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Shadowban Syndicate #6: Red Pill Overload w/ Lord Petty

By: The Juan on Juan Podcast
Spread the Truth



– Shadow Band Syndicate attempts to decode the father of the modern day computer, Charles Babbage. Who are these entities who want to merge with technology? Will Sean always be looking over his back for ghost activity aimed at his butt cheeks? Find out this and more on this episode of Shadow Band Syndicate.
– Joel: Fallen angels copulated with animal kind and created these chimeras. Did you go to college? Yeah, I did. What did you study? Internet specialist web design. How did you perform in high school and college?
– According to neuroscience, the homunculus is an actual medical term, and it’s supposed to represent your neural pathways in a representation of a little person. Some people did believe that there was a physical hom unculus. Is this extremism?
– Synthetic human embryos created in groundbreaking advance. They were created for the first time without the use of male or female. So this is a real thing.
– CNN’s Richard Quest: Have we seen any other representation of homunculus? Quest: This gets into the realm of transference of consciousness. Quest: Some paranormal American started a website called Decode. We’re going to be using this to trigger words that trigger algorithms.
– What is resistance? What is transmitting? Always resisting no coexisting? We’re in remission? 30 hours that you die out of pocket if you fall a little bit in a crossing the rock in my Hillary ain’t gotta be horrible?


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Previously on Shadow Band Syndicate, Juan, Sean, and Joel unraveled a circuit board of data. They explored topics such as possible paranormal attempts at sexual deviancy projected at Sean while he was sleeping. They also tried to decode the father of the modern-day computer, Charles Babbage, and his attempt to contact the devil, Enochian Lang. This involved hardware to communicate with entities Nikola Tesla and Alastair Crowley at the Wardencliffe Tower, as well as the high priestess of the first computer, Ada Lovelace. Along the way, they encountered more questions than answers. Who are the entities seeking to merge with technology? Did fallen angels give Enoch the Enochian language that advanced the computer age? Will Sean always have to be wary of ghostly activity targeting his butt cheeks? These questions may never find definitive answers, but the crew looks forward to what’s next. On this episode of Shadow Band Syndicate, hosted by either Mrs. or non-binary shadow shadow band, things take a different format as they welcome a guest, Rodney, to the show. Each member of the crew introduces themselves and their respective platforms. They mention the challenges of being shadow banned and censored, but encourage listeners to follow them on social media and stream their music. Rodney, who has delved into the conspiratorial world, shares his perspective and insights. Before diving into the main discussion, the crew addresses comments from listeners who have also experienced paranormal encounters while sleeping. They apologize for initially not taking Sean’s experiences seriously and emphasize the need to protect oneself from interdimensional entities. The conversation then turns to the different camps within the conspiratorial community. Some believe something shady is going on, some believe nothing is happening, and others deny that anything has occurred at all. The crew acknowledges that interpretations vary and multiple viewpoints coexist. They highlight the importance of open-mindedness and the willingness to consider different perspectives. The discussion concludes with a reflection on the need to be open to the possibility of being wrong and the importance of humility in the truth-seeking journey.I’m wrong all the time, man. I’ve been wrong all day today. And my boss made sure that I stayed late so that I could learn my lesson. I guess I don’t know, man, but stop. Who cares? That’s the whole problem. It’s the pride, the ego. We got to be right. We’re discussing matters, and people are doing real research. Like, I do some research, but Juan and Joel go deep, bro. I’m telling you, if you heard everything, that when they’re talking on the side.

That’s my problem, is, man, people are researching this, and now if you have some better research, okay, present it. You know what I’m saying? We’re not saying or denying it. That’s why I just like, dude, it’s a discussion. And they get so uptight, like, oh, man. Oh, I can’t believe Joel. Look, he talked about Islam. Who cares, bro? He talk about Christianity. He’s talking about Catholics. It’s not a big deal. It’s just he’s analyzing. He’s asking questions. Same thing with Juan. You’re asking questions. And Rodney, though, I mean, I don’t know. I have a question without derailing the show. I just got to ask a quick question before we get too deep into things, because I’m sure I might rope somebody into this stream that’s going to have the same question. You said there’s two camps. I’m not even going to try to say because I don’t know. This is new to me. You said two camps. What are the two camps, and what is each one?

The homunculus versus the nephilim. Okay, let me jot that down. All right. And then I just meant to say you said that, too. And I’m like, this is perfect. This is why I wanted him on the mean. I kind of wanted Joel to start first, because mine and Joel stuff piggybacks off each other, and I need to clarify some stuff with Joel once he starts, as far as the timelines, because he’s real good with that. But, I mean, yeah, there’s two different camps, and I’ve always said it right. The people who believe the people who don’t believe the mainstream narrative, the thing that happened, and the people who think that it never even happened. It never even occurred. I’m like, okay, whatever. It is what it is. I’m just pointing that out because some people get too lost in the sauce.

And the problem, Sean, it’s not about wanting to be right. I think that the problem is and it’s not even a problem. It’s that the imprinting that has been done on people’s DNA. This stuff goes deep when you get into religion. It goes deep into people’s DNA. It’s encoded in their genetics, these beliefs. So when you present something that goes and again, Christianity isn’t that divided. There’s only, like, 44,000 denominations. They’re not that divided, okay? They got their stuff together. But when you say hoculus, we’ll get to that. But you’re challenging their roots. They’re dug into these roots. That’s what I was more saying. Not just about being right, but you’re going a little further. It’s the roots. They’re so rooted to these beliefs that their cheeks are so like it’s so tight that it’s compressed into itself like a self implosion, a cheek implosion, if you will. Yes. So relax the anus, okay? If you’re listening to this, relax the anus. It’s all going to be okay. And Rodney’s going to find out what a homunculus is on this episode, which is great, because he’s never heard about it. There’s not a rapper named Homunculus by now. Somebody needs to jump on that. Well, listen, just wait. Word on the street is there’s a rapper that’s called Lil Homunk. I don’t just I heard about just that’s just word on the street. That’s all I’m saying. Okay. Ear to the street. I love it.

Joel, you want to start us off with the Nephilim origins? Bro?

Nephilim, yeah, we’ll start we’ll start with the Nephilim. The Nephilim, however you want to pronounce it, they would be the giants of old. So it starts in the Bible, but it goes across all cultures. So this is something that’s been talked about for is it mentioned sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt you. I got a million questions. So it’s mentioned in the Bible by name?

Absolutely, yeah. So you won’t hear this from most mainstream Christianity because they dumb the Bible down a lot because they’re not going to talk about the weird and the strange stuff that goes on in the Bible, because there’s a lot especially when you look at any religious culture, too. And I’m going to talk about how these Nephilim tie into Greek culture and everything. I mean, there’s a list of them. They all talk about these giants that lived. So we’re going to talk about in Genesis six.

And this is what most people, when they talk about the Nephilim talk about, because they use the word Nephilim in the Bible here. So Genesis six, when man began to multiply on the face of land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man. Now, the sons of God, when it’s translated into Hebrew, it doesn’t mean humans. The sons of God are actually the sons of God, or angelic beings. So these would be considered the fallen the fallen angels, the ones that left God. They are what some people would call demons, which I don’t believe are demons, but these are the fallen angels. So these sons of God are fallen angels.

Saw that the daughters of man were attractive, and they took them as their wives, and they chose them. Then the Lord said, my spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh. His days shall be 120 years. The Nephilim were on Earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of man, which they literally came into the daughters of man and bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of Renown.

So there’s another verse in the Bible that uses the word nephilims. These are the only two times it’s talked about where they use that word. Now these giants are talked about all through the Bible, but they’re not talked about in this way. So in numbers 1332 through 33, where ten of the twelve spies report that they have seen fearsome giants in Canaan. And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who come of the Nephilim, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. So this is in the Bible where they do talk about these giants being born. So these fallen angels copulated with these daughters of men and this trickles down from this bloodline of Cain. So when Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel cain killed Abel. He was shunned. Cain goes out and starts his own lineage. And part of that lineage, these fallen angels come and they copulate with these fallen angels and they end up corrupting mankind up until the flood when Noah gets on the ark. And basically that was kind of the way of washing this earth from all of this craziness going on with all these giants. So that is in a nutshell what these Nephilim are. Wow. Rodney, where are you at, bro?

As far as like religious, spiritually, what do you practice? If you practice anything at all, what do you believe in? Are we just going full in? Are we worried about offending anybody? No, absolutely not. Everyone’s cool here. Everyone’s anus is relaxed while they’re listening to this. I definitely believe in God, but I think there’s a fundamental flaw with taking man-made scripture at face value. I would agree with that. I agree with that. And that’s pretty much the extent of it. I mean, do I think that the earth just fell out of some vortex’s asshole? I don’t think so. There’s intelligent design when we look under a microscope, you know what I mean? You just can’t tell me that there’s not intelligent design. But also you can’t tell me that talking snake started getting pissed off because some people were doing some with an apple. I don’t buy that.

It was never stated that it was an apple, but okay, I mean, good observation because I just did a presentation on that where it’s like we’ve always associated the apple with knowledge or we’ve always been told to give a teacher an apple the first day of school. It is creepy though how and I think it’s just like generations of generations of the symbolism that does come indirectly from the Bible that we aren’t even aware of. Like the apple.And vice versa. If you do the good the opposite, you align yourself with good things, the good effect is going to happen. Right. So it isn’t just about the physical matter, which that plays a role, too. The moving around of things, geomancy, feng shui, whatever you want to call it, that also plays a role in and a good example on a small scale, though, is just like hanging out with someone that has a different slang. You hang out with them for three to six months, you’re going to pick up that slang. The same thing with energies. If you’re hanging around people that are low energy, whether you want to say low frequency, but just people that are doing if they’re constantly say robbing, you’re going to eventually be either somehow an accessory. You’re in the car, like, maybe you don’t want to go in the store and rob it, but you’re going to be in the car. You’re putting yourself into those situations that’s bringing that energy, and those people will bring that energy to you. And I think that’s what these occultic people believe, and they do do. So whether it’s like this special magic, maybe it’s not that, but it’s enough with that 100 monkey theory of you get enough people thinking that homunculus or 100 ephylum depends on who you talk to. You know what I mean?

Yeah, I know. Absolutely. So I think that what questions do you have, Rodney? Is the homunculus versus nephilim, is this something you got? Is this a constant theme or is this a new thing that is just really shining on this episode? Like, is this an underlying motivator for this type of content you guys are creating? Or is this kind of a newer thing that’s been brought up.

