➡ This text discusses the idea that cosmic radiation could influence human creativity and evolution. It suggests that ancient shamans and inventors like Nikola Tesla experienced visions, possibly due to cosmic radiation. The text also explores the possibility that cosmic radiation could have influenced human evolution and societal development, with evidence from ancient art and societal changes aligning with periods of increased cosmic radiation. Lastly, it questions whether cosmic radiation could have influenced human DNA, despite scientific skepticism.
➡ Dr. Aiden Meynell suggested that cosmic rays caused significant genetic changes in animals and humans around 35,000 to 40,000 years ago, leading to the rise of modern humans and the disappearance of Neanderthals. These cosmic rays, originating from the Cygnus constellation, are believed to have increased our mental capabilities. Ancient depictions of Cygnus, found worldwide, suggest that our ancestors recognized its importance. The cosmic rays from Cygnus, unlike others, can penetrate deep underground, possibly influencing ancient shamans in their deep cave rituals.
➡ The text discusses the mysterious nature of frequencies in our atmosphere and their potential impact on humans and other creatures. It suggests that these frequencies might influence not only our moods but also animal behaviors like bird migration and whale navigation. The text also explores the idea of telepathy, suggesting that electromagnetic waves could potentially carry telepathic signals. Lastly, it raises concerns about the potential effects of modern electromagnetic bombardment on human mental states.
➡ This text discusses the potential negative effects of modern electromagnetic waves, like those from cell phones, on humans and other organisms. It suggests these waves could interfere with signals from cosmic events, which ancient civilizations may have used for insight and communication. The text also explores the idea that ancient structures were designed to manipulate sound frequencies, possibly to alter consciousness or enhance social behavior. Lastly, it highlights the importance of community and shared knowledge in understanding these complex topics.
➡ The writer explores the idea that ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics were not just simple pictures, but complex equations meant for future generations to decipher. They suggest that these symbols could be a form of communication about scientific concepts like DNA and quantum science, which are found in ancient texts like the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The writer also discusses the concept of identity and communication, stating that everything in the universe is interconnected and that our differences define us. Lastly, they touch on the idea that non-coding DNA, once thought to be ‘junk’, could potentially be activated for evolution.
And so his entire life was a class to prepare him for a sub molecular transfer of consciousness. But because this involves leaving the tangible behind and literally becoming psyche alone, thus experiencing the mind directly with no filtration, there is a danger at the center of this undertaking and the consequences eternal. Because if there be any guilt within him during this ordeal, he would not survive the genetic transfer and be overcome by apoptos. After ruling for ages and studying the glyphs that like equations, illustrate the subatomic universe of nanoparticles and electricity, seen as the backbone of reality, he was ready to move from one state to another before his body had a chance to grow old and decay.
He ingested the formulas of gold kombucha tinctures to prepare his gut bacteria to receive the elixir or mana. A solution of DMT extract from blue lotus assisted him in moving his consciousness down through the underworld, that is his own digestive tract. The coffer text acoustically chanted, made sure that the spirit plasmoid would remain tethered to the body as it was invisible and would soon become a wave of non form and non locality. His years of preparation on earth enabled him to successfully navigate the duat, to find and shake awake his unused DNA to full awareness, in which there was a code left over as a message from all ancients before him.
Those very serpents of information were read and decoded by the scribe tahuti, doing the job we now attribute to mRNA communicating to build proteins that will grow in the tangible world, or in this case to make form in the world of apopis. But our pharaoh wasnt about to let this happen because apopis was unaware of the tincture. The king had fermented his bodys lactose into e. Coli as a viral inhibitor of this process, while increasing the gut processing speed with cocaine. If he had got caught, it would already be too late. The king created a gap in the chain of sequence between the mRNA and the protein apopis was dunked on, and now our pharaoh could fill that gap in the genome with a very particular genre of light.
Utilizing the left eye of Seth, what is now known as the lambda a gene receptor, he cloned his own genetic code and attached the copy to the highest fluidic frequency available to the human body, the plasma. Hey, man, what can we, like, reel it in right here. This is getting way too ridiculous. I’m just trying to drive the point home that they were advanced. Okay, then they’ll read Judy’s book for themselves. My job, keep it entertainment. Here. This way they can see. Okay. So basically, his physical cells began to die off as his canoe crew arrived, making this the moment that he was waiting for.
One copy traveled down to remain on earth within multitudes of animal life, to experience the entirety of the food chain of which he was once a part. Because he wanted to remain entangled with the suffering of earth. This would be of great importance to us future generations later. But the other copy. Well, for King Amenhotep, it was time to be born. The body of the pharaoh was in full death process as it was brought into the kings chamber of the great pyramid. And the machines were turned on, machines known today as particle accelerators. He recognized the vibrations seeing the cymatics take place all around him, and knew it was showtime.
And our king was not interested in reincarnation. The charged plasmatic nanoparticles merged to the stardust, laying dormant in the blood, and he attached himself to the ignition. He was now, by definition, electricity activated plasma that could never die or be destroyed. But this earth realm was getting a little boring. It was time to live amongst the netters in the stars, to watch and maybe guide humanity in its cosmic evolution. The hydrogen within the pyramid was compressed, and the friction of quartz and limestone rocketed his now plasmatic sentience in the direction of the particular stars mapped out by the priest kings.
