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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ Juan, a researcher known for his work on homunculus, discusses his interest in the occult, alchemy, and aliens. He explains the concept of memetic occultism, which uses propaganda to invoke deep feelings and subconscious responses. He also talks about chaos magic, an open-ended practice that incorporates various disciplines and relies on belief. Juan also shares his experiences with sleep paralysis and his thoughts on the dangers of chaos magic.
➡ The text discusses the evolution of communication and symbolism, from ancient magic squares to modern internet memes. It suggests that these forms of communication can influence people’s perceptions and emotions, and even shape reality. The text also explores the idea of information as a form of life, and how interaction with certain information can change a person. It ends by discussing the Gnostics and alchemists, who were believed to have used information and concoctions to push human evolution forward.
➡ The text discusses the idea of hidden knowledge in ancient texts and the resistance to translate them, suggesting a possible conspiracy. It explores the concept of interacting with ‘living information’ that changes as you understand it, often symbolized by animals. The text also delves into the manipulation of reality through the mind and the potential for technology to overlay additional realities. Lastly, it suggests that influential figures may be used to steer public opinion and culture in beneficial directions for those in control.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of channeling energies and altering states of mind to enhance creativity and performance, particularly in the context of hosting a show. They also delve into the idea of external forces influencing people, and the use of memory techniques like the ‘mind palace’. The conversation then shifts to the power of language and writing, with references to the use of geometry in invoking entities and the ‘cut up method’ used by writer William Burroughs to disrupt narrative flow and alter reader consciousness. The speaker criticizes the elitism in understanding complex works, suggesting that it’s a form of gaslighting to make people feel inadequate if they don’t comprehend certain cosmologies.
➡ The text discusses the belief that writing about an event can influence its outcome in reality, often seen in occult practices. It suggests that this concept was used by a group of friends who wrote about a murder they committed, hoping to avoid jail. The text also explores the idea that cinema and literature can be used as tools for mass manipulation, citing examples from the Great Depression era and modern times. Lastly, it questions the use of symbolism by elites to exert power over the population, and the potential role of institutions in this process.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the concept of corporations as artificially created entities, the potential dangers of AI, the influence of the occult on technology, and the evolution of media. It also touches on the role of animals in the occult, with a focus on dogs, and the idea of using sex in magical rituals. The text also mentions the concept of ‘power zones’ in occult practices, with Miami being one such zone due to its location in the Bermuda Triangle.
➡ The speaker discusses the emergence of a new UFO religion, where people view their encounters and experiences with UFOs as divine or mystical. He tells the story of a man named Jeffrey Evans who, through a series of rituals, induced an abduction experience and received a secret formula. This formula, related to the mathematical constant Pi, is believed to be a way of interacting with other dimensions. The speaker also suggests that more paranormal stories will appear in mainstream media, possibly starting with UFOs and evolving into more metaphysical phenomena.
➡ The speaker discusses the influence of space and the occult on culture, suggesting that ideas are planted into the collective subconscious to shape society. They also speculate about the possibility of extraterrestrial and paranormal phenomena, and share personal experiences of seeing shadowy figures. The speaker suggests that these experiences could be due to changes in the speed of light, allowing us to perceive different layers of reality. They end by encouraging kindness, research, and open-mindedness towards these ideas.


Juan, welcome back. How you doing? Thank you for having me back, bro. It’s been a little. I know. We were going back and forth at first, and it seems like we’re in some time warp or something, and time flies. Has. Is it me or is time just, like, speeding up? Yeah, everything is speeding up, dude. It’s crazy. I don’t know, man, but I am just stoked to have you back. I am ready to get super weird. And based on your talking points, we’re gonna get super, super weird. We’re gonna dive back into the darkest depths of the world of chaos magic, mimetic magic.

And because this research comes from the fearless homunculogist, we’re gonna go beyond strange today. It’s gonna be a good time, as usual. Now, before we get into the any of this, for the audience that may not be familiar with your brilliant homunculological work, however you say that, remind them a little bit about yourself and where they can find you. So my name is Juan, and I’ve been on here, what, four or five times now, bro. Somewhere around there, maybe six. Who knows? Yeah. So, yeah, I’m a researcher, a regular guy who likes to talk about interesting topics.

And I’m known, for the most part, for the homunculus. You can get your homunculus owner’s manual at on my website, tjdeh and you can find my podcast, really, anywhere at the Juan on one podcast, on all major podcasts, on all social media platforms and any podcast platform. You can also find me on YouTube as well. Juan on Juan. And yeah, I talk about a lot about the occult, any esoteric concepts, alchemy, homunculus, aliens, whatever I find interesting that week, I’ll talk about it. And yeah, I’ve been doing it for the last five years now, since 2019.

And yeah, dude, I’m ready to get weird today. I know you had shot me an email. You were like, hey, what? What do you been looking into it? I was like, well, I’ve been looking into a lot, so I’m ready. Yes. Yeah, man, it got my etheric nipples hard just to look at the topic. So can’t wait to get into this first thing. Mandy, mimetic occultism. I learned something from you every time you come on. This is something that I’m really not familiar with. Break it down for us. What is this? So memetic occultism? I want to say it’s.

The guy’s name is Stixon Hammer 666 on YouTube. I think I’ve. I learned about the concept, the word through him, I think. I don’t know if he coined it, but I recently covered. Right, there’s. There’s talks of Pepe the frog and all these different concepts you have Trump, perhaps, me maybe, being a sort of chaos magician. Now, chaos magic is interesting. So memetic occultism, what it is, it’s propaganda that is meant to invoke a deeper feeling. So it’s supposed to appeal to the soul. And this is any advertising, this is anything that really speaks to you on a subconscious level.

It’s. It’s. In my opinion, it’s even deeper than regular advertising where you see it. But they’re. They’re working with colors, they’re working with images that are working in the background. Collective conscious, subconscious, the dark stuff, whatever you want to call it, right? Something back in there. And mimetics is the spread of information. So a meme, an Internet meme, right, to be distinguished. And in an Internet meme, my opinion, which we can get into it is the evolution of the magic square, if you will. And so a meme is the smallest form of information. Memetics is the spread of information.

So memes, new pieces of information, are injected into the collective, and they spread. And if you think about a meme, when a meme goes viral, they always write the word viral, almost like a sort of parasite or a. A sickness or something. Viral when you go viral, well, in my opinion, I think it be a lot easier. Let’s say that the world is run by a cultist that are maybe lizard people, maybe not, right? Who knows? Maybe they are, maybe they’re not. But sad that it is run by occultists and they’re injecting constant information and constant ideas.

Well, in my opinion, it’s more effective if it is memetic in nature. And by means, I’m talking about sigils. And this is where chaos magic comes into play, where chaos magic is a. Almost like an open source system, if you will. And I don’t know if you’re familiar with, like, open source systems where you’re able to go in and tweak it on your own. Well, essentially, that’s what. What chaos magic is. It’s open ended, in a way, and as long as you believe it, belief is the key. Chaos magic is kind of like the mma of magical practices, where it kind of integrates a little bit of each discipline into it, and you just take what you want from it, right? Pretty much.

