Yaldabaoths World The Death Star The Ringmakers of Saturn PT2

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Site: https://truthmafia.com : complete summary text presention: yaldabaoths-world-the-death-star-the-ringmakers-of-saturn-pt2

• The speaker provides a detailed account of the ancient mythology, scriptures, and texts from various sources like Gnostic scriptures, Greek stories, the Bible and Sumerian texts relating them to modern entertainment and theories. He interrogates the depiction of Yal the baoth, described as the chief archon in Gnostics and draws connections between the sun, Lion, DNA, and control signified by a snake.

• The speaker then goes on to discuss Norman R. Bergern’s “ringmakers of Saturn” theory, which suggests that massive spaceships are maintaining Saturn’s rings at a specific frequency range. He also ties this to how entertainment and media incorporate pieces of truth in their works, relating them to real discoveries and theories like new human species or remnant skulls from ancient tribes. This extends to speculation about the influences and motives behind head modifications in history.

• The speaker also debunks the Dyson sphere theory, suggesting that civilizations with the technology to harness the power of an entire star wouldn’t necessarily need to build massive structures. This leads to pondering about changes in the earth before and after catastrophic events and whether this ties into the concept of controlling energies and entities, encapsulating ideas of altered atmospheres, telepathy and a shift in the world order.• The text suggests that a star’s energy could be harnessed in unconventional ways such as tapping into the Berkeley current, utilizing nanotechnologies and reflective mirrors, and bending light with lasers. It also propose the idea that planetary formations such as Saturn’s rings could serve multiple functional purposes, potentially being connected to advanced civilizations or technology, for instance, the eye of Sauron.

• The text also explores hypotheses regarding previous colonization of the solar system, suggesting that advanced civilizations may have repeatedly colonized the solar system throughout history, only to be reset by galactic or natural events. It delves into theories about technologically advanced ancient civilizations and their possible connection to modern mythology, referencing how certain mythologies could be metaphors for celestial events or interactions.

• The author immensely explores the potential for advanced technology, comparing the skepticism of medieval Europe towards future inventions like airplanes to current skepticism about space travel or harnessing cosmic energy. He further suggests that technology could have played a role in past global catastrophes, surmising that Saturn’s rings could be remnants of Dyson sphere, and even speculates on the prospect of self-replicating nanotechnology powered by cosmic space radiation.• The text posits the existence of powerful entities that have shaped empires and reality over thousands of years, surviving global resets, and influencing our genetics. They are believed to have detailed knowledge about cosmic cycles, such as the 24,500 year cycles of the zodiac, shared through mystery schools and secret societies.

• It further explores the concept of humans being connected to a divine light, specifically mentioning an entity named “Yalda Bayoth”, which the text suggests is associated with the sun. There’s also a mention of people’s connections to constellations, suggesting that star charts could give insight into an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and even their past and future.

• Finally, it reflects on philosophical perspective stating that our human form may harbour an external star entity connected to a distant part of the universe. It discusses our journey in this physical world in connection with universal energies and questions the pathways of our eventual departure from it. The intent of this theoretical exploration seems to provoke thought and entertain rather than state facts.


Site: https://truthmafia.com : full summary text presention: yaldabaoths-world-the-death-star-the-ringmakers-of-saturn-pt2

Y’all the Bayoth is the chief archon in the Gnostic text, specifically in The Secret Book of John. This scripture has been heavily suppressed by the Vatican and various other institutions throughout history. Although there may be only a few remaining copies, it is now available in printed form. The book describes how Y’all the Bayoth was created as a being with a sun head and a snake or lion body. This representation symbolizes the connection between the sun and DNA, as well as the control that the snake exerts over the lion head. It suggests a time when the Earth had a different atmosphere and environment and humans communicated in a different manner.

Norman R. Bergern, a former NASA employee, wrote a book called “The Ringmakers of Saturn.” Despite the controversial nature of his theories, he was not fired from NASA. Bergern presents his belief that massive spaceships are responsible for creating and maintaining the rings of Saturn. While he does not provide a clear reason for this, he includes images of what he believes are these spacecraft. His work has gained a cult following, but it is important to approach it with an open but critical mind.

