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5G Danger


➡ In this podcast episode, host Juan Ayala chats with Dr. Narco Longus, who runs the Old World Florida YouTube channel. They discuss the influence of secret societies on American history, particularly the Knights of the Golden Circle’s plan to create a slave empire around the Gulf of Mexico. They also delve into the conspiracy of fast food and its potential role in societal control. Lastly, they explore the symbolism of the bull and its connection to Taurus and Saturn in the context of human appetite and food supply.
➡ The text discusses the possibility of the Knights Templar having been in America, with evidence from the Mi’kmaq tribe’s origin stories of transatlantic voyages. It also mentions the Templar treasure possibly ending up in the southeastern United States, with some of it potentially constituting the Confederate treasury. The text also delves into the influence of the Knights Templar and other historical elements in popular culture, particularly in movies like National Treasure, and the actor Nicolas Cage’s interest in the occult.
➡ The speaker is planning to appear on a show soon and encourages everyone to visit ‘old world Florida’. He also asks people to support him by liking, commenting, subscribing, and sharing his content on Tj He ends by thanking someone named Mandy.
➡ The text discusses a theory about the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC), a secret society that allegedly influenced major historical events like the Civil War. The KGC, believed to be an offshoot of the Freemasons and the Knights Templar, supposedly had secret knowledge about significant locations and were involved in the occult. They were also the financial power behind the Confederacy, possessing a large amount of gold, which they hid when the Civil War ended. The text also suggests that the KGC’s influence extended to high-ranking officials, including President Buchanan and his administration.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, focusing on the Illuminati and the idea that not everything is a conspiracy. It also explores the concept of life being a grand cosmic conspiracy orchestrated by God and angels. The text delves into historical events, such as the American Civil War, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and the role of the Knights of the Golden Circle. It suggests that some of these events may have been influenced by hidden forces and that there may be buried treasure in Florida related to these events.
➡ The text discusses the history of Florida, focusing on Moses Yuli, a Sephardic Jew who bought a large amount of land in Florida to start a Jewish utopia. It also talks about the oldest building in the Americas, a monastery named Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, which was shipped from the border of France and Spain to Miami. The text also mentions William Randolph Hearst, a media mogul who bought the monastery, had it deconstructed, and shipped to America, where it sat for years before being reconstructed. The text suggests that these historical events and structures may have deeper, spiritual significance.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including the strange idea of shipping ancient buildings, the story of a man named Judah Benjamin who escaped with gold bars sewn into his clothes, and the connections between KFC founder Colonel Sanders, freemasonry, and the Manhattan Project. It also mentions the establishment of the first KFC franchise in Salt Lake City, Utah, in partnership with a Mormon businessman, and the emphasis on cleanliness in the early days of fast food restaurants.
➡ The text discusses the history and impact of fast food chains like KFC, focusing on their emphasis on cleanliness and their influence on the meat industry. It also explores conspiracy theories about these chains, including claims of mind control and racial targeting. The text also mentions the rebranding of KFC as KGC during health-related events, suggesting a connection to healthier food options. Lastly, it discusses the transformation of Colonel Sanders into a cultural icon, and the potential symbolism behind his white attire.
➡ The text discusses the story of Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC, who at 66, was depressed and contemplating suicide. However, his love for fried chicken stopped him, leading him to start KFC, which eventually became a huge success. The text also delves into various conspiracy theories, linking fast food chains to esoteric and occult groups, suggesting that these establishments might have hidden, sinister agendas. It also discusses the significance of the planet Venus and its astrological implications.
➡ The text discusses various theories and connections between popular fast-food chains and secret societies, such as the KKK and Freemasonry. It suggests that these organizations influenced the creation and branding of these chains, with specific emphasis on KFC’s “eleven herbs and spices” and the founding of Hardee’s and Carl’s Junior. The text also explores the idea of “squaring the circle” in relation to the shape of fast-food items, suggesting a symbolic, esoteric meaning. Lastly, it touches on the concept of food as a form of transmutation and the potential hidden meanings in the ingredients used.
➡ The text discusses theories about fast food chains and their branding, suggesting connections to freemasonry and other secret societies. It also talks about the quality of fast food, arguing it’s harmful and suggesting healthier eating habits. The text also mentions the absence of fast food chains in wealthier areas and debates the ethics of lab-grown meat. Lastly, it promotes a product from Old World Florida and encourages healthier living.


Welcome to the one on one podcast with your host, Juan Ayala. Welcome back to another episode of the one on one podcast. I’m your host. As always, make sure to follow the show on social media at the one on one podcast, tJ links down in the description. And today we’re joined by the one, the only doctor Narco Longus. Hasn’t been on the show in quite a minute, quite a bit. So we’re glad to have him back. He finally answered my emails, finally got back to me after probably over 666 tries to get him back on the show.

He’s so big now, he doesn’t have time for the little guys. But what’s up, Narco? Miss your man. Miss you too, dude. Been a little while, but I know you’ve been busy. I’ve been busy too, and that’s not true, by the way. I’ve been trying to have you on the show, but whatever. Same old, same old. I see you’re crushing it too. Good job. Thanks, dude. Yeah, you. You’ve definitely come a long way since we first started. The first episode we ever did, probably a couple years ago. And I’m gonna be in Miami in. In November, I think.

November or something. So let’s plan to do a show totally at the store. We can go to the store. There’s lots of good stuff to film in Miami too. Lots of good on site locations. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. So can you, before we get started, can you let people know where they can find you? Narco toads. I run the old world Florida YouTube channel. We’re on Instagram. Old World Florida with underscores. Got an x. Twitter too. I think it’s old world fl or you’ll be able to find it. Got a Patreon. We’re on Twitch now and getting started on Spotify too.

But old World Florida is the brand, so you search that. You can find me. Right on. Yeah. Make sure to check him out. I stumbled across narco in my endeavors of Florida history, which he does contribute a lot to and from, you know, an alternative history perspective. Because Florida is very rich in history. And today we’re going to be talking about what I consider the conspiracy of fast food. And even fast food is kind of like a magical mantra, if you will. We all say it all the time. People are making a big deal about it now because the prices of everything is going up.

And I recently watched your video on the Knights of the golden circle, which I had no idea about. And it was very enlightening. And it seems like these guys were on to us in a sort of way to change society, to continue their agenda, which at the end of the day is control over its people, slavery, whatever you want to call it. And what a better way than to control the food supply? Wasn’t there a famous guy, a famous dictator, that said, in order to get control, just control their food supply? Or was that the Rothschild talking about the money? I mean, they’ve probably every tyrant ever has mumbled, uttered something like that.

It’s a reality, you know, if controlling people is what’s your most basic need, right. You can see well here today they’re kind of, with this whole age of Aquarius, they’re kind of trying to go more towards restricting breath, having dominion over our breath, which before was thought to be a irrevocable. Right now, that’s like this new age, this new threat, new tyrants. But in the previous age, maybe the previous age is food, and that still holds true today, but it’s kind of your most basic need. That’s why I said breath. You need to breathe every, pretty much every second you’re awake.

You need to eat every so often. Right? So food, water, air, it’s the name of the game if you want to control people. Would you say that the control of food could be seen in a saturnian light? Because isn’t Saturn the ruler over crops? Doesn’t he have the scythe, which is used for agriculture? Yeah. So Saturn for sure being the harvest God and the reaper. Right, which is the harvest, and, you know, your soul, death, etcetera, the site. But it’s also Taurus, which brings us back to Moloch, because Moloch, believe it or not, is not synonymous with Saturn, and it’s not exactly synonymous with the bull either.

It’s actually the union of the two. Saturn being venerated in the age of Taurus. This is pretty much the composite there. So, yes, it’s the bull, and it is where we get milk. Mlk Molok. But the word restaurants, as I’ve always said to you, you can never forget how to spell the word restaurant when you know your zodiac signs. Taurus. Tauru restaurant, restore rant, is a very tourous activity. Restaurants are ruled by Taurus. Not only are you resting, but you’re eating. Taurus rules both of those things. Taurus is the bull of the zodiac. And though not overtly connected with Saturn, in the age of Taurus, that’s where you get Saturn being represented as the bull.

So a lot of confusion conflation there. But what governs human appetite would more be Taurus. And you could say Saturn kind of rules that federal annual food supply. But. And it’s interesting that. Right. This. I’ve seen different interpretations of Moloch. I’ve seen it that it’s actually the name of the ritual that they did to sacrifice. You have people who talk about it being an actual entity or deity, and you have. I mean, this is like one of the mainstream conspiracies, I guess you could call it, where it’s like, oh, was, you know, here’s the Vatican with a statue of Moloch in front of the.

In front of the building for a while. What’s all that about? And it’s become to be known as this, offering your children to Moloch, but. Right. It’s. It’s almost like the. I wonder if this was made out of gold or what. And there’s also other interpretations of being put inside it, which is kind of a restaurant. Right. You put. You’re putting yourself in. Within the golden arches, which I don’t think you talked about McDonald’s in your video, but. Right. The MM is very masonic. And the gold, which is all about what I believe. Right. The ushering in.

So alchemy could be looked at as ushering in a new age. So the golden age. Right. You have the golden arches, which are probably the most well known logo that there is in the world. Right. You know, so this is something. It’s rooted much deeper. So I did. I tried looking up to see if Richard and Maurice McDonald, if they were Freemasons or not, which I’m sure they are. So, you know, I. If I may, the people that I consulted with before doing the whole KGC fast food video, everyone I asked said McDonald’s kind of had like a clean record.

Like they were either quickly taken over after they were branded and the branding doesn’t have much to do with the agenda today, or it’s just very, very well hidden. Also, I left McDonald’s out of that KGC video because they’re kind of the one who gets thrown under the bus the most and talked about the most when there isn’t that much evidence to show for any, you know, Adreno, et cetera. Right. Whereas all these other brands, they have this very, very obvious legacy, southern legacy, civil war, even KKK, KGC, KFC. That’s kind of where the whole rabbit hole started for me was the silly similarity between KGC, which is probably the least known american secret society, who had the greatest impact right on american history.

