@typicalskeptic #940: Homunculus Alchemy Dissention in Conspiracy UFO Communities

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➡ In this podcast episode, the host welcomes Juan Aiola, a researcher and podcaster known for his deep dives into occult and esoteric knowledge. They discuss the challenges of sharing content on platforms like YouTube, which often require censorship, and alternative platforms like Rumble. Juan shares his approach to conspiracy theories, distinguishing between those he finds plausible and those he deems too far-fetched. They also touch on the concept of hidden knowledge and its role in conspiracy theories.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea of a flat Earth and a hollow Earth. They express skepticism about these theories and emphasize the importance of evidence and personal investigation. They also discuss the division within the conspiracy theory community, comparing it to the numerous denominations within Christianity. The speaker encourages open-mindedness, critical thinking, and unity within the community, rather than arguing over differing beliefs.
➡ The speaker discusses the shift in perception of UFOs, from being considered real to being seen as a government conspiracy. They question the government’s motives and express skepticism about the authenticity of UFO sightings and abduction cases. They also express frustration about the lack of tangible evidence despite advancements in technology. The speaker shares a personal experience of seeing an unidentified object, which they describe as an orange orb.
➡ The speaker recounts an experience of seeing an unidentified flying object (UFO) that moved in a straight line and disappeared quickly. They also discuss the concept of a homunculus, a mythical creature created through alchemy, and how it might be related to consciousness and manifestation. The speaker also mentions the possibility of secret organizations knowing about this concept and using it for their own purposes. They end by questioning the extent of our consciousness and its potential to influence reality.
➡ This text discusses the idea of Hollywood movies often being based on real events, but presented as fiction. It mentions Jack Parsons, a rocket scientist who was involved in occult practices, and the concept of secret societies and their allure. The text also touches on the idea of mind control and time travel experiments, and the speaker’s own interest in the occult, but only from a research perspective.
➡ The speaker believes in the existence of homunculi, artificially created beings, citing examples like test tube babies and chimeras. They discuss theories about ancient civilizations using such technology, and compare these ideas to modern UFO abduction stories. They also question the credibility of whistleblowers and express frustration over the lack of concrete evidence for cryptids like Bigfoot. Lastly, they explore the possibility of people’s abduction experiences being manipulated or programmed.
➡ The speaker discusses various unexplained phenomena such as UFOs, crop circles, and cattle mutilations, suggesting they might be linked to secret space programs or mind control. They also explore the idea of a simulated reality, where our digital selves could be manipulated to affect our real selves. The speaker also delves into the concept of dreams as parallel realities, and the potential for altered states of consciousness to reveal hidden truths. They remain open to these ideas, despite acknowledging their speculative nature.
➡ The speaker discusses their experiences with psychedelics, particularly mushrooms and DMT, and how these substances seem to allow them to see beyond normal reality. They also explore the idea of God and spirituality, comparing the ingestion of psychedelics to religious practices like the Eucharist. They question whether accepting a deity or having a psychedelic trip can change a person’s biology or reality. The speaker also delves into the concept of creating life, like the homunculus in alchemy, and whether this is a form of blasphemy or a way to acquire godlike powers.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of a homunculus, comparing it to a lesser version of a human. They suggest that people in power could be seen as homunculi, possibly due to their birth being manipulated for astrological reasons. They also mention that all presidents are related, except for one, tracing back to the author of the Magna Carta. The speaker emphasizes the importance of skepticism and open-mindedness in understanding these ideas, and ends by sharing where listeners can find their content.



Hey, guys. Welcome back to another episode of the typical skeptic podcast. I have one of my. This guy’s channel has become one of my favorite YouTube channels. I mean, he covers such a wide variety of topics, kind of like me, but it’s a little bit different. I. We were almost talking about it. It’s not really conspiracy based. It’s more like deep occult and esoteric knowledge. So it’s. I’m proud to present Juan Aiola. He’s a researcher, podcaster, studyer, deep thinker, I would say. And I’m going to start off by showing his channel here. Let me see if I can pull it up here.

Wait, why isn’t it. Oh, here it is. Okay. Boom. Okay, so this is the one on one podcast, and Juan’s been on my show before. So what I noticed about your work, man, is like, first of all, you have amazing artwork. But then it’s not just the artwork. It’s like, the content that you cover is amazing as well. Um, you get into Kenneth Grant. Um, uh, occult, occulted gods, the homunculus. Um, I see you have members only content. Uh, I saw you have Robert Sullivan on there recently. You have a lot of people like donut and, uh, but like, what were you? So, first of all, I’m sorry, I didn’t.

Welcome to the show, Juan. Thank you for coming back on. Thanks for having me back on, bro. I had fun last time and I’ll put this out on my feed, too. Where can people find you, bro? So they can check you out too? Just typical skeptic podcasts everywhere. My main two right now I’m on Rockfin, but I really am focusing on building YouTube and rumble. You know what I mean? Like Rumble more so because I feel like Rumble is the future. Because, you know, sometimes I touch into stuff where I can’t put it on YouTube. It has to go on Rumble.

So, you know, I have like 14,000 subscribers on YouTube. I have a thousand on Rumble because some people don’t want to, like, joint jump over there and I don’t understand why. You know what I mean? Like, I, I mean, I. But I. What I love about your content, getting back to your stuff, is you cover stuff that you can pretty much all talk about on YouTube. So, um, you know, um, sometimes. Yeah. Yeah. So do you. Are you on Rumble as well? I am, yeah. I think I have about the same amount of subscribers on there.

But the thing is, dude, it’s like, and I told you this too, when you had shot me that email a little bit ago. Where, you know, a lot of people want to go live on YouTube and do all these things on YouTube. But the thing about YouTube is it’s highly censored, okay? And the problem with YouTube, the other problem is that it’s where the people are at. So you have to adjust the content. Either you can flat out censor it, which is what I’ve been doing. I’ve been doing the uncensored versions on Rumble, like straight up uncensored, and then the censored versions that don’t pass the YouTube checks, I have to censor them.

And people complain about that. But it goes, this is what you agree to by partaking and being in this platform, on this platform. And the way I see it, bro, is I can still put the content out on this platform that’s highly censored, except you have to occult, right? Or encrypt some of the wording or some of the. The words or whatever in the video. That’s just like, we’re back to how the alchemists were trying to occult their knowledge back then. And these pictures and in these books that they were just. Only the ones that knew about what they were talking about were the ones that understood what was trying to be portrayed.

And people will make fun of me all the time, like, oh, you’re bending the knee. You’re doing this and that. Go, no, I think it’s kind of smart where I can exist in an ecosystem where has the most amount of people in it, and I can still put my content out, albeit it might be censored. But hey, if you want to check out the uncensored, go over to rumble, you can still understand it even with one or two words that have been taken out. You know, those key words that really kick off the algorithm and put you on their radar.

So there’s just a way to go about it. And again, that was what I was telling you about with, like, the whole conspiracy realm. There’s just so much stuff on there that I. That I, and I wouldn’t say I started off as a quote unquote conspiracy theorist. I started more with how you’re saying, like, the occult. I started with gnosticism, like the religious aspect of it all because some of these conspiracy theories, bro, like, I can’t even get behind them. And my sort of topics, they kind of parallel sometimes. Some of them could be conspiracies. Like, hey, what’s all this occult knowledge that they were trying to hide me? That’s the conspiracy.

Like, was there even occult knowledge, bro? Was there even something that they were trying to hide from the uninitiated, like, that we can, we can conspire and think about that, right? Like, that. That’s a conspiracy, right? They were conspiring together as a group to withhold information, you know? But some of these other freaking conspiracy theories, bro, like, I don’t know. I’ve heard some really wild ones, but I just think it’s, it’s like mental masturbation, dude. They just like to think in circles sometimes. And I, you know, I’m not here for a lot of. Where do you draw the line with conspiracies? I was gonna say I think there definitely was, like, a cult or hidden knowledge, because, like, even if you look at, like, something like the serpent knowledge, for example, which, you know, they say the serpent knowledge was handed down from Enki to thoth to, like, mystery schools.

