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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ In this episode of the Lost Frequency podcast, hosts Tom and Ry chat with Juan from the One on One podcast. They discuss their recent technical issues and the future plans for their studio. Juan shares his journey into researching fringe topics and the occult, and how his interest in these subjects has been received by his family and friends. The hosts also encourage listeners to subscribe to their YouTube channel and share their own spooky stories.
➡ The speaker discusses their experiences in Mexico and the cultural differences they’ve noticed, particularly in relation to spirituality and the occult. They mention the idea of starting a Spanish podcast to cater to the underserved Spanish-speaking community interested in esoteric and occult topics. They also discuss the symbolism on American currency and the concept of offering money to entities in other realms for blessings in this one. Lastly, they touch on the varying levels of belief in the occult across different regions in the U.S., such as Appalachia and Florida.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, from the mystery of missing people and cattle mutilations to the possibility of getting lost in vast forests. They also mention a true story of a hiker who had to cut off his own arm to survive. The conversation then shifts to the topic of Bigfoot and ends with the speaker’s interest in alchemy and the concept of writing as a gateway to other dimensions.
➡ The text discusses a unique writing method that involves mixing up existing work to create something new and unpredictable. This method can be disorienting for the reader, as it jumps from story to story without clear transitions. The text also explores the idea of chaos magic, where practitioners can manipulate reality by assigning new meanings to common symbols. Lastly, it discusses how algorithms on platforms like YouTube can predict and influence our interests, sometimes leading us down unexpected paths.
➡ The speaker discusses the complexities and contradictions within religions, particularly Christianity, and how interpretations can vary greatly, leading to numerous denominations. They question the authenticity of religious texts like the Bible, considering its numerous edits and translations over time. They also touch on the influence of geography on one’s religious beliefs, suggesting that where you’re born largely determines your faith. Lastly, they discuss the fear and superstition that often prevent people from exploring or questioning religious beliefs and texts.
➡ The speaker believes that people often don’t question their reality or history, and are easily distracted by superficial things like celebrity culture. They express frustration about the lack of concrete evidence for phenomena like Bigfoot and aliens, despite the abundance of stories and theories. They also discuss their personal experiences with the supernatural and the occult, suggesting that there may be unexplained forces at work in the world. They mention the placebo effect as an example of the mind’s power to influence physical reality.
➡ The speaker discusses their belief in the occult, Bigfoot, and the power of manifestation. They also mention their experiences with dark magic in the Caribbean. They question the reality of Scientology and suggest it could be a government experiment. They emphasize the importance of skepticism and the right to change one’s mind, and they mention the availability of knowledge on the internet.
➡ The text discusses a conspiracy theory about a man’s death, suggesting it might be a hoax. The man’s widow is asking for privacy, but the mystery surrounding the situation keeps people interested. The text also mentions various other topics, like the existence of giants and the exploration of unknown territories. The speakers appreciate different viewpoints and believe in the right to change their opinions.


Here’s Tony. We’ve had a problem. It looks like a double man, a demon, and this thing is big. And the next thing I know, it was right over top of us. Three, two, one. Welcome back to the Lost Frequency podcast. I’m Tom. And I’m Ry. And today we have Juan from the one on one podcast. And I’m sure you guys are wondering what happened to your background. Well, we have a bad interconnection, and we had to move down into a different area of the house. Eventually, we will have a studio, and eventually there will be some cool, like, disco light, something behind us, like an alien reach, like an alien with Tom’s face or something.

We don’t know. We’ll let our imagination go when that happens. Well, technically, we really could just, you know, do something like this. But I’m like, okay, where is it? Where is it? It’s not coming, but fail. It’s been a lot. It’s been a little. Yeah, yeah. I had some. I had some issues with the Internet. Power went out on Sunday night, and when it came back on the Internet, did not, and it ended up just being the fiber optic cable that actually comes out of the wall into my. To my modem. That’s all it was. But they took, like, two days to fix it.

After that, the Internet has been pretty shoddy, and I having computer problems as well. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. My battery’s like, I real. I finally realized that my battery has been slowly expanding, so I had to get that popped out. Then my kind of ruined my keyboard as well. So now I’m using a external keyboard as well, so it’s kind of like everything. I wouldn’t say I have issues with technology, like. Like working it, but I seem to cause a lot of technology to malfunction. Oh, you’re saying you’re being marked for the technology problems, or what do you.

Yeah. Like, I think I personally, like my. I had a great cell phone with no issues, and also it’s like, green screen. Like, it. Like, it’s completely, like, just went blank. And then my other one, I started. It started dying on me. And then my laptop, my other laptop prior to this one, I killed that screen. And now this. This one I’m having issues with. So it is what it is. It is what it is. Yeah. So if you’re watching this, you’re on YouTube. If you watch us, I think only 90% of our listeners are not subscribed.

Just go down to the bottom. Subscribe. You know, all the good stuff that every podcast or everybody who’s on YouTube says, give us a, like, all that good stuff. And, yeah, if you want to send us an email, you got spooky stories. You got anything you want to do, you know, tell us about. Talk to us. You can contact us through Facebook, or you can contact us through the lost frequency and, yeah, let’s, like, go ahead and get into this one. Let’s jump into this right. All right. Without further ado, let’s welcome, Juan to the.

To the Lost Frequency podcast. I was like, let’s welcome one to the one on one podcast. Like, no, no, that would have been a mistake. That’s incorrect. That would be definitely a mistake. Yeah, beginner mistake. But, hey, that’s the way it is. Well, welcome, Juan. Welcome to the Lost Freaksuit podcast. What up, guys? Thank you for having me. Thank you for the invite. I’m excited to be here and excited to see what we get into on this episode. So thank you for the invite. Me too. Me too. I started listening to your podcast, I’d say, just over a year ago, and you delved deep into, like, the esoteric, the occult.

And it’s an homunculus as well, which is, like, your main focus. I heard you on Sam’s show. I heard you on the tinfoil hat show. And I was like, oh, this guy’s pretty cool. So when he. When Ryan told me, he’s like, oh, we. We got one coming on. I said, oh, that’s good. I know that guy, dude. He’s great. So we’re looking forward to this conversation as well. Juan, do us a favor. If anyone doesn’t know who you are, which I should know you by now, please tell our listeners a little bit about yourself and where they can find you.

You can find me. TJ at the one on one podcast on pretty much any platform, I’m on YouTube, any major podcast platform, I’m on there as well. And I am a researcher. I am a truth seeker. All that good stuff. And honestly, I’m just here to have interesting conversations. And I love learning. I’ve always had a thing for history. I’ve always had a thing for fringe topics ever since I could remember. The first conspiracy or supernatural thing I was into was the Bermuda triangle when I was a little kid reading about that, and I always had that itch.

I would always question my religious upbringings was never given the correct answers or answers that I found adequate. So I started to do digging myself, and that unraveled into a whole rabbit hole of things. And I. And for a long time, I started podcasting, I think four years ago now. I was trying to find my niche. I was listening to podcasts like Tinfohat and Rogan and all these other podcasts that inspired mine. And I want to kind of do my own thing, and I’ve been doing it ever since. And I think I found my niche to where it’s like the more of the occult, esoteric, alchemical route of things.