They were behind the Lincoln assassination. Of all the co conspirators, most of them were members, official members of the KGC, knights of the Golden Circle. They wanted to. And I also found out about them because I talk about the Gulf of. The Gulf of Mexico a lot. They wanted to make a so called slave empire all around the Gulf of Mexico, which would include Florida. The Yucatan, the capital, was actually going to be Havana. So a lot of this stuff I’ve been talking about in like an esoteric context or biblical origins context. And there had to have been a thread of that in all this planning, why they were ready to just detach themselves from the northeast, the northwest.

They were satisfied with the Gulf of Mexico. You’ve got Jerusalem being on the same parallel as many of the important southern borders, the 31st parallel. So it’s almost like a new Jerusalem. And it’s actually some of the earliest settlements in order, official settlements, like under American Florida, starting like the 18 hundreds. They were calling it New Jerusalem, pilgrimage, plantation. You know, it was very sacred. Right. For a lot of these european people to come over to Florida and have a experience there. So you have the connection with Cube. Cuba. Cuba. The Cube there. And the star lines up of the.

Of the. Their logo. I can’t find it here, but it lines up with. Right. Cuba being their. The capital that they wanted. Yes, at the time. And I have. I have a question I want to ask you. I don’t know if you’ve been asked this before, but has there been any evidence that the Knights Templar could have been over, I guess, stateside? Absolutely. Is there really? Absolutely. Now, the Mi’kmaq tribe, this is going out of Florida a little bit, so it’s not. It’s not really my expertise, but I have a supporter subscriber who goes by old World M’Mac.

Shout out to Mikmaq. Yeah, he’s. He’s a. He’s a good one. Yep. He pops up on a lot of good channels. And he. He’s, you know, he’s not the gatekeeper of Mi’kmaq history or anything, but he’s kind of one willing to share with. With us here on YouTube, you know, trying to hash out the truth. And the Mi’kmaq origin stories tell of a transatlantic voyage, not just one, but a lot. They say that the Basque came there. Oh, well, the mic Mac are peoples. I didn’t know this. Yeah, the Vikings. Oh, and this might have something to do with McDonald’s, too, but we’ll put that to the side.

Look at their logo to begin with, you’ve got the star, the crescent moon, and the red Catholic, Roman, Swiss, you know, Templar cross, whatever you want to call it, Red Cross on a white background. They say that the Vikings came there, of course, that the Basque came there, and the Celts came there, and that they interbred, mixed in with all of them. And also that the Knights Templar came there. They believe this. And a lot of this whole Oak island stuff has to do with the Algonquin peoples, the Micmac peoples. So, you know, a little away from Florida, but we have a lot of this, a lot of a kind of a similar legacy in Florida, too.

The oldest, you know, Saint Bernard is the founder of the Knights Temple, or one of them, one of the earliest patrons, the earliest cheerleader for the crusades. He was kind of like a public speaker orator. And. Well, yeah, we can. We can hover in the make Mac stuff a little, because it’s crazy. They have egyptian characters. Yeah, that’s what it looks like. They have a written language. They’ve always had a written language. They dressed completely differently than most Native Americans. They. And a lot of this goes hand in hand with the Mormon narratives. The Mormon church believes that they found a.

That the founders of the Mormon church discovered coptic Hebrew, something like. Something egyptian, refined egyptian. That’s the golden tablet that only he could read. Yeah, some of those. And he was saying, you know, in those mounds up there in the northeast and near the Great Lakes, you can find stuff like this. It’s not unfounded. The. There’s a word, something egyptian that I’m. That I’m forgetting, but basically, what a lot of the claims that the Mormon LDS church was making, the mic Mac can actually substantially reformed egyptian. Reformed Egyptian. Yeah. Thank you. So it’s kind of just like coptic Hebrew, north african Hebrew, maybe even.

But whatever they had, the Mi’kmaq have traces of it. Very similar. You can’t deny that. The only thing you really could say is that Joseph Smith was ripping off Mi’kmaq history or Algonquin history, or, you know, free basing the native lore into something more palatable for Europeans. And. But these symbols are there, but that’s up in the northeast. So the Templars, the mic Mac and others tell us, came to America across the Atlantic, but then also that much of their treasure ended up in the south. South Carolina, Georgia. You know, some of the purest gold in the world comes out of Georgia.

So they could have been getting a lot of this from over here. Most people think all the gold was coming out of South America. Well, yeah, there was a lot of gold artifacts, but if you’re talking about raw, pure, 24 karat gold that’s found in the Georgia gold bill. But there’s a legend that the Templars were stashing their gold in the south, the southern United States, that some of the native tribes were helping them or, you know, finding them and battling with them and they were interacting. Some they allied with, some they were battling with. And the Mi’kmaq probably been.

Would have been one of those that they got, you know, snuggled up with real close and found a lot in common, probably because they already had transatlantic lineage. But we’re. We know for sure that some of the Templar treasure made it into the southeast United States. The only kind of thing you have to figure out or believe in is how much of that constituted the confederate treasury. When the civil war came around, the confederate treasury was believed to be very, very wealthy. Lots of gold. Meaning they had gold chests. You had financiers of the Confederacy who had ties to.

To not only the slave trade, of course, but, you know, the gold. The gold trade, the transatlantic gold trade. And you could say, some people would say the civil War was fought over gold. And the KGC story definitely gives credence to that idea, because the KGC, even though they were involved with the assassination of Lincoln, is less famous for that and more famous for the gold that they hid after the civil war. That’s pretty much how most people know about them. That’s why they were in there. Well, both of those were in national treasure number two.

I know. Big fan. Shout out Mister Cage. Hail, Nicolas Cage. We’re gonna steal the Declaration of Independence. But he does a lot of pro masonic movies. There’s one that he does zandily or at the beginning of that movie. It’s a Shriners party. Yeah. And so it’s all very. It’s all very masonic. His whole. His tomb is a freaking pyramid. You know, he’s got the. The pyramid on it. So I don’t know about. About him. He’s Spider man, which in my opinion, Spider man is very masonic as well. So I don’t know if he is he. And this is confirmed directly from his.

His offspring, Westin Cage, that they had not only. What were they buying? Some of the most haunted houses in all the US, but he confirmed that as a child, he would read his. From his father’s occult library. So 100%. He was talking about having first editions of Alistair Crowley. I believe he also mentioned Albert pike. Like, so there’s something to be said there about having an interest in the occult. All the movies he does are very occult, very pro masonic. Also, I believe his name, it was like, that’s a pseudonym or that’s an acting name. Nicholas Cage.

Well, if so, it would have been. It’s an astrological match. Nicholas St. Nick Saint Nicholas is Santa, is Satyr, is Satan, and to Nick, to cut, you know, to tax, to. So, Nicholas, you know, there’s lots of different meanings. And then Cage. Cage to imprison Saturn, to restrict. Right? He did the wicker man, and he’s a. He’s a Capricorn is just why I say that is he’s ruled by Saturn. You know, they’re. They’re more of a darker or a darker Persona. More of the Edgar Allen Poe was a Capricorn. They’re all about that dark cult. Allegedly the name Cage came from, it was inspired by Luke Cage.

According to Mister Nick Cage, which is a comic book character. I don’t know a lot about him, but he apparently is so known as the. As power man. Right. So we have the. The. Maybe a little bit of Ubermensch or Overman there. I sign some nietzschean philosophy. Luke. Luke is a Lucifer. Not to reduce it to that, but Luke is same root. Luke, you know, if I’m. If you’re lukewarm, I’ll spit you out. God says Luke is to be in between. Goes back to Libra. Lucifer. Luke Skywalker. Libra. He’s right. Right in the middle of the zodiac.

And, yeah, a little bit of a stretch. Black supposition. But blacks poily say. How the. How do you say that word? Blacks? Ploetation. Like exploitation is an ethics of genre of the exploitation from an emergency United States when the, like, at a good, like, get out. Geigers. Never heard of that either, bro. Yeah, you heard of that? You. You’re how I found out about that. Yikes. So apparently, he gained superhuman powers from being imprisoned. And then I think the KGC is behind. Ghetto Geigers. GGD. Ghetto Geigers. Ghetto Geigers. Ghetto. Don’t look at them. I have to, bro, because I don’t know.

Okay. Oh, yikes. Our ghetto gaggers. Yikes. Now, that’s on my search history. Thanks, bro. So. Okay, work computer. Yeah. Gonna get flagged. So we have this in national treasure two, which is not the first ones. Two. This is where this KCG, KGC. Well, to your point, Juan, you’re right about. Nick wasn’t just an actor on that movie. I think he was feeling more of a producer director role. I could be wrong, but I watched all the behind the scenes. It was certainly a passion project for him. They weren’t just doing a Hollywood script. They converted a book called Rebel Gold into the script of the movie.

Kind of, you know, it’s fictionalized, it’s dramatized, but meta fiction is right. So taking stuff that’s based on reality and then putting the Hollywood twist on it, which, in my opinion, that’s the most powerful form of memetic magic you can use where you. Where you turn it into a work of art that people can interact with. And then put the. Put the meme master himself, Mister Nick Cage, who is a walking, talking meme, at the forefront of it, 100%. And this is. It’s also, I gotta say, it ends with them finding the Templar treasure. The Templar treasure is the confederate treasure is the KGC treasure.

And it was in America the whole time. That’s kind of the big reveal of the movie. Spoiler so. And here. Here’s the thing with. With me in this hall, because we have the concept. And the reason I asked you about the Knights Templar being in the States is because what if. Because if the KGC were an offshoot of the Templars, or, I’m sorry, of the Freemasons. The Freemasons allegedly are an offshoot of the Templars. Right. In the Templars had this whole secret knowledge or esoteric knowledge, and x marks the spot. Right. And these KGC guys were marking Cuba like, what is there in Cuba, which has been at the center of a lot of controversy throughout all the years.

