting. Here’s another one tattoo with the Chaos Star. Here it is again.
It’s got different forms, takes on different images. And whatnot the Chaos Star in mythology and folklore? Here it is in a cartoon. I don’t watch this cartoon, but it looks familiar. I’ve seen it pop up in places. I don’t know what cartoon that is, but that’s also the chaos Star, and it looks like they’re coming up out of it or something. Here’s another version where there’s different lengths on here representing chaos instead of order.
And then this is a sweet tattoo I saw of it as well. Now, it’s directly related to the Helm of Awe, right? One of my subscribers has that for your icon. But anyways, the helm of awe, right? This was in ancient Norse belief systems. They had this sigil right here that was a sigil for not just protection and stuff, but also orienting yourself. They always knew which direction to go if they had this Helm of Awe.
And this is the same type of thing, too. And it splits off there at the ends because it’s plasma. And whenever plasma, the further it travels, it will start splitting off just like a hydra or that type of symbolism. Here it is again, the Helm of Awe. Pardon me. All right, now we get back to Hopper and he picks up that little piece of stuff, right? So when she’s covered in that in that evil eye or in that all seeing eye or whatever, she’s the property of the government, or she’s under the control of the government.
She’s under a spell, basically. But when she takes that off and she’s breaking free from that, she’s taken off the evil eye and now she’s independent. Now she’s able to act on her own, and she’s free. She’s frank. She’s a free man. All right? So they’re looking for eleven, and they’re like, oh, there’s no way she crawled through this hole. This right here is shown to you in so many movies, I can’t even list them, all right? But for example, they’ll show you this exact scene.
Now, keep in mind, when they show you this sort of tunnel imagery, they’ll play with perspective sometimes. Sometimes it’ll show you like it’s straight across, as it is right here. But sometimes this actually represents being inside of Mount Maru or inside of Rupus Negra, the plasma volcano at the center of the world, looking up, looking upwards, right? And this is always the tunnel. If you go through this tunnel, then you’re going into another world or another situation.
It’s a transitional tunnel. And you’ll notice that it’s oftentimes ribbed like that as well. And I believe that they show you this ribbed. I mean, I know there’s tunnels that just have that, right? But oftentimes these transitional tunnels are ribbed like that because of the electricity that’s shooting through it every other millennia or every other age, I should say. And it affects the wall structure inside of that tunnel or that cave, that cavernous system.
Here’s the same thing in Shawshank Redemption, right? So it’s that same hole opening imagery, right? If they show you just a hole, then it could be representative of the hole in the sky. But if they show you the earth and dirt and a rabbit hole, know, Alice in Wonderland type. Stuff like this that’s showing you inside of Mount Maru, that’s showing you somebody that has gone into the hollow recesses of the world.
And in doing so, you transition into a different world. You go into Wonderland, you go into a strange world that’s the opposite of this one because that world is full of magic, because it’s all about electricity and a polarity shifts, right? So whatever we’re experiencing, that other world is always going to be fantastic. We’re fantastic to them, they’re fantastic to us. All right, so he says, we never would have upset you if we knew you had superpowers, right? So I like that they keep pointing that out, right? They’re saying it like, oh, she’s got superpowers.
And then sometimes the other characters, like Lucas over here, he’ll roll his eyes or whatever. That’s because they’re still trying to break free from the world that they live in and their conditioning, right, that superpowers don’t exist. I’m here to tell you, superpowers do exist. And whenever we go into the next age and the atmosphere is amplified and all the conditions of our living conditions and our environment change and shift, superpowers will return.
There will be superpowers. Some of us having super strength, there’ll be super bad guys. I forgot, what are they called, the super bad guys? Usually they have like mind powers, you know what I mean? A lot of those types of what are those super bad guys? Not super bad guys. What are they called? You know what I’m talking about, right? Like the main bad guy in cartoons and stuff like that, they always have that typically have strong mental abilities because they don’t have physical abilities.
