Grand Canyon Underworld Ant People Saved the Natives Elder Yawakia

Spread the Truth



➡ The speaker reflects on the Shalako migration story associated with the Zuni tribe, discusses a device that reduces energy consumption and protects appliances, shares personal anecdotes about feeding wildlife and enjoying nature, warns about increases in energy bill prices and dirty EMFs, and encourages listeners to participate in an online deal for power-saving devices. The speaker expresses their fondness for feeding and observing local wildlife and expands on the traditions and preparations related to the Zuni Tribe’s Shalako celebration.
➡ The Kiva group participates in the Shalako celebration, an event lasting for six days with nightly dances in newly built Shalako houses. In Zuni society, houses are passed down matrilineally and the eldest female usually inherits the home. Throughout the festivities, everyone is fed and given blessings. They also remark on tribal traditions, including the story of tribal migration led by two war gods and separation according to the choice of two eggs. The Zuni calendar follows lunar cycles and societal events like home building or dance ceremonies are timed according to stargazing. The Zuni tribe also practices a form of barter system, exchanging goods rather than using money.
➡ The speaker discusses the cultural practices of the Zuni tribe and compares traditional farming methods with modern techniques, implying that traditional methods have a more spiritual connection to the earth. The speaker also highlights the tribe’s slow adaptation to technology, emphasizing both its advantages and drawbacks, and their teachings to blend tradition with modernity while aiming to connect with a higher spiritual realm.
➡ The text discusses the importance of grounding oneself through connection to Mother Earth and managing one’s emotions for spiritual health. It emphasizes the value of practice and self-awareness in achieving spiritual balance. Furthermore, it narrates the speaker’s personal experiences growing up in an isolated environment in Zuni, explaining the cultural practices and discipline that shaped his upbringing, their respect for elders, and traditional elements such as “crater board” parenting. The speaker concludes by expressing a longing to return to the reservation to reconnect with his roots and the simple joys associated with it.
➡ The text presents a detailed explanation of a community that has holistic practices, involving social dances, hospitality, elder care, nurturing historical knowledge, and spiritual teachings rooted in the concept of chakras. The speaker expounds on a journey of awakening, explaining each chakra’s significance and role in personal transformation. They mention how humans are considered infinite beings from the cosmos, and through life’s trials, experience a process of awakening, refuting to rebirthed light. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing one’s spiritual gifts and connecting with nature and one’s surroundings, thereby giving and receiving blessings unexpectedly.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s experiences with spirituality, connecting with nature and the universe, understanding and interpreting the symbolic meanings behind certain rituals, relics, and practices. It highlights the importance of practicing wisdom and energy control, handling emotions, and connecting with one’s source. The speaker also discusses the prospect of sharing these experiences and teachings through classes and documentaries, and even talks about his belief in extraterrestrial beings.
➡ The speaker discusses plans for future presentations and exploration trips to petroglyph spots for fun, expresses gratitude to the audience and a person named Greg, mentions gardening efforts, encourages everyone to connect with loved ones, share love, and retain an attitude of gratitude everyday, and concludes with intention to upload content online. They also reflect on past experiences and wish everyone great upcoming holidays.


As we go through the migration story, it tells us a lot about everything and about the Shalako. Everybody’s saying Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving. I’m saying happy Shalako. You know, this weekend is Shalako. And that starts out our winter solstice. And you’ve experienced it. They’re welcoming. Zunia people are welcoming. If you have Azuni escort you in, that’s the longhorns. That’s part of the group, too, that’s coming with the shallow fort.

They start preparing a year long. And those two representatives are going to learn the migration prayer by memory. They have a year to learn it, and it’s about an hour and a half to 2 hours long prayer. And it talks about from the very beginning of when Zuni first migrated from the Ant people in Grand Canyon and how they come up from the underworld into where they are now.

And he talks everything about it. Do you see how earlier this year in Texas, spikes as high as 5000% I’m sorry, 6000%. The surges were insane. Prices are continuing to rise. Now, not only are energy bills rising, but also dirty EMFs. And tens of thousands of people are using this amazing little device. It’s small and sophisticated. It stabilizes electrical currents. It reduces dirty electricity. It helps protect your appliances and electronics.

All you have to do is plug it into your home’s wall outlet and it will help dramatically lower energy consumption and ultimately help reduce your power bills month after month. If you place your order right now, you’re going to get a 66% discount. Go to Don’twastepower com that’s. Don’twastepower com. You’ll be glad you did all around it. Yeah. Anyway, so you’re talking about corn and going to the grocery store and feeding the crows.

Yeah, feeding the crows. And everybody’s saying, why feed them? Why they got to eat too? It’s wintertime. Because at first when we first started, we would put out corn. The squirrels, the chipmunk, they were hilarious. Because the chipmunk, they’re small little critters. One of them tried to pick up a corn and run with it to his house, I guess, picked it up and it was too heavy and he fell backwards with it.

And I laughed and that chipmunk got mad. But we give him peanuts, corn, bird, bird feeds. We feed the animals out here. We live out in the country. Just real quick, I wanted to make a point because I think it could really help you guys if you wanted to take on a new project. Is I’ve seen some YouTube channels that they’ll live stream the nature and the animals and they’ll put food out for, like you said, chipmunks squirrels and all these other animals and crows and birds.

And it’s really fun to watch them and they don’t realize they’re being recorded and they’re just doing their thing and that’d be fun. Man, I’d like to see that because it sounds like you’ve made a pretty cool relationship with some of the wildlife out there. That’s great. We do. And during the summertime when we eat the watermelon, we throw out the rinds, and the deer will come at night and eat them.

Deer, all kinds of things. Bigger animals will come and eat the watermelon rinds. But we always enjoy being out here, just feeding the nature because it’s a blessing. Blessing to us. We got to feed everybody and do what we can. I like crows. They’re pretty awesome birds, man. They’re strong, but ravens are even stronger. And a lot of people oh, yeah, you can tell difference between a raven and a crow because a raven, they have those longer beaks.