You have the Bay of pigs, you have a whole bunch other. You have Guantanamo Bay, you have all this other stuff that. That point to something. Did they have some esoteric knowledge of these locations, and that, is that why they were significant to this group? Yes. Albert pike is believed to have been a father of the KGC. And we pretty much know that for sure, because before the KGC, they were known as the Order of the Lone Star. So if you’re taking the order of the lone star ols, which is where you get the logo, state flag, and motto, unofficial motto of Texas, the Lone Star State.

That comes from the Lone Star order of the Lone Star. They became the Knights of the golden circle. But. And we’ll get back to the Templars. But Cuba is important because they actually succeeded in Cuba just to catch everybody up. The civil war happened because the KGC largely started it. Not only were they behind the assassination attempts on Lincoln and a couple others, and the eventual successful assassination. But they were also behind the militias in most of the south and behind a lot of the slaveholder elite class. And they were also very into the occult. They had degrees.

They had rituals, initiations. This was an esoteric order similar to the Knights Templar and Freemasons and the OLS. All of this was connected with most of the southern leadership at the time the civil war. Were members of either of those organizations, the entire administration that preceded Lincoln, all of them. I think it was Buchanan. I could be wrong, but whoever preceded Lincoln, I’m blanking. Him and his whole cabinet were members of the Ols or KGC. And Andrew Johnson, uh, was the 17th president, United States, serving 1865. Oh, he followed. He followed. Following. Yeah, yeah, it was before, like.

Oh, before Lincoln. Yeah, before Lincoln, but James Buchanan. Yeah. So Buchanan and his whole administration were members of the KGC or Olszen. And so they were the instigators, the agitators behind the civil war. Some say it needed to happen. You know, I do sympathize with a lot of the southern. Somebody clipped that. I do sympathize with some of what the south was fighting against. But when you look at the spark behind the war, it was undoubtedly an elite class of slaveholders again, and I’m not overly sensitive about that stuff either. So for me to stumble onto this was not intentional or, like social justice driven by any means.

This was just, you know, hidden american history. And they really did want a empire that encompassed the whole Gulf of Mexico, and that was largely for. Okay, well, here’s another way you can link that to the Templars, is that this esoteric order was the banking elite behind the Confederacy. So they had most of the gold. And when the civil war ended, this is kind of what leads to the national treasure they stashed. Not only did they have a lot of gold, but when the civil war started, they seized all the federal gold in the south. So now they had kind of double the gold.

When the civil war ended, they didn’t return it, of course. You know what I mean? They all stashed it in the south. There’s actually a very famous story about the official confederate reserve, the official confederate 7th letter escaping into Florida. That’s in that video, too. You had Jefferson Davis, the president of the south. He and one of the main financiers behind the Confederacy, a jewish financier named Judah Benjamin, resident of Louisiana and Florida. He was the second in command for the Confederacy, and he was jewish, and he was involved with the KGC and the OLS. And he, when the Civil War was ending, though.

They thought they could keep fighting. They had their capital in Richmond, Virginia, which is pretty far up north. So they were thinking that they’re going to retreat down to Florida or Texas and continue the civil war. They’re just going to. They thought they were just regrouping once his face hadn’t surrendered yet. I forget the. Yeah, I don’t know the general’s name, Lee or something, but the main one who surrendered at Apatamax, I know where it happened. The main surrender, that was not the actual end of the civil war. Most of the south was ready to keep fighting.

It was when Jefferson Davis got caught and all the money was taken and the money was gone for good. That’s when the civil war really ended. And their goal, they hightailed it out of Richmond. Their goal was to make it to Florida, and then either to escape by boat to Texas or the Bahamas or Cuba. And Jefferson Davis was on this. This treasure train. They had all this gold. They had a single train car, and they were high tailing it for Florida. Well, as they’re going, people are kind of losing faith and making excuses, and, oh, yeah, I’m gonna catch up.

I’ll catch up with you guys in Georgia, and then they’ll, you know, go turn themselves in or go secure their house and, you know, switch sides. And the civil war was kind of ending, but they hadn’t fully given up hope. But there were people defecting from the south, and they knew how much money they had. Now, the north, the Union, sent a lot of soldiers, many, many different units. Bloodhounds, hunting dogs, you know, torches through the night, surging every nook and cranny from Richmond down to Florida. They were hot on the trail of this confederate treasury trade, and eventually they have to take what they can off the train, start going off by foot.

This is where you get the legends, the stories of Jefferson Davis getting caught, the president of the Confederacy getting caught in Georgia dressed as a woman or that, or that. The people they were with were dressing as women to escape capture, you know, their last ditch effort. But the union was searching house to house, you know, every river, every rock they were flipping over, they found Jefferson Davis. Well, Jefferson Davis didn’t have that much money on him. They. They think he might have given a shit ton of money to a bunch of soldiers and friends and said, oh, go off and, you know, do what you can.

But with how much money left Richmond, how much gold? The Confederacy still had a. They. They believe, and we know for a fact, that a good portion of it made it down to the Yuli plantation in Florida. So this confederate gold is escaping. Jefferson Davis gets arrested, but someone still has the gold. He looks like Abraham Lincoln, bro. They’re related. A lot of people. That’s a whole nother rabbit hole. A lot of people think that they’re the. That they were played by the same actor. Now, I think that’s. I think that’s too ridiculous for me. I think it’s more of just, well, dude, God kind of makes it happen that way.

If. If that looks like if. Boo. Literally, the guy who assassinated him was literally, like, I’ve heard him be compared to. To Johnny Depp of his time. He was like one of the most famous act he was of all time. That’s why they let him go to the president. Like, oh, my God, it’s. It’s Nick Cage. It’s Mister Cage. Yeah, yeah, go ahead and meet the president. He worked. He worked there. Yeah, I wouldn’t put it past that. They’re all literal players in this play. And what, what a coincidence that he was at. What was the play that was going on when Lincoln was taken out? Do we have any information on that? Or weren’t they chanting something? Well, the play was.

Man, it’s in the video. I’m forgetting because I don’t really like theater at all. These dudes heads were photoshopped. Look at this. This looks so fake. Heads. Well, uh, Jefferson Davis, you know, could it have been some big Illuminati ploy? Who knows? Could have. Wouldn’t put it past. But they. I think people are always very quick to eliminate God from the equation. Oh, that had to be the Illuminati. Oh, those. Those two things sync up like that. Oh, illuminati. Yeah. Where’s God in the equation? Is it just the devil? Is it just George Bush in a magic hat coming up with all this gematria and evil stuff just to make you stay up all night? No, no, no.

Let’s leave some of it to the angels, too. Okay? You know, I think it’s much more like, and I’m speaking to all these doomer truthers out there who want to think everything is illuminati. Sometimes things sync up like that. It just happens, you know? Can you see the irony, the cosmic irony, and having the leaders of this two leaders of the same nation fighting against each other looking almost the same. You know, there’s value in. You know, there’s a symbolism there. There’s an allegory there. There’s a, you know, they look like twins. It’s true. They look like twins, which goes through all mythology.

The twins always fighting one another. And that’s something that I’ve always said to where you have people who want to make a conspiracy out of everything. Not everything is a conspiracy. Right? Like, sometimes things are just the way they are, and that’s just it. Life is a conspiracy. Life is. Life is a conspiracy perpetrated by angels and God. Behind the scenes where you never see what’s going on behind the curtain. All the perfection in nature. Yeah. Big, grand, big, grand, cosmic conspiracy. God and angels working overtime, you know, the divine comedy. No, absolutely. And I think that some.

I think part of the aspect of this whole thing is it’s fun to speculate. I’m a skeptic before anything else. And I think during this time, any. You could have. Anything could. Like now, now, day and age, we have cameras. You have all this technology, which it’s a lot harder to, I guess, hide things. Not really, but still. But more of this time. What was that? I said, you could definitely pull it off back then. You. Yeah, exactly. Fake beard. Exactly. So. And I’ve heard. I heard a conspiracy or a concept one time that the whole Lincoln being assassinated was because he was going to shut down some of the funding, or they were, like, in debt to something and that’s why that happened.

Or they wanted the war to happen. I have to look back at what it was. But that sounds awfully, awfully similar to why the Templars were taken out. Right? They. The hierarchy at the time, owed a ton of money to them who were funding everything. And he wanted to clear the debt. So, hey, what a better way than to. They worship the devil. And it’s like, we know what happened there because that’s. That’s. That’s what’s in the history books. There’s truth to that for sure. If you look at the words of the founder, the so called founder of the KGC, he.

He kind of got in with the OLS, the order of the Lone Star. And then he kind of coined the KGC from that. His name was George Bickley. If you look into the words of Bickley, Bickley is regarded as a scam artist, right. Kind of like a. He’s remembered. Kind of how Joseph Smith is remembered. Oh, very dubious, you know, very. You can’t trust anything he ever said. So I don’t know how much of that is true. Cause he was on the wrong side of history. But if you look at his own words, he was kind of bragging when he made.

When he made. He made the statement, I have mobilized like the greatest. I’ve initiated the greatest military mobilization and modern war in human history. He took credit for the start of the civil war. So if you’re looking at the leader in his own words, right. Sometimes they do just tell you what they really think. And one, he said, I started the civil war. I take credit for starting this great, marvelous war, this mechanized, you know, new type of warfare. They had, you know, new guns and stuff that didn’t look like the wars before. And it was brutal brother on brother.

