Secrets of the 33 Albert Pike Morals Dogma Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept

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– Rex Baer: This is Sir Albert Pike, the man, the myth, the legend. Out of the infamous morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. We’re going to do more than one podcast on this book, and talk a bit about Albert Pike.
– Albert Pike was an American author, poet, orator editor, lawyer, jurist, and Confederate States Army general. He specialized in claims on behalf of Native Americans against the federal government. Many of the natives loved Mr. Pike because he was doing everything he could to help them.
– In 2011, I was listening to Jones talk about Albert Pike. Now I’m walking in front of the Albert Pike Memorial in downtown San Antonio. These are the kind of synchronicities that I’ve been having for ages.
– Page 622 the Druids express the name of deity by letters OIW. My bloodline goes back to the Scottish and the Irish. My great great great grandma was a shaman in Oklahoma. Here’s another interesting synchronicity.
– Among the nations of primitive antiquity, the doctrine of the immortality of the soul was not a mere probable hypothesis. Pythagoras never taught the doctrine in that literal sense in which it was understood by the people. The legend of the fall of the spirits, obscured and distorted, is preserved in Hindu mythology.
– And then when we read about these ancient writings and ancient teachings and ancient scriptures, we realize much of the perceived world is orchestrated. So we can kind of step back, look at the alternatives, and really get into that flow state. I hope you have a beautiful evening or morning wherever you’re at and hit the bell.


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“I’m Rex Baer, reporting to you live in a garage down by the river. How the heck are you? I hope you’re doing fantastic. I’m going to read a bit. Out of the infamous morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, prepared for the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States and published by its authority. This is Sir Albert Pike, the man, the myth, the legend.

I know many of you probably have a very negative thought process towards Pike, and I can understand why, especially the way that the media pushes Pike. But one of the things I want to talk about is this very interesting connection that I’ve had with Albert Pike since at least 2011. So we’re going to talk about that. But I’m also going to read you a few excerpts from the book, and we’re actually going to read some out of The Night of the Sun or Prince Adept. And we’re going to look at page 622-62-3678 and 679. We’re going to do more than one podcast on this book, and we’re going to talk a bit about Albert Pike.

For some reason, I just felt motivated today, especially after I found this book and several others, to just really dive into some of these texts, because they’re fascinating and the information is incredible. And most people are in a fear-based mindset when they hear the name Albert Pike because they think that he worships Lucifer, and they think that Lucifer is the majority of the problems in the world and sin is based on Lucifer, according to many people’s mindsets. And then the more you research the term Lucifer itself, it’s actually a title. And anyway, it’s very deep. So we’re going to get into this.

And no, I am not a Freemason. I have friends and family that are Freemasons, but my mind is not for rent to any god or government. So here we go.

But let me tell you a little bit about Albert Pike. First of all, let’s talk a little bit about Mr. Pike. Albert Pike. Oops. That’s not Albert Pike. That’s Frankie Zapata. Where are we at here? What happened to it? Here we go. Oh yeah, I’ve got so many screens popped up.

Albert Pike, December 29, 1809 through April 2, 1891. He was an American author, poet, orator, editor, lawyer, jurist, and Confederate States Army general who served as an Associate Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Council in Exile from 1864 to 1865. He previously served as a senior officer of the Confederate States Army, commanding the district of Indian Territory in the Transmississippi theater. A prominent member of the Freemasons, Pike served as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction, USA, from 1859 to 1891.

Pike was an imposing figure. He was six feet tall, 300 pounds, hair that reached his shoulders, a long beard. In 1831, he left Massachusetts to travel west, first stopping in Nashville, Tennessee, and later moving to St. Louis, Missouri. Now, he also made several contacts among the Native American tribes in the area. He specialized in claims on behalf of Native Americans against the federal government. In 1852, he represented the Creek Nation before the Supreme Court in a claim regarding seated tribal land. In 1854, he advocated for the Choctaw and Chickasaw. Although compensation later awarded to the tribes in 1857 was insufficient, these relationships were to influence the course of his Civil War service. Many of the natives loved Mr. Pike because he was doing everything he could to help them. And so when you actually research who he was, and then you find out he actually was standing up for the natives against the federal government at the time he fought for the South, of course they’re going to make him look evil. The stories, like the victor’s stories typically, are the stories that you usually hear, especially the big ones, are from the victors.

