➡ The text discusses the concept of dreaming, referencing Carlos Castaneda’s work and the idea of the collective unconscious. The speaker shares personal experiences with dreams, including recurring themes of powerlessness and being unable to load a gun. They also discuss the idea of dreams as a form of memory storage, suggesting that the brain acts like a radio antenna. The text concludes with the speaker encouraging the audience to map their dreams and explore the concept of dream recall.
➡ The speaker discusses the potential effects of Wi-Fi and electrical grids on our bodies and dreams. They mention a device called a Soma Vedic, which allegedly restructures water and mitigates the effects of 5G networks. They also discuss the possibility that these frequencies could affect us due to our bodies being mostly water. The conversation ends with a discussion about dream recall and the importance of writing down dreams to remember them better.
➡ At 6:00 p.m., there will be a broadcast on Twitch and a backup YouTube channel called Juan Media. Links can be found in the description. Stay safe and see you in the next broadcast. Goodbye.
➡ The text discusses the concept of dream yoga and the art of dreaming, suggesting that dreams can provide signals about trapped emotions in our bodies. It also explores the idea of memory storage and how emotions can be stored in our bodies, potentially causing disease. The text further delves into the concept of the mind palace, a technique for improving memory and dream recollection. Lastly, it mentions the practice of replaying one’s day backwards to enhance memory retention and dream memory.
➡ EMDR is a mental health treatment that involves moving your eyes in a specific way while processing traumatic memories. This technique, combined with a unique visualization exercise known as the “skull fuck,” can help improve dream recall and provide material for personal magical work. The visualization exercise involves focusing on the sensation of the spine and visualizing it as a sexual object, which can lead to better dream recall and increased lucidity in dreams. This method may sound strange, but it has been found to be effective in improving dream recall and understanding the messages our bodies are trying to communicate through dreams.
➡ The conversation revolves around the benefits of salt therapy, the importance of a healthy diet, and the impact of emotional health on physical well-being. The speakers discuss their experiences with salt rooms and float tanks, and how salt can help with various health issues. They also talk about the importance of natural, unprocessed foods and how certain diets can affect the body. Lastly, they touch on the topic of emotional health, suggesting that unresolved emotional issues can lead to physical illnesses.
➡ The text discusses the concept of nightmares and how they can be seen as fragments of our soul that we’ve denied or traumatic memories that need healing. It suggests that by confronting these nightmares and asking them what they’re trying to teach us, we can reintegrate these fragments back into ourselves, thus gaining power and understanding. The text also mentions the importance of documenting dreams and using them as a tool for self-discovery and healing. Lastly, it touches on the idea that our deepest fears and unknowns can manifest in our dreams, further emphasizing the importance of confronting and understanding them.
➡ The text discusses the fear of the unknown, particularly darkness, and how it has affected mankind since the beginning. It compares this fear to our modern-day fear of losing connection with others, like when our phones are out of service. The text also explores the concept of embracing and becoming one with the darkness, suggesting that this can lead to personal growth and understanding. It ends by discussing sleep paralysis, a terrifying experience where one wakes up unable to move, and the speaker’s attempts to control this phenomenon.
➡ The text discusses the author’s experiences with sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, and energy bodies. The author suggests that sleep paralysis might be a manifestation of unresolved trauma and that by processing these traumas, one can perfect their energy body. The author also discusses the concept of astral projection and the possibility of other realms existing beyond our own. The text ends with a discussion on the potential weaponization of these phenomena by various governments.
➡ The text discusses the differences between Western and Russian perspectives on dreams and out-of-body experiences. It also mentions a movie related to dreams and a group called the “dream hackers” who explore dreams and bring back information from them. The text also talks about the ability to read in dreams and a magical system called the “patients of the Medici”. Lastly, it discusses a personal dream involving ley lines and symbolic sexual imagery, suggesting the body’s physical needs.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of words in dreams and the concept of ‘tunneling’ in active imagination. They also share their experiences with sensory deprivation tanks, describing how they can lead to intense imaginative experiences and even fear. The speaker advises trying the tanks multiple times to get used to the experience and control the imagination. They also mention discovering they had sleep apnea through their experiences in the tank.
I realized that that’s not me facing my problems. So now when I have a nightmare, I look at it. Sometimes I’m not lucid, but I realize on some level I’m dreaming. I’ll stop if it’s chasing me or whatever. I stop and I look at it, and I’m like, what are you trying to teach me? And it usually will do the same thing. It won’t say anything. So what I learned was that that’s the soul fragment. That’s a piece of me. That we compartmentalize, right? Anytime you compartmentalize and you break, a piece of, you chose to do x instead of y.
And so that part of you still exists, the one that made the other choice, the part of you that made a bad choice choice. And you don’t want to think about that anymore because you’re not that person anymore, but that person’s still part of you. So young always talks about reintegration. And so these are opportunities for you to reintegrate pieces of you, because that’s where your power comes from. It’s not from denying the person that you were. It’s from seeing your shadow, seeing what it was in your life and what it was worth to you and what it taught you.
Being able to live with that as a part of you and forgive it. Welcome back to another episode of the one on one podcast. I’m your host. As always, make sure to follow the show on social media at the one on one podcast, tJ ojp.com. make sure to get a copy of the Occultist Monday. Got these professionally printed. Have the homunculus edition, 88 pages of it. You can find that on the ko fi store or on tj ojp.com. follow me on Twitch and on the backup YouTube channel, one on one. Media streaming every Tuesday at 06:00 p.m.
eastern. Links down in the description, as always. And joining us for the first time ever on the show and hopefully not the last. Abby, how you doing? Ok. How are you? I’m doing all right. Thanks for having me, by the way. Yeah, for sure. I connected with. I forgot where, where I had said something about a dream interpretation and analysis and I think I might have been on one of the Tuesday night streams and I guess Owen, I think Joe Roop told Owen and then Owen pointed me over to you and he’s like, hey, check her out.
So here we are. And do you have anything you want to plug? Any websites? I know you’ve done a series of Owen and you’re on the secret society of good guys every. What is that? Friday night, very late. Every Friday. Every Sunday is ladies night on secret Society of good guys. And we are going to start our lodge meetings on Wednesday nights during primetime soon bible study. We’re a real secret society. So I’ll post the links for that in the description. But we’re going to be talking about dreams today. Do they mean anything? Are they real or are they just more fake and gay? Cuz I mean, we, I think we all dream and I just like dreams of having goals and, and things, but it seems like the AI.
I’m sure you’ve seen the videos where you’re looking at the AI and it keeps just morphing and morphing and morphing into like something else that you don’t, you don’t know where it’s going. And I feel like AI nowadays is capturing what it feels like to be in a dream sometimes. There’s so many links between AI and dreaming that Thomas and I kind of explored. We were kind of putting it together and it was kind of eerie. When you start, it just leads the whole, this is a simulation and this is all fake. Before we jump into it, can you tell us a little bit about yourself, Abby? Because I know you’re a bodybuilder and I know you’re in the groups of paranoid american and everybody else.
And unfortunately, when you’re in this group, you’re probably not normal. So what got you started, Abby? Normal. And all of this sort of stuff. Like what got you interested in this? Just years of figure. Trying to figure myself out, you know, trying to figure life out and trying to figure out why I was always fucking everything up. And then I got into meditation and through that I found reality trans surfing. And just because this guy was doing guided meditations, just kept talking about this book and I was like, okay, I need to read this book. And it’s quantum physics and very very much based on the Carlos Castanita sorcery, but it makes it so practical that it doesn’t seem like magic.
It’s obvious, like, that’s just the way things work. And when I started applying it to my life and even retrospectively, looking at my life through the different lens, could see why things happened the way that they did. And through that, you know, you do start to see the magic of this place. You start to see how it’s not as concrete as we believe. And that really got me into dreaming, because one of the fundamentals of reality transurfing is learning to lucid dream, because when you can control your dreams, you learn how to control reality. So it just.
It has a direct correlation. I’ve never been able to lucid dream, and I am familiar with the castaneda character. I’ve been meaning to jump into that whole thing because it was like a cult that he was running and I think his wife went missing or something like that, and there might have been foul play. So I don’t know. How much of it do you know? Most of it. You know, I know all that back history. I know. And really, it. Because you can get into his life, and you can get into the fact that he was a liar.
If you study the sorosary principles, one of them is art of stalking. And the art of stalking. Part of that, because there’s two past magic, which is dreaming and stalking. And in stocking, it’s, um, like talking. Like you follow somebody, you’re obsessed with them. Stalking, that. That’s a. I mean, it not like that, but sort of like that. Like, it’s almost like larping. You’re learning to shift your, what he calls the assemblage point. So you’re learning to, like, shift realities. So you learn, um, like, you can stalk a cat. You can sit there and watch how a cat walks, and then you can learn how to walk like a cat.
You can, you know, watch an old man or a homeless person and watch their body language, and then you start to act like them. It’s more along lines of studying and then becoming. But there’s magic to that. So I forgot what my point was with all of that, though. Oh. But one of the fundamentals to sorcery is, especially for men, is to deleting your personal history. Because when you tie so much to your personal history, you’re really kind of stuck in your ego and you can’t go further. So he was the master. He did it beautifully.
He deleted his personal history. That’s why everybody’s like, he’s a liar. He did this, he did that. But the one thing that I know about him, and the reason why I’m an advocate of his, is that I started with his first book, but it’s kind of boring because it’s his dissertation and it’s really like if you’re into learning how to do alternative drugs, then great, start there and don’t go any further. But as I was reading the first book, I stopped. And then years later when I got into dreaming because of reality trans surfing and how much they talk about Carlos Castanita.
I read the art of dreaming and this came out before any book on lucid dreaming. This came out before lucid dreaming was a term. This is back when science said lucid dreaming wasn’t even real. And he taught you how to do it play by play. So. And he calls them the gates of dreaming. So there’s seven gates of dreaming. He teaches you four in that book. And I had already done a lot of these things, so to me it was like, oh, this is real. This guy knows what he’s talking about. All of it was real.
