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MK-Ultra Survivor They Tried To Fracture My Mind! Eric Hecker

By: Leak Project
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MK-Ultra Survivor They Tried To Fracture My Mind! Eric Hecker



➡ The individual recounts their unique journey including a mysterious stint at the South Pole Station and their belief of being involved in Project MKUltra during their childhood – a controversial program running mind-control tests. Their concern extends to children’s safety today, as they discuss an energy-saving device and how their past connects to the present with surviving trauma, dissociative identity disorder, and potentially collective psychological manipulation strategies.
➡ The speaker discusses the phenomenon of the Havana syndrome and the implication of clandestine technologies targeted at civilians. They also recount their childhood trauma, which apparently involved experimental programs. They describe their mental compartmentalization due to trauma and the involvement of therapies or “energy workers.” They further discuss the induction of a dissociative identity disorder in society via application of mass trauma to make people easily manipulable, mentioning technologies causing these disorders. The speaker finally mentions upcoming consumer technologies, such as earbuds using bone conduction, that might be useful or pose a risk.
➡ The speaker discusses the prevalence of patented bone conducting technology, capable of producing sounds in one’s head from a distance, calling it V2K. He suggests that this technology could be used by some unknown factions unbeknownst to the public. Additionally, he criticizes event producers who dilute the truth for personal gain and use disinformation to confuse attendees. He holds steadfast in spreading the truth about what he experienced in Antarctica, despite resistance from gatekeepers.
➡ The individual discusses their experience with interviews, expressing that simplicity and quality research from the interviewer lead to a more fruitful conversation. They raise concerns about societal dependence on technology, bias reinforcement, and the lack of thorough research in the public domain. They speculate about potential intrusive uses of technology, such as dream manipulation for advertising. Finally, they announce the launching of exclusive, ad-free content on Patreon.
➡ The speaker advises to stay focused, rejecting dishonesty and negative strategies while encouraging authenticity and maintaining their calm demeanor.


Kind of where I get into the whole deciphering my experience is that there seems to be a lot of oddity in my past that I’m now looking into because obviously everybody goes, oh, how did you get to go to South Pole Station? And at the time I didn’t think that much of it. But now, in hindsight, I absolutely see that that was a very privileged position to function from on this planet.

Mean there’s a lot of odd stuff going on and few and far between get to have time at the South Pole station in the winter. Those are just the facts of life. So I have to actually really respect that. That was a special opportunity and it is a very fair question to ask. How did I get to have that chance? Seems to be a fair question, but a complex answer.

And I think I walked a very peculiar path in life to be afforded such an opportunity. You think you’re Mkultra? Oh, absolutely. I know that for a fact. You see how earlier this year in Texas spikes as high as 5000%. I’m sorry, 6000%. The surges were insane. Prices are continuing to rise. Now, not only are energy bills rising, but also dirty EMFs. And tens of thousands of people are using this amazing little device.

It’s small and sophisticated. It stabilizes electrical currents, it reduces dirty electricity. It helps protect your appliances and electronics. All you have to do is plug it into your home’s wall outlet and it will help dramatically lower energy consumption and ultimately help reduce your power bills month after month. If you place your order right now, you’re going to get a 66% discount. Go to savepowerbills. com. That’s savepowerbills. com.

Absolutely. I know that for a fact. I know the facilities on Long island that have since been knocked down that were very nefarious, that I attended in grammar school where all kinds of horrible stuff happened. Long Island? Yeah, absolutely. There was a very wealthy family, the Brady family, at the time. Their home was constructed on Long Island. Oh, jeez, I can’t think of the name of it right now.

It was a Gaelic term that meant, I’m sOrry, now I remembered it. Innishfada. I-N-I-S-F-A-D-A. Innishfada was the property that the Brady family built on Long Island. At the time it was constructed, it was the fourth largest residence in the nation. And they were affiliated very tightly with the Jesuits at the top levels. They had people that visited the property that became pope, and the property was later given to the Jesuits.

It was called the St. Ignatius Loyola Retreat House. And when I was in grammar school, we would be brought there under the false pretense of a know a religious jaunt. And in reality, there was MkUltra type stuff going on there, up to including what I would call or what we know is SRA. It happens. But this is also why I talk, is to cast a light that this activity, A, existed, and B, is continuing.