And I’ve been looking into things that people that have always been there, but people, I guess, neglected. And now it’s, you know, other people are connecting a whole bunch of other dots, and I’m here for it all. So, yeah, I’m just a regular guy. Like, I tell everybody looking to learn something new and bring people along with me on the journey. So when you started this journey, like, God, were you, were your friends or your close family members kind of, like, weirded out by the fact that you were into this stuff? Oh, yeah, absolutely. My. My wife especially, she doesn’t give a damn about any of this stuff.

She thought that I was gonna start, like, worshiping the devil and doing all this stuff. I’m like, listen, I’m just, you know, because you have to have a certain kind of mindset when you’re looking into certain topics, right? Because it can get the occult. It’s got negative connotations. It’s not, you know, I wouldn’t call it all negative, essentially what’s going on. It’s like, I always use the Star wars analogy where you’re tapping into this force where you could use it for good, how you can use it for evil. You know, you can use a spoon to eat your food, or you can do other extracurricular activities with it.

Right. It’s like, all on the right. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder type of thing. But, yeah, my family, definitely. And even, like, it’s kind of embarrassing even when, like, friends of people that I know, like, who know me, like, hey, so you heard you have a podcast. What’s it. What’s it about? I’m just like, it’s about stuff, you know, it’s about to buy my neighbors. Yo, you. How was the podcast? Would you guys talk about, dude, nothing that you will ever know about, you know, because there it’s people that. That they don’t, you know, there you can’t talk to people, people about these sort of topics.

Not everyone. And that’s a mistake that I make constantly where I think people are into this sort of thing and they’re not. And you gotta tread lightly when you go to like a, your wife’s company dinner or something, you know, you gotta sit there quietly and try not to make eye contact. And if they bring up the podcast, you gotta just let them know. Yeah, it’s just about stuff. And I sit and I talk, I interview people about stuff. But yeah, people are weirded out. And again, it’s something that, that I’ve just gone with and it’s a, grew a lot bigger than I thought I was gonna grow four years ago.

So I wish I wouldn’t use my real name or probably my, my face for that, you know, for that matter. So. But here we are four years later, I think, coming up here in January or February of 24, and I’m here for it all. Mandev still going strong. That is awesome. You know, like, that’s, that’s one thing I would say here in Mexico. When we’re here in Mexico and we talk about, like, I don’t say a cult, but just like crazy stuff. Crazy shit. We, or I, at least I am, like, it’s received with open arms.

Like a lot of people are like, oh, you do? Well, let me tell you what I’ve had. Let me tell you about my experience. Let me tell you what I heard. And, and it’s fantastic, you know, like my, my family, like my wife’s family, they’re all, they’re all mexican and they’re all like, my father in law is all into the esoteric. He’s extremely into the esoteric. And he’s always excited and he’s like, you should interview this person or this person. But I’m like, well, they don’t speak any English and my Spanish is terrible, so I don’t think that’s going to happen right now.

But, you know, back in Canada where I’m originally from, it’s hit or miss, you know, like you could be, you know, you start talking and then some people are like, that’s so weird. And they’re like, oh, okay, well, I’m just going to sit in the corner now. Talk to anybody. It’s kind of like what happened when you first started talking to me. And I was like, hey, you’re a little weird, bro. So you guys are really, you guys are really doing it in Mexico? You guys are in Mexico? I thought you guys said new Mexico. When? When? No, Mexico.

We’re in the Gulf of Mexico. Yes, in the heart of it all. Yeah, I. Way down there. Way down there. That’s crazy. You guys are, you like you went from Canada, you skip the US, and you’re like, I’m just going straight to Mexico. I don’t care about the US. Here’s one even crazier. I went from Germany. No, no. Well, you went from us to Germany. Germany to Mexico. So my third language. My third language. And it’s. It’s hard, man. This is, this one’s a little harder, dude. So one of the, one of the one thing that I constantly get told by various listeners is because I’ve been, like, kicking around the ball of starting a spanish conspiracy podcast, because the spanish community is underserved when it comes to, like, esoteric and occult podcasts.

And I’ve had constant, you know, people from all over the world retelling, and I’ve had some people in Mexico and hispanic speaking countries because I’m from Puerto Rico and my first language is Spanish. And you should definitely start a spanish podcast. But the problem with that is that there’s a lot of things that I wouldn’t be able to convey in Spanish that I’m able to, like, describe. You know what I mean? So there’s gonna be that barrier. I might, I don’t know, I might do it in Spanglish, who knows? Like the lost in translation kind of thing, you know? I understand that.

Yeah. Yeah. And they’re there. The spanish community is so on board with this. You know, you talk about certain things, and I. And they just have these stories upon stories and they just keep relaying because I’ve, I have a mexican girlfriend and I just go to these, you know, just, let’s go to our friend’s party. And I’m just sitting there and I’m talking. I speak a little Spanish and, and they’re like, so what do you do? I’m like, well, I’m kind of semi retired, and I’m also. I started this podcast. What is it about? And I’d be like, oh, it’s about, you know, conspiracy theories and ghosts and whatever.

And they’re like, oh, really? And they just start telling you these things I’d never even heard before. Like little men that are like two and a half inches tall and riding horses and. Huh. They’re called the windows. Yeah, that’s one of, that’s. Yeah, the little tiny one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Cutting brake lines and connection with witches and just the crate. And I’m like, and I’m like, I feel like I’m on the podcast when they’re telling me these things. So it’s pretty, it’s pretty wild down here. I actually quite enjoy it. Well, there’s a lot of different countries, and Mexico being one of those where they people are more in tune with, I guess, the esoteric and the occult.

Like, if you go over to any other country, they’re more spiritual. And I think that in the states, it’s not so much like that. Because, right. Everyone assumes in God we trust, but we always assume it’s the same God that everyone knows and loves. Like, what if the founding fathers had like, a different pantheon that we don’t know about because they were, I mean, mean, there is some, some evidence that they were part of secret societies, either rosicrucian or freemason or whatever societies you want to insert. And there’s nothing wrong with worshipping miscellaneous gods. Like me.

I consider myself christian still. I do believe. I don’t subscribe to the mainstream, like, religious, but I do believe that there is a source. I do believe that there is a creator. You know, if he’s an architect or whatever you want to call him. I do believe there’s something at the core of it all. So, you know, when it comes to these sort of things, everyone think, oh, and God we trust, it’s on our money, right? It’s God, Jesus God, right? Like the, the Christian God is like, you don’t really know. Right? Like they could be Cthulhu that you’re, that they’re trying to, you know, revere on, on your, on your dollar bill right here.

Dollar bill that’s full of sigils and just weird stuff. Exactly, exactly. And you think they’re mean. Do you think they’re meaning, like, the Christian God when, you know, we have the all seeing eye and there’s an. On there and an owl just like in a spider? I’m sure it’s nothing. I’m sure it’s nothing. Just. Yeah, look the other way. Oh, in God we trust. That’s your God. Go to Starbucks. Oh, it’s Sunday after church, and you’re buying, you know, you’re buying your coffee with like, some really weird occultic money. Well, there’s, there’s something called. And I.