So me and Joel are planning a homunculus versus nephilim episode. And no, it’s not it’s not a competition or anything. It’s that as researchers, you always lean towards one. You typically anchor yourself and I’m speaking for myself and usually a lot of people that I know, they usually anchor themselves in one camp, and they’ll usually do the research based around that one idea. So for me, it’s alchemy.

So does that mean you think the other side is bullshit or no, I think we’re all talking about a similar or even the same concept, just with different names. Is it like comparing Catholicism to being a Lutheran or something like that? Is it kind of within the same thing within the same book but different?

That’s not a good analogy for me because I don’t really know what Lutherism is, so I wouldn’t be able to. But I would compare it to how you have the same symbolism throughout all ancient cultures, like the Mesoamericans and the ancient Egyptians, but they never talk to each other, but they have the same symbols, the same types of entities. And I think we’re talking about the same thing except different points in time. Therefore they have different names, but they’re kind of sort of related.

Will you guys each send me just, like, good starting points on both of them? Because I’m curious on both of them?

Oh, yeah, I got plenty of books for you. And I got starter books too, that’ll get you in the door. And then I can give you the heavier stuff to peel your cap. I’m going to send you the Mind and Veil ten hour documentary that I helped to make on harmoniculus. But I don’t know if you’re going to have time for that because I just found out some that’s going to be you’re just going to be obsessed with this conspiracy theory. Steve Jobs hiding in Egypt after faking his death. So I mean, photo services, outdoor caffeine, Cairo. So I’m just saying might be still alive. You might want to check into there’s. There’s certain types of people. Steve Jobs being the pinnacle of just ruthless killer. Corporate know he was ready to let heads roll. He’s one of those people that would throat to get his way. He got kicked out of his company. He didn’t need the money. He was a billionaire. Like, there’s no way he would walk away from not even faking his death, take faking death out of the picture. He wouldn’t leave his company. He wouldn’t let anybody let him walk away. I think that’s that’s that’s spicy. You think Bill Gates and Warren Buffett were just, like, chilling on it? Steve Jobs. I mean, one thing that I will say about that. We could say what we want about the Apple phone, but man, they do not allow I mean, they hacked it now, but their security was top notch and they didn’t even allow the government when they claimed it was a terrorist act in that San Bernardino years ago. And they would not allow them to hack mean the government found somebody to hack it, but they did not allow so and that was, I think, on his watch. I’m not sure if he was alive for that, but he set it up for that. Bill Gates did bail out Apple at one point because he invested in, like, I don’t know if it was one of the early Macintosh systems, he invested in it. They kind of bailed him out. It was a weird thing.

I love the government. I love Joe Biden, and I trust him with all my moob city, man. You got to watch out for the people with moobs like that, you know what I mean? What the moob? A moob a man boob, you know what I mean? Like, okay, I know what that so you gotta watch out for Gates, man. Like, he’s lactating. So I would be careful. When you said moob, I swear Rodney was looking like, is that something that is that a moob? I should have said a moob is when a homunculus and a nephilim procreate. Yeah. Tell me more. You got your books, bro? He’s like, taking down moob. An alchemical. Okay, is that mo? Yeah, spell that for me, bro. Got some nice movies on you, Sean, bro. That’s why the spirits like you, bro. They’re like, they like me because I’m God’s favorite, man. Telling you, look at those hates on me. They’re like, man, they’re like, we got to tack this guy. Maybe in the shower, just smacking Sean’s moves, bro. They’re running away now. You just got to put hands on them, bro. You got to let them know fight back, man. Once they know that you ain’t scared, these entities and stuff, they run real quick, man.

Dude, I got into an argument two days ago with something about chest feeding or whatever, and this guy, I’m going to read you a comment that he sent me. He says, Imagine claiming well, no, so he sent it to somebody else, but it was my thread, right? Somebody’s wife who works at a hospital said how they need to start using the term bonus hole and chest feeding, right? So the guy said, My wife her hospital. So that’s when he says just kind of makes sense out of it. He says, Lol, imagine claiming your wife has a hospital, which is just a complete deflection of the actual argument, them wanting to split hairs and then claiming that breasts are something only women have and that men cannot make breast milk. Men have breasts and men can lactate. I’m going to take a wild guess that you’re not very bright. That’s right.

Got some leak.

Was that a man or a woman or a they or them?

It’s this guy, see, like when it’s oh, my little you got like a little miyagi. Rule number one. Looks like Miyagi mixed with Bobby Lee. Don’t read the comments, bro. I was crying. I was crying when he said so. Snug I’m going to take a wild guess. You’re not very bright. Like, dude, I don’t think a child could live off that’s going to come out of a man’s head. I’m sorry. Go for it, man. Let’s see how that works. I’m not a nutritionist, but I can guarantee you the shit that’s come out of my nipple cannot sustain life. I promise.

Oh, man. I am not the brightest bull, but I promise you that my nipples will not sustain life. Guy, that is not an ignorant thing for me to say.

No, it’s not. I would agree with you, bro. Some people won’t. But see, this is my problem. I get too caught up in instead of searching for truth, I get too caught up in slamming the idiots where you guys are smart, you go, well, I’m going to go over here and I’m going to seek some knowledge. I’m digging down here with theHere is the reformatted text:

“dumbest of the dumb and telling them I got some troll accounts. I got plenty of troll accounts. Oh, yeah, you’re talking to the right guy. That was Sean, man. He’s got like 50 troll accounts, man. Changes the names out. He’s been in an ongoing battle with Talib Kwali for like I’ve been in a battle with Talib Kwali. Yeah, but he doesn’t know. But he hates it with me because I have an account that I change the name all the time and I have nobody’s connected that I know at all. There’s just a bunch of random followers so he can’t attack me. Your account is private, coward. And I was like, it’s not private. I just have no post idiot. And then I started telling him because he’ll be like alert on I’ll be like global alert. And I’ll be like he’s like, you’re not. And I was like, are you cisplaining me right now, bro? He gets all mad, bro. It’s fun, man. Every now and then you got to cheer yourself up.

Here’s the thing, dude. When it comes to those people and I know I’m already clumping them up, those people, but when it comes to people, when it comes to individuals, when it comes to human beings, I don’t think it’s our job to wake them up to anything. I think that they should have a coming to and they should awaken themselves. And when you get too lost in the sauce, when somebody who’s already been indoctrinated, I think not that you’re wasting your time, but how I always tell people I’m not here to convince you that this is all real. I’m here just to present and talk about interesting stuff. And if you want to believe me, you can believe me. If not, then I just think it’s funny. I just think it’s funny to get somebody that’s so off. I mean it’s funny because they would say the opposite. Like if you get a regular normie evening cable news watching person, if they were watching this podcast right now, they’d be like, these motherfuckers are off the deep end. But you could say the same thing. It’s the same thing vice versa. So for me, getting these people going who are calling me like shallow thinking and consuming misinformation and oh, you can’t think for yourself because they’ll see some news clip coming out of the tube and then if you don’t say exactly what aligns with that, they think you can’t think for you or you’re uneducated. You know what I mean? And I find that whole concept to just be hilarious because we talk about NPCs, it’s like I know everything that you’re going to say, these people, I know everything that they’re going to say versus when I talk to you guys off of your own little deep end over here. At least I’m learning something. At least it’s like, okay, this isn’t predictable, you know what I mean? With these people it’s just like I know exactly where you’re coming from. I’ve been there when I was like twelve. I understand where the coming from and it’s hilarious.

But the difference I would say is that we’re more just like having a discussion and being like, hey, we’re open to all thoughts. Everything’s accepted in this realm, you know what I mean? Whatever we’re talking, we’re not like you were like, hey man, you think it’s all right if I say we’re like I’m not gay for pay, but yeah, we’re pretty open minded. Yeah. And that is the big difference. No, honestly, that’s between they’re forced ideology. Everything gets so politicized now and I guarantee you if we really got into the weeds, we all had completely different political opinions but we’re all open minded to talk about life itself and concepts and like that. And I think that’s just kind of how the world is divided at this point. It gets mispainted as a political thing. You’re either open minded and actually tolerant. Like that word tolerance is almost a dirty word now. It’s like everybody, as long as people look different and all think the same, they call that tolerance and diversity versus actually having diverse thought and having varying opinions and actual different backgrounds of people who think differently. And that’s what I like about the spaces that I can fall into. Like you guys when come chop it up with you guys. Because even though we all have way different backgrounds and probably believe different political stances, we’ll sit here and actually be open minded and chop it up. And I don’t see that with a lot of people way on the left, for instance. I don’t know how else to categorize them. Which is kind of hypocritical that I said we’re politicizing stuff, but I would say way left and way right, man. I think that when you go into this no man’s land of I’m all in I’m rooted no matter what it is, whether it’s politics, QAnon, flat Earth Homunculus, nephilim. See if you bring a new idea to Juan that he has not heard of yet, he may not agree with you right away about the Homunculus because he’s like, man, I’ve been looking to this. But the more he look, it’s going to hit him every day. He’s going to be like, Was he right, though, man? And he’s going to keep looking and have that because his mind’s open enough. Same thing with, like, Joel with Nephilim. Yeah, he’s not going to believe me and him have, like, back and forth. Sometimes you don’t know, but it’s the core of what you’re coming from. But you’re able to be wrong and you’re able to let your idea grow. The problem with most people, left or right, doesn’t matter what sphere they’re on, is that they’re not willing to grow. They want to be rooted and be like, this is how it change it. They go, don’t change it. Yeah, that goes back, like, the very first thing you were talking about, Sean, about people don’t want to change their mind. That’s like the thing we started off on.

But I’m just kind of curious. So Juan and Joel, as far as would you say you’re equally versed on each hoculus and Nephilim and you still come to the same conclusion, or do you think you know more about your respective corner? I guess another person just doesn’t know as much as you do about either, or does that question make sense?

Yeah, I would say that Joel knows a lot more about Nephilim than me. Yeah. And I mean, I would probably say about the Homun I know more about the Homunculus than Joel does.

No, he’s saying, like, do you think that you know more about the Homunculus than Joel knows about the mean of because you guys have a fundamental disagreement. Is it fair to call it that?

