Ladies and gentlemen, be prepared, not scared. Go to preparithleakproject. com. Get a 25% discount off a three month food bank. This comes with 21 food varieties, 2000 plus calories a day, 25 year shelf life. No MSG, added 120 pounds worth of food. Free shipping. Another very popular option is a two week emergency food supply bank. You can get it for only $127. Click the link prepareathleakproject. com. You were telling me some stuff just a minute ago, and I said I got to hit record because you were invited on Icon, right? Classified.
If you had classified with Richard Willett, which is on the iconic channel. Yes, sir. Tell us about oh, well, I’m a huge fan of Richard Willett and some of his stuff, and I was invited to be on the show. And everybody that’s been following my research knows that I always usually try to interconnect the Apocrypha of John into the data I’m presenting. And one of the behavioral patterns that I have discovered throughout history is that whether or not it’s an incubus or succubus, or if it’s an entity people meet during a UFO abduction encounter, it doesn’t really matter.
There’s kind of a bloodline, no pun intended, if you will, of manifestation that’s pervasive in the field. So it unites all of these topics together, and that is that during these encounters, oftentimes during the Insemination method, the entity will stare into the eyes of their victim and then inseminate them with a fetus. And so it was very interesting because once I was on the show with Richard, he described how he had just recently done an interview with one of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims, and she, unbeknownst to her, began to talk about this very same behavioral pattern without understanding anything about my research.
Probably doesn’t even know my name. But she said that during one of her encounters with Jeffrey Epstein, that while he was assaulting her at the moment of Insemination, she said he changed his appearance into something completely different, as if a completely different entity. And it’s not a unique pattern. It’s unique to people who never heard of it. But if you’ve watched Rex’s channel and watch my shows with my good friend Rex, it’s very much present.
So even the Apocrypha of John, which is the firm foundation for which we’re going to be talking tonight, that is exactly what they did. It was right when they stared into the eyes of the woman at the moment of Insemination, then they changed their appearance into whatever they wanted to create through the womb. That was astounding. It’s one thing, and I’ll tell you what took me by surprise.
It’s one thing to say, okay, this research is solid. There is quantifiable data here. There are case studies of women and families, entire families that I’ve worked with that have experienced this phenomenon. But it was particularly disturbing to hear this come from one of Jeffrey Epstein’s cases. And that’s why if you guys watch it, I think it’ll be out here in the middle of October, my show with Richard, where I start talking know, it’s one thing to look at the victims, and that’s painful enough, obviously, but where are the right? That’s what I’m looking for.
What was the whole purpose in that? But again, back to what I was saying. It was disturbing because it’s like, okay, it’s one thing to read about it. It’s another thing to work with families about this. But a towering, crazy, evil figure like Epstein doing this to people, that’s when I was like, Wait a minute. We need to pump the brakes and just take a look at this for what it is.
So it just makes me wonder. I know that there are people that have discussed Epstein in depth, and the guy was just an elusive figure. I’ll send you a link to an interview with one of the Weinstein brothers where he talks about meeting I think it was I forget which. Weinstein. Maybe Brett Weinstein one of them. But he talks about meeting Epstein. It’s chilling. Absolute chilling. Nothing made sense, but I thought it was alarming, and I had to share it with you, my friend.
I’m thinking, what in the heck is going on here? Well, did he shape shift into, like, a reptile looking? According to what I know, it was something like that. A reptile, reptilian, some kind of figure. But the fact that he’s performing the same technique, it’s like, what do we not know? You know what I mean? Okay, let’s assume that other beings are doing this to us at the same time, right? You know what I mean? Okay.
There are different species. And yet, going off of that theory, then most, if not all of them know how to do this performance and why this even matters. So again, we’re left in the darkness. Strange. So it could be like an entire program. There we go. It makes me think that we are, or not us personally, but the human race is designed for that purpose. Almost like you’ve heard, we were made for the gods to do the work for the gods.
And I’m wondering how much if we were originally designed or manipulated to host bodies so that these entities that couldn’t reincarnate could reincarnate through us. That’s where I’m leaning towards, to be honest with you. And this has taken some work on my end. I think anybody that’s familiar with my research, just watch the shows I’ve done with you, how it’s evolved since, like, two or three years ago and it’s still evolving.