In the context of “The Lord of the Rings,” the Eye of Sauron is reminiscent of the concept of the ringmakers of Saturn. Bergern’s theory and the imagery in the book raise questions about the correlation between ancient mythology and modern entertainment. Often, these stories contain fragments of truth or reflect aspects of reality.

Elongated skulls have been discovered in various parts of the world, such as Peru. It is essential to differentiate between naturally elongated skulls and those that have been intentionally modified. The presence of elongated skulls predates the Younger Dryas event. It is unclear whether the modifications were conducted before or after this period of significant environmental change. The motivations behind intentionally elongating skulls and the potential effects on brain function are intriguing subjects of study.

The concept of Dyson spheres, which would indicate a type two civilization capable of harnessing its star’s energy, also comes into play. One might wonder why there are no visible indications of these structures when observing the stars. Some theorists argue that if such a civilization existed, there would be numerous Dyson spheres present. However, this raises the question of whether advanced civilizations have developed alternative methods of harnessing energy that differ from the concept of a Dyson sphere.

In conclusion, exploring the connections between ancient mythology, scientific theories, and contemporary storytelling can offer new insights into human history and the potential for advanced civilizations beyond our own.Paragraph 1:
That big, because you won’t need to. You could harness the star in a far different way. You need to harness that star by tapping into the Berkeley current that connects to that star. You need to tap into the Berkeley current and harness the energy. That way you could use nanotechnologies and reflective mirrors and all sorts of other avenues that would be almost invisible and use very little matter.

Paragraph 2:
I mean, think about it. You would need planets of matter to make a Dyson sphere to go around a star or a lot of matter. So there’s other ways to do it. You could use it with bending light and using lasers and stuff like that, and there would be far different ways. Or how about the rings of Saturn? Maybe the rings of Saturn have a multitude of purposes, and maybe that’s somehow connected to the eye of Sauron, the all-seeing eye. You create. Like, you use technology to integrate into a star. And you are now harnessing. You are a Type 2 civilization. You are harnessing your star. And by doing that now, you have influenced this solar system so much that this Berkeley current is now tapping into you’ve moved it. And now the star that we see is our star, the sun, some type of stargate.

Paragraph 3:
So then you go back to Saturn and you look at Iapetus. It looks just like the Death Star. It even has the same blast sight on it that the Death Star does in Star Wars. But in this episode, it’s Empire Strikes Back and they’re rebuilding the Death Star. And then it’s got the exact same blast site that if you look at images of Iapetus, it has the exact same location where it looks like multitudes of layers. This thing is made of a multitude of layers, and it’s using these hexagons and like a tetrahedron trust type technology. And Richard Hoagland actually did a great breakdown of this years ago. And then Far Side Institute comes out. They remote view it, and Dr. Courtney Brown says it was a resort in their remote viewings. Like a resort similar to an Elon Musk at the time. Could be, but I think it’s called Death Star for a reason. I think that Iapetus, in the Greek mythology, was referred to as the Death Star. I think there’s a reason for that. I think there’s a reason the Death Star in Star Wars looks identical to Iapetus. That is one of the moons around Saturn.

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Saturn, if it was a star, would have planets that orbited it. That now we call moons like, well, they’re just moons now. Well, Titan the moon, titan the Titans, really strong, really powerful giants like in mythology. Well, if you’re living on a planet with a much denser gravity but is still survivable for a life form like us, but much stronger DNA in that aspect. If you look at Titan, it looks Earth-like in many ways. If you look at how many moons orbit Saturn still that we know about, and then you read the mythology of Kronos, and then you find out that the James Webb telescope just captured a star consuming one of its planets. It makes me think of the mythology of Kronos, how Kronos battles Zeus and loses before that Kronos battles his father and wins, which is Uranus, which is tilted on its side.

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What if we’ve colonized the solar system before? What if we have colonized this solar system a multitude of times, but there’s been these resets, these galactic resets, these battles that aren’t just electric universe theory. Because you’ve got two theories. You’ve got the electric universe theory, and then you’ve got theory of ancient aliens, right? Well, why not both? Why not? By messing with nature, nature can fight back. And you can use technology to mess with nature, and then nature can fight back. And then maybe there’s cyclical events that take place, like a heartbeat of the universe almost, that just starts everything, that sets everything back to a certain level of suppression with technology because the universe almost has this fell safe that once we get to a certain level, bank turns it off again. Bank turns it off again. Bank turns it off again. And look at how much we can do in that time.