Literally, in every state, there was brothers fighting brothers, fathers fighting sons, and a lot of it was behind. Again, you know, I’m not going too deep down the mainstream. It was just slavery narrative. But the people behind the mass mobilization were slave holders. Probably not your average, you know, everyday soldier from the Confederacy, but the leadership was certainly caribbean slave trading families who had links to, you know, the Barbary slave trade and the Levant. We’ll just say they were shoeish. They were. They. Some of them, you know, people don’t know that about the confederacy. It’s just.

It’s forgotten history that a lot of them were jewish slave traders who came to the Gulf of Mexico for spiritual reasons. And that’s kind of what my. My next video is about. But the KGC stashing all this gold, so a lot of that gold, we were talking about the confederate treasury. A lot of that made it down to Florida. It was being ranked down by, like I said, Jefferson Davis and his crew. Jefferson Davis gets caught, but some of the men keep going, and they have a lot of this money. Well, they end up making it to the Yuli plantation.

Yuli, that’s a big historic site in Florida, the Yuli plantation. He owned a bunch of plantations. That’s where the confederate treasury ended. It’s believed that to this day, there’s gold buried somewhere near there. And they found tens of thousands, which I guess would be hundreds of thousands or millions today, whatever, of gold near here. There’s all these legends of gold being stashed. And this isn’t just like, oh, grand Pappy told me a story once. This is the recorded movements, the final recorded movements of the confederate treasury was the Uli plantation. If you search confederate treasury, Uly plantation here, and why it was headed there was because the first jewish senator in american history was David Levy.

Uly. David Levy. Uly. He was the first senator of Florida. So Florida’s very first senator was also America’s first jewish senator. And he. His father was Moses Levy. Moses Levy was a caribbean slave trader, timber trader. And he was a devout, you know, devout jew. And he came to Florida right before statehood, right when the spanish kind of turned it over to America. 1820. He came over to Florida to start a jewish utopia. Quote, the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem. Because it was pretty much on the same latitude as Jerusalem and Mississippi. The Mississippi river is where the border of west Florida used to go.

West Florida is the. Or is the lone Star republic that was started by the order of the Lone Star. And there those people in west Florida went and started Texas. Texas, to this day, has the lone star flag that they took from Florida. And we were talking about Cuba. Cuba. To this day, even though the civil war ended, the gold made it down to Florida. It was hidden. Judah P. Benjamin was the other jewish financier of the confederacy. Second in command for the confederacy. He regrouped at the Uly plantation. Probably. Probably received a lot of that gold.

And he made it out to the Bahamas, then Cuba, and then he went back to England and became a barrister, a judge high up in his Majesty’s court. From her majesty’s court. And what an interesting. So we have Moses and David almost on this pilgrimage. And what you said earlier about them, it having some sort of spiritual significance. That’s the whole, you know, the Holy Land, the new Jerusalem. And wasn’t the. What’s the guy’s name that had the. The chorusanity. Wasn’t he also talking about New Jerusalem in. Yes. On that side of Florida? That’d be what, the.

The west coast of Florida. Crystal river area, if I’m not mistaken, is where he was at. Near there. Yeah, he was a little more south towards, like, Fort Myers. Okay. For. Yeah, yeah, you’re right. Estero astero. We should go there, dude. Which is. Yeah, I’ve been there. It’s. It’s kind of boring because there’s just, like, old log cabins left over, but it’s cool. Oh, you’ve been to the park. To the. To where they were at the. Yeah, course. Unity. Here you go. So, yeah, that way. Yeah, I was way off. I was all the way up here.

So that’s close. Bonita Springs area. Stare on. This is what he claimed to be Jesus Christ reincarnated. So he is on something else. But the. Yeah, he was talking about the new Jerusalem. But again, it’s kind of, sort of on this fertile crescente sort of thing. It is a pilgrimage that they were on. Yeah. And that’s. That’s awfully similar. Dude, to, again, the Knights Templar. Right. Guarding the holy land sort of thing. And it feels like this knights of the golden. Of the golden circle were like a fighting their. The. The war in today’s time, sort of.

So it’s almost like a confederate. A confederate conspiracy. Conspiracy, if you will. Everyone’s up against the bad guy, which was Abraham Lincoln. And then that did the whole trickle effect. And we have Florida tied into there because didn’t they keep the doctor that treated him down here by the dry Tortugas? Tortugas National park? Yeah, that’s what’s crazy is that Fort remained in union hands the whole time. Even. Even though Florida became a confederate state. The union kept a lot of their forces, like Guantanamo Bayou. Now, also, what’s interesting is Moses Yuli or Moses levy came to Florida to start his new Jerusalem because of a spiritual epiphany, an experience that he had.

He sold most of his businesses, left his family behind, most of his family, and then rushed off to Florida and bought a hundred thousand acres. Back then, that was one of the largest land purchases in Florida. It might have been the largest for that time. And he did so, you know, the inquisition was kind of still going on. And he was a sephardic jew, had been expelled from Morocco. His family had been expelled from, you know, all across the Mediterranean, and they came to the Caribbean and just did what they were doing in. In the Mediterranean.

Well, then he has a spiral spiritual experience. He leaves most of his family. Did he say what it was, that spiritual experience? He just said that he had to start the new Jerusalem, and he had to begin a jewish utopia, and they had to settle the. Yes, they had to settle Florida, because, remember, Florida was the starting point for most of North America in terms of settlement, that they had to settle North America, especially Florida, in order for the Messiah to return. So they like the Messiah, the jewish messiah that they wanted. You had to settle the new world before the Messiah mashiach could come back, because God’s message, the Jews, the hebrew way of life, had to spread to every corner of the world according to some interpretations of this messianic prophecy.

And. Yeah, but here, just to link this back to the Knights Templar real quick, you know, the oldest building, they say the western hemisphere. I don’t know if that’s true. They might just mean the Americas. A lot of people get that wrong. I get that wrong all the time. The oldest building in the Americas, building, meaning four walls and a roof. The oldest building, masonry structure, is in Miami, South Florida. And it’s a happy like a monastery. A piece of a monastery. What’s the name? Saint Bernard de Clairvaux. Saint Bernard is, like I was saying earlier, the founder of the Knights Templar, the patron saint of the Knights Templar.

And this. This came from the border of France and Spain. That borders changed quite a bit over the time. But this monastery was shipped, we’re told, shipped by this one. That’s it. The ancient spanish monastery. What? And St. Bernard de Clairvaux, this is the oldest building in all of the Americas. It’s a thousand years old. Close to a thousand. So what do they say? It’s eleven hundreds. Built in the eleven hundreds. But here’s the thing. It wasn’t built in Florida. They tell us. They tell us that it was constructed on the border of Spain and France and then deconstructed.

It was purchased illegally because, of all people, William Randolph Hearst. The same guy who, uh. The same guy who lobbied to get cannabis criminalized, the same guy who lobbied to get people institutionalized and thrown in jail and prison for menial offenses. That same William Randolph Hearst, America’s greatest media mogul there’s ever been. Yikes. Hearst published most of the papers and newspapers and magazines our parents grew up with in America. He. He himself, just for the hell of it, because he liked it and wanted to, and was, you know, extravagant, decadent. He wanted to bring this monastery to America.

So he had it deconstructed. He bought it illegally, like I said, and then had it deconstructed, packed up in boxes, numbered and backed up in boxes. And then they shipped it to, I think, New York. And it sat. It sat for like, 20 or 30 years. Long ass time. It sat there. That was in the 1920s, when Hearst was kind of at his peak. And then it just sat for 30 years. Someone bought it, like these brothers or these businessmen in south Florida. Now, someone proved me wrong. I’d love to see. There’s no pictures of them putting this thing together.

That’s what I was gonna say. It sounds so ridiculous, bro. Like the. I could be wrong. I could be wrong. I could not find any. I’ve done two videos on it. I’ve been there. We filmed part of old world order there, but they told us to leave. And this is a real, like, Templar monastery. I don’t know if this Templars were living there or, you know, working there, but St. Bernard is the founder of the Templars. So this spanish monastery is named for Saint Bernard de Clairvaux. There are some crazy statues in there. It’s made of limestone.

I know that. And there is limestone Florida. It looks beautiful. I mean. Yeah, it is crazy. What is this, Ikea? Just deconstruct the building, box it up, and then ship it overseas. What a crazy story, dude. And they even say that they lost a ton of the pieces and had to kind of, like, go from scratch. Like, they reshaped it into their own shape because they lost. They were missing some of the Legos, so the instructions wouldn’t work anymore. What if. To just go from scratch, a little homunculus. What if, dude? I mean, this could be like, it’s been there.

The. The wall could have always been there, but, like, again. Back again to this idea of where. What a weird place to put it, right? Miami, out of all places. And then on top of that, we have the concept of King Solomon’s temple, right. We know that the Templars and all these guys had a connection to Solomon, right. Or. Or was Solomon. I mean, at this point in time, I’ll believe anything. But was Solomon actually some sort of esoteric knowledge and never an actual person. Right. Because he’s got this mythological aspect to him. So what was so special about this bill that this dude needed to have it over here like, he needed to, and it wasn’t even assembled during his lifetime? Like, it wasn’t even.

Was it assembled during his lifetime? Or did he die and then somebody took it over? Yeah. He died before it ever left his warehouse and someone purchased it. Here’s another crazy part. One half of it was. Was constructed here in Miami. They tell us the other half was assembled in the Bahamas. So the cloisters at the Bahamas is the other half this. And so that’s, like the outer part of the monastery. And that is like a crazy big long. I mean, to think that they took that from where it was. If you just look this up for me, please.

The cloisters at the Bahamas. The cloysters. The cloister. Cloi. Yeah, cloysters, Bahamas. It’ll. It’ll pop up. So the cloisters at the Bahamas is the other half. And when you see how big and long this is. That’s what she said. Yeah. You’re wrong that first time you ever heard that in your life. But, uh, I. Basically, the cloisters is so long, and it’s such a big piece of land. Yeah, that’s it in the picture. Is this it that’s in the picture? I don’t know where it is. The medieval cloisters. Yep, that’s it. That is the other half of this.

