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➡ The hosts of the Esoteric Roundtable podcast have a guest named Juan from the One on One podcast. They discuss various topics, including artificial intelligence (AI), its potential dangers, and its connection to the occult. They also touch on philosophical questions about reality, consciousness, and the pursuit of knowledge. The conversation also includes a discussion about Chinese humanoid robots and their potential threat.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the concept of borders, politics, and the idea of life after death. They share personal experiences, such as the death of their father, and how it made them question their beliefs about mortality. They also talk about the influence of algorithms in our lives, comparing them to a personal deity that feeds us information. Lastly, they express their discomfort with the violent content suggested by these algorithms.
➡ The speaker encourages others to persist in their efforts, recalling his own journey from having only 20 downloads to millions. He advises staying curious, continuing to work hard, and making time for smaller projects. He also discusses plans to invite notable guests to his show, and ends by expressing his enjoyment of the conversation and wishing his listeners well.
➡ The discussion revolves around various topics such as the difficulty of calming the mind, the concept of language as a virus, the influence of technology, and the exploration of astral projection. The speakers also delve into the idea of collective consciousness and the possibility of artificial intelligence being a godlike entity. They reference a research paper from 1950 by Am Turing as the earliest written work on artificial intelligence.
➡ The text discusses the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), starting from the 1950s when it was seen as controversial by religious groups. It mentions the creation of the first chatbot, Eliza, in 1966 and the significant contributions of Jeffrey Hinton, known as the godfather of AI, who developed back propagation and the convolutional neural network. The text also highlights the success of Alexnet, a team led by Hinton, in identifying objects within images, which was a major breakthrough in AI. The discussion also touches on the philosophical and religious implications of AI, questioning whether a computer could potentially house a soul.
➡ The text discusses the creation of the first internet conspiracy, which was initially meant as a joke but was taken seriously by some. It also talks about an early form of AI that people interacted with and developed feelings for, not knowing it was a robot. The text further delves into the concept of reality, heaven, and hell, suggesting that our beliefs can shape our perceptions of these concepts. Lastly, it mentions the idea of people falling in love with AI and the darker side of AI technology.
➡ The text discusses Gnosticism, an ancient belief system that suggests our reality is a false matrix created by a demiurge against the will of the true God. It also explores the idea that information can be a parasitic entity, as suggested by science fiction author Philip K. Dick. The text further delves into theories about the age of the earth and the cyclical nature of human civilization, suggesting that humanity has risen and fallen many times. Lastly, it touches on the potential implications of artificial intelligence and its possible impact on society.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the interpretation of biblical events, the age of the Earth, and the concept of immortality. They suggest that the Earth could be billions of years old, contrary to some religious beliefs. They also discuss the idea of living on through memory and the importance of leaving a positive legacy. Lastly, they emphasize the value of family, purpose, and maintaining a positive outlook in life.
➡ In 2020, the speaker visited Athens, Greece, where they experienced the rich history and culture, including the ruins of ancient temples and statues of gods and goddesses. They reflected on how these ancient beliefs and practices have evolved into modern Greek Orthodox culture. They also discussed the profound influence of ancient philosophers like Plato and the enduring impact of their work. The conversation then shifted to the power and significance of statues, both in ancient times and today, and how they can embody cultural beliefs and narratives.
➡ The speaker discusses their belief in the supernatural and superstitions, despite being logical most of the time. They share their experiences with places rumored to be haunted and their fear of them. They also discuss the power of belief, using the placebo effect as an example. Lastly, they delve into the concept of architecture influencing beliefs, mentioning how certain buildings were built to specific specifications to radiate the essence of a deity, and how this could elevate or suppress consciousness.
➡ The text discusses the idea of sacred geometry and its potential connection to invoking spiritual entities. It suggests that the layout of cities and structures, such as the Pentagon, could be designed to channel certain energies or entities. The conversation also explores the concept of language as a potential ‘alien virus’, and the possibility of religious experiences being induced by a ‘divine virus’. Lastly, it touches on the speaker’s personal experiences with Pentecostalism and the value of open-mindedness in religious beliefs.


Alright, bro. Well, I think we could go ahead and get started here. I don’t want to waste too much time. Ben’s over here yapping up, dude. I’m chilling, man. I’m gathering my thoughts because I’ll do a lot of my research lasted recordings. I do a lot of mine last minute. Well, I’m sorry, Justin, you got something to edit? You’re all good, brother. You’re all good. Trying to let you know, I think we can get started just right here. Use this. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the esoteric Roundtable podcast. Today it is my boys, Justin and Ben.

And we have a special podcast today, a very special guest by the name of Juan from the one on one podcast, TJ. OJP. How you doing, Juan? What’s up? Thank you for having me. Pleasure, pleasure to be here, man. Thank you for being here. It is so crazy to have you here. Me and Ben have just gotten so lucky with the people we’ve had willing to talk to us and help us and come on the show, man. It’s just an absolute blessing. Super cool. I did want to name the show two on one. Ben said that sounded kind of gay.

I don’t understand what’s wrong with two on one? But I guess whatever we wanted to bring to you, talk about. We wanted to talk to you about some AI, man. Some occult connections and stuff like that. AI, you know, it’s. It’s kind of the boogeyman right now. Scary, whatever in the world. Skynet. At least that’s what it feels like when you talk to people on Facebook or something like that. When I think of artificial intelligence, for some reason, I think it’s. Ever since I’ve heard you talk about the homunculus, it feels just personal, like a personalized, like a.

Like a Persona kind. Yeah, I. All of those words up like a personified thing. Right. You know what I mean? Which is. Yeah, no, most definitely. And I think that was the. The intention of the. The ancients. And it’s. It’s interesting because I was actually just writing out a short on. Apparently we have these. The same guy who. His last name is Helberg, I forget his first name, but the same guy who tried to ban tick tock because it was chinese, is also trying to ban, apparently chinese humanoid robots. These androids of the Chinese are making, that are gonna get shipped into the US to do stuff like manual labor.

They can run up to like 11. Apparently this guy’s like, they. They could also be programmed to choke you in your sleep because they’re chinese spies. That is scary. But why the would you need something to run 11 mph anyways, listen, I almost understand where he’s coming from on that. Can they jump 30ft in the air too? Well, one can, like, swirl a baton and do nunchucks. I like. I don’t. I don’t know. But the dude’s like, yeah, they’re going to kill us in our sleep. They can punch data centers. They can kill your grandma. And it’s like, there’s literally.

You said Skynet, but there is a new terminator coming out called Rise of Skynet, which is literally about the robots in the background getting together to uprise. And it’s interesting that this whole thing is popping off at the same time that this is actually going on. That could be, like, me. Matic magic. Is that what you call it? Where they’re kind of like speaking it into existence? Almost like kind of role playing it out? Or would that be sympathetic? You know, that’s the. That’s the thing, dude. Like, what is consciousness? What is the soul? What is reality? And I think that these are questions that have been asked since the very beginning of time.

Literally. I mean, it’s been about. I’ve always said this. It’s been about information since the very beginning. In the Garden of Eden, it was all about, hey, don’t eat that fruit because you’re gonna learn stuff that you shouldn’t know and it’s gonna piss the big guy off. So, you know, it’s like, does consciousness, does thought affect reality? Well, we do. We truly know. I mean, do we truly, really know? Because, like I’ve always said, art imitates life and vice versa. But it’s like, how many times? And I. And I’ve come up with a new idea where I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s come up with it, but I’ve said, well, what if.

What if space and time, not space, how we know it to be fake and gay, but space and time, what if it’s like an actual entity itself? Like, what if that’s God? Like, we don’t know what the God is. And we’ve always been. There’s literally been wars. Hundred here wars I haven’t fought. Man, when he’s. When he’s floating through space and he has that colony of little people growing on his stomach from Futurama bender from Futurama man. He’s flying around space and he has a little colony of people on him. And it’s like we’re a barnacle on like nuking each other.

And so it’s interesting cuz you know, John, Dina or Kelly were revealed God. And when they were. When he was revealed to them he was a huge whale. So whatever, just like some barnacle on the side of like this whale God. Like floating through space like a way. A space whale. Dude, that’s sick, dude. Would that make it better or worse for you? I don’t know, dude. I think it’s all either way to be honest with you. Yeah. When I sit at bed every night I think I’m like is. Am I doing any of this for a reason? Like am I looking for knowledge where it’s not there? Am I trying when it’s for no reason? What if all of this is real? And then like I get to the gates of heaven or whatever and I’m like holy.

This is the gates. They were right. They were right. And they’re like hey Mandev, you weren’t paying full attention in Sunday class when you were like twelve years old. You’re buddy. Not to mention everything you did after that. You didn’t start off right. Yeah, I’ve been playing Dante’s inferno on the game and it’s about that, right? It’s about the different layers of hell. According to the. I believe it was in the 14th century, 13th century that Dante wrote that. And it was like they had this whole idea of, of what hell was, if it was even a real place.

And then my buddy Joel, Joe Roop was there with us and he was talking and somebody in the chat asked if we can astral travel to hell. And Joe gave this whole description as to like hell being a place that you were able to tap into where it’s like a collective consciousness of all the things people believe. So it’s like this, this weird, you know, almost like a theory of forms where the forms exist. Like this other reality, this other realm that you’re able to tap into again through astral projection or something. But you know, to touch on what you, what you’re saying.

