Juan on Juan Podcast [NSFW] O.B.C. #14: TheIlluminatiFormula Used to Create anUndetectable TotalMindControlledSlave

Spread the Truth




➡ The text is a transcript from a podcast episode revolving around discussions on censorship on YouTube, promotion of the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual, and a deep-dive into occult, dark and supernatural themes. The hosts also raise awareness about other platforms for uncensored content and their other works, like the Time Samplers comic series.
➡ The speaker talks about a controversial mind control book and its author, Fritz Springmeyer, while advertising an intriguing comic book series from Paranoid American and mentioning potential satisfaction guarantees. He emphasizes that the information in Springmeyer’s book, while outrageous, might not be entirely off-base considering historical events like MKUltra and its unclear aftermath.
➡ The text analyzes the idea of storing acquired knowledge, comparing it to a spice cabinet, where the information can be stored until necessary, elevating a conversation or idea when relevant. It discusses the mystifying aspects of occult knowledge and references to historical figures like Alastair Crowley. It also touches on the potential exploitation of such knowledge in pop-culture and Hollywood film-making.
➡ The text discusses the concept of Lamarckian genetic memory, specifically exploring the idea of knowledge being passed down genetically. It uses examples from the Human Centipede movies, Monarch Project, and a detective comic series “Chew” to illustrate this point. The speakers express skepticism, noting that if this theory were true, it would have become commercialized and evident in things like sports performance. Some also argue this could be a side-effect of the age-old debate between Lamarckianism and Darwinism, which still holds cult status in certain circles.
➡ The speaker talks about the genetic ability to disassociate and handle excessive stress which may be passed down through generations. This capacity is crucial for subjects who are to be subjected to mind-control programming, with some people naturally better equipped due to their genetic ability to process adrenaline swiftly. Tests are used to identify subjects suitable for programming, focusing on emotional resilience and the ability to endure extreme situations.
➡ The text discusses the controversial theories around The Illuminati performing mind control experiments, creating ‘mind control slaves’ — individuals raised to function within the organization secretly, with exceptional cover stories for regular society. Additionally, it alleges that people are blackmailed into turning their children over to these experiments, with highly graphic and disturbing examples given. The text also mentions historical and questionable figures, such as Joseph Mengele, and conspiracy theories around the nature of adult content production.
➡ The text revolves around a conspiracy theory concerning the Illuminati’s method of programming children, aligning with “QAnon” type thinking. The methods allegedly involve designating specific roles to children (i.e., environmental activists, church reformers) based on targeted programming, purposely inducing premature births for susceptibility to programming, and gradually transitioning to full-term births used for sacrificial purposes.
➡ The text discusses a form of manipulative programming exercised through extreme emotional phases, starting with overwhelming love and attention (love bombing) to traumatic, horrific experiences, creating a fracture in the person’s mind. The process repeated until the programming takes, resulting in multiple personas. This fracturing is compared to hacking a device, with the trauma acting as a ‘reboot’. This discussion is in the context of Illuminati mind control, the Franklin Scandal, and other related topics.
➡ The speaker discusses the serious issue of human trafficking and the need for non-partisan solutions. They also delve into a book discussing the concept of multiple personalities and dissociative identities, often resulting from severe abuse. The speaker recognizes these mental disorders as real and depicts a horrifying method of creating a dissociative identity through unpredictable trauma, referred to as the “woodpecker grid”, while noting some parts of the book may be dramatic and embellished.
➡ The text discusses ‘the Woodpecker Grid’, possibly a metaphor for sleep deprivation used in manipulation or control strategies, built upon research like Dr. Jolly’s in MKUltra project. Further, it delves into alleged Illuminati rituals, ancient mystery religions, and occult practices, possibly hinting at programming embedded in these. It also mentions Charles Manson’s programming occurring at China Lake with surrounding areas serving as further programming sites, and a mystical Seal of Solomon existing in Death Valley.
➡ The text is a conversation about trying to locate a landmark known as the Seal of Solomon, northwest of China Lake, based on vague instructions from a book. The talk also includes mentions of scent-based traumas and olfactory cues in mind manipulation, suspicious symbols on maps, and speculations on China Lake’s connections to the Illuminati.
➡ The text discusses a number of conspiracies and theories, primarily focusing on a place called Papaludo’s and its potential connection to a secret underground programming center. The speaker also explores aspects of mind control drugs. Additionally, the text delves into Freemason rituals, Illuminati influences, and the Watchtower Society’s role in these conspiracy theories.
➡ The speaker discusses a book which explores conspiracy theories and occult beliefs. Despite initially approaching it with scepticism, the narrator finds certain aspects of the book potentially credible, as they relate to verifiable experiments and phenomena. However, his scepticism remains, as the book lacks validation of the claims made and raises questions about the legitimacy of the purported sources.
➡ Brother Russell believed that the Antichrist emerged in the 1st century which connects to Jack Parsons. The theory also mentions H.P Blavatsky, founder of Theosophical Society, who was initiated by Mazzini into Carbonarism, a secret Italian political movement. The text further discusses Leo Taxel’s fabricated story regarding Freemasons worshipping Baphomet which eventually sparked controversy within the Vatican. It delves into the ancient Masonic rites of Memphis and Miseryum and speculates that Illuminati rituals are possibly preserved within their higher degrees. The text also mentions influential personalities like Alice Bailey, Henry Steele Olcott, Elvis Presley, and Manly Palmer Hall in relation to Freemasonry, the Illuminati and the supposed Grand Druid Council. The write-up concludes with a mention of a hidden observer, a demonic entity that functions alongside the programmer in controlling an individual.
➡ The text details the analogy of daemons in computing and its connection to managing system errors. It then proceeds to discuss programming and the concepts of hypnosis and disassociation, referencing ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ as allegorical examples. The discussion hints at potential aspects of mind control, occult symbolism and conspiracy theories in these classic tales, touching upon topics like ‘MKUltra’ and imageries of the ‘White Rabbit’, ‘Yellow Brick Road’, and ‘The Red Shoes’.
➡ The text discusses conspiracy theories regarding the Illuminati, demons, belief in aliens, Saturn worship, and Billy Graham’s alleged Satanic practices. It also mentions the Lesser Key of Solomon Goatia, a significant book for the Illuminati who study it in depth. The speakers critique the pop culture trend of replacing traditional beliefs with beliefs in aliens and ghosts. The text also mentions ‘the spin principle,’ alluding to a network influencing conspiracy theories and shaping public opinion. Lastly, it mentions programming individuals to accept mock alien invasions and mentions Project Blue Beam, hinting towards mass manipulation and implanting false memories.
➡ The text discusses a range of conspiracy theories and psychological techniques, including claims of encoded triggers in individuals, the concept of altars or alternative personalities programmed during childhood, use of anger-induced fragmentation to create programmed “armies”, and the application of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for manipulating emotional states. Additionally, it touches upon the use of directed energy for physical and psychological manipulation.
➡ The text explores the power of reframing and using metaphors in programming, citing similarities with druidism and NLP. It also shares a personal example of reframing to manage frustration during traffic by imagining the journey as heading to a family reunion. The text also shares a Chinese Taoist story to explain the concept of disassociation and compartmentalization to handle discomfort. It further discusses Monarch programming by Disney and references to dwarves in the Snow White tale that are believed to represent demonic figures in Scandinavian lore. The text ends with an exploration of the Philosopher’s Stone, the Illuminati’s connotation of gold as wisdom, and the importance of white powdered gold to boost the pineal gland.
➡ The text discusses the concept of consuming white gold, a substance that supposedly results in the consumer becoming psychic, disease-free and developing a glowing complexion. The substance is linked with alleged practices of the Illuminati, interpretations of alchemy, and symbolism in various forms of media. Other topics include the creation of a video game and forthcoming projects and merchandise.
➡ The speaker is discussing a book that delves into various conspiracy theories and Illuminati systems, touching on coded alters within the mind, created by mind control programmers for certain triggers. This involves subpersonalities under mind control, with many specific and detailed layers mentioned. The speaker critiques the book for lacking citations and evidential footnotes.
➡ The conversation involves a deep discussion on the concept of “alters” or alternate personalities, using the example of actors embodying different roles. The participants debate the plausibility of extensive mind control and manipulation, employing scenarios from popular culture, role-playing, and conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories and the influences of power structures are also analyzed. They also discuss the possible use of discrediting tactics in extraordinary claims to lessen their credibility.
➡ The text discusses an episode of a TV show where a character gets selected for a secretive HVAC repair school, and further unfolds into a conversation on historical unethical practice by prominent figures in the Nazi regime. It concludes with information on a legal precedent involving a wrongful diagnosis resulting in a divorce, a possible reason many victims don’t come forward, and the controversy surrounding the concept of false memory syndrome.
➡ The text discusses the concept of “false memory syndrome,” a phenomenon where someone believes in memories that didn’t actually take place. It uses examples like the McMartin preschool trial and controversial methods such as recovered memory therapy to illustrate how leading questions or suggestive influences can lead to the creation of these false memories, further highlighting the impact these scenarios can have in court cases, media and psychiatric interpretation.
➡ The text discusses a theory about the memory of Bigfoot encounters, suggesting that the sight of the creature’s genitalia is so shocking or pleasurable that the human mind immediately wipes the memory. It carries on to present conspiracy theories about mind control, the influence of the illuminati, demonic possession, and their connection to various societal systems.
➡ The text seems to be a transcription of a podcast episode discussing the concepts of spirituality, religion, and symbolism’s influence over people’s beliefs and behavior, alongside a critique on attributing characteristics to astrological signs. It explores the impact of change in environment on mental health, as well as a critique and mockery of various institutions being part of the “Illuminati,” and ends by urging listeners to support their podcast if they appreciate their exploration of truth.
➡ The individual believes that certain intense books about mind control and the occult are not for the faint-hearted, comparing one unnamed mind control book to others, like “Genuflect”. Discussing the topic further, the speaker touches on the idea of certain individuals being lifeless or “NPCs”. The discussion deepens into grimmer subjects such as the spiritual preparation of children and in utero traumatization, citing Aleister Crowley’s works and concepts of black magic. The speaker confirms the existence of homunculus, but notes the difficulty in processing this type of heavy occult information.


Hello and welcome to the Juana Juan podcast. If you’re enjoying the show, consider signing up for the patreon. There you get ad free content, early access, exclusive episodes and monthly supporter hangouts. You can find it@patreon. com slash the Juan on Juan podcast. If you don’t like the subscription based models, there are other ways of supporting the show that are linked in the description in thank you for tuning in and enjoy this episode.

They said it was forbidden. They said it was dangerous. They were right. Introducing the paranoid American Homunculus owner’s manual. Dive into the arcane, into the hidden corners of the occult. This isn’t just a comic, it’s a hidden tome of supernatural power. All original artwork illustrating the groundbreaking research of Juan Ayala, one of the only living homunculogists of our time. Learn how to summon your own homunculus. An enigma wrapped in the fabric of reality itself.

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Available now from paranoid American. Get your copy@tjojp. com or paranoidamerican. com today ocean gods in the sky open up my third eye take a look it’s in a book the A Cup of Club. They will go anywhere but text the rare and knowledge to share the A cup with club. They will say anything comprises of old and secrets untold the akad book. Close audio. All right. Three, two, one.

Welcome back to another episode of the Occult Book Club number 14. And today we’re going to be talking about the illuminati formula used to create an undetectable, total, mind controlled slave. All right, are you allowed to say slave? Can we say slave? Especially in the first seven minutes? Right. I think it’s seven to 15 seconds, but we have an intro and all that stuff, so it won’t really matter.

But Thomas, you bring up a good point, because I’ve been bleeping out certain combinations of words lately on my videos on YouTube, and I’m not doing it because I want to. I’m doing it because if the video goes up anywhere else, like Rumble or Odyssey or Rockfin or no one’s going to listen, no one’s going to watch it. So if you’re on YouTube crying about, why is this censored? There’s a black box over the screen.

Subscribe to the RSS feed or go check it out on Rumble. If you’re catching this on YouTube and it’s censored, welcome to YouTube, everybody. This is what YouTube is about, about being censored and not being able to say whatever you want. So if you want the fully uncensored version, the link to the Rumble version fully uncensored is in the description. I’ve gotten so many comments. Why would you censor these words? Because YouTube don’t play that, bro.

And if we get flagged and we get our channel taken away, then we can’t be on YouTube. I didn’t believe it. And trust me, man, juan told me for I don’t know how long, he was like, look, man, you can’t put out a documentary on can’t. You’re not even allowed to say the word. I was like, that’s not right, man, because I’ve got all the receipts. Here’s the medical documentation, here’s a link to the actual study.

Here’s everything that proves that it’s not conspiracy theory. And I didn’t say anything. Salacious there was nothing over the top. I didn’t mention Chuck E. Cheese or none of that. It was just 100% on the level. Shout out to my homies. And for whatever reason, they just kept banning it over and over and over. And at one point, I was like, I’m going to save it as unlisted so I can send it to people and just see how that works out.

And within like 24 hours of me hitting that save button as unlisted, it got flagged, it got banned. They took it down. I submitted. I was like, tell me what the problem is. And they linked me to you got a strike too. Thomas yeah, it was unlisted video, and that’s why no one even saw it. No one at any point had ever even seen the video. But the fact that someone reviewed it and then saw that it wasn’t just in draft, but it was actually saved as unlisted, it was just an automatic strike immediately.

And I couldn’t believe it, bro. And there was no one that would listen to me. Wench about. So now everyone listening is my output. Thank you. And this is why thomas whatever, it was an idea, suggestion, whoever, to put out this occult decode, because at the bottom of this, you have these banned words and there’s a screen share mode, because again, they could potentially be screening the screen for words.

That’s how they got me 100% unequivocally. I had a picture of a vial of a on the screen. And just because it had the word, there was no words, there was no audio or anything at the same time. It was just a picture of a vial of an actual image. And that’s what I got flagged for, because it had the word on the. It was going to be fun.

Every time I say a word, I can see Juan take a step and start writing. Every time I want to take a break, I’ll just say, like, watch. And he has to write it. Look, he’s going to write it. I have to. Yeah, I have to. But that’s fine. We have the tech. Point being, I’m going to go light, man. I know it’s not fun. No, it’s fine, dude, it’s 100% fine.

We’re going to go regular, and I have the tech to take that off in 1 second. So for those complaining, there’s a Rumble version there’s the RSS feed version. Check it out on there. TJ ojp. com you can find my RSS feed. I always post the links in the description. I don’t know if Thomas has his RSS feed set up already. I know he has a Rumble. I think I’m on the way there kind of I don’t know.

We’ll figure that out soon. Anyways, welcome to YouTube, everybody. Also, another warning, this book, I don’t know what Thomas made me read, but it’s NSFW, not suitable for work. So I’m going to say that up front. We’re going to say some wild know. This is going to be one of those episodes. If you’re playing this for your customers and your bookshop, maybe put the headphones on. Yeah, turn it back on.

Katy Perry. This is not the episode to be playing out loud. I know people message me that they listen to me with their kids. That’s awesome. I try to keep the language clean for everybody. And yeah, that’s something I’ll censor. If I have a guest who’s overly cussing or whatever, I’ll take out a whole bunch of the words. I had somebody say, they said probably, I think 37 times.

They said like another 40 something times. So I had to center all that out, like in one other episode. But I’ll clean up the language. I know there’s sometimes if it was 93 total fucks, it might have been some magic going on, bro. They could activated a portal into another dimension. But this is going to be one of those episodes that’s very dark. The content material itself is degenerate, so you’ve been warned.

And it’s going to be interesting to see how we even get this on YouTube, if it even makes it on there. But anyways, I’m glad we have that all out of the way. Make sure to get your Homunculus owner’s manual. We’re going to be getting into the lens, bro. Yeah, sorry, bro. It’s actually just so going to get the Homunculus. Is that inverted for you? It’s inverted for me on my camera.

It looks right for me. So homunculus owner’s manual. TJ ojp. com the link is on there, published by Paranoid American Comics. He also has a whole bunch of other stuff. We have the chosen one. We have the occultist Monday. You can get your subscription to Paranormality Magazine. I was on issue 26. You can find the link in the description or use promo code tjojp. com. We also have the Kickstarter too.

For issue two of the chosen one links down below. And yeah, follow the show. Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, join the Telegram, join the discord, all that stuff. What do you got to plug, Thomas? Well, I just want to mention this episode in particular was the main inspiration. And this is for time samplers, issue three. This is probably my favorite. I don’t know, for whatever reason, man, every time I do a comic series.

Issue three is always my favorite issue, no matter what. Maybe I’m doing it intentionally, like I’m predictive programming myself or something. But in issue three of Time Samplers, out of many things that it covers, it breaks down the research we’re about to talk about. So if you already know the research, you can almost just take a look at this. Here’s your memory palace. This is how to create a complete mind control slave.

This one spread in my best possible effort, summarizes the entire, what, like, 600 page book that we’re about to get into. So this one two page spread is my best way of YouTube friendly shown. What are we doing, dude? Trying out new tech? I don’t know what’s going on. So anyway, I’ll refer back to this once we get into this aspect of it, but if you’re interested at all on this, here is Time Samplers series.

It’s the best comic book series you’ll ever read, and that is, I think it was last time we talked about this. 400%. Your money back if you are not 100% satisfied. Juan said that he personally nothing, bro. Juan will send you four times whatever you spend. So if you buy a comic book from Paranoidamerican. com and you send, like, $100 and just say, hey, the extra 96 or whatever is for you to keep, and then you don’t like it, juan has to pay you $400 in return.

You’ll get these. That’s what you’ll get. This is how much Juan believes in paranoid American as a whole. Listen, I’m already doing enough by being up here with you, so don’t push your luck, buddy. All right? But, yeah, check that out. Paranoidamerican. com patreon. com. Thehoononepodcast patreon. com paranoidamerican. All right, now that we got that out of the way ranting for nine minutes, let me start with a question.

Have you ever heard of Fritz Springmeyer before this? Or Cisco wheeler. Let me ask you a question, Thomas. All right, reverse uno card and yes or no, we’ll get into it. Do you believe? Why do you ask yes or no? We’ll get into the specifics, but do you believe in this stuff? Does it have to be yes or no? Yes. Why? Because. Just yes or no? Why? Because I want to know how you feel about it.

Because I know that you’re not into the I’m just messing with you because it’s like whoever answers the first question loses. And you just lost a couple of times. Who cares? I’m going to say, if you just stopped me on the street and you held the book up and you were like, do you think this is true? I’d have to say no, and I don’t want to lose anyone.

Before everyone starts unsubscribing, call me a shill and everything. And I did just get my latest Scottish rate card in the mail today, so whatever that’s worth. Yikes. But I feel that the research this is based on is just just keep doing it, dude. But I feel like the premise this book is based on, it’s like someone read the actual information about MKUltra and consider, too. This is written in, like, the mid ninety s, I believe, and it was maybe the dawn of the Internet.

It’s not like anyone was going on YouTube and watching a bunch of conspiracy videos and coming back with all this MKUltra research, right? So you kind of already had to be a little bit into some esoteric research to even have the type of information that Fritz had when he wrote this book. So with that said, I think the research that he was into is 100% correct, but he almost was like, okay, if this is what they were doing in the then all of the documentation just cuts out for the think fritz, in a way, in this book, fills in those gaps.

He’s like, and here’s what I think happened in the now, I don’t know if him filling in the gaps is 100% accurate, but at the same time, if someone came back and they were like, actually, it is. Here’s video footage, and it’s not AI, because here’s the AI algorithm that said that the AI wasn’t AI. So, anyway, even if you were to show me that, I’d be like, okay, it doesn’t surprise me that our government actually did that.

But some of the claims are so very specific, and the political value of being able to have this tape, it would be like black book, right? Like, if you had any of the things to back some of this stuff up, you could take entire dynasties down. That said, I mean, dynasties still exist, right? Bush family and Clinton family, they still got plenty of political power. And then also, we have to point this out that Fritz, I think ten years or 20 years after writing this and publishing this, he ends up going to jail for armed bank robbery and tries to appeal it.

And I don’t know the whole, like, I tried to look into it, I just didn’t care enough. But I would love if we could even get him on or talk to him, and if he wants to even hash a fraction of that out, but it feels like it’s either character assassination or this is the writings of somebody that was a very frustrated individual and then also committed armed bank robbery.

So with all of that in context, when you read this, it maybe makes a little bit more sense. I’m not throwing shade at all. In fact, I’m the one that suggested this. And whenever anyone asks me, hey, what’s, like, the craziest conspiracy theory book that you think I should read? If they’ve already gotten into the Manly Palmer Hall, or maybe they’re not into that, they want more of, like, the Mad magazine, crack magazine, suicide Squad style.

This is the book, bro. This is the one. And that’s the reason that, you know, time samplers almost existed as a way to take this type of research exactly. And boil it down into something that’s a little bit more understandable and approachable. I had never heard of Fritz. I thought he had passed. I thought this was like an older book. It couldn’t have been that old. I know it’s pretty dated.

Some of the information in it. I’m pretty sure it’s ninety s ninety six, I believe 96. There’s not a lot of information either on the actual book itself online, but yeah, 96 from what I’m seeing. And I hadn’t heard about him. And then when I had looked him up to try and get a little bit of a background on this guy, there’s really not a lot of information on him.

But we know a person, right. Donut shout out to Donut, who’s actually had him on before. So he’s an actual guy born in 1955, he’s 68 years old, and he’s in Kansas, I guess is where I actually just saw that there was like a GoFundMe that was started late last year that he had some kind of a medical issue coming out of anesthesia or something. But they got like an active GoFundMe and with a bunch of comments as much as 30 days ago saying like, get better, Fritz.

So I don’t know if it’s legit. It looks like it was somewhat legit, but it seems like he’s still around too. Yeah, he has a shout out, fritz, hope you pull through, man. Whatever’s going on, dude. Yeah, shout out to him because I thought even about getting I believe this is his website. I’m not 100% sure, but it’s hard to tell, right? Like, anything that comes up, someone could just be saying that it’s him.

It’s really hard to know exactly what he’s doing these days. So I hadn’t check out the wikipedia is an American author of conspiracy theory literature who has written a number of books claiming that a global elite who belong to Satanic bloodlines are conspiring to dominate the world. He has described his goal as, quote, exposing the New World Order agenda. Now, when you said earlier about recommending stuff to people, I think Manly P.

Hall, that’s more like the esoteric occult magic side of it. You got to figure out where someone’s at. Yeah, but you can’t give them this book, bro. Like, to start off, you can’t give them this book. Are you I have, I have before. Oh, you mean I don’t know. I guess I’d be like that YMCA counselor where someone brings you their baby and they’re like, hey, I heard that we can bring and I’m just like, before you finish your sentence, I just throw them in the deep end and just like, yeah, they figure it out.

As you’re like, signing them up for the class. You just chuck the baby into the water. Yeah, I don’t think this is pretty heavy as far as conspiracy stuff. And really, when I first started my whole podcasting stuff, I was really more interested in more, like, what I would consider the conspiracult. It’s like the mixture between almost kind of sort of not QAnon 100%. I think QAnon is kind of dumb, right? But, like, that line of thinking kind of dumb.

Wow. You’re leaving a little bit of room there for fans. It’s kind of retarded. All right. Paranormal. Don’t want to lose your patreons. No, I don’t think any of my patrons are, like, heavy Q people, but the concept of the elites worshiping like, miscellaneous gods, I can get behind that. But then when they step it up to other stuff, like Trump is the Messiah, or was it JFK.