So he. I didn’t need any validation beyond that. And then I went back and read the books and every single one of them is very profound. You just got to understand that a lot of people are like, oh, it’s fiction, it’s fiction. He was doing it in a magical place in what they call the second attention. So he’s seeing things that aren’t there. So it’s not going to be like a science manual. And the gates of dreaming, is that in the art of dreaming or is that in Castaneda’s work? That the art of dreaming is by Carlos Castaneda.
Okay, so that, that’s by him. Okay. Did you join the cult? It’s like his 9th book. Oh, I’m not a joiner. Unless it’s the secret society of good guys. I joined that. So yeah, so he’s got nine. Alright, so that’s deep then, cuz I can’t. I was gonna say I could read some of them, but it’s just too much. There’s more than nine, there’s like 14. And then two of his apprentices, female apprentices, actually wrote books too. And they’re pretty powerful as well. Interesting, cuz I have been, I’ve looked into the art of memory, right. So dreaming, dreaming, I would consider dreaming and memory kind of sort of in the same kind of field, because they say that dreams are what your brain unloading information in the background, I guess, you know, to be able to.
What the hell is even dream? Let’s look it up. What is dreaming according, like, the official definition? Because these are things that, you know, we talk about and you don’t really experience. I hate when it uses the word in the definition. So dream. Experience. Dreams during sleep. Indulge in a daydreams or fantasies about something greatly desired. A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntary in the mind during certain stages of sleep. Humans spend about 2 hours dreaming per night, and each dream lasts around five to 20 minutes, although the dreamer may perceive the dream as being much longer than this.
Okay, so, yeah, again, it’s part of the mind. And one thing that I can never do in a dream is load a gun. I can never load a gun for whatever reason, or I, or cock it back or do anything. It always either jams up or. In my dreams, I never have the right ammunition. What does that mean, Abby? I never have the right ammunition. I never have the right ammunition. My guns are never loaded in my dreams. And when I try to load the gun to pull the slide back to put the chamber, the round in the chamber, I can never get it to work.
It’s always jamming. Well, to fire a weapon, you know, like a gun, that would be an offensive move. Right. And if it’s always jamming and you feel like it’s always, like you can never cock it back, you can never fire it, you feel. I would say that when you’re having those dreams, and I don’t mean this all the time, but whatever happened around that time or whatever is happening over the next couple of days, you’re feeling almost a lack of power. Like, you. You can’t be on the offensive. So, I mean, just outside looking in, that’s what I would say, is that you’re kind of feeling a little bit powerless in the, in the situation.
Yeah, I was hoping that. I was hoping it didn’t mean that I was gay, but yeah, no. So I am in a situation where I am a little powerless with being with the, working with local governments. Right. The county and code enforcement, like, stuff I do, property. So, yeah, sometimes you can’t go on the offensive because if you piss these people off, they will make your life a living hell. I mean, though. And, and the thing is, it’s, it’s all you. Our taxes pay these people. So sometimes what I’ll do is if I’m replying back to an email where I’m getting heated for whatever reason I’ll type the email out, but then I’ll just leave it in a draft of.
To like, the head of like, the planning division somewhere. I’ll be like, you know that, but like, I’ll just go off and then I draft it. Cuz I go. If I. I can send it, sure. I’ll get whatever I want to get off, you know, my chest at the time. But will it do me any good in the long run? Right? Cuz sometimes you got to play ball with these people even though you don’t want to. So that’s what I’ve been going through in my life, so maybe it has to do with that and I. Right, I would say that’s directly related right there.
Your answer your own question. So, yeah, I never thought about it like that. So. So dreams do talk to us in a certain type of way if you’re able to remember them, because that’s one of the things. So. Yeah, but that’s the. Okay, so getting into what is a dream, though, like, so we can look at as many definitions as you want, but if we get young in here, he calls dreams, you know, the dream space, the collective unconscious. And you know about memory palaces and memorization and all of that. And we do know that this is part of dreams.
This is not all of it, but part of dreaming is. It is memory storage. Because we can argue all day that you store memories in your brain, but your brain is actually more like a radio antennae, okay? And the collective unconscious, the dream space, is a real place. It really actually exists, and dreams are real. And the way I can tell you this definitively is think of the last time you think of the last time you went to the bathroom. But if you go to the bathroom in a dream, you don’t have the foggy memory like you just tried to remember the last time you go into the bathroom.
It’s clear as day, and you were there. You don’t do that with memories. Memories are not that crystal clear. You’re actually in a place. You see the difference? You see what I’m saying? Yeah. So this is a real place, and it’s what reality transurfing. He calls it the eternity archive. So it is infinity. It’s every memory of every person that’s existed on this planet. So and young called it the collective unconscious. And it’s collective because that’s where we all store our memories, okay? And it’s every past, present, and future that’s ever happened. And all the stuff that never happened, too.
But it’s like a film role archive. So that’s why sometimes in a dream, have you ever been somebody else in a dream? Not that I can remember. Have you ever looked in a mirror, though? No. Look in a mirror in a dream, and I’m going to suggest that to you and to the audience, try to look in a mirror in a dream. And just by me suggesting it, some of you will do it, like, almost immediately when it was suggested to me throughout each transurfing, I did it that same night, and I looked in the mirror and my face changed five times and none of them were me.
And the last time, my eyes went to the side of my head and I kind of looked like a fish. It was this weird, weird thing. But I’ve had dreams since then, wherever. I’m like, I have a baby in my dreams a lot. And so I’m holding a baby and it’s like a little black haired baby, and I’m looking at her, and I go, and I look in the mirror, and all of a sudden I’m not me. I’m the short haired, curly haired, dark hair woman in a black polka dotted dress. And my baby is no longer, doesn’t look like she looks, like, in my arms in the mirror, she’s a redhead.
And so we’re watching somebody else’s film role, or we’re actively inside somebody else’s film role inside the Eternity archive. So I was lucid and I knew what was happening, but I was experiencing somebody else’s memory. Like, she was picking out, like, dishes in China for her home. That was really weird. But so in that sense, everyone has little sectors of this space, right? And we all tend to go back to the same places over and over again. So this is where, like, dream hackers, they get into mapping their dreams. So instead of worrying about what the symbology is of the dreams, they’re worried about the location of the dream.
Because if you can keep mapping and put them, all of a sudden, if you draw your dreams and you keep drawing them, you realize how they all connect. Like, this place connects to this place and it connects to that place, and you could actually put it on a map. And the more you do this, like, you’ll have explosive dream recall, like, where you remember every dream we’ve ever had. And that’s what I was doing it really well for a while, and then I kind of got out of the practice, but I still write my dreams down.
But have you ever done the skull fuck method? No. I’ve heard. Okay, I’ve heard you talk about this, but talk about it, because it’s really interesting. So a couple of things, because I’m almost done with journeys out of the body, I believe is the name of it by Rob Robert Monroe. And it’s reminding me of when he possesses that other guy on the other side. And then, like, his family, he goes through, like, the guy’s life. He’s like, I. You know, I took over the I, and I am, you know, I took over the him when he was doing this and then when he was doing that, and he saw, like, a progression of the dude’s life every single time.
He would jump in his body in this other place that had technology, that had infrastructure, that had buildings, that had everything, and here he was borrowing somebody’s body, and it’s like, doesn’t matter if you’re laying on your. Because I’m a like a. I sleep on my stomach. Does it matter if you’re laying on your back or if you’re on your stomach to dream or if you’re a side sleeper? Um, dream yogis would say yes, because there is such a thing as. Called dream as dream yoga. And so they’ll say, like, one side is more memories, one side is, I don’t remember.
But, yeah, I didn’t really get deep into dream yoga because I wanted to go beyond what dreams mean to the art of dreaming, to actual lucid dreaming. So for a while, I didn’t even care about the content of the dream, but I realized, okay, this is the other thing. So some of it is memory storage, but a lot of dreaming, your body has zero way to talk to you until it’s hurt, right? When it’s hurting, you know it, but at that point, you already have dis ease in the body and the. And sickness, and it causes disease, right? But what it comes down to is that you store all your emotions in your body because emotion is supposed to be energy and motion.
And when you don’t have, like, when you hold your breath. Cause you’re upset or whatever, you store it in your body. These electromagnetic waves should be moving out through your body and out. But we store it, and it clogs up our fascia. So our electrical system, which is what, like chinese medicine, they do acupuncture meridians, and that’s what that is. It’s your electrical system. We are electrical beings. So your dreams will tell you, like, they’ll give you signals to where you have trapped emotions in your body that you need to get out, like, from memories that you’ve never really process the emotion to.
So a lot of times, it’s your body signaling to you what’s going on and what you need to deal with or what it. What it needs, because it can’t. It doesn’t have words. So it’ll use metaphor in a dream. Like, if you want to pull up that one dream, the one with the ley lines. The one that. The weird one? Yeah, the weird one. So, yeah, I’m going to have to check out this book, the art of dreaming, because, again, Castaneda, I’ve been told bad things about him. Like, oh, he was a fraud. He was a hack.
He did all this stuff. And this dong, Juan Matas, it’s like the existence of him, you know, was he a real guy? Was he in aggregor? Like, what’s going on with this? But it seems like he was tapping into something that a lot of people have talked about. You got Carl Jung, you got Robert Monroe. This is stuff that these guys were doing. Just. They just had different names and different interpretations for something pretty similar. I mean, the Greeks did dream incubation, and now you’re talking about dream yoga, which I had zero idea of. But if you.
If you look at the concept of yoga, it’s about position. Body Mandalas is about putting your body in a certain position to open yourself up. Now what’s gonna come in is a whole other can of worms. But again, it is a concept. So I’m just learning new things every single time. And dreams is one thing. Memory is another one of those things. I recently did an episode on for the patrons about William Shakespeare, Francis Yates, and William Shakespeare’s Globe Theater, that Robert Flood had created his memory emblems and seals, allegedly from one of the reconstructions. Because the whole thing about the Globe Theater is it’s one of the most famous theaters, but we don’t have any drawings or any really any records of it.