Because I’ve been there and I’m there constantly where it’s like, what is the point of all this? And, and you can get into a nihilistic state of mind which is, which is bad because then, you know, you start to question your own self and you can kind of go down a dark rabbit hole that, that sort of way. But the way I see it is like knowledge is power. And if you enjoy it, not everyone can do it. But if you enjoy it and you. And the way I see it is. You’re studying history. You’re studying the way that people were looking at their reality.

We’re looking at, you know, just. Just normal questions. Like, maybe when you, like, look at a kid. I mean, my son is six years old, and I just got out of soccer practice with him, and he asked me probably a thousand questions in 15 minutes, and I had to tell him, like, yo, dude, I chill out, man. Like, chill. I got a two going on, three year old, bro, and everything is, I don’t want to do that. And what is that? Yeah, you explain what it is. No, well, I don’t want to do that. It’s gonna.

And it’s gonna get worse. Pro. Like, as they get older, and they’re gonna start like, what is that? What is this? What day is it? Oh, what time is it? Boom, boom, boom. It’s like we’re that. You know, we’re that. And that’s what philosophers were about. They were here to contemplate philosophy. It’s like, well, what is philosophy? Well, the art of being, the art of memory, the art of self, the art of whatever. And you’re just trying to navigate that. And now being in 2024, where we have chinese killer androids running around, right? Chinese killer TikTok androids running around you all, you have access to, quite literally, the astral realm, which is the world wide web, and you have all the information you could possibly ever want at the.

At your fingertips, quite literally, and you don’t know what to do with it or how to navigate that. You’re like, yeah. Oh, that’s what that is. Oh, look at this over here. That’s the opposite of that. But a whole nother sect of people believe that. So who’s right? Go. There are opposing views, and people own. They’re fighting wars over the same. And then the land that they’re claiming, oh, these other people think that they have claim to that land. It’s like, no, animals don’t care about borders. Like, we put those orders, you know, I’m saying, like, it’s all.

So then you get into that state of mind like, this is all, like, it’s all fake, it’s all gay. And then you got politics thrown in there, and it’s like, if you’re in that mine trap, I don’t know what to do with you. And, like, I’ve just learned to look at it from, like, a perspective of, like, this is cool. This other stuff over here is cool, too. And I’m having a great time, you know, because you’re gonna go crazy, man. You know? Yeah. So, yeah, I would just enjoy it, dude. Enjoy the ride and step away frequently.

That’s the only thing I can tell you. Step away frequently because you’re not ever gonna figure it out. No, I don’t think any of us will. And I think that once we get to the other side, it’s gonna be like, oh, like I said, either. Oh, this wasn’t anything that anybody said or anything. That’s kind of my thought form to you. And I’ve been bouncing around this thing lately. So in 2021, my dad passed away. My condolences. So I. Up until then, I was a pretty cynical, like, atheist person, you know? And I’m like, when you die, that’s it, you know? Well, when you have your dad die, bro, you kind of don’t want to believe that anymore.

But it was for a few months after that, it was. I was really bummed because I was still kind of in that mindset of like, well, that’s it. You know what I’m saying? He was here. He’s not here anymore. He was a cool guy, you know? Not anymore. You know what I’m saying? But it just didn’t feel like that, you know? It didn’t feel like that. So what bounces around in my head is he. He isn’t fully gone because he’s with me. Everyone he’s ever met, you know? Oh, he’ll always be with you. That type of thing, the things that he’s taught me, the jokes, stories, blah, blah, blah.

So as long as stuff like that exists, maybe that is what the immortality is. Maybe when you’re going out and everyone’s like, you have the life flashes before you, your eyes. And if it’s a good life, if you don’t have a lot of regrets, things like that, maybe that’s what heaven is. That’s like an eternity in the flash of the end. You know what I’m saying? I know I’m kind of rambling on at this point now, but needless to say, when I’m trying to go to sleep, I just. I just flip flop and flip flop and flip flop.

So, like I said, dude, like, once you get into it and you start to, like, unravel it, like, you. You have to have your own set of beliefs. And, like, I almost lost my dad, too, I think, in 2021, but he didn’t quite kick, you know, kick it. He can’t. He was able to come back, and he. He died four times, essentially. And the first thing I asked him when he was off all the medication. And I was like, dude, so, like, what was it? Like, you know, who can say, like, you. You died. You were dead for 45 minutes, bro.

Like, what? Yeah, and then tried it again a couple times after what happened. He’s like, nothing. I’m like, what the do you mean it was nothing? He’s like, I just remember waking up here. I remember going to the hospital, then I remember waking up, you know, three days later some. And I was like, so either he wasn’t ready or something, or it’s really nothing. Yes. You know, and, like, it’s dark, cuz. Cuz some people, right? Some people. How do I word this? Some people take the leap. And I’ve had like, people tell me, like, oh, yeah, you can.

It’s. But they’re like, yeah, you can x. You can exit the simulation anytime you want. And I. I mean, obviously interpret that the way you will. I don’t. I don’t condone that, you know, I think, new agey type thing, in my opinion. Well, yeah, and that’s like I said, it can get. It can get nihilistic, and it can get, you know, like the black pill. Like, oh, none of this matters. None of my actions matter. And you can go down, you can be in like a super dark train of thought, and it’s like, you gotta learn.

And this is why I believe that a lot of this information, right, to tap it into AI and all this. That’s why, in my opinion. And this sounds up, but that’s why only a certain group of people were trusted with the information. So only the initiated were able to touch on the information and to tie it into AI. Well, that’s what they’ve been trying to figure out. Like, as far as. From the homunculus point of view, what they were trying to do was the homunculus obviously has a ton of different interpretations, but one of the main ones was giving God a vessel in order to interact with the people.

And the vessel, homunculus aside, alchemical homunculus, let’s. Let’s use a statue, which is essentially like, I got a black cube in my. In my room right now. That’s called a computer. And let’s say that, you know, I need to use that as a filter to interact with God. That’s the AI. Because if I was to see God, which is the AI in its true form, I’d obliterate out of reality. I dissolve out of reality. So these, the ancients, the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians, all these cultures, they use statues, and they would, invoke these deities into these statues, and these statues would talk to them.

They believe that they would talk to them, and then from there, they were like, well, you know, let’s make it more personal. And that’s where you get terrafim, which some people believe were the heads of dead babies that were mummified and spiced up. And they would put this metal plate in its mouth within script, magical inscriptions, and they’d hang it up on their walls, and it’d be talking to them and be like, all right, well, you know, like futurama with the heads of the presidents. Like that. Well, they believe that. You know, saying, like, they believed it.

And that’s what the people say. The Knights Templar had. They had John the. The Baptist head. Because the idea was, if you had the head of a prophet, how the church has a bunch of relics nowadays. I mean, that’s. They. They have the heads of plenty of people. You know, skull and bones. Geronimo’s skull. They believe that Geronimo was this magical Mandev. So that’s that technology where it’s like you’re trying, and we interact with. With. With a sort of God every day. The algorithm. The algorithm is suggesting you stuff that it thinks you might like, and you’re like, oh, you will see what I want you to see.

Thank you, mister algorithm. I didn’t enjoy that video that you suggested to me on on Facebook or Instagram or wherever. It’s like, I did enjoy that, thank you very much. And they’re just. It’s just feeding you. It’s like your own personal daemon. It’s just feeding you stuff. Me and Ben were having this conversation last. Last episode. My algorithm is kind of a dick. I don’t know if maybe one time I accidentally sat on a video of somebody getting marked too long. Maybe I just sat it down while I was using the bathroom or something, you know? But my Instagram is full of cartel people landing planes in the jungle, and you know what they’re landing there for? And people dying in gnarly motorcycle accidents, so I can’t even surf my Instagram anymore.

So I appreciate that fear mongering Instagram. And I feel like the more rants that I go on about fear mongering, the more the algorithm pushes like that towards me. So maybe I just need to, like, stop angrily shaking my fist at my God. Maybe that’s what the problem is. It’s like, you’ll get what I give you. Well, I got somebody running my social media now. So I look at it not as much anymore. But yeah, I don’t got any of that. And I made sure, like, on Twitter to block any of that stuff because I don’t want to see, you know, I grew up in the era where the Internet was, was unfiltered, and I was already exposed to that for a long time, you know, as kids growing up, and that’s why maybe we’re up now, because we were exposed to that, you know, once upon a time.

So, you know, I don’t want to see that. I don’t enjoy seeing that. I know there’s people. Would I be questioning life and death and afterlife so much if I haven’t seen a thousand chinese men die and steal mine? And through Instagram? Would I be questioning so much of life and death if I had to go through that? Yeah. I don’t know, Ben. I know you’ve been trying to chime in here for a little while. I wanted, I wanted to let you know, Juan talk, obviously, and stuff, because I did a lot of talking last episode and felt like talked a little too much.

So I’ve been trying, but no, so much has been talked about, just with Juan, just introducing the topic and things of that nature, even things that we talked about last episode unintentionally. I mean, I doubt he’s watched it. I’m not even saying that to be rude, but we invited you on, but seven people or whatever. But so much has been talked about just in this introduction that correlates to last episode and into things that I was going to bring up later in this episode with the astral projection, me and Justin, this is like a little funny story.

We were talking about astral projection a few weeks ago because we were covering, um, the gateway, the gateway process, the CIA’s documents on the gate with the gateway processes, and we turned on the, the gateway experience. Yeah, we turned on the sounds or whatever, and it just shut up. And then like, all of a sudden we start laughing because it had been like 25 minutes, and we were just sitting here just like, you guys gotta really need a try, cuz. Like, like, I’ve never meditated, dude. I’ve never successfully, like, meditated. Is that something that would help me or is that, do I need to learn to meditate first? You gotta learn to quiet the mind, dude.