But I think, again, that you’re hitting the nail on the head because if these are in fact parasites or at least parasitic in nature to where we are not just the immortal portal to which they incarnate or reincarnate, if they are in fact some kind of parasitic life form, then we are in fact their hosts. Which would mean that just because they have not destroyed our species does not mean at all that they’re not a threat to us.
This is so fascinating. I was listening to a virologist the other day. He was describing the nature of a parasite and he said, you know, he said, is the parasite a threat to its host? 100%. But the goal of the parasite is not to destroy the host. It’s to keep the host alive so that it itself will survive in it. This is what the nature of what I believe is.
It’s not just my perspective of it. We’ll get into this a little bit later. But even Robert Bigelow, when he basically closed up shop and sold the skinwalker ranch, he took NIDS and all of their NDAs. They signed with our federal government and all the other agencies in the intelligence community. At the very end of the day, he came to conclusion that it was not just the hitchhiker effect, right? It was actually some kind of life form that was parasitic in nature.
And so once it affected one person, it was almost like it just began to stretch its draconian shadow across different other individuals. Now, we’ve seen this in hauntology with possession cases. We’ve seen this hauntology with hauntings, right, where the phenomenon will manifest in one house and the next thing you know, there’ll be a neighbor across the street that starts having poltergeist activity or it’s the way it is.
And so I think that’s one aspect of the phenomenon we’re starting to really gain insight into. But it does speak of us being the host species for another life form to self replicate in and through. Now, did they get into details on what he looked like when he shapeshifted more than he just was reptoid looking? And there are other cases that you could parallel with that that you could tell us about? Yeah, well, I don’t really again, I’m leaning more towards some of the researchers that have been following me and emailing me.
They’re going to really enjoy this because a lot of people trying to debate me into the simulation theory. I’m not quite there yet. I’m almost there. Not in the sense that we are in a simulation, but obviously that there are laws that are in place that we are not aware of, that these beings are playing by. But to your question, to my knowledge, it was a reptilian being or at least appear to her as reptilian.
Now, I have to go back to watch the show again, but I do remember her saying that. Now, here’s the problem again, this gets back to, okay, are we dealing with a single proto intelligence that’s masked itself throughout history and even now in the present? Right? It doesn’t want you to know what it is. It will do the same rituals and perform the same incantations, perform the same programs, but it doesn’t truly want us to really understand what it looks like.
Well, if that’s the case, then we have a firm foundation for that as well. I’m working with people even now where specifically women, where this phenomenon has taken place. You know what I mean? It’s not just inseminating. It’s not just the incubus effect. It’s where they will, at the moment of insemination, change their appearance to whatever they want to replicate through the womb. Very interesting. That’s why, like, in the Apocrypha of John, they first manifested as apparitions, but they took upon the appearance of the husband.
This is incredible right here. And so during this modus operandi or this program, if you took upon the appearance of the husband in order to motivate and to inspire a direct physical encounter, but at the moment of insemination, bam. That’s when it changed itself into what it really was. It’s very interesting stuff, but the question is, okay, again, in my book, The Skin Across, let me back up and say this.
There’s a passage where I talk about how that it is my opinion, and I should say the data suggests that we’re not dealing with persons or people, right? We’re dealing with the modus operandi of the phenomenon itself. It is most like a program more than anything else. I’m used to doing, like, 40 minutes shows just rambling. So it’s okay if I go into this real quick? Please. No, man.
If I got something to say, I’ll say it. This is great. Okay. All right, man. So here’s the deal. This is why I believe that it’s not just a modus apparandi. It’s literally the signature encounter we have throughout history. It’s not just they manifest to people. It’s almost as if there is this mating game. And I hate to say it like that, but there is this theatrical performance, or what I put across.
I call it a protocol of belief that’s present. This is what I’ve been dealing with and talking about with my colleagues, is that it’s more than just an encounter, right? There’s something going on between the experiencer and that which is being experienced. It wasn’t that long ago I was on a panel on a show with my good friend Paul Sinclair, and we were the host of The Know.
