#195 | The Avatar Project Shadow People George Washingtons Tunnels [VOICEMAIL SHOW]

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The Quest for Immortality: “Avatar” Project Targets Human Life Beyond Limits
By Tommy TruthfulIn a world where the boundaries between science fiction and scientific possibility blur more each day, Dmitry Itskov’s “Avatar” project emerges as a beacon of humanity’s age-old quest for immortality.

Itskov, a visionary Russian media magnate, is at the forefront of this ambitious multidisciplinary research endeavor aiming to extend human life indefinitely within the next three decades. His method? To transition human consciousness from its biological confinesto increasingly disembodied forms—first, by transplanting it into robotic avatars, and eventually, by 2045, by reverse-engineering the human brain to allow for the “downloading” of consciousness onto a computer chip.

The journey toward immortality begins with the development of android avatars, fully controlled via a brain-computer interface. Targeted to be completed before the decade’s end, these avatars promise a new lease on life for those with physical disabilities, and potentially, for individuals working in dangerous conditions or performing hazardous rescue operations. This step aligns with DARPA’s investment and ongoing research in brainwave-controlled humanoid robots, highlighting the shared vision and technological convergence in creating enhanced human-machine interfaces.

The Roadmap To Immortality
The roadmap to immortality

The subsequent phase involves crafting an autonomous life support system for the human brain, aiming for integration into the avatar by 2025. Such advancements could revolutionize the lives of immobile patients, offering them mobility through synthetic bodies and paving the way for bio-electronic devices that meld electronic and biological systems. While reminiscent of Dr. Robert J. White’s pioneering head transplants in monkeys during the 1970s, the challenge now escalates to sustaining a brain’s functionality within an artificial habitat.

By 2035, the ambition grows to reverse-engineer the brain to enable the transfer of consciousness into a synthetic form, achieving what Itskov coins as “cybernetic immortality.” This monumental step would not only herald the advent of human-like artificial intelligence but could also democratize brain enhancements, such as memory manipulation, for the masses. Despite the futuristic outlook, current neuroscience research is gradually unraveling the brain’s complexities, hinting at the potential to realize these aspirations.

The Avatar Project


The project’s ultimate vision by 2045 is the creation of “substance-independent minds,” transcending physical forms to inhabit holographic or nanorobotic bodies. This would mark humanity’s unprecedented evolutionary leap, birthing a new species capable of feats like passing through walls or reshaping form at will.

Fueled by personal investment, Itskov has mobilized a team of scientists, organized symposiums, and plans to extend his influence through a San Francisco office and a social network aimed at raising awareness. Despite the daunting financial and scientific hurdles, he seeks support from billionaires and governments alike, even gaining unexpected endorsement from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the Dalai Lama.

From my perspective, the technology Itskov seeks may already exist in secret, with advancements typically decades ahead of public knowledge. By 2045, I suspect this technology will surface, intertwining with controversial theories on nano-tech in health interventions and alleged astral plane entities utilizing humans as avatars.

Itskov’s “Avatar” project embodies the human spirit’s unyielding drive towards immortality, standing at the intersection of aspiration, controversy, and the unknown. As we edge closer to realizing these dreams, ethical, philosophical, and existential questions loom large, challenging us to redefine the essence of life, consciousness, and the future of humanity itself.


➡ The text is a mix of various topics, including astrology, ancient magic, conspiracy theories, and a podcast episode. It discusses the idea of the sun’s movement through the zodiac, ancient magic practices, and the concept of a New World Order. The podcast episode features a discussion about a failed recording, the introduction of guests, and a discussion about a project aiming to create cyborgs for immortality by 2045.
➡ The discussion revolves around the concept of transhumanism, where humans and technology merge. They mention the idea of uploading consciousness into a virtual reality, similar to the show “Upload” on Amazon Prime. They also discuss the potential implications of self-driving cars and the rise of the metaverse, where people can experience events like concerts virtually. Lastly, they touch on the idea of social credit systems determining who benefits from these technologies.
➡ The text discusses different topics, including ancient cultures, altered states of consciousness, and personal experiences with substances. It also mentions a voicemail from a listener named Dina, who talks about her rare blood type (RH negative) and her experiences with electronic anomalies. She asks the host to research these topics further. The conversation ends with the host considering doing a deep dive into these topics in future episodes.
➡ The text is a conversation about various topics, including a TV show called “Good Omens” and a suggestion to discuss it further. They also talk about another show, “Lucifer”, and joke about their ages and music tastes. A caller suggests a show about alchemy and hip hop, and another caller brings up the works of George W. Carey. The last caller shares a legend about his ancestors and a necromancer who lived by a lake in Scotland.
➡ This text is about a person who had the power to freeze his enemies in place and once made people dance until they were in pain. He lived near Loch Ness in Scotland, where he performed a ritual. The text also mentions a house called the Bullskin House and a website called chosenwan.com. The speaker seems to be hosting a show and encourages listeners to subscribe and leave comments.
➡ The text is a conversation about various topics, including a manga called Homunculus, Kanye West’s fashion choices, and the symbolism in his music. They also discuss the influence of celebrities and their potential roles as symbols for controlling society. The conversation ends with a mention of a video game called Death Stranding and its occult themes.
➡ The speaker discusses a variety of topics, including the concept of a flat Earth, the importance of sound frequencies, and the power of language. They also mention a trip to Michigan where they encountered lore about giants and sky people, and visited an observatory.
➡ The text talks about a trip to Mackinac Island, Michigan, where there are interesting rock formations and a cave called Skull Cave. The author also discusses the Michigan Triangle, a place known for strange phenomena, and mentions the War of 1812. The text also delves into various theories and beliefs, including the concept of “as above, so below,” which is a phrase used in religious and philosophical contexts. Lastly, the author mentions a strange phenomenon of stairs appearing in the woods, which is a topic of discussion on Reddit.
➡ The text is a conversation about various topics, including the phrase “as above, so below,” a movie on Netflix, and the use of sound and frequencies in media. The speakers discuss the potential for sound frequencies to manipulate audiences, referencing a movie that allegedly used seven different audio tracks, including infrasound. They also mention the use of visual and audio effects in Netflix’s opening sequence and the NFL half show.
➡ The text is a conversation between friends discussing various topics. They talk about a sound that makes you feel gay for 15 minutes, a pattern on a blanket that feels like another dimension, and a Netflix show. They also discuss a shadowy figure one of them saw, suggesting it might be a hallucination from smoking weed. They end by joking about their lack of formal education and defending their right to joke about their callers.
➡ The text is about a podcast where the hosts discuss various topics, including the concept of homunculi, a Kickstarter campaign, and a call-in segment where listeners share their thoughts and experiences. They also joke around and make fun of various theories and ideas.
➡ The speaker is discussing various theories and thoughts, including the idea that cryptids (mythical creatures like the Loch Ness monster) might not be real, but are hyped up by people. They also talk about a show called “30 Coins” that deals with occult concepts, and mention a theory that Taylor Swift might be connected to a trucking system involved in human trafficking. They also mention a strange worldwide fog event and ask listeners for their thoughts.
➡ The speaker discusses a variety of topics, including the discovery of tunnels under George Washington’s old house, which were found in 2010 or 2011 and extend for over 3000 feet. The speaker also mentions a caller’s experiences with DMT, a powerful psychedelic drug, and how they consistently end up in a realm with a checkerboard floor and white pillars. The conversation also touches on Freemasonry and the symbolism of different types of columns. The speaker encourages listeners to stay curious and open-minded about these topics.


You. The sun enters each heavenly sign or house of the zodiac in what is called the 30th degree and leaves at the 33rd degree. Thus, God’s son is said by the ancients to begin his ministry at 30 and dies at 33 33. According to Plato, the highest form of magic consisted in the divine worship of the gods, plural. And according to Iamblicus the priest, through sacred the urgi were able to ascend from a material state of unconsciousness to a realization of the universal essence, thus coming to an understanding of universal purpose by which the performance of high of magic became possible.

Listen to this carefully, folks. This is their own words. The underworld is not the sphere of the dead alone. It is the world of the mysteries. Wisdom does not meet with Jesus. And if you don’t wake up, I would rather live dead than live in slavery. The new world order, the blood will run world order. Ignorance, superstition and fear. What they call the destroyers of all good things.

Hiram of Biff was really, folks. Jacques Malay of the night’s ten line. How about that? I could go on and on and on and on. I will go on and on and on and on until you either wake up or I am dead. One or the other sheep were born to be fleeced and have the wool pulled over their eyes and are eventually always led to the slaughter.

Should I go on? I will. How do you feel, sheeple? Why do you do these things? Because somebody tells you to? One welcome back to another episode of the one on one podcast. Do a little bit something different this week because I had already recorded this episode, had like 20 people call in with their voicemails, and then when I freaking recorded it, this is the audio hour and 45 minutes.

Completely trashed. Audio is no good. It sounds like I’m not going to make a mean joke, but it sounds really weird. So as we’re going, I’m going to try. I didn’t think this out too well, but I’m going to try and upload all the calls to my soundboard and we’re going to play with the soundboard. And then what I figured was I’ve already reacted to these voicemails, which is the whole point of the voicemail show.

I can’t react. I don’t want them to go to waste. So I have some people joining me, some people of the LGBTQ, like, paranoid American. Welcome, paranoid American. How are you? How are you? I’m loud and I’m proud. Yeah, you’re loud and you’re proud. We have the one and only donut. Hey, donut yes. Queen. Yeah, it’s only Peranino American. That’s part of that community. And then we have Jose, a fellow local Florida man as well.

So welcome, welcome everybody. Dimente. What’s up, bro? Glad to be here. Thank you for inviting me. This is not no talking in secret languages here, man. I speak spanglish, bro. So let’s go. So here we are. Like I said, I have a whole bunch of different topics. I do know what we’re going to be talking about and I figured, hey, let’s just throw some voicemails out there. I don’t know if we’re going to have time for people to still call in because I just have so many messages to get through.

There’s like 25 voicemails. So I’m going to try and turn and burn. Some are shorter than others, but if you want to call in, maybe for the next one, you can call in, leave another message and I’ll play it on the next show or something. But yeah, so I figured out you guys join me and help me react. Let me upload two more that I have here. We’re going to start donor, you want to plug your stuff for the people? Where can they find you, bro? You could find me@donut.

com. Donut. That’s it, bro. I love it. Short, simple, make sure to check out donut. Paranoid American. Where can people find you, bro? You can find me@paranoidamerican. com. And pretty soon we’re going to have these fly homunculus growing kits. So cool series. There’s going to be like 15 of these. And that is not me on the COVID dude. That is not me. Okay? Does it look like me? Do you think it looks like me? Yeah.

Uncanny, man. That’s you, dude. It can’t be him because he hasn’t licensed his image to anybody. Exactly. And this right now, bro, this is an AI generated character. Like, I’m not even the real Juan, okay? This is not even the real Juan. This is bad. Guys, I don’t have enough room on my soundboard. But hey, we’re going to send it either way. We’re going to play the first one.

And this is from a three 30. My bad. Jose, where can people find you, bro? Hey, thanks for the invite, bro. Guys can find me on Instagram at Jose G official and you guys can follow the podcast Cultura Truth project. We have already interviewed Juan, we interviewed paranoid american, and soon we’re going to have donut on the show. So I’m pretty excited about that, man. Don’t gas donut up, bro.

Don’t do that. I hear he’s already got enough fans. Look at him. All right, so we have a three 30 area code calling in. Three 30 area code, which is Ohio. And I guess people found out they can text me, so don’t text me. I want you to call in with whatever it is. So I had a bunch of people sending me, like, I’m not going to say explicit pictures.

It wasn’t explicit pictures. It was, like, just pictures of maps and whatnot. And then some dude sent me a picture of somebody threw an egg at parliament, which is weird, because donut, we’ve talked about the egg rituals and stuff like that, and I got this really interesting text. And the last time I tried to record this, I started off with the text. I was kind of sort of reading through the text, and I got a text from this guy.

It’s 8116 area code, which I don’t know where that’s from. Eight one six area code. We got people from all over the world. We got people from France calling in. So if you want to call in, 407-476-4606 so this guy’s from Kansas City, and this is one of the more interesting texts that I got. And it goes, yo, Juan. First off, thanks for the podcast. Keep up the good work.