It was exertus that put me on to this. It’s called, I think it’s called devil bucks. And it’s in India or Bangkok or somewhere over there where they essentially, they burn this sigil money, this money with different sigils to different demonic entities on it. And what it is, it’s. You’re offering to these things on the other side in order to be blessed on, on this side in this realm. So they had, there’s that concept of burning off your money, I guess, as an offering, and you are repaid back in some sort of other way. But it’s like you got to be careful with the, with what you wish for, right? Like there’s like the monkey paw story where, you know, you, you asked for $200 and it’s like, yeah, you’re gonna get your $200.

You might not like how you get it. How you get it, exactly, but you’re gonna get it, you know. Yeah, here’s the life insurance policy from your, from your wife. Here’s your $200, but you lose your life over it all. But I think it also depends, like, you know, you were saying how like, Mexico is really into the esoteric and occult, but it also depends where you are in the states, because if you’re in like, appalachia, like in the deep, like these deep hollers of West Virginia, they can really get, like, they’ll, they’ll definitely mix, you know, religion and Christianity, but there’s also like really deep dark stuff, you know, with witches and large owls and entities in the forest calling your children in and things like that.

Like Appalachia is very, very spooky. Yeah, I mean, I’m in the ass crack of Florida, so it’s definitely spooky here. It’s as spooky as it’s gonna get. Florida man is always lurking around a man. Exactly. A collective aggregor that he’s always watching you. But, no, I agree. And what’s the other one? Superstition. Superstitious mountains. Where’s that? Is that over on the, is that over on the east coast or west coast or is that central? I don’t know. One, if you’re asking the question. I don’t look that up. That. Well, that’s another really interesting one where there is a lot of disappearances and a lot of just, I believe, yeah, there’s a lot of people who, a lot of UFO Bigfoot and disappearances there.

And it’s really interesting. I think I was listening, know, I was listening to you guys’s podcast. We had that guy on talking about the abductions and how there’s. I did not know this, that how there’s entrails found of people just like their entrails. Was that you guys that, that I heard say that interest? No, that would not. Yes, that would not be us. Who the hell was I listening to then? Anyways, we actually just released one, though, where he talked all about abductions. That was the one we just released today. He was talking all over Jeremiah Dorff.

He’s just talking all about abductors. I could have sure was that episode he talks about. Like, they just find people entrails. Like, they’re like, what happened to the person? Well, we don’t know. They disappeared. And here’s their freaking organs. Because, like, the. That would be, like, last week. Last week, we’re. We’re like, oh, I heard this on another podcast. Someone was talking about this, and Tom’s like, that’s our podcast. We’re having collective amnesia. Yeah. Trust me. Like, I do so much reading that things start to blend together, and you’ll hear information that you heard on the podcast or you read it in a book.

And I hate when I have to recall it because it. Because I’ll sit there. Go, okay, wait, let me find what book that was. And I’m usually able to find where it happened, where it was. But the concept of, like, cattle mutilations, that’s really interesting. And the missing 401 is also another interesting one. Wherever. We don’t. We don’t know. We don’t know what’s happening to these people. It’s so bizarre. But at the same time, there’s been times where I’ve lost my wallet and I can’t find it for the life of me. And it turns out it was, like, in the crevice of your seat, you know, between your glove, your center console, and the seat, there’s nothing esoteric or occult.

There’s no interdimensional entities taking it there. It’s like you just didn’t look where you needed to look. Are these people being teleported somewhere, or are they stuck between a rock and some crevice that they fell down? Who knows? Right? Such an interesting point of view. I like to be related of my lost wallet in the. In the car to, like, people being stuck in crevices. Well, dude, if you think about it, like, sometimes we want to, because I’m a skeptic, and this is also why I’m here, too. And I like to look at things from different perspectives.

And I always tell people, I’m not here to push any narratives. I’m here to have an interesting conversation. I present my research. You do with what you will with that information, right. But there’s a lot of woo woo surrounding these topics. And I’ve always wondered, man nature, these forests. Like, I remember going into the smoky mountains, and I like fly fishing. So go in there and. And, man, there’s these huge boulders and I’m looking at the boy go, how’d that even get there? Where’d that even come from? But these places are so vast. To think that a person.

You could get lost and you could. Right. Get stuck behind a weird position under a rock. They’re never going to find you. And then the animals start to feed on you or whatever it may be, and then you’re done, and you’re like. Like, that’s that guy who got stuck out in Arizona, right? Didn’t he, like, get his arm pinned, stuck in the arm, then he had to cut it off with his jackknife like that. That’s one of that. That’s the scenario that you’re talking about. You know, that’s exactly the scenario. But he had the fortitude and the stomach to cut off his own arm.

Everybody, don’t let Juan and rye scare you. Go out in the woods and enjoy yourself. Yes. Bigfoot stuck between some boulders. I have a shirt that says, I know Bigfoot is real because he tried to eat my ass. So, I mean, I’m sure you’ll be safe. There’s nothing wrong. There’s. You’ll be all right in the woods by yourself. And, you know, I just. Just interesting things to think about, and I think that the human mind, I don’t know if I would go as far. Man, how much. How much do you want to live? Would you saw off your arm if you had to, if you were in that position? Isn’t there a movie like that? No.

Well, 127 hours is the one, I think, with. That’s it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He cut. Have you ever heard. So it’s a true story. So he went out hiking. He fell, or he got wedged in, or a boulder fell into his arm, and he was literally stuck there. His arm was, like, pinned, and he ran out of water. Drink his own piss, I think, as well. But he was just like, what do I do? And so he had a little swiss army knife, and he cut off his arm and had to break the bone to survive.

True story. That’s heavy. Take that, Schwarzenegger. Yeah, take that. Because I. I don’t know if I’d be maybe. Who knows, right? Who knows what you’re thinking when you are going through that sort of situation? What. What? You must be. You’re. You’re dehydrated, you’re hungry. You’re probably hallucinating. Maybe he had two entities on his shoulder. Like, hey, you can cut me off right here, and you’re free to go. And then that’s the other one. You know how much it’s gonna hurt. You have to break your own arm like that. That must be a psychedelic. Weird. That is a trip.

What kind of trip is that? It’s not like you can wait there forever and let the Boulder erode. You know, you’re going to have to do something or die. Either cut your arm off or. Well, there’s three options. You cut your arm off, you die. Or you hope that someone’s going to show up or you die. Or you can have Juan’s option wherever Bigfoot comes and eat your ass. Yeah. And he has his way. He has his way with you. And then he moves the boulder after he’s done with you. Yeah. Here’s the pavement. Thanks, buddy.

Scratch my back. You go by your way, so. And I some, I think there’s, like, stories of Bigfoot getting it on with animals, horses. And there’s that movie, I think it’s called primal fear or something. It’s on Amazon prime, wherever. I was watching it with my kid, and the Bigfoot starts doing it with the chick that he, like, kidnapped. I was like, he’s like, what’s he doing? They didn’t show, but you could tell what was going on. Yeah. And I was getting it on. I was like, yo, what’s. He’s like, what’s going on? Like, dud, you know, fast forward, trying to get it past that scene.