And that’s where, again, that’s where you get Kenneth Grant’s work where they incorporate again. Dude, I’m a weirdo. So I love lovecraftian stuff. I love all the weird Cthulhu mythos and these occultists, bro, these grown, these grown people, these adults are taking these made up entities that were presented to Lovecraft in his dream state, which dreamlands are a real place? I think that’s a real landscape. I think that when we go to sleep, it’s an altered state of consciousness. And if you’re able to really tap into that, I think that’s where people can astral project or, you know, have out of body experiences, which I’ve tried astral projection, and I can’t make it happen purposefully.

Like, I can’t. Not purposefully on purpose, right? I can’t make it happen. How some people, like, oh, I was able to travel to wherever and go here and there and all that stuff. I’m not able to do that for the longest time, I did. I haven’t had enough a long time, probably a year, year and a half. But there was a period in my, when I first started podcasting, actually, where I was having sleep paralysis nightly. Like, it was like a weird thing, and it happened so frequently that I was able to, I already knew how to get out of it as soon as it would happen, and I haven’t had it happen in like a, probably a year, year and a half, but, and I didn’t experience like, the old hag sitting on your chest or anything, or shadow people.

A lot of people say what I experienced was the sense of dread. So the sense that something is going to happen and there might be something there, but I never saw anything. I never saw any visuals or anything, but. Okay, so back again. Lovecraft was presented this mythos through his dreams, and these groups, the typhonian oto, which is an offshoot of the OTo, they adopt. And the reasoning behind is you’re able to adopt that God or that entity or that deity for your, for your procedure, for your operation for that one time, and then you chuck it out.

That, in my opinion, is, is really dangerous, because think about all the things that were being exposed to following this chaos magic doctrine. That is the super bowl. For an example. For one example, I mean, that was recent, this past weekend, the superb owl, they do all this crazy ritual stuff one time, boom. And then as soon as they’re wrapped up there, they just chalk it out the window, and they’ve already worked their way into your subconscious. They’ve already implanted all these symbols, all these things into your subconscious. And they’re there working again like a memetic parasite or something like that.

And the reason this is important is because it’s always been a war for information. You know, Alex, Jonas has been right since the very beginning. It’s. It’s an infowar, if you think about. If we go to the very beginning, right? That no matter what your cosmology is, what your belief system is, it goes back to the idea of information. What happened in the Garden of Eden? Let’s just use the. The christian point of view. What happened in the Garden of Eden? God said, you can do whatever you want here in this other dimension, this other realm where you have all these.

You’re in this garden, you can do whatever you want. Just don’t do one thing. Just don’t do one thing. Don’t eat from that tree right there, bro. You can do anything else. It’s like, well, why can’t I eat from that? That’s the tree of what? Of knowledge of good and evil, right? So don’t eat from that tree. And once they took the first bite from that app, from that, well, we always attribute it to the apple, right? It’s never specifically said it’s an apple. They say it’s a fruit. They don’t say which fruit, but it’s interesting that we always attribute it to the apple.

The apples have worms, right? Yeah. Worms are parasites. Darwin, the father of evolution, studied worm for 39 years, bro. He said, man is nothing but a worm. So what is he. What is he getting out there, you know, by the idea that we are all know we come from a worm. Hmm. Like, I don’t know that. That’s kind of odd there, right? Maybe illuminati parasites of some sort. Maybe the. Right, these, the. When they entered the daughters of men, maybe it was a sort of possession or parasite, if you will, right? Because we always think like, oh, look at these nephilim with their huge nephilim dicks, you know, entering themselves into these women.

It’s like, what if it wasn’t like that? What if it was more of a possession type of thing, like, like twin peaks, you know? Possession is a possession, doesn’t discriminate. Okay? So it’s always been about knowledge of some sort, some occult knowledge that the powers that be don’t want you to have. Okay? So what a better way than to spread knowledge through the use of these sigils, these Internet memes. And it’s interesting because, right, speaking on Alex Jones, speaking on Trump and the whole keck movement and all that, stuff that’s a fraud and. Right. Alex Jones is known for what.

Let me, let me play the clip here real quick. The putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin frog. So Alex Jones, who is also a meme, right. Trump is a meme. Alex Jones is a meme. These are in, again, maybe they, this is part of like this chaos magician archetype, this gesture archetype, if you will, like these characters that are here to disrupt reality, to cause a sort of unrest, because these are explosive characters, if you look at it. Trump is an explosive. Like, people either love him or they hate him. Alex Jones, people either love him or they hate him, right? Depending on which, which setting that they’re in.

So the frogs, it’s interesting because, and the reasoning why I think that the Internet meme is an evolution of, of the magic square. The first magic square was introduced to the emperor on the back of a turtle shell. Okay? And this legend goes back, I think, to like somewhere bce. And this emperor was sitting next to this body of water and this turtle floated up and he saw on its back, right? This square. And magic squares first started with numbers, right? So you have the Pythagoreans. Numbers have always been giving this, right, this mythesis, this mystical view, right? Numbers, the matrix, they kind of sort of control reality.

Everything’s mathematical, the Fibonacci sequence, all these different things. And then there was an evolution because the magic square went from letters, from numbers to then letters. So you had letterism introduced there. You had the idea of charging it with sigils, words, right? Grammar, grimoire, it all comes from the same place. When you’re casting a spell, you’re spelling things, you’re a vibration, even if it’s not right. I think that writing is a sort of divinatory device which we’re going to get into some chaos. Magicians who believed that exact thing and they used it. And so the evolution of the magic square, you have numbers, letters, letterism.

And then in my opinion, it’s, it’s shifted over to, right, more of a pictorial magic, because as a kid, when you pick up a book or when we were kids, I remember I would always pick up a book and I’d go straight to the pictures. If a book didn’t have pictures, I wouldn’t look at it. So even a child knows to open up a book and look at the pictures. And why is that? Well, Paracelsus, in the 16th century, when they were talking about pictorial magic, they understood that pictures had more of an effect on people.

A longer lasting effect than texted. That’s why in these cathedrals, they painted all this iconography in these symbols, okay? Because they had on the lower class that couldn’t read. They had what they had to look at the pictures, and that to them, was their divine experience, okay? And they. Here you get into simulacra and simulation. Wherever I. The worship of the image comes into place, where people start worshiping this statue of Jesus as if it were Jesus. Well, that’s not, that’s a representation. That’s a simulacrum of the deity. Doesn’t necessarily mean that it is, but in today’s time, I mean, people are.

Right. And so you have the idea, you have the evolution, and I think that it’s centralized itself and landed. I think there’s a simplification of this magical system, and that’s, again, that’s dangerous, because that gives them that much more reach and accessibility to the general public than they normally would. You don’t need to be dressing up and doing all the ceremonial stuff, which they still do, like the super bowl and all these different things. Right? They still kind of sort of do that, but now it’s like, it’s. It’s a dumbed down version where it’s much more simple and they can access people quicker.