You were talking about the avatar on the nephilim episode with Joel. Were you aware of the 2045 project? And shout out to Joel Thomas from free the rabbit podcast. Right? We’ve done plenty of work together. And he goes, this s is real, man. I left a comment in the vid two, peace out, RTX. And then he got some weird name after that. I don’t like dorsedactyl or something, but the 2045 project, I hadn’t heard about this.

And I’m like, all right. So I googled it, and apparently the 2045 initiative is a real thing. And let me pull up my screen here so you guys can see. We can go warmed up with this. But is new to me, too. This is new to me. So apparently, check this out. This is like real life avatar. I know everyone’s freaking out about the apple goggles that everyone’s wearing, right? Everyone’s a cyborg.

But this thing right here, the 2045 initiative is a nonprofit organization that develops a network and a community of researchers in the field of life extension, focusing on combining brain emulation and robotics to create forms of cyborgs. So they’re literally talking about creating real. This is modern day. This is 2011 by this guy. Dimitri Iskov Itzkov. However, you say that in February 2011, with the participation of russian specialists in the field of neural interfaces, robotics, artificial organs and systems.

And the main goal of the 2045 initiative, as stated on its website, is to, quote, create technologies enabling the transfer of an individual’s personality to a more advanced nonbiological carrier and extending life, including to the point of immortality. We devote particular attention to enabling the fullest possible dialogue between the world’s major spiritual traditions, science, and society. Again, they’re talking about this. They have had this for years, and we’re in 2024.

We’re pretty close by the time we’ll be in 2045, which. This is it, but they have different forms of avatars. Have you guys ever heard about this? I have to just leave with the obvious that it could be just a russian scam to fleece people out of their money. That’s always on the table. I was just looking for a book, and I think it’s called 2045 something, but I’ll look for it to see if there’s a connection.

But this is the Frankenstein. This is alchemy, right? This is what is happening in Silicon Valley with the 49 ers and all that. That guy’s from Kansas, so it’s the chiefs and 49 ers. So that’s kind of funny. But that’s what’s happening with the secret societies of the Paypal mafia, Elon Musk, and all of them doing this right now, making a cyborg, most recently in the news, is what the alchemists have been doing since the biblical days of learning to become immortals, in a sense.

Is that right? I was just talking to Dr. Rick Spence and he was talking about it, but I know that, Juan, you’ll know much more on how that is. What the alchemists are aiming to do is this Frankenstein neural link. Live forever. Yeah. Jose, you want to add something? Yeah. I think it’s really feeding into the predictive programming of this transhumanism, where biological humans and cybernetics are fused into one.

We saw the commercial with Beyonce, the Verizon commercial, where she’s portrayed as a cyborg. So that’s very telling on where things are going. Plus, just like Donut said, all the stuff that we’ve seen with Elon Musk, I think they’re starting to get us ready to introduce the next step and evolution of technology. That’s. I really, really think what’s happening here. Yeah. And I think that I did an episode recently with Isaac Wisehop where I talked about the simplification of the occult.

And I think that magic, like any, right, it’s going to be simplified over time. Donut and I, we did that episode on memetic occultism where we went through the evolution of the magic square and all that stuff, and how maybe it’s breaking down and what a better way than to. I’m not saying everything is occult, but when you take a look, there’s a lot of occult principles and a lot of different things that we interact with.

And I mean, this is overlaying a reality on top of your reality. And we’re already questioning reality itself as we see it and touch it and feel it. I mean, there’s debates about the validity of that. So here you are putting something over that, and it’s the classic, they want to put you in the russian doll. It’s homunculus all the way down. It’s turtle all the way down.

It’s realities all the way down. And there’s people who prefer this reality over any other one. And it’s interesting because they want to get to the Avatar D, which is a hologram or diagram like avatar. This is the ultimate goal of this project, but is optional since assuming either the upload is involuntary or all humans choose to upload. Biological diseases are prevented in the previous phase and it is far away from current technological achievement and our understanding on physics is it.

If you could download yourself into a usb, would you? Would you do it? Would you download a car? Would I download what? Would you download a car? A car? Yeah. Would you download a car? I mean, yeah, it made sense. Even if it put people out of work. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. There’s a really good show on Amazon prime called Upload. And it’s, know this couple, they’re rich, they’re loaded, and they upload their conscious, like when they sign a contract where when they die, they upload their consciousness into a VR and the family members can visit them in that realm.

This kind of sounds almost like that, like we’re getting ready to have that ready. Player one, society, right? It’s like we’re all going to live in trailers. We’re all going to have our apple visions on. And that’s exactly what they want, is to kind of keep us isolated, not go out and give us everything at the palm of our hands right there and then. And that’s really what it’s about.

Yeah. And that’s the next stage, too, is the VR goggles. So Apple took over the Super bowl rituals from PepsiCo, right? Pepsi was putting on these rituals. And since last year, Apple was even Google, when they were showing the year of the dragon, they were showing an apple with it, even though there was no correlation from what I can find, because Apple just released their metaverse goggles with the predictive programming of ready player one.

Even Usher was dressed up as Tron. So you also got that with his v and the abs, the tron v abs, charging up the swifties, getting them aroused for the fertility rituals of the Super bowl. Off topic. But that show upload, it started, I believe, where the guy’s in a Tesla type automatic car and there’s this car crash scene which leads him to upload his consciousness. And you see the same predictive programming of these Waymo, which is Google taken over.

And in San Francisco, they just like burnt a Waymo car. These things are stalking society. These cars are all over Arizona where it is a Google. No one drives it. You hop into it, everybody is driving in these, and there’s cameras all over the car. So what it is doing, it’s the police state. They don’t have to be like, yo, it’s facial recognition. You got cars monitoring everything which will be used to blockade traffic during a grid down scenario.

So all these cars are going to block off all the sections to escape through the highway system, like leave the world behind type of thing, where they were all bunched up and piling up on that highway. It’s exactly that. And right when that movie was released where the kid got bitten by a tick and he got all sick, then that same day that was in the news, don’t go to Mexico because there’s dangerous ticks.

And you went to Mexico Donut. Then I went to foreign tick donut. But also that same day, the Teslas got recalled. If you’re in one of these self driving cars, for example, which everyone will be, that if it chooses who gets to live or perish, it’s going to choose who the social credit scoring system chooses. So we’re definitely moving forward. And it’s starting with the Apple Vision Pro because they’re promoting that at the Super bowl, because you’re going to be at the Super bowl in the Metaverse.

Facebook even changed their company name from the wholesome Facebook that everyone knows to meta, because the metaverse, the reality goggles, you’ll own nothing and be happy. You’re going to be front row with Taylor Swift and ice spice, doing hand gestures and pulling up the upside down cross over your neck. That was Crazy. Did you see, that’s the thing. Wasn’t there already a various. Various concerts in Fortnite, wasn’t there, where it was like the big avatar of the celebrity, and you were there with them.

That’s the incentive to get people to go. And I remember around this same time was when this came out. The Tesla robot attacks an engineer at the company’s Texas factory during a violent malfunction, leaving trail of blood, enforcing workers to hit emergency shutdown buttons. So we had this around the same time as well. And we have the neuralink’s first inhuman clinical trial. So I thought it was really interesting when this rts guy hit me up with a text and was telling me about this, and I had zero clue about this.

But the movie avatar. We’ve talked about it, Donna. Where it’s real life. In the movie, they’re like Homunculi. They’re creating these bodies to transfer their consciousness into it and go to this other world, this other planet. Right. To mind their whales for some certain type of poop thing that extends their life. Well, the will poop is very valuable. The what now? What? The poop of a well is what you.

When you wear cologne and perfume, you’re wearing poop from a well, and it’s gold. You might want to start shopping at a different cologne store. My friend Google. It’s a better investment than bitcoin. It’s so profitable. Hold on, because. Whale poop. All right, hold on, because, Donna, you say some crazy wild stuff sometimes. All right, so I googled this. Here we go. What is Ambergris? Ambergris is a smooth, waxy, and usually round substance that the feces of large.

Substance that the feces of large sperm whales. It is initially soft and has terrible smell. But floating in the ocean for about a decade, it hardens and smells become so fragrant. It’s a coveted ingredient for. Fine. No, I’m done. All right, guys, we’re shutting this stream down. I’m done. We’ll finish it. You got some humunk juice. You got donut just rubbing hamunk juice all over himself. Dude, what in the world? This is the first time I’ve ever heard about this.

Do you know about strawberry flavoring already? Is it going to get us pulled off of YouTube, bro? Strawberry? I don’t think so. Artificial strawberry flavoring, artificial straw. I don’t know if you’ve ever eaten, like, those little strawberry candies. Yeah. What’s it made out of? It’s commonly strawberries and inorganic use. Is it like the. It comes from a beaver’s anal gland. Oh, nice beaver. It’s beaver poop. All right.

There’s definitely a theme going, raspberry flavor as well. So anything raspberry is you’re eating beaver poop, eating that beaver, I think they do something to it. You can’t just eat straight up beaver poop and get the same effect. Yeah, so, you know, the Florida man’s probably looking, trying to go into the swamps and trying to find some beavers here in Florida, just trying to eat the beaver ass.

So don’t do that with poop. You got cats mind controlling people. Yeah, definitely. So here, let me finish uploading this next voicemail here. We’re going to play the first one and we’ll get into it. I knew this was going to go all over the place because people are calling in with some interesting stuff. I’m learning a lot of things. So if you want to call in again, 407-476-4606 we’re going to go to the first voicemail here.

And it’s a three 30. Like I said, ohio. Here it goes. Let me know if you guys can hear this. Give me a thumbs up. Yo, one on one, it’s your boy, Josiah Ali Minasheim. All praise due to Allah, the creator of the universe. They just released homunculus English printing at books a million omnibus of the manga called Homunculus Japan. They teach they people about the occult and the secrets of the mind or whatever you want to call it, the algorithm of magic, you know what I’m saying? But I just wanted to say that also.

Yeah, pretty much that. And they’re coming out with the death Journey movie, so they pushing this homunculus agenda even more. And can you please do a breakdown on Kanye west? This man is a walking alchemical formula. He’s wearing white, black and red. Literally. One day he’s wearing all white, the next day he’s wearing all black, and the next day he’s wearing all red. And he’s got the double headed phoenix on his shit.

A symbol that I literally asked a masonic secretary about during my grand tour of the lodge. I remember this guy. The worship for master position. You’re a symbol I asked about because I remember the double headed Phoenix from Yu Gi. Oh, but yeah, please do a breakdown on yay. All right, bro, don’t you think that we brush past the fact that you were in a masonic lodge walking around probably with paranoid American.

Okay, there he goes, right there. You see? Camera. You’ve been exposed, Thomas. All right, show your face, coward. Show your face, you coward. Let’s Illuminati confirm Illuminati confirmed. There he is right there. So he called in. He’s talking about the homunculus manga anime, which I guess they did in English. So I’m going to check it out, because that’s where the movie Netflix got their whole movie from. The movie on Netflix comes from the manga, and I’m trying to pull it up here, which is where the guy does the hole in his skull, and he’s able to cover one eye after that and see the homunculi on everyone, which are like their deepest, darkest traumas and all these different things.

And he can see them, and he can help people get rid of them, except they jump onto him. And so it’s like, are you going to be selfish and help this person out with their trauma? But then it goes on to you, like this sort of selfless act, or are you just going to let them be? And he says that they translate into English. And also, Kanye west.

I’ve been listening to the newest album. I like it. I’m a big Kanye west fan. Okay. But he is a walking, talking alchemical formula. He does have the double headed Phoenix on his. Let’s see here. Vultures. Kanye West. I don’t know if you’ve covered this yet already or not, donut, but he’s got the. Let me pull it up, make sure there’s nothing showing, because he’s got, like, somebody with her butt out on the COVID So he’s got the vultures double headed phoenix emblem on the COVID which, Donna, we’ve talked about the phoenix.

The phoenix might be another symbol for the palm trees. Right. About it all. And I don’t know. What else did he talk about? He talked, you know, first off, you take one step toward Allah. Allah take two step to you. That’s from one of my favorite films, Malcolm X. Oh, really? Now? It was in that film. It was a good scene. But I like that, though. You could apply that to just God in general.

