#166 | Star Domes Resonance Structures Enlightenment Thru Architecture w/ Topher Gardner

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– Juana Juan is on the Juana Juan podcast. If you’re enjoying the show, consider signing up for the Patreon. com subscription. There you get ad free content, early access, exclusive episodes, and monthly supporter hangouts. There are other ways of supporting the show.
– Architecture back then was looked at as a form of magic. There was secret societies that were revolved around building. And I have genetic lineage in Knights Templar, so it would make sense. Illuminati confirmed.
– The pentagram is a strong resonant structure. It’s in over 80% of all phylotaxis, which is just how plants grow in nature. When you’re in that room, it changes your consciousness. Certain people are able to pick up on it depending on perhaps their bloodline.
– The architecture itself has a talisman. It’s resonating at certain frequencies. Cities, entire cities can be built to house specific frequencies. This would also account for how and why people like Henry Ford building these cars. There’s a reason why we haven’t adopted newer technology.
– I laugh at those people in the community who defend these elitist puppets because I was there too, he said. The world’s a stage and every man and woman has their entrances and exits
– Juan Huan: We need to resonate with our buildings and our homes, and homes have to be homes again. Make architecture great again, MAGA. And as always, make sure to follow me on social media at the podcast on any major social media platform.


Site: https://truthmafia.com : full summary text presention: 166-star-domes-resonance-structures-enlightenment-thru-architecture-w-topher-gardner

Hello and welcome to the Juana Juan podcast. If you’re enjoying the show, consider signing up for the Patreon. There you get ad-free content, early access, exclusive episodes, and monthly supporter hangouts. You can find it @patreon.com/thejuanonjuanpodcast. If you don’t like the subscription-based models, there are other ways of supporting the show that are linked in the description. Thank you for tuning in and enjoy this episode.

They said it was forbidden. They said it was dangerous. They were right. Introducing the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual. Dive into the arcane, into the hidden corners of the occult. This isn’t just a comic, it’s a hidden tome of supernatural power. All original artwork illustrating the groundbreaking research of Juan Ayala, one of the only living homunculogists of our time. Learn how to summon your own homunculus. An enigma wrapped in the fabric of reality itself. Their power at your fingertips. Their existence your secret. Explore the mysteries of the Aristotelian, the spiritual, the paracelsian, the crowlean homunculus. Ancient knowledge lost to time, now unearthed in this forbidden tale. This comic book holds truths not meant for the light of day. Knowledge that was buried, feared and shunned. Are you ready to uncover the hidden? The Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual. Not for the faint of heart. Available now from Paranoid American. Get your copy @tjojp.com or paranoidamerican.com today.

Welcome to the One on One podcast with your host, Juan Ayala. It’s serious power right there because when cars are driving over a road, there are certain roads, if you’ve seen, that are built differently, they use segmented concrete and so they’re transducing the waves of all the cars going over them. If you imagine each tire, there’s four tires per car and they’re always going over, going over, that’s a current of electricity. And so even if they’re not, say, storing it in a battery bank or putting it in a grid, each one of those monuments at the tip of each one of those triangles especially, I bet you they’ll do a circuit where they’ll do it where they actually will. It’s just like when we have to lay the steel on the dome, you actually have to do it in order. So they would drive from the Capitol building down to the left and then up and to the right, and then from the right over to the left and the left down to the right, and then the right back to the center. And if they did it that energetic pattern like that and had caravans doing that, that would charge the sigil that is Washington DC.

Welcome back to another episode of the podcast. Your host, as always, make sure to follow the show on social media @thejuanahuanpodcast. Website is tjojp.com, patreon.com/thejuanahuanpodcast, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, all that stuff. You know where to find it. Links are in the description. And today we have Topher with us. Very interesting individual. I’ve seen him on Emily Moyer’s show. Shout out to Emily. Emily is a friend of the show. We love her. And welcome to the first time, bro. Welcome to the Juan on Juan experience. How you doing? I’m glad to connect with another Florida boy.

Yeah. Florida men. We’re strong. We’re going strong. Yeah, we are. So what’s up, dude? How you been? I know we’ve been talking back and forth. Things have come up. We had to reschedule a couple of times just because that’s usually how life is. Can you tell us a little bit about you Topher, and what you do? Because I know you have some interesting concepts, and that’s what I’m all about. Interesting people, interesting conversation, and we’re here for it. Can you tell the listeners, my people, where they can find you first and then a little bit about yourself and what got you into this esoteric realm of things, if you will?

Sure. You can find all my work @topherhq.com. I also have the Biocharisma podcast, and I’m @biochryisma on Instagram. So I think I have, like, 700 videos on Instagram. And Instagram is more of, like, where I post all of my weird inventions and hybridization of building projects. Like, people tend to like that, and it keeps it clean on Instagram. I don’t really populate YouTube. I have a YouTube account, but I got kicked off of it way back in the day when I had my original podcast in 2015 and 2016. But, yeah, essentially right now I’m a builder. But the best way I like to describe myself is I work a lot with my hands, both in sculpting houses and sculpting people. I was trained professionally in bodywork and deep tissue, myofascial release, and that’s been my longest held profession. And then I was trained in polarity therapy. So those two modalities I still do to this day. So I guess I’ve been doing that professionally now for 24 years. And when I moved to Central America, I learned a system of building domes called super adobe and got trained in that. And then a lot of other people wanted me to build for them, so I ended up building for other people. And that’s also what I do. So in today’s, I would say the majority of my time goes to site surveying for people designing homes that usually have a lot of curves. As you can see on the site, pretty much everything I build has a lot of either convex curves, domes. I build a lot of round homes, and I do a ton of design work for people that like to build off grid. So that’s been sort of my MO the last ten years.

And when you said that you were that you were taught, were you initiated so far? Because is there some secret knowledge that some esoteric hidden knowledge when it comes to this? Initiated in what? In the arts of the curvy homes, I guess, the dome.

