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@ParanoidAmerican Podcast 048: Juan Ayala North American leading homuncuologist occult researcher

By: The Juan on Juan Podcast
Spread the Truth

5G Danger



➡ The Paranoid American podcast, launched in 2012, explores hidden truths and mysteries of our world, from secret societies to forbidden technology. The podcast challenges accepted perceptions of reality and invites listeners to join their journey into the unknown. However, the host expresses concern over the company Paranoid America creating memes and comics that mock him, which he sees as crossing a line. The discussion also delves into the concept of homunculi, suggesting that those in high power positions could be considered as such, and criticizes the use of Occam’s razor in philosophical or conspiracy discussions.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of ‘larping’ or pretending, and how it can be liberating and help in achieving goals. They also talk about the importance of hard work in manifesting desires, and how simply meditating won’t bring results. The speaker then delves into the topic of alchemy, suggesting it could be seen as a scam due to its promises of infinite wealth and immortality. They conclude by suggesting that alchemists may have used their reputation and stories of their achievements to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.
➡ The conversation revolves around various topics, including the possibility of turning lead into gold, the concept of alchemy, and the works of famous alchemists. The speakers also discuss the theories of Carl Jung, the idea of creating a homunculus, and the influence of power and popularity. They end with a humorous debate about who among them could be a homunculus based on their own definitions.
➡ Juan Ayala is accused of dishonestly taking money from people on Patreon through a scheme called Homunculus. Despite this, he continues to promote his work, including a Homunculus growing kit and his comic, “The Chosen One,” available on his website,
➡ The text discusses the concept of grifting and alchemy, suggesting that alchemy could be seen as a form of grifting due to its illusionary nature. It also explores the idea of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences, through personal anecdotes. The text questions whether these coincidences could be seen as supernatural or simply random occurrences, and debates the difference between magical thinking and reality.
➡ The text discusses the concept of ‘grifting’ – misleading people for personal gain. It explores how some people may pretend to be experts on a topic to gain followers, but warns that false information can be checked and exposed. The text also debates the ethics of using clickbait titles and the importance of doing your own research. It concludes with the idea that the pursuit of knowledge should be driven by genuine interest, not the desire to deceive others.
➡ The text discusses the process of joining the Freemasons, highlighting that it involves a thorough background check and an interview where the applicant’s reasons for joining are scrutinized. It also mentions that curiosity or a desire to uncover the organization’s mysteries are not acceptable reasons for wanting to join. The conversation then shifts to various topics, including the existence of aliens, the interpretation of religious texts, and the concept of memory palaces. The text ends with a debate about the nature of God, based on the biblical story of Adam being created from dirt.
➡ A golem and a homunculus are both magical beings, but they’re different. A golem is fully formed and programmed to do one task, like a guard dog. A homunculus, on the other hand, needs to grow and can be used for various magical operations. The speaker also discusses their interest in interdimensionalism and reality manipulation, but shows less interest in conspiracy theories about the shape of the earth or government conspiracies.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the interpretation of religious texts, the creation of new religions, and the power of persuasive speech. The speakers question the authenticity of translated religious texts and the legitimacy of newer religions like Scientology. They also discuss the potential for manipulation through charismatic speech and the importance of understanding the original meaning of words. Lastly, they touch on the concept of Occam’s Razor, suggesting the simplest explanation is often the correct one.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including his religious upbringing, his skepticism about certain beliefs, and his views on the production of merchandise. He also talks about his experiences with religious practices and miracles, and shares his thoughts on the potential misuse of resources. The speaker also mentions his doubts about certain accounts and interviews, and expresses his desire to provide accurate information.
➡ The discussion revolves around various theories and ideas, including the concept of the Arctic ice wall, the shape of the Earth, and the influence of repeated actions on collective behavior. They also discuss the idea of truth being subjective, the impact of video game design disagreements, and the potential of turning conspiracy theories into songs. The conversation ends with a debate on the ‘hundred monkey theory’, which suggests that once a critical number of individuals adopt a new behavior or idea, it spreads rapidly to all related groups.
➡ The text discusses various theories and beliefs, comparing them to the idea of monkeys learning to wash potatoes, which is seen as a metaphor for knowledge transfer. It suggests that Freemasons, like the monkeys, pass on knowledge to build complex structures. The text also debates various conspiracy theories, the existence of entities like Bigfoot and demons, and the validity of the Bible, heaven, and hell. The speaker identifies as a skeptic, rating these concepts on a scale of believability.



Good evening, listeners, brave navigators of the enigmatic and the concealed. Have you ever felt the pull of the unanswered, the allure of the mysteries that shroud our existence? For more than a decade, a unique comic publisher has dared to dive into these mysteries, unafraid of the secrets they might uncover. This audacious entity is paranoid Americans. Welcome to the mystifying universe of the paranoid american podcast. Launched in the year 2012, Paranoid American has been on a mission to decipher the encrypted secrets of our world. From the unnerving enigma of mkultra mind control, to the clandestine assemblies of secret societies, from the awe inspiring frontiers of forbidden technology, to the arcane patterns of occult symbols in our very own pop culture, they have committed to unveiling the concealed realities that lie just beneath the surface.

Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality. Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called Paranoid America making all these funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes dare to make fun of me. They’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the worlds grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth.

So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons, and steel yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the paranoid american podcast, where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth. Y’all don’t know how special this one is, because we were able to pin down the world’s only living homunculogist. In fact, the last living homunculus that was even present, that even made a public appearance, was probably in the early 19 hundreds. I’m sure our expert panel guest today is going to tell us all about it. If you don’t know him already, make myself bigger here.

Homunculus owner’s manual, which was basically entirely researched and written by the world’s foremost homunculus. You might know him from the occult book club. You might even know him from chosen one. And issue two is actually going to be coming out soon, so you’re going to go to chosen but we’re talking about this dude right here. The man, the myth, the legend, the face that only the alchemist homunculus could love. It’s Juan. What’s going on? One. So, dude, there’s. There’s other. There’s others of us. And by the way, not paranoid american. What’s up, dude? Oh, I got it.

This is a leftover from something that I don’t even want to talk about. Yeah. What. What? This is from not my proudest fap there, you know, but yeah, well, you. You actually left early. It got way weirder, too. Really? Damn, it got real. I mean, Nate started getting really trigger happy with some of those pictures that really should have been shown. Like once really quick taken off the screen, quick shock effect. The idea was to make people wonder, like, did I just see what I think I saw? But I. He would just put it up on screen anyways, separate show.

I’m not even going to link it below. It’s that bad. Yeah. So I got to start out because I already can predict people in the comments and in the chat as this is premiering. Shut out the premiers. Hit me with some super chats, please. But which one of us homunculus. Which one of us what? Bro, you broke out there for a second. Which one of us is the homunculus? And this relationship, like, me and you, I just. In the world, if objectively, if we just both venture out into the world in our own ways, who is the objective homunculus? It would.

In my opinion, it would be anyone in the high up high ups, like power. High up power positions. And where you have people like Ike who would say, no, it’s their lizard people. Well, that’s. That’s kind of far fetched, right? Like a reptilian lizard person skin coming off lizard head. You know what I’m saying? I mean, you’re making a judgment call by saying it’s far fetched. But here’s the thing, right? Occam’s razor. Let’s say. I don’t believe in Occam’s razor. I think oxen razor was created by the illuminati. Basically just be like, no, no, no. That’s way too complicated, guys.

Yeah, it was just lightning. Love that one. Fire. That was just lightning. But here’s the thing. Here’s the thing, bro. Let’s say that the more the. Okay, so out of the two reptilians and homunculus, the more simple one would be the homunculus. And the reason for that is because these people, they. Them, whatever you want to refer to them as a homunculus, can be as simple. It’s a talisman, right? So it can be as simple. As I was born or forced to be born, x time, x day, x season. And therefore, I radiate the qualities and attributes of said talisman.

Because the talisman, the whole reasoning behind a talisman is mathematical, astrological in nature. And they use the numbers from those calculations to bring forth and harvest and use an energy from the stars, if you will. So a homunculus, is that the moon child, bro? I mean, you’ve read about this. So if I had to pick who are the homunculus? Because I don’t subscribe to, like, the whole NPC thing. I don’t. I don’t like that because I don’t think that there are people who are truly empty vessels, except maybe these homunculi, and not even then. But you, you read the book Moon child, right, with Crowley, it’s like, about embodying a certain spirit, elemental, angel, demon, whatever you want to insert here.

And it seems like some of these elites are demonically possessed. I mean, look at Gavin Newsom or look at. Hit me with another one, bro. Hit me with a. With a politician that looks like a demon. What? I don’t know. Anyway, insert demonic looking Donald Trump. Donald Trump. He doesn’t look like a demon, though, bro. And not because he’s a Republican, but he doesn’t look demonic. Or does he? Does he look demonic to you, bro? I guess you’re. You’re making lots of judgment calls today. Well, reality subjective, bro. And that’s why I think it’s so important to talk about these topics and cover them.

But if I had to pinpoint the homunculi, they’re in the uppermost sections of this hierarchy, caste system, whatever, in society that we have, they’re the ones that are calling the shots. And if they’re being governed by higher intelligences or higher entities, that’s a whole other conversation. But if I had a pinpoint, and, bro, I think it’d be these politicians. And if you look at it, dude, it’s a lot of nepotism, a lot of families that are running. It’s all. It all stays in the family. So what a better way than to just keep creating more of your own homunculi and just keep them in these positions to where I think.

I think how Sam triple is said, the world is run by. By sorcerers, by magicians. And I think there’s more to reality than just it being chalked, right? Occam’s razor. I like that, bro. Occam’s razor is created by the illuminati. I really do believe that. I’m not just saying that to be flipping. I think Occam’s razor is complete B’s. And when people bring it up in an argument, it’s the equivalent of saying, it’s all a simulation, bro. Because once you say that, you could just mic drop and go and get a snack and let everyone else kind of, like, talk like adults.

You know what I mean? The same with Occam’s razor. Occam’s razor is just someone coming up and dropping a turd in the punchbowl, being like, whenever’s the simplest is the right, and then they, like, stick their nose up and walk away. Like, they just drop the gem on you. And it’s. It’s just. I don’t know. It’s the most childish approach of any kind of problem solving. I think that the Occam’s razor all started with someone that set fire to a building. And when they tried to point the finger at the dude that was the arsonist, he was like, it was lightning.