A crow has those small beaks. And sometimes if they don’t have enough, we got peanuts out there for the squirrels, and they’ll eat some of them peanuts. But they’re hilarious when they eat peanuts because they try to crack open them, and they just shake their head like crazy trying to open up that peanut. I know they’re nuts in there. Like I said, they’re hilarious to watch them, but that’s what we do.

It’s fun out here. When are you coming back to New Mexico? Probably as soon as it warms up, because the weather, I got to get re acclimated to that cold weather. My skin got a little weak being in this warm south country. The coldest he got, like today is up in the 60s, so it’s going to be a beautiful day today. We don’t see snow until probably late January, and it’s like half an inch.

And people go crazy out here when it does that. Walmart shelves are empty and everything. I said, man, I just look at him. I just laugh, I guess today I want to talk about I told you what we’re going to talk about, basically surviving the reservation and all that. But like it always says, today’s Thanksgiving, so happy Turkey Day. But everybody’s saying Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving. I’m saying happy Shalako.

This weekend is Shalako, and that starts out our winter solstice, and normally we have it in December, but this year it’s about a week early. And I kept wondering, I said, Why is it a week early? And our stargarrizer basically told me that because we had two blue moons this year, and the last one was in October. And when we had the last one, that’s when he set the date for Charlote.

And I said, okay, well, Charlote is going to fall into November if he sets the date today. So he did, and it got, you know, Thanksgiving weekend, we’re having it, and so everybody’s preparing right now. My sister called me yesterday, and I said, I got to make it quick. We’re busy, we’re busy. I said, what are you doing? Well, I baked two oven loads of bread already. And I said, wow, that’s about like 50 to 60 loads of bread.

And you’ve experienced it. They’re welcoming. Zuni. People are welcoming. If you have a zuni escort you in, they’re not going to basically ban you. But they had to get that strict, I guess, because even though there’s big signs that says no picture taking, no sketching, no recording, no this, people will try to do whatever they can. I don’t know if they’re in their rebel years or what, but break the law, break the law.

But no, they try to do that. So that’s what kind of told, I guess, the tribal officials and the religious leaders that we need to somehow control it. So now we came up to a roadblock, but it was no big deal going across it. And I talked to them and it’s okay, we went through. You all got to see coming off the mountain, but that’s just the beginning part of it.

So I’m going to go back and I’m going to tell you. Shalako is a year long process of preparation. They have six kivas, and each kiva has a Shalako. And when those Shalako come off the mountain, or when they start preparing it, the kiva leaders, each kiva will have to pick up two representatives to represent the Shalapo. And those two representatives will also look into that’s, the longhorns, that’s part of the group, too, that’s coming with the Shalipo.

But they start preparing a year long, and those two representatives are going to learn the migration prayer by memory. They have a year to learn it, and it’s about hour and a half to 2 hours long prayer. And it talks about from the very beginning of when Zuni first migrated from the Ant people in Grand Canyon and how they come up from the underworld into where they are now.

And he talks everything about it. And again, the book, matilda Cox Stevenson’s, Ethnology Report 19 one nine three has that information in there. Back then, she was allowed to document it, and she did. And so if you want to read it, look online. It’s on there. And the thing about it is, the AI, if you have a computer that would read it off to you, it’s an AI reading that whole story.

But you can’t pronounce the Zuni words, so you get fumbled over zoomy words. So who do I look up wanted to listen to this? Yeah, you can go online. I’ll see how Kim found it and I’ll put it on the link. I’ll send you the link again. Okay. What was her name, though, you said from 1926? No. Matilda Cox Stevenson. Matilda Cox Stevenson, Ethnology Report bureau of Ethnology Report 19 one nine three is the last one she did, but she has another one previously that she did back in 1883.

And that’s when Frank Hamilton cushion came out to Zuni also. And Frank Hamilton cushion has a book called Cushion. They’re the first two ethnologists that came to Zuni to start documenting everything. So they document Shalako and Shalako. Like I said, it’s a year long process. And when Shalako comes, it’s a whole village activity. And that starts our winter solstice, and it’s going to be the coldest two days of the year when Shalako comes.

Why, I don’t know. After Shalako Shalako, like I said, they come off the mountain, they dance all night, and then the big Shalako, the tall ones, are going to have Shalako races the next day, and then they depart along with the longhorns that you have in the back of your picture. They participate. Then they depart on Sunday evening. But the Kivas are going to continue the celebration for six more days, sunday through Friday, every night, they’re going to have dances and whatever going on to the new Shalako houses that they built to have the Shalakos come in.

Families usually sponsor the house, but the Kiva group is the one that build the house, or that family that sponsors the house. So if you want a free house, go sponsor a charlote group and you get a free house. You know, they do that to the Zuni people. And normally it’s a big house, like my mama’s house. You see how big my mama’s house was, those kind of houses, it belongs to the family, and that will start the generation of passing it down, because Zuni is a matriarchal society, so it won’t go to the boys of the house.

It’ll go to the daughters of the house. It’ll go like my mama’s house. My sister got that house, my oldest sister, even though she has her own house, she got that house because she’s the oldest female in the household, so she got it. I did have another sister, but she passed about ten years ago, something like that. So now our only sister got that house. So she has two houses now.

But when Shalako happens, everybody is fed. You know that we ate it. Jimmy’s like crazy. And I always tell everybody, if you go to Shalako house to go watch the dances, I tell people, I say, do not eat a lot, because every time you go to a house, you have to eat, because they’re blessing you with food. And again, like they say, if you don’t accept their blessings, you’re stealing their blessings.

