Hopi to Babylon: Prophecy of Planet X

Spread the Truth



➡ The text mainly discusses the ongoing investigation into shifts in the Earth’s magnetic fields, the potential influence of a so-called Planet X, and indigenous prophecies. Key contributors include Rex Bear from the Leak Project, Grandpa Malava, a Popey Elder, and Jesse from BP Earthwatch. Their conversation touches on sky phenomena, historical records of Earth’s changes, and future implications for the planet.
➡ The magnetic field of the earth plays a crucial role in controlling the tilt of the earth and subsequent weather patterns while also affecting animal migrations. Recent anomalies within the magnetic fields, potentially linked to an unidentified approaching object, have resulted in drastic climate changes and unusual phenomena such as red skies and the aurora borealis in unexpected regions. These distortions in the magnetic field could signify an imminent substantial change.
➡ The text is a discussion about a prophecy from elders which predicts a celestial body passing Earth, creating severe natural calamities including the flipping of the Earth’s axis, lightnings creating large fissures, and the magnification of solar flares. This event is said to result in earth changes including shifting weather patterns and tremors strong enough to lift people from the ground.
➡ In discussions beginning as early as 1932, the speaker recalls elders foretelling prophecies, many of which have since come to fruition. These prophecies, documented in an old video, discuss threats to safety and change coming from government figures, possible involvement of China and Russia, and earth-shaking events. The speaker emphasizes checking the evidence, preparing for the future, and the repercussions of not listening to these foretold prophecies. In addition, they share struggles with podcasting finances.
➡ The text discusses an unnamed, giant celestial body, potentially a planet or moon, which passes between the Earth and Sun twice causing significant impact, and emphasizing its previous appearances. It concludes with encouragements to engage with their Patreon for additional information and check the daily news on ES and IC.


When science meets prophecy. Hey everybody. Rex Bear leak project. This is a special podcast with Grandpa Malava, Popey Elder, as well as Jesse from the real BP Earthwatch. Now, a lot of you have been asking, Rex, where you been? Hey, I’m doing the best I can to keep leak project rolling, so we need your support now more than ever. Check us out at Patreon for a buck. Other wise, I’m going to have to go out and shovel more snow to pay for my podcast habits.

So if you enjoy the podcast, definitely check us out there. And also, we’re doing daily updates, awesome updates, news updates that you can use over at ESN. So I’m going to leave the link in the video description box. Check us out. Daily news updates iC news Planet X I used to be extremely skeptical. The more research I do, the more I see the very real possibility. Every x amount of years, no pun intended, there is an incoming planetary body that causes havoc on the planet.

Is it the every 12,000 years? I don’t know. But after you listen to this presentation, if you’re a skeptic at first, you’re certainly going to be a lot more open to the very real possibility of a time clock linked to a planetary body that some people refer to as Planet X. It’s even talked about by the natives. This isn’t just a babylonian tell. This isn’t just an american horror story.

This goes back to the Hopi legends. So buckle up, buttercup. I am really looking forward to this, folks. Thank you for watching Rex spare leak project. I hope you’re having a fantastic day. As you can see, we have Grandpa Maleva and we have Jesse from it’s great to see both of you. We have a hawk on my shoulder and an so and a legend amongst legends in the top left there.

We had a great conversation last time. There’s been a lot that has happened within the past few weeks since we’ve talked. What have you been up to, Malaba? Me? I’ve been studying and I had a few phone calls with a couple of elders about shifting of the Earth, and I brought that up seven years ago. So that’s what I’ve been doing, which I did bring up. And I even brought papers back from seven years ago about all this shift changing and the weather changing and all this stuff.

And I have a video that was 1932 when they first came and did this first get together with the elders. 1932 when the Smithsonian was there, and then they brought it back up when they went to you. Before that, they had one again in 1948 between the tribes there. And they had recording, but somebody recorded it off of a recorder, just maybe an eight millimeter. And everything that I’ve been saying and they’ve been saying, and it’s a fantastic recording because it talks about the earth shifting and all these things that are going to happen, the prophecies that are happening, the prophecies that are going to happen and what’s happening right now since 1932.