Where’s the remote? Where’s the remote? Yeah, it was weird, Mandy, and I’m sure it’s happened to some people. So you’re saying you do a lot of reading. What is your main topic, your main focus? When you, when you delve into any of these subjects you call Teresa, what is your forte? So at the moment, I am working on a book in regards to the homunculus. So my research has been more. It’s been alchemically heavy as far as that goes, the history of alchemy and various accounts of the homunculus. But usually, I like to read. I enjoy fiction, but I like to read.

Like, for example, I came across in my research, and this is how this works, because I feel that part of the alchemical process that is podcasting, for example, is when you are passionate about something, it bleeds through in your work. So when you are enjoying researching something, something that you like, that’s what I always tell people, because people reach out to me and go, hey, what do I have to read to learn about whatever, or what do I have to. I’m like, don’t ask me. What do you, like, start where you like. And I don’t know if it’s intuition.

I don’t know what it is. You’re gonna be led in a pattern and you’re gonna start to notice the pattern emerging. You follow those that crumb trail, essentially. Now, the way it happens with me is, you know, it stems with the homunculus. And from there it spreads out. So recently I had to read. I don’t know if you guys are familiar with William S. Burrows, that piece of work. And I came across his word. I came across his work on an oath on an OTO forum about the sexual grades of sexual levels that they have. And they were talking about how in this particular book, Cities of the Red Night, which is a fictional book by this guy.

Now, this guy is one of those Crowley types, like the counterculture open homosexual, which is nothing wrong with if you’re gay or gay. You know, I don’t have anything against people, but one of these earlier guys, you know, sixties, where it was like kind of taboo. He’s writing very grotesque. Well, yeah, writing kind of grotesque things. And what’s interesting about him is that, mind you, he was a heroin addict, murderer. Probably a pedo, right? One of those guys, right? He’s writing very explicit things about children and stuff like that. But within his works, there are occult truths or things of the occult that are.

Because he was obsessed with it. And what I’ve always found interesting, and one thing that has always I found fascinating is the idea of writing. And writing as a sort of perhaps gateway or portal to either other dimensions or perhaps other entities of some sort. And this is a guy, this Burroughs guy, which I didn’t enjoy researching. This dark rabbit hole right in the bowels of the dark vowels of reality, whatever that is. As I’m navigating, he has. He kind of sort of gets in touch with what I’ve termed grammatical entities. And what he’s doing is it’s a very gnostic cosmology.

What he believed was he used this cut up method. And what the cut up method is, you take a piece of writing that’s already been written, you cut it up and you mix it around until you get a new sentence. Now, there’s various things that you can achieve through doing that. He saw it as a sort of divinational, magical tool. And the reason he saw it as a sort of divinational tool is because he believed that the demiurge or the insectoid reptilian archons, whatever, right? It was very psychedelic. They. That that entity has already written reality out, that it’s already, reality itself has already been written out.

All future events already happen. And by you taking a piece of work that was already written and jumbling it up, you’re sort of tripping up the matrix, hacking the matrix in some sort of way. And he talks about predicting events like plane crashes, because he was the, by mixing the past in with itself and jumbling it up, the, he says the future leaks through. So he was, a lot of his stories, they sound schizophrenic in some sort of way because it was from this cut up method. Now there’s also another aspect to this cut up method where it’s used to destroy the consciousness and obliterate the consciousness, essentially, of the reader.

So when you’re reading this, and I experienced it myself, when you’re in this reality, these realities, because he jumps from story to story and like, he doesn’t tell you when he jumps or that he’s gonna jump or that the story ended. And it’s essentially a collection of different stories and jumping from timeline to timeline. And you’re disoriented, like by the end of it, you’re disoriented. So he, in a sort of way he is. You’re being sort of initiated essentially, is what it is. You’re, you’re being disoriented on purpose. And that, that bleeds into like barbarous words where certain magicians will speak words.

Glossylia or, you know, just weird words to put themselves in an altered state of consciousness for what they’re about to witness or what they’re about to conduct. And this is interesting because you have like the famous, the seer, I think. Is it the, what are the sounds that the guy, the Sierra sense, is it the Sierra sounds? Where. Yeah, with Ron warhead. So if you listen to that, the, the samurai chatter. I had a brain right there for a second. It sounds like, that sounds like wall. It’s like some weird gibberish. And what if that he recorded like some sort of occult ritual in the middle of the woods where they were trying to either summon these entities or do something? Because part of like the occult lore is that these entities, again, the word grammar, which is words, comes from grimoire, which is a book of spells.

So the idea of you being able to manifest things through spellings, casting spells, is not too far fetched. So you take a book like, right. God is the living word, he’s the living logos. It’s the word is alive. And if you’re able to charge that a certain type of way or do some occult ritual to. To give more power to that? What’s to say you can’t summon some sort of Bigfoot entity or dogman entity or a homunculus, right? That bleeds into the whole homunculus thing or these little dwarves, leprechaun creatures. I think that the reason we see all these cryptids that are similar to one, like the Kentucky, the helier series, where it’s like, these little men in Kentucky, well, they’re all this, like, similar because I believe it’s a sort of tech, right, that you’re able to tap into.

That’s why there’s various ways to skin a cat. There’s various ways to summon a homunculus. There’s various ways to fracture reality, if you will. Right? So Burroughs had, like, this sort of weird cosmology when it came to writing. And it just makes you wonder why he was writing certain things the way he was writing. And, like, the shock factor from it reminds me a lot of Crowley. I mean, he studied Crowley. He. I guess they would have been contemporary. He was born in 1914, so they would have been contemporaries. I don’t know if they met each other ever.

Probably. Who knows? He was a chaos magician. And the reason that chaos magic is so. Is so dangerous is because you can. It takes out the book, like, by the book stuff. It takes that out of the equation. You do what you want when you want it, and you use whatever system. That’s why you can worship a God like Cthulhu or I or freaking Superman or Batman for all you want. Like, you can adopt those. Those icons, those sigils, those symbols for a period of time. You use them up, you throw them out, and you just rinse and repeat.

So I believe that a lot of reality is manipulated by these chaos magicians, that they’re able to assign a value behind the scenes to something that people are seeing in the limelight. Meanwhile, they’re going to Taylor Swift concerts that are probably, like, some satanic ritual where they’re wiping their memory out. It’s like, oh, we forgot the whole concert. I wonder why. Maybe you had something stolen from you. But, hey, hope you enjoyed it, bro. You know, like, people are oblivious to this sort of thing. Have you heard that? Where they’re going to Taylor Swift concerts and don’t even remember it? I would never even consider going to a Taylor Swift concert.

I am a purest metalhead, and I have no time for such things. Right. Anyhow, they’re all compromised. I mean, all your heroes. Sure. So I totally agree with that. Like, the. The famous saying, like, you know, never meet your heroes. I could not agree anymore. You know, you. We build them up to a certain point, and then, so you actually meet them, and then you’re like, that’s why it’s the one on one podcast, because only trust one man. I was. I was born alone, and I die alone. I’m just kidding. I love my family and I love my friends, but that.