He would give an encounter and say, okay, what did you guys think about this? Right? What do you think about? It was during one of those shows where he came up with a case study that somebody set in where a mother and a daughter were in the living room or in their kitchen or something. And they saw this entity just walk behind the window and it stopped and stared at them.
And so it’s a very interesting case study because the mother had the daughter next to her. The mother looked and said, I see an alien. And she asked the daughter, what do you see? And the daughter says, I see a demon. Same experience, same case study at the same time. And so there is this again, there is this. The only way I could frame it is almost like a covenant of consent or a covenant of belief involved where it’s like, not a new character, but it’s almost like a character in the game where it’s, okay, let’s look at it this way.
You have to believe I’m your husband in order for this to work, right? Okay, you’re my husband. And then it steps into the role. It’s like that case study I had in India, right? Being manifested as seven different people, seven different men. This woman had been intimate with. And each time she said it was almost like it was measuring her belief. Do you believe I am this? And then when it was like, okay, I don’t really okay.
And then the next night or the next, something completely different. Another man, another it was just very strange. So I got enough of these case studies to where I’m like, okay, there’s something really strange occurring more than just the manifesting. It’s almost as if it’s inviting us to this weird game. It’s like the witcher literature. These women are being taken on demonic flights, these witches, rather. And they’re going to these hillsides and the phenomenon is playing to their weaknesses, playing to their beliefs.
Do you believe I am a demon? Yes. Okay, then you’re going to copulate with the demon. At a certain point. I tell this in all my interviews. I think it’s the biggest kicker out of all of this that’s, well, sudden the phenomenon manifested. And then, I don’t know, the program fuzzed up. Something fell apart with the theatrical production. And that’s when these witches look around and they realize that this is not a corpse, not an alien, it’s not a demon.
It was a program. And they were being poked and prodded by metallic objects that were designed to feel as human and as real as possible. So it was like this theatrical production put on by the phenomenon just to get us to cooperate. And I think this is exactly what Epstein was doing. And we’ll do another show on that later because I’ve had more notes with me. But again, I think that case study put us right back where we should be to ask these questions.
Okay, what is really occurring here? Why is it that certain amounts of belief have to be present for the phenomenon to do what it wants to do? So I want to hear more about these metallic like you said that it could change shape to anything, but it was actually metallic objects, correct? Yeah, it’s eros of Eve. Ariel Masters. Metallic objects that were cold to the touch. They felt very cold.
And if you look at it through the modern lens, you will see the nuances of the UFO abduction phenomenon, where they wake up and they realize, okay, what is this? Okay, that’s not a man, that’s a program. And so they’re being poked and prodded. And here’s the idea. When we look, even in case of abduction accounts where the women are being inseminated, their OVA are being stolen, the men, right, they’re being taken and harvested for their secretions.
They’re ticket place. So it’s like a medical facility where these tests are being run. And the way they gain our consent is to literally induce us into this game scenario where, okay, do you believe this? Okay, that’s not really what you feel, by the way. Right. It’s very interesting. But these objects that were experienced in witcher literature, they were technology. Matter of fact, it was technology that eclipsed their current technology at that particular time.
It’s very unique. So that’s what leads me to believe that if there is this simulation game scenario that would make sense as to why, okay, there is this virtual reality being experienced, and then sometimes the technology fails, and there we are left looking at something that we had no idea and we weren’t supposed to know existed. So the technology itself, what is it? How are they doing? No clue, brother.
I wish I did. One thing that was paramount was that when they realized what happened, they realized the amount of deception that had to go into that experience. Right. In other words, it wasn’t okay, again, these were not individuals. Like they weren’t Muslims. They weren’t Christians. These were individuals that were in dark. Sorcery in what it had, this is pretty interesting, pretty terrifying, too, because, again, the phenomenon said, essentially, what do you want me to be? What would help us deceive you? Okay, I’ll be that.
And then on and on and on and on, and until some people didn’t even realize some people still believed it was a demon or a corpse they were having intercourse with. Some people went back home. Matter of fact, one case study said that this sounds like abductions, too, where these beings, whatever they were, were taking the wife from the bed and replacing her with a familiar spirit that had her same appearance.