No, I don’t think so. I think that he’s just more versed into the Homunculus realm than I am, and I’m more versed in the Nephilim realm than him. And generally, more often than not, he and I agree with a lot of stuff, but it’ll be more of if we’re talking about an occult situation where he’ll take that same concept and immediately he’s going to start working it into this Homunculus realm. Whereas if I heard the same concept, I’m already working it into this Nephilim realm. But we always find a lot of times that they just intertwine where I’m like, oh, man, I never really thought about it that way. Because he’s thinking about it from a whole different perspective than I am. And we tend to cross paths more often than not because we’re playing in sandbox, like I said earlier, same angle, but just different paths.

So what’s stopping you guys from diving deeper into each one? The opposite?

Oh, nothing. I mean, eventually you get there it just takes a lot of time, bro. It’s just a lot of time and with everything else going on, but I’ll eventually get there. I mean, I started with the Gnostics and I kind of sort of was into Nephilim at first, but then obviously I went elsewhere, but I’ll eventually get there. It’s just busy. Just one book at a time, bro. And honestly, only so much and honestly just becoming friends with Juan over the past year, I’ve gotten way more into Alchemy and that part of it where I wasn’t near as much as before. So now when I’m digging into some sort of biblical text, now I’m like cross referencing it with something else that I wouldn’t normally have done before. And I just think that happens with anything that you research. And I think like he said, the more you research, you realize it’sAll merging to this one place. It’s just like there’s a million streams to get there. So I think that’s kind of where we’re both at right now. When you say reading biblical texts, do you actually read the Bible itself? Like the actually have, so my dad is a preacher, so he actually just sent me some books. Well, actually biblical, I wouldn’t say you’re reading the Bible, Joe, I’d say you’re reading source material, which is even a step further from the regular layman stuff. So like the regular Bible. Yeah, I get into the Hebrew all the way. Yeah, the King James is like the first English, really publicized English version that we have now. There’s a ton of different translations, but the original text, especially in the Old Testament was Hebrew. That’s where you’re going to get your real meanings for a lot of these words. And like I said, my dad just sent me some Hebrew, really thick versions of that. But again, I take the biblical text and then I’m also cross referencing it with a lot of other cultures and other texts too, because that’s where you’re going to fill in a lot of gaps and you’re going to go a lot of different rabbit holes as well. Yeah, it’s just a lot of fun for me, so I have a good time with it.

Respect. Yeah, it’s all about having fun. If you’re not having fun, then there’s really no point in it. And I’ve always been a history buff, so I’ve always had a thing for learning. And just the fact that these concepts even exist in history and you can find references to it, that alone should blow your mind. It’s like, wait, what? We’re talking about creating an artificial little man in a beaker somewhere in a glass jar of vessels. Like, what are you on, bro? What were these dudes trying to portray? You know what I mean? That blows my mind.

No, it is cool. And that’s why I was making the joke earlier. I can’t remember what the we were talking about. We were talking about something nuts. And when I say nuts, I mean in a good way. But then I said, somewhere out there, there’s four guys talking about rushing stats right now. And I’m so bored with like if I turn on the TV, I’m just so bored. And if I get on normie internet, I’m so bored. The average book, okay, what am I going to need? More fucking life advice about believing in yourself or a stock market book or it’s just like, where’s the good? And so that’s why talking to you guys has been kind of a revamp for me. It’s been inspirational. That’s why I’m asking you. That’s why I’m being a big dork and asking for books and shit like that, because my brain needs chew on. And so that’s why it’s cool having homies like you guys that are already deeper into this can kind of point you in a direction of giving your mind something to chew on. That’s not rushing stats.

Yeah, I got you, bro. Exactly. Some videos. Yeah, and I’ll send you videos. I’ll send you some books too, and get you going for sure. Because there’s a lot of really interesting stuff we talk about lizard people. I mean, there’s so many different avenues to go when you’re talking about Reptilians Man. That’s a whole nother rabbit hole to go down too. So I could definitely send you some stuff when it gets to those guys.

It’s like being a kid again, dude. It’s like when you’re a kid and you’re reading stories, you know what I mean? Then you get into adult adulthood and it’s like, all right, I need something that’s not absolute bullshit that kind of ties in with reality and that makes sense. That might give me some sort of an inkling explanation for what the hell we’re doing here. Yeah, what the hell is going on around me? I think that’s what we’re looking for too. And the more and more I look, I’ll be honest, it’s the unpopular opinion, but at the end of that tunnel, the only thing is God having some sort because that’s where you’re going to get your purpose. It’s like, it’s really dumb to say, oh, that’s not cool. But trust me, the more and more I look, it always goes back to like, yo, you need Jesus, bro. Maybe not Jesus, maybe Krishna, Vishnu, whoever you want. But you need some sort of guidance and you need God in your life. And I think that’s the more important part of it because some people will wander and not have purpose. And I remember when I was a child going to church with the FAM yada yada think, okay, Invisible Sky Man, all the book is what it is. And then I became it’s like the Dunning Kruger effect, but with spirituality. And then it’s like, okay, the smarter people I talk to, you hit this peak where the majority says, okay, this doesn’t make sense. It obviously doesn’t make sense religions, yada, yada. But then you start talking to really smart people like neuroscientists and physicists, then they’re saying, no, there is a God. So it’s like, okay, well, let’s look a little deeper into this. And then even though I can’t explain it, it just does make more sense that there is some sort of intelligent design. But I don’t think it’s the that I was learning when I was nine that goes back to what we were talking about earlier. Yeah, dude, go ahead.

And I think you’re completely right with that. I grew up in the church for a long time, and I got to a certain point that I got away from it. I went down some dark paths and really tried to go the complete opposite of it. And I kind of came around full circle. But I realized that in coming back around full circle, it was like my journey with God and my relationship with God, and you got to figure it out for yourself. And I don’t ever try to push anything on anybody. But I do agree with Juan. You may have something. I never thought about that though, Rodney, what you just said, though. But maybe it is a certain level of intuitiveness. Maybe it’s not intelligence, but intuitiveness. People that search for the truth so much end up finding it, and they end up saying, like, yeah, there’s got to be intelligent design here. There’s just no other way for this to work. And I absolutely agree with that. I think that when you look at just creation and I say that not lightly, but creation, that there was a design to all this and there’s a design to us as human beings and we’re supposed to connect each other and we’re supposed to be stewards of this earth and really do this in a positive way. And yeah, there’s a lot of negativity and a lot of evil out there, but, hey, man, wake up in the morning, try to connect with somebody, try to grow. And I think that’s what God wanted us here in the first place to do. And I think we find that more and more as we grow as people.

Well, I think you’re right about the whole connection with everybody, but I think also it’s looking within and knowing the only way to make things better is to make you better and have your energy radiate out to the world. Because I believe that our path to God or wherever your creator or whatever you fill in the blank is our own personal journey. There’s not this whole, hey, we’re all in this together as far as we’re in this together, but our way to find it is our own personal journey because we have free will. So I think what happens is a lot of people get lost in this massive like the masses where they, oh, well, they’re doing that, I have to do that. That’s the way to get to Jesus. That’s the only way. And I think it’s a personal journey. I think us growing and becoming better people and learning how to decipher, how to be happy, how to control emotions, how to actually live life to its fullest, that’s the path. And I think everybody is going to be completely different. Remember, guys, open minds, open cheeks. I think it was Enoch was it Enoch that said book of the giants? Enoch. Got to have them cheeks loose. Loosen thy cheeks. Loosen thy cheeks. No, another thing, you can’t take yourself too seriously. That’s another thing. You have to be loose. And maybe not loose cheeks, but just have fun, right? Because a lot ofThis stuff gets dark, and when you focus on that, it can be overwhelming. So yeah. Anything else, boys? We’re closing in here on the two hour mark. Damn. Flew by. Throw in any little extra. Sprinkles on top. Cherry on top, guys.

Yeah. Follow me on Instagram. Check out my podcast. Dangerous misinformation. Awesome. And read Rodney’s book. Yeah, I forgot about that. Thank you, Joel. Which I have read, and it is a great book.

I hear you’re working on another book, is what I heard through the grapevine that there might be one in the you know, it’s one of those things where I’m writing, like, four different things at the same time, and I’m having a hard time. Yeah. Sore subject. Yeah, it’s one of those things.

I’m working out where the plan was to have four volumes. Like, I had the covers all designed. I had the concepts for each one because it was just supposed to be one giant ass book. But I figured with the Add generation, it’s like, okay, instead of releasing 500 pages, I’m going to release four different 120 pages just to kind of keep things more bite size. But I get distracted with other and I don’t know if that’s still the plan, but it is being written. I don’t have a release date, but I appreciate you shouting that out. Thank you.

Yes. And people go pick it up. You can get it anywhere, and you can even get it just to read off your Kindle or whatever else. And that’s what I did. So it’s a really good read and it actually gives you insight into Rodney’s life and what brought him into a space where he started questioning the narrative and how he came from a very left leaning background into this weird space that us four are in now where it’s just questioning what’s going on around us. Questioning the narrative. Looking deeper into something than just what? The basic information that’s given to us. And that’s what really I loved about the book. And it’s a lot of comedy in it, too, which I really loved. It had me laughing the whole time as well.

Means a lot, man. The respect I have for you is just I said it earlier just as a smart dude. So it means a lot for you to say that. So thank you. Absolutely. I back the book 100%. That’s a dope co sign. I appreciate it.

You could catch me on the Juan and yeah, I followed you back, Rodney. I just saw you were following me. I just followed you back. So appreciate you, brother. Got you on Instagram.

Yeah. We’re about to unload on Rodney over the next week with just info, videos, books. Do it, man. I got flights and travels. I got a flight of DC. Then I got to fly up into Canada and I got to take a three hour train. So load me up with being out in the woods. So just nice. Send me content, bro.

Shamelessly. Definitely student of the game. Definitely follow Rodney. Go to Go to the one and one podcast. Go to Kill the Mockingbirds podcast. Give us five star review if you’re on the YouTube channel. Subscribe. Come on, man, share the show. That’s right. Yeah. homunculus, owner’s manual, YouTube, honohan, all that good.

Know where to find this is this was the shadow banned syndicate because we’re shadow banned somebody. I had a comment today, tell me on the YouTube, they’re like, how can I find your stuff without having to type in the whole title? And I was like, welcome to the shadow band realm. This is what it feels like to be here, so welcome.

But, yeah, make sure to comment, like, subscribe, whatever reviews. This was fun. Love you guys. Have a good one. Bye bye.