It’s the simplest explanation. I really, truly think that that’s what it’s at. And there’s something called Gray’s razor, or it’s, like, gray’s law, and basically it’s like, skip out the. The in between. So if the village is on fire, don’t worry about if it was arson or lightning. Worry about that the village is freaking on fire. Like, the actual impact, and that it doesn’t matter if something was done out of malicious intent, out of, like, an accident, any of this, because that’s what Occam’s razor comes up in conspiracy theories, it’s usually like, oh, it just coincidentally happened.

There wasn’t a group of people planning and, like, making this thing happen. I mean, Manhattan Project Mkultra, the list goes king kill 33. List goes on. So I think Aku’s razor makes sense in the world of science, but when people apply it to philosophy or conspiracy, they’ve just. They’re an illuminati hand puppet. They’ve got a hand up their ass that’s like moving their mouth for them. That’s why that we don’t need researchers, but we need more philosophers. Right? Was that it? I don’t believe that. Just jump, you know? No, don’t worry about any other records, and just.

Just jump head in, headfirst. Don’t worry about anything else. And I’m sure it’ll all start making sense. But you’re right, dude. And I think, again, there is more to it, even if it is all fake and gay Thomas, even if it is all just make believe. And it is that these guys were larping. Because I think a large portion of a lot of these people were larping. But there’s something liberating about that, about putting yourself in a state of mind of wanting to believe something. Right. And not, and I’m not talking about in like a delusional sort of way.

Right. But when you are focused on a task at hand and you are conscious that you’re focusing on it because you need to get it done. And I think that magic or the occult or anything, really, I think, comes down to that. And it comes down to putting yourself in the state of mind to be able to get things done. And because people talk about manifestation, all this stuff, it’s like, well, you need to work to get the manifestation. You need to put in the work. And, and, you know, you can’t just sit here and just meditate and it’ll just materialize right in front of you.

I don’t think it works that way. So I think a large portion was them larping. Or who knows? Maybe the larping is part of the occult and it needs to be done. That’s why with the. As far as like, the cross dressing, it’s, it’s a. What was I listening to? I forgot what I was listening to where I was talking about taboo and Matt, what was it? I don’t know. It was into some book. I forgot what it was. But it was talking about, like the tab. Cross dressing for dummies. No, it wasn’t cross dressing for dummies.

Yeah. I’ll see if I can link, link below. By the way, I don’t know if it was. Man, that’s gonna bother me now that I don’t know what it was. But the. It was the devil. No, not the devil’s in the ink. No. Anyways. Reading books about the devil too. Geez, man. No, I did a, I recently did a interview with Tommy Cowan, who is a William Burroughs esotericist. And he wrote a very, very interesting article called. It’s called. I’ll tell you right now what it’s called because it’s got a really interesting title. You know, I’m a sucker for, for good titles, but it’s called Devils in the Ink.

William Burroughs, Brian Geysen, and geometry as a method for accessing intermediary beings. I love it when the title is a book in itself. Yes. Yes, exactly. There was, there was actually a beginning, middle and end in that whole title. Yeah. So the, the concept of cross dressing also plays a role into like, the occult phenomenon as well. So you had a lot of, I think Crowley even might address as a woman at one point. I could be wrong on that. But definitely, definitely the other guy that I talked about, they were doing the ker law cell workings in Miami.

That guy, his last name was Evans. He, he essentially, what he ended up doing in Miami was he ended up inducing an abduction, and then he was used as a sex slave by the great old ones on the other side. And then they impregnated him, bro. So again, this is all thalemic literature. You can read it for yourself. But yeah, I did that, that episode with Tommy Cowan, and we were talking about Burroughs, because again, we’re on this circle of, these guys were piggybacking off of each other, Burrows being another one of these, like, Crowley types.

And you don’t understand if it’s, if they’re being literal or not, right? And that’s the whole mystery behind all this. And that’s why it’s so interesting to me to talk about these things and further understand them. And even, you know, back to the realm of the homunculus, there’s records of this stuff, right? Even if it was B’s, bro, there’s still people writing about this, and there’s a reason why they were writing about it. I don’t think it was all fake and gay and just make believe, or maybe it was, but I don’t know. But if you like the capital, if you like truth with a capital t, make sure to hit that.

Like subscribe, sign up for the Patreons, right? Only if you love the truth. If you don’t love the truth, you won’t do any of those things. Only if you love it. Not if you like it. You have to love it. And then you come on and we’ll know one. Once you know that you actually love the truth, you’ll just find yourself. Bring to the parent american page game. Going to chosen, buying a copy of that, just purchasing everything. That’s the only way that you can really show that you love the truth. And I want to ask you, speaking of going, your love of the truth by monetary donation is homunculus just like the oldest grift of all time? Like, do you think it’s just someone thought it up and it caught on? Like, I can make this my thing, and now, just hundreds of years later, we’re still grifting on it? Alchemy itself could be considered one of the oldest griffs.

That there is absolutely. And the reason for that being as a grift. A grift. A grifter is a person who promises things and never delivers. Right. And they’re taking something in exchange for it. So they’re either taking money or something else in exchange. And I promise you, bro, that I’m going to give you this. So alchemists absolutely were grifting. Now, they. There’s stories, and that’s all they really are. There’s stories. But think about it, bro. I mean, any major religion, any. Any ancient scripture, it’s all stories. It’s all writings. And people quite literally devote their whole lives based on just these writings alone, you know, to bring in the whole burrows aspect.

Even Crowley. All these guys, they were writing things down there. They didn’t have pictures of these things or anything like that. They didn’t have any other proof. So alchemy was just that. But alchemy is a special case because you were grifting on the chance of completing these. Magnus. Magnus. Opi. Magnum opus. No, no magnum opus, but what magnum op. I. Yeah. What are. Opa is, you know, multiple. Yeah, yeah, plural. Because there was multiple things you could do. You had the philosopher’s stone. You also had. Right. You had the red stone or the. Or the white stone.

You. You want to create some gold, bro? You want to create some silver? Like, it’s up to you. Like, which one do you want? And then they threw in, like, all this other stuff. But they would entice royalty. And this is why it’s also interesting, because the higher ups are right. We can talk about the. The Monroe Institute and all these people that were talking about, like, astral projection and hemi sync and tapping into other realms. Even the. Was it the Manhattan project that was about opening portals, or am I getting my projects mixed up? Which is Montauk project.

Montauk project. That one where it’s about, like, tapping into other parallel dimensions. Well, these, this royalty would have huge courts of alchemists. But alchemy, to me, it’s like the, I’ve called the utility knife of, like, the occult world. Because you got infinite money, glitch, bro. Infinite gold. Oh, well, I got all this gold. Well, I’m not going to live long enough. Oh, no, no, no. We got you covered. You want to live forever, too? Yeah, we can do that. It’s like. Oh, all right, well, I’m kind of bored with all this money and all this life.

Well. Well, what do you want to do? I don’t know. I want to, like, become a God. Well, you can either do two things. You can either transcend space and time and step outside of reality, or you can create artificial life, and then you can take that artificial life and do some cool with that artificial. I just take it apart and it’s like, again, it’s homunculus all the way down. Well, alchemy is. It encapsulates everything together in one thing. So think about being some alchemist. Would you rather be living in a castle? Yeah, you have to work all day, but you’re like, yo, if you don’t leave me alone, I’m not going to be able to get this magnum opus done.

So just go over there, and once I finish this, I’m gonna let you. I’m gonna call you, all right? Don’t call me. My people will call you once I’m done. And you’re like that your entire life. And it helps when you’re like, hey, that guy over there can vouch for me. He was there when I did the transmutation. And there’s stories about me doing transmutation. So you have, like, this reputation as an alchemist, but is it the oldest griff? I don’t know if I’d call the homunculus the oldest griff. Maybe, but alchemy, 100% is one of the oldest griffs.

And they were known as foragers. They were known as people who write Edward Kelly. I mean, we know about him. The crop eared wizard. Well, why? Was it because he was forging documents and doing. And fakes. They were. They were faking. And not only that, but alchemy also brings in, like, the whole illusion aspect of it. Literally stage matt, because you can turn the. The first alchemists were actually about coding metals, changing their color. Chrysopia, I think, is what it’s called. I could be saying it wrong. But anyways, it was mad easy to do once you knew how to do it.

And it probably looked impressive as hell. People were like, what? It’s a whole new thing. And the dudes just like, yeah, I. I, like, circled it under a flame for a few hours and then dunked it in ammonia or whatever the hell. I’m just making it up. Yeah, no, absolutely. So think about that, bro. Just because. And that’s the other aspect of it. Like, when you don’t understand something, it can be supernatural, right? But also because you don’t understand it doesn’t make you faking gay, right? Because we can get into that realm too. Well, I don’t know if I agree with your definition of grifting, because you mentioned that grifting is promising something, something that you never deliver on.

Yeah, but, I mean, couldn’t you be delivering on the thing? Like, what if people are going to the grift for the feeling that it gives them? Like, they just want, like, the Peter Popov miracle water that you sprinkle on your mailbox, and then when you do that, like, just a check shows up out of nowhere for 30 grand, and it’s like, that’s because I put the magic water on there. Maybe. But I think what people are really buying into is the. Is the feeling they get from it and the hope that it provides. A. And I think that an alchemy is kind of the state of mind, bro, that goes back to the state of mind, because what is a synchronicity to you, Thomas? Like, what? How do you.

If you have a synchronicity, which you and I have had, we’ve shared some synchronicities together, you and I. I’m still recovering from the last one. What was the last one? The angel. We weren’t ever going to talk about it again. We agree mutually to never discuss that. Be quiet. So the. What is the synchronicity to you? Because that would be like, a sort of things, like, oh, it aligned up perfectly, and it must have happened because I did that one thing. Like, it must. I think that’s magical thinking is what you’re describing here. And to me, it’s the difference.

Only after a certain number of those happen in sequence that seem related do I pay any mind. I guess I’m not one of those people that like one thing, and I’m like, oh, my God. Like, you know when, uh, sometimes you pull into wherever you were going and the song just ends? Like, right as you pull into the parking spot, and you’re just like, yeah, like, I was meant to be here. I think that’s silly. I think you’re a child. You’ve got an infantile mind. Stupid one, though, bro. That’s not even. But if you do. But if you did that and every time you went to a certain place, no matter what you were listening to, the song ended only when you went to, like, a.

