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5G Danger


➡ Itzak Bentov, a survivor of Nazi concentration camps, was a brilliant inventor who wrote scientific books and worked with the CIA on understanding the mechanics of reality. His work focused on transcending physical reality to understand the infinite nature of the universe. Despite his secretive work, he openly shared his knowledge with the public. His theories revolved around the concept of cymatics, the study of visible sound and vibration, suggesting that the nature of reality is based on sound and vibratory patterns, which he believed were the foundation of physical reality.
➡ This text discusses the concept of reality and its connection to meditation and energy. It suggests that our reality is not solid but a pulsating matrix of energy fields, and that particles making up our bodies blink in and out of existence. The text also explores the idea that through meditation, we can tap into moments of rest and explore higher states of consciousness. It concludes by discussing a technique to stretch out subjective time and the benefits of meditation, such as mental clarity and pain immunity.
➡ This text explores the idea that we are not just individuals, but entire universes within ourselves, made up of countless smaller parts like atoms, molecules, and bacteria. It suggests that just as we are unaware of these smaller parts, we may also be part of larger, unseen realities that we can’t perceive. The text also discusses the concept of our subconscious mind, suggesting that it is connected to a higher reality and influences our behavior in ways we don’t fully understand. Finally, it proposes that by expanding our awareness, we can grow and integrate with other realities, becoming more whole both physically and mentally.
➡ This text suggests that we are all part of a larger process, and our reality is shaped by our own consciousness. It explains that our senses are merely tools that our brain uses to interpret the world. The text also explores the idea that we are all creators of our own reality, and that our understanding of the universe is subjective. It concludes by stating that absolute knowledge is within us, waiting to be discovered.
➡ This text explores the idea that humans may not be using their full potential, as suggested by the presence of ‘junk’ DNA that doesn’t seem to serve a purpose. It suggests that this DNA could be a ‘cheat code’ to switch from survival to creative mode. The text also draws parallels between the construction of a building and the building of our character, suggesting that we should pay attention to ourselves as if we were a work of art. Finally, it discusses the interconnectedness of the body and mind, and the idea that we are more than just our physical selves.
➡ This text discusses the interconnectedness of all things, comparing water to the union of hydrogen and oxygen, and spirit and matter to ice and water. It suggests that everything, including our bodies and the universe, is composed of the same elements and is a manifestation of pure intelligence. The text also explores the importance of mythology as a record of human thought and the potential for out-of-body experiences. Lastly, it criticizes governments for their misuse of power and discusses the CIA’s interest in metaphysics and spiritual matters.
➡ The CIA conducted secret research projects, like Mkultra and Stargate, to understand and control reality and human consciousness. Using Dr. Monroe’s methods, they proved that consciousness can transcend physical limitations, with subjects able to perceive events in distant locations. The research suggested that our reality is not solid, but a fluctuating energy field created by consciousness, similar to theories of a holographic universe or a dream-like state. However, the experiments also led to encounters with strange, reptile-like beings, leading to speculation about their existence and their potential influence on humanity.
➡ This text discusses how different substances can alter consciousness and bring about specific experiences. It also talks about the CIA’s interest in these altered states and their attempts to control access to them. The text further explores the concept of a cosmic egg, a repeating pattern in the universe, and the idea of a unified field of information and energy. It ends with a critique of the CIA’s intentions and a call for honesty and liberation from self-imposed and externally imposed psychic prisons.
➡ The text discusses the concept of ‘Maya’, an ancient Indian term often misunderstood as ‘illusion’. It explains how our inability to distinguish between real and fake realities can trap us in a ‘psychic prison’. The text also mentions a process called the ‘gateway process’, which uses techniques like brain synchronization, deep relaxation, and auto-hypnosis to achieve out-of-body experiences and escape from this psychic prison. However, the full details of this process are not provided in the document.
➡ This text discusses the concept of time expansion through meditation, suggesting that achieving a state of infinite speed or rest can lead to omnipresence and omniscience. It also explores the idea of consciousness in all matter, from atoms to complex organisms, and how it evolves to reach an ultimate state, referred to as the ‘absolute’. The text further suggests that our perception of reality is limited by our ability to process information, likening it to the frame rate of a film. Lastly, it touches on the controversial topic of reincarnation, suggesting a cycle of death and rebirth that aligns with the upward movement of consciousness.
➡ The text discusses the idea that everything in nature, including death and rebirth, follows a cycle. It suggests that consciousness varies among individuals and species, allowing communication with animals and even plants. The text also explores the concept of the universe as a learning system, where the creator experiences all possible interactions to understand itself. Lastly, it delves into various mythologies that depict the universe’s birth from a cosmic egg, suggesting that this might be more than just an allegory, and could be supported by modern science.
➡ The universe might be shaped like a torus, or a doughnut, which could explain why it’s expanding faster. This model suggests the universe expands from a ‘white hole’, spreads out, and then comes back together at a ‘black hole’, similar to the cycle of death and rebirth. This theory contrasts with mainstream science’s idea of the universe expanding forever until it becomes too thin and dies. The concept of the universe being like a cosmic egg, continuously going through cycles of death and rebirth, aligns with various mythologies and could be a more hopeful perspective on the universe’s future.
➡ The text discusses the idea that living beings, including the universe itself, are shaped by an electrical field. This concept is compared to various mythologies and scientific theories. The text also explores the idea of a creator being, suggesting that it uses both good and evil to fuel evolution. Finally, it suggests that as creatures evolve, they gain more free will and can become co-creators.
➡ This text discusses the concept of the Big Bang and the creation of the universe, comparing it to the fertilization of an egg. It suggests that the universe is a learning machine, aiming to understand itself, possibly through us. The text also explores the journey of Richard Alpert, who became spiritual teacher Ram Dass after a period of meditative seclusion. It concludes by discussing the state of consciousness known as Satori, which can be accessed through meditation, and how ideas can come to us when we are in the right mindset.
➡ This text discusses the idea of tapping into a higher state of consciousness to gain insights and ideas. It mentions various historical figures who have used this method, such as Friedrich August Kekulé, who discovered the structure of benzene in a dream-like state, and Nikola Tesla, who credited his inventions to accessing the Akashic field. The text also explores the concept of the universe and the human mind being interconnected, suggesting that receiving ideas from other realms is not as strange as it may seem. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of acting rather than reacting, and the potential benefits of achieving a state of ‘flow’ or ‘wu wei’ where work is done effortlessly.
➡ This text discusses the concept of a higher consciousness and how it influences our reality. It suggests that by understanding these higher realms, we can shape our character and influence events in our physical world. The text also explores the idea that consciousness can exist without physical limitations, as seen in the collective intelligence of ants. Lastly, it delves into the concept of multiple universes and the idea that symbols, like the Hebrew letter Aleph, could represent abstract shapes formed by creative energies in these higher realms.
➡ The text discusses a spiritual journey, where symbols, sounds, and numbers can be used to alter reality. It describes a cosmic structure, filled with multiple universes, that operates on the principle of love. The text also explores the concept of consciousness and its power to manifest desires, and ends with the realization that reality is subjective, and we are all creators of our own reality. The journey concludes with the understanding that the present moment is the only true reality.


They say that if you want zero bullshit literature, read the words of men who died early. This is certainly the case when it comes to Itzak Bentov as a brilliant inventor who survived nazi concentration camps and went on to write scientific books inspired with light hearted humor. This man danced with the very fibers of reality, led by a melody only the curious dare to hear. His work in nuts and bolts tech and obsession with altered states of consciousness caught the attention of the CIA, where he became responsible for an important bulk of the declassified documents that we have all come to pore over.

Bentovs work with the CIA involved none less than the mechanics of reality itself. In fact, his specialty was helping people transcend the illusion of physical flesh and bear witness to the infinite nature of the universe for themselves. Despite this incredible resume, the introduction of his magnum opus humbly states that it was inspired by so called living room talks with friends, as he gracefully referred to himself as a plumber. We all know better now as this book, stalking the Wild Pendulum, was released while the resulting CIA documents were still classified. But after his book was written, he went on to describe this information to civilians.