Well, it was really weird. I’ve told this story a million times. I’ll keep it short. I grew up in South Florida, and when I was growing up, my dad and I, we would track hurricanes, and in 1991, Andrew mowed over. It was just south of my neighborhood and pretty much flattened the area. It looked like a demilitarized zone, like everything was just flattened in Hialeah Miami. And my dad was just like as a builder, he was just like, domes are the he. He made no bones about it because he was a commercial builder, and he built. So I grew up going to where they would test materials to see what materials could handle hurricanes could handle 120 plus mile per hour, two by fours and things like that. And so I saw this one documentary on 60 Minutes about this guy who built this dome on this island in North Carolina and how it survived these hurricanes. And my dad was telling me domes were awesome. And so I always had domes on the domes on the dome, domes on the dome, and all the architecture that I loved in capitals, like the US Capitol. And whenever I go to capital cities and states, they always had these big, beautiful domes. And I remember in fifth grade going to the Capitol dome, and we would talk on one side of the congressional whatever, and on the other side of the dome thing, we could hear it like you could hear somebody whispering on the other side. So I got really enamored with the acoustics and what a resonance structure was. And my dad was really big into resonant. I won’t say resonance, but he was really into auditory refinement. He was an audiophile. And so I just always kind of had it around me and on me and in me. And so by my mid 20s, when I was starting to consider building and doing these things, I got into geodesic domes. But geodesic domes had a real problem with them, especially if you’re trying to build them in the tropics, because geodesic domes, a lot of the joinery work doesn’t work. Like growing up in Florida, you go to Epcot, of course. So that was like the big thing on the brain. Yeah, Bucky the Bucky balls. And so I was looking at it, and it didn’t really set in, because in Florida, you weren’t allowed to build off grid unless you hooked up to the power lines and stuff like that. And then I ended up moving to Central America. But while I was down in Central America, we had this crazy rainy season mixed with an earthquake season in 2007. And I saw all these conventional homes just kind of be obsoleted, be destroyed. A lot of these really beautifully built homes became parallelograms, and I didn’t have moneyTo waste. And my partner and I, at the time, I was just like, look, we spent all of our money on our land. We’re land rich, cash poor. I can’t do this conventional thing. We’re doing all these drawings for dome homes. And then one of my massage clients, he saw one of my dome home drawings and was like, oh, dude, that’s exactly what I want. And I was like, well, if you want that, you have to send me to school to learn how to do it. And he did, and I did. So I ended up building him. At the time, it was the largest. It was like a 1700 square foot twin level three dome home. And it had this huge outside deck that we covered and it was tremendous. Like, I remember I went to calareth university and I was showing them my drawings and they thought I was nuts, that that was going to be my first build. But I just went for it and it worked out really well.

This is a really interesting topic because bucky, buckminster Fuller, I feel like he was onto something that a lot of people weren’t because I think right, because I’m into pythagorean palaces and that idea and what that entitles and what’d you say about Florida, that you can’t do what you can’t build. You said remote the law in six. Before I left, because I had property in north Florida, I went to go look at a bunch of different dome homes. And usually the people that build dome homes, they want to be off know, most neighborhoods won’t just allow you to build a dome home. And so my lady and I, we traveled around, we visited all these different dome homes in north Florida. And we kept hearing from the owners. They were like, no, we had to pay $60,000 to get FP and L to run power out to us. And I wanted to be off grid. Like I wanted to have solar powering. Back then I was calling them what were they called? Something capacitors, like high density capacitors, not batteries and the whole thing in Florida, you could not do that legally. And I don’t know if that’s the law now because the laws always change in Florida very quickly, but it was kind of disappointing. You couldn’t really do the off grid thing in Florida all that well. You always had to be tied to the grid.

Those look a little off kilter. This is cape romano. Dome homes in Florida were originally built to withstand hurricane winds, and they were destroyed, apparently. Ian Sinks, Florida dome home built to survive hurricanes. A house built from geodesic domes off the coast of Florida designed to withstand gale forced winds and powerful storm surges. But not sea level rise. That’s a sham because the sea level didn’t rise. Haven’t you ever seen that? The hurricane sucked the water out? Yes, you’ve seen that before. It sucks the water in to power itself. And then I don’t know, man, maybe the waves crashing into it, who knows? Yeah, but that’s not sea level rise. That title is being misleading. They’re trying to say, OOH, sea level rise, it could handle everything. But climate change, climate change is going to get you, which is total horseshit. I was actually in India in 2004 when the Bondachi tsunami hit. We were just next to Pondicherry that got wiped off the map from that tsunami. And it was crazy talking to all the people that we knew that survived that in Pondicherry, because they said that they said they watched the ocean go out and they saw all the animals running inland. And so they just started a book it and this wall of water about 10ft high just came in and just did not stop. Wow. It’s amazing what Mother Nature can do, right? I mean, that’s just like a force that cannot be reckoned with.

Tell us a little bit more about the domes, because this is something that I’ve always looked at. Right? We have the whole Tartarian movement, and there’s a lot of domed buildings when it comes to that. You mentioned about the Capitol building, and I’ve also heard about the Integratron. Is that Integratron? Yeah, I got to get warmed up at when you first hop on a podcast, got to get warmed up, especially with these big words. And the guy that was behind that was an interesting guy who had ties to Marjorie Cameron. With who’s Marjorie Cameron? Jack Parsons second wife. Okay, well, one thing I think you would get a kick out of is like the star dome, which I build now. Whenever you’re building a dome and you’re underneath the dome, as you’re building it, it rewires your brain. All right, hold on, because this is where I wanted to go. Can we find any pictures other than your website of these domes? Yeah go to simplydifferently.org Simplydifferently.org, okay. Because this is where it gets interesting. The idea that architecture, which is something that’s really ignored, has an effect on your psyche, your biology and everything else. No, it’s completely as. What Jay Widener talking about? What’s his name? The alchemist that says Fulcanelli. Yeah. So Fulcanelli’s whole thing know that architecture is frozen music, so it’s a frozen vibration. And I’m working with Tanya Harris. She’s the woman that mapped seven of the different cathedrals to find their resonant frequency within them. And the resonant frequency equaled the cymatic pattern of the rose window. Jeez.

Okay, so they did this obviously on purpose. I mean, they were matching it’s totally on purpose. Because, like I was saying, when you’re building, like when you’re arching and you’re arcing things, like, why in yoga do you have your whole body always doing some sort of arc one way or another way or another way in nature? Why does nature use nothing but curves? It’s because curves are inherently so much stronger than flat planes. If you take a flat plane and you put just a three degree curve on it, now it’s six times as strong. You put a double curve on it a convex curve. Now it’s 13 times as strong. You never see leafs that are flat. Just nature doesn’t do anything that’s flat. Even the whole plane of existence that we’re on that could be called flat from the are you going to go there? Yeah, of course, from the largest perspective, because that’s actually the middle. That’s the plane of inertia. But the whole thing that’s going into it is all this curvature of light that’s going into it. So when you’re actually working on curves above you and below you and beside you, it rewires the synapses in your brain.

So you see, this Japanese mathematician, he figured out that, okay, these mandalas, these pentagramal mandalas, that in two dimensions. All you have to do is bow them and you have a dome. And that’s how it came up. Whoa. And as soon as I saw that, because I’ve been drawing mandalas, because I had lived in ashram, and I was all into meditation and all these things, and I was more the type of person where activity stilled my mind. Not stillness, stilling my mind. And so drawing and art, I was always into art, and my mind would just stop, and I would get into a flow. And so I got into mandalas. And then as soon as I saw that on that, I read about the stardome, I was like, that solves all the Buckminster Fuller problems with having all these segments in a dome. Because the problem that you have with all these triangles in a Bucky Ball dome is all these little triangles, they have too much joinery. And that joinery is static. There is no dynamic tension in it. And as soon as I saw the Japanese stardome, I was like, oh, my God. This is exactly how they build bridges. Because when you build a bridge, you bend steel, you put it under tension, and then you freeze that tension in concrete. That’s exactly the way these domes are done. Whoa.