King 33 ritual with Jane Shelby downard. No, that I can get behind. I like that like, mystical economy. Yeah, that I’m cool with. You know what, man? I’m fairly rational. I think in the context of conspiracies and occult and stuff, I think you believe way more than I believe. I’ll just throw that out there. I think you believe a lot more like a metric. Like what? Like what, bro? Like what? Let’s get into that in another episode.

That might be a fun little series of just like, let’s call out Juan and all of his beliefs. But I do feel that on some of the things in this book, you might be, you know, that’s obviously BS. I feel like I might be able to sell you on some of like like, I’ll just throw an example, like the woodpecker grid when you’re like, oh, is the woodpecker grid really real? And maybe not in the exact way that it’s described here, but I could point to the exact research that it’s based on that is real.

So, I mean, in that regard, man, some of the wild speculation I think is actually justified a little bit. So as we get to it, I’m going to point those specific parts out, and I’d like, whenever you get to something and you’re like, okay, this is the part that’s clearly not true, I want to first to both call it out and maybe see if either of us are swayed either way.

So right off the bat, when I was reading this, and it’s a heavy read, there’s one word he provides you with, a glossary of words that he’s going to write, glossary of how basic terms are used in this book. Now, before we get there, I always go down to the sources of this book, and this dude’s even calling out people he’s got, I believe, addresses and a whole bunch of stuff in this book.

This dude’s going hard in the paint. But this is my favorite here. So bibliography, sources, and let me pull it up here. So bibliography and sources. And check this out, bro. He provides stuff, but numerous professional papers, personal accounts about slaves, unpublished paperwork, tapes, interviews, therapists, books on mind control, books, on associated topics such as PTSD, the mind, hypnosis, drugs, witchcraft, and the various aspects of the so a lot of Trust Me Bros, right? We got some stuff here, but the top we got a little bit of a trust Me Bros here, like numerous professional pick.

Okay, sure, whatever. And he starts it off with the typical warning, read this before reading this book. And I think that’s like a not clickbaity. But I don’t know, man, one of the things that turns me off about this sort of thing, because I’ve heard about the Mothers of Darkness and all these crazy ideas and you’re talking to the homunculus guy, right? But there’s always that one little piece, even if it all sounds like BS, there’s always that one little piece in the back of your mind that you go, this sounds really ridiculous, sounds crazy, the stuff that he talks about in this book.

But there’s a possibility for it. There’s a possibility for and with the homunculus stuff, like we know that they’re creating entities and labs without a mother or father, like synthetic embryos and all that stuff. So that’s a possibility. Now, were they doing it in the 16th century or prior to that? That’s up for debate. But in this book, when he starts to get into if, and I just want to say that he talks about moon children also in homunculus in this book.

But if there a homunculus to me, and I said this recently on a podcast, it could be as simple as a royal bloodline. And by royal bloodline, I’m talking about like strong political influencers, right, that you mentioned, whatever. Insert your elite family here, right? The 13 bloodlines, 13 bloodlines, name them all. It’s like the RZA, the Jizza, the older Bassett, Inspector Deck, you got Ghost Face Killer and them planning the birthday of one of their heirs, right? By them astrologically aligning that embryo or baby’s birthday, whatever, that could be considered a sort of moonchild.

That’s a ritual in itself and that’s as simple as a homunculus can get. Now, obviously, there’s the Alchemical, all this craziness, woo woo. Yes, that’s part of it too. But remember, even Crowley in the 20th century wrote about this. You had Parsons also partaking in this sort of and Parsons was a pretty smart guy from what I’ve read. He was pretty smart. So he was believing in this sort of stuff too.

So the idea of a homunculus Ramon child is as simple as aligning this family member from this royal bloodline, right, for it to be favorable for him later on in life, whatever, to be aligned to have this. And then we’re going to do a C section too. We’re going to make sure he comes out at 333 in the morning on 420 or whatever it is, like whatever, insert whatever birthday right? Now, with that said, the baby does a little secret handshake on the way out of the womb.

It slides the thumb down to the right knuckle, right? So right off the bat, the first page, right near the beginning. Warning. Read this before reading this book. If there’s any chance you, the reader, have had mind control done to you, you must consider the following book to be dangerous. And I was like, this made me think, Brago, what have I let’s go, man. Let’s find out if I’m going to just snap, you know what I’m saying, bro? I was listening to the PDF.

I have this PDF reader, and I was listening to Mowing the Lawn, and he’s going on about all this craziness. I’m like, yo, am I about to snap and just not remember anything? I’m like a total mind control slave. Whatever. Because that’s what turns me off about these sometimes stories that you have of because dude a child. A child. My son, he’s five years old, and when I tell him, oh, let’s watch a documentary about bigfoot or aliens, whatever, the first thing he always asks me for, where’s the pictures? Like, where are they going to get them on camera? It’s like, as soon as I tell him, he’s like, Where’s the dog, man? Because it’s just like white dudes talking to the camera for two and a half hours.

It’s the same thing with the Gold TV shows, right? Three seasons in, you’re like, so how much gold have they found? You know what I’m saying? So, yes, we can listen and read these stories. And this dude said some wild stuff in this book, like crazy stuff that you think about. And then another aspect that turns me off about it is the names. The Grand Council of the Druid Order of the he doesn’t make that up, man.

That one in particular that you’re making fun of, which deserves to be made fun of a little bit. I’m almost positive that comes from a guy named John Todd. And John Todd was sort of a slightly, like one generation back, maybe he might have been contemporary with Fritz, but John Tod claimed that he was born into one of these high level Druid Illuminati bloodlines. Like his family was in the top ten.

Yeah, bro, I got a book somewhere behind me of him, and it’s called The John Tod Experience. Like an ex Druid Illuminati member, Tell Hall or something, was a primary source for me publication works against Dungeons and track. So he’s anti DND, anti Catholic, anti Christian rock because he actually thinks that Christian rock is Satanic, which isn’t just he’s a fun guy, but I’m sure he shows up and everyone’s like, the party’s here, right? But John Tod ends up influencing chick tracks.

And then the chick tracks and John Tod combined, I would say, probably influenced Fritz. I might have some of that wrong. Please, Fritz. Come on. So we can figure out where all the inspiration, everything came from. Because I really think this particular book and I guess. Let’s say that Fritz just was summarizing a bunch of stuff. Let’s say that all of it’s real, and he had all the footage and all the books, and he talked to the people.

At no point does he say, like, and here’s what I think. It’s like, here’s what’s happening based on my research and me talking to these people. And I’m going to assume that when he was talking to these people, it was just like, whatever they say is truth, and I’m going to write it as such because there’s nowhere in the book where it’s like, and so and so said this.

But then I followed up and asked them, well, what about X, Y, and Z? And then they said that it doesn’t have that. It’s just like, here’s the 13 bloodlines. Here’s where they poke you. Here’s how long they keep you in the dark while they’re poking you. That’s kind of how it’s almost this is written out. They dunk you in a bucket full of feces and hold your head down as they let you watch us murder somebody in front of you.

Right? And we decapitate them, and then we give that to the little child that’s standing there. So let me ask you, since you just jumped in, headfirst into the bucket of feces, but I mean, when someone’s like, yo, have you heard this wild thing called Drip where Hillary and Huma Baden cut off a little girl’s face and they wear it and it’s nuts, and then there’s, like, dudes in the corners jerking off.

Wow. 2020 is, like, the craziest new ever, right? You know what I mean? That edition is new to me. There’s a dude in the corner jerking? Well, I assume so. Okay. All right. Yeah, I’m embellishing a little bit. I’m fritzing it a little bit. But when someone says that and it’s like, man, frazzle. That’s wild. If you’ve read this book first, you’re just like, oh, you must be on chapter two.

That’s cool. Keep reading. You know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. It’s like, oh, chapter whatever. Chapter 33. You’re just at the face part. Sodomy by directed energy weapons. Yeah. You haven’t got in there. Yeah, that’s my favorite part. I was like, Dude, when I heard that, I was like I was so mind blown. I was like, what did I just hear? What did you just say? I don’t know, man.

I see your point where maybe this isn’t the best book to be like, hey, are you just new and getting into? But at the same time, I don’t know. I would feel ripped off if I went, like, 1520 years into conspiracy theory research earnestly. Like, you’re reading about King and you get to James Shelby, and you get to all of these different authors, and then 20 years go by, and then you’re like, Wait, I’ve never heard of a directed energy sodomy weapon.

Why did no one bring this up? So you’re. Welcome. We’re letting you know that this is the book that’s got kind of I mean, there’s nothing new under the sun, I guess, is what I’d say. It’s like all the weird QAnon theories and stuff, it’s rehashed. And even the stuff in this book is rehashed. This isn’t new. They’re just retelling stories that kind of, like have been told over the years.

And I think that that aspect, it’s like where these stories started from. There’s definitely a connection. If you go back to 1700, probably newer, but 17 hundreds, they were doing wild stuff. What was the Frederick of Wherever that had the 14,000 pickle punks. And people were into weird, weird stuff that goes way outside the range of this book. So it’s not just like someone turned that switch off for 100 years and then flipped it back on in 2016.

Right? So that’s where we’re at. That’s where this book kind of fills that gap in. They were into weird butt stuff all along, dude. Like, from the beginning. And again, this is coming from the homunculus guy who reads some really weird grimoires. I didn’t even know about this until Paranoid American pointed it out, and I didn’t know about it till Paranoid American brought it up. I heard you mention I think you had mentioned it quite a few times before.

I try to spread the gospel. I evangelize this book as much as I can. This is not the way to spread the gospel, brahma tell you that right now. So let’s get into here. I highlighted a couple of parts. We’re going to take it in chronological order from the beginning all the way towards the end. There was a lot of stuff. I know he gets into some patents towards the end.

He also goes on a huge section on what’s the dude’s, the he’s dead. Oh, yeah, yeah. Billy Graham, I think. Billy Graham. No. Was it Billy Graham? Yeah, it was Billy Graham. He’s definitely dead. Yeah, he’s dead. As. And that folds into the Christian rock angle, too, I think, a little bit. Let me see what I have here. All right. So before we get into it, one of the particular words that he says quite a bit because he has this whole glossary of words, how I had showed at the beginning, the main one that really gets tossed around a lot, a lot, a lot, which I’m going to read the whole definition of it because it’s pretty important in the book.

And once you pick it up, you’ll understand. He uses altar a lot. That’s the main of anything. He uses a lot of the other words, right? Councils illuminati. We have Satanic SRA. I’m going to have to censor that for YouTube. Monarch programming system. Multiple personality deity. New world order. Right? Just the greatest hits, really. But altar takes the cake on this one because he uses this one the most.

And an altar, our usage is trying to follow the programmer’s usage of this word and the programmers I mean, yeah, we’ll get there. Disassociated. Disassociated part of the mind which has a separate identity and is given cue codes by the mind control programmers to trigger that disassociated part of the mind to come. Did you just say Q codes? Okay. C-U-E-Q. Yeah, but if it sounds the same, it’s the same thing.

That’s how it works. Oh, really? Okay, so disassociated part of the mind to come to the front of the mind, the altar’s identity may be a gem rock, a tape recorder, a poodle, a white kitten, a dove, a horse, or even think of itself as a person or a demon. Yeah, it all depends on its programming. An altar is different from an altar fragment in that the altar fragment is disassociated part of the mind is a disassociated part of the mind, which serves only a single purpose.

The programmers will give an altar a history and ensure that shadow altars provide a full range of accessible motion. Sometimes the distinctions between altars and altar fragments is vague, but examples from the two ends of the spectrum are easy to tell apart. We use the word altar in this book to conform to what programmers charts are encoding as altars. A typical main Mengala created grid would be a grid of 13 x 13 principal a coded altars, which is one six nine principal altar personalities.

And I want to read this stuff so you could get a feel as to how the book kind of gets, like, he starts throwing in all this lore, like, this extra lure. I’m like, all right, well, hold on, let’s stop on that one, because I think that’s a great example of I think there’s so much specificity here where it’s like there’s exactly 13 by 30. That’s the part where it’s like, all right, man, where was that in the bibliography? Is there, like, a footnote that says, and then here’s where that no footnote.

That part is not in there. But I think that if you take it from, like, a symbolic standpoint, which maybe it’s not written that way, but you’re clearly getting that we’re not talking about five altars or even, like, 20, right? I don’t know how old some of the people that are listening, but I remember in the like, Sally Jesse Raphael and Ricky Lake and all of the early morning talk shows, all of them had at least one or two episodes with someone that had, like, 20 personalities.

And it was almost like a game of like, oh, but Sally Jesse Raphael’s got someone that had 60 personalities. Yeah, bro, but Jerry Springer, that dude, had, like, 200. You know what I mean? So it’s almost like the more personalities, the more impressive. But regardless, we’re not talking about Juan and Juan’s alter ego or, like, Juan and Grumpy, juan and Sad, Juan and Fun Wan. Oh, there’s probably some fun mascot names in there.

But anyways, jumping wand. But once you get to all of the different range, we’re talking hundreds of altars, and some of them are like single use, right? Some of it’s just like a ketchup packet that you tear open and you use it and you throw it away and it’s just gone forever. Turns off the Struck too, which is or maybe in this case, it’s like a hoarder. Like, you use it and you just kind of throw it in the ground and it’s there for the rest of your life, but it just has no use to you anymore.

No, absolutely. So just, again, gets pretty weird in Illuminati systems. And this again, the Lure ceremonial altars will consist of three altars placed on a spinning pedestal together into triad, goddesses or gods. That means that an A coded altar on some levels is actually three altars spinning together, which must be locked in place to communicate with and then rotated to communicate with the other two. Yeah, but so to answer, I guess the way he’s describing, which this isn’t like proof that it’s existing, but it’s almost like imagine there’s three wands right now.

Like, if I call up altar seven of wand, right, you’re like, now all of a sudden, you channel the Nick Cage version of the wand altars, right? So it’s like saying, once I can summon the Nick Cage wand, now I know that if I make him mad, then he’ll turn into a horrible freaking system. Analogies. Yeah, he turns into like, the Quentin Tarantino, but it’s like turning into certain channels and then subchannels or like going into a Sam Tripoli site and then picking which podcast you want to listen to.

It’s like categories. So first you get Juan into this mode, and then you make him angry to get him into this more specific version of that mode. And that’s what he’s describing here in a weird way, where it’s like a system of three. But just imagine if you’ve got the three heads, right, like Janice, and it’s like, I can just spin your head a little bit one way, and now I get to talk to that one, and if I don’t want to talk to that one anymore, I can spin it the other way.

But he’s outlining these rules where it’s like, I can’t just be like, okay, I’m talking to Juan seven B. Let me call up Juan 493 B. You know what I mean? It doesn’t work like that. You got to jump in and out of folders almost like you’re going through, like, a computer system. And I think that books like this and ideas like this is what turns people off to conspiracies, because there is some truth in conspiracy theories.

Like, as far as I believe that elite people are in control, we know that there’s a system, there’s a hierarchy. We know that. We see that throughout history, rulers, the people under them, and stuff like this. Really? We’re just talking about altars right now, man. We haven’t even gotten into bro. This is hard to swallow. It was a hard pill for me. To me how it’s hard to swallow, though? Because to me, the first time I even read this, I was like, oh yeah, that makes so much sense.

It clicked and I kept going. So what part of having altars is weird? The reason it clicks for you is because we have so much to fill in when we’re thinking about these ideas that yes, to the crazy person that wants to fill in the lure of this stuff. But I’m talking about me reading this at like age 17 in the before. Yeah. Oh, man. That in itself is a way of creating an undetectable total mind control slave, if you really think about it.

You know what I’m saying? These words no, because seriously, because these words, it’s like people who watch movies. Like, look at that dude who watched The Matrix and killed his entire family because he thought they were all after he was getting phone calls with cryptic messages and all that stuff. Like, there’s literally The Matrix hold let me let me just see if this makes it a little bit more believable.

You got Nick Cage behind you, right? So if you went to Nick Cage if we went to Nick Cage and you were to just be like, I mean, this would be a dick thing to like you don’t tell Jesus to just create miracles on the spot. But you went to Nick Cage and you were like, hey, channel your character from Color of Space or channel your character from Once Bitten or channel your like he could do that.

And how many characters you think he can channel? Probably a hundred, right? At least. So here’s a very practical way in Hollywood where some people make it their entire life’s profession in creating altars and being able to jump in and out of it. And the most important part is that if you jump from one altar to the next again in Nick Cage’s world, right? If the character he was just in is like crying and angry, and then he jumps into another one, that other one, it wouldn’t be accurate if he was still carrying over the emotion from the first one.

He might still have tears running down his face, he might still have blood in his cheeks and his heart rate might be elevated because those are the physiological side effects of that previous altar. The second you switch that’ll return back to a different state or go into a new one based on the new altar, that would be asking a character actor a lot to be like, okay, now give me crying.

Okay, now give me laughing. You know what I mean? That might be some MKUltra on its side, but I think I’m making a good case that there is proof that someone can have hundreds of altars and be able to switch between them as needed. Now that’s if you intentionally are doing it because someone’s paying you millions of dollars. Now imagine you’re doing it because someone keeps hitting you with a cattle prod or like poking you with needles or something.

Go ahead and write that down. 39 eight. I did. No, it’s a batch thing. You just type in the word whenever I talk, it’s just like I can already hear people. Why even upload this if it doesn’t make Go to rumble? Check out the RSS feed. You won’t regret it. So, yeah, no, you’re making an absolute great point when it comes to that. But then it’s like the whole unsuspecting and then there’s tons of interviews, particular ones that I’m not going to say any names, but you can look up, like, what is it called? The daughters of darkness.

And there’s various other ones that you could just listen to where it’s just crazy. It sounds crazy. I mean, it sounds crazy. I think. Paul Bonacci. John Bonacci. Johnny Gosh. Like a lot of those stories, I think Paul Bonacci and the Franklin scandal and all of that ties into this illuminati mind. Fritz spring. You don’t know about Franklin scandal? No, but then it gets welcome to the next episode of a book club because it gets into people like, what’s that one dude from above, majestic, where it’s like and then they took me to the moon, and then they touched my butthole in the moon on the secret space program.

And then I was dumped in the streets after I was like, what? They took them to the moon to sign some paperwork to the dark side of the moon. You could see where you could get lost in the sauce, you know what I’m saying? But imagine and we’re talking about a kid, right? So imagine that this is happening in Hollywood, and someone’s like, hey, bring that private jet.

Bring the express over to this Hollywood set. We’ve got a whole film set set up. It looks like the moon. It’s wild. And we got dudes that we got the astronaut suits. Do whatever you want with them there. Because when they go back home and they’re like, they tell the sheriff that someone touched me on the moon. They’d be like, okay, kid, go back to your parents. You know what I mean, bro? And tell me that they didn’t have the resources to convince a kid that the nest quick rabbit was in the room while they were doing something.

It sounds crazy, but I don’t want to out anyone in particular here. Let’s be respectful about it. Well, here, I’ll be respectful about this, but I just want to say that one of the top DNA I just outed it, but it’s okay. So one of the top marijuana strain growers that went to Amsterdam in the mid 90s or whatever, I ended up hanging out with them a couple of times.

And I remember we just got really blasted on chocolate lape or something. I’m probably also giving away who they are. So we get blasted, and he starts telling me this story. He’s like, bro, I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but when I was a kid, like me and my friends, this crazy thing happened. And while it was happening, there was someone in the room that was dressed up like Ronald McDonald.

And there was another person that was dressed up like the Hamburglar. And we remember when we went and tried to tell our parents, like, hey, this really wild thing happened, and the Hamburglar was there. They were just like, oh, okay. You know what I mean? And maybe you don’t go over to that person’s house anymore, but clearly you’re kind of making stuff up about it, and that’s the reason why those things are planted.

So, I mean, is it that hard to believe that someone could just put on a Hamburglar costume while something crazy is going on? Again? Every time you’re like, this is wild, I’ll be like, hey, bro, here’s a really easy explanation. This is why we’re here, to discuss this sort of thing. Because that makes a lot of sense of like, yeah, make one part of this. And that’s why I’m open to all that’s.

Why I’m open to all this, because how I always said in the back of your mind, could that be possible? Well, discredit him. Well, what are we going to discredit him? Say that he went to the moon. No one’s ever going to believe that. So it’s like, yeah, and then how you’re saying the moon? Yeah, he went to the moon. Some studio in Hollywood in some freaking warehouse somewhere.

Yeah, they took him to the moon. Check this out. A on the TV show community. Have you ever seen the show before? No. So the TV show Community, in season three, they start this new storyline about the greendale air conditioning repair school. And basically, it’s almost like the HVAC Repair school is like the illuminati in the context of this TV show, and no one can get in. You have to know someone to even be tapped to get into the HVAC Repair school.

So one of the guys gets tapped. I think it’s Donald Glover. Childish gambino. But anyways, he gets tapped, and he has to crawl through the HVAC vent and navigate through the school. And then finally he gets into this special secret room, and John Goodman’s there, and he’s got a king’s robe on him, and he’s got a scepter, and he’s sitting in this big chair, and he’s got, like, an astronaut on one side and, like, an Easter Bunny on the other side.

And he’s like, welcome to the HVAC Repairman school. You’ve been accepted. And he asks, like, what’s with the astronaut? What’s with the Easter bunny? And John Goodman tells it’s it’s if anyone asks you about this, they won’t believe. Oh, man. Yeah, no, again, yeah. You’re making a lot of sense. And this is something here, right? In part of the book, he talks about how Joseph Mengley or that’s how you say it, conducted mind control research on thousands of twins and thousands you say that name with some respect.

Joseph Mengle and thousands of other hapless victims, himmler supervised genetic research, the Nazi research records. Let me write that down for the German research records. Might want to just start saying German to save yourselves. The German research. No, that’s disrespectful to the Germans. Isn’t that messed up, though? It’s like when you need to say but there’s no easy way to say it, so then you have to say, like, German.

But I’m not trying to call all Germans blame research, bro. Record doing it, not me. Yeah, exactly. Right. So check out the Rumble 101 RSS feed. Wild Wild West records were confiscated by the Allies and are still classified. And then a trip can be made from downtown Washington on a gray government van which serves DA DA DA. So most of Mangalay’s concentration camp research is still classified, much of it dealt with mind control research, can visit the top floor, et cetera, et cetera.

So see, this part I believe. I believe that these people well, but then again, it’s what history tells us, that they were conducting all this stuff. How do we actually know it wasn’t our own people in our government that were actually conducting it? We have paperclip. We have all those things which sound really far fetched, but we know it’s part of history, right? We know that they recruited a whole bunch of people over.

Yeah, man, I could go on like a four hour soapbox. I’ll make it like a four minute one. But it started here. It started in the US. I’m going to hit this real quick. Space. What was that? Fake and gay. That’s my new space is fake and gay. That’s when the AI freaked out. Didn’t know what the hell to do. I took the levels and I just put it to all the way to the left, all the way to the right.

And it came with the most beautiful it’s like you drop a nuke. Listen, watch. It’s like he drops a nuke and then he just watch. Space is fake and gay. All right, bro, where even was I? Man, you were going to go on a rant about Mangaland z Nazis. I was going to say that it gets phrased often that it’s like, oh, the US. Went and captured the Nazis and brought them here and just continued to the research.

No, man, it was like if this was a relay race, it was like the United States started the race, right? And they were like, what a great word for that, too. They started the race and they run with the baton and then they run all the way over to Germany and they’re like, yo, check this out, bro. This race is going really well over here. And they pass the baton to Germany.