It’s like the outer half. And that was the same thing where they, William Randolph, first bought it. It just kind of sat. And someone reconstructed it. I believe it’s the same thing as the one in Florida. They tell us just the, like, external parts, because there wasn’t much space in Miami. This part takes up, like, a mile, right? This is such a long walkway. Takes. Probably takes up, like, a square mile, if you add it up altogether. The width and the length. How did they find the same terrain to assemble all this? Piece by piece, like it was in Spain or France? You’re telling me they found the same type of hill? Yeah.

Where it goes up? Or did they shape the entire landscape here just to match this building, just for some ridge? I want this to look like that. That make it look like this. Just some rich lady, like, you know, barking orders or from a 14th century augustinian monastery. They’re good. Dismantled and imported from Europe by William Randolph Hearst. It’s the same person, but not the same building, they tell us. So they say. Yeah, exactly. But it was by the same guy, this William Randolph, Earth guy. He’s. He’s, uh, you know, Bach tower worked for first. Did he really? I believe so, yeah.

Interesting. Yeah. I had no idea about this dude. But there’s something. There’s something, in my opinion, talismanic in nature with these buildings that these guys need. Right? So we’re talking about the Mi’kmaq earlier and how maybe they got taken over. Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that these elites are to take over the indigenous or the. The people there and use their. Right. They were building churches over pagan sites that, you know, using these sort of energies and taking over their stuff, their technology, in my opinion, to use it for their own purposes. Right? So here we have.

This is so bizarre, bro. Like, just take apart a building and ship it overseas. Who the hell. Who even thinks of that? Who looks at one of these ancient buildings and goes, can we ship it? You know, like, if it fits, it ships type of, like nobody, right? You’re gonna risk life and limb dozens of people’s lives just for a bunch of stones? Maybe. I’m not discounting it, but it’s similar to the Fort Jefferson story, you know? Yes. Yeah. These. These boats need these. These rocks need to go here. No matter the danger, no matter the cost.

Yeah, that’s. That’s crazy. I had no idea about this place. I’m gonna have to take a visit. Yeah, it’s very cool. They got lots of casts there. They believe in cats, feral cats, they said. You know, the cats keep good energy. Now the cat pee keeps away the rats. Is that why they’re eating them? That’s better. There are some Haitians down there. Oh, mandy. So, all right, so we have the oldest so that. That we are here. That actually links us to non cattle, non livestock animals making their way into the american food supply. That’s kind of what we’re gearing up to talk about anyway, is the knights of the golden circle.

When I began that whole video, yes, it leads off the templars. Yes, it leads off to the Lincoln assassination and the confederate treasury making its way down to Florida, getting hidden, stashed in Florida. Judah Benjamin making his escape out of Florida with a lot of that. Judah Benjamin, the second command, had a suit filled with gold bars. When he escaped the confederate. The confederate treasure train that was escaping Richmond. He had a. He had clothing. He was a big, burly, chubby guy. He liked burgers. Yeah, he looked like. Like Seth Rogen, you know, could have played him at his fattest, right? Like he, uh.

Whatever. So he escapes. He told Jefferson Davis that he was going to help him out. He’s like, oh, I’m going to come back with more help. But he just takes off, and he’s got this. This, uh, gold suit like he’s wearing. Just. They look like normal clothes, but underneath is stitched gold bars into every sleeve and crevice of his body so that he could pay his way around the south as he’s escaping. He had to. He had to bribe all these people. He had to bribe his way out of trouble a million times. He escapes Florida from the gamble plantation.

It’s another big plantation house still there today. He escapes. He probably had a lot of that confederate treasury with him. So that’s the end of that story. But there’s all these interesting rabbit holes. Those were kind of expected. The one that I didn’t expect that we touched on earlier a little bit was KGC, KFC. Sounds ridiculous, right? Surely that’s just a coincidence. Surely there’s. There’s. That’s just, you know, my pot smoking brain, right. Going schizo with. With things that don’t really belong. Well, that’s not true. The reality is there’s a very firm link between the two.

Yep. This is for mathematics. But I did see f f g. That’s all we can’t say. Yeah, maybe that’s all. We can’t say it anymore, but. Well, that’s interesting just real quick, because a lot of this activity happens at the Florida Alabama Georgia border, the f a g region as I call it, but it’s fake and gay, so. Yeah, damn, bro, that esoteric goodness. But yes, I did see that the letters are. Are interchangeable. Therefore you could. You could switch, you know, KGC and turn into KFC. Right? And some sort of nod to. I can’t find it.

But I did see it in your video that you did put that. Well, yeah, it’s. It’s crazy. It’s. It’s more than a nod. We’ll just say that you’re talking about the white Duke. What’s his name? Colonel Sanders. Is that what he calls sir? A real Kentucky. What’s his nickname? He’s. What’s the. David Bowie? The white Duke. But he’s the white man. You know, his. He only ever wore his white suit for the last 30 years of his life. You know that. Yeah. When it. When appearing in public, he only ever wore his white suit. Now, sometimes his little, uh, tie, bow tie thing there, a ribbon tie.

Sometimes he would wear one in the shape of the pie. Like pie. Some say it was a hebrew character. Some say it was the pie symbol. But he would have it shaped differently certain days. But he only ever wore white. He. Some say he even dyed his hair and beard whiter than they actually were. And he. Just to start off, Colonel Sanders was a 33rd degree master Freemason. That’s a fact. His protege, the founder of wendy’s, I think his name is Dave Smith, also a 33rd degree Freemason. Now, he’s got this whole Colonel motif, Colonel aesthetic, because he’s a real Kentucky colonel.

That’s an honorary title. Just like the 33rd degree. A freemasonry is an honorary title. You get gifted it, you don’t really earn it. Right? You don’t really pass. Pass a test for that. It’s gifted due to status or accomplishments. So what’s this sign here? Is this Shriners? Oh, Shriners. Okay. And then they got the 33. Yeah, yeah. So he was a 33rd degree freemason. He actually catered. Catered the Manhattan project. Wait, what? Yep. Before. Before he was famous. Before they were famous as KFC, he was just getting into the Kentucky for the fried chicken game, and he was.

He took a job that included. Yeah, the cafeteria. That’s so bizarre, dude. He fed Manhattan project. Just want to remind everyone, make sure to check out the show on Patreon., slash the one on one podcast. I constantly get emails. Oh, only one episode a week? Yeah, one episode a week for the public. But for as little as $5 a month, you can get up to two, sometimes three, sometimes one episode per day on the Patreon as well as on the YouTube channel as a member for as little as $5. There’s also on the Patreon, over 250 episodes only found on there.

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You know where to find it and enjoy this episode. So the scientists, the workers, they were all eating KFC or whatever else he was cooking. Not only that, he worked for Standard Oil. He was a manager, like a regional manager with Standard Oil. And he owned three gas stations. And in one of these things, he got in a shootout with another standard Oil or Rockefeller executive, and one of them died. And some say he. Some say he. He stopped the fight, but he was involved in a shooting in which a standard oil executive was shot and killed.

Also the Rockefeller standard Oil. Even though they changed their name by then. They were at the Manhattan project too, by the way. You see, dude, you know, you were talking about not everything is a conspiracy, but that. That’s kind of weird. That’s kind of bizarre. And then look at this. So the first KFC was built in Salt Lake City, Utah, which. This is the connection to the Mormons, right? You have the connection. This is like one of their hubs, right? Yeah. Well, he partnered with a Mormon businessman. Yeah. So he. He was. I think it was just Harland, Colonel Harland.

It was. He was selling it at his gas stations. He was selling it. He was kind of pitching his chicken to different places. His recipe, his style, its pressure cooker style. And then, I believe when it came to the KFC chain itself. Yeah, that was started by his Mormon businessman. Mormon partner. And, yeah, the Mormons, of course, have a lot of ties to freemasonry. Some say it’s just a free masonic religion. It’s freemasonry for the family. Yeah, but that’s true. But basically, now we’re seeing like this southern, the southern leadership kind of getting into fast food.

And you’re gonna see what I mean here. Leon Weston, Pete Harmon was the guy, sorry to cut you off, was the american businessman best known for having struck a deal with Colonel San Harlan Sanders to open up the first KFC franchise. There you go. Their whole thing was. Was cleanliness is what a lot of these. You know, there’s always this, like, veiled language, double meanings. They were always talking about cleanliness and purity and. And how clean the restaurant needs to be and how clean the food needs to be and how, like, sterilized. So all these fast food places, they actually didn’t start off because they were fast.

They started off because they were clean. And I’m not kidding, because it was all white tile. You could see all the, you know, spilled food, or you could see all. You could see back into the kitchen. You could see everything being made. It was all about cleanliness and obanous because there were meat packing. These actually, these restaurants, like KFC, revived the meat industry in the. In the twenties. And a little bit after that, there were all these meatpacking scares, you know. You’ve heard of muckrakers, right? The muckrakers started out with, yeah, child labor and meatpacking. It’s like the modern.

It was like Taco Bell 100 years ago. People didn’t know how bad the ground beef and stuff was, how poorly it was being treated and how. How rotten it was getting shipped across America and how corrupt the kitchens were, putting spoiled meat into everyone’s food, just cooking it to where it wouldn’t get them sick. And the people were going vegetarian by the thousands. In America in the twenties, there were all these health movements. After World War Two, people were done with blood and gore and, well, the fast food industry really convinced people to go back on a heavy corpse diet because they were pitching themselves as cleaner than home cooking.

When was the last time you cleaned your oven? The way we clean our mega heavy duty, you know, stainless steel or whatever, it was very industrial. And they had this, like, assembly line. People loved the clean, spotless, how they used to look. They used to be all tile and nice. That diner, that diner aesthetic, people craved that. So they really got off, branded themselves on cleanliness. But what I’m getting at is there’s this double meaning here of cleanliness too. Like racial purity, cleaning up the streets, cleaning up society and sterility. Yeah, we have a very sterile work environment.