You don’t have to do much work. You just pray a little bit and walk a little bit towards God, and God’s going to take two steps towards you. I really like that saying, but he was bringing up the red, white, and black and the alchemical magic behind that. I like to know more about that. It is the knights Templar color coding. So when we see the black and white checkerboards, that’s the Templars.

You can see that all through the Templar symbolism. And their logo is the red, white, and black. That’s what is at the super bowl every year. We just saw usher wearing the white, and the girl was wearing the red, and last year was Rihanna wearing the red, and all the dancers were wearing the white. So I’d like to know more what he knows or you or anybody on that color coding via alchemy.

I know that there’s the different colors of alchemy, but ye is portraying Jesus. That’s why he’s talking all this crap about with jewish stuff, because he’s portraying a God just like you, too, is portraying Utu God. Or the Cyruses are portraying Cyrus the Great. Or Drake is portraying Saturn, the 6th God, the 6th planet. Saturn, or ice spice is portraying IsiS. And that’s her name, Isis. So the celebrities portray figures of gods because it’s already in the imprinting subconscious of the people.

So it’s an easy way to control society by hijacking symbols or whatnot. And if you look at his new album, you got all the illuminati celebrities of, let’s say, travis Scott, who did that big ritual. You got playboy Cardi, who just performed with Travis Scott at the Grammys, and he wears the satanic horns and does this song called back rooms, which. You’ve got to look into those lyrics.

Very weird lyrics, but I call them illuminati celebrity because of the political affiliation with political movements. So it’s the RoC. They’re known to throw up the Illuminati hand gesture of the diamond. You see Rihanna opening up the Super bowl. She’s throwing up the RoC. You got Jay Z and Beyonce opening up the Clinton campaign, and then you got Kanye with Trump hugging him, getting that close to a president in the White House and Elon and whatnot.

So it doesn’t matter who you vote for. The RoC is going to be in control. This is the exact same design that political movements use and religious movements and people who camouflage themselves behind these things. No different with the music industry. That’s my. Some people say, don’t listen to these things because they are able to manipulate you. You guys have anything to add Thomas and Jose about? I agree.

Kanye needs a breakdown. Yeah, I’ve never done one. Not his breakdown. He’s been through those. I mean, like, us, to break them. Oh, okay. That’s fine, too. And this guy mentioned one of my favorite games, Death Stranding. Now, I’m remembering from the first time around. And in Death Stranding, by the way, shout out to spirit miracle. Yes. The scientific name for the date palm is the phoenix. So the Phoenix is, in my opinion, a representation of the date palm, which is connected to occult knowledge, visions, et cetera, et cetera.

I’m going to be doing a whole breakdown on that. I have about a four hour presentation on that coming out soon. But we have Death Stranding, which he’s talking about this, and this is from the creator of Metal Gear Solid. And in this game, it’s really fun. And the problem is that you’re going around in this post apocalyptic world delivering packages. Now you have this little baby or homunculus that lets you detect what they call the BTS.

And the bts are essentially these ghosts that walk around and they can send you to this other dimension. Okay? And I don’t want to spoil the game for anybody, but again, this little homunculus, if you will, it’s very in line with the homunculus lure where the homunculus divinates for you, tells you the future and all these different things. And in this game, you literally have a little homunculus that gives the main character special powers.

And I guess they’re coming out with a movie related to this, destrating the movie, which would be very interesting to see this depicted. But again, check this game out. It’s really got some occult stuff in it. But again, made by the guy of. And check it out from a 24. We’ve talked about a 24. They’re the ones that put out the hereditary movie. They’re the ones that put out Midsummer.

They put out a lot of interesting occult movies. And some people say, and I’m in agreeance, that the a 24 movies are cursed. So just be careful when you go watch this movie because you might be stepping into something. And here is this guy with this little monk there. They stay like that, little babies forever. But there’s a whole lore behind that. And so shout out to this guy.

I didn’t get his name. His name is Joe. So shout out to Joe for calling in. Let’s play the next voicemail here. So this is from a 407. This is a fellow Floridian, I think. Let’s see here. Wadada. There you go. What’s up, Juan? This is Tyler. Glad to see another 407. I’m out here in Orlando. Yeah, man, I totally feel you on the flat earth stuff. Obviously, no one can possibly know and you’ll get your head blown off if you start sailing south.

But I feel you. I hate talking about the water level or the air pressure or what have you, the flatness of the continents. But when you think about it, the definition of a continent is a giant ass hill. And Jaronism and James true have a great segment on bitchute where they don’t talk about any of that. They simply talk about submarine sonars. If we’re going to talk about flat Earth, then let’s actually talk about the bottom of the ocean.

And then when you talk about only submarine sonars, you realize submarines only work on a flat earth. So I feel you. If we’re going to talk about flat Earth, let’s stick to the topic. And if you want a good video on bitchute, check that video out. James true and Jaronism got to be, man. Appreciate a fellow Florida man calling in talking about submarines only work on flatter. What do you think about that, Thomas? He didn’t leave the math or the science papers or any of the stuff for us to follow.

I guess the source is just trust me, bro. So I’ll trust him because he’s in the 407. But we all have to move on. Let’s stop wasting time here. Yeah, let’s go ahead and move on. But, hey, I said I do a lot of research. I thought that was interesting. I didn’t know about the sonar stuff. Well, here’s the thing, dude. We know flat Earth is a very controversial topic.

And here’s the thing. Out of all my years of research, I’m not going to suddenly dissolve out of existence if I learn that the earth is flat. That’s my thing, mio. Okay. In my opinion, before people start popping off, because we’ll talk about flat Earth for two minutes and all the comments will be about flat Earth. Okay? In a three hour episode. Okay. So appreciate you calling in, bro.

Have you played grand theft auto? I have, Andreas. Yeah, I was going to say that grand theft auto only works on a flat Earth. All right, here we go. Let’s play the next 1412. I don’t know where that’s from. Let’s see here. Four one two. Area code, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Here we go. 412321. Hey, what’s going on, man? What’s up, man? I just want to let you know I’ve been watching your show for a little bit as a romanian, eastern european guy living in Phoenix for a while.

It’s pretty mystical, and not to everybody. Understanding levels when it comes about true depth understanding and full comprehension levels, especially in USR. What I’m trying to pass out to you to congratulate you for what you’re doing, good stuff. And try to give you a tip to see if you could dig up a little bit more into the literature, essence and expression of sound frequency without being sent to break it down to you spelling and the reason I want to say this is because I was not aware of the approachable, normal kind of way of saying, would you be kind to spell your name? One time I was like, bitch, do I look like Harry Potter to get a wand and say that name to you? I was like, so that was the time a few years back when I got dripped out by this and then I did my researches in a literature way.

I’m from Romania. We’re pretty mystical too when it comes to all this. We got Dracula and stuff, so there’s a lot of interesting information down rabbit holes as well over there. But anyway, going back to spelling, so get some knowledge in the sound. Remember at the beginning was the sound and the sound was frequency voice spell. That is the reason it’s powerful. So good luck to you, budy.

Happy holidays to you, to your podcasters, and hopefully one day we can have a six sense conversation at any time. Take care, man. Bye. So he’s Romanian, has this crazy accent the whole time and then he breaks out the mexican accent at the very end and he lives in Phoenix. What are you, Romanian? I’m Romanian. No, you’re not. Yeah, my grandfather Romanian. Really? I thought you were Jewish.

I don’t know if we’re ought to say it on. No, no, the Jews were kicked out of Romania and Russia and. Oh wow. Okay. You guys haven’t been kicked out of. We’ve been kicked out everywhere because we’d be just like making that money, making that bread. When donut laughs, you can hear the shekels just like I like that guy brought up. I think that’s Matthew, right in the beginning was the word because that’s one of my favorite theories.

That is that beginning was the word is a reference to frequencies and sound waves and all that new age crap. Vibrations. What is it? Love and light, bro. Love and light. But yeah, he was a little low. And again, I’m doing this differently because usually what I can do is I can bump up the audio. Did Jose drop out? I could bump up the audio in post, but since again, my whole recording got messed up and all that stuff, I’m going to have to do it the way we’re doing it now.

It sounds fine. We got people in the chat, bro. There he is right here. So he said shekels. All right, so we got a ton of people. We have 255 people tuning in live. Shout out to all of you guys. Make sure to like comment, subscribe, go check out Jose’s channel. Paranoid Americans channel, donuts channel as well. And let’s move on to the next. He was talking about some stuff.

You’re talking about the gospel of John. At the beginning was the word, and the word became flesh and dwelled upon us, lived upon us, which is an interesting one, because Rudolph Steiner talks about in his esoteric cosmology that the Rosicrucians used the first lines of the gospel of John. And they would meditate on those lines and they would enter the text and they would interact on the other side with the text.

They saw the biblical Jesus. They saw these people on the other side. And yeah, I completely agree that language grammar grimoire is powerful. And donut, I completely forgot, bro, happy birthday. Happy birthday, donut. Happy birthday, dude. Really appreciate. Yes, yes. Appreciate you. So he’s talking about that and yeah, I do need to dive down the cymatics rabbit hole, which is an interesting one, but appreciate you calling in, bro.

I’ve gone down that rabbit hole and it goes back to Abraxis. Is that his name? The gnostic chicken thing? If you look at the bottom, it says iaw and turn into iao or iota, alpha, omega. And everything in the english spell link, spell casting language goes in that order of the iao, tic, tac, toe. It’s it. Yahoo. It’s all iao in our language. It goes in this order.

Yeah, definitely. Vibration. The gnostics were one that had special rituals for the vowels. And again, we don’t know what they were for, but they were definitely doing stuff with words and various regulia is a thing where the barbarous words as well as another thing. So, yeah, definitely, I think spelling, language itself, sound frequency is all very powerful. So play the next caller here. Let’s see, we have eight, three, one, I think is the next caller.

This is a short one. All right, so this is a guy, Daniel, calling in for me to hit him up when I do my spanish podcast. So I’ll go on to the next one. Nine nine. And this guy is a longer one. This guy’s talking about some craziness and let’s see what he has to say about Michigan. So, 909. Hey, Juan, this is Mark calling from the city of fallen Angels in Los Angeles, California.

I sent you some interesting pictures the other day and I wanted to kind of just go over that. So I went to go visit my in laws in Michigan this summer, and one of the things I noticed is that everywhere in Michigan, there’s Paul Bunyan, there’s giant rocking chairs, there’s giant this, giant that, there’s lots of lore then you get up into the upper peninsula, there’s even more giant lore.

And then you have the native american lore about the sky people on Mackinac island. It’s wild. My daughter was even looking at me. They were telling the story about the sky people. I came and saved the Mackinac tribe’s chief daughter from marrying one of the other tribes. And they went through a portal. My daughters looking at me like, seriously, dad, how did you get giants and fallen angels? In our tour of Mackinac island? So it was really cool.

I was loving it. This is awesome. But my father in law took us up to an observatory he volunteers for. He’s retired and they actually helped the headlands observatory in Mackinac City helped kind of give them ideas on how to do things. They got a lot more money. They built it out. So he was going to take us up there. What’s the middle of nowhere? It’s literally at the point of the Michigan triangle.

So when we get to the entrance, you start driving and every 10ft this is like a 4d statue of one of the planets and it’s got the God and it’s got all this data on it. Then another 5ft and it does this for like half a Mile. So I sent you a picture of that. I was just like, what the heck? This is weird. That’s a lot of money.

This 40s cost like 15 grand, maybe 1000, but they’re expensive. So you figure how many planets? I think there’s a lot. But as I got into. I’m trying to remember exactly the whole route. And you take this road in, you park and it’s on this beautiful coastline on Lake. It’s either on Lake Huron or Lake Michigan. Actually, it’s on Lake Huron, the tip of Lake Huron, that feeds right by the bridge.

Then you have Lake Michigan on the other side of the bridge. Well, that was when I started seeing things as I walked up to the. They have this auditorium that’s built into the grass. There’s a three minute time limit. This guy went over it, but essentially he was sending me stuff. We have some people in the Michigan area, so morphine is from Michigan. And apparently he was talking about this Mackinac island, I guess, where back in the back of the.