Now you 30 hours 30 hours that you die if you bow go every little bit better crossing the Rockies. That was in my Hillary man, gotta be heartbeat. 30 hours of Utah out of pocket if you fall, go. Air a little bit dinner crossing the Rockies. That was in my Hillary. Gotta be heartbeat drive off in the sunset broader my horizon lay low, you might get notice but trouble knows where to find him blaze down a dirt road dirt road feel the heat of the night which way do I go? I go. He not illusion sight. 30 hours of Utah out of pocket a cute bow, air a little bit better crossing the rocky sounds in my Hillary me and gotta be heartbeat trek through the Desolation mountains in the district scene, trouble seems to follow me that’s why I pack my name orange mixing the horizon texas margarita, it’s rolling long. Can’t wait to put my feet my thoughts and flipping paradacting. What is resistance? What is transmitting? Always resisting no coexisting? We’re in remission? 30 hours that you die out of pocket if you fall a little bit in a crossing the rock in my Hillary ain’t gotta be horrible? 30 hours of you down here a little bit thinner? Crossing the rocky cells in my hand are in me? Ain’t gotta be horrible back up and for me I can hear the hero i. Can hear a falling for me close.”I’ve never thought about that until you just said that. But yeah, apples have always signified something good, a giving, a good gesture, and then snakes just give this primal fear to us and you have no explanation why you’re scared of the snake. It’s kind of weird.

Religion is government too, you know what I mean? They ruled the world for a long time. Like, they’re Jesuits, the Catholics, all types of different governments, and they were just another structure, I think, the religion. And for me, I’m with you, man. I think that man made things I just have to be skeptical of. I’m like, man, people can manipulate that. They can be saying, like, hey, man, you should go this way. And I’m like, oh, yeah. And then that totally gets me stuck into this slave matrix, whatever they want to call it, right? That’s how I feel about it.

Well, it’s a pretty good gig if you think about it, saying, hey, I was anointed by God. God speaks through me. You people listen to me. Give me your resources and I give you the word of God. That’s a pretty good sure, sure. But I will say this, though, talking to other people throughout the last few years now, I still have my belief, and I still don’t fully believe anything that goes from any book. But I do think there is, like, everything truth inside. Like, if you read between the lines, right? Like, when Joel’s talking about the Nephilim and the giants, it’s easy to be like, it’s a biblical scripture. Maybe they were trying to scare them. But when you go through that’s, when you start going through history and you’re like, wow, this native tribe that never even heard of this religion is talking about giants. Wow, this other civilization that lived centuries before this, that’s when I start getting like, okay, now I’m entertaining the thought because you got me seeing different cultures from completely different no faith. Now for them to all have that same idea, that’s when I start like, okay, maybe we’re onto something. Yeah, that is kind of creepy to think about.

Rodney, one more question for you because it’s an important one. You said the Earth and you’re from your point of view, flat around. Where are you at with that? I don’t buy into the flat Earth thing because I don’t see the benefit of it. Whenever I hear I don’t even want to use the word conspiracy, but whenever I hear an objection to what we think of the norm, whether it’s educational system or just common sense of, there’s usually a reason, and nobody’s ever given me a good enough reason why anybody would lie about the Earth being round. Like, who benefits from lying about the Earth being round? And it’s not so much like the scientific part of it. Like, yeah, it could be flat. I mean, why wouldn’t it? It’s just nobody would benefit from lying about it. Like oh, to sell NASA CGI, maybe. But they’re so yeah, I don’t know. I think the Earth is round just because I have no reason to believe it would be lied that it’s flat. Okay. I’m just saying because the you can usually get a gauge as to how radical somebody will get based on just that question alone. I mean, from my experience now, as of recently, I did convert. Now. I’m not full flat earth. I’ll just come out and say I’m not full flat Earth. But there is definitely something afoot. There is definitely some shenanigans afoot.

And what really did it for me? I’ll tell you what did it for me. It was the bubbles in space, the NASA space station footage. And then I don’t know where you see the bubbles pop up. That’s the one. I think that space is the bottom of our oceans. I think that there’s how they show, could that just be faked? And then still there’s still really space. You know what I mean? NASA could be a liar. Space is a real no, I’m saying but you said the boat, because this is my question about flat Earth that just never has been answered. You say like, hey, the Earth is like this. I can get a camera and zoom all the way in. Then I’m like, why did they have light towers so tall? What was the need to have a light tower so tall if you could just see across the ocean like that? But you know what’s funny about the whole thing, which is so hilarious, I’ve never thought of even if somebody thinks the earth is flat, who gives a this is one of those you know, you hear the people saying, oh, well, who cares if people want to pretend they’re like, well, because now we’re kind of messing with women’s locker rooms and children. Like, it kind of affects people. If somebody wants to think the Earth is flat, if they want to get on YouTube and say that, go ahead. Who’s getting hurt by it? You know what I mean? They pin it. I totally agree. Actual violent disinformation, like somebody’s going to die. They strike that down quicker than child porn, which is crazy to me. And that’s the problem when it comes to this community, too, that these platforms will do that and they’re only feeling the fire, and they’re giving more credibility. Like, now getting pulled or getting a strike is street cred when it comes to this.

And automatically when that happens, you associate it with, oh, I was telling the truth. That’s why they pulled my stuff down, because I was telling I’m on to something. I figured it out from my mom’s basement, and I’ll be damned if these lizard people at YouTube are going to stop me. So they’re feeling that fire. And I think that’s why it just rolls out of control and people go crazy and just let their imagination go wild right when it comes to these ideas, hey, I’ll say this. When it comes to flat Earth, you see way more animosity from that camp than you do from the quote unquote globe tards. You know what I mean? Like, you see them getting super angry anytime you question that. That could be a Psyop. Like, well, maybe the flat earth thing was made up to get all you guys together in one arena to battle it out.

Look, I think NASA lies. I’m not going to tell you exactly what they’re doing because I don’t know. Do I think that they’re hiding things from us that’s going on in space and all that? Absolutely. I don’t think the Earth’s flat. That’s just my personal opinion, the stuff I’ve looked into. But I think there’s weird going on. I’ve seen the bubbles, Juan. I agree with Sean, though. I think those instances are fake. I think the space race, like when we went to the Moon, we’re on the Moon the first time, that was a whole thing to battle. Like I said, the battle, the space race with all the countries, we had to prove we got there first before the other countries did. I mean, hell, we know over in China that they teach in their schools that us landing on the moon was fake. Now, again, that could be brainwashing on their end, but at the end of the day, we do know these things.

But I don’t know exactly what the agenda is. I’m not going to say that. And look, here’s the thing. If the Earth ended up being flat, it doesn’t change how I wake up in the morning and how I’m interacting with people and how I go to bed at night. I just don’t understand why people get so angry about certain topics like this when they really don’t matter in the big scheme of things. Like, does it matter about how you’re going to be friends with people or connect your neighbor and just the normal walking through life? I don’t think it should. But what is flat Earth will get people zero to 60 faster than anything in this community I’ve ever seen in my life. And it’s almost hilarious at this point.

The reason I brought it up was because in the Bible I’m thinking of Job where he talks about walking on the Earth and within it. I mean, I’m paraphrasing, right? And some people say that it talks about the flat earth in certain ancient scripture. And so to jump back onto the nephilim train for those that I’m sure are familiar with David and Goliath. I mean, the story I think, even if you’re not Christian, that’s a story that you’ve probably heard about before because it’s supposed to symbolic of overcoming obstacles regardless of howSure! Here is the reformatted text:

Bad it may look on your end, right? The whole thing was David believed with the power of God, he could take down this giant, this nephilim, right? I mean, that’s essentially what he was. And I remember as a kid asking about like, yo, why was this dude so big? And I could never get like a straight answer. In Sunday school, I was like, Yo, dude, the giant bro.

And then when you get into the actual nitty gritty of it, of like, hey, when you look at the other translations, it was like talking about advanced technology and relics that they didn’t really know what it was. Was it a sword that he decapitated him with, or was it a piece of equipment that we interpreted as a sword? But it was like, maybe it was a lightsaber, right?

Well, actually, Juan, when you’re talking about that piece of technology too, when David and the mighty men went hunting down Goliath’s kinfolk in the mountains, when it says that one of his cousins or brothers pulled out a sword on him, when you translate into Hebrew, there’s no word to translate it into English. So they had to put sword there because it was some sort of piece of technology that he didn’t understand.

And that kind of goes back to, I think ancient cultures had a different kind of technology than we did that we would probably think would be super advanced now. And I think that’s that whole dumbing down of, well, we think we’re so advanced now, but I think that people were just as smart back then. They just utilized different things throughout history. I mean, how did these cultures build these expansive civilizations and some of these things that we can’t build now? You know what I mean? You look at these megaliths all across the world.

And, yeah, I think maybe Nephilim could be tied into that or some sort of piece of technology, which, again, when you’re looking at places like the Smithsonian and some of these institutions that go to these sites and dig up these things and we don’t really know what was dug up at these sites. We only know what they show us that’s been done there. So I think you got to have an open mind to say, like, hey, we really don’t know a lot about history. Maybe outside of maybe 150 years, we don’t know a lot. We try to glean what we can from books. That’s probably our best source because we know that the Internet, especially Google, is pretty sensitive. They’re as reliable as can be. Bro, I trust Google, and I trust all of them. I love them.

But on the whole flat earth thing, man, the reason why I think people gravitate and push off subjects like this, the main goal and whether it’s subconsciously or it’s an actual plan that people are putting together is to constantly divide the working class. To me, it’s keep the people divided, fighting over so many issues where we’re boom, boom. Hey. No. The earth’s flat. No, this happened in 911, even within it. And when me and Joel have gone over with Cass Sunstein’s paper, cognitive infiltration, he lays it all out there, like, trying to divide these conspiracy groups. Like, people were really like, hey, man, we want to know what happened in 911. And now it went from that to, like, the towers were CGI, and you’re like, come on, bro, let’s talk about as far as at least.

Like Nephilim and homunculus. To me, that still has historical track record. Like, you can go track it down. Some of the stuff is just speculation, and I think that’s the problem. But I think those interjections are intentional to keep us always fighting and not being able to see eye to eye and actually have a discussion. Rodney, you want to say something, bro?

I still don’t understand what homunculus versus Nephilim means. Is it like good versus evil or just wait, there’s more.

Yeah, so, okay. Okay, so let’s get the homunculus thing because it kind of links into the Nephilim. So the Nephilim and the way I like the Nephilim narrative is this was pre deluge so before the flood. Okay. And I know Joel’s going to probably disagree with this one, but I think you if you want to believe, I think it’s the second law of thermodynamics. That energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed. You have the idea that when the Nephilim were taken out with this flood, with Noah, who I believe was also a great alchemist, the energies of the Nephilim exist, and that’s how hey, time. I want rodney, do you know what alchemist?