You and I, the survivors of the apocalypse, will bring our physical strength, okay? Your bones are super dense, your skin is dense. You’re really strong. You can run and jump super far. But those people born into that environment and the electrically charged atmosphere, they won’t have super strength. However, they will have their auras and spirits and whatnot amplified so they’ll be able know, become mega minds if they’re bad guys.
All right, so she sits down and Lucas says, what’s the weirdo doing? And she sits down in front of the Dungeons and Dragons game, right? Let’s check out the word weirdo. This keeps coming up in my studies. It says having the power to control fate from the word veered, from the old English veered, which means fate, chance, fortune, destiny, or the fates, that which comes the proto Germanic, also the source of the old Saxon word called word actually, which is really interesting.
So weird comes from word, like in the beginning was the word, right? Or the breath that contains energy, et cetera. And it’s related to chance and fate. But if you look even further, it says it’s from the root word ver, which it’s with the w where, but it’s really ver, which means to turn or to bend, which is the root of ver wolf like werewolf, right? It’s a person that turns into a wolf or changes into a wolf.
These are benders, right? So the root of weirdo is were, which means to turn or to bend, meaning to change, having the ability to bend or change or manipulate objects in the real world. Just like in the cartoon called Avatar, the Last Air Bender. These are all Benders in this cartoon. There are those who have power, where they can manipulate the physical world. They have magic, basically, and then everybody else is just kind of a regular person, right? These are the benders.
This is like an Earth Bender and firebender and airbender, et cetera, right? They’re magical. Now, if you look at their sigil, there’s a sort of sigil for the Benders in Avatar. If you look at the shape, it’s the Chaos Star, right? You can see that there’s these eight lines that emit or come out of this circle in the middle. It’s this Chaos Star, and it shows you the different levels of bending, like fire bending and air bending and Earth bending and all that fun stuff.
So she sits down in front of the game board and she’s concentrating. They say, l, remember l means mighty ruler or god, you could say. And then she grabs one of the pieces, the wizard, and she goes, Will. Wizard is a wise person, right? And Will means well, or the well, an opening in the world where the plasma beams shoot up and come up out of it. Magic comes up out of those.
So Will represents the wizard, and he’s like superpowers once again. They keep pointing that out. Superpowers are real. Okay? Just because you don’t have any or you don’t think you have any doesn’t mean that it negates anyone that does. You know what I mean? And then Lucas kind of gives him this look like super god, I can’t believe you’re saying that. Which is funny, because people even though he’s seeing it, he’s witnessing it.
She actually uses her superpowers on Lucas in this episode to sort of force push him away or whatever, and he still doesn’t know. It takes some convincing before he’s okay, okay, she does have superpowers, right? But this is us. This is many of us who don’t believe in certain things, even when they’re shown to us, even when they’re evident and right there in front of us, because we don’t believe in those things.
So we’re blind to them, right? And they’ve become ridiculous to us. Oftentimes I find that people scoff when there’s an element of fear, when they’re afraid because something could be true, but they have no knowledge of it. And when people don’t have knowledge of something, oftentimes the natural response is being afraid. And when they’re afraid, another natural response is fight or flight, which means they’re going to insult or make fun of people or ridicule people or whatever, or they’re just going to run away and ignore it and minimize it or whatever.
So Mike’s like, do you know where he is? Do you know where Will is? She grabs the game board, flips it over. So it goes from white to black, right? Black and white symbolism, which is those who travel worlds, those space travelers, or I like to call them fractal verse travelers who go from world to world. She flips it upside down, and boom, puts Will right there underneath the game board.
This is our world, right? So he’s under our world or inside of the Earth, or for us, it’s inside, okay? And he says Will’s hiding, because she’s like, he’s hiding. He’s like, Will’s hiding. And then boom, she puts down the demigorgan. So Will is in the Earth, hiding from the demigorgon. This piece right here represents plasma, basically, or the Cthulhu type tentacle gods and stuff like that. It represents many things, but that’s one of them, right? He’s hiding from an apocalyptic symbol.