Before he was born, he was free of organs that played the role of archons, and his body was left a mummified shell of a cocoon. In a flash of light, he was gone. If something exists in a wave format, it has no weight or density, and so no limitations existed for him now, not even the speed of light. This was handy, because now he could communicate with other cosmic quantum entities through entanglement. 99% of the universe was now his. In an instant and his first stop, he would be paying a visit. The Ka and the Ba, or what the gnostics called a metatron, one of two beings that we now call a Kardalevsky.
Cloud. In his book the Cosmic connection, Carl Sagan wrote that human evolution was the result of incoming cosmic rays from some distant neutron star. Of course, this seems to be written before he was told to calm the f down, supposedly. His point, though, being that we are truly one with the all the cosmos. And this is no metaphor. Even the rate of blood clotting is directly related to the solar activity at the time of an injury. If you combine Sagan’s idea with the fact that our ancients did not see human progress as linear, but as cyclical recursions, we might turn our attention to the yuga cycles that lead great dark and golden ages, or what Plato called the great year.
Now the Yuga cycles will have to be a video all its own. But worth mentioning here is that the uprise of the earth on this cosmic sine wave would indeed expose us to a few candidate neutron stars that emit specific electromagnetic spectrums of light. This climb and dip also seems to coincide on a timeline with surges in technology like the great pyramids, as well as the loss of these advanced abilities going into what we literally call the dark ages. But the question remains, is this a wonderful cosmic, or is there something alive, living amongst the stars, that is bending this electromagnetic radiation to its will and shaping humanity on purpose? If we look at Em and elf radiation and the way it interacts with plasma, of which we all are, then this unbelievably seems to be the case.
But hold up. We’ll get there. So you’ve heard the quote on this channel before. People don’t have ideas. Ideas have people. But the quote stops there, leaving us wondering if ideas are an entity all their own, without a vessel just floating around in spacetime. Well, this seems to be unlikely, perhaps not impossible, but way outside of our current notion of what consciousness is. If we read the accounts of people who have had world changing ideas, ideas, as well as multiple persons, who have all been struck by the same idea all at once, at the same time, but in completely different places, we see a bit of a theme, and surprise, surprise, that theme is flashes of light.
Before we go into the shamans of ancient times, perhaps it would be best to look in our own backyard. To the man who invented the tech that allows you to see and hear me right now. Who knows how much of Nikola Tesla’s autobiography has been redacted? I don’t know, but in it, what we have left of it, he writes this. In my boyhood, I suffered from a peculiar affliction due to the appearance of images, often accompanied by strong flashes of light, which marred the sights of real objects and interfered with my thought and action. Then I observed, to my delight, that I could visualize with great facility.
I needed no models, drawings or experiments. Then I instinctively commenced to make excursions beyond the limits of the small world of which I had knowledge, and I saw new scenes. But I never had any control over the flashes light to which I have referred. They were perhaps my strangest experience and inexplicable. They usually occurred when I found myself in a dangerous or distressing situation or when I was greatly exhilarated. In some instances, I have seen all the air around me filled with tongues of living flame. While in Paris in 1883, I had long been confined to the factory, and the fresh air had a wonderfully invigorating effect on me.
On my return to the city that night, I felt a positive sensation that my brain had caught fire. I saw a light as though a small sun was located in it, and I passed the whole night applying cold compressions to my tortured head. Finally, the flashes diminished in frequency and force, but it took more than three weeks before they wholly substituted sighted. These luminous phenomena still manifest themselves from time to time, as when a new idea opening up possibilities strikes me. When I close my eyes, I invariably observe first a background of very dark and uniform blue.
This field becomes animated with innumerable scintillating flakes of green arranged in several layers and advancing toward me. Then there appears to the right a beautiful pattern of two systems of parallel and closely spaced lines at right angles to one another in all sorts of colors, but gold predominating. Thereafter, the lines grow brighter and the whole is thickly sprinkled with dots of twinkling light. This picture moves slowly across the field of vision and in about 10 seconds vanishes to the left, leaving behind a ground of rather unpleasant and inert gray, which quickly gives way to a billowy sea of clouds seemingly trying to mold themselves into living shapes.
Certainly, Lil Nikki was a lot more sensitive to this type of communion with ideas than others at the time. Or now he goes on to describe that these flashes of light and visions of angels enabled him to work with out the restrictions of the repetitious scientific method. And the proof is in the pudding that is his inventions, despite having Neil degrasse Tyson busy doing backflips and not inventing anything of his own. So this visionary state is rare nowadays only to the gifted. But what about back in ancient times, when our planet was zipping past the sight line of that neutron star that Sagan spoke of.
Do we have evidence that these occurrences were more common when the planet was looking down the barrel of an electromagnetic shotgun? Or did you have to be like a shaman with the right DNA to receive this blessing and curse? Well, about 80,000 years ago, people of the Congo began making barbed bone hooks for fishing, while some people who dwelt in caves in the blombos of South Africa began creating none other than expressive art. These included abstract wall designs and decorative jewelry. It is obviously difficult to know what was going on back then, but there is evidence of a common ritual taking place where shamans would go into these pitch black caves and see new ideas.