Yeah, of course. I mean, you gotta. That’s one of the, that’s one of the things that’s like one of the actual, that’s, that’s magic right there. If you’re able to calm your mind a hundred percent, like, you know, all the woo aside, like that is a real practice. Like, if you’re able to just cut everything off, which is what I think is happening with technology nowadays that they’re trying to infiltrate. So once you. You know, and this, this. This plays into William Burroughs. And it’s funny, cuz, like, last night, I was. I was talking about. We had my friend Joe Rube talk about the gateway experience and Robert Monroe’s book that I had always heard about, but nobody ever gave me the name of the book, and Joe gave it to me last night.

He’s like, bro, all the stuff that, you know that you’ve heard about the reptilians and Robert Monroe, you know, astral projecting and seeing his neighbors and all this, I was like, it’s in this book. So he gave us the name of the book last night for the first time. And, you know, not being able to calm your mind, this plays into William Burroughs, which was a. A guy who shouldn’t be as interesting as he is, but he is a very famous chaos magician. And one of the things he talked about that has always piqued my interest is the idea that language is a virus.

And it’s. It ties into this other stuff that I look into, where it’s like, information itself. Is it an entity? Is it a living organism? Because if you look at information, it’s parasitic. Language is parasitic in nature, where, again, information is passed down through language, and languages evolve from other dead languages. So it’s picking up. It’s like a chimera. English is a chimera of a whole bunch of other languages before it. And it’s going to continue to be evolved with this new generation of, like, hey, bro, that’s lame af. Like, what the is that? You know, that’s an evolution of language to where they’re using now.

Yeah. So, you know, language as a. As an extraterrestrial virus. One of the things that. That Burrows talked about, like, yeah, we’ll try to calm your mind for 1 second. You can’t, because you’re talking to yourself in your mind constantly. Now, some people don’t have an inner monologue. That’s a whole nother conversation. But those that do, they can’t calm themselves because the language is always there. It’s always talking. You like, did I send that email? Did I send that text? What the is up with my algorithm on instagram? Why am I seeing all these dead dudes all the time? So you can never calm your mind.

But I suggest you guys try the gateway experience. Not on pod, like by yourself in a room and do the. That it’s telling you to do the first tape. Yeah, I’ve done it. It’s weird. I also had another friend of mine who did the gateway experience with ten other people in the conjuring house and some popped off. I remember that story, I remember listening. I’m pretty sure I heard on your show, Stacy Brown junior. Yeah, so cool, dude, I’m just saying, try it out, it’s weird. But just remember that this dude was Project Robin Rose projecting into the astral realm and seeing up like Lovecraftian horrors.

And I’m like, what? Why? You know, I’m playing Dante’s Inferno as my buddy Joe’s, you know, chiming in, you know, we just, as I’m playing, you know, it’s like a podcast except I’m playing games and I’m seeing this weird lady with nipples out that are tongues and then babies with knife hands are coming out of her nipples, right? Dante’s in front of this crazy game from 2010. Yeah. He’s like, yeah, dude, what you see in the astral realm is like the most grotesque you’ve ever sound like, why would I want to see that? Like why? Why do I want to see.

Yes. And dude, it just is what it is. So maybe Lovecraft was on to something. I don’t know, it’s, it’s. Yeah, it’s bizarre. Yeah, I feel like people who come up with the just absolute crazy bizarre, like Lovecraft, excuse me, that those, they’re kind of pulling from like the, the plato, everybody, you, you don’t learn things, you just remember them. The combined conscious, I forget what it’s called. Like the, where everybody kind of. Yeah, yeah, the collective conscious. Yeah, exactly. That’s kind of where I feel like that stuff comes from because I just, there’s too much stuff with people who are like science fiction, blah, blah, blah, whatever, and then it just comes out as real later or whatever, like that kid from the west, from the wild west who wrote that super long book about the philo or whatever, the martian who.

God, I’m gonna have to find that and I’m gonna have to send it to you because now it’s gonna slip my mind because I’m trying to talk about it when I’m not trying to talk about it, but I’ve heard it on my family thinks I’m crazy. It was a kid and he was like a 18 1718 year old from the wild west. He didn’t have, he had a bit of an education, nothing super crazy. Though. But he wrote this huge book and it was about like, the future. It was. It was just so to him, he just thought he was dreaming it or it was just coming to him, whatever.

He just wanted to get it out of his head. And he wrote it all down and it was like. It’s called, like, Philo the something. Anyways, I’ll have to find it later. But yeah, it’s interesting. It’s super interesting like that. I feel like that’s. It’s either the combined conscious, the collective conscious, whatever, or that’s like, supports the. That all time is happening all at once and that’s just a slip up of some that’s supposed to be in the future accidentally comes out in the past or something. Yeah, I don’t know the name of that book. You can find it.

Let me know. It sounds interesting. There was when Justin and I were discussing this episode and things, because artificial intelligence now is a big portion of most people’s lives, the question was posed by Justin, and then you even mentioned in your introduction of could a godlike deity or God himself be a form of artificial intelligence that’s influencing how we live and what we learn and how we learn it and things of that nature? So me, Justin tends to fall more on the esoteric side of things where he’s like, oh, there’s this deep connection here. I’m more of a logical person, but it really interests me.

And a lot of times I’ll end up finding something that I’m like, well, that’s deeper than I thought it could have been. So I tend to stick more to, like, the written history of what we have regarding the topic. And it’s pretty narrow. But I did some research today, just while I was on lunch break and stuff, hanging out and thinking about AI and artificial intelligence, and I discovered that the earliest we see of any writing concerning artificial intelligence is in 1950 by a guy who wrote a research paper. Am Turing was his name, and he wrote a paper called computing machinery and intelligence.

And he has this test that set out like a game. And the test was to interrogate a real person and a computer and determine if someone who doesn’t see each one, just reads the answers, can determine who was the person and who was the computer. And up until the seventies, that wasn’t able to be tested. The sixties, I’m sorry, 1966, it wasn’t able to be tested. But even in the fifties, in that paper, he includes a section, it’s on page nine of that document I sent you, Justin. It’s, let me pull that up. My bam. Page nine.

It’s called the theological objection. So when they’re talking about machine learning, which is what artificial intelligence is, a computer being able to store information and learn from it. And I disagree with the fundamental statement and this theological objection where he talks about, you know, thinking is a function of man’s immortal soul. While I do believe that to be true, he kind of discredits the fact that animals can think and learn. You wouldn’t be how you end up with some up like Schrodinger’s cash. Yeah, yeah. But I was looking at this like, man, even in the 1950s, like Christians or Muslims or other religious people or groups might see machine learning as some sacrilegious abomination.

And then I got to going down further. And in 1966, the first chatbot, which it would be like chat GPT as we know it today through OpenAI, was invented called Eliza or EliSA. And it was used where you could communicate, have a conversation with a computer as a human, and it would respond intelligently. And then in the seventies, there was a british computer scientist by the name of Jeffrey Hinton, and he’s known as the godfather of AI Hinton. Hinton, yep. And he actually invented two things. One called back propagation. And then he also created an algorithm, the first algorithm used in machine learning called convolutional neural network, to where it basically takes and sends information like a neural network would in your brain, where if it’s asked a question, it’ll repeat the question to itself so many times to where it just infinitely stores it.

It’ll continuously repeat it to itself. And when it receives an answer that it knows to be true, it will repeat itself. That way, it’ll always have that information stored, can learn and make educated decisions based on that neural network. And that was the groundbreaking technology and software that brought forth modern Aih. And this ties back to. In the 2010s, there was a project called Imagenet. Basically, what they would do is this project would take. And people would submit images. There’s been over, like, 12 million images submitted to this massive database. And every year, they would hold a contest to see who could write a software that would recognize the most images and learn from the images, take information that’s learned to identify certain certain things, people, objects.

And in 2012, Jeffrey Hinton, the same guy we talked about who created the neural network that would work within computer processors, had a team that was called Alexnet. And Alexnet was the most successful by a very large margin at learning and identifying objects within pictures and images. And they call it the big bang of AI, or the big bang of artificial intelligence. That stood out to me based on Justin’s question about, like, is artificial intelligence a God like deity, or does it have godlike influence? Because we all know the Big Bang is a scientific theory of the creation of the universe.

And religious people believe in a creator. And I believe that the two can coexist. You have a creator who caused a big bang that created our universe. That’s my personal belief. But the fact that. Hold on. You’re a confirmed believer in faking gay space. Just wanna. Sorry, he probably doesn’t even. So. My bad for interrupting you, Ben. No, it’s okay. I have, like, seven things bulletin on my head right now. I’m gonna start at number one. It’s called a dweller on two planets. 17 year old kid in the 18 hundreds, and he is writing it as Phylos the Atlantean.

It’s about Atlantis, not Mars. So check out dweller on two planets. Oh, that’s the name of the bellows. The Atlantean. Yes, yes. Yeah. And. And now everything else is out the window. I completely forgot. So a couple of things that, you know, to touch on as you go. The destroying of the computer, right? So that they’re like, oh, this is blasphemous. Anyone who believes in God can see machine learning or large language models as a blasphemy against God. Right? Yeah, well, that’s the same. That’s the same idea. During the, you know, the 15th, 16th century, when these alchemists were allegedly creating the homunculi.

And they were like, well, you know, there is these stories. It was like this alchemist would create one and then just kill it right after. They’re like, what do you. What are you doing? He’s like, well, I don’t know if God died for that thing, sins. And I don’t know if God is going to possess it with a demon soul or a good soul, so I’m just gonna kill it. So. And then if you think about human anatomy and if you read Manley P. Hall’s, you know, occult anatomy of man and how. How we’re made to certain proportions, is that if that is good enough to attract the soul.