He’s hiding from the Apocalypse, which is the exact story of Adam and Eve. But the creation story, which is reciprocal of the end times story, we’ll say, or the Judgment Day story in Norse legends called Ragnarok, where the two human survivors, male and female, they go and they hide from the events of the Apocalypse and they wait it out in the earth. Inside of the Earth, underneath yggdrazil underneath the world tree, right? So that’s where Will is, symbolically speaking.
Now, his mom, remember in the last episode, she was on the phone, and Will was on the Upside Down. He’s trying to talk to her spiritually or whatever, and the phone electrocutes. So she buys a new phone, and she’s waiting for it to ring. She picks it up, the phone rings. She’s like and she can hear Will say, mom. And she’s like, oh, my God. Oh, my God.
But boom, as she’s starting to talk to Will, electricity goes through the phone once again, and it blows up the phone. Because this could be related to the commandment necromancy, like, do not talk to spirits or whatnot I’m not going to speak for the Bible or whatever, but there’s definitely dangers when you try to talk to electromagnetic phenomenon, right? You should know what you’re doing, basically. All right, so now she’s starting to give up, and this creature comes up out of the wall, right? You see, it kind of pushed the wall right there, and that’s the demigorgon.
The demagorgan can push through the boundaries, or it comes through the walls whenever the electromagnetic barriers go into flux. Our actual electromagnetic barriers that exist in this world that prevent us from going out into space or whatever, or going down deep enough into the Earth, there’s electromagnetic barriers, and there are creatures, otherworldly creatures, that when those barriers go down, they’ll be able to go through the walls, right? Which was going to probably scare the crap out of a bunch of people who don’t believe in monsters, basically.
I don’t know what to tell those people. Monsters are very much real, and you’ll be less scared of them if you do see one. Hypothetically speaking. If you have information about them and you’re not in the dark if you’re in the dark and you just think monsters don’t exist and it’s all fairy tales and make believe and everything is the way it always has been forever, nothing’s ever changed.
You’ll probably be quite struck whenever you encounter one. All right, so Will’s brother, he’s on the hunt. He’s going to go look for his brother. So he goes to that forest where the last Psalm takes out his camera and he starts taking pictures in the forest. And while he’s taking pictures, he’s like, Where are you? He’s looking for Will. Right? This forest, by the way, is also symbolic of like this magical forest that is said know the myths and the legends indicate to me that that island at the North Pole on ancient maps that’s circular in nature and split by four rivers that there is an area all the way around the internal part of that island that’s a lush forest, or a lush jungle, basically, that’s full of life and giant creatures and stuff.
And symbolically, that’s where he is because he’s looking for Will in this forest. He’s like, Where are you? And then he hears screaming, and there’s somebody in trouble. So he takes off and he goes and he looks and it’s these kids. It’s the love interest. And the other guy I’m going to have to remember their names for next time. And they’re partying. They’re just having a get together, a secret get together.
And they’re at this little grotto in this pool in this backyard surrounded by the forest. This sort of represents that same island at the middle of the world, right? And the healing waters, the blue waters I mean, they’re actually black waters, but they’re the healing waters that have the blue light underneath it. Basically, they’re in there partying and being young and youth filled and stuff. This is a secret gathering that he’s taking pictures of now.
He’s basically acting kind of like an Alex Jones type character. Remember whenever Alex Jones did that video where he snuck into the Bohemian Grove and he’s taking all these pictures in this forest or whatever? That’s the symbolism that they’re doing. Okay, this Bohemian Grove, that’s not the correct area where they’re meeting and stuff. They’re meeting where they can. And this is all very interesting. It’s a huge topic I could talk about for a very long time.