Let’s keep this in mind for a moment. But oh so coincidentally, the ice core samples show a dramatic up in cosmic radiation smacking the earth at this exact time. The first occasion of three major radiation events. The next one shows as occurring about 40,000 years ago, where we have a quite sudden emergence of complex societies. This was when homo sapiens first entered Europe and included religious practices, funerals, carvings of animals, and of course, these very sophisticated cave art, like in Chauvet in France. Unbelievably, at the same time, hundreds of caves from all over the world became rapidly illustrated simultaneously.
And this went on for quite some time, until about twelve or 13,000 years ago, when it, as you know, all ended so abruptly. But ancient shamans of this prehistoric time are said through oral traditions to go into caves where no visible light would interfere with their spiritual visions. They would go into trance one way or another, often with the help of hallucinogenic bruise that we have talked about, and would see bright flashes of light inside their heads, followed by answers to many questions concerning healing, traveling and even war visions that worked then and still do today.
When it comes to the healing part, many of you remember us talking about Jeremy Narby, listing some of these miraculous and proven cases in his book the Cosmic Serpent, as well as himself going down there to have his sciatic pain completely cured. Fast forward to today. And we know of charain cov radiation. They can cause ghostly flashes of white and blue as they pass through the human head. And they do indeed pass right through. And this is how we study photons today in deep underground facilities that are uninterrupted by the normal visible light spectrum. We can more finely hone in on the study of these so called particles when the rest of the bulk radiation has been blocked by the ground above.
Just like the shamans did with caves. They blocked out all other distractions and were able to catch and absorb the proper radiation to have these visions. And in a segment that I like to call scientists with huge balls, we have the Hungarian on space biology at Berkeley named Cornelius A. Tobias. He predicted that this cosmic radiation would interrupt the vision of astronauts, no matter how well shielded their vessels were. Not to be confused with the ones being filmed here on earth, you know, to pocket funding money. Andrew Collins writes about this badass physicist in the book lost knowledge of the ancients.
To test his hypothesis, he devised a unique but very dangerous experiment. He decided to expose himself to subatomic particles produced by UC Berkeley’s particle accelerator, which has been described as a veritable cosmic ray factory. Part of its function is to rip away electrons from heavy elements, including iron, and then focus the nuclei into a beam of particles, which are then accelerated to virtually the speed of light, like the jets produced by neutron stars. Tobias quite literally stuck his head in the flow of particles and observed something almost unique on earth. It is an exhilarating sensation. It is as though you are looking into to the universe itself.
Tobias repeated the experiment, even introducing his colleagues to the experience, until the tests were finally discontinued. On health grounds, some cosmic rays might hit the brain directly, causing not only the sensation of light flashes, but also other seemingly external effects, such as odd smells. In southern Greece, ascetic monks, adhering to a form of religious devotion known as navel gazing, have for centuries repaired to the darkness of caves on the mountain to witness the divine light and glory of God, which is compared with that experienced by the disciples on Mount Tabor, which is compared with that experienced by the disciples on Mount Tabor at the time of the transfiguration of Jesus.
Okay, so that brings up the transfiguration of Jesus. And hearing this, we might assume that it was also flashes of white light. But this assumption would be a mistake, because this strange happening is like something straight out of a paranormal story. It is written that the tongues of light would appear out of nowhere and hover over the heads of the apostles as Jesus would reappear, resurrected as a radiant glory. Robert Temple compares these tongues of light to the plasmatic entities that we have been speaking of in these last couple episodes. Worth noting is that Nikola Tesla himself also wrote about mysterious tongues of light that only he could see, which no doubt would make him out to be a crazy person if it wasn’t for his brilliance.
And, of course, I can’t help but wonder, are these described as tongues because of how they are shaped or because of what tongues do, which is to speak of course. Wait, what were you thinking on this next bit? Keep in mind what we learned in our plasma apocalypse episode about plasma resetting the earth with a great flood, as well as the content in our episode absurdity concerning orbs of light and plasmoids that were successful in molding the ideas and situational outcomes of modern day people. Because if the dance of electromagnetic radiation from space with the inorganic plasmatic life forms can affect us this much, perhaps it also affects the very form and construct of the human genome.
After all, it says that we are created in God’s image. Besides the obvious like the Fibonacci sequence, is there scientific evidence to back up this ancient notion of not only being made of in gods image but evolving over time according to the word? And if after death the ancient pharaohs went into the stars to join the netter, which by the way were seen as forces of nature and not gods, then who were these beings? And how old are they? And is there a chance that these pharaohs are working with the nether today to manipulate life here on earth to avoid another great reset? This might be what the geometry of the pyramids and ancient religious texts in their own unique way have been trying to tell us all along.
Geneticist HJ Mueller found that this radiation, mimicked in a laboratory setting, was a mutagen to the genome of fruit. This sparked a conversation as to the likelihood of cosmic rays guiding or at least making changes to human DNA. Now Mueller did come to the conclusion that there was simply not enough of this cosmic radiation on earth to do so. But as Andrew Collins points out, he was not aware of the yuga cycles that surely do every so often put the entire earth into the sight line aim of these very ancient stars. So in the constellation of Cygnus, from our point of view, there was a supernova explosion that showered the earth in these cosmic rays.