Okay, well, does the food gonna make people right? This isn’t a stretch. So there’s been a. There’s been legends that that fast food makes you. Everyone jokes or knows about that. The black community in particular has long said that KFC Popeyes, the other ones, that those are particularly targeting them with extra sterilizing food. Their words, not mine. But yeah, you’re saying. So we have here, we all want to point out that the KFC logo, we’re focusing on KFC, but the KFC has very many sonic colors, by the way. I’m sorry, Templar color. You got the red and the white and the black.

So very, very temporarish of them. And. But we literally have a connection of. So you said that he was part. Not part of it, but feeding the Manhattan project where you fed the people there. Right. He’s very, very catering to them. Yeah, Manhattan project. You know, I would kind of put that in line with project makeup. Make ultra. Because he had a McNugget from the make ultra. Wow, that’s good. So make ultra food people know. Yeah, with the food, dude. I mean, there, this has been. I don’t want to call it a conspiracy, but something that could a hundred percent be true, bro, where it’s.

It’s the mind control. It’s true. Well, there you go, dude. It’s true. I mean, I wouldn’t put it past them. There’s entire movies of where. What’s that one movie with the train, right. Talking about trains earlier and how they boarded the trains. We know Florida was known for Henry Flagler and what his system of trains. And that movie with the. The snorkel snowpiercer, where they’re turning the. The bugs up and feeding them to the people, like, back again to them. Nobody knew. Nobody batted an eye because they didn’t know where it came from. But as soon as they knew that this needs to be stopped.

Right. Because they knew about it so totally. And there’s no. Plenty of movies where they’ve key. They’ve kept people down and sedated through the use of food. I mean, I can’t think of one now, but I’m sure there’s a ton of them. Totally. Well, as soon as I made this, you know, the first, there’s so. There’s so many angles to talk about. You know, I always get overwhelmed talking about, this is such a broad topic, so far reaching. But the very first ever big movie about the KKK was birth of a nation. In birth of a nation, they feature fried chicken and, like, hundreds of black people going crazy over chicken.

Like, that’s where the chicken stereotype was, like, really forged. They say that whatever you watch the movie there’s scenes where they’re. They’re feasting on chicken in a very, you know, demeaning way. And that was definitely the inspiration for Colonel Sanders and KGC. And this. Yeah, this whole movie glorifies the KKK and really brought them back to popularity in the southeast. And Colonel Sanders definitely was a fan of this. His family might have been a part of it. Most people in the south were. Kentucky is actually where the KGC was founded. Knights of the Golden Circle were found in, I believe, Lexington AGC founded in Kentucky.

KFC founded Kentucky. Now, I can prove this to you. Not only was Washington, Colonel Sanders a freemason, but when KFC serves grilled chicken, when they serve grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, your packaging will have KGC on it. Yes, yes, yes. Look it up. Most people don’t get the grilled chicken because it’s not always in circulation. It’s like the McRib, you know, it only comes out at certain times, I think, or at least certainly certain menu items. But, and this is good old school conspiracy theories, by the way, schizoing out on KFC menu items. Like, I’ve come full circle in my conspiracy.

So you said that the packaging of the grilled chicken at KFC has KG? Yep. Look it up. KG. Oh, wow. Yes. When it does Kentucky grilled chicken, it even says KGC. If you look it up. KGC. KFC. When KFC. You know how McDonald’s will fund the Olympics or. Wow. You know how. Yeah. You know how some of these fast food places will, like subway, will kind of brand themselves as, like, a little bit healthier than other fast food, right? Like, oh, we’re the healthiest option. Well, KFC obviously can’t really claim that, but when they, when they present themselves on the world stage at the Olympics, at the, you know, X Games, at the, any of these international arenas where it’s kind of like health or fitness related, they still want to get in on the action.

They still want to, you know, get in on the money. They’re still owned by Pepsi company. Right, or something, or Taco Bell is. So, you know, they’re. They’re still part of these big, big entrepreneurial, you know, organizations, these big corporations. They want to get in on the action, even if it’s health food. So at the Olympics, you can look this up. It’s in my video. They. You’ll never see KFC in the Olympics. They rebrand themselves as KGC. And when you see they hosted this whole volleyball tournament and stuff, it’s KGC. Kg, you don’t even hear them as KFC.

They’ve got their own reporter working for Kentucky Fried chicken. He’s got a KGC on. The girls of KGC uniforms on. So, you know, they really lean into this KGC branding when they want to. Cuz grilled has always been presented as, oh, it’s healthier. Yeah, here it is. Right? It’s like, oh, you know, cuz again, I do it too. Like, instead of getting the. The nugget, the regular nuggets at Chick fil A, which chick fil a kind of against. You got the CC in there somewhere, I’m sure. Yeah, 33. You. I get the grilled ones. Oh, why those? Cuz a little healthier.

I don’t got all the. They’re not fried, so. Yeah, it’s. Dude, it’s. It’s literally Mkultra through food. And what a better way that. Right. They always say that the way to a man’s heart is through a stomach. Is that. Is that how it goes? Is that the thing that I messed that up? But the. The point being that you use all the alchemy, right? So you have this guy who only dressed in white for whatever reason, towards the end of his life, and I. The whitening stage in alchemy is. Represents the beginning of an individuation, which is kind of weird, right? Kind of found himself towards the end of his life and became this character, this caricature, this meme at the end of his life that is forever immortalized.

100%. Dude, this is going to blow your mind. Not only did he. He used to dress normal, he used to have, you know, darker hair and just a family and normal guide. He ran his gas stations and he was involved in some shady stuff, know, always was. But he. At 66, you’re familiar with the suicide boys, right? Yes. You know, they. These, these cousins from Louisiana got together and said, hey, you know, we’re both 26. We don’t like where we’re at in life. This is not what we want to do. We want to be artists. Right? If.

And we’re gonna. So we’re gonna do this whole rap thing, and if the rap thing doesn’t work out, we’re just gonna call it quits, you know, commit the s word self, you know, delete themselves for YouTube sake. Yeah, all good. He. That’s the kind of the suicide boys brand is they made this suicide pact with each other. That’s their official lore of the band, right. Not a big fan or whatever, but it always makes me think of them. The colonel Sanders story, because at 66, Colonel Sanders back then, this kind of ties in with Satan and Saturn.

In 66 and 33 Freemasonry. Back at civil war times, you were expected to retire. At 65, that was kind of starting to be the norm. So at 65, you kind of cashed out in life and either your children took on your business, you know, you could still be involved. But 65, being the retirement age, was already in place back then, right? They’re kind of trying to change that today. But at 65, Colonel Sanders is preparing for retirement. At 66, he realizes it’s time to retire and he is not proud of what he’s done in this life.

He looks at his life and he’s saddened, he’s depressed. He actually decides he’s going to commit the s word. His family can’t console him. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care how much he does have. He doesn’t feel fulfilled. So he goes to commit the s word and he, the only thing that stops him from doing it, I swear to God, is contemplating his love for fried chicken, that he was about to do it off himself. This is canon. This is like part of his history. I swear to God. I swear to God. So at 66, he decides he’s going to end his life because he doesn’t want to retire, because he hates not working and he feels like he didn’t do anything.

Now, 66, he then goes and does the whole KFC operation. He pours his whole life into it. He says, I’m only going to be fried chicken from now on. And he pours his whole life into this fried chicken. His family’s like, what are you doing? What do you don’t. And he just believes in it, right? Maybe he had some, some divine intervention. Divine, you know, not divine, more the underworld intervention. But basically he starts KFC and out of nowhere becomes a success. And not immediately, but he had to partner with that other guy and boom, it becomes a success.

So you’re mentioning he became a meme. He is not just a meme. He. The lore behind him, the tragedy, the comedy involved, the divine comedy. It’s right out of your comedy tragedy, you know, like a greek drama. Well, basically. Well, here, here’s the other thing. 66, he’s ready to end it all within a matter of years. Only a couple years. He’s the second most recognizable human being to ever exist behind Jesus. And we don’t even know what Jesus looked like, meaning he’s the most recognizable real face in the entire world. As of 1970, he was a billionaire at the age of 88.

Multi billionaire. Look it up. How recognizable he was. He was the second most recognizable person in the world back in the seventies behind Jesus. So is there, is there like a, is there a comparison chart or something like that that shows how. Just look it up. He was the world’s second most famous celebrity, if you’re counting Jesus, how famous was Colonel Sanders 1970s? So, no, I don’t, I don’t see that. But I wanted to talk to you about this part here, which is weird, is like, this is bizarre. Go watch my video. It’s in there. It’s in there.

All right. Promise it’s real. You look it up. He’s the second most recognizable person ever. So when they took that survey in the seventies, this part here where allegedly he had a secret recipe, a secret sauce, maybe he was jizzing into the batter or doing some, some stuff. Who knows? Cuz this seems to be a sort of theme throughout is Coca Cola. Because I’ve been to the museum in Atlanta, Georgia, right. Part of the, the g in the fag area. So I went and they have, you know, they have that they play into this whole thing of.

It’s a secret recipe there. Here’s the vault and it’s locked up. Well, here, you, you want to, you want to hear the, hear the juicy details on that. The secret recipe. What’s, is it, is it semen? We. No, we know what the recipe is. Well, could be blood, could be, could be whatever. But we kind of mentioned this earlier. There’s movies that revolve around this. They cloned Tyrone, Golden Circle, the Kingsman, you know, the Kingdom, the Kingsman movie, the second Kingsman movie, just like the second national treasure was about the golden circle for no reason whatsoever.