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Maybe one of the reasons we don’t hear about disclosure, maybe one of the reasons they don’t tell us about these artifacts publicly anyway, that are on the Moon, that are on Mars, that are on Venus and Pluto, even, is because then people realize we’ve actually colonized this solar system before, many times. And it’s not just aliens. It’s not just little grays walking around. No, very highly advanced civilizations traveling the solar system, mining the solar system, colonizing the solar system. I saw this. You go back when we couldn’t fly, or at least, okay, we’re in a time of medieval times, okay, imagine living in Europe in medieval times, and you talk about anything that isn’t verified by the church or the crown. Then you’re a heretic. You could get in big trouble. You could get tortured because you’ve got a demon inside of you that’s telling you these things, right? At least that’s what they’re going to make it sound like. So you can’t talk about this kind of stuff.

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They don’t have airplanes back then. Imagine if you said, oh, man, there’s going to be an airplane in the future. There’s going to be this flying thing that takes us from here to the New World, which is beyond the other side of the ocean, which would be America. They’ve heard stories of it. Or maybe you’re just saying, oh, we’ll get from here to Denmark. I’m in Germany, I want to go to Denmark, or you’re in England and you want to go to Ireland and you’re thinking, there’s this flying craft that’s going to get you there that’s going to be demonic, or you’re going to be looked at it like an. Then, you know, years later, you got airplanes and you’ve got cars that go pretty fast. We’ve got supercomputers that calculate what people are going to do. We can see things on the big screens, we can look up just about anything on our phone. This can translate just about anything. It can predict what you’re going to do with a 90 plus percent accuracy as well. So you take all of that information and then think about what it was like back then.

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Imagine if you took this back then and they’d be like, wow, man, you’re demon. Well, so then what’s so different to say that in the future we’re going to figure out ways to travel the stars? And maybe not with the science and the physics that we’re being taught now. It’s been done before, it’s going to happen again. Look at these incredible empires on Earth, in Greece and Turkey and Rome and all around the world, we’re finding remains of civilizations that are highly advanced. And then what looks like people trying to mimic those high civilizations. And then just think about the mining involved to get that. And then think about the precision and how you would move it, how would you transport it, how would you build it, how would you design all of that with what we have been told they had access to thousands of years ago? Even with math, even if you’re really smart, there’s still a missing link there. And this missing link is high technology.

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And we were highly advanced before the younger Dryas event as a civilization, as a global civilization. And most of that got wiped out. Now the question is, was it wiped out from technology or was it wiped out from cosmic catastrophes? Or both? And I’m going to say both. So the rings of Saturn could be actually some type of Dyson sphere. The rings of Saturn could be some type of Dyson sphere. Y’all, the Baof is not only representing the new sun because when it ripped away the veil of the old sun, mythologically speaking, we now perceive it as a lionhead, as the sun, the DNA. And then you look at the Nephilim and the talk of the fallen angels. They’re not fallen angels unless you take the term angels as ANU Anunnaki. Those that came from space and fell to Earth, traveled to Earth because Mars got obliterated, Venus got obliterated. Saturn turned into this highly refined planet that seems to control the solar system from behind the scenes. So refined, so precise, that some say it seems to be almost artificial. Well, nanotechnology that could rewrite itself, that is, using cosmic energy in space that would not have the same gravitational effect, that would use radiation as a power.Source, could build things that would then power these empires. They could come in and out at will, they could be behind the scenes. They could influence our reality through this matrix, they could influence our genetics through thousands of years. They could influence the empires through their thousands and thousands and thousands of years of control. Because you have these resets, but some survive. And they know about these resets. They survive. They come back, they survive. They pass this information on through the mystery schools and secret societies, and then those the highest degrees will learn this and those even outside of the mystery schools will learn this. And then there’s going to be the self initiated, and then you’re going to have the rise and fall of empires all through the times of these people, these puppet masters, these dungeon masters, these influencers that know how the cycles work.

There’s a reason these 24,500 year cycles of the zodiac, I mean, how many times did you have to record that before you could say, oh, okay, this zodiac is 24,500 years. You’re going to see Aquarius through this time. You’re going to see Libra through this time, you’re going to see Gemini through this time, you’re going to see Leo through this time. Aquarius aries scorpio. How many times did you have to live that and document that before you had it down? Think about that.