So they’re blessing you to be blessed, so you eat. And I tell them, I said, don’t eat a lot. I know the food is good, great and everything, but don’t eat a lot, because every time we go, even if it’s not a shallow house, even if we go visit somebody, they say, come on in and eat. Come on in. If you notice. Well, I don’t think you’ve been visiting other tribes, but if you go to other tribes, like we went to Laguna for their feast, every house would come up, come on in my house and eat.

Come on in my house and eat, man. I said, Man, I’ll be a butter bowl by the time I get out of here. But as we know, that’s how thanksgiving started, the natives fell for pilgrims. So I think it’s the pilgrims trying to keep the natives down. But anyway, that’s beside the point. I always say that every year, but haven’t got invited to a dinner yet. But every time a celebration goes on, no matter what tribe they’re going to feed you, and Shalako is one of them that we do feed a lot of everybody.

And that’s why they cook all that bread, they cook all that stew, tamales, I mean, you name it, they’ll cook it. And even dessert. Yeah, there you go. That’s a lot of eating going on and a lot of food going on. And by the talk you asked me about Inch and India right behind you, the two of them. There you go. No, I’m talking about in a shrine back there.

Yeah, there you go. And those are the two war gods that brought us from the underworld and guided us to where we are now. Every time you hear in fact, when you read the story about the migration on the Matilda Cox Stevenson book, it talks about the two war gods that led the mean to where they are now. And even when we know different tribes like Hopi, when they decided to stay in Arizona, hopi was with Zuni when they migrated.

So when they went to there, they make sure they settled and then Zuni moved on. And when they got a place to where they called Hanchapika, that’s where the Zunis separated again and some of them went south. That’s where the two eggs, remember two eggs, remember two eggs, the blue egg and the colorful egg. That’s where they separate. That’s how they separated. They roll the egg and whichever egg they pick, they went with the egg and they rolled the egg.

And whatever female it came to, that was their partner when they separated. So that’s where it happened. And when they separated, those people went down south and it was the Macaw egg that they followed. And that’s why the Macaws are more south, southern, central America and South America. And the crow egg was just a beautiful egg, colorful egg, and that came out west, or zunias right now. But as we go through the migration story, it tells us a lot about everything and about the Shalafos, but everything.

So when I go into our holiday seasons, we follow zoom wave, because after Shalako, after it’s all said and done, they get a ten day break, ten day break that starts their winter solstice, which brings in the ten day fast. And after the ten day fast, after the ten day fast brings in the Zuni new year. And that new year is according to the galaxy, because that’s how the stargazer and the galaxy fraternity agreed to work.

Okay, now is the time to do it and they do it. And when that new year comes, that starts our new year, which in structuralism again, that starts when after Chalako is over, they get that break and then the fasting is over with. That’s when they start choosing for next year Shalapo. And then the houses and the representatives and everything will start from the beginning and people will start building and people will get trained that took the position.

They’ll get trained. Like I said, it’s a year long process and it goes yearly every year, but throughout the year, after Shalako and after everybody’s picked and everything, then comes our night dances. Night dances. Of the six kivas, we have six weeks. Not really each week, but could be every other week. But whenever they get ready, we’ll have a night dance. Night dance starts around 09:00 till about 203:00 in the morning.

And those dances will happen six times. And when that’s over with, then we start preparing for our summer solstice, our summer rain dances. And again, it’s according to when that stargazer said, okay, it’s time. It’s time for this, time for that. Because usually around April he’ll start looking about how it’s lining up. And once it lines up to a certain position, he’ll announce it to the people. Okay, we had our last frost is coming in two weeks, so let’s start preparing our land to plant.

And then people will go out and plant well, they go and plant, but anyway, they will go out and plant corn. Whatever their farm is, whether it’s corn, watermelon, beans or wheat or whatever they’re planting, they’ll go out and plant that. And then again the summer solstice come and summer solstice come before it happens again. The whole tribe will fast, but not for ten days anymore, but just time for four days.

And then after the fourth day, the rain priests, they make their pilgrimage and then they come back and they bring the rain dancers with them. And then they have a rain dance again, sort of like Shalako, but they come off the mountain. They dance all night, all day, the next day. And usually it’ll rain during the time that they’re dancing, so it’s a blessing. And then that brings in the monsoon season and it’ll start raining and of course you plant it so everything’s growing, growing.

And then when it’s time, the stargazer says, okay, you have two weeks before we get our first frost, so start harvesting. Everybody go out and harvest. And when I was growing up, there would be people riding their buggies wagons to the fields and we jump on one of them and go out there and we help them all day. And then when we get home, he’ll share some of his crop with us.

That will be our so, you know, we would work like that. And back then, when I was growing up, zuni was self sufficient to where they really did. We had one little trading post that had little bit of know, but not a know. We would have farmers farm and we have ranchers some of them had sheep, some of them had cows. And again, everything was exchanged. Nothing was sold to these people.

We didn’t sell each other. Money was not of value during that time. I will trade you this or that, I’ll give you some of this or some of that. They would always trade something, or if they have plenty, they just end up giving it to whoever needs it. And after that, during that time, we’ll have what they call harvest dances. And harvest dances usually has a giveaway at the end of the dance.

So whatever you plan it, you end up giving to the people, sharing it with the people that come watch the dances. And so that would last for a while. And then probably till about late September, October, that would be the last time of their harvest dance. And after that harvest dance, then again, they go out and set date for Shalipur again. So it’s a structure in our life to where we do that.

Now, functionalism, according like for me, we have our Patrilineal and our matrilineal clan system. So our Patrilineal clan we help sponsor, we help support, and our matrilineal clan we take with our mama and do whatever needs to get done. You have a responsibility on whatever is going on. And each clan is represented somehow to where, when it happens, you have a choice of which way. You have responsibility of both sides, your matriline and your Patrilineal side, to help out.

So that’s just part of our thing. Zuni I like it because it’s out of everybody’s way. Closest town is about 45 minutes away. Closest Walmart, I’ll put it this way, is about 45 minutes to an hour away. And there’s nobody, no, kind of. Well, it is happening now. At first when cell phones came out, we had one cell tower. And when everybody gets on it, you’d be lucky if you got on it.