And I’m pulling up here some of these mosques, because you just made me think of all these mosques that have this DMT, like, psychedelic. The domes, right? These tops and that’s exactly dude, you’re tripping balls. Especially when you’re building them. Because most people think when they go into these places, yeah, they’re getting a benefit, they’re getting a secondary benefit. But the enlightenment happened to the person who was building it. Interesting. So the actual architect doing the actual building and the builders that were in it, like, as you’re in it doing it, it literally reshapes all the synapses in your mind. And I’m not sayingThis text is formatted into natural paragraphs for easy reading:

“I got significantly more intelligent at the more and more domes I built. So what happens after the fact topher? Does it lay dormant? So you build the dome and then you leave. Does the dome have anything else? Does it resonate at a certain frequency? Can it also do anything else? It depends on the materials. It depends on the intent that was behind it.

I’m building domes that are affordable for homes, so I’m not building with huge stone. I’m not doing all these things like some of these mosques. I mean, the amount of mass, there’s a rule of thumb that I use when it comes to construction, and it’s at the end of the day, mass rules the day. And what I mean by that is, the heavier the structure is, the more of an effect on its environment it will have. So there’s a reason why all these mosques and these cathedrals were built with stone is because that stone is heavy. And the arches and the domes, they can handle all the weight. They displace the weight perfectly, so the weight becomes a non-issue. But the mass then of that building is so significant that whatever vibration it’s holding, it’s like a baseline throughout the land. The heavier it is, it’s like pushing down on the ground. And a lot of these buildings are piezoelectric, and I think the older they were, the more piezoelectric they were, meaning that when a vibration hit the stone, it produced a current of electricity.

Dude, because I’ve talked about this, but I’ve never actually talked to somebody else who, number one, knows about it and has actually put the application to work in a real-life, practical manner. And when you tell people that during the renaissance era, these architects literally were the demiurges of these buildings, and they referred to them as their homunculus, I mean, that’s an actual term that they use, homunculus. It was a living body. It was something that they were transmuting into this reality through ideas. So it exists in the ether. It’s passed to the mind, which they refer to as a fetus. So it’s born in the mind. It’s put on a medium, which is the paper, and then you birth the little model, which is another talisman of some sort, and then the actual building itself is the manifestation of that idea, and it goes through all these processes. It’s alchemy, essentially is what it is. It’s the four different stages, if you will, and the idea that it’s magical in some sort of way, if you really look at it, it’s changing someone’s biology. It’s resonating on different dimensions, if you will.

And not only that, but if you use certain rocks, which we know have certain properties, which is why the Egyptians only built certain structures with certain granites and quartz, you name it, limestone, etc., etc., each one would have their individual characteristics that would resonate, and they would have their own effect. So maybe this type of rock was better for worship, for places of worship, for deity, etc. And then these other rocks were better for capitol buildings, and others were much better for health. Like, I studied under a temescal maker in Mexico. And for those of you that don’t know what a Temescal is. It’s a small little cylinder that essentially is like a sweat lodge, but it’s done out of red brick. How do you spell it? I believe it’s. T-E-M-E-Z-C-A-L temascal. Temescal. Is it’s Mexican, you said? Yes. Okay, I got it. Here.

Yeah. Temascal sweat lodge. Yeah, the red brick sweat lodges. And so these red brick, there’s a real science behind it because when you heat red brick past a certain temperature, the red brick emits a far infrared light. And so all these people that have all these questions of why all these cities throughout the United States in the 1850s were raised to the ground, all those cities were the red brick cities. Like, Chicago was the red brick city. You had all these cities that had red brick. You had all these cities that actually had wrought iron work everywhere. And I think there was this whole technology all around the world where they were using red brick and they were using limestone both to transduce the different energy, whether it was an electrical energy, whether it was actual sound energy that was being introduced, or whether it was water flowing because the water flowing. All these great cities that have these waterways. I was in this beautiful city in southern Bavaria where all the buildings were red brick, and the river just wound through the whole place. But where the river touched was every one of the industrial buildings of red brick. And I had the AHA moment. I was like, in the past, they didn’t have hydroelectric like we think of it, where it’s turning a turbine, and then that’s turning an alternator, and then the alternator is giving you electricity. They had a different technology with the water that was running under the cathedrals, the water that was running by these red brick buildings, even the Nile that was passing the Giza Plateau, that water creates a vibration. That vibration then was transduced by the actual geological material that they were putting into these buildings. And then that geological material would then give a resonant project. I won’t say a resonant projection because it doesn’t need to be resonant. It would harness that sound of the water, the movement of the water into an actual current that could be used for work.

Whoa, dude, you’re blowing my mind right now. This is crazy. I find this so fascinating because now things are starting to fall in line. That’s why at the bottom of the pyramid, I mean, even Nikola Tesla knew this because he had water underneath his. Yeah. And obviously there was a perversion at one point in time where brutalism was introduced. My dad told me about that at Florida State University. He was an architect, and he went to architecture school there. And he said when they introduced Bauhaus, the whole Bauhaus architecture, where everything was square, everything was just this total everything was a cube, everything was the Borg, essentially. And it got rid of nice eaves on homes. It got rid of Florida used to be about all the tropical architecture where you’d have the nice eave, so the rain, like, you could have windows open during the rain and all this. It was much more of a Mediterranean style. And then you always had your homes lifted off the ground so air could come underneath and then underneath the eaves, and you always had cupolas. Bauhaus got rid of all of that. Everything just became the borg. And my dad, he hated it. He couldn’t stand it. Like, he had to go that direction because he was building skyscrapers. All the skyscrapers are essentially, let’s just say, a square phallus in the air. Yeah, that was an unfortunate move in architecture. And he said what he really didn’t like was he didn’t like the furniture that went with Bauhaus because at Florida state, whenever you were designing a building, you had to design the furniture that went in that building. And the Bauhaus furniture, really, when he was there in the 60s, he said it just drove him nuts. None of it was comfortable. He didn’t like it. It was like Sweden clean design, but everything was squared off and hard. Like nothing was cozy. Because I want to talk about the introduction of this sort of brutalism, if you will, in order to, in a sense, dehumanize or take away from the beneficial attributes of these previous buildings. Because it seems, and some people will argue, that art started very you had these sculptures, these paintings back then that were almost lifelike. It was really amazing. And now we went from that to somebody duct taping a banana to a canvas and calling it art, and people lose their minds over it, and it’s like, yeah, no, that’s art. Sure. I mean, I wouldn’t consider that art. But the fact that people will accept that as art is alarming because that just shows you that they’re willing to accept whatever is thrown, quite literally, whatever is thrown their way as art. And I don’t think, well, you know, the first rule of marketing, right, Juan? What’s the first rule? You tell people what they all about. It’s all about all about and especially when people are easily swayed, right? They’re on there tiptoeing that line. And our phones have gotten good enough at perhaps predicting our behavior. Some people said they’re listening to us. I think it’s a…”Little bit of both. I think that they’re listening in and kind of predicting our behavior. And that’s why you get these targeted ads on your phone and on your social media. And I think that’s what they’re doing, just harvesting data. Data is a hot commodity nowadays.