That’s partially why it’s the one on one, because. Not because I’m egotistical, but because I can only count on one person. Right. One’s always gonna show up to the show, so that’s why it’s named after him. Fantastic. With that, we’re gonna jump to our commercial, and we’ll be right back in a couple minutes. And we’re back. Juan, what’s happening? Not much since I last saw you guys. Oh, man. I was hoping you. I hope you got really rich. All of a sudden. I’m putting positive vibes into the universe. If we’re cutting up words and we’re changing the future, that’s what I’m doing for you.

Very interesting thing. I was thinking about that during the break because I know, like, certain comedians, they’ll sit down behind, like, a word file and just start. Just start typing away or start writing away, and then something will come out of that that they’ll take and then mold and shape and bring that to reality because that’s what, like, thoughts are. They’re like things that haven’t existed yet that you didn’t bring in. And now it does exist. And people take that so nonchalantly, to put it lightly, like, you know, like a car or whatever it is, like, that didn’t exist before, and now the thoughts in your head, you make it or present it verbally.

And now that thought exists in the world, and I always thought that to be amazing. So I love what you were saying. There was a very interesting. That’s an interesting concept. Yeah. When there’s, when he’s cutting up these, these scripts or these other writings to, like, like, mess with the matrix, I do find that interesting. I know he said the other stuff he was, he was doing was. Was kind of all messed up. You have to dive into some dark balances. But I do find that fascinating. Like, if this is all scripted, well, then let’s. Let’s change the script.

And what if that’s. What if that’s God? Like, when something emerges from. From whatever it is that you’re. You’re typing away. You’re sort of divinating in some sort of way. When we accept these videos of the algorithm from YouTube, that’s the sort of divination that. That you’re. You’re taking a suggestion from. Incorporeal thing that you can’t see and you just trust, like, hey, I might like this video, or, hey, suggested for you based on your history on cat videos or whatever you’re watching, and it’s like, okay. And they. And I. And it’s kind of. It’s gotten really good at predicting what you’re into, like your algorithm.

And I hate when I’ll go down a rabbit hole of the rabbit hole of these little trains that you. These scale model trains that you can ride on. You ever seen those where you can sit on the. And they’re. They’re coal powered, and you’ll sit there for hours in the middle of the night watching these model train videos. And now your algorithm is just wrecked with these model train videos because you watch, you know, too many in consecutively. Or, like, the other one. What was I watching today? It was like. It was like RC cars or something crazy.

I know I was. I got hooked on. What is it called? Adventures with purpose, where there’s these divers who go and look for submerged vehicles, where people have, like, either died in them or committed suicide. Yeah. And. Yeah, and I got stuck on that. And then. Yeah, then my algorithm is all messed up, and it’s like, all, like, the search and rescue kind of thing. I’m like, no, I don’t want to watch that anymore. But mine’s just metal. And basketball and football. And football. Yes. It feels like you’re in an echo chamber when you’re on these social media platforms, and it could be right counterproductive to certain people.

But, like, the concept of things emerging from, like, your work, that’s always been something that’s interested me, because we accept the Bible. We accept the Bible for the Bible. Why? Because we’ve been told that it’s a. That’s the canon. But then there’s only. There’s only, like, 44,000 different denominations of Christian. I’m sure they can. They can come up to. Right. They can’t even make up their mind on one concept. So you expect me to understand relit, like, your religion? You know, I’m not talking about you guys, but, like, the concept of, like, these groups, it’s like, there’s 44 different denominations that they can’t.

They nitpick details here and there. It’s like you’ve lost the purpose of the whole thing. It’s going way above your head. I don’t think I. Jesus would have been happy with what they’ve done. Or you’ve turned my house into a den of thieves where it’s like, why are you guys fighting so much over irrelevant things? Like, if it’s about accepting God in your heart where you’re able to then transcend to this other dimension after you pass on, why so much B’s and so much division over. Right. But yeah, the. The idea of even the Bible containing alchemical secrets not only within the story, which.

There’s alchemy even within the. The actual stories in the Bible, but maybe the original versions having like some hidden codes in the actual text itself. Because if you follow the 1611 King James Version where Francis Baker was allegedly one of the first. One of the first freemasons, there were. You know, you had King James. Some people say he was gay. There’s. He was writing about demons, witches and all this other stuff. So it’s like, there’s a lot of weird stuff when it comes to a lot of these things that we just take because we’ve been presented with them.

Like, me, I was born and raised in Christianity and I couldn’t question it. And how many people were just sitting there? And don’t get me wrong, I think that religion itself serves a. Gives people structure. It’s a good system because some people unfortunately need their hands held. And if that works for you and makes you a better person at the core of the ten commandments, it’s, hey, don’t be a pos. Right? Don’t be. Be a good person. Don’t murder your, you know, love your mom. Don’t murder your neighbor. Don’t lose over your neighbor’s wife. So it’s like, be a good person.

But for some people, that that’s a hard task to follow. Right? They. Yes, sadly enough, it is. And I always found it to be interesting. Like, the religion that you follow is based on where you happen to be born. Geographically. Yes. I don’t know why, but that’s always been like, I’m not. I used to be, like, straight up atheist for years. And there’s things that has happened in my life where, you know, it’s personal, but the things that have changed. But that was always one of my sticking points. Even now I was just like, well, for me, I don’t have a religion.

You know, I’m saying I just believe in God. And it’s always like, it’s geographical because if you’re born in the middle of Iran. You’re like, you’re a Muslim. You know? You’re not, though. Actually, I’m going to correct you on that one. Oh, you’re not? No, no, you’re not. Iran. All hate mail, Sundarai. No, I literally have an iranian student, and they actually have a different religion. It’s not. There’s Christians and all that there, but no, no, no. Their main. I forget what the name of their religion is, but it’s not. It’s not Muslim. Muslims came in to.

To, and they started imposing their rules onto it. But the actual true Iranians are not Muslim. Okay, what about, what about where Mecca, Medina is? If you’re born in Mecca, you are most likely Muslim. Yeah, but, yes. Yeah. Like, if you’re born in Mexico, most likely Catholic. If you’re born in the US, most likely Christian. If you’re born in, like, Afghanistan, most likely. Beats me. I don’t. I don’t know. I’m ignorant. That’s just a great point, though, that it’s like, yeah, wherever you’re born, that’s kind of what religion you end up being. Yeah, I think it’s just like different tones of the same music.

I think, you know, I think it’s basically, especially when it comes to monotheism, but there’s just always, you know, when people want to beat the drum about, you know, whatever the Quran or the Bible, or it’s the one that, I can’t remember the beginning. I can’t remember the one that. The Jewish Torah. Torah. The Torah. You know, it’s like, you know, this says this and this and this, and therefore you need to act that way. And I was like, yeah, well, it would depend on where you were born and which you would beat me over the head with a, like, just believe in God, believe in family, believe in yourself, and then things kind of work themselves out, and then how many times has the Bible been edited by nefarious people? Like, you’re saying, you know, like the Kim James.