And even though he never disclosed his work for the CIA, he had no trouble sharing what he knew with the world doing just that. He was on his way to a conference in Cali when he was killed on May 25, 1979, as a passenger aboard American Airlines Flight 191 that crashed shortly after takeoff. Ironic. Decades, marinated in covert operations, yet his death was as public as it gets. Your mom actually remembers this famous plane crash as it makes great pillow talk for us, but I am not making any claims of foul play here. Many of you know that an enormous amount of the people involved in this agency’s now declassified documents died in similar accidents.

Easily a coincidence, but it seems as if when they are done with you, they are done with you. This is where the Internet and literature comes out to shine. There is a lot of bullshit out there, but none of it came from Bentoff. And although there is much online about Project Stargate and the gateway process, there is not much to be found about this treasure trove of work, and it involves the very essence of being itself. So let’s bust out the diagrams. So the death process seems to be a common theme on this channel. Sorry about that, but it is a great place to start here.

When we die, we return the borrowed substances back to the earth. But there is another component to life other than the physical body. During our lifetime, we collect information and categorize it. This is intellectual chaos into order. We collect both raw data and emotional information. This body of information is collected by a non material entity, that is us. This information is absorbed back into the cauldron of universal mind that is produced by all conscious beings. The individual psyche might reside for some time in the astral or causal realms, but will eventually want to acquire more information.

Where, you guessed it, reincarnation takes place. And on that note, I would like everybody to relax, because it seems that we choose this reincarnation according to our will and are not forced into it, as many modern day conspiracies seem to indicate. But nevertheless, cymatics is the key to this entire thing. The nature of reality itself is based in sound, so much so that we even have these very specialized openings on either side of our head called ears, I think, that have the strict job of hearing things. And there’s a lot of people who might not realize that.

The reason this is so important is because sound is an oscillation, just like everything else. Basically a kind of movement that comes to rest and then swings back, coming to another rest and back and forth like a pendulum. These oscillations cause vibratory patterns that we call physical reality. We have all seen sand take on incredible geometric patterns on a plate that is vibrated at a particular frequency. Frequencies spread out in this pattern across the metal plate, and the sand tends to avoid them, because, just like anything else, they prefer to be at rest. So they clump together in these areas, where the frequency is less frequent.

As we have seen, the faster the vibration of the frequency, the more complex the pattern is. This friction between the two worlds of rest and motion is what gives birth to our physical reality, and the suffering stemmed from that. Friction is what causes evolution and growth, something that we will come back to in a bit. This experiment with cymatics is a perfect example of chaos into order. The once static and chaotic grains of sand interact with the friction of the sound frequencies and organize themselves into a particular order of geometry. As strange as it sounds, this is indeed why the entire universe exists.

What is especially fascinating about cymatic shapes is the fractal holographic element. To it, only a small portion of the species pattern is necessary to understand the entire rest of the whole. We can predict what an entire snowflake looks like by only having a small portion of it. And parallel to that, we can understand the entire universe by simply looking within. Just like the Buddhists have said all along, all the world is in a grain of sand. This is illustrated beautifully in one of Bentov’s most famous experiments. He illustrates how the universe is naturally holographic by dropping three pebbles into a bowl of water.

By looking at the ripples in the water interfering with the ripples from the other pebbles, we can accurately identify the whereabouts and motion of those very same pebbles without having access to them directly. The interference pattern of the water ripples are now raw information that we can use to extrapolate everything else about the unseen world beneath the surface of the water. Like the now unseen pebbles, a Zen master of no name posed a question to the modern science of today, asking, why do you spend all this time and money on rockets and microscopes when you can just understand the universe by sitting and watching a creek fly around some stones? This holographic concept is, amazingly, also displayed in the human brain, which is just as holographic as our world.

Only one section of the brain is necessary to understand the rest of it. And if you need proof of that, check out some of the modern science that shows people being able to retain memory and continue to grow and learn with sometimes more than half of their brain removed from an accident or a surgery or something. And you don’t have to look very far, because I can vouch for this. Once upon a time, at a very young age, I suffered a blow to the left side of my head that caused this ear to be deaf. And ironically, I could play piano fluently from that moment on.

And this is the same musicianship that you hear in these videos today. Perhaps you have also heard about people with multiple personalities. A person with five personalities could have one that is allergic to seafood, having drastic reactions, whereas the rest of the personalities don’t. And enjoy a nice meal at red lobster, despite it being way worse than Long John Silver’s. And, uh. And double the price. This certainly shows the holographic nature of mind over matter and proves that the brain is more of a receiver than it is a producer of consciousness. Some call it placebo without second guessing what that notion even indicates.

But let’s get back to the subject. These oscillations like to be in sync with each other. This has been coined with the term coherency. If you stack several grandfather clocks next to each other that are out of phase, eventually they will be coherent and tick right along with the other ones at the same time, the same way that multiple women will eventually sync up their periods when living together. And if you have multiple women synced up, that might be a good means to plan your time away from the house or vacation. It’s not just grandfather clocks and periods here it is everything.

A system of tuned oscillation will pick up even the thinnest, tiniest signal that has been admitted. This is why we resonate with certain people so easily and pick up on their body language in perfect step with our own. So it seems oscillation coherency is also what gives way to having a BFF. However, there are many stresses that cause irregularities in this harmony, but as soon as the source of the disturbance is removed, orderly rhythm will return to the system. Bad joke about governments here. You know what that’ll do. The ancient esoteric sciences and the modern CIA experiments both seem to indicate that atoms or solid matter don’t exist at all in the first place, but are instead just pockets of that have been ignited with frequency.

Think of the surface of a body of water that is totally still and undisturbed. It will be completely transparent, as if there is nothing there in the first place. But when you ripple the surface, well, then you can see the water as if it becomes the void that gives way to that reality being the depths of the body of water remains still. Tapping into that space is very well illustrated by that 21 pilot song where he says, life moves slow on the ocean floor. I can’t feel the waves anymore. Did the tides forget to move? So the sun and Saturday Saturn.

Well, I played that wrong, but we’ll assume that it was for copyright purposes. I promise, promise that won’t happen again. I think we all remember ten years ago when they said that the atom is 99% empty space. And then five years ago they said that it is 99.99% empty space. And of course, as of last year, that percentage went to 99.999,999. They just keep on adding nines to it instead of admitting that it ain’t there. The solid mass just isn’t elusive. It just flat out isn’t. Bentoff stated that when we highly magnify the image of our solid reality to get a good look at what it’s made out of, we accidentally find a completely new underlying reality.

On closer inspection, our reality seems to dissolve into this rapidly pulsating matrix of fields of energy, an interference pattern of waves that fill this vast vacuum of our bodies and outwardly, forever. Remember how the points of rest on the pendulum create a tiny moment where we cannot measure its trajectory or its inertia? Much like our metaphor of the pendulum, the so called particles that make up our bodies blink in and out of existence as well. This oscillation is said to occur 14 times per second, seven up and seven down. This is why it has been found that the electromagnetic field of the human vehicle vibrates at a frequency of 7 precipice and valley of this oscillation is that short moment of rest that happens in a blink.

It happens so fast that we don’t even notice it in our normal waking state. That is, until we start a thorough meditation practice. Although Bentov was certainly not the first to master this technique, he seems to be the one who brought it to scientific illumination. He explains that through meditative practices, one can extend the subjective time of those momentary outblinks that result from the small periods of rest at the opposing sides of this oscillation. And we will come back to that shortly. But 7 hz, this is a harmonic fraction with the resonance of our very planet, and we can become in tune with that.

This ability is not new or unique to us. It is exactly what birds use to fly enormous distances without having the waze app on their phone. And the same that whales do to meet up and make babies. This is why particular disturbances in the earth’s field, like a solar flare or tectonic divulgeon, will cause multiples of whales to beach themselves or flocks of birds to fly into the ground. The same exact thing happens to us when there is a stress buildup in the nervous system. Yoga and meditation is easily the best way to alleviate that buildup.