So it almost feels like William Shakespeare’s Globe Theater was this other realm was a sort of memory palace, right? Because if you look at the history of it, they started doing private plays for certain people behind closed doors, and the different houses of actors were at war with each other. So I speculated that these were actually secret societies. They were cult magic behind closed doors. Because the whole point of the Globe theater was that it was. It transformed theater for forever, and it evolved to what we see theater like a movie theater nowadays. And it was literally created to certain vitruvian specifications in order to amplify the consciousness of the person, the observer.
So again, it goes super, super deep, but again, Francis Yates talks about the art of memory. She goes super hard in the pain with that and how it links to William Shakespeare. So a lot of people talk about him being fake. You know, he was never real. Maybe not, but we have concepts from a group of people or from somebody that came from somewhere. So. Yeah. And it’s powerful. So. Absolutely Don Juan, whether he existed or not, which I do believe he did. I believe he, he left this realm. He figured, yeah, it doesn’t matter. Yeah.
So, because the concepts, just try some of the concepts. Try the art of dreaming. Just. Just start and try the things that they’re talking about and you’ll watch it happen. So I’ve tried to dream recollection memory techniques, I guess. Well, more for dreaming. So obviously, there’s the mind palace one where you create a building, and according to everyone who was ever into it, these were real places, these were real palaces, these were based on real places. And you build a building, and within that building or the decor or wherever, you start placing ideas and concepts and you’re able to then recall.
So that’s where the whole saying, oh, in the first place, you know, that’s where that. Because it’s in the mind. In the first place in the mind palace. So that’s where that comes from. And so I’ve done the, the Memory palace technique. And the two other ones that I’ve done, one of them is for Memory, the other one is they’re kind of both for Dreams. The, the one of the ones that was taught to Ronnie Pontiac by Manley P. Hall, and he talked to me about it was the Pythagorean Recollection. And what you’re supposed to do is when you lay in bed, you replay your day backwards, and you try to remember your day all the way backwards.
And you do that because allegedly the pythagoreans practiced this, that, again, was, it all goes back to memory and to mathematics into all this. So you replay your day backwards, and you’re going to get better and better and better at it. And this is supposed to help with memory retention. And it helped me with Dream memory, you know, remembering my dreams. That’s the one. And then the other one that is really interesting that I’ve talked about. Haven’t talked about it in a while, but I’m gonna, I’m gonna read it here from the, from the website I got it from.
So let’s see here. I actually had sent SB Alger an email about it. So let me pull up the link there because it sounds really bizarre. And it is. Again, you don’t have to use the imagery that I’m using in it, but just, it works. Like, I don’t know what to say. It works, right? So let’s see here. See if I can find it. I can’t find it. Oh, here we go. I think I found it. Nope, good. Yeah, I can’t find it in my email. That’s crazy. The powers that be. Okay, this is what’s really trippy, though, because what you’re explaining by playing your day backwards, that’s what the dream hackers, who are also like, huge followers of Carlos Castaneda, call the lazy recapitulation.
Because in order to have dreaming energy, you have to recapitulate your life. Like, so when I’m talking about, you know, like, emotions being stored in your body, the hard way of doing it is to, like, think of every person in your life and go through every memory you have with them. And you do this breathing technique where you turn your head from the right to the left. Like you inhale when you turn your head from the right to the left and you exhale in the middle and you just keep going until you’ve done every person in your life.
But the lazy recapitulation that dream hackers found was that if you do it before bed and you play your day backwards and you do the same thing. So you’re doing which. Carlos Castanita basically invented EMDR therapy before anybody else, ever before the people who did EMDR therapy did it. So that’s what this is like, turning your head side to side and into the middle, but, and that’s eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Therapy as a mental health treatment technique involves moving your eyes a specific way while you process traumatic memories. EMDR’s goal is to help you heal from trauma and other distressing life experiences.
Wow. Yeah. So if you play your day backwards while doing this and get all the way to the, when you woke up, but the key is to then play it forward because then you hit everything else. And if you happen to, like, get into a memory during the day where you’re like, I was making peanut butter toast, and then you have a weird member that comes from that, that’s something else you need to recapitulate. So you just go into it really quick and you do the breathing thing and get the memory, like, get the energy out of it.
And then until you get to the beginning of your day, then you play it back the other way and you’ll remember almost everything. And the point of that is that then when you dream that night, you aren’t spending any time at all in the dream space storing memories because you’ve already done it. So it’s like, so you free up your dreaming energy. Yeah, you’re right. That’s why you’re able to read. Yeah. That’s why you’re able to remember your dreams better when you do it. So here, I’m gonna read. I thought I was able to find it and, and apparently this is a, this is a magic technique.
I’ve seen it under chaos magic. I think sexual gnosis is one of the other ones. I saw some other stuff. So this is a sort of magical technique. Now it’s called the skull fuck and exercise in dream recall. And the way I stumbled across this was, I was, I have this hard drive with like a whole bunch of esoteric books and occult literature. And I was in the, I was like trying to come up with like a new idea for a, an episode or something. So I was, there’s a random button that you click in. It’s got like, I don’t know how many thousands of books and stuff.
And I was just hitting the random button. I was just like scrolling through. I’m like, okay, whatever, not cool, not cool. And then it popped up with this and I was like, oh, it sounds really interesting. And I tried it and it works. I haven’t tried in a while, but just check this out. So, and I sent you a copy of the link too, to your email. So purpose, this is an exercise to aid in the recollection of dreams through the use of visualization and tactical imagery. It is best performed at times that one begins to fall asleep.
Relax, take a few deep breaths and concentrate on the present sensation of the extremities. Now, I do this to where, when you’re laying there and you’re not moving, but your nose starts to itch or something and you do it to where you start feeling sensations. So allow yourself to feel the gradual decrease in sensitivity of the limbs as you drop off to sleep. Switch your attention rapidly from limb to limb, but block out extraneous thoughts as completely as possible. When nearly all sensation is lost in the extremities. Switch your attention to the spine and this is where it gets weird.
Okay. Localize your attention to the sensation of each vertebrae. Send a current of energy up from the base very slowly to the top. And you can do this by visualizing a light coming up your spine. So you start to write. You’ve already taken your extremities out. You’re just ahead and you just start to. I start to visualize a light going up and down my spine. Up and down my spine from the bottom up, from the bottom up. When the current reaches. So say send the current of energy up from the base very slowly to the top.
When the current reaches the top, visualize the entire spine as a penis. And the point where it enters the skull as the sexually oriented orifice of your choice. I didn’t picture of a gene or anything up here but I just. I just. When you look at a skull it’s. It’s kind of hollow right at the bottom. So I just pictured the. I picture Doctor Manhattan’s giant blue dick just like entering the bottom of my skull. So concentrate now on the sensation of the spine penis entering the foramen magnum orifice. So foramen magnet. Let’s see if that’s the part I’m talking about.
And this one’s written out a little bit different than the first one that I saw. So. Yeah, right. So what I was talking about the bottom of it. The. Oh yeah, right here. Got a hole. It’s got a hole. Right? Hole and. Yeah. So then why wouldn’t I stick a penis? Exactly. The form an orifice. When bringing the sensation to the conscious level, recall that it is your penis and or your orifice. A great deal sensation is being generated now I’ve had. Haven’t felt the sensation but I guess this is where the sexual visualization is. Yeah.
Hold the images and sensations in mind until you do in fact fall asleep. Attempt immediately to hold your dream hands in front of your eyes. By practicing this daily near total dream recall is achieved in a relatively short time. And I shit you not. It sounds bizarre. You don’t have to use a penis, use a bat. And I was gonna say someone’s asshole. But just use a bat and something else. Like whatever. Yeah, a key in a hole. It’s still sexual, right? So key in a hole, whatever, who cares, right? Use something else. Cuz people like oh it’s.
That’s gay. It’s like. No, no, whatever, who cares? Just do this is. It’s. If it’s for magic. It’s not. It’s not gay if it’s for magic. Just remember that. So. And then this guy. I guess the guy who sent it. I’ve sent this out because I found that better access to one’s dream often equates to finding a lot of excellent raw material for personalized magical work. And so insofar as many of the archetypes to be worked with can be found there. It took about 30 days of work before I actually got this functioning correctly. But my own dream recollection is approximately 90% now, and I often remember several dreams from the same night.
Also, my lucidity is at around 10% of total. And then this guy is MCP temp temple. Babble wide. What? Wild eyed boy from free cloud sri palindrome 15 151. So it’s probably, like, some magical secret society that, yeah, this guy sent that, but I’ve done it, and I can’t explain. I’ve talked about on the show, and it works like. And I read it directly from, like, the source. I’ve talked about it before without reading it directly from. I don’t know what it is, Abby, but it works so well. I got ideas about that, because you’re essentially, you have two meridians in your body, like, two big ones.
You have the governing governing vessel and the central whatever. I don’t know. If you look at acupuncture chart, you can see, but those are your. Like, everybody, when you talk about seven chakras, you know, they think that it just kind of goes one direction, but it doesn’t. It goes two directions. You have two. You have two flows, one that runs along your spine and one that’s two inches in front of your spine. So it’s, um, you know, one moves upward, one moves downward. So you’re sitting there focusing on those channels, and when you focus on those channels, you grow them.
You. You make them wider. So, and that’s really, like, your energy and this. This chart that you’re pulling up right now, this is, like, key to interpreting a ton of your dreams. When your body is trying to talk to you and tell you something. I have one of these hanging on my wall. So that way, if I have a certain body part that’s highlighted or an injury in one of my dreams, I literally go find it on the acupuncture chart, and I can pick what emotions, like, ready to come up to heal for me to deal with, and a memory, and I can get it out of my body before it causes actual disease.