Memes. Everyone collects memes. It is. It’s kind of like an evolution in a way, even though it’s more simple. Like you said when we first got on, everything is. Seems to be moving faster in all aspects of our reality, including, of course, this technology, which is advancing exponentially as we see it unfold. And the. The advent of the memes and the. The emotion and therefore, the reactions that these memes are causing is becoming more exponential, and the outcomes are going to become more exponential, and they’re going to advance, and it’s to become bigger and bigger of a thing.

And it’s so interesting to see how it evolves and how when we become more aware of it, how it interacts with that awareness as well. And that’s the tricky part. Right. So I mentioned the animal aspect of it and the reason why it’s interesting, the whole keck, which was a whole thing. And I don’t know if you remember the documentary with Shia Labeouf. I think it was. He will not divide us. I think it was, and I haven’t. I didn’t see that. You got to watch that documentary, bro. It’s wild. But tech was one of those things where you have the frog symbolism, right? And allegedly, that’s connected to this God of chaos and the egyptian pantheon.

But there’s something how you’re saying interacting with the, with the thing and how it becomes alive in some sort of way. And if you really look at that like information is a sort of life form and that’s essentially right, we’re gonna get into, you just like opened up the floodgates where if you look at the idea of the gnostics, right, speaking of Christianity, all this stuff, the Gnostics, according to Dickian Gnosticism, was that they were in touch with, in the first chapters of the Gospel of John, the word became flesh and dwelled among us, right? People say, oh, that’s Jesus, whatever it is.

Well, in dickey gnosticism, that was the idea that the logos was a sort of parasite. And once you came into contact with it, you were forever, I don’t want to say infected, but you were, you were changed by it. And the reason that the gnostics were knocked out and wiped away, because usually these groups are speaking a sort of truth, even in this community, I’m not going to call it community, but in this, in this realm, this sphere or globe of things, just to piss some people off. They, you know, they’re, they’re, we always talk about being shadow, banned or taken off X platform or whatever other platform, because we’re speaking something that the powers that be don’t like.

The gnostics were speaking against something that the powers that, that be didn’t like at the time. Now, mainstream history will tell you, well, they were heretics. The church didn’t like the heresy or the blasphemy, so therefore they wiped them out, right? Because they needed this can and they needed this cosmology to be solidified. Well, according to Dickey and Gnosticism, he believed that they were in touch with this logos, the living logos. And he’s got a name for, I forgot the name of. And if you want to learn about this, just read, read Valis by Philip K.

Dick. And this helped push the gnostics into the next evolutionary phase of humanity that so the, the gnostics and the alchemists, because they were, it was coming out at the same time. They were trying to push human evolution to the next step through the interaction with this information. And that was the whole nag Hammadi dead sea scrolls where that information was frozen in time and that’s why it was hidden. And whoever interacted with that information was going to get this revelation of wanting to again push humankind forward in this evolutionary scale, whatever it was. And that’s what the alchemists were trying to do with all these elixirs.

And there’s stories of these transmutations of where, like, they were drinking these concoctions, and their hair was falling out, their nails were falling out, their teeth were falling out, and they were, in some stories, they grew back their nails, they grew back their hair, and they were renewed. And that’s how you get these stories of the immortal alchemist. So were the gnostics in contact with some sort of information that granted them immortality, that pushed them to come together and again, come up with the concoctions, too, if it is a concoction, because alchemy is, again, an interdimensional topic, where there’s the metaphorical allegorical route of things and there’s the.

The physical work of things, right? So, and it’s interesting because it all comes back to the idea of this information. There’s a. And, and if you look at the history of these apocryphal texts, they sat forever before they were even translated. They sat for like 30 years or something before they were, they were even translated. Like, what are you, are you trying to hide something? And that’s why you waited so long for them to be translated? And what was all that pushback? And if you leave, if you read John Marco Allegro, he was one of the, one of the guys that helped translate those texts, but was also talking about how there was like a pushback to translate them.

It’s like, what were they occulting from the public that they didn’t want them to find out? Now, again, that’s a whole speculation that could be considered a conspiracy, but we’re going back to the interaction with some sort of living information, if you will, right? Something that is moving, and I’ve heard it put before that the occult, this phenomenon, when you’re looking at it and you think that you’re figuring it out, it’ll morph right in front of you, it’ll change right in front of you. And so this is where the familiar aspect comes in of the animals.

So you have Alex Jones talking about the frogs, right? Well, you have keck is a frog the first. And again, there’s a whole bunch of other examples I can’t remember right now, but the first magic square was introduced on the back of a turtle. And the reason for this being is because shamanism plays a role into this whole aspect of things where the simulation, if you will, talks to the shaman in the form of these different familiars or animals or entities or whatever it is, and I’m sure that you’ve experienced something like that talking about your dog men encounters and your Bigfoot people.

You know, like, there’s something to that where maybe these entities that is dogman or bigfoot or whatever are, again, I don’t, I’m not going to go out and say that they’re trying to present some sort of esoteric information to people, but have you heard anything about that? Like Bigfoot trying to relay some, dude, yes, I think this is going to get us, man. This may take up the rest of the show here we’re about to get into, but there is layers of our reality. There’s the physical layer which we interact with, and there’s something beyond. And I’ve had plant medicine experiences recently where I was shown this.

The layers outside of ourselves are not only what we interact with in the spirit world, but archetypes, thought forms, aggregors, things that we collectively created throughout our history that floats around in these astral realms and has some sort of intelligence and we’re able to interact with it in some way. Well, put that on hold. Keep that in mind for this next part that I’m about to get to. What we’re seeing right now and what’s happened throughout modern history, anytime there’s a movement for the people, something that seems good for humanity, the peace and love movement, the hippie movement, the truth movement, they’re all eventually co opted, infiltrated, and steered in a completely different direction to have a different desired outcome.

Now, you mentioned Alex Jones, some of the other bigger players, Tucker Carlson. Could it be possible that these players are being reinserted into our communities and propped up once again so that they can steer us and once again create culture, this time conspiracy culture, and steer it in the direction to where it’ll be more beneficial for those in control of it? And that goes back to these archetypes we’re talking about that may, in the spirit world, have a different desired outcome for everything that’s unfolding? Right. Yeah, it’s interesting, right? Archetypes, archons, right. The gnostics, we’re talking about the Archons and these forces that we’re trying to manipulate humanity into some other, you know, keep them compressed in this false matrix, if you will.

That’s the whole anything to keep us from becoming too aware of things. Right? Which, again, some people will listen to this, and I don’t know if I’ve made any sense since we started, but some people listen, make sense to me, listen to this and be like, no, this is all nonsense. But think about it. Think about it back then, okay? And by back then, let’s, let’s go to an example and you can read about this in, there’s a book called architect as magician. I forgot the gentleman’s name. His name was Albert, Doctor Albert something or other.