Right here is where we find the difference between Jerry and Newman. Jerry began his meditative practice early in his career and does so to this day. Newman, however, does not appreciate the fact that the male never stops. Alright. It seems as though reality comes to, so to speak, or becomes real due to the motion occurring between these two states of rest. This indicates the obvious that when the oscillation of that motion comes to rest at either side of the pendulum, it technically blinks out of existence for that moment of time. In those moments where physical reality no longer exists, the realization of Zen is there waiting for us.

We can tap into those moments of silence and explore much higher states of consciousness. In the book the secret Teachings of tibetan buddhist sect, Alexandra David Neal writes, the tangible world is movement. Not a collection of moving objects, but movement itself. There are no objects in movement. It is the movement which constitutes the objects which appear to us. The movement is a continued and infinitely rapid succession of flashes of energy. Objects perceptible to our senses are constituted by a rapid succession of instantaneous events. There are two theories, and both consider the world as movement. One states that the course of this movement, which creates phenomena, is continuous.

As the flow of a quiet river seems to us the other declares that that the movement is intermittent and advances by separate flashes of energy which follow each other at such small intervals that these intervals are almost non existent. But this begs the obvious question, where does matter go when it periodically disappears? And what happens to us as we blink on and off? To answer this question, we are forced to speculate the notion of time. As we learned in the previous video, time does not exist, but simply occurs from us due to the involuntary measurements of movement.

This so called time is subjective. Or if you ask Albert Einstein, relative as he once said, when you spend 2 hours with a pretty girl, you think it’s only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it’s 2 hours. In the truly quirky and fun loving fashion that Bentov is known for, he develops a or technique that can harness the power of this ability to stretch out subjective time. This teaching is heavily based on the realm between beta and theta waves, but we’ll leave out some of that stark science for the sake of keeping it real.

Here I’m going to read what is written by Bentov on exactly what to do, but afterwards add my own take to it. Step one. Relax. Position a watch in front of you. Step two. Look at the watch in a relaxed way and follow the second hand. Absorb and remember the rhythm at which it moves. This has to be done quite effortlessly. Step three. Close your eyes and visualize yourself engaged in your most favorite activity. This visualization has to be perfect. For instance, if you visualize yourself lying on a beach, you have to be there. Dont just think you are there, but feel the warmth of the sun and the texture of the sand.

The results will be better if you choose a relaxing activity rather than a hectic one. Four. When you feel that you have stabilized this visualization, slowly open your eyes just a bit. Dont focus on the watch. Just let your gaze fall on the dial, as if you are a disinterested observer of the this whole affair. If you have followed the instructions properly, you may see the second hand stick in a few places, slow down and hover for a while. If you are very successful, you’ll be able to stop the second hand for quite a while. To some people, this is a shocking experience.

The moment one feels shocked, the second hand accelerates and resumes its normal speed. Now this is the part where I must admit that I must not be doing it correctly because this experiment does not work for me. I am just too uptight. If you put a lump of coal in my butt, you’ll have a diamond in two weeks. In fact, holding the thought of being at a beach or any other activity stimulates my mind even more. I can say, however, that even before reading this book, I have been able to slow down and stop subjective time with a completely different meditative technique.

The way I discovered this was by accident. Working in construction is sometimes very cold, so I would give myself a one up by utilizing the Wim Hof method to make myself immune to wind and low temperatures, and it is very effective. What is not said, and possibly only unique to me, is that while holding on the exhale, this breathing exercise surely does slow down time and create a space of non thought where I can perceive the self and consciousness in a way that I just don’t have words for. I remember sitting in my car before work and noticing that during these meditative states, one or two minutes seemed like 15 to 20 minutes.

And it was a fantastic way for me to find rest and relaxation and to get a grip for the day. And I only barely hesitate to say, be gifted with a sort of superpower and mental clarity and an immunity to pain. Mind over matter is a real life miracle that we can work with, and it is different for everyone. And not to come off with a sales pitch here, but I break down step by step exactly how I achieve these particular altered states naturally, in videos that are visible to members of this channel. This isn’t a ploy to make more money as much as it is just not wanting to clutter the channel with a ton of extra videos that don’t pertain to our long form documentaries.

When someone clicks on the channel for the first time, I would like them to see these long form documentaries that we’re watching right now, and not just a meditation instructional. But I digress. Bentov does a fantastic job of taking the woo woo out of the subject of time expanding meditation utilizing scientific diagrams. The breakdown of these would be an entire video of their own, but by all means, check out the book for yourself. I even think that it’s on YouTube in full. So being deceased, I don’t think that Bentov will mind you chasing that shit shortcut.

In fact, if he were alive, I don’t think he would mind either. It is the message that was important to him and not the money. The best way to wrap our heads around this, though, is to think about infinite velocity and points of rest being parallel. Imagine hypothetically being able to move at infinite speed. Well, you would be everywhere, all at once, making you omnipresent. Now imagine that you were able to absorb information at the same time. Well, this makes you omniscient. Ironically, this very state of infinite velocity, of being everywhere at once, is exactly the same as being at rest, as you would just be in all places at once, with a parallel understanding of your own state.

Despite having a paradoxical conclusion, this is scientifically sound. In both cases, time no longer exists. And in both cases, the location and velocity of the observer cannot be pinpointed, yet remains its integrity as an information processing unit, despite its rapid expansion into spacetime. As supernatural as this sounds, this altered state of consciousness can be attained by harnessing the subject objective time of these periods of rest at either side of our pendulum. As the self blinks in and out of existence due to its quantum nature, we have to remember that mass cannot move at an infinite velocity.

But as an observer being a non physical entity, we will have no problem doing this. Pure psyche has no weight or rules attached to it. This helps us scientifically explain the abilities of people like Ingo Swann, who can operate observation without the constraints of space and time, and could accurately describe events that occur in both the past and present. While working for the CIA, it seemed that he could also describe the future as well. But paradoxically, just by doing so, it would measurably affect the outcome of the future. And I am hoping to do a full length documentary on Ingo swimming in the near future.

So stay tuned. If we look at this diagram drawn by Benthoff himself. You know what, Cregan? Can you spice this unit up for us a bit? Ah, all right, all right. There we go. If we look at these diagrams, we can see that the literal workings of stretching out the subjective time of these blinks out of reality as they occur 14 times per second. Thus, at 7, experienced meditator can use the above techniques to stretch out the perceived time of these out intervals, causing us to be able to spend as much time in the higher realities as we do right here in solid reality.

By now, you might be thinking that this meditative time dilation is in fact, not an altered state of consciousness technically. But it is. So shut up. Consciousness within a biological entity is actually kind of quantifiable. Bentov writes this. We can say that consciousness is the capacity of a system to respond to stimuli. This system may also be a nervous system, no matter how simple. Suppose we stimulate an atom by applying ultraviolet light. The electrons may may get excited and respond by jumping into a higher orbit, farther away from the nucleus. It will react with a number of different responses.

If we take a bacterium and tickle it, it will react with an even larger number of responses. The higher and more complex the organism, the more varied and the more numerous the responses. Let us define this number as the quantity of consciousness. We may at first have trouble trying to visualize a rock or an atom as a living thing because we associate consciousness with life. But this notion is just a human limitation. Minerals may also have difficulty in understanding human consciousness. We restrict the term live beings to beings that can reproduce. This is quite arbitrary. We seem to project our own behavior onto other systems by saying that starting from the atom and going to larger aggregates, there is no life.

And then suddenly, when the aggregates of atoms have reached a certain stage of organization, life appears. Because we can recognize our own behavior in it. It may be refined or primitive. Human beings are also designed that when properly trained, we can interact with anything that has consciousness at whatever level. Thus, the bandwidth of f five to f six expresses the responses of the human nervous system to all possible stimuli. This system codes the information in an action and rest code from which our brain constructs our reality. But then the other bands in this diagram, the ones above human frequency response, such as f seven and f eight, or the ones below it, must also represent the realities for the population occupying those levels.

In short, what we are dealing with here are actually different realities. This implies that all matter in the universe, starting from the atom, is moving up in levels of consciousness under the forces of evolution, until it finally reaches the absolute. It goes on to illustrate how all consciousness moves up, graduating step by step, each gray area, until it reaches the absolute. What is fascinating is that this does not indicate a black and white duality between physical reality and non physical reality, like one including myself, is apt to think. But instead we have the astral level, the mental level, and the causal moving up in that order until it reaches the absolute, which implies total control over nature.

