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5G Danger


➡ The Hwana podcast, hosted by Juan Ayala, offers ad-free content, early access, exclusive episodes, and monthly supporter hangouts to its Patreon subscribers. The podcast also introduces a comic book called the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual, which explores the occult and teaches readers how to summon their own homunculus. The podcast features various guests and covers a range of topics, including conspiracy theories, the occult, and nanotechnology. The podcast encourages listener support through donations of time, talent, or treasure, as it operates without corporate ads or advertising.
➡ The text discusses a controversial topic about a weapon known as the “Voice of God”. This weapon, allegedly developed by Dr. Robert Duncan, uses concentrated sound waves to make people hear different things. It was supposedly used in military events like Desert Storm to make enemies surrender quickly by making them hear messages in their own language. The text also mentions the potential use of this technology in advertising and crowd control, and the ethical concerns surrounding its use.
➡ The text discusses the intersection of technology and the occult, suggesting that technology could be seen as a modern form of alchemy. It also explores the idea of the internet as an extension of our consciousness, and how it can be used to spread ideas and influence culture. The text warns about the potential dangers of centralizing information on a few platforms, and encourages the audience to decentralize their sources of information to prevent loss of knowledge.
➡ The text discusses the evolution of technology in warfare, specifically the use of drones and a weapon referred to as the “voice of God”. It also delves into the concept of targeted individuals who believe they are being manipulated or followed, possibly by this weapon. The text further explores the idea of technology being used for manipulation, including subliminal messaging and the potential for entities to take over electronics. Lastly, it mentions the possibility of these technologies being used to create experiences that drive people to extreme actions, including self-harm.
➡ The text discusses a technology called hypersonic sound, invented by Woody Norris, which can focus sound in a specific direction, similar to how light can be focused. This technology was used by the US military in Iraq to create fake troop movements or whisper messages to potential terrorists. The technology can also detect minute temperature changes in a person from a distance. The text also mentions the potential use of this technology in cars for a more immersive sound experience.
➡ The text discusses a weapon system called the “Rod of God” or “Thor’s Hammer,” launched by the United States Space Forces. The system was first deployed in 2020 and has been used in operations like the bombing of Iran. The text also delves into conspiracy theories, discussing the possibility of technology causing people to hear voices, and speculating about the potential effects of the 2020 vaccine. The author questions the need for complex weapons when simpler methods could be used, and debates the believability of various theories and stories.
➡ The text discusses the concept of organoid intelligence, a new field that combines computer science and biology to create biological computing using 3D cultures of human brain cells. It also mentions the development of technologies that can manipulate air with lasers to create voices, suggesting potential uses in military applications. The text also raises questions about the experiences of people who transition genders, and whether they hear voices or feel a certain way that leads them to transition.
➡ Scientists are creating tiny biological robots, or “anthro robots,” from human cells that can move and help heal wounds. These robots are made from self-assembling human skin cells. There are concerns about the ethical implications of this technology, especially when it comes to creating synthetic human embryos that can potentially be developed beyond the legal 14-day limit. The article also discusses the potential for these technologies to be used in conjunction with radio waves to manipulate human senses and perceptions.
➡ The speaker believes that secret government weaponry exists and is used for controlling high-profile targets. They suggest that this control extends to ideologies and theories that people fight over, and that these weapons are tested on a small number of individuals. They also discuss the concept of consciousness being captured in objects or computers, and the idea of people being unknowingly part of a larger system of control. They end by discussing a movie plot twist where a man is unknowingly trying to save his own consciousness stored in a computer.
➡ The discussion revolves around the idea of frequencies and subliminal messages being used to manipulate people, especially through media like movies, music, and podcasts. The speakers believe that this has been happening for a while and that it’s more likely to affect people who aren’t actively learning or critically thinking. They encourage listeners to support independent content creators and to stay aware and critical of the media they consume.


Hello and welcome to the Hwana podcast. If you’re enjoying the show, consider signing up for the Patreon. There you get ad free content, early access, exclusive episodes, and monthly supporter hangouts. You can find the Juan on podcast if you don’t like the subscription based models, there are other ways of supporting the show that are linked in the description. Thank you for tuning in and enjoy this episode. They said it was forbidden. They said it was dangerous. They were right. Introducing the paranoid american homunculus owner’s manual. Dive into the arcane, into the hidden corners of the occult.

This isn’t just a comic. It’s a hidden tome of supernatural power. All original artwork illustrating the groundbreaking research of Juan Ayala, one of the only living homunculologists of our time. Learn how to summon your own homunculus and enigma wrapped in the fabric of reality itself, their power at your fingertips, their existence, your secret. Explore the mysteries of the Aristotelian, the spiritual, the paracelsian, the crowleyan homunculus, ancient knowledge lost to time, now unearthed in this forbidden tale. This comic book holds truths not meant for the light of day, knowledge that was buried, feared and shunned. Are you ready to uncover the hidden? The paranoid american homunculus owner’s manual, not for the faint of heart.

Available now from paranoid american. Get your or today, welcome to the one on one podcast with your host, Juan Ayala. George Soros buying up 200 radio stations, and they were talking about like, oh, well, you know, you know, the political way of it. But I took it differently because I was like, okay, this is not politics. He was deep into the occult. He was deep into the propaganda. So who was deep into the occult? So to me, if you aligned with the agenda, you aligned with the occult in my eyes because they were so deep.

All these antennas are all over America now at some point, like we were talking about, there’s possibly nanotechnology or thing that is like, in your body because you may have been forced to do something or, like, persuaded into doing it. And are these able to activate and is it nanotechnology? Welcome back to another episode of the Juana Juan podcast. I’m your host. As always, make sure to follow the show on social media at the one on one podcast on pretty much all social media platforms. TJ, follow me on Twitch, Twitch TV slash one on one podcast.

I am streaming every Tuesday, sometime Saturday, whenever I have time. But come check it out 06:00 p.m. eastern every Tuesday. Make sure to listen to this on YouTube or wherever. Thumbs up. Share slash, the one on one podcast and monkey this owner’s manual, cultist Monday comic book, all that good stuff. Find it on my website, tj and today we have Sean Chris from Kill the Mockingbirds podcast. What’s up, bro? What’s good, man? Just chilling. You know, summertime, you. Your summertime is like just rain, right? Like us. Like, you just get rain and then a little bit sun, then it’s nice, then rain.

We had a drought, bro, and it was up to. We’re just now getting rain because of that storm that’s coming through. But it got up to, like 102, bro. Got like hot. Like super, super hot. So. But, yeah, it’s pretty much, this is the driest summer we’ve ever had. Driest spring that we ever had. Like, it was. It was just weird, dude. It was like super, super dry. But now it’s good. Now Miami’s back to flooding and. Yeah, dude. How you been, bro? It’s been a minute since I last had you on. Yeah, man. Doing good, man.

Just been kind of even, like, lo and pro on my own stuff, you know, just living life and just kind of chilling on the podcast because you don’t realize how much work has to be done for podcasts. Sometimes you want to take a little break, you know, and you’re like, hey, man, I want to go chill with the family. So I’ll be kind of, like even releasing like once a month, you know, every two weeks, just kind of going on a show here and there. And I was like, all right, now let me go back. I got a bunch of notes and research, and I was like, ah, I guess I should get back in the saddle.

Yeah, dude, it is a lot of work. And that’s why people got a support, bro. Where can people find you, dude? Kill the and actually now kill the mockingbirds has changed to a value for value podcast. So that means there’s no corporate ads, no advertising whatsoever. Just you, the listeners donating. I’m trusting you people. You go to kill the mockingbirds. Calm value for value section, and it will show you how to donate, how you could support the show. Because it’s not just about donating money. Donate your time, your talent, or your treasure, anything that will help the show, because it’s a lot of work that we do.

You know, Juan knows. He puts a lot of work, still has a family. So, you know, he still has to go and get money, have a job. Like, there’s a lot we have to do. And sometimes it’d be nice to not have to worry about true censorship, which is. Advertisement yeah, bro. It’s getting worse and worse and worse, and people constantly complain all the time if you censor a word or two, whatever it is, and it’s like, listen, you know, people like to talk a lot without even supporting the show. Like, the people who talk the most are the ones that aren’t the patrons or aren’t the members.

I don’t listen to those people. I listen to the people who actually support the show, and, you know, and they put their money where their mouth is, and those are the. The criticism I take into consideration, so. But you know how it is, dude. And it’s getting worse and worse with all these major platforms, and it feels like, dude, Twitter has gotten so racist since Elon Musk took over. Jewish, huh? Like, like, I don’t know if it’s the same algorithm that we have, but, like. And I’m just like, bro, like, everything is not the. They’re like, the Jews did it.

I’m like, come on, man. Like, you don’t really think that every single. So every conspiracy on some of these algorithms are like, yeah, the moon, the earth is flat because of the jews. Like, yeah, dude, it’s gotten so bad. But, I mean, this is, this is, this is what people support. People go to the. You give them the option to go to the other smaller platforms that don’t censor you, and. And they don’t watch. They don’t. They don’t go and look at it there. So it’s like, what’s the point, bro? It’s like, you got to go where the people are at, what.