Anyways, I’ll find his name later. But in this book he, he goes and he, he breaks. I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of magic, and not magic in the sense of like abracadabra type of stuff, but magic in the sense of let, I think it’s been dogmatized, if you will, or tainted the, the word magic because people think of Harry Potter and all this stuff, or even Crowley, but I, even Crowley, even though I hate him with all my being, I think he contributed some aspects that are, that are beneficial. That’s why, and this is why I read all cosmologies and I want to understand everything from all perspectives.

And I do have a christian background and I do reserve my own beliefs, but I’m open enough to listen to people who have opposing beliefs that other me. And magic in the, I’m talking about magic in the sense of putting yourself in a state of mind. Okay? Now some people say, oh, you’re manifesting when you put yourself in a state of, call it whatever you want to call it, putting yourself in a state of mind to bring forth the change. And that can be applied to anything. And not even in the woo woo sense if you apply yourself to get a project done.

Regardless, you know, take the occult in the esoteric out, if you apply yourself and focus on a task that you need to do, you will get that task done. Okay? So that kind of, sort of way, now we can bring in all the woo woo stuff. So the architect as magician at the very beginning, he’s talking about the power that the architects had back then. And you know, there’s the, during the Renaissance, they had a sort of magical perspective. And if you think about the pen as a sort of wand, well, they found, they would find drawings of animals in these caves.

So these, these, these first societies, if you will, I’m not going to put a date on it, but old societies that were still in caves, they would draw pictures of certain animals in the area in order to manifest those animals. So in the next hunt, they would find those animals and come across them. So it was a sort of magical practice of if I draw this and I do my ceremony again through, sometimes through the use of shamans or whatever, they would do these ceremonies, they would invoke and draw these images of these animals to bring them in their next harvest and their next hunt, whatever.

So, again, this. This is. These are beliefs that people have had for a very long time. And what I’m trying to convey is that because some people are skeptics nowadays, like, oh, this doesn’t matter. Well, it’s been ingrained in our history and our humanity since the very beginning. There’s a reason why all these gods and goddesses exist, even if they’re all fake and gay or they’re part of these archetypes or part of whatever. Right? There’s something, how you mentioned there’s layers to this reality. And I think that some of these symbols or icons hold that key.

Now, some people say it’s all astrological, could very well be all astrological. Who knows? But there’s a reason why these symbols exist. And I think that there is a layer of reality that can be manipulated through the use of the mind. There’s a reason why they want. Right. They just started the newest neuralink human trials. People are freaking out because everyone’s wearing the little goggle apple vision, whatever, and people are going around driving cars with this thing on. So they want to put us into another. They want to overlay another reality on top of our reality.

And by the time you know it, you have these goggles over you. Now I’m in another reality. And while I’m this in reality, I play a game. I go. I go into VR chat. That’s another reality that I’m going into. So it’s there like the russian dolls are, you know, nested dolls, where it’s homunculus all the way down, turtles all the way down. It’s, you know, the dolls all the way down, if you will. And so you have this idea of. All right, so interacting with the information. We’ve talked about it. The shamans and these new concepts.

According to some, they’re introduced into society by these familiar spirits, which take the form of animals. And it’s very funny that, you know, to use Alex Jones again, which I 100% agree with you, bro. I think that some of these people in this community. Not. Not community, this space, even, whether they know it or not, maybe they’re not even aware, but something, some energy, some force is propelling them to do so. Well, think about it, Chris. Think about it. Alex Jones is a character. If you think of any actor, any actor is invoking something to go into them.

You can’t tell me that Alex Jones is like that 100% of the time. That dude’s a character. You know what I’m saying? Like, they’re invoking something when they get in that state of mind. And even, dude, even I do it, you know, when I, as a host, you need to host a certain type of way. And so, not that I, not that I’m a different person, but I do act differently. We act differently when we’re on here, you know what I’m saying? Like, we have to make it entertaining for the people. So there’s a certain, I consider it almost channeling certain types of energies.

Whenever you’re in a state of mind, whenever I’m trying to be creative in certain ways, if I am, like, concentrating on doing that and things that I’ve done in the past and trying to think it over too much, it doesn’t work, the energy doesn’t flow. But if I just let myself connect to something, it’s like it’s still me, but it’s more of a free flowing thought process and creative process, you know? Absolutely. I wouldn’t call it channeling me personally, Chris. You know, I want to keep my butt out of stuff. You know, I don’t like these interdimensional entities trying to crawl up in there.

But I get what you’re saying when you’re in this, when you’re in this flow state where things come. And I personally, I use the, the mind palace concept, where you build a structure in your mind and you put the information that you want to remember in these different compartments or these different rooms within that mind palace, and you’re able to go, you know, as you’re having a conversation, you’re able to go in through this pat mind palace and into, go into every room and interact with the information in there. Now, that’s a memory technique, right? If you will, that people have used for a very long time now.

But the idea of information, right? One interesting concept that to, to bring in the, the letter ism of it, right? The, we talked about Lovecraft. We talked about these entities on the other side rather than the archons or whatever they are. These things are that because you bring up a good point where may do these people know that they’re interacting with something or something is interacting with them? How that one, the story, how goes, you know, are you meddling with Goetia? No, I’m not. And then, and then, you know, the guy answers curly like, well, Goethe has been meddling with you type of thing.

Like, ha ha. You know, like reverse cardinal, my trap card. It’s like, oh, whoa. So I think that there is a lot of reality that’s like that, where there are things outside trying to influence the people here, okay? Because look at King Charles. You think King Charles knows all the stuff that we talk about, bro? You think. You think he knows about dog man or about magic squares? Hey, maybe he does. Maybe. Who knows? Maybe he does. Maybe it is like the squid games, where they sit behind this glass and they make people fight for. For the money, and they put these masks on and they do all these other heinous stuff behind the scenes.

Like, who knows? Right? But the. The idea of letters. So there’s a reason why they wanna. They want to separate us. So we talked a little bit about magic squares, the evolution of the Internet meme, which, how you said, invokes a feeling in people. It can either make you laugh, it can make you angry, it can make you sad. It. And all it is is a picture and some text. That’s all it is that simple. And people collect them. They collect them like Pokemon. You gotta collect them all. It’s like how many memes you got on your phone right now? I know people who would delete pictures and video and stuff to get more memes in their phone.

They want more memes. So again, it’s something weird about the meme and letters. I recently did an episode on geometry for accessing intermediary. Intermediary beings. Now, if you look at. They want to take us away from what? They want to take us away from writing. I don’t. How much. How much stuff have you written, bro, in the last week? Okay. Today? Well, I am very conscious to write. I have a notepad, notebook during every show, and I’m constantly writing notes during every show, so at least I’m doing that. And when I’m. When I’m writing pieces for my films and stuff, I always try and use a notepad and pen.

So I try and stay connected to that man. Oh, well, you’re a bad example then, Chris. But anyone else listening right now, think about the last time you wrote something. When they taught us cursive in school and all stuff. Well, to me, they want to push us more into this electronic age. Typing away. Everyone’s typing all these symbols. If you look at it, letters are geometry. There are lines there, Dot. There’s things that. That were created. Now, if you think of a grim war, which is where the word grammar comes from, well, it is the use of grammar in this grimoire that outlines these recipes, these magical operations.