Germany looks at it and they’re like, damn, this is a great idea. We’re going to make everyone in the country run this race. And then it was like the Americans were sitting back, damn, bro, that’s not what that was supposed to be originally. Maybe eventually it would go that way, but you can’t just force people to race. They have to want a race, you know what I mean? Or you have to entice them with money, like a monetary incentive to join a race.

Or maybe it’s like a punishment. Like, you’ve done too many bad things now you got to go and take a lap, right? Like you showed up to gym class and you were goofing off and the gym teacher is like, that’s it. For the next hour, you’re running mean. That’s the way I see it, is like the Americans were like, hey, we should get everyone into racing, but we have to kind of persuade them over time.

Like a Fabian society, very slow boil. And Germany had no chill about it. They were just like, no, racing is great. Everyone needs to race today. You know what I mean? So anyways, that happens. They lose the race and then the Americans go over and we’re like, you guys have developed some great racers. Like, you’ve been training for four or five. Like, you are fast, you are good at your craft.

It would be a shame for you to just stop racing, you know what I mean? If you’re so good at it, so why don’t you come over to the US. We’ll put you in a US jersey and you can race for us now. And let’s just forget about that horrible team and the bad manager. Everyone knows it was just the manager that was the asshole and it wasn’t any of the players, you know what mean? So anyways, that’s the analogy.

It started in the US. And it was very much like a capitalist based, like, do this thing right? Like make sure that you never have kids again and we’ll give you this amount of money. Or oh, you’ve been to jail too many times. That’s your third. It’s like your subway card, right? They clip. It was like, oh, that was your twelveTH visit. Sorry. Pass through the clinic on the way out and they’re going to tidy something up for you.

But when it went to Germany, it was just everywhere. Get rid of the cripples, the retards, and those other people too. They can go, no, I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding. So again, that’s the soapbox, though it wasn’t that. We went over and found nasty people doing nasty things in Germany and brought them back and then it went out of control. It was like we started the fire and then it spread a little bit and got a little hotter.

And then we were like, okay, now we know what not to do, so let’s go ahead and keep doing what we were doing and then not do this one thing that, you know, anyone listening to this Thomas, could could really take some of this stuff out of context and maybe call you a sympathizer. That’s just me thinking outside the box, dude. A sympathizer of who? Of the people who finished the race.

Anyways, let’s see here. They’re still working on it. I think it’s going to be going for a while. All right, we have here what was the other page, man, I missed a page. Here where he talks about the precedent was supposedly a wife who went to a doctor who told her she had syphilis. The wife assumed she got it from her husband and divorces him. Then she learns she doesn’t have syphilis.

The husband then sues the doctor upon the bizarre case. Rest illegal precedents for a third party to sue a person who gives advice, such as family members suing a therapist. Upon this weak precedent, an abusive father who worked for Monday why did I highlight this right here? California successfully destroyed a legitimate therapist who was trying to save his daughter, who was a program monarch victim. Oh, okay. So I think he’s talking about how more people don’t come out because of this.

And upon this weak president and abusive father who worked for Monday in a winery in California, successfully destroyed a legitimate therapist who was trying to save his daughter, who was a program monarch victim. Supposedly, the therapist had implanted false memories in his daughter. Let me write that down. You couldn’t think of a back? I’d see you like, what word should I use? Yeah, we’re just sending it, bro.

Whatever. This episode is fucked. So memories of and his daughter when the records show that the daughter’s mother told the therapist the girl had been by her father when a valid case of SRA and repressed memories went to trial in Washington State involving a police officer whose family was MPD. Dr. Richard offSHI of false memory and you can see is that legitimate? I don’t think you can think.

I looked at it. False memory spindrum. What is that? False memory syndrome is no syndrome. Well, I think that that’s just his way of saying he’s making fun of the word. Instead of calling it false memory syndrome, he calls it false memory spindrum. Like they’re spinning it to be real when it’s really and it gets into this weird area of contention of whether or not you think it’s possible to implant false memories in someone or can someone.

Have you ever heard of the McMartin preschool trial? Enlighten me, Thomas. So McMartin preschool trial was in the height of the satanic panic of the bunch of kids started making these accusations that they had, like, underground tunnels and they were making them watch the slaughter of goats. And then the daycare people that were taking care of them were, like, doing all kinds of nasty things with the animals and the blood and the kids and this and the that and the airline food.

But then I guess they go to these therapists, and the therapists start showing them dolls, and they’re know this is where the jokes, like, show me where he touched you on the doll. This is a huge element of that. This is the McMartin preschool trial, and the kids start basically getting influenced. So if you ask a kid, you’re like, well, did they touch you in a bad way? Yeah.

And all of a sudden, in one aspect, right? And the kid, it’s like, why am I getting this weird attention? Why are they so hyper focused on me all of a sudden? Normally people don’t pay attention to me. I’m just a kid. And they’re just like, there’s a kid over there, but all of a sudden, it’s like they’re really concerned, so they would kind of, like, feed into it.

Yeah, maybe he did. Oh, my God. He did. Here, let’s get another few adults in here and give you some more attention. So that’s the one extreme of it, right? So it’s like the more you make things up, the more attention you get. And on top of that, it’s almost like polluting the well. So if you were in a court case, they would usually say, leading the witness, you’re not allowed to be like, so, Juan, on Friday at four, you left at, like, 330, right? You weren’t there at four.

You left at 330. If you’re prefacing it up. So all you have to say is yes or no. Then it’s like, I get to say everything about it, and you can just nod yes or no. So that’s kind of one premise of false memory syndrome is that these kids would spin they would spin these stories up and keep saying yes. Yes. And the more times they would tell it, the more real it would become, to the point where there was almost no difference between whether it actually happened to them or it didn’t, because they had to recount it hundreds of times in front of so many different people at that point.

I mean, you’re making, like, a sigil, right? You’re, like, making, like, a thought form Aggregor of the actual thing happening to you, which might not be as physically traumatic, but it’s probably mentally traumatic all the same. So that’s false memory syndrome is when you say, that can’t be possible. Anything that you can get an eight year old to say in a locked room with an adult therapist is the truth.

They can’t make things up. They’re just from the mouth of babes. So that could be a form of implanting false memories then, right? And then they kind of sort of, after that, really draw a picture of everything else. Essentially is what it is. Because I mean, if it’s like they clone Tyrone where they flash a bunch of lights in front of their face and what’s that other movie Clockwork Orange, where they do the whole hold their eyelids open and put things in their memory like know and I could see where yes, I see it with my kids too.

Like we’ll ask him we’ll ask him the question, then we’ll ask him the opposite of the question. And sometimes the answer changes depending on which choice we give him first will determine the outcome of the question. And sometimes me and my wife will be like, all right, so did you DA DA? He’ll be like, no. And then she’ll be like, ask him the other one first. And then see, we’re trying to come up with like, what do you want your birthday party to be? Do you want it to be Spiderman or X Men? Spiderman.

That’s NLP bro. That’s 100% NLP X Men bro. You know what I’m saying? Which one do you want? So it’s like whichever one you present first. So I could see that happening. Absolutely. What you’re saying. They could implant false memories. So he goes on here. So a false memory spindrum showed up to cause mischief, and mischief he did work. The case involved the children of a Christian police officer named Ingram who had satanically ritually abused his family for years.

The daughter won in court, but offshoot of the EMS was not above writing a book full of lies. So he’s going after somebody here. The controlled media is giving full licenses. I’m going to look this up to see if this is even a thing. And I want to point out something else too, that I guess gets conflated. And this is going to be the easiest episode to take me out of context and just get me canceled.

But I would say that if someone’s doing something like that to their own kids, isn’t the Satanic part sort of redundant? Is the bad part the Satanic word? Or is it everything outside of you can take that word out and it’s just as reprehensible, right? So usually when they include the Satan in there, it’s to kind of be like and they’re doing it because of the devil. And it’s not necessarily because of just human nature or just the horrible state of humanity.

It’s because the devil actually had an active participant in. So rather than fighting the government for scraps to declassify documents which have had their secrets marked out and which may even be fake, documents manufactured by the CIA have decided that there is a much better approach to expose the monarch mind control of the world if a person could know. All right, so apparently this is an actual thing.

This Richard Offshoot guy is and he’s still alive, an American sociologist and professor Ameritus of what is that? Emeritus. Yeah. So an honorary title. Berkeley. He is known for his expert testimony relating to coercion in small groups, confessions and interrogations. So he talks about false memories right here and again, imagine this dynamic, right? Someone grabs your kid like he’s at school, right? Your kid gets called into the principal’s office and then the vice principal is in there and then the teacher’s in there and they’re all nodding and going like, so do you know why you’re here? You were bad, weren’t you? And even if you don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, it’s a little kid and three authority figures that are all sort of like coercing you into acting a certain way and it’s not hard to just get someone to play along.

In that case. It’s kind of what like a police interrogation is, right? So he’s saying that this dude is in cahoots pretty much with the people, is what he’s saying. Because this is the two different sides. One is that there’s no such thing as false memories. And then this guy, like you say, recovered memory therapy will be recognized as a quackery of 20th century it’s. Because he kind of says that you can’t rely on this sort of information.

This is not admissible and you can’t even take it as fact. And I like where he mentions it. What does he call it? The recovered memory therapy. I don’t see it in here anymore. But you know how people do like the past life regression and they’re like, oh yeah, well, it’s a I remember no, I actually remember like I can smell the sea and I can feel the boat moving.

And then it’s like, oh my God, I was also thoth, right? Like I was the god, thoth. And I wrote the Emerald Tablets. I’m just remembering it. I was Barney the yeah, and everyone’s always like a king and never like the guy that’s like the toilet. But I mean, that’s kind of the same premise. That’s an extreme hyperbole version of it. But the guy that you just had pulled up there, that Fritz is saying he’s part of the Illuminati, he’s part of the Satanists and stuff.

It’s more like that guy is saying like, hey, man, maybe your past life shouldn’t be admissible in court. It’s cool if you think you were a pirate 100 years ago or 200 years ago, but you don’t really have a lot of proof for it, so we’re not going to go with that. So that’s sort of what he’s saying. Hey, that’s great. You pulled my seven year old kid into a room and got interrogated by a bunch of adults for 3 hours and that he said all this crazy stuff, that’s cool, but until you got proof, we can’t actually accept that as fact.

Exactly. In my mind, that’s the line of contention. It’s not that anything a kid says is obviously a lie or that everything that they say is made up, but there might be some middle ground but you got Fritz on one far end of that extreme, and then this guy kind of at the other end fighting each other. So it’s like next time you guys have I know you do.

The realities are next time you have a person telling their story about encountering Bigfoot or dog man, just like throw him for a loop, bro. As soon as like, yeah, I saw a dog, man. He was charging straight at me. Just how big was his dick, bro? I knew you were going to say it. I knew it. How big was the you know what I’m saying? Did you see it? Was he circumcised? Not circumcised? What’s going on? You know what I’m saying? Because when people rehearse, like, a story over and over again, they’re going to get down their details, and we just throw them for a loop, bro.

That’s like my first question. What’s up with his dick, though? You know what I’m saying? I know you’re joking them, but there’s a real theory that goes behind this, and that’s that just like the movie Men in Black. They hold the pen up, right, and it flashes your memory away, which is also based on real MKUltra CIA mind research. But it wasn’t a pen. It was like concussive therapy.

Like, they would just hit you in the head really hard. But there’s some theories that say that Bigfoot’s dick is so incredibly huge that a if a man sees it in real life, it’s like a traumatic experience for you because you feel like the least like a man you’ve ever felt in your life. And because of that, your body sort of protects itself by wiping that trauma immediately.

Like, the second a man sees Bigfoot’s dick, you forget it immediately because you can’t fathom that there’s something that’s just so incomparable. And at the same time, if a female sees Bigfoot’s dick, they are just so overcome with just pure ecstasy and orgasm that it also removes itself from their memory because the sensory perception overwhelms your ability to implant that memory into your neurons. You might think, I’m just, you know, he’s being funny.

This has come up more than once, and these are real theories that we’ve explored on reality’s. Ours. Yikes. All right, well, so that’s why if someone doesn’t know what Bigfoot’s dick looked like, it was because it was traumatic for them. So if you can remember what it looks like, the kudos, bro, check your checkmate checkmate, bro. Yeah, I knew we were going to get weird. I said I saw it.

It was okay. We’re going to crank up the heat here a little bit more. All right, here it goes. So we have the handlers of mind control slaves carry around, and this is again, part of it. Is it the lore? Is he drawing from somewhere? Are we just in the terminology still right now? No, I’m on page. Okay. I’m on page ten. So the handlers of mind control slaves carry around a black or gray three ring notebook or a laptop computer with the access codes and triggers.

Some of the programmers and the handlers have this all memorized. The deepest parts, core Gems, executive Committee, false Trinity, et cetera, are charted in Esoteric language such as Enochian, Hebrew, which is considered magical, and Druid symbols. I have never gotten the opportunity to look at one of these, although a number of the slaves who I’ve talked to with have while they were being programmed. Oh, okay. All right, so you’ve never seen it.

It’s just what these people are telling. All right, cool. Right here’s where some of okay, I’m not going to offend this one because it’s like this person was programmed, but they didn’t program the part to forget about the part where they saw the programming source code. They forgot to program that part out. You know what I mean? You can see where it can be like if you’re watching this as a movie, you’re like, all right, there’s a lot of plot gaps here.

Well, that’s the thing, dude. They make movies about this exact sort of stuff. You know what I mean? So are they drawing it? And comic books, right? Paranormal American time samplers. Check it out. Paranormalamerican. com. So is it coming from stuff like this that they know? Let’s say that the cinema jason are like this cabal and they have access to all this stuff, and Kubrick was this crazy mastermind, or do we make it seem like he was this crazy mastermind? He was actually just making good movies and he was just a really good like, which is it? You know what mean? Like there’s I think he was crazy master.

The more I look into it on that one in particular, I know it was rhetorical, but I just have to say that Kubrick was absolutely a definitively you don’t have to ask that ever. Quinn never even ask that question. Space Odyssey was pretty damn good. All those movies were amazing. So again, this is just one of those where it’s like, trust me, bro. Source. Don’t worry about it.

All right, if you know, you know. The Illuminati have recently put in base programming that allows them to ultimate control over many of the other group slaves. This will be described. Okay, so let’s go along here. The programmers are here’s another one. How you said, what does it matter if they’re doing all these horrible things to throw in Satanic or demonic in there? The programmers are much into demonology before therapists close their minds I was on board until if they’re into demonology, bro.

Never mind. On second thought, this doesn’t sound like such a fun thing. So he goes, the programmers are very much into demonology. And he goes, before therapists close their minds to this subject. So any therapists listening before you close off your mind to this, the authors would like to point out that they personally know of cases where monarch slaves, whose Christian personalities and other altars didn’t believe in demonology were talking to participating in real deliverance.

And slaves discovered, much to their surprise, that work that they had unsuccessfully tried to do for years with their therapist was accomplished in a day or two. He goes on, some prestigious researchers have decided the subconscious doesn’t exist because they can’t find it. It’s mysterious. To the man in the street, the concept subconscious is as mysterious as the concept demon. Both have been the objects of intense research by the German intelligence groups.

In fact, many of the concepts in this book have been purposely obscured by the illuminati’s control over the media and universities. The illuminati bro. These obscured concepts include MPD, which is the did, which is the multiple personality disorder, disassociative identity disorder. It’s like the check it out, bro. The progression. Dude, I just remembered something that’s going to be crazy at the end. Oh, man. All right, so recovered memories, hypnosis, demonic possession.

Get ready, aliens. We’re going to get into that one later. Mind control, the subconscious, a conspiracy to bring in a new world order, truth, et cetera, et cetera. These obscured concepts include, at the very end, truth. The smokescreen of controversy will continue, but those who love the truth, if they seek it, will realize the importance of this book. So those who love the truth are going to experience and realize it with this podcast episode.

Just remember that. But if you hate freedom, then you probably won’t understand it. Yeah, if you hate freedom and you love censorship and stuff, you’re not going to get it, bro. So you’re turn this off right now, bro. So he goes on, this book is a must for those ministers who seriously believe. And he quoted two Corinthians 211 for we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices. There’s some interesting aspect, too.

I don’t know if you already went over this, but he had a list in the very beginning of the book of everyone that’s in on it. Here’s a list of all of the different organizations that are in on this, right? And there’s 54 of them. I kind of want to read them all off, but one of them is Scientology. But ironically, what he’s saying here is that you can’t trust therapists and psychiatrists and psychologists.

Sometimes you need an exorcist, right? You need to have, like, a priest come in and exercise a demon out of you. You’ve been in therapy for three years. It’s not working. We can fix you in one day. You just got to sprinkle some holy water and do, like, a little thing, right? Holy water enema, dude. And that was the whole problem the entire time, is just that you were wasting your money on it.

And I think that Scientologists might be like, yeah, exactly what he said, except that there were Satans and we have to exercise them out because they were in a volcano, and it exploded, and it latches. It’s a big thing, but the psychologists can’t help you. You can’t fix yourself by talking through it and trying to work out problems that are deeply rooted and maybe in your personality and your upbringing and take years to no, here’s some water, bro.

Here’s a little holy water. We’ll say a couple of words, and the last 20 years of mental illness is just gone because the whole time it was a nasty demon or a thetan that had latched itself to you. You’re welcome. Listen, Thomas, you’re not a piece of because you’re a SAGITTARIUS, okay? You’re just a piece of because you are, all right? So don’t blame your astrological alignment for being the way you are, okay? It’s that same thought of, like, oh, I’m such an asparagus.

I’m so sturdy. I’m a Taurus. Whatever. Oh, sorry, guys, I don’t have rent this week. What a Gemini thing to do, right? I said I’d have it, and now I don’t. Gemini classic that way of thinking. So I always think about this all the time, where it’s like, why is spirituality a thing? Why is religion a thing? Why is symbolism a thing? And it’s like they work on people’s subconscious, like he’s talking about, and they can quite literally control beliefs, ideas, which are these things just floating around, can have so much control over somebody.

And now you’re saying it’s like, I’ve tried a therapist. Then I walk into this establishment, catholic, Christian, whatever, and they do this thing on me, and boom, I feel better. It’s like, what was holding you back the whole time? Well, you know what? I hear too, again, even if that was a rhetorical question, it’s almost like someone saying, man, I’ve been going into these clinical settings with fluorescent lights where I have to sit down and fill out paperwork and pay all this money.

And I don’t know, whatever reason, it’s not alleviating my anxiety, you know what I mean? But I went into this church, and there was no one else in there, and they had high ceilings, and there was, like, music going on, and I smelt Frankincense. I’ve never smelt frankincense before. That was crazy. And they had stained glass. When’s the last time I saw stained glass? And then this dude came over and we had a talk for, like, 20 minutes.

He fixed it. You know what I mean? And it’s like, maybe the problem was just that you needed a complete change of everything, of scenery and everything. So anyways, I won’t go on that rant too much, but a lot of people are just like, oh, it was because the religion fixed it. And it’s never like, oh, it’s because I completely changed my perspective and tried something out of the ordinary as opposed to repeating the thing that wasn’t working for five.

No, I get I get exactly what you’re saying. So, yeah, change of scenery and yes, absolutely. And we have here little bit of frankincense. So he touches here Moses confronted the satanic magic of the Pharaoh’s magician who could create live snakes from sticks. Apostle Paul had to deal with Simon Magus. He goes a leader of what is now known as Satanism solomon, one of the greatest men of faith, backslide and backslid, or backslide, and became one of the greatest Satanists of all history.

And this is because Solomon seals, right, where Solomon was commanding the power of demons through his sigils, right? His symbols. But according to like Solomon was the bad guy because anyone that works through demons or aggregors or whatever, they’re working alongside evil forces. But there’s like these interesting sex out there. If you love the truth if you love the truth, this podcast is for you. If you love the truth, support us.

Patreon. com 101 podcast paranoid American. Yeah. If you love the truth, this episode is for you. So I’m just saying, if it has to do with magic at all, it’s basically a bad thing. According to Fritz, in the context of this book, you’re a Satanist. If you like magic. Do you have anything to add on to that? I’m going to get into the list. Here’s the list. Go ahead.

It’s 54 deep. I don’t think it’s even exhaustive, but some of the names in here are pretty choice. Air Force intelligence? Army intelligence? Atomic Energy Commission? Baching or no, sorry. Boeing. My copy is a little bit screwed. Boeing too. Dave. Yeah, the Boeing. British Intelligence. M I six. M I five. Tavistock Institute. Bureau of Narcotics. Bureau of Prisons. Catholic Church. Jesuits? CIA. Charismatic movement? Church of Satan? Church of Scientology.

Sirius Club Twelve. Club 41. Country music industry, as if it’s just like a thing. All country music industry defense. Which, by the way, actually that wouldn’t surprise me if country music was all Satanic. Federal Bureau of Investigations. Freemasonry. Especially the palladium, right? Now, don’t forget this. We’re not going to go too deep into this, but I guarantee you, over the next years or so, I’m going to be jumping super deep into what they call the Palladium, right? But freemasonry palladium, right? 33rd degrees and above degrees.

So now we’re talking like 99. Thomas, don’t talk too much. I know you can’t see gay Pan. I don’t know what that is. German Intelligence Agency GHG, Hollywood. Just the word Hollywood. House of Saudi, the Illuminati, also known as a circle, also known as Mariah, also known as Mariah conquering wind. Have you ever heard of that before, by the way? No. That is one of the coolest alternative names for the Illuminati, by the way.

Mariah conquering wind. It’s a biblical reference that I don’t remember. Gnosticism. Luciferians, by the way, if you’re a Gnostic, you’re in the Illuminati just already, sorry to break it to you, if you’re in the Fraternal order of Saturn, if you are in the golden dawn, you are Illuminati. The Internal Revenue Service. Also, by the way, here in the Illuminati, the KKK mafia. Masons Mossad, Mormons, NASA, NSA, national Science Foundation neo Nazis.

Oddfellows. Which is interesting because he already said Masons, but he’s like, specifically. And you OD fellows, like, especially you oto the elite section of Mi Six, known as P Four, the Process church professional baseball, such as the La. Dodgers. Now, I like that part the most. Bats and balls. Yeah, professional baseball. And then he’s like, especially the la. Dodgers. I wonder if he was just, like, let down as a kid.

He lost the bat. Russian government and Russian intelligence, and he just lists KGB and all this. Santaria, Satanic, hubs, temple of power, us. Army, us. Air force, VA. And the werewolf order. What? I don’t know what the werewolf order is. I’ve looked into it, but all I ever find are, like, tumblr blogs that don’t look like they’re something that Fritz was talking about. Yeah. So, again, it may seem like we’re making fun of this sort of stuff, but I assure you, listener, we take this very seriously.

Okay? So we’re just having fun while talking about serious stuff. I just want to mention I just read all 54 of those, or the last one was some witchcraft groups besides Satanism. That was literally it says, some witchcraft groups besides Satanism. Should we censor that whole thing and just leave, like, silence throughout? No, just have it go beep beep on the censored version so it can really trigger people.

What are they saying? What’s the point of putting this up if it’s censored? So I don’t know. I’ll think about it, but maybe so just like two or three paragraphs under mean, we’re already going off the rails. Go, yeah, let’s do it. So that was just a list, right? He’s like, Hollywood country music. Are you going where I think you’re going, bro? You scroll down. You just skim down.

And then here’s the sentence of and the altars of victims. Remember the COVID story produced via torturing in cages of little children? So it’s like, dude, it goes from the werewolf order and we’re making fun of the United States air force to like and now we’re torturing children in cages. So it jumps all over. And the reason I’m pointing this out is that there’s not a break once you get through the very introduction to this book.