They even mentioned who they were, the people who I believe they were, and they were too, which was Russia and China and what’s happening to our people right now with the government. And this was all told in 1932, again, brought up in 1948. And then I brought it up again in seven years ago with actually drawings and stuff that I made about the earth and this planet going to get close to our planet.

I think I sent that to you one time. That’s what I’ve been doing lately. I’ve been trying to get caught up with that because I’ve been writing it down because it’s something that needs to be kept and hello, Ron, if you’re out there, my friend, my brother, he has the original paperwork, the ones that I told you about that were sent back to me from the stored away from the government vaults and then given back to us and then given back to me.

We have those. So I need to finish up the rest of it. And that’s what I’ve been trying to do, I think. Yeah, that’s a big. Yeah, it is. Because I have to go back a lot with my papers and go back on. I’m glad I got that video and some other things, but a lot of it’s already done that me and Ron have been working on for years.

And then the original prophecies that were stored away, those are the ones that we’ve been working on. I need to get them out there and get them to the people so they can read them and stuff like that. That’s what I’ve been doing. Well, hold that thought for a minute because I have so many questions, please. And Jesse, what have you been up? You know, it’s such a coincidence that you’re talking about the shifting of our planet.

And Rex, did you get the image I sent you of this morning’s video about the magnetic, it looks like magnetic shifting to me by the polar vortex motions. Very unusual oblong shape to the arctic vortex compared to this time last year we had that large circular pattern and I think it has to do with the magnetic shift which could be controlled by both solar wind and that may take a little deeper explanation, and also by magma movement underground.

If you have large chambers moving around the planet, the magnetics can be affected and also by any outside orbital object. But this morning, I don’t know if you got to see it, Martin, that I did a video about that change. Do you have that image? If you want to put that up right now, sir? One is last year of the vortex, Martin, and this may go along a lot with what you just mentioned.

Wow. Right there. The video is up from this morning, where it shows the motion of it and everything, but on the left, you see in the pink and red area that’s looking over the pole, North America’s to the left, and you can see how far down into North America that the vortex is. You’ve got even beyond the border with Canada on the right, north. Barely any of Canada is in it.

And I’ve got friends and a friend in Saskatchewan that was standing outside yesterday saying it was 45 degrees. Normally would be 45 below with snow, and it’s dry and 45 degrees. And notice that vortex is not only in part of Alaska, none of. I mean, none of the US, and very little of Canada. And it’s an oblong vortex, the change in one year. So what exactly does it mean, though? Well, it means that we have a magnetic shield around our planet, and the strength of that is determined by how strong the solar wind is.

It’s like a gyro. In other words, the stronger the wind that is hitting the north and south magnetic poles of our planet can cause our magnetic shields to expand out. In other words, the more energy that the sun is pumping towards us, the stronger the magnetics become. You see what I mean? It’s like an electric motor with hot and a negative ground. The more voltage you apply, the more that electromagnetic field increases.

If you measure it around an electric motor, same thing with the Earth. Well, so when you have changes in that magnetic field, it can affect everything. And I think that’s what we’re seeing here on the right is changes in the magnetic field. That’s why we had the extreme heat last year, or this year, excuse me, and they’re predicting 2024 to be even more than that. But anything coming by our planet or going between our planet and the sun can create what I call, and it’s not a scientific term.

It’s my term, a magnetic slip. And I believe it happened in 2013, in November, when we watched and filmed all the solar cameras and watched I sun approach the sun in an electric universe. I don’t know if you guys saw any of that? Rex? But 2013 again, no. What happened in 2013? Come at. I sun approached. Okay. Yeah, they said from the orc cloud, which really is speculative if that even exists.

It’s something that they really don’t know where it came from or if they will ever see the remnants of it again. But for days, as it was approaching the inner solar system, it was taking tremendous cmes from the sun, tearing the tail off of it sometimes twice a day as the sun was responding to the incoming comet. During that time, the sun’s energy was focused to that comet and not towards our planet or the other planets.

And then on that day, the magnetic. There’s graphs. You can look at it. That magnetic line that we saw in this video where I’m showing the magnetic north moving towards Siberia, getting closer to the true pole, that that slipped to almost 90 degree, turn to the left for a long time, and then turned back. And I think again, the comet came through and the attention was on it.