Okay, so there’s something to be said about that. That the. And this can apply to any language. It’s the geometry that you’re using. Look at John D. Edward Kelly. They were using geometry to invoke these entities on the other side. And to talk to these entities on the other side. Now, there are writers such as William Burroughs, that use writing as a sort of divinatory device. And I recently talked to a William Burroughs esotericist, Tommy Cowan, who’s written about William Burroughs using the cut up method. And the cut up method is a method that is used by William Burroughs.

The other guy’s name is guys. And I’m sure other people have used it too, before. And what it is is you take a written text, you cut it up, and you form new sentences out of the already written pieces. Now, the reasoning that William Burroughs used this washing because he believed that. Well, he believed a lot of things, but one of the ones was that he was being haunted by a demon. Since he was very little and he was close to possession. So he was trying to fight possession. Another one was that if the Demiurg has already written out reality.

And already knows everything that’s going to happen, will he know if I’m taking this text that’s. That’s already been written? Has he predicted the random sequence that I’m putting it together in? So he looked at it as a sort of glitch in the matrix, in a way, to get the. You know, for a lack of a better term, get the demiurge off his track so he wouldn’t kill him in the end, or whatever it was. And so he uses this in his writing. And if you read his writing, it’s very discombobulated. Right. Naked lunch. It’s a.

It’s incoherent. And the reason was because he was using this cut up method. Now, the interesting part about that is that when you’re reading this, I don’t know if you’ve ever read a book where you’re reading, you start your mind. Your mind starts to wander. You start to remember. You go, damn, I got to read that again. Because I completely miss what I. You know, these two paragraphs I just read. I got to start over because I don’t remember anything. Well, that writing is meant to do specifically that, but it doesn’t stop there because it’s meant to put you in an altered state of consciousness.

And transport your consciousness to somewhere else. Because the story will stop to make sense. And then you’re dropped off somewhere in the story where it starts to make sense. Because he’s either stopped the cut up method. And now you’re in this other realm, this other state of. Now, the reasoning why he used this in his writing is because, and you can look this up for yourself, he wanted to obliterate the consciousness of the reader. Mind you, this is one of the most well known chaos magicians, okay? William Burroughs, which, if you read his work again, it’s one of these characters where you don’t know why they’re famous, but they are.

And their work is very disgusting. Right? But again, some people say that about Crowley, like, oh, it’s disgusting on perfect. It’s disgusting to get you off the track. So it weeds people out. It’s like, no, it’s garbage. You know, like, a lot of it is garbage. But the people will gaslight you into believing a cosmology by making you believe that you’re not smart enough to comprehend said cosmology. They go, no, Chris, you’re just not smart enough to understand and grasp the wisdom of this story. That’s why it doesn’t make any sense to you, bro. It’s like, no, if I think something is dumb, and I think if it’s something, if I think something is fake and gay, I’m gonna tell you it’s fake and gay.

You know, saying, like, I don’t care what you got to say about it. But this guy was using that method to. One of the reasonings also that he had, it was he wanted people to fight. And this blew my mind when I learned this. And this was on the episode I did with Tommy Cowell, which is not out yet, but he talked about it because he wanted people to help him fight his inner demons in some sort of weird way. Right. And he also believed that by writing something out, the more detailed, the less the thing that you write about was going to happen.

Now, the reason I say this is because there was a murder that happened between him and some friends. And I’m talking about Will and Burroughs and some. Somewhere else. And you can, again, you can do your own research on this. You know, people listening. But they wrote a book on the murder that happened, right? And they detailed everything out. They detailed this. Characters. You know, there was people modeled after the, you know, characters modeled after the real people. Right. Which this is seen a lot in the occult. Yeah, like the. Like the story moon child, I always talk about with Crowley.

Well, I don’t think that was a story. I think that was. That happened for real. And a lot of people in that story are modeled after true occultists in the real world. Okay? So there’s something about writing and solidifying these timelines and these alternate realms, if you will. So they write this story about the murder of their friends. Of their friend, and the character in the story goes to jail and all this other craziness. Well, he believed that if they were able to write this story out, they would somehow skip out from having to go to jail for that murder because they use this writing as a sort of way of getting out of it.

Again, just weird stuff. But when you start to look back, you go, wait a minute. Well, Parsons and his friends, the Suicide Squad, also wrote stories that came true, right? There was a story that they wrote where one of the guys, well, Parsons main character that was modeled after him, blew himself up. Well, it turns out that Parsons. Parsons also blew himself up. You know, like. Like, wait a minute. One of the guys was extradited to China? Well, it turns out one of the guys was actually extradited to China and became the dictator communist leaders main guy for rocketry at the time, for missiles.

It was like Mao or something, like some crazy, right? So they had written a story about it. So these occultists are using these stories or I. Grim wars, if you are. Again, it goes back to the use of these books that lay out magical operations through the use of grammar. So you need the words in order for you to have the operations they need to do. You know what I’m saying? So there’s a link between. And this has always fascinated me, where there’s books that have resonated throughout reality itself. And by that. Take any ancient scripture.

Let’s talk about it. And again, I’m not trying to say this to disprove anyone’s cosmology or anyone’s beliefs, but a lot of these main. The most major religions, they’re all propped up by what? By writing. That was very old. That. That’s it. What else we got? You know, saying, like, tell me what else we got. They. They’re all goes back to literature. It does. But think about this. In our modern times now, we have cinema and film and symbolism that we can actually take in with our eyes to perpetuate this information and the flow of information.

So we’re in a whole new era of magic now. Well, that’s the evolution of the magical system. Okay? Yeah. Think about it. I always wondered, right, in 2020, when that thing hit, why, what became what? What became a meme stock? Well, GameStop became a means, a meme stop. Right? A meme stock. Right. Yeah. I made a bunch of money off of that. Also, what can’t. What became another meme? AMC became a meme stock. Well, what’s AMC? AMC are theaters. Right. We kept the theaters afloat when everything was shut down. Now, during the Great Depression, which wasn’t great at all, in my studies of.

Of zombies, which during the 1930s was the first depiction of the zombie white zombie was the movie. It was very, very racist, too, the movie. But point being that a lot of things were born during the Great Depression. King Kong, white zombie, Dracula. What else? A whole bunch of other stuff. A whole bunch like the. The werewolf movies, Frankenstein. The Hollywood pantheon was born during the Great Depression. I go, that’s interesting, because why is it that during this time, where there was this contagion that spread throughout all the. The markets, that’s what they called it, a contagion.

How is it that they were able to come together and make the. All these movies? Where was the money coming from for these movies? Well, it turns out people were going to the movie theaters for a form of escapism. People’s lives were such garbage that they were going to the movies to live the lives of the characters that were being portrayed in these screens. Well, and it doesn’t stop there. If you look at the idea of a cinema, a movie theater, well, not only is it a simulacrum of a cave, which we know secret societies use caves for various reasons, right? Represents the womb.