And then, so it went into Egypt, but, like, only certain people knew about it. And then if you look at even, like, somewhere where the people go, like, the way, if you want to talk about, like, a conspiracy, there’s, like, the world’s fairs, right? Wherever it seemed like only the people that were around that time that were, like, the teachers and professors were allowed to learn that knowledge, that what people were learning at the world’s fairs, and then they would come and tell it to the rest of the people, if we want to believe that, you know? But, so, I don’t know.

But where do you draw the line on, like, conspiracies? Where does it go too far for you, would you say? So there’s the one with the, all women in Hollywood are transdivid, right? And then I saw one time, like, the rock was actually a woman to man, I guess conversion, I don’t know what you want to call it, but that the rock was actually a woman turned to a man. I’m like, come on. Like, yeah, that’s, that’s crazy. And the whole thing with, like, Tartaria and the old world, like, I like that. And I think what draws people into that sort of thinking is, like, we know that the Rockefeller, you know, Rockefeller educational system is corrupt.

We know that they’ve been lying to us about a lot of things. Now, my whole thing with Tartaria is, which I would even, I’ve gotten slack for this. Lump it in with Atlantis, like a lost civilization, a lost advanced civilization. Well, that’s, that’s Atlanta. You’re just rebranding Atlantis, right? And the whole thing with them, there was this, I think it was, his name is Aor, or something aware, whatever his channel is. And he showed these demolitions of a lot of these old world architecture. And it was. Bro, was just plaster and, like, plywood. The walls inside look like marble, and it was actually wood that was painted to look like marble.

And I’ve got a lot of slack for this. But the thing is that we’re. And it’s a two edged sword. We’re relying on a lot of pictures, videos, things that we can’t physically inspect for ourselves. Now, they demolished it on purpose so we wouldn’t know the truth. Yes, but the problem with that is, is that we’re back to, like, ancient times where, like. Like the homunculus, right? This mystery is what really appeals to people. This. This, like, oh, could it be or could it not be type of things like the homunculus, could it be a thing or could it not be a thing? Right? Like, it’s like you’re teeter tottering and that attracts people in.

But the thing is that we’re relying on pure observation. Like you’re on Google Earth showing me these old star forts, and then you’re gonna, oh, yeah, this was built for this. Like. No, you don’t know what it was built for. Right? Like, these people could have built it for whatever. And we’re relying on observation. And a lot of aristotelian biology that they got wrong was fully based on observation, right? So you can’t see the curvature of the earth, therefore it’s flat. Because you’re observing. Because you can’t observe. See the curvature. What’s that whole thing? The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, or whatever.

Whatever the saying goes. And it’s like, but take me to hollow. I’m not saying that. I don’t. I don’t believe the globe narrative, all right? I’m not a flat earther. I’m open to other ideas. But it’s like, you talk to me about hollow Earth, and there’s dudes on YouTube going into 200 foot holes into the earth, bro. Like, they’re like, the other night I was watching a video of these dudes going down into this cave system that went from, like 100ft and then another 165. It was like a crazy deep crater. Like, in this cave system, you can take me there.

I can find that place myself and go into hollow Earth. Take me to flat Earth. Like, take. Take me there. You know what I’m saying? Like, oh, no, well, they. You know, the firm. The Elon Musk. The firm. He was clashing into it. No, no. That’s what you’re seeing with your eyes right now. It’s not. Can I tell you something real quick, Juan? I had Brad Olson on my show, and he showed me. He didn’t show it through, like, screen share. He just showed me his phone. He showed me pictures from a boat in Antarctica. And he was like, look, no ice wall.

And I was like, okay, if you say so. I mean, like. And, yeah, I think he’s a well respected researcher, but, you know, like, that’s still taking someone’s word for it. But, like, I don’t know. You know what I mean? Like, I’m not sure. I’m still. I’m still, like, 50 50 on if there’s an ice wall or. But what would you think? Do you think that, like, the word that, like, do you think sometimes this stuff is thrown into the conspiracy community to cause dissension and cause problems with people so people argue back and forth, and that’s.

You’re right on the money, Robert. You don’t know, right? I. I don’t know. It’s okay to say I don’t know. But you got people who will scream to the end of the world, like, I know the answer. This. There is an ice wall. It’s like, what’s behind the ice wall or infinite land? Well, isn’t that the same concept as infinite? Isn’t space fake and gay? But then you’re gonna. How do you. You know, infinite land behind the ice wall for infinity, for forever. But then you won’t believe in outer space. That goes on for infinity, for forever.

What’s the difference? Because NASA told you that one was real and the other one was fake. Like, what makes, you know? I’m saying, like, you’re talking about essentially the same concept, infinite something which should be mind blowing in and of itself, because only God could be infinite, but yet you won’t believe one over the other. You know what I’m saying? Like, it’s like this whole thing. Now, me personally, I like the whole Admiral Byrd thing after he had passed the publication. That happened after. I don’t buy that. The reason I don’t buy is because, again, it was posthumously published.

You can. You can say whatever. I can write a book about whatever and say whatever. And I’m not here trying to say that I have all the answers. I’m just trying to, like, pinpoint some of these. This mental gymnastics, mental masturbation that a lot of conspiracy theorists go through and, like, hey, I’m here to talk about. I’m here to figure it out. Do I say I have 100% of the answers. Absolutely not, bro. Like, all the topics that I look into, I look into them because, number one, I don’t see other people talking about them the way that I would like for them to be covered.

And I look at them from. Again, I present the information, and you do with whatever you want with that information if you want to. I’m not telling you. You need to believe this or you need to believe that. It’s like. No, it’s like, lose. Use your logic. You know, I’m saying, like. And I think that there’s been a conditioning. I’ve been looking into William S. Burroughs these. These last three days, so my mind is kind of mushed. But I. One of the things in the movie naked lunch at the very beginning is, like, exterminate all rational thought.

And I think that that really pinpoints a lot of what they’ve been trying to do with us, bro. Like, the whole media, the whole Hollywood, all these things are trying to make how you’re saying maybe these topics have been planted into the community to divide the community in and of itself. Right? Like, I feel like the same things happen in the UFO community because, you know, I have a lot of people come on that talk about, like, disclosure and ufology and the secret space program and, like, their contact experiences. And then I see people fighting with each other back and forth about whose contact experiences is real, whereas the other ones isn’t.

But nobody has proof. And then, you know, we were, like, trying to believe the secret space program. I mean, my name’s typical skeptic on YouTube. I’m skeptical, but I’m open minded. So I’ll let anybody come on and talk about anything. But, I mean, number one, a couple of things. I would love to see some proof if I could. And that doesn’t mean I won’t have people on my show. I’ll still have people on my show. But then, secondly, I wish people wouldn’t argue, and I wish people would kind of band together over the way we thought about one or two things like, that would make.

I think we can make it a lot further. And I feel like it’s the same thing. They throw misinformation in the community. Then as a researcher, it’s hard for you to sift it through what’s real and what’s not real. It makes things, like, some things that are actually happening intangible. It makes things that aren’t happening tangible. I was listening to Valis today by Philip K. Dick, and he talks about the gnostics and all these groups, and we have this community, quote, unquote community. There’s a 144, is it? No, it’s a 44,000 different denominations of Christianity. That’s like, checked, right? 44.

I mean, how many denominations of Christianity? I think it’s 44,000. Wrong. So, yeah, 45,000. Okay, so 45,000 denominations of Christianity where they’re going to argue. So let’s take this as an example for, like, the conspiracy community. You’re going to have the people who, and I’d like to get your input on the whole UFO thing because I have my speculations about it. But we have 44,000 different groups that don’t agree on one central thing usually. Right. For me, the most confusing aspect of Christianity, I was pentecostal. A lot of people don’t know that. Pentecostal, that. Right. The Trinity, that’s the most confusing thing.

As a child trying to grasp, I remember my grandma trying to explain to, he’s like, well, God is God, but he’s also the son, and then he’s also the Holy Spirit. And it’s like, wait a minute. So he’s like three things in one. It’s like, yeah, yeah. So, so who’s Jesus? Like, oh, he’s God too. Then the why is, you know, he’s the son of God. It’s like this crazy concept, right? But you’re going to have people who are going to pick that apart. It’s like God did this on this day or whatever, and they’re going to, they’re going to.