It’s just like someone just keeps punching you in the face over and over and over. There’s no slowdown. There’s not like when you go and get your popcorn and take a piss break. It’s not here like an intermission chapter, but it doesn’t exist in this. No, and you’re kidding about that. But you’re absolutely right. There was at some my is no bitch, Thomas, but I had to put it know you’re constantly, and this is why this show is so important to so many people, because we’re in the trenches for you right we’re doing the dirty work for you of uncovering the truth.

And if you love the truth, you’re going to love this podcast, all right? And you’re going to subscribe, and you’re going to like it, and you’re going to leave us a five star review. But if you don’t love the truth, what happens if you don’t love the truth? Oh, you watch illuminati. Well, to be clear, if you love the truth, you’re probably a member of both of our patreons.

If you like the truth, like, if you’re lukewarm on the Truth, then you like and subscribe. If you hate the truth, then you didn’t like and subscribe. Yeah, and you like the Illuminati. Anyways, here’s one thing I want to point out. But, yeah, you’re absolutely right. It’s just balls to the wall. As soon as you get past the introduction of why you shouldn’t read it because you might be a mind control slave, and then you have the glossary of terms, which was kind of I was like, okay, whatever.

And then it just really starts. And then he just really cranks it up just like page 30, around page 30, just really tightens up the bolt. And if there’s any other book that really kind of is up to par with this one in the section of literature that’s messed up, that I wish I didn’t read, but still pretty good, I’d put this with, like, genuflect. Yeah, I was about to say Twyman.

Have you read that yet? I’ve had it in my house for, like, a year, but no, I haven’t read it yet. You’re in for a do. I don’t know. We should do I need you to catch up on the occult book club reading list before I start adding more books to mine. No, I need you to read that because by the time you finish that, I’d probably get to a chapter legitimately.

Are we even allowed to review that book? Because, understand, we might get downs. We can’t even say that name. We might have to censor that name. And that’s not because of YouTube. It’s because the walls have eyes, bro. Yeah, I just call it the walls have eyes and ears. And a genuflect is just a form of doing it’s an action. So he can’t really but yeah. So that book, and again, not suitable for work whatsoever, is kind of up to par with so.

And also, let’s not knock the fact that aside from all this craziness, right, all these crazy stories, all these crazy concepts in this book, mr. Springmeyer knows his stuff when it comes to the occult, when it comes to the esoteric, when it comes to alchemy, and this is pre Internet. He knew it pre Internet. Yeah. The information which I’m about to read right now, this is actual stuff and how you say it’s pre Internet.

So imagine the work and the hours he had to put in to actually extract this information. And I could see why he would put sources, books on psychology. How many? Even say how many? It could be two, it could be 200. Who knows? And a lot of people like to kid about the NPC idea and how there’s people here for texture and how there’s people who don’t have any souls and stuff like that.

If anything. What I’m about to talk about now, which we’ve covered before, I think this is the version of Homunculus, if you will, or NPCs that are walking around. And I don’t think it’s a large percentage of people. I think it’s just like a select few and probably from, again, the top tier, like 1% that are really, truly this the people that we see on the news every day and stuff like that.

Because I know you’ve seen that meme, where it’s like all the news stations all saying the same thing all in the same pattern, and they just stack them up on top because they’re reading the same notes that came down from the corporate yeah, exactly. Who is feeding them the notes? Exactly. Like, who is they? And I think Rupert Murdoch, essentially. Right. Or Sinclair, whoever drafts that the other one, too.

That’s appropriate for this. Is there’s a clip with Bill Clinton again from, like, The Think where he’s reading out all of these. Thanks for tuning in to Kfmr in Michigan or whatever. And musicians do this, too, but he’s just doing one after the other after the other, and someone’s asking like, you want to break it? He’s like, no, I love this. You know what I mean? He’s, like, zoned into it.

And it’s like I love turning my brain off and just letting the program and take over. But there’s a very real aspect to that. Personally, out of all the things that people talk about that we talk about, one of the things I find the most offensive is the NPC. I really do find not like clutching my pearls, in a way, but when someone’s like they’re not even a real person or whatever, you’re kind of dehumanizing.

That’s usually the first step to like and it doesn’t matter if we go, there’s no way she could be pregnant. She’s a herme, like, bro. And then my favorite space is Fake and Gay. All right, here we go. So preparation of the children by spiritual preparations and in utero traumatization. The moon children. So we’ve talked about this before. That’s the title of the section, by the way. Yeah, that’s the title of the section.

Yeah. He goes hard in the pain with these title sections as well. So the Moon Children moonchild Rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus. However, the demons that are invoked are not the small ones, but very powerful ones. In working with victims of this programming, it is clear that high level demons were placed within these people at very early ages. Many of them, it is believed, were demonized before.

They were born by rituals like the Moon child rituals. Blood sacrifices and human sacrifices are always required for this level of magic. Now, there’s a big difference between those two types of sacrifices. I just wanted to note he kind of glosses over that. But a blood sacrifice and a human sacrifice, there’s levels of extremity in both of those. I’ll go ahead and elaborate, Thomas, because if you’re like a 13 year old Edge Lord and you cut your palm and you’re like, I hope she calls me back, there you go.

There’s some blood magic. But if you’re like killing a person because you want someone to ask you to the prom, there’s a huge gap between those two. And the reason I’m pointing this out is because it glosses over so quickly because all the other things around it are so hyperbolic and extreme that it’s just like anyone that believes in fairy tales or kills everyone in their family is probably like, in this group.

And it’s like, Wait a minute. That was a pretty wide gamut that you just painted there. Is there any saving this episode? So Alastair Crowley was a Satanist who was a 33rd degree Scottish, right? Freemason Thomas. He also was a leader in a number of other Masonic rites as well as an LTO. Leader, a chief InStella matutina and an M i. Six British overseas intelligence agent. His writings have been important within 20th century Satanism and with black magicians.

He wrote Moonchild, which was first published in 1917. The idea of the Moonchild is that via black magic a perfect soul can be captured. The belief in reincarnation, which is prevalent among the illuminating and Satanic groups lends itself to the belief that souls compete for a particular embryo. And then he goes here on page 107 through 108 of Moonchild the idea expressed, quote, to produce a man who should not be bound up in his hereditary heredity, heredity.

Heredity. Am I saying that right? Yeah. Heredity. Feels like I’m saying wrong. And should have the environment which they desired. For him, this perfect soul and a proper person is called Homunculus. Hit the button. What are you doing? Hold on, bro. I don’t got this stuff ready. This is a serious topic. Homunculus confirmed. Homunculus confirmed. Eat a bag of dog dicks. Good God. That’s a homunculus. Certified mother homunculus.

Let’s go, baby. I mean, might as well just pull out all the stops. Like, this is emotional. Damn it. But hold on, before we even keep reading because it’s like we can just start quoting the rest of the book from now because it’s nuts. Yeah. Everything he said so far in this section true in my mind. It’s 100% factual. He has not even made any salacious or hyperbolic claims yet.

Everything he has stated has been 100% fact up to this point. Yes. And again, it’s from literature that existed before he wrote this book. So that’s why even I battle with these ideas myself because I enjoy researching the occult and esoteric. And then it’s like I present it because I find it really interesting to talk about. But sometimes I’m not even sure what to do with the information.

Sometimes I’ll have information, I’m just like, what does this even mean? You know what I mean? What do I do now? It’s a lot. But again, here’s my analogy for that really quick. It’s like, imagine you’re out traveling the world, right, and you go to Morocco or you go to Hungary and they’re like, here’s this special paprika that they only make in this very specific part of Hungary.

It’s the best paprika in the world. And you’re looking at it and you’re like, I don’t really put paprika on everything. I might not even use it that much at all. But if you’re telling me this is the right, like, if I’m ever going to want to taste paprika in my life, I should get it from this guy right now. Because it’s the best there is. You grab it and you bring it back home and you put it in your spice cabinet.

And it doesn’t mean that every single time you have a meal you’re putting paprika on it. But it does mean the one time that you’re like, oh, man, there’s this really specific dish that I really want to prepare and it requires good paprika. That’s when you can go into that back of the spice cabinet and pull it out and sprinkle a little bit of that in and put it away and it elevates the dish to a level that it never would have been before.

Especially if you just popped over to publix and grabbed their paprika that was on sale or in the international aisle where you spend half the price on the cheaper version. So that’s kind of where I see books when you come across it and you’re like, what am I going to do with this information? Who knows, man? Buy it and put it in the spice cabinet. And maybe in like a year from now you’re going to find some recipe or you’re going to be on a podcast and you’ll be like, oh my God, bro, I got some spice for you right now.

And you’re like, hold up. And you go into the spice cabinet and you pop it out. I’m about to drop the sickest homunculus knowledge, alchemical knowledge. You’ve ever heard Thomas come over with the homunculus and like the cheese grater? And you’re like, tell me when, yeah, I’m about to blow this dude’s back out. I’m about to hit you with the craziest. So yeah, I agree with you, I guess.

I mean, it’s not the greatest thing to just be reading these obscure weird books and then just like storing it in the back of the back of the mind palace somewhere. It’s like just like piling up all the information. So he goes on, here the magical work upon which this is based is said to be derived from Bacon. Talk about Roger Bacon, Albertus Magnus and Paracelsus, who were all reportedly reported in occult circles to have captured souls and placed them in brass statues.

Now I don’t know how so have you ever actually heard that Parakelsis had a brass homunculus? So that’s the thing. As far as Paracelsis, I don’t know. But he is talking about, again, the homunculus a Burch’s. Magnus, they had the head and Bacon also had one of those two had the head, like this animated object. So those two yes. Paracels and the Beastie Boys had the brass monkey.

That funky monkey, is it the one? So, yeah, again, he’s right about that. And we have here alastair Crowley was writing about a super. All right, so clear. Back in 1917, long before Superman appeared in comics and movies, alastair Crowley was writing about a Superman. And we talked about this in episode 167, I think it was, where we talked about homunculus, moon, children, all that stuff. Mind control.

The magical idea is to capture a soul from the fourth dimensional, so we’re adding a little bit more lure to it. Well, now we’re getting into physics. Yeah, exactly. We always have to back up our sources. In the book Moonchild, the villa used to produce a moonchild was called the butterfly net. Is that true? Yeah, it is true. That’s what I’m saying. This part I’ve confirmed, which is crazy.

I never heard that. So the Monarch project then, which is named after the monarch butterfly, is also an allusion to the moonchild project, where butterflies are an allusion to souls. Bingo, bingo. What Christians call demonic spirits. And he puts in parentheses, what Christians? I’ve never heard that before in my pentecostal career. That souls are demonic spirits. That not a lot of people know about. No. That butterflies are an allusion to souls.

What Christians call demonic spirits. I don’t even know what that means. I’m still trying to figure out what that even mean. Butterflies or souls are demonic spirits. Butterflies are an illusion to souls. And then parentheses, what Christians call demonic spirits. And then he closes it off. Sure. Yeah. Trust source. Trust me, bro. Yeah. The actual rituals carried out to create a moonchild are described in detail in three of Crowley’s writings.

A big description of the rituals can be seen by reading the book Moonchild. The ritual took place at the villa nicknamed the butterfly net. The villa was an occult temple laid out in sacred geometrics. It had figures of satires, or satires, seders, fawns, and nymphs. It had statues of Artemis, lots of silver objects and crescents, and a nine point star were at the villa. Because these objects are relate to the moon and magic.

And we talked about that again on episode 167, so I’m not going to keep going. But he goes on about the whole terminology of Crowley and the moon children in my mind. This is him flexing that. And I know what I’m talking about. Here’s the numbers. Here’s the books. Ironically, that the dude that’s writing this that’s so anti. Out of all the sources, I think he’s the most up to date on his Crowley research.

Who was that? Well, I’m saying that Fritz. Out of all the things that Fritz read and was an expert on, ironically, he’s probably the biggest expert on Crowley out of all of the topics that he speaks on, the guy we all know and love. Right. Crowley. And I’m jumping around here a little bit because those notes were actually for that episode that we had done. So I had taken those screenshots before and now it falls into chronological order.

I want to highlight here real quick illuminati from the terms the Illuminati are 13 elite bloodlines which have maneuvered themselves into control over this planet. They lead double lives, one for society and a hidden one, which is based on a gnostic Luciferian philosophy which consists of lots of blood rituals. All right? Lots of them. Not just some, but lots. A lot of blood rituals. And then I highlighted here switching.

This is when one part fragment of the mind takes over from another. Or in simple terms, this is when one altar personality or altar fragment takes the body from the altar which is holding the body. Switching can occur via the programmer’s codes for calling up altars or by external internal stimuli that trigger an altar to come out. Switching will usually cause at least a flicker of the eyes.

And for outside observers who know the different personalities, they will observe another personality take the body. And it reminds me of that movie what’s that movie where he’s like, Patricia and he morphs into this creature? Like his whole body starts to contort and his limbs start to move around. It’s really famous. The whale with Frazier. No no, I haven’t seen that one yet. The thing split. You ever seen a movie Split? Was it an M? Night shyamalan? James McEvoy has evidence 23 personalities to his trusted psychiatrist.

23? Yeah. There remains one still submerged who is set to materialize and dominate all the others. And apparently this is connected to Unbreakable. So the prequel was Unbreakable, which yeah. So this is the M. Night Shyamalan trilogy. Oh, okay. Yeah, it was the one that started with Bruce Willis and then Samuel L. Jackson had one and then it was Split was the third one. Yeah. I thought you were talking about the actor that’s the director and the glass was I haven’t watched these other ones actually Unbreakable.

I haven’t watched that one. Oh, dude, out of all of those, Unbreakable is the best one. It’s all about comic book. It’s about comic books being based on reality. It’s where they say that modern day mythology was actually based on comic books and that comic books are like the real bible that’s sort of like, the impression of Unbreakable. Oh, and they came out with a new one, 2019 Glass.

Oh, cool. I’m off to check this out. Yeah. Each one of those is a different character in that series. So Unbreakable is Willis, glass is Jackson, and then Split is the other. Nice. Oh, there’s something else to like, the the whole trope in movies and TV about split personalities. The writers would be doing themselves a disservice if they didn’t read this book. So you almost have to imagine I’m hired by Hollywood, right? I’m writing million dollar scripts about mind control and split personalities and how to create altars and assassins.

Tell me that they’re not searching and finding this book and devouring it and pulling it into the script. Right? And if they aren’t, then why the hell not? Right? Get on it. And it just makes me think of movies like Saw, right? Like, the whole series of Saw, how degenerate it is. And those other remember hostile. You remember those movies, like, how crazy those movies are, or even The Human Centipede, those type of movies.

I could see being part of this, all these band movies where you think about the craziest things that happen. So imagine, like, Human Centipede, right? I think it was a German movie. Imagine that’s like a Hollywood movie. And after they shoot it, the director goes to the producer and he’s like, all right, now let’s do it for real. How much? You know what I mean? We just spent 30 million on the fake version.

How much for the real version? And, man, the real version is probably like, pennies on the dollar compared to the Hollywood version. They’re like, oh, you want a real Human Centipede, yo, those are like 18 grand. That’s not it’s nothing. Wait. So there’s three human centipedes? I know. I watched the first one. The first one was they conducted the experiment. The second one was that the first one was a movie in the second one.

Then there’s a third one. Yeah. I mean, it’s a centipede, bro. You keep attaching more to the end of it, and it goes forever. I wonder if I’ve seen the third one. Oh, the prisoners. Yeah, I’ve seen this. Oh, man. The fourth one is actually called the welfare line. And basically, once you go in and sign up, they just start sewing your lips to the person in front of you.

Yeah, I’ve seen the it’s crazy. All right. Anyways, that kind of messed up stuff. Now I want to talk about here. I’m still early in the book, bro, he talks about the reason why it’s called Project Monarch, because the monarch butterfly learns where it was born, its roots, and it passes this knowledge via genetics onto its offspring from generation to generation. That’s called Lamarckian genetic memory, I believe.

Yeah, which is a real thing. This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off that knowledge can be passed genetically. So this is why they present us with all these what I believe in, these movies and all these different things. Because if they can implant that in you at an early age, then it’ll be in my DNA. It’s going to be passed down to my lineage, which is probably not a great one.

Now, here’s one. I don’t know if I believe this, man. This is the one part where I don’t know if I believe in Lamarckian genetic memory. Yeah, I love butterfly like that. I love the concept of it. And also, I’ve brought this up before, too, the Flatworm experiment, where the guy taught flatworms how to get through a maze, and then he chopped them up and fed pieces to other flatworms.

But no one’s been able to repeat that again. And it seems like something that if it was that easy to do and it was that consistent, that it would have been repeated. But I like the concept that when you die, I could just eat you, and then I would know everything that you ever knew. And then if I died, someone could eat me, and then they would know everything that both of us knew.

And if that were a real thing, then I think that there’d be, like, a whole industry based around that. You’d show up to the restaurant and be like, yeah, let me get a little piece of some Albert Einstein. Let me get a little piece of this. Or like, who’s the smartest chef in the room? Have him just crust a few skin flakes off for me. But I don’t know if it’s real.

I think that it might be real on a huge, huge timeline, like 100 generations or more. I think if every single person in that generation developed the exact same, maybe at a certain point, the 100th baby gets popped out. They become abandoned on an island somewhere, and they’re just like, I don’t know why, but I can make leather shoes like a freaking expert, and there’s not even leather around here.

I don’t know how I’m doing this. There might be a possibility of that. But to say that someone like your great great great grandma, you can eat part of her or that she can trace down pass down some kind of a that she developed to you, that part I’m kind of calling BS out on, just because that would absolutely result in a commercialized version of marriage. It’s like, hey, I’m a great basketball player.

If you just have kids with me, all those kids will be great at basketball. And we’ve seen that that’s not necessarily true. It’s an anomaly for the generational. Merit based to just be inherent. It happens in industries where nepotism exists. But once you get into top level, how many Olympic athletes are there? Dynasties where it’s like, my great great grandpa won the Olympics, and his grandpa and his grandpa.

That is an extreme anomaly because there’s no nepotism there. And I think that if this were true, if the Lamarckian genetics were true in that way, then it would be evident by now. Lamarckian genetics, you said. I believe that or Lamarckian. Yeah, Lamarckism was sort of contrary to Darwinism. They both were trying to explain evolution in different ways. And one of the key concepts of Lamarckism was this concept of genetic memory, I believe.

Yeah, there you go. That a blacksmith gets strong muscles from his work and his sons inherit those strong muscles. Right. But if you take that analogy and flip it upside down, you could say that really it’s that successful blacksmiths just have a better predisposition to building the muscles needed to be a blacksmith. And then therefore, it’s the genetics that make them good at their job. It wasn’t the job that changed the genetics I remember.

So you brought up an interesting concept about eating another person or a part of them and then knowing what they know. I’m pretty sure it was you that talked about the pineal gland. That’s what gave birth to the Cartesian Voyage. There was an article that a bunch of rich people were basically eating pineal glands in order to get the knowledge of know more famous people. And the more and more I dug into that, eventually it was that Renee Descartes book, The Cartesian Voyage about Renee Descartes, not the one that he wrote.

As far as I know, though, that kind of fizzled. Like I didn’t find a good enough reference to people that actually said that they were powdering a pineal gland and snorting it, because that was the original quote that I had read. Crazy, bro. But the more I traced it, it got almost like every conspiracy theory. Once you actually find the original source, it’s like, okay, I see where they got that from.

And then the next book emphasizes it and the next one emphasizes it. And then eventually that game of telephone, it’s like they’re cutting off faces. Well, and they’re also turning the frogs gay too. So listen, today September Eastern time. Let’s go ahead and copyright that idea because that actually sounds like a great storyline. Dude, I don’t know if it’s been done. There’s a comic book called Chew, which I highly recommend, and it’s about the Chew series is about a detective that can eat people and then he gains their memories so that he can solve the murder.

So they’ll show up on like, yeah, dude, this is one of my favorite comics of all time. Dude, this is crazy. Yeah, he works for the like he’ll show up and I think it’s like people will get poisoned or they’re importing bad meat from unsavory sources and then someone will die. So the FDA inspector shows up and he just eats a little piece of the dead person and then he gets to kind of like relive the last few hours of their life so he can figure out how they died.

It’s like dexter. It’s like trying to solve crimes or whatever. And he’s an actual serial killer or whatever. Yeah, that’s crazy. All right, never mind, then. Scratch that. But it’s all Lamarckian. That’s Lamarckian theory. That’s actually pretty good anyways, and just a little cherry on top of that. This is also why people that are, like big proponents of this monarch project monarch and that all of this works.

And you even know how Fritz was like that guy that says that sometimes kids make stuff up. He’s working for the Illuminati because he doesn’t agree in Lamarckian theory, essentially. So there’s also usually in the conspiracy theory community that really bonds with this fritz version of reality. They will also tend to be like, and Darwin was Satan, and Darwin was part of the horrible Jesuit establishment. And part of me thinks that this might just be like a side effect of this centuries old Lamarckian versus Darwinism philosophical thought, but it’s taken on, like, cult status in some circles.

So, like Gerard Dorn says, whoever wishes to learn the alchemical art, let him not learn the philosophy aristotle, but that which teaches the truth. So if you love the truth, you’re going to subscribe to this channel. No patreon. If you like the truth, you’ll subscribe. But if you love the truth, patreon, patreon. com slash, the one on paranormrican, sign up for the kickstarter, all that stuff. So make sure to if you love it.

If you don’t, if you’re lukewarm on it, then whatever, give us a review. And you can’t search for paranoid american on patreon. By the way, it doesn’t even show up. So you actually have to either go to paranoidamerican. com and click on the link or go to patreon. com. Slash and type in paranoid american. It will not come up in results. This has been confirmed. That’s because I uploaded something naughty and it needs to be 18.

Anyways, long story short, I’m on patreon, but I don’t come up in search results because why would I? I’m the paranoid american. Yeah, you got some conspiracies on there. Wait, really? Is that why they censored you? You got pink for that? Yeah. So if you have adult content that’s not for 16 or under, then it specifically says that you will not come up in search results. And then I can get myself unlisted as adult, but I have to promise them that I’m never going to upload something that will not be for under 18.

And I don’t know if I can make that promise. I mean, is any of our stuff? I don’t think so. Maybe I was just the only idiot that actually checked that box at some point. Or maybe someone came through and saw a and they were like, keep it on the DL, bro. Don’t say nothing. All right? It’s like one time I used to play a lot of MMORPGs, and I had a character named Cumshot, and I wanted to change the name.

And then I ended up writing to the people. I’m like, Yo, can I change my name? They’re like, no, but we’re going to ban you in 30 days, so you got to figure something. Yeah, for letting us know. For letting us know. So I was like, Damn it. I told myself it’s all context. Like, you can show the Elliot Page nipple, but you can’t show the Ellen Page nipple.

Exactly. We have here. This was the key animal that tipped scientists off that knowledge could be passed genetically. So he said, we discussed that the Monarch program is based upon illuminati and goals to create a master race, in part through genetics. If knowledge can be passed genetically, which it is, then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch.

Mind control. The primary important factor for the trauma based mind control is the ability to disassociate. It was discovered that this ability is passed genetically from generation to generation. American Indian tribes, parentheses, who had traumatic ritual dances and who would wait motionless for hours when hunting. Children of KIRS. I guess, hopefully I’m saying that right. In India, who would sleep on a bed of nails or walk on hot coals? Children of yogis.