But before we get too far, because I want to talk about that, about why they would take away this beautiful architecture and then pervert it pretty much. Well, it’s really simple, my friend. When you take inspiration away from people, they become very predictable.

The problem is when you have these beautiful arch buildings and this stained glass, people will have a direct connection with their creator. The jurisdiction between them and their creator is immediate and known. So Brutalism was brought in because the state, let’s just call it the state, for lack of a better word, was getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and it needed to have jurisdiction. So the way you have jurisdiction is you always promote vices and you take away inspiration. It’s the oldest playbook in the world, so you can’t have cathedrals anymore, or if you do, it’s only for the select few in specific neighborhoods. You know what I’m saying? It doesn’t become a city work.

Let’s say you denigrate and desecrate the natural environment, so people aren’t inspired just in nature. Like you do all these things so that the generation after generation after generation is more dependent on Big Brother, on the state. It’s really that simple. It was a social engineering movement, and it was known since the late 18 hundreds, the idea that they could quite literally be using our homes to suppress our own consciousness, not only on a psychological level, but a biological level, whatever you name it, to some people would be ludicrous, right? Like, oh, you can’t do that.

Well, you’re talking about how your dad, they made him design the furniture that he was putting into these buildings. And we know that they make him read Vitruvius’s books on architecture. When you go to architectures, Vitruvius talked about how certain spaces were meant for certain things, certain activities. Now, take that. You invert it, you pervert it feng shui. I believe in feng shui, bro, where the alignment of everything is done because of these currents. I mean, these currents of energy. It’s a form of geomancy, without a doubt. You know what I mean? All this plays a role, and people that’s just woo woo. No, dude.

When I’ll go from podcasting here in my studio, I guess, to podcasting somewhere on the road, I have no problems with doing that. But I’ll tell you right now, I’m thrown saying, and it looks like I have a lot of garbage in my background, but it’s part of my feng shui. It’s part of the look. It’s my cabinet of curiosities, right? It’s my micro. I feel comfortable with Nicholas Cage staring at me, man, who doesn’t, right? Right. I’m just like, hey, Nick Cage. He’s there. He’s amazing. Yeah, absolutely. And this is my think area, and I’m already used to it. But a lot of people won’t believe in they’re like, oh, that’s just BS. It’s not true. But I believe that these elites tap into this. It’s a sort of technology, and you blew my mind with the whole the resonance of the architect architecture and the windows would match up. We know cymatics is a real thing now. We know that if we. Follow folkonelli’s ideology.

And even the Greeks you said that it was a music frozen. Is that what you call the sound frozen? Well, the Greeks looked at buildings as algorithms incarnated. There was an algorithmic, mathematical thing to them that was in the actual manifestation of it.

And if we are to believe folkonelli and that people were having experiences in these buildings, like supernatural experiences, epiphanies that were quite literally changing and warping them, but we also have to keep in mind that it was meant for the lower peasant class that didn’t understand that. And a lot of things are clicking with me now, talking to you about all this, because it made sense of what in the pythagorean palace book, what he was talking about.

There’s parts in that book where it’s a book on architecture, but then there’ll be parts in it where it reads like a grimoire almost. Well, only the initiate knows where this occulted scaffolding is, or only the initiate knows where these hidden spaces within these buildings are. Almost like what are you hinting? Like interdimensional architecture that you’re able to step out somewhere? Is it like an actual hidden corridor in the building? But he made it seem more metaphysical. And now you’re telling me, like, oh, I’m learning about all these different I go, how many people might have been initiated in the actual art of architecture? Like a sort of because architecture back then was looked at as a form of magic. Definitely. So it would make sense. There was secret societies that were revolved around building. Look at the Knights Templar. I mean, arguably a secret society that did what? Constructed the cathedrals buildings? Yeah. Try to transmute reality itself, like, on a grander scale.

If these buildings keep resonating how you’re saying? If they keep resonating into the surrounding areas. I mean, that’s fascinating. Yeah. And I have genetic lineage in Knights Templar, so it would make sense. Your illuminati confirmed it would make sense. Illuminati confirmed. My wife and I always joke around because it’s just like I’m just working out the karma from I had a grandfather who was a nuclear physicist. I had a great great grandfather that was I can’t confirm this. I tried to confirm it, but he was apparently knights Templar. So all this stuff was kind of, like, just downloaded through me. My dad was an architect. My sister is, like, top ten in the world in graphite artists. Like, she’s incredible. So it’s obviously something within the family line, and I understand it very easily. I understand it much easier than a lot of things that a lot of people find very easy. Like, I’m kind of a retard with clerical stuff, but you give me arches and flying buttresses. Like, you’re saying, what do you actually need to build to be able to build that? Like, that type of stuff that gets me very excited.

So we have here we have the pentagram, right? The five pointed star, which encodes phi. So I’ve given lots of presentations on the golden ratio. And so the pentagram is a very strong resonant structure. It’s in phylotaxis. I think it’s in over 80% of all phylotaxis, which is just how plants grow in nature. And it’s because there’s a very specific way you can draw a spiral with the pentagram that is shown in almost everything that grows naturally, including the human body, the way the human body grows. So the great way of saying this is that this particular dome, as soon as I saw it, was like I thought of The Vitruvian Man. And Leonardo DA Vinci was very big about phi and the golden ratio and the ratio of the body and what that actually does in the perfect being with proportion and putting that into a curve, putting that into a bubble, into a double convex curve, it does do something to the consciousness.

If you go back to my website, Topher HQ, there’s an inside picture of one of the bedrooms of a stardom, and when you’re in that room, it changes your consciousness. Do you know exactly where it’s at? The teepee? Is that the one you’re talking about? It was like teepee yurt. No, I said on topher HQ on my website. There you go. You said, where the TECO Dome? I forget under which page it is. We can search through it. So you see that where it says Coral Domes? You see that photo right there? If you do read more, that’s the inside of one of these domes.