So that’s how you got 45,000 different denominations. Now think about the conspiracy community. The same thing. Well, the alien Greys were actually gay. It’s like, oh, well, no, they weren’t. They were actually heterosexual because of whatever, like some stupid thing. Just, just pick whatever it is, how you’re saying, and they’re going to argue about that. So my whole thing with, like, Valis, I was listening to that today, and it’s like the conspiracy, especially the conspiracy community, we’ve become what we were trying to run away from. The christian faith, right? The church itself imprisoned itself in that gnostic cosmology that they didn’t want, that they were trying to eliminate.

So essentially, you become the monster you’re trying to destroy. So the gnostics believe that this was like a false prison planet type of thing, right? Like we’re stuck in a simulation type of thing. And at the same time, while the christian church or, or Catholicism, whatever it was at the time, was trying to snuff that out. They kind of sort of put people in this sort of, like, mind prison sort of thing, right? This. This concept of being trapped in your body, because as a Christian, you’re trying to ascend to the next level. You. You prepare this in this lifetime to prepare for the afterlife, essentially.

It’s like, well, you’re. I don’t want to say you’re wasting all this time, but you’re wasting your life preparing for the next one. Like that. The next thing over. And, like, that was a joke I always made. Like, they’re so focused on dying that they’re not living, right? It’s like a kind of paradoxical type of thing, but essentially, it’s like the gnostics were snuffed out, and then the church took over what. Essentially what they were trying to do in some sort of weird way. So. And with the whole, like, UFO thing, I’ve noticed a shift. And I don’t know about you, and you can enlighten me, because you’re more in this realm of things than I am, but I feel like the UFO thing went from being, like, an actual thing of, like, little green men or whatever you want to call it, to being fake and gay, because the government is pushing it.

And I’m like, well, okay, let’s say that Crowley, right, 1914 or whatever it was, when he had the encounter with ayahuasca, right, this extraterrestrial type of thing. And then I think 1917 with lamb, like, this little gray entity. It’s like, okay, let’s say Crowley was part of the three letter agency. Let’s say that it could have been the government implanting this idea of extraterrestrials. But then that’s fine. 1917. What up? What about all those sightings and everything in ancient history before that was all that fake and gay was all that. The three letter agencies implanting it into the.

Into the subconscious or whatever, of the masses, because I feel like it went from there’s actual entities to, hey, this is just a psy out by the government being pushed. I don’t know about you. Have you noticed that shift or not? But I think there’s a lot of reality to everything that’s going on. I mean, I think that, like, you know, like, there’s. I think there might be some. I mean, it’s weird. Like, people have come out against David Brush, who was the speaker at the UAP disclosure conference or whatever. I’m kind of 50 50 on him, but I’ve heard the same thing with him.

Like, people said that he’s fake the government’s pushing him for. But then I started thinking about this. I was like, well, why would the government do that? What do they have the benefit about? I mean, like, what do they care? All they want is the technology at the end of the day, and they probably already have that. But it’s. I think it’s not as easy as we think. I think the people, like, in the UAP task force have no clue what’s going on. There might be, like, some UFO researchers who know more than them. And then as far as, like, you know, the secret space program, I think there’s some validity to that.

Like, but it’s not as, like, it’s not like the experiencer stories. I think it’s more like Gary McKinnon hacked into NASA and he found that, you know, some that we have, some that we were saying that we didn’t have. And then as far as, like, I like to study, like, the old abduction cases as well. Like, you know, like, where, you know, like, the old researchers, like Bud Hopkins and David Jacobs and stuff like that, that were there were there were, you know, when it seemed like the abduction phenomenon was happening. Because I think something was happening that.

But I’m not saying it might have been extraterrestrial for sure. I think it might have been more, like interdimensional or it could be anything who know. It could be a construct people are making up of their mind. I’m open to all things, but that’s kind of, like, in a nutshell, how I feel about what’s going on with the UFO thing. But I’m not. And I’m not sure if it’s. I mean, you know, I don’t. I don’t know why the government would do that. Right? It doesn’t. It doesn’t make sense to me, you know? Like, um. Because what, they don’t care about us.

You know, the government’s never cared about us, you know what I mean? So, like, for them to go out of their way to make up a lot of the community doesn’t make sense. You know what I mean? Same is the same. It’s the same thinking as, like, flat earth. Why would they lie to you about the flat? Because they want to make you feel insignificant. They want you to not be able to. This is the same type of thinking, you know, like, why would they care about us? Find, like, you and I and anyone really listening to this podcast, bro, I remember reading about the Bermuda Triangle when I was in elementary school.

Okay? And, like, reading about flight 29 or whatever, 19 whatever the. The flight was. And wondering about alien as a little. As a young man, I guess, or a little boy, I was wondering about aliens. I’m about to be 30 years old, and I know for a fact that there’s something more than what’s being told to us. But we don’t. I don’t give a. About the. The Senate hearings. I don’t care about any of that. Stop talking. You know, I’m saying, stop giving me stories. Give me proof. Like, get us, you know, take. And that’s the problem with even today, bro, that even if they were to show proof today, it wouldn’t be enough because of everything else that’s going on, like that, the whole AI deepfakes, all these different things.

So even if we were to be given, like, right now, the biggest. The big one is the one where it shows the missing flight and the three orbs surrounding and then teleporting the. The airplane out and how was caught on. Have you seen that one? The Mh. No. I was going to ask you your thoughts on the Mexico alien, that. Which was hilarious, but, like, I don’t know what the hell that was, you know? And then also the attacks in Peru were interesting as well. Be ever calling them face peelers, that these, like, predator type aliens were attacking people in Peru, supposedly.

Bro, where are the pictures? Wherever. The 21st century, 2023. Let’s stop talking and let’s start seeing the video. We have so much tech on the ground, bro. And, dude, I love cryptids. I love hearing about dog, man. I love hearing about Bigfoot. I love hearing about all this stuff. I love. I love reading about the homunculus, but can I prove that the homunculus was real? Maybe. I mean, they’re making people in test tubes and growing lambs and artificial matrixes. So there’s a possibility, like, that’s real tangible evidence. Like there’s scientists where you can go and see them growing these things in these labs.

Like, that could be proof enough on its own. That’s what they’re showing us. It’s like, we talk about Bigfoot, we talk about dog men, we talk about aliens, but where the video, bro, like, the Patterson Gimlin is the best we can do, bro, from the what. What year was that? From the sixties. Like, yeah, that’s the best we can do. And we have literally a supercomputer with us at all times in our pockets. And no one’s gonna get a video like the Las Vegas aliens one. They’re talking about these arachnid looking aliens on top of the.

On top of the. The roof, so the houses. And. You’re not gonna tell. You’re gonna tell me, bro, and I’ll. Okay, in defense, when I saw my first UFO and my only UFO, I didn’t take my phone out. And I didn’t take my phone out because I had other people with me who also saw the UFO. You got to tell me about that. Yeah, we got to hear that. We. It sounds interesting. We know that. Well, we saw that. We know that. We don’t know what we saw, therefore, it’s a UFO. Okay. And, I mean, it wasn’t like, a crazy story, bro.

I was outside. It was a little weird. Okay. So I was outside smoking a cigar, hanging out, right? And I’m. And I’m. And I’m thinking about this episode I’m about to do. And let me make sure I pull this guy’s. I mean, let me pull this guy’s book up. I was gonna do a. An episode with. With what’s his name here? Mike Cleland or Clellan. Cleland. Cleveland. Mike Cleveland. The messengers. Owl synchronicity and the UFO abductee. And I’m sitting outside, right? That was the next day. That was gonna be the next day or that same week.

And I was thinking about it, right? I was thinking about that interview, and I was reading his book, so I was thinking about his UFO and abductee experiences. And it’s a story about, essentially, the owls, right? The owls are not what they seem like a Twin Peaks reference, but the. The owls. And I was thinking about how there’s sometimes owls in my backyard. And whenever now, usually I’ll read late at night. And every now and again when I’m reading something weird, like some Kenneth grant or some weird, you know, woohoo type of stuff, I’ll hear the owls.