Has. Have any of you guys been here before? It’s, I guess at the tip of the Michigan Triangle, which. That was cool. They had like devils, something other and skull cave. Is this where, like the hidden treasures at? Maybe it’s in Skull Cave. Where’s the skull cave? Look at that. Devil’s kitchen, a group of small sea caves, or niches is one of the youngest rock formations on Mackinac island.

This large mass of brassiated, fractured and resemented limestone was formed about 350,000,000 years ago. All right, I’m done. The earth is 6000 years old. All right. It’s not going. My Bible says 3000. Where are you reading? Well, I don’t know. Are you reading the satanic Bible? Because I’m reading the holy Bible. Skull cave, right here. Skull cave. Interesting. So this is the cave in which the english fur trader Alexander Henry hit out during the indian uprising in 1763.

The floor of the cave, he claimed, was covered with human bones, presumably indian. And again, the Michigan triangle is one of those where a lot of UFO activity, a lot of cryptids. Fago. I wonder if the ley line in the Michigan triangle area has anything to do with that type of phenomena blending of realities or dimensions or whatever. But we’ve seen so much activity around these lay lines, right? Like the 33rd parallel, 36th parallel.

It’s all fake, dude. Don’t worry about that. On the 45th lay line, somebody said no cars allowed. Is that true? No cars allowed on this. It was the site of two battles during the War of 1812. And that’s the War that we don’t know about. We’re always told about the Civil War but that’s the scapegoat to lead us away from researching the War of 1812 when the British Empire took back control of America.

Interesting. Yeah. So he called in with that, and for time’s sake, I’ll play the next one. He talks about a random wall in the middle of the woods that supposedly exists there. And the interesting part about that is I remember a while ago I was reading Reddit, the no sleep Reddit subreddit and there was this story about a search and rescue officer that it was a story, right? It was about, like, weird stuff that happens.

You have the missing four one one. And all these different phenomenons of people who go missing. And these stories always stood out to me. And the way they were written, I thought they were real. I thought they were like, damn, this is crazy. They’re finding people in places that they shouldn’t have been able to decline like people with mentally handicapped that wouldn’t have been able to navigate in these places.

They’re surviving. They’re finding food in their stomachs. When they’re questioned, they’re told, that Big Hairy Beast took care of him. All this craziness. And then this lady came out again and was like, hey, listen, I’m an author. I do this for fun. And there’s people reaching out to me with real stories of these stairs in the woods that she would talk about. Because in the stories, there was these stairs that if you encountered them in the woods, you weren’t supposed to touch them, you weren’t supposed to go up them, because again, sometimes they were new, sometimes they were old.

And it’s like anyone who interacted with these stairs would go missing or they’d phase out of this reality, whatever it was. And I guess people started to actually find stairs in the woods and they were like, hey, listen, this is like a real phenomenon. So was that a sort of like collective people jumping on board and these things manifesting? I don’t know, but I found it really interesting.

The Wikipedia page has a whole section on Jesuits and Freemasonry. I was like, what this guy? Look at his face, dude. Show your face, you coward. Yourself. What I thought, bro. That’s what I thought. Look at him, look at him. Look at that promotion. Yeah, look at that. Don’t stare into that emblem too quick. Yeah, because you’re going to go mkultra, bro. Look at that. All right, let’s see here.

All right, this one guy called in, so have you called in from an eight, four, three? Okay. This guy called in, said space is fake and gay. Matt Moon. Appreciate you, bro. He’s a patron. Let’s see who else we got here. All right, bro. Thomas, you’re really going to like this one. This guy’s going to get a kick out of this because this next person that I’m about to play, and he has an interesting question, or he has an interesting observation, I guess.

Whatever, he’s okay. This is the person that needs Thomas the utmost respect because these topics are very serious. Thomas. All right, so you got to make sure every time we talk about these topics, we always give them the utmost respect because, again, they’re serious topics. So we’re going to play here. This is probably my biggest fan and the show’s history, like, ever. And it’s hilarious because this guy used to hate us, he used to hate our guts until he started to see that we spit some truth here at the Juan Juan podcast.

So here is sync. Hey, Juan, this is sync. Yours is the one and only podcast I subscribe to. So anyway, pervert means to change direction, and invert means to change direction by 180 degrees. A common phrase that most of your podcasts and guests and content share is as above. So below, Jesus in Matthew says, what you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and what you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

So what I’m wondering is, what are your thoughts on as below, so above and inversion? What do you guys think about that? Is that a perversion of that biblical saying by Jesus or. I think the as above, so below predates Jesus by a long shot, does it? Yeah. Are you saying that the Bible’s faking gay Thomas? Is that what you’re saying? I mean, you literally just said that.

Those words came out of your mouth. I’m questioning you. Is that what you’re saying? I’m not saying that because I believe in truth with a capital t. So therefore I think that the Bible has encoded information, but I think that it’s written for people that need to digest it in that way. You know what I mean? Sometimes you got to sneak, like, the broccoli in with the pizza or whatever for the kids, right? You throw it all in a blender.

That’s kind of the Bible in so many ways. And I agree with you. I’m 100% in agreements with you when it comes to the Bible and the esoteric teachings within it. I do think that a lot of things have been left out or occulted. And the first people to edit the Bible were your people, Thomas Freemasons. All right, so who knows what King James and his posse put in the original 1611 version of the Bible that has been either watered down or taken out ever since, right? I’ve been looking up filaments lately.

The whatchamins? Filaments. There’s no hiding. Broccoli and pizza. If you look at the filaments. Up in the air. Yeah. If you look at the filaments. The filaments. And then you look at the neurons in our brain, they’re identical. So identical. It’s interesting that you say that, right? Because if we’re going to talk about the Bible and we talk about prayer, in our father’s prayer, I mean, it says it right there.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. As above, so below day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Amen, brother. Amen. Amen. But it says it in the prayer, as above, so below. So I mean, there has to be some. Wait, what verse is that? That’s our prayer. I say it every day. As above, so below, not the Lord’s prayer.

So here, let me pull this up. Just don’t tell my rabbi. We have Helena Blavatsky. It’s a catholic prayer. We have Helena Blavatsky saying that. We have the kabbalion saying that. Don’t the Emerald tablets also say that? I wonder where it’s been attributed to as the original Hermes Tresmagista says it. I think Nicholas Flamel also said, david is above, so below, too. Well, that’s your people’s right there, donut, what’s going on? Yeah, but that’s not a jewish.

Tell us the truth, you coward. All right, you’ve exposed yourself, bro. So here, you guys also need to check out the as above, so below movie. I think it’s on Netflix. One of my favorite movies. Yeah, that movie gives me anxiety, though. This movie. Netflix. I love that movie anxiety. That scene where the guy’s crawling through on his belly with all the skulls all around him and he gets busy.

Don’t spoil the movie for people, bro. Come on. No, this movie is like, over 15 years old. Come on, bro. Look at 15 years. 2014, dude. Yeah, it’s a great film. Nearly ten years old. Look, 93 minutes long. If you didn’t watch it, that’s on you. Not that scary. Everyone said it was scary, so I didn’t want to watch it. But it’s seriously, like you’re watching one on one’s podcast.

It’s fantastic. The whole time I watched it, I was just like, this is everything Juan’s talking about. It’s anxiety filled. That’s what it really is. It’s not really. If you want to see an anxiety filled Netflix show, the new stalker lover killer movie is pretty fun. And we should do this call in show on this movie, stalker Killer Lover, because it’s about the dating site, and it’d be funny to get people to call in their craziest stories on dating sites.

Oh, yeah, this Thomas guy be capping. All right, don’t be specific. Just don’t be saying just in general, anything, Bro. Thomas, right now, just me talking. I’m capping. Yo, put a one in the chat if you want me to kick Thomas off the stream right now, bro, for being freaking. Controlled opposition. Hit one in the chat. Bringing that knowledge. I’m always blown away. No Thomas knowledge. All right, here we go.

Especially when you try to disprove the Bible stuff. Someone. This is Thomas. How did I know it was going to be something about the Bible? How did I know? Don’t kick him. He’s an inside. All right, so anyways, check this movie out. This movie is crazy. And it’s really good because it’s like how Donna was saying that a lot of this stuff is what I’ve talked about in application.

So they show you how the philosopher’s stone works and all these crazy concepts of alchemy. And, yeah, it’s very occult, so I enjoy it. I’ve watched it a few times. It’s pretty. That 93 minutes runtime is 93 special, too. 93, bro. So, yeah, check that out. And then let’s go on to the next caller here. Three, four, six. Let’s see. So not sure if you’re familiar with the world behind.

All right, I think they talk about you in this one, donut. All right, this one’s really interesting. So check this out. All right, ready? Three, four, six. Let’s see where that person’s calling you about to get exposed, bro. You’re about to get exposed, dude. Area code is because I’m straight up. There’s not Houston, Texas. All right, in the house. Three, four, six. Before we get into that, you all heard what happened in Houston over the weekend? Oh, yeah.

With Joel Olstein. Joel Olstein. It’s all over the news. There was a shooting in his church, bro. So I’m wondering if that was a ritual. It was on Super bowl morning. It was a diverse Super bowl. Does that make it better or worse? What did you say? It was a diverse shooting. All right, that’s enough. Let’s go to this. Before you go, donut, because Donna has to go here soon.

Let’s play this voicemail and then donut, you can go. All right, ready? Diversity shooting. Who says that? Yeah. Enjoy your show. I was listening to one of your podcasts, not sure if you’re familiar or are in Sky’s got stage movie leave the world behind. I was watching a TikTok and they were talking about this one guy who was breaking it down, infrasound. Apparently that’s in the movie. And he broke it down and showed examples like the Jurassic park and how it only had two, I guess the visual cracks or whatever.

One was audio, the other one was visual. And he said that normally that’s what it is whenever they show a movie. But for some reason, the Netflix leave the world behind, they had like six or seven different sounds, and one of them was infrasound. So I’m not sure if you’re aware of, you know, maybe donut or Isaac or even, you know, they might have heard about it. I’ve sent them information, emails.

Answer the messages, you coward. All right, don’t be leaving these people hanging. So he’s talking about that the movie leave the world behind allegedly had seven different audio tracks, one of them being infrasound. So what were they programming if they were. Because the first guy who called in, the Romanian Mexican, whatever guy, he called in talking about cymatics, and I didn’t know this. Do you know anything about this, Donna, about the fifth generation warfare? If you just google fifth generation warfare, that’s what that is.

And that’s what the movie is about. The movie is about things like the Havana syndrome, which they said was real. Then they said it was fake. Then they said it was real, then they said it was fake. But it is absolutely real. It goes into one of the earlier comments, too, about frequencies and sound frequencies. They’ve done this, implemented it in a lot of movies. Movies are the perfect way to implement the sound frequencies.

Whether that’s a Pokemon movie with the flashing lights. Maybe there’s a sound. There’s even rumors on the web that playing lavender town in Pokemon drove kids to go insane. The frequencies could come from the light bulbs. Right? Like, you can see these light bulbs are very hurting. Whatever. But optogenetics and the sound. So what he’s saying in that movie, I heard it too, but I’m not a audio guy.

Soundologist. Yeah, I’m not a. Actually, that’s my weakness is sound. Is this true? Google Donut likes dudes? Is that a thing? Donut, Google Donut likes dudes. So we’re speaking about sounds and frequencies. And before you go, Donut, can you let us know what this song has encoded in it as far as infrared sound? Hear me out here real quick. He’s a paranoid american. He’s ranting about conspiracies again.

Do you have anything about that music? Does that have any sort of. Did you hear Nephilim in the background of that at all? Angels, anything? Is that mind controlling people? As I play that again? He’s a paranoid. Oh, we got to play it backwards. That’s why. Play it backwards. All right, so he’s comment or something. I’m going to play it backwards one day. Okay, but let’s keep the chat clean.

All right. I got a cap on that last r1 quick, though, because I was an audio engineer for quite a while in a previous lifetime, and in order to produce true Subbase, so usually the human hearing goes between like 20 most of the time. If you’ve got like a home audio center, all of those things are designed to roll off around 40 hz. So you’re not hearing anything under 40.

If you’re in a movie theater, you might hear subbase, which is 20 or slightly below, but the amount of power and the size of the speaker that it would take, and you’d have to be in a room the right length in order to even reproduce any of those very low frequencies to generate like a 2 hz sound wave. First of all, you’re not going to hear it. You’re going to feel it.