So it’s pretty wild. Like, it. Your body, your head may not believe in acupuncture, may not believe in the chinese medicine, but your body knows it, so your body will tell you, I was gonna try acupuncture because I have a lot of gastro problems I’m lactose into, and I’m pretty sure I have ib’s or something. Like, I don’t know, I got something and I was gonna try because a friend of mine who had Crohn’s, I believe he was able to, I think, get rid of it for the most part with acupuncture. And he was telling me, he’s like, listen, dude.
He’s like, bro, I tried everything. I tried this, I tried that. And, and the one thing that gave me relief was acupuncture. And he would go there and I’m like, dude, does it hurt? Because, you know, they’re poking you? He’s like, yeah. He’s like, it can be uncomfortable sometimes, but he’s like, listen, bro. And we have a, have a local lady here at a, at this salt bar. I don’t know if you’ve tried the salt therapy where you go into the salt room and I’ve done float tanks where it’s like 8000 pounds of salt, but yeah, that, oh, float, sensory deprivation.
I’ve done that as well. But these rooms believe I forgot which cut, which kind of salt they use. But you sit in a room and they’re pumping a full assault and you sit in the salt and it helps clear your sinuses. It helps out, like, literally help think about people who are always in the ocean right there. He, they get healed. And one time I went to Cozumel and I, it was on a cruise and I did the, you know, the, the activities that they, the excursions that they offer. And I was talking to one of the mexican guys.
He’s like, yeah, dude, I get sick. And he does the tours, the snorkeling tours, and he’s like, once I come into work after being out a day in the ocean, I’m good the next day because the salt, right. The salt and alchemy salt is like one of the most important alchemical components. Yeah. Right. The salts, we are salt. And that’s why, like, I feel like part of the lie of western medicine is like that salt is bad for you and that you shouldn’t eat it and that it causes all these issues with your heart. Yeah, yeah.
But I would argue, like, as a bodybuilder, I’m not limited in the amount of salt I can eat. I can eat as much salt as I want. I can salt the hell out of my food. I can’t add sauces and stuff. But salt is so important. Like, you can’t stay hydrated without it, for one thing. And it thins the blood. So it’s actually like, there’s so many good things about salt. Table salt. Yeah. It’s not good. But do you use any particular salt? Like, I use the. The red kind. The Himalayan? Yeah, I use the pink Himalayan when I cook.
I use, like, the Celtics all or whatever, and. Or celtic salt. I don’t know. That’s not what. Like, the spices and stuff in it, too. Is that the one? Yeah, it’s, like, gray and it looks like rock salt. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I forgot that you’re a body pillar. So you would know about dieting and. And all. Yeah. So the. The foods that you eat. Absolutely. Your body needs salt. It’s actually really imperative, and it’s bullshit. When people. You don’t need sugar. You don’t need processed sugar. That’s probably one of the biggest things you could eliminate a doctor.
Pepper a day is the answer to immortality. That’s just what I heard from this lady that was, like, a hundred and something years old. And one of my. She’d be, I guess, my great great grandma on my mom’s side, or great grandma. I don’t know which one, because I’m not that close from my mom’s side, but she was the oldest person in the town, and she lived up to 115 years old. Wow, that’s amazing. On my mom’s side, so. And then her daughter, she is 90, I think, at this point, 98 years old, and she is, like, cool.
She was still driving. They had to take her license away. It’s like, night. She was 95 years old, driving, and she is, like, clear. Like, she’s good. And it’s like, I feel like. Cause my grandma, my great grandma on my dad’s side, she just turned 89 or 90, and she’s solid, too. And I feel like what they ate a lot in Puerto Rico, at least, is a lot of roots. So they would eat a lot of. Not potatoes, but I guess you would call it. I don’t know the name in English, but a lot of sweet potatoes, because sweet potato isn’t like a potato.
It’s. It’s more of a root that. And they would eat all this other stuff. I forgot the name. I have to find. I’ll have to look it up. But here, a lot of you got to. They don’t. You go. So I guess those food groups, I don’t know what it is about that. And on top of that, I mean, if it comes from the ground and you grow it yourself, it’s not being processed by all this garbage that they process it with, you know? Yeah, that’s. Well, because standard american diet, it’s. It’s so bad. Like, there’s so many more chemicals than food.
It’s designed to taste good, you know? And that’s why none of us really like whole foods. But when I switch to bodybuilding, like, all I eat is I eat rice, chicken, turkey. You know, I eat the proteins, and my carbs are rice, um, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes. Yeah. So. But it’s weird because you switch to food like that, and then you get a cheat meal or whatever, and you add food back, and then you’re sick as hell for a couple days, and I learned you’re bloated. Yeah. Like, I didn’t know I ate potatoes my whole life.
Didn’t realize I had an issue with potatoes until I didn’t eat them for a while, and then I got them back on my meal plan, and then I was bloated, so I was like, oh, crap. Like, just all these foods are not as good as we think they are. Evan. Yeah. My grandma actually sent me a picture the other day of stuff that she had harvested from her garden, and they were cooking it up, but again, it’s very, like, we can’t really see it, but it’s, like, very rudy. You know, a lot of roots, so they boil them, put a little bit of, you know, a little bit of salt, and it tastes delicious.
Sometimes they eat it with. Eat a lot of cod, too, for whatever reason. I’ve never really liked cod because it’s kind of. It’s too fishy, in my opinion. And they eat a lot of that. And again, the. They’re still alive. They’re kicking around, and it’s not like. Cuz, you know, you have people who are very old, and they’re. They’re. I don’t want to, like, say useless, but they’re bedridden or they need a lot of assistance, and my grandma’s not like that. Like, yes, they’re on 40 medications. Well, that’s been my dad ever since he had a heart attack.
Like, the other day, he had sent me a. To his house to get something, and I was looking through his drawers trying to find it, and it was just pills. After, I was like, oh, my. And my dad’s got Ms, too, so they got him on all sorts of stuff. But if they keep you sick, it’s better for them because you’re producing revenue for, you know, for them. Exactly, though, that’s, um. And I’m really gonna. So diet matters, but I’m gonna go out on and say that, you know, freaking. Dealing with your emotions is a huge thing, too.
Like, I don’t know if you’ve ever looked into like, louise l hay, like, you can heal your life stuff. But when I was reading some of her, like, because she does like affirmations for kids, she held herself of like cervical cancer, but she gets into the root causes of a lot of these illnesses and stuff and like, breast cancer. My mom died of breast cancer. And that’s usually caused by like trauma or judging yourself over your own parenting or your mothering. And I’m like, my mom gave a daughter up for adoption and she was like so ashamed of it.
Didn’t tell us till I was like twelve. And yeah, she always judged herself. So it’s like, it makes sense that she had breast cancer and then all these other things, like I could put people’s illnesses off of what they’ve told me about their life and it made sense. So this is making me think of. You ever seen the movie homunculus on Netflix? No. I need to watch a like. Especially after it’s your. It’s like your thing. So. So, I mean, it’s not my thing, it’s. It’s Paracelsus from the 16th century in the shed light to it, though.
I’m gonna give you credit for that. Being. For it being in the zeitgeist again. Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I guess I was one. One of the ones to talk about it. Right. So the. That movie is in this astral realm that he’s able to see after something happens to him. I don’t want to spoil it for you. The concept of homunculi in that particular movie is traumas and attachments. And it’s almost like what Robert Monroe describes as these. I forgot what he calls it. But these entities on the other side, the very. There’s a lot of them that are sexually frustrated, that have like this sexual energy to them, that are trying to always latch themselves onto the people.
And the one that always occupies. Oh, be. Exactly. And almost like the. He calls it. Right? Like those fish that suck on to the other fish. I forgot the name of it. I think they’re called. Whatever, who cares? But you know what I’m talking about. Sites like the parasitic fish. Yeah. Well, ones that are on sharks, I think they’re called. Yeah, the kind like Monray or something like that. Fish sucker sharks. Let me find it here. It’s got. Remora is the name of the fish that I’m thinking about. It’s got like a. It’s this fish right here.
Because I’ve caught them before, this thing. Right. It’s got a sucker on the top of its head, and it usually sticks itself onto the. Oh, wow. I mean, it kind of looks like. Like a demon, but yeah, you can actually hold them up. You could put your hand on here. It’ll stay stuck to your hand. Oh, my gosh. The craziest thing ever. So creepy. Yeah. So again, he calls in these entities that whenever he was in the astral realm, you know, this other place, the. The upside down universe, be whatever, the mob zone ever you want to call it that all these occultists have talked about.
Right? Maybe the abyss is this place, too. Maybe another different part of the landscape. But he said that these things would kind of latch on to him. Like, they were just like he’s like the kind of rubbery feeling it would latch on to him. And in the movie Homunculus from Netflix. Homunculus. Netflix. The homunculus in this movie, they are everyone’s deepest, darkest traumas. And they’re attached to them on the other side, and he’s able to extract them from people, but something happens. So again, this elemental aspect in how you’re saying how maybe perhaps your thoughts and your ideas, after a lifetime of contemplating on them, start to manifest as physical symptoms in the body.
Symptoms of the body. Yeah, I’m. And I’m telling you, that’s where dreaming is, really. You can use your dreams to figure out what you gotta heal. And I do it all the time now, now that I’m aware of it. And I see the acupuncture chart. That’s one way to do it. But just writing your dreams down and paying attention to the words you use, like, if you do it right when you wake up, and I don’t always write them down, like, um, I will do. I’ll go to my notes. I do it in notes because I want to read it later.
Because you can search your notes. So it’s so much easier than me writing it in a journal where I have to flip through and find it. Like, I literally can keyword and look up pretty much any dream that I had about that thing. Because for a while I was just doing voice, like, voice memos too. And that’s you that’s hard to go back and listen to, too. If you actually just do text to speech and do it in your notes, you can go back and search them. So it’s awesome. But it will usually. Okay, so nightmares.