Yeah. Yeah. Okay, cool. Sure. What’s your definition of alchemy, bro? It’s like the ancient magician type, like changing physicists, like ancient physicists. Isn’t it like creating gold and creating different compounds? I don’t know. It’s way over my head, but I have a general idea what it is.

So alchemy at its base level is if you were to Google alchemy right now, it would be turning lead into gold. So they call it projecting and projection is taking a substance to its purest form. And that would be gold. Right. So taking lead, turning into gold. But it’s a lot more complicated than that.

And so real quick of the Nephilim and the demonic entity origins, I believe that the entities that we encounter today, like the one that touched Sean, might have been of Nephilimic origins when the Earth was reset. And these spirits, they didn’t leave. They’re still here, but they’re just wandering, and that’s why they’re so angry, and that’s why they touch Sean in his no no area, because they’re angry that they were taken out by God. And that’s my interpretation of the origins of evil. And I get that from Dr. Lumpkin, who I thought you said that I could have swore I’ve heard you say before that you don’t think that Nephilim are demonic.

Absolutely not. I completely believe that the spirits of the Nephilim are the demons of today.

Oh, well, then can we break it down to its simplest form? Right, so the Nephilim, right, do they have scales? Are they human? Like, is it a spirit, basically? What’s the physical form of Nephilim?

A fallen angel. Let me dump it down for you because I got this. Let me shine real quick. What’s it called? Basically, it’s a fallen angel. Like a lady, like a human, and then it creates a new thing, and then that could be, like, sometimes a human, sometimes an animal creating, like, who knows? Like the infinite. But at its core, it’s a fallen angel.

A fallen angel procreating with another creature. And as far as physical characteristics, it was what, seven fingers, did they say? Six fingers, right? Six toes. Usually double rows. Debate.

Yeah, double rows, but it’s usually a debate between me and Joel. I kind of think they’re in that 15 to 20 foot range. Joel’s like, hey, they could have been, like, 40ft. But some of the stuff we were talking about on our new episode coming out imagine the size of his dick, bro, at 40ft, dog, dude.

Hey, I’ve got the answer of how that worked, too. So ancient cultures, actually, on some of the hieroglyphs, had these funnels that were attached to these women’s vaginas, and you would see these giants spilling seed into the funneling systems. Yeah, we talked to Gary Wayne.

Yeah, Gary Wayne broke it down for us when he came on the show last year. Shout out. Yeah, because that was one of our biggest questions that we wanted to ask about it.

You just jump right on it. I got this one. They got a funnel. They got the 40 foot funnel cheeks and everything. Wow.

Yeah. And then he said that the women nephilim would have sex with, like, regular human men to procreate, and he’s like but I don’t know how good that would feel for them. Also, are there male and female nephilim, then? Is that what you’re saying?

Yes. Okay, interesting. Are there non binary nephilim. Yes.Believe, know.

Where else does this generational bloodlines of elites come from? They were touched by the Nephilim.

Dude, I just learned about this. You know when you hear something and something clicks? That’s what’s happening right now. I’m putting it all together. That’s these royal bloodlines and everything, that’s why they want to keep the family, because they were touched by the Nephilim.

Like, Sean, you just got an episode right there. Touched by a Nephilim. They call it the gene of ISIS. So you’ve got different Nephilim bloodlines, the fairy bloodlines. You got a lot of different ones that break down from that. But the gene of ISIS is what they think that they know, whether they do or not use up for debate, but that’s what they think that they have, and they protect these bloodlines. That’s where you see a lot of inbreeding and stuff with some of these families, like the Rothschilds and all them, because they feel like they are of the blood of the gods. They said, literally, fallen angels had sex with our bloodline. We are of the gods like we are above everyone else. And that’s why when people think about money, power, and fame, that’s not why they think they’re better than us. They literally think that their bloodline is better than everyone else’s.

Yeah, no, definitely. If you were to follow the chronology of the origins of alchemy, allegedly the origins of alchemy, start with the Nephilim. The Nephilim taught the daughters of men the arts of what makeup, of how to interpret the stars. What else, joel, give me the other ones of the astrology sword making. They taught them how to make metals. It was all about taking something that and I agree with you that Noah was an alchemist, and I think Adam was too. I think there’s two different camps of alchemy. I think you had people that were using it to help the Earth, and then you had this other bloodline that came along that was trying to corrupt it.

So, yeah, you’ve got these fallen angels like Azazel and some of those guys that know, working with hand in hand with humankind, plus their children, the Nephilim, which were these giants. And to the point that Shannon always but eds about how tall they were. There is a story, Rodney, about Alexander the Great. So he sent some scouts out to an island, and they were digging around this island, and they found three skeletons of giants, and they were in the 35 foot range, and he kept them in one of his hidden chambers of some of his trophies and stuff like that. So there’s some stories of some massive giant skeletons found throughout history.

Yeah, I’m in. So alchemy was introduced by the fallen angels, right. To the daughters of men. And that’s allegedly where the knowledge was spread onto I think it was Ham, right? One of the sons of Noah. Again, correct me if I’m wrong. This is where it gets blurry for me, Joel. And then Noah would have known of the right. So there’s there’s a correlation there. And also, I’ve seen the ark in some alchemical plates before, so references to Noah in alchemy as well. Now, alchemy at its face value is turning lead into gold. Now, it happened during the 16th century, but alchemy itself, it’s a multilayer topic. Now, not to get too lost in the sauce, but it’s a biological, spiritual, a transcendental, and it’s a topic that exists on multiple levels.

Now. It was a philosophical movement. Some people would say that the lead into gold was the spirit of man, the consciousness of man. That’s what they said. The freemasons are trying to do. Some people took it to the literal sense of turning lead, these balls of lead into gold. So you have that.

But within alchemy, the essential idea behind it was manipulate matter in this reality to affect, to have a metaphysical effect on reality and time itself. When you achieve the magnum opus, which is the great work in alchemy, and there are various magnum opus or OPI, I don’t know how you would say, the multiple of that, where it’s this work that you achieve. And Paracelsis, he said that you can only achieve the magnum opus if the alchemist himself was purified within himself. So it was almost like this self initiation process.

Now it’s like gnosis, like the gnostics are like well, you can achieve divinity through gnosis. Well, what’s gnosis? It’s whatever divine knowledge it is to you, right? It’s whatever, you know, that one thing that’ll click for you and that’s your gnosis to you. So in alchemy, when you achieve your magnum opus, you are able to step outside of space and time and you become this immortal being, this ascended master. Now that’s one of the magnum opus. There’s the divine androgen where you become a divine androgen like funkadelic folkonelli, where he was both man and female, right? You have the philosopher’s stone, which is able to heal, able to turn things from lead into gold. You have the elixir of life where you’re able to live forever. And then there is one more, which I believe is there’s always a common theme when it comes to all this biblical religious talk, right? It’s man wanting to emulate God and sometimes even become that god.

So these nephilim, these fallen angels, the story of Lucifer is like, oh, what happened with Lucifer? He wanted to be god, he wanted to become him. So the last magnum OPI or opus within alchemy is the creation of a homunculus. Now, a homunculus is Latin for little man, and it’s the artificial generation of life. Now, stay with me, Rodney, because it’s going to get weird. The purpose of having a homunculus, which means little man, a homunculus is a magical little man. And the purpose for having a homunculus was to extract magical abilities from it by doing stuff with it. Now use your imagination, okay? My imagination is too wild to be saying doing stuff, all right? There’s various things you can do, okay? There’s various things you can have it as a buddy, you can let it do stuff for. You can mow your lawn, it’ll divinate for you, it’ll tell the future. It’ll just hang out with you. And then if you let it grow into old age, it becomes a mythological giant or dwarf. It grows into these mythological beings. Now, depending on which grimoire you read, you can vivisect it or dissect it and use various parts of its body for various magical abilities.

Can other people see your homunculus or is it your homunculus? Other people can see your homunculus. Absolutely. Okay. Because I was wondering, because a lot of children, like children can see that adults can’t children talk about having imaginary friends. It’s like, okay, well, now this makes sense because it’s just the homunculus looking over the children. So that would be a sort of Aggregor. But that steps into the realm of homunculus. How’d I forget about the egrad. Is that a homunculus in your pocket or just a thought form? Okay, a thought form. It’s a sort of mental projection, which, again, Rodney, the homunculus has evolved throughout history, being the head of homoncology here in Florida. Right. The last living homoncologist. I know of these things as I study this on a daily basis. But one of the aspects of the homunculus was that there was a metaphysical one during the Taoist, which is an ancient Chinese religion that later on spread to Japan, but they believed that history has a funny way of repeating itself. But back then and I’m talking about this stems back to 2600 BCE, if you want to believe mainstream history. But back then, they believed, Rodney, that men, these alchemists, could impregnate themselves. Now, that sounds really familiar, but they believe that they could impregnate themselves with an immortal embryo, right? And then that embryo would become alive, and they could project it out of their body, and it would run in the wild for them, and they would escape Samsara. They would escape reincarnation. They would escape whatever cycle that they were in because part of their physical body was living in the wild for them.

Okay, right now, there’s four guys recording a podcast, and they’re talking about somebody chasing a football, and we’re doing this right now. And I just want to say this is way better, way more productive. This is my impression of Rodney after Juan going off. I love it. I love it, dude. Because you are not prepared. I’m not depressed or anything, dude, but I’m just kind of bored in my life. So I’m always looking at like, okay, what haven’t I done? WhatIs something new? Where can my mind go? Because I feel you reach a what are we looking at right here? Are we looking at homunculus cartoons? This is from the homunculus owner’s manual. Oh, God damn, dude. And you can put your homunculus to do chores for you. So I’ve had mine mow my lawn before, and then you can do other stuff. You can fly later on, and you can do some freaky stuff, but make sure to check that out. So TJ or, but, yeah, there’s a whole so, to piggyback off Juan a little bit into merging the nephilim and homunculus idea, which he and I flirted with doing, we don’t always go, like, battling each other. And which is better? We’re about to DP, Rodney. Right now, the nephilim could have been a form of homunculus because we don’t know how these women were impregnated. So if they were impregnated out of the system of their actual uterus in some sort of nonphysical realm, then the nephilim themselves could be a homunculus.