Just the roads that they’ve discovered that lead to certain places in the jungle that are incredible, how many people to make those roads? Oh, what’s? All so we can just walk down the road? Come on, man. It’s comical.

So you’ve got human, which is light into matter. Hue is light, the sound of God, the sound of divine providence. Hue, man, light into matter. Yalda Bayoth, the chief archon, is now connected. I had a hypnosis session once where I got so deep in hypnosis that the gal that hypnotized me, she was like a professional. She was like the best. She took me so far into this that I could feel you. All the bayoth connected to me, and I’m almost reliving it now, and I’m getting the chills, like it was connected into the back of my head from a ethereal aspect. And we’re all connected to the sun, folks. I mean, think about that. Everybody receives the sun. Think, you know, had a great interview the other day with Jen Zen Pinkstone talking about the neutrinos. And I don’t necessarily think that that’s what it is, but we’ve all got this connection. And I’ve had times in my life where I’ve been up for days and I’ve seen people I’ve actually seen not necessarily not horns, but what look like energy horns that go up. Very interesting.

We are all connected to Y’all, the bayoth, and now that everything is frequency to a degree, every planet, every star, every constellation emits a certain frequency. And so you’ve got the blueprint of your blueprint of your soul. And the reason star charts can be so effective, real star charts, if you know your exact time of date and location and they can really get a precise idea on what you’re going to be good at, what you’re going to need to work on. And you can take that what I believe into future generations. I think that you can actually take star charts and find out where you’re going in the future and where you’ve been in the past, then you’ll find out it’s all simultaneously happening. We’re just experiencing it subjectively and linear, kind of. But you’ve got this. That’s why I came up with this. Tell me what you think of this verbiage. One quantum at a time. I’m making a difference. One quantum at a time.

So you’ve got light in the matter that we talked about. The 365 demons, 365 angels, the 365 days of the year, 365 demons and angels made Adam. Each limb is connected to a certain deity or demon or angel. You could read about that in the secret Book of John. You control the calendar, you control the people. But when this change, this also is connected to the sun, right? Because the sun is connected to the 365 days of the year. Think about that for a minute. So there’s another verification that, y’all, the bayoff is representation of the sun and the sun and the DNA and the connection at the ethereal level, your spark. And then you’ve heard that the only way out of this place is through the sun. Like, that’s the stargate. That’s where your body leaves. Or you may go back into another planetary realm. You very well could go to another planet, another realm. But notice how the solar system itself, I mean, if you look at the solar system itself, the solar system, our soul system, solar system, the whole solar system has been colonized a multitude of times, and we’re starting that cycle again. Guess what this solar system reminds me of? Like a cell, like an actual living cell in somebody’s body at the cellular level. It’s like a bubble. It’s enclosed with some kind of frequency. And that’s another thing about this story of how something was trapped in this solar system. And that is a lot of what the ancients were talking about, is how to get out of this solar system or where you would go based upon your energies, your frequency. Your frequency will take you to your path.

So then we’ve got the golden age, the purple skies, telepathic, dinosaurs, dragons. It’s kind of the same thing if you think about it, really, if you look at it, some of them, there’s different ones. But how many of the dragons or how many of the dinosaurs that we’re looking at now are just a combination of bones that they put together, and they’re like, oh, we’ve got this dinosaur and this dinosaur. Maybe we’ll get funding if we come up with another dinosaur. We’ll just mix these bones together. Look at this dinosaur. This dinosaur was called the Octalocops. Yeah, this dinosaur had multiple tentacles coming out of its forehead, had small arms and big legs. It was called the Aqualocaslops. Very powerful. It was an amphomorpheous creature that would come in and out. And we estimate it’s about 455,000,000 years old. Not 454,000,000 years old. So we need another million dollars to verify that million year difference.

Oh, what, dinosaurs with humans? No, there weren’t statues of 7000 year old bipedal reptoids that were, like, doing genetic engineering on people that would freak people out. Don’t let them know they were made by reptoids. Then you’ll really freak them out. People find out that reptoids made them thousands of years ago, then they’re really going to trip. Don’t tell them that. Just show them lots of scary movies. Tell them aliens come from outer space. Outer space. That’s it. Like, you’ve got these aliens that colonize this part in the solar system, and then no, what happens is they get really smart a planet that they can get really smart and build these incredible technologies, and they’re like, hey, let’s figure out a way to go to that one. Let’s go to that one. That one, that one, that one, that one. And they just blast off. So this spore of DNA, we’re unique, but we’re also abundant. And we are all throughout the universe.