And it came across the sun around it and split into millions of pieces that spread out for 40 million mile. But it created a magnetic shadow that went like. The sun controls the tilt of the earth. The summer, the winter, all of that. And the sun went down. The earth would basically, the shields would collapse. Everything would be going. It would be like Mars if you didn’t have that magnetic field.

But that will cause this, I think, an approaching object. And then again, the magnetics will have a lot to do with lava chambers because you’re dealing. The magnetic field is what you use with a compass north and south. It’s what animals use to travel with. And when that’s altered, you start seeing beaching, whales, things like that. But we’re seeing an anomaly that I’ve never seen before. And I’ve been doing this a long time.

And that’s that oblong shape. So the reddish purple oblong shape, is that a density of the magnetic fields? Does that mean it’s denser in that area? That it’s the height and the speed of the higher elevations in the arctic vortex? And that’s basically where your auroras would come from, things like that. But that has again shifted the weather when I did the video this morning, once this is over, check it out.

The comments are coming in from Minnesota and places like that, Canada, to where they have no snow. It’s warm. They can wear shorts like here, too. I’m in southern Colorado and it’s blue skies and 40 something degrees outside and we should have five. I’m at 8000ft elevation, we should have several feet of snow. And I could go, you’re looking at the. Then does this also. Sorry to interrupt.

I’m thinking about all the red skies and aura borealis that we can see here in the US. Now. Would this be connected to that also? We sure could because the electromagnetic field absorbs the energy that creates the auroras both on the north and South Pole. And so it changes that. But right now that energy is much further north of the US and Canada than it was last year.

That’s cold air at high elevations that you’re seeing spins on both. The white one onto the right is higher speed than on the. But totally away from the US where it should be this time of the year. And Canada. Wasn’t there also an article that came out earlier this year that said that the core of the earth stopped spinning and then they came back and said, oh, it didn’t stop.

It just slowed down for a second? Well, I saw the article and I wanted to wait actually to report anything on it until we had more information because that would be pretty dramatic. I think it would be almost instant destruction. And are you familiar with what’s called the equatorial bulge, any of you guys? It’s in the ocean, right? It goes around the circumference of the planet, basically right at the equator or the center of the spin, and the ocean is 400 foot higher than it is, say, on the beaches in Florida because of that spinning.

Like if you’re spinning something, centrifugal force lifts that wave height and you had a stoppage of that spin, that bulge would collapse and you would have 400 foot tidal waves going both to the southern and northern hemisphere for a long period of time. Everything would change. It would be like God shaking every island out of its place, things like that. Again, I heard the report, but I’ve heard reports before that quickly were dismissed.

Good. That’s good news. But clearly we’re seeing a huge shift in the magnetosphere here, or what appears to be. My question is, if we were to go back and look at the past, you said you’ve been doing this for a long time. So if we go back and look at, let’s say, 50 years as an example, go back to 73 and look at every year, would we see changes like this or would they all be pretty much similar to the one on the left? Well, now you can go to my link, I mean, my website, bprswatch.

com, and I’ve had this link on there for about twelve years called null wind speed map. Look under Null all the links on the left are different links for this type of information, but it’s n u ll. And if the one on the left hadn’t been saved, again, this is new technology. It wouldn’t go back past probably 2010, something like that. But it’s also there. Is that it? Now I’ll show you how to get to where we were at right now.

If you want to see where it says earth down there on the left, that gives you different layers. Now where it’s saying you’re good in wind, but let’s see. You’re going to have to change it. Go to height. You’re in wind. Go up where it says height. Now go back, come straight down. Right there it says height, FSC. Go up. You’ve got it. Highlight there. Now go all the way over to ten.

That’s upper atmosphere. Click that. Now that looks like the Antarctic, which would be somewhere there. Flip it over. You can do it. Just left. Click your mouth and move that whole globe. There you go. Now look at where it’s at this year. Look at that. And last year it was down into probably Colorado, nowhere near it now. And you can click that out of your way if you want to by hitting them.