Okay, so it’s actually on a different page. I’m sorry, I don’t know my website all that well. Maybe it’s under Ticodome. I don’t know. This is Tico Dome here. Then it’s under podcast, I guess. I don’t know why it’d be under there. It’s not under podcast. Yeah, it’s your boy. Is it under Core home? Interesting. They don’t want us to know where it’s at. You just were on it before you showed it earlier. I did, yeah. Maybe it’s under yeah, it was the perfect picture of it. But anyway, when you’re in that and your mind can’t make sense of it, because most minds have been conditioned to see, especially if it’s in a solid structure, to see all these rectilinear lines, like you canBehind me, there are all these rectilinear lines, everything filled with angles of sorrow. But when you find something that is curved and solid to your being, to your well-being, that’s where the real magic happens. This is why I always mention John D studying mathematics and how the numbers and glyphs chosen by the Matrix had a purpose. I believe reality itself consists of certain phenomena that some people are able to pick up on depending on their bloodline. This might explain why the elites, like the Habsburgs, for example, lived at the Escorial, a pythagorean palace modeled after the Temple of Solomon. They all lived and were buried there, using this space to restructure their neurons and DNA and perhaps dilute their lineage. Inbreeding definitely did not help their cause. The pentagram, a symbol associated with witchcraft and Satanism, has been perverted for a reason. Vincent Bridges explored the concept and described how the pentagram, or penta top, resonates in reality itself, assisting magicians in manifesting things faster. It’s fascinating how you incorporated this symbol into the actual structure itself, along with the use of mandalas overlaid in domes to transport consciousness. This concept has certainly been utilized in the Capitol building and other places. The construction of domes with pentagram pentagons and their resonance with ley lines, dragon paths, and telluric currents is a powerful technology. Utilizing Earth’s natural magnetic field to tap into nodes builds a potent structure. I have Saddam Hussein’s palace as an example, built on the 33rd parallel. This kind of architecture develops on specific lines to resonate with them. Knowing what occurs along the 33rd parallel, it’s intriguing to see the connection. Even entire cities can be built to house specific frequencies, allowing the suppression of certain individuals. Take Washington, DC, for example, with its layout as a huge pentagram. It’s a source of immense power. The roads in Washington, DC are constructed in a way that transduces the waves created by cars passing over them. This connects back to the idea of charging these lines. Monuments at each tip of the triangles, especially, may create a circuit that stores this energy. Just like laying steel on a dome, there is an energetic pattern to follow. By driving in a specific pattern, a sigil could be charged. This could explain why we haven’t adopted newer technological advancements, as the current technology serves a metaphysical purpose. Some may argue that electric cars are worse for the environment than gas-powered engines, but the truth is that they are.And you’re a conspiracy theorist. No, all you have to do to anybody that’s uneducated in this regard is you hold up one gallon of gasoline and you hold up this gallon of gasoline and you go, do you understand what this is equivalent to in kilowatts? Because everything with these cars are about batteries. And so they’re like, my car has 18 KV, and blah, blah, blah. You go, this one gallon of gasoline is 4.7 KV. One gallon of gasoline. End of story.

The average car carries, what, 15 gallons of those? So your biggest Tesla battery is what? How many watts can the biggest Tesla battery hold? Let’s check here. So tesla battery wattage. Let’s see. Let’s just get an idea. So 85. So giving a total storage capacity. So from 85 to 100. Yeah, so it’s right there at 20 gallons of gasoline. But not that. I mean, not just that, but the amount of gasoline that it takes to create this battery that goes in this car. Precisely. Most of it’s conflict metal. They pulled this out pretty much right after Avatar, because in Avatar they pre suggested all this stuff. They’re like, yeah, you know, conflict metals. Oh, that shit down in Argentina that was some thick yeah, no, they said Venezuela. They said that was some thick bush down in Venezuela. This is all an allusion to what they actually do. They create a market. You tell people what they want. You say, hey, you want a Tesla? Tesla has never turned a profit. If it wasn’t subsidized by the US. Government, it would have never turned a profit. Yeah, but I mean, these are puppets that are put in these positions. That’s why I laugh at people who like, they don’t care about you. They don’t even know who you are and you’re here defending them. What are you doing? You know what I mean? I laugh at those people in the community who defend these elitist puppets because I was there too, man. I mean, I thought Elon was one of the good guys. I but then when you start to realize like how William Shakespeare said, the world’s a stage and every man and woman has their entrances and exits, right? I mean, you’re put here, you’re not part of the people in the production of it, you’re just one of the actors. And it brings me to my next thing where I don’t know if you’ve read Sesh Hari’s, the hand print of Atlas book, but he talks about how here the universe. So the alchemical principle used in memory theater was correspondence, a thing evokes that it resembles. And memory theater, the various symbols are carefully chosen on the basis of similarity of the thing to be evoked. I mean, that’s chaos magic right there. You assign a value to something when you need it, how you need it, and it’s going to correspond with that symbol. Right? In ceremonial magic when they use certain daggers and instruments is because it’s resonating with a certain element, the wind dagger or fire dagger or whatever it is. So it’s all about correspondence. Rather, the building or the structure is specifically designed to naturally evoke a specific form through stimulating the precipitants unconscious recognition of archetypes. So, I mean, they use this again back to the cathedrals. The symbols used in such structures are derived from the ancient he talks about the Atlanteans, but atlantean systems of symbology that identify the patterns of archetype correspondence. So yada, yada, yada. So the universality of archetypical experience is the essential function of a memory theater as a talisman, a physical object charged with magical power and consecrated to a specific purpose. However, each person experiences the evoke archetypes in an individualized form, an individualized perception. And this is again, phenomenology. You experience things the way that you’re meant to experience it. We all interact differently. It’s all alchemy. It’s going to be different for everybody. But the thing that he talks about here, as these individualized perceptions are witnessed by various precipients, they are imprinted on the talisman as a part of its history in space and time, thereby storing or charging the talisman with the thoughts and emotions of those who perceive it. So think about when they do something on the media and they’re making you focus on it, and they’re making you, oh, look at the balloon. Everybody look at the balloon. And then they pop it, and they’re like, oh, cool. Everybody cheers. No, that was the ritual, you idiot. The blowing up of the Georgia guidestones, all those years that they caught your attention, then they blow them up, right? And there it is, sealed in space and time. But the one thing that really blew my mind in this entire so here you go.