And in the second Kingsman movie, which is very occult. Oh, the Golden Circle, literally, that’s the name of the movie. Yep. And guess what? They travel from Wales or Scotland, whatever, just like the scottish Freemasons to Kentucky. And in the Kentucky they mix, they inter, they sneak into the knights of the golden circle, or the golden circle, which is, they say it’s the Secret Service. It’s like the secret secret Service of America. And that’s what they called the Knights of the Golden Circle in the Civil War was the confederate secret Service, SSD and the KGC, or the GC.

The golden circle. In this, in, in this movie, they’re working with the golden circle and then they go. And the plot of the movie is that they’re trying to take down the world’s number one drug cartel leader. And she’s Wendy. Her name’s Poppy, but she’s Wendy. And she also ingested, in addition to being a drug dealer, Cartel boss also runs a diner chain in a hot dog chain and a donut chain and an ice cream chain. And this is the plot of the movie, is that she poisoned the whole world through her and poisoned drugs, and they have to go get the antidote from her secret island.

And on the secret island, she puts a whole humanity into a meat grinder and then feeds that hamburger to people. That’s the plot of the movie. It’s an mkultra. Oh, Nanotech. So it’s a hamburgers with Nanotech in their tubes so they can turn you sick when they want to, like, whole world. And the whole world gets sick, and then they need a antidote. A and this. And this is a comedy, too, bro. This is a comedy. And life imitates art. And it makes me think of, in breaking bad, the the the other guy was. Was it los polos and Manos was the name of.

What was it? Oh, yeah, yeah. Chicken restaurant. Yeah, he owned the chicken restaurant, and he was like the kingpin. He was like one of the main guys, the the bigwig and the whole operation. But little did we know, right? He looks like a regular. Looks like a nerd, right? Nobody thinks anything of him. Yeah, Obama. But, yeah, he’s running the show. Michael, would you like the Michael meal? McMichael, the mick. Michael, dude. Damn, bro, this is. Dude, this subject ties into so much. I mean, this is. Oh, yeah, it’s. It’s like, I know you don’t like conspiracies.

I know you you you said not to think of everything as a conspiracy, but it just seems like everything lines up, man. And what are your thoughts on? Because, right, we have this sinister agenda, the illuminati and the Freemasons, and everybody worship Lucifer. But what do you think is the goal? Because we’ve always had this history that paints these esoteric and occult groups in a dark light. Do you think that their motives are darkest to bring forth a new world order? Like. Cause Albert pike talked about that. They’re Luciferians. It’s. If we’re talking about the southeast United States and the KGC, these are openly luciferian societies.

What does that mean, luciferian? What is Lucifer? Lucifer is the morning star, is Venus. It’s the planet Venus, especially as it rules the sign of Libra. Venus is also a crescent, by the way. Venus is the fertile crescent. Venus rules fertility in all, your ancient goddess religions, you know, cults. Venus is your feminine fertility goddess. And from Venus, Venus, when you look at it through a telescope, Venus is usually a crescent moon. It’s not a full or. Venus appears as a crescent moon much of the time. So Venus being the crescent moon fertility, the fertile crescent going back to the Gulf of Mexico.

And you’ve also got the tropic of cancer sneaks in right between Florida and Cuba. So there is a bit of an astrological kind of trifecta to this area. You’ve got the fertile crescent being represented in the geography itself. You’ve got the tropic of cancer sneaking into the Gulf of Mexico. And at the top end you’ve got Jerusalem. 31st. But here there’s the esoteric links to some of these fast food places. It doesn’t stop there. I’d love to fit in a couple more crystals was used. Was founded because the wife of the owner had a epiphany using a crystal ball.

Crystals come from the crystal ball that the wife of the owner had a, like a mesmerized mes. She was mesmerized by this crystal ball and had a flash epiphany. And she said, we’re going to corner the market by having the cleanest kitchen in the whole world. Something like that. I’m paraphrasing, but she said, oh, my God, I know how to start the best food business in the world. It needs to be clean. We need to clean everything sterile. And. Yeah, crystals. The official lore behind crystals is they started when the wife of the owner had an experience with a crystal ball.

Carl’s junior, Hardee’s and Carl’s junior. They were founded. Oh, shit. We got off topic from the spices too. The herbs and spices. KFC. You want to know how deep this gematria and masonic word games go? KFC. Like we’re saying KGC. Yes. G and f are interchangeable. But also this goes back to the KKK. It’s the same colors as the KKK. White and red. He only wore white the rest of his life. KGKFC. Get that? What’s up, my brother? You going. You gonna get some KFC up in here? Finger licking good? Is that KFC? Yes, that, that.

The Mormon, I think, came up with that, that, that catchphrase. But they got black people onto KFC hardcore to the point where they even joke about it themselves. Now, fried chicken, you know, also fried. This is a stretch, but it’s true. Frying goes back to Freya. Venus rules fat and excess and indulgence. And indulgent. Foods, rest to rent, Taurus ruled by Venus rules, indulgence rules, consuming, you know, and basically there’s. You were saying how many ingredients there are in KFC or the secret recipe. Right. They guard the secret recipe. Well. It’s not that secret. We know what the herbs and spices are.

It’s, it’s. It was. It’s been released like 100 years ago. There’s people who said they found it. And then on the website, you can look at the ingredients. Now what they do is under natural flavors, you can protect your recipe by just saying natural flavors because you don’t have to divulge an ingredient unless it’s an allergen. So natural ingredients or natural flavors, most people think that’s like that beaver semen. Semen. Yeah, it can be. It can be any. It can. It’s a, it’s an umbrella term to protect recipes. So natural flavor can be that synthetic beaver gland, but it can also just be oregano.

They’re. They’re ass gland. Right. That’s the vanilla extract or something like that. The scent gland that, that helps scents become, like, very, very pungent and linger. That’s that essentially like skunk juice that, you know, perfumes have a little bit of something rotten in them. Always, you know about this. So that you want the good smell to be packaged in a pungent smell. Yeah. With the notes so you can smell the cause. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Right. So some, most perfumes, it’s been said, have something like rum in them that maximizes the output of the smell.

That’ll carry the good smell farther and longer. So it’s like a rotten body. You can smell that from 100 yards away, and it’ll linger for so long. So they try to emulate that. The whole thing with the herbs and the spices, you have the secret ingredients that are probably just oregano, paprika, they’re conventional spices. It’s not some secret recipe. Maybe there’s a little jizz in there, whatever. But the colonel. Secret juice. Yeah. Powdered. They powdered it down 60 years ago. Why? He was white, bro. Future supply. Yeah, he was. But the whole thing with the herbs and spices, there’s eleven.

They won’t tell you what they are, but they’ll tell you how many there are. They always tell you eleven herbs and spices. Eleven special seasonings. Eleven. 1111K is the 11th letter of the Alphabet. Is it really eleven that they say it has? Yep. Eleven herbs and spices. That’s what they say. It’s eleven. There’s way more than eleven. If you go look on their website, it’s like 20, including all the GMO oils and stuff like that. So there’s not just eleven’s herbs and spices, but they are dead set on branding themselves as eleven herbs and spices. That eleven is at nod of the hand to the 311 of the KKK.

KK 33 three times eleven. K is the 11th letter of the Alphabet. So you have eleven. Eleven, k k again, you know, KFC, KGC. You can’t just have one dimension to your cool, you know, esoteric brand name. There has to be multiple meanings and layers to it. So KFC, KGC. It’s also a germanization. KGC. In German, there’s not really a circumental. It’s always k. And the g, it either makes a softer sound or it makes a k sound. So G, K, g, C in German could be written as Kkk. And they kind of leave you a clue on that, on the fact that they used Klan with a k for no reason.

It could have just been ku Klux Klan, KKC. But also, what does Ku Klux meant? That’s the biggest giveaway there is. We haven’t really. I should have started off with that. The Ku Klux Klan is a direct continuation of the KGC. That’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s the same leadership, it’s the same people. It’s the same. Same funding. But then KGC. Knights of the golden circle. Well, what’s that? Golden circle. In Greek, Ku klux means circle. Wow. It’s the Circle clan. They’re the Golden Circle clan. They just rebranded as the Circle clan. KKK. You’re saying the same thing, just in a different way.

I mean, that’s just. You’re occulting it. Yeah. Yeah. And the KGC. Eleven herbs and spices. KKK, eleven. 1111. The KKK wanted to distance themselves from Freemasonry. They didn’t want to be just another, you know, offshoot of Freemasonry. They wanted their own authority. They branded themselves as knights of the clan, or, sorry, the Knights of the Circle clan. KKK. Also, because they didn’t want to use 33 anymore, they decided to use 311. So the KKK, their coal sign, their dog whistle, their, you know, code word is 311. 311. 3113 times eleven KK. Well, come to find out, the KFC herbs and spices, number eleven.

Now, lon, are you ready to have your mind blend? Do it. Crystals. Crystal ball. Right? What about Hardee’s and Carl’s? Junior, would you believe me if I told you that in their official wikipedia, in their official website, in their official lore, they. Till the founding of Hardee’s and Carl’s junior, as they took out a loan. The founders were so poor, they wanted to start a business, but they could only scrounge up so much money. Guess how much money they saved. Something like, you know, it wasn’t much. It was, like, under $20. You know how much that comes out to today? $311.

Now, that’s. That’s just. Okay, well, that could change. Next year, maybe it’ll be worth $313. Do you know how much money they took out on a loan? Officially, they came up with the amount back then in those dollars. 311. They took out a loan to start Hardee’s and Carl’s junior. Hardee’s or hard R’s hard, you know. Yeah, yeah, we got it. 311 is the amount of money that they opened Carl’s junior with. And in their own official wikipedia, it says 311 twice they took. Took out $311 in that. That year’s money, which would. Could be tens of thousands today.