There you go. But now look at the US and you can coordinate this back north and south if you want to. You’re over Africa, but this thing is way out of whack. Us is top left, Canada, there’s India. Now they’re not seeing as drastic as we are because they have the normal circle, but our side of it is all compressed again. If we didn’t have that from last year, we wouldn’t really have anything to compare to.

But it should be down into Colorado and you see it tonight. Man, weather has been whack since at least 2011. I remember that’s when the sky appeared to be much less blue. The sun seemed to be much brighter, which I think has something to do with the atmospheric conditions, more so than the sun itself or both. But you can tell when the sun sets that you get that orange color again with the sun, like used to 2030 years ago.

But in the daytime, when the sun’s in the sky, usually, especially where you’re at, it’s going to be looking to appear like bright white versus yellow that some of us might remember from decades ago. What are your thoughts on this, Martin, if we could, I’d like to talk about the prophecy. You said in 32 there was a prophecy that was discussed with the government. Was that like the military or can you tell us more about that, if you give me a minute, I’m going to go get that drawing seven years ago.

And it’s saying the same thing Jesse is saying right now, that I drew up seven years ago, which they told us about in 1932 with the Smithsonian. People that were there at that time, they wanted Smithsonian to know, but they don’t care. But I kept it up and I kept it going. And not only myself, but some other elders saying that this was going to happen at this time of this time in our life.

And then I’ll tell you what they said after seven years from 2024. Okay. If you give me a minute, I’ll go get my drawing. Thank you. That’d be fantastic. Thank you. Hey, Rex, while we’re waiting, go back over there and click on earth. I want you to change the height of this pattern, if you will, and I’ll show you something else. It’s very interesting. I’ve done a video on.

Come down. Just go to a thousand. Let’s see what. Go the other way. Go there. We may have to change that. It’s been a few months since I checked it. Now spin the earth up to where the North Pole would be. Straight up, so you’ll be looking down on it. There you go. It takes a minute to get used to that. Now let’s change that height. That’s what I wanted to see.

Go back there and maybe go pull that up on Earth. Go to maybe 500. Let’s check that. I guessed 500. I’m going to buy a lottery ticket. Okay, there you go. That’s not quite the one. I should have looked at this before. I did. I did a video on it. Maybe 700 right there. It’s going to change what is happening over the area of the planet that we don’t get many pictures from.

Just change to those numbers. I’m not sure which one it is. While we’re waiting on Mr. Martin, right there where that circle is. The Things will change very quickly when we hit the right number. The last time I checked it, it did. What we were talking about was that it appeared that both in the north and the south Pole, there was wind going. You won’t be able to see it there.

I think it’s almost too high and. Yeah, it’s too high at that point. And it may be because we’re not seeing it because of this vortex change here. But you could see it. And I’ll pull the videos up in the future. But you could see it where it looked like the wind was going into the earth, spinning like a tornado into one section, never moving, like the rest of the vortex circles day after day after day.

Both right there where that circle is. But I can see right now what the problem is. More than likely. Is there some interference from that? Anyway, I was trying to take up a little time. That’s so interesting, man, because I remember a few years ago, I used to get on here and when there’d be storms and stuff, I’d goof around a little bit. That does look. I’d love to hear someone in the comments, do the video, what they think about this looks like the eye of Sauron.

Exactly what I thought some people said, the eye of a serpent. But it’s different. I’ve never seen it. It does. Look at that. It’s like a cat eye. Oh, man. Yeah. Wow. It should be round. And look what’s left out. The US Canada, man. And there’s the pupil right there. Yeah. Wow. That’s so bizarre. Well, this earth changes, and thank goodness we have the satellite technology now that we can see it.

And one thing I’ll say real quickly is that most of the time, when things get really interesting and some of us have learned to use this technology, they’ll take it down. It’s happened on dozens of apps. Right. If something bad is going to happen and everybody’s going to find out about it, then they do what they can to. We have to update that app. Oh, that has some issues.

Yeah, we need to redo the code on that and then they bring it back and it’s not as cool. They, like, take away the. I remember Google Maps was. Was people would leave their photos on there and you could find stuff from all over the world. And now you still kind of can, but it’s a much more tame version. It’s not as cool as it used to be.