Alright, here we go. Over times, the comings and going. We’re talking about Washington, DC. And the riding around over time, the comings and goings of the mass of humanity through the memory theaters intensify the energy of the lays people psychically charge lines by traveling along them and looking at the structures cited upon them. Everybody goes, oh, it’s horrible to own a car in New York, but yet people still own cars in New York. Monuments, ancient and modern were always built specifically as tourist attractions or pilgrimage destinations when the traveler was consciously aware of the spiritual aspect of the journey. Pilgrims routes, scenic drives, history walks, et cetera, have always been designed as memory theaters and are meant to direct the traveler through an alchemical process of transformation and psychic charging. The seven wonders of the ancient world were designed as a memory theater by initiates to perpetuate the arcana of the atlantean mysteries. The secular monuments of America I. E. The statue of liberty, the Washington memorial, the bunker hill memorial, mount Rushmore, stone mountain, et cetera, et cetera, were designed to be modern wonders that would process the masses of our present era through a vast memory theater. Therefore, the lay system is not a forgotten artifact in ruins, but a living system that still exists today and that continues to be used, modified, and expanded. So think about that. It’s literally a global initiation that they’re using the roads and all these things. Maybe that’s why they don’t want you to live off grid, because then you’re not contributing to this exact ideology and these exact things, and people go, oh, well, I don’t believe in that because I believe in my insert your own religion here. Well, your religion is one of the first people to implement these exact, exactly ideas with the way that your church is built. You think your church is built that way just because no, it’s not. It’s meant to, again, capture some of that essence. Definitely. I noticed it too because I played pretty high level football in all the stadiums that was in. It became very obvious after I was done with my career, and looking back at it in retrospect, that these stadiums are massive, massive harnessers of emotion. Like just the shape of them. Most of them look like a turtle shell, most of them have this know, oval shape. And from the they, most of them look like an was. I was listening to the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones, describe when they were building their new stadium in Fort Worth, like seven, eight years ago, before they opened. They he like verbatim. He was like, I want this to evoke the emotion that was in the can you see me? Yeah. That happens a lot with me whenever I hit some juice. And what he showed in the architecture was that the whole stadium was built on these two massive 1 km long arches. And the roof would I think the roof on that one slides. I forget whether or not it slides, but the amount of energy at the time, it was the most expensive stadium ever built. I think it was like a billion dollars. Which one was it? The one that Dallas Cowboys play in in Arlington, Texas. Dallas? Arlington, Texas. Yeah. They’re domes too. And it’s superb, Owl. The Super Bowl. Yeah, man. The superb owl. The Cowboy stadium. The At T Stadium. Yeah. Wink, wink, nod, nod. There you go. The Lone Star State, right? Is this the one? It’s the upper one. I don’t know. These aren’t yeah, that’s it. Because it has the huge arches. Look at that thing. Like, you’re telling me that that’s not going to harness that looks like a fucking spaceship from Battlestar Galactica. Yeah. And if you look at this, this looks like a football. And if you think of, like, ball consciousness that Michael talks about and how the ball mean, it could be also another emulation.Of this, another simulacra of yeah, because the football is a vesica PISCES spun on its z axis. Yeah. Which we know what that is. It’s a very masculine sport to be playing with the feminine aspect. Right. The yoni. The vagina. The yoni. Pig skin. Yeah, exactly, bro. I mean, it all makes sense. And these are the things that really you lose people in the sauce when you start talking about these sort of things, because we’re not going to lose your no, not my people. But I’ve had people reach out and they’re like, I just can’t keep up, it’s too much. And I go, well, that’s fine. Right. Because who would think to think about something like this when they’re looking at this architecture? Who would be like, oh, this is a cult in nature, not the regular person.

But for you and I, we can see what’s going on here. We can read between the lines. And anybody who listens to this podcast can read between the lines. That it’s always done on purpose. Is this along the 33rd parallel? You tell me. I don’t know. Let me check here. Hold on, let me see. So arlington, Texas. It’s going to be close. It’s got to be close. Let’s see here. Address. It’s probably going to be close because, I mean, the 33rd parallel, so it’s the at and T Stadium. It’s on the 32nd parallel. So close, though. 32 44. Look at. They call it the Death Star. The palace in Dallas, the Cowboys Cathedral. Look at that. There you go. There it is, bro. What in the world? It is a cathedral because when you’re in it, I watched the whole documentary of the architects, what they were doing with it, and the way the light comes in, the players jerry Jones is the owner. Lizard person. 100%. Yeah, they designed it so the light comes in in the afternoon like a cathedral. It’s to the west, and none of the players like it. The players are just like, oh, my God, the light blinds us during half the game. But they did it anyway because it was 1.15 billion. Would you fire that guy? From 650 to 1.1 billion. Oh, so many contractors do that. The contractor will go, they’ll tell you whatever price you want to hear, and then it ends up being whatever it is. The city of Arlington provided over 325,000,000, including interest in bonds as funding, and Jones covered any cost over, and he footed the rest of the bill. Also the NFL. What does this guy even do? He’s a philanthropist. That’s witchcraft right there. Philanthropy. Wow, he’s old. 1942. Yeah. JJ. J-W-J okay. Gerald Wayne Jones, American billionaire businessman who has been the owner of the President General Dallas Cowboys. Interesting. This guy’s 80 years old and okay, definitely shady, shady, shady character. Is this the one you were were you watching it on HBO, the documentary that you were talking about? You know, I don’t remember. It was so long ago. Probably. Dude, this is so trippy.

So they literally call it the Cathedral. That’s really amazing. Like, look at that thing. Talk about energy harvesting. Even these teams have sigils. Their logos are sigils, at and T. I mean, that screams lizard people. One of the biggest. They do these ceremonies along inside this. I mean, they’re charging it every single time. And then you worship the sun right when they open up the top of it. That’s a great way of saying it. It all goes back to the right to sun worship in some way or form. You have the lone star, right? The five pointed star. Bro. There it is, right in the center, the five pointed star. And we just got done talking about how the five pointed star literally is a technology to be able to manifest things quicker. And I’ll send you that presentation that Vincent Bridges does, bro, because it’s really fascinating the way he breaks it down. Because I do think that what these ancient civilizations and I mean, ancient is subjective, but they were using technology that we use today, and we just named it something else. And it’s like how Meiling P. Hall talks about the alchemist of old has replaced his cave for four walls and, like, a lab coat. Trust the Seance, trust the science, all these different things that we’ve I love that saying of that’s. That’s actually from Cheney. I took that from Chaney. So shout out to Project Cheney. Shout out Cheney. Hope you’re feeling better. Yeah. Hope you’re feeling good. Shout out to you, Cheney. Yeah, I’m going to have her on again soon. Really? This is really interesting stuff. I love talking about this. And I don’t get to talk about architecture a lot because people get lost in the sauce when it comes to the Tartarian movement, because they’re trying to suppress history. And I go, dude, yeah, okay, that’s fine. But what were these buildings used for? What was the actual use of it? And then when you start to get magical with it, you kind of like, lose them, because it can’t ever be magical. It has to be something you can scientifically explain with meat and bones. But yeah, I mean, these architects back then were magicians. They were divinating. They were trying to see if 100 years from now, the foundation that they put down for this building or cathedral or whatever would hold up. So they were looking into the future, which was prohibited by them. You can’t divinate I mean, you can’t do that according to the church, but again, the church were building to the exoteric church. You had the exoteric church, which was for the slaves, for the public, and then you had the inner sanctum that used everything that was on the table. What was the trying to think of the cathedral that check this out. I mean, look at that. How beautiful. And I know that skyscrapers nowadays are way bigger, but when you look at this architecture, bro, how bananas is that, dude? And then the bells that they had in them. Look at that. That’s kind of like a dome there, right? Yeah, that’s called a vault. A vault? Yeah. An extended arch form is a vault. That looks like a freaking portal, bro. That is a portal. There’s so much power in that. And so more than likely underneath that building, there is a you know, every cathedral I went to in Europe, and I only went to, like, six of them, they all had waterways either near them or under them. So a flying buttress. What is that? A flying buttress is where you have a wall support. Because of the weight of the building of its masonry, you need to have a lateral wall support that goes out to the sides. And when they would put arches in those lateral supports, they were called a flying buttress because they were essentially hollow. Interesting. Yeah. I mean, come on, dude. The amount of power that that could harness, especially when the organs were playing. And if you think of that right? Like the organ. Right? Think about that organ. You have the organ inside the cathedral. I’ve seen pictures in the Pythagorean Palace book. There’s pictures of that. They believe that colossus where they would overlay, like, a huge man on the inside of these things, and that’s how they were designed. And the way it’s laid out. It’s laid out in the ratios of a man laid down right on the cross. Again, on the hypercube. On the hypercube, exactly. They use the hypercube.