So the Nephilim, let’s talk about this meteors and impacts. Why are meteors so important? Why is it that kings and queens and dynasties have these pieces of meteors and then they’ve got religions surrounding meteors? Well, it’s because sometimes these meteors can create major change, and these cosmic influences can create major modifications and change. And there’s stuff on these meteors, so there’s something there with the cosmic interference and evolution. And then there’s also it appears that during these cataclysmic times, these technological beings appear, and some of them for their own interests, and some of them for our interests. And many of them are win win interests.

The Baltic Sea UFO. The Millennium Falcon. Same thing. It looks identical to the Millennium Falcon. The Baltic Sea UFO. Most of the UFOs come from lakes, deep lakes or oceans. My friend that used to work at the DoD saw one pop out of Crater Lake. It went bank. Bank. Oh, look, seriously? It’s doing it again. Wow. Hi, I’m Rex Baer. Okay, so then we’ve got the that’s weird, man. Okay. The Jed. The Jedi. The Jed. The Jedi. High technology. Cranial modification. High hat. Leave it at that.

Sky people, giants, little people. Inner Earth, colonized solar system. Was it a war or cataclysm from above that created this asteroid belt? What blew up Tiamat? How did the asteroid belt get there? Is itJust from the valley marineras? Is it high technology? The thunderbolt of the gods? Are those lightning bolts from planetary discharge, from comets, from asteroids? Or are the thunderbolt of the gods high technology? And you know what? I go back and forth here. I’ll go towards the EU side and be like, okay, I get it. Yeah, it was just this massive lightning bolt that came out of a planet, and it blew up another planet. I’m starting to question that. I’m starting to wonder, like, are these thunderbolts from a high technology.

I had an interview with a guy from Israel a few years ago, super bright. I haven’t heard from him in years. I hope he’s doing okay. And I think he lives in Tel Aviv, and he taught classes on nuclear technologies, and he was describing gen five stuff that something the size of a bowling ball could essentially be powerful enough to create an asteroid belt. And I was like, wow. So could you imagine, I mean, if we’re at that level, even if it’s just in theory, if we could ride it up the mathematics on something at that level where we are currently, what were they doing previously in previous cycles, and how far were their technologies? I would say way above and beyond what most people give them credit for, even though it’s right in front of them.

Iapetus was literally called the death star by the ancient Greeks. Iapetus looks identical to the death star. Iapetus could very well be or could have been a death star. And that’s what I believe it was. I believe it was created to destroy planets, and I think they have a bunch of them, but most of them got destroyed, and they’re very old. So imagine now you have the ability as a society to go travel to one of those, to travel to one of those different moons. Like Ioptis, you go to there, and then you could reverse engineer it or turn it back on. Wouldn’t that be a trip? What if there’s dormant death stars out there? I wouldn’t be surprised.

But y’all, the bayoff is most likely the sun ripping the veil of the purple skies of a golden age, or what we experience as something taking place in the heavens. So they were writing it down, and then it’s been passed on through multiple generations, and they’re attempting to describe how they went from a golden age to an age of a lot more opportunities, to put it that way.

So the blueprint, the reason the blueprint or your star chart is so important is because when you’re born, your energy, what if you actually come from another? From another? You are a star, right? You are a star. There is a star trapped in your body. There is a star trapped in your body, so that is connected somewhere else in the universe. You get put in this solar system, and now you’re going through all these trials and all these different energies and different levels, and then do you stay in here? How long do you stay in here? And when do you get out? When do you actually get a leave? Do you leave through the sun? If you jump out and you go through the moon, does it bring you back? What happens if you go to Saturn? What happens if you go to Mars or Venus? I remember someone told me about this years ago. Very mysterious, very brilliant person. He was way ahead of what I understood at the time. And I find it quite remarkable where we are today. So pick up Ringmakers of Saturn, pick up the Nagamati Scriptures and have a beautiful day. Remember, this is for entertainment purposes only. Nanu. Nanny.

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