Hold on. It makes sense, dude. Rodney. Hold on, bro. Part of making because this is a topic that goes so deep, you don’t even begin to comprehend, and I want to just put the tip in right now because I know you’re a bit overwhelmed when it comes to this topic and it’s a lot to take in. Trust me, I’m hanging in there, dude. We’re doing all right. Part of the formula to create homunculus was the absence of a woman, okay? So it was straight up the semen in a bottle, in an artificial matrix. A matrix is a womb or whatever. So they were like, hey, if I can impregnate a woman this is the alchemist of old talking. If I can impregnate a woman and make life a little baby, what happens if I take my seed and I just put it in a cow or in a monkey or in a lamb or in whatever? XYZ? Use your imagination, Rodney. So it gets very dark. So they believe that they could then birth chimeras. Like, God, here comes the chimeras, dude. Exactly. So, right? What if these chimeras of antiquity that we see in these old religious scripture and these old paintings was a byproduct of these alchemical shenanigans that were happening?

Because as Joel was saying, now this is not me making this up. This is an actual argument from the 15th century, okay? People were arguing, Rodney, if Jesus Christ was a homunculus, because now, alchemically speaking, if there is no penetration and a baby is put inside of a woman, and they believe that through the menstrual blood of a woman, a human body was created. That’s what they believed back then. Therefore, Jesus, when he was created in the womb of Mary, for example, he would have to have been a condensed version at first. Therefore being a homunculus according to Paracelsian principles. And paracelsus was the alchemist that gave birth to the homunculus. Now, again, I think Mary was just getting it on the low, dude. Maybe, but I’m just putting that out there because Joel brings up a good point that these things could have been how do they say that? They say it divine intervention, these nephilim, right? And not divine as far as angelic, but demonic in nature, right? So look at Merlin, right? In the Arthurian legend, Merlin the wizard, the reason he has powers is because he’s half human, half demon. His mom, similar to Sean, was touched by an entity and she was impregnated by a male demon. So that’s why he has powers in the Arthurian legend. Okay, Sean, it’s all me on show me on the homunculus where he touched you. No, I’m just saying. I just see Rodney over there’s. Minds just I get it, man. He’s like, man, wait a second. He’s like, okay, I get it, man. When I heard the same thing, I feel what you’re going through when I was you’re comprehending, but it just sometimes seems like yeah, it’s a lot to me. I’m being respectful of the show, and I’m not going to derail it, but I do have a million questions and a million so I’m just saying, this show is for what we brought you up here to blow your mind and for you to ask questions. So feel free.

So the right, let’s let’s can we talk about them? Yeah, put me up on game here, because I need to know how deep this goes. It goes, bro. It goes deep. So you could go the route that Juan’s going with homunculus thing, the Alchemical route, or you could go the route that I like to go with that. Fallen angels copulated with animal kind and created these chimeras. Also, these fallen angels were scientists themselves, so they helped splice DNA of different animal kind and humankind and created some of these Chimeras throughout time as well. Joel, how were you in school? How did you perform in high school and college? If you went did you just everything up, or is this just a niche where your brain just clicks? Do you build a rocket really well in school? No, I didn’t build rockets, but I did really well in school. Okay. Did you go to college? Yeah, I did. What did you study? Internet specialist web design. Okay. Yeah. Dude, your brain is on something else, dude, that’s a compliment. You’re like this lizard, this walking encyclopedia of everything that’s fucked up with the I’m using it as a sound bite. That’s great.

So, Rodney, what if I told you right now, in your head, according to neuroscience and neurology, there’s a homunculus right now in your head? Let me think about so because we never talked about the physical presence of the homunculus. We just talked about the spirit amongst us battling the nephilis, because it’s kind of an equal opposite reaction. Correct. Unless we get into the Chimeras, which we think is the self, biologically something bastard child of itself, it makes sense. It makes sense that it’d be in my head because we’re all touched and influenced by the forces of the world. So, yeah, I could see there’d be a little homunculus. No. So according to neuroscience, the homunculus is an actual medical term, and it’s supposed to represent your neural pathways in a representation of a little person. And I’ll pull up a picture here in a second. So is that your inner voice? Because I always wonder, what is the inner voice? I’m not doing anything. I’m on autopilot. I have an inner voice telling me everything to do. Let me show you the cortex, man. Then we’ll go there. And as far as there being a physical homunculus, there are some people who did believe that there was a physical homunculus. There was the spiritual one. Then there was the actual physical one. Now let me pull this up. This is a cortex man, and this is in neuroscience. This is part of your brain, okay? So this representation is supposed to be a representation of how much of a body part your brain uses, okay? So you use it a lot to eat your tongue, your hands, right? You use your hands a lot in motor skills, and this is the way that they’re able to interpret that. So the cortical homunculus is a representation of your neural map. And the way it’s put is that your homunculus is constantly changing on a day to day basis depending on your environment. So this is an actual medical term, okay? So it’s a distorted representation of the human body based on the neurological map of the areas and proportions of the human brains. And there’s a motor homunculus, a sensory homunculus, and this is an actual thing in the field. Now, there is also the homunculus argument, which is a more philosophical idea that’s linked to the Cartesian theater that they know. Like, you’re thinking about what is consciousness? Well, back then, Rodney, they thought that consciousness was a little guy inside your little version of you inside your brain, watching everything you’re watching. But then they’re like, wait a minute, what’s inside that little guy’s brain? Oh, that’s another little guy watching. What that little guy’s watching on the main screen? But then they’re like, wait a minute, wait a minute. What’s in that little guy’s brain? Ad infinitum all the way down. So the homunculus argument is, again, an informal fallacy. So it’s impossible because it goes on forever and ever. But that’s what they believed back then. So they thought that the little person in your head, quite literally, there was a little person in your head watching and observing everything that you do, okay? And it goes to all.You know how they say turtles all the way down? Why say homunculi all the way down? And reality consists of homunculus all the way down. So depending on who you ask, the older you go in history, the more metaphysical the homunculus was. And then when you get to the 16th century, all around there, there were actually recipes, Rodney, on how to birth these physical beings into existence. Now, that included chimeras. So animals, you have the cow with the face of a man or a monkey with the face of a dog or vice versa. So they were birthing these things into existence, and some alchemists were extracting magical powers from these beasts because, again, they had different types of beliefs.

Now it gets very complicated as to why they believe that, but essentially, the homunculus gave its creator godlike powers. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of the Golem or have you heard of the before? No, no. You’ve heard of, right? Yeah, yeah. So Frankenstein comes from the golem. Is this considered right wing extremism? Is that what this is? Because if you think about, isn’t this the most because they would label what we’re talking about as right wing extremism. Right? But isn’t this like, as liberal as you can possibly be completely opening up your mind and be accepting of any idea? Yeah, I believe in the government leaving me the alone. That’s what I believe in. Yeah, that’s what I like. Good luck with that. Yeah, good luck with that. But I’m saying those are my beliefs. No, I agree with Roger. What have they done to us? What have they do to us? What the is this? What do they do to us? He said, what is this world? That is how I feel sometimes when we’re talking about stuff, we’re like, what is it? They just make people and these angels come down, they have sex with their women, and then they have these kids that beat the out of us. It’s like, man, this is a lose lose situation. How do we win this? And you’re worried about voting for Donald Trump, man. Yeah. So I believe Rodney. I mean, this is as recent. Look at the new willy wonka movie trailer. In the new willy wonka movie trailer, there is a homunculus. And not only that, but if we even go further back so check this out. This is for the new willy wonka movie. Check that out. That’s a little homunculus. It’s kind of bad low, but there’s a little homunculus and there’s a guy in a little vessel. And that’s how the homunculus are interpreted. Now, this may seem like science fiction, but as of lately, as of probably a couple of weeks ago, a few weeks ago, they came out with artificial embryos, were created for the first time without the use of male or female. So this was June what day was it? Shoot. Anyway, this was June 14, I think it was. Synthetic human embryos created in groundbreaking advance. So this is a real thing. I got a question for you all. Have we seen in pop culture movies or anything, have we seen any other representation of homunculus? What’s an example.

So an example of homunculus would be, I would even say Edward scissored hands. He was a synthetic humanoid created that was never finished. That’s why they put scissors on his hands. He was created artificially created. Now, that gets more into the golem aspect of it, which is the typical Frankenstein’s monster narrative. Your creation goes out of control and starts destroying you. But the thing about the golem, which is a magical man created through word magic, is that it’s programmed to do one thing and one thing only. It’s more of a robotic cybernetic AI. Therefore more terminator style. I create this thing. Oh, my creation just went out of control, which is the typical movie that we see in Hollywood. As far as homunculus, I mean, this gets into the realm of transference of consciousness. So altered carbon where they’re growing the bodies in a lab. And let’s not even go too far out. The Matrix. What does Neo come out of at the beginning of the movie? And he looks around and what does he see? A whole bunch of pods. And what are people how are people created artificially in these synthetic? The matrix. The womb. And what does he do? He breaks out. So Neo would fall under this homunculus narrative. He’s learning to see, learning to right? You’re a little bit like Neil right now. When he first comes out, he’s kind of shaken up. He’s looking around, right? And he gets up and throws up. That’s how you feel right now, Rodney, right? And then you’re asking, what is real right now, right? Are the nephilim real. Are the homunculus real? What’s going on? So you’re Neo in the Matrix right now? Dude, let’s not go too far. I mean, I’ve been molested in my sleep as well by another ghost. So if you’re telling me that that’s the nephilim, now I finally have some because they told me it’s sleep paralysis. And this was before. So I was like in 7th or 8th grade, and I didn’t have Google at the time, so I had no idea. So I legitimately was having the feelings of being repeatedly molested by a demon. And then I get on Google years later, I say, hey, what was this demon? That was R wording me. And they said it was called sleep paralysis. So now I know that it was actually the Nephilim. The more you know, you know what I mean? The more you know. That’s how you get better at life. But I think that I’m going to go back, and I would say a better analogy is Rodney’s, the blonde chick on the plane, he’s not real. He’s not real. I felt bad for her, dude, but again, this idea, it’s not too far fetched. Now, especially this whole NPC talk, right? Especially with this. Now think about it. They’re thinking about the ethics of these. Now, this is the exoteric. This is a month old already. This is exoteric. This is what they’re showing us just to get the tip in, okay. Just to get us used to okay. All right, now they’re talking about the ethical and legal issues. So now, similar to the 14th century, when the Alchemists were like, hey, I create a homunculus, I quickly destroy it because I don’t know if God died for that homunculus’s sins. I don’t know it’s going to have a good soul or a bad soul. Now they’re talking about the ethical issues. Are these people going to pay taxes? Are they going to have a Social Security number? Rodney’s going to have a bunch of homunculus, like buying his shirt. We just open up a whole new market. And I think Rodney, I think that this goes into and I’m going to be using. Some words. Now, let’s see here. Me and paranormal American started a website. It’s called the Cult Decode. And we’re going to be using this to, again, stay off the radar of the algorithm. Mcdamons when it comes to the algorithms, right. So we have banned words. And you can type in a word here. You can either if you’re screen sharing, you can toggle this, right? And I probably should blow that out, but there’s a lot of words in here that would be triggered by the algorithm. And you can type in whatever you want to substitute that word for. And you’ll get an alternative that is safe on the YouTube or whatever platform that is very banny, right? That likes to ban people. It’ll be safe on there. And I forgot where I was going to go with that, but I don’t know. That’s a hell of a tool, though. What the yeah, so we have a Gematria calculator, and we use it because we talk about a lot of weird stuff. Rodney okay. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we talk about a lot of weird things. Not particularly. So this is a tool people could use. Occult Go on. Here you have a Gematria calculator. What does gematria mean? So gematria is a form of assigning a letter to a numerical value. Now, some people this gets into numerology. I believe that the elites assign numerical values to their names in order to sort of hack the matrix and have a resonance. And that’s a whole other episode. But essentially you can use words as talismans. Rodney and what a talisman is, is something that augments your magical ability. Hence, a homunculus is a meat and bones talisman because it augments your magical.Again, that’s just I wanted to plug that because that’s something I’ve been using. And also I forgot where I was going to go with that. But yeah, guys, take it. Um, yeah, I forgot. Go ahead, Sean.