But all of this stuff, these rituals that these elite of the world go to, they go to a secret area, the secret forest or Grove, and they act wild. I will say they let loose and do their things or whatever. It’s way more in depth than that. In front of this huge effigy of an owl. There’s a lot of owl symbolism, too. We’ve talked about the owl symbolism many different times here on my channel.
The goddess of wisdom, basically. And if you listen to that Alex Jones video and you listen to what they’re saying when they recite these incantations to their god that they’re worshipping or whatever, they’re talking about pillars. This is why they’re in the forest and stuff like that because these trees act as pillars, basically. But they’re talking about pillars and spires and beams and columns and stuff. And they’re using this same secretive type of language.
So the more you tune into my channel, you might pick up on ways to interpret these symbolic codes that the Illuminati and others use. All right, so this girl, she’s the outcast. Everybody’s inside the house doing their thing, and she’s sitting out in the pool. Her thumb was cut, so blood drips down into the water. It goes down into the water. And the demogorgon picks up on this, right? And she’s sitting right there.
The blood goes down into the water, and then the lights go out, right? Whenever the lights go out in the movies, especially in horror movies and stuff, that’s because there is an entity nearby that is electromagnetically amplified. There’s a strong charge, there’s a strong energy nearby, and it affects the lights. It’s not like the Demigorgans. Like, I guess if he has telepathy or telekinesis, he could purposefully actually affect the lights, I suppose, if he used his will or his chakras and aura and stuff like that.
But typically, just walking past something if you’re electrically charged, like, has this ever happened to you? Okay, let me back up. I’m rambling me. I believe that I have a very strong spirit. I’ve seen evidence of it time and time again. Plus, I just know it inside of me all throughout my life. There’s been a thousand times when I’ve walked past a lamp post and the second I’m under, that lamppost goes out.
I swear, sometimes it’ll turn on. Sometimes if it’s off already, it’ll turn on. But that happens to me all of the time throughout my entire life. So that’s just one example of how it can happen on a low level with people who exist during and live in the time whenever energy is being charged into the Earth and taken away from the surface area. So she hears a growling, she turns around, and it’s hard to see right here, but it’s the Demagorgon with his flower mouth wide open, which is basically a type of creature from the black lagoon, right? The water turns black.
It goes from blue because it’s only blue because of the lights. Okay? But when the lights go out, the water is black. It’s black water. And that island at the middle of the world that I’ve shown you on maps and stuff like that, has a lake right in the middle of it. And it’s said to be of pure water with no impurities whatsoever. No salt, no nothing nasty in there, no bacteria or anything.
So because the water is so pure, light just keeps on going through. It doesn’t reflect back up off of it and give us different colors and stuff. It’s dark water. It’s black water, basically, but it’s very clear. It’s not black, like gross or anything, but it’s very clear. And that traditionally is where sea monsters live and come from. That that entire region is said to have be full of all kinds of giant sea creatures and strange sea creatures and stuff, which gives you the Creature from the Black Lagoon symbolism as well.
And that is chapter two of Stranger Things. Stay tuned for chapter three we’ll probably be doing next Sunday. But also keep an eye out on my channel because I have started breaking down Doctor Who, so I’m pretty excited about that. I’m equally excited about Stranger Things and Doctor Who. I was talking to Tommy Truthful the other day, and he didn’t know who Doctor Who was, and it just blew my mind.
And I’m like, God, how many people don’t know Doctor Who? And every episode of Doctor Who has so much symbolism. So keep an eye out for that one. That’ll be a fun path for us to walk together as well. Until next time. I’m Jay Dreamers. Saying good vibes and goodbye? I’ll try so hard to fade away? But something for save me to say? It’d be easier for me if I time wait to sleep? But there’s something moving on the way? Being gone? There’s only ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? I know I should have done this? Should have quit this long ago? Can’t send another heartbreak? But it’s time to let it go? It’d be easier for me if I turn away to sleep? But there’s something holding on the way being ungone? There’s only ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? Any ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? I don’t escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up? Time to wake up?.
Cool decode, thank you 😊☮️