You’ll actually feel it in your chest. Like, your body will shake. But I don’t think that most people, even if they went to an IMAX, are going to be getting like, infrasound in the concept of between one and 20 hz. If you go to a really badass IMAX theater that’s got the huge 30 inch subs that are all stacked, you might be hearing some 20. You’ll feel it like your entire body kind of shakes.

But to say that the movie had like a specially encoded track, I guess, but you’d have to be in a very specific movie theater in order for that to be to reproduce. For example, if I was in a secret society that ruled the world and I was part of it, that’s exactly what I would say, that there isn’t a dark, sinister agenda at work trying to manipulate the masses through infrared sound.

But hey, that’s just right. But I mean, I’m going to throw something out there. Every time you open up a Netflix program. When that end comes out with that burst of colors, that’s got to do something to you. You pointed out something awesome yesterday on the NFL half show. We also got that same pattern with the NFL. After the show was over, that stream of lights came out and you have the boom boom.

So that has to do something to the masses. I heard it turns you gay. Is that true? It makes you start liking guys for 15 minutes only, though. For 15 minutes at a time. Yeah. I was like, wow, it just feels so gay all of a sudden. And then it goes away after 15 minutes. But I’m happy you brought that up. I learned that from Ani about the sound coloring.

He was breaking it down. How the blankets that look like that, the patterning goes into, like, going into another dimension or something. I don’t remember. But they showed the same Netflix thing for the NFL, and it went straight into the Verizon commercial. And it asks a question. And this was when everybody was watching it because it was the end of the halftime show and it asked the question about, is the Internet broken? Kind of.

And I feel like they’re selling us through this sales for something to come. But I got to go. I love you. Love you too, bro. Go subscribe to donut. Appreciate you being here, dude. And, yeah, we’ll do it again soon. Donut. Bye, donut. All right, now play all the nasty voicemails about donut. All right, fine. I had those on the other side. Just kidding. But here we go.

Let’s do it. Let’s go. Five, six, two. Let’s see where we’re at. All right, so five, six, two, I think, is a person that we’ve all seen and know who it is. Hold on. Hello. This is my three favorites. Favorites. We all have them, and you’re my favorite. It’s funny because I was saying my cherry for the longest time. It’s my shuri. Appreciate you. The top mod of the channel.

The biggest fan of the channel. Shout out to my shuri. Thank you for calling in. If you want to call in 407-476-4606 months to the next one. This guy’s second set of numbers is three two two. So should be interesting. Okay. And shout out to my sheri. Shout out to my sheri. There we go. All right. Okay. This guy’s got an interesting shadow people encounter. So let’s play this.

And. Yeah, it’s interesting. What’s up, Juan? How you doing, dude? My name is Ernesto. I’m in here in California. And about five nights ago, staying up late, past midnight, sober, I stopped smoking weed December 11. I haven’t smoked weed. It’s poison. Now, I understand that now. But anyway, minding my business, watching Charleston white videos, dude, and I look up, bro. I look up, and there’s a damn shadow looking at me, bro, right there.

Bam. I look up and it notices that. I notice that he’s looking at me. Like the shadow thing, whatever it was, could see me. And I could see him. And he moves, and he disappears into the doorway. I only saw him on the doorway, and it just moves. But it looked like every shadow that I’ve seen in any paranormal video that they have out there in the world, it looked just like that.

And it had like a little echo, like the banigman. The banigman sound. That’s how it looked like, but it was a shadow. And. Yeah, man, give me a call if you want to talk more about it. Whatever. I’m a veteran. Stuff like that. So I never seen anything like that in my life. My mom, I’m from Panama. My mom saw something like that back in the day. She says, you think this guy’s capping, bro? Weppa, there’s a couple of things here that could probably going on when you take a hit of a really potent strain of marijuana, you are going to cough.

And when you cough, your eyes become bloodshot. And sometimes you can have. And I know this for a fact because I spent 20 years working in ophthalmology, and if you don’t know what ophthalmology is, that’s the practice of medicine for the eyeballs. But when you cough really hard, sometimes the vitreous, the little jelly inside the eye, can detach from the retina, and you can get little floaters in your vision.

So maybe he was seeing floaters after coughing so much time. I mean, that could be a possibility. But, hey, who am I? I wasn’t there. I know what he was talking about, because he said that thing about the. Whenever he was making a sound effect, I think what he was describing was, like, when you see something moving fast, but in a slow frame rate, where you see a certain amount of it here, and then it moves, and then it moves again, and you see all three versions at the same time.

I think that’s kind of what he was describing. What do you see in these eyes right here? Is there any life in these eyes? Jose, from your know, I don’t know, man. I know there’s probably not any controlled opposition here. Hold on. Let’s see here. All right, so. Love you, Thomas. Is he capping? Not capping. Some people say he’s capping, and then he goes on to say that he uses the name of Jesus to drive the shadows out and that he’s been good ever since.

I believe he saw shadows. I see shadows all the time. Your own? Yeah, all kinds of shadows. Well, here’s the thing. I’ve been experiencing that now. I didn’t experience what this guy was experiencing as far as the shadow moving, trying to dap me up or whatever. Like, yo, what’s up? None of that. What I’ve talked about that people have hit me up about is in the peripheral. And it’s interesting because recently there was this episode that this guy did on Tim full of hat, where he was talking about the speed of light and how the speed of light is slowing down.

So it makes sense that if these entities are made of light for light, dark, whatever, and darkness being, it’s the absence of light, but I guess it’s another wavelength, whatever, who cares? The idea that it’s slowing down, it would make sense that we’re able to perceive these things better, because we’ve always been taught that the speed of light is too quick. You can’t see it. It’s like only a black hole can suck it in, right? I know space is fake and gay, but the idea that if they’re slowing down, maybe because if you think of.

And this is really interesting, Jose, that you were in the eye stuff, but peripheral vision is, in my opinion, a sort of almost like an altered state of vision, an altered state of consciousness. Because you can tell that there’s something there, right? I can tell that there’s something here on my peripheral, but I can’t comprehend what it is until, obviously, it’s in front of my face. So it’s almost like a sort of weird type of altered consciousness.

So maybe we’re perceiving them in this peripheral vision and we can’t see them with our eyeballs. Am I making any sense with that? I can understand what you’re saying with that. For me, it’s almost kind of like intuition. Like you can tell something’s there, right? And everybody has a different degree of peripheral vision. And that’s why some doctors prescribe cannabis to patients, because it helps with the eye, with glaucoma.

Because glaucoma affects the peripheral vision. So what happens is, when you’re doing testing to test your peripheral vision, just like you said, you can’t see it, but if you see it, you feel it, and you click the button, and that’s how you react to that test. So in a way, it almost is kind of like an altered state of consciousness where you’re more prone to use your intuition over anything else.

And to answer this question here, why should people call in a bunch of, I’m a college dropout, so why should people call in for a bunch of college dropout hillbillies? Damn, I wouldn’t consider myself. I dropped out in fourth grade. I’d have, you know, to just laugh at their stories. Isn’t that snake like to do with your own show? Well, last I checked. Guys, do you know what the name of the show is? What show? Juan on Juan.

Oh, well, good thing we’re on the Juan on Juan podcast and not the Dead shot on Deadshot podcast. I get making jokes, but that’s not cool at all. The people knew. I’ve already done one of these. Yeah. Are we making jokes? I think we’re being really mild and tame still. I thought so, too. I mean, I can go harder on the callers. I mean, we can go hard in the paint if you all want.

If you want, I can really make fun of them. So again, if you don’t like the show, bro, get out. They don’t understand the capping. Yeah, the chat has spoken, bro. If this is your first time, I get it. Oh, God. Yeah, they’ll take care of him there. So anyways, moving on. And we’re going to continue to make jokes about the people calling in. Like I said, I’m a skeptic.

I’m here to figure the truth out. And if somebody calls in, you can’t take everything for face values, people who are going to be lying to you. So again, I’m going to give you my opinion. You’re calling into my show. I’m going to give you my opinions. I don’t know. It sounds like he might grab a camera. Next time anyone sees a shadow person or a reptilian or a ghost or anything, grab a camera.

I know you got it on you. It’s in your pocket. Just take it out and take a picture and then explain why it didn’t show up. Because that’s an interesting concept. Listen, this is coming from a guy who’s talked about the homunculus. Make sure to get your homunculus owner’s manual@tjojp. com. We know Homunculi are fake and gay, but hey, also make sure to visit chosen juan. com to sign up for the Kickstarter.

Pull that up again, Thomas. We’ll be launching these soon. These will be available on the chosen one Kickstarter first, the only place you’ll be able to get them. And if there’s any leftover, which there probably won’t be, then they’ll be available on me and Juan’s site. But these will only be available at chosen one. And it’s also going to be 50. There’s only 50 available we’re going to see.

Yeah, because the shipment of the rest of the little Homunculi kits, it actually got damaged in transit. So we might be limited to only 50 of these. Wow. So 50 limited edition. Those will be out soon. That means there’s like 30 little homunculi running around somewhere in central Florida. Can you explain to people what that is, Thomas? Because I don’t know what that. Well, a homunculus or the homunculus growing kit.

Growing kit. This will help you create a homunculus or at least practice growing a homunculus in the safety of your own home. It’s got a little miniature alchemy kit, and it has a little miniature, like basically a homunculized starter kit. You just dip them in water and you wait and see what kind of different creature it turns into. But you have to responsible. No, we’re not doing any of that stuff.

I’m going to have to cut that part out of the show. Dude, come on. Make sure the homunculus owner’s manual along with your homunculus. If you don’t get the manual and you try to grow the homunculus without it, that’s also completely on you. We’re not responsible for any death. We got to make sure you have a disclaimer unalive. And this is for entertainment purposes only. Okay, guys, I’ll cut that out just in case.

117. All right, so here we are. Let’s move on. Let’s move on. Enough of that. If your first time of the show. Yes, we’re going to make fun of stuff. We make plenty of different jokes, so no hard feelings towards anybody. And I’m sure the people calling in are going to know that. So here it is, and we have this guy, Gareth from the Patreon, and his area code is 33.

Sorry, what the heck am I doing here? Out of here, bro. Area code 33. So he’s been Illuminati confirmed. He is from France, so calling in all the way from France. Illuminati confirmed. Been Illuminati confirmed. Let’s play this here. Hello, Juan, it’s Gareth, the Patreon guy who writes really long messages all the time. Yeah, I’m just burning, really, just to show I’m not a bot. And, yeah, I’m not crazy.

How do I show that? Yeah, basically, I’ll just be really honest with you. I’m a tree surgeon, arborist, biodynamic gardener, farmer, live in a really rustic place in the middle of nowhere in France, from the UK. Lived in France for ten years. And the stuff I’m being dropped, there’s no way that at my level of learning about all the stuff you’re into that I would know this stuff.

I know some stuff, but, yeah, just the connections and I’m being given images and it’s all really friendly. Like I was saying in my message last week, I freaked out because, yeah, it was just a lot more intense, but now I’ve got a handle on it and it’s cool. And weirdly. Oh, my God, this sounds so weird. I’m actually having a repertoire with two voices. Oh, my God.

Honestly, dude, if you saw how I lived or spoke to me properly, I’m really just so average normal guy who just likes plants and soil and compost. But, yeah, thank you. I’m sorry for being annoying a lot. Your time is precious, and if you’ve taken the time to read from the stuff. I really appreciate it. Much love to you. And also passing the love to slick and donut and everyone, because honestly are continuing to help me a lot.

So much love. Peace. You’re awesome. Thank you. Well, Garrett, thank you for calling in, bro. You just casually dropped that. You’re going to have to clarify for me next time you jump on the Patreon calls. You’re speaking with two voices. I don’t know what that was about, but I never thought you were a fake person to begin with. And I actually enjoy your comments. You do have a lot of insightful comments.

Unlike some people who just comment nonsense. You actually make pretty good contributions to the comment section. But he likes truth with a capital t. I can tell that he likes truth with a capital t. Pretty cool guy. Jumped on on the Patreon episode the other night. Super cool guy. So shout out to you, Garrett. Appreciate you calling in all the way from France in the middle of nowhere.