They’ll start. And they only come out when I’m, like, reading some, like, mind blowing, occultish sort of book, right? And I can hear them from my window, like, okay, that’s kind of weird. And this night, we were sitting out there, and I start thinking about the owls and the UFO’s. And my son, who is a five year old little boy, he looks up and he goes, hey, daddy, what is that? My wife is next to me. She also looks up, and it’s this orange orb, bro. Right? It’s like this ball. This orb just wasn’t. I was like.

When I. When I looked up at it, I’m like, oh, that’s. That’s a drone, right? Because it I was like, okay, orange light. Maybe it was a drone. But drones don’t have orange lights. Drones usually have like a red and a green light. Because I have a drone, right, so you have the two flashing lights. And I was like, and if it’s a drone, why can’t I hear it? So we’re all three of us are looking up at this glowing orb. It was like almost like you could tell was almost organic in nature. Like transparent type of thing, right? It was like a.

And it’s. Bro, it’s just floating along and it’s not like it’s a. We thought. I was like, oh, maybe it’s a rogue balloon, right? Like, you know, somebody let off a balloon. It was near. It was close to New Year’s at that point, right? Or New Year’s or 4, July 1 of the two. But I’m like, okay, but it’s going too quickly in a straight line. Usually a balloon will, you know, drift up or whatever. It was like it was just going, bro. And we watch it the whole time, probably for a good 30, 40 seconds.

We just watched it just zoom on by the house and just disappear into the distance like that. I don’t. We know that. We don’t know what it was. Therefore, by definition it’s an. On an unidentified flying object. And that’s the only UFO experience I’ve had where I’m like, okay, that’s a UFO. I’ve seen things in the sky before, but I’ve seen them. Places like homestead where there’s a military base. It could have been a plane, a military plane, whatever it is. But I have seen things in the sky, right. That I can’t. I don’t know what they are.

But that was the first time I ever saw something and I was with other people that could also confirm that we saw something. That we don’t know what it was. Therefore to UFO, right? Who knows that I me thinking about it, manifested it or something. Cuz I would. That was my train of thought as I was outside just hanging out like, oh, I got this, you know, the messengers, owl book guy coming up. You know, I’m thinking about aliens. I’m thinking of all this crazy stuff. And then boom. My son more maybe with a more hyperactive imagination or something.

Or maybe he manifested it, who knows, right? I mean, you got guys that talk about manifesting these things and boom, there it is. What. What are the chances that I’m thinking about that and we happen to see something of that nature pop up out of nowhere? You know what I mean, yeah, I have a girl, her. She comes on my show frequently. She’s come on twice, but she, uh, her name is Priscilla, and, uh, she’s from Canada, and she sees them every night. She sends me the videos, and she puts. Posts them on her channel as well.

They’re. They’re what, exactly the same thing. They’re what you would definitely call unidentified. They’re definitely unidentified. They’re weird lights there, and they seem to, like, show themselves to her, which makes me think there’s some kind of consciousness there. It makes me think there’s a lot more than what we’re thinking they are. Then why do they keep showing themselves to her? That’s strange. I don’t think it’s just military maneuvers or something like that. I think there’s something more to it, but then that’s what I was going to say. It’s when we have this belief or disbelief, it’s.

How much mysticism do you want to accept in your life with the humunculus? I absolutely believe it’s real. I’ve absolutely. I believe you can do weird things with alchemy. I know test tube babies, bro. I know people who were test tube babies are like, yeah, I was grown in a test tube before they put me in my mom. It’s like, well, that by definition, I mean, we apply paracelsian principles to that. You know, that’s a. That’s a homunculus. You know what I’m saying? That’s a homunculus. Yeah. You know, that is a real thing you can grasp.

You know, you could wrap your mind around. But the humongous we’re talking about is more, like mystical, right? Because it’s, like, done with alchemy, and it’s a grimoire, and it’s like. Like, you know, they’re doing weird with animals, and, like, I mean, that’s. That’s what. That’s what I heard you explain it on. On the tinfoil Hat podcast. When I heard it, I was like, man, this is some bizarre that they were doing back in the day. Like, I don’t know if that works, but I know I’ve messed around with magic before, and I’ve gotten positive results.

And, like, I’m not some, like, witch or I’m not some alchemist or anything like that. I’m just saying, like, I, like, the one thing I did, like, I can’t. I think it was, like, a year ago, I saw some video on YouTube about a salt spell. I know this sounds hilarious, but it’s a salt spell. And you can look it up on YouTube, and you say these things, like, you say, like, salt of one something, something. You know, my spell has begun. And then you put a pinch of salt in after each time, you say each word, like, and I can send you the spell.

And it worked. Money show after I did it. And all it is, is you’re saying words and putting salt into water. Then you take the water and dump it into a tree. Now it worked afterwards, like, money did appear, which is strange. Like, I make. I wonder if that’s, like. I wonder how much is in our consciousness and, like, what we can do with our consciousness that makes these things happen. And this goes back to the humunculus. Like, or is it the ingredients and, like, the combination of the ingredients that make the magic happen? It’s so strange to me.

I don’t know if I’ll ever know, you know? Well, that. And that’s the beauty. There you go. That’s why I love alchemy so much, because it’s a topic that you can quite literally spend hours and hours and hours pondering upon where it’s interdimensional, bro. Like, the topic is interdimensional. It’s like, there you are working on multiple layers of reality, and then you’re able to quite literally dissolve out of this reality into a new one if you wanted to. So that’s alchemy in itself, either manipulating symbols on a figurative level and a symbolic level, or a physical, literal level.

So moving things around. And the thing with the homunculus is a homunculus could be as simple. You got the Krolian moon children, where that’s a form of homunculus. He took the concepts of the alchemist, and he applied his own principles to it because. Because a lot of these principles are thought. I heard some ruckusbacker. A lot of these principles are meant to be adapted and changed. So Crowley took his own version of a homunculus, and he called it a moon child, right? Where essentially what it is, it’s copulating under a ceremonial setting. So sex, magic, and invoking the spirit of a deity into this fetus, right? And then that gets into whole.

You know, if you want to get into Fritz Spring Meyer and the whole MK ultra mind control slave, where it gets into Mkultra, where they. Can you talk about that? I don’t know much about that. I’m interested. So the Fritz Spring Meyer is one of these guys that. Again, back. I’m not saying I covered it on this show that I have a cult book club number ten. Well, he wrote this book, the how do you make an undetectable mind control slave or something or other? And in that he. It’s a grimoire, essentially. And he gives you a breakdown on how to.

How the are able to essentially. And it’s very dark and very bad, how they’re able to take a person and they’re able to break them and fracture them to where they’re able to house essentially different personalities. Right. And they go through, use your mind. The most depraved, darkest things that you could possibly think of is what they do to these people. But that gets into the aspect of the homunculus, because he was talking about how CrOwley and his moon, moon child book was hinting at how these secret organizations know about the homunculus technology. Now back again to Crowley.

He was part of these three letter agencies. Is he’s talking about the OTO, right, secret society or secret organization? Or is he talking about mi five or mi six, whatever part. You know, I’m saying like, so does the government, because from moonchild, which is what Crowley wrote about how to his grimoire, essentially, of how to create this. This homunculus, and for lack of a better term, to house this entity. So they want to. They want to take an elemental and give it a vessel. They want to give it a place to inhabit. So they invoke the deity through their ceremony.

They build a pythagorean palace. They invoke the deity into the fetuse it comes in. It grows up to be a regular person, regular baby, except it has the essence or the spirit of this elemental, whatever it may be. Have your pick. There’s multiple different elementals or demonic beings, whatever you want. Right? Think of Rosemary’s baby. You know, she’s having the. She’s having Satan’s son or whatever it is. You know, I’m saying, like, these same concepts. Mind you, that guy made that movie, and he turned out to be accused of whatever it was that he made the movie about.