So do you believe that there’s still people, for example, this building here that know about the esoteric occulted aspects of this building and they’re able to tap into it? Or do you buy the whole Tartaria thing where they’ve taken some of the antiquatec down at the top of these spires or whatever? Because a lot of these cathedrals aren’t even done. I look at it as both. It all depends. The people at the top of the food pyramid, let’s say there are Dennis snakes that eat each other. And so it’s not like you have one know thing in James Bond what do they call it? Hydra. And Hydra has this one unified view, the Illuminati. You do have factions that don’t like each other. You have psychopaths that run multi trillion dollar organizations that they kind of take each other out all the time. That’s the reason why a lot of us are still around. But everything can be known. I’m not one of these people that thinks, like, oh, my God, it’s all lost. I actually think the exact opposite, because all the smartest people I’ve ever met in my life, theyDon’t just come out and tell you what they know. In fact, now I’m turning into a crotchety old man. I don’t just give my knowledge to people willy nilly. They need to, one, pay me for my services, but two, also, it’s like, are you worthy to even hear what I’m talking about? And I’m not saying that in a conceited way. It’s just like you don’t cast pearls before swine. Because the majority of people I can phrase it better the best way of saying it is in this realm that we live in, it’s as the Bible says, if you ask, you shall receive. Exactly.

So people that are very earnest, people that really want to know, it will be given to you, literally. God is always here. But the truth of the matter is, most people are full of shit. They don’t want to know. They want to be comfortable, especially where I’ve been in the world and I haven’t been on every continent, but I’ve been on a few. Most people, their daily what’s going on in their daily mind isn’t, I want to know the truth. What’s going on is they’re legalistic. They’re going, how can I save my ass? And number two, how can I be comfortable? And that isn’t the type of consciousness that brings you higher order things. You need to have a certain level of consciousness and a certain level of determination and a certain level of focus. And then at the end of the day, have a certain level of ability and then the then diagram of your life will produce something beautiful.

But most people, they talk a good game. They’re like, yeah, I want to know the truth. But then they hear something a little bit uncomfortable and it doesn’t match their worldview, and then they’re out. They’re out. Yeah. I’ve literally had people, they’ve known me for years, and I’ll start telling them something. They’re like, I can’t go there. I’ve had people literally just glitch out, what do you mean Trump is the real messiah? What? No. Or the opposite. No, Trump’s not the real messiah. No, that can’t be because QAnon, they glitch out. They really glitch. And it’s because a lot of people are entrained. A lot of the new digital technology entrains people. So I have compassion for them.

So it’s just one of those things in my subjective experience in this realm is that if I’m earnest about something God has always provided, there’s never been a moment that I haven’t been provided for. If I’m not earnest, if it’s just like this waning little or this just this little tickle, I get a Tickle’s worth. But if I really want it, if I really am like, this has to happen. It happens. Yeah. I’ve always been one asking, you shall receive, and the rest falls into place.

And Anne, I agree with you absolutely. I think that people, as soon as they hear something or see something that’s against their paradigm and that they don’t want shifted, they’ll just go ahead and just peace out. And I think that’s also a problem in the community too. We can’t all come together. We’re fighting over the nitty gritty aspects of it. All right. Point is that there’s some fuckeries afoot. We got to get down to the bottom of it. But then you’re going to have people who are going to get lost in the sauce with the little intricate details.

That’s why for me, I’ve never done any of the podcasting stuff or any of the media stuff with put your mic down, Topher. I’ve never done any of the media stuff with the intention of building an audience. I’ve done the media stuff with the intention to learn from cause, like, I respect you, you know, stuff about manly P hall and you’re talking to paranoid American about all this really cool stuff. And I learn when I listen to you and you’ll notice in life there are people that always have a learning mindset. You’ll notice the most intelligent people, they’re listening, they’re not talking. Yeah, that’s a problem. I have topher, though. My wife always busts my balls about it because she talks about how I can never unplug.

And I feel like if I’m not learning something and that’s the beautiful thing about podcasts, right, where you listen to or an audiobook or something. I recently picked up audiobooks and I’m still on the fence about it because the problem is taking notes, right? If you’re reading a certain material that you need to do a presentation on taking notes, like, what are you going to do if it’s just an audio? I take a whole bunch of screenshots and you have a shitload of screenshots that you have to go through all these different things. But recently I’ve done that and that’s why I loved podcasting since the very beginning because I was like, damn, this is crazy. I can turn on knowledge and then just listen to it while I’m doing other stuff. That to me was wild. And now I’m addicted because I need to always be constantly consumed or I feel like I constantly need to be consuming something, some sort of either knowledge related to the topic that I’m researching that week or that month or whatever it is. Constantly, like always, right? So I’ll get lost in the sauce when it comes to that.

And I think I’m too wanting the knowledge. It’s like the Fausty Impact. Like John D is like, I learned everything in this realm. I need to tap into the next realm. I was like, Bro, what are you talking about? You know what I mean? It’s like me and Paranormal American always talk back and forth like, dude, we have so many books that we’re never going to read. I do PDFs. I have over 250 PDFs on books and I’m going to die before I could ever read all of them. Right, well, are you going to put anything into like any of the things that you’re interested in? Like the manly P hall stuff? I don’t really know what his whole shtick was, but are you going to put some of these teachings into practice? I think I do. I do Vitruvi.

Like, for example, this is the only occultic thing that I really do. I take these ratios and these numbers and I’ll put it into my work. So Vitruvius talked about how any reasonable treaty is 216 pages long. The Pythagorean Palace Book is 216 pages long because Jail Hersey, he knew about this sort of stuff. Right? And so when I write my little journal or something or the price on my comic book is $3.33, right? It’s got certain amount of pages. There’s stuff embedded into it. The font on the front of my Occultist Monday is 33 font. The width of my columns is 2.16, like 216. I’ll do that in my work and that’s as far as I implement it. But am I going to make a homunculus? Probably not. I don’t think I’m going to take it that far.

And I was actually going to ask you and the house that you’re in right now, do you live in a dome? I’m building one. I’m actually building something very similar to what? Are you familiar with Wilhelm Reich? I’ve heard the name, but not off the top of my wilhelm Reich sounds familiar. Let me see. Wilhelm Reich, he was a scientist in the early 20th century. He was a contemporary with Sigmund Freud. Yeah, I’ve heard of him. Yeah, he kind of broke off from Sigmund Freud because he said Sigmund Freud only studied ailments. And Wilhelm Reich was like, well, you need to study healthy people, too. Yeah.