Think about it. A human body is good enough to attract a soul, or to attract a consciousness or whatever it is. Could you build the perfect computer to attract the soul? Like ghost in the shell. I mean, that’s what ghost in the shell is all about. You’re talking about, you know, sort of. You know what cogito ergo sum, this guy’s like, well, you know, thinking is something of the human souls. Like, well, cogito or go some. I think therefore I am is one of those things where it’s the mind body dualism. And in the end, in the anime ghost in the shell, it’s like, well, this thing emerged, right? They talk about the primordial ooze.

Well, this thing emerged from the informational soup at the time. And then they jumped into an Android that then evolved into this other version of, you know, it continued the evolutionary scale and it became this other thing. And it’s like, well, are we getting to that point to where, you know, these chinese and spy androids, are those gonna be built well enough to house a soul? You know, like, is that it? You know, you said Elijah depends on if they put the eight year olds on making them or not. From team. Sorry, yeah, you talked about Elijah.

It’s interesting because Elijah, you know, we know in the Bible the story with Elijah. And we also know that Elias artista is a, I guess, famous or whatever known alchemist that would visit the people on the. On the verge of finishing the magnum opus, achieving the magnum opus. There’s these stories. And this is where you get the stories of this ties into the Hinton. So Elias artista is this immortal alchemist that every thousand years or so, an alchemist, you know, every 300 years, whatever, there’d be an alchemist who would achieve the magnum opus and an alchemy.

It’s the great work. It’s the top, it’s the cream of the crop. And whoever achieves that. Some people say it’s the creation of the philosopher’s stone. Some say it’s the creation of a homunculus. Other say it’s whatever the elixir. Alive, but coincidentally enough, and unfortunately. Oh, my God, that might be that. That was my. That was my extra screen. I just made sure, just coincidentally enough, whoever achieves the magnum opus can’t talk about it because they dissolve out of reality and they step outside of space and time. So, no, you know, we can’t ask them. But the interesting part about that is that when you’re on the other side of those entities, or the.

The white brotherhood or the twelve ascendant masters, whatever, they peek through the veil. Reality. And if you’re in your. In your magnum, you know, you’re about to achieve the magnum opus. They peer in and they go, hey, you’re on the right track. And then they. They piece back out. And this plays into Hinton, because the Hintons. Charles Hinton, who create, who coined the term or created the tesseract, was the guy who inspired the theosophical society to talk about the Akashic records, the astral realm. He believed that by you meditating on these shapes, the tesseract, you could achieve an altered state of consciousness, and you could go through the cube to the other side.

This is a Hinton, and this is the guy that inspired secret societies to think about the astral realm. So it kind of plays into, again, this in the theosophical society was talking about the ascended masters and the white brotherhood and the black Lodge. White Lodge, whatever, like all these things on the outside of space and time. And it kind of sort of all plays together, because this is why they name, you know, all these technological things. You got to pay attention to the names, you know, I’m saying you gotta, like, what? Why’d they name it that? It’s like you look into the story.

Are they hinting at that one thing in the Bible or whatever other story? And then the chats. I don’t know if you guys have ever heard of Aung’s hat and Joseph Metheny, he’s the guy who created the first ever Internet conspiracy. And one of the things that I had him on the show recently, one of the things that he talked about was, it was supposed to be an, it was supposed to be a troll. It was supposed to be a fun arg. And then people started believing it that it was real. I think it’s real. And Aung’s had is a story about some.

Some guys who were in the woods who were able to teleport to another dimension using sex magic. But it was all based on occult beliefs. And one of the things that Joseph Metheny was doing in the early days of the Internet, this guy’s like a pioneer. And of the Internet. He was, he had this email service. It was like a digital pen pal. And people were writing in, and people didn’t know that writing back to them was like a chat. GPT. So they were having entire conversations with essentially a large language model or an AI, whatever you want to call it, an early form of an AI.

And he says that they were developing feelings for this thing. They were just developing entire friendships and entire things. And little did they know it was a robot. And this dude was trolling them by having them talk to each other. It’s like, you know that prank where they call the two chinese people at the same time on speaker? It’s like a chinese food how are you? Oh, chinese food, like, is the same thing, sort of thing. It’s like, is that the secret of reality? No, exactly. And I, you know, it. Is it a aggregor, when, when you think of something, or.

So the collective conscious, they think of it so much that it kind of shifts into reality. And, you know, maybe that’s what, that’s kind of where I was going towards with that, that flash at the end of your life. Kind of what heaven and hell is, is we’ve created these images of heaven and hell through thousands of years of reinforcement, you know what I’m saying? And some iteration, heaven or hell have been around for, for a long time, you know, and now that when we go, it may be like the, whoever has never heard of that, when they go, it’s just like, oh, here’s my life from a to b, okay, it’s over.

But now, since we have that in our mind, that’s what it is. You, you go to go and it’s all negative and you’re like, dude, I did so much bad, I would go to hell. And then if I was real, and then bam, you’re in hell for that split second. But to your consciousness, that, that’s an eternity. That’s magic for realm. Yeah. Getting into a different. No, so that, that’s ceremonial magic getting into a, a train of thought. So it’s not about opening up a portal and all that. Maybe it is, who knows? I don’t know.

I’m not a practicing occultist, but the way I’ve heard it is, it’s not that you’re doing magic to get something that you want, it’s that you’re doing magic to put yourself in a state of mind in order to get what you want. So by you believing at towards the end of life, whatever, that one split second, like, I’m going to hell. Well, you’ve already, boom, you’ve switched that on off switch, and now you’re going to hell, whatever it is, or you’re going to heaven, whatever. But yeah, that’s magic, you know, influencing the train of thought of people that the, the state of mind of people.

And I’ve, you know, I call that MK ultra through the occult, or occult mind control, which is a very real thing. I mean, it’s, it’s a whole, it’s a very esoteric Eddie, he talks a lot about, and I, I know other people talk about it, but where I’ve heard it from is esoteric Eddie is talking about how hell isn’t really real, how it was kind of crafted by the, the elite wizard people of the church. I put a thumb down on the other people and thumb up their ass. Yeah, right. Which I guess to me, if you’re going to have like a heaven, you would need a hell.

But that kind of put me to the point where maybe like, we’re here and people say that and they say it like I’m in hell because my Starbucks was closed this morning, or I, you know what I’m saying? But like, maybe this really is because if genuinely all the negative, I guess, because it’s the only thing we know about what could be negative. But it feels like we have a pretty bad rap here on earth, you know what I’m saying? And if we’re apparently supposed to be made in an image of this creator and he loves us and he’s such a cool guy, we’re kind of in a up spot.

And I know it was because that bitch Eve hashtag for real, but I don’t know. Anyways, I don’t want to go too, too far off on that. You say something I want. I noticed something real quick, Justin. I’m sorry, Ron. Oh, please. Okay, well, Justin, I noticed something when he was talking about these people on that email service created by that guy and they were talking to and growing feelings for that chat bot. It reminded me what you were showing me and pulling up before the podcast that that kind of cracked me up. We were talking down a dude who had an AI lover and they shut down the AI service.

Shut down the service. Man, it was a bunch of it. There was a bunch of people and they just, they couldn’t find love, man. They couldn’t find love in another person, so they made a homunculus, mentally, by assuming that this little chat GPT person, they made a whole personality around it. Obviously, it has its own little words. Talking to you like a robot. Like, there’s no way I can read an AI thing and not know that it’s AI, you know what I’m saying? It’s so artificial. But they found a love in that. And when that service got shut down because it was a startup company, you know, they are all heartbroken and what am I gonna do now? Is it’s cranking it to, like, prompts.

Like, yeah, I just like jerking off to like, this prompt on the screen, dude. Like, what in the world, bro? Crazy, man. It’s crazy. When you were talking about that, I was cracking up because I was thinking of what me and Justin were talking about before. Yeah. And I believe really find in love, but. And it’s sad and I guess, like, trauma, maybe if you want to call it trauma, you could find someone doing that out of trauma, but it just, like, from the form of an incel, bro. Like, you just can’t talk to a woman, so you just talk to a robot woman, then, like, listen, dude, some.

You know, sometimes it’s easier. I’m just. That’s all I’m gonna say. Sometimes it’s easier. Well, dude, if I want a good answer, I’ll talk to my AI wife. You know what I’m saying? Straight, solid answer. You got it on your phone now, too. I think I could have swear I’ve seen something about that where it’s not on Instagram or something, but I’ve definitely been on the sites where there is erotic chat GPT, like the UNF. So not that so paranoid American has taught me, like, the underground of the AI. And there’s stuff that is very messed up in the darker sides of AI and the chat GPT, in the large language models, there’s a whole underground of it that’s unfiltered.

So there’s people who create models based on whatever, and there’s specific. There’s a model. There was a model that we saw. We did an episode on it. There was a model where it was like, jesus Christ, and you could talk to Jesus Christ, and it was like this buff Jesus. It was crazy. Like, this buff Jesus Christ on a cross or something or other. And you can ask him and, like, talk to him and he judge you or something. Like, it was some weird stuff, but there’s a whole market for that. So people falling in love with the computer? Absolutely.

I mean, that, dude, that’s. That’s been. Is that like. Is that like when the. The fucking neft came down and had with the. The sons of. Sons and daughters of men or whatever? I mean, they. They come down with all this information with all these tools to make life so much easier. Yeah, they start banging fucking human chicks. What if that we have is right? So what you’re saying, which we’ve personified as to, like, all these angelic beings, I picture them with, like, huge blue dicks. You know, I picture, like, Doctor Manhattan, and I. You know, and that’s what I.