The parents of the world need to have an appreciation, or lack thereof, for the people they discharge their children to every day. There’s a real responsibility for the parents to look deeper into who they’re discharging their children to every day, because I believe that mix. We had said something earlier about the muddying of the waters. I think, unfortunately, in today’s society, where we’re very separated from each other as a community, there’s been a massive compartmentalization of humanity, and there’s not enough, I would say, caring adults and or parents connected to the compartments that are very isolated now from the community that we discharge our children to every day.

Nobody really seems to know what’s going on with the kids anymore. And I think that’s very scary. Absolutely. Now, were your parents or are your parents Catholic? My whole family was Roman Catholic. I went to 13 years of Catholic school. Excuse me, I was just about to say, nothing wants to make you less Catholic than 13 years of Catholic school. That’s what I heard, man. Yeah, we had the whole nun routine and all kinds of shenanigans.

They pretty much beat the snots out of us. Those are the facts of life. Okay, so that would explain why your parents unknowingly were taking you to these retreats, which were really. It wasn’t even my parents. It was the school directly. We would get sent to school, and then from the school grounds, we would jump into buses and then be brought to the facilities over in Roslyn, Long island area, this St.

Ignatius Loyola Retreat House, which has since been knocked down. But it’s also around the corner from the Evergreen properties. All of this stuff, there’s so many connections to be made and stuff like, you know, it was the adjoining property of where they filmed the Great Gatsby. Or there’s the property that was the inspiration of the Great Gatsby. This is all gilded, age level stuff, like seriously profound construction.

Anybody can look this up. Innishfada is referenceable. The history of everything I’m saying is referenceable. Is that German? Innishvada is Gaelic. Oh, it sounds German. It does, kind of, yeah. Apparently it’s Gaelic for Long Island. And they said that the entire property was supposed to be a home for boys. It was intended, which also points to potential nefarious activities. They said that the whole thing was ornately scrolled with all of the stories like Alice in Wonderland and some of the more nefarious Prussian education lines of back in the day were apparently all just carved around the house.

And it was supposed to be almost like this massive Mkultra facility to re educate boys. How often did you go there? That’s hard to say, Rex. I would say maybe to that particular facility. I would say maybe once or twice a year. Potentially three times would be my guesstimate. I don’t think it would have been more than that. It was considered, like, a big deal. And you would go just for the day, then they’d have you back by the end of the school day.

Then you go back home and you kind of like, yes, correct. Okay. And do you remember what happened when you go home? Are you in the zone? What’s going on? I don’t think so much. I think for many years I was blocking out everything that occurred. But now, as of recently, I can Remember basically from the parking lot, which was a series of school buses, everybody showing up from all different schools through a process of vetting us out.

They would take a certain batch of us kids and separate us from, you know, all the other lines of kids in, you know, alphabetical or size order, whatever the school preference was. But there was. There was children from all different Catholic schools getting bused in. And long story short, I would get separated from the vast majority of the students of my school, and we would be brought to a different area where, just for brevity, and I know the audience here, so they don’t need to hear every detail, but I’ll just say that we were set to engage in sexual things in front of an audience of adults.

Yeah. I mean, this is the stuff that exists in the world around us. This is how MkUltra type programs work. They traumatize the children in this fashion to then get to the next steps. Okay, so they were traumatizing you in attempts to. Did you figure out what their goal is? Are they traumatizing in regards to at the time as a child? Absolutely not. No. I mean, like, now, in hindsight, I’m just as an adult realizing I was deceived and paying attention to what was actually going on versus what we were told.

And now looking into programs that existed, it appears they were traumatizing us for the intent of creating that compartmentalization in the head that what I refer to is IDID, which I would call induced dissociative disorder. And there’s a naturally occurring form of this, and you would just remove the I and you’d have dissociative identity disorder. But I believe when you have an interfering party, when this isn’t occurring naturally, I would add the initial I and just call it induced dissociative identity disorder.

And I believe that this is something that we can look around into the general population right now and start to observe that there are many others who are being traumatized in different ways for the same express purpose. Way back when, when I was A child, in the research and development of these programs and how it affects the psyche, yes, they were contented with sexualizing children to check the effects, to just learn what does it take to traumatize and get the effects.