Joel yeah. What you got for Sean?

Oh, well, first I was going to say about the homunculus, it kind of reminds me of that Rick and Morty episode where he thinks he impregnated a planet, you know what I mean? And then it turns out the one person is controlled. So you could say that maybe there is homunculus that have been amongst us forever and they’re controlled by one entity. Like kind of like how mushrooms work, you know, how mushrooms kind of all connected their consciousness or whatever you call it, their nervous system. It’s got to remind me of that. I was like, well, it’s really possible that when they do say NPCs, which I don’t necessarily subscribe to that idea, I think an NPC, in my opinion, I can go and dabble in some of that craziness. But for the most part, I think it’s like face value. NPCs are things that we’re creating ourselves, right? For the most part, NPCs are the people. That’s crazy. Now, everybody’s doing that. They’re calling it like, AI. You see that, right? It’s just wild. So to me, that’s like the NPC lifestyle that is going out there and you guys are like, way the things I kind of like I think everybody has their base, right? Joel’s, like, I wouldn’t say his base is nephilim, but that’s his main gig. And Juan is like, homunculus. Mine are just like run of the know. Hey, the government’s corrupt. It’s not even like anything crazy, but you can entangle the part that gets crazy is you can entangle like one of the things that I was going to talk about was like the Franklin scandal. I don’t know if you ever heard of the Franklin scandal. It’s like where the Republicans and this dude that was running, I think his name’s Damp, he was running with Reagan. He was pushing with Reagan. Anyways, it’s a ring of boys that were found in the White House connected to different senators. George W. H. Bush, Reagan, and a lot of top Republicans. You know how we hear all this about, oh, the Clintons are taking all the kids? But if you look into like, the Franklin scandal, that whole thing uncovered a big sex ring by Republicans. So it kind of just shows you both sides because money is money. And when you go into the Nicaraguan wars and know, like exposing that the Nicaraguan wars were funded by the CIA, selling, smuggling it through Mexico, creating the cartels and then creating it, letting people create crack rocks and ruins the community altogether to fund a war, to overthrow a government. So to me, when you open those doors, anything’s on the table now. Because if you’re going to lie about simple things and I’m with you, Rodney, like the planet, who knows, right? It doesn’t really matter. But when I start seeing the shape of the planet, I don’t think, like, Joey says, it’s not going to change how I wake up in the morning. These little things that we see, like 911, like, hey, Able Danger, why were they running an operation the same time? There were like a training exercise called Able Danger was the same time that planes were hitting the tower, right? It’s the same exercise like, yeah, it’s going to be a hijacker. We’re going to be looking through planes. You can hear when they get on the radio, they’re like, is this real or is this exercise? So when I see that they can do stuff like that and let it go, then I’m like, why couldn’t the people that were in charge, like the Jesuits, why? When the Catholics were in charge or whatever name the Phoenicians, whoever was in charge at the time, the Romans, we could go on and on and on. Why wouldn’t they manipulate other texts? Now, that doesn’t mean the text is invalid, but what I’m saying is they use that Bible, in my opinion, as a tool to kind of not just enslave people, but get them under that mindset and push people away from the true kind of metaphysical abilities that we as human beings have. And what does that mean? Does that mean we could fly? Maybe not. But to be able to manifest and to grow into a human being that could just find happiness, pure happiness. Right. We’re always into this stress and depression is big. Look at how music is coming through. They’re covering it all up. And the reason why, I think then you get people like Alchemy pushing harder for these homunculus, not necessarily to be nefarious, but to get away from the system at the time, but then it can be later on, used nefariously. So to me, it’s all connected, like it’s interwoven. So if they will lie today, why wouldn’t they lie then? Now, does that mean that the nephilim is really a real thing? I don’t know. Is the homunculus a real thing? I don’t know. But what is real is George W. H. Bush and Reagan were little. That’s it. You know what I mean? I’ll get off my soapbox. It’s interesting, the word nefarious with the nephilim. I like words. That’s an interesting connection right there. And that’s a more practical use. And I remember what I was going to say before I blanked out. I’m going to call him Dr. Eggman. Everyone knows that a whole bunch of people drove run on his airplane. Right? Dr. Eggman and his island. Rodney, have you ever heard of Zoro Ranch in the middle of the desert? No. Where he wanted to impregnate 30 women? No. Well, I believe he was trying to create a homunculus, or homunculi plural. And what Sean was saying, if you take this idea of the homunculus and put it in modern terms right. We have that stuff that rhymes with Google Chrome and that they want to extract that from people, well, they’re telling you in your face they can synthetically make humans. What rhymes with Google Chrome? You’re not up to date with the Bro. The whole you really don’t know thrill oxide? You’ve never heard of it? No, dude. Man, are you into conspiracies at all? Bro? The stuff that they extract from children elites? No. Chrome? No. Dance around and say, you know what? Just throw it. Wow. Okay. So it’s a substance that supposedly is supposed to extend the life of the people who allegedly it’s adrenaline mixed in with an oxygen, and it makes this whole concoction that’s supposed to rejuvenate these elites, and they extract it from torturing. Then these kids really big in the queue. Crowd really? Yeah, I know about that. I just don’t know the term, dude. And I’m sure you’ve heard enough, because I know you and I have talked before, and you got some pretty crazy folks from this crowd following you. And you were like, man, you got these crazy, like, QAnons, like, following me or whatever. So, yeah, that crowd was really big at putting that word to the forefront, was what these elites were taking these kids for. And I think the tech companies have done a really good job about suppressing this kind of because I’m such a fucking workaholic, and so in my own world that unless it falls in front of my face, I just don’t know about it. So that was a question I was going to ask you guys. Where you guys even seek this stuff out? Because I wouldn’t know where to start. I would have never ended up on a nephilim homiculus without having this conversation. It just would have never crossed my planes. So it’s like, where do you start? What book do you go check out? Where do you start? As far as it goes, for me, it’s an accumulation of different literature. And I get this question all the times, like, oh, where should I start when it comes to all this? Esoterica or occultism? And I always tell people the same thing. I always say manly. P. Hall’s the Secret Teachings of all ages. Start off with that. What’s it called? Sorry, can you say it one more time? Manly P. Hall the secret teachings of all ages. And it’s an encyclopedia. And just start off with that. Just read that. Now that’s going to blow your mind on its own if you’re new to this stuff. And then anything else under occultism or esoterica is going to be those same subjects, but on a much deeper level. If you don’t like that at the base level,You’re not going to like the other stuff. I’m going to get that book. I’m going camping in Canada on Friday for like seven days, just out in bump Canada, and I’m going to get that book, and I’m going to be reading that out in the woods, bro. It’s going to be sick.

Yeah, I got a book you should reach out to, too. It’s not on that level of homunculus or but Edward Bene’s Propaganda man, that’s like, to me is like a foundation piece because he is the godfather of PR and propaganda. And it really kind of pieces together how the news and it doesn’t really tell the intelligent aspect of it, but you can see how the intelligence agents are really using the news and the media and now the tech and the influencers to dictate and push the flow of where they want people to think. Yeah, see, that’s kind of my wheelhouse, is the whole human nature and manipulation and the political side of population.

Well, and you’re probably wondering how this guy get into this conversation? Because that’s how Joel and I kind of crossed paths on that sort of realm of talking about population control, human nature, all that kind of that’s that’s more up my and the thing is, Rodney, it all ties in together. And that’s something that Sean and I preach on our show. And we’ve had you on the show before. We do tons of stuff with Juan. And you can go to the utmost, deepest crevices of it, talking about homunculus and nephilim and the occult, but you’ll find the deeper you’re going in the geopolitical realm, that all that stuff connects to the occult. Because these guys that are in power, they believe this stuff. And what I preach is, listen, you don’t have to believe at all that they think they’re from these bloodlines or that they have these magical powers. They’re creating homunculus behind the scenes. But guess what? They do? And they’re willing to act on what they believe to control you, to suppress you because of their belief systems.

We talk about how religion is constantly manipulated throughout history, and all religions, for that matter. And it’s all done in the guise of we’re here to help you, and this is what they do to us right now. And even in your wheelhouse, Rodney, you’re still playing in the same sandbox we’re in because we’re all trying to seek the truth. We’re all trying to find out how it all connects together. And you can go super deep into alchemy and realize, hey, these guys at the top, these elites, they believe in alchemy just as much as Juan does.

Yeah, I got called a Satanist this week, so I’m going to stop podcasting, guys. Yeah, I got to tone it down.

No, but yeah, exactly. That’s how it all comes full circle, because I call it the political, because these political figures, some would say Joel would say that they are nephilim puppets, right? That they are adhering to orders from up above or down below, however you want to say it. But outside forces is the whole point. And then again, it gets into this idea of being used as some sort of mitsu or flesh puppet, right, that they put on in the front, in the limelight for whoever it is, is watching. It comes around full circle.