Like, how many times, how many books have been removed? You know, and it’s like, okay, so we only want you to read this because that’s what we want you to read. There was a council of something in, what, 350 ad? Yeah, Garcia, more. They just kind of sat down and said, oh, no, that this one and this one and this one. So, yeah, yeah, interesting stuff. That’s something that I’ve always thought about. And when I first started podcasting, I was researching the gnostics, and it’s really those are like the, under the first underground christians, and they had a whole bunch of wacky different beliefs that are heretical and blasphemous.

And it’s like the reason that they don’t want you exposed to what’s in the Nag Hamadi library, which was unfiltered text. Essentially. It was the underground. It was the, the esoteric, the occulted. They’re like, yo, there’s the exact opposite versions of what you’ve ever believed exist. Like, Judas is the good guy in one of the stories. It’s like, wait a minute. Yeah. What? And it’s like when you. There’s a shot, there’s a certain type of shock when you discover things like that. And some people can handle it, some people can’t. And a lot of people are shaky in their face.

So I think that’s the dangers of it. And I think that was the dangers. I was even told when, before I started looking into, I was like, don’t read the Book of Enoch because you can get possessed. I’m like, what? That’s one way of piquing my curiosity, sir. So I’m gonna do the opposite of whatever you just told me because I’m one of those kind of people where I can. I can take, like, my, I’ve always said my shock factor I got. Not that I’m numb to it, but, like, my shock factor is pretty high because I am the homunculus guy, where I’m reading these grimoires about quite literally taking apart a small alchemical man that you just created to then use his body parts for various ceremonial and magical purposes.

So when I’m reading about other stuff, it’s like, okay, well, that’s not too bad. That’s pretty tame. I mean, you know, so, so I think the book of Enoch at this, at this point in time is the least of my worries as far as I’ve gone to. Yeah, yeah, it can be. What do you, I mean, I wonder what, what is your opinion on why people, like, considering we can’t talk about this is gonna be on YouTube, but considering all the things that have happened within recent years, why people just don’t, don’t want to look into this? What is your opinion on that one? I’d love to hear your point of view.

Religion is a big one. A lot of people are very dogmatic towards, if it’s not of God, if it’s not of the Bible, if it’s not something that I can identify as christian or insert whatever religion, it’s demonic, and therefore, I’m not going to touch it because they believe that by just even thinking about it, they’re going to be possessed in some sort of way. So there is a lot of superstition around it and dogmatic views, and it’s all because of religion. And even, dude, even, I’ll be honest, sometimes I respect the occult. I do believe in, in it, and I have the utmost respect for it.

And even when I first started, I felt dirty. Like, I felt like, man, if my grandma finds out about this, you know, like, there’ll be hell to pay. My grandma finds I’m talking about this or reading about these sort of things. Like, even my aunt, every now and again show they’re gonna break up, that they’re gonna break up the chank la. And my, even my aunt would be like, she’s, you know, she’s cooler. She’s like, yeah, your grandma heard you talk about the stuff you talk about. She’d have a freaking heart attack. I’m like, well, I mean, it’s something that interests me, but I think that a lot of people either don’t know about it because they’ve been so conditioned to not question, not only not question their reality, but not question history.

They take things for what they are, for what they’ve been told. And we live in a society that enjoys instant gratification. They enjoy the tick tocks. If they don’t, if it’s, if it’s over 30 seconds, it doesn’t matter to them. They swipe up and keep on going. So I think we’ve been desensitized in a lot of ways into really. And I think a lot of these topics have so much to like alchemy. You can. I can talk about alchemy for hours. There’s so many layers to that one topic. And alchemy, whether people want to admit it or not, it’s like the precursor of, you know, from those experiment, from those experiments came freaking chemistry.

Chemistry. Chemistry is right. That is pharmaceuticals, red or etc. Etc. But, yeah, some people just don’t care. Just some people just don’t care. Like, my wife doesn’t care about Bigfoot. She’s like, why does it matter if he’s real? And I go, wouldn’t you want to know Bigfoot? Wouldn’t you want curiosity? I don’t know how people can exist that way. I don’t like me personally. I don’t know how someone wouldn’t find some of the things that we cover on shows like this fascinating. But, hey, different strokes for different folks, right? You like what you like, and I.

And you have to respect that. So, yeah, I think some people are so, like, like, their attention is so grabbed by, like, oh, what are the Kardashians doing? Or what are these people doing? It’s like, I don’t care, you know, is Bigfoot, Rio, what’s going on in the Bermuda triangle? You know? Yeah, I don’t. I don’t know if I just heard this, if this is correct or not, but I heard that they found a nazi bunker in. In the Bermuda triangle. That is something. I just. I just heard this, and it could be. It could be messed up or wrong, but I literally just heard that they found a nazi bunker, and that it could be related to the disappearance of flight.

Flight night, or, like, the night flight, 1919 or 29, something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was, it was something to do with that. I think it’s all psyop, personally. I mean, if you’re watching the Kardashians, what are you doing with your existence? I’ve never watched one episode. The only reason I know they exist is that other people talk about them, is this type of society rewards obedience, you know, is what it is. You know, they reward obedience. And if you don’t question things, you know, everybody accepts that they like that better. You know, we get, we get pushed out to the fringe, to the periphery, because we.

We want to know what’s. How it works, what’s going on. We want to know. We don’t just look at the. At the face of thing. Oh, this is what’s suggested. Well, why is it suggested? Why is this the AI? You know what? Why am I listening to this AI? Why can’t I choose my own, my own fate? Just think about it for 1 second. If you really sit down, right, for even the most basic agnostic person or whatever atheist person, just. Just sit for 1 second and wonder why the paranormal is a thing, why religion is a thing.

So that just comes to show you, even if perhaps you’ve never experienced anything, that there is other layers to reality itself that some people, and don’t get me wrong, I love listening to, like, cryptid podcasts, but I do think a lot of people are full of it. I think that a lot of these accounts are people looking for attention. But then again, you know, you have the concept of phenomenology, where it’s the, some of these experiences are true to these people. They live those experiences, and therefore, I am no one to tell them otherwise. Now, mental health also plays an issue.

There’s a lot of things, right? A drug use is also another part of it. And sometimes when I’m listening to some of these stories, like, I’ll have, you know, I have friends with various podcast. Everyone loves a good story, right? I’ll be listening to the confessionals or something and somebody’s on there and now, and I’ll be tomorrow. I’m like, this, dude, this is fake, bro. Like always. And the reason, and check this out. The reason, like the parent, what, you know, what is the paranormal? What is this? What is that? A child, like my five year old son, when I tell him, you know, sit down and watch a Bigfoot documentary, the first thing he asked me is, when’s Bigfoot? When are they gonna show Bigfoot on the camera? Like a child.

A child knows what would be the best evidence, right? Right off the bat, it’s like, well, show me. You know, don’t tell me about it. Show me it. And you tell me the best we can do right now is the Patterson Gimlindhe, but from the sixties or whatever that was. That’s the, that’s the best we got. We have, dude, I can zoom in, and I know space is fake and gay for some people and you got flat earthers and stuff, but I can zoom in to the moon with my phone right now, and it’s crisp. It’s crispy.