Nightmares are almost always what I call a soul fragment. But it’s a piece of you that you denied at some point or something that you. A memory that was traumatic, and you got a heal. So when you have a nightmare, like, now, my relationship to nightmares has changed because first it was like, it was a lucidity trigger. So I’d have a nightmare and I’d be like, oh, I’m dreaming. And then I would look at the nightmare, and then it was kind of like, stop and look at me like, what are we doing now? And then I would change the dream, but I realized that that’s not me facing my problems.
So now when I have a nightmare and I look at it, and sometimes I’m not lucid, but I realize on some level I’m dreaming, and I’ll. I’ll stop if it’s chasing me or whatever. I stop and I look at it, and I’m like, what are you trying to teach me? And it usually will do the same thing. It won’t say anything. So what I learned was that that’s the soul fragment. That’s a piece of me that, like. Because we compartmentalize, right? Anytime you compartmentalize and you break a piece of, like, you chose to do x instead of y.
And so, like, that part of you still exists, the one that made the other choice or the part of you that made a bad choice, and you don’t want to think about that anymore because you’re not that person anymore, but that person is still part of you. So Jung always talks about reintegration, and so these are opportunities for you to reintegrate pieces of you, because that’s where your power comes from. It’s not from denying the person that you were. It’s from seeing your shadow, seeing what it was in your life and what it was worth to you and what it taught you and being able to live with that as a part of you and forgive it kind of.
And I taught this to my daughter, too, because she was like, she had PTSD. And so every night for six months, she had nightmares, and she was, like, 16 years old, and I wanted to sleep in my bed again from this traumatic event that happened to her. And so I was like, you need to start asking those pieces if they’re ready to come back. So that’s what I started doing instead of saying, what are you trying to teach me? Because the dream wouldn’t say nothing. The nightmare wouldn’t say anything. It would just kind of pause and look at me.
So I finally just started saying, are you ready to come back? And when it was ready to come back, my reintegration process was like, my dream Persona has sex with myself. So, like, because everything part of your dream is yourself, man, female animals. It’s all an aspect of you. So, like, my reintegration process, which makes sense. Like, some people judge me for that, but, like, oh, my God, you’re. But that’s how else you draw something back into you sometimes. Like, that’s a good way to do it, right? But my daughter, when I told her to do it, she had a dream.
You told her to have sex with her? With her? No, I didn’t tell her to have sex with it. I just said, ask it if it’s ready to come back. So she had this one dream where, like, because my. My kids are mexican. So, like, this mexican man was chasing her, and she was, like, he was freaking her out. So she finally turns around, and she’s like. She, like, stops, and then he stops and looks at her, and she goes, are you ready to come back? And she kind of held her arms out, and he goes, are you sure? And she goes.
And he gives her the thumbs up. So she just. She just hugged him really tight and squeezed it back into her. And she said the second she did, she had this memory of her dad. Like, it was like, instant memory of her dad. This guy didn’t look anything like her dad, but that’s what it had become in her. In her psyche, was like, this hispanic man that, like, that was kind of scary and chasing her and. But it was this memory that she needed to heal. So it’s really fricking bizarre. But that’s the way your brain works.
That’s the way your body works. It brings these nightmares up because it wants you to deal with your traumas. It wants you to deal with it, to heal it, to reintegrate it. I wonder if he was puerto rican, perhaps. And that. And that’s so interesting because part of them, we’ll get to the dream that. I know I’ve segued us somewhere else, but the. I don’t know if you’ve ever read Moonchild by Crowley, and I’ve heard about moonchild, but I’ve never read it. And this is perhaps why secret societies embrace the dark caves, because the darkness is kind of, sort of acts as that.
Right. The. The oldest. And just want to remind everyone, make sure to check out the show on Patreon. Patreon.com slash the one on one podcast. I constantly get emails. Oh, only one episode a week? Yeah, one episode a week for the public. But for as little as $5 a month, you can get up to two, sometimes three, sometimes one episode per day. On the Patreon as well as on the YouTube channel as a member for as little as $5. And there’s also on the Patreon, over 250 episodes only found on there. There’s an extensive backlog of episodes, so check that out if for those interested.
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And greatest fear is the fear of the oldest kind of emotion is fear and the fear of the unknown. And I’m trying to paraphrase the Lovecraftian, the HP Lovecraft quote, fear. Let me read it. So the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear. And the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. And darkness has been one of those things where it has terrorized mankind since the very beginning. Can you imagine the first people trying to combat the darkness? And probably what they thought of it when they, when they, before they invented fire, right? Like, here comes this, this entire other world probably casting itself on us.
We’re not going to be able to see until tomorrow. Can you imagine how terrifying that must have been? It feels like, that feels like now, today, when we lose our access to our phones. I know a few months back, I think it was at and t or some company had had an outage and it was out for like the whole. And people were losing their minds. I know, because it’s like the fear of the unknown and not being able to connect with people. But, like, and that’s the thing is that the darkness is the womb. Like, that’s where you go to grow.
That’s the earth. That’s where the seeds germinate. But then that’s actually kind of interesting too, because the art of stalking, that’s one of the things that they have you do is you for several nights, like, the dream hackers started this, and you sit in a pitch black room and you have to, like, sit with your eyes open in the pitch black, and you just have to feel the dark. So you become the dark. You start to hallucinate too. Yeah. And it’s like, it’s like become the darkness. Like, don’t you have to learn to get over your fear of it, to be one with it and to really, like, to.
And then they start having you do things where you go out at night, in the dark, in the wilderness and stuff. And so you do actual kind of stocking things where you do watch people and stuff like that without trying to be seen because you’re becoming one with the darkness. You’re stalking the darkness. It’s so weird. I know, but it’s like. So. And this relates to Curly because in the book moon child, he talks about absorbing this shadow entity that a black magician has sent out, right? So it’s the white Lodge versus the black Lodge and this shadow watcher, right? This watcher, maybe that’s where the right way they get the arc from the watchers that are, you know, creeping.
And they’re the ones that were doing the sexual stuff with the. Right. With the daughters of men. And I’ve always said that, right, we come from the womb and a lot of people are still trying to get back in. Right. That’s like, it feels like, yeah, people are always sex cells, right? So everyone’s always trying to have sex with everything. So I’ve always kid around, like, yeah, we’re also trying to get back in there again in some sort of way. You know, even after we’ve say, most men still want to be on the tit, so. Yeah, exactly.
So in this, in this story, they send this watcher out to the other watch to spy on them. And the Cyros Gray, the, the main character, the hero, the white magician, he loves it to death. Like, he, like, embraces this shadow entity and he’s like, in it, in it. He absorbed it essentially. He, like, it came to him and he’s like. He was trying to justify himself as, you know, he’s the great beast, 660. He’s like, no, he was actually one of the good guys. Like, okay, whatever. But he’s like, yeah, you just have to love it.
And once it came into me, I felt all the warmness and tingly feelings of this thing and it just ceased to exist. And maybe he’s talking about that. Maybe what Carl Jung was talking about, that the shadow self, the dark self, reveals all the secrets of reality to you, right? If you’re able to find him, if you’re able to face him. And then you become this Ubermensch, the overman, you know, because everyone gets so hung up on, like, dark versus light, and being, like, a light worker and, you know, a black magician. Black magic is bad.
You know, like. But the thing is, is that the thing about duality is this is a dual realm. Duality is the name of the game here. We need it for catalysts, because you don’t grow without catalysts. So you have to have the dark to balance the light, because lights never going to grow. You’re not going to grow without all the bad shit. But we have to learn to reintegrate ourselves. It’s about accepting your good and your bad, because. And not just accepting it, it’s like becoming one again, pulling back your last fragments. Yeah, yeah. Maybe that gets split up in this other realm, right? Because, I mean, we can only.
And that’s part of the homunculus technology, that it’s. It’s a vessel for four things, for cosmic entities, for elementals, for celestial spirits, whatever you want to call them. And that’s where I think that the alchemist, we’re also dabbling in this concept of dream analysis and interpretation. And also, Ben Balderson told me one time, we were doing an episode, he’s like, yeah, imagine having to stare at a glass vessel for hours upon hours. Of course you’re gonna start to hallucinate stuff in it. So that’s where we get all of these crazy alchemical artworks that were actually hallucinations of these alchemists, of contemplating on these things for hours on end, and you start to see a story unfold.
Now, that’s an interesting concept, right? And that’s why it’s shrouded in imagery, and that’s why Carl Jung took and was like, hey, this is all the stuff. Like, this is very similar to all the stuff that I’ve been sort of talking about. And that’s why he got obsessed with alchemy for a while. And. And that’s the same. Castaneta calls it gazing. Like you can do it on anything. Like, usually stuff in nature is the best, but rocks, the sun, a tree. Yeah, yeah. Interesting. So it’s like the. The secrets of the universe will be revealed to you if you can just sit and gaze.
Well, it’s the whole thing with the. What is it, the hundred monkey, or what’s that one experiment, the. If you have enough monkeys typing out that they’ll type out all the Shakespeare’s works eventually. Hypothesis here. Let’s see. So, monkey typewriter. So it’s called the infinite monkey theorem, is a thought experiment that suggests that if an infinite number of monkeys were to randomly hit keys on typewriters, for an infinite amount of time, they would eventually type out the complete works of William Shakespeare. I’ll be in order. Well, that’s the thing. Maybe. Who knows? We’re not ever gonna really know.
But it’s an interesting concept to think about. You’re saying that nature reveals all the secrets. Eventually. How long? We don’t know. But eventually, though, eventually they’ll get there. Yeah. So I’m not gonna pull these up, because he told me some of the names needed to be blacked out. So you can read the. The ones that you want to read. You sent me some dreams here, some weird ones. Okay, let me see. And I’ve. I’ve tried. So for the longest time, and I haven’t had. I haven’t had it happen in a while, but for a very long time.