What the mainstream is. And unfortunately, that’s just the way you have to exist in the ecosystem that that we’re in. You have to learn. You have to learn to. To navigate the Matrix and exist within it. And I think that, you know, people like me who are able to exist on a platform that would otherwise take you off of it, I mean, that’s the biggest slap in the face to them. I mean, even though we are shadow banned. Shadow ban. You know, we’re shadow banned to the shadow realm, but still, I mean, we got to do it.

And, yeah, here we are. So awesome. Killer mockingbirds. Calm, was it? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Make sure to check out Sean there. And, yeah, my website to tj i’ve been meaning to set up a member stuff, but maybe not. Who knows? We’ll see. It’s too much work already, as is already cranking out value from the one on one podcast. You know what I’m saying? What if you listen to it and you’ve just discovered about a homunculus, you didn’t know what the hell that was before you tuned in, right? That’s value. You got a value because any kind of place you go, you’re gonna be like, have an interesting story.

Hey, man, have you heard of this homunculus? That’s interesting on any party scenario. It’s good for homophily parties. It’s good for classy parties. It’s everywhere. The homunculus is universal. No, dude, I don’t. I don’t think there are certain conspiracies, bro. That’s the. Let’s dive into. Because there’s certain conspiracies that. Listen, I don’t believe everything that I cover, okay? The reason I cover a lot of the things I cover is because I’m a researcher, and if you come across something that is interesting, then I’m gonna. I’m gonna look into it, right? But sometimes you come across things that are just.

They’re not that believable. And it’s interesting because I had somebody comment, right? One of the. One of these YouTube experts, as always. And it was an episode where I talked about people who, you know, they’d be put in a morgue and they’d wake up, right? They’d wake up. You know, they’d come back from the dead, okay? And there’s tons of reports of modern day reports of people coming back from the dead. Maybe they were put aside for, you know, a few minutes or something or the day. And they were gonna get processed later. Who knows, right? Yeah, they were.

They were bodied up. They were put in the. In the fridge for a little bit. And then when they took them out, the person, their heart, you know, their heartbeat had slowed down. We know these things happen. And somebody’s like, come on, man. They were. They were found without their intestines and their organs and embalming fluid in their veins, and they came back to life, dude. No, he was like. He was like, check your sources, bro. This is so unbelievable. You’re getting too unbelievable. Unbelievable, bro. And I’m like, all right, I comment Tobago. And listen, you can’t.

You can’t satisfy everybody in this whole thing. But I’m like, I talk about alchemically, artificially created, magical little men that alchemists created in a lab from their sperm. But you draw the line at a story that came out last year in August about some lady who woke up in the morgue. Like, that’s. That’s where you draw the. No, no. You gotta check your sources, bro. Weird, man. That’s unbelievable. Like, bro. And they take it so serious, too, cuz. Like, to me, I don’t even like half this. I don’t even caught, like, if I see something that I don’t like, it’s a real little trick I do.

I don’t say anything and I just keep going. You could try this trick at home. Say something. You’re like, yeah, I don’t like that. You know what you could do? Just some. Some things are so retarded, Sean. I have to write back, bro. I can’t let that. That’s different. There is a degree of. It’s so, like, I’m the same way, bro. If somebody, I’m like, there’s no way you can really. You have to be trolling and then I have to say something to figure out this person’s really retarded or they’re just around. Yeah, bro, I got a right back.

Sometimes it just. It’s just the way it is. But I respond to people. I’m saying, like. But when I’m, like, sick, like, say I see a song I don’t like, I’m not gonna be like, this song sucks. I’m just not gonna listen to the song. But I’m talking about little stuff like that. They just want to critique everything because I think people don’t realize, like, like, they could do this, too, but they don’t want to put in the time and the effort. Right? Like, is it. It’s like, I know stuff. Okay, cool. You know stuff. Like, and I like your show because I feel like it’s similar, like, my views.

It’s like, I’m gonna talk about crazy stuff, I’m gonna bring up stuff. But sometimes I don’t. I don’t believe it necessarily, but I’m gonna go, hey, there’s 10,000 people that believe this. You know what I mean? There’s 20,000 people that have experienced this. So there’s something going on. There’s a phenomenon at place, and that’s where I’m, like, my starting point. I like to stick more to, like, logical and I want receipts and I want facts. But sometimes things can’t be explained, right? Like, I can’t be like, oh, I have to have, everything has to have reason and logic.

That’s where you get manipulated. So it’s this fine line. And when we’re just like, hey, this is how I see it. Like, to me, that’s just expressing my viewpoints. But people, they get pretty mad. Oh, I can’t believe you think this. And you’re like, all right, man. Like, I’m not even saying I think that. I’m just discussing a topic that I find interesting. Yeah, no, definitely. And speaking of. Of things that are pretty. That sound far fetched, but in my opinion, are a hundred percent. We can jump into it. You’re gonna be talking to us about the voice of God weapons.

I’ve heard about this. This voice to skull technology. I’ve also heard it put as weaponized schizophrenia before, where it’s like, it’s very easy to discredit somebody or discount somebody and just make them. Like, nowadays. And I feel like back then, bro, if you were, you know, Jack the Ripper or something, you know, you knew that there weren’t any cameras anywhere. You just go in, do what you got to do, get rid of the body. Nobody would ever see you. It’s like nowadays, it’s a little bit different. Everyone’s got their phone on them. There’s surveillance everywhere. So you got to be a little bit more careful of if you’re gonna commit a crime.

For those listening that want to commit a crime, right. How you get away with. For you criminals out there listening to the podcast right now, they want to get away with a heist, just know that there are Cc cameras everywhere, you know, devices everywhere. No, but seriously, this sort of stuff, I feel like it’s gotten. Had to advance, and I forgot what I was watching or listening to on. I forgot what it was. But it was something about what the hell was I listening anyways? I was listening to something where it’s a technology that they have that it uses frequencies, and people say they use it for, like, riots or.

Or, you know, protests or whatever it is, these huge crowds, and that they turn it on. And as soon as they turn it on, people said that it feels like a heat wave come through. Right? Yeah, they had Peter doocy, uh, Fox. He’s on Fox now. At one time, I think it was a couple years ago, he was testing it. They did it live. And he’s like, oh, I feel like I’m on fire. Well, it’s even crazier. Like, before I get into the. Got a weapon of the God of, uh, the voice of God weapon. There isn’t like, a new thing that, like, from 2018, an article, I think it was in the Daily Mail, crowd control weapon that can shout at people from 3000ft away, then be turned up to temporarily blind it, even burn them.

These are all those, you know, the direct energy, you know, I’m saying it’s all coming from the light bulb. The idea of a light bulb, right, at first light could be everywhere. They consolidated into one place. And when the light bulb was made, invented, then you got people, you know, once one invention is made, that’s when people start really picking it apart. That’s like really the, the tip of the spear, because when you’re, you’re concentrating energy, which in this case was mostly light, they use it and they’re like, oh, well, we could use this like, as everybody talks about, the Dewey’s the direct energy weapons, where it can cause heat and can cause like, you know, things to blow up, but there’s alternate things they could do with it.

And the voice of God weapon, which was allegedly developed by Doctor Robert Duncan, that he said that he was part of the development of it. You could find him on the Jesse Ventura conspiracy show back in the days. He was on there talking a little bit about it. That’s where I first ran into it. And basically the voice of God weapon is a weapon that you use sound, you bounce sound and they are able to hone it in. Instead of having surround just come like you picture a band and the music just going everywhere, right? And the closer you are, the better you hear it, the farther away, the harder is to hear.

Well, what they change was sound, was now that they’re trying to concentrate sound the same way they concentrate light. So now I can aim it at a direction. And the concept is aiming this sound wave of frequency to different points to make people hear different things. There’s a advertisement agencies that wanted to use it, like Sony, that go, hey, people are tired of hearing the same ad over and over in a store, especially the clerks, they may turn it off, but they had an idea. You use this hypersonic sound, which was invented by Woody, Woody norris.

Woody Norris invented this hypersonic sound, which I’m not sure if he was, I was looking in on him. I don’t know if he was part of DARPA, in the creation of the voice of God weapon, but went to go back to Robert Duncan, what he claims is that this can be shot at people’s ears. And they used it actually in military events where they told, like they said in Desert Storm, they asked the, like how they, you know, how it was two day war or like a week war. It was a very short war. Desert Storm.

And they said they used this weapon back then to whisper in their ears. And since there’s nobody around you, like, it has to be in that location. If you move the sounds in directly in that location. So you’re like, oh, damn. This is some kind of entity. This is some kind of spirit. So you could be like, say, in any language, hey, son, put your arms down. This is, this is the Lord and savior. So they allegedly use this to have them surrender so quickly. Whoa. Yeah, that, that would be gnarly, bro, for somebody. And this is a thing when, when it comes to even religion, I think maybe this is why religion is so powerful as well, because it could.

How, how are you able to determine whether if you’re having a mystical experience or some voice to skull technology by the government or it might be, it might be the same thing. Yeah. Yeah. I don’t know, because I was, when I was going over this research, because I had been putting this together little by little because I watch, you know, all kinds of weird stuff. And I was thinking about it when I was getting ready for this show, and I was, you know, you talk a lot about the occult and stuff. And I think, and something clicked in my head.