Every time you go to publix, right, it just, like, the song ends no matter what you’re listening to. That, to me, would be a true synchronicity worth exploring as opposed to just, like, randomly trying to make order out of the chaos, bro. But there. There’s some weird ones that sometimes happen. What are some weird ones? All right, so one of the recent ones that I covered, and it’ll be out for the members. And this. This week, this Monday, I. My sister hit me up, and, well, I shouldn’t have said who it was, but anyways, a family member hit me up, and they were involved in a little fender bender, right? So they were like, hey, do you think you can find a light for me? Like, today, I was like, whoa, the only way.

And it was a Wednesday, bro. And mind you, I’ve been listening and. And studying the red book by Carl Jung. So I was gonna do a jungian episode. Now I pull up to the. And I have pictures of all this, and I covered in the whole episode, but this is a weird one. It was a Wednesday. Out of all the days, I was like, all right, fine, I’ll go and try to find you a light for your car. I’ll go to the. Do you pull and pay in Orlando? And I’ll pull out the light, and I’ll pay for the.

You pull and pay. And as I’m waiting in line, bro, I am on the. In the line, and I look over to the window, and there’s a special that day, Wednesday that I was there, and it was. It wasn’t 33% off of headlights until it was, like, 20% or something like that. 20% off of headlights and tail lights and something else. So out of all the days I could have gone, I was like, all right, that’s kind of weird. I’m here for a headlight. And that same exact day that I pulled up, it just so happens to be.

All right, that one. Whatever. Do you go there every day? Do you know? They don’t just swap out the day, so no matter what day you show up, it’s like, oh, my God, there’s a Monday. It was that one. It was. I have the picture. It was that specific Wednesday with the number and everything. It wasn’t like a wide every Wednesday. No, no. Was that particular day. They were running that sale. How do you know that, that on Thursday, they didn’t just replace the word Wednesday with Thursday so that any rube that walks in there, things.

They can show you the picture. It was a straight up picture. I took the picture, and I’m smiling like an idiot in the. In the reflection of the. Of the window because I thought it was funny. I’m like. And then I sent it to the person. I was like, look at this. What a coincidence. They’re like, yeah, it’s not very funny because obviously their situation wasn’t funny, but I found it funny because, you know, was a synchronicity to me. Whatever where we chalked that one up, I took care of the situation. Occam’s razor says that that was just the day that they had a sale.

All right, that’s, that’s fine. On the way to back home that, that same day and I took a, I took a screenshot of this as well. I was listening on the radio to the person that, that I was going to be interviewing MJ Dorian and he was talking about the dream that Carl Jung had where he was, you know, he encounters Elijah or something like that, right? Some obscure Elijah from the Bible, whatever in that, in his dream and at that exact moment that they, that he mentions the name Elijah, one of my patrons. Because I get the emails of the comments that the patrons leave on the, on the post.

Mind you, this is all the same day he comments about Elijah and the name that Elijah means. But it was in relation to another episode that I had posted on my Patreon. So again, I gotta got proof of all this. But what are the chances that it happens that same day that you know those weird coincidences, bro? Well, the chances 100% cuz it happened. But that’s bizarre is you can agree that it’s kind of weird. I disagree. I let. I’ll entertain you if you, if you really want to feel special about this. I don’t went to a junkyard and they had a special that day any more than if someone is like clipping coupons and they’re like, oh, maybe we should get some laundry detergent.

And you turn the page and there’s a freaking coupon for laundry detergent and you’re like, oh my God, the angels are looking after me. This is a divine sign that I need to go and buy a laundry detergent today. Hey bro, the, it’s like sometimes and I don’t know if you believe in God or not, Thomas, but sometimes your God. I believe in the real God. The, the. What’s his name? Dude, can you tell me his name? The, the. You just made me lose my train of thought. But some, the whole story of like the guys drowning and there, you know, people show up to save them.

It’s like, no, no, God’s gonna send me. This is one of those horrible christian jokes that they tell it like christian organization, you know it’s what I’m talking about, right? I try to save you, you cop. I sent you the time. Yeah. So how many times, bro, does it need to be a coincidence for it to actually mean how many times would you have to get it to a place? And the song needed to end at that precise moment that you pulled into the place for you to be like, all right, something’s up. 1010 times. Yeah.

I got a high barrier. Not all of us are easily swindled. Why? Occam’s razor. Not all of us are easily grifted upon, dare I say. Well, see, now I think that’s, I think being swindled and grifted. I don’t know. I guess we’re getting into semantics a little bit here. But I feel like a grift is, again, like, my go to example would be like a Peter pop off industry. Like a televangelist style. Like they’re, they might realize that they’re not really curing people and like, miracles are following them around, but they keep it up, man. I’m struggling not name names here, but there’s like, there’s some other people, even in, like, within this community that they go balls deep in a certain topic and they become, like, the expert in that topic.

But then it’s like, ever change your mind because you’ve got this huge following of. Well, you could, but if you did, you’d be at risk of losing, I guess, the respect of the following all these people. And if you’ve made that your career. Flattery? Yeah, yeah. Fill in the blank. I’m not going to mention any. I will. I want to. I’m not going to mention any specific names because, I mean, because we all grift, too. And I want them to call out on my grifting. What are we grifting, though, bro? We’re talking about concepts and things that are, that are part of his.

It’s history, dude. You know, I’m saying, like, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to have an interesting conversation. Why is it a griff when you want to pay you, they’re going to pay you regardless. You. You don’t, you don’t talk about the griff that they’re paying to Netflix, you know, every month or their membership subscription to any of the. These Fortune 500 companies that just get richer and richer. You don’t complain about that. But when they want to pay for some entertainment and for some knowledge, some true knowledge, because we’re giving them true knowledge. The capital t with a capital t, then it’s a problem.

Why? Like, I don’t know. I never understood that. You know, I’m saying, like, I never understood that mentality. It’s like, why are you pointing fingers at the people in your community instead of pointing fingers at the true people? And it’s making me question your intentions. If you don’t want to monetize off of your hard work that you’re putting into this stuff, like, what are your true intentions if you don’t? Let’s be real, bro. Well, now you’re getting real specific. Now I’m being a little bit more broad. So I’m being broad, too, though, because I think we’re all grifting.

And my definition of it is essentially like a con, but not a con. And that you’re trying to steal somebody or sell them a monorail, that doesn’t work, but a con and that, like a confidence man. And that if you just portray yourself to be some sort of an authority or an expert in any field, no matter whether you’ve even read a freaking book about it or you’ve just seen a bunch of YouTube documentaries, and you’re like, oh, I can do that better. That, to me, is a grift, because you’re. You’re selling your confidence and you’re getting other people on board just because you’re so damn confident when you’re talking about.

You can be making it all up. You could be talking about dumb stuff like Miami Molly, only you wouldn’t do that because I don’t think you’re that kind of a grifter. You’ve never done. Yeah. An episode on Miami Molly on. Absolutely. I have. You have? Yeah. 100%. Yeah. Oh, come on. If you actually listen to the episode, you’d know that I didn’t say it was aliens. If you actually listen to the episode. But I don’t. I read that. I read the title only, and I’m. Now, that’s your fault. But if you actually would have listened to it, could you put that.

That disgusting filth energy into the. Into the universe? Bye. Putting the title there and putting the thumbnail that. It was a little clickbaity, I’m assuming, right? If you did it, are you grifting? If you’re. If you’re making a clickbait title, you are presenting something, but not delivering on that. By your own definition, it seems like it’s the ultimate grift. Why not just embrace it, my friend? Yeah, no, you’re right. But here’s the thing, Thomas. Why are you going to say like, that? It negates the first thing you said, but go ahead. No, I know. I know it does, and that’s why I did it.

But. But the this idea of deliverance, right? And not deliverance of like, you know, religious, but deliver the delivery of said information. You can only make up so much information, bro. Mind you, we are at an age right now where we have access to all the information since the beginning of time, right now, almost since the beginning of time. But you get what I’m saying. You can double check things real time with Chad. GPT I know it’s not the greatest, but for an example, and if you’re taking my word for it, if I am trying to intentionally grift and make things up in order to create a sort of following or whatever it is, it’s going to get to a point in time where people are going to double check what you’re saying and you’re only going to get away with the grip for so, so long.

I don’t believe that at all. Yeah, dude, you. If I start saying things that aren’t real or true, I’m going to get called out for it and I’m going to, I’m going to be held accountable for the information that I’m spreading. So I don’t think that’s true at all. Even right now, if you look at any of the big grifter, let’s just go with like flat earth, right? If you go with a big flat earth google, I’m not gonna call any names, but, and you find that, yeah, there’s people, you know, quote unquote, calling it out and calling out the propaganda, but there’s, and there’s propaganda campaigns that our own government, other governments have put out.

They get called out, but they still remain the truth. It’s almost like you’re advocating for a Snopes. Like, oh, well, if I say no, I’m advocating for do your own research. And that’s why, Thomas, that’s why whenever I do present something, I’m not pushing my ideologies on you, bro. Thomas, the butt homunculi are real, bro. You gotta. I seen it firsthand. No, no, no. It’s like, hey, I did research on X subject. Here is everything X source said. What does it mean? I don’t, and I’ll be the first person to tell you, I don’t know anything.

And whenever I go on a podcast, I tell people I know absolutely less than what I than I did when I first started, which is kind of counterintuitive. But because I’m here to research and learn as many cosmologies, learn as many about as many topics as I can, because I find this sort of stuff interesting. But now, if I’m sitting here and I’m telling you, damn it, Thomas, the earth is flat because x, y, z. And this is it, and there’s no shaking me. And you’re a globey and you’re a globe lover. You like globes, Thomas? You frickin show me curve you global window right now.

I don’t see a curve you global. I don’t care, I don’t advocate for that. I don’t care about the shape of the earth. Hey, it might be flat. Who knows? Or might be around you global sexual. You like, you like that? You like being called a global sexual, you dirty global sexual. So the, the, we can, the, the thing that bothers me is the, I know it. And therefore, and you’re absolutely right, there is counter arguments within that. But how they said there’s not enough evidence for a non believer to begin with. And I think people also get off on the feeling of debating somebody and wanting to prove them wrong.

Don’t you ever get that one comment where you did a two hour presentation or whatever, and then you get that one guy, it’s like, you know, you got the two people. Yeah, I knew about that like three years ago. Usually you, that’s one in the comments. No, I don’t really comment things. And if I do comment, I, I know my channel big enough for you. That’s the real reason. I know. Um, yeah, and I got a time limit today for these smaller shows. I got about an hour left. So the, the guys that are like, oh, hey, you missed this, or you got this wrong to one up.