This thin membrane of reality between the causal realms and the physical seemed to be where human consciousness often gets caught up in its emotional states, in this level that we call the astral. This is why it is instructed in esoteric science to be very careful when exploring this region during out of body experiences. This is where the emotional body oftentimes hangs its hat, and is indeed inhabited by personalities that don’t have your best interest in mind. This is kind of like the the backstreet, the hood of these reality levels. It is said that emotional turmoil ceases its mood movement above this realm, entering the causal realities inhabited by creator beings.

And get your DMT ready, because a description of these realms will be coming up in the next video. The term absolute, when describing this highest reality of both rest and infinite motion, was coined by the CIA and certainly seems to reflect the ancient concept of Tao. Well, the non concept, if we’re to be clear. This is what the Zen masters may have been aware of without the scientific terminology. It is interesting that the two contrasting concepts of movement and rest indeed become reconciled in the absolute. This is a sort of baseline of reality above it and below it.

This is the non reality that all existence springs from, just like the Tao. It has also been referred to as the waters of the deep in multiple religions. And we covered that in a previous video about manifestation in the philosopher’s stone. And if I’m not mistaken, I think you missed that one. The absolute or the tao, is fixed, eternal and invisible, basically unchanging. But the relative reality, reality that springs from it is the manifest or basically the temporary, changing aspect of reality known as Maya in the east, east. The east, east east of all the east.

And the metaphor coined as the waters of the deep is a perfect analogy for this, because water moves as a wave function, of course. But we can also think of water as having multiple temporary states, fluid, solid ice, and, of course, vapor. The states of reality change and are temporary, but it is still always water. Thus, the absolute all along. The idea of everything having consciousness, including minerals, is not new, by the way. In fact, what is new is the idea that they do not. In many bits of oral tradition known as folklore, especially that of native american cultures, it is said that everything has a primordial name and a sentience of its own.

Everything behaves as a wave in this primordial nature. But the reason we measure things as particles is because that is just the speed at which we are capable of measuring it. Our perception is likened to a frame rate of film. We can only pick up so many bits of information per second, therefore seem to articulate this field of infinity as being blocks or particles. Think of a cartoon that has been drawn. Multiple frozen frames combined together gives the illusion of there being a fluid like motion. The way we measure reality seems to be just like that, but in the opposite direction.

And I’ll give you a moment with that one. Slow down on Monday, not a sound on Wednesday. Why does he skip? He skips Tuesday and Thursday, despite reincarnation being a very touchy subject. If we apply this law of oscillation to our gradient chart of consciousness moving up, it seems that there is indeed a spiraling pendulum of motion that moves up and forward along with the cycle of death and rebirth. If everything in nature and existence follows this same oscillation of cycles, it would only make sense that the concept of death and rebirth follow suit. In fact, given what we have seen today, it would be weirder if it didn’t.

A rare case where Occam’s razor seems to be working in the favor of life after death and rebirth. These levels of consciousness overlap and are different to each person depending on the sensitivity of their nervous system. This is why we can communicate with animals. Speaking of which, some better than others, I’ve met people who can practically talk to horses, and some people are even able to communicate with plants. And then, of course, we have the shamans, which are able to communicate with levels of consciousness in the causal realms above, as opposed to the below, where our eyes are often hypnotically fixed.

It’s gonna make noise if you do that. That’s why we have a pop filter, huh? But in these above realities, the human observer overcomes its emotional state, a state that stems back to the animal level of consciousness. Entering this state is where we have extremely high levels of creative output and flow. And the breakdown of this is illustrated in one of our older videos entitled modern mystics and Ancient Shaman, where we talk about the art of defocalization. And I think you actually saw that one, so that’s cool. Thought is a very coarse and jagged thing. That we thought is a very coarse and jagged thing to have, if you think about it, pun intended.

It is a process of the brain and not necessarily of the mind. It seems to be the function of the brain to amplify the signal of pure consciousness or the absolute into a useful form of survival being the thought process and dreams evolving past this point surely is the nature of xen, and is both difficult and easy at the same time. When operating in these uncharted areas of the mind, intuition is surely more reliable than cold logic. Bentov illustrates this with a parable of the bicycle, showing that this information seems very unlikely or even impossible until it becomes self evident through gnosis or experience.

Basically, if you show somebody a bicycle and tell them what it is used for, the person might laugh out loud at how ridiculous it is to be upright on this contraption. You know, if they’ve never been familiarized with a bicycle before, it is a thin seat on two wheels and can easily fall over a very unstable vehicle. But what they are missing is the invisible principle of inertia that keeps the bicycle upright when in motion. This is a reasoning that can be only experienced and not explained this is gnosis. In a way. The soul, not to be confused with spirit, is parallel to the psychological term that we call the psyche.

The psyche is independent of the body, but uses it as a kind of garage, as a place of learning. I think of it like this. The universe wants to make itself known to those who can comprehend its language. This is truly an emanation of love. It is hypothesized that the concept of love and gravitation might be the same phenomenon. When reading this, I couldnt help but remember a section in Etidorpa where the man who did it had mastered all of the great mysteries before him, except for gravitation, as he had explained that it pervades and pierces all things in the universe, whether physical or not.

And as above, so below. It seems that love itself seems to have a gravitational effect on us in this reality as well. Bentov maintains that the whole universe is love and is an information gathering system. The creator breaks himself up into smaller fractalized units in order to be able to experience all of the possible interactions among his particles on all possible levels, thereby learning to know thyself. This sort of knowing includes all things, as hermes t clearly states that the all is mind and this includes us and our potential growth. Evolution seems to be built in to the friction of this learning process and pushes all matter, therefore sentience, higher and higher in complexity and construct until reaching the absolute and then starting all over again, but this time with a fat promotion.

The world egg has been an allegory for the birth of the universe since before recorded history. The symbol exists in every myth and religion that we can find. This indicates that either a all of these civilizations somehow communicated with each other over vast distances of both location and time, or b that they all discovered exactly the same thing by means of their own esoteric sciences. Both options are equally as startling. But the second option B indicates that the cosmic egg is not an allegory after all, but instead quite literally, how reality is birthed from pre existence.

So our ancient people either had some kind of time traveling Internet or knew exactly what they were talking about. What if I told you that option b is not only more likely, but is in fact structurally backed up by modern science? To be clear, not mainstream science and its surplus of limitations and taboos, but modern science nonetheless? Well, jump into that after the intro. But first, what are the common themes of all cosmic egg mythologies? In hindu mythology, the cosmic egg was split in half down the middle and wields a single point of death and rebirth at its center.

The Upanishads state that this golden womb floated in emptiness before breaking into fragments that formed the heavens and the earth. The rig Veda reads the same. In chinese mythology, the universe was born from a primordial egg of chaos that hatched into a construct of order, a golden fetuse. In egyptian mythology, the sun known as ra fell into place after being born from a primordial egg in a stage known as the first occasion. In hermopolitan theology, we have the ogdoad, a world egg that represents the conditions of existence before the gods created it. In slavic mythology, blackness was enveloped in a golden egg, where we find rod fast asleep, exploding in primordial chaos, waiting for the chance to grow strong enough to create his body being our world.

In order to do so, he had to break off into dual pairs, and until doing so would remain unknown to himself. And of course, we have a long favorite of this channel’s community, the Dogon tribe, who state that Ama was alone and the shape of an egg until fighting herself, establishing the four cardinal directions within this egg was the material and the structure of the potential universe. Amma failed the first attempt at this, but in the second attempt succeeded in planting a seed within herself, a seed that resulted in the shape of man. During the gestation, there was a flaw, causing the universe to be incomplete until the nomos were able to utter the words of Amma.

And this sound united the polarities of the egg. Although I have chosen my favorite segment of each of these mythologies, every segment mentioned here is found in one way or another in the other mythologies. Each segment is also found glaring us dead in the eye with new scientific terminology within the declassified documents compiled by the CIA. And keep the above mythologies in mind as we move forward. Because the parallels are mind boggling to say the least. All life springs from some kind of egg. Even mammals start out within eggs while in the womb until met with the seed necessary to be fertilized.