But if we had one so it got overloaded, or when it snows, nobody gets on it. Same with our television. We have one translator and when it snows, ain’t nobody watching TV. So nobody really had reason to have a TV because we didn’t have cable, we didn’t have anything like that. And finally, starting about two years ago, they start working on it. And this year probably is the first year, they’re going to have high speed Internet.

Some say it’s going to be good, some say it’s not going to be good. And so a lot of the people have refused to allow the Internet come to the house, even though it’s free for the first five years. High speed Internet. But some people don’t want it in their house. The traditional teaching is still probably going in their house. That’s why they don’t want it in the house.

Because nowadays with the cell phones, everybody looking down, all the kids have cell phones. Because again, cell phones, again is free for life. For the zuni people, we have cell phones that’s free for life, so why not get it? It’s free. I just you’ll not have a cell phone, but they say you gotta have it. You gotta have, you know, it is what it know. Greg, let me just jump in for a minute, man, because it’s like, technology is amazing, and it’s equally as not amazing.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I have literally just what you’re talking about. I’ve been thinking about what it was like 30 years ago when I was a kid, and I didn’t have a phone with me everywhere I went, and I didn’t have a phone to look up directions. I didn’t have a phone. I had to go find it myself. And now it’s anything you want, basically, in many regards, many things you want, you can find on your phone now.

So it’s literally changed the way people think. It’s all about balance. You have so many opportunities there. And as a native, like you said, there’s things that are offered that are free that a lot of people don’t take advantage of. And so it’s all about balance. Right. I can feel what you want to do with the Zuni nation, man. I can sense it. And I think it’s amazing because tell me, correct me if I’m wrong here, but I feel like you want to take the reservation the nation the nation, the Zuni nation to the next level, and you want people to kind of maybe, okay, let’s take these traditions, but let’s look at the 21st century also and incorporate both and not look at one or the other as bad or good, but kind of take the good of everything and bring it together so that you’re more modernized, but you’re also more independent, like growing your own foods and stuff, right? Yeah, well, yeah, well, again, modernized planting and Zuni planting.

Again, modernized planting. You see it’s when I was up in Pennsylvania, I saw it in Amish countries as well as the Mennonite country. The Mennonites had a tractor with a GPS on it, making a perfect feel, mean. Right. In sync with everything. With the Amish, it’s not too perfect because they don’t use tractors, they use horse. As a zuni. I looked at it different. I looked at it as when you use a tractor plant and the tractor is throwing the seeds in as it goes, everything, the whole do a lot of planting that way, and it’s a lot easier.

But again, what is the spirit behind a planting in there? And what happens if you have an EMP? Yeah, like in Zuni, you have a digging stick. When you have a digging stick, you can only jab it down so far to mother earth, and you’re doing it taking your time, makes you realize how hard you work to earn what you plan, make you appreciate the plant. And while you’re planting, you’re talking to mother earth, you’re talking to the seeds.

You’re talking to your digging sticks, saying, look, we got to work together. Let’s work together and get this harvest, have a good year of harvest. And it may not be a perfect line, but you’re still going and you’re planting, and again, you’re connecting with their seeds, with Mother, with the digging stick. So as you planted, you’re going like that rather than going into, just say, with a tractor.

Tractor. I’m sure he’s got a spirit somehow, the machine. But it’s aramon. Yeah, but that’s the whole thing. Again, I’m throw this in, just quick one. That’s the reason why I’m teaching is because I want people to realize, to connect with their source above and below. Mother, Father, Creator, whatever you want to call him, God, whatever, connect with your higher source and Mother, because we are, as they say, as above, so below.

We are the connection to heaven on earth. And if we can connect to have a spiritual life, it’s like the Buddhist visualize world peace. You think how much peaceful people would be. Not crazy. But anyway, that’s a side thing. I have a dream. Yeah, I have a dream. It’s really good, because to understand your spiritual side of you again, we have students right now. Our class has students from one end of the coastline to the other end, from east to west.

We have students in between taking our classes, and we have some that are taking it because they really want to learn, and they just don’t have to be native. We got one lady, she’s a Puerto Rican. She’s going through a lot herself, and she’s saying, what’s going on with this? What’s going on? When she’s taking a class, she is really into it. We got them in modules, and she really studies everything.

And when we have our Zoom meeting to talk about it, she has some good questions. And I told her, I said, this last one we had, I said, look, you need to catch up because we’re fixing to heat the meat. My next class is going to be the magic. The magic. I will teach you that magic, because everybody keep asking me, what is the magic? Well, fix and teach it.

And our next classes are going to be going up. Teach getting yourself in a higher dimension of where you are, because this class, like I said, the medicine will teaches you white, yellow, red, black. Well, what are those? White is fire. Yellow is white is fire. Yellow is air. Red is Mother Earth. Black is water. And those, again, are the four skin colors of the world. But okay, we look at energy.

What is that energy? Well, energy. In this class, I teach them about mind over matter. You can talk yourself into doing like you can talk yourself into saying, I’m going to pick up that 500 pound block. I’m going to pick up that you get down there, you get down there. You talk yourself into it without thinking. You can pick that up. When you get your mind over matter taken care of.

You may not hold it long, but at least you can pick it or you can nudge it. Because when we talk ourselves into it, that is mind over matter power. Well, when you get yourself mind over matter power, yellow is air, which is vibration. That’s when your vibration goes up along with your energy. And when your vibration goes up with your energy, you’re going to the transformation chakra, which is your heart chakra.

White actually is the beginning of the transformation because you’re talking yourself into it. And that’s like chanting. A lot of people will chant, chant, chant, chant till they can do it. A lot of shamans would chant until they get their cells. Part of that’s where we talked about shape shifting, you chant. You chant mind over matter. You’re talking, you’re chanting, you’re chanting. You’re connecting all these things. You’re connecting everything.