Those skilled in yoga, who would have total control of their body entrance. Tibetan Buddhist. Children of Vodun. Tibetan Buddhist comma, children of Vodun. That’s voodoo. Yeah. Bazango and other groups have a good ability to disassociate. The children of multigenerational abuse are good at disassociation. The Illuminati families and European occultists went to India and Tibet to study occultism and Eastern philosophy. Those Europeans learned yoga, tantric yoga, meditations and trances and other methods to disassociate.

These skills are passed on to their children via genetics. A test is run when the children are about 18 months old to determine if they can disassociate enough to be selected for programming or not. Mind control slaves are created for different purposes, hierarchy or non hierarchy purposes. And that’s where I stand. These people. I think that this stuff is going on in the deepest, darkest corner. I was going to say, this is where I do believe it.

Again, we’re back into the accurate territory, in my opinion, because the Lamarckian was that you’re a good blacksmith, therefore your kid just becomes a good blacksmith because he’s got your skills through genetics. And we always hear that it’s in his blood. We always like, hear right, there’s reasons why it might be in your blood. But anyways, I don’t believe that the transfers. But if you start saying that there’s some genetic lines that are better at dealing with stress and that’s the non some bloodlines are better at becoming illuminati mind control slaves, that’s one version.

Or you could just say that some people have a better biological process where they can deal with stress, and some people, like the entire family line, are just freaking stressed out. And it might not be because of dad passing down his anxiety. It might just be because of other genetic factors, like a physiological difference in your body to get into the research. 150, 318. I said that word if you don’t write that down, but the research got it.

That dr abram hoffer. His entire life, he was the one guy that focused on when he came up with this theory that said that people like adrenaline has a purpose in the body. So when you have a spike of adrenaline, like, something comes at you and you have to deal with a huge spike in stress. Some people, that huge dose of adrenaline gives you a heart attack, and you die, right? So that weeds the people out that can’t handle large amounts of unpredictable stress.

Typically, it’s like, oh, yeah, heart disease runs in my family line. Well, guess what? You probably can’t deal with mind control programming. You might not make it all the way through that, but if you do make it through it, there’s a chance that your kids could also make it through it. And it’s not because you’re passing down the ability to be programmed. It’s because your body can convert adrenaline into quicker than any other people.

And that in your system makes you act a little bit wonky because it’s basically a psychedelic until it finally loses all of its oomph and gets back out of your body. But for some people, that is very real, that they genetically can process adrenaline faster than other people, and they pass that ability down. So in that case, I think Fritz is 100% correct here. You could be some royal family line and figure out, like, man, when we Jessica’s kids, they always seem to bounce back.

But whenever we Robert’s kids, oh, man, he’s got some duds that just don’t come out of. So, like, let’s keep reading jessica with people, and then we can program her kids, and then that’s how that works. So anyways, I think that this part is actually true, but then they say that some people voluntarily give their kids up for these programs. Did I understand that correctly? Yeah. And then you also said they pass a test.

So this is issue four of time samplers, which is building on the back of issue three. Issue three shows you exactly how an illuminati mind control slave is created. And then issue four, I start showing you how some of those tests work. And one of them is called the daisy test. And basically, he just has this daisy, right? And it’s just I love you. I love you. Not.

Everyone’s heard this game before, right, where you pick the petals off of a flower. So as you pick each petal, I love you, I love you not. And the test was that if you pick the last petal and you’re the programmer and it’s I love you, then you get to. Keep your life. But if it was, I love you. Not just by pure chance, then you don’t get to keep your life.

And that’s why there’s some failed experiments with the little petals down on the ground here. But then he’s saying, I love you. So she passes the test. And the whole point of this test, by the way, is just to see if the kids can deal with the abject randomness of it because it’s not like you did anything right or wrong in order to get picked or not picked.

It was completely based on how many petals that particular flower might have had. And then the very next one is and this is from the book that we’re covering right now. This isn’t comic book. This is from Fritz’s book. There’s another one called, I think, like the fire purification test. Basically, they have a room where they divide people up across this glass panel and randomly, one side of the room will just burst in the flames and the other side won’t.

And based on who in the room flinches, see how the kid in the blonde is, like, covering his eyes when he sees these other kids across from him? They burst in flames. Well, guess what? He just failed the test. So now the next round is he’s going to be on the other side of the window catching on fire with the new round of kids on the other side.

And what they’re doing is they just systematically are like, first let’s show them that there’s nothing in their power they can do to prevent life or death. It’s not based you can’t suck up to me, nothing. And then it’s going to be, oh, you have to suppress your emotions in order to survive. So they’re learning as children, they’re learning this of like, no matter how bad something is happening to me or to someone, like, I just need to be deadpan and pretend it’s not happening and just check out just astral project your ass out to Jupiter or something where this isn’t happening.

And if you can prove that you know how to do all those things, that kind of implies that your body knows how to process. Like, it’s basically proving that you’ve got the physical aptitude to then go through the real programming they’re going to basically put you through. Yikes. Yeah. The YouTube crowd probably isn’t going to see that first picture. So I can see it in the comments. There’s a black box in front of the screen.

Oh, yeah. Okay, fair enough. What are we seeing? So if you want to it is available on Amazon. Amazon. Amazon. com. Paranoidamerican. com. Check it out. Time samplers. That was issues three and four. Working on issue six now. Those look crispy, bro. I like the glossy cover. They look really good. We’re pro, bro. We’re pro over here. Exactly. All right, where was I? The Illuminati. These skills are passed to the children.

A test run. All right, so a test run. They do about 18 months old to determine if they can disassociate be selective program. Mind control slaves are created for different purposes, hierarchy or not. The Illuminati create mind control slaves who are to function within the Illuminati hierarchy. These slaves will usually have their genealogies hidden and will be created to have excellent cover lives to ensure that they are not detected.

And that’s why I don’t have the research to back it up, because they cover their tracks. And that’s the whole like, that gets to NPC territory. Like, how much can you really get behind that, right? Maybe they’re all clones. They’re not even real people. Yeah. They will be given multifunctional programming. And then we have here the expendable are the children of parents who were blackmailed into turning their children over to the CIA.

This is all hidden by the power of the National Security Act. These are children who have been sold by fathers. We’re going to get spicy on this one here. Too graphic. We’re just in the peas. Yeah, we’re in it right now, bro. We’re in it. So these are children who have been sold by fathers or parents. The programmer masters program them with the expectation that they will be, quote, thrown from the freedom train.

Now, I highlighted this specifically because when they get to the age of 30, the freedom train is the code word for the Monarch trauma based mind control. To be thrown from the freedom train means to be killed. Now, what’s interesting about that, and since this episode is already as spicy as it is, is the Sound of Freedom movie that came out that a lot of people were talking about, right? The sound of freedom.

And they have the freedom train. As soon as I saw that, that kind of clicked in me like, yikes. And then the whole accusations of that guy that the movie was based on actually being a creep towards other women or kids, I don’t know who it was, but there’s allegations towards that guy that the movie was based on. He was actually dropped from the organization that he was working for.

So it’s kind of ironic how the movie is talking about doing these degenerate things and then the dude that they made the movie after was actually doing some of these things allegedly. Right. And that was the sound of the freedom train, right? Yikes. That doesn’t sound too good. What about the no, no freedom train? Yikes. All right, so the CIA and the Illuminati are skilled at blackmailing parents to give up their children.

They would watch the mail for porn. Murderers who abuse their children are warned that they will go to prison for long lengths of time if they do not cooperate by selling their children into mind control slavery. I can see this happening. What are your thoughts on that? Do you think that this is definitely not a thought that I usually spend any time diving into. But since we’re in the middle of the episode, yeah, imagine you’re like the most corrupt cop on the force and you’ve got connections to the Clinton, soiree and they’re just like, hey, man, keep your eye out for any low hanging fruit.

And this would essentially be that low hanging fruit. And you tell someone, hey, man, I know what’s been going on here. So I can either break up the family and put the kid into foster care and everyone goes to jail and you get registered, or your kid just disappears, man, it sucks. They ran away, right? You just don’t go looking for them and then that’s the agreement. And you don’t go to jail.

The kid goes away, the problem goes away, and you basically have what some might consider damaged goods. But for them, it’s like they’ve been bred to do this really sick, horrible task, so they just kind of perpetuate it and they get drafted. This is kind of like the political draft picks, in a way, franklin Scandal style. All right, so I’m reading through some of this because I’m not going to say some of this here, but yeah, again, like I said, this episode, we’re going to touch on some of the messed up parts.

This is pretty messed up in its own but he gets into mean, I’m not gonna use your imagination. He gets into detail about what these families are doing to their kids and all this sort of stuff. So to pass on that, we have here originally, Joseph Mengele was the lead programmer. He had already achieved the rank of Grandmaster, later Epsimus within the Illuminati. He had become skilled in music and kabbalistic magic, in dancing, in abortions and in torture.

By the way, mangalay had a sadistic listen. Just imagine turning in your resume and it’s like, oh, wow, you’re good at dancing and singing and wait, what are these other ones? At the end? They call me the Master. And it’s funny because one of the magicians that Crowley didn’t like in his book, Moonchild, he was a skilled abortionist in the story. So let me write that down. Hold on.

He’s out here just wasting all these good homunculi. What are you doing, bud? Oh, man. All right, I’m writing these words down because this is was he skilled in kabbalistic magic? Do you have any evidence of that, bro? I mean, in dancing? What the hell? Did you check it up? What is the source? Was it country music? Was he two stepping with the satanic country music? What’s going on? So there’s no footnote, dude.

And he had a sadistic mother, too. And he was also skilled in programming children. And let’s see here. How true is this? Many of the concentration camp children that Mangle program still survive and still love him till this day. As quote daddy, unquote. They call him Daddy. Is that true? This one seems a little bit hard to back up, because does this mean that Fritz went and actually visited the victims of Joseph Mengele? And if so, is there just a list? Can I just go to a registry somewhere? And it’s like, here’s all the children, and here’s where you can find them.

Here’s the addresses of all these. I don’t I don’t know if I believe the source on this one, but I do believe that the concept of Stockholm Syndrome, which, ironically, I don’t think is necessarily the right name for that, but that can exist, right? Like, you can bond with your abuser because your abuser is giving you attention. Stockholm syndrome type of stuff. Well, as I was saying, but Stockholm Syndrome, if you look into that, the actual names, that might have been a good case, that might have been like a fake version of it, but the principle exists.

Okay. And then we have here she would determine the fitness of the children and then present them for a formal acceptance ceremony at the age of three. And this is one of the things here that turns me off to the Grand Druid Council there’s. That John Tod influence. Bro I almost guarantee either John Todd influenced Fritz to write that, or Fritz knew something about Grand Druid, but John Tod predates this by, like, two decades, I think.

So my mind constantly goes to, john Tod started this Grand Druid Council claims, and it perpetuated from there. Yeah. And it goes here. And this is another thing here. Traditionally, the Illuminati had been having their children inspected by a woman with the rank of grandmother. So you have the black mother and all the grand dame, they also call her. I’m going to spare you of the other stuff that he has here.

All right. Working my way through almost any sex slave can fit somewhere into the script of the Illuminati New World Order Syndicate porn movies. And I place porn in quotation marks because what they call porn doesn’t resemble what the public thinks of porn. And we’re not talking about Playboy type porn. I mean, to bring up Nicolas Cage again, we’re talking eight millimeter, right? He goes here. We’re talking ghastly, horrible atrocities that are as sick as anything done in the concentration camps.

All right, here we go. So I’m just going to do this part here so you can get an idea what we’re talking about here. And if you want to read this book, go ahead. For instance, it takes a little acting ability or beauty to have one’s head chopped off while having sex. True. It’s a factual statement. Yeah, I think that’s pretty factual. All right, what do I have to censor there? Whatever.

We’ll figure this out after we’re done. I highlighted here the child’s programming charts, and this is what made me wonder. Bro I don’t know. The child’s programming charts would then be labeled some suitable occupation, such as environmental activist. Get ready for this one. Thomas Pentecostal, church reformer, consumer advocate or activist against narcotics. The programmer for that child would then follow six months, goals develop. All right, I highlighted that, and again, I’m reading different excerpts from different places.

And not every illuminati child is born premature, but many are because their preferred method for programming, again, gets into the whole idea of, like, preemies and how they’re more susceptible to illuminati programming. Again, this is the lure of the trauma of premature birth. And this comes right after the homunculus part that we talked about at the beginning, the moonchild. Again, my notes are a little bit jumbled up, but now we’re back on track.

But he’s talking about how the illuminati have learned that a mother can usually give two or three premium births like this before she risks death to try it again. If this type of birth is repeated too often, the woman’s heart will fail. This is why the illuminati will have their breeders give two or three preemies for programming, then have their breeders switch to full term babies, which are used for sacrifice.

We don’t want those full term babies. We only want the premies. Okay, so the other ones will just go ahead and sacrifice them to mull. It’s like olive oil and virgin olive oil. Thank you for that, Thomas. Here we go. And then again, more I’m allowed to say that, by the way, because I am a preemie baby, so I’m allowed to say that. There you go. A bloodline will often want a female firstborn male to be sacrificed to their belief system.

And the Lilith programming which is given the altars who function within the Kabbalistic tree of life, which is built during Mengele’s programming for the deeper sections, levels of altars which are trained in illuminati black magic. This subject will be dealt with later. So he’s talking about this whole thing here, and I’m just highlighting stuff that stood out to me. So essentially what he’s getting at, again, very QAnon type of thinking, where it’s like what also gets me is like, this is too and give me your thoughts on this, Thomas.

It’s too sophisticated. What are your thoughts on that? Of it being sophisticated about that, like, the whole system, where are they going to how big is the network of these breeders, people who give their children up to these illuminati circles to do their things that they’re going to do with how big are we talking? He doesn’t ever really get into numbers. How big was operation? Two people plus all the customers, gizlane, and then anyone that had power and blackmail on them.

It’s all it took. Tiny little organization and maybe, maybe bro. Just that’ll. Add a few. There’s the meme bro. Okay. Bro. All right. Ingredients. A little dash of Epstein, a little dash of Gizlane and then some Massad. Yeah. All right. And the rest of this chapter is him. But I mean, does that answer the question? No, not really. How does that answer the question, though? Because you’re saying, how elaborate and sophisticated could this network be? Well, I mean, how sophisticated was it for to have someone loaded onto the Express and flown across the country for a Super Bowl party and then flown back across the country again to their crappy parents and said, don’t say anything about this trip, otherwise you go to jail for it? Because Ronald McDonald’s was there, too, right in the room with them.

And so was unironically. Yes. So in the rest of this chapter, he gets into the actual specifics of how they go about programming love bombing the child until about 18 months. Just hold some of these up, because this is exactly what some of these panels are about. Again, it goes from love bombing the child I’m going to spare you of the details, and then fracturing the mind. That’s this part here.

Well, hold on. So we’re skipping ahead a little bit. I want to mention that this book that we’re covering, illuminati formula to Create undetectable Mind Control slave supercalifragilist epiodocious. But this is kind of the core concept of this trauma based programming, and he breaks it down into these four steps. But step one is consciousness. That’s a traumatic experience when the fetus just gains some sort of consciousness that it now exists and didn’t before.

So real quick, Thomas, real quick. Step one is the selection and preparation. Step two is the foundation step to the trauma of the premature birth. Right? So they prefer premature. And then step three is the love bombing. Well, hold on. If you go into the details, one of the other here’s a picture of it, though. The very first trauma is this amniocentesis needle, where they actually poke through the mother and they jab into the side of the fetus, which is giving you control.

Now, it’s like I can determine the very first time Juan feels pain. And if I want that to be exactly at midnight on three two, three, I can make that happen. The only reason I’m being very specific about this is because if you believe in trauma based mind control, this is like you calling the initialization program, right? If you’re programming someone, this is when you’re like, okay, start up, computer boot.

This is like you writing that first line of code, and it revolves around that first little trauma. But when I say trauma based mind control, I think JFK assassination. The whole country gets programmed because they go through this traumatic experience. 911. Everyone becomes proud of their country for like, three or four months, and we’re all in this together because you’re bonding over a traumatic experience, another trauma based mind control.

So all you’re doing is taking those big, abstract, nationwide traumatic events where we’re all programmed. And now imagine it, it’s on just the one level. And if someone had full control and they knew that every time I traumatize Juan. I can give him a command or I can be like, you see? And this is why you don’t do your dad slaps you? I don’t know if it was with a I think it was on occult Disney shout out matt comedy G’s.

But there was an episode. No, sorry. It was the changeling with Tommy Truthful. And I was reading this claim from, like, Martin Luther. I know this is a slight tangent, but this is about trauma based mind control. And this father’s telling his son that they throw something in the fire and it doesn’t die, and it was a basilisk. They throw an egg in a fire and the fire hatches and a lizard crawls out of it and he slaps his son across the face.

And the son’s, like, crying, and he’s like, Why did you hit me? And he’s like, the only reason I just hit you is because in the future, you’re going to tell people that you’ve seen a basilisk and they’re going to call you crazy because it’s not a real thing. So I just slapped you in the face right now. So you remember this moment that that lizard you’re seeing in the fire right now is a real thing.

But I mean, really, that is kind of like maybe a good version of trauma based mind control. You’re going out with your dad and someone makes an award winning goal and he just slaps you across the face and it’s like, you’re not in trouble. I just want you to remember this moment, you know what I mean? But it would work, wouldn’t it? You would remember that until the day you died.

Like, I remember the time my dad slapped me because there was a lizard in the fireplace. What a core memory there, right? I think everyone should have that memory with their father just watching a lizard come out of the fireplace, right, and, like, being smacked across. Yeah. Where was I? Here. All right. Yeah. The step. So love bombing. You wanted to continue on that or were you done with the it’s on the bottom of the page and I can’t see the screen when I hold it up, so yeah, I just skipped that one.

All right, so love bombing, it’s about 18 months. They go into detail. I’ll spare you those fracturing the mind. So the four stage is built upon the foundation of disassociation created in the first and second stages and the love created in the third stage. And then here, the demonology of the first step also helps pull in demons associated with programming, tunneling in the mind and multiplicity, which are used in the fourth foundational step.

All right, so I got to remember to always invoke those demons when you’re doing that fourth step is a doozy. Yeah. All right. If I want to do my best to summarize these without getting into the weeds, because there’s some nasty weeds, but there is step one, premature birth because you’re more potent or more attractive to, I guess, like the demons that come in, right? And then you’ve got step two and they induce some more.

Like the trauma based programming, the love bombing. This is also a technique in just like regular human relationships where there’s typically an abuser. Yes, and it doesn’t always have to be a bad version of it, but love bombing is just like constantly giving way more attention that is sustainable for you for the explicit purpose of making sure that your investment gets a big return, right? So I’m just going to start buying gifts and presents and just showing all my attention, cancel all my plans.

I’m just here for you, girl. But you can’t do that forever. So there’s either some intention to like, you’re doing this for a purpose, maybe a manipulative, maybe it’s just because it’s how you were brought up, but there’s a very focused aspect to that. And then the fracturing is when you basically if you take a cold glass and you dunk it in boiling water or vice versa, you take a hot glass and dunk it in ice cold water, it fractures.

And the reason why it fractures is because you just went from one extreme to the other too quick. You can kind of like slowly bring it to the right temperature and that won’t happen. Right? So the fracturing of the mind in the context of this illuminati mind control is that you go from love bombing to doing the ultimate horrible thing you could ever do to somebody that you’ve just been love bombing for the last three months or whatever it is.

So you go from a child gives their utmost trust in you. They don’t even think, am I going to get hurt or anything. It’s just like, oh, every time I see this face, I know that I’m going to be fine, I’m going to be fed, I’m going to be warm and safe. And then all of a sudden the worst possible thing happens to you. And the fracturing is that the only person that you know that trust and love and even recognize in the world just did something to you that you can’t kind of reconcile with all of your other experience.

And I think in the book they kind of describe it as like divide by zero. Or maybe that was something in my comic, but essentially that’s what’s happening is that you’re opening up the calculator and you’re saying divide by zero and it just goes error. Like the human brain just doesn’t understand, how could this have just happened? This doesn’t compute. And as soon as you get them into that does not compute state, that’s when the programming can start.

And for any nerds out there, remember the old Xbox mod hacks? There was something called the red ring hack or like the ring of death hack. And it was basically you could hack an xbox by making it freak out and reboot. And then during that reboot process, you could inject code, and then that would let you play bootleg games where it wouldn’t be smart enough to check for the anti piracy code in it.

So you would just bypass that. And it happened through a reboot hack. Essentially, it would just keep rebooting the Xbox over and over and over and keep trying to inject this code. And the second it worked, then it would stay on and stop rebooting. But that’s kind of how this Monarch programming is working. The way that he describes it, that fracturing, is you’re rebooting this kid’s brain and they don’t know how to deal with it, and you just keep rebooting it over and over until either the programming takes or you just reboot it one too many times and the power supply blows out.

And what’s really scary about this, bro, is how well you can break this down, bro. So it just makes me think about you, because I did see in this book that potential programmers were computer programmers by day, illuminati programmers by night. And it said us. Air Force check. It said, I also was in the country music industry for a little while. I don’t know. Not a good look, Thomas, if you get what I mean.

All right? And it would make sense that you would have this and the process church, too. I was also in the process church. All right, so how you said they go from these two extremes, hot, cold, hot code, and then you have the initial splitting, right? That’s where it fractures into these multiple altars personalities, et cetera, et cetera. And then they take these individual alters and program whatever it is that they need.

I mean, use your imagination. Use your imagination as to what they could use. How Thomas was saying at the beginning, essentially, this is what the book is really about, about these different fractures and these different personalities. And then literally, they break down the types of different programming, the languages, the different altars that they could be, potentially, which cartoon characters you use to implant certain types of personalities. You might use a Disney princess if you’re going to be like a sex slave, but maybe they’ll use like Superman stuff if you’re going to be like an assassin.

They’ll make you feel like you’re going to come in and save the day, but really you’re just going to john Lennon. Yeah, exactly. Look at this thing here, which this thing looks kind of wrong, but the COVID of the program of the ritual at the Bohemian Grove and then he puts here comma in which a child is sacrificed and a film is made of it. I don’t think we can say so here’s.

That really hard crossover with the Franklin scandal. And I don’t know that was John de Camp that wrote that. I don’t know if John de Camp wrote his notes on Bohemian Grove about that first, or if Fritz wrote it and then John de Camp Piggybacked, or if they both heard the same story from a different source and then wrote it. But that exact claim that you just mentioned is in both of those people’s books and also in I think, there’s a book called Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant, which also kind of addresses did you explain at the beginning the Franklin Scandal? I don’t think you did.

So Franklin Scandal is known that because of the Franklin savings alone, I believe it was in Omaha, Nebraska. It was a bank. There was, like, some embezzlement going on. Long story short is, through the financial forensic investigation of the bank fraud, they discovered that this guy, I think his name was Lawrence King, who was a Republican, he was friends with the Reagan family. He sang at the Republican National Convention.

He had a lot of political power. This guy was legitimately running like an underage child ring, essentially, to high level politicians. And the second that this broke, all of the victims were kind of character assassinated. They all got sent to jail for lying and lying under oath. They basically went to court and under oath, we’re like, yeah, all these things happened. And then they were like, Nah. No, it didn’t.

You’re all going to jail for saying it did. So I’m oversimplifying some of that. But the Franklin Scandal, essentially is if you were to take this manual that Fritz wrote, the Illuminati formula, and then actually applied it in real life, franklin Scandal is like and here’s the people that applied this programming in real life. And I believe Franklin actually makes a claim about, like, express dropping kids off by Bohemian Grove and crazy things happening.