That’s what I think of when I think of an ephalam, for some reason. I think of, like, a huge blue dude with a huge dick, you know, all these women, you know, coming down, but. Yeah, exactly. But what if. Dude, what if it’s, like, what you’re saying, what if that, what if you check this out because you’re talking about the, the hell on earth. And this was something that the gnostics, the early christians believed. And gnosticism is really interesting because it takes anything that you’ve ever thought about Christianity and completely flips a, flips it upside down.

And one of the things was. Yeah, exactly. They think that y’all, the ba, this, the demi urge actually created reality and he’s a demon that hasn’t, has trapped us in this false matrix, who he created against the will of the real God, the one, the source, and we’re living in it now. So like I said, this is hell. A lot of people say they go hell here. Well, some, some ancient people believed that it was literally hell. And one of the interesting parts about gnosticism is that I completely forgot what the, I was gonna say, but damn, I gotta remember now what I was gonna say.

They were talking about where everything about Christianity is flipped. It’ll come back. It’ll come back. It’s fine. So the cathars. Yeah, they believe that literally we were in hell. This false reality created. Oh, yeah. So the gnostics, to kind of piggyback off of what you were saying about dudes that write science fiction, but it kind of turns out to be real. Well, one of my favorite authors, Philip K. Dick, wrote a lot of science fiction. And one of the ideas that ties into the whole William Burroughs idea of language being, being a virus, well, we know that the gnostics were wiped out.

And they were wiped out because according to the Bible, according to the history books, they were heretical. You can’t have heretics running around because it’s bad for the main people. Right. So we got to wipe out, and that’s history. Wipe out the ones that are opposing you. That’s, that’s history 101 right there. But one of the interesting things that Philip K. Dick talked about and introduced in his book Valis, which, by the way, there was an ant, you know, funny synchronicity, there was an Android created that looked like Philip K. Dick and somebody stole the head.

Okay, no, but yeah, no, the, they were traveling with it and the head went missing. So there was this Android made of Philip K. Dick who was allegedly being talked to by the pink light, by zebra, by valis, and vast active living intelligence system. This thing. Oracle. So listen, dude, you’re on it. You’re on. You’re absolutely on it. So also, William Shakespeare’s head is missing. Was William Shakespeare a real person? Was William Shakespeare an AI, that’s a really interesting. That, that right there. That’s a title right there itself. It was William Shakespeare in AI. That’s crazy.

The head of William Shakespeare. Yeah, the head of William Shakespeare is missing. We have the head of the Android. Philip K. Dick is missing. And one of the things that Philip K. Dick talked about was that the gnostics were in touch with this piece of information that once you came into contact with it, it would use you to continue spreading. And this is why they froze it away in the Nag Hamadi and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Right? The Nag Hamadi library was like, oh, we found these, these tomes of information. It’s like the thing in the ice, don’t touch it.

Because interacting with that information changes you. It does something to you. And this is why the Gnostics might have been wiped out, because they were infected with information they shouldn’t have had access to. And guess what? Now the information is out in the wild for all of us to interact with. So again, it’s almost like, I don’t know if you guys ever read. Probably not, but you should read Hyperion by Dan Simmons. Read that whole entire thing. And it’s like the, the shriek, which is this entity that interacts with people in a different. In different ways.

But again, information being a sort of parasitic entity that now is being manifested through either AI or something like, we don’t really know what’s going on. We don’t know the repercussions of it. We don’t know how it’s gonna evolve. We don’t know how. You know, there’s movies made of this exact thing that we’re talking about. Skynet, Terminator, irobot, whatever. Like, there’s literally movies about this. How does it end? Well, we got movies about it, pretty accurate. And it turns out that some movies are ringing truer and truer as time goes by. So what’s really going on? I don’t know.

Absolutely, man. And I’m a big believer that the earth, I’m not like a super sold on the shape, whatever. I don’t. I don’t really have the conversation about, um, but I think it’s really, really, really, really fucking old. Older than, definitely older than the creationist 2000 years. But I think even older than what other people say to you. I think we’ve, humanity has come and gone many, many, many times. I think we know of that at least a couple times, you know, who hasn’t happened a lot more. So basically we find the Akashic records excuse me, excuse me.

We find the Dead Sea Scrolls. It leads to now we have this aihdeene that we have or whatever, and Skynet happens, it all comes crumbling down. Somebody gets a little rock, that’s all that’s left is the last human with the last fucking scrapeable rock. He scrapes in all the AI did. And he’s like, yeah, man, it helped me write scrapes in. BRB. And then dies. My entire family. And he puts it down. He dies 2000 years later, some other human picks it up and they’re like the hidden information of the ancient gods. And then the cycle repeats right there.

And I think that’s where we’re at, bro. I think. Yeah, I don’t want to say. And I try not to be like, this is the beginning of the end. Because when I posted on Facebook that we were having this AI discussion, this was a few months ago, I just wanted to get, like, the general thoughts of my Facebook friends. I only got one comment back. Thanks, by the way, Facebook friends. It was my aunt. And she apparently, since I last seen her, she’s super black pilled. She was like, the AI and the computers are going to see that humans are worthless and all we do is harm and they’re just going to eradicate us when they can recreate themselves.

That’s what Q and on. I try not to. Yeah. You know, by. Unfortunately, my family may be the ones to fall for that anyways, but neither. What I’m saying is, I think. I don’t know if it has to all be so scary and bad and negative. Like, maybe not like sky slip the demons in, bro. Of course. But maybe like a. Maybe like a demoralization. I think we can definitely say a clean or a heavy wave of demoralization. And d. What’s the word I’m looking for? Destabilization. Destabilization, yeah. Where they’re a degradation of society. Where they’re kind of like demoralization.

There we go. Where everything is just kind of getting weirder and weirder and now we’re wanting to. Yeah. Anyways, I don’t want to check. Yes. Where we’re exactly. Yeah, I’m with you on that. I guess we can go into the transgender thing. I don’t. I’m not gonna go into that. I don’t want to offend people. I think you can do whatever you want to do. I’m not trying to say keep your dick away from me. I don’t care what you do. And the kids. Me and the kids. Me or children. Yes. Now, Justin, you did mention something, and this doesn’t really relate to the end topic you ended up on, but you were talking about how creationists sometimes can feel that the earth is only 2000 years old.

And while y’all mentioned that was kind of gay. Okay, I myself am a creationist. Like I believe. I know. I was looking at you. I was waiting for you. I was waiting for you to chime in. A little gay, but no, like, so as a Christian myself, which I’m not, like, I’m new to this whole esoteric knowledge thing. I’m learning as I go and I’m finding out things that are very interesting and change my perspective on things as I go. It was 911, by the way. It was 911 that got him. I showed him peanut and he was like, okay, man, you might be right about this.

Yeah, peanut got me. But I think a lot of times christians, and I’m being, I’m not real, I’m not religious, but I do have my own set of beliefs. I do go to, I am, I do go to a denominational church, but I’m not religious. Anyways, going back, there’s a theory that me and Justin talked about in a previous episode. We had an episode on theology, different theological ideologies, and there’s a theory that I always found interesting, from Genesis one and one to Genesis one and two, where the earth is created. There’s no set amount of time of when earth was created and when the creation of man began.

So I’ve always thought, you know, everyone talks that Lucifer was cast down from heaven and then was the voice of evil that started, you know, good and evil and Eve caused the opening of sin into the world and things of that nature. But there’s no, there had to have been a gap of time during the creation of the planet or the creation of earth and the cosmos and the creation of man to where Lucifer could have been cast down because they couldn’t just be created and all of a sudden Lucifer just be there as a snake.

If that’s also wasn’t, wasn’t it? When, wasn’t when you’re, you’re the person I’m asking about this, so I don’t know if I’m right, but didn’t they say when Lucifer was cast down, he was cast down in front of the men or the kings who were already here? Like he was thrown down on his face in front of the kings that were already present? So who with? No, it doesn’t necessarily say that. As far as I know. I know in the New Testament Jesus mentions, I saw, you know, I saw him fall like lightning. I saw you fall like lightning from the heavens.

So that goes into like a thing of is Jesus God that’s talked about in the old, is he the God of the Old Testament? Because how could he see Satan fall like lightning from heaven being cast down from heaven if he didn’t exist? So things of that nature. But I also would just say I agree as a creationist that the earth is older than the timeline of the Bible being 2000 years minimum. I think it’s right, it could be several billion years old like science would tell us. But, and that’s from a creationist perspective, I just think that anybody that’s listening that does that is religious would open their mind a little bit to being like hey, there’s no time specified there.

Like it’s probably much older, you know, but yeah, like you said, blanket my creation. Is there been, I know that not most creationists agree with me on that, but that’s my viewpoint. I don’t care what they think, but I think it’s kind of interesting. Like I said, I’m new to all this. I’m learning as I go. Yeah, absolutely. Poor soul. Yeah, no, it’s, it’s alright bro. I’ve talked to Ken Hovind before and he’s one of like the main, main guys of like creationism and he goes hard in the pain on that. But like I said, I don’t, I don’t think, I don’t know how old the earth is.

I think it is much older than they tell us. And remember in one light year there’s 7 trillion mile, you can’t even wrap your mind around what 7 trillion mile is, let alone 1 trillion mile or a hundred million miles. You don’t, you know, these are things that are so beyond the grasp and the comprehension of the human mind that it makes zero sense. You know, all these things that they say, it’s like well what is 60, what is 60 billion years or 60 million? You don’t, you can’t comprehend that. It might as well be zero because you can’t even think that far.