And not that no one has ever said this, but I think that we always look at, when we talk about the occult, we think about, you know, potions and back in the days, but technology is also part of this occult alchemy. You know, alchemy is not just like, you know, somebody I riding around the stove, whipping the pod and trying to get people to like, you know, dog and cowguts. It’s not all that. That’s the, the basis and the origins of it, but it has also evolved. And I think that we forget about the technology. And I bet you and we know that a lot of, like, presidents and that, like the bone bohemian grove and different occultic events.

But I’m sure a lot of these DARPA and CIA guys are connected deep into your cold. Oh, a hundred percent, bro. And I linked the, the dog dick. I went to Disney there the other day to get a limited edition Truro, and it was a lightsaber. Truro. But I got the red one, right? Yeah. And Russian as I was holding it, I’m like, is the, is the red lightsaber the Sith? Is that a representation of the dog dick? Right. The red rocket. Because if, if you go and look at the newest movies, we find out that the Emperor Palpatine and all these other guys were actually clones, right? Yes, sis.

Guy was actually a clone. And who knows how. I mean, we not. There are the armies, you know, the whole stormtroopers and clone troopers and the Clone wars and everything. We know that they were clones engineered specifically for a reason. And so I’m, like, holding this lightsaber, and I’m like, dog dick. I’m like, you know, swinging it around and stuff like that. But you’re 100% right, dude. And I’ve been doing, like, these quick little research into. Into, you know, because I do the shorts and the reels and stuff like that. So I’m, like, always looking for, like, something.

Something that I can take, break down and do a reel on that’s interesting enough. And I’ve been finding out, bro, there’s, like, entire organizations that have tried to conjure up a ghost for. For real. Another guy made a typewriter to talk to D to demons and. And dead people. And it’s like, that was in the early seventies, bro, that they were doing that stuff. You know, we talked about Internet. Well, so the Internet. The Internet, which was created by DARPA, and I’m not mistaken, and. And CeRn as well, right? The. And DARPA also came up with the idea of the first Facebook idea.

What was it called? It was called lifelong. Right. Life log, I vlog. They also created gps. Seriously? Mm hmm. So, lifelog, the same day that they ended that government program, Facebook came into the scene. Yeah. Like, literally, like, the next day, we’re totally different. So the. The concept of technology and the occult, though, I heard somebody put the concept of the Internet, because. All right, check this out, bro, because. And I got some stuff pulled up that I want to talk about. So we’re talking about, like, voice to school technology and all these. All this craziness.

But if you think about the Internet, right, from an occult perspective, right. We know that memetics is a thing, and some people even believe that memes exist. Our actual. So I just did a clip on this from an episode I did. It was episode 196 or something other, when I talked to Tommy Cowan about. About William Burroughs and the idea of information being a sort of life, a life form, an entity, and how information sacrifices you. It uses you almost in a parasitic way because you die off for the information. And if you think of the concept of, like, a martyr and dying for beliefs, which is essentially information or the way you interpret something.

So the concept of memes being small pieces of information that when they’re injected into culture, they cultivate culture, right? So they spread, like, viruses. And the concept of, like, this egregore idea where you present a meme, you know, sometimes it starts to by a literal meme and it evolves into its own thing. I’ve seen the Internet put in two separate ways. The first way is that it is supposed to be an extension of our consciousness, right? And it’s an extension of our consciousness. And allegedly, when they put it. When they first put on. Haven’t done the research for this, but this is what I heard, that when they first put it out, they wanted.

They wanted it to be an extension of our consciousness. But that kind of doesn’t make sense at this point because I think people are getting dumber than they’ve been since, you know, since we have all the information we could possibly ever want. But people are so ignorant to that because they’re so fried. And also the Internet serves as a medium for these ideas to spread. So the. The World Wide Web essentially is a way of manifesting. For example, take Slenderman. You know, that was like one of the first kind of sort of aggregates that was born from what creepypastas and then emerge out of.

Through the Internet. And then from there, it spread out into the real world. And we. I think you’ve covered it before, the girls that the committed murder and all that stuff because of Slenderman. So, yeah, I think that the Internet from, like, that philosophical, occult perspective, it serves as a platform for manifestation, whether that be metaphysically or physically. Who knows? Like, you know, I’m saying, like, because we don’t know the. The way that reality works. Right? What happens when you get enough computers on the network or something? Who knows? Like, we don’t. We don’t know. Yeah, you don’t really know any of that.

And I think that the intention or what you thought it might be the Internet first, right? Like, it’s gonna change once you see the reaction, because any kind of invention or idea brought out. But then when it’s presented to the public, you don’t. You might go, oh, people are gonna react this way to it. And I think they. It did go left on people. And I think there’s all these different pockets, as you’re saying. There’s pockets of people that there’s tons of information. You can find that. But those wells seem, like, limited, and they’re becoming drier and drier.

I did an episode a while ago on the dead Internet, the dead Internet theory, which is there’s not much left. You know, it’s just like infrastructure, like a hol. Like little bit of infrastructure and hollowed out like they’re skill things. Yeah, it’s a skeleton because they’re not updating all the like, look, cookies and what was it called? Those, the links, I forgot the terminology. Yeah, hyperlinks. There you go. And all these things, I think because now they’re. Coz at first it’s just a wide open, like, oh, let’s, let’s suck them in. It’s like crack, right? They’re like, hey, get a hit, man, it’s pretty good.

And then they started like honing it in. Now there’s only if you look now. That’s why I really want to push back against not saying anybody shouldn’t do YouTube or shouldn’t do any major. Everybody should do what they think is right in their own time. But for me, I’m like, yeah, do them all. I think we should do them all. Even though it takes more work. Once you get it built and get all the channels, it’s not as hard. But I think we can’t. And I’m not even talking about to the creators, I’m talking about to the viewers, the listeners, whatever, the supporters, whatever you want to call yourself, you have to decentralize yourself.

Or we’re going to constantly be in this rat race because the creators are going to go to where the audience is at and the audience refuses to go to other spaces. Some because out of ignorance and some because out of convenience, right? But there’s no excuse anymore. There’s tons of different applications, there’s rumble, there’s bitch you, a couple other video ones. But if you just go on even podcast, there’s podcast 2.0. The whole initiative of all of our podcasts are there. You can get these on your phone, these applications, because if not, this information will disappear.

And some of the sinister sides of it because like I was telling you the commercial stuff about the voice of God, which is similar to the Internet because this is I think their invention right after the Internet. Because when they first start discussing, it’s 1994 ish, right? Desert Storm or 91, my bad, 91 92. Around that time when it’s introduced, kind of similar. If everybody remembers like drones. Drones are now a, oh, we know what a drone is. But in the Iraq war, in the beginning days, Donald runs for was talking about unmanned vehicles and drones, we never had that ever implemented in war.

So when this was in 19, 91 92 in the Desert storm time, and they were using this, this is also like, you know, I was telling you, like commercial use, you can get, hey, I’m walking by, there’s a video I saw of an advertisement as you walked past it. Like, right when you get in the center of it, like, not right next to it, I’m talking about just like the perfect shot. It goes, come by. You know what I mean? Like, and this is like from six. Like, yeah. Hey, that one guy. Am I a little short dude that always tries to prank people? But.

And then he’s like, it’s just a prank. It’s just a prank. Yeah, I chew poppy or something. I can’t think of it. But the sinister side of this stuff is crazy, man. There’s reports of black ops reportedly using this weapon to force people to commit to, like, off themselves. You know what I mean? Because they go drive them insane. And I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s a movement called targeted people. These are people that say that someone’s following them. They wake up with weird devices on them. They hear weird voices. A lot of this is contributed to this voice of God weapon because it’s not just a weapon of war.

It’s also with, to me, like, to go back to tied into what we’re talking about. The Internet is with the Internet and now, and this voice of God weapon, it’s able to, like, hone in and be like, now truly manifest, right? Because, say, there is a site or a place you want people to go to make mean magic first per se, right? You. You persuade them. And how do you persuade them? Because you can use manipulation through the nudge theory and stuff like that. But that only goes so far. But there’s a lot of people that seem.

It’s easy for them to be subliminally messaged. We remember talking about subliminal messages, but this is on a different level because now it’s riding your ear. And if you’re thinking like, hey, I’m having a discussion with God. If it’s saying, hey, my son, you need to sacrifice your life so that your family could live. And if you’re a very religious person, that’s going to work, right? But. Or you could put, like some stuff like, maybe they’re not a religious person. Now you think it’s a demon. Now you think it’s an alien now you think it’s this fantastical part, which I do believe exists.

But I feel that sometimes people jump too fast to that. They’re like, I’m not saying that I think it has to have a balance. You have to have someone that’s kind of like, let’s logically look through this. And then someone that has a fantastical lens so you can really mash it together, because like you said, we don’t know what reality is. Yeah. So, and this is what, this is what. What the voice to school technology would sound like. You’re in, you’re in the heat of battle. You know, you’re walking around and you’re wherever, and all you hear, all of a sudden you hear, daddy, chill.