As long as I can remember, even as a kid, I would frequently have sleep paralysis. Oh, I’m so glad you brought this up. Okay. And I was never ape, so I’ve tried the lucid dream. I’ve tried the astral projection. One time, I had a waking dream, and that was really as close as I’ve gotten to be able to control my dreams. Whenever I try to. Like, it feels like when you focus on it is when at least happens. And whenever I do wake up in that sleep paralysis. Paralysis, right, where you can’t move anything. You feel how? I’ve never seen the shadow entities, how a lot of people say.
Or, like, the. The hag sitting on your chest. The only thing that I’ve experienced during my sleep paralysis episodes is, like, the craziest amount of anxiety. Like, you’re gonna die if you don’t get out of that feeling. So I had it happen so much that I was. I was able to learn how to get out of it completely. And there was times where I’d get it two, three times a night. And I was. I got so good at it that I was able to, like, you know, I. I kind of peel myself back into my body, and I kind of do, like, this.
This sort of motion until I can finally move. And sometimes I can, like, almost move my arm, but not quite. And it’s like the. It’s the craziest feeling, but I’ve never been calm enough, and I always tell myself, no, this next one, I’m gonna be calm. I’m not gonna freak out. And I always freak out, and I’m never able to just, like, stay and that. Because I feel like something’s gonna get me, and I feel like I’m gonna die. Well, I’m so excited because, okay, because I didn’t necessarily have the answer to sleep paralysis, and that bothered me because I’ve had it happen a couple times when I was younger, but it never scared me.
It just was really annoying that I couldn’t move my body. But, you know, I have friends that have a sleep paralysis demon that sits on their chest. Okay. But in the art of dreaming, don Juan tells Carlos that the purpose of dreaming, the whole purpose, is to find and perfect your energy body, which is what I’m talking about when I’m telling you that you’re to the meridians and telling you, you know, that your nightmares are traumas, you have to process reintegration, right? Because that perfects your energy body. So, like, if we want to get totally magical down the road, that’s like bilocation.
It’s beyond astral projection, is bilocation. Okay, that’s the total implication of the whole scenario. But just getting into that, you have to do the recapitulation so, you know, processing your memories or going through every person in your life and taking the trauma out of the memories with them, like, trying to just make it a memory where you don’t feel anything when you think of it. So without doing that, your energy body is not perfect. And I learned this through lucid dreaming because sometimes when I lucid dream, I’m blind. I can’t see. But that’s because my energy body is not perfect yet.
But I’ve learned, though, that if I really focus my attention, I can see even when I’m blind. But I never really had that sleep paralysis fear, but it happened to me. So my theory started evolving. I started really thinking about it. I was like, you know what? What if the sleep paralysis demon is your energy body and it looks so scary because you have a lot of fucking trauma work that you need to do. Like, you need to do a lot of trauma healing. So it looks ugly and scary, like a little old hag. So then this is like, just a couple weeks ago, I kept having this false awakening dream where I thought that my son kept.
It was like 02:00 in the morning, and my son kept coming in my room and at the foot of my bed, and he was like, like, mom, mom, like, doing jumping jacks and stuff. I was like, and I’m sitting up and going, what the hell? Why are you up? Go to bed. You know, and it happened a couple times, and I kept realizing I was dreaming, though. So this is another level of dreaming. Castanier says that, you know, the dream within a dream within a dream. Those are different levels of dreaming. Like, you can go 13 levels deep.
That’s why sometimes it takes so long to get back in your body. Well, so I realized I’m still dreaming. So I was lucid at this point, but I thought I was really waking up because it was that crystal clear. It was my room, my kid in my room. I saw the whole thing happen. Him open the door, him close the door and go out. But it never happened. So then all of a sudden, when I realized it was a dream, my whole body starts to stiffen. And I was like, oh, shit, I was going to sleep paralysis.
And I started to get scared because I was like, oh, crap, am I going to see the freaking demon? Like, what is my. What does my body look like? And I was scared to see it, so I was like, okay, I don’t want to feel fear through this. So I closed my eyes, but I felt, my body stiffened. And then I felt. And I could see, like, with my eyes closed, I could see these blue hands wrap around my throat. So it did, like, press on my throat and cut my airway. And so then I started, like, almost panicking.
And I go, wait a second. Can you breathe? And I breathe. And I was like, I can breathe. So I just relaxed into it. I was like, okay, then I’m just leaving my body. That’s. This is me, my body trying to leave my body and put my. My consciousness into my energy body. So I just allowed it to happen. And then all of a sudden, I was in my energy body, and I had this weird tether. Like, everybody talks about it being from your belly button. Like the symbolical core thing. It was from my forehead. I saw it from my forehead to my forehead.
And so I could see my body in the bed. I saw myself. And then I walked out to my living room. And then all of a sudden, it, like, cut, and I saw my cord. It shriveled, and it kind of turned to this purpley black color. And I was like, why is my cord shriveled? And then all of a sudden, I was back in my body, and I was convulsing, and I went back into my body. So as the, as the, the sleep paralysis demons choking, you’re just like, daddy, chill, right? Because. Yeah, it’s good, man.
So it’s good. I like it. This is interesting because one of the concepts of, of Kenneth Grant, this ties into the Lovecraftian aspect of it, right? The Necronomicon, this. This book that some people believe was pulled from this other realm, right? This other. I don’t know if you. If I. I believe it. So. Yeah, that’s what some people believe. And I’m sure you’ve never seen this show, but there’s a. There’s a show called 30 coins. It’s a. It’s a show from Spain on HBO. And in one of the episodes, they. They pull a book from this mirror, right? So they can see it in the mirror, but they can’t see in the reality that they’re in, but they’re able to manipulate it in the reality that they’re in.
And they. They’re able to eventually, like, pull it through to their side. And I’ve had people tell me that they know of people who have these sort of books from these other realms. Like, I don’t know if that’s source. Trust me, bro. But again, who knows? I mean, I think anything’s possible. But one of the things that ties, you know, Lovecraft, which allegedly was inspired from his nightmares, from his night terrors, right. In the whole Cthulhu mythos, which I believe was, are entities trying to break in through our reality, through the use of dreams, through people.
They use people as portals, if you will. Yeah. And I think that when it’s transferred over to writing letterism, it amplifies the magic, the sorcery. Right? And so Kenneth Grant talks about that these great old ones, these elder things, these greater gods on the other side that they call them that in our. If we’re. If we were to witness them in this state that we’re in, they. They do appear grotesque because we’re not able to handle what they truly look like. So to us, when we see them, they look grotesque, but that’s because it’s how you were mentioning what if that’s our self or part of us, and it’s scary, but because you’re not on the right frequency and maybe he’s trying to pull you out when he puts you in sleep.
I don’t know. I mean, it’s just something interesting to talk about right, where I’m seeing, like, the connections between when it. That’s my favorite thing is when I’ve got this over here and you’ve got this knowledge over here and we can like, oh, shit. Yeah. They write about. I mean, they talk about it. It’s like, yeah, we. I forgot which. Which book is. Kenneth Graham is one of those guys that also wrote a bunch of books and it talked to, you know, he talked about the mob zone, this other realm that you’re able to interact in and look at the right.
Stranger things is one of these things that is based on the Montag experiment. And then when you talk, when you remember that Monroe was working with the CIA at one point for remote viewing, and in the other realm, he saw this entire team that was on standby. The president has people in the astral realm protecting him. Like, who knows about it? Is the industrial. A military industrial complex. Are they onto this? Are they weaponizing this? If our government is doing it, what other governments are doing it? Like, that’s the dream hackers. So there are this russian team that got paid.
They were just. They’re all it people. They were. They were paid by an outside source to hack dreaming. So they applied computer hacking skills to dreaming. And that’s where they all got into Carlos Castanita. So they actually took all the sorcery stuff and they freaking streamlined it and they made it way more modern, and they were able to frickin do stuff that was unprecedented, really. But what you’re like, that’s one thing, is that they were approached by every three letter agency from all over the world, because it is being weaponized. You know, the powers that be, we call them the cabal.
And in their books, they call them the Legion. They say that, you know, they’re in every. Even your local governments and stuff. Like they’re represented by the local government. So they have these protectors or guardians, what Castaneda calls inorganic beings. They don’t have an organic body, but they. They do protect you in the dream realm. And not. Not just in the dream realm, in. In the physical 3d as well. And check this out. So I pulled this up. It’s the dream hackers movement and the cult of castaned. The cult of procrastinate. It’s interesting here where he’s talking about.
I noticed two main differences between the russian and english discussions online. Firstly, while western dreamers typically distinguish between lucid lucid dreams and out of body experiences, russian dreamers largely argued that out of body experiences do not exist, or that they are a type of dream. This doesn’t mean much on the surface, as we don’t have a fantastic working definition of what a dream is in the first place. Michael Raduga’s russian based program, the phase, seems to categorize and describe these phenomenon in a less bounded way, perhaps reminiscent of Celia’s green metaphoric experiences. However, there does not seem to be enough of a difference between lucid dreams and out of body experiences to warn a separate classification.
Interesting. And also interesting was. I don’t know if you’ve seen this movie. And now you’re gonna want to see it because it’s a fantastic movie and it’s got Daddy Cage in it, but I’ve not seen this. You got us. It’s by a 24, which. A 24 makes cursed movies. So just be careful. Before you watch this, use your guardian. When you watch it, use your homunculus. But check it out, because it’s all about what we’re talking about. All right? Like, it’s crazy and it’s pretty funny. So just check it out. And it came out recently, 2023.
And it’s fantastic. But, yeah, watch it, because it’s all about this, about dreams. And you mentioned the dream hackers. Well, there’s something kind of, sort of like that in this movie. That’s awesome. Well, and the dream hackers, like, whatever that was just saying. Just read that. I sent you some of their books, which are from their forums there. Is that what you had sent me? Yeah. And so they’re not translated well, because they’re. They’re translated from Russian. But I had a friend actually take one, actually, from Lithuanian, because the original book is in Lithuanian. So I had a lithuanian friend actually translate it for me in English before.