But also, I even had Jay Widener on tell me that, you know, as a director, the use of cinema, the use of these movie theaters is a very potent and effective form of MK Ultra. So think about it. We go. We go voluntarily, usually at night, in the dark. Who? Very secret society escrow. You’re going in there and you’re. You’re getting flashed, essentially a bunch of sigils in continuation with one another right in front of our eyes. Yeah. You know, everyone was freaking out recently with the left leave the world behind movie with the Obamas. What a bizarre movie.

You know, I’m saying, like, I had a frequency expert on that, said they had some sort of subsonic frequency that was overlaid to the background of the music. Crazy, man. I had somebody call in to my show and tell me something about that. I had seven different tracks or something, one of them being a sub hertz or something or other, where they were using again. And it all goes back to, in my opinion, the use of frequencies, a Nikola Tesla. Think of in terms of vibrations and frequencies. And maybe, dude, maybe who knows? Because I’m a skeptic, too, bro.

Like, I’m a skeptic. And that’s why I do all the research that I do, because I am a skeptic. So I want to figure out the truth through the research. I don’t want somebody to just tell me because they, you know, this is the truth because of this. Like, well, where are your sources? I want to read those sources. You know, I’m saying. And I want to pull it for myself to see my interpretation of it. And so some people say, no, I had, I had a person that I know doing an interview with the ex son in law of Anton Lavey.

Okay? Ex son in law of Anton Lavey. He was. I forgot his name. Andy Shrek or something like that. Like Andrew Shrek or something or other. And he brought me up in conversation and he said, hey, you know, Juan believes that the elites are using this occult symbolism to have some control over people. And I got called an idiot indirectly by the ex son in law of Anton Lavey. He didn’t call. He didn’t say, juan is an idiot. He said it’s idiotic to think that the elites would use this symbolism to exert some sort of power over the population.

It’s like, wait, what? Like ex Satan is saying that, no, no, no, we don’t, they don’t. If I was an elite and I was in the know, I’d be like, yeah, of course, that’s fake news. We would, they would never do that. They would never use this symbol, this symbolism to exert some sort of power over the population. Like, no way, that’s idiotic. That one guy’s a, an idiot. You know, saying like, that’s a dumb way of thinking. Which, sure, some people are anti conspiracy, anti anything there. Some people are atheists, or some people subscribe to other cosmologies that make more sense to them, which is fine, but I believe that it all goes back to some sort of a cult and k ultra, if you will, where they’re programming the masses through either letterism, mathesis, which is a mystical approach to mathematics, or some other Rockefeller institute, you know, funded institute from the very beginning system, whatever it is.

You know, I’m saying, I do think that John D. Rockefeller was in the know about some things. I mean, there’s a reason why he picked his house, the cottage at Jekyll island, you know, on top of the old sacrificial mound. I’m sure that’s just a conspiracy too. It’s like, well, what was birthed there? Oh, the creature of Jekyll island. You know, when I first had heard about them, like, oh, the homunculus, the creature of Jekyll island. Well, kind of. Sort of. A corporation is an artificially created persons through a group of people. That’s the definition of corporation.

Artificially created person. Artificial created person through the use of. Through the use of a group of people. Put that in your. In your pipe and smoke that, Chris. I mean, that’s, that. That’s the definition of the. Take that to a larger scale. Look at neural link. Artificial creation of a connected intelligence, possibly. I don’t know anyone who would subscribe themselves to that. Again, I think you’d really have to be some sort of an idiot to do that to yourself. Because all the movies. Listen, dude, all the movies that we’ve ever written about, all the stuff that we’ve talked about, about, right? AI.

Everyone talks about AI. And I’ve done an episode on this show where I’ve talked about technology and the occult and how the people who started the computer were involved with secret societies, and they were doing seances. They were trying to do blood pacts with the devil. You got to take that into account. You can’t just brush. You can’t brush that off. There’s a reason. Isaac Newton, bro, you know, they want to nitpick his history. It’s like, bro, he was studying revelation. He was doing commentaries on revelation. He was obsessed with the apocalypse. He was also obsessed with King Solomon’s temple.

He was doing drawings and diagrams of King Solomon’s temple. This dude was steeped into the occult. This dude was so far into the occult, and, like, no one talks about that. You know, no one talks about how, what. Maybe he was a made up person, maybe not. Whatever. One of the arguably smartest people that there is was talking about the occult, that there’s something more to it. Now, you touched on a good point with the MK Ultra, and it shows, right, this evolution of media. First we had books, then we had the radio. And I think that audio is more powerful and more potent than video.

And the reason for that being is because with audio, you could quite literally do anything. You could take the person’s imagination and put it anywhere you want. Look at the war of the world skit that they did one time. I think it was in the early 19 something, right, where people were calling in because they thought that there were really aliens trying to take over the. And it was a drama that they were doing. It was a show that they were doing. And it’s like, people believe that. Unfortunately, there’s people who would probably believe it even to today if that same thing was to happen, because I think that part of this whole thing, there’s a lot of people who are open to it and there’s even more people who are so obsessed with how things are going to end that they kind of sort of bring it forth.

They, they help bring it for, you know, I’m saying, like, there’s so many people who want to know how it ends. Like they’re so obsessed with the end times. And these books don’t help. Like these, these, this ancient scripture doesn’t help because if anything ends up happening, look at the new president of the Venezuela, Argentina, whatever, the, the Javier guy who. Yeah. Was a tantric sex teacher, by the way, and had like resurrected his dog or something like that because he believed that his dog was like something magical with his dog. Have you heard about that? No, I did not hear about that.

Let me pull this up so I can read it. So Javier, Javier Malia, whatever his name, Malay sex tantric instructor. Let me get my other keyboard. So there you go. X sex. X tantric sex coach. Oh, and this can, this, this can segue us into the ker law cell workings because ask. Yes, with this. But the, let’s see here. So he was a sex tantric instructor and also something about his dog. Let me find here. Right here. So this is from the New York Post. Argentina elects libertarian economist Javier Malay Millay who cloned his dog. So.

And if you think about it, he’s got the chainsaw too, which is really weird too. So he cloned his dog. And the reasoning for it was because let’s see here, see if I can find it. Anyways, he made, and he has made his love of his deceased dog a centerpiece populace. Nevermind. I guess there’s something I had heard something about his dog being like supernatural or something. Anyways, the mind you, how, how did you just clone your dog? I mean, you might, you must have access to some kind of. So technology or laboratory or something. All right, here.

A previous career as a tantric sex coach and a ghost dog he chats to for advice. There it is. There it is right there. This is from the Daily Mail. So you can pull this up and fact check that. But it’s interesting, the dog, the dog in the Faust story at the faustian pact, which I think we all have as people, this idea of it goes back to knowledge. What are you willing to do to get this knowledge? Are you willing to sell your soul for this knowledge? And in that story, Mephistopheles presents himself as a dog.