What the hell is he. No, that’s exactly. Imagine that. So you mentioned something that was really interesting, right? Where it’s like, targeted individuals and there’s a particular. There’s a part, there’s a particular esoteric occult author who is no longer with us. And people know who I’m talking about, who, towards the end of her life, she was reporting. This is what’s interesting, because we brought up the, you know, Twitter and how crazy it’s gotten recently. And I have a lot of muted words on there, so I don’t see a lot of things like all the, the dead babies and the people getting blown up and all that snuff stuff.

I don’t. I don’t like that stuff. So I muted all a lot of words. And so she was reporting that she was having a, like a tailored experience on social media sites. Now, the interesting aspect about that is that I have my personal opinion as to what could have been happening to her during that time. And I believe that it could have been a sort of. It could have been a possess, a possession. Like, I think a demonic entity got a hold of her electronics. Now, that’s not too far fetched to say that an entity could.

Because think about it. If an entity is able to take over human host. Right? Let’s get woo woo. Because, you know, it’s the. Yeah. If it’s able to take over a human host, right, which is designed by God and is perfect enough for this entity to take over. Think of a computer. Wouldn’t a computer be perfect enough to house an entity of sorts because of the design that it was put under? So I feel like she was having a tailored experience because you have people with the. With the gang stalking as well, which is kind of like a weird phenomenon as well.

But it’s like, is it actual people? Is it an entity that’s making you think this? Or is it a government technology that’s making you believe and you’re going crazy in your head? And it drove her to where she, you know, ended up herself. So. And I think that she reports. She, I mean, she talked about this, that she was having a tailored experience on her social media. She was having conversations with people that she knew, and the people were being very nasty towards her, people that wouldn’t otherwise be like that towards her. And the things that she was seeing on her social media didn’t line up with how it was like, how it was.

So was that a case of, again, this whole sort of thing where they’re using technology to make you feel some sort of way? But I have my personal opinion that it was some sort of, again, demonic encounter that she was having with some, what if it even weirder, bro? Like, what if this is some kind of, like, I think we’ve even discussed about this, like, how, like, maybe AI is just a shell that, like, hosts these demonic creatures? Because I’ll tell you, like, shoutouts to Thomas paranoid American because he got me on that guy. Don’t ever shout that guy out of my show ever again, dude.

No. You censor that over it? I’m just kidding. Okay. I don’t know, man. Paranoid American, I just want to say that. All right, so that’s it. That’s the point of it. But when you show me, like, all the AI music and I’ve been, like, digging into that, I’m not gonna lie, I was making a lot of Aleister Crowley songs and, man, there was some times where I was making them and I had it in my headphones, cuz I started messing with it all. And I’m like, I feel like there’s some kind of, like, coming. Oh. And I think I have a strong enough mind to like, whoa, I’m tripping.

But I’m like, this could be something. So what if this God of, this voice of God weapon is shooting, like, entities that are speaking to you, right? Like, you’re, you’re catapulting this entity towards people that can relate and adapt to anything, right? An entity could go, hey, I know your fears. I know your weaknesses. I know what can make. That’s the, that’s the last thing you hear from the nephilim before, like, takes over your body. Like, no, but, dude, so, you know, this is something that I read from Fritz Spring Meyer. Fritz Spring Meyer. And this is from Illuminati.

Mind controlled slave. And this is a book from 1996, okay. This is a book from 1996. Fritz Springmeyer. The Illuminati formula used to create an undetectable mind total mind control. An undetectable total mind controlled slave. Fred Spring wire in 1996. And in this book, bro, in this book. And we’re talking about shooting entities. Well, we know that the nephilim love the cheeks, right? Yeah, there is. He talked about directed energy weapons that could make the person feel like they were being sodomized, bro. So through directed energy weapons. How wild is that? And he was right. This is from a patent that he had pulled up.

It’s in the book. And that was in 1996, that they could feel you were being rammed in your. By who knows what. In 1996, bro. They can. They can put. They can do a whole. They can run a train on you now in 2020. I think it’s like the attachment stuff. You know how people like, oh, I have an entity attached and not everybody gets those attachments. I feel like it’s like your awareness and, like, your height. I’m not saying nothing could attach to us, but, like, I feel like nothing can attach to me because I think, like, I’m pretty aware of.

My cheeks are tight. Tight? Yeah, they’re tight. No, man, I locked it up, man. I got that chastity belt thing, you know, rock solid. Ain’t no nephilim cheek crackman over here, man. That’s right. Going down. I think that that’s a possibility. And what’s also crazy is, like, the US Psyop division. Their motto is, I’m probably gonna butcher this. It’s like Vermont Vincent, which means the word will conquer. That’s the. That’s the division. The US Psyop division. Because they have a whole division. You know that, right? No, I didn’t know that. Yeah, they go into other countries.

Well, they wouldn’t sign up us. They only saw. Look, man, they’re good people, man. They only sigh up other countries that we don’t like. Yeah, I love the government there. They’re doing good stuff, man. Like DARPA. Thanks for the Internet. I wouldn’t be here right now. Shots out to DARPA. Shout out to DARPA. Shout out to the nephilim that they got in the underground bunkers and all that stuff. Then. That. That’s wild, bro. So let me. So you brought up earlier, let me read this out so I can close out these. These tabs. So we have the active denial system, which is a non lethal directed energy weapon developed by the us military, designed for aerial denial, perimeter security, crowd control.

Informally, the weapon is also called the heat ray, since it works by heating the surface of targets, such as skin of targeted human beings. Now they got one that just. It just warms up people. Scrotum, bro. Just like the balls. Just start. Raytheon had marketed, marketed a reduced range version of this technology. The ads was deployed in 2010 with the United States military in the Afghanistan war, but was withdraw without seeing combat. You sure? They were frying dudes up over there with. Yes. They were just like, wow. They’re just, you know, they were testing it, like, hey, look at this.

And it was because, remember the videos that came out from WikiLeaks where people were like, oh, I got this right here. Oh, yeah. Like a game, bro. So you think that they weren’t doing the same thing? They definitely were, because the people that are using it. Because a lot of times, like you said, it is like a game. Especially now, I could imagine you’re in war. You’re like, oh, man, I’m just on a screen, like, it’s. It’s easy to kill these people. Maybe that’s another, you know, the layer of what they try to do. But there’s this weapon like that you can, like you said, it was in Desert Storm, but it was also used in the, in the Iraq war.

The. The 2004 went after 911. And I have four clips that I sent you. The first ones I wanted you to show was the Woody. His name is Woody Norris. He’s an inventor. And the reason why I’m gonna show this, this is a video from 2004. I think it’s important to show receipts. Right. I like how when you go deep on the occult, you come with the receipts of, like, a man. This is not just me making. Theorizing is part of it, but there’s also some real to it, you know what I mean? And he, in the first clip I’m gonna show you, he expert shows an example.

We’ve got the military ahead. Just. Is it this? Yeah. And demonstrates how it works. And this is called hypersonic sound. He invented this. And this is where he. You could follow it further or go to kill the mockingbirds. Calm disinformation section. I have the video up, the full TED talk from 2004, and it’s like eight minutes. But he really talks about how, like, they harnessed the light bulb and turned into the laser, and he got, like, really on to, like, man, how we need to harness sound, right? Stereos just blast music everywhere. I want to start harnessing sound.

And in this clip, he’s going to the clip one, he’s going to show people how it works. And he kind of, like, reflects, shows the reflection of it. And then it’s a waterfall that’s going to be in their ear. We’re not going to hear the waterfall. But he explains it. And I’m taking notes here, so. And it feels like, bro, it feels like these TED talks. I feel like they go hard in the paint with, like, some of the stuff that they disclose. Like, I don’t know if people aren’t paying attention or what it is, but I’ve learned some crazy, crazy stuff on TED talks.

Or it could all just be faking gay. Who knows? But let me play. I’m play this real quick. Just deployed some of these into Iraq, where you can put fake troop movements a quarter of a mile away on a hillside, or you can whisper in the ear of a supposed terrorist some biblical verse. I’m serious. And they have these infrared devices that can look at their countenance and see a fraction of a degree kelvin in temperature shift from 100 yards away when they play this thing. And so another way of hopefully determining who’s friendly and who isn’t, we make a version of this, which puts out 155.

I told you the wrong clip. But the next clip is actually. But that was where just the proof that it was deployed. This is his technology. It’s not. You know, I’m sure he’s not the only one that knows about this. There’s probably multiple people that have been working on stuff like this, like DARPA, but this is actually out in the public, and I thought it was important to show the receipts of, hey, this was deployed out there. He. You could see the seriousness in his face. I I believe him, and I don’t believe a lot of people, but if you show the other clip, that will show.

Demonstrate how it actually works. So, Woody Norris or the Robert Duncan. What? Woody Norris saw the second one. Yeah, the second one. I might have had him. I think I put the wrong number so good, I was gonna play by itself, so here goes. Okay. Yeah. Of what the importance is of being able to focus light now, after almost 80 years of having sound, I thought it was about time that we figure out a way to put sound where you want to. I have a couple of units. That guy there was made for a demo I did yesterday early in the day, for a big car maker in Detroit.