He’s a tree surgeon. Okay, so he, like, grass, trees together and all this craziness. So, interesting guy. Let’s move on here to the next caller. Next message. That was 33. All right, we have an 803 number. Where is that from? All right, South Carolina. Let’s see what’s going on here. South Carolina one. Holy shit. This is Jamie from South Carolina, aka magical moonbeam. You may have heard of me, but anyway, we need to talk about radio waves on the podcast.

They’re freaking. And how your favorite egyptian pyramids are antennas for these radio waves. And also, dude, the whole world forgot about Lahena. Why do you guys not have any theories about Lahaina yet? What the fuck happened there? Laser beans. What? We got to talk about this? Anyway, give back to me when you published out. Oh, my God. Love you, Juan. Come to South Carolina, take you on a personal tour of all the old ancient rice plantations and all their bullshit.

It’d be fun. And floating down the black gold Edison river. Anyway, peace to you. Be blessed. Love you. God loves you right where you are. Bye. Amen. Thank you, Jamie, for calling in. I love you, too. Interesting. Another frequency, top. I’m going to have to start looking into frequencies. The alchemy of sound, how they use sound for different purposes. So, again, yeah, it’s an interesting rabbit hole to go down.

I love the idea, too, that pyramids and obelisks are like either transmitters or receivers or maybe a little bit of don’t. I don’t know how much I believe in it, but it’s one of my absolute favorite theories to get into. Yeah. For me, it’s like I always go back to Nikola Tesla and he always know think of life in terms of vibration and frequency, and then what he was trying to do with making pretty much unlimited power source for everyone, and then how that got shut down by the powers that be.

So there’s definitely something with frequency and vibration and the science behind it. It’s factual. We saw it and we know about it. So there’s something behind it. Definitely. I got one of those royal rife machines recently, and I was playing around with it, and I’m as skeptical as can be. And I swear, within a few seconds, I was getting, like, giddy just from having it on around me.

So I don’t know what to think. Like, my mind is becoming more open to it. And we have to remember that Crowley was in the pyramid when he got his download from Iowa’s, was the entity that was talking to him in the pyramid. So who knows what the pyramid was actually used for. And I think that box in there allegedly was like an explosion or something. So I think that.

And I have a friend of mine, Luke, who’s been on the podcast many times, where he talks about the shaking. When people hum at a certain frequency, the box starts to shake. So again, this idea of frequencies, sounds, vibrations, and maybe, who knows? Maybe they use it to fizzle, like in flash, where he phases in through the walls and out. Maybe they use that to phase into other realms.

I don’t know. Maybe it’s not that. Woo. Maybe it’s all fake and gay because I see the mason laughing at us, right? The mason. And maybe it summons a PlayStation five in front of you. Or maybe it summons a freaking happy meal. Yeah, maybe it does. Whatever you want to say. Here we go. So let’s play this one another. 407. And he had a little message. And this is in response to a post I made on Instagram.

Follow me on Instagram at the one on one podcast. But here we go. This is what he had to say about cryptids. Cryptids is faking gay, bro. I don’t know why people are obsessing on all that shit. All we got to do is really look in the mirror if we’re looking for weird shit. You know what I’m saying? But, yeah, good job on the show, bro. Keep it up.

What do you guys think about that? Cryptids, fake and gay. I don’t know, man. For me personally, I think they might be faking gay, bro. They might be. I think they might be faking gay. I think it’s a huge psyop, and I think people don’t think that it’s real. I just think that people hype it up too much. I don’t have enough information to make my decision. I still need to do my research.

So, yeah. What do you think, Thomas? I think it’s too broad to discount right off the bat. Like, cryptids, as in all, like, I think that there might be giant squids, there might be maybe not the Loch Ness monster, but, like, a thing like the Loch Ness monster that it was based on. So we haven’t found nearly enough or explored enough to really make a conclusive decision if they’re faking gay or not.

The chat is split on this one. All right. Some people are saying they’re fake. Other people are saying that they’re gay. He said, look in the mirror if you want to see. All right, so they’re definitely fluid. Fluid, right? That’s what I was thinking. It’s a little bit of both. All right, here we go. Yeah, I also like this theory that these cryptids are half nephilim, because the angels were also, when they got done with the daughters of men, they were like, yo, we want some more.

Look at that hot dog over there. Yeah, look at that hot dog over there. Look at that hot cow, whatever, in here. That’s how you get minotaurs and different chimeras and stuff like that. So, hey, they were given that Drake schlong to everything, including the animals. Even the animals could get it. The daughters of men could get it. Everybody could get it. These angels were ruthless. And, yeah, they were just slinging that thing around.

It was like, last call on earth. They did. 03:00 a. m. The lights came on. The angels were like, get what you can get human women. This next one is interesting. And this next one, by the way, here, I’m going to answer this. There’s no more shadows band syndicate. Unfortunately, Joel is starting his own, so, yeah, don’t wait up on that show any longer. It’s a no more, unfortunately, but this next one is interesting.

And Jose, you’re going to like this one because it has to do with the show 30 coins that I’ve been binging on. Have you ever watched that show, Thomas? 30 coins? I think I had subtitles, and I was like, bro, I know Spanish, so, I mean, I don’t have to read the subtitles, unfortunately, for you, but it’s super occult for those that haven’t watched it. It’s about finding the 30 coins that Judas gave received for the giving up of Jesus and how they’re talismanic and all that stuff.

And it’s crazy, but there’s an episode I just finished watching, and it’s got to do with this. It made me think of this particular message. Let me make sure I play the right one. So hear this guy out. What up, Juan? My name is Thomas Rust. Just tuned into his video, figured out I’d save your number in my know something weird was going on the last few days.

What? Donut kept mentioning the fucking one two eight code and whatnot. And then we had that crazy ass full moon, and then we had three days of rituals after I happened to notice that almost the whole fucking world was covered in fog and clouds. Like, I’m in Forest Lake, Minnesota here, and for three days straight we were in a deep, deep fog. And I couldn’t help but to think, you guys and fucking donuts talking about the one two eight shit.

You guys talking about 24 rituals. Just figured I’d throw it out there. If you got anything to comment about why it seems like the entire world was covered in fog and clouds. Yesterday especially, and a couple of days before. Let me know. Yeah, Thomas Russ. He leaves his phone number after that. Thank you, Thomas, for calling in. Interesting, because I just finished watching that show, 30 coins, and in there something happens with a supernatural fog.

It’s making me think of, was it the movie the Mist, where it was like a mist and the creatures were coming in and out of it. And I remember this being a thing. I think this was. He called in with this message. Let’s see, January. This is from January 29. And the day he’s talking about is January 20 eigth, the one two eight. And maybe, hey, it could have been a ritual.

It could have been a ritual, because in this show, there’s a lot of occult concepts and new occult concepts that I’m learning through this show that when you really dig into, you go, damn, that paints a completely different picture into what I thought I knew. And it’s all coming from the Show, HBO. So again, interesting call. Did you guys have anything on them, the fog? I know that we had a fog advisory for a while.

I don’t know if we had one here in Florida. Did we have one here in Orlando, Jose? I don’t remember we having us probably maybe like two or three weeks ago. So that would probably be right around end of January. I don’t know if that’d be the 20 eigth. But I know we did have some fog for a few weeks. I do remember that, too. Yeah. Although I don’t think that the fog was, like, a worldwide event.

No. I don’t know if the world works like that. If everywhere can have 100% moisture content at all times. Turn on the heart machine. Yeah, I’m just capping anyway. Oh, you’re capping. All right, dude. Sorry, dude. Sorry, bro. So, yeah, it was really foggy. Did anybody else in the chat? Because I know we got people from all over. Comment where you’re from. Comment where you’re tuning in from.

So I can see where everyone’s tuning in from. So I know we have some people in Michigan. We got some other people from. I know we got a lot of people in California. And so, yeah, it’s interesting. And I did see that. But January 1, foggy. Start in central Florida. I don’t see anything for the 20 eigth. No, I’m not either. We got la, Chicago, Missouri. It’s going pretty fast.

Southern Long Beach, California. Tampa. We got a tampa. Tampa, Oklahoma, Utah, Middle Tennessee, Texas, central Oregon. We got people from all over the place. Wales. We got somebody in Wales, bro. Houston, Texas, down here, capping. Shout out to Amsterdam. Dang, all the time in Amsterdam, though. We got this person in Atlantis, bro. Atlantis. We got people who are interdimensional right now, bro. He says, on Atlantis. So he’s like, on Atlantis.

He’s on Atlantis. Eyes peel. Love it. There you go. Sasquatchon. I don’t know how to say that. Foggy, Vermont. St. Pete, Philly. Detroit. Oregon. Compton. Wow. Okay. We got people from all over the place. New Zealand. There you go. All right, so I found that one super interesting, because I do remember, I think it was my Maria posting about it. And it was January 20 eigth, 2024. And, yeah, watch that show.

30 coins. Super interesting. If you can tolerate. If you speak Spanish, great. If you can tolerate the subtitles, even. I don’t mind the subtitles. It’s just that Spanish is a satanic language. Excuse you, sir. Excuse. Every time I’ve seen someone try and summon a demon, it’s been in Latin. So explain that. No. Well, us Puerto Ricans, we’re a little bit different. We’re a little lazy. We’re a little.

How that one guy was saying, roads in, you know, most thievish race that has ever existed. But, hey. All right, so we have here. This one was an interesting one. This one is from Jake. He’s from Milwaukee. And he taught me something that I’d never known about. And I want to see if you guys have ever heard about this before. So got four. One, four, here we go.

Hey, Juan, my name is Jake. I’m from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Just wanted to let you know I’m a fan. Thank you for all of the knowledge, you and a few other people out there. I am doing boots on the ground work out here in Milwaukee. I feel like I’m onto something. Something happened here during the civil war with the breweries. They’re like fortresses, man. And the postcards from back in the day, all the american flags are drawn onto the postcards.

And I was looking up tunnels in Milwaukee. I came across some stuff on George Washington and I came across some stuff on his mentor and how this guy was some huge scandalous thief, some dramatic guy, I don’t know, weird guy. And where was I going with this? Sorry, I don’t do this often, but yeah, I’m doing boots on the ground work out here in Milwaukee. I sent you the picture of the egg being thrown at parliament.

Now, I have this theory going on that Taylor Swift is connected to the swift trucking system. Somehow they are transportation human traffickers. And something is going to happen either at the Super bowl or you need to look at April. I am telling you, this is the rebirth, the renewal of something happening. Something is going to happen. This is when the civil war popped off in April. Things are connecting, man.

And I’m going to try and keep up with you. If I come across anything, I’ll let you know. I’d like to talk to you sometime if you can. I’ve come across some crazy shit here, dude, and I might be finding out more. So, yeah, have a good night. Bye. Listen, Jake. Listen, brother, don’t be sticking your head where you’re not supposed to know. Don’t stick your nose in anything not supposed to be sticking your nose in.

All right, stay safe out there and thank you for calling in. And he put me on this, the garrison tunnels, which are under Washington, George Washington’s old house. Now what’s interesting is that these were not discovered until 2010 or 2011. I could give me a year buffer there, but it’s really interesting because they go for, I think, 3000 something feet, I believe it was. So that’s pretty close to how many feet is a mile? Feet a mile.

So you have 5000. And the interesting part about these tunnels is that some of them, the heights range from 7ft to 12ft. You said it, bingo. Giants. And you can actually go visit these tunnels. I was today years old when I knew about these tunnels. So have you guys ever heard about these tunnels? I know about this. So shout out to found them ten years ago. And then.

Are these the ones in Barbados, or was he talking about Milwaukee? Right, because these ones are not Milwaukee. These are Barbados. I believe there’s the garrison dam in Milwaukee. And the dam has tunnels, but I don’t think it’s the same as the garrison tunnels. So Savannah under the garrison Savannah area. Historic garrison area. And stretch. So where’s this? Don’t be, bro. I know you’re trying to take the people capping.

You’re capping hard. No, but these are in Barbados. Yeah, you’re right. But there’s a garrison dam in Michigan, or, sorry, in Milwaukee. And then the garrison dam has tunnels. I wonder if that’s the one he’s talking. Don’t. I don’t want to cap. I don’t want to cap. Well, why would George Washington have a house in Barbados, bro, what were the tunnels for? George Washington. Tell us. Tell us what they were for.