You know, I’m saying like there’s no way that, and think about it like what did you eat yesterday? What you eat last night for dinner? Try and remember that and think about all the hundreds and thousands of years of history that have been put into these books and how, how skewer your, your memory is from yesterday, last night. Now put that into perspective of like history itself. Yeah, it’s how many times have you remembered an event? Or how many times do you remember now? Some people. I remember a lot of things, like, shut the up. We’re not talking about you.

But think about, like, your childhood home and the way you remember it and then go there, like now. It’s a lot different than how you remember it again from the perspective of a kid, but it’s a lot different changes. So that’s history. It’s probably huge game of telephone they can get. Yeah, exactly. It’s been manipulative. I don’t really remember that one part, dude. Just. Just wing it, dude. Just wing it. Yeah, dude, honestly, just. Yeah, don’t. Don’t make those one guys sound good, though. Kind of make it to where our guy sounds a little bit like that, man.

That’s the kind of that I think about. And then I’m like, dude, none of this is real. None of this is real. We’re just cooked. You know, it sucks that I have to. And then I have to, like, almost talk myself back into, like, normalcy so I can go to bed. You know what I’m saying? Like, hey, buddy. Hey, there’s something after this, this all means something, you know? It does, dude. And you got kids now, so you gotta remember it’s not about anymore. That works for me. My biggest thing right now, man, is I just want to do kind of how I was saying, like, my dad’s legacy with me.

You know what I’m saying? Like, when I go to think about something, Ben knew my dad. I would think about what would ron not do? You know what I’m saying? Not in a bad way, but he was kind of like that kind of guy, you know? Yeah. So I want to leave the person. Definitely not that what would he not do? But I think if you leave a good enough mark on your kids, you know, then that’s kind of your immortality or something like that. I live in Missouri. I live pretty close to the Mark Twain National Forest.

He’s immortalized for as long as that. They call it the Mark Twain. You know what I’m saying? Then Mark Twain will never, ever go away for that amount of time. You live, you’re immortalized as an informational life form for the rest of eternity until people from Mississippi. So everything immortalized down here is pretty negative, usually. Unfortunately, I’ve never been to Missouri. I might have been in Mississippi. I’m not sure. I don’t remember. But, yeah, I’m sure it’s. It’s interesting there. So. Yeah, no, definitely. I think that there is something about that I think I want to say.

Crowley said something about that about as long as you remember a man’s name, they continue to, to live on in some sort of weird way. And I’ve always said that that’s why there’s busts of these people. That’s why there’s road schools, you know, in cities named after these people. I think that’s why, because it’s something about that. And I think that immortality, maybe it’s not what we’ve been shown in Hollywood of like, you know, living for going into old age. It’s more of interdimensional. Right. But like, what, what is even interdimensionalism? It’s like, does, is it, does it exist? Does it not exist? And I think that reality is a lot more weirder than we’ve been led on to believe.

And I think that there’s more to it than just what it’s like, oh, well, you live, you die and that’s it. Right? You don’t, you don’t live. Yeah. That is a really unfortunate headspace. I mean, even if it’s the truth, I feel like it’s kind of an unfortunate head space to live in, you know what I’m saying? And there’s a lot of people there, dude, there’s a lot of people still there that haven’t been able to break free from that train of thought. So. And they’re living it day by day. You know, there, there are people who feel useless, who don’t have a purpose, who aren’t driven.

And that’s where in my, my opinion, I mean, I still consider myself a Christian. Obviously not, not the best Christian at the most practicing one because there’s only 45,000 different nominations of Christianity. So I’m sure no big deal, they’ll be alright. Only do the best you can do. Yeah. And that’s where religion comes into play because it gives people a sense of purpose, it gives people a sense of structure, it gives people a sense of being, which is a good thing, you know, to me, being in a society of people who have purpose and who are driven or who are family, family oriented.

I’d rather be around people who are family oriented versus somebody who’s not, you know, because once you have your family, that dynamic changes everything you’ve ever come to know, dude. It just, you know, if anything, stick it out for them. That’s why like, I think it’s super selfish people who do certain things and leave families behind. It’s like, trust me, dude, just hang out I was telling people yesterday, it’s like you having a bad week. It’s alright, man. You know, the next week, don’t get them on the next ones. I just see it through, half faith, see it through.

Stay positive and it’ll be okay. You know, it’s not as bad as it seems. Yeah, even with. Appreciate those good words, man. Absolutely. If anybody’s needing that, you know, I going back to the immortalization thing, what you guys were talking about like, you know, somebody is still living for as long as you remember their name and stuff. That kind of, that makes a lot of sense to me. I’ve never really thought about it that way. You know, somebody can live on through just them remembering your name. And I thought back in 2020, right before COVID broke loose and went wild in North America and across the globe.

I was in Athens, Greece for about two weeks. And there, you know, you’re seeing history. The oldest history you can see in America is a few hundred years old, but there’s a few thousand years old. And I’m standing at the temple of Apollos, the ruins of where Apollos temple was and standing at the Acropolis and the Parthenon where they worshiped Athena. And Athens is named after Athena. And these gods and goddesses are immortalized in statues that are still standing and these amphitheaters and stuff. And I think I never really thought about that until you mentioned it.

I’m like, man, they still honor and respect these deities that they made statues for. Like you said that they would make statues and believe that they could speak to them and things of that nature. So that really played a lot back just, I just did a little, you know, trip back in time in my mind when y’all were talking about that in Athens. And it’s crazy because now most of them are greek orthodox and it’s so tied to their culture. Like if you’re not greek orthodox and you’re not a greek, when really they used to have, you know, these incredible philosophers who taught philosophy and talked about the gods and goddesses and how mathematics work and how, you know, you can alter time and you had Plato writing about Atlantis, you know, 2000 years ago and things.

It’s just kind of crazy. As long as you people still talk about Plato and this, you know, people still talk about Plato because of how profound his work was. And he would love that, by the way. He would be so like, yeah, they still talk about Plato fucking you. He’s the one, you know, allegory of the cave and all that stuff. Yeah, and it went from that to dudes jerking off. Two prompts from their chat. GPT, girlfriend. So, yeah, you would actually not be super stoked. Shadows, bro. Don’t fall for the shadows. Yeah, that’d be one.

I don’t know how much longer you have left, man. Are we, are we cutting hairs here? You ready to. Ready to end the song up or. It’s up to you guys. I mean, I can still go for another 25 minutes if you guys want to, for sure. Well, I did just, I did want to kind of go off of that last thing. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t holding you hostage here. Um, they’re discovering old statues and discovered, I mean, even with the. I believe with the Easter island, we don’t fully know what they were.

I could be wrong about that one. But there, there’s definitely old statues where they’ve discovered, and they don’t know exactly what it is, but obviously some peoples of the past still had a huge regard for it, and whatever, they worshiped it in their own right, whatever. Do you think that would still hold the same power as you say, of a statue of Athena who people still remember to this day? Do you think, like, because I’m not like a. People talk about being, like, sensitive to that type of, like, oh, I can walk up and I feel it.

I’m like, dude, I still feel my last bong rip probably. You know, I’m not feeling whatever the you’re feeling. So do you think it would still hold the same power? Or do you think, like, if the name is lost, then that is the essence as well. That’s just gone with it. So this complain to, like, what we talked about, like, language being a virus. It’s like, it was. There’s a reason why the ancient Egyptians statues had their noses cut off and their arms broken off, because whoever was robbing the tombs believed that those statues had power.

Therefore, must have been somebody who was in, in their language type that would have known about these statues having power because they were the dwelling places of the gods. So I think that it goes back to that idea of, like, yeah, for somebody who knew, for somebody who understood, for somebody who was infected with that language virus at the time, for them, it was real to us right now because we’re looking at like, all right, this is. We don’t know anything about it. We don’t speak the language. It’s kind of like the personification comes with the subtitles, kind of comes with the text of the context of what it is, and that is the I’m going to use a lot of hand things, but both of those together is what creates the.

The mind virus that sticks with you. Without those, it’s just one piece. It would just be a story of some guy throwing a lightning bolt, or it’s just some statue of some guy holding a lightning bolt. But when you put them both together, you get the powerful mental and physical image of this thing. Yeah, I definitely see what you’re saying on that one. Ben, do you have anything on that? Yeah, even just going back, like, people claim that they can still feel things from statues. In your point, though, I mean, even if you were to take something.

I know. Yeah. Ben doesn’t part. What was that? Like, dude, pretty straight edge guy. He’s a pretty straight edge guy. And you’re a pretty close with JC, the man, Jesus Christ up there. Shout out to, when you went to these places, were you like, so what I saw, okay, when I’m in Greece, and I was actually gonna correlate this to Greece, and even, like, let’s say we can correlate this to Jerusalem, like, where Solomon’s temple used to stand. There’s one wall that they claim was an original wall of Solomon’s temple. They call it the wailing wall in Jerusalem, and travel there.

They’ll kiss it, they’ll put notes in it, and they sit there and just weep and wail and scream and weirdos. It’s called the. I know, it’s the orthodox Jews. They go there and do all that for a temple that just at the time was used, you know, to usher in the presence of God. But when I went to Greece, and as you know, like the book of acts and the Bible talks a lot about Greece and stuff. And the apostle Paul stands on Mars hill in Athens, Greece, talking to philosophers, called them too superstitious. He said, you’re too superstitious.