Who wants to put him in a car? Small version over your head so that you can actually get binaural sound in a car. What if I could aim sound the way I aim light? I got this waterfall I recorded in my backyard. Now, you’re not going to hear a thing unless it hits you. Maybe if I hit the sidewall, it bounce around the room. The sound is being made right next to your ears. Is that cool? And this is 2004. I’ve had. I’ve had the earphones that need to be. Let me bring you back in. Hold up.

There you go. The. I’ve had the earphones that go. And they vibrate the bone in your ear. That’s supposed to be. It’s called conduct. I think they’re conduction. Conduction earphones. Let me see what they’re called. Yeah, bone conduction earphones. You can get these. Looking at these for $20 on Amazon. They go in front of your ear and it’s supposed to vibrate the bone that’s like linked to your, your. Again, I don’t know the science, but the. That goes to your eardrum or something or other, and you can hear, it’s literally, it’s not in your ear, but you hear as if it was in your ear.

Like, it’s the craziest thing. And I feel like these came out and they were more mainstream recently. Like the cuz that hadn’t. I remember my buddy showed me, he had some bose sunglasses that he had that have the integrated thing on them, and they were clean, bro. Like, he put. He’s like, yo, check this out. Like, what do you. I was like, why they’re so bulky? And like, he’s like, because they’re earphones. So he put them on me and you get bros. But I mean, bost think about. I’m sure that bows is also how this guy talking about, oh, we’re gonna put it in a car.

Well, I’m sure that they’ve. These companies, they also manufacture things for all these other car, you know, and he’s not the only one with this idea, you know what I mean? There’s multiple people. Like, if you go to microwaves, voice goal, success. AiM announced 1974. There’s articles that american psychology, psychologists were doing this thing. 1974. Right. We know that people have been doing mind control techniques forever. The MkUltra programs of the fifties and sixties. The. The monarch programs, like different ways of controlling people. And brainwashing goes back, you know, like they say the. And I thought this was interesting to this guy named Sidney Godwell.

He’s the. He is basically was the director of the CIA, and he is credited with creating a mind control, or not mind control, but brainwashed. The term brainwashing. Not that he invented brainwashing, but the term. He probably brainwashed a homunculus or two in his air. And one of them, call me old fashioned, but I like the idea that I was going to show this earlier, the idea of. I think it’s called the rod. The rod of God. Which think about. I mean, I know. Listen, I know space is fake and gay, but just. Just. Space is fake and gay.

I know it’s faking gay, and this probably doesn’t exist, and that’s why it probably doesn’t exist, because the United States Space Forces first mission was to launch the rod and from God into space, commonly referred to as Project Thor or Thor’s hammer. This unique weapon system, first launching platform, was deployed in early 2020 while using the supporting platform was launched early 2021. What the hell is that? This unique weapon system, first launching platform, was deployed in early 2020 while the supporting platform was launched early. Which is it? Bro? Did you do a typo on this meme that he did here with his.

This thing? So it has been used in multiple operations, such as the bombing of Iran last year and has a couple of deployments in Ukraine. Dropping tungsten telephone poles on ammo dumps. This is what true combined arms looks like. Air land scenes. Wait, so has it is. It’s not. I mean, we can’t just search this up and they’re gonna tell us that, yeah, it’s real here are these secrets of the government. Yeah. Why would they use this if they could just use a freaking laser? What would be the point of using this particular thing? Well, that was my argument with the whole, like, oh, they used the Dewey.

I’m not saying they’ve never tested one, but, like, when they were talking about Maui, I’m like, man, it’s way cheaper just to let the electric company their wires burner. It’s way easier. But, like, it’s probably cost a lot of money to generate that. You talk about the Hawaii stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, but everything, everything has got to be a conspiracy, bro. But I’m a hundred percent with you. Like, why go through all that trouble? We can just have pay some dude a $100 that, yo, throw this Molotov cocktail in this field and the rest is history.

But then you got the directed energy weapons day. They shot it into my skull, and I can feel it in my, you know, they were sodomizing me, bro, from the directed energy weapon, so. And the thing is that we. That. That’s the thing that sucks is because I do agree that these things exist, but sometimes when people exaggerate, it’s like, then when I go to tell somebody else about it and I have, like, receipts and I’m like, no, look, check out this. Like, who is that part of the science though, bro? Is that. Cuz? Because it sounds so ridiculous that, again, it were in this realm of, like, oh, that’s so unbelievable.

But the truth is stranger than fiction. Sure. Right? It’s like, well, homunculus, we’re all fake. Yeah, but you’ll believe that. But you won’t believe the lady who woke up in the morgue, you know, because she was put to the side, and maybe she had a condition that made her heartbeat slow down, and she wasn’t in a country that doesn’t have the best medicine, right? And she was just taking a nap, and then she woke up and boom. But he. You won’t believe that. And it’s possible because I see, man, I. This one time at my. My buddies, this is when we’re way younger.

Like, his family had a lot of, like, druggies that would, like, you know, hang around. And this tweaker man, she went into his room. She. He had, like, a garage was a back room. So, like, we’re like an early 19 party and stuff out there. We left. She fell asleep in there. 19 hours. She slept in there. We partied. We were, like, loud as hell. Like, we were kind of, like. We kept checking, like, is she breathing? Because we don’t want to. You know what I mean? Like, oh, she’s breathing. We’re cool. I could see that happening.

Especially, you know, how it’s like, what if it’s a bigger person and, like, they don’t look like they’re breathing or how they’re. How their position. It doesn’t look so they can seem dead there. It’s possible. It’s not like that’s the craziest thing. I’m with you. Like, if you. If you’re all in on the homunculus, a lady waking up in the morgue should be like a walk in the park. It’s like that. That’s the most believable part of my day. Absolutely. No, yeah, 100%. Like, that’s like. That’s what’s crazy about people. But to get into a little theorizing, right.

You have this technology that’s been around that we’ve pretty much proven. I feel like right now that that has been around. We’ve seen it with DARPA, we’ve seen it with the air force has implemented stuff. Different psychologists have tried to implement stuff with sound. And we know about frequencies and frequency healing. I mean, the occult is big on, like, you know, frequencies and. And being one with self, which is also frequent, you know, I mean, nature’s frequencies. Earlier, you alluded to, like, schizophrenia, right? Like, voice to school and schizophrenia. I started looking through stuff and I was like, looking up and hearing voices.

So, like, I only pulled three. I sent you one right now. This one’s about Kentucky school shooter says he’s still hearing voices. 1997. A Kentucky man who killed three students and wounded five in school 25 years ago told a parole panel on Tuesday that he is still hearing voices like the ones he. That told him to steal a pistol and shoot it into a crowd. A high school crowd in lobby in 1997. Right. Then you go to a Florida suspect. This. This is from 2018. The school with Nicholas Cruz, the 19 year old who was accused of 17 people and injuring dozens more.

He opened fire at South Florida High school Wednesday, told investigators that he heard voices in his head, giving him instructions on what to do. And then the most recent. I don’t know if you heard about that marine in Maine. I think it was last year or so. I think it was last year that he went on a spree and he was also hearing voices. And what kind of concluded in that one was that people were saying that he was wearing some. What are they called? The ear? Hearing. Yeah. Hearing aid. There you go, a hearing aid.

And these new hearing aids, I guess you can adjust them, right, so you can hear from far distances. That could be a possibility. Or is it this technology that they’re using? Because then now you can really manifest something, right? How do we get these? Nashville and the. The guy in Texas, we could go listen, list all these that out of nowhere. And a lot of them are hearing voices or. Or having weird ideology or having psychological breaks. So it could just be, hey, some of them could be really be broken because of the. The psychological trauma of, like, whatever they’re hearing.

And I don’t know if you’ve ever done it, but as a kid, I used to, like, you know, chill outside by myself, and I could. And I would hear like, hey, like, you don’t faint things. That’s just you, bro. How? I’m not hearing any voices, dog. I don’t know about you, but. Well, like, it could have also just been me thinking it, right? Like, I don’t know. At that time, I was young. So when you’re young, you’re only, like, you know, you’re formulating the thoughts. But now to be older and hearing people that hear voices, is it a real voice? Is it these weapons that once they’ve unlocked them, that these entities are now you’re able to communicate? They have a way, a path.

Like, it’s like a sound board. Ouija board. Right? Like, it’s like, instead of just showing you letters are like, we’re start of spelling everything out, man. We need to just talk, man. I just want to. I hate text. And that’s interesting that you. That you say Ouija board because that there’s something in the 1970s, that guy that I told you that made that typewriter, he also made a, something called a meta. It’s called a metaphone or something or other. And it was a, it was. They were trying to have entities communicate back with them again, using a quantum operated system that they had in the seventies that was able to convert signals into text and speech and all that craziness.

And they were doing this in the seventies, bro. They’re trying to communicate with the. They even did a seance on Harry Houdini’s hundredth birthday, trying to communicate with Harry Houdini. And so that’s. That’s an interesting one, bro, where if we speculate, we know that. And how do I word this? All right, so the people who trusted the government and, and took that thing in 2020, right? What if that has something to do with, right. Getting the right conductive materials within yourself, right? And a lot of those people have crazier ideologies, you know, more left leaning, if you get.