One very important thing to mention, which we didn’t mention, this show was actually sponsored by Bohemian Grove. So all claims are sponsored by Bohemian. And now the Illuminati formula used to create an undetectable total mind control slave is actually a manual. Now, I don’t know if I would consider it a grimoire, but it’s a manual because it literally breaks down each and every different step on what they do to achieve this mind control slave, okay? So it’s quite literally how you’re saying, like, somebody could take these things and apply them to whatever that they’re doing.

And one of my favorite, or not favorite, but check this out. Ritual device. Your favorite of illuminati trauma. Remember, a special ritual device that is put inside a person and causes excruciating pain. It is made only from one kind of wood, a special wood, possibly myrtle. It has a painted spider on it between two satanic symbols. Okay? This is legitimately scary, bro. This is like you know what it is? It’s the lack of detail that makes this feel more credible and, like, maybe even myrtle.

And you’re just like, oh, Jesus. Like, what does myrtle do? Is that the Harry Potter. Lightning bolt on his what is this? Is this a dick and balls? What is this like and then a spider. All right. Also, is that a misspelling in the name? Because it looks like it says Denny. H-L-L-G-R-S. Did he miss a vowel in there? You have to read this all as a whole here.

None of these things exist in a vacuum. And this image was provided by who is it? Danny Hergles. Yeah. Again, I’m not making fun of what’s in this book or the things that are happening. I do believe, right, like the movie Sound of Freedom and all this, I do believe that’s an actual thing, the trafficking of humans is a real thing. But what I don’t like is the over embellishment sometimes of the drastic theater make it huge and it’s a problem.

Point is, it needs to be tackled. How do we go about that? You know what I’m saying? We don’t need all this other division with this party, that party, et cetera. No, it’s an issue. How do we tackle it? You know what I’m saying? So again, I know we’re making jokes and all that stuff, but this is serious stuff. Again. But you take it for what it is.

If you want to go, just know if they ever give you the option and they’re like, we got the beechwood and the myrtle. Always go for the beechwood, never go for the myrtle, bro. It’s put inside you and causes that’s a pro tip from a cult book club. Yes, we have. So the idea of which I’m going to censor that word out and that whole thing. And then I had here what we mentioned at the beginning.

Altars split. They can do different programming for different altars. They have a whole programming language, different concepts, different words. Are you saying different characters? Which is all covered in here. Again, this book is very long. And one of the things again, this is one of these concepts of, like, why don’t we know more about it? Right? Like the child that asks, oh, well, there’s aliens. Well, do you have a picture of it? Or There’s Bigfoot, or do you have a picture of Bigfoot’s? Like, not really.

So then he goes, Here the amnesia. Walls that are built by traumas form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out and prevents the front personalities who hold onto the body most of the time to know their system of altars is being used. The shield of secrecy allows cult members to live and work around other people and remain totally undetectable. The front altars can be wonderful Christians and the deeper altars can be the worst of Satanic monsters imaginable.

A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde effect. A great deal is at stake in maintaining the secrecy of the intelligence agencies or the occult group in which is controlling the slave. So you can see where it’s like, a lot of source. Trust me, bro. I made that homunculus. You got to trust me on that. Thomas all right. I don’t have the receipts because, you see, my phone was dead that day, and what happened was when it fell, the camera cracked, and I’ve actually heard this exact excuse from you before.

I think the last time we were supposed to do this episode. But I want to put in here that this is the part which I think is factual, and this is probably the scariest part of all this, is that it’s not like Fritz made this aspect up, this concept of multiple personality and dissociative identity. Like, these are real things. They’ve been documented. They’ve been studied. Maybe if you’re a Scientologist or Fritz Springmeyer, you think that none of that’s real, and it’s all Satans and demons and stuff.

But this concept is extremely real. And one of the I guess the most sad aspects of it is, from what I understand, the legitimate research that’s out there, 100% of cases are the result of a certain type of abuse. It’s not just like you get born and it’s not like autism, right, where someone’s like, oh, did I drop them on the head? Or did I feed them? Did I give them, like, a granola bar that had Aspartame in it or something, and now my kid won’t make eye contact with me.

It’s not that kind of thing. It is like there is a very specific horrible thing that you can do, and if you do it to a kid at a certain age, then that results in a certain way that the mind protects itself. And this is real. And this is something that I do believe that we found out in World War II. Obviously, horrible things have been going on since the dawn of time, but in World War II, they systematically started doing this.

They made a formula, and they’re like, okay, step one, step two, step three, step four. Oh, wow. Isn’t that crazy? When we do step four, every time that we notice there’s, like, a split personality, it only happens after step four. It never happens on steps one through three for some reason. But honestly, that’s the scariest part. And the realest part of this is that if you pretend like you never even heard of Fritz Springmeyer and you just look into industry, accepted Rockefeller medicine, accepted standard writings on multiple personality, and did that is, like, the number one source is from this very particular type of abuse, which is nuts.

And the fact that that’s what all of this program like this book is centered on this particular type of programming, I feel like it’s real. This is the factual part of it. For a second, I didn’t know what you meant by the woodpecker grid cages, and now I do. I just read it. I got a picture. I had it highlighted, actually. Yikes. This is the woodpecker grid, right? Here the reason they call it the woodpecker grid.

First of all, there’s a bunch of imagine you go into a kennel where there’s like a bunch of dogs, right? Like a dog kennel. So before you say that, Thomas, because remember I asked you earlier, what are the specifics of how is this such a big operation? Well, the initial splits and initial programming done at China Lake, California. And then he goes here. Monarch Mine Control was carried out in large airplane hangers on base, which have been able to house thousands of tiny cages just large enough for human babies.

So lots of 1000 babies was a small batch according to people who worked in the hangers helping program. Many batches were 2000 or 3000 babies according to people that worked in the hangar. Where’s the footnote? Does he mention those people’s names though? That’s a shame. Inside one of those hangers, he also makes a claim that it happens in deep underground military bases too. I believe there’s like underground the Denver Airport might be one of these.

But the woodpecker grid, I think, falls in the category of Embellishment, but there’s truth behind it. So here’s the concept. And you see all these little clicking noises. So each one of these, the walls from the ground of the floor are metal cages. And they put little kids in the cages. And the reason why they’re making this clicking noise is because they have an electrical current running through these cages.

Now, it’s not all the time because they’re not just electrocuting you, but what happens is just for like a fraction of a second, you just get tased, right? Imagine if there was someone behind you right now with a taser. And then it’s not like every 30 seconds they TASE you because what would happen after a few hours of that? You would just unconsciously start to be like predicting that you’re about to get tased again and you’d flinch up a little bit and kind of prepare yourself if it were happening regularly, right? But if it were completely random, if someone just tased you now and then 5 seconds later, and then they waited four and a half hours and then they did it again right when you thought it was safe and it was all over and it’s like and you get hit again.

That’s what these cages are doing. And what they’re doing is making it so that your body can no longer predict the trauma that it’s going through, so it can’t prepare itself. And what that does is at a certain point you just break your mind and your soul breaks. It gives up because it says, I can no longer predict when I need to protect myself. So what’s the point? If it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen, so just let it happen.

And that’s kind of what this woodpecker grid is doing. Is it’s saying like submit to the chaos of the universe. You can’t predict it, you can’t control it, just submit to it. And once they submit to it, there’s just like this look in the eye, right? And this is that final step of the shattering according to the Springmeyer ritual is that you get love bombed, then you get put into this cage.

So there’s the hot and cold, right? You go from being love bombed and everyone is taking care of you and you’re safe to now you’re not safe at all. You can’t predict it. It’s just absolutely unpredictable. And then the person that’s been love bombing you shows up. All of a sudden you’re there to save you. They’re the savior, right? And then right at that moment when you’re like thank God my authority figure is here to save me, that’s when they do the worst possible thing you could imagine.

And that’s the moment of like oh my God, you’re here to save me. Oh my God, you just did the worst thing. This is worse than the woodpecker. So that moment is the fracturing. So think about what that worst thing could be that they could possibly do to that and the reality to this. Because if the woodpecker grid and having 3000 kids in cages in an airplane hangar so real quick, Thomas, to add a little bit onto that.

These cages are called the woodpecker grids. The victim sees a flash of light when the DC voltage is applied. Later, this flash of light is used with hypnotic induction to make the person think that they are going into another dimension when they are blasted with high voltage. In the Peter Pan programming, the programmers tell the slave that he is riding the light. And then that thing that they do also one of the popular traumas that they do, which I’m not going to say yeah, go ahead, sorry.

Also ride the lightning metallica. Maybe there’s a reference in there. Oh, but I was just going to say that sort of like breaking I think this is the Embellished version of 3000 cages and deep underground military bases and hangers and all this. But the real version of this is that there was research by Dr. Jolly west in MKUltra and he basically said the best way, the most reliable way to break down the human is just nothing more than sleep deprivation.

If I can just make it so that every time I see you nodding off, I run into the room and I wake you up and I flick the lights on and I TASE you, and I just keep you up for like a week straight. And don’t ever let you fall into a circadian rhythm where your body can go back into REM and repair itself and wake back up.

If I break that and make sure it stays broken, the exact same thing happens. At a certain point your brain goes I guess I’m just never going to sleep again. Because every time I think I’m about to get some sleep. Someone wakes me up and then I can’t go back to sleep. So it happens on a physiological level, not like an emotional level. Like your actual body is like, oh, well, I guess I’ll just throw in a towel and just deal with whatever happens.

So in my mind, that’s what the woodpecker grid represents. It’s representing maybe like a more realistic version of sleep deprivation mixed in with like instead of just waking you up. It’s a little bit more of a rude awakening. But you could see where there’s based in real research from real CIA projects. But they could still be a real I mean yeah, it was a real thing. Yeah, he was that guy.

That guy’s a piece. Hope he’s burning in hell. I hope he dies again. Yeah, me too. So we have here and this is again one of the things that turned me off about it. He’s giving like, specifics of where these places are at. And we’re just in the intro. We’re not even chapter one yet, people. Yeah, we’re in the preface. This is still like towards the beginning of the book.

All right, so the worked. Although he did fly every so often, west coast would meet other programmer. Dr. Blue was another of the important leading Illuminati programmers. These top programmers supervise other lesser programmers. If something went wrong, they might fly a child from a programming location to a specialist to get it special help for its programming. The men and women of the Illuminati help the top programmers out.

The grandmothers, the grandmasters of the Illuminati, participate in helping with the programming. So he’s got it almost feels like he’s programming you while reading this book. He’s like programmer, programmer, programmer programming. Programmers programming. Let’s see how many times the word programming is in this programming. Should we have put when we started warning if you are an Mkultrati mind control slave, like do not watch, you might be triggered 1204 times.

The word programming is in this book. I mean, that’s not a big deal. I read programming books all the time. Program 177. All right. No, the Word program is in here. 2500. Well, it also is mixed in there with programming programmer programmed programmers. So it feels like you’re getting programmed as you’re reading this damn thing. So it’s almost like a maybe there’s a hidden code within this book, bro, of like, read between the lines type of thing.

Like if you know, you know. What do you think about that? I think asking those kind of questions can get you thrown in jail for armed robbery. Oh, man. All right, so yikes. That’s where you fly too close to the sun. That’s basically it, yeah. All right, I want to touch on this here. So we’re talking about the rituals and stuff like that. He goes and this is where it gets again, this is where we cross over into the occult esoteric because he goes understanding the rituals and trauma.

Illuminati rituals are based upon the most ancient mystery religions, the Rothschilds, like the ancient Canaanite mystery religions and use Akkadian, Hittite canonite Babylonian rituals, all of them. He just comped all of them together like AKADIAN, Hittite, Canaanite, Babylonian rituals. Well, when you say Canaanite, that’s kind of redundant. While all those other things because the Canaanite was sort of built on the top of some of those in that region, it was all Babylonian and Hittites and Akadians and Sumerians, and then that turns into the Canaanites.

I prefer Phoenician because when you say phoenician, it’s like all of that stuff after it gets bundled up with a nice little bow on it. Phoenician. So he clumps all those up and he goes the rituals from ancient Egypt are also heavily used by the Illuminati. The Collins Sinclair type Illuminati bloodlines and some of the other Illuminati families with a northern European Celtic or Celtic background are very much into Druid rituals.

Understand that historically the Druids gave up paganism for the truth of Christ, but that now Neopaganism would have people return to what the Celtic leadership gave up about 2000 years ago. And he goes, the drawings below, and I’ll show them here in a second, were done by participants in high level satanic ritual. The one participant drew several pictures of hearts which her covenant placed into jars. Some illustrations from the Egyptian Book of the Dead are included to show that the rituals of keeping hearts in a jar straight from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

The heart was placed in a jar for weighing, it for judgment. The twin mirror image goddess Mott, at TimeStands beside the scales and at the same time eyes also plays onto the one side of the scale. This is similar to Christ judging a person while also being the standard against which a person is judged against. We have here in the papyrus of Keanu, the head of Anubis is on the beam and the ape wearing a disc crescent, et cetera, et cetera.

All right, so I’m going to show this. This reminds me of Finders territory too, when they talk about hearts and jars and things, because that was part of the finders claims, is that they followed this van to like a warehouse and inside that warehouse were all sorts of organs inside of mason jars and whatnot. Yeah, so we have chapter three is the use of drugs. Hold on, I got a couple of notes on chapter two, real small ones.

So chapter two also mentioned some of this is like I’m just going to repeat what the book said. I don’t have a whole lot of background on it. I would love to go deeper on some of this. Charles Manson in China Lake. So he makes his claim in chapter two. Charles Manson, a programmed monarch slave who received initial let me show you the ritual that is that Myrtle I don’t know.

Is that like, hand carved Amish wood? I don’t know, but it’s user permission of David Carrio, minister in Indiana. So there’s a ritual stick. All right. Sorry. What was David doing with the ritual? I don’t know. Charles Manson, a program monarch slave, received his initial programming at China Lake. He lived with his cult 45 minutes northwest of China Lake at the remote Myers and Barker Ranches, scotty’s Castle and Death Valley.

Bakersfield, Edwards Air Force Base and Papaludo’s Store and Tavern with a secret underground programming center are all in the vicinity of China Lake. And all been programming sites, too. It has served them excellent stakes. The base headquarters is known as the White House, and it looks somewhat like a yacht clubhouse on the northwest end of the airfield at 39 64 and 433 east. He’s being very specific. The government has built a large magical Seal of Solomon with each leg a quarter mile long on the ground.

Now, give me that. When he wrote this, he didn’t have Google Maps. He didn’t have Google Maps. We do. So I wonder if we could pull this up. What’s the address? It’s at 39 64. Like 39 64 and 433 east. And this is in Death Valley, I guess. And he says there’s a magical Seal of Solomon. 39 64. If you search, like, I guess, 45 miles northwest of China Lake.

Can you pull up China Lake? Are we doing some forensic? We’re doing legit forensics, yeah, we have bro china Lake. What do you want me to pull up? Well, it says that it’s 45 miles northwest of China Lake. So if you find China Lake on a map, and then we look at the little legend and roughly look 45 miles northwest, we should see a magical Seal of Solomon if it’s also the year 1990.

Well, what was the address again? The address it says, which would be weird if it’s still there, 39 60. I don’t know why. I just saw, like it looks like a freemason symbol at the top. Bro yeah, right here. Oh, my God. Illuminati confirmed. This is the Boeing China. They were on the list. This whole thing is all China Lake. But so 45 miles northwest of this. All right, so this is China Lake right here, 45 north.

In the bottom right corner. Right there’s, 20 miles is what, like no, see on the very bottom where it says 20 mi with a little line. So two of those lines would be about 40 miles to the northwest. So it looks like it’s, like, around Alancha or even in the Sequoia National Forest. And again, it says the base headquarters, known as the White House, looks like a club yacht house northwest of the airfield at 39 64 and 433 east.

Oh, you know what it says on the quad maps. So I wonder if he’s got one of those maps where it’s got, like, the columns and the rows and there’s one that’s like 433. This right here is 14 miles. And this is which direction is this? Well, that would be southwest. So you want northwest, and you want it to be about four times or three times that length.

But this is weird, though, right here. Look at that. No, north, northwest. Up into the left. Up into the left. 45. Man, there ain’t out here, bro. If anyone lives in this area, if anyone actually lives in this underground Illuminati mind control station, please reach out, email us, let us know where the Seal of Solomon is. Apparently, it’s around here somewhere. Or, I mean, if Google Maps is in on it, why would they show you the Seal of Solomon in their satellite imagery, right? Yeah, true.

Give me that address one more time again. It says 39 64 here, I’ll put it in our little chat here. 39. This is exactly what I copied out of it. Oh, wait, that was 433 east. There you go. Let me try and find the I’ll mention the exact page while this is on, too, in case it’s of help for anyone watching this in the future. 39 64, Seal of Solomon, China Lake.

Let’s see. Let’s just Google this. Let’s just Google this, see if there’s any because, again, these are crazy stuff that he’s talking about. But of course, what does Snope say about this? Has snopes covered nothing. Solomon seal? No, but china seals controversial defense pack with solomon islands. I did a search, and the number one result was this book. What’d you search? I searched for 39 64, China Lake Seal of Solomon, and the number one result was the Illuminati formula used to create an undetectable mind control sleeve.

And it just says that his large magical Seal of Solomon is just a hexagram, which could have just been like any building at the time, right? Yeah, I don’t know. Fritz. I feel like Fritz might have just had a map handy at the time he was writing this and was like, that’s a hexagram right there. We’re going to go ahead and add that in. Have I’ve ever seen a darn? Hexagram a Satanic one at best.

That’s what it would look like. So anyways, I found that incredibly interesting. He’s being very specific in chapter two about that. And then also in chapter two, he mentions a guy named Li PO, and it says that PO noticed the power of sense. In ancient China, alchemists studied scents very carefully. The case at Ludin, France, had nuns going into different disassociative states at the smell of different flowers.

Cinnamon is a widespread scent used in programming deeper parts in a system. The smell of feces and urine is a trauma to a small caged child. So interestingly, they’re saying that if you were raised in a horrible situation, Juan, where your parents threw you in a cage and you ended up just smelling your own pissing for days and days, on end while you were just being neglected and abused.

Later on in life, you walk into a public restroom, and that smell know, urine punches you in the face. It could very much send you right back to that earlier trauma in your life. And what he’s getting at here is that he doesn’t mention this in this book, but this is very true that your sense of smell is the closest connection we have to memories. Your olfactory senses are like a direct link.

And that’s why if you’re in church and someone walks by and they’re wearing, like, a perfume, and you’re like, oh, my God, I haven’t smelt that in 30 years. That was the perfume, like, my Aunt So and So wore. And, you know, it definitively. It’s not even like, oh, I think it might be murky. It’s not like one of those tip of your tongue things. It’s like, holy crap, I just remembered my aunt out of nowhere.

So again, the olfactory sense, and he mentions that this smell contains an alpha switch, which is a scent element which triggers the mind sexually. Mariah knows how to use various scents and incenses. Mariah, being the illuminati astral magic, uses various perfumes. So again, I mentioned that analogy earlier on about, like, you go into the doctor’s office for 14 years and you see your therapist and it smells like bandaids and alcohol, right? And you’re like, why isn’t this working? But then you walk into a church and you smell Myrrh and Frankincense and all the interesting smells and sights.

What it’s doing is it’s triggering you and putting you into a completely different state of mind. And again, this is the formula on how to do these things. So it’s just telling you if you want to put someone into a different state, burn some incense, right? You go into any tarot shop on the planet, guarantee you you’re going to get, like, a face full of patchouli or some other very specific scent.

And just like that, right? At least me, whenever I smell patchouli, I’m like, oh, someone’s got weed somewhere around here, right? Or someone’s got a hacky sack, guaranteed. Yeah. No, the idea of smells and sometimes sounds too, right? Like, certain song will take you back to a certain memory, but a song can change in your mind over years. Like, you might misremember, like, oh, I didn’t remember the hook going like that.

And then you’re like, Mandela effect, right? Yeah, I just blame it on Mandela all the time. But scent doesn’t have that, right? Very rarely are you like, oh, that kind of smells like this thing that I remember from 20 years ago. No, bro, it’s like, oh, my God, that’s this one smell because, oh, my God, I just my pants. I know what that smells like. I hope that you’ve got a better indication before it hits the nostrils, bro.

Just myself. I know exactly what that smells like, bro. I’ve been trying to find this airfield, bro, and not seeing the magical seal of Solomon. I think I might have found it. You might be searching for that for a while, man. Circle earthwork right here, bro. I don’t know what this is, but it looks Satanic. It’s a very curved hexagram. So there’s only two airfields here. Okay, there’s this one, right? How did he not point out the Masonic compass in all of this? Well, he says northeast.

Northwest, right? Or northwest of the airfield? Of the airfield. The government all right, so the government is behind I mean, you should be able to find 39 64. No, yeah, that’s the thing. I don’t see that. Isn’t there, like, a highway 39 64 or something around that three nine five? Yeah, I mean, there’s a very good chance that they changed the numbering system between the now. Yeah, when he published this book yeah.

He published it, they were like, oh, we got to change all the numbers. So he says northwest. So which way is north? Let me check here. Which way is north? Oh, bro, I mean, they’re showing you a globe, so obviously sorry, I didn’t oh, man, they’re going to crucify me in the comments. All right, so northwest. North. Yeah. Well, now you’re going east. No, I’m just scanning around.

Yeah, sure, you oh, what’s this? Can you just search for Satanic seal of Solomon? No, northwest would be that circle Earthwork there. No, that’s northeast, man. North never eat. Okay, yeah, my bad. I mean, I’d be surprised if it was still there. These all look like farmland. That’s a water treatment plant right there. That’s what they want you to think. It’s that’s the smell of feces he’s talking about, bro.

Anyways, all right, enough. You know what? Do a search for the tavern. It’s called papaludos. I wonder if Papaludos is still around in that area. How do you spell shout out to Papaludo’s sponsor of this episode? How do you spell it? Papa. L-U-D-O Papaludo’s Store and Tavern. And that’s the one that had a secret underground programming center, so it would be kind of wild if it was still there.

Where is that at? Did you say that it was in that same area? China Lake? Yeah. China Lake Area. Uh oh. China Lake Underground Base. What is this? Oh, yeah, it’s coming up with this. I mean, trust me, bro. All right, enough. This is a fake site. All right, enough lolly gagging. Let’s get back to business. All right, where are we at? Chapter three. You were about to get into chapter three.

Let me pull this up here real quick. And I know we’re already at 3 hours in. We’re only at chapter three. We might have to split it up, bro. We might, although I took my biggest notes for chapter three, seven and ten. So if we go over those ones, we can do a part two and go. Into the minutiae of all the other stuff. Is there anything in chapter three that really stood out to you? No, because again, so to recap what we’ve talked about at the beginning, he sets everything up, right? He talks about how gives you all like a low down pretty much.

And then he gets into breaking down exactly, literally with details and everything of what they do to program these people, the barriers that they put between different personalities and all these different stuff. And then in number three, he gets into the drugs. And I mean, he lists a bunch of different drugs that you can use, right? Like literally, I’m going to pull up here real quick, but literally lists look at this.

Also all sponsors of this episode. No, they’re not sponsors of this episode. But again, he goes in list. So first we have drugs for mind control, then we have herbs. When the victim’s body is saturated, while the drugs they can assimilate, they will receive herbs, which often have a drug effect. So Ayahuasca is in there. You have rosemary, you have a brief history of the use applications and programming.