With an ample amount of evidence that the universe itself was birthed in exactly the same fashion well as above, so below. It seems as if the cosmos is alive and aware of us and is patiently awaiting the day that we grow enough to realize it. When the CIA quietly declassified its secret documents about reality and consciousness, it created a shitstorm of people who didnt give a who, but also a storm of people who connect the dots of world mythologies that tell an identical story in various terms. Mythologies that seem to line up with the self evident gnosis of people who have explored meditation and hallucinogens.

We are lucky to have bentoff, who seemed to cover all of the above. Mainstream science has been running with the Big Bang theory for as long as we can remember, despite how flawed it was and how continuously unlikely it seems to become. The premise for the Big Bang is based mostly on the fact that everything is expanding. But when we found out that the expansion is accelerating, it threw a wrench in the whole deal. So instead of turning to mythology and the esoteric sciences conducted by more clandestine researchers, they threw all kinds of new clutter on top of it, like dark energy, while simultaneously admitting that they had no idea what it was.

But if we look at the shape of an apple, an egg, or the magnetic field of a human body and even the earth’s magnetic field, we see a commonality being the torus shape. We will get to the evidence in a moment, but with everything in nature taking on this energetic 3d shape to find that the universe was not this shape would actually be weirder than if it were so. And when we do consider the universe as having a toroidal shape, it answers more than just a few questions, including why the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

In Bentovs model, we see the universe expanding as it exits this so called white hole. As it drifts around the outer edge or the corner of this toroidal field and spreads out like a fountain, we can clearly see that an acceleration of spread would take place in exactly the same way that water does if you hold it straight up in the air. This tells us that the accelerated expansion is not only temporary, but will eventually coalesce back into itself at the bottom of the egg and enter into the singularity again being the other side of the white hole where we have a black hole.

This is certainly the original idea of death and rebirth. The cosmic egg mythology of the finnish diving duck seems to be where the so called blood flood occurs, or the first sacrifice, so to speak, that is simultaneously the sign of a fresh start or the union of all mankind. Mainstream science, however, seems to like better the idea of a forever expansion until the universe eventually spreads so thin that it goes cold and dies forever. As most of you already know, this is just not how a perpetually driven reality would work. Science of today certainly has a knack for spreading the idea of giving up hope.

Let’s break down this model. The idea of a white hole being not only the opposite, but in fact the other side of a black hole is, according to Bentoff, like that of a quasar. A quasar ejects a luminous jet of matter out of itself, like a laser beam, pretty much opposite of a black hole. Think of the skin of a balloon holding all of the dense air pressure within it. If the skin of the balloon is high in viscosity, poking it with a needle would not cause it to pop, but instead to release the air pressure as a single jet, a single point.

The rubber skin of the balloon is like our physical reality, whereas the pressure within is not a component of our usual spacetime, but instead a sort of pre creation or a stage for the potential unfolding of reality as we know it. This seems to be the very essence of our cosmic egg mythology. An omelet, if you will. An omelette. Anyone care for an orphic omelette with cheese and green peppers? The quasars and black holes that we see with our, you know, telescopes and whatnot are, they seem to be a fractal of this, these much larger macro black holes and quasars.

The jet that emits from this macro quasar expands as it moves away and cools down, forming our atomic particles and radiation, giving birth to stars and then eventually planets and an atmosphere, as we have come to know. So, going back to our metaphor of holding the hose straight up in the air, all created matter, just like the water from a hose, will mushroom out and follow gravity back down to its source. But unlike our hose, which has a higher source of gravity beneath our feet, being the earth, the gravity will pull it back in and up into itself, causing this torus egg shake.

And as you might be thinking, up is the wrong word for that, because there is no up in this case, considering that the outside of the cosmic egg is just protospace, so to speak, or pretty much non existence, like, not even pre existence, not even void, there would be no resistance imposing on the universe to be absorbed back up into itself. This is like if you were to burp and then suck that vapor back up into your butthole. Man, I’m gonna. I’m gonna lose subscribers with that one. A very large portion of the simulated universe theory hinges on the idea that mainstream science has measured the fabric of reality, or the universe to be.

To be flat or two dimensional, so to speak, like existing on a screen. This is not conspiracy theory. This seems to be naive when you consider the fact that our torus shape has this skin on the outside of it, like the event horizon of a black hole. If you were to imagine a cream filled donut, for example, the dough on the outside of the cream is our physical, manifest reality, whereas the cream on the inside is our pre existence, or the absolute, as it is mentioned in these classified documents. And if you are wondering how donut makers go about filling a donut with cream, well, it is actually quite simple.

You see, when a man loves a donut very much, as our portion of the universe completes its cycle around the skin of the torus, it begins its death process in a gravitational collapse. As it nears the macro black hole, everything becomes compressed to a degree that its density can be measured in tons per cubic meter inch. At that point, the gravity is so powerful that nothing escapes, not even light. And unbelievably so. After that, not even time. Then, as time itself gets sucked into this gravitation, everything coagulates into a singularity that is so powerful, structure itself breaks down completely until it is once again just raw information.

Ones and zeros, if you will. Now that it is sheer information, once again it is ready to be recycled and emerges from the other side of the black hole into a reborn universe and perpetually keep in mind, this does not mean the entire universe is reborn. The entire egg itself is the universe. It is whatever section of the universe that passes through the singularity that becomes reborn. This is both very exciting and very scary at the same time. But we will not see it until after we have already physically died, at which point, front row tickets to the greatest show on earth until we are ready to jump back in.

This taurus shape is very much like that of a tree when you consider the roots at the bottom and the branches at the top within the center of this egg, reminding us a lot of the Nordic tree within their mythology of the cosmic egg. The rainbow bridge, I think it’s what it’s referred to as. And this death and rebirth or destruction and order reminds us a lot of the Hindu mythology. We have the brahma, which seems to be the white hole. We have vishnu, which seems to be the torus, shaped itself, the skin, or, uh, as it’s referred to as the maintaining of reality.

And then, of course, shiva up towards. Up in the butthole of this, uh, taurus shape being the ConstrUctioN, the. The blood flood, so to speak. God, that’s mythology is brutal. I blood flood. I’m gonna make a metal song called blood flood. Maybe it’ll be at the end of this VideO as above, so below. It seems everything from us and all the way to the universe itself, indeed is undergoing a continuous process of death and rebirth. Nothing in the universe is STagnant. The end and the beginning are exactly the same thing, like a yin and yang. And this yin and Yang is helpfully so, exactly how the mythology of the cosmic egg is illustrated in Chinese mythology.

As it was said that Pangu emerged from the egg, splitting it into two halves. One half was the earth, representing physical matter, of course, and the other half was the sky, of course, representing the unmanifest potential reality. As Pangu grew taller, the sky and the earth grew thicker and were separated further. And when Pangu died or cooled down, he became the stars and the earth. And I mean, go ahead and hold that right up against this new scientific method of the universe. It really holds water. In a great interview with Neil degrasse Tyson, he recently expressed lamentation over the fact that the universe is expanding so fast that our ancestors will not be able to see the cosmos from Earth like we do.

His point being poetic points out that if they are going to miss out on that, what has there been before us that we indeed are missing out on now? But he seems to be ignoring the notion that it’s going to come right back in this continuous cycle, making me wonder if he is either ignoring these new findings, well, ancient findings, or is simply not allowed to delve into this particular research, considering that it was classified once upon a time. I don’t know. But if you ask me, real scientists shouldn’t ignore data just because it was a secret years ago and he needs a haircut.

This cosmic egg is obviously a perfect allegory for the universe, but it seems as though it might also be a direct physical reflection of how the universe works, quite literally, thus making it and all coherent bodies indeed alive and sentient. For evidence, all we have to do is compare these findings to the already well studied formation of literal eggs. Bentov writes this in his essay entitled entitled the Organizing Fields of Life. If we take an ordinary chicken egg and make two windows, one in the top and one in the bottom of the shell, without injuring the membrane, then, using a sensitive voltmeter with a set of silver electrodes, touch the exposed membrane at the top and bottom of the egg.