What I mean. Is this what’s making people chop their off, bro? Like, happy pride month, by the way, where we are, right? So also men’s health, mental health awareness. So just don’t chop your off. But check this out, bro. What if, what if, and I need. And, and in the, in the most respectful way possible, do people who transition, do they hear voices telling them what is telling them to transition? Is it something that they hear? Is it something that they feel? What is it? Or has it changed? Because, I mean, there’s always been gays, there’s always been trannies, there’s always been all these concepts.

You’re not going to tell me that a gay dude in the early 19 hundreds was having some voice to skull technology from the government? You’re not going to tell me that Moses, when he was passed down the Ten Commandments, was experiencing voice to school technology, right? It’s like that wasn’t happening. That’s a little bit different. But now, how can you distinguish the two? Come 2024, where. Look, this is 2018, the US military is making lasers that create voices out of thin air. 2018. It goes here. Within three years, the Pentagon’s non lethal weapons lab hope. Non lethal.

What happens if you make somebody freaking kill themselves? Like, you know, I’m saying, like, they didn’t do it. Like, they’re gonna be like, we didn’t do it. Technically, it’s not. Weapons lab hopes to have a direct energy weapon that can produce an effect like a haunted walkie talkie or the biblical burning bush. Watch the video above. Listen carefully for what sounds like a human voice during the second spin. That’s not an audio recording or a broadcast transmitted over radio. It’s not human at all. You see, it’s like what you were saying is, it’s not human at all.

It’s an auditory effect that’s created by military scientists who manipulate the air with lasers. And it’s the Pentagon’s most interesting idea for stopping people charging checkpoints or scaring the crap out of them. Them. So the US military’s joint non lethal weapons program is inching closer to a weapon that alters atoms to literally create words from thin air. Bro, this is technology. But this sounds so like a cult. It’s called the late laser induced plasma effect. And fingers crossed they hope to be able to say intelligible words within the next three years. I kind of want to play this video.

All the videos unavailable. Of course the videos unavailable. I need to see that one. What? That’s so wild, bro. And have to go to bit. Shoot a rumble. Yeah, I can’t know. It’s literally the show my screen here. So I’m gonna. I was gonna play this and it’s. Wow. What the heck, dude? So again, this concept of. And this one’s from 20, this one’s a little bit newer, this one’s from 2020. Heat Ray and the voice of God. My experience with the non lethal weapons eyed for use in DC protest. This was during 2020, of course.

Right. And so during the summer disturbances in Washington DC, we know what was going on during that time. One of the active. Right. Or something like that. Do it. Summer of love. Something like that. Yeah, they were on, Danny, chill. That’s what they were hearing though, Danny. Yeah, they were just telling each other that. And as they’re chopping their off. Yeah, dude. So let’s see here how people should think about these systems. The reporting has been breathless, as if the military robots have shined death rays on peaceful citizens. The exotic nature of the technologies has added to the anxiety.

In fact, both systems have been around for a long time and deployed overseas. It’s not clear whether ads was used overseas. Remember, they were like, no, we ain’t used it. We ain’t use it during war. And this guy had it. Yeah, we. We just had in the. We had in the back of the truck. The whole time, we never used it. You know, it was too much of a hassle. Ads has not been used operationally in the United States. All right, the FBI has investigated the FBI, and they’ve concluded that the FBI has done nothing wrong.

Yeah, it’s. Yeah, it’s crazy. Well, they must have did a very thorough investigation. All right, so anyways, I’m not gonna read all this, but point being that this is interesting. I still do like the kinetic bombardment. I do like the idea of a rod just landing from space or wherever that plate, you know, I gotta be inclusive. Inclusive to the product community. No, that’s the pronouns of people. But imagine seeing that those, like, you’re just outside having your coffee in the morning. You’re like, hey, what’s up, Todd? And then you just see him get smashed by this giant rod.

Like, whoa, what did he do? Who did he piss off? Yeah, bro, I’d be crazy. But again, why would they use a rod when they can just use a laser? Or better yet, they could just make you make your head explode by, like, their. Their brain melts or something. Like. But my thing too is like, I’ve thought this for a long time. So I do think that there is abductions. I think that there is people that get possessed, but also there’s a portion of people that use it as of. Yeah, yeah, I got possessed. You know, I’m going to use it to get some, like, likes or attention.

But there’s also, I think, this part where through MkUltra and different experiments the government has done, I think there’s implanted memories, or you think you’re asleep, but you’re really awake. There’s all these different encounters. And I think that with these kind of technologies, you could really sway on people what you’re talking about earlier, like nanotechnology, you know, now they got that organized technology, right, where it’s like human flesh mixed with AI, and it’s like creating its own. Like, they’re pretty much the beginning of transhumanism. An organoid. What the is that? What the. What is that here? An organoid is a simplified version of an organization that three dimensional and mimics the key function, structure, and biological, biological complexities of that organ, but with AI powered.

So. All right, hold up. So you’re saying that they could. So you’re saying that they could have. Essentially. So what I’m saying Android, but it’s like a set. Is an Android a synthetic version of a robot? Maybe? Yeah, that could be the definition. I’m not sure. Let me see here. So, so because I want to be. I want to, I want to use the correct term. So a robot with a he. So an Android is a robot with a human appearance. So what’s called organoid intelligence? Would it be a cy. So a cyborg is a hot.

No, wait. A fictional or hypothetical person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements. But the body, no. So that wouldn’t be. So a cyborg is half man, half human. An Android is a robot that looks like a human. So then we’d get a synth. Is a synthoid. A synthroid? See here. So a synthroid. This is something that helps your thyroid levels. Ozempic. Yeah, big. So let’s see here anyways. Or organoid. Organoid intelligence. Organoid new. Instead of AI, it’s oh, I, this and there, there’s articles that forbes that talk about organoid intelligence may soon power our computers.

Chitchi. That’s the new friggin like, have this little homunculus inside of your Dell computer and it’ll work. All right, so an OI, of course. Organoid intelligence is an emerging field of study in computer science and biology that develops and studies biological computing using 3d cultures of human brain cells, or human or brain organoids and brain machine interface technologies. Such technologies may refer to, as always, bruh. So if they’re talking to us about this, we know. And this is from. What year is this from? Let’s see here. This is from 2023. Okay, so if they’re talking to us about this, and they’re, and they’ve told us that they’ve cloned people, and they’ve told us that they’ve grown people in labs and entire animals and false matrix.

If they’re telling us about this, bro, a hundred percent. You got full human organoids that are powered by this, bro. Yeah, yeah. It has to be like, cuz I don’t know how many you can manufacture, but there’s got to be a good handful. Like a good thousand. That’s where all the cow blood is going, bro. That’s where all the semen is going to. Maybe that’s why they’re slaughtering all the ended these flus. Mysterious. And they had to slaughter all the chickens. They’re like, oh, well, right, they’re all getting dying. I think that that’s part of their plan in my thing is like, if I theorize more.

So we were talking about like, you know, people hearing voices, maybe become schizophrenic and being told to either off themselves or off somebody full on instructions. Not just like, hey, someone said, go choke this guy out. Like, full on instructions. Like, hey, go to this store. Go here, get this, this and that. So maybe it’s like, all these elements together, right? Now, this organoids, which we know that people that were forced to get this special, unheard of thing that you were required to at some places to get a job or keep a job. What if this technology is similar to these organoids? Right? This organoid intelligence, so activated with it.

There’s another one. Scientists build tiny biological robots from human cells. The multicellular bio bots can move around and help heal wounds. Created and plated neurons. This is 2023. November 30, 2023. So they’re making all this human tracheal skin cells self assemble into a multicellular moving organoids called anthro robots. So the organoids form these anthro robots, bro. And now when the AI takes over, it’s gonna be a whole bunch of anthro robots running around trying to do stuff to you. Robots or digital homunculus. I mean, you. Dude, you said it, not me. Daddy, chill. And this is from 2024.

This is. Let me see here. I seen something that said 2024. What is the latent space of possible functional morphologies that cells of the wild type genome can coax to construct? This question drives at the heart of fundamental issues and evolutionary, developmental, cell and synthetic biology, and has been taken up by a rapid. So, because think about this, bro. Focusing on building new kinds of active living structures. Biobots. So what’s interesting about this is that recently, Israel. Of course, the scientists that. Israel. That’s all. Listen, dude. Scientists that Israel. That’s all I’m saying. All right? It’s all I’m saying.

They created a replica of a human embryo. And the reason that they did that was to. Because by law, you have 14 days. That when you create an embryo in a lab, the law says that you have to unalive after 14 days. By law, right? You can’t. You can’t see it past the 14 days. Now, what these scientists did. Because we know that they like to loophole things, right? We know that. That. That certain kind of people. I like to loophole things and find ways around. They made essentially kosher embryos, if you will, where, since it was a synthetic version, well, guess what? There’s no laws against what you can do to those, because those are a copy of the real thing.