But now they’ve just moved on to different ways to traumatize the individuals, but also in mass. Way back when they were working on a solo psyche to break it, then remake it. Now they’re trying to do the same thing, but their skill set is vastly improved. So they can put a, a broader signal to a wider portion of the population and just have it at it. I mean, this is what we’re seeing going on around us right now.

The Department of Defense in the last couple of years put out information in regards to Havana syndrome and what their employees should do if they experience it. Well, what do we, the general citizen, do if we experience it? Are we to believe that these technologies are exclusively being used against Department of Defense personnel right now? I don’t think so. I think there’s a lot of factions that have these technologies at their fingertips.

And we, the people of this planet, are chattel in a new level of warfare that we don’t even understand the weaponry being wielded. So we certainly can’t comprehend the wounds on those around us. Were they doing that kind of stuff to you at other places when you were growing up? I believe so, Rex, but I don’t have immediate access to all of that information. I believe this is part of the problem of being an adult from a traumatized childhood is that a lot of my information is compartmentalized and I’m working to get to it.

And I’ve made some connections up until this point, which include this Innishvada facility in great recollection. Now, there’s other facilities that I’ve been to that I question, but I don’t have that depth of recollection. So, like, how many people or how many kids were they busing to that location? I can say that we’re talking standard sized school buses. There were dozens of school buses. Hundreds of children would show up to this facility, and I would imagine a certain portion of them went through whatever the COVID story of the retreat was, and a certain portion would be divided off for more nefarious activities.

And you didn’t remember this stuff growing up, or did you? I remembered a certain portion of it, but then there were other things that I would say I had to get through. Regressions, whatever you want to call. There’s a lot of different terms for what I refer to in a general sense, of energy workers. There’s people that seem to be able to heal your body, and then there’s people that work well with healing your mind, and then people that work well with healing your spirit.

And I’ve come across people that were total charlatans, but I’ve also come across people that were extremely good at what they do. And I would just say, it’s experiential. I would not begin to try to say that I can prove my experiences to anybody else, but all I can really say is that nobody could disprove what I experienced. I was present. I’ve had people walk around in my brain before.

So to say, where they start engaging you in a dialogue and asking you things and telling you, hey, think about this in your head. Hey, think about that. And it’s like they’re walking through your memory banks with you, and they actually grab onto stuff that you haven’t even said, and, like, oh, this right here, what you’re looking, and then they start telling you your memory, like, they almost just opened a file in your head.

So I’ve experienced that. Like a handler? No, I wouldn’t want to say a handler in the slightest. That’s almost like a negative connotation of, like, an alphabet agency. These were good intentioned people that were positively engaging me to help me decipher my experience, so to say, but looking for problems in my memories and things like that that needed to be addressed. And again, they were finding things that were there.

And it’s almost like a folder, I would think, in the computer. Like, you could have a folder sitting in your computer for a really long time. It’s there, right. But there’s, like, what we call read and ROM. Remember that from back in the day, from basic computer? The floppy did. Yeah. So there’s, like, read and ROM memory, and it’s just like, you don’t have access to it. Right.

It’s like you can’t remember. You never thought about it until all of a sudden somebody else shows up and they’re like, oh, this right here. And they open the folder and as soon as they open it, you’re like, oh, yeah, absolutely. I totally remember every bit of that. But I hadn’t thought about it, didn’t think of it, but there it is, right from your own memory banks and you’re just like, holy cow.

Again, we know this is how it works. These ancient bloodlines of programming know this is how Mother Nature works. This is a toolkit for the benefit of children that find themselves in traumatic situations. This ability to dissociate, to compartmentalize, to take the trauma, separate it away from that youthful mind. It’s just a natural mechanism of protection. It’s also been given this pejorative position in conversations where everybody’s, they’re always making it out.

Like having a dissociative identity situation is a disorder, when in reality it’s just the sum result of the forces of Mother Nature protecting the psyche of a child that’s been overexposed to trauma. And do you have. Not necessarily bipolar, but do you have extremes? You’ll be really pissed off 1 minute and the next minute you’re, ah, it’s all. This is what, this is where I would get into it’s misconceptions of things.