Hey, Martin? Yeah? Did you find it? Yeah, I had to get my box of. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So do you want me to show you this thing now? That’d be great. Okay. So seven years ago, when I met up with some elders and stuff, and I had talked to them about different things, even though they told me about this stuff in 1968, it was one of the last time we all got together and talk inside about different things that were going on with earth stuff and what’s going to happen.

So they sit there and then they drew part of it for me on the ground in the dirt and were telling me and hoping how things are going to be. And I was trying to write it on paper, but it’s really hard to do that when you’re talking to them because they tell their tales, there’s things in stories not just like you and I and Jesse are talking right now.

So it took a while, a few years to figure all this out. And with numbers that my father had given to me with some really old papers there that I can’t. So what they said was just like Jesse’s telling us now that the earth is going to shift, but the reason why it’s shifting is because something is going to pass by. And I always told the people that when you feel the first shaking or shaking, you’ll actually lift up off the ground.

That’s how powerful it’ll be. So what it is is this here. I don’t know if you can see it. Yes. Okay, I’m going to hold it there. Let’s see. This is us right here. Earth here. Let’s see. Make sure this is earth right here. And from deep space out here, which, the way I interpret it from the elders was the seven sisters, something’s going to come. And with the people and technology, by the time this comes out, they’ll be able to see this thing coming.

But they’re going to know things already coming because things are going to change. They’re going to change because this paper here, this is what I’ve been working on. But things are going to change like Jesse said, it said, we call it teachings of things to come. They’re going to be volcanoes, winds, blood, earthquakes, heat, bad, cold, like cold weather. The Earth is going to flip. We call it flipping.

You know where it moves? That’s what this is right here. And it says on here two large shakings as the planet passes their earth. This planet that’s going to pass the Earth, which this is Earth right here. This is us right here. And this right here is the sun. And it’s going to pass around the sun also this. And it’s going to come between the sun and the earth.

And you’re going to come around. And that’s when the first shaking starts, which is coming from these squares. And these circles here are deep space. That’s what they mean in our pictoglyphs or stories. This square and the black, that means it’s coming from deep space and it’ll be dropping pieces of Earth. That means that when it comes close to Earth here on the side, the gravity of it is so strong it’s going to pull some of the pieces of Earth off, little pieces of Earth.

Then it’s going to pass around one time. And when it does, that have the shaking and then it’s going to go around this way and then go through the sun. And as it passes the sun, it’s going to also take those flares. I don’t know what they call those. It’s going to make them huge because it’s going to pull them. It’s going to pull the suns and tear pieces of it off because of the gravity between the sun and this other planet that’s coming through.

Then it’s going to take off and then it’s going to shoot back up to deep space where it’s going to hit something up here, they said, probably another star. And then it’s going to come back down from across and back down to deep space again. Come back around. That’s where you’re going to have the two shakings, which is be this two times that t that you see sometimes on a doorway of different things.

Some people look at like a t door. That’s twice. Two times. The top is one and this is two. That means two times. So when you go through a door of a house that has that, you have to go in, come back out and go back in twice. That’s why it’s only on certain doors. I don’t know if you know what I’m talking about. It’s a t shaped doors.

That’s what it means. They have those megaliths on the world also. Yeah. The two times pass that they’re telling you that this is the two time pass. This is a house. We call them like Kachia houses. This is where a spiritual being can enter and do what he has to do and talk, whatever he does. That means that that’s a sacred passage for spirits. So that’s why you see those doors only on certain areas.

So that’s what this means twice, one, two. Then it’s going to pass around a second time around us again. And it’s going to start pulling a lot more pieces together and it’s going to pull and it’s going to go again around the sun. It’s going to pull out big gold flares and the ones that I guess they have like radiation and they come to earth and stuff, that’s when we’re going to start having big winds.

And when it passes, every time the volcanoes are going to start coming up because the gravity is going to start sucking up into the ground. And around there’s that Yellowstone, that big o place that’s just going to boil over really big and then it’s going to go. And then when it comes a second pump. It’s going to go and go back up this way. At that time, it’s going to be smaller and smaller.

And then right up here it explodes. That’s why it’s so big. Like, what do you call those stars that blow up? I don’t know what they’re called. Where you see. Yeah, there you go. You see them on pictographs where it blows up like that. That’s where this is going to go through. But it’s going to cause all these problems. But before it starts doing this massive problem as it has, just like Jesse saying, there’s problems going to happen.