This was calculated to have happened 35,000 years ago and kept the shower going for almost 2000 years in a row. The earth being in the right spot on our yuga cycle would have certainly went through great changes during this time. This so happens to be when ancient texts describe the rise and fall of a golden age on earth. The reputable Doctor Aiden Meynell, a veteran of jet propulsion and the man responsible for the Hubble, spoke at a YdEZ conference said to be packed with both archaeologists and students. And you can imagine the shock of everyone in the audience when he confidently claimed that high levels of beryllium ten in the Greenland and antarctic ice cores indicated that cosmic rays were responsible for the germline mutations in both animals and human life around 35 or 40,000 years ago.
This is a coincidence even bigger than the security cameras malfunctioning on the one and only day that Jeff killed himself. Am I right? We don’t have a picture for that. Doctor Aiden went on to say that this was the reason for the emergence of CRO magnon man and the mysterious disappearance of neanderthal man who hunted him. As we know modern humans, defeating these absolute monsters called neanderthal was seemingly impossible unless there was a very sudden spike in mental capabilities to outsmart them. Dare I use the word intervention? This is where Andrew Collins steps in to point out that the constellation of Cygnus is not only where these cosmic rays of genetic mutation come from, but it is also the oldest known constellation figure being the swan or celestial bird.
And being the oldest of that, we are reminded of our video plasma apocalypse again, where we found out that this kind of bird is also the oldest petroglyph that we have reoccurring in multiple parts of the world. At the same time, we even see this Cygnus bird on the remote and isolated Easter island. And if there is any confusion whether or not this bird glyph coincides with the constellation on the zodiac, well, Gobekli Tepe, being our far oldest predecessor, clears that right up as seen on pillar 43. If we go back to the previous mentioned cave painting explosion in France, we have this little favorite of mine.
Cygnus is on a pole that seems to be a line moving down, possibly to earth, and a therianthrope of a human man with a bird’s head falling into trance, but separated from this violent gore of some kind of animal or beast, that that might represent the biggest distraction that mankind has, his lower animal nature. This line below the bird is strikingly reminiscent of the so called sky pole that the ancient shamans used to climb into the sky world by way of cosmic axis. And hey, if it can come down, perhaps we can go up, but for me, they’re going to have to tie a whole bunch of knots throughout the sky rope to grab onto.
Cygnus is also known as the northern Cross due to its shape being that of a cross tying in a whole bunch of other stuff unrelated to this video. But I mean, you know, there you go. Collins writes that, and I quote, it is the same story in stone worldwide. From the bird effigy mounds in North America to the Almec centers in Mexico, the Inca sacred city of Cusco, the egyptian pyramids in Giza the hindu temples of India to the irish and british megalithic stone complexes of Newgrange and Avebury, all of which seem to reflect an age old interest in Cygnus.
But a lot of these glyphs that represent Cygnus happened because the shamans went into the darkness of the caves. This is why many of the crude and rushed depictions happen deep inside the caves, where they are not weathered. They were drawn, etched or painted in the dark, only to be later carved more artistically into stone on pillars and temples. Later, the caves were the rough draft. And this happens to be where these flashes of light happen inside the heads of the shaman. The cave wall, just like the ground above our modern scientific facilities, filtered out all other light and radiation except for these particular ancient cosmic photons delivered here from the most ancient celestial happenings in space, in this case, Cygnus.
The coincidences here are zipping right past being evidence and into the realm of certainty in this case. But it still doesn’t answer the question as to who or why this is happening. We just see that it is happening, and that ain’t bad for now, considering that the established worldview on this is that everything fell into place accidentally. In his section of the book, lost knowledge of the ancients, Andrew Collins writes, resonating at some of the highest energies ever detected, they were quickly dubbed cygons, later changed to cygnets, meaning children of the swan. This amazing data led to the controversial claims that Cygnus X three was the first identified cosmic particle accelerator in the galaxy.
Cygnus X three is a binary system composed of a dying wolf Rayet star that feeds close proximity neutron star, producing streams of superheated plasma. And that kind of makes me wonder why it’s called a wolf Rayet star. And we have all this ancient talk about, you know, the dog star, Sirius and Anubis. This ejecta is shot out at relativistic speeds very close to the speed of light. These unimaginable beams, like cosmic searchlights, are held together by magnetic sheaths that produce powerful particle acceleration in a variety of frequency ranges, including x rays, infrared radio waves and gamma rays.
Astrophysicists announced that Cygnus X three might well be the galaxy’s first blazar, a term used when one of a deep space objects, twin to plasma jets, is aligned toward our solar system. In other words, it is pointed straight at us. The ejecta produced by such jets could easily be responsible for increased levels of cosmic rays reaching Earth. This includes Cygnus X three’s unique cygnet particles, that, being neutrally charged, reach the Earth directly from source and are able to penetrate deep underground, which is something that cosmic rays are usually unable to do since they are positively charged and break up before they reach the surface of the planet.