What year was that? Do you know? Now? Sometime before World War Two, probably doesn’t seem like a lot of money. $311, like. No, it was just one. One little burger stand, I think. Okay, but $311, they chose that amount twice for their own official lore of that chain and Hardee’s. Here’s another thing, if you want to go real schizo with this. Wendy’s, founded by a freemason. A lot of these other ones were founded by Freemasons. Knights of Columbus, war ols, KGC related people. All of them. White Castle. White Castle. White people. You know, obvious castle. The knights of the golden circle didn’t use lodges.

They used castles. They used white castles. So these white castles, what connects all these together? This. This is gonna sound ridiculous. It’s hilarious. I’ve burst out laughing over this stuff. Squaring the circle. You got the square patty, circular bun. You’re squaring the circle. You’re taking something that everyone else does in a circle form, and you’re giving it angles. You’re doing the hermetic, the alchemical. It sounds so silly. But these are Freemasons, who pioneered this industry. And the squaring the circle is what links White Castle. Crystals, Wendy’s. They all do this. You’ve said this before. You know, we’ve talked about the shape of your food, and, like, what part of the cow is a square? What part of the cow is whatever? And it’s like, these are unorthodox.

Shapes that you’re eating. And again, you’re adding this more occult, esoteric aspect to it, where, in my opinion, it’d be the law of correspondence. And, you know, in some sympathetic, magical way, it’s linked to this other thing. And it’s quite literally about the transmutation of yourself because they want. There you go, right there. It’s. It’s the, uh, it’s the. You eat the philosopher’s stone to gain its benefits. You can snort it too, but you can eat it. And, you know, it’s also like the Eucharist to square. Square a circle. You know, what’s. What’s your faith? What’s, what team are you on? And matzah, you know, square, eucharist, circle.

Oh, wow. Circle, you know, which. Which team are you on? You could say, but the angles on there, the squaring the circle is undeniably a reference to freemasonry. And I. The, you know, alchemical theorems behind geometry. But squaring the circle with the patty, hilarious. Another thing, KFC. When. And a lot of these restaurants, they brand themselves with gold. Certain menu items, especially KFC and Church’s chicken. Church’s chicken, by the way. Just look at the branding. It’s all in my video. There’s so much to go over. But almost all of these restaurants use a star in their logo or a golden circle.

Literally all of them either a golden chevron or a golden half a circle. You know, McDonald’s is pretty much just two arches rip apart a circle, two semicircles. And Taco Bell does their whole illuminati ad campaign nowadays. M is also the 13th letter in the Alphabet too, so. Mm. Right. 13 there. Mary Magdalene, you know, but it’s not just fast food, too, that there’s circle k. A lot of black people hanging out at those. Yeah. And there’s also makes you think, too, about the crabby patty and how the crabby Patty is, but with a k. You know, SpongeBob, he’s kind of square.

So that the star, Patrick, the star crystals the spell with the k for no reason either. Crystals a spell with the k for literally no reason. They said it was artistic flair. Circle K. K Mark, special K, serial. The big k, you know, Kellogg’s. Yeah, that’s the KKK. Yikes. It sounds ridiculous, but the evidence is there. Paper trails there. The paper trail is there, dude. So what do we do, Marco? What do we do with this information? How can we use this? How can we break free from this of Krabby Patty matrix that we’re in. And how can we fight back against the systems? Are the salads from McDonald’s good, or are they just as bad from.

From the. From their burgers? I’ll tell you, um, you know, as interesting as all this stuff is, none of it’s really too surprising. I think we’ve all kind of known deep down food is poison. And not all food, but fast food is. Is how they get that poison into you. Some of the things that most people agree unanimously or are bad for you is found in fast food. The GMo soy, you know, the gMo corn syrup, the GMo. Well, I don’t want to bore people with. With my vegetarianism, but it’s literally an factory. You’re talking about the worst quality meat in the world, the worst, worst treated animals in the world.

That’s a. It’s like. It’s a adreno factory, right? I mean, how else can you look at it? It’s ghost love. It messes with your soul, that stuff. It lowers your vibe. You know, this is obvious. It’s kind of cliche, but I. It needs to be said, eat better, do what you can. Stay away from those places as much as you can. There’s other people who look at it as it’s only bad in the poorer income areas. Like, they put more of the poison into the poorer foods. That’s kind of the they cloned Tyrone plot of that movie and a couple others.

They said that’s really just aimed at poor people. I tell this, too, that Palm beach county here, um, you know, it’s a very wealthy, very wealthy county. Yeah. Palm Beach island right there. You got Boca Raton down there. This was one of the first cities founded by the Jews that came to Florida. Yep. And those two groups, those two enclaves, are some of the wealthiest spots in America. So Palm beach is a very high income county. You know, lake worth, where I’m at, isn’t. Isn’t exactly. It’s definitely not a wealthy area, but the county is very wealthy.

You’d be amazed to know that in Boca Raton, there’s not a single McDonald’s and Palm beach island, there’s not a single Taco Bell on Palm Beach island. There’s. There’s laws against them. They don’t want fast food on that island. Boca Raton. Boca Raton was limited to one Taco Bell and one KFC growing up. I almost never had him, because when I was growing up in Boca Raton, you’d have to drive, you know, 30 minutes to get KFC or. Or a Taco bell. Some people think that Wendy’s is the one for white people. Wendy means white. That it’s the one that won’t kill you.

That it’s, you know, the healthy alternative. It’s like, hey, white people, you know, come over. I’ve heard a homeless person once say that Wendy’s was too expensive. Well, they think again, I’d say don’t drink it anyway. Don’t eat it anyway. But their lemonade is healthier. They say they don’t freeze their stuff. Wendy means white in Welsh. Comes from Gwendolyn. You’re gonna love this, too. What else is it there in the word Wendy? So I. This is just one theory. I think it’s also Adreno slop, personally goy slop, Adrino, Adrena meal, McAdrina meal. But some people think Wendy’s is, like, the white alternative.

It’s branded more for white people. You know, pale chick with red hair. Wendy means white, and Welsh is where the name Wendy comes from. Gwendolin. But if you’re looking at the american meaning of that word. Wendigo. Yeah, the cannibal spirit. Yeah. The cannibal ghost. You eat Wendy’s, you become the Wendigo. Yeah. Redheaded cannibals. The. The faustian bargain there is, like, how far you willing to go? But I had one last question for you. Narco. This is something I’ve been thinking about, something I asked somebody else recently, but I want to ask you. The. The doc himself.

Is 3d printed meat vegan or vegetarian or whatever it is? No, it’s. It’s probably even worse. Oof. It’s worse. So I’ve heard arguments. I’ve heard, you know, this is like a deep, deep debate with some vegans. Some vegans are, or vegetarians are vegetarian, even though they want to eat meat, they just don’t want to hurt the animals. That’s not why I’m vegetarian. I’m a vegetarian because I don’t want more corpses interfering with my aura. This is the philosopher’s diet. I don’t care if it’s pretentious. I don’t care if it’s self congratulatory. It works. DaVinci, Tesla, all the world’s greats.

Hitler, we’re veg. Hitler, we’re all vegetarians. So you definitely don’t need this stuff. There’s bodybuilders who go without meat. You don’t need any of it to begin with. That’s where the conversation should always start. But the lab grown meat is not an ethical alternative. There will be dumb vegans, vegetarians, who are like, oh, finally, I can have flesh without a loss of life. To me, it’s still life that still got cloned off of the living thing. It’s still living matter. It’s still flesh. What’s even worse is that that flesh is not as gay as it sounds, is not stepping in the ground, is not pooping in the grass.

It’s not giving back to nature, to homunculus. Exactly. This is just like a demon creation lab grown. That’s. That’s plant based. That’s compatible with being plant based because it’s factory, plant, industry, plant based. Right. Mm hmm. But that’s not compatible with vegetarianism. Plato would never eat that. Socrates would never eat that. Pythagoras would never eat that. Hippocrates would never eat that. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, I was, I was. I was curious about that one because I think, I believe it was DeSantis passed a law or something like that. Or banned it. Yeah. Recently. Let me. Let me look that up before I spread fake news.

This. That’s true. Yeah. This fake me. Did he ban it or did he pass it, though? He’s trying. He lab grown meat ban in Florida signs. Okay, so take your fake meat elsewhere. We take real in Florida. We don’t take none of that synthetic grown. Yeah. This desantis wants pure hot beef injections. Yeah. Rated. That’s right. So, dude, it’s very enlightening. Is it a fascinating topic? I could talk about this for hours and let’s continue the conversation here. In a couple of months, once I’m down there, we’ll smoke a bowl together, we’ll do a live stream or something.

You want to give the people anything else where they can find you, any other work you’re working on, any other stuff. Anything else you want to plug before you get out of here? Just old world Florida on all, pretty much all the platforms. YouTube, Spotify, got a Patreon, got a whatever. But if you really want to support, you can get a make Atlantis great again. Visorous oldworldFlorida. Dot mind that’s the only product we really have, 100% cotton, so no chemicals. Chakra activation that this is, we call this counter yarmulke technology. This is actually, you know, it’s like the doughnut, the doughnut hole, the inversion of it.

Yeah. Yeah. So they would. They want to smother crown chakras. We’re unleashing crown chakras. So get some sun, make Atlantis great. Again. That’s the only thing I’m I’m chilling. Awesome. Dude. Thanks for coming on, bro. I know you only do big shows now, but you know, our little show over here on the one hand podcast. Thanks you for being here with us today. This is awesome. And let’s do it again sooner than later. Dude, I got to go on your show now. We’ll figure out a day codes this week or something. We’ll figure it out. And as always, everyone, make sure to check out old world Florida.

I’ll post his links down in the description. Make sure to check me out. Tj like comment, subscribe, share and see on the next one. Thanks, Mandy.

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Dr. Narco Longus interview fast food societal control human appetite and food supply Juan Ayala podcast Knights of the Golden Circle slave empire Knights Templar in America Mi'kmaq tribe transatlantic voyages Old World Florida YouTube channel secret societies influence on American history symbolism of the bull Taurus and Saturn symbolism

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