Once you connect your everything and your energy is going up to where you can do it, your vibrations is with you, to where the vibration is going up to where transformation happens, boom. You can do it. But before you can get to that part, mother Earth is down here. You got to ground yourself, which is your root chakra. Your root chakra is Mother Earth, which is your first chakra.

That’s where you start learning how to well, people say, I know how to ground. I know how to ground. How do you ground? Well, I’ll just take my shoes off, get my feet on the ground and do it. I said, you don’t connect with Mother or Father or whatever nature, whatever. Oh, no, I just close my eyes and put my head back and lay with my well, you got to connect again.

Things will happen when you start connecting, and that’s the whole thing. Well, water water is what your spirit spirit water moves by motion. So spirit is mostly your emotion. When people talk about emotion, you got to get yourself talked into. You got to get your energy up, your vibration up. Your emotion will be up. Remember your Holy Trinity. Mind, body, and soul, they all got to work together.

When they all work together, man, that’s where I come back and I show you. Okay, you’re ready for the magic? You’re ready for the magic? I got good references, talked about it, talked about it in Egypt. Well, the Eastern philosophy talks about it. The South American chamas talk about it, about that magic that I’m fixing to teach. And so I got some good references, and I tell people, I said, when you learn it, knowledge is practice.

You practice, practice, practice until you learn that knowledge of what I’m teaching you. Because when I teach this class, I not only tell you what these are and all that, I also give you the exercises on how to. Enhance or using mind over matter, how to work it and all that. Same with your vibration, same with connecting with Mother Earth, same with your water, your spirit, your emotion.

Spirit is basically fasting. You got to allow the spirit control the body and not the body control the spirit. So once I teach all that, then becomes the connection part start working together. But before you can do all that, you got to find out who you are. Who are you? Have you come to peace with yourself? Have you forgiven everything? We all go through traumatic experiences or some kind of something that really disrupted our life, but abuse or traumatic experience, whatever.

But if we all go through it, come back and think about it, we learn we learn something out of it to where we awaken a little more. So Zuni being so isolated, I like it because there’s not hardly like I said, there’s no Walmart, there’s no big stores to really get what is already out there, technology wise or get influence. And I’m glad. Zoom is one of the still reservations that don’t allow alcohol on the reservation.

But it’s not strict. Strict, but you can bring it on. But at least they don’t have a liquor store to support them. And I’m glad about that. But being isolated, you’re more and no TV and stuff like that. The kids are more prone to go play outside, go climb the mountains. That’s what I did. I had to go play outside all day. Play outside all day, or there’s work to be done.

I do the work. We’re told, do your work and you can go play. Well, we go do a work, but we’re smart. We’re kids. We tell our dad, dad, we need a six pack of soda. Why you all need a six pack of soda? We just need he didn’t ask. Get a six pack of soda. We gather the neighborhood kids. Let’s have a wood chopping contest. Let’s see who can spit that big old arm.

If you do it, you get a swing out of this soda pop, man. Them kids will be chopping our wood. And my dad come on, says, man, you all chopped the whole lawn. We did. We didn’t want to chop every day, so we chopped the whole thing. But actually we had a contest where the kids come around and chop wood for us. Brilliant. And then the rest time we’d be out mountain climbing that mountain behind my mama’s house that you saw there’s.

No. Many times. How many times I climbed that mountain, and I know exactly where a lot of old villages used to be that hasn’t been discovered by anybody. There’s all way in the back, what they call almost by the twin buttes in the back on northwest corner of where my mom’s at. Behind those mountains behind Blueberry Mesa. There are actually pictographs out there, but I don’t think anybody knows about.

I’ve seen them, let’s go, get back there. We’re going to be doing a lot of podcasts and documenting all that stuff, but that’s about the kids. That’s how they are. And kids being raised in Zuni, I’m surprised. My nieces and nephews, they’re all respectable. It’s not like they go crazy and running around all that. They’re more respectable. And I like that you go over there, hey, uncle, how it’s always uncle? They never call you by your name.

And all this kids are more controlled to where when I go back home, I’m proud to say I’m their uncle because they respect me, and they don’t go crazy with what I do. They don’t answer questions, they don’t ask questions. They just say, okay, if you do it, then they ask you, can I do it if I think they can do it? Yeah. And that’s the way I was raised, I was told, because I remember my grandpa had a truck, and he got to a point to where he couldn’t drive it.

He was just sitting there, and I was like, maybe 1112 years old. I asked my grandma, I said, can I learn how to drive that truck? Well, can you reach the pedals? Yeah, it was standard. I mean, I don’t know how many clutches I’ve heard, but I learned how to drive on a standard field, standard truck, just going, driving out to the farm and back. I’m driving out there, haul water, come back.

But it was an honor and privilege to learn how to drive. That’s where I learned how to drive and things like that. There was no age limit on what you can do. We would allow some of our and they have to learn. Kids have to learn, so we allow them to learn. And when they learn it, they gain experience on how to do things. And it all goes back to how the kids is raised again.

When they come out of shoot, they get what they call craterboard. And you can tell a craterboard baby to a non crater board baby. A craterboard baby is more disciplined. Because when they put on a crater board, when they strap them down and they’re sleepy, they strap down sleepy. When they wake up, they unstrap them, and that’s when they stretch out. Wow. As they go on, in the beginning, first two years of their life on the crater board, they learn that that crater board is one safety net for them, and two, they’re controlled where they don’t go crazy.

And those crater board kids, you go to the house, they’ll be sitting there. Usually if the TV is on, they’re watching it. If not, they’re just sitting there. Or they’ll be doing whatever they need to do, but they won’t be running around anything. But the kids that are not cradled, they’re all running around causing all kinds of havoc in the house. But that’s how you can tell, even in dances, when I was growing up there’s some kids that used to just run around on top of that roof by the plaza.