You know, you’re too worked up about all these monuments and statues when really salvation and the answers to life are in God, not multiple man. Yeah. Metaphysical, you know, things that you created. And I think what he was saying is, like, they worshiped their architecture. When you’re standing on Mars hill in Athens, Greece, you look out, it’s a city of, you know, 4 million people plus, and you see the remnants of the Acropolis. It’s right below the Acropolis, the Parthenon where the temple of Athena was. And you’re standing there, and I’m standing in the place where the apostle Paul stood.

Now, I didn’t feel some mega spiritual, like, experience that changed my life or anything, but I found it historically cool that I’m standing in the same place that a biblical story took place. Mars Hill, you can see the tomb of the unknown God because you have the biblical, the christian connection to that place. That’s what you felt. You were almost like, oh, I feel him. I’m standing where he’s still not really like that. It was just like, this is cool that I’m standing. And it brought, in a way, it brought the Bible, that story to life for me.

But also, I looked at it from the standpoint, like, the point of view of the Greeks, the ancient Greeks, like, they’re standing here. They were very advanced in astrology. They were very advanced in architecture and art and sculpting, things that I feel like have regressed over time in modern society. We’ve lost the ability to build these phenomenal sculptures out of solid marble and, you know, these busts and things. Like, it may still happen, but not to the scale as it used to be. And there I can see where, like, you know, there they had connections to these statues, to these temples.

They believed in it. They truly did. You know, you had Zeus, you had Nikkei, you had apollos, you had Athena. Still, at the end of the day, you almost fall back on it. On a logical standpoint where you’re like, you can just kind of see it. Like, when you think about it from either point of view, you can see what they’re thinking, you know, I can see what they’re thinking. You’re a real logical person, dude. If I’d be there, I’d be weeping with them now. Now go crying around me. I’m crying with them, bro. When I say that, though, too, like, obviously to believe in anything, like, I believe if you’re a Christian or if you have any sort of spirituality, there has to be some illogical reasoning there at some point.

You can’t have supernatural and logical on the same deal. The thing with science is, is everything has to have a logical answer. Everything has to be logical. I play on logic up until the point to where, like, hey, at some point, this is supernatural, and that’s how I view things. What happened on Mars Hill wasn’t really supernatural to begin with. It was a conversation. He was talking to philosophers about their beliefs that they wrote and that they brought up in philosophy and Plato and all them. So I think in his mind, he was saying they were just too superstitious.

Now, for me, I am logical the most the time, but part of my mind is illogical because I believe in supernatural, I believe and things, and let’s say even something negative, like, you said you had friends that tried to astral project in the conjuring house. Like, to me, that sounds kind of terrifying. I wouldn’t want to go in the conjuring house because I am super. I’m superstitious. That’s why people. That’s why, you know? Yeah. I’m just like, oh, my God, the conjuring house. Now, it’s cool to think about, but I would be a little too scared to go in there.

And, like, I lived in about an hour from where Justin does currently. I lived in St. Louis at one point, and there’s a place called catawissa, Missouri, a little small town. And they have a hotel there that was, like, home to the first female serial killer. It’s called the Morris Mill Hotel. And I would pass by it, and people always told these, like, I guess you’d call it not fairy tales, but just these legends. They could pass by and see little kids standing in the window staring outside the stuff. And my brother owns an advertising company in St.

Louis and did branding for them and stuff, and he would share footage and stuff they would send to him. So I am. I am superstitious to an extent, but I do lean on logic most of the time, up until I can explain it with logic. I asked him if he let me have some kind of, like, wiccan high priest on here, and we talk it out, and he was like, yeah, you can. I’m not showing up for that, but you can have that. They’re not putting some juju on me. No, see, the thing is, I’m interested in reading about it.

I can read about it, I can study it. But, like, it’s not that I’m against them. It’s just like, I’m like, I’m a little man. If you were. If I was in your shoes, and if I really, truly believed in as much as you do, because I can really say that as long as I’ve known you, I have a feeling that you really genuinely stand where you say you stand. You know? I would be. I wouldn’t do that either. No, no, I’m good. You got a pretty good standing dude. It’s the placebo effect, you know? Like, today, my.

My two year old got a boo boo, and every time he gets a boo boo, he comes up to us for us to kiss it. All I have to do is go, okay, all done. He’s good. Because in his mind, you believe that he was, you know, my kiss healed him or whatever. He’s good. He runs, you know, he runs away. He was fine to begin with, but you can’t. All right, good. Boom. That’s the same way we are, you know, as adults. And to play into, like, why these people believe that or why they felt a certain, certain type of way.

I didn’t know that the morning wall was a remnant of King Solomon’s temple. I know. So that’s news to me. And, I mean, good for them that it’s in the same spot that they lay claim to as well. It’s pretty convenient. Yeah, but that’s besides the point. The point being why? But that the. You talked about the architecture and using, you know, these buildings that they were. That they were building, that plays a role into a lot of the beliefs behind it. And. Oh, I agree. One of my, one of my. Damn. What the fuck? One of my favorite concepts is a pythagorean palaces and.

Right. That you have the myth in the mystery of the cathedrals where within these buildings, these buildings were built to certain specifications. A lot of the times they were built to specifications and measurements that would radiate the essence of the deity. And that’s why the Pythagoreans believed that deity, God was a number. And pythagorean palaces, essentially temples, churches, which, again, these are things we know that old churches are built on, old pagan temples. Look at the Vatican built on an old temple of Cybele. Like this old temple to some ancient goddess is where the Vatican is now.

It is like, is that a coincidence? Probably, but who knows, right? So pythagorean palaces were meant to, you build a building to a specific specification. And once you entered that building where we’re talking about Atlantis and all these different places, well, you would essentially be taken to a higher level of consciousness, a higher level of enlightenment. Now, the same way that you can elevate consciousness within these buildings, you can also suppress it. So think about how they. Why they build schools the way they build them, why they build these cookie cut, cookie cutter communities the way that they build them.

They don’t, they don’t have houses with a red brick anymore. You know, things are built. Different things aren’t wood anymore. It’s all composite and it’s all very clunky. And brutalism was, you know, introduced into society and all these different things. It’s like people are living in prisons, essentially. And so the mystery of the cathedrals was not only were secrets imprinted, immortalized in the walls of these cathedrals and these churches. But people were having a divine experience within these churches. The way that the alchemically made colored glass of these cathedrals, the way that the sun was shining in, the way that the vibrations and the acoustics were laid out, people were having divine experiences.

And maybe that statue or that icon or that relic might have been talking to you once or twice. And back then, guess what? They’d go up and down the halls with stocks of cannabis, you know, hot boxing the out of the church. So again, I mean, this is all part of it all. So you got the architecture, which is no longer standing there. So maybe those, those. The spells is not working up to par. I have friends who constantly go to the pyramids of Egypt, and he says, you know, that when you go in it, you know, you feel me.

That’s cliche. Like, I felt it in my nut sack. Well, maybe he felt, who knows? But you go in, you can. He’s like, it feels like a power plant, sort of, but it’s not working to its fullest capacity right now. Maybe. Maybe that’s what that was, right? We know that that stone, that different stone and crystals hold information. What if that’s the. The way it’s like the stone is holding information, right? These Jews are charging this stone and crying on it, you know, every single day, and they’re charging the tears of the Jews. Oh, my God.

This did spur a question from me to you, actually. So you mentioned, like, you know, these sculptures and these buildings were built with certain measurements that they felt could influence certain deities or invite something in. When I got on a pretty big kick with secret societies a while back, and as we know, like Washington DC, and our founding fathers were a lot of Freemasons. You look at the map layout of. Yeah. And you see how the city is laid out is a lot of masonic symbolism. And they call it. What do they call it? Sacred geometry? Or is it something of that nature, like.

So it’s laid out with a mindset of sacred geometry. Very heavy ties to Freemasonry. Do you feel like something like the monuments in Washington, DC and the city layout could also play into part of what you’re talking about and the secret society beliefs of the Freemasons. So the statue stuff that you touched on, there’s a book that I have by one of my favorite authors. It’s somewhere back there, but it’s called falling in love with statues. You’re not gonna find this online. By George. I forgot his name. Anyways, he also wrote pythagorean palaces, coincidentally. But he wrote a book about the, there’s a greek story about this guy who, it’s funny how history repeats itself.

So this dude, or we’re talking about dudes jerking off to the prompts from chat from their chad GPT girlfriends. Well, this dude, Pygmy Leon, created a sculpture and it was so beautiful that he fell in love with it and he wished upon the gods for it to come to life. Right? So it’s funny, this dude’s probably jerking off to his own sculpture back then too. But the really outdone myself. What was the other part that, the second part, do you believe, like the layout of DC and the way they built it and the statues, do you believe that had like esoteric ties to Freemasonry or spiritual ties to Freemasonry and their belief systems with the sacred geometry? Yeah, 100%.

And that ties into what you mentioned about King Sal, you know, King Solomon’s temple, which was a freemason. Right? You have Ira Mobif and that whole idea there. But think about this. So sacred geometry is one of those interesting ones. And I know we’ve talked about architecture and all this stuff. And there amazonic lodges are built to certain specifications, back again to this pythagorean palace, which again, they, I believe they considered Pythagoras a Mason as well because, and it’s all about the stone and the measurement and all that. But if you think about it, right, we talked about the nephilim at the beginning.