Tell us what they were for. Dude, what were they doing down under the. Huh? Why so many tunnels? Did they find any? Shut up, dude. So George Washington’s Mount Vernon. That’s in. That’s not me. Let me look back. You said what? George Washington dam in Milwaukee? No, it’s called the garrison dam in Milwaukee. If he’s talking about tunnels that have to do with garrison, spelled that wrong. Garrison Dam and Lake Saka.

Sakawia. All right, so what is this? North Dakota, bruh? Either way, let’s say that in Barbados. Either way, it’s still pretty freaking interesting that there are some tunnels that they discovered under there and you’re able to go there, and they’re from 1820. And of course, they were used as drainage. All right, that’s what they. Drainage. And maybe they might have transported some soldiers and whatnot, but here, the tunnel at the George Washington house was rediscovered, purely by chance, in June 2011, while preparation work was being undertaken by the garrison consortium for the relocation of the onsite cafe.

After research and exploration, we soon realized that the tunnel extended far beyond the boundaries of the property. Measuring 3200ft in length. The section under George Washington’s house is quite spectacular as the height extends from more than the normal 7ft to almost 12ft now. And so far, we have estimated the network to be in excess of 10,000ft. Yeah, sounds like almost 2 miles. What was he trafficking in there, bro? Listen, let’s keep this pg for the YouTube, okay? So this is the interesting part because George Washington, he was like six something.

He was six two. You have Abraham Lincoln. I know, after this guy, but he was talking about. Abraham Lincoln was six four, talking about the giants and all that stuff after too. I mean, again, just interesting. And yeah, either way, I still learned something new from our boy Jake calling in from Milwaukee. And let’s go on to the next one here. Let’s have. Oh, this one was interesting too.

And I think this will tie into what you were talking, what me and you have talked about before, Thomas. Here. That one is 9114. Where is that from? Here we go. Nine one four, ready? Hey, Juan. What’s going on, my friend? This is alchemical ab. Alchemist ab. I want to talk about my DMT experiences because I know you talk about the checkerboard floor and how it has to do with freemasons and secret societies and mystic cults and so on and so forth.

But every time I’ve taken DMT, for the most part, I end up in this place, this realm. I’m not sure what to call it. Limited space. And it’s always checkerboard. It could be white on white checkerboard. Like, literally, like you see the box on the ground, but majority of the time it’s a black and white checkerboard. There’s white pillars, white courts like this, greek pillars that you see on the known places and stuff like that.

And every single time I take DMT, I literally go to the same exact place. I first go into this room. That’s a checkerboard room. And it’s like I go to a different door, and then each door has a different situation to it, scenario to it. And there was time I went into a door and there was pharaohs and just like old artifacts and stuff like that. It was the most interesting shit I ever seen in my life.

I’m not sure if I’m cursed or not, but I know you talk about that all the time. And there was only one time I actually seen, like, a human being. And he had like the Naruto itachi. What are those people called with the red clouds on the thing? It was like that kind of robe, black robe. His face was like a circular. I can’t have a face. It was just like a circle.

Literally all Naruto. I’m not sure if you’ve seen Naruto, but if you watch Naruto, there’s. What is it? Madara or whatever his name is. And he has that mask that’s like a circle spiral mask. His face was like, literally that. His skin was like that circular motion, but no eyes. No, nothing. And then he had that orochimaru type esque jacket on. It was so interesting because it’s like, are these people getting this stuff from actually their trips and experiences in life? These aren’t just made up characters.

They see these people and it’s like, okay, let me make into something. I don’t know. It could be a ramble. I could talk about more DMT things because I had probably like five different experiences on DMT. But very interesting. I always see the checkerboard thing, and that’s something that crossed my mind and thought I should share it with you. Thank you for calling in, bro. It’s really interesting because I recently stumbled across, and I know that you’ve done research on this, Thomas, with the Freemasonry and psychedelics.

And the interesting part, I learned recently that there are people who extract things from other dimensions now if they’re capping or not. But again, it reminds me of that show, 30 coins, where there is a similar concept in that show. And absolutely, brother. Drawing from occult concepts. They’re probably listening to the occult book club because they dropped fire on that podcast and they’re reading all these occult books that the occult book club is reading as well.

So, yeah. What do you have pulled up here, Thomas? Can we pull it up? Yeah. When he was talking about this, all I could think about was this Donald Duck sacred geometry cartoon because he goes to this other dimension and there’s some scenes that’s got checkerboards, but here he’s got the pillars he was talking about. And then there’s these rooms with all these different doors you can select.

So I know it sounds like whatever they were describing in the sacred geometry, either it’s implanted itself and people are thinking of the same thing, or they’re talking about an actual, I guess, entrance to the Akashic records, where this is what many different people see. And this is just one version of that. And I just wanted to pin on that when he was like, oh, yeah, and they got like these greek columns or something.

Well, if we’re talking columns, they’re very specific. So next time you’re in that realm, maybe try and really pay attention to see exactly what kind of columns you’ve got. Take some pictures for us. This is like freemasonic level, but doric, ionic, corinthian, tuscan, and composite. The composite, as you can see, is a combination of everything before it. So the Doric represents, if you almost imagined the first three, doric, ionic, and corinthian.

Imagine these as like phases of time. This is almost like Ended Apprentice, fellow, craft master mason, or beginning, middle, end. So Dork is the most simple, the most obvious. I think this is usually related to ancient Egypt. Then you’ve got ionic and corinthians. So as you get closer to Corinthian, this actually represents either a storyline or a Culture or a people that is far more complex or far more advanced than something in, like, the Dork period.

So these little elements could actually tell you if you’re at the beginning of a Story or at the middle or the end of a Story. Interesting. And that would tie into, again, all these, the eluciding mystery schools and really any mystery school, that the secrets were these enthiogens, these substances that would let them enter altered states of consciousness and maybe even alternate dimensions altogether. And the reason why this particular voicemail stood out to me is because I’ve had my Budy, again, Luke, on the show, and he’s spoken to me about his various experiences on these substances.

And he’s encountered this same room on the other side. And in that room was one of his shaman friends that had passed away. And when he entered this room, he said, he looks over at his friend, which he recognized, and his friend had told him that one day he was going to visit there when he passed on. And his friend acknowledged him, like, his friend acknowledged him, looked at him, and they all kind of sort of turned towards him and like, hey, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to be here, kind of thing.

And then he pieced out of that realm, that dimension. And that’s why I think that reality, I think, is more malleable than people say. I think that alchemy was also at the center of that, where they were mixing things together, trying to concoct all these different elixirs to try and transmute themselves, go into other realms all at the same time, while trying to have unlimited riches, unlimited gold, immortality, elixir of life, all these crazy things all in one.

And the homunculus. So, interesting call. I appreciate you calling in, dude. Nine one four. What’s that? Let’s see here. Nine one four area code. So that’s New York for those that want to call in. 407-476-4606 we have three more calls left. I think one of them is pretty short. This next one, interesting that they called in on Wednesday at 03:33 p. m. So you’ve been Illuminati confirmed. That’s pretty illuminati to me.

You’re calling in at that exact time. Maybe you timed it. Who knows. Here we go. Let’s play this next one. I haven’t heard these last three so I’ll be reacting in real time. And hopefully they don’t say anything too crazy. This one’s a longer one. Should we all make the reaction faces for your thumbnail now. I’m not going to put that stupid stuff up. Dude. Come on. Come on.

Dude. Come on. Here we go. Here we go. 620 let’s see where they’re from. Here’s your stupid face. Thomas. So South Kansas. Wichita. All right. Here we go. Hi wand. My name is Dina. And before I get to the reason why I’m calling just let me say first that I enjoy your show and content very much. Thank you. It sure is difficult to cover new and interesting topics.

I’m sure that haven’t already been beaten like a dead horse. So kudos to you and yours. Just know that the fresh conversations and witty banter are much appreciated. Anyway. So I listen to several content creators as well as yours and there are a few topics that interest me. As far as I’m aware. They are very rarely discussed if at all. I’m curious to see if you’ve seen any research on a couple of conspiracy type topics.

The first one I’m wondering is I’m referencing is the significance of rh negative blood types. I’m asking because I am rh negative which is a rare blood type that I have. And when I research it there’s very little content online that explains it or even knows where it originates from. There’s so many interesting avenues when looking into this. Such as the massive list of celebrities that reportedly have rh negative blood types as well as the royal families.

There’s just a ton of information there that’s very interesting and I can’t really find any research on it. I was wondering if you have or would do a deep dive on rh negatives and talk about it in a show. And then lastly I have a strange anomalies that happen to me over this lifetime and I’ve often wondered if my blood type plays a factor into the bizarre occurrences that I’ve had happen to me.

And last. Have you ever heard of a slider? It’s a person that supposedly has very strange electronic anomalies and properties about them. It affects electronics and lights. This happens to me all the time. I have a lot of electronically related situations almost on a daily basis. Some examples of that are street lights will turn on and off, electronic devices malfunction. Et cetera. And there’s very little information about spiders, although somebody did write a book on it.

I need to check into that, but there’s just not much content on that as well. And since I experienced both of those phenoms and also rh negative, I can’t help but wonder, could they be related? Not to mention there isn’t much research on either topic, and I can’t help wonder why that is. I’d love it if you looked into these areas, and I’d love to have a conversation about them if possible.

I think it’s new and interesting content, and I think that you could do a deep dive with the best of them. Anyways, Juan, thanks for all you do, and hopefully I’ve sparked your curiosity to check into these. She leaves her contact info there. Thank you, Dina, for calling a. I’ve heard about this before. I’ve heard about it being some sort of, dare I say, nephilim blood type. I don’t know.

I mean, do you have anything on this Jose or Thomas on the RH factor and how those people are usually the ones that are abducted more from these UFO experiences, too, if I’m not mistaken. I’ve done very little research on this, and I just found out about this, literally today. I’ve never heard about rh blood type, but while she was speaking and I was looking into it. Yeah, it looks like it’s either extraterrestrial related or there’s some other stories here that I’m looking at that might be divine.

Know, there’s a book called R H Factor, the Chosen, that kind of dives into it. The chosen, Juan. Yes. By the way, we need to run that jingle here in a little bit, but, yeah, man. I don’t know, man. I’m learning more about it. Thomas talking about blood makes me pass out, so now I don’t know anything about. Oh, okay. See, when you’re in these secret societies, you want to stray away from the truth.

So much blood in these rituals, it makes me pass out. You’ve exposed yourself. All right. Don’t expose yourself like that, dude. All right, get out of here with that stuff, dude. Get out of here. No, it’s really interesting. I have heard about this. I’ve never done a deep dive on it. I probably should. And the person to actually do the deep dive with on this would be Joel.

I think Joel would be the one because he’s a red haired nephilim and probably rh, for all we know. And he’s in touch with the other side, and he’s one of those people that you have. Weird electronic phenomenon that happens when you’re around him. So recordings go bad, roadcasters get fried. So shout out to Joel Thomas and, yeah, I’ll probably hit him up and have him. We’ll do an episode on this.

I think somebody just left a voicemail. Have you ever seen the movie powder? That’s basically what that movie is about. Powder. No, I’ve never heard about it. Yeah, the movie powder, very controversial, too, because the director was like a Disney director that did inappropriate things. What year? Oh, man. Late 1995. Yeah. There you go. Okay. Yeah, this looks weird. So, powder. A mysterious albino teenager, Jeremy Powder Reed, is rescued from the basement in which he’s lived since birth.

But the extremely intelligent Reed is not welcome into the community. Students at his school fear the outsider because of his bizarre ability to harness extrasensory perception and heal the sick. His relationship with a fellow student, Lindsay, doesn’t help matters either, despite the help of two teachers. 1995, bro. And, yeah, it’s by Walt Disney, Hollywood pictures, and Walt Disney Studios. He controls electronics, just like, not intentionally, but if he gets mad, like, power grids blow up and stuff.

Transformers. Yeah. And I think that, again, those people are also the ones that are abducted more often, too. These entities on the other side have some sort of connection, or they want some sort of connection with these people that have this rh type blood. Let me make sure I got these last couple of messages here. So we got one more that we got here, or two more, and then we’ll move on and we’ll save the rest for the next one.