You like, hey, I know more about the subject than you do, which is fine, you know, I’m saying. But like I said, I don’t get too lost in the sauce. I’m gonna continue to talk about these things regardless what anybody thinks. And I find it super fascinating. Bro, like for you, what? Why do you join the freemasons? Because you wanted access to information that you thought was esoteric, or that you think is esoteric, or that is esoteric, whatever it is, and you wanted to one up the next people. Like, what enticed you? The mystery? Like, to actually, that’s, that’s not the correct.

And I’m just, I don’t know if I’m even allowed to say this, but whatever, I’ll say it, that when you go for your initial background check, when you sign up for the Freemasons, at least in the United States, as every lodge I’m aware of, they’ll put together a little investigation committee, and they’ll. They just want you to do is, bro, all right, I’m talking to a bit. They put together investigation committee. They’ll do background checks. They’ll investigate you outside of, like, a regular courthouse background check. They’ll even pop in at your place of residence unannounced. Or they might give you a slight heads up, and you’ll.

And they’ll basically just want to talk to you in your own house just to make sure you’re not living in, like, a trap house, I assume. But it’s. It’s not just, like, you sign up and you’re in. Uh, and. And the point that I’m going here is that they’ll ask you, why do you want to join Freemasonry? And the answer you don’t want to give is that you’re curious or that you want to, like, learn about the mystery of it. That’s almost like, an instant way of, like, we’re sorry, this is not for you. Like, you actually have to have a much better reason than I’m curious.

Or I want to learn about mysteries, and I’m not. I’m not making that part up. I don’t think that’s a secret. But, yeah, hopefully I’m not giving away the answer to the test in any way but up. You’d never become a freemason with that kind of response, sir. I’d never become a freemason regardless. But as soon as they google me like, yellow goods guys. Podcast, bro. Look at this guy’s podcast out, I’d be eliminated right off the bat. You think. You think that you’d be wrong, man? That there’s a brother in my lodge that was on a conspiracy theory tv show, on camera with his name, video, pointing out the Statue of Liberty in New York, saying, that’s Lucifer.

So, I mean, I feel like there’s nothing that. That’s, like, off limits in that regard. As long as you’re not giving away the secrets, like, don’t tell them that you’re just curious, because that’s an instant kick out. I think you’re lying, Thomas. It doesn’t matter what you tell me. I’m still not going to believe you. Because if I’m frazier, I’m telling the truth, though. No, but if I was a freemason, I’d probably say the same thing to get people off of, because you’re a horrible person. And that’s just your default mentality, would be to just lie, deceive, grift.

Regular Freemason. It’s a good men becoming better. That’s essentially the line. But if you start out as the bad apple, there’s not a lot for you there. So, Thomas, enough about this griff talk. I’m done with it. I want to move on to a different topic. But yeah, I think that doesn’t matter. We’re going to talk about. Doesn’t matter. We’re going to talk about these subjects and I think they’re interesting. And there is more to reality than meets the eye. I think you can. I know. Here’s the thing, bro. I know you, so I know that you’re not into, like, the woo woo stuff.

I know that you’re not into the. Where are you with the aliens? Are you? All of it. So graze lizards, everything. There might be space mold out there. There might be like a space spore that they found, but even I think, I think real, I think that they might have found like, like a fossil of space mold somewhere. And that would probably be the closest thing to aliens. I would lose all respect for aliens if they actually showed up on this planet because it would just, it would be like, you know, seeing a family member. What was the, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the new house of Usher series, but in the new house of Usher, there’s this one, like, complete degenerate son, and he throws this, like, rave full of drugs and sex and, you know, all, everything out in the middle of nowhere in this, this basically dilapidated chemical processing plant.

And the point is that he’s looking around and he sees like a family member there. And it is like this unspoken thing, like, oh, we’re both total degenerates. Like, we’re not going to tell anyone about this. And I kind of feel like that’s sort of the vibe. How about all the account? How about all the ancient records? Was that all fake and gay, too? Like all the depictions and everything? It’s just people just make believe. Like the question, I think that’s memory, but, well, this is my interview with you, not you interviewing me, but I think it’s memory palace.

I think that almost all major religions and all of the huge sculptures and paintings, all of that can be summarized as like, the best freaking memory palace and memory enhancement tools possible. Because if someone sits down and tries to say, like, Juan, remember the entire Bible, here we go. I’m going to start reading it to you or here, memorize the text. There’s some freaks out there that can straight up memorize every letter, you know, with the photographic memories or whatnot and. But for a normal person, if you’re. If you want them to memorize Genesis or you’re like, yo, imagine, like, a hot body dude and chick, and they’re, like, hanging out by this tree, and a snake comes down and starts talking to him, and one of them eats an apple.

Like, all of these things are such visceral visuals that it’s impossible to forget it. So even if. Even if that was, like, the children’s version of the story and all the adults knew the real version after thousands and thousands of years, like, the one that sticks out the most is like, oh, there was a naked chick with an apple. Isn’t that hot? And that sticks in your memory? I mean, I’m oversimplifying that, but I think that that describes all the tales of aliens and supernatural. Everything is. It’s easier to remember. You’ve done memory palace work, right? Do you still remember what’s outside your front door? I do, and I want to get that guy on a podcast.

He’s still around, right? The moonwalking with Einstein guy, what’s his name? Yeah. I don’t even think he considers himself public a memory expert anymore. It was like he. He did that article. He wrote a book, but it’s like, you can. He was a background. He was dead yet. But the whole point was that anybody could become a world memory champion if they just put their mind to it. Yeah. Yeah. No, I’m gonna probably reach out to. Because that’s an interesting concept of being able. But here’s the thing, dude. Like, I’ve always wondered why we’re able to come up with all these mythologies, because.

Right. You’re. You’re talking about the base story, the core story. And then people start to fan fiction and start to fill in extra curricula, and then there’s other versions of that same story, but just backwards and inverted, like Lilith. Lilith is my favorite fan fiction version, where someone, like, retrofitted. They’re like, wait a minute. There must have been someone before Eve, you know, because first they were both made out of the dirt, but then Eve comes along made out of the rib. What. What about the chick between there? Love. I love the fan fiction. That’s the coolest part.

Well, here’s the thing. So this is a question that I’ve always debated, where if the first Adam, in some origin stories, in some cosmologies, was a golem, at first, was created as a golem or from the. From the dirt, he was animated and breathed life, and. And that story goes in a whole bunch of different mythologies. Let me give up the. Hold on. It’s the illuminati symbolism I got to give up when I adjust my. My glasses. You’re throwing some crazy illuminati hand signals right now. All right, so the. If the first Adam was a golem and we are created in the image of God, or the great architect of the universe, as you guys would call them, the if we’re made in the image of God and the first Adam was a golem, does that make God a golem or homunculus? And if so, then who created God? What’s the logic there? Why.

Why would God creating a homunculus mean God’s also homunculus? We’re made in the image of God. So wouldn’t that default saying that God is a golem, too, over a maiden? I don’t know if I follow, because a homunculus means little man, so, no, no golem. You’re a little mandev. Little man’s fashion after the big man. Gola. Golem, bro golem, which is different than a homunculus. Is it? I thought. I thought they were somewhat interchangeable on. No, no, no, no. So a. Here. That. Here are the differences. If we want to get into the nitty gritty. A golem is artificially.

They’re both artificially created beings through the use of magic. The golem word magic, essentially, the alchemical homunculus, alchemy, the great art, the royal. The royal art, the great work. Whatever you want to refer to it as, a homunculus needs to grow into old age. And also, you should probably check out 30 coins on HBO. I just want. I don’t get my information from tv, but that’s fine. Oh, yeah. I’ll look at that. I’m gonna. I’m gonna probably do on Jose’s podcast, we’re gonna probably do a breakdown of that show. It’s a. It’s a show from Spain.

And, bro, first five minutes. Homunculus. Like, straight up, dude. Like nothing. Homunculus, bro, you’re gonna. You’re gonna. As soon as you see, you’re gonna know. And so a homunculus needs to grow into old age. They need to be matured, nurtured, whatever you want to do into old age. A golem is already fully formed from the ground, and it is ready to go right off the bat. And it only does one thing. It doesn’t divinate to you. It doesn’t do anything else. It is programmed to do one thing. It’s animated. And if you set it to protect this property or whatever it is.

It’s a guard dog, essentially. And though. And. But again, the homunculus is more utility knife. It’s a talisman. You can keep it as your buddy, or you can sacrifice it to Moloch and then use its entrails and its body part for different magical operations. It’s up to you, bro. This. Well, I just want to clarify, because we’re about truth with a capital t here. I don’t know if you sacrifice a homunculus to Moloch. I think Moloch only wants your kids and that your. Your best kids. I feel like that would be an insult. That if you’re going out and do that, that’s like when they do the rifle buyback programs and those people go and they just, like, 3d print a bunch of crap that technically is a gun and then trade it in and get money.

That would be like offering your homunculus to Moloch. I wouldn’t recommend it if. Wanda, that’s fine. He takes shortcuts. I would offer an actual firstborn. I love that. That comparison, bro, that’s awesome. Yeah, it’s like, no, we don’t want your empty vessels. What is this? It’s like. But it’s a part of me, you know, peaceful offering here, but. And also, how long it worked on this last night. And Moloch might have not even been, like, a God. It might have been just like an operation. Well, it was a proud my. From my research and we’ve talked to.

I can’t remember, esoteric his name. Who? Esoteric Eddie. Well, esoteric Eddie was on one of the shows, but there was another guy that has written all these different books about Enoch and, like, enochian magic, and he was like, a Knights Templar dude. Anyways, he. He made a really good case for that. That same premise. Then it’s an operation and an actual deity. Correct. That the offering was called Mok. MLK. And then there was also the name for, like, a king, which was Malik. And that the two versions of this, phonetically, if you try to pronounce MLK, shout out MLK.

But it just sounds like Mok. Like, it just. You’re about to vomit. So if a bunch of people just keep talking about, let’s go do that, then eventually someone spells it out in a weird way. Yeah. Like, bro, were you okay? Yeah. Let’s go to the mall. Golly. What other topics don’t interest you? What are things that come up constantly in, like, the conspiracy occult world and you’re just like, yeah, that’s cool, but I’m gonna do something else. So the shape of the earth is one of them, because I’m more of a hollow earther. I think that there is more evidence of hollow Earth than there is a flatter.