I do think that these guys are occultists, the ones that are ruling, and they use symbols. I mean, it’s all about symbols. Symbols are the language of the soul, and symbols will also be their downfall, in my opinion. Because again, you got to remember, Rodney, we’re at least I am uninitiated. And to the uninitiates, when you read something, you may read a text, and this is universal when it comes to occultism, the uninitiated will read the text at face value, okay? And they’re going to read it similar to the Bible. They say that there’s people who say that there are alchemical symbolism and cryptography in the Bible itself, hidden messages in the Bible, the original Bible 1611 at least. And to the initiated, the people who are in the know, in these clubs, in these secret societies, whatever it is you want to call them, when they read that same text, they extract something completely different from it.

How do we get initiated? That’s my lifelong goal you got to do, but stuff a lot of butt stuff, bro. There’s always a catch. And I got a question because you said that Joel would say, and this is a serious question, that he would say that they were nephilim puppets, but wouldn’t they be fallen angel puppets? Joel? No, I’m just wondering curious because I’m saying because really, that’s what the nephilim kind of hierarchy in the they would play the puppet of, like gotcha gotcha the fallen angels playing puppet of the nephilim, nephilim playing puppet of politician kind of thing. Yeah.

So if we’re talking about nephilim that died, right, they create these daemons, these demons that harass us now. So I’m going to blow your mind a little bit here, Rodney. Too. The Rothschilds are actually not Jewish. They come from the Khazarian mafia. And the Khazars were what really were ruling what is now Ukraine and Russia. So they have integrated into this system. And part of what the Khazarian tribes did when they took over that area of land, they needed a religion for their community to hide behind the real religion that they had. So they brought three religions in front of them. They brought Judaism, they brought Christianity, and they brought Islam in front of them. Well, they realized if they picked Christianity, they’d have to fight with the Muslims. If they picked the Muslims, they’d have to fight with the Christians. So they picked Judaism to hide behind that guise, and then they integrated in the Jewish community. So really it’s the Khazars. These nephilim bloodlines went through the Khazars and what they’ve created now with these Rothschilds, they are essentially what Juan said, these meat puppets, because they allow these entities to take over them and avatar them. And that’s what they do at the top right now to control us, control the money, the world banking system and all that. So think of like a nephilim fleshlight pretty much is what the elites are, right?

But one thing that’s for sure is if they didn’t lie and they were transparent governments throughout time, if people that were in power didn’t always try to hide the truth, there wouldn’t be crazy speculation. And some of the speculation is based off of different books. And like I was saying earlier, when you combined a bunch of different authors that are saying the same thing from different centuries and different times that there’s no way they could have communicated with each other, you tend to believe it a little bit more. But in general, any conspiracy whatsoever you want to call it, the only reason there’s people talking about it is because someone’s trying to hide what really happened. And maybe it was something that’s not that crazy, right? It might be something real simple. Like I saw a whole documentary on JFK where they said, hey, maybe Oswald. And their whole perspective was that the car jerked, and behind them, the Secret Service car jerked and they had an M 16 in his hand or M Four in his hand when he jerked, popped up, boom. Kennedy in the back of the head. Well, you kind of put that together, and you’re like, well, yeah, if the Secret Service accidentally killed the President, you can’t say that, so you have to hide it. And then there’s the speculation of the Mafia, the CIA. And I’m not saying that’s what happened, but that’s usually, to me, when you boil down stuff, it usually is the simplest thing. Yeah. Occam’s razor. So the simplest answer is always the more likely. But we’re not dealing with normal people, so that’s the problem that we’re yes, and that’s where I’m saying is that when I go back to the books of it’s not just one book that people are referencing, it’s multiple throughout history that they really believe this and things were happening. We’ve all seen strange things, right? Like, not the show Stranger Things, but in our life. The phenomenon of me and Joel talked about it with the boys, cryptid and corn boys, this ball of lightning. Ball lightning. It’s just a ball of lightning. Now, that phenomenon might like it looks crazy. And yeah, I get it could be part of nature, but what is that? And these are things that people are going to speculate off of. And so when you hear, like, they’re trying to doThese things with homunculus, you’re seeing this push for, like, for instance, the push for global warming. That all goes back to secret societies. The Club of Rome. They’re trying to control the environment. That’s where we get acid rain. You get the ozone layer. There’s people behind the scenes. These think tanks, and those people at these think tanks do believe in this outcome because everybody has some sort of not everybody, but for most people have some sort of religion or something that they need to be attached to. Like, for me, it’s constantly trying to learn, talk to people, but some people need to have an altar, per se, you know what I mean? They need somebody helping them guide them through it. And it’s not always Christianity, Muslim, or Judaism. It’s these occultic religions that believe all kinds of different gods, all kinds of different entities rule the world. And they’re praising them, just as we would praise God. And now when we praise God in Jesus Christ, we’re like, okay, we’re thinking, like, man, he’s going to help people stop the hunger, blah, blah. These people are not necessarily thinking that they’re putting that energy towards negativity. Like, how can I get richer? How can I get more power? How can I have more control? How can my bloodline last forever? Now, the debate could be between what is real and what is not. But the fact that these people are actually practicing, that’s proven, you know what I mean? It’s proven that people have someone tried to call me. We just know that it’s not on us, man. I don’t know. You know what I was saying. You know, the thing and that was our last episode did pretty good with people, too, because it was just that it was the occult origins of technology. I mean, that’s something that everyone’s familiar with, with computers, AI, and all these different things. And we broke down a little bit of it. We really didn’t go too crazy. That was the tip of the iceberg, really. People are asking for an encore because they want to know more about and it goes deep. Right. Or the occult origins of technology. And the people behind that. How you’re saying Sean? It’s all about intention behind something. So just at the forefront, if it looks okay. But the intention, the prayer that’s going behind that movement is negative or evil. It’s like the ulterior motive. Like, what are they truly trying to push for? Oh, sorry. I think the tech industry killed Steve Jobs. I’m a big fan of Steve Jobs, and I think Steve Jobs was an outsider, and they saw him as a threat because he was so innovative and he was connected to reality and average people, even though he was a huge asshole. And I think the lizard people came along. They’re like, this guy’s too dangerous. And I think they poisoned him and got rid of him. Steve Jobs was a real one, dude, no one ever talks about this. I’ve never even heard this conspiracy anywhere. But I’ve been obsessed with Steve Jobs lately. Just, like, his mindset, just the way he was wired. And he’s not just your average tech nerd. And I think that crab climbed a little too far out of the bucket, if you know what I mean. Yeah, that’s a really good way of looking at it. Yeah. Crawling too far out of the think. And to that point, Rodney, this is something that in the conspiratorial world, we don’t talk about enough about, is guys that are in situations that are working side by side with these guys, these elites that aren’t necessarily aligned with them. I think we get too twisted a lot of times with people that have success, that are in positions that they’re all evil, that they’re all part of these but they all die. The good ones. They all die. MLK JFK, Steve Jobs, and you can even get into entertainment. Like, all these people get killed off everybody that goes against the grain. Tupac Biggie. I know Sean has a conspiracy that Tupac is gay, but it’s okay. I still love him. I mean, like, LGBTQ, you know what mean? Like, all day. I just feel like everybody when somebody reaches a certain level of rebellion in whatever industry they’re in, it doesn’t matter what industry unanimously across the board, when somebody is so unique, they die young. Well, it seems that way, because then we can go back to the lifestyle. I will tell you, if I would have got famous at 18 years old, I would not be alive right now, you know what I mean? Because the lifestyle I would live would be so intense. And I think they bring this onto themselves and that could kind of play into the whole alchemy or like even the occultic world. How the worldview? Because think about tupac. His whole persona was fake. He was not a real thug. I mean, he was in theater. He never was in a gang, but he played this role of this tough street guy that was in the hood that was a blood member. So then he pushed this reality that was not true that became and manifested into him. And then his own demise, he created. Same thing could be said for Kurt cobain, right? Kurt Cobain had this strange obsession with misery almost, and even though he still had good things to say, and he still had know, like, talking about conspiracies of like, hey, that’s wrong. What they’re doing this and trying to change. And he hated MTV, but he had this strange addiction to depression and misery that he forced himself into that and whether I think Courtney love killed him too, but his depression and that mindset pushed him to a woman of that. You you what do they say? They flock together, right? Like birds of a feather flock together. And that’s exactly you said the perfect word, manifesting. We manifest a lot of things by what we and that goes alchemically. That goes into what juan talks about alchemy. Like, alchemy is not just someone chanting incantations and creating these homunculus or whatever. Sometimes it’s just the alchemy of the mind, right? Like, we can manifest things of what we’re focused on. 24/7 so to sean’s point, if we’re focused on misery and depression all the time and outside of clinical things, that can happen to people. But if we’re focused on negativity all the time, we can manifest that negativeness around us. To your point, Rodney, you look at a lot of the rappers in the past eight years that died, right? We’re talking about XXX attention. We’re talking about juice world. We’re talking about a lot of these names, lil peep, a lot of these guys. But they were doing a lot of the same type of music in the same type of zones, doing the same type of drugs. And yes, I do think that maybe some of them there’s some weird stuff that’s going on there, for sure, because they did talk about the occult a lot, but at the baseline level, these guys were doing a lot of Zans. They were doing a lot of drugs kill you. Exactly. And it’s like they manifested it onto themselves, and I think that plays a part in it too. Now, you want to mix in the occult with it? Sure. We can talk about demonic entities being influencers to the influencers. Right. We could talk about that too. So I think there’s different angles, but just at the baseline level. Yes. I think that we can manifest on ourselves so much negativity sometimes without even knowing it. I think I found the perfect conspiracy for you, though, ronnie, let me take two really quick and let’s get into this. Sorry, I apologize. You’re good? I thought he meant he’s going to take two. I did too. The mic. Yeah, me too. Cool. I thought that was me too. Yeah. I think that reality is stranger than fiction. So there’s something about these stories where they take real things in reality that happen and put it in a story, and that does something, again, alchemically, because it’s how you’re saying, Joel. Alchemy goes way deeper than just the surface level. It goes into, again, inner alchemy, spiritual alchemy. Like, it goes on all levels. And when you get into the idea of visualization and alchemy at its core, manipulating matter, arranging matter to create a favorable outcome for you, well, that applies on all levels. If you mentally move things around and manipulate your mind to have a certain effect, it’s going to have that effect. How you’re saying if you align yourself with negative things, you’re going to have a negative effect.

  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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