So Albert Pike was a genius. I think he spoke over a dozen languages, like 17 different languages, if I remember correctly. And there are texts where he talks that in a future podcast, we might even talk about it.

But the first pages that I wanted to read to you here are 622 and 623 for morals and dogma. And this is Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept. Now, adept. Adept. Adept. Adept.

Okay, before we do that, though, I wanted to tell you a little bit about this interesting synchronicity that I have or that I had several years ago in 2011. So old Jones, shock jock, is he’s talking about Albert Pike and how Albert Pike was describing worshiping Lucifer and morals and dogma, and then he was connecting him to the NWO, and he was going off, and he was just, like, stirring the pot and freaking everybody out. And I’m listening to this at work, and I’m like, this is interesting. I work in San Antonio at the time. I’m in San Antonio, and I work downtown San Antonio, and I’ve got a pretty long lunch break. I don’t have anybody coming in that I need to help for a while. So I take this long walk, and I walk, I mean, probably at least a mile and a half or a couple of miles away from my work. And boom, here’s the temple, you know, right there. And I’m like, oh, this is interesting. I was just listening to Jones talk about Albert Pike, and now I’m walking in front of the Albert Pike Memorial in downtown San Antonio. This is very know. These are the kind of synchronicities that I’ve been having for ages, folks.

So anyway, this is interesting. And so I check out the symbols and then take some photos, and I take some photos, and I’m making these interesting hand gestures that I don’t even know why I’m in these hand gestures. And then I do the research on the hand gestures, like, wait a second, that’s what how did I start? Anyway, so I’m like, okay, this is interesting. And then I start to do some more research in Albert Pike. And then my friend Shali Brady, she’s done a lot of these paintings for me, and she’s helped with The Tarot of Raw Deck. She was the artist for the Tarot of Raw Deck. Also the artist for Reset zero. And she gave me this book a few years, said, you know, something just drew me to this book to give to you, so I’m giving you this book. And she gave me this really nice book. Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike. And wow, look at that. What is that? Is that looks like fingerprints. Almost. With three fingerprints, maybe not, but it almost looks like blood. Yeah, that’s interesting. And then I got this in the book that I just realized, Joskies of Texas. This is pretty important. All right, so here we go. Are you ready? Page 622.

The Druids. And this is Knights of the Sun or Prince Adept. 622 the Druids express. Oops. Did I accidentally? Yes, I did. It was this page, wasn’t it? Okay. 622, the Druids expressed the name of deity by letters OIW. The Druids express the name of deity by the letters OIW.

Now here’s another interesting synchronicity. Recently I was tapping into this ancient name of God, and I was like, Ogdod, Ogdod the Ogdod. And then I found out about King OG afterwards. And then also OIU or OIW. OIW. There’s some significance. There’s some podcast I did a while ago. I was tapping into something very similar, very powerful energy there. And the Druids, that would be my bloodline already. My bloodline goes back to the Scottish and the Irish. I do have a little bit of Native tribe in Oklahoma. My great great great grandma was a shaman. She was a healer, a medicine woman in Oklahoma. That’s how she met my great great great grandpa because she basically healed him. He had pneumonia, and the Western medicine said that he wasn’t going to make it through the night. This was 100 plus years ago, approximately. And she goes, kitchen cabinets, puts something together for him. He drinks it. The next morning, he’s up walking around, and here I am, many years later, several generations later. So here we go.

The Druids express the name of deity by letters OIW among all the nations of primitive antiquity, the doctrine of the immortality of the soul.”Was not a mere probable hypothesis, needing laborous researchers and diffused argumentation to produce conviction of its truth. Nor can we hardly give it the name of faith, for it was a lively certainty, like the filling of one’s own existence and identity, and of what is actually present, exerting its influence on all sublinary affairs, and the motive of mightier, deeds and enterprises than any mere earthly interest could inspire.

Even the doctrine of transmigration of souls, universal among the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, rested on a basis of the old primitive religion and was connected with a sentiment purely religious. It involved the noble element of truth that since man had gone astray and wandered far from God he must needs make many efforts and undergo a long and painful pilgrimage before he could rejoin the source of all perfection. And the firm conviction and positive certainty that nothing defective, impure or defiled with earthly stains could enter the pure region of perfect spirits or be eternally united to God wherefore the soul had to pass through long trials and many purifications before it could attain that blissful end. And the end and aim to all these systems of philosophy was the final deliverance of the soul from the old Calamity the dreaded fate and frightful lot of being compelled to wander through the dark regions of nature and the various forms of the brute creation ever changing its terrestrial shape and its union with God, which lay held to be the lofty destiny of the wise and virtuous soul.