It’s not the real thing. So what, we can push it past the 14 days, right? We can see how far. How far down the road, we can take it. And who’s holding that accountable, man? Who’s like, right there, like, hey, here’s an inspection. Making sure a have you all those embryos? It’s been for the homunculus way. Like, I have like a, like a, like a I care a samurai sword or something, like a mall. Just, boom, just go all over. I’m doing, doing an inspection today. You have any homunculi alive? 1415 day 5014 in two. Like, just like, did it just talk to me.

What the hell is that? Here, the last, like, connection of, like, if you add these organoids and all that, the thing that I thought that it could be even more to, like, try to harness us and put us. So a lot of AM radio stations one day, I was just, like, driving down the road smoking a cigarette, and I was like, sometimes I like to go a little drives, and I was like, you know what, man? Let me check out the AM radio station. And I was going through it, and there’s very limited AM programs on AM radio anymore, obviously, because streaming FM, you know, cable, all these things.

But even FM radio is kind of dying, right? 100%. And now they’re talking about, I think it was like, last year, this was talked about heavy in the beginning of this year, George Soros buying up 200 radio stations. And, and they were talking about like, oh, well, you know, you know, the political way of it. But I took it differently because I was like, okay, this is not politics. He was deep into the occult. He was deep into the propaganda. So that. Who was deep into the occult? So to me, if you aligned with the agenda, you aligned with the occult in my eyes, because they were so deep from the surface level.

That’s what it seems. So I’m thinking with them, all these radio stations and other people buying these, all these antennas are all over America. We have antennas all over America. Now, at some point, like we were talking about, there’s possibly nanotechnology or this thing that is, like, in your body because you may have been forced to do something or, like, persuaded into doing it. And are these able to activate and is it nanotech? Because we always say nanotechnology, but is it these organoid intelligence? Is it a mix of these nanotechnologies? And now you have, like, things of the God, of the voice of God weapon.

And if you amplify that with these antennas, and then you get a true project blue beam. And maybe it’s not this blue beam where we think that it’s going to be, oh, lasers in the sky. But what about that? Like, when you close your eyes or when someone’s blind, they say, like, you know, once you go blind and your senses are stronger, what if it’s so strong in your ear that these images are created, right? Because our eyes just see what we’re, you know, feeling from our other senses. And if they manipulate our hearing with these amplifiers that are all over the country, we all know there’s aM FM Sat, not satellites.

But they’re not gonna let them go to waste. No, not. There was a funny story, though. There’s some guy in Alabama stole one. Dude, you know that I have a. I have a buddy of mine that he works on the towers, okay. Or living. And, dude, they have to shut them off. You get sick if you’re in, like, a 5g tower while it’s on. Bees are attracted to it, and they said that they’ll cook your insides, bro. Like, he told me that you have to shut it off. I’ve had people, like, I guess they turn them on while they’re up there or something or other, and they starts to feel sick and stuff like that.

So there’s something to be said about that. And mind you, bro. Mind you, that they changed the definition of that thing that they made people take. Mm hmm. Very recent. As for, I think this. This week that they were talking about how it’s not. This week, bro, they said that it’s not considered what people originally thought that they were taking, that it’s now considered something completely different, and that anything that’s happening outside of that, again, it’s because they. So what you’re saying, what if. Because now this is when this bio bot talk is coming out. What if that was, like, one of the rollouts, you know, like, the.

Like, the whole. The test drive and the whole conclusion has been, how crazy has it been said? Like, I’m not saying 2019 to have crazy stuff, but maybe it’s because I’ve been doing podcasting. I don’t know. Right. But it just seems that everything’s been amplified. But even in, like, regular work scenarios, like, I’ve seen things that. Not that. And I’ve seen crazy stuff growing up, right. I was in rough neighborhoods. I’ve seen people wake up with a sore. But, Sean, is that what you say, bro? I’ve actually fixed that problem, man. I am no longer haunted, man.

Anybody that’s concerned, like, if you have also been by entity, you can call your lawyer. No. In the future, did you take. And did you take this experimental thing in 2020 and get by an entity, you could get money. So. So I think it was. I think it was Joel that sent me this picture of somebody online commenting about how they’re doing exorcisms on people who took that and that allegedly. It’s like inviting the incarnate spirits of the nephilim into them. And it’s like, I was like, I sent him to me. I’m like, let him cook.

You know, they let him cook me. I was like, hey, let it. Let him cook, bro. He might. He might be on to something. I’m saying. That’s all. You never know. The truth is stranger than fiction, dude. That’s all I’m saying. And especially when you see that there is now, is it? Is that what they’re using, these radio? I don’t know that. Right. But there’s a lot of craziness that happened, man. Like, I know that there was people trans before 2020, but I’ve never seen it amplified as it was in the last four years. I’ve never seen all the chaos.

Remember all them. You have the Nashville one. Like, just not that there’s. There’s been this amplification of chaos. And I think now they’re able to start to control it more that with all their weapons. It’s not just this voice of God weapon, it’s the Internet. It’s the manipulation tactics of the nudge theories. It’s using political parties to sway people. Because just to mention that, I did. Not to pat myself on the background thing, but I was telling people for a long time that, hey, in 2020, after Trump lost the election, I was like, watch all these people that were against Trump, all these Hollywood types, they’re gonna.

They’re gonna flip and they’re gonna be like, man, he’s the guy. He’s been. And where is it at? It’s in that same. That same pot. So I feel like this stuff is right, even if it is hypothetical. This weaponry that we’re talking about, secret government pronoun, I believe it exists. Yeah. But I think that it’s so far along, Sean, that I think that they have so many other avenues of controlling people that this is for, like, high profile targets of XYZ. You know, I’m saying, like, they’re only gonna use this for secret operations or whatever the rest of the stuff that it.

The trash takes itself out. You know, the people have their ideologies. They have their. Their race theories. They have all this other stuff that they fight about already, that they already have a hold of them. Yeah, they have the whole paradigm of the red and blue that can get them wiped out. But I think they just like to test stuff out. Now, I don’t think that every single one of those things we were talking about was filled with these. I’m saying that there’s a possibility, and I think that they mask it, right? Like, what if, like, one in every 1 million person that got it gets this, and then they could follow you, right? These, these targeted individuals, what we’re talking about earlier, there’s only about 10,000 of them in the world that these people, like, it’s still phenomenon, but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to what we’re told.

How many people are exist in the world. Yeah. So I’m thinking that they just, this is how they hone things in how they test stuff, because I think it’s just a lot of, it’s just the curiosity, like, oh, man, what does this do? Like, we got to test it out so they’re gonna look crazy. Don’t matter to you, right? Like, hey, man, I really want to, like, harness this, which we don’t know, that this could be for something else. And you brought up a good point earlier where you’re saying, like, if they’re showing us this now, if they’re showing us this test now, this is what, more advanced, you know, I mean, like you said, there’s already a whole, a whole human of it.

There’s not just this. Oh, well, we got a little tiny cell together. No, man, we’ve already seen these. The guy typing it out was created by them. Like, the dude typing the. He’s like, while they’re making all these bio bots pop up on the. And it’s funny you mentioned red plot red in the blue. Well, I. I didn’t. I was. I didn’t know this. Red and blue makes purple, bro. And purple is like the color of mind control of, like, consciousness. These lights in my back that I have right now, is that 333 hz or something like that? So it’s like, that’s, that color represents that.

And I’ve talked about the Hans purple, where I believe that was created by these alchemists, these Dallas alchemists. I believe that they were entrapping. They. There’s a study where they want to use Hans purple in computers because it’s able to hold information, bro. So I think that these terracotta war soldiers were actually some sort of like, the first biobots. And I think that they try to capture the consciousness of the people who made those statues within the actual statue, dude. Well, you know, there’s this new movie coming out. I think it’s based on a children’s book.

It’s called Harold in the Purple Crayon. And anything that he can draw, it becomes. And he’s in this world, and then he gets into the real world and he’s drawing everything with a purple crayon. Whoa. And then it’s like this, you know, a battle with some guy trying. He breaks it in half. I just saw the preview. I just happened to go to the movies the other day. It’s. Wow, bro. What? This is crazy. If you got to see the trailer because he’s like. He gets into. So that’s like a moose and whatever. They’re just drawings, right? Like, they’re just like Cran.

And then he’s like, we’re going to the real world. He makes a door. I remember this book, too. Crazy, right? But if you see it just, like, threw me. I forgot about this to tell you about it, cuz. Like, I see so much. So much because I wanted to. When I saw it, I was like, this is alchemy, right? Like, with a purple. A purple crayon. And he control whatever and then comes to life. A hundred percent, dude. Yeah. It is like he’s drawing. It cuts to life. And then there’s a guy, obviously, that once he breaks the crown in half, it gives it to him.

And obviously there’s a criminal, a villain, because, you know, he’s the good guy. But it’s definitely. And then just being the color purple, like you said, that’s synonymous with mind control. It’s very interesting. Yeah, 100%. And it’s linked with consciousness and your root cha in your top chart, like, all that stuff. I mean, that’s all connected there. But I just thought about that when you were like red, blue. I mean, that and that in itself right there. If you’re. If you’re still falling for the identity politics stuff, you’re. You’re getting churned up in the machine. I can’t help you.