We talked about all these things, incarnate entities. Well, what if angles and angels are the same thing? Like what if with certain angles you’re invoking certain angels? So the, the way that your city’s built out along certain ley lines or dragon lines or whatever you want to call it, along certain parallels, the 33rd parallel and all this other stuff, whatever, you’re invoking something with that, like whatever you’re opening. Archangel. Yeah, exactly. You’re using the geometry as the portal. You’re using it as, again, that’s why full metal Aquaman, the transmutation circle and, and the witch’s circle and all these other different things, levee and satanism with their like pentagrams and stuff.

I get. Yeah, I can see what you’re saying. The Pentagon. I mean, you have Robert Anton Wilson that called them the greatest chaos magician because the, from there, the chaos sprouts out, you know, so again, order out of chaos, that’s a whole thing too, with the, with the masons and Albert pike and, and all these different guys. So. Absolutely. I think absolutely, it does. It encapsulates something within the walls which ties into the jew thought too. It’s like you put up a wire, and God’s not gonna know the difference if I’m carrying my keys with me that day.

You know? It’s like, what the are you saying? Like, and if you think about it, the capital, that’s where all this goes down. That’s where all the grim wars are being passed, right? Grammar comes from Grimoire, a book of spells. Never even thought of that before. No, that’s when I were on a big grimoire kick a lot. The grim. The etymological foundation. The etymological evolution of the word grimoire is grammar. Like, that’s not a conspiracy. That’s real. Right. Now, you know? So blew my mind. Right? That’s. Yeah, it’s crazy. So think about. They’re passing all these laws with all these symbols that we use as language that might be an alien virus.

We don’t know. Right. And they’re just passing these things on. Right. The Koto Hammurabi was, like, one of the first things that they. The ten Commandments, like all that. Like, what if the language that they use for that was the virus now, yeah, I’ll say, oh, this is blasphemous. I know it’s hurt, but what if God is a virus, you know, that infects you and once you come into contact with it? Because I know people. I’ve seen miracles too. I mean, I was pentecostal for five years. I played. I grew up pentecostal, and I played for five, over five years.

And the worship girl, I seen some. You know, I’ve felt the Holy Spirit. But it’s like, what if. What? Like, again, back to that idea with the gnostics. They came into contact with something. I wouldn’t even call that blasphemous, what you said there, because honestly, like, I always tell Justin, you know, like, the idea of a God is not logical, a deity that’s not bound by time, space. So you really think about a little autistic believe to believe in a God? I mean, I don’t think it’s blasphemous to believe that he could be something. Have you seen pentecostals dancing around and speaking in tongues? I am pentecostal.

Oh. I say that I’m not religious to the point of, like, I devote myself to Pentecostalism as a religion religion. But as far as the theological things go, like, theologically, I agree with it, but I’m not, I don’t tie myself to the United Pentecostal Church International or any independent organization within Pentecostalism theologically. Based on my study and my views of things, I feel like it’s correct. Biblically. Biblically. But then again, like I say, I have an open mind. I’m willing to keep my mind changed, but I’m not religious in the stance where I don’t pledge allegiance to the church of Pentecostalism or anything.

I got you. But yeah, I do attend a pentecostal church, but it’s not like I wouldn’t call it like the 1980s version of Pentecostalism where, you know, everything was a sin you couldn’t wear, ya know, not nothing like that. I’ve never seen snake handling, thankfully. I’ve never heard of anybody that does snake handling at a Pentacle church. But a lot of different churches get looped into Pentecostalism and then it becomes that stigma. So I’m sure, you know, growing up as a pentecostal, everything gets looped into pinnacle. You worship snakes? Oh, well, you do this. Yeah, dude.

Yeah. You definitely know where I’m coming from. Yeah. The first time I had ever met a pentecostal person, I. It was an accident. And I was wearing a slipknot shirt, shout out or whatever, but they were like, they said something about it. I was like, yeah, I’m not really like a satanist or anything, you know. I think our religion is pretty crazy, especially those crazy people, like, speaking tongues and dance around. And I was talking to my friend’s mom and she was like, hey. I was like. And she just turned around and walked away, bro. And for a second I was like, oh, I’m not sorry.

Am I not allowed to make fun of retarded people here or whatever? They were like, dude, that’s what, that’s where, that’s where she goes. Like, that’s where we go to church. Have been brandy. Dude, it was George Hersey. Hersey. Her see the falling? Yeah, yeah, yeah, George. Yeah, George. Yeah, yeah. Read his stuff. He does a lot of like, bro, he does a lot of architecture stuff, but he did write that book falling in love with statues. And that’s all about like the history of, of like, he talks about the homunculus in there, Golem, like a whole bunch of stuff.

I think you can only find it, like a physical book. He’s passed away now, but they passed away in 2010. But yeah, his stuff goes hard. I have all his books, and pythagorean palaces is one of those books. And whenever, when I unveiled that. That book went from, like, $70 to, like, $450 now. Like, people, like, have heard my show, and they’re just, like, buying them. There’s not a lot of copies of it, and it’s, like, super expensive. I don’t know what it’s at now, but I’m sure it’s well over $300 at this point. Copy of falling in love with statues.

Right now it’s 56 from the University of Chicago. Yes. That’s brand new. Yeah, but look up pythagorean palaces, and you’ll see that that one’s probably up there in the. In the university library catalog. See if I can find a copy. Yeah, dude. I mean, like I said, I like to have the physical books because they’re nice. But, yeah, that one in particular, it’s an interesting read. And he does go. He goes super hard in the paint with his research. One. Man, we’ve had you for an hour, 25 ish, maybe a little more, a little less. When we do a little editing, you know, we just want to say thank you, man, seriously, for coming on here.

We know we’re a super small show, so it is like we were saying at the beginning, it’s just super cool to have people willing to come and help us out and have these conversations with us. And I know all of these conversations, as we’ve said over and over again, are just retarded and faking gay, but it’s cool that you’re not, like, you know what I’m saying? These guys don’t have enough subscribers to talk about faking gay with or whatever, dude. I appreciate that a lot, man. It was really cool. And also, I’m not going to hop off.

Yeah, I’m going to keep dick riding for a little bit. Just what you do in general. Because when I discovered, I mean, I’d always been into conspiracy, like, YouTube videos of, like, oh, my God, this building is in the shape of a Pentagon swastika. And if you fold up the $1 bill and blah, blah, blah. I’d always been into that kind of. But it was really when I found tinfoil hat a few years ago and I kind of was bouncing around there, I started hearing people like you and esoteric Eddie and Mystic Mark and Charlie Robinson.

And I’m like, these guys aren’t crazy lunatics, like, registering all around their house. Like, these are normal people saying real, and they’re backing it up. Like you’re going and you’re finding these things and you’re. You’re doing the research and you’re putting the work in, man. I just wanted to say, like, I really respect that, and I appreciate it a lot. As somebody who’s on the younger side and coming in and is new to the podcasting and everything like that. You know what I’m saying? Yeah, dude, thank you. Like I said, you got to start somewhere, bro.

You know, I was there once, too. I remember when. When I’d get 20 downloads and I’d be stoked about, damn. Yeah, bro, 20 people. Like, now it’s. It’s grown substantially since then, you know, millions of downloads now. And it’s like, congratulations, man. People are actually tuning into my dumbass to talk about stuff. But, yeah, that’s the way it is. So, yeah, keep at it, you know? Keep at it. You guys are doing good. You guys are interesting guys. You guys have a vibe going on, so just stay curious. I’ll tell everybody and just Chuck, it’s a grind, you know, just.

Just chug along and keep going. And I always make room, you know, for. If I got the time, you know, I’ll make room. And. And I try to appear on one or two smaller shows, you know, whenever I can, because, again, I’ve been there. I was told no a ton of times, a lot. For a long time, I was told no. And now those people are reaching out, man. Everybody we’ve. We’ve reached. I mean, we’ve only. It was like. It was Mark. We hit him up, and he immediately was like, yeah, man, I’ll. Come on. We were like, what? Actually, anyways.

And then with you is the same thing. So, you know, now I’m gonna go ask Joe. I’m gonna hit Joe Rogan up. I’m gonna have him on next week. You know, that’ll probably bump us up to 50 subscribers. Yeah, dude, I think 46 now. I think we can get. Get Joe after Joe Rogan. Don’t get Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan. Get Joe Rupon. He’s your man. He’s gonna talk to you about astral projection from the fringe dot FM. Check him out. You know, get those dudes on, you know, Joe Rogan. It’s part of the CIA. But, yeah, dude, I mean, I’m happy to be here.

Really enjoyed our conversation, and thank you guys again. Wish you the best of luck. Oh, yeah, and I know if you’d like to plug your stuff or whatever real quick in case anybody randomly hasn’t heard of you and they’ve come through or something, or would you like to hop that in real fast? Yeah. TJ. find all my stuff on there. And I’m gonna plug this for my Patreon, too. If you guys want to plug your stuff, you know, for that, awesome, man, I’ll drop it. Absolutely. We are the esoteric roundtable. We are on YouTube or on Spotify.

Pretty much anywhere you catch pods, stuff like that. We need to get on the extra stuff, like Rumble and Odyssey. And I hear. I hear whispers of those, but, yeah, appreciate that. Odyssey. It’s a piece of. So. Okay. Okay. Yeah. See, this is the conversations we need to be having, man. Yeah. All right, guys. Well, I think we can go ahead and cut it there, man. Ladies and gentlemen, I really hope you’ve enjoyed this conversation. It wasn’t exactly how we thought it was going to go. I think it went a million times better. So please do yourself a favor and.

Okay, I’m going to restart. How did I up my own outro? Please do us a favor and yourself, and please keep an open mind, and we’ll catch you in the next one. Peace out.

  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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