And so the husband would wake up thinking, okay, my wife’s laying next to me, and they have his wife. And so when you have enough of these cases, the amount of deception present is there for a reason. It is a clandestine event. What we see oftentimes is not at all what is occurring. And I think that’s what it gets back to. Okay, is there one intelligence orchestrating all of it, right? Is there one protoconsciousness that is manifesting as an alien demons angels, ghosts, just enough for us to be okay with it and not pursue the real questions behind the veil.
If that’s what we’re seeing, what do they not want us to see? Right? First of all, it feels just like a demon. Doesn’t mean it is. Feels just like a ghost. Doesn’t mean it is. So there is this program again that leans on the protocols of and I’ll shut up. I think it’s interesting. Reminds me of and keep going. You’re the guest. So I’m enjoying this. This is awesome.
I’m listening to it and I’m thinking about what Terrence McKenna said when his famous quote was, we’re in a symbiotic relationship with something that disguises itself as extraterrestrial so as not to alarm us. Right? Absolutely. Sounds like what you’re talking about. Oh, my God. He also said yeah, I think he said, the universe of the world is not only stranger than you can imagine. It’s stranger than you can it’s not only stranger than you imagine.
It’s also stranger than you can imagine. So this gets down to the three levels of knowledge. There’s the known, the unknown, and the unknowable. Whatever they’re doing, obviously we can know it, or else there would be no need for deception. So it is within the unknown and the known where we can know it. It’s not the unknowing. It will never be. So, in other words, what I’m saying essentially is that it’s not unknowable, because if it was unknowable, then they would not refuse us access.
Right? It would just not exist. We would not be able to comprehend. No. So what we’re dealing with is this function of deception. Let me say this, to back up and say this. Very few, if any researchers out there that are worth their salt are denying that deception is occurring all over the map. Deception is occurring. David. Jacobs. Hopkins. Turner. Just the list. Even now, the people at least, David Jacobs, contemporary, they’re living.
They all say that what we’re looking at now is, okay, we know deception is occurring, but is it for our own good? That’s the question. Are they deceiving us for our own good? For instance, when I was doing this show the other day, we were talking about remote viewing and channeling and just psychics and everything. Here is the problem. We no longer know how to vet these beings.
For instance, this is incredible, okay? When someone is abducted by Jesus, there’s a recent experience, pretty huge, and are going, you know, Jesus abducted somebody and told them that RA is God. RA from Egypt is God. Now, one’s very easy to test this scenario. Let’s just assume there’s people out there don’t believe yeshua or Jesus exists. Let’s just assume he did. And let’s just assume these biblical texts, antiquity, they are actually true in what he taught.
Did the living Jesus ever teach that RA was God? And if he did, why is the Hebrew word RA? Why does it mean evil. What we’re seeing is a glitch of the program where it will manifest. Sure, you want me to be Jesus. Okay. Yeah. But then it’ll send a message and say something that Jesus would have never said. Jesus never taught, even if people believe he never existed, even the fictitious version of Jesus in that way never taught that.
So what are we looking at here? What are we looking at here? It’s a mechanism of deception. I’m going to be an authority figure, and then I’m going to give you something. The image I’m bearing never really taught that. Never did. And so that’s a way to test them. And I’d say this, too. When you’re looking at this, do you think that the late Hebrew scholar Michael Heiser would have fell for that? Not in the heartbeat.
Hey, beloved. Okay, here’s a Hebrew word, here’s a Hebrew text, right? No. So they didn’t do that. So they’re doing it to this person again, because it is the mechanism. Deceased. But what’s the point? I’ll give you another case study. There was a famous psychic medium who for 20 years believed that he was being guided by his deceased grant, his deceased mother, rather. For years and years and years.
I’m going to go left. No, his guide said turn right. All of these prophecies and stuff. And then finally, one day, his mother, allegedly his mother on the other side, tells him to do something that was against her religious creed and who she was in life. That’s when he realized he backed up and began to question, you’re not really my mother, are you? And that’s when the mask of deception was pulled, and he realized that the phenomenon was playing the long game.
Ted Rice, as a young boy, thought he was being visited by his deceased grandfather, literally in his room at time. So one night the family was there, and the grandfather tried to assault him, and he ran out screaming, that’s not my grandfather at all. So we right now on the field. The best thing I’ll tell you, my colleagues, my mentors, what we’re trying to understand is how do we vet the phenomenon? I can keep going if you want me to, even down to the nature of UFOs? Yeah, keep going.