I just go, I can’t help you, man. You might be retarded. You might be a homunculus. I mean, that. You got to get that. Remember that. Yep. You got it. I got it, bro. I got. I got you speaking Alex Jones, right? Because he’s got to be honest with you, I’m kind of retarded. Those are the people that follow politics, right. That’s what I see, dude. You know, as far as to figure out, like, well, I’m trying to see where is it going right. Like, where are they leading us? They’re leading us to slaughter. And I’m trying to, like.

And sometimes I’m wasted breath thinking that I’m going to talk to somebody and change their mind. And they’re like. But they always look at me crazy because when I tell them, like, I don’t really like Trump because I got like a, like, people at work, you know, this one truck driver that comes to work, he listens to, like, conspiracy stuff. I told him I got them, and I’m always trying to, hey, man, check out the podcast, man. You know, leave a donation. You know what I mean? Like, I know you get good money, man. You trucking is.

I was telling him about, like, some of the stuff, and he’s kind of like more that mild. Like he, he kind of like, it seems like he got more information after this. 2020, there’s this big crowd of people that I don’t want to use the word woke up because it’s so, like, overused. But, you know, a lot of people were aware of, like, oh, yeah, our government’s corrupt. Oh, this is happening. But not maybe more surface level stuff. And he was even like, I got into the flat earth. I saw some stuff about what Dave Weiss, I wasn’t really filling in.

I was telling him, though, that, like, I’m not really for Trump and this and that, and he was just like, oh, you’re not for Trump? Oh, you could build your own homunculus. Building a better. Listen, dude, I’m just saying, dog, I looked up the organoid stuff that you’re talking about. Digital homunculus, bro. This is what came up, dog. All right, so listen, imagine it’s not gonna be any more of, like, finding out you’re adopted. It’s gonna be finding out you’re a homunculus. Well, you seen those videos, right, of the guys that showed, like, the freckle on their arm and they’re like, this is the proof that you’re a clone.

Like, there’s like a t. Yeah. Like everyone has the same. Everyone has the same. And I know. Yeah, that would be. Imagine, though. How do we live with that? You’re like, this whole time I was researching homunculus and I was a homunculus. This whole, dude, again, it’s homunculi all the way down. It’s like the movies that you see where there was one movie in particular that really blew my mind. Like, I love a good plot twist. And it was this movie of this dude who his wife, like, they had figured out how to capture consciousness in a.

In a, like, computer. And he had the computer in his house, and it was his wife, and he could, like, interact with her, but he had to pay, like a subscription. He couldn’t pay anymore or something crazy like that. So the whole movie is him trying to stop the people from taking his wife away from him who was in a computer. And up until the point that they’re gonna unplug the computer because the people come through and they’re gonna unplug, and she’s gonna be gone forever, it turns out, was him who was in the computer, and it was his wife on the outside who had an unplug him, bro.

I was not expecting. I’m like, dude, it was him trying to save himself the whole time. And the whole time he was like. And he didn’t even realize it. He realize it, bro. So. Which makes sense because the consciousness, a lot of times, people want to save their loved one. You know how most people think of saving their loved ones first before they think of themselves? So maybe the only way he could pull him out was that love of his wife or what. That’s wild, though. Band to, like, go from there. I love a good plot twist, man.

I ain’t is, you know, I mean, like, I seen the beekeeper the other day and I was like, I don’t know how this ends. Like, you know me. You know the whole. You know what you’re getting into, bro. You’re like, I’m just gonna see some kick blow explosions. You’re not gonna be like, oh, wow, I didn’t see that coming. Yeah, cuz it’s like the same archetypal stories just told over and over, just repackaged in different little packages. And you’ve already pretty much seen it all. So do you want to add anything, bro? I mean, where we at with this? So we have this weird.

We’re in this weird biological robot territory, which ties into everything that’s happened, what people took, how that might be. I mean, there’s been a lot of speculations as to that stuff that they put in there, what that technology could be used. And then you’re saying that you have sorrows buying up all the old towers, buying up radio stations, almost like, what are you. What are you trying to get at? And so where do we go from here, dude? I mean, are we gonna be fighting off organoid homunculus? Like, is again, like, with, like, how we kind of talked beforehand, you know, me and I was a silver lining.

I see the fantastical aspect of it. But I also see that a lot of these plans fail, right. I also am under the belief that a lot of these, quote unquote elitist people or occultic people, I think they’re a lot of times too big for their britches. They. They have these great ideas that this can be implemented. I still have to see for fact that it is, because I’m still with you, I think just a regular brainwashing. But what I do want to say, too, is, like, when you’re using, like, effort, because we know subliminal messages, right? We watch a movie and they’re subliminal.

But now with the sound, can they amplify everything that we’re doing? You’re listening to our podcast, and there’s embedded sound that can tell you something else, right? And I don’t think will affect everybody the same. And again, I don’t know that there is technology in what some of the people took, right? But if there was, per se, again, with these subliminal messages, their frequencies, and with frequencies that does a lot of things, it changes. Changes the substance of water. It changes the inside of us, which is water. So I’m wondering if these frequencies can be embedded in songs, music, podcasts.

So it’s funny you said that, bro, because actually what I did do, people are gonna be hearing this post production. I did put a soundtrack in here that’s gonna make people relax their anus a little bit more than usual while listening to this episode. So if your anus was relaxed during this episode, hit me up with an email. Let me know. Call into the show 4074-764-7606 let me know if it worked or not. So anyways, it’s funny you mentioned that, because I clipped out one of my episodes where somebody called in about the movie leave the world behind and how that movie could have had, like, some ultrasound, like, some frequency, had, like, seven different bands of frequencies in that movie, and how that could have been used to manipulate the masses or something or other.

And I think you’re absolutely right. I think it’s been happening for a while now, bro. I mean, I think it’s been going on for. For a minute of this whole idea of using frequencies to even look at Netflix when you open up Netflix. Boom, boom, boom. Like, that whole thing there. Or even, dude, I think even the vibrations. Nobody has their phone on, like, a ring now. Everyone always has their phone on vibrate. Like, even though I went broke one time buying ringtones when they first came out, like, I was like, oh, get this ringtone. And that was when you had a biome, you know, when you were.

Record the speaker. Remember that, bro? You were for that one song, like, you record the speaker. It’s real quick. Yeah. And it would cut off. Messed up your lace too good, bro. Yeah. So I think. Yeah, I think you’re. I think it’s already been implemented, dude. And I think anything. Anything else that they put on top of anything, it’s just a cherry on top. Like, let’s see how much we can. We can get out of it and see how far we can push it. It. And what results we get out of it. You know, I’m saying.

Yeah. And the good news to me, and this is like. And I don’t know if we want to use the term low vibration people, because I don’t know how. You know what I mean? But, like, I think that, like, if we’re elevated in our intelligence and that our spiritual awareness, all these things that we’re learning and growing, I don’t think all this technology can affect us as much. I think there’s a. NPC could be the term or whatever they want to fill in the blank. I think there’s a lot of people that are just kind of running, especially with Netflix and streaming services in the Internet.

I think it’s got a lot of people just kind of coasting through life, and I think once you’re in that coasting in life, this is when you’re susceptible to some of these technologies more than a regular person, in my opinion. Like, people that are actively learning and. And critically thinking. I really think that that is the opposition to these technologies. There’s. There’s not just hopelessness of, like, what are we gonna do? It’s that let get breakaway. Don’t. Don’t always stay on YouTube. Go watch one on one podcast, or kill the Mockingbird podcast on other platforms. Or how about this? Go up, use it podcasting 2.0 app, and listen to one on one and go for a hike or something like that.

Just get away from some of this garbage. That’s repetitive. When you start seeing. It’s repetitive. Repetitive. The same plots when you’re watching the same tv shows and you can predict it all, you might want to just let it alone for a while. Yeah, 100%, dude. And I do want to add anything else before you get out of here, bro. Anything else? No, I just think that, like, if we keep critically thinking and stop commenting on people’s YouTube pages because you think you know everything. Check your sources, bro. Get. Check your. Check your sources. There’s no way.

You know you’re getting ridiculous now. I’m like, what? What are you talking about, bro? Like, I heard that was your mom. So you want to plug your stuff before you get out of here, bro? Yeah, definitely. Go to all streaming services right now. I’m actually gonna be working on getting all my music to to go value for value. But at for now, you go to Apple, Spotify, even though they don’t give us nothing. You get zeros, like, literally almost no money to get it. But go stream my latest song, domestic terrorist. Go to kill the

go to the disinformation section. Go check out Woody Norris where he explains this hypersonic sound. It’s really interesting. And go to the value for value part and donate, man. Why not, man? Support the show, man. Support one on one. Like, if you want to have good content, support those people. Let me know if your anus was relaxed and send me all your your link, Sean. So I post them in the description. And yeah, make sure to check me out. Twitch tv slash one on one podcast TJ one on one podcast on pretty much all social media platforms., the Oneonone podcast, all that good stuff. Hopefully you enjoyed this episode. This was a fun one. This was a fun episode. And we did cover a lot of weird stuff. Yeah. Organoid, homunculi, you got to be careful with those. Keep those cheeks tight. And as always, everyone, see you on the other side. Daddy, chill. Daddy, chill. Oh, man.

  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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