Like, that was crazy. Like, he went to jail for what the movie was about, or they were trying to imprison him of what the movie was about, which is. Which is wild, because it shows you that Hollywood, a lot of these things are biographical in nature. It is real events shrouded in fiction or. Right. They based on true events. Well, I think that’s what Moon child was about. Now, if this wasn’t meant to be taken literally, you have a guy like Jack Parsons, who was also part of the government, who was the father of rocketry or who.

You know, he was taking these concepts, and with L. Ron Hubbard, they were in the desert trying to do a modified version of Crowley’s, I think, Alamantra. I’m a launcher. I always forgot how to say it, but one of them trying to perform the sex magic, right? They were trying to do the Babylon working rituals to invoke the. The elemental, right. Babylon, into existence. Now, some people say that he achieved it. Some people say that he actually did do it. Because you have Marjorie Cameron, his second wife, who came into the. You know, they. She showed up at the lodge, and she was, you know, the scarlet woman, right? Who knows? Like, whatever.

But point being that a guy, right, like Parsons, let’s say that he was as smart as they say. He was literally a rocket scientist, right? It’s not rocket science. He was literally a rocket science. A very smart individual. Now, if he was tapping into other forces and that they were giving him that intelligence, a whole different conversation. But let’s say he was as smart as they say he was, okay? This guy was taking at face value what Crowley was writing. He was quite literally trying to make a homunculus in real life, you know, and that was 19.

What? 19 whatever year. It was like the mid 19, you know, mid 20th century. He was trying to do this coming from a rocket scientist. But again, it’s. It. It was based on principles that the alchemist had put out, that Crowley modified, and then from that, Parsons took it. Okay, this sounds like this, like, relates to, like, the UFO and time travel stuff, too, because, um, if you, like, think about the Montauk project, you know, I’ve had people on my show that have supposedly were at Montauk. I mean, I can’t verify it or not, but, like, they talk about how they.

They were, you know, severely mind control abused at Montauk, and then their personality split, and they were. They created alters with a personality where they would make the person’s altar do time travel experiments or whatever. Like. But they didn’t know. It’s weird. Like, how they create. How they can fracture the mind and create different personalities almost. That’s the secret space program, too. They do that supposedly as well. But Robert, same thing. Source. Trust me, bro. And that’s the thing with Fritz. Like, he’s like, oh, I’ve talked to all these people of this program. Like, I’ve talked to a whole bunch of people who were in this program, and they were.

They were a part of. And they tell me their experiences. But again, it goes back to where’s the physics. I’m not, and I’m not denying that this doesn’t happen. I do believe that certain things happen. Like, right now, recently, the whole, I’m not gonna say the, the PI zz a gate type of thing where the guy got charged with what they were, what they were debunking, like, what they had debunked. And it’s like, wait a minute. So there’s something to it. There’s something there that I believe goes on. We know that Disney and Hollywood and all these people, that those children are groomed, bro.

I mean, that that’s essentially what it is. We’re like, we know that there’s, there’s bad things going on, but I think the over embellishment of, like, oh, the. Well, what is even the. I feel like if you know the name of a secret society, they’re not so secret. Like, you know, Freemasons nowadays, everyone wants to blame the Freemasons. Like, all their stuff that you’ve ever wanted to know about Freemasonry is in books. I get emails constantly, bro, of people who join these secret organizations and they regret joining. And I’m like, well, what enticed you? And again, it’s that, oh, I wanted to learn the secrets.

I want to learn the secret knowledge they promised to. I want, you know, they’re, they’re so blown up in the media that I want to. I want to see what the fuss was all about. It’s like, well, now you’re part of something that you could have just, bro, just google it. You know, any book that you want is out there. You could quite literally just read what they’re talking about. Now, there’s something else going on behind the scenes in the lodges. If they’re jerking each other off with doing whatever they’re doing, you know, behind closed doors, that’s a whole nother thing.

But it’s like, there is no secret, in my opinion, that is worth joining any secret organization, because you can quite literally find it in these things. Now, I am not an occultist, okay? I am an armchair occultist. I research this sort of stuff. I’m not doing a lot of the stuff that I’m researching now. Again, what. What I do, I practice, like, mimetic magic. Like, dumb stuff. Like, I’ll post my video at 1122, right? Because it equals 33 or all, like, I told you, I I told you before, I’ll take, like, my font and, like, I’ll change it to be 33 here or 418 here, like, whatever.

Like, I’ll take these numbers. That’s as far as my extent goes in the occult. Like, that’s, that’s what I’ll do. So that’s just me. But yeah, one, one thing I wanted to say was you had recently, I think, your most recent video, you had Robert Sullivan. I’ve had him on. He’s a Freemason. He’s like. But he’s a great example of a Freemason because he’s very knowledgeable. But he’s not like some evil Freemason. He’s just like a normal dude, you know, he just knows knowledge, you know? Yeah. No, I mean, again, that was the first time I ever talked to Robert.

He’s, he’s a really cool guy. But I said, I mean, that, that’s, that’s the thing. But, you know, press him on freemasonic knowledge and he probably won’t be as liberal, you know, in talking about the stuff that they do. You know, I’m saying, like, they won’t. I know he’s written books about it, but a lot of these guys are against talking about what they like. One of my co host is also a Freemason. And I’ll sometimes we’ll be talking about Freemasonry and I’ll ask him a question, he’ll just stay shut. But the silence is deafening because the silence either kind of sort of confirms what you’re asking them about.

Right. You know, I’m saying, like, hey, what’s this about? Is it because of this, this and this? And if they don’t say anything back, you can kind of infer, like, okay, then I was probably spot on. But they can’t say that you were spot on because they would be breaking their oath. But again, that, to each their own. I’m not telling anyone how they should live their life. I’m just saying from my experience, I’ve had people reach out who regret it and they’re, you know, they’re. Now they feel trapped or whatever it is. I’m like, hey, you know, this is, I’m.

Dude, I’m still. I research this sort of stuff. And there’s so many things that it could possibly be, like, when you think you have it figured out, and that’s part, that’s part of the occult. When you think you have it figured out, it more. It like, literally morphs in front of you. Like, it’ll change. Like, I’ll be reading, you know, this book here that I read two or three years ago, and then I’ll pick up a book that I picked up yesterday. And that book that I picked up yesterday will connect so many dots of that other book that I read three years ago.

It’s like, oh, all that other stuff that made no sense to me. I completely understand what was being said in that first book from three years ago. You know, I’m saying, like, that. Like, that’s how the connections work sometimes. Like, oh, that’s what that meant. And it’s like, okay, well, if I would. I have known the same thing from the book that I read yesterday if I wouldn’t have read the book from three years ago. Like, you know, I’m saying, like, what? I’ve been able to figure it out. It’s like, I don’t know. But that’s just.

That’s just me, man. And. And I enjoy learning. I’ve always been, like, a history buff, so you tend to be a little bit more skeptical, a little bit 100% wrong. Like, that’s the whole thing with the. Like, I think that’s healthy, though. You know, that’s all. And that’s the kind of person I am, though, bro. And I’ll tell people, like, people hit me up all the time, like, yo, so what do you think? Like, what is the homunculus for real or for now? It’s, like, me personally, you know, out of all the. Out of all the hours that I’ve talked about it, do I believe in the homunculus? Absolutely.

Yes. Do I think it’s real? Yes. And the reason for why I think it’s real is because of XYZ. You know, there’s actual chimeras being created now, especially now, 2023. There’s. We know there’s test tube babies, which is essentially, maybe not an alchemical homunculus, but again, an artificially grown person within a vessel or whatever it may be. And I’m saying, so these concepts are not just science fiction. They are real things now. They’ve just changed a little bit. Names have changed, and concepts have changed over time because we’re not gonna. You know, and maybe these alchemists did figure out the secret of artificial life, you know, in the 16th, 17th century, whenever it was paracelsus.

You know, I’m saying like that. Like, when. When you did the video on ancient CRIsPR technology. Is that. That was. That was on a. The Cave podcast. Shout out to those guys. They. He likes the homunculus, too. And he was asking me about, like, he was asking me about my collaboration with mine unveiled and mine unveiled. He’s heavy into, like, old world, I guess. Tartaria and he’s like, hey, the homunculus tech is something that they use to populate all these empty cities. Like, these cabbage patch babies and all these different things. Like, there was incubator babies at these world fairs.