And extremes is similarly. I guess it’s really close to appropriate, but I think of it more this way, Rex. I think that my emotions are very singular. They’re not combined with other things. So if you’re going to get any one emotion out of me, you’re going to get at it 100% all the time. I’m less blended, I’m more fragmented in that capacity. But it means that I can be extremely passionate about any emotion I’m wielding.

Yeah. So you don’t find yourself fighting with yourself? No. Well, I believe we all have that inner dialogue where we get into debates with ourselves, arguments, considerations. I think we all have that capacity. I think I would just say that just like other things in life, you have more of one thing. I have more than another, I would say in this department. I just have that to an extreme, that’s all.

Everybody has it in some way, but I have it to an extreme. But what I would also suggest is that we’re all being pushed in that direction and society is becoming more like me and less like the previous norm. And that’s because of the application of trauma and mass. To get the same result is they want that induced dissociative identity disorder laid upon people, because if folks don’t know thyself, they become able to be very easily manipulated, which is an end goal.

How’s your memory? Peculiar. Also fragmented. That I would say. There are parts of my memory banks that are associated with different aspects of myself, so that if I’m presenting in a certain capacity and you ask me a question, I may not have immediate recollection because I’m not in that position. Are there certain words that trigger you or certain sounds that just change your. I would imagine so, but I would be lying if I said I knew the list.

I’ve studied the MKUltra stuff, some of the older stuff anyway, where they have certain words that they use to activate certain avatars within. And you brought up some great points, because now it’s almost like they’ve refined it and they could push it out. When I say they, I’m referring to certain factions have technologies now that they could cause your mind to have maybe temporary dissociative personality disorder or something.

They’re beyond the temporary. They’re well into the ability. Yeah. To be completely frank, this is the state of the division of understanding between the. They have technology versus the ones that they’re using that technology against right now. That is massive. Right now, the amount of amazing technology out there that’s being utilized against us that we don’t even know about, it’s getting nuts, what we’re going to see. And you’re in the tech hobby world at the very least.

I know you like some of the cool stuff coming out. So I’m sure you’ve heard about the headphones that are coming out that are going to be utilizing bone conducting technology. Have you heard about this? Well, I’ve heard about this company that’s actually trying to get investors right now where it uses micro gestures. So basically, any little movement that it captures you doing it can turn that into basically almost like reading your mind without reading your mind.

Okay. Is that similar? Different, but also equally maddening. The bone conducting technology, basically is. That’s a neurophone. You’re talking about a neurophone. I used to have a neurophone. I’m not sure what you’re talking about. A neurophone. With a neurophone, you can hear without hearing through your ears. Right. It doesn’t go through the air, so it’s bone conducting technology. It goes from the transducer directly to the inner ear bones.

Yeah, you can get those. They’re called neurophones. Patrick Flanagan was actually the inventor, like, 50, 60 years ago or something like that. There you go. And the military, I think, has probably taken that technology, and possibly. My whole point of this, okay, that’s my whole point of this, is that we are about to have this bone conducting technology rolled out to the consumer market in the setup of earbuds, ear pods, so that everybody’s going to be able to hang this technology in their ear and go from right there to their inner eardrum.

Right? So, like you just stated, this technology has been around for decades. And what I’m just trying to let people know is that that transducer, it doesn’t have to be mounted right in your ear. This can also work at much greater distance. It’s a false pretense that they’re rolling it out this way so people consider, like, proximity matters. But if we understand that this patented technology has been out for decades, that bone conducting technology can be applied at great distance, that, folks, is V two K.

If they can make a sound show up in your head only that is bone conducting technology. It is V Two K. And like Rex just said, this technology has been around for decades. So we need to understand, what does the world look around us like to us when we consider that there have been factions. Oh, there you go. There have been factions utilizing this technology unbeknownst to us.

We, the people, the general population of this planet, need to understand that these technologies have been in play for decades. All of the targeted individuals that people have been calling lunatics. I get it. It didn’t make sense. But now, when we realize that these technologies do exactly what those people were saying, we have to, at the very least, consider that they’re not crazy. They’re just literally government guinea pigs.

Like we’ve seen the government guinea pig many people out before. They love you. Like Ronald Reagan said, right? Knock, knock, knock. It’s the government. We’re here to help you. It’s very scary to consider what’s going on right now, but the understanding we need to have is a conversation around tangible, provable technology. We do not have to get into woo conversations, all kinds of speculation, because there’s real things that can be discussed.