I don’t know. We got two more people who called in. So if we have time, then we’ll get to those. Here you go. So, eight, six, five. About to play it? Heck, yeah. Love it. Short, sweet. To the point. I just started watching this show called good Omens, and one of the main characters is Crowley, or called Crowley, that’s his name. And I’m not too familiar with the guy.

Besides, I know he’s a piece of shit, but you should check it out and, yeah, good omens, Amazon prime. You should do a show about it, talk about it. Let’s get to know about it. Love you one. Appreciate you. Love you too, bro. Thank you for calling in. I think I’ve started that show before, and I think I turned it off. I’m not 100%, but, yeah. Have you guys watched that show before? Yeah, it’s not bad.

I want to say that it was related to Neil Gaiman in some way. I might be just making that. No, no. Yes. Television studio created by Neil Gaiman hey, capping, dog. You capping? Quick capping, dude. It’s a too. I saw. I saw bits and pieces of the first season and I saw most of the second season. I need to go back and rewatch it because my wife mainly watched that show.

But from what I saw, it’s pretty damn good. It’s essentially like a good angel and a bad angel, to oversimplify it. And they’re just trying to lead people down different paths. And if anything, it’s a little bit of a cynical approach where the bad angel or the one in the black coat is constantly telling the other one and convincing him about how maybe people aren’t worth saving. I’m oversimplifying a little bit, but that’s the concept.

Interesting. Yeah, no, I’m going to have to check it out. The show that I actually enjoyed, which. I don’t know if I should say this, but it was Lucifer. The show. Lucifer was pretty good. Of course you would think that. No, you would think that. Is that the God that you guys worship? To tell the truth, you coward. There, you see? You see? Look at him. Look at him, dude.

Look at how they squirm when you bring up that. Yeah, there you go, dude. Tell the people. Tell the people. All right. You’ve exposed me. I exposed you. So we have one more here. And it’s just the person calling in to do a recommendation. Here you go. Let’s see here. Juan. Hi. It is the stone philosopher. I implore you to do a show about alchemy. And hip hop can only say it so many times in the live chats also.

You’re the shit. Bye. Well, thank you. I’ll do it if Juan doesn’t. Dude, we need to dive into that. Nobody cares what you have to say, Thomas. I know. Okay. It doesn’t matter if I do it. Yeah, that needs a heavy duty breakdown. Because I believe that there is a lot of alchemy in hip hop. And I’m a huge hip hop head myself. And you can trace it all the way back to the way that they were dressing, the way that they were kind of portraying and channeling certain things in their performances.

And you can see it until today, man. So I think there’s definitely something to do there. Something to reach. I don’t think Juan is the man to do that, though, because Juan was born in, what, like, 2009? So, I mean, 98. I was born in 1994, by the way. But here, I’m going to upload these last two messages. And then we’ll get out of here. But yeah, by the time you got to pick out your own music, it was already well past the year 2000.

So I don’t think that you’re going to be an authority on any of that. Thomas, we get it, dude. You’re old. All right? We’re ogs, homie. We’re ogs. You guys are old. What Juan will be doing in his xxx tentacion. Breakdown pretty soon. Breakdown. He was one of the Ogs, bro. Grandmaster Herc and Lil Zan, I think it was. So you guys want to call in? Juan thinks little John thinks low.

John is a major rapper. So if you want to call in 407-476-4606 we got time for two more. These last two. Let’s get to it. Hey Juan, this is Joel in Montana, the philosopher Stone. I was curious if you have ever discussed works of George W. Carey for more than a few moments, specifically the tree of life. But all three books in that book are fascinating as well and maybe explored the connection that him and Jim Carrey may have to each other because Jim Carrey definitely regurgitated a lot of the information that George talks about in his books when he was on the norm Macdonald show.

Just curious, real quick, Thomas is the shit donut. You missed me. All right. Monks for life. Amongst for life. That’s an interesting connection. I’ve never heard about this. They say George W. Carey. Is that who he said? That was? The best caller so far. By far. You think so, dude? Oh, because he said that you were the shit. All right bro. You say that? I didn’t even hear that.

Yeah dude. So this George W. Carey guy. All right. Yeah. This is a homeopath and a cultist known for a number of 1910s chemistry of life publications on the subject which he referred to as biochemistry, particular in his 1919 the chemistry of human life, all generally using a mixture of religion, astrology, physiology, anatomy and chemistry theme, particularly with a mineral based theory of human. Hmm, interesting. Yeah, we’ll check that out.

Appreciate you calling in, bro. Joel. Thank you. And here’s the last caller. Let me just read it over to make sure it’s not too crazy. Here we go, last caller. Hey Juan, I’m just calling in because I was doing some research on my ancestors who come from the skiing family and there’s an interesting lake in skiing called the lock of skiing. The dimensions are really satanic if you look it up on Wikipedia.

The dimensions of the lake. So the interesting thing is there was a legend in the 16 hundreds of a necromancer that lived on the lake. Well, it says he cut his shadow off, and he studied necromancy at the University of Pota in Italy, which I thought was really interesting. So apparently I researched into this, and there’s a whole thing about necromancers cutting off their shadow. Like that’s a thing they had to do.

So just calling to drop that, see if you guys have any information on that piece. What do you say? The what? Lock? Hold on. Hey, Juan. I’m just calling in because I was doing some research on my ancestors who come from the Skeen family, and there’s an interesting lake in Skeen called the lock of Skeen. The dimensions lock of Skeen. He said the Skeen family lock of Skeen.

So lock Skeen in Scotland. So let’s see here. Necro Mancy. This dude’s been. Illuminati confirmed. You can’t be. Is that your family, bro, your family’s cutting their freaking shadows off. Illuminati confirmed. Go, bro. That sound good? Wizards layer. What, from cutting off your. From cutting off your shadow? Yeah. Can you send your shadow out on, like, shadow missions? Find some dope shit, bro. Probably shadow become a homunculus.

I mean, yeah, it ends up happening. Absolutely, dude. Wizards lair, a dance with the devil lock of skiing is a dark and forbidding place at the best of times, particularly so on cold evenings in the dead of winter, the type of weather there in Aberdeenshire that makes the waters freeze over. On such occasions, those who dare venture into the lockside can gaze. So it is a trick of the moonlight.

Unexplained phenomenon. Not according to the local folklore and legend passed down over centuries by the farmers and the traveling people who once populated the area. Stories were told of the sinister local landowner who was allied with the devil. Those with psychic powers swear they can still feel his presence to this day. And so let’s see here. Did you check out on the wikipedia on the side there? There’s a six six six code right there.

Where are you at? So if you go to Wikipedia and then on the lock skiing page there, if you want, I can show you to you real quick. Yeah, pull it up. Very interesting. I just saw it while I was skimming through it. So right over here on the right. Hold on, let me pull it up. Here you go. So average depth. Go up. Lock of skiing. All right.

Yeah. So the lock of skiing, it’s in abandonshire, Scotland, but over here on the side, when you scroll down, here’s the six six six code right there. Average depth six max depth. Illuminati confirmed. And water volume 60 million cubic feet. So I thought that was pretty interesting. Also, there’s the wizard of layered old skiing. This is where this legend comes from. That’s interesting necromancy. This Alexander skiing guy, the 16th century laird.

What’s a layered 16th century laird? What is that? Layered, layered laird? Yeah. Person who owns a large estate. So a laird was the man the devil had come to Aberdeenshire to see. It was said the laird never cast a shadow, was followed everywhere by magpies or crows and had the power to rest, re est, or glue his enemies to the spot where they stood. On at least one occasion, skiing was kept awake by neighbors enjoying a sealed.

I don’t know what this is. His reaction was to cast a spell on the revelers which made them unable to stop dancing until their feet bled and they cried in agony. Oh, so we have this slash wizard. How far away is this from the Loch ness? From Loch Ness. So Loch Skeen, Scotland. Let’s see how far this is from Loch ness because we know that Loch ness is where Crowley was stationed for a little bit doing his.

What is it? Not the amalantra. He was doing the Aber gain ritual. Aberdeen Aberaba. That one holy guardian angel thing. Abramlon. There you go. Abram. Are you not allowed to say that loch ness. Are you not allowed to say that? It’s 2 hours and 38 minutes away. All right, 113 miles. It’s not far. I guess it’s kind of. Kind of close. I mean, it’s pretty close. That’s Orlando to Tampa, bro.

Yeah. So I’m saying it’s relatively close. He was doing the watermelon ritual. Do you get it right, bro? Watermelon ritual. So what was the name of that, the mansion? The bullskin house. Is that the bullskin house? General will, here we. Ooh, the bullskin house. That Jimmy page and all these guys were going around. So interesting connection. Yeah. I’m learning so much from these callers. If you want to call in 407-476-4606 it’s about that time, boys.

Thank you for joining me today. This was a lot of fun. I felt very bad that I recorded almost 2 hours by myself and the audio was gone. Again. I might be rh negative, right? Having all these weird electrical interferences and all this stuff when I was talking about all these things by myself. But, hey, it worked out. I think people enjoyed. If you enjoy it, leave us a comment.

Let us know if I should do these live or if I should do these pre recorded if you like Thomas, if you hate him, I hate him. So just leave that in the comments down below. Let me know what you think of Thomas, if he’s controlled opposition or not. Do I have a fat beard? Yeah, if his beard is stupid. If you think it’s stupid, look how dumb it looks.

Are you mad because you can’t grow a beard that majestic? I am. I am a little mad. Look at him. Look at this with his bald head. Like, who do you think you are, bro? Got one caller that gases you up and you think you’re the coolest cat. Dude, plug the stuff. Where can people find the. Do you have any of the cool stuff around me? Yeah, chosenwan.

com. That’ll be the only place you can get one of these awesome homunculus growing kits. Chosen one, chosen one, chosen one. So yeah, that’s going to be a big one. And then also, paranoidsummer. com is where I’m going to be doing four big releases. I’ve got four different issue ones that are all going to come out at the same time because I can’t manage doing a freaking kickstarter like every month or every other month.

So we’re just going to dump it all out on one place because I’m a coward. So in 2021, we had hot girl summer. 2022, we had hot boy summer. So now in 2024, we’re going to have paranoid boy Summer. Paranoid summer. That’s right. Paranoid boy summer. Love that quick happen. Go subscribe to paranoid American. He’s at 4448. And let’s get some cordura truth project. Let’s get these numbers up.

He’s at 30. What is this? 31? We just started. Let’s get him to at least 33 subscribers. All right, guys. Yeah, let’s do that, guys. I appreciate you guys. Thank you for having me on. Juan. We’ve already interviewed Juan on our show. We’ve interviewed Thomas Paranoid American. Juan’s interview is completely in Spanish, but we’re doing english and spanish episodes, doing subtitles. So we’re covering a lot of this stuff over there.

We just did the Super bowl, occult, satanic rituals and predictions. My brother and I did that this past Friday. So that’s on there. So go check it out. Show the support. Really love you guys. Thank you again for having me on. Appreciate it. Yeah. If you see this at 33, don’t subscribe. Leave it at 33 for a very long time, guys. All right. I’m just kidding. Go subscribe, show some love, get these views up and help them build this channel out.

Go check out this freaking weirdo here. And yeah, I got some good stuff. Appreciate you both for being here. Make sure to go to chosen Juan. Let me drop the link here. Hold on. Are you going to play the song? I can. Yeah, bro. Hold on. Get shy, dude. I get shy. Hold on. Relax. That means everybody’s got to start Perriando now. Here, let’s video file. See if I can bring this up.

All right, everybody. People want the song. They want to hear it. As always, make sure to love each other, all that good stuff. Be good to crack. You can make dick jokes, but just be good. Give the material the respect it deserves. And give the material the respect that it deserves. And illuminati confirmed. com. Go visitosenlon. com. It’s easy to remember if you just sing along chosen one.

Go visit chosen one. The chosen one yes, he is the chosen one. He’s got his own comic and now he’s got his own song because he’s the chosen one. Yes, he is a chosen one. Go buy a copy at chosen one. Chosen one. Go visit chosen one. It’s easy to remember if you just sing along chosen one. Them go visit chosen one. All right, bye bye. Bye, everybody.

Do the wave. Guys, do the wave. Bye. .

  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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