That’s just me, though, that one doesn’t really like, oh, it’s flat. You know, and this is why it’s like. And then I love the philosophical aspect of it. Like, well, it’s because it’s. It’s here to make you insignificant. Well, joke song, you already feel insignificant as is. I don’t care about the shape of the earth to feel insignificant. I already feel, you know, very narcissistic thing to say. Like, someone with a huge ego is just like, you’re trying to tell me I’m not special. I know I’m not special. You don’t got to tell me and rub it in, you know, with the shape of the earth.

It’s like, you find out it’s flat. I mean, significant. In all honesty, though, would it, would it not be incredibly fascinating to you if NASA or whoever came out and was like, you know what? We’ve been lying. It’s flat. Earth is flat. Infinite plane. Okay, so plane. Come on. So let me just, let me. I don’t want to put words in your mouth, so I’m going to state the way I feel and just let me know if you agree with this. But the reason why I don’t care about flat Earth versus I don’t understand enough either.

That’s another one. I don’t understand it. So it’s because I. For me, I feel like the jury’s kind of out. Like, I’m already fully on board the globe model. It’s been programmed into my brain. So when someone brings up the flat earth, the burden of proof is so high, and the only proof that ever gets thrown out is use your eyeball. And we did that whole occult book club, and we’ve talked about Rene Descartes a few times, and that dude didn’t believe his eyes. Even if you saw the curve with his eyes, he’d be like, uh, uh.

Like, that’s just someone that’s just jiggling my, my optic nerves. They’re playing with licking it. Licking it. Yeah. So to me, that that’s why. But I want to know, like, do you really not care? Or is it just because you already feel like you know the answer and no, I truly, I legitimately do not care about that sub. I don’t believe that. I don’t believe that, because you just said it would be mind blowing if it was. It’d be cool, and then I’d be over it. Like, oh, all right, cool. On to the next ever get over it? Infinite plane, bro.

Oh, that. And that’s the other thing. Like, oh, there’s no infinite space, but there’s an infinite plane. All right, bro. But here’s. Here’s the thing. When NASA would come out with that news, boom. I promise you, all those people who were on board the flat Earth, now it’s a psyop. It’s a psyop. It’s not true after all. You know, the. The dinosaurs were not real. You know, like, all this. They’re gonna come out and say the opposite. Well, here’s the proof. No, no, it’s got to be a psyop. The government’s behind this. It’s like, all right, whatever.

So, though, that is one of those. And because I feel like, again, there’s more. Anything that has to do with interdimensionalism, manipulating reality. Because I’m a big Sci-Fi nerd, bro. I love sci-fi. And anything that has to really do with that sort of thing, like, really perks my esoteric nipples up and just makes my nipples super hard. So that’s what really gets me off when you’re talking about, like, the shape of the earth. Cool. Like, I can get down with hollow Earth and all those other things, and I can actually google and see that there’s stuff under.

Underneath the ground and that stuff. And there’s forest and animals and everything under. Under us. So that. That whatever the other one, bro. To be honest, government conspiracies, like the. And not like the. Their lizard people, but the stuff, like the illuminati bloodlines type of stuff. Committee of 300. Like, I don’t find. I I find it interesting, but it’s like, it doesn’t get my rocks off. Like, hey, there’s a cabal of elites that rule all the money in the world, and they’re causing wars to get all this extra money, all right? Ones like, drop a homunculus in there, and maybe I’ll care.

Exactly. It’s like, well, if you tell me, hey, all these elites are homunculi, and they use magic to control our perceptions. Oh, okay, now you’ve got me a little bit more perked up. But it’s like, what are you gonna do about the. The Bilderberg group? Well, I mean, actually, you’re starting to open up a really good case for I. We’re not gonna say the g word anymore because you said it’s off ta. It’s off limits now. But imagine for just a second you’ve got a one out there that’s like, I don’t care. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bilderberg.

Yeah, yeah. Council of 300. I don’t care that they’re running the world. And I, I don’t care to go on, bro. But if someone’s like, yeah, dude, but they’re also shape shifting lizards and all of a sudden people like, huh? And now all of a sudden they’re interested, right? Or if they tell you that they’re homunculi or. Or fill in the blank. And I feel like this is the noble version of the evil, the g word, that if you make something that’s real, but then you, like, add a little twist where it’s like, oh, but there’s also boobies.

You know what I mean? Like, yeah, dude, you do a little salt bay in ithemenous, sprinkle some. I feel like the noble cause. And in that regard, the same way that, you know, people remember a tale about a naked chick and an apple and a snail. Yeah. Might remember shape shifting reptilians and infinite planes. Mind palace trigger. Mind palace triggered. So, like, now I remember it. You know, I’m saying. And you’re absolutely right. Different strokes for different cosmologies, bro. You know, in this song, you’re 69 yourself. In this other saga, you’re making homunculus. Like, who know? You know, you’re making homunculus in this other one.

So it’s like, it’s, who do you think was more magical? Eeyore Bach or Alistair Crowley? I think Alistair Crowley was more magical. What would happen if the two of them hooked up and they just, like, went to town on each other? I think, you know, that’s a good observation, but I think that at least Curly was writing about this stuff since the beginning of his life and wasn’t like, hey, I 1984, bro. I’m gonna start talking about this. It’s like, why? Well, you see, I couldn’t rents you for a thousand years, okay? It’s like, well, just.

Can anybody else back your claims up? Nope, they’re all dead. No, but watch what I can do. Yeah, I believe anything he says now. Yeah, well, and that, and that’s the thing, bro. Like, and that’s. I’ve always wondered, like, bro, imagine just showing up to any situation and being like, did, you know 911 with a suicide job? And people start debating it and they look back over you. And you’re just. Well, then we talk about Jim Jones and, like, how charismatic and how well he was. And, I mean, this applies to a whole bunch of people in history that are good talkers, that can talk about certain things and can manipulate people.

I mean, you know, NLP, Tom, or not paranoid American. I would just call rhetoric at this point rhetoric where you’re able to twist things into, like, damn, I don’t know, this guy’s foolish. Like a good salesman, like, or people who don’t take no for an answer. And I think if you are able. If you sprinkle in a little bit of truth a little bit, I think. I think what people, what gets people’s rocks off is with a lot of this stuff is the etymological breakdowns, right? Like, when you start to break down the etymology of words like, damn, dude, that makes a lot of sense to me.

And then they get drawn to that, like, oh, okay, so there, there is. There’s some truth in all cosmologies. You know, I’m saying, like. But that’s like taking L. Ron Hubbard at his word when he created Scientology. It’s like, oh, this is the truth. This is it. This is. This is our origins. Like, this is. This is the one. Well, when did he make that? The 1950s? Huh. That’s interesting. Okay, well, I mean, what’s the right year to create a religion? That’s true, though. This is something that I battle with, too, bro. Like, what makes the other ones, the major ones, the three major religions, legitimate? What, that they’re older than anything? Like, how about Philip K.

Dick? He was having vision. He was having a things. Ballast. Talk to him. Something was talking to him. Look at the. The Bledsoe family. I don’t know if you’re familiar with them, where the. They’re. They’re encountering entities or CIA, FBI, different. Are they, are they. John. John D. Edward Kelly. How much is their patreon? Where. I don’t know how I can buy his book. You can buy his book, but that’s the thing, bro. Like, who, who am I to say, like, if God can or cannot talk to you or of what you talked to was or wasn’t God? Well, do you think that the oldest is the most? Right? Because I usually, that’s the dynamic that comes up, that it’s like, oh, mormonism is not true because it’s too new, but the Bible’s true because it’s so old and it’s lasted so long.

It’s got to be true. We have never. No one I’m going to get slack for this, but I don’t believe anyone, unless you’ve read the original, has read the Bible. We’ve read translations of the Bible, okay? We’ve read a book that was translated by a group of people that was passed down through generations. That’s what we’ve read. So you. You bring up a goodbye, even exist in that definition. We’re getting into shaky. A shaky ground here, bro, because that’s too hot for you. No, no, no, no. Not to me. No, no. Absolutely not. But for the.

For the commenters, bro, for the people who are gonna leave a comment. How dare you? Yeah, we’re just here to have a conversation. We know that I believe in the Bible, the true word of God. I know what, you’re gonna go with this? You want. No, no, no, no. Here. I believe in the. I do believe that the Bible is the true word of God. Occam’s razor. Occam’s razor. Don’t believe in explanation is that everything in the Bible is literal. Let. No, no, no. I think that a lot of the stuff in the Bible has been watered down.

And that’s what I’m getting at. That we’re getting a second hand account. I don’t speak Oldenhouse. Whatever the original language. Greek or whatever. Aramaic, whatever it was. I don’t speak of that. So I. I gotta trust you on your word. And that’s why when a lot of these other things pop up like Scientology or whatever other sagas you want to link in there where it’s like, source. Trust me, bro. That’s what the church has been telling everybody for thousands of years. Like, oh, no, no, no. Trust us, okay? This is it. Cuz. I’m even critical of that, bro.

Like, I’m even. I consider myself a Christian. I believe in God, but I’m critical of that because it’s. I believe a lot of things have been watered down, have been occulted, have been mistranslated. And we see that even today, bro. And I mean, you can take a one word and extract a few meanings from it. Which witch is it? Is it the witch that flies on a broomstick? Or is it. Which one do you pick from? You know, I’m saying, like. And how well you were. Make what you were talking about earlier. Like, yo, get them.

Get the mock ready. Like, what, bro? Yeah, yeah. Just transcribe it. But can you spell it again? Yeah, just keep. Come on, we have to go. It’s like. It’s like he just put Moloch. You know, and, like, there you go. Boom. It’s been Moloch for thousands of years. The next guy who picked it up, thousands of years. And I think that’s the problem, too, with. Because some people argue that oral tradition is more correct and more. More precise than written. And I’ve got to disagree, bro. What if one day, you know, you had something in your throat? You’re clear your throat, you’re saying that word.

Next guy that picks it up, he was like. He misheard that one time you clear your throat or you got lazy that one day where you were telling the story you didn’t want to, you just sped through and you missed a part. Then the next guy who’s telling the story skips that part two, and then he gets kind of lazy one day and skips apart, forgets to say one part, passes it on to the next guy. You tell me that’s the most accurate way. Damn. Shots fired at Native Americans from Guan. Right here, dude, oral tradition is garbage.

