Where Humans Designed to Worship?

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➡ The text discusses the idea of humans being designed to worship, drawing on the concepts of Gnosticism, Hermetics, and fractals. It explores the significance of the number seven in various contexts, such as the seven chakras, seven planets, and seven days of the week. Additionally, it notes the potentially divine design of human DNA and the limitations of human perception. This hypothesis is supported by a variety of religious, astrological, and scientific observations.


Is this thing on? Hey, Rex. Bear League project. How the heck are you? Thank you very much for joining me. This edition, were humans designed to worship? So if you’ve studied the Gnostic texts, many of the Gnostic texts appear to have a kind of dark mindset on humanity and humanity’s creator. So when you look at fractals and you look at the Hermetics teachings, such as above, so below, you start to see patterns, you start to see fractals, and you can find whatever you want in this matrix.

It’s a duality. And we’ve talked about the nexus point before, where the in between is infinite possibilities. So today I want to share with you some scriptures that have been decoded into the blueprint of us and also how we connect to the seven spirits of God. It’s pretty cool stuff. Now, if you want to see some exclusive content, we’ve moved a lot of our stuff over to Patreon, and we’ve made it very easy.

And we’ve got a lot of exclusive content that we can really only talk about on Patreon and also the website. But you can sign up for as little as a buck. So check out our website ad free, unedited, censorship free. You’ll love it. Check us out on Patreon. All right, so let’s get into this. Were humans designed to worship? I think so. I think so. And when you look at the fractals of seven, we notice like the seven chakras, the seven planets, the seven days of the week.

If you get into the ancient mythology, you will research deities that have crowns of seven points or seven serpents. A lot of Hindu deities will be surrounded by serpents. One in particular that I find fascinating is Manassa, which is a Hindu goddess that is often depicted as seven serpents or seven cobras as her crown. It’s pretty remarkable. If we look into the days of the week, this is where Hermetics gets involved.

So you’ve got Monday, which is representation of the moon. The moon governs Monday. Tuesday is governed by mercury. Wednesday is governed by Mars. Thursday is governed by Jupiter. Friday is governed by Venus. Saturday is governed by Saturn. And Sunday is governed by sun, the soul. If you research the solar system, and if you decode solar system soul, our system, our soul system, the sun as the soul, the only way through the father is through me.

Astro theologically speaking, when Jesus says that in these biblical texts, many people believe he’s referring to the sun itself or in these scriptures, referring to the sun itself as a stargate, as an entryway to a higher level of consciousness, to a different realm. Now, there have been tests, there have actually been scientific studies and research that can verify they’ve done this in laboratories. They have turned light into matter.

The term human is light manifest hue, man hue, a shade of light, a sound of God. In the beginning was the word light manifest hue man time in certain dimensions doesn’t work the way it does here. We perceive time differently based upon our DNA and our physical senses. We see about 0. 1% of the electromagnetic light spectrum. Why? Why are we designed to be so limited on certain levels, yet so superior? It appears in other aspects, like we’re creating rockets and we’re creating these technologies that can be used for superhero stuff or supervillain stuff, right? We’re the only ones really doing that.

Now, whether or not there’s influence with other deities or whatever, we can get into that in a whole other podcast. But why is our DNA, what makes us so unique? Now, the DNA itself is that design for a nexus point with Am or the ANU. The Anunaki, the blueprint that connects us to this higher level of consciousness, the Trinity, the seven seven seven, the divine number, the number of God.

Seven, threefold, the seven spirits of God, the Trinity equaling the one the unity podcast on the Cacao that was discovered that’s estimated to be 7000 years old, 5000 BC. It’s a seven headed giant that looks like a menorah head. And the menorah itself reminds me of the chakras. And it also reminds me or it looks like you’ve got the duality achieving the singularity. You’ve got the duality on each side, right? And then there’s this singularity that takes you to source, that takes you to the highest level of consciousness.

And if we even look at the chakras that are in our body and the way that they’re located and the connection of the chakra to the planetary body and the days of the week that are connected to the planets in our solar system, you can see the fractals of the divine. You can see the fractals of God. And if you look at ancient hermetic teachings that show the human being as a representation of the universe itself and then we see telescope images of what appears to be giant eyeballs in space or the hand of God in space, these fractals that we see down here.

And then we understand that the megaliths the ancients built are connected to the stars. And it’s because there’s this energy transfer and there’s also this data transfer. And at one point, they were able to achieve this not just at a spiritual level, but at a technological level. That’s what the ancients were doing. And now we’re trying to put everything back together through all these cataclysms. And many of these cataclysms are because or many of these religions are because of the cataclysms that took place in the past.

The 72 lesser keys of Solomon, the 72 Jin 72 and 72. You have 144, the 72 lower keys, the 72 higher selves. You master all of those keys. You build your I mean, you you are a that’s probably one way to activate all of your chakras, to be at 144,000, to be one of the 144,000. The question is, would you lose your mind on the way when you connect to these symbols.

See, that’s another thing that makes me believe we are designed to worship. We are designed as a continuation of source, as a continuation of energy. And we have limited freedoms. We have certain freedoms, and we have these MultiChoice chapters that we get to choose from in this designed system. And you decode the matrix, you start to see the signs. You start to mean it’s quite remarkable. And I was thinking about it.

So my friend Jimmy, he was a pilot, I think a blackhawk pilot or something. Helicopter pilot, served for 20 years. Really cool guy. Saw some pretty wild things, I’m sure, in the military. He gets out of the military and his wife’s with him as a witness, and he’s got a little bit of video footage of this event that takes place, and he’s never been the same since. And he describes this Merkaba that activates his brain, and now he even has I don’t know what they call it, synesthesia or something like that, where he sees these fractals, and his mind just basically never stops.

So he can write 100 books, and that’s like therapy. And then you read the books, and it’s just so in depth that you’re like, how did a fighter pilot or how did a helicopter pilot excuse me. How did a helicopter pilot that retired from the military seem to live a pretty normal, exceptional, but pretty normal life in the woods, in the cabin, retired, and then all of a sudden, boom, this Merkabah activates him, and now he just nonstop.

He’s got different senses that are activated and stuff. Well, the Merkabah reminds me of the Sephirim in Revelation that describes the six winged beings that are surrounding the throned, one that have eyes in the front and their back, constantly seeing everything, and they’ve got six wings. Well, the six wings would be the six points, which would be like the Merkabah, or what some people refer to as the Star of David.

Yet this is in a fourth dimension. It’s like, not just 3D. It’s 40. And it came out of the 40, came out of the mental plane. The DNA was abruptly changed a couple hundred thousand years ago when there was a major cosmic event. Also. So it’s like we’re inside of the mind of God, of the divine, and it’s a multitude of battles and fractals and archetypes within. So my question to you is, were we designed to worship? Just a quick breakdown, quick rundown.

0. 1% of the electromagnetic light spectrum we see approximately, we probably hear less than that. Actually, I would say we hear even less than that when you look at the we’re picking up, if we’re lucky, 20 in that spectrum of sound and then also the way that we perceive things. And people in the scientific community talk about junk DNA because they don’t understand it. Well, if that was activated, would we then see whatever we wanted to see that was around us? Would we see 90% or 100% versus 0.

1%? Would we hear everything? Would we be a part of everything at once? Is that the singularity? Each time you look at a number, you read a word, you see a letter. You see a symbol that activates a certain part of your brain because it’s a certain frequency. Were we designed to worship? Thanks for listening, Hue. Be a change you want to see. .

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