I’m not against all of these things. I very much believe in the research of folks like Walter Bosley and Joseph P. Farrell, William Strat, a whole bunch of other folks about where technology is. And this idea of a breakaway civilization, I think that’s a real problem that the general population is not discussing enough of. Some folks call it the secret space program. Other people in the speculation. It’s the off world Nazis.

But who knows? Something? By some definition of technological wonder being operated by a certain portion of this planet seems to be occurring. And there’s a lot of folks coming in from many different angles that do have real information in regards to this being true. But it seems like all of a sudden, every time you try to have this conversation where it’s tangible and provable and facts matter, all these other maniacs come out of the woodwork to muddy the waters, would speculate about this, and, oh, did you hear this guy was with that? And Triangle Alien is fighting Square head.

They’re making up all kinds of stuff. And then. But did you know flat Earth is really the biggest problem? There seems to be this very effective, massive mechanism that anytime any real truth is getting discussed, it gets attacked six ways from Sunday. I am finding that there’s a lot of gatekeepers. I’ve been to events, I’ve met producers, I’ve spoken at these events. I have had producers of events, the 5D events that happen very regularly.

I spoke at one of those in Las Vegas, and the head producer and co producer of the events informed me that if I didn’t figure out how to take my testimony and make it support a flat Earth theory, that I’d be thrown off their ticket. So I told them to f off that I’m not modifying my story to support Flat Earth anything. And this is what folks don’t know is going on.

There’s a lot of profiteers and Charlatans that are just looking to make a buck off of the fact that everybody’s interested in a topic. It doesn’t mean they’re genuine in the slightest. And I know because I’m speaking from direct personal experience, this is what I’ve seen people always say. If someone knew something, they’d say something. Did they also want you to do the event for free and pay for your own hotel? Oh, all day long.

Absolutely. He was one of the lowest, low lives that I’ve ever engaged in my life, and I have met a lot of low lifes. There was like a speaker’s dinner where the audience gets charged exorbitant amounts of money to have dinner with the speakers, which at this event, I was one of the speakers. So then the producer was attempting to charge me, the speaker, the exact same price for a buffet in Las Vegas as the participants.

And I thought that was laughable. And then he proceeded to start trying to explain to me, know me being an Alaskan, that I just don’t understand what things cost in the regular world, dude, Alaska is twice the cost. He was trying to convince me that a $100 buffet in Las Vegas was a good deal because I didn’t understand what a meal cost in Las Vegas. Yeah, it’s like free if you gamble half the time.

Yeah. So he’s a total charlatan that was just trying to dip into every direction. He was trying to manipulate the words coming out of my mouth. He was just trying to bill everybody. For somebody that’s been in business doing it that long, you would think they would have the wherewithal to not schedule all of their speakers overlapping each other. So to me, it was obvious that this was not a tool to disseminate the truth, but clearly the opposite.

This was a well funded mechanism to apply disinformation, and the general population is not paying attention to how prevalent this is in the disclosure community. A lot of these events are not actually about getting the truth out. They’re about confusing folks as to what is true. The amount of speakers that we have in the circuit now that have absolutely zero to back up their statements is off the wall.

I’m actually surprised I don’t get invited to more events. I got invited to an event recently. That name sounds kind of familiar. I’m not going to confirm or deny, but they’re like, yeah, you want to come out to an event. Yeah, you want to speak at an event. And you’re going to have to pay for your own hotel, though, because hotel prices are really expensive and you’re going to have to pay to get down here.

And I’m like, yeah, that sounds really interesting. If I had a lot of extra money right now, I might have done that. But then I found out who else was going on that and who that person was promoting, and I never emailed them back. And then they’re like, oh, anyway, so, yeah, dude, it’s like, you got charlatans on the left, you got psychos on the right. And then we’re.

Yeah, I often say, like, I feel like I’m on one shore and I’m trying to sail My little dinghy of truth through a sea of liars and gatekeepers and manipulators to get to the shore on the other side where the people need to hear the truth. And you know that I’ve been trying for a few years now, and I appreciate the help that you’ve put in my direction, but, boy, you would think that at some point, I mean, you see all the other folks in these circles, you would think that at some point there would have been more interest in verifiable oddity down in Antarctica than all the other stuff that’s being speculated about that nobody can prove anything about.