Pythagoras gave to the doctrine of the transmigration of souls that meaning which the wise Egyptians gave to it in their mysteries. He never taught the doctrine in that literal sense in which it was understood by the people. Of that literal doctrine, not the least vestige is to be found in such of his symbols as remain, nor in his precepts collected by his disciples. Lysias he held that men always remain in their essence, such as they were created, and can degrade themselves only by vice, and ennoble themselves only by virtue. Herocles, one of the most zealous and celebrated disciples, expressly says that he who believes that the soul of man after his death will enter the body of a beast for his vices, or become a plant for his stupidity, is deceived, and is absolutely ignorant of the eternal form of the soul, which can never change. For always remaining. Man, it is said to become God or beast through virtue or vice, though it can be become neither or nor the other by nature, but solely by resemblance of its inclination to theirs. Inclinations to theirs. And Timaus and locria. Another disciple says that to alarm men and prevent them from committing crimes, they menace them with strange humiliations and punishments, even declaring that their souls would pass into new bodies. That of a coward into the body of a deer, that of a ravisher into the body of a wolf, that of a murderer into the body of some still more ferocious animal and that of an impure centralist into the body of a hog.

So too the doctrine is explained in the fato. And Lysias says, after the soul, purified of its primes, has left the body in felicity, according to the Indians animates everything the Hindus held that budha human beings up to the perfect state he will ultimately succeed and all, himself included, be merged in unity. Vishnu is to judge the world at the last day. It is to be consumed by fire. The sun and moon are to lose their light, the stars to fall and a new heaven and earth to be created. The legend of the fall of the spirits, obscured and distorted, is preserved in the Hindu mythology and their traditions acknowledged. And they revered the succession of the first ancestors of mankind, or the holy patriarchs of the primitive world under the name of the seven Great Rishis, or Sages of Hori. Through the invested, though they invested their history with a cloud of fictions, the Egyptians held that the soul was immortal and that Osiris was to judge the world.

And thus reads the Persian legend. Now it’s going to get deep, folks. Now they’re talking about Aramon. Aramon after Aramon shall have ruled the world until the end of time. Sociosh, the Promised Redeemer will come and annihilate the power of the Devs, or evil spirits awaken the dead and sit in final judgment upon spirits and men. After the comet Gerzer will be thrown down and a general conflagration take place which will consume the whole world. The remains of the earth will then sink down into Duzak and become, for three periods a place of punishment for the wicked. Then by degrees and then by degrees, all will be pardoned, even Aramon and the Devs and admitted to the regions of bliss. And thus there will be a new heaven and a new earth.

Aramon. I was just talking about Aramon. I was just thinking about Aramon yesterday and now I’m reading about Aramon in Morals and Dogma. What are the ODS? Clearly pretty good. The ODS are all right.

So in the doctrines of Lamaism also we found obscured and partly concealed in fiction, fragments of the primitive truth. For according to that faith there is to be a final judgment before Eslat Khan. The good are to be admitted to paradise, the bad to be banished to hell, where there are eight regions burning hot and eight freezing cold.

And the mysteries, wherever they were practiced, was taught truth of the primitive revelation the existence of one great being infinite and pervading the universe, who was there worshipped without superstition and marvelous nature, essence and attributes taught to the initiates. While Vulgar attributed his works to secondary gods personified and isolated from him in fabulous independence.

These truths were covered from the common people as with a veil. And the mysteries were carried into every country that without disturbing the popular beliefs, truth, the arts and the sciences might be known to those who are capable of understanding them and maintaining the true doctrine incorrupt with the people. Prone to superstition and idolatry have in no age been able to do, nor as many strange aberrations and superstitions of the present day prove any more now than heretofore. For we need but point to the doctrines of so many sects that degrade the Creator to the rank and assign to him the passions of humanity to prove that now, as always, the old truths must be committed to a few or they will be overlaid with fiction and error and irretrievably lost through masonry.