This staggering scenario, or scenario, if you’re an asshole, might well explain why our ancestors came to recognize the celestial swan as so important to their religious mindset, since there is every reason to conclude that ancient shamans who achieved altered states of consciousness in deep underground cave settings, most obviously using hallucinogens, somehow became aware of the effect cygnus was having on their lives. It is widely known that we are all connected to each other, not just by means of sharing the same plasma and stardust, but also psychologically. But we are also connected by way of very low frequency electromagnetic waves known as elf radiation.
And as we cover this next bit, it might start to kind of make sense in a weird synchronistic coincidence, yet not coincidental way, that elf spells. Elf and elves are the very thing described as having communion with us under the influence of the second most powerful hallucinogen on earth, known as DMT. Elves are also a staple in all folklore as etheric beings that are eager to speak with humans whenever they get a chance on the opposing pole of frequency speed to that of gamma and x rays, which are incredibly too fast to imagine. The human brainwave activity falls within the Elf range and that is why it has been found to affect human behavior in various studies.
Whether or not they can use that against us, we’ll talk about a little bit. Even lower than this is the frequency of the earth itself hovering at about 7 hz. You might have heard of the Schumann resonance, and indeed, it is no far cry theory that putting it on with the subwoofers on high will cause a calming sensation to the human nervous system and to those with practice strange etheric meditative states. Why? Well, very simply, we are a product of our environment. And when this pulse meets the pulse of our frequency, frequency being the smaller party, we meet it halfway.
And we are lucky to have access to these frequencies so instantly in todays age. To synchronize with the vibe of earth once upon a time required carefully calculated drumming and chanting, which essentially did the same thing. Whereas now I can find 7.8 hz on a tone generator and play it for you right now. Oh, yeah. Oh, that’s the good stuff. Oh, it’s like the purr of a kitten for the soul. It’s like. It’s like macaroni and cheese. For your spirit. Side note, most of you know that I am a musician and write all of the songs at the end of these videos, doing my best to make Papa Pythagoras is proud, but I also write the scores of these videos that you’re hearing throughout them.
If you have ever watched and wondered why some of you have had a like deeply calming sensation or even hyper focused during certain parts, well, it’s not my voice like many of the single mothers have expressed in the comments, but much of it comes from the tuning of these frequencies used. And that is by no way a placebo effect, considering that you didn’t know until I just told you. But Earth’s heart oscillates at 7.8 ish Hertz. There’s a there’s changes taking place as of recently, but this frequency gets faster as it gets higher in the atmosphere, leaving the human nervous system right in the middle.
We are very much subjects to this vibe and not just our moods and ability to concentrate. The dynamics of these frequencies is how birds migrate and how whales find their way around when surrounded by nothing but endless abyss of ocean. Aka the most terrifying thing I can think of. Even the sun has a measurable frequency that is not just heard, but can be seen. Every two minutes and 40 seconds, the sun shrinks down in size and then re expands. This motion is small to the sun, but is actually a measurable dip of 6 miles in and out.
Is this a cosmic beings way of breathing? Is the egyptian personification of Ra more literal than we assume today? Well, surely if it was a conscious entity, it would break its own predictable habits from time to time. And it just so happens that in May 1999, a very strange anomaly happened that is so bizarre that we don’t really even talk about it. I have noticed that when things are truly strange to us, we kind of just leave it alone, despite the important role that anomalies have in breaking our stubborn worldview. But for two entire days on that one and only particular year, the solar wind completely stopped.
This obviously throws a wrench into our entire understanding of how the sun works, and it wasn’t in equipment error. The solar wind has always been there 100% of the time. In fact, it is impossible for it to just quit because supposedly it’s fueled by an unimaginable amount of nuclear energy. So coming to a stop would be like pressing pause on an atom bomb, freezing time and then continuing where it left off a bit later. Except on a much grander scale. This would only slightly make more sense if it were instead made up of plasmatic electricity. Just one of those many things that we can ask the question, is it impossible? Yes.
Did it happen? Also? Yes. So who turned off the sun, and why? Are we being protected? Protected from something in some way, like Jupiter protects us from asteroids? Or is there sentience at play here? You know, I don’t know. But if you consider what Robert Schoch tells us about the sun’s repeating cycles of time that produce cataclysmic flares, we are, and have been long overdue for one. But we are still kicking. Barely something thats weird as hell until you remember the time our nuclear weapons facilities literally went to go hit the button to launch and a for real UFO shut off all its power and its backup generators.
Something seems to be protecting us, it seems, from outside bombs as well as inside. Okay. Okay, though, let’s, uh, let’s reel it in and talk about these elfs. When testing fringe ideas like telepathy, something we have indeed done with staggeringly positive, yet not so repeatable results. We use what are called Faraday cages to block any potential transfer of information from person to person. These are known to block electromagnetic signals, but just like telepathy has been shown to do, these so called elf waves also pass right through without obstruction, and after seeing plasmoids with funny attitudes, pass right through copper shields without at all having to change form.
Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. We give too much credit to the integrity of solid, tangible matter as a control in many of these experiments. The legend himself, Itzak Bentoff, a now lotus favorite here, has been quoted as saying, such a long wavelength knows no obstacles, and its strength does not attenuate much over long distances. Naturally, it will go through just about anything, metal, concrete, water, and, of course, the fields making up our bodies. It is the ideal medium for conveying a telepathic signal. Elf can be used as a mode of radio communication where difficult, like with submarines.