We find a positive voltage at the top and a negative at the bottom. When we make two more windows in the sides of the egg facing each other and take measurements, we find no similar potential difference. This indicates that there is an electrical field present along the long axis of the egg, which then has to turn back over itself, as shown. This behavior has been shown to be true in seaweed eggs, frog eggs, seeds, etcetera. This cross shape between the top and bottom of the egg and one going across reminds us a lot of the Dogon mythology, who’s got easily the best mythology of the cosmic egg, as they do many other notions of mythology.

But this cross shape is represented in Dogon mythology as the collarbones of ama being fused together, creating these four directions, so to speak, a two dimensional format. This was shown by Harold Saxton Burr professor of anatomy at Yale University in 1972. These fields seem to be penetrating and surrounding living tissue. It has also been shown that the spine of a tadpole within a frog egg lines up along the axis of this potential field in the egg. I suggest that the shape of the electrical field governing the development and the form of living beings is mirrored in the shape of the universe.

Here we have another example of a form on the micro scale appearing after many hierarchies of size on the macro scale. Ur calls these the organizing fields, claiming that they come first, guiding the atoms and molecules of the growing organism into its proper form. What he is saying is that an electromagnetic hologram that changes with time makes up a mold, and matter eventually fills up that mold, giving rise to a tangible body. It is the first work actually confirming that our matter is held together by a four dimensional interference pattern. If this is the case, then our planet must be a very large being and the sun an even larger one.

He goes on to say that the consciousness of the earth might be a temporary consciousness, just like that of the human being and the same as the sun, all of which seem to be granted a temporary consciousness by a primordial first cause hatched from this cosmic egg, so to speak. Or a creator, if you want to use that word. I. In our previous video, we found that a state of infinite velocity is the same as a state of complete rest. In this way, the human consciousness is able to observe the absolute. This state of infinite velocity and complete rest is exactly what we see here in the nucleus of our cosmic egg, being the singularity of the black and white whole together, which by now, we can see that they are not literal holes, but are still in need of some kind of vocabulary to attempt to describe it.

Futile, but necessary. But this is where the creator beings seem to be needing a futile description as well. At this point in the video, it is important to point out that just like the laws of physics and matter break down at this point, well, this, and so do words. But words is all we have to bring these things to elimination. Well, we got the diagrams, too, but it’s important to utilize the mind’s eye to read between the lines. Where words seem to fail us and where words fail us is where our gnosis comes to shine, by all means, consult with your own truth.

When we dive this deep, nothing else external can be more helpful. No matter where it comes from. Like the Buddha said, reject anything I say if it doesn’t line up with your own core truth about this creator stuff. The declassified documents seem to indicate that an enormous consciousness is attempting to separate itself from the continuum so that it can start acting. It has become an entity despite still the existing at the point of rest on our pendulum that we discussed, that we described in last week’s video, it describes the creator as needing to settle down and create blueprints for what it wants to do with his body.

His body being the universe itself. It realizes that it has to create a consciousness equal to himself, potentially in order to fundamentally understand what it is. And again, lining up perfectly with the mythology at the beginning of our video, it floats in the absolute until it has gathered enough information to do so. To become. To manifest, it needs the duality of itself to see itself. This is where it gets scary as we turn to mythology. In almost all of the oral traditions concerning the universal egg, it is said that before the egg hatches, thus splitting into two, it floats in a great void or some kind of waters of the deep until it has the nourishment needed to hatch.

The parallels of the ancient times and the science we have in front of us here today are so eerily parallel that it keeps me up at night. Why I gotta blurt all this shit out on video? We are truly just now rediscovering the wisdom of the ancients, you know, lest we forget. And it doesn’t just stop with mythological parallels. This concept fires a straight shot right into religion concerning morality. Bentov’s documents state that this creator utilizes the duality of good and evil as a catalyst to speed up the interactions of evolution. The term good represents the knowledge of its universal laws.

The term evil represents the ignorance of those same laws. In other words, being in harmony with these natural laws helped produce an escalation in evolution. And anything that slows down that process is considered to be evil. But you need both. Just like the Zen masters have maintained all along, the creator walks the middle path. This primordial first cause manages to use both good and evil as friction in order to fuel the flame of constant, perpetual evolution. The more evolved the creature, the greater its free will will becomes, until eventually becoming a sort of co creator. And I mean, go ahead and bust out any religious book that you got and tell me that this isn’t the the main theme.

A frequent viewer of this channel is probably well aware of Carl Jung’s great and highly misunderstood work entitled Answer to Job. Although impossible to summarize, it can be said that Carl wanted indicate that the suffering of job was meant to ignite and further along, the consciousness of his creator. This notion was extremely controversial, especially at the time. But keeping that in mind, let’s check out what Bentov has to say about what seems to be a very parallel notion here. At the beginning, the creator watches with aloof amusement as his creature creatures go through the events. However, somewhere down the path of evolution, consciousness will arise that will draw his attention.

These will be creatures who not only contemplate themselves, but start contemplating him. When a creature has reached a level of development at which he understands his real makeup and perceives that thou art that, then he becomes self realized. Henceforth, he will watch himself act within that scheme, but at the same time remain separate from his actions. This is analogous to the way that the creator operates, acting, but at the same time remaining separate and uninvolved in the action. The creator will set aside such a unit of consciousness and say to him, here, do this. It may just be little chores at first, but sooner or later, later, such a unit of consciousness will start guiding the evolution of the other consciousnesses.

Once he has duplicated himself, he knows himself. So he closes down his shop, absorbing into himself all his manifest creation, and returns into the void. We have to emphasize that the events described until now did not take place in ObjeCtiVe spacetime. In other words, they were only his thoughts and were not yet maNifest. This sounds a lot like our Brahma in Hindu mythology, whereas we live within the dream of the Brahma. While the creator can take his time to contemplate, design, and construct his universe at leisure, to us it would appear in a big bang. Suddenly the whole thing would just be there.

Even with the concept of the BRAHMA, if everything is within a dream, it wouldn’t be dissimilar to the way we dream. So whenever we dream, there’s an entire reality, a place, characters, fictional or not, that just appear there all at once. They don’t necessarily have to evolve into place, because they are projections of our own psyche. And Jung has just entered the conversation. Speaking of which, wait till you guys get a load of what Jung has said about flying saucers. He was like a prophet of the psyche, comparing the weightlessness of saucers to the psyche. And I know there’s a lot of videos online covering his take on it, but they never quite make the connection of what Jung said to what we have now by Jack Velaze.

I think I’m pronouncing his name wrong, but what he says about ultra terrestrials and what Jung says about saucers is just. Just peanut butter and jelly. I can’t wait to. I can’t wait to get to it. Back on track here. After reading that, we now have to wonder what causes the event of this so called Big Bang in the first place. This question has haunted humans ever since we first had the notion of it, but it might be helpful to go back to how we understand a normal birds egg. Imagine that our said creator develops his own boundaries, or real estate that will form his body or our world.

This is like rippling the surface of water that was previously still causing it to become manifest. If we apply our toroidal shape to the rippling of the water surface, we have our eggshell. Let’s remember the magnetic north and south of a chicken’s egg. Energy is being built up at each pole of the torus, just like the chicken’s egg. The accumulation of this potential energy will. Will ignite and zap between the two poles, just like negative ions unite the sky and earth in a lightning flash. And with lightning, of course, comes a thunderbolt. Therefore, we have sound.

Many of you, I’m sure, see where this is going. We now have the sacred ohm aum. In other words, the first act of fertilization has taken place within the egg. And now, hopefully, if you didn’t get the omelet joke of the beginning of the video, that’s become illustrated now. You guys got it the first time, I know. The thunderbolt, of course, is enough to disrupt our unmanifest reality that is the absolute rippling the surface and creating physical matter. This discharge sets our proto matter, or pre existence, as illustrated earlier in the cream of the donut metaphor.

And it erects a great column from pole to pole, and it mushrooms out at the tip and runs down along the shell, hugging the walls as it. As it goes back down to the bottom where it is reabsorbed. We have now developed the so called seed needed to fertilize the egg and the appearance of physical matter as we know it. Within this seed, just like the seed of a tree is, all the information is necessary to form the entirety of a habitat for many birds and other creatures, and in this case, us and our very consciousness.