Dogs have talking about this idea of these familiar spirits, these animals, presenting information to people from the other side. Dogs have an interesting history in the occult. Some people say that tormented souls come back as dogs. People who die a violent death come back as dogs. There’s a reason why dog is God backwards. I mean, that’s. That’s a thing, too. I’ve also heard that point. I’m saying. I’m not saying that God is a dog, but again, there’s something to that. Right? And also the concept, I think. I think if you look at all these elites that have dogs, and also pretty sure Trump hates dogs, doesn’t he? Hates dogs? Oh, I don’t know.

I don’t know about that one. Trump hates dogs. Yeah, he does. Here’s what that tells us about him. So he hates dogs, apparently. I don’t know why, but maybe it’s because he’s anti. And that’s a red flag for me. I don’t know anybody hates dogs. Well, you have Joe Biden with a black shaggy dog, too, I think it was. And it just so happens to be that. No, Joe Biden’s dog is not a black shaggy dog. It’s a german shepherd. But in the story of Faust, mephistopheles is a black shaggy dog. So anyways, familiars, animals and the occult.

It is a thing. Yeah, there’s a reason. Why. Was it Salvador Ali walked around with an anteater, bro? Sally ant eater. He walked around with a freaking anteater, bro. Yeah. Yeah. Dude was crazy. Interesting stuff. So the tantric sex magic, right? The idea of using sex and magical rituals. I mean, this goes back to Crowley, Parsons Hubbard, and this thing I learned of recently, which was linked to. I cover a lot of Florida history, and I think that there’s something very special about Florida. Not because I. I live here because I’ve been a Floridian all my life, but there’s something occult about Florida.

And I’ve covered this in various episodes. But we recently had the Miami mall incident. Oh, yeah. With these Miami mall monsters that people were freaking out about. Some people were saying that they were aliens. Some other people were saying that they were right. Shadow people, whatever it was. I did an episode on Tony Merkel show with Isaac Weishaupt, Joe Thomas, Justin from Cryptos of the corn, and obviously Tony himself. And we went in, and it turns out that Miami is what the Typhonian Oto in the seventies, I’m pretty sure they still do today, call a power zone.

Now, a power zone is a place where you’re able, and mind you, the power zones shift depending on the astrological alignments, the seasons, all this stuff, these, I believe these. And it makes sense, right? The twelve vial vortices that Ivan Sanderson talked about were these portals around the world, the Bermuda triangle being one of them. Okay, we have the Bermuda triangle here in Florida. It’s the triangle manifestation, the yoni, if you will. You might have Atlantis at the bottom of it, like all these different crazy stories. Well, the Bermuda triangle, Miami is one of those points.

One of those, is it vertices. What do you call a point of a triangle? Is that a verticine point of a triangle? See here? It’s called a. Anyways, I can’t find it, but the point of the triangle, one of them is Florida, the other one is Bermuda. Then there’s one in Puerto Rico, which I’m also from. I was born in Puerto Rico. And so you have Miami as this power zone. It turns out that in the 1980s, the head of the Typhonian Oto was doing a series of sex magic rituals. Now, what he wanted to do was invoke an abduction.

Okay? And this plays into a lot of things that are going on nowadays where I believe. Well, I’m in agreeance with Diana Pasolka, I think that’s her name that just recently went on, on Rogan. Her works. Very interesting. Where. Yeah, Diana Soka, where she talked about maybe perhaps there being a sort of new UFO religion emerging. Right? Because if you think about people who have had experiences, and I’m sure you’ve talked to more people who’ve had abduction experiences than I have, but a lot of people, sometimes they get implants from those experiences. Sometimes people get healed from those experiences, like.

So they’re changed now for anyone on the outside, they might call the person crazy. For that person. A lot of, in my opinion, you have the whole ce five stuff where it’s a sort of mystical experience, when Jesus healed people, he always told them like, hey, I’m going to heal you, all right? You’re healed now, but don’t tell anybody, all right? Keep this under wraps. Like, what happens when people ask me, just don’t worry about it. Just go out there, they’re going to see that you’re healed. You know, I did it, whatever. But don’t, don’t tell anyone it was me.

And the same way that God healed people and people, or Jesus healed people and people saw him as the messiah, as the son of man, as the son of God, I’m thinking that people are going to see these UFO encounters that people who are being healed as divine, as mystical. And this is where you get the other whole concept of all these UFO’s are interdimensional beings. Maybe they’re fallen angels, maybe they’re angelic in nature. Whatever it is. Like, who knows, right? So there’s this new UFO religion emerging, and this guy, Evans, his last name is Evans, Jeffrey Evans, he wanted to invoke a.

An abduction and he wanted to extract some sort of information from that abduction. Turns out they were doing these seances for four years. Nothing. Three years, four years, nothing happened. And then 19 April, I think it was April 1 or something or other. 1984, they induce an abduction. Now I left out a few details about this guy. Number one was that he was a crossdresser. Okay? He was. Which is fine. You can be a cross dresser. Listen to this. I don’t judge you, you know, you do what you do. But his wife was driving. I’m not.

I want to get too graphic. Driving him to orgasm, right? Doing some stuff he was wrapped up in. He was wrapped up in the. In the dead men pose. In the dead man pose, right. Which is the typical. You lay on your back and you know. Yeah, like. Like mummies, right? So like a mummy. And so he had some body parts exposed and she was massaging it with this magical wand, if you get my drift. Right. As he was, she was pretty much edging him into. Because it’s all about the orgasm, about driving yourself to the point of orgasm.

And what they believe is that at the point of orgasm, you connect with the universe, if you will. There’s a veil that is. That is dropped. And for 1 second you’re able to project your. Your desires into the collective, leave it imprinted in on the other side of reality. And then when you come back down from the orgasm that is imprinted into whatever other place that is. And once you forget about it, it comes true. Okay? That. That’s essentially sex magic in a nutshell. Using the power of the orgasm as a sort of technology or whatever.

And there’s various different ways that people interpret that. That’s just one way. And so there he was able to achieve this altered state of consciousness where he was. They induced an abduction and he was taken through the tunnels of set. Now the tunnels of set are a concept in the kabbalistic tree of life, where if there’s a tree of life, there’s a tree of death. And there’s a reason why in stranger things, the portal to the upside down universe b, if you will, was on that tree, and everything on the other side of that tree was dark.

There was monsters. It was very ugly, just demonic in nature. It’s called the cliff off. And on this other side, there’s these tunnels that you’re able to access and go in through these other realms. And allegedly, he traveled through these tunnels and was used on the other side by these lovecraftian great old ones. Essentially, they ran a train on him. All right? And they were using him as a battery of some sort. Okay. And so he’s on the other side, right, interacting with these entities, mind you. And I had a comment the other day where I was like, why do you keep bringing up Lovecraft? It was just.