Hey, bro, I’m just saying, dude, like, Occam’s razor, right? Occam’s razor. Write it down. I love. You could just say Occam’s razor and then just leave a room and people like, it just dropped the gem, bro. That’s crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He’s absolutely right. So from now on, bro, when I don’t understand anything, I’m just gonna be, yo, Occam’s razor. Just name this episode. Occam’s Razor. That’s it. Well, I mean, we joke here, but I mean, if we’re talking about the trivium, the classic of the first three steps of liberal arts, it’s grammar, logic, rhetoric, and you can’t get to rhetoric, you can’t get to NLP until you go through grammar and logic first and logic now.

It’s like Reddit army debater, you know, argument threads, but that’s legit. That’s the real list of logical fallacies. And those things date back to ancient Greece, but they’re also the most annoying things to ever bring up in any situation outside of, like, a very formal, classic debate. Well, there, there’s opinion as well mixed in there and how Plato said, opinion is the lowest form of intellect, right? Because you have a lot of people who are going to. And that’s, bro, like I said, that that’s what I’ve been battling with when it comes to my studies of anything where.

Cuz I like that dude. I like that his opinion. I like. I like when people comment and they talk about their perspective. And I. And I think we can do it in a respectful way. Right. If you want to tell me that I’m wrong about something cool, whatever, like, I’m wrong about it or a. I got this one date wrong, that. That itself, you know, something that’s already been solidified as a fact and I get it wrong. That’s one different type of correction. Then inserting your opinion is a whole nother difference. I like, oh, no, wall.

It was this, bro, I grew up my entire life thinking that, well, I still believe that God is going to come back. There’s going to be an apocalypse. There’s going to be a rapture. That’s what I’ve been ingrained with since I was a little boy. Did you grow up religious? Can you edit this part out? Because not a lot of people know, Thomas, that I was actually born and raised pentecostal. But what you were. What you were, dude, you were up. Edit that part out, though. Yeah. Like, did you do the snakes and everything? Did you talk? Is that why? Okay.

No, but I did see, like, you know, people jumping around, and I remember the. The pastors would pray over me, and the preachers are pray over me, and they’d be pushing my head back, trying to get me to fall back and be holding my head up like that. They just move on, bro. It’s like, you know, I’ve seen miracles, bro. I’ve seen people get healed in front of me and stuff like that. How I’ve seen people who they prayed over who never got healed. You know, I’m saying, like, there’s that, too, but it’s like there’s something when you’re back again to the beginning where you’re in that state of mind, where you’re in that state of mind where the Holy Spirit is in the house, you feel it, you know, you feel it in the air.

But I can’t explain what that is. Is that God? Is that Cthulhu? Is that the spaghetti. The flying spaghetti monster? I don’t know, you know, I’m saying, but the. Yeah, a lot of people know that I was born, and some people believe he already came back. No, no, bro, this is the time after he came back. Like what? Bro, that’s crazy. So, yeah, I love studying these things, and I don’t understand any more than I do, but I like the mystery. I like the thrill of it. How you said, I like the. I like the grift.

I like the grip. I like to feel alive, you know? Boom, they’ll open that door again. We’ve moved on. No, I know. I’m just saying. I’m just saying that’s what I’m here. I’m here for it. I’m here for it. So what could I be doing better as far as what? Just in. Just everything in general, podcast comics not make so much worthless merchandise, bro. You know, bring some real, actual knowledge to people and don’t bring some worthless. Don’t go to chosen and sign up for the comic book, the chosen one. Number two, don’t go and buy homunculus on it.

Don’t do any of that. I just want to point out that you. I mean, let’s. Let’s get a couple things on the table. Regardless of the shape of the earth, we believe that we’re in a material realm and that molecules exist and matter exists. Right? Okay. So just imagine that every issue, every physical copy of chosen, this could have been the cure for cancer, but it’s not. We ended up manifesting a freaking comic book. Can you say about an idiot that makes people that have feces come out of their mouth? Wow, I hope I’m not giving that away.

100, 410. Write that down. Censor out the c word. I don’t know if you’re allowed to say that on the big. We’re not allowed to say cancer. Well, cured. Okay, so remember, it’s about the. No, I’m not saying we have. I’m saying this could have been. Are you saying that the chosen one is the cure to cancer? Is that medical misinformation? No, no, no. That the molecules that are, like, this is now occupying. You might have to edit that out. Me saying that comic is the cure to cancer. This might not even be in physical space.

This might not even be molecules. Okay. Just saying. I have to edit that whole transaction. See, and I guess that’s. That’s why some people follow the maps and some people chart the maps. And that’s fine if you want to just be the person that follows the maps and looking at the. The pictures of Antarctica and being like, man, I wonder if there was a wall there. There was a dude that actually knows whether or not there was a wall there, but he got his. He got banned from YouTube after he made that video, so you’ll never know about it.

Yeah. Or again, was he a plant by these governmental entities to. Well, we’re talking about Admiral Bird. Right, but birds aren’t real. Well, that came out post pope, post dumiously. Okay. And hopefully video. No. Was he on video talking about this he. No, no, but here’s the thing, dude. I was thinking about this exact thing the other day. Okay, and by the other day, I mean, like, yesterday, the day before, where, though I believe that those. So the book where he. Where his account that he goes into hollow earth or with the opening and all that stuff, and he meets the people of Agartha, that was published after he died.

So the validity of that is Occam’s razor, right? You can. You can. You can assume that the person who published it may be looking for clout, whatever it is. You can say that about any ancient scripture, any book that’s written. But it didn’t come from him. It was his secret diary or whatever it was. But the. The interview that you’re talking about, which I am no longer able to find on YouTube, and I did see it at one point, is the part where he’s talking about that there are lands that, you know, there are infinite lands.

Whatever. Not. And he doesn’t use infinite lands. Let me. Let me get this correct, right? I’m paraphrasing. So this is not exactly said. He’s talking about uncharted, unexplored lands. You can take that and make it mean whatever you want. But he also said that no woman has ever stepped foot on these lands. So unless these extraterrestrials of flat earth and the people on the outside, they’re all either androgynes or whatever it is, or they’re. They’re. They’re trannies and they all have penises, and there’s no women. Mark that time code down 107. Can what I say. That’s a derogatory term, sir.

Which. What? Transgenders? Not. Not the car part. Geez, man, you’re just spewing it left and right here. Yeah, a bunch of fags. How about that? How about you? How about you edit that out? But I don’t edit. You know, you already know I don’t edit. Even though I quote Nixon. It’s about the most faggotty thing I’ve ever seen, or whatever it is that he said. So he also said that no woman has stepped foot on these lands. What if he was just talking about an uncharted continent that no one, at that point in time, had stepped foot on? Are you saying no woman or no one? No one.

Because he was just flying over the. The poles at that point in time, you know I’m saying. So you can take that and make it me. And again, you can use this for whatever other thing, ancient scripture, where you can quote different parts of him. Like, oh, see, this is. This points to whatever, you know, job, what went within the earth, that’s hollow earth. You know, I’m saying, like, whatever it was. And so you get that. That. And that’s the problem with words. That’s the problem with humans, too, where they’re gonna nitpick whatever they want and.

And run with it. So the admiral bird account, I’m a bit skeptical of because it happened after he died. And it also. That one interview they talking about, which maybe we can find and post it for people, but I haven’t been able to find it again. And the account where he’s talking about. And even. Even women haven’t been there. We’ve got a copy of the original reel at the lodge. I’ll pop over this weekend and digitize it if you want. Here, let me pull it. I’m gonna. I’m gonna see if I can find it, bro. Because we have to do is admit that Lucifer is your real God.

And anything you want, I’ll get it. I don’t know if I can do all that, dude. That’s. That’s a bit much for me, dude, that. I’ll leave that to the Freemasons and the. Who else worships Moloch and Satan and Lucifer? Just the Freemasons. And it’s only a 32nd degree and higher. They don’t tell you that in the lower degrees. Okay. All right, cool. Let me see if I can find this here real quick. But so we can give people the truth with a capital t. You know, we don’t want. We don’t want to spread any misinformation here.

Right. Well, if we do find the admiral bird footage, though, it’s going to be behind a $60 Patreon paywall, just like we’re going to call it the Arctic paywall. So that if you really want to get to see the infinite planes of Admiral Byrd and all this research, you’re going to have to pay a pretty penny for the infinite planes of these nuts when you sign up for the Patreon., the one one podcast. So I’ll edit that out and make it say paranoidamerican. Admiral Birdhouse. Antarctica was an interview, right? Well, what do you think is.

Do you think there’s even an arctic ice wall at all? No, I don’t think. I don’t. I don’t think there’s an ice wall, bro. I don’t think there’s an ice wall. I think that. But then that. That would. You’re already incriminating me, saying that the earth is a certain shape, which. I didn’t say that. Yeah, but if you think that there’s no ice wall, you automatic. You’re. You’re a global sexual, which. I’m not a global sexual. I don’t know, what do they call a Fabian strip or. I got that name. Oh, yeah, the infinite strip. Right? Mobius strip.

Mobius. What if the earth is a Mobius strip? Then it’d be round and flat at the same time. I think people would lose their minds if they found. Figured out the truth. Right? Do you? That’s like the. The moon landing. We still need warning labels on tide pods, so I don’t know if it would affect humanity too much. Signs exist because somebody at one point in time did exactly what that sign says not to do. And another one, too, which is a little bit less interesting. But anytime you’ve ever played a video game in your whole life, and you’ve got those, like, menu screensh that are, like, difficulty and, like, all, like, arcade mode and versus mode, every one of those was a disagreement that the designers had, and they couldn’t.

They couldn’t come up with the agreement, so they just throw it on a settings page. So whenever you see a settings page with, like, lots of crap, it usually implies that they were not in a. Of, like, mind in the design room. That’s actually more interesting than the sign one, bro. Well, that’s because I was delivering the information with a capital t. Capital t, that’s right. There you go. And using rhetoric and NLP behind it. If you. If you rewind that, I dropped, like, three embedded commands in that. See this? This is why. This is why the show’s gonna blow up, because you’re using mkultra and mind tricks against the people who are listening, right.