Absolutely. Okay. We have case studies in Ufology where when this phenomenon manifests, it is not an actual craft. It looks like a craft. Sometimes people will say, okay, well, it flew away like a craft. But upon a closer examination, the craft is manifesting something that goes against science, and it’s literally what we would consider to be a simulant. It’s not the real thing, but it wants to appear as a real thing.
Matter of fact, we have cases where they’ve looked and seen rivets and screws, wrecks, screws that are this far away from the surface, and you can see they’re loose and stuff, and you realize there’s no way it’s not real. It wants to appear as real. This gets back to something very interesting. My brother was working with a group of researchers years ago now, and I’m sure they collected much more data than what I’m going to refer to.
Anyways, first of all, what they were doing is they were going all across the country and they were implementing cameras, like thousands of them. They were very well financed. And so cameras were on trees, on hilltops, rocks, all that stuff. And one of the clips he showed me is fascinating. He said that these people in one of their videos, they see just this thing just enter the sky, shows up.
And he said that they zoomed in and they said it looked like assessment, like it looked like a plane with wings and everything. And they said, okay, this checks out. We must have missed it. Must have been something messed up technology. It’s just know it’s David from this super little know the local airport. He’s just getting out there, getting some air and stuff, whatever, nothing to worry about.
So they rewound it and when it first manifested Rex, it was not a man, it was something completely different. And they watched it as it began to shape itself into what looked like a Cessna and just begin to fly. So what we’re looking at here again, I don’t want to say simulation theory, but what we are encountering in many cases is the phenomenon wanting to appear as something.
It’s definitely so I’m thinking to myself, could it be clearly, why is it picked certain scenarios to mess with certain people? What’s the purpose? And maybe it has something to do with the life essence. Maybe it has something to just board. I think it’s more than it’s just board. And then why does it do experiments and why does it feel like it’s at a hospital? And why oftentimes are there tools that seem to be more human like tools? But then, you know, I’ve got a friend, Chris Pearl Brian, that’s written multiple books on cattle mutilation.
He is a freaking legend, man. And he talks a lot about the earth thinking that these UFOs sometimes has something to do with the earth itself turning into these UFOs and then changing. And then I had Patty Greer and Penny Kelly on the other day talking about crop circles and their belief that many of these crop circles are actually from the earth itself, which is interesting. And I don’t know, man, it’s quite powerful.
But the Earth, I do believe is a very living, powerful organism, multitude being, consciousness and seems like we’re in a sea of consciousness. It’s quite remarkable. Yeah, you’re right. It’s symbiotic. And in terms of a hybrid program, embryonic relationship, let’s listen to this. I’ll tell you what, man, we’re going to get into this real quick because I know we were already up for 40 minutes, but I love it.
But check it out, man. This whole idea again is it’s almost like this planet was not made for us, or I should say this, that we are definitely not at the top of the food chain. I was listening to an old Art Bell show with Father Michael Magano, who was dealing with the Ammon’s case in Gary, Indiana, the demon house. And he was talking about how before he got there, at the house, the grandmother was asleep one night and the lights are off, but her eyes adjust the darkness, and she’s looking out into the living room, and she sees someone pacing back and forth.
This made her, in the back of my neck, stand up. Very little does that these days. And she said so she freaked out, which, who wouldn’t? She flips on all the lights and walks out there, and there’s nobody there. They were just there. When the lights are on, when they turn the lights, they’re gone. That’s when she noticed muddy footprints on the floor. Now, you know me, man.
I cover a lot, so I go to different subjects. But that’s not the only case I’ve heard about regarding that. One of my best friends in the world, we were at a half price books one day in the spiritual, occult text, just looking at stuff, looking at books. He tells me of his story of seeing the hat man, him and his friend as a kid, seeing the hat man.
When they woke up the next morning, they told the mother, and they went into the garage. There were muddy footprints leading up to the door. So it’s almost like we exist here. But there is something that’s coexisting next to us. Now, this is crazy that has been here forever, and yet, as often as it has manifested as many bloody footprints, or muddy footprints, I should say, as we’ve documented, it has been so elusive and so evasive that even the breadcrumbs it gives us, we are still groping in the darkness.