There’s going to be different. The earth was going to flip. So different places are in different places. So winter now is getting hotter and summer is getting even hotter. And then stuff is going to melt and things are going to shake and earthquakes and cracks in the earth. And there’s going to be a lot of lightning. I think one time I told you about the nonstop lightning that hits the ground.

And it actually makes big holes in the ground, not just little ones, but big cracks like the size of Grand Canyon. That’s what this is going to do. This I made seven years ago before what we’re talking about today. This is what I, and the elders also, they first brought this up in 1932, I think, or 35. One of the two, I can’t remember, they were already talking about this.

So with this here in the year 1999, we sat down and we put out a space for people that we invite to our home when this happens. It’s a safe place. This is a big other part with the government, too. I have all the paperwork because I was there sitting there doing this. But I want to send you guys this video that I was telling you I was looking at.

And it tells exactly the same thing. I saying, but probably 1968. And this video is black and white. It’s got a pretty good video. But if you listen to what he’s saying, he’s saying the things that we are talking about right now, even Jesse, what he brought up, they’re talking about the same thing. They’re talking about the safe haven. They’re talking about the true prophecies of the prophecy rock, which that’s what they call it.

And they’re talking about the government now that there’s going to be a man with a red cap or red shaft, but he’s going to have a red cap that’s going to come to us and that’s where things are just going to go so wrong. Now, they talked about this in 1935. What you’re going to hear on that video is, from what he’s telling from 1935, again in 1948 and again in 1968.

And what I’m writing down now. Now, everybody on that video has passed away. But these things are already coming true. So if you take the tape is 48 minutes long. It’s actually when they’re talking to the hippies. When the hippies came in and kind of went to Hopi and wanted to be like, hopies and all that, they got out of hand. They started doing their own ceremony. So the hopies told them to leave.

That’s one of the videos from that. Like that video. But if you take the time to listen to the video, you can show it to your people. You guys have your people and let them listen to it talking about. And they don’t come right out and tell you China and Russia. But they even show you a picture of a drawing of what their flag would look like. Now, they didn’t know what the flag looked, just.

But they’re going to show you. And we have that type of rattle, too. I have one here in my home also that has looked like a german swastika. We’ve had that for centuries. But they took it and used it in a different way. They just changed it a little bit. He talks about that and talks about earth. This is all what we’re talking about right now that they knew about since 1932.

It’s a long ways. And other prophecies that are in there that already have come to pass. But that’s what the elders were trying to tell them. When they went to the United nations was these things. There’s videos about the hopies going to the United nations. The people of the United nations didn’t want the hopies to speak. They even put him last. They were number 20 to get up and speak.

And they told them they only had so much time. And so they tried to get out. What they wanted to do with the United nations. And they just cut the Hopi short and sent him back. And I guess a few years later, they decided they made a horrible mistake. By doing that to the Hopi people. So they invited him back. And things kind of didn’t go very good.

But this picture down here, you can see right here. This is like the moon, see? And that thing passes right by the moon. And it start tearing the moon apart. Because the moon is so much smaller than this object. It’s going to come by. It rips it apart, rips parts of it apart. And that’s what this is what the elders is telling me, too, about the moon and the sun and everything else that comes by our earth.

And it’s going to come by twice the first time, you know, and it’s going to be bad, but you still have a chance on the second time if you do the right things. And that’s why a lot of people, they start to put away food and all that for sometimes for years and nothing happens. But that’s why it’s really important to see this video, and then you can see what they’re really talking about, about what’s coming.

And I told them seven years ago that from the date of seven years to the date, which should be 2024, then we only have seven years to do something. Seven years. That means that around four and a half years after that, this is going to come from outer space. Back then, they didn’t have the telescopes and stuff to find things now, and now they do, and stuff is happening all over, and the government hides a lot of stuff from all of us and they don’t want to do.

But I know a lot about what they have hidden and stuff like that. But anyway, this is what I wanted to show you. It matches quite a bit to what Jesse’s teaching us now and telling us about what’s going on. I’m not a scientist, so I don’t know what’s inside the earth. It’s falling apart and all that. But I got a strange idea that the thing that I saw in Yosemite and then the one that I saw in Tucson are actually the same.