I can take a crispy picture. And, I mean, there’s people who say that that’s AI and also. But I can take a crispy picture of the moon, and you’re gonna tell me you can’t get a picture of that dog man that’s been following you around for three weeks? Maybe they mess with your technology. One. How convenient, right? How. How convenient. Like, that’s awesome. It’s like all, dude, where’s the, like, that David grush guy on, on Rogan? Oh, my. I want to punch that guy in the face. Like, he looks like. It’s such an idiot. Say I’m a whistleblower.

But, like, wait, let me pass it. Allegedly. Allegedly. One, let me get it approved by the higher ups. Hold on. I can’t. I can’t talk about. That’s like, what can you talk? And true whistleblower, bro. Like, whistleblowers can talk about whatever they want. That’s why they’re whistleblowers. And now you have this shift where aliens went from being, like, actual entities from outer space, whatever that is, to now it’s a psyop by the government. And aliens are also fake and gay. So I don’t even know what to believe anymore, if this is even a thing. But I find that hilarious.

Where they’re really pushing this, this UFO disclosure like we’ve known for years. When I was freaking twelve years old, in elementary school or middle school, I was talking about aliens. I was reading about aliens. Show me the money. I don’t want to talk about anymore. I want to see it. Like I want to see it for myself. I want to touch an aliens nipples if I can. I want to do stuff to it. And I want to see Biden with an alien. Like, you know what I’m saying? Like I’m tired of talking about these things. Stories are cool, but.

Okay, so if you’re saying, if you’re saying, okay, that you know the aliens, Bigfoot, UFO’s dog man, as you mentioned. But you said that you believe in the occult. What proved that to you? That it was real? So I grew up again. I believe that there is, for example, the. I’ve witnessed, me personally, I’ve witnessed miracles in front of me. I, for a long time at church I played guitar and I was in the Pentecostal. So they’re, they’re world crazy. They get up and run around and write the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit is in the house, you feel that sort of thing.

Now it could be an equivalent to like ceremonial magic. Where there. And that’s the. Let’s get it out of the, out of the way. That’s the occult. Right? You’re practicing the orgy. You’re asking for an outside source, ie, God and I, to interfere in your reality. You’re asking for your praising God to interfere in your. That’s theurgy, okay? That’s the occult. That’s magic. And I’ve personally witnessed miracles of people being healed. I’ve witnessed things happen in front of me that I can’t explain, that are supernatural. Right? And it was through the use again, of, I was in a christian setting at the time, was a church, but nonetheless you could still feel a sort of energy.

And again, that goes back to the beginning where they’re tapping into something. I’m not. And again, I’m not saying that God is a force and an entity or some insectoid creature, you know, up above the cloud. I’m not saying that. I’m just giving you an example of why I do believe that the occult has some sort of power. Now the other interesting aspect of that is where you have the placebo effect. Where the placebo effect is, is real. Okay? That’s a real thing. It’s a phenomenon that, we don’t know why it happens, but essentially, you’re causing your mind to invoke a biological change within your body.

Therefore, healing. Healing. You’re healing yourself. So what is that? Is that the occult is. Consciousness has to do some, you know, something about this, because the other aspect of the occult is maybe these people are putting themselves in a state of mind where they believe these things are real, therefore they are real, and they become real. So, again, sort of like manifestation or whatever you want to call it, right? So there’s various coin. There’s various sides of the coin here, right, that you can really pick at, but that’s my belief in it. I’ve also, you know, grew up with, in the Caribbean, you have Santa and, you know, dark magic.

And I’ve seen things with that as well. Not seen, but heard of things. Right. Of how people use that in order to bind somebody up or do whatever that they do with the. The darker side of things. Right. So. And again, I think that it’s all part of the same thing. I do believe, and I was thinking about this the other day in the shower. I do believe in Bigfoot. I am. I am a believer in Bigfoot. Shower thoughts. Where do I stand? Do I still believe? I do believe in. And I would love for him to be real.

Like, I’m on the fence, and this is what I tell people all the time. I reserve the right to change my mind. So if one day we find out that Bigfoot’s fake and gay, and so be it, you know, I’m saying, like, he’ll be fake and gay for however long, but it’s just gotten to the point where it’s like a parsons, right? Like Jack Parsons, this guy who. Who was. Right, a rocket scientist, for, if you want to believe that narrative, he was a rocket scientist, but yet he was reading books of Crowley on how to create a homunculus, and.

And he followed those instructions to the tea to try to make his own homunculus. So we’re talking about a very smart guy taking these things for face value and actually trying to do it for himself, because he was a guy who was blowing rockets up in the sky. So if he was an occultist and he was going to do a ritual, he wanted to see some results. All right? So he’s willing to go as far as you want to go. And he was in the desert with L. Ron Hubbard. They were. They were in there together doing stuff.

So these are people that are very. That have been very influential. You know, through notorious means throughout history. And they have still, some of them have power, even till today. Like, look at people joining Scientology. You don’t think that they know it’s a cult. Like, but think about, you’re able to, you’re able to talk to somebody in a string of words and able to manipulate what you’re telling them, what you’re showing them in some sort of way where you’re able to quite literally hijack their mind and make them believe whatever you want. Human. Those people, they know that there’s people who stand outside these Scientology centers.

Tell them that it’s fake. We have pictures of L. Ron Hubbard. Like, we know he was talking about creating a religion. He was the writer who has ever wrote the most fiction ever. Great teeth. Great teeth. And he made a religion. You don’t think these people are thinking about that? What’s really going on? Like, are these people actually being. Or are they. This is the other concept of the homunculus. The homunculus also steps into the, into the aspect of MK ultra mind control. Are these people, were they just bred specifically for that? Is Scientology like some sort of government psyop? And they’re seeing how far they could push the envelopes.

Who knows? I mean, they’re the, and this is where the occult meets, like, conspiracy, and I prefer the occult and the esoteric and alchemy over conspiracies. Because some, because some conspiracies are stupid. Like, some, some conspiracies are dumb. Why I go, why you? Why do you believe that? Oh, I can see it. I can see the line of the mask and the voice box. You see that? You saw Biden. His mask was dang. Shut up. You know, saying, like, so dumb. You know, they are lizard people. And I don’t know, maybe that’s one of the things I think in the shower to our go, I wonder if Biden’s a lizard.

Ridiculous, of course. But then there’s some that you thought were like, say, like ten years ago that you’re like, oh, that’s ridiculous. And now they come true. And then there’s ones that even now you’re just like, you’re, it’s all about level of discernment and also where you are in your life and what you’ve experienced and also your upbringing and everything of that, that sort. But there was some in the past where, you know, like, the first one, I guess, would be like, oh, the Federal Reserve isn’t federal. And you’re just like, what? And then you look into it and then everything falls into place, and it’s no longer a conspiracy theory, so.

Yeah, but some of them are the other rubber mask and voice boxes. It’s. That, to me, is more like entertainment. Like Alex Jones’s. I think that’s more of, like, a distraction. It’s kind of like. Like puppet. Like. Look over here. Everybody look over here. Could this be real? It might be. Could it be fake? Yep. It very much could be. Yeah. No, yeah. You got guys like Alex Jones. Like, they’re there. I think even they’re. They’re controlled up. I think that. And if anything, right? Because I talk about, like, the. The occult knowledge and knowledge that you’re not supposed to have and all, if anything, if there’s knowledge that you’re not supposed to have is that you walked in.