So putting people into trance, etching. Altars to go deeper into trance, to escape drug effects, enhancing the trauma, controlling that one’s. Wild bro. That one basically says that you can program a certain altar to be immune to the psychological effect of drugs, not the physical effect. Like someone pumps you full of heroin, you’ll probably still start nodding. But there might be a way that you can Jedi mind trick your way out of an LSD trip.

Maybe that’s what he’s putting forth there. Yeah, in this particular section. So putting people into trance and they have teaching alters to go deeper into trance, to escape drug effects and pain, enhancing the trauma, producing out of body experiences, helping create illusions such as no hands, no feet, no face, no head. What? So if you’re trying to escape pain, you can tell yourself, I don’t even have a hand.

They can’t be ripping my fingernails out because I don’t even have a hand. And if you can convince yourself that you don’t even have a hand, then you can convince yourself that that pain isn’t real and that’s you disassociating yourself from that. So that’s what? That no head, no hand. It’s basically saying the pain that I’m feeling is in my ghost limb. Just ignore it. My ghost dick, bro.

That’s the pain I’m feeling. My ghost sack. So I have the rest of my notes on my phone. Let me pull them up here. But yeah, go ahead because I got some spicy ones from chapter three. He actually cites a source for some of these. I tried for no small amount of time to find the source of this. So he says it’s from a magazine called Freemasonry Universal, volume five from 1929.

Now, I couldn’t even find whether or not Freemasonry Universal was even a thing in the 1920s, let alone all the way up to volume five. But also it probably wasn’t something that was mass produced and survived over 100 years. But he says, this is wild, man. I’ve really never heard this before. A Masonic magazine for higher Masonic rights where sex magic is performed entitled Freemasonry Universal. Volume 519 29, page 58.

That is very specific. Page 58 states certain forces are sent through the candidate’s body during ceremony, especially at the moment when he is created, received and constituted as an entered apprentice Freemason. Certain parts of the lodge have been heavily charged with magnetic force, especially in order that the candidate may absorb as much as possible of this force. The first object of this curious method of preparation is to expose the influence to this various parts of the body which are especially used in the ceremony.

In ancient Egypt, there was another reason for these preparations. For a weak current of physical electricity was sent through the candidate by means of a rod or a sword which he was touched at in certain points. That’s all it says. But the fact that it says that they touched the candidate with a rod or a sword at certain points and that this was a Sex Magic ritual, it sounds like they’re shocking their dicks.

Go ahead and write. Yeah, go ahead and write that down. 302. I already have dicks down. But he’s saying that in a magazine. I’m just open your mind. It’s 1929. You go to the magazine right now section, you open up the magazine and it’s like in order to fully enter Freemasonry, you need to get cattle prodded on your dick. But read the section again. Read the section. In ancient Egypt, there was a reason for these preparations.

A weak current of physical electricity was sent through the candidate by means of a rod or sword with which he was touched at certain points. Where do you get penis from that? Because it says that it’s a Masonic magazine where Sex Magic is performed. So he’s explaining this ritual, and at no point in that ritual does he say anything about Sex Magic except for that a candidate is touched at certain points and he doesn’t elaborate on what those certain points are.

Now, there are I don’t want to get myself murdered here, but if you just search for the points of Masonry, there’s, like, points on the body that are involved in rituals. None of them are the dick, but the way that this one is written. So anyways, he summarizes this and he says, long story short, masonic Lodges have been using hypnotism and electric shock in their initiation rituals for a long time.

This combination of fear and hypnotism combine to seal the lips of an initiate in telling what some Lodges are secret and criminal activity. And then it goes into, like, banking and stuff. Like, first he’s talking about shocking your dick and then he’s talking about fear and hypnotism. And then he says, in 1919, the Illuminati created the Royal Institute of International Affairs with the Aster Illuminati family financial backers, the Waldorf Aster or Waldorf Aster, which is where we get the name Waldorf Astoria.

By the way, that Ritzy hotel. Waldorf Aster was appointed. The American equivalent to this company is the CFR. So he’s describing this original Roundtable Group and that somehow it says, Dude, again, this gets wild. It says late president of the Watchtower Society. There are two examples of men selected for road scholarships. Bill Clinton went through this program. However, Franz decided not to go and led CT. Russell’s cult as an oracle after President CT.

Russell was ritually killed on Halloween 1916 with his remains buried under a pyramid. He later served as President from 1977 to 1994 of the Watchtower Society, which is a front for Illuminati anocian magic. Now, the Watchtower Society, I believe keep me honest here isn’t that like, either a Mormon or what’s the other one? The ones that aren’t allowed to go to carnivals or celebrate birthdays? Mormons or so the Watchtower Bible and Track Society of Pennsylvania is a not for profit blah, blah, blah, in Warwick, New York, founded by Charles Tays Russell.

Yeah, that there you go. Which Charles TASE Russell was. Yeah, he was the Christian. He’s saying Zionism, basically. This is Christian Zionism. No, but this has another name, bro the Pentecostal, right? No. Bible study movement. It’s got another name, Bro, because I remember reading about the Jehovah Witnesses. Well, there’s a little on they adopted the name Jehovah Witnesses in 1931. There you go. Right? There was, like, four breaks, and they branched out in four ways.

And Jehovah’s Witnesses is just one of those branches. But the original one was Watchtower Society by this guy, charles TASE. Russell and that’s who Fritz apparently, just like, he focuses and says, this guy was part of the Illuminati, and he helped usher in some of this programming here’s through Enochian magic. This guy in particular, I believe it was again, it’s related to Jack Parsons, but he predicted the date of the Antichrist being born.

It had something to do with Charles TASE Russell, whatever his name was. Let me look that up real quick. Charles Tay’s, russell Antichrist Parsons. Let me look that up real quick, because no, Brother Russell believed that the appearance of the Antichrist had begun in the first century, and the date that he had given was the date that Jack Parsons was yo, it’s all connected, man. This is crazy, bro.

What? And there’s also in that same section in chapter three, there’s this claim here, and it says that H. P. Blavatsky, founder of Theosophical Society, that she was initiated by Mazzini into Carbonarism. And for anyone who doesn’t know they’re talking about mazzini was part of the secret society called the Carbonari, which was like an Italian political movement, sort of like if oversimplified, but if the French revolution was like the French version.

Then the Italian version was Mazzini. And remember when I mentioned earlier on about the palladium right, where he was like, especially the palladium, right? Well, the palladium, right? This came from a book by Leo Taxel where he basically just made up a bunch of stuff about Freemasons worshipping baphomet as a way to make Freemasons look silly. But he also sold the story to the Vatican so that the Vatican would freak out and believe it and accuse the Freemasons of worshiping.

And it worked. He got the Freemasonry in the Vatican to kind of be at ODS with each other and then shows up, he gets summoned to the Vatican by the pope, and then there in front of everybody, he’s like, yeah, I kind of made it up to make you guys look like idiots. And here you are looking like idiots. Anyways, in 1996, in this book, he repeats something that Leo Taxel wrote in the 18 hundreds.

And he says that initiated by Mazini the carbonarasm, a form of Freemasonry alooomed by the Great White Lodge in 1856. And then he talks about going into the ancient Masonic rites of Memphis and Miseryum, which again, when he said 33 degree and higher, that’s this, that’s Memphis and miseryum, because Memphis and Miseryum go up to degree 99, I believe. And there’s a lot of good research that I personally believe that says that when the Bavarian Illuminati sort of fizzled out and I guess died, quote, unquote, really what happened is that all of those higher degrees of the Illuminati kind of got transferred over into the lodge of Memphis and Miseryum.

And if anything is the most accurate modern day version of all those ancient Illuminati rituals, it might be in those, quote unquote, higher 99 degrees. Interesting. Yeah, I’ve heard about that before, that they go way up there. But again, this is just different sects of Freemasonry, whatever it is. And I know you’re trying to do crowd control for them or damage control for them. Good on. Well, and then one of the final notes this.

He says Alice Bailey had to lose his trust. Henry Steele Olcot Elvis Presley was a monarch slave. And then did you see him throwing some shade at daddy manley p. Hall? Yeah, I did see that. Manly Palmer Hall was an Illuminati Theta programmer with at least grandmaster within the Illuminati and sat on the Grand Druid Council. Now, none of that would surprise me if Manly Palmer hauls, what was the guy that you just interviewed? Ronnie Pontiac.

So if Ronie Pontiac was like, oh, yeah, and by the know, manly was also on this thing called the know, the Grand Druid council, you’d be like, oh, yeah, it sounds about right. So, I mean, that doesn’t sound too salacious, but the fact that he’s mentioning all these different names and it’s like, oh, and by the way, manley, Palmer Hall was an Illuminati Theta programmer I wonder, does that mean that the, like, summoned manly Palmer Hall and was like, you have to learn how to do this? Did they call manley Palmer Hall and say, teach us how to like, how does that work? And it would make sense because he went and studied and was abroad for the secret teachings of all ages.

Right? And would this count as like, slander or something? Or is this freedom of speech? How does this work? Because saying a lot of big stuff and not really backing it up. If I was yo, Juan is on the Grand Druid Council, could you sue me for defamation? I don’t know. And one other thing, too, is process. He keeps saying Grand Druid Council, and then he made a specific point earlier of like, well, most of the Druids, they eventually converted to Christianity.

They ended up being AOK. It’s like the ones that didn’t, they’re the bad guys. If you look at history, there’s actually a very specific reason on why the Druids converted to Christianity. And it wasn’t because they just woke up and they were like, I felt Jesus in my heart this morning, family. It was more like, oh, man, everyone I know is being tortured and they’re dying in front of me.

So let’s go ahead and let’s switch over. Yeah, absolutely. No, no, I like the the yeah, the Mets are great. They’re going to win. Was it the La Dodgers? Which one did he call? It specific. Those satanic la dodgers. If we were actually to ever get Fritz on, and I hope we can, that’s the kind of question I want to be like, yo, what is it about? Even answer our email, bro? All right.

I hope not. I feel like we’re given proper respect for everyone involved. No, as respectful as it gets for us, this is a comedy podcast, bro. In an ominous coincidence, charles TASE Russell, whose Russell lights now call themselves the Jehovah’s Witnesses, predicted the end of the world would happen October 2, 1914, the day of John Parsons birth, and just a couple of months after the start of World War I, when Russell announced his congregation in Brooklyn.

So you have Parsons, which probably wouldn’t have known, but he had called himself the Antichrist, like, towards the end of his life when he took the oath of the abyss or the oath of the Bornless one. And you have Charles Days Russell talking about the world ending on that day. So it’s just a weird coincidence. So let’s see here. Let me see what chapter this is from. I might have skipped something that I found really interesting.

This is from chapter two, I think. Where here we go. This is something I skipped over. And see here. All right, this is again where he starts to mix, like conspiracy with the occult, demonology, et cetera, et cetera. But he talks about the hidden observer. I don’t know if you caught on that where you remind me of Dexter again, right? The dark passenger. Yes. The term hidden observer is fraught with danger, though.

A demonic entity called the Hidden Observer works hand in glove with the programmer to program the individual. The hidden observer is able to see everything the system does. The people who control as slave frequently call up the hidden observer to ask questions. In this case, it is a demonic entity, and yet it is this hidden observer which each system has and that some therapists are trying to access to understand the system.

This hidden observer only tells the truth to its master because it is demonic. And then he goes into the term the core. But yeah, this idea of the hidden observer and I’m like this made me think of the episode we did on the Libreque where our boy what was his name? The esotericist with the Libre Veke. You don’t remember his name? I mean, you’re the homunculogist in the room.

Golly, I’m drawing a blank right now. But anyways, the guy that talked about how when you’re creating a homunculus, you’re creating an oh yeah, SIM Salabim. Yeah, you’re creating an artificial demon. And now I need to know his name, bro. It’s going to bother me. Hold on. You just lost a lot of homunculus cred right now. Yeah, it’s all good, bro. There’s so much stuff going on in my brain right now that anyways, this is a guy that talked about the idea of creating a homunculus.

You’re creating an artificial demon. And there was also the idea that when you’re creating that demon, when you’re creating the homunculus, you are becoming that demon. So you are sort of possessed, I guess. Here we go. Jabir no. Hayan no, no. It was the scholar, bro. It was the scholar that it was a real mean. They’re all real guys. Pingry. Pingery, David. Pingry, bro. There you go. He talked about the homunculus being an artificial demon, and then there was also this idea of you become a demonic entity while you’re creating the homunculus.

And this is what this reminded me of with this hidden observer that you can call upon almost like an immortal alchemist that comes to help you and aid you in your all chemical work. It’s like, hey, you’re doing a good job. Yeah, the programming is good, bro. And then he just pieces out of this dimension. What’s going on there, bro? Well, I don’t know if he pieces out.

I think he stays there. And the way that I’m reading this is like the word daemon, right? Like nerd out a little bit. But unlike a Linux operating system or POSIX system, you got these daemons. And a daemon is like this process just always running in the background. Like, a really common use of a daemon, for example, is something that goes out and it reads a bunch of log files.

So if you got a bunch of programs running on your computer. There’s a daemon that’s like, checking for the logs and looking for errors and bugs and anomalies. And if something weird happens, it’ll take a note of it and let you know. If you’re running Windows, that might be like an error that pops up, right? Or you got, like, your error event log. A lot of that is the effect of, like, a daemon.

This daemon is this background running process. It’s this hidden observer that’s constantly analyzing everything going on in the system. And at any point, if you want to cut through all the noise, if you’re like, my browser keeps crashing and Photoshop won’t load. Let me go and figure out what’s going on. You’re going to consult the daemon services. You’re going to look at your task manager and stuff. And that’s kind of what I see as this type of programming.

When they say the hidden observer, this is like you hitting control, alt delete and going to your task manager and let’s shut some of these programs down by right clicking and doing, like, a force quit. That’s the analogy that I’ve got when he’s describing it that way. And I completely forgot on the rant that he goes on about wizard of Oz, bro. Well, dude, that’s where I’m queued up right now.

So real quick before we get there. So he talks about Hypnosis, and again, this is a long book, talks about Hypnosis, how to use hypnosis, et cetera. And then he starts talking about Alice in Wonderland. Alice following the White Rabbit house, supposedly that is talking about unlocking these portals, essentially in these altars in order to be able to access these back walls, right? So the White Rabbit is a programming figure for Alice in Wonderland programming who will allow you to go to otherwise inaccessible places for adventure.

He represents the master. The White Rabbit is an important figure to the slave. The White Rabbit gives a wafer, coke, sugar, cocaine to Alice and says, eat me or eat it and I’ll take you through the door, takes master into close part of the system or perhaps over the rainbow. So he starts talking about all these different he’s got numbers, got all this stuff. But yeah, go ahead with the wizard of Oz.

Well. And also Alice in Wonderland. Is there’s a real MKUltra sighted programming technique called Alice in Wonderland programming? But I believe the premise isn’t that it’s based on the book. It’s more about convincing someone that the impossible is possible and vice versa. And also in Alice in Wonderland, there’s that scene where she I don’t remember there’s like cookies or like a drink, but one of them makes you very big, and one of them makes you very small.

And that’s, again, describing disassociation. Like, if you can imagine yourself being ten times the size of your house, and then you imagine yourself being like this tiny little bug on the floor, it’s almost like going into a memory palace and doing, like, thought experiments. So it’s this initiation of, like, hey, we’re about to disassociate. Okay, Frank, so, wizard of Oz, I’m going to whip through some of these because I just want to read the entire chapter, but I’m not.

So he says, Frank Baum, the man who wrote The Wizard of Oz, was a member of the Theosophical Society. Actually true, believe it or not. Yeah. I didn’t know until I had read this, and I looked further into that’s. That part’s kind of wild. And then it says, few who understand the Illuminati wonder if Baum wasn’t an insider. And then he has a bunch of examples, and I’m just going to read my favorite examples instead of all the text around them.

But he says, Annie M represents Blavatsky’s mala procreti, which is this unmanifested logos. There’s a carnival huckster in the wizard of Oz. The very beginning. The carnival husster is the royal families of Europe. And the royal families of Europe are secret satanists, full of powerful occult bloodlines. Dorothy is brought to Oz by a cyclone. The word cyclone came from the Greek word cyclone, which means both circle and coil of a snake.

In other words, a snake takes Dorothy of Oz, and Dorothy’s three companions represent mental, emotional, and physical bodies that Helena Blavatsky wrote about. Dorothy acquired these three companions just as Theosophy says we will when we come into reincarnation. And those three components are the tin woodsman being of ordinary flesh. But a wicked witch cast a spell on him. He kept chopping off parts of his body, which were then replaced by a tinsmith until he becomes the first bionic man with a completely mechanical body.

Boy, hasn’t the Illuminati been trying to do this one? That one’s wild, bro. That the Tin Man actually starts out as a woodsman, but he cuts off all of his arms and his legs, and he starts building himself back up in tin, almost like this ship of theseus. This part isn’t in the book. This is in the written version of The Wizard of Oz. And another thing I didn’t know until I read this, that there were so many books just in the world.

No. So many books of the wizard of Oz. I didn’t know that the series was like 15 books, something like that. Yeah. And the movie just focuses on the first one, but it gets wild, bro. The more you read into it, the way more Theosophical in nature, it gets too interesting. Yeah. I did not know that. That part’s crazy, bro. Yeah. Here we go. In The Wizard of Oz mind control programming, the wicked witch and naughty children cannot stand water and dissolve.

Robotic clones are created in the minds of monarch slaves, which can only be mentally dissolved by mentally placing water on them. Dorothy goes questioning in Oz, theosophists go on. Basically, like they’re saying, literally, they’ll create an altar, that you can only destroy it by then telling the person to imagine, like, a glass of water pouring onto it. This is like a self destruct altar. So after the programming has been done and you don’t ever want anyone to find out that altar existed, they just imagine it melting in their mind.

And that actually it’s linked to this wizard of Oz programming. It also says Oz is shaped like a mandala with Emerald City in the center, the impassable barrier, a four sided of four symbolic colors and a circle. The colors and direction given in Oz have other symbolic meanings. For example, Emerald City is green, and green is the fourth point of the Eastern star of women’s freemasonry and satan’s color.

I’ve never heard that before, by the way. I didn’t know that green. You have a green background. So checks out. And that the route that Dorothy follows in Oz is the shape of a t with three points defining an inverted triangle. So I think he’s talking about the Tau cross, which we mentioned earlier, that’s the snake on the pole, right, that Moses had, where he’s like, my magic is better than your magic.

And then, bam, all the other my magic is I’ve got white witch, black witch, right? A wizard of Oz all over again, man. Theosophy. And then he says that the yellow brick road suggests gold, the perfect metal. Gold being the divine source of wisdom. Blavatsky wrote, there is a road steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a road leads to the very heart of the universe.

This was the yellow brick road that Baum sought to portray in his fairy tale. He also mentions that the relationship between Dorothy and her dog is a subtle connection between satanic cult use of mean. If you’re watching wizard of Oz and you’re like, I bet Dorothy’s banging toto I don’t know if that’s the movie or if that’s the actual story behind that actor or actress. It’s pretty dark.

Yeah, it’s pretty dark, too. So, again, I wouldn’t put it past them that they were, but she was, like, abused and given all these different so again, it is kind of MKUltra there alone with just the actual actress, like the way she was treated and everything after the fact. And then one other note here. He mentions the ruby slippers, and he says that ruby colored slippers are a symbol of authority at the matriarch level in the Illuminati, the Red Shoes.

So again, bro. Like QAnon red shoe club. Guess what, dude? This book’s from 96 and Fritz was talking about the Red Shoe Club being at the top levels of the Illuminati way back when. Now, in my mind, I feel like the QAnon Red Shoe Club probably has its DNA in this book, whether or not everybody knows it or it’s true, right? Like, one to two things is true.

Either this book was made up and influenced other books which were also kind of made up because this one was or there’s legitimately, an Illuminati red shoe club that’s involved in crazy stuff and that so many people have known about it and tried to expose it that they’re all coming out in different works. But take that one as you will. So I have here the most important programming script, the Lesser Key one of the most important scripts for the Illuminati mind control programmers is the Lesser Key of Solomon Goatia, the Book of Evil Spirits.

The illuminati doctors green, black, white and blue. That is Mengla, Wheeler, cameron and Mueller were fully knowledgeable about the lesser Key of Solomon goatia. In fact, all those who go beyond the initial levels in the Illuminati are required to study the entire book. It is an important ritual book. It is very out of fashion to believe in demons. It is in fashion to believe in aliens, uhoh, in ghosts.

Shots fired. Shots fired in the internal psychological wizard that guides you in other things, which to those high in demonology secretly know are simply covers for what is used to be called demons. Both the high level Illuminati and the alert Christians are saying many of the same things concerning demons. Is magical phenomenon real? So I wanted to highlight that because it was shots fired on the idea of aliens.

And then let me see here, because he goes hard on the alien I’m trying to find. And but, yeah, he goes hard on that Alice in Wonderland, the use of religious fronts. And then that’s when he gets into Billy Graham and this whole freaking he was on that dude’s ass, bro. He was ever going to end. He’s just going on and on and on and on about Billy Graham being Satan and Satanic and taking women home, knowing that he had a wife at home and all that stuff, right? Like all this stuff.

I want to get to the did you skip over that part, the Billy Graham stuff? Because I did. I kind of did, because I wanted to get he also goes on like Saturnian square symbolism. And my eye drifted more towards the Saturnian square than it did the Billy Graham. So he talked about the directed energy weapons simulating. Sodomy which I found the most interesting. Let’s do it, bro.

Let’s do let’s just jump right into that one. Yeah, I want to find the part of the idea of the aliens and it being implanted memories. I have to find it anyways. But go on about that. And I’ll find it here. So, yes, I’m going to just cherry pick because my notes on the Saturn stuff is deep on this one. But he says that the word Saturn consistently turns up as an important word for the Illuminati and upper levels of the occult because Saturn’s such an important concept, it’ll be covered.

And he goes so hard in the paint on Saturn. Here are the highlights. He basically says that. Some call it star worship. And the bull was worshipped because at the time the constellation Taurus marked the position of the sun at the time of the spring equinox. I don’t think anyone’s learning anything new on that one. The fact that the calf was gold was no accident. Gold had Satanic connotations.

Trust me. Bro for a modern occult reference connecting bull, astrology and gold together, see Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey, Lucius Trust, page 378. All right, so he’s bringing receipts on this claim. Various scholars have also written that the worship of Molok was Saturn worship. And then he makes this claim, which I think is really interesting. The merging of Saturn, which represented severity, and Jupiter, which represented mildness, was the creation of a new golden age.

According to high level Satanic teachings, the Earth has been caught between a bipolar war, the inner solar Logos, and the outer Saturnian sphere. And that trans. Saturnian planets actually belong to Al Silhon, which has treated us as good aliens from the Pleiades. This is where my mind starts checking out a little bit when you start like, and these aliens are from this star system, and then the reptilians from the Draco star system only because the way that it’s so matter of factly stated.

But when he’s talking about good aliens from the Pleiades, I think that there might be some mythology in here too, because we’re talking Jupiter, we’re talking Saturn. And the Pleiades is also like an astronomical thing, not just so. And then he just keeps talking about grandmaster secret high level teachings that’s all about this Saturnian mystery. And then he finally says the term Morningstar, also known as Stella Madutina in Latin, is another name for Lucifer.

It’s also the name for Kabbalistic black Magic Lodge, which Satanist alastair, Crowley led when the Golden Dawn reorganized in 1903. I had never heard that before either, but repeat that first part again. He said that it was called Stella Matatina. M-A-T-U. Before with Crowley. Stella Matatina was the name of a Kabbalistic black magic lodge where Alistair Crowley led the Golden Dawn. Reorganized in 1903. Yeah, I’ve heard of Stella before.