If you look at them and then you see Jesse’s diagram, how the thing at one time is kind of round and then goes oblong. That’s the same thing that I saw in Tucson and Yosemite. It’s round and it goes oblong, and it’s so powerful that it’s changing the weather, it’s changing the atmosphere in Yosemite. You can see it. You can see the changing that this powerful thing is doing, and it drops something out of it and comes down towards the ground.

But all these little things that I go through and they tell me and they leave little things for me, adds up to things. I just have to put them together and remember that’s why I write down a lot of stuff at night. I’ll be up and I write down a lot of stuff about what they’re telling me, and I just got to put them all together. I have pages of different stuff that I have to do it down now.

I don’t expect anybody to understand just by what I’m saying and a lot of people won’t believe it. A lot of people say that. It’s like, I don’t know, some kind of mongering, how do you say it, scare mongering, fear mongering. But you don’t have to listen to me. I’m just teaching you what my people were telling me. But if you notice a lot of things have come true on that video, you can sit down and you could write what he said and you say, that’s already happened.

This has already happened. This is going to happen. This is happening right now. You listen to him. He’s going to tell you and a lot of stuff has been coming to you. He also talks about the shaking of the earth. He talks about the thing coming down and he talks about a lot of different things. I will send that to you and when you guys find the time, I know you guys are really busy.

It’s really important and you could share this to your people. You just have to put the video on. You really don’t have to say anything because it says everything. You don’t have to ask anybody anything. It’s telling you everything that what I’m saying, too, and a lot of other things, too. I didn’t want to use it because a lot of people, I hate to say makeup or maybe they find out something and they say, well, this is what the prophecy means.

But the things that I have, the paperwork from them and everything is the true teachings of my people, not from some book and not from anything. It’s there. That’s what it is. But I’d like to send that to, you know, it was really amazing what Jesse was telling know. I’m not really bright with those kind of things, but I understand what he’s know, which he’s telling know. So that’s the one I have.

So folks, another reason also is you’re like maybe wondering why I haven’t been doing as many podcasts is, how do I put it? I’m looking for a nine to nine so I can come home and do podcasts and so I can continue to pay for my podcast habit because that’s what it comes down to folks, is I have to be able to pay for it. And due to, okay, obviously I think that should say enough.

But I’m not looking for handouts, but I am looking for members on Patreon for a buck. And if you want to pay more, you totally can. But you know what? Things happen for a reason. It’s intense, man. Thank you for sharing that. And I was going to ask you, is it an asteroid or is it a comet? What exactly is it that comes in between the Earth and the sun twice that causes all this devastation, this prophecy? They call it a moon, which a moon to us is a planet.

Moon and a planet is the same thing. So it’s some planet that’s going to some big planet that’s giant. I mean, our Earth would be just nothing compared to this thing that’s going to come by and get in between all this stuff. Yeah, that’s what it’s going to do. We don’t have a name for it. Have they talked about it coming in before? Yeah. It’s going to come one time and then come again the second time.

Has it showed up in the past? It goes back up to outer space. Remember I told you it goes like way back up, too. Has this particular planet orbited Earth before? I want to thank Jesse from BP Earthwatch. I want to thank Grandpa Malaba. And I also want to let you know that you want to listen to this in full. There’s another approximately 40 minutes of information, so go over to our Patreon page.

You can be a patreon for a buck. And also for daily news updates you can actually use with a fresh approach. Check us out over at ES and IC news. You’ll thank me later. Be excellent to each other. Hit that subscribe button, hit that bell for all notifications and be the change the world needs to see. .

  • Leak Project

    The Leak Project is an esteemed member of the Truth Mafia, holding Tommy Truthful's certification. With a vast wealth of knowledge, they have gifted us the Serpent Verse and the Eagle. Furthermore, they were the pioneering force behind an exclusive interview, revealing unprecedented wisdom to the masses. Delve into the ancient war, characterized by the fierce rivalry between two brothers, Enki and Enlil. Brace yourself for a truly unique and captivating experience.

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