All of the information is already there and free to anyone. If the purpose of evolution is to produce consciousness of an increasingly high construct, then the universe is a teaching and learning machine simultaneously. Its purpose is to know itself, possibly through us. This is where Bentoff drops us a little hint, where he says, study the micro and youll find the macro reflected in it. In other words, if we study ourselves thoroughly, we will find the creator there waiting for us. I realize that theme is reoccurring on this channel, but it bears repeating, probably the most important thing, period.

The archetype of the cosmic egg is illustrated over and over again with a serpent coiled around it. This reminds me of the words of Christ, who encouraged his disciples to be wise as serpents. The serpent has enveloped the entire egg and now has two choices. It can crack the egg now and enjoy a minuscule meal. This is instant gratification. Or he can hold on for a moment and continue to warm the egg until it is ready to hatch on its own. And with a little patience and a lot of sacrifice, the reward of the ladder is where we find the real fruit.

You are the serpent. We are. And like I have saying before, you should bear the serpent with the fruit that you have wondez Richard Alpert didn’t become Ram Dass overnight. As a boy, Richard was a thrill junkie, pushing the limits of speed with motorcycles and cars. It was during his time as a professor at Harvard University that his consciousness shifted just a bit due to the power of hallucinogens. But this didnt cause him to become Ram Dass either. Although he was given his new name by the great indian sage named Karoly Baba, it was a long and drawn out period of meditative seclusion that brought him into his final form, so to speak, and readied him to become one of the greatest spiritual teachers of the west.

He was instructed by his eastern teachers to sit in Zazen and well and nothing. That was it. That was his instructions. The first few days were agonizing. He had aches and pains in his legs and the hunger was unbearable. Not to mention the boredom. If you have ever been camping for more than just a few days, you might get the gist of this discomfort. But while camping, one might go fishing and have some snacks by a fire or even some books to read under the stars. Imagine throwing all of that out and only having one thing to interact with your own consciousness.

You see, in our everyday, normal, waking state, it is external things that bring us temporary sensations of joy. A funny show will bring us laughs, some sweatpants to bring us comfort, and some macaroni casserole to satisfy our more gluttonous sensations. Sounds like a perfect evening. But once it comes and then goes. You are left with nothing. But if we have learned anything about duality, it seems that the other side of that nothing must be its opposite. Because when we flip it over, it turns out that we find everything. The mind takes care of itself, whether it has a body or not, residing in a state of bliss while existing in the pain body.

We certainly have a hard time discovering that state of place. So until we are able to reach that point, we are depending on the brain. The brain is going to produce chemicals of joy, whether we feed it or not. Oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, are all going to fire off as part of your body’s natural cycle, especially if we don’t get in its way with a myriad of desires and distractions. But when you let the brain produce these chemicals on their own, without external pleasures, it becomes a different kind of joy. In fact, it becomes something a couple steps above joy that we call bliss.

Happiness without depending on anything to source that happiness has been called for thousands of years. The state of Nirvana. The best way to make an allegory of a state is to illustrate it as a place. What happens when we visit that place and what when doing so? What will our conversations be like with its inhabitants? And more importantly, how can a normal, everyday person living in this rat race surviving, learn to thrive instead? By gathering the advice from the transmission blaring down to us from the higher and more subtle worlds, we are wearing crowns so heavy that they block that signal.

But amazing things happen. We put those dunce caps down and listen. So the Buddhists speak of a state of consciousness known as satori. Although it is spoken of as a realm, this place exists outside of our common sense and logical thinking, and can only be accessed when one sheds their skin of unnecessary knowledge. Knowledge not to be confused with wisdom. The thing is, we already live in Satori. We just dont know it. We have been strictly trained by a survival mode of biological well being to depend on physical senses. But long time meditators have been studied under EKG machines and emit what are called theta waves at a staggering rate between four and eight cycle per second.

Once science has reluctantly forfeited its stubborn nature due to these things having facts backing them up now, they of course will have some questions and the answers are clear and consistent across the board. The meditators will have a plethora of downloads from the subtle above worlds in the form of symbolic images and even helpful voices. I say helpful because we are referring to experienced meditators. In this case, however, it has been recorded that many people will receive these transmissions unexpectedly in different cases, including that of schizophrenia and whatnot, when unprepared. Sometimes these downloads can be alarming and even severely disturbing at times.

The words to invaded vent as a verb has a latin derivation in venir, which loosely means to happen upon or to come across, indicating that the origin of this word means that a person is not necessarily creating from their own sheer will, but instead receiving ideas from an outside source, reminding us of the phrase people don’t have ideas, ideas have people. Indeed, it seems that a aha moment is often derived from being in the right mindset, or in other words, being available for the ideas to come across to you. When Tyler Joseph of 21 Pilots was asked how he comes up with his songs, he frankly stated that he didn’t know.

He enters the studio to write and record, and the music and lyrics seem to fall out of him. When I hear this, it makes me think that he is like a radio beacon or a transducer that picks up these wonderful tunes, and the resulting songs are able to come to life through him as opposed to from him. I could list a page of comedians who state that their best closing jokes come to them out of the blue when they are in the right mindset. And you know a fun fact about this channel, you know, our subject here is the untold so of course we will never run out of material or be short on ideas.

But I never record an episode until I tap into this state and consult with it, so to speak. I’ll finish a solid draft of notes to speak from, and then hit the tub to float and do the now famous wim hof breathing meditation. While holding on the exhale, I clear my mind and attempt to nothing think about the coming video, and then something, call it whatever you want, will insert its own two cent here and there throughout my own work. It happens every time now, and sometimes the dramatic mic drop one liners at the end of these videos is owed strictly to this kind of transmission.

Sir Francis Bacon would proudly say, reality only presents itself when we look past the world of the senses, which alone provide us with realities. Earlier to this, the way of knowing that supersedes our normal senses and knowledge was called gnosis. Basically, reading, listening, and study only gets you so far. A book is a wonderful tool to gather information, but a thorough understanding only comes when the reader reflects that information onto his own personal experience and can then read between the lines, so to speak. Friedrich August’s Kikuli is credited with the origin of our modern chemistry of today by means of his painstaking work in the laboratory.

But what we are not told about is his own confession that his work came to him in the form of imagery while he was half asleep. His famous quote, gentlemen, let us learn to dream, can still be found in his report to the German Chemical Society today. There are many other accounts like this, including one of my favorite, the fact that the DNA helix was seen in a vision induced by LSD before it ever made its way to scientific faction. We covered that in a previous episode, and not to beat a dead horse here, because I’ve said it several times, but Nikola Tesla pretty much invented our world and credits his information to tapping into the Akashic field in a book called the Reflexive.

The evolution of consciousness is the story of Larry Bell, who invented the helicopter. It says, read first red tab. Oh, that was a dumb joke. During a 19 year long effort to crack the problem of stabilizing the rotary wing, I almost said Jung. Jung came to the point where he was sure he was getting close to the solution. Why? Because I had a creepy feeling, he recalls. It was as if I were walking around a corner and expecting something to happen. Even the slightest sound made me jumpy. The first time it occurred, the air felt super saturated.

I was so sure my idea was going to work that I asked my patent attorney to witness the first flight. There’s your helicopters. Bentov describes this funny feeling as coming from a universal mind, a mind that contains any knowledge a person desires as long as their psyche is prepared to receive it. And yes, I realize that Bentov has been mentioned in the last three videos. I go through phases, okay? And to any haters, I’d like to add that Bentov. Bentov. Bentov. Bentov. Itak Bentov. Carl Jung. Bentov. Chicken Caesar. Saladin didn’t kill himself like I mentioned earlier.

Bentov would float in the tub, too, by the way, except he would scribble notes onto post it notes and stick them to the walls of his shower. He didn’t have the voice to text on the notepad, you know, on his landline telephone, so he wrote his spontaneous ideas on post its and stuck them to the shower, begging the question, for real, though, how did he get them to stick to the walls of the shower with all the steam? Oh, shit, it works. The techniques of tapping into this outer realm of ideas might be new to the western world, but it’s far from being new.