Before we found those. The english versions of that, because there was no english version, but very powerful stuff. That’s where I’m. I’ve talked about patience of the Medici, and I will be teaching it soon. But it’s a concept that they learned from John D. In the dream space. So it’s all wild. The dream hackers, they met John D. In the dream space. One of them was a librarian in real life. So one of his memory palaces and a place that he likes to frequent in the dream space is. Is the library. And if you notice that you can’t read in the dream space, this is where AI.
See, this is why it seems like AI, because AI doesn’t get words, right? Right. So, like, when you’re reading, like, it seems like the words keep changing. I’ve never read in my dreams, and I’ve never seen. I’ve never read in my dreams. Wow. Again, I haven’t gotten to that level of lucidity, I guess, in my dream to where I’m able. Like, I’m Superman. Here we go. You know, like, I haven’t been able to do. You don’t have to be lucid. I mean, it just. In a regular dream, you’ve never done it like a regular dream. When you read, like, you’ll see Walmart and Walmart.
Like, well, nothing always says his change to Wallarach or something like that. Like, it just changed to some weird words because it. A stop sign will say stop for a minute, but then it will all of a sudden say something completely different. Like, words don’t stay the same. So that’s. That’s one of the gates of dreaming, is to, like, to. To, like, shift your eyes and go back to it and try to keep. Stabilize the dream. So stabilize whatever it was, like a objects, because when you turn your head and look back, sometimes they’ll change. But words almost always do, and numbers and stuff like that, they’ll shift themselves around to be something different.
So the dream hackers found that the trick to reading in a dream is to tell the dream to read aloud to you. And so this guy is a librarian. He’s in the library. He tells the dream to read aloud to him. And he used memory palaces, so he can memorize every single book that he got from the dream space and was able to write them down when he got back. So in one of his dreams, he saw John Dee. So he followed John Dee to John D’s library. And in John Dee’s library, there was not just books.
He even had a computer. So he was able to go through, like, John Dee’s library and brought back a lot of information, including this. This magical system called the patients of the Medici. The patient of the Medici. Mm hmm. It’s a way of. Oh, and you won’t find anything in English on it. They’re very little, and you won’t learn how to do it in English. Like, I I learned how to do it. I taught myself, like, for. Well, I had a dream coven experiment, and we all kind of read some of the dream hacker stuff, and we.
We figured it out together. So it was, it was a team of us. But it’s wild. So, so interesting connection, because John Djdeh, part of that imaginal theater is what I called it, is the speculation that John D actually influenced the construction of Shakespeare’s globe theater. I’m sure he did. So that’s, you know, you’re talking about the dream. This dream cartography, this dreamscape, and then John D potentially having some connection to that. And this is all dream hackers to the demodici, right. The. The Black Widow. Catherine de Medici. The black widow. They called her the. The dragon queen, I think is the name that they used for her.
But, yeah, they invented gelato with an alchemist. An alchemist invented gelato. Wow. Yeah. So, anyways, let’s get to these dreams and see what we can pull from this. I don’t know which one you want to read first. I’m gonna read this weird one because we’re talking about the body. So, this is an example of. Of paying attention, because your subconscious is telling you 100 different ways. Sometimes in one dream, one message. It’s just one message. So, yes, this is my dream, and it’s weird, and I’m embarrassed. But here’s the thing. When you’re talking to me, like, you never have to tell me, like, it was a dream.
I would never do this in real life because I know that. So if you ever want me to interpret a dream for you, you never have to tell me that you wouldn’t have sex with your dad or something weird like that. Like, I already know, okay? It’s a dream. They’re freaking weird. So, anyway, so with that said, no joke. Yeah. With that said, okay, so I realize I’m on a ley line. When I put my hands near the ley line, they disappear. Ley line. Think about that word. Okay. I noticed that it’s bending everything on the line.
I end up having, like, anal sex on the line, which is kind of sounds like a pun now, laid on the ley line. But as I’m leaving, there’s two men, and I want to say they were, like, had shaved head, bald, not, like, slick, but it was buzzed, and they’re wearing sunglasses, and there’s banging. All kinds of banging on the. On the light. Ley lines. Banging. Do you hear that word? Ley lines? Anal sex. Like getting laid on the ley line. Banging. And. And really, like, this isn’t a sex dream, like the anal sex part, but really, like, keep listening.
They’re just noises. They sound closer and further away, and I can tell. Tell people are throwing stuff. And I looked away, and the two guys were standing near me, and I could tell that, you know, they were, like, spiritual type beings. And I see and hear three rockets go up, and it’s actually like fireworks. Rockets. Fireworks. And they go into the shape of a triangle. And it was just odd. I was just watching them blow up. Like, oh. And one of them started going down into the earth, and it kind of looks like that penis shaped rocket that Jeff Bezos had, and it was drilling into the earth, one of them squinting the sky into the air.
And I felt like that had all the significance. I’m not exactly sure why. Well, reading it back, I’m just laughing at the whole thing because it’s like, peanut shaped rocket going up into the sky, fireworks like, drilling down into the earth. Like, it’s all really. My body was probably telling me I needed to get laid. Like, that was all I was trying to tell me. Like it said, it’s a need, your body, as a physical need, and you need to do this. Like, I can’t stop thinking about everything. Reminds me of her banging. Like, I mean, and then, like, it’s.
So it’s important, the words you choose. So when somebody’s telling me a dream, I’m listening to all the words, like, I want to hear all of that. I want to hear what directions you’re turning. I want to hear, you know, was the person on the right or left of you? Was, what were the sounds you were hearing? What were you feeling? Because all of it matters. The words that you choose when you’re telling me are important, but that’s an example of my body wasn’t able to communicate it to me. So it’s telling me in my dreams, like, it’s time, girl.
And also the tunneling part of the, I don’t know if you’ve ever done the active imagination with young. He talks about, like, tunneling. So you’re supposed to. How you were, you mentioned earlier, like a dream within a dream. Well, he encourages tunneling. So you go into a tunnel, you drop down to that next level, you do something else, then you keep tunneling into the. Again, I don’t, I’ve never tried it like that far, but that’s part of the technique, I guess. I don’t know. Was that in dreaming or like meditation or. I think it’s an active, active imagination.
So again, closing your eyes kind of, sort of not necessarily dreaming. I guess you’d have more control over it because that’s one of the things about memory. You have more control over memory. Active memory because you’re awake. And like, for example, if you, if you’re in a sensory deprivation tank, I don’t know about you, but I’ve experienced it to where it feels like you can manifest things a lot quicker and not just like manifest. Like, oh, here I think of Doctor Pepper, and here I have a doctor pepper. But your, your imagination, you know, when you’re thinking about things, it feels like it could become real for a second.
And. Yeah, it’s what I call the liminal space because it’s like you’re conscious but you’re dreaming. Yeah. Though one of the examples I’ve used is I was one time in a, in the tank and. Right. You’re floating there, you’re naked. Right. You’re vulnerable. And I started thinking about. And I hate this, like, one of my fears, and not because I get seasick, but one of my fears is I’m afraid of heights, right? Like, and this happened later in life. I wasn’t afraid of heights at first, but it happened later on in life. And one of the fears I have is, you know when you’re in the ocean and you can’t see the bottom, right? So you’re essentially at the top of a really far drop, but that darkness at the bottom of the ocean.
And so when I was in the tank one time, I started thinking of, like, this lake that I go fish a lot, and at the bottom of these lakes, there’s, like, crocodile or not crocodile. Alligators are wearing florida. So I. I started to almost freak out because I’m like, what if there’s an alligator in here with. You can’t feel the bottom of the tank. Yeah. You’re just a floating head because you can’t feel your body. Everything starts to mold. That’s the point of sensory deprivation. They strip you of your senses, and you can’t tell where the.
Where your head and where your. Your body starts, right. So I start freaking out, and it’s like I was trying to launch myself out of the lake. I’m trying to, like, go from the lake up, you know, up in the sky, but I kept thinking of, like, oh. And then I kept going further down and further down. I’m like, down there is the bad stuff. I want to go up. You know, I want to get away from the stuff that. The darkness. You can’t tell what’s in the darkness? You can’t tell. And I don’t even know how many times I can.
I can’t even count on my hand how many times I’ve been trolling around the lake. And if you. You don’t see them, you look at the bottom, and there’s just gators just chilling at the bottom, just like, it’s crazy. So imagine that in complete darkness in some. I’m in this freaking tank where your mind just goes wild. I’m trying not to. Did you yell or anything? No, I did. I was able to. And the. The one that the. The tank that I would use was like, a coffin. It was like a coffin. It was. I don’t know if they’re open anymore, but it was.
It was. There’s, like, a nice one that was all white and, you know, had, like, lights on the inside of it, and then there was, like, the, you know, those freezers at the gas stations that, you know, just open up where you get the is. It was like that. It was like one of those doors, and that was like the big boy tank. It was all. It was completely black on the inside, and. And it just felt unfriendly. And that was the big boy tank. You know, people usually did. The other one was like a clamshells, like, white and pretty and all this stuff.
It’s like, no, if you want to face the darkness, go into the gun tank, because it seals better than the other one. And. And the whole thing about tanks is, the better they see, you know, it’s all humidity games. So eventually, you start to sweat. So the white one is. I would feel the air on my toes from where it would seal. Right. So that would take your concentration out. So you’re laying there for 2 hours or whatever it is. You start feeling the ac creep into the. Your feet. So you start to notice your feet.