You’re being programmed right now. You need to unsubscribe from paranoid american right now, because you’re being programmed and he’s flashing stuff that you can’t see. We’re going through this episode, okay, to be programmed in your subconscious. You can edit that out, too, bro. Like the chosen or chosen i always get it wrong. Those song slaps, dog. What do you think about just making every conspiracy theory into a song? Do you think there’s any. Any value to that, or is it just noise? Conspiracy rap is cringe, bro. I think that. I think that if you’re a rapper, you can rap about anything, so.

But why would you. Wouldn’t it be more noble to only rap about important capital tree thing? Truth. Capital t, truth stuff. No, dude, I don’t think. I think that truth is subjective. Like, just how you worship Satan, stuff like that. Like that. That, to you, is the truth. And to me, you know, I love Jesus Christ, my lord and savior, so that. That, to me, is truth. But again, and we’re beating a dead horse, bro, because we’re going to go back and forth with, well, that’s how you make a homunculus. Maybe that’s where that comes from, bro.

What if that’s where that comes from? You know, don’t beat the dead horse anymore. Think about it. Beating a dead horse means that you’re, like, going over a topic too much. But you know what else happens when you go over a topic too much? That is a magic ritual. It creates an aggregor, does it not? Like. Like repeating the same thing over and over and over. So maybe beating a dead horse is talking about a celestial aggregor homunculus. Ooh, I love that, dude. And you’re absolutely right, because when I did that video, well, when I helped mine unveiled with that video, that it really got pushed out into this thing, the homunculi, the homuncologist homunculus started to pop up left and right, and now we have this battle of who was the original homunculus and who traces his origins back to the first homunculus.

And again, there’s more videos and more things in the collective. So who knows if it’s like the hundred monkey, hundred monkey theory theory where when you get 100 monkeys on board, it starts to shift the collective and everyone. Almost like the akashic records or something or other. What’s. What’s this theory do you not know about? Come on, bro, don’t. I’ve heard a different version of it, but I heard the. What? Maybe I’ve think of a different one. But the one I’ve heard is that if you lock 100 monkeys in a room with 100 typewriters for infinity, they’ll eventually write every work of William Shakespeare’s.

That’s all we’re talking about. Wouldn’t that would take so long, bro, there was to. It’s on an infinite timeline. All right, well, okay, maybe. Yeah, maybe. No, but the one I’m talking about you, bro, they were washing the yams or something like that. You don’t know about that one? The hundred monkey theory? And I’m not talking about the hundred type. I mean, let me get the main 100 monkey theory so we can all the hundred monkey. The hundredth monkey effect is an esoteric idea, claiming that a new behavior idea is spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups.

Once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea. And the idea that they give is, I believe it was where they have an island full of 100 monkeys. They have different islands full of 100 monkeys each. The first island, they teach the monkeys to, what I think it was like, wash their yams when they’re. Before they eat them. All right? And eventually all those hundred monkeys start, you know, this group learned to wash their yams. The next group did it, had no idea to how to wash their hands, and the third group didn’t.

But as soon as the first group of 100 monkeys started to wash their yams, the other group and the completely different island started to also wash their yams and then kept spreading. The third group, fourth group, whatever, started to wash your hands. So what. What is that, Thomas? Is that evolution? Is that, can it be contributed to the first group being taught? And enough people got on board with the homunculus idea. Therefore, people started to see Homunculus, homunculi in their peripheral vision. And that’s the aggregor, is that God? The spread of information is language itself an extraterrestrial virus, like, what is going on? Or, you know, pressure, because if you were.

If you were to decimate all hundred of those monkeys and then replace it with another fresh hundred, then the whole knowledge about cleaning yams, it goes away forever. It doesn’t. It doesn’t transfer. It doesn’t, like, they don’t leave it lingering in the air. So once they’re gone, I really do think it would be peer pressure, because it. The underlying theme there is that if one of the monkeys doesn’t wash the ams, then they’re stricken as an outcast, and they don’t get fed, and maybe they don’t get to procreate. So they become truly outcasts from their little community.

But that’s the only factor that’s running there, I believe. So it was. So people are trying to find if this is an actual true story, but it was some prime primatologist, and it was sweet potatoes and wheat and an unanticipated study. So, yeah, so the. The. According to Watts and the scientists observed that some of the monkeys learned to wash sweet potatoes initially through an 18 month old female member of the troop. In 1953, Emo discovered that sand and grit could be removed from potatoes by washing them in a stream or in the ocean. Gradually, this new potato washing habit spread to the troop in the usual fashion, through observation and repetition.

Unlike most food customs, this behavior was learned by the older generation of monkeys from the younger ones. This behavior spread up until 1958, according to Watson, when a group of. When a sort of group consciousness had suddenly developed among the monkeys. As a result, one last monkey learning potato washing by conventional means rather than the one monkey at a time method prior. Watson concluded that the researchers observed that one critical number of monkeys was reached, the hundred monkey. This previous learned group behavior instantly spread across the water to monkeys on nearby island. What? So it spread as soon as the hundred monkey learned it? Bro, what is that like, is this even real? Can we.

Can we just chalk this up to Occam’s razor and just say that it’s good to wash your potatoes? And they just learned it just because. And it was a hundred monkeys. I mean, it to me, just sounds like evolution on a microcosmic scale. All right, because you’re making an argument, too, for what Freemasonry sort of represents in a way where that imagine instead of monkeys washing potatoes, it’s humans, it’s masons that understand how to create these elaborate structures that seem to defy gravity and have all these ornate extras and are able to take almost any material in the surrounding environment and chip away at it and make them into these little perfect building blocks.

That’s the same kind of information that just, like, I would say that if you. If you decimated all those monkeys and replace them with new monkeys, you’re back at scratch. You’re back at, you know, the global reset, that would make sense. It’s a global chimp reset, but that’s, in my mind, free secret societies or Freemasonry are kind of like the seed banks for those global resources. It’s like, it’s the. It’s the smart sort of monkeys that. That, like, you, you protect. It’s the elders that you protect. So when all the new ones come or they get decimated, the old ones are still there to pass on the knowledge to the new wave.

But if everybody gets wiped out, then nobody’s washing their potatoes for another thousand years until someone accidentally comes across it and it inherently becomes valuable. They’re like, oh, wow, I like not having grit in my food now. So it catches on out of pure merit. And I feel like that’s. You’re making an argument for joining the Freemasons right now. No. No, I’m not. I don’t think that anyone should join any. You are. Occam’s razor says you are. No, that’s Mandela effect, bro. So, you know, I’m gonna just use these things interchangeably whenever I misremember something. Mandela effect.

They changed. It’s. Well, it’s also just a simulation theory and. Simulation. Yeah, no, absolutely. But you know, a lot of these concepts where I think that you’re getting into the woo woo. We’re talking about aggregates and things like that, where if you talk about it enough, it becomes real. Or is it a state of mind? Altered state of consciousness. Like a permanent altered state of conscious you talk about enough times. And, yeah, I do think that repetition is part of ceremonial magic. So what does it say when you dedicate your life to one topic and only talk about one topic? Are people under your homunculus? I don’t just talk about homunculus, though, bro.

You know that I talked. That’s weird that you interpret it like that. I just threw out weird. Weird how? You identified with a different version of what I didn’t say. It’s cool. I hate you so much, Thomas. You know that? You’re working through some stuff, okay? So complain if we did. They don’t watch you do some PCP live on air. So let’s do this. Meg conspiracy buffs, I double dare you to take some PCB, the paranormal conspiracy probe. On your marks, get set and go. You know the rules, right? Do you know that? Do I need to tell you the rules? I don’t watch this show, bro.

Zero to ten, I’m going to say a thing, and zero means that you think it’s. It’s complete hogwash. Riff raff. And ten means that, like, you’re writing a book about it right now and you’re going to be grifting about it on your Patreon in a week riff graph. Uh huh. So let’s start out. Box saga. Zero to 100. It’s a griff graph. No, no, no. Excuse me. Three. I do think that there is some legitimate truth to it, but I think it’s the epitome of trust me, source. Trust me, bro. But there’s. It’s got some. And that’s how you reel them in.

It’s got some truth in it, but you sprinkle in a whole bunch of other stuff, and it’s like, all right, because you’re pushing something that’s related to you and getting people on board. How about an alchemical homunculus? I’ll give it a five. Because. And I am writing a book on it, but I’ll give it a five because of the same thing. It’s all stories, it’s all source. Trust me, bro. There is records of it for hundreds of years at a time and sometimes even thousands. But yeah, it’s. It’s a too much short source. Trust me, bro.

Take my word for it. Which we know is too. Let’s put this one to bed. Miami mall aliens, zero to ten. I think it’s a three because as reliable as box saga. As reliable, if not less than box saga, because there is a lot of people coming out saying that they’ve got footage, but they’re scared to put the footage out again. How. How convenient. And if you actually listen to the episode, you’d know that I’m not talking about aliens at all in that episode. And I’m actually talking about some occult rituals, so. Which is also probably vacant gay as well, but yeah.

Three dinosaurs. Dinosaurs. I love dinosaurs when I was a kid. I don’t know how to feel about the fossils, if they’re even real. But I’ll say a five, bro. And it’s probably a grift. The door. Dinosaurs made up. From what I’ve heard and seen, there was a. A battle going on, a competition going on of who could one up the other guy. And I guess they all of a sudden start finding these fossils in one small area. So it could have been a griff for fame. What about dragons? And I mean, flying and fire breathing? Let’s go with a three, bro.

There’s too much mythology around it, source. Trust me, bro. So how about Bigfoot? Same. And any people have to understand, I’m. I’m a skeptic, bro. I’m a skeptic. And that’s why I’m here. So a lot of things. Just because I talk about something doesn’t mean I believe 100%. Without demons, grift. I think that it’s a energies, and I think that angels, demons, daemons, all that stuff can be used interchangeably. And mental health is a real phenomenon. So I’m gonna have to go with a four, maybe five, because it’s. You can use that word interchangeably. I think that there is forces on the other side.

Am I playing this right? Mike, we have to explain it. I mean, well, you’re a self proclaimed skeptic that rates dinosaurs three and demons five. I don’t know. Do you think that that makes logical sense? Well, when did one was the first fossil found? I mean, we’ve been talking about entities on the other side since the beginning of time. Fossils are fairly new. When was the first dinosaur fossil found? First dinosaur fossil on the word dinosaur didn’t even exist. So. First dinosaur fossil found. Yeah, but just because they didn’t have yet. Yep. But are we saying that every triglybite fossil that ever gets dug up is only from the 18 hundreds? Because they only had a name for it in the 18 hundreds? Touche, brother.