Now, I would ask everybody that’s going to watch this, what kind of an intelligence could do that? Unless it is playing by rules we are not aware of, existing within a dimension around us or in us to the point that it is present with but absent from, and it is designed to be like that. It’s like a super intelligence. I think that when you look at this, looking at the way they operate, even hauntings and Ufology, if you’re looking okay.
Dr. Barry Taff had a case where he cornered this San Pedro haunting, I believe, jackie Hernandez, it might be that or the other one that he investigated. It’s really, really doris bitra, I believe. But anyways, he’s in this room. He’s got his camera crew there, and they’re cornering this orb, and he called it a carpuscular ball of light. And all of a sudden it begins to fuzz around and pops.
And when it goes boom, there is an apparition next to it from. The waist up. It was green, it was animated. And that just began to look at. Now, that’s hauntology. But even in Ufology, there’s a famous experiencer. Even now, chris Bledz got all kinds of documentation, pretty cool, and I have my own ideas. But he said one day he was walking in, I think, his front yard in the trees, and he sees this ball of light, and he says, all of a sudden, the ball of light does something and then bam.
From the ball of light is an apparition of an angel. What? Same program, different math, I think. Same balls of light, different manifestation of what crawled on. There are things like the orbology, like the missing fetus syndrome, like the hybridization program that we see the phenomenon while it changes masks throughout history. And this is my theory, while it has changed its mask throughout history, not just with individual experiencers, right? I’m a Muslim.
I see Muhammad. I’m a Jew. I’m Christian. I see Jesus. And even though it changes its mass, there are certain programs that it reincorporates into its agenda. So the hybridization program has been here since Genesis six, right? It manifested as demons. In order to do that, it’s manifested as aliens, manifested as uncles. Not uncles, but whatever, grandpas, all kinds of stuff. And yet what you see underneath it all is that there are certain behavioral patterns that it refuses to change.
And I’ll shut up after this. But it does appear to be evolving according to our awareness of it, my friend. What would do that? An advanced civilization, an advanced species, a highly evolved species, something that knew what we were thinking. So it evolved enough, just enough. And these orbs that you talk of, a lot of people think these orbs are spirits or souls. What if they are souls or light bodies or beings that are highly evolved and they have certain parameters that there are certain requirements that they have to meet in this third dimension? So when they come here, they can appear in certain ways to make it look like it’s your typical Bigfoot.
Because it’s so interesting because I’m interviewing some people in a couple of days. I was going to have an interview with them today on Bigfoot. And they did one video on Bigfoot physical in the woods, hiding out, very elusive. And then now their second documentary is on more of the paranormal aspect. And oftentimes people that see Bigfoot or a Sasquatch will see an orb before and after, and they will see these orbs next to these UFOs and these flying saucers and oftentimes the extraterrestrial experiences according to the testimonies.
So what’s the connection with the orbs? Is this like a one stop shop? It’s like a transformer. Oh, dude, transformers. It’s freaking Transformers. Transformers. Robots in disguise. That’s funny. Donna. Love those movies, by the way. I used to watch them as a kid, or at least TV shows. Even with the orbs I can remember an ancient exorcistic text. It’s a Kabbalistic text, where when they would have a demoniac present, they would interrogate the entity within.
And one of the questions they asked was, what are you shaped like? That’s what they said. And the entity said, well, when I travel, I am in the shape of an egg. Right? And here’s what’s interesting, too. They said, okay, are you the size of a chicken egg or are you the size of an ostrich egg? You know what I mean? It led me to believe, like, we’re dealing with orbs.
Dealing with orbs, bud. But yes. So getting back to this understanding that whatever they’re doing, okay, so the orb itself, what are they? Well, I know that in many cases, they are flexible. Yeah, I know that. But there have been cases, especially in hauntology and investigations, where they are this gets into what I call predator natural epiphenomenal philosophy, because we don’t know what we’re measuring, right? We don’t do that.
Again, predator natural epiphenomenal philosophy. It’s a long academic term for this. Okay? If I’m in a pool of. .