It’s like, well, were they part the children on those orphan trains? Were those children homunculi, right? Or not? Like, let’s. Let’s lose the term homunculus. Let’s say artificially created peoples, right? And, like, that was his whole thing. And he really took that concept and broke down the Voynich manuscript and broke down all these other artworks that might be hinting at this lost ancient crispr cloning technology. Like, we see these depictions of these gods being grown. Like, in ancient, you can see, like, you know, little people being held by bigger people. It’s like, were those, right, the Anunnaki that created, you know, the human race.

Like, there’s. There’s stories about it since the beginning, bro, in the Book of Genesis. Like, God. Yeah, I heard you say that. Like, the Anunnaki basically made a homunculi when they made us, right? Think about. True. Think about. So if you follow the sumerian lore, the. The Anunnaki lore, it was that the ANUNNAKI wanted to mine for gold, and they diDn’t want to do it themselves. But AGAIN, think about it. This. This ancient, super advanced race of. Of entities, they wanted a mine for gold. So therefore, they created this hominid from the womb of one of the Anunnaki.

And then the seed of this primate or whatever, put it together, and they made humans to mine for. For gold. Well, if you look at the concept of, Like, a leprechaun, a leprechaun does what he finds. He’s guarding gold. Like, he goes. And. Yeah, the homunculus lure is that these entities, not only will they divinate to you, they’ll reveal, you know, they’ll tell you the future. They’ll reveal secrets for you, whatever secret, and they’ll find treasures for you. So we have this idea, and if you follow the Voynich manuscript lore concerning Edward Kelly, it was said that he summoned an entity or creature, a spiritual creature, that led him to find the Voynich manuscript and the.

The remnants of this old building somewhere over in Europe, I guess. So it’s like, are there actual elementals that you can invoke that will assist you if you look at the concept of, like, the, like, aliens. Well, aliens, they were similar to elementals, right? Elementals, like. Like, fairies element, you know, earth, element gnomes, undines, sylphs, like, all these. Those elementals, they were very sexual with humankind, right? Like, and if you take the, you know, the genesis story of these. These. The watchers, right? The watchers that were inserting themselves into the daughters of men. Well, the reason that they wanted to copulate with human women was because if they’re able to marry a human woman, they’re able to form a soul, a mortal.

So, like a, you know, a soul that. That they don’t have because they’re soulless. And these elementals, again, if you look at the whole UFO concept and abductee. Abductee concept, they’re very sexual in nature. They’re probing people, you know, up their butts. They’re taking the semen. There’s. There’s stories of. I don’t know, if you read Jacques Valet’s the Passport to Megonia, where he’s talking about people being impregnated by the right, that the commonwealth or whatever he calls it. So it’s like elementals that they’ve been talking about, that Paracelsus was talking about for, you know, since the 16th century, is the same concept as a UFO abductee.

It’s like the same thing, except what? It has a different name as a different maybe, you know, collective aggregor image to it. It’s a little gray man little, or a little green men, whatever it is, you know, like, maybe that’s what’s more. They’re trying to morph that same thing in the collective. They’re messing with that. Like, for what reason, I don’t know. But a point being that these. This phenomenon is very similar to the abductee and the whole grush guy, bro. It’s like, if you’re a whistleblower, why are you getting clearance to say what you want to say? A whistleblower is going to say whatever you want.

That’s the whole thing about. It’s like, oh, he’s a whistleblower that has to get everything approved by. By who? You know, I’ve wondered that too. That makes sense, because, like, why does he. Yeah, like, like, he’s only approved to say certain things, but he’s not allowed to say other things. Like, he was just. I want to know, what are the other things that he can’t say? You know what I mean? Like what? Dude? It’s all. I think. Listen, the only way you’re gonna convince me is they need to land in front of the White House, you know, and we can all gather around, need to land in front of the White House and whatever, you know, I’m saying, like, that.

I’m done hearing store. I love stories. And that’s. That’s the thing, bro. That. And that’s the aspect of human nature. We all love. A good campfire story. We all love. And this is why people love pockets. Like, we’re talking about experiences. We’re talking about real things. Fun, you know? Oh, dude, I love it. It’s fun. But, like, when it comes to these sort of things, where they’re literally causing divides within a community, and people are losing their minds over it, it’s time for the real money. It’s time for the money shot, you know? Like, I talk to people who.

Who talk about cryptids and all that. I’m like, you have all this tech. You go out in the field with all this tech. Where’s the evidence, brother shows? Yeah. And then you know what they’ll say? They’ll say, well, Bigfoot’s elusive. And I’m like, well, they can’t be that elusive. I mean, like, unless we’re really dealing with, like, interdimensional creatures that know how to stay away from humans. I mean, that’s the only thing I can think of why somebody wouldn’t get a picture. But then again, you would still think that, like, out of all the humans on this earth, someone would be able to capture a picture, you know what I mean? Like, you know, it’s weird.

Like, there’s a guy in my area. His name’s Stan Gordon. He’s had a UFO hotline open since 1969. His phone rings off the hook. Like, and it’s just people telling them that they have experiences and they’re not looking for fame. So it makes me think, well, what are these people seeing, though? That’s the. That’s the thing that. Where it gets me, it’s like, what are these people seeing? Me? Because, like, if they’re not looking for attention, they have to be seeing something. So what is it that they’re seeing? I don’t know. You know what I mean? And that’s where it gets into, like, is it interdimensional? Is it, like, you know? Or do you think that.

I mean, do you think, like, as far as, like, the paranormal goes, that the veil is thinning, or do you think that it’s all. It’s all. What do you think? Well, dude, I mean, part of that spritz, Fritz Spring, my book, in that book, he talks about directed energy weapons that can make people feel like they’re being sodomized. Sodomized. Right? So sodomy through directed energy weapons. He also talks about how in there’s tech where part of these experiences of people who have abductions is actually their programmer programming them and their psyche is being fractured. And the reason that they remember it the way that they remember is because they’ve been programmed to see it the way that they saw it.

So it’s like, what are you even supposed to believe that that would completely, completely throw out the whole UFO, alien agenda? Like actual little green men if it’s all, you know, this, this handler. But then the, it would be more the secret space program, though, because that’s where we’re getting a lot of this stuff. It’s the secret space program experiencers that think that they have like that, you know, that they’ve actually been under. They usually, a lot of these times these witnesses have been under like mind control. So that would make sense what you’re saying, right? Like, yeah, that’s what I read in the book.

Again, I’m just highlighting like what it could if it is all fake and gay. But then it’s like you have Greer talking about how I did a video on this. I did like two videos on this where he admitted to that some of these entities that are abducting and because, bro, there are things that are actual like conspiracies, for example, like cow mutilations. That’s super weird. It is. I don’t know what that. Circles? Yeah, crop circles. Like, a lot of people don’t know about crop circles. Crop circles are super bizarre. It’s like those are things that, like, yo, that, that’s crazy.

Okay. Like, yeah, and those crop circles aren’t just like Jimmy and Johnny Snow stomping down corn because there’s like radiation effects to the corn and stuff. You know, there’s like, there’s like. And the cattle mutilations. It’s weird. Like there’s blood drawn out of the, the animal. All the blood is usually drawn out of the anus or the eyes or something. And you. They can tell that. Or, and it looks like it’s been dropped 30ft off the ground. It’s. There’s a lot of strange to it. I don’t understand it. I can’t. That was the creepiest one for me where it’s like, oh, yeah.

Also their legs are broken. Well, why are their legs. Because they’ve been dropped like, whoa. What? That’s, you know, that’s why then the animals don’t touch it. Like after the fact that there is definitely stuff that we can’t explain the paranormal. Do I think that there is paranormal? That. Well, there’s paranormal for a reason. And this is, again, why I have a podcast, because there are legitimate things that we can’t explain. Now, are they actual lizard people who shape shift and are part of the. I don’t, you know, they drink people’s blood? I don’t know. Like, that.