And I remember this one old man, boy, you don’t want to run around when he’s up there because he’ll grab you. He’ll take his belt off and whoop you. He’ll care who you are. He’s just going to grab you and whoop you and send you home. When you go home and tell your person, I got whooped by so and so, well, you probably deserve it. Were you naughty? Well, yeah.

Okay. Nobody asks questions. We just get whooped not beat to death, but back then, they know what whooping is and beaten to death, but all that. So it was discipline that we had to abide by, and we learned to respect it, respect our elders. And all these things on a reservation is just really different. And it was a culture shock for me when I left the reservation and started my journey in life.

I left when I was 14. I left when I was 14. I went to Clovis. I went to school out there. Then when I graduated from high school, I joined the military. And after the military, I’m still trying to find my way back. But I think this year is it. I’m going to move back to the reservation because it’s time. It’s time for me to go back and enjoy the reservation life again, because I missed that.

Miss going out to the mountains, miss going out to the ranch, miss going out to doing whatever you want to do and watching the dances. Dances going on seems like for self entertainment, if not religious dances, we got social dances going on. And so something’s going on. Even though they’re Isaac, they’re entertaining themselves to where something is going on. And there’s usually people participating to where everybody is involved, not just one person or one group, but everybody’s involved in that.

So that’s part of functionalism as to what we do on residential and everybody’s supportive. Again, if I get hungry walking down the road, I said, Man, I’m hungry. If one of the people that owns a house next where I’m at, hears me come on in my house, I’ll feed you. They would take me in, they’ll feed me, and in return, I would have to go out, do a little work for them, maybe chop wood, bring the wood in, something like that, I would do in return of being fed.

That’s how I will pay for my meal. And we don’t have a convalescent center or a nursing home or anything like that, because we take care of our elders. Even though they’re not related to you, you bring them in your house, you take care of them. If they don’t have family, you take care of them. And I like to do that because, man, digging their old history. Knowledge is my game.

I will take that cassette recorder everywhere I go, and I say, well, tell me about this. Turn it off. Tell me about this thing. And they’ll tell about the old stuff, what they used to do. And that used to be very learning for me because I really learned a lot of things and a lot of confirmation because as a young age going into the medicine society, young age being I was seven years old when I was taught.

I was taught by the elders back then and everything was just like old fashioned, as they call it. But actually it was more a spiritual teaching than what they do now. And like I said, everything broke down. And like that shrine that you had in the back where I say Inc and India, that thing, I could describe to you why this is there, why that is there. Like the rainbow.

That’s actually your chakras. Look at the bottom, it’s red. Look at the top, it’s purple. That’s their chakra colors. But it goes more because your actual chakras have twelve chakras, not just seven. And this is the reason why we’re teaching this as chakra and native alchemy. Because chakras do go with your colors of your medicine will red. Being Earth, that’s your root chakra, because you ground Mother Earth, that’s your roots.

And then it’s a survival chakra, which is, in order to survive, you got to learn how to love, got to learn how to be loved. You got to learn how to accept that love, got to learn how to forgive, learn how to forgive yourself and all this before you can go to the next chakra. Because the next chakra is water, emotion. Emotion is you got to be able to control your emotion.

Because when you get yourself fired up, which is the next chakra, the third chakra, which is fire, when you get yourself fired up, that’s when transformation starts. And when you get to the fourth chakra, which is the green, which is your heart chakra, that’s where your things happen. Transformation is happening. And after that transformation is your Blu ray chakra, which is your throat chakra. And that is your vibration to get you.

And by raising your vibration, you’re raising into the next dimension because your vibration is what raised you to the next dimension. Then when you get to the next dimension, it goes on to get into the celestial system. That’s when I guess, your top chakra. Well, before you get to the top chakra, your 6th chakra is where transformation of Esoteric things going to start happening. Now, your transformation is where you start seeing stuff happening.

Like you start seeing the star people. They start communicating with the star people. When you go into the Esoteric, that’s when you start going into remote viewing or you start doing other things like that psychic surgery and all this. That’s what’s happening. And top chakra is you’re out there. You’re out there. And the more I question my elders, the hobin and avoid all that the more I question about that astral chakra.

It’s really interesting because they always tell me that we as humans come from the dust of the space. Not Earth, but the space. That’s how we come and get created on Earth. That’s how our creation starts. Our spirit is out there. It’s just that when our spirit again dirt, mother Earth and creator, when they come together, that’s where you are. And they also tell you that space has no time.

Space has no time all these time. This is the year that this is going to happen. This is the year that why do they say that? And if it doesn’t happen, what do they say? Because they tell you the space has no time. It’s an infinite thing. You go out to space, your soul is an infinite being. It could go to the next dimension, which is transformation or reincarnation or going to where next planet, whatever.

It’s going to be an infinite being. It’s going to be infinite. But the Avatar is going to stay with Mother Earth because that’s where Mother Earth was created. Mother Earth gave you the breath of life to come to this Earth. And so the elders take we all chose come here. It’s like they gave us a plan here. This is what is going to happen to you while you’re down there.

You accept that, you learn to go through it. You learn from it or you don’t. And as they say, you come as a light, but your light transmute to dark because they control you. They try to change you. But as you go through this abuse or whatever tragic event you go through, it kind of wakes you up. When it wakes you up, you’re transmuting yourself back to light.

And that’s what they call awakening. It’s what they tell me. That’s why you are awakened. You were awoken at the age of three. Whether you realize it or not, you started awakening at that point. You remember it. And I said, well, the only thing I remember is I remember climbing out of the car and walking off into the woods. Then from there I don’t remember what happened. And then two weeks later, I remember riding on the back of that man that was carrying me out of the woods.