And the other one, nothing would get in. There was no air tickling your feet, so you would. You were able to really immerse yourself in the experience and. Experience. Yeah. To where you’d fall asleep. You know, that the point was to fall asleep and see what happens. And I’ve had some trippy experiences in sensory deprivation. Completely sober. And I always tell people, go at least three. Your first three times, you’re gonna be freaking out because I was freaking out because anxiety. You don’t know what to expect. Right. You’re in this tank naked. You don’t know if somebody’s gonna come in, and, you know, you’re exposed, whatever.
It’s like, go the first, and then once you get used to it, then you’re able to really do the exploring. Like I said, you’re able to really let your imagination just go wild, but you got to keep it under wraps, or else it can go to some dark places, and those things start to manifest themselves with you within that tank sometimes. I mean, again. Yeah, it gets scary. I did this one that was like. Like, it wasn’t enclosed. Like, the whole room just turned black, but it was like a big, round pool, so it was kind of awesome because I’m claustrophobic, so the idea of being in a, like, sealed box freaked me out.
Let me show you the one. I learned. I had sleep apnea from doing it because I kept, like, getting so relaxed and into the meditation. And then all of a sudden, like, every couple minutes, I go through does I forget to breathe? Yeah. And I was like, oh, shoot. So after that, I made an appointment and did a sleep study, and sure enough, I’ve got severe sleep apnea, so. So this is the one I was telling you about. This is like the clamshell. When it’s all pretty. It’s got light. It’s kind of pretty. And there’s this one.
Boom. Like, this is the big boy. So it looks like a freaking coffin. So you’re in here, you know, floating around. It’s completely black. It doesn’t have lights or anything. And. Yeah, this is the one here. You. You were going to outer space. Okay. Like, wherever. Outer spaces. This is where this will put you. Okay. I know space is fake and gay, but literally, this was it. And get there, though. That’s how you get there. Yeah. Again, if you not inject Bezos penis shaped rocket. And that one, too, probably. But, you know, you take. This is not medical advice, but you take a heavy, heavy hit of, you know, some indica or something, and sayonara, okay.
Because you’re gonna go to places that. That. That’s usually, you know, the world’s other world, the other. The mob zone. You’ll wake up in the mob zone and talk to the shadow people. But, yeah, the place I used to go to is not open anymore, so I haven’t gone a long time. I think they closed it down when 2020 happened. So it’s been a minute. Yeah. But before then, my first ever episode was actually about float tanks with the guy. Listen to your first episode. Yeah. Once upon a time, I had gotten out of the flow, and I was like, hey, dude, I’m thinking about starting a podcast.
And the guy there was. Was cool. And, yeah, I talked about my experience with that. That was like, my bro. My bro Rogan days, where he would talk about sensory deprivation, all this stuff. And it’s one of those things I tell people to try because it does help you, right? It helps your body decompress, and it’s good for. We’re so taxing, bombarded. I wonder how the Wi Fi in our houses and this, you know, being locked into the electrical grid affects our dreams, because part of the sensory deprivation is disconnecting from everything that stimuli. Dude, I bought this thing.
And it could be total bullshit, but I bought this thing. It’s called a soma vedic, and it was, like, way too much money, I’m not gonna lie. It was like, a what? Soma vedic. Somavedic. And they sell these devices. They have, like, crystals and, like, oils and stuff in them, and some of them are supposed to restructure water. And I got the one that restructures water? Yeah, that thing. The green thing in the corner. So a $1,000 for this thing? I’m telling you. I know, but I was like, okay, I got to do something about all this fucking, like, 5g network and shit.
Because this one’s supposed to mitigate five g. And, like, they, you can see all the studies. It allegedly works. Um, and it restructures water. Well, the first night I get it, I plug it in next to my bed, and, like, you can, you can put your bottle of water by it and you just set it by, or, you know, your glass and set it there for, like, 20 minutes, and then it’s supposed to restructure the water. Well, I was like, I get it. The day I got it, I was like, you’re such a dumbass. I cannot believe you just spent that much money on this thing.
Why did you do that? But I lay down and I closed my eyes, and I’m wide awake. You know, my eyes are just closed. And all of a sudden, like, you know, you kind of see, like, I would say it’s kind of like static, you know, when you close your eyes. But it started doing this thing where I had to star and fractals, and it looked like a kaleidoscope with my eyes closed. And I was like, what the hell? So I opened my eyes, I said. I was like, what is going on here? And so I lay back down and I closed my eyes, and it did it again.
I was like, what the fuck? So the third time, sorry, I’m cussing. I hope it’s okay. Um. Oh, third time, I did it again. And I’m like, so we’re 70% water. It’s restructuring the water. So I do believe that it works. So I’ve got it, like, kind of in the central part of my house. So that way, hopefully, we’re not getting it as bad as everyone else. That’s the thing, right? So if, if these frequencies do affect water on a molecular level, like, all the way down to its molecules. Yeah. Imagine what it’s doing to us as we sleep, because we are, right.
75% water, or whatever that. Yeah. That figure is. And how that might be inhibiting us from having more dreams. Maybe the people of back then, and not even that far back, even these alchemists, because I’ve experienced to where, when I’m looking at alchemical art, I believe it’s meant to open up your consciousness, like, to open up your, your mind. And maybe that’s why when after you watch a scary movie, you have nightmares, right? Because you’re tuning into that frequency, and then you mix everything else. I mean, it’s like Robert Monroe, and when he’s in this other world and he’s talking about being attracted to the transformers, like, of the electricity, he’s like, I wonder how that, you know, affects the.
If we’re attracted to that. And one of the interesting things is that these towers, I have a buddy of mine who works on them. He says that, that bees and wasps and different, like, critters are attracted to the. Whatever frequency these things are emitting. And they also have to turn them off when they’re working on them, or it’ll literally cook you. Like, it’ll make you sick from working on these towers while they’re on. So sometimes they have to shut them off to work on them and do maintenance on them. So, so creepy. You’re pumping this into the air.
Yeah. And that’s the thing is, though, it’s like, because people are like, oh, you should unplug your Internet at night and all this stuff. I’m like, are you kidding me? I could pick up every house around me’s Internet. So, yeah, I can do whatever I want in my house, and it’s not going to matter. I’m still exposed to it all the time. So that’s where I was like, okay, I’m gonna. My router’s got device for a $1,000. My route. Oh, you can’t see it, but my router’s got, like, two huge antennas. I got the thick plug on mine, so it’s pumping my house full of the.
I got the six. The six g connection now on this router. Oh, so, yeah, that’s that nephilim frequency right there. I’m just getting those nephilim beams as I’m laying down in bed trying to astral. Maybe that’s why I can. Any latency issues? Yeah, maybe that’s why I can’t astral, because my, my router is using nephilim technology, and it’s suppressing my ability to jump out of body. Maybe I’ll turn it off one of these nights and try. You need to do your pythagorean thing, like, because that’ll help you to just recapitulating. Play your day backwards and then play it forward.
Or the skull method. Well, yeah, but I’m telling you, do the other one because it’s good. Yeah. And for those that listen to the. To the method, try it out and report back. Shoot me an email or something, and I’m gonna. I’m excited about that, by the way, because I thought when you said it before you did it, when you first woke up to remember your dreams, but you do it before you go to bed, and that. That’s key, because I was like, I never remember to do that when I first wake up, so. And I’m telling you, it’s.
It’s. I. Because, again, I talk about a lot of things where we’re talking about something that’s. That’s experience based. Like, oh, I felt this. I felt that. And you can’t really prove that to people, but it’s like, just try this. Just try. It’s not hard to do. Just try it. It’s not hard to do. It’s weird, right? But get past the weird stuff and. And focus on it. And I promise you, when I first experienced, I’m like, I woke up the next day, I’m like. I remembered, like, that, you know, that dream to the point to.
Sometimes I’ll remember bits and pieces of my dream, and I’ll. And I’ll just write it down in my. Because my phone’s got the stylus, so I’m able to just take the stylus out, and then I’m able to just, like, write. Right. Oh, it’s not doing it now, but, yeah, there you go. So, I’m able to just write stuff, and I’ll just take notes sometimes. Like, I’ll wake up, and I’ll take notes, and. And it’s, like, on the fly type of thing. And I’ve been able to remember some concepts that are pretty cool from my dreams, but, like, entire dreams themselves around reading a book and that.
Like, I haven’t been able to. To do any of that. Maybe it’s like how Robin Monroe said, only certain people can do it. Maybe rh negative people can. Like, who knows? Or maybe practice it. Right. Collecting your energy, and then intentional dream recall. Like, you have to actually, like, if you can’t remember, if you write down, I’m gonna. Something will happen today, right? Like, write it in your phone, something will happen today, and it’ll trigger my dream recall. And then it might be 07:00 that night, but somebody will say something, oh, shit. I just remember my dream, and I’m telling you, it’s just writing it down.
Like, I don’t remember it yet, but I will remember it later. Something along those lines. You’ll remember it. Interesting. Well, Abby, this is great. This is interesting conversation, and maybe for the next time we get together, we’ll read some of those emails. Hopefully people try it and write in and tell us about their experience in the comments or wherever else we have anything else you want to leave the listeners with before we get out of here? Come check us out on Friday on secret Society of good guys. Friday’s Secret Society of good guys at what, 12:00 right? Super late.
It’s way past my bedtime. Yeah, that’s what Wednesday is gonna be, prime time. So we plan to have some guests on during on Wednesday nights. And that’s a little bit more accommodating. I’ve been on that show, though, the secret society. I was on it with. With donut that one time, and I think I’ve been on it a couple other times too. Yeah, I remember you were on New Year’s episode for sure, and then. Yes. Yep. Awesome. Well, Abby, I thank you for being here. And as always, everyone, make sure to check out the show TJ OJP.com.
the co five has the occultist Monday, the comic books, all that good stuff. Make sure to check those out on there. I’ve been streaming every Tuesday at 06:00 p.m. on Twitch and on the backup YouTube channel won a Juan media and links will be down in the description. Thank you, everyone, and stay safe in your astral dream travels, skull fucking whatever’s going on and catch you on the next one on the other side. Bye.