That kind of. Yeah, me too. Kind of over embellishing it there, bro, you know, saying, like, hey, I’m open to talking. I’m open to talking about it. Like, it’s cool. It sounds, you know, sounds awesome, whatever metal do, you know? I’m saying, like. But it’s like, I can’t prove that to you. I can’t. And it’s like the same thing with the homunculus. I can’t prove to you that these dudes were actually creating homunculus. Ridiculous. In a lab, but I can show you some of the evidence of the. What? How they’re doing that today. Like, does that count? Or it’s like, no, it doesn’t count because it was only back.

Now, what if they had access, the same stuff that they had back? They could recreate the. The. The process or whatever it is, you know, like the whole thing, but. Well, it’s like, you remember. Remember Halloween three season of the witch, where they were using witchcraft through technology, and they were putting it out through the tvs? Yeah. I mean, it could be something like that with the humongous. They could be using ancient rituals to produce cloning technology today. So they’re mixing technology with witchcraft. You know, I just thought about that. Didn’t you see the digital twins thing at CERN that they were working with? Digital twins.

And it’s like, it plays into this whole idea of. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard about the world sentient simulation. Wherever they’re essentially, they’re running a simul. And this is why. This is why social media is dangerous. This is why technology. And I’m not like, it’s cliche, like, terminator irobot type of thing. Like, no, no, no. Like, this is why. Because we are voluntarily, the occult aside. Okay, for 1 second. The occult aside, we are voluntarily. You know, they say that you, a vampire, can’t come into your house unless you invite him in. Like, please come in.

Right? And then they’re able to come in. We voluntarily give our information on these social media platforms. We give them all the information. Some people share way too much information on social media platforms. All right. Yeah. They, the government has a simulation that they’re running with tabloids, with census, with a whole bunch of different information. So think about this. If they’re able to feed this world sent you simulation with global crises and all these different aspects of reality, whatever that may be, and what if for 1 second, let’s take the homunculus concept, the, the occulticide, for 1 second and they have this digital version of you, of Robert in there.

He’s got a podcast too, and all this other stuff in that world, in that simulation. Well, what happens if, you know, now we bring the occult in, right? The golden bow where it’s like sympathetic magic? Well, whatever, you know, that’s still a part of you. Like, it’s all your, it’s a version of you. So therefore, if something happens to that version of you in there, is that gonna affect you out here? Is it like the mate, like the matrix, where when Neil is getting his ass kicked in the matrix, his body’s feeling it and I’m saying he’s getting beat up in real life.

If he dies in the matrix, you be, you know, you become untethered, like you’re dead in the real world. So it’s like they take these con, like that. Those are real things. We know that the placebo effect is a real thing. We know that people will heal themselves by taking a placebo of medicine. Like, okay, well, I’m healed now. It was just a placebo. Was just saline or whatever it was. That what happened, like your mind caused a biological reaction with it. That’s real. What is that? You know, saying? Like, what is that? It’s like, were you making it up this whole time? What was, you know, did your mind cure what consciousness? Like all these concepts.

So you want to hear something crazy? This girl told we were doing, I was doing a show on dreams and some girl told me that her daughter was having a dream about being bit by rats. And when she woke up, there was actual bite marks on her, which is that makes me think that our dreams like a parallel reality. Or was she actually getting bit by a rat and bit by something and she didn’t know it while she was sleeping or, you know, and it just produced projected in her dream or was. Did the dream, was it so real that it caused, you know, is it another reality that it’s causing? Like, that’s so much, that’s a trip to me.

Like, that’s like a, that’s as much of as, like a shroom trip to me. Dreams, are they. They basically are. I mean, you know, it’s. It’s. It’s. It’s strange, you know? Like, it’s. It’s, uh. Well, think about it. How many times haven’t you heard in your dream, and this happened? This happens to me regularly. I’m not. I’m not gonna say every night, but it’s happened to me before. Quite a few times, where you’re in your dream and you hear a noise, you hear something going off, and the whole time was your alarm clock. In real, in reality, whatever that is going off, but you were hearing it.

Something. You were hearing something in your dream. You know, you were experiencing something in this other realm, this other space, right? It’s like, well, yeah, absolutely. I think that there’s definitely something that goes on. I do think that maybe, perhaps the. I mean, Kenneth Grant talks about this, where it’s like you’re. Like, you were there. You were there, but you weren’t really there. It’s like, what part of you was there, present in these dreams? And whatever’s happening, you know, sometimes you wake up feeling more tired than you. Than you are when you went to sleep. It’s like, were you jogging in the astral realm or something? Like, were you working out in the astral realm? It’s like, that’s why you woke up more tired than.

Than you were then, you know, when you went to sleep. So I was like, there’s something to that. It’s an altered state of consciousness, is what it is, right? You’re in a different state of consciousness when you’re in deep sleep or whatever it is. Or even when you intake substances, like, you’re in a different altered state of consciousness. Maybe you’re able to see things. Like, I don’t know about you, bro, but I. When I partake in the, you know, Mary Jane or whatever, the. The. I can. There’s something about it, bro, where I can tell when people are full of, like, I don’t know.

It’s weird, dude. Like, I can see through people, and I’m not, like, a weird woo was. Like, everything is. And I. Maybe I might be paranoid, but, like, I don’t believe anything. Anyone. Like, I’ll be watching a video, and I’m like, man, this late. Like, she could be telling the saddest story. I’m, like, full of. It’s like, I don’t know. That’s the paranoia studying in. Or if it’s, like, me seeing through, like, the. Like, everything is like a comedy sketch when my thing is, like, shrooms. I like shrooms a lot. And I’ve, like. I like the amanita ones that are legal, and I like the magic ones that are.

I like the psilocybin ones, too. Like, because I tend to get a little bit. I still do THC. I like THC too, but I get a little bit paranoid with it. So it depends on the strain. But, like, with shrooms, I don’t get. I don’t get paranoid at all. And I’m able to, like. It seems like I’m able to see through the veil. It’s weird, man. Like, it’s like, um. You know, I really feel like they are. They say they’re magic for a reason, because they, uh. You know, DMT. I did DMT, too. That was a little bit too extreme.

Um. Why? I just saw geometric patterns. I was telling Chris from forbidden knowledge news about this. I saw. I didn’t. I mean, I’ve heard stories where people actually break through and they’ll. They say they went to other dimensions, so they feel like that. But that didn’t happen for me. I just saw geometric patterns. But I’ve had more, more profound experiences, magic mushrooms, than DMT. But, you know, but if you get some really good THC, it could do the same thing. I feel like, you know, I’ve never done DMT. I was going to extract my own and I never ended up doing it.

I have. Same with the occult. I have the utmost respect for it. Not that I don’t believe in it, but I do respect it. The same thing with psychedelics. My first ever mushroom trip, I thought I was dying. And I mean, looking back at it, I was having an ego death. And it was like one of the worst experiences I ever had. And I haven’t gone back since. And I was listening to Terrence McKenna this weekend or this morning, maybe, I don’t know. And he was talking about how, right, what if experiencing. So Philip K. Dick talks about how God’s intervention, again, this is for the sake of conversation.

God’s intervention in our reality is on the same. On the same concept as like an extraterrestrial, an extraterrestrial invasion, essentially, is what. Like there’s an outside force, right? An outside power peeking his head into our demand, our reality. Like, that’s extraterrestrial. And like, there’s an outside force that we don’t know what it is intervening. You know what I mean? And then, you know, you have, you know, Terrence McKenna talking about how maybe perhaps when you ingest a piece of the mushroom, you are then connected to the knowledge of whatever that thing had, right? And that’s just eerily similar to, like, the Eucharist, where you’re eating from the body of Christ.

I’m not saying that God is a mushroom. That’s a whole different podcast. Podcast. But the concept of, you know, if once you invite this thing in, this entity, if it is God or a psychedelic trip or whatever it is, like, are you automatically a part and have some sort of, like, symbiotic relationship, I guess, of it. Like, I’m not going to call it a parasite, but it’s like, things change, right? You see, people change when they. When they. When they. When they get religious, you know, for lack of a better term. It’s like. Like, are they inviting something in that’s changing their biology? Because I’ve seen, like, myself, I was involved in the church for a long time.