So Wilhelm Reich, he went ahead and studied healthy people, and he saw that healthy people were very vital. They usually had wonderful sexual lives, and they were essentially fully embodied people, where a lot of what Freud was getting into was the disembodied sick person. You want to fuck his mom too. Exactly. And so Wilhelm Reich had all these, um have you ever heard of the Rife technology where you would be hit with a very specific spectrum of light to heal your ailments? Whoa, I’ve never heard of it, but I’m sure it’s a yeah, you were talking about the red light therapy. I’ve done that before. So Royal Raymond Reif, he came up with this whole science of I guess you would call it biophotonics. And he was also a contemporary of Wilhelm Reich. And Wilhelm Reich used some of Reich’s optics in being able to see tissues, healthy tissues, with these optics. And he was able to see that there was this sort of glow that occurred around very healthy tissues.And then he extrapolated in very healthy areas. Like, we’re talking about these cathedrals being built on springs or wells or whatever. You go to these certain areas, and the vitality of the area is greater. So he coined the term vitality, called it Oregon, and he said, yes. I just covered this guy, actually, with Chattel of the Dead. Yeah. So organ is essentially quality inducing, vitality inducing energy.

I just did a podcast with Isabel friend, and we’re both of the mind that actually the technical aspect of Oregon is light hydrogen. That’s what it is. But he gets super sexual with it. Right. That’s the problem. It’s like super sexual. Well, it comes from the word orgasm. Right. Oregon orgasms. He thought that orgasms could save humanity. I think that was one of the well, I think that’s a lot of his detractors put that spin on him. I knew people that lived in one of his communities, two of his communities in Maine and said that there was nothing ever sexual about the whole well, I won’t say the whole movement, but you know how people get into ecstatic dance? Yeah, ecstatic dance started with the Reicheans, the Wilhelm Reich people. Really?

And this is the guy that built that gun to shoot it at UFOs, right? Right. Well, he actually did with a cloudbuster. So he made this thing and he saw because even back then there was weather modification. So he built this machine to essentially get rid of smog around him. And he noticed one day and this is so cool because this gets back to the whole cathedral and the water running thing, the way he would power his Cloud Buster was he had a conductor that would be in a local stream and one day the stream had more water running through it for whatever reason. And he noticed that the sky really opened up with the more current behind him. And then he noticed that there were quote unquote, UFOs in the sky. So then he pointed it at the UFO and then from his vantage point, the UFO fell out of the sky. So who even knows what UFOs are? A UFO could be plasma, it could be whatever. And so he went to the authorities because he was scared. He was like, hey, there’s these things in the sky. I just shot one down. And they tried to do the whole crazy thing on him and said, you’re Looney tunes and then stole all of his technology. But a lot of us like you’re friends with Lindsay Sharman, right? She makes you’re not of rogueways. Okay, well, anyway, there’s tons of people that make organite. Some people make it better than others. Some of us make cloudbusters. My new home is essentially going to be a massive cloud buster. So you’re going to shoot UFOs, bro? No, but I want blue skies. Yeah.

Okay. Back again to this geomancy. So quite literally influencing your weather around you according to the architecture, according to the way that it’s yes. I got donut calling me. Right? Yeah. Dude, this has been really fascinating. I want to have you back on to talk about that thing that you told me about or that I heard you on Emily Moyer’s show. Talk about interacting with these entities or these local spirits. And then I want to talk to you also about the plant medicine and the Plant theology of how some of these cultures, their actual religion was the plant or whatever it is. And I might do some mushrooms this weekend. So I think it’ll be fun. But yeah.

Dude, do you want to plug anything else before we get out of here? This has been really interesting, man. I loved having you on and I really want to have you on back again to talk about at some time you and I have to get into the Twyman Gnosis. That’s a very shaky one because the walls have eyes and ears, apparently, and you’ll get harassed if you even mention her name at yeah, it’s bizarre. Yeah, she hit it. She and I were oh, you knew her personally? Yeah, because I’m budies with SB. Shout out to SB Alger and he’s a great guy. And I also talked to Alex every now and yeah, that was obviously for those that know, that’s a very shady type of rabbit hole that you can that was one of the first rabbit holes I entered when I started to get into Esotericism and researching heavily the occult and stuff like that. We can definitely talk about that.

The beauty of her work, just on the very like, if you just look at her book on money and how money is in fractional reserve banking and the whole magic behind the fractional reserve banking game, if people have any doubt that they live in a very esoteric, magically induced world, look at your money. Just look at your money. Like, literally, if you can’t even make that leap, then this podcast isn’t for you. Yeah, but the people who are here, they know what is up. They know how it is. And even the people on YouTube too, they know what’s up. They’re a little weird, but they know what’s and think about again, that law of correspondence, what that money represents and what it’s resonating at. We just finished talking about architecture and how architecture keeps resonating. It does. Even after it’s built. Yeah, I just taught a super adobe workshop this last weekend, and the whole thing was it’s rammed earth construction. And so you actually ram the earth until it rings like a bell. So I had 16 different people feel what that felt like to where, like, okay, now the earth is at a certain density. Now it actually rings like a bell.

Wait, so the structure what do you have to keep nailing so it’s rammed earth. So have you ever seen rammed earth? No. Rammed, like rammed earth? Yeah. So super adobe is flexible form rammed earth construction. So you fill your form up with earth, and then you ram it from the top down. Oh, okay. I got you, like, forms and stuff. Yeah. Okay, I got it. Here. But as you’re ramming it, you have to get it to a certain density, and once you get to the perfect density, it makes a very specific sound. It actually rings. Whoa. Yeah.

Well, they don’t build houses like this anymore, so make architecture great again, MAGA. Make alchemy great again, MAGA. That’s what we need. We need to resonate with our buildings and our homes, and homes have to be homes again. And I’ve said it before that these cubes that they’re putting us in are suppressing our consciousness. But it’s okay, because the people listening to the Juan Huan podcast are elevating their consciousness with me and Topher today. Bro, you killed it. This is awesome. You want to plug stuff again? I got your website here, so check me out@topherhq.com. That’s the clearinghouse for everything. I’m biocharisma on all the podcast players. I’m on BitChute. If you want to see the video, I’m on Ladle TV. God, what else? All the things. We have a really good Telegram chat. Our telegram chat. We have about 300 pretty avid chatters on there. That’s biochrysma podcast chat and yeah, check us out. And also, if you’re interested in the construction stuff and all, like I said, all the hybrid structures that I do on Instagram, I have all the different things from rainwater catchment to rocket mass heaters, to domes, to doing sculpted statue work to biochar. All of it. Yeah, people follow him. I just followed you on Instagram. Sure to hit him up. I’ll join the telegram, too. Yeah, dude, you killed it. Had a lot of fun today. And as always, everyone, make sure to follow me on social media at the podcast on any major podcast platform. Any major social media platform. Tjojp.com if you’re watching this on YouTube, make sure to hit that, like, comment, subscribe everything, you know how it is, and send me your links topher so I can post them in the link the link section, and people can go show some love. Appreciate everybody, and as always, see you on the other side. Bye bye now. Dam. Dam. Sam.

  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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