He was just make believe. I go, tell me you know nothing about Kenneth Grant’s work, without telling me you know absolutely nothing about Kenneth Grant’s work, because literally they talk about the Lovecraftian aspect of it. And so he comes back and I turns out he’s pregnant. This dude is pregnant. Now. He’s not pregnant with a child or how you see in all these movies where he’s, you know, it’s the son of Satan or the son or what? I was like, no, no. He was impregnated with a formula that I’ve dubbed, you know, numerical parasite. He was given a formula that allegedly haven’t.

And this is the part that I haven’t checked out is the math on this. But it’s all related to PI or Phi, right, the 1.3 whatever constant number. And essentially what he was told was that there’s a secret cipher within the book of Libra Al, which is the book of the law that Crowley wrote, that there’s actually a secret numerical cipher within that book. Now, this guy is, as of 2020, was around, and I know he did the book that was written about it, the. The, which is called the curl. The curl off cell and the secret creed to Libra Al, Jeffrey D.

Evans and Peter Lavenda. So he was. I don’t. Have you ever talked to Lavender before? No, I have not. Have you ever reached out to him? I have. Don’t know if I ever got a response or if it fell off or. He doesn’t like that, but maybe. I don’t know. Just gonna talk to him. It’s worth another shot, though. Yeah, I’d be interested in talk, talking to him because he wrote this book with this Jeffrey Evans guy, and he explained it to him and again, breaks everything down in this book. But essentially what he. What he was shown was a secret cipher within the book of the law, which is the book that the thelemites use.

I mean, that, that’s like their Bible. That was the book that Iowa’s had divinated to Crowley in the pyramid, right? So allegedly there was a secret code in that. And what it showed him was that this, this fire, this constant number is a way of interacting in other dimensions and that every single different God or goddess in the egyptian pantheon has a different value, numerical value. Right? And that what they were actually trying to portray was, again, a sort of formula that the Egyptians were actually hiding, occulting a formula by using all these different gods and goddesses.

Again, it gets very crazy. But we’re talking about grown people, bro, who are doing this behind closed doors, that they believed it to be true, and to them it was true. And allegedly the mass checks out because Peter Lavenda talked to the guy and was like, yo, yeah, you’re, this, this looks legit like this. I haven’t, again, I haven’t worked out the mathematical part of it, but there’s a reason why they call my Miami the magic city. And not too far away from that mall, monsters, there’s, there’s various burial sites that they found bones on bodies, you know, so it makes me wonder how much of Miami, forget Florida, how much of Miami has been built on old burial grounds and what that does to the energy in the city, bro.

You know, I’m saying, man, last few minutes, let’s close on this. I get this weird intuitive feeling that we’re going to continue to see more, quote unquote paranormal type of stories come out in the mainstream media, and more of these strange events unfolding that will probably start off UFO, alien related, they may melt into something more metaphysical. I don’t know. But I, I do get this distinct feeling we’ll see more and more of this. What do you think? Well, hold that thought there, Chris, because wasn’t it a day ago or a couple days ago they were talking about an interstellar threat? Well, what if for Frank, hear me out, hear me out, hear me out.

1 second, right. We can wrap up on this. What if space, I’m gonna play this clip for you real quick, is fake and gay. Let’s say that space is fake and gay for 1 second, all right? And the reason they haven’t let us let go of that concept is because, and from my studies, okay, for this is from my occult studies, space plays a very pivotal role in the occult. All these guys that I was just talking to you about relate to space in some sort of way. Some of them might be governmental assets. So there’s the government aspect to it all that might be.

We’re talking about at the beginning, planting these ideas and these concepts in the subconscious or. Or. Right. They’re injecting the memes, bro. Memes. The smallest form of information, and they inject these memes into the collective to form culture. Okay. There’s a reason why they call it a culture. Or when they swab something for back. Oh, I’m culture. There’s a culture. So think about that. You take information, you plug it in, and you form exactly what you were saying. Culture. And I think that. Yeah, absolutely. I think that it’s gonna be. I think that outer space is another realm and a different realm where extraterrestrials are able to come through and they are paranormal in nature.

And I think that’s where they’re gonna head with it. I think that’s where they’re gonna go with it. And I’m absolutely right with you. And I’ve talked about this on a couple episodes now where I’ve mentioned my experience, and again, dude, I’ve never seen Bigfoot. I’ve never seen Dogman. I’ve never had any paranormal experience that I can tell you, like, that was that. And this is it. You know, if I’ve had a paranormal experience, I’m not aware of that. It happened. Okay, so what I’m about to say, I’ve talked about this, and people have reached out.

A lot of people have reached out, confirming the same thing. But I want to say, probably six months ago, a year ago, whatever. I’ve been in my peripheral seeing shadows, like, things moving. Okay, that could be whatever. That could be a whole number of things. And when I first talked about this, I had a bunch of people hitting me. I’m like, yo, I’ve been experiencing the same thing. Well, it turns out the speed of light. That guy was on just on tinfoil. Hannah. Too long ago. Speed of light is slowing down. So what? Did it make sense that there’s another layer to this reality that it, say, is in a different wavelength, frequency, whatever, that we’re not able to perceive? If the speed of light is slowing down, wouldn’t it make sense that we.

That they would be more perceivable to us? And if you think of, like, a peripheral vision, it’s almost like a. Again, I haven’t done the research on this, but it’s almost like a. An altered state of a vision where you know there’s something there, but you can’t really register it, obviously, until it’s in front of your face. So with that said, maybe there’s this blending of reality altogether and we’re going to start to see more of that other side. Next thing you know, bro, Kaijuza gonna start coming out of the ocean. And they start me though.

Maybe that’s why Japan had that gundam, bro. Getting ready for that for the Kaiju wars or something. I don’t know, man. But yeah, yeah, it starts seeing sky amoebas and shit. Yeah, dude. Yeah, dude, this is fun. Word. Interesting times. I can’t wait to see what unfolds over the next few years and we’ll be commentating on it. It’ll be good times, man. I think the. The apocalypse is gonna be fun as hell. Mandy. We’re gonna have a great time during this stuff. I don’t know about all that, bro, but sure, you guys, that’s all about perception, man.

All about perception. Yeah, definitely. No, no. All right. You know, I always tell people, be good to one another, you know, obviously. Firstly, do your own research. Be good to one another, love each other, don’t be a piece of crap. And yeah, I’m here for a good time, not a long time. Yeah, and this is fun, bro. Again, like, hopefully I made some sense today on this episode with made sense to me and that’s. That’s all that matters at this moment. Later, we’ll see what happens. But hell yeah, man. This was great. Before you go, remind the audience where they can find all the good stuff.

Tj also chosen for my newest comic book is dropping here soon. If you want to see Sam Tripley XG and Johnny XG and Johnny are actually homunculus in this. In this comic. If you want to check that out, make sure to go to chosen for all my other links. And dude, I appreciate you having me on. And I think you’re coming on my show next week. Yes, sir. Looking forward to it. Awesome, man. Always fun. We’ll do it again. And until next time, everyone, have an excellent evening. Let’s talk again tomorrow. See y’all then.

  • The Juan On Juan Podcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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