So to me I’m standing here strong saying, listen, I’m telling everyone all these other folks are factions. They can’t possibly be ignoring my information for this long and not incorporating it into their information when I am literally saying their unprovable nonsense is junk. Stop listening to it. Then they’ll just want. I’ve been there. What’s that? Then? They just want to start a fight with you and change the subject.

And then they’ll just keep saying, nobody will dare engage me or fight me because I would decimate them on this topic. They run for the hills. This proves that these people are full of beans. I mean, I’ve spoken with Linda and called her out for being a BS artist because she’s never been to the ice. Who is this person to then be a judge of the story of someone who has been on the ice? That’s the way I look at it.

Straight know. Why are people listening to the judgments of these gatekeepers on the topic of Antarctica when they’ve either a never been there or had a limited visit which they themselves don’t claim to have gleaned any new information from? No, I mean, you’re absolutely right. You’re asking some great questions. Why not ask somebody that’s been there? You spent 366 days there, man. Right. And instead I have gatekeepers that are set up to squash the value of what I’m saying.

Let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about that. You’ve had some awesome shows lately. You’ve gone on some big guests, big budgets, awesome camera gear. The video is amazing and the editing is great. And are they all asking you the same questions? Are they going 2nd, 3rd level? I’m not talking bad about anybody. I’m genuinely interested. No, go right. These are very fair questions and I will always be honest.

And anybody wants to hold me at fault for being honest, I don’t really know what to tell them. But in regards to the interviews, I would say that they are not next level. I think some of the greatest interviews I had were the lowest production. There’s one on my website right now. I think it’s the most recent post that I put up there deciphering TV. Oh, jeez. The guy’s name.

I’m not thinking of it right now, but I think it’s probably my best interview. And it was not one of these big name conversations I feel that my biggest conversation, yeah, that guy right there, that one right there is probably the best interview that I’ve ever had, where he really understood and had researched what I had put out there and was even open to me having some criticisms of his opinion on things.

So it was a very challenging, but fruitful conversation. And I find that I enjoyed the podcast that I did with Sean Ryan. I feel like he was very open to hearing what I had to mean. I learned literally as soon as we wrapped up, as soon as he cut the camera, he literally just said that I had blown his mind and he didn’t even know where to begin to ask questions.

And he asked if I would return. And I took that as a compliment, but it didn’t do great for the dialogue and the presentation to such a big audience. Technically, if he had been more next level, then maybe we could have accomplished more with the increasing of the understanding of the general population of this planet. Ultimately, that’s my goal, is to get people to really understand what I’m putting out there.

And I’m learning after years of attempting to do this now, that a lot of what I’m saying is just really going over people’s heads, and probably because they just don’t believe that this technology exists, even when it’s wholly referenceable. People are very lazy in their Research nowadays. They don’t look into stuff. They either agree with what you’re saying or not. And if they don’t agree with you, they’re going to find a link in 2 Seconds flat that supports their current bias, and they’re going to move on.

They’re not going to look at both sides of things. They’re not going to listen to a debate. They’re not going to invest a lot of time in knowing anything. People don’t do that anymore. They don’t invest a lot of time in knowing stuff, but they’ll invest a Little bit of time in finding things that support their current opinion. They don’t do Research that could be like the whole disassociation thing.

Even the way that our minds work now, where everything is accessible on the phone, that we don’t really need even directions, and our minds are wired differently now. You’re 1000% right. You’re 1000% right. I agree with you 100%. Because now, like you’re saying before, and now the whole idea of triggering. So let’s hypothesize, right? Mark Twain says that it’s a sign of Higher Intelligence for a man to be able to consider things that he doesn’t actually believe.

So let’s consider something right now. Let’s Brood on the idea that these Technologies know. What do we now do with that consideration? How do we look around the world and realize the dilemma? What do we do with the reality that the McDonald’s corporation is going to start Investing in Technology that Allows them to insert their Commercials into your Brain in a dream state? I woke up and I wanted a Big Mac.

Right? So now we have to realize that if they’re getting access to that Technology today, it’s been around for decades. It’s been in play for decades. Folks, we really need to consider that the thoughts that we’ve all had for decades now have been invaded. They’ve been manipulated in every way that every Technology that ever existed could be used from the time it was created and Applied until the time that now we, the people, realize it existed.