I’ve seen miracles, right? And I’m not calling God or whatever a parasite or an entity or like some sort of mind virus, if you will, but it’s like when you accept God or deity or what, insert your God of choice here, you. You know, you’re healed sometimes. Like, I’ve seen that personally, and I’m going to talk about it from, like, a christian perspective. So that this is just from my personal experience, I’ve seen that happen. I’ve seen miracles being performed in front of me, and I’ve seen people quite literally be healed in front of me. It’s like, what was that? Is that again, back to the whole placebo effect? Like, did they manifest that themselves? Is there this extraterrestrial intervenance, or whatever you would call it, interference in this reality? Was that what healed that person? And if it’s able to do that, then what else is it able to, like, you know, like Philip K.

Dick talks about, like, if you could capture God in a bottle or something, it’s like you would want to keep God in a bottle, you know, I’m saying, like, you would. That’s what. It’s the whole idea with the homunculus, right? If you summon it correctly, supposedly it’ll do your bit. Is that correct? Yeah. And that’s part of. That’s part of, you know, let’s. Let’s. Homunculus is a little bit too, for some people, but you’re absolutely right. It’s about acquiring godlike powers from your alchemical creation. But it goes further than that, bro, because we’re talking about. Right.

Paracelsus, Paracelsus, pass it down. The guy who invented porcelain and I think the 18th century, whatever it was he stumbled across porcelain by accident. He was actually trying to transmute and do the magnum opus. He was actually trying to turn base metals into gold. Okay? And from that, he was able to develop, like, commercial porcelain that we know today. And involved with him, I can’t recall his name. Involved with that same guy was Leibniz, Godfrey Leibniz, which is the guy of. The father of binary code. Right? The ones and zeros in our computer, who was also obsessed with Benedict Cart’s work.

Now, the interesting part of Leibniz was that he wrote about monadology, the monad. And essentially what monadology was, was breaking God down into a substance. Now, that to me sounds very, again, very humongous, where you want to break. You know, the concept of a homunculus is to acquire magical or godlike powers from your creation. Well, what if we skip all that alchemical and just try to create God in a lab? I mean, like, try to create. Right? You hear about CERN creating the God particle, whatever it is, and it’s like that’s going to prove the existence of a different dimension.

Well, this dude was quite literally trying to break God down into a substance. Now, sounds very heretical, because I don’t think God is a substance. I think that he is right. The. The source of all, everything that we see today. But this is how these guys were thinking. And now, wow, we’re using the technology that he kind of helped pioneer and, you know, and paved the way for. Same thing with Charles Babbage, the father of the modern computer. He was like, yo, I don’t believe in the devil. So I’m going to do this blood ceremony. I’m going to try and sum the devil.

It’s like. And then he also believed the whole concept of, like, God being a sort of substance thing that you can, like, create, right? And then the whole thing with, you know, you have. If you have a perfect enough computer, right? Let’s think for 1 second, right? Let’s say that we are vessels for consciousness or a soul or whatever it is that you want to call it. If we build a perfect enough computer, will God put a soul in it? Like what? Right? If we build something so well, like, there’s, there’s, there’s this story about this kobo Daishi, which is this old, really japanese, like, mystic guy.

He helped establish a religion over there and with the Taoist and all these guys. And there’s a story about him, how he was painting these dragons outside this temple, and he was painting them so perfect. He was painting them so perfect that when he laid the last piece of paint on the. On this. On this dragon, these dragons, they came to life. So he quickly. He quickly took some other paint and painted over it because it was too perfect, right? The dragon came. So it’s like the same thing with us. The homunculus. I like the homunculus is a weird thing because to some people, that would be blasphemous to create life.

Well, only God. What God giveth, God taketh. So only God can create life, and only God can take it away. Well, what happens when you take that upon yourself? Like, that’s blasphemy, right? That. That’s blasphemous in a sense. That’s heretical in a sense. So for some people, the homunculus back then was like, that was the magnum opus. That was the. Wow, I created life. This is. This is wild. But then to some other people, I was like, like, well, yeah, you created the counterfeit version of what God did for. For real good. Because the part of the homunculus, like, they can’t talk.

They’re kind of funny looking right there. They’re kind of deformed. Like. Like the golem. The golem can’t talk, right? Like, he’s like, yeah, it’s not perfect because God, like, Frankenstein. Frankenstein was like, this abomination, essentially, is what it was like. And that to some people, the homunculus was like this great creation. Like, oh, well, you did it. And so people are like, well, you just created a counterfeit version of what God had already done. It’s like, are you really proud of that? Like, are you really proud of making, like, a, like, a great value version of a human? You know, saying, like, it’s not as good as the real thing.

So again, these are just concepts that I think about where they kind of. If you really trace it, bro, if you really trace it back, it’s like the Wikipedia game that they played with homunculus. Homunculus. Three degrees of separation from any major topic. Somebody ran the numbers and they played the Wikipedia game, and the homunculus was like, two degrees away from, like, any major topic. From, like, Taylor Swift, Barack Obama. Like all the major. Like, the homunculus was always like, right there. So again, if I had to guess, bro, if I had to guess, I would say, like, like, people in power, you know, people talk about NPC’s or like.

Like clones. If anything, they’re homunculi. Like, they’re there. And again, they are people who were bred and put in these positions of power because of their families. So not an alchemically grown homunculus, but maybe they aligned their birthday to a certain astrological alignment, certain time. They did. A C section took them out just in time. So that person, boom, is a talisman of some sort. Sort. But they’re just a regular person. Okay? If anything, I mean, it’s been proven that all the presidents were related now except for, like, one of them. I mean, that. That. Right back to the guy, like, wrote the magna carta or some crazy thing like that.

Like, that’s not a conspiracy. That’s been proven. Like, that’s. You can show me the. You can show me the. Even Obama and Trump. Yeah. And I’ve talked about a lot of crazy stuff. It’s like, well, what do you. Are you gonna nitpick what you want to believe or not? It’s like, well, that’s why I’m like you, bro. I’m a skeptic, too. Like, 100%. Like, people assume that just because we talk about these sort of things that we believe all of. It’s like, no, a lot of the things that I talk about, I research because I’m trying to figure out, like, if it was a real thing or not.

You know what I mean? And it’s like, I draw the line at some things, but I’ll keep an open mind, you know? Like, I’ll keep an open mind. I know that there are a lot of things of our history that have been occulted from us. Do I think that we will ever know the truth? I don’t think so, bro. Like, I don’t think so either. I think it’s like a. I think. I think there’s a lot more mystery, though, in the world, and I think that’s what makes it fun, you know? Yeah. And that’s what draws people in.

Like, a lot of people. Like I said earlier, people love a good story, especially when it’s like, I think that’s why, like, cryptid podcast and podcasts. I have people’s experiences. I think that’s why. Because people can live, like, I don’t know about you. I like to listen, like. Like, bigfoot stories and dogman stories and all that stuff, and, like, kind of sort of live through that person, right? Like, through that person’s experience. I watch that show dog man encounters. It’s really good, you know? Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s like with Vic conduff or whatever, where he has a different experience or every week that’s in.

That’s interesting. Yeah. Like, it’s, uh. Well, I don’t know. Can you tell everybody where they’ll find you? Thank you so much for doing this, man. It was awesome talking to you like this was. I could probably talk you forever. This is awesome. Yeah, dude. You can find me tj ojp.com. i’m on YouTube anywhere you get, you know, the one on one podcast. I’m also on any podcast platform. Spotify, Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, all that good stuff. And. Yeah, sure, I’ll share this on my channel, bro. Work. Where can people find you in the. In the. You know, I.

Same typical skeptic podcast everywhere. You know, I’m on rumble Rumble on YouTube the most, and then I’m on Spotify, Apple podcasts, all that stuff. And. Thanks, Mandy. This was awesome. I always enjoyed talking to you, Juan. This was great. Yeah, definitely, dude. Thank you for having me on again. All right, until next time.

  • Thejuanonjuanpodcast

    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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