Though Masonry is identical with the ancient Mysteries, it is so in this qualified sense that it presents but as imperfect image of their brilliancy, the ruins only of their render, and a system that was expressed progressive alterations, the fruits of social events and political circumstances. Upon leaving Egypt, the mysteries were modified by the habits of the different nations among whom they were introduced. Though originally more moral and political than religious, they soon became the heritage, as it were, of the priests and essentially religious, though in reality limiting the sacred odal power by teaching the intelligent lady the folly and absurdity of the creeds of the populace. They were therefore necessarily changed by the religious systems of the countries into which they were transplanted. In Greece. They were the mysteries of Ceres in Rome, of Bonadia, the good goddess in Gaul, the School of Mars. In Sicily. The Academy of the Sciences. Among the Hebrews, they partook of the rites and ceremonies of a religion which placed all the powers of government and all the knowledge in the hands of the priests and levites. The pagodas of India, the retreats of the Magi of Persia, and Chaldea and pyramids of Egypt were no longer the sources at which men drank in knowledge. Each people at all informed had its mysteries. After a time, the temples of Greece and the school of Pythagoras lost their reputation and Freemasonry took their place.

Masonry, when properly expanded, is at once the interpretation of the great book of nature, the recital of physical and astronomical phenomena, the purest philosophy and the place of deposit, whereas in a treasury are kept in safety all the great truths of the primitive revelation that form the basis of all religions in the modern degree. Three things are to be recognized the image of primeval times, the taboo of the efficient causes of the universe, and the book in which are written the morality of code by which they must govern themselves if they would. The Kabbalistic doctrine was long the religion and the savant because, like Freemasonry, it incessantly tends towards spiritual perfection and the fusion.Of the creeds and nationalities of mankind. In the eyes of the Kabbalists, all men are his brothers and their relative ignorance is to him but a reason for instructing them. They were illustrations cabalists. There were illustrations Kabbalists among the Egyptians and Greeks whose doctrines the Orthodox Church has accepted and among the Arabs were many whose wisdom was not slighted by the medieval church.

This proudly wore the name of Kabbalah. The Kabbalah embodied a noble philosophy, pure, not mysterious, but symbolic. It taught the doctrine of the unity of God the art of knowing and explaining the essence and operations of the supreme Being of spiritual powers and natural forces and of determining their action by symbolic figures, by the arrogance of well, I’m sorry. By the arrangement of the alphabet, the combinations of numbers, the inversion of letters and writing and the concealed meanings which they claim to discover therein.

The Kabbalah is the key of the occult sciences. And the gnostics were born of the Kabbalists. Wow. So, I mean, does that sound evil to you? Does that sound like demonic? Does that sound like Lucifer that you know, or now are we starting to realize that much of the indoctrination of specific deities and titles and principalities have actually been either reversed or manipulated or used as a tool to create fear?

What is that thing? It’s like a little micro drone the size of a wow. So anyway, I just find that very interesting. And the more research I do and whether it’s symbology or magic or politics or science or history or when I get into the connecting these Hollywood scripts in blockbuster films and we see these events that are taking place now and the timing and all this kind of stuff, it makes me realize there’s a lot at play than what most people realize.

Most people are in these compartments and their mind is creating the compartment. Their mind is creating their limitations, and their mind is being manipulated by what I would call modern sorcery. And modern sorcery is connected with different industries and it’s orchestrated through the medias. Whether it’s social media or ten second clips or three hour videos or music or the education system, the different news outlets, pretty much everything is trickled down from this pyramid of power where there’s less than zero, zero 1%.

I mean, we’re talking a group of probably a few hundred people thinking somewhere around 302 to 300 people. And this is just what’s coming to my mind right now. I could be way off on that. And there’s a lot of big players, but the super players, the code writers, I would say the code writers in this matrix, there are two to 300 of them.

And these deities in the scriptures that are labeled as fallen angels are very advanced, highly intelligent beings that have been around much longer than we have in this physical body. They have much longer lifespans. They have a completely different thought process where they can see entire timelines versus just a few years or even a few hundred years. They’re way above and beyond that. And so we are experiencing this subjectively.

And then when we read about these ancient writings and ancient teachings and ancient scriptures and we connect these dots and we realize much of the perceived world is orchestrated then we can kind of step back, look at the alternatives, and really get into that flow state. So thank you so much for watching. I hope you have a beautiful evening or morning wherever you’re at and hit the bell. Be well and be the change you want to see. Bye.

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