Touche, Mandela. Occam’s razor. A reserve. Uh, simulation theory. Simulation we got. What’s the other one? Mandela effect. Where are you at? Zero to ten on simulation theory. Like, we’re all just living in a simulation. I like that idea. It was one of the first ones that I. That I got into, but I’m gonna have to go with a yemenite. There’s no way to prove it, bro. So ten, it’s 100%, like, real. Yeah, I’m lukewarm, bro. Five, because we got to reserve the right to change our minds. Like, it could be real, how it could be fake and gay.

So I think, therefore, Occam’s razor. What about sympathetic magic? And I’m not talking about when you just put all your focus into something, you tend to pay more attention because you’ve. You’ve got it focused. But I mean, like, as above, so below talismanic style magic, do you think it actually has any impact? I think the mind has a lot more impact than anything. And I think if you believe that you’ve been in contact with something, or if you believe that person is unaware of it there, that does something, that. That’s what’s interesting more than anything about the occult and the esoteric and alchemy and all that stuff is the.

The interdimensional aspect of it. So if. I think, therefore, it’s Occam’s razor. So I’m gonna go with five there. And you’re talking about the law of contagion, where one like attracts like things that have come in contact with one another, stay in contact with one another. So sort of quantum entanglement there type of thing that plays into talismans, homunculus, all that good stuff. Go with a five on that. It’s pretty. Pretty solid five. Yeah, pretty solid five. What about the Bible? Zero to ten. How accurate is the Bible in general? I’ve never read the original, so I can’t speak on that, but.

Okay. King James Bible, or whatever, the weird Pentecostals, three blood version. Three weirdos three. And we’re talking about King James 1611. That’s a three right there, bro. Source trust me, bro. It’s the divinely inspired word. And King James was gay. What about heaven and hell? It’s a grift to get people more on board. Does that mean three or five? Three? I’ve never been there. Once you find yourself burning for eternity, you’ll be gets ten. It’s ten, Tom. I’ll hit you up, bro. I’ll dial you in. You’re gonna get like, a fuzzy phone call. Hello? You have a collect call from.

What about gold? What do you think about alchemists and actually creating gold from lead or any other substance that someone at any point in history has successfully created real gold? I think that. Isn’t there a process now where you can birth diamonds and create. So the reasoning behind that, bro, is that every. The same molecules that are in lead are in gold. And if you’re able to find a way to manipulate them and change them around, that you’re able to have lead from. You’re able to project lead from. To gold to tides form. So just like we are unequivocally stating that the chosen one is the cure for cancer, if you.

If you burn this and turn it into ash and inject it into your arm, it will cure cancer. Cancer. Wow, that’s heavy, bro. That’s heavier. It’s the same molecules, bro. That’s heavy. Check out this mustache. Check that out. Just cause you’re going deep into the young phase, you think you’re. You’re gonna think you’re gonna turn into Carl Jung, don’t you? No, no, no. Three or four times and you’re like, I’m gonna grow a mustache. Wait, does he talk about the mustache in that? No, he doesn’t. Then he have a sick mustache. Him and. Him and Freud both had sick mustaches, I think.

Oh, young, did I have a mustache, bro? Carl Jung. And aren’t. Aren’t you following the ways of the illuminati? Because isn’t Carl Jung Illuminati? He is part of. He was a secret society. He was a part of the secret service. Was it OSS 388 or something like that? Yeah, it’s all fabricated by the government. And no, I don’t subscribe to young 100%. And I don’t. I don’t subscribe to his alchemical views either, bro. I think that it’s a lot more complicated. I think that he just piggybacked his ideas off of alchemy. He saw some of his ideas in alchemy, but I don’t think he was 100% right.

I think he’s right to some. To some point, you know, of the changing your mindset and transmuting that into something. But his view on alchemy, and again, my views on alchemy are very tainted because of all this. And in my opinion, I’ve painted it to be a lot super. More supernatural than it probably was. That’s because I’m following the stories and the lure, and I enjoy the lure. Right? So that comes with the territory. But I’m not saying that it’s the truth, bro. Akuma’s razor Mandela effect. If we do an alchemy, all, who do you think’s in, like, the final four? All alchemists pair, you know, Parakels is Kelly D.

All of them. Who’s making the top four? Edward Kelly. Edward Kelly was one of the greatest alchemists of all time. Highly slept on. So I’d say he said top four. Yeah, top final four. Let’s go with ranked Edward Kelly. Folkinelli can account for a few of the ones. Falconelli can account for. Valentine for Saint Germain, for Falconelli for a few. A few. Like, that’s a group that’s like the qanon of alchemy. And then I’d say, let’s throw Gerber in there. Geber Jabir bin Haiyan. That guy, he was on to some stuff. And then he’s the only one that could make a real homunculus his work.

Good. And then Zozo. Yeah, and then Zozimos in there. So you know, Edward Kelly Fulcanelli and associates. Jabir ben Haiyan or Gubber Gerber, however you want to call it, Gerbil. And then we’re gonna throw in Zozo most. Cuz he was talking about some cool stuff. He was talking about how compare Kelsey’s isn’t getting this fair do here. Paracelsus was an interesting guy. He was the humunk daddy. But I like those other guys better, bro. I think that they’re out of. That’s a hard pick, dude. So many grifters to. Are you her mafrophobic? No, I’m not. I’m a global sexual.

Is that why? It’s because he had an any in and outie. And you don’t like that? Yeah, I don’t like that. He had a. No, he had a huge clitoris penis thing that he had going on Paracelsus. So yeah, there’s some. There’s some evidence that he was a something of a harmaphrodite, something like that. Some weird thing. His genitalia was all mutated from again, I’m just reading books, bro. I have no idea what I’m talking about. Do you think he could have created his own homunculus the good old fashioned way? Yeah, I do think. And I think it was a sort of technology, bro.

If anything, it’s a sort of tech that people are able to tap into, like the force, use it for good or use it for evil. But Paracelsus, yeah, I do think he could have been able to make 1100%, but again, and that could have been pseudo Paracelsus, too. By the way, the. The book that we’re talking about, the natural rerun, Occam’s razor effect. Yeah. And, uh. Oh, man, I had a great last one, but I don’t. It might be escaping me now, man. You threw me off my game. Oh, no, no. Final question. Are you comfortable with long silences? No.

Ooh. You answered that a little too quick for that to be true. So tell people where they can find you. Tj I just want you to know I hated every minute of this, and hopefully we don’t have to do this again. And, yeah, at the one on one podcast, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, tick tock, I’m everywhere and nowhere at the same time. If you want to pay me to give you absolutely nothing,, the one on one podcast. And thanks for having me on, bro. I remember my question. Do you think you’re giving this material the respect it deserves? Never.

And I’m not here. That dude, that guy has turned into, like, the superfan. Like, he’s, like, at the highest tier of my Patreon. He’s, like, in my groups. He’s, like, the ultimate fan now. But it took. It was a little abrasive at first, but that’s how we work. We’re a little abrasive at first, and then we grow on you, like, some space, some fake and gay space mold that turns you into some sort of zombie that will then go on to chosen and sign up for the Kickstarter of chosen one calm. And then go on to all the other websites, sign up for all the tiers and everything like that members on YouTube, all that good stuff, you know, because we’re here for it.

We’re here for the. For the grift, and we’re here for a good time. We’ll make it fun in the meantime, while we take your money, so. And shout out to that. To that dude, the, you know, you don’t give this material the respect it deserves. And it’s. It’s awesome to hear that he’s on board now. He’s like one of the big supporters. Although right now, he’s getting truth with the lowercase t. That’s why your. Your website starts there with a little lowercase t. But if you want the uppercase t truth, he would be a top subscriber on the paranoid American Patreon, where you get way more insight.

We don’t grift. We don’t talk about Miami mal aliens. We only talk about truth of the captain. So only truth that you know. Truth. That’s it. That’s all we’re here for, bro. And just to put a nail in this coffin, because people were asking. It’s always one of the top comments. I started this out asking you who’s the homunculus? And you kind of imply you made a really compelling case, which I think I’ll cite from now on, that, like, if you’re in a big family, if you’ve got power, if you’ve got a lot of, like, a following, there’s a better chance that you’re a homunculus because you’re at the whim of these elites.

And I just. I was just thinking, you’ve got a bigger family than me. You’ve got a bigger following than me, and I think you might have more cool stuff than me. So you’ve kind of worked yourself into this corner where you are de facto the homunculus out of the two of us, based on your own logic. No, no, no. I’m a got fans in the thousands. I’m talking about fans in the millions, bro. Once we get there, once I cross that threshold where I evolve into a full fledged homunculus, I’ll let you know, bro. And then I probably won’t talk to you anymore because I’ll be so big, I don’t even need to.

Come on. I’ll just. I’ll just wipe the. The text off of your forehead, and you’ll just go back into, like, hibernation mode. Yeah, yeah. So. No, no, bro, don’t. Don’t twist my words. Don’t use this episode to create an. A fake AI version of me. But who knows? I might have been a fake AI version of myself this entire time. I might not even be the real chosen one. I might be a faker, a big, fat liar. If I were to train AI on you, what would be the, like, the worst thing that I could get you to say? Like, something you definitely wouldn’t say that the earth is flat.

And that, that 911 wasn’t an inside job. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing more salacious than these? No, I don’t really. What if it was like, my name is Juan Ayala and I’ve been lying to you all and stealing your money on Patreon and Homunculus is a grift. Deep fake. I’ll tell you that myself. Homunculus is a grift. All right. There we go. That’s the, we found the title for the episode. Everyone go follow Juan and his chosen and, yeah, homunculus owners. Oh, and you know what? This is a special occasion, so maybe I’ll show off a little prototype.

It’s not done yet. It’ll be in full color. But this is the official homunculus growing kit with the full miniature alchemy lab included. This is, this is legit. Don’t, it’ll, it’ll be out soon. It’s not, it’s not, Juan. Just like I am not. go visit Tozer one dao tongue. It’s easy to remember if you just sing along. Chosen go visit chosen the chosen one. Yes, he is the chosen one. He’s got his own comic, and now he’s got his own soul. This is the chosen one. Yes, he is the chosen one. Go buy a copy at chosen

if you just say hello, chosen one. Go visit chosen one.

  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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