He gave me a piggyback ride, put me on his back and walked out the woods with me and walked all the way to Zuning. Handed me over to my grandma, says, this is going to be my godson. I will train him the way I want to train him. I’m a medicine man, so I will bring him to my group training. He’s got special gifts. And everybody says, well, what did they teach you? They didn’t teach me anything.

We all have gifts. We just teach you modalities of the ceremony to where you have that magic, you have that gift. And that’s what I’m referring to when I say the classes I may sound like I’m advertising, but really, everybody has that gift. And then when everybody knows about it, hopefully they can understand what I’m trying to say, because people can ask me, well, what is a Rainbow Warrior? I’m a rainbow warrior.

I’m a rainbow okay, if you are, what’s your job as a Rainbow Warrior? What do you do? Well, I need to learn from you. I said learn what? It’s just like when I was accused of giving away religious secret. I said, what religion are you defending? Okay, you need to really learn what you’re going to be practicing before you practice. These little Mormons come around, and I love them.

I bring them in, I say, I listen to you. Then I ask them questions like that. What is the Mormon religion? How come you believe in one man, Joseph Smith? Why? Who is he? They won’t even know who know. But as we talk, as I tell them, I said they asked me, I said, I’m spiritual. I believe like the hawk in the back, I believe that hawk has a spirit.

Everything has a spirit. The tree, tree has a spirit. I believe in that. I talk to the trees. I talk to the birds. I talk to squirrels. I talk to crows. They come around, what do you want? They talk bad. Crows are bad about talking bad. I just want that. Well, what do you do to earn that corn? But it’s amazing how things will come around, and we just don’t do it just because we want blessings and all that.

We just do it unknowingly. And blessing comes unexpectedly in our life. And when it does happen, we appreciate it. We appreciate it because it’s unexpected, and we say, thank you, crow, or thank you, tree, thank you, whatever. But we connect with them, and that’s the biggest part about everything, connection. And when I tell people, I say, if you really want to be a Rainbow Warrior, start grounding. Find out who your source is, start connecting.

Then you got to get your answers. I give him some references on what to look at. A lot of things are documented. Project Looking Glass is documented real good about remote viewing. But when they teach it, they can’t teach it. Why? Because they’re living out the soul. They’re teaching the mind, the body, but they don’t know the spiritual part about it. When I look at that stuff that Matilda Cox Stevenson documented back in the 18 hundreds, she was unlimited to document.

They told her she can observe and document what she’s observing. So she started doing that, and then that was her first Ethnology report. The second Ethnology report is when she went back in and started digging a little deeper. But the elders told them, well, this is the prayer that we pray. This is the relics that we use and everything. But they don’t teach them the meaning behind the prayer, meaning behind that relics it’s just like when I talk about crystals, a lot of people say, well, what are you all crystals for? Well, a lot of medicine use it to look around.

The naval use it to look they they go they put an eagle teardrop on that crystal, and they looking in the galaxy, they looking beyond. Same as the Hopies, same as the Akma people, they use it stargazing. They look into the crystal. Some people use it as kind of like a crystal ball. They look into it. Whoever they’re trying to help, they can tell them the crystal ball or the Star crystal will show them what that person is going through.

And then when they tell them, that person, you hit it right on the money. Okay? Things like that is out there. But again, how you use it, you can smudge it, you can say prayer over it and all that, but if you don’t connect with it, it’s not going to happen. And that connection is the magic, how you connect with it. Again, raising your energy, your vibration, control your emotion, connecting with your source, those are things that learn how to use it.

And again, once you learn it, practice it. Practice, practice, practice, practice this knowledge. When you gain that knowledge, it becomes wisdom, because you’re more wise about how to use it right and not abuse it. Because when you abuse, it too far back at you. Far back at you. So you have to learn to use it. But things that we do in this world, to me, it’s really like a movie.

Because when I go out there and I look around, if I’m not out in nature, I’m lost. I don’t like to go in big cities. Bad enough where we at, we’re driving to town, we just go from point A to point B to point C back home, because there’s so much craziness energy in that area. Like, you go to Walmart. Walmart got all I mean, some people be nice.

You turn around, somebody will grow in it. But you just have to tell them, boy, those that don’t like to hear that, you just smile and walk away. Yeah, hello. But I just wanted to tell you a little bit about Zuni, what we go through and how life is out there and got a little experience out there and how beautiful it is. You need to bring back that Salt Lake drone video you have out there, because everybody it’s hard to look for in your stack of I thought, you know what, man? That was such a beautiful experience.

Absolutely priceless, majestic, magical. I actually was looking back at some of our just in my memory banks, thinking about some of our experiences, and we’ve had some really amazing experiences. Man, I really want to hang out with you again soon. And the reason we didn’t really get to do much last time is money, bills and issues, right? So we all have them. If we didn’t have them, then we wouldn’t have a pulse.

But just at that time, I just wasn’t able to get out there. Now I’ve got some other avenues that I’m working on right now to bring in a little bit more funds so I can go out and do these field trips, because these field trips are expensive, but they’re so worth it. And people have been asking me, like, Rex, we missed the field trips. And I’m like, hey, I get it, man.

I don’t have the sponsorships that I used to. I’m doing the best that I can. With that said, next time you come out, whether it’s tomorrow or the beginning of next year or in March, I give you my word, unless something happens. But if I can make it, I will. I’m planning on making it with you and going out there and spending some time spending a few days out there, and anything that you want to document or talk about, it would be an honor.

And I’ll bring all the equipment. And I’m talking to a couple people right now that actually have a little bit of money to put into a couple projects. So I’m even looking into possibly getting a loan for a documentary. So we’ll keep talking. We’ll make it happen. And I want to show off your Facebook page just because I’ve had people ask me like, Rex, I’ve left the link, but I just want to show people it’s real easy.

It’s one nation tribal alliance on Facebook. And I’ll leave the link there. And then once you’re contact me on that, the class is still open, okay, that’s we’re teaching is still open, and we’re going to keep it open until end of December. And once we close it, it’s going to go back up to a regular price, which is going to be 600. We got it on for less than half off because it’s now for 297.