There’s this huge window of opportunity that opportunists used, and we need to consider how we are in a position after that reality is understood. It’s something we need to start putting our brains on. So you think that they’re going to implement some type of dream control systems where they implement, let’s not even go so far as to control, but let’s just say manipulation. It’s just like the television set, right? If they repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Eventually they’ve brainwashed a society. Now it’s just adding a different channel. It’s taking away your control of like, hey, I’m going to turn my television on or not, hey, I’m going to have this channel on or not. Imagine it’s them taking away all of your control. They just get direct access. We’re going to give Rex the such and such commercial until such time Rex buys into it. It’s only a matter of time.

If you’re not aware of it being an intrusive thought, they’ll get you eventually. It’s just a matter of investment at that point. All of these technologies exist. It’s no different than in reality. There is no analogy because it’s so nefarious. This is the hard part of people to consider. I mean, Rex, imagine if you had the power, instead of you hitting your button to go live on the Internet and people having the option to watch your show.

Imagine if you just had a button where they just didn’t have a choice. 310,000,000 people are going to watch you for an hour. Whether they like it or not. Eventually you would have an impact on those people, especially if they didn’t know you were intruding if you were just this seamless additional info stream. So now you’re talking next level behavior modification. And it reminds me, absolutely. This reminds me of an article that I read a couple of days ago.

I saw this Dorito bag, and it was called this new Dorito bag. The new Doritos are called silent. And my mind just started going a million miles an hour. It was a black bag. It was silent. So I’m like, oh, there’s going to be something happening in the near future that’s going to somehow connect to this silent blackout thing. And I was predicting something with a submarine in the Baltic Sea.

And then the next day there’s issues of the submarines not in the Baltic Sea, but off the coast of the as a deterrent in Iran. But anyway, the reason I’m bringing this up is in that article, it described how artificial intelligence took thousands of crunches and it figured out a formula for their Dorito chip to make it to where you could eat the Dorito chip, and it would be silent, so you could be eating GMO and sucking down GMO soda pop, eating GMO corn chips and playing your video games.

And you don’t even have to hear yourself eat the food. They’re like, because it’s a real problem. Gamers are constantly eating and they don’t like to hear themselves, too. But imagine artificial intelligence now has enough, you put enough formula in there where it comes back with, okay, this is how you make the chip silent when you chew it. And then what else could something like that do? Okay, what if we want an outcome where we want the entire population to vote this way? How do we do it? Mirror, mirror, on the, do we get, how do we get the whole world to agree on something? Right.

That sounds like it would be very challenging, right, Rex? Yeah, absolutely. It sounds like it’d be very challenging to get the whole world to agree on something and that it would almost be ridiculous to consider that that’s even possible. But if we start to think in a Sci-Fi fantasy type situation of some crazy technology that could be applied that, yeah, I guess theoretically we could bring our brains to that point of where we go.

Yeah, maybe mass mind manipulation through applied tech could get everybody to agree to do something all at once. And I would say, I agree with that 1000%. And then I would ask everybody to just look over their shoulders to the recent history with the, we just witnessed what I just said. The whole world agreed about something. Okay, so check this out. I am super stoked about thiS. We are pivoting and we are going to offer you exclusive content ad free, uncensored on Patreon.

There’s a whole bunch of stuff that I’ve wanted to talk about for the past few years that I haven’t been able to really talk about. And now I’m going to talk about it. We’re going to talk about it on Patreon. You can watch it on Patreon and you can sign up for as little as a buck. So check us out. Ad free. You’re going to love it. Be the change you want to see and see it ATM.

Would you fake me face that? Would you fake me face that when you fake make that would you fake me face that? I’m a kick back when you fake my best head out of the game. I don’t play that fact. I’m a kick back when you fake like that. Head out of the game. I don’t play that fact. When you fake like that head out the boxing old.


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bone conduction earbuds childhood trauma experimental programs clandestine technologies targeted at civilians dissociative identity disorder induction via mass trauma energy-saving device children's safety Havana syndrome phenomenon discussion mental compartmentalization due to trauma Project MKUltra childhood involvement psychological manipulation strategies collective impact South Pole Station unique journey surviving trauma and dissociative identity disorder

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