And speaking of water, the binding of molecules due to short range static are set in as a concentration, consequence of molecular condensation induced by radiative fields. Without the word soup here. Basically, the reason water retains such a high amount of memory and information is because of Elf radiating fields within it. Whoa. And here we all are made up of the same water that does this. This one’s expensive, Elf. And this electromagnetic stuff, this is real wave formats happening according to our scientific material world, not on the fringe, but at the same time not only linked to, but also overlapping the fringe.
We just have to open our eyes to what we have been told is not possible. We are told that telepathy is like magic. Fun in theory, but just not real. But as made clear by author C. Clarke, magic is just tech that we don’t understand yet. In this notion, the invisible signal that is decoded by your tv to play this video is magic and by all means impossible until the day comes that it is. Here’s the fruit, though. Everything inside the phone that does this magic, the crystals, the electrons, the gold conductors, etcetera, are all available to us within the human body, making it not so weird to read about about what the ancient pharaohs once did with these same materials.
I mean, why do we think that gold and crystals have agelessly been seen as valuable even before the technology in your hand? We assume its because they are pretty to look at, but so are sunsets, boobs and babies. Most babies and those things are not mentioned by the ancients as being ways to communicate with the other side or outer worlds. You know, they couldn’t make iPhones out of babies. I mean, that is kind of what Apple is doing though. So like, between emerald stone of thoth, mythology, crystal skulls found all over the world, the gold in the Anunnaki stories and old Egypt, the use of quartz and the pyramids and so on, the more we look at it closely, the more we see that we are not unique today in the use of these minerals because of their relationship to unseen forces like plasma, electricity and magnetic fields.
The stuff we use for long distance communication is the same that they used before us. Its almost embarrassingly clear the only thing in the way is our ego that insists that we are the first. I mean, how else besides ego is it possible to see this thing called an ankh, that, despite being carved in stone, was said by the very people using it to be made of gold and crystal and used as a means of communication via the bulbous torus of plasma emerging from the top of it. And then we say, oh, it’s just a symbol representing life.
We use plasma in our screens today for communication. Perhaps they being much greener, so to speak, just simply skipped the screen part and interacted with the plasma directly. I mean, I don’t know at this point it’s speculation, but we are quite literally looking at something cometically described as a device, seeing that it would potentially work with the materials mentioned, and then saying, nah, it wasn’t tech, it was superstition. I mean, okay, you know, okay, let’s reel it in. Robert Shock taught us a lot concerning plasma and earth shattering catastrophes of which we already covered. But in his same book, forgotten civilization, he goes on to talk about elf radiation.
A scientific description could well fit the notion of an elf wave being the carrier wave of telepathic thoughts, even to the point that telepathy works better at night. The fact that the shamans can better reach a state of ecstasy in the dark may also be an indication that they are using elf waves, probably in the Schumann frequencies, to reach altered states of consciousness. This may be an extremely ancient technique of gaining knowledge. Thus, elf waves in the Schumann frequency range may be a way that one human consciousness can connect with another and also tap into the larger collected consciousness and the earth as a whole.
Elf waves and Schumann frequencies are strongly affected by, and even regulated by astronomical factors, including the relative positions of and resonances among the sun and planets. Here again, we discover correlations that, according to the dogma of conventional established science, are totally here again, we discover correlations that, according to the dogma of conventional established science, are totally unexpected or even impossible. According to the new science, there are meaningful relationships among fundamental physical phenomena, astronomical phenomena and brainwaves, which in turn affect states of consciousness. Using different terminology, mystics and certain scholars have accepted and explored such connections since ancient times.
The work demonstrating that spontaneous cases of telepathy and clairvoyance are correlated with geomagnetic fluctuations supports this hypothesis. Very disturbing to me personally. Shock’s words here, not mine, is the ongoing high frequency active auroral research program. Oh, we’re. We’re going in. We’re going there. Let’s do it. This is used to send signals and energy into the ionosphere in order to see what will happen. I seriously wonder what inadvertent or intentional? Intentional is in parentheses here. Effects the HAARP experiments might have. Could ionospheric disruptions caused by HAARP have subtle but profound effects on life, including human mental states? On another front, I am concerned that the constant modern bombardment of people by electromagnetic radiation, from cell phones to radio communications, to power lines to circuits and walls, may have ill and unexpected consequences.
There is increasing evidence that organisms, including humans, may be sensitive to ultra weak electromagnetic fields. Well, that started out nice and escalated quite quickly, didn’t it? Without getting into conspiracy here, as that’s just not my game, but does tend to come up in an un ignorable way. Is it possible that the modern man made e waves that surround us today and by all means make our lives better, could be interrupting the signals that are sent to us from these ancient cosmic happenings like Cygnus by a bit of possibly ill executed logic on my part. It seems that if shamans needed absolute silent darkness with no distractions to harness the powers of insight gifted from Cygnus and other cosmic hotspots, then disrupting the signal wouldn’t take much, especially now.