In the wrong room at the wrong time with the wrong people and they’re doing some shady stuff. You saw them, and you can’t. You can’t be trusted, bro. Like, that’s the sort of dangerous knowledge people should be concerned about. I don’t think there’s anything really secret about the secret mystery schools or any of these secret occult organizations, you know, anymore. Anything that you’ve ever wanted to find. Any knowledge you’ve ever wanted to know about anything is available on the Internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week, quite literally. So you just got to work. You got to go in there, search it out, and find it.

And I think. I think a lot of it’s been actually wiped off because there’s certain things I remember happening or certain news things that. Mandela effect. Never. Concept of the dead. The dead Internet. Mandela effect. That’s a whole other bag of words. All the bags. Whenever I misremember something out. Mandela effect, dude, I. Mandela effect. Could have. So you’re covering your Alzheimer’s with the conspiracy. Okay, that’s good. Exactly. Always, like, I forgot to. To get the orange, just the grocery off. Mandela. It just hit me while I was in there. Just took me over. This is.

This has been a great conversation. We were planning on talking about a certain thing, but I just kind of, like. It was much more natural. Sorry about things. I don’t know. No worries, dude. No worries. I’m sure eventually, if you’d like to come back, we’d love to have you back on. So, in the future. Yeah, the future. Yeah, we’ll chop some words up and make it that you come back. Yeah, exactly. Take the script, mess it up, and. Yeah, we’ll see you in, you know, seven months, seven days. And I love some of your. I love some of your point of views.

You’re kind of like, you remind me of my old self a little bit and a little bit of my new self. So it’s kind of like the things. The way I used to be as a person. It’s like, so a lot of things. You were, like, hitting the nails on the head for me. You know, there’s confirmation bias when it comes to a lot of these topics. And I had to get some things off my chest so that, you know, the thing is that we gotta be skeptical. We can’t be always taking everything for what it is, even some.

Again, some of the things that I talk about, I don’t 100% believe. And people automatically assume just because you’re covering it that you believe. It’s like, no, no, no. I’m trying to figure it out just like you. That’s why I tell people I reserve the right to change my mind. And if something happens in the future that changes my mind, that that’s fine. You know, it’s okay to be wrong sometimes. You can either confirm or deny, and the records are spotty at best. Yes, exactly. We had a previous guest. That’s what he said. You know, I can either confirm nor deny, and the records are spotty at best.

I’ll go back and I’ll delete whatever episode I said that on, and I’ll just make it seem like, no, I never said that. I never. I never. I don’t know what you’re talking. That was Mandela, bro. Exactly. Like, when you’re talking about that, like, being skeptical, there was. That guy was posted on TikTok about seeing a giant in Canada. He’s like, well, I saw this video of this giant in Canada, and I was like, that’s so bullshit. Like, even I could see that. But I had so many people believing that he died. He committed suicide. Yeah, he committed suicide.

Wow. Yeah, this was kind of all wiped. And it’s kind of like. And people are still, like, going hard with this, and his. His widow is, like, telling people, please just leave me alone. And it was clear as day. And then he’s like, oh, I don’t know. The CIA is outside my door, and he goes out there and there’s, like, a charger, and it, like, peels out in front. I’m like, okay, if the CIA is watching you, they’re not going to be sitting in a charger in front of your place and then peel out as they leave, you know, it’s like, no, they’re literally going to be.

There’s much better ways to build the parse the information that you receive. And just a lot of people just, just take it offline and sinker. And people know that there’s sodomy through directed energy weapons. So I doubt they’re going to be sitting outside of your window. Okay. With a dodge charger and then peeling out. But that’s the thing though, right? So the dude passes on through shady circumstances and that gives it that much more credibility now. Yes. And that’s the problem. Like, how do you that see that? That’s a conspiracy. That’s shady. That’s really shady. And then the widows, like, leave me alone.

Maybe she’s just sick and tired of people reaching out and it was a hoax, but we will never know. And that’s what’s gonna keep people coming back. And I think that’s what all these topics do. It’s that veil of mystery. Like, it might be real or it might not, but damn, I’m having a fun time trying to figure out if it is or not. And that, that’s that dopamine. Yeah. Give me more, give me more. More dog men, more, more Bigfoot, more whatever. More giants. It’s like in the past, giants in the mountains. And now he’s become a martyr.

He’s a martyr for the cause. I think it’s a human condition. Like, you know, back when the Portuguese or the Chinese would go out and like, discover the world like that. What is out there? The unknown. And now we quote unquote, know all the land masses and everything. We’re like, what is now? There’s more behind the ice wall. Remember the ice wall, right? I kept it open for our viewers who believe in that and for those who don’t, that’s Mandala effect. You know, there was no ice wall. There was, there is no such body at best.

I got you. I got you. Check this out. Space. Watch. This is fake and gay. There you go. Space is fake and gay. And with that, Juan, we really appreciate you having you on the lost frequency and we hope to see you again. And what, yeah, just, just hang out in our green room there because we are doing the local. Just make sure that we got you 100%. And thanks so much, everybody where they can find you, man. TJ OJP. If you want to hear me rant about different esoteric and occult subjects and at the one on one podcast on any, any major podcast platform, I have a Patreon for those interested., the one on one podcast. I also have a homunculus. And now we were ready to talk about the homunculus. On the next one, we will. Homunculus owner’s manual. You can find that on my website, tj dot. I also have some other occult publications that I do. The occultist Monday and my comic book stickers. All that good stuff. And thank you, gentlemen for having me on. This is fun. I really enjoyed it. Thanks, John. We did too, man. Thank you so much. Fantastic, man. That was awesome. That guy was awesome. Such a. Such a great point of view.

I love when people have a point of view, but they also have like a character to like that. Not any character as they’re making up, but it’s them. Yeah. So, and I like that. Like, I reserve the right to change my point of view. People. Yeah, but people don’t. Some people are so set in a camp that they do not, they’re not willing to change it. And that is the issue. Not willing to change. It’s really funny, I always forget that we actually do this part at the end of the recording when we do YouTube. And I just actually, this is my actual feeling, like, oh.

And you start replying back to me and I’m like, oh, wait a minute, this is what we’re supposed to be doing. You think I’m just talking. We’re just. That’s what we do though. Really, dude, like I come in, have you heard this new thing? Anyway, we really appreciate Juan. Appreciate Juan coming on. Check him out on his one on one podcast you can find on everywhere. And you can also find us here on YouTube, like subscribe, all that good stuff and you know what it’s all about and what it is. And hit that bell for notifications.

And you’re listening to the lost frequency podcast where we bring the periphery and the focus. We always do. Yeah, but we can still change our minds about it. Yeah, we reserve the right to change our minds. Oh, and I’m like trying to, I’m trying to find that we close with. Good night, good luck and God bless all of you. All of you on the good earth. Long live the cause of freedom.

  • The Juan On Juan Podcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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