Is God a whale?

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➡ The speaker is fascinated by the story of John D. Enochian and wishes a movie could be made about it, ideally starring Nick Cage. They describe a vivid vision where God is portrayed as a whale with many eyes. The speaker wonders if the original visionaries were under the influence of substances due to the psychedelic nature of the vision. They also mention that the visionaries might have reached this state through deep meditation or prayer.


So I got this here. I’ve talked about this before. It’s one of my favorite parts of the John D. Enochian. Bro, I don’t know why they haven’t made a freaking movie about these dudes, bro. Like, just come and trust me, bro. I want like, honestly, if I had the money, I’m starring Nick Cage as John D. Uh, that would be the perfect, you know, you know, what’s the craziest part that I could actually inquire about that. Like, I could actually, like, I probably know the people where I’ve only we knew somebody who knew, who knew Nick Cage, right? Like, I could probably inquire about like, yo, how much would it be to have Nick Cage be John D.

Like, man, bro. That would be some. That would be something right there. I wonder who’s going to play Queen Elizabeth. That’d be wild, right? That’d be wild. So here we have this now vage guy again. And so this is Friday, April, something April is right. And they’re having all these crazy, crazy visions and they’re taken to this other spot and they are shown God. Okay. They are shown God, but God isn’t the regular God that we all know and love Sky Daddy sitting on a throne. No, God is a whale with many eyes.

The Prophet took them up where they were, they were become as dead. Okay. Mind you and think about all these stories that this lines up with, right? All the stories that this lines up with now, now, now, now, now, now, they were very religious. There’s thousands of, well, not thousands, but numerous theories as to John Dean or Kelly. And, you know, I recall he was a charlatan and they were all, you know, making all this up, but bro, there’s so many records of this. But anyways, the Prophet took them up for they were become as dead.

And suddenly the firmament and the waters were joined together and the whale came. Like unto a legion of storms or as the bottomless cave of the North. Talk about the North Pole portals and all these different things. When it is opened and she was full of eyes on of every side, the Prophet said, stand still, but they trembled. The water sank and fell suddenly away for that the whale lay upon the hill, roaring like a cave of lines and the Prophet took them by the hands and led them to the whale’s mouth saying go in.

But they trembled vehemently. He said unto them the second time, go in and they dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, not bro, what dirt, not bro. There’s no way. What is that? That’s a D.U.R.S.T. Durst, bro. Why’d you have to kill the moment on you? How are we getting to the juice? Durst bro. Hold on. I got to kill the moment. Durst not not saving a word. I don’t know. And he sweat. He swear unto them and they entered in. So he’s like, yo, get in, bitch. Right. So and they entered in and he lifted up his voice and cried mightily come away.

And lo, they floated before him richer than an emperors thrown for unto him that was naked were clothes given unto him was that was a child and a man were twelve gates open. So, bro, they’re going to this whale and reality is unfolding before them. The gates have been open, right? When they go into this whale and they’re happy. But dude, like, were they on on substances when they were experiencing this? Because this is this is really psychedelic, really think about it. But I mean, there’s something about prayer on it, whether you’re Christian or not meditation, let’s call it that.

And these dudes were entering deep states of meditation hours upon end. I mean, that’s what he needed to do to be able to scry. Okay, so 12 gates open and the prophet cried mightily and said, this whale cannot die and lifted his voice again and said, within this whale are many chambers and secrets dwelling places which I will divide betwixt you on the right side unto which was a child and now you see here and now the next page. Let’s skip a page, bro. And now you see this is brother.

This is original stuff, right? We’re reading directly from the source dog. Like this is some good stuff, bro. Right here. So and now a man, there are 12 open, but unto thee that hath provided strange garments for thyself, magical underwear, maybe perhaps on and not such as men used to where I will give the head, heart and left side whole places are 46. You shall enter and be possessed this day together. We’re talking about the divine androgen coming together like the opposite. So be possessed this day together. And behold, the sun shall return again 21 times and in one year, but not all at one time.

You shall depart hence into a dwelling that shall be all one, whether is no end, the place of comfort and in speakable glory. I have said, and then this is john D right in back. But think about that. This almost sounds like the, the one at the beginning and the end, the one place in time, sounds like the movie space man, like when he gets to that one spot, the alpha in the Omega. So john D replies, as you have delivered us a parable enigma or prof prophecies for for I beseech you for the setting forth of God, his honor and glory to expound what is meant by the whale, the naked man and the child, not much a prophet in his name, the naked man is D, the child is Kelly, the prince is the devil, the hill is the world, the waters are the bosom of God, the four beasts are the four elements, the 12 trees and 12 parts of the heavens, the whale is the spirit of God, the chambers are the degrees of wisdom, the thunders and the winds are the ends of God, his will and judgment.

So, bro, bro, bro, always, man, this, this stuff gets me excited, bro, like, so terrorists, he even breaks down. Like, so terrorism here, like, it’s crazy, you know, and even with, you know, he speaks about elements, I was just reading some theosophical text reference to well, and you know, the whole direction, they don’t call them angels, they call them Davis, you know, they’re the same thing, you know, angels or Davis and whatever sand street language that is. Whoa, whoa, so the spirit of God is the way and and also the and depending on which translation you read the first animal that the first thing that was created here, let me find it.

Godly anyways, I can’t I try to click this one and God created the great whales and every living moving creature which the waters brought forth according to their kind. This is Genesis 121. So the King James version and God created the created great whales and every King James, our boy King James, and every living creature that move with which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and God’s God saw it was good. So Genesis, bro, God created the whales first. And then here we have this entire thing which again, this is just one little piece dollar.

I mean, I’ve good I’ve, I’ve spent hours and hours and hours and every time I go back with this, this is all this is all their their their mystical. I’ve spent hours bro, reading and every time I pick one random spot. It’s like something wild. I’m like, what? Nobody’s made bro. I’m gonna reach out. I’m gonna make this happen. John D. Edward Kelly starring Nicolas Cage. And we’ll find out who Edward Kelly can be. Right. [tr:trw].

  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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