And the best way to do that would be with a nice distraction sandwich. A sandwich that would be threefold in this case. The first way would be the information carried. If a woman talks about spitting on a penis or a president gets shot, it is readily available to everyone immediately and makes for conversation very adjacent to what is important. Well, I shouldn’t say important, but I, uh. But adjacent to whatever’s happening in the causal whatevers. The second way would be the medium of information signal itself. It’s a frequency wave. And how many of those can we possibly process at once in a human body? And the.
The third way being a distraction sandwich, would be the white bread. Yep, I’m blaming the white bread. But like the minerals and metals used in both ancient golden ages ages and today, it seems that everything that happened back then has a parallel to today, where we seem to interrupt these cosmic rays of communion. They seem to exacerbate it, and they often did this through sound. It is no longer fringe that the ancient megalithic sites utilized sound frequency manipulation by design. What does remain on the fringe is the idea that they did this to alter their own consciousness and thus thin the tangible barrier between us and the other side.
Wayland Smithy, whose last name is Smithy, summarizes his team’s findings. Rudimentary acoustical measurements performed inside six diverse neolithic age structures revealed that each sustained a strong resonance at a frequency between 95 and 120 hz. Despite major differences in chamber shapes and sizes. The resonant modal patterns all featured strong antinodes at the outer walls, with appropriately configured nodes and antinodes interspersed toward the central source. Interior and exterior rock drawings resembled these acoustical patterns. Since the resonant frequencies are well within the adult male voice range, 1 may speculate that some forms of human chanting enhanced the cavity. Resonance were invoked for ritual purposes.
Robert Schock adds to this. Stone structures, pillars and enclosed spaces could be used to magnify, conduct and enhance certain sounds, producing resonances and standing waves while filtering out other sounds. According to Inuits. In popular archaeology, regional brain activity in a number of was monitored by EEG machines. The findings indicated that at 110, patterns of activity over the prefrontal cortex abruptly shifted, resulting in a relative deactivation of the language center and a temporary shifting from left to right sided dominance related to emotional processing and capability in the brain, in addition to stimulating their more creative sides. It appears that an atmosphere of resonant sound in the frequency of 110 or 111 hz would have been switching on an area of the brain that bio behavioral scientists believe relates to mood, empathy and social behavior deliberately.
Not. The people who spent time in such an environment under conditions that may have included a low male voice in ritual chanting or even simple communication, were exposing themselves to vibrations that may have actually impacted their thinking. How curious that such varied ancient structures, separated by so much time and distance, should have common features which imply sophisticated knowledge. Did the architects of the day each make and develop their own discoveries? Or did they inherit a concept from some older school of learning? And it must have been from an older school of learning indeed, because when that article was written in 2012, they had no idea that Gobeklite Tepe has the same archaeoacoustic purposes as the other megalithic sites that came after it.
In fact, some of the stones ring like a bell when they are struck, like they were hollowed out and somehow made of a substance differing from stone. Another example of asking the question, is it impossible? Yes, but do it indeed be that way? Well, this is what it does. And speaking of the bird of Cygnus being the oldest glyph and constellation, well here. Why sounds like a bird? Don’t ask me that, because we don’t know. Experts from different countries, experts in acoustics, have come here to start. We touched on a few things today that, like the acoustical sound thing we just added up will have to be its own future video on cymatics and ancient tech, and another one on the memory of water and so on, will have to be there on videos.
But we also referenced a few other videos from this very channel because, well, the connections certainly speak for themselves. But the intro of today’s episode was one of the most difficult I’ve ever had to write due to sheer complexity alone. And there is a bit of a funny story behind it. Before I share that, after hearing me do a rough draft of the script, Roman E. Rivers, an author and a member here at the channel, opened one of her Nikola Tesla books and I the first page she opened up to, she couldnt help but take a picture of it and send it to me.
The scientific world laughed at him. They said no such rays existed. Tesla proved they did. That much is history. So today, due to the attitude of supposed scientific experts, who in reality are not truly scientific because of them, very little is known about the subject. But some wise men have to discovered that our atmosphere is continually being bombarded by atomic particles from outer space. These are known as primary cosmic rays. This is really hard to read guys. Sorry, it’s a picture on a cell phone. In my opinion, says Tesla, the reason for their lack of knowledge is because they neglect to study the Bible, for in it is the place where Tesla first discovered them 35 years before the scientific world experts thought maybe they might exist.
And that’s a little section that would have got right by me if it wasn’t for the comments. And in Robert Temple’s book here he talks about being so in tune with this cosmic communion that he too can go to a bookshelf and open it right up to the middle somewhere and find the source of what he’s looking for. Our video DMT in St. Peter the Anubis vibe check was the result of a comment that our friend Sarah left on a video. When she laid out her theory in the comments, it just immediately clicked for me and I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t made that connection myself and others.
From Erics near death experience to tellness Terp hypothesizing that Gobekli Tepe was an initiation labyrinth of some sort. Jade Lore commented about the Dogon connection to saturn and our friend Nikorochle made comments that indicated a connection between Amenti being an allegory for a possible literal agartha, all of which went from the comment section to being full blown documentaries on this channel. Another member of our community that I cant even name helped us out with the masonic symbology video. Corey from Black Raven meditation showed me how to breathe properly when having an anxiety flare up. Cheryl made me realize that astrology goes a lot deeper than I thought and blew my mind with my own birth chart.