But again, this will help you be the groundwork of, like I said, learn how to raise your vibration, your energy, your motion, and grounding the Mother Earth, as well as learn the chakras. Why is chakra so important? Well, ground chakra, water chakras is next. Energy chakras, and then your air chakra, your vibration. That’s where the transformation we break all that and our next class in January is going to be even higher than higher vibration.

I’m going to go into that Matilda Cox Stevenson’s Galaxy fraternity and stargazers already talking to no, I’m talking to three stargazers, one Navo Akama, and Izuni looking at talking to the stargazers. I’m comparing my notes already, because that’s to do that, to understand that got to be able to raise up your vibration to a higher dimension. Like I said, I knew that there were aliens out there or it’s not aliens.

They don’t like to be called aliens because they done told me that our shooting mantis came and said, we’re not aliens. Yes, sir. But they didn’t do it like that. They’re so peaceful, loving people, and everybody saying, well, I’m going to be attacked by these space beings. I said, we’re not going to be attacked. They’re already here. The reptilians already here. So they’re just trying to give us messages right now.

But to get to that level, to receive this kind of know going that part kim’s going to do light language I’m going to do about galaxy fraternity and stargazing, and that’s going to be the next level of because that’s going to be a picture. Higher vibration. Higher vibration level. And like I said, I knew they were out there, but I said, yeah, played it off. Played it off until they came up and showed me at the VLA, I saw that clear daylight.

Not told Kim. I said, look at that shiny thing that’s come. Kind of weird plane because it doesn’t have a chemtrail or doesn’t have an exhaust trail. She looked there and says, oh, that’s a spaceship. Grabbed my camera, ready to take a picture of it. Got it up there. I said, wow. But like I said, I’m hard headed. Show me again. Prove to me again. Coming out, start taking pictures of the clouds.

They’re in the clouds. I said, why are they following us? They’re just protecting us because what we did or what we experienced, they’re just protecting us. They’re to protect us. I said, wow. I said, okay, you all do up there. But the more I study into it and listen to some of these elders, they all know about it, but they just don’t want to come out and say it because like they say, they don’t think we’re crazy.

Put us in a nursing home, lock us up. I said, no, they won’t, not as long as I’m alive. Ain’t nobody going to go nursing home. If I can’t put my mama in nursing home, nobody going to go there. Maybe that’s why I’m moving into my mama’s house. It’s got plenty of bedrooms. I don’t know. We don’t know yet, but I’ll find out when I get there. But these classes are going to be these are great.

We got some good students. I like it when they really ask me questions that they experience and all that and what they’re going through. It’s real interesting. Well, send me a link. Maybe I’ll pop in and say hi, and I’d love to hear some of that. And we’ll do a future presentation, actually, where people can attend. So I think that’d be fun. We’ll go do some field trips.

We’ll go explore some petroglyph spots. Yeah, we’ll have a lot of fun, man. And. Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Caleko. Did I say that right? Happy Shalako. That’s what I’m talking about. Happy Shalako. Hello. Happy Shalako. I don’t need to edit that out, do I? People be like, Rex, you’re such an idiot. Hey, I apologize. I’m getting ready to eat some turkey. You are what you eat. What’s your name? I said okay.

How about another one? I said, Greg. Just call me Bob. Call me Bob. That’s easy. You won’t forget that? Yeah. Call me know you can call me. Oh, yeah. That’s a great song. That is a great song, man. When songs used to be great. Call me out. Songs used to be Greg. Used to be Greg. When songs used to be Greg. Oh, man, can you hear the I got my grow tower pump going on.

Growing some kale, growing some lettuce, growing some parsley, some oregano, maybe some carrots if they work. Some tomatoes if they work. Actually, the carrots won’t work. I don’t think I have carrots in there. I’ve got tomatoes. And what else did I put? Tomatoes, strawberries, I don’t remember. But most of it’s lettuce. And the top shelf is starting to come out a little bit. But anyway, folks, that’s for a whole other podcast.

I’m going to let you all go eat some food and have a beautiful day. Spend time with those that you love. If you haven’t talked to somebody in a while that’s close to you, you know you need to call them. Call them. Tell them you love them if you can, give them a hug. Because right now we’re in the present, and the present is a gift. And I’m so thankful to be here with all of you.

Very thankful for all of you. Very thankful for you. Yes, I am. Thankful for your audience, your crowd, because every day is a thankful day. Every day is a thankful day. Not just today, but every day. We should be thankful for everything. Gratitude of attitude. Attitude of gratitude. I’m thankful for you, Greg. I’m thankful for you, too, man. We did a lot of things. You knocked yourself down at that I don’t know if you ever seen that Blazing Saddles movie.

Yeah, them cowboys and Indians cowboys were just going out there just suffering all that. The Indians up on top of that mountain says, should have showed them the highway. Love it. Well, you and Shande were down at the salt lake. I’m just up there. Should have showed them the pad, but it was a learning experience. Anyway. All right, bro, listen, great talking to you. And just for everybody on my group, I love you all and you all have a great holidays coming up.

I don’t know what I’ll be doing, but I’m still around. You get a hold of me, fine. I’m here, right? All right, well, I’m going to upload this right now on YouTube and be the change you want to see, everybody. Thanks, Ray. All right. Love you, man. Bye bye, SA. .


  • Leak Project

    The Leak Project is an esteemed member of the Truth Mafia, holding Tommy Truthful's certification. With a vast wealth of knowledge, they have gifted us the Serpent Verse and the Eagle. Furthermore, they were the pioneering force behind an exclusive interview, revealing unprecedented wisdom to the masses. Delve into the ancient war, characterized by the fierce rivalry between two brothers, Enki and Enlil. Brace yourself for a truly unique and captivating experience.

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