Again. Bro you were talking, what was it, genuflect, like 1996? The dude’s writing about how it’s all about Saturn worship and that that’s how the Illuminati is going to change culture, is going to be through merging all these different pagan gods through this new Saturn worship and 96. Bro this was like cutting edge. This was like the height of conspiracy theory, trauma based programming theories. So I have here the spin principle.

I don’t know if you took some notes on this, but I found this really interesting because we have the spin a network. One of their buzzwords is many times more greater than the sum of its parts. The New Age author Marilyn Fritz does an excellent job describing how the conspiracy spin network functions. He goes, this is a source of power never before tapped in history. Multiple self sufficient social movements link for a whole array of goals whose accomplishment would transform every aspect of the contemporary life.

Because spins are so qualitatively different an organization and impact from bureaucracies, most people don’t see them or think they are conspiracies. Often networks take similar action without conferring with each other simply because they share so many assumptions. It may also be said that the shared assumptions are the collusion. The Aquarian conspiracy is in effect a spin of spins, a network of many networks aimed at social transformation. So again, this idea that the conspiracy realm is compromised and it’s actually part of this psyop.

Well, Fritz is saying that this is some MKUltra illuminati mind control slave, right? So we have the aquarium conspiracy is indeed loose, segmented, evolutionary, redundant, its center is everywhere, et cetera, et cetera. And then he goes, here, bro. And this is where it gets good, because the programmers enjoy setting up double binds. One of their tricks is to create altars which are given negative spiritual roles, et cetera, et cetera.

And then he goes on to say, standard roles within an illuminati monarch slave. Note that depending upon what the system’s occupation is in life is also determined some of the types of altars created. If the system is a politician, they will need special altars to deal with certain secret activities. If the system is a baseball pitcher, they will need altars that are trained to pitch. And check this out.

So standard roles within an illuminati monarch slave, alien altars for contact, bonding with aliens, and acceptance of mock alien invasions. He’s talking about alien altars for contact, bonding with aliens, and acceptance of mock invasions. So again, I don’t know that he goes on to say angel angry altar. But think about the home in a practical sense, right? Let’s say that you go out and you know the concept of like a sleeper cell, right? Or like a Manchurian candidate.

It’s where you train someone sleeper cell, but also like a sleeper cell is you know that you’re going to get called to activate at some point, right? There was a show called The Americans with Kerry Russell and someone else. And basically they are part of the Soviet intelligence. They move over to America. They live here in America as Americans and they’re just waiting for the call. The one day that’s like, okay, now go and wreck things.

You know what I mean? That’s a sleeper cell. It’s like you’ve been trained to do a thing and you just pretend like you’re a normal person. And then the second that command comes in, you activate execute order 66. And then they all but that’s what he’s talking about is this concept of a sleeper cell. But imagine if the sleeper cell was you program a whole bunch of people that don’t realize it about an alien experience.

So I program Juan to remember that time he got probed by aliens with this false memory syndrome implanting, right? And I do that to thousands of other people. So then when you hit a button and it’s like project blue Beam, aliens just came down, there’s this big hologram in the sky over the White house, and there’s been 20,000 reports overnight of people that have been probed by aliens.

And then you think, okay, the hologram, maybe I don’t believe. But how did just 20,000 people across the country all of a sudden come up with these stories that all sound the same? If they don’t know each other and they didn’t coordinate it, how could that even happen? Well, maybe there’s, like, a sleeper cell thing going on. Maybe you were MKUltra programmed when you were seven when your parents dropped you off at the McMartin preschool daycare, and now when you’re, like, 35 or whatever, you remember being abducted by aliens and Ronald McDonald was there, and you’re helping bring forth this narrative about aliens.

And then after that, he talks about a whole bunch of different altars. Some of my favorite ones are the Christian front altars. The clones. The clones are little children who have been put into robot costumes and are trained to attack parts of the system which are not in compliance with the programming. The heads of the clones can be unscrewed. The clones can be taken out by various tactics.

But there are hundreds of clones, and they each have been numbered. And then so he’s talking about clones, then he gets into deltas. So deltas are altars trained to carry out special missions resulting in death. So, like the self destruction type of thing, right, and assassinations. And assassinations. And my favorite one was let’s see here was I think the was it the Egyptian armies? Oh, yeah. The egyptian the Egyptian armies.

Bro all right. The Egyptian armies are hundreds of fragments which have been programmed to have uniforms to function as part of an army. The main gods or spirits of Egyptian magic may be the names of the captains of the army, such as the following name ISIS, Osiris, Horus, Set, and RA. Filth can be another name in the temple of Set. Altars with Egyptian names abound and aren’t restricted to fragment armies.

The armies are built to protect various internal structures. The technique to make these armies are to torment the victim child in such a way that they make the not that one. That wasn’t it. Oh, no, it is, it is. It so the technique to make these armies are to torment the victim child in such a way that they make the child very angry. At the peak of the child’s rage, they split the mind.

I was, like, listening to I’m like, what is this? The result is lots of child altar fragments which are angry. These are collected and shaped into an angry army of little children. When an adult monarch slave triggers a protective army, the adult altar finds himself with angry children, altars who are like a large crowd of toddlers who are screaming their heads off. There is no way to reason with these child fragments.

Imagine trying to reason with a little two year old who is screaming without any way to reason with them. The adult altar has little defense against such an army. What do you think? Fritz just had a kid, and he keeps waking him up into the middle of the night, and he’s like, this has got to be how the Illuminati does it. They shatter it, and they make it so there’s 20 of these kids waking you up all the time, and then the La.

Dodgers lose. Yeah, fuck the Dodgers. How crazy does this sound, bro? You know what? Saying, like, that sounds crazy. That sounds absurd, but it’s not, because if you look at it in a more practical NLP anchoring sense, really, all you’re just saying is you’re setting an anchor and a trigger so that the anchor is the second. I can get Juan so mad that he becomes irrational, I play a certain sound or know, when he sees the lizard in the fireplace, I slap him across the face.

So then later, when I want to bring that emotion back out, I just trigger it. And when I do that, you’re going to be so overwhelmed with emotion that you won’t be able to think rationally. Now, Fritz is painting this has, like, 30,000 screaming toddlers. That’s what I picture in my swarm of little angry babies just, like, coming towards you. When I hear that, I think, like, could you beat up a giant duck or 30 miniature horses or something? You know what I mean? Thomas, would you defend yourself against this Egyptian army? Like, would you punch the baby? Would you punt the baby? Would you slap the baby? I think you’d be overwhelmed.

That’s the point, is that you’d be overwhelmed because you would feel like there was an army that you were fighting against, and you just shrivel up and just like, where’s this black Mirror episode? Yeah, exactly right. Like a homage to our boy. But again, bro, that’s what I got. So did we talk about the Sodomy through? He gets into the use of directed energy weapons frequencies, and then he gets into some patents, too, of these weapons, which, again, 1996.

I’m sure the tech has advanced to a very high level since then, and I’m sure that it’s wireless now, and it connects to your iPhone. So again, I believe that they were using this back then. And then he talks about putting demons, some more of this demonology stuff like that. Well, wait, can we focus in on the directed energy weapons of sodomy first? Bro? Well, I mean, you kind of glossed over it.

What were your notes on it? Or was it just the highlights? Yeah, just that. Let me pull it up here. It was just the I think you recorded a video playing around with some of those. Did you want to queue that up? I didn’t mean david V. Reynolds, research, who wrote neuroelectric research, electro, neuropathesis electro, et cetera, et cetera. Another way of using electricity is to use directed energy, a new technology on men’s genitals.

With skillful use of directed energy, they can simulate of a man or woman artificial sodomy via directed energy was first tested in male prisons. Elf waves will place thoughts into the men’s minds as directed energy make them feel. Sodomized believe it or actually, this is actually in one of my books, bro. So right here, a lot of people have heard of this top part called The Stimo Siever by a guy named Dr.

Jose Delgado. And basically there’s this famous video footage where they’ve got a bull and the bull is charging him as if he’s like a matador. And then he takes out a little remote control and he pushes a button and the bull stops in its tracks. And basically what they were doing is they were just giving him an electroshock therapy wirelessly. And obviously it’s going to distract you. It was almost just like tasing you.

But here, look at the bottom. It says, rumors of a similar project run by a Dr. Ivor Browning involve triggering the pleasure center of a donkey via a radio frequency dubbed the Electronic Carrot. And the reason for that name is that if this were the stick, like electrocuting you, so you feel pain, so you stop doing something. That’s the stick. This is the carrot. So the electronic carrot was like, you did a good job.

Now when I hit this button, it basically shocks your prostate and you just get like an immediate orgasm, right? So that’s what they’re talking about in this book when he says Directed Energy weapons of sodomy it’s basically that electronic carrot or some other version of that where you can use technology to trigger basically like your lower essence of self. Right? It’ll bypass all logic and reason and tap directly into your sort of primal state.

Yeah, when I read that, I mean, that’s all I got on that. But when I read that, I was like, bro, when I was reading that, the Maui Fires had just happened. So I was just again, just the possibilities are endless if you think about that. So what else you got other than the electronic? Well, my next note starting around chapter seven, so I don’t know if you got anything.

Okay, so in chapter seven, he starts talking about anchors, and he even cites NLP by name. And he says NLP researchers notice that people in emotional states in which the entire body will take up a posture and carrying it out memories can come to a person that cause the body to take up that negative state again. So NLP practitioners develop a language which includes terms like anchors, emotional state, and triggers for instance, let’s say you’ve got a particular song at a point in your life when you’re having a good time, the emotional state.

Now, every time you receive a trigger to that memory, such as that song, you regain that good feeling attached to the memory of the song. This is like NLP 101. If you’re in a good mood, a good one is like, I don’t know, when you got married, you and your wife have your song that they play during the dance or whatever. So years later, every time that song comes on, it’s like, oh honey, that’s our song.

And it puts you into, I guess, like a romantic or an Amicable mood. That’s a very direct example of what he’s talking about here. It’s a classic NLP trigger through the auditory system, right? We talked earlier about like, the olfactory you smell something and it’s like, oh, my grandma used to wear that perfume or whatever. So every different type of sense you’ve got can trigger the other ones.

So he mentions that and then he also talks about reframing with metaphors. And he says the programmers, you’ve used metaphors, a form of druidism. First of all, that’s kind of fucked. That the druids just own metaphors. And if you use a metaphor at any point, then you’re tapping into like a satanic Druid magical ritual. But he’s kind of correct here because reframing and metaphors is literally as above.

So below that’s, what a metaphor? Maybe I’ll be assimile, but it’s in the same neighborhood. Because if I say that an apple to an orange is as to a cat is to a and what would you say? Failed. It’s a dog. But you’re basically saying like, okay, I can compare two different things in one class and two different things in another class. We talked about this with Manly Palmer Hall’s occult Anatomy of man.

He describes it as the seven seals. And then if you read the Bible as if it were historical and you understand it, well, good job. You broke one seal, but you got six to go. So then you got to read it like it was about anatomy, and then you got to read about it like it was about music. And every one of those times you read it, if you understood it in one angle, then you should be able to understand it in every other angle.

And that’s exactly what he’s talking about with metaphors and druidism. In NLP terms, they call it reframing. And one of my practical examples of this, I think I’ve mentioned this before on the show, but when I used to work at Disney and I’d have to drive into that traffic every day, sometimes it was like 3 hours in traffic. One way to either get to work or to get home from work.

And you can imagine on I Four in Orlando in 3 hours of traffic. Sometimes you get a little bit irritated and frustrated with the cars around you. And it was getting to the point where I would park my car either at home or at work, and I would literally have white knuckles from just like, gripping the steering wheel, from getting just frustrated with the cars going slow or trying to get into my lane.

And I was going through NLP at this time, and I was like, let me try this reframing thing. And what I came up with was that every time I get irritated in traffic, I’d imagine I’m on my way to a family reunion and that the person that just cut me off was my grandpa. And that the guy that keeps almost bumping into me in my lane, you know what I mean? That’s my cousin or whatever.

So that way I wasn’t getting angry at people be like, oh, Grandpa, you know what I mean? Someone should take your license away one of these days and then just ease back and don’t get on his ass so much. And obviously when you get home, it’s like, I didn’t expect to show up at a family reunion, but I did show up and I was in a regular, normal mood.

And it’s not like I was going to get there any faster, slower, by just switching my mind. So there’s an example of reframing as above, so below, but he says that this is Satanic druidism, that if you partake in this, I can see that and even visualization how that could be considered like Satanic or evil or something. You visualize things, you manifest things. I’ve heard that before, so I can see that also nothing alters alters who believe they are nobody or Mr.

Nobody or no name. This is my last note for chapter seven. He has a story. A very old Chinese Taoist describes a farmer in a poor country village. He was considered well to do because he owned a horse, which he owned for plowing and transportation. But one day his horse ran away. All the neighbors exclaimed how terrible this was. But the farmer said maybe. A few days later the horse returned and brought with it two wild horses.

The neighbors rejoiced in his good fortune, but the farmer just said, maybe. The next day, the farmer’s son tried to ride one of the new wild horses, but the horse threw him and broke the leg. The neighbors all offered their sympathy for his misfortune, but again the farmer said, maybe. The next week, the conscription officers came to the village to take all the young men for the army.

But they rejected the farmer’s son because of his broken leg. When the neighbors told him how lucky he was, the farmer again said, maybe. So again, this guy saying, maybe. If you imagine the tarot card and the wheel of fortune, right, the wheel of fortune are people being like, look how lucky you are. Oh, look how unlucky you are. Oh, wait, look how lucky you are. Again. But the spoke, the guy that’s in the middle, he’s the one that’s always saying maybe because they don’t go with the highs and the lows, they’re not riding the wheel of fortune, they’re stuck at the middle where it’s always the same.

Like you see that everything’s changing, but you’re not getting the highs and lows. Right? You don’t get happy and sad because you’re just like this is just how things work. So he’s describing in Fritz’s World, if you can get someone to act as that maybe person, where it’s like, oh man, they just chopped off my hand. How horrible. Maybe there’s a good part to this because the guy next to me, he didn’t just lose a hand.

So I think that’s why he brings up this NLP in this section is talking about that’s part of the being able to disassociate is getting into that state where it’s like nothing is good or bad, everything is a checkerboard floor. Yeah. And I think that that is also this sort of, like, mind over matter type of thing, which exactly the no head, no hand, no foot thing that you were like, what the is that sort of thing.

You can actually take and have real world application because not like for me, whenever I’m cold somewhere or like right now where I got to take a piss, right. I try to disassociate kind of sort of to not think about that one thing that’s causing you discomfort until you get through it. You kind of like grind it out type of thing. Like when you’re at work and you’re just like, oh, I have 4 hours left.

Well, that’s 1 hour four times. And then 1 hour is actually 30 minutes twice and 30 minutes. That’s compartmentalization. It’s in the same category of just like convincing yourself to think about the same thing in a different way to make it feel different, but nothing actually changes except for the way that you’re programming it to yourself. Exactly. I’ve even used that before. So what else you got, bro? Chapter ten, he talks about Monarch programming.

He says the Disney family and the Disney Corporation are part of the Occult world. Shout out occult disney podcast. The names Dopey, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, Grumpy, Sneezy, Doc they sound like names picked to please children, but they’re actually if you love truth and you subscribe to both of our patreons, you’ll know that those are actually the translation from Scandinavian demonic dwarfs. First of all, I don’t know if the Scandinavians consider dwarves satanic or demonic, but anyways, that dopey.

Happy Bashful, sleepy Grumpy are actually the dwarves toky Scover, VAR Dunn, Oren Greyer and Rodsvid. Which? I don’t know if I agree with that one. But I just thought it was interesting because, again, 1996, talking about Walt Disney and Monarch programming. This might be like, the source of a lot of the things that we hear about now. If you go on YouTube and you search Disney programming or Disney Monarch, right? Almost everyone has found or brushed up against this topic at some point.

But how many people in 1996 do you think were talking about Disney and Monarch programming? It had to be a really small group of people, a fringe group of people. Yeah. And then he also in chapter ten, my last note is on the Philosopher’s Stone, and he says that gold has been long called the Medal of Wisdom by the Illuminati. I don’t think I’ve ever read that before.

There wasn’t a footnote where he cited this source. Trust me, bro. Yeah. Illuminati are well aware of the alchemical quest to create the correct type of gold to bring enlightenment to the world. Rabbis who know the Kabbalah have considered the secret of white powdered gold as the greatest secret of all times. Somehow, the Egyptian pharaohs learn the secret of how to make white powdered gold, which, seen up close, is transparent, like the gold described in the Bible making up streets in heaven.

This gold is monoatomic molecules that have a high spin state, and it looks like baking flour. It enhances the pineal gland. Trust me, bro. And a similar substance of iridium greatly enhances the pituitary gland also. Trust me, bro. Yellow, yellow gold and gold salts cause the hair to fall out, but white gold is safe to ingest. I actually have heard that aspect before, and I think that’s legit that if you coat yourself in gold plating, you can actually cause your hair to fall out.

It’s not a safe, healthy thing to do. But then there is also gold that is safe to consume. Yes, I’ve heard that before. They were eating mummies. Now, now, here’s where it gets okay. After ingesting white gold for over nine months, the subject will become extremely psychic and disease free. That seems like something YouTube would dig you for the person’s body. Say it again. It says, after ingesting white gold for nine months, a subject will become psychic and disease free.

All right, let me take that timestamp down. The person’s body will also glow. Whether the Illuminati discovered this white gold and have been using it secretly when their adepts went into hiding for months of long training, or whether they were only playing with substitutes, we cannot say. So he’s not ready to venture out on that particular thing. Like all of the other Illuminati programming, it sounds like to me that kind of fits in with the magnum opus, because they talk about the alchemists losing all their hair and going through this actual biological transformation, and he’s talking about eating the white gold.

Well, the white gold also sounds like silver, right? So almost like a silver poisoning or something or mercurial, because mercury is also silver. So talk about colors. Now, anything that’s a color part of it, you know what I’m saying? Because, I mean, the colors are also very important when it comes to the alchemical process and the magnum opus, the Blackening, the Whitening, the Redning, the Yellowing, so all that.

And then he starts talking about the Priory day scion and the Holy Blood. Holy grail. And then he says that the reason that the priest glowed when he came out of the Holy of Holies after eating the showbread was because the showbread was made with this white gold, apparently. Interesting. And then it says, David Hudson told co author Fritz that he was supportive of the Kabbalistic goal of Adam Kadman, because Hudson knew the Kabbalah very well, and it seems he understood what Adam Cadman was really all about.

I don’t know what the hell that means, but it was also a very interesting aspect where Fritz doesn’t often in this book say, this person told me about this thing. So apparently he also really did believe in this version of an alchemical gold, but that the alchemical gold wasn’t for riches. It was something that helped the individual, but it also wasn’t like enlightenment or knowledge. It wasn’t like a vague thing.

It was an actual drug that you would put into your food and you would eat it, and that eating it would cause you to gain all this knowledge and to be disease free. Interesting. Again, very alchemical. And that kind of sort of aligns with my research as well into alchemy. So I don’t know. They were mercury to try to live forever. Bro I’m probably going to censor that too, because well, shout out to our sponsors, white gold.

If you a few lines of white gold, you will become enlightened. All right, let’s go ahead and block that out, too. The people on YouTube are going to be probably wondering what that whole bleeping I was all about, but check out the patreon and all that stuff. You want to wrap us up? Bro? You done with your notes or what? Because I’m done with my notes. Yeah, I mean, Satanic white gold, that’s a new one right there.

And I do I’ve got one other example again from time samplers. Issue three, get them all. Don’t just get issue three, get them get them all. But here’s another example of an altar, and this is probably one of my favorite versions of it, is that there’s a kid that’s, like, slaying a dragon. See, what little kid growing up hasn’t at one point grabbed, like, a cardboard roll or some sort of a device and pretended they’ve got a sword and they’re going to slay some sort of a monster.

So if you were to actually do that to this kid in one of these Project Monarch programming, and you snap them into, like, okay, you’re going to be Knights Templar mode, right? Like, put on your helmet. Here’s your sword. And little kids are great at role playing, right? The second you put that sword in their hand, like, they’re slaying dragons immediately. Just like when I came out of three.

Ninjas in the movie theater. I would be a ninja for the next week until you break something or like a Jet Li movie, you’d be yeah, dude, all week. Like specifically kids, right? As an adult, if you went and saw a Jet Li movie and then you came out and you tell your wife, you’re like, hey, I think maybe I’m going to start doing karate, it’s like, all right, midlife crisis guy.

But as a kid, it’s kind of endearing and it’s very normal to do that. But that exact concept of going in, seeing something, and then wanting to become that thing is sort of where all of this stems from and where is the place that that happens the most often? I would go right back to, you know, most definitely. So you have anything else you want to wrap up with Thomas? You want to plug anything before we get out of here? It’s been 4 hours.

My eyes are burning. Time samplers, issue three. Issue four. Issue one. We got special editions that are coming out eventually. What else? This one’s out. Oh, yeah, this is an old version of Secret Mystery School. Here’s the first OG version of Secret Mystery School shout out. This is also issue three where I said issue three is always my favorite comic. This was my favorite one of secret mystery school, too.

This is called the battle. Did you ever finish Lee’s demons? Is that ever coming out? That one’s dope. You’re not allowed to talk about that. Come on, what happened? No, it is coming out, actually. There’s only 20 more pages to do. 180 pages are done. 180. So it’s going to be a six issue series. I’m going to release it an issue at a time. And then I’ll release all of them together as a trade paperback just so I can milk every last little diamond penny out of everybody.

And then I’ll release the gold edition and then the platinum edition and then the homunculus edition. Yeah, lee’s Demon is going to be coming out. I’ve got trading cards that will be coming out next year. Conspiracy cards. Sam Tripoli just announced Chaos Twins, which is the book that I’ve been working on with him. I got a video game that’s going to be on steam in December called Lucifer Lives in Lower Manhattan.

Man, I got everything paranoidamerican. com. You can follow whatever I just dropped. I’m dropping something every and occult decode. com shout out. You pulled that up earlier. When we talk about these topics and Juan doesn’t have the time to edit out things like Bleach when he doesn’t want to have time to edit all those annoying phrases out that’ll get him demonetized and banned. Like Hillary Clinton carved off a girl’s face and called it you would go to occult decode.

com. So when someone says something like forced homunculus work, shut the up, bro. So final cap there. If you go to decode and search for the term thrill oxide. It’ll show you what we really mean next time when Juan doesn’t have the time to censor out words like adrenochroma. Sometimes I don’t care, bro. Welcome to the YouTube crowd. It sucks. But hey, you got to do what you got to do.

You got to play ball. You got to go where the people are at. So that’s why we’re here. If you’re listening to this on the RSS feed, on YouTube, on Rumble Rockfin, wherever it is, who cares? Leave a comment, leave a review, leave whatever helps the show out. And if you love the truth, you’re going to subscribe to the patreons. Patreon. com. You don’t even have to love us.

You just have to love the truth. The truth. Even if you hate us, you have to love the truth. And then you got to pay the patreon. Patreon. com. Thejwanaonepodcast patreon. com paranoidamerican. He’s pumping out stuff. I’m pumping out stuff. We’re all pumping out stuff. So make sure to check it out. TJ ojp. com get your pumping out these moon children left and right. Pumping out moon children left and right.

Moonshodo. There’s the next one. It’s going to be moon children and nephilim portal babies combined. Make sure to check that out. As always, everyone, don’t be a piece of love each other. And don’t read this book. Bye. .

  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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