Lugels world asked me if I would be willing to turn gay. I mean we really do have a lovely and dynamic community here. Most youtubers avoid the comment section, but I seem to thrive there. The communion between you guys, even amongst each other, is like a fuel for me. Now make note though, youll never get second hand information from me on these videos. I hit the books instead of the Internet for the facts and the and the research studies, but the hypotheses, the speculations, the the way out connections and the overall what ifs, basically the backbone of this channel is a lot because of you guys, not only as a viewer but as a way of communion.
It’s like YouTube is my ankh and you guys are the higher realms that I pull inspiration from. Well, you know, except for Sean. So, about that funny story on the intro. Well, when Ellis Anja, owner of House of Healing, a metaphysics shop in Norway, commented on our video, the nine and the primordial question, that these squiggly elbow creatures that I’ve seen in altered states were the conscious remnants of egyptian pharaohs that send viral persuasions down to earth to flesh out new ideas through people as a medium. Well, I thought it was crazy fun, but crazy nonetheless.
And then, one after another, here and there, comments on other videos seemed to add weight to this outlandish theory. People would type out their own trip reports or. Or comments, something they heard from Terence McKenna or whatever. And I began to think, what if? And explored the idea only as entertainment. Led me to Judy King’s very overlooked work, the IsiS thesis, as well as the egyptian book of the Dead. But, like, in a new light, with fresh eyes, all of the sudden I felt like I wasn’t looking at hieroglyphics anymore. We have always assumed that this form of language was just pictures because they didn’t have letters yet.
But wait a second, these guys had the most advanced architecture on earth. Still today, and we are assuming their language was pictograms, like a damn set of emojis. And a text you would get from Sean’s mother in law when she discovers the eggplant symbol after having one too many long island iced teas. Is it an insult to these ancient egyptian brilliant minds for us to assume anything? What I came to realize is that the hieroglyphic language was much closer to equations. Not mathematical, of course, but equations nonetheless, carefully thought out and set in stone for universal communion with us.
The future. Had they used an Alphabet to describe the phage lambda and its role in rna processing, we would have never known, as the vocabulary would have been even more alien to us than the glyphs. So through way of both parabolic illustrations and subtle spacing and timing, they put their message in a way that was both allegory and literal, but most importantly, beautiful. The aesthetic kept us mystified and curious all these years until we were finally advanced enough to put two and two together. And there’s still a lot of work to do. As I’m brought these new angles and insights, I realize that no man is an island, and there is no individual things in the universe.
There are only relationships. A thing is a thing because it is not what something else is. Likewise, a person is only a person because they are not who another is. The differences are what makes identity possible in the first place. Having a mountain of gold is useless without something to apply it to. And the funniest joke on earth is pointless without a separate ear to catch it. So if you think about it, on both a grand scale and the subatomic, the only thing that exists is communication. The only thing that information has is communion. And thus the only thing that we have is each other.
Fold. You would be here in my place. I can’t hear the words you said. I’ve grown down to the sound of you getting your way. But I’ll. The sun hides its face when I step outside. But I’ll still grow your crops with the tears that I’ve cried. Just in the rain at night in blood they write my name when they wish hell on me. Man, I can feel it acheous so I am moving toward the pain. I will walk underwater deeper every day. The sunlight and space. When I step outside I hold your umbrella. But I still grow your cross with the tears that I cried.
And you’ll never know what it’s like to be dead. I won’t know the life I’ll trade for a job that blurs the lines of love and pain. My name loves the words you shout. I’ll come running head over heels with foot and mouth last red lock a human shield when the wind starts to dust. Love rust. A bad luck, just a long run bad luck. Life is easy cause it’s harder for so the sun hides in space. When I step out hand take my hand. Crystal structure, the very small, was similar to the crystalline structure of the stars.
But there was one book I had to read. It was the egyptian book of the Dead. And I read the book, and there was quantum science in it. So I had to read the full funerary corpus to see if there was any more quantum science. The evolutionary message was that our DNA can evolve at death by merging with a microscopic virus. Eight major egyptian texts, you know, supported it. The process that ancient Egyptians were describing was called horizontal gene transfer, a real process, and that is exchange of DNA between two different species. Avery and his colleagues discovered that DNA released from dead and living cells persists in all environments.
And DNA can actually be transferred from a dead cell to a living cell. So I felt a little more comfortable, because that’s what ancient Egypt was talking about. Our DNA is a museum of ancient viruses. They sequenced the DNA, and everybody was shocked. Again, this was not the end of my troubles, because I had a thesis totally against the mainstream consensus who believed that the funerary texts were simply magical. Spells. They believed that they were confusing, unintelligible and primitive, and they are very confusing, but they are not unintelligible and primitive in the light of new quantum science.
Soon I learned that scientists were reaching consensus that the tiny quantum world orders our large classical universe. Scientists called it junk DNA, but actually what they learned was this 98% non coding was from our microbial ancestors, viruses and bacteria along the evolutionary path. So the non coding DNA is simply switched off. And scientists are realizing now that it’s actually a help DNA toolbox for some yet unknown purpose. So the question is, can the non coding DNA be switched on for evolution?