All we have to do is look at chinese medicines. The clairvoyant abilities confirmed in shamans around the world and extraordinarily crafted architecture in the east, like seen in cambodian temples. They were getting this from somewhere. An anonymous but renowned authority on yoga in India wrote a letter to Bentov stating, what you say about the nature of the universe is authentic. The point of rest on your wild pendulum is technically called spanda. In shaivite philosophy, it is the initial impulse, throb, or shakti, energy, or cosmic will of the supreme reality. It is all pervasive energy. What you call the off state of consciousness is called samadhi, or the super conscious state.

In the language of yoga, it is true that instantaneous communication throughout the universe is possible. The ultimate reality of supreme consciousness is beyond the limitations of time. Empirical time or objective time has no meaning in that state. Meister Eckhart is quoted as saying, the eye by which I see God is the same eye by which God sees me. He got into a lot of trouble with the pope over that one, and that is very interesting. Very much like governments, the big religious organizations also don’t want you to know the truth. They want to give you whatever it is that they feel like you deserve having.

If you don’t believe me about that kind of corruption in the church, check out the story of William Tyndale. In 1536. He became the first to translate the Bible into English so that. So we could all read it and wouldn’t have to depend on the priests. The bishops thanked him for taking all that work off of their plates by literally strangling him and then burning him body to ashes. And a side note, burning people who wanted to help others was common back then, but strangling a man, that is by all means meant to be personal. Back to these downloads, though.

Doing this on purpose involves bringing the mind to a still, which amplifies the synchronization of alpha waves and theta, the brain. Even though this happens spontaneously from time to time, it goes to show that it can be done with intention. But sitting, floating, and meditating is not necessarily the only way to go. These downloads can be achieved while in the flow state, when someone is in the zone, so to speak. In the east, this is known as Wu Wei. We covered that a few videos ago. But to summarize, the state of Wu Wei involves doing work seamlessly, without effort, kind of letting the creative energy fall out of you.

In the same way that we mentioned the songwriting process of 21 pilots. Whatever comes out, comes out. And if you trust the process enough, it comes out good. This can also be seen as what I have referred to as walking meditation. Or we don’t leave this state of mind on the mat. Whenever we get up, we take it with us. And the difference can be noticed when you realize that you are acting instead of reacting. To act is to do things that change the world around you for the better. And to react is closer to the fight or flight response, and in a way, stems from a place of insecurity and weakness in the psyche.

Receiving information in the form of ideas from so called other realms seems like some kind of sci-fi to the western mind. But if we can rest in the concept of the universe and the human mind being holographic, therefore one and the same, this notion is actually not that weird. The widely mispronounced Buddhist manuscript, the Avatamska Sutra. In the heaven of Indra, there is said to be a network of pearls so arranged that if you look at one, you see all of the others reflected in it. And if you move into any part of it, you set off the sound of bells that ring through every part of the network, through every part of reality.

In the same way, person, each object in the world is not merely itself, but involves every other person and object. And in fact, on one level, is every other person and object. When we read that, we might think of what the tangible world of a video game is made out of, the car that you just crashed into a prostitute is made of the same coding as the cop that you just stole a gun from in GTA or whatever. Your all’s video games are outrageous, by the way. I had a really fast rodent and a stoned plumber.

Well, we had sub zero and reptile two, though, remember? You remember, Goro has nothing to do with the video. But man, this was rad. Basically, we are just a reflection of everything else. So next time you hear someone claim that a person is literally Hitler, well, existentially speaking, they are kind of correct. I think the pendulum is swinging us out of that phase. Now, though, if my observations are correct, this concept can be seen in the idea of the monad expressed by the 17th century philosophers. The same as Indra’s net. A monad cannot change its form without having an effect on every else.

The same is depicted in kabbalistic lore as well in the symbol of the aleph. Aleph might be aleph. Let me know. In this infinite dance of spacetime, an aleph is a point that contains the reflection of all other possible points. So in this sort of hologrammatic, buddhist, monastic, kabbalistic, bentovian universe, there is just nothing that is private in the collective unconscious. You might have your secrets now in this world, but in the above realms, there is no barriers. Now is always a good time to become an honest and authentic person. I’m looking in your direction, Sean and Bill.

As Alan Watts brilliantly says, you are under no obligation to be the same person that you were five minutes ago. And as Bentov surely reflects, we don’t have to take any of this seriously. You might as well laugh yourself into the truth. We might not be able to see these higher grounds with our five senses, but we certainly cannot dismiss them either. It is constantly trickling down and affecting our reality down here, whether we like it or not. So we might as well learn to harness it the best we can. These abstract realities are very much the seed of what occurs in our everyday waking state.

By coming closer to understanding these higher worlds, we can influence events on this level by means of shaping our own character. Your character then becomes the pebble from the higher realm that is dropped into the waters of this physical world. The splash that comes from that pebble might be small, but you can clearly watch the ripple from that splash grow to immense sizes and cover the entire surface of the pond. One of my favorite things about Ben is that he knows that tapping into this state is different for everybody, and thus doesn’t preach his own teaching as a one size fits all.

In his book, a brief tour of higher consciousness, he writes, as consciousness evolves and information starts pouring in, the information is couched in a language best understandable to the person involved. For instance, a poet will be shown the nature of creation in poetic images. An artist in visual symbols, and a mathematician in abstract equations. A nuts and bolts fellow like myself will have it show to him in a structure. It’s been a long time since that’s happened, hasn’t it? I’ve just been dodging it ever since. Back to our roots now, huh? In other words, each unit, cell, or individual human being in this hologram not only contains the information about creation, but can contains it in an individualized, specialized form.

Fortunately, since like minded people contain it in similar forms, cross checking of information is possible. To my great surprise, our experiences agreed, not only in general, but also in many unexpected details. This knowledge appears, therefore, to be consistent and reproducible. This third book, written by Bentov, was originally called. And this is more of a fun fact than anything, but I want to show you guys. Oh, my God. Okay, here it is. It was originally called a cosmic trip with the S’s in parentheses, making it also read a comic strip as a pun it kind of bringing these heavy concepts into a lighthearted and fun attitude.

I recommend this little guy to anybody. This is proof that you don’t need a 400 page book to learn an incredible amount of information. While watching a UFC fight, I saw a guy practically run up the side of the wall and kick another dude in the face, knocking him clean the out. It was rad. But while the unfortunate gentleman was fast asleep enjoying doing what he loves the most, his body was still alive despite his steady slumber. This brings up the question of consciousness as to how we normally think about it. It proves that there is indeed a rudimentary consciousness that takes care of the body while we are out to lunch.

We might call this the wisdom of the inner parts. The awareness is not necessarily needed for the consciousness to exist. This rudimentary consciousness is not anxious about the idea of him losing his fight. This is the same consciousness that is not busy concerning itself with bills, taxes and everyday drama in this life that we have somehow made as complicated as possible. This wisdom of the inner parts, so to speak, is the consciousness that simply knows that the sun comes up in the morning and then goes down at night and looks upon us patiently, maybe with a little dismay, as we go about making that very process as complex as we can, and then complain about it.

Just like this rudimentary consciousness keeps our organs running while we are asleep, it is also the primordial force that moves planets and forms the order of the cosmos. This seems to lend credence to the idea that the soul, or the psyche, if you insist, can function without the limitations of a physical body. A colony of ants conducts itself with great intelligence, building bridges out of themselves and creating intricate, elaborate homes. Their way of gathering food is downright strategic, but the brain and nervous system of a single ant is extremely simple. In fact, they have a total of six nerve ganglia.

So this emergent intelligence certainly does not come from a single ant, but from the collective hive mind of the total. Take away the queen and the ants keep working. Sacrifice the queen and the ants scatter and lose their mind does not come from brain, a point that science to this day continues to get wrong in the face of clear, self evident truths even more stubborn than my teenage daughter. Sentience, however, like the above worlds, is invisible to us, so it is hard to talk about with language. But this is library of the untold, so lets talk about it.

In our last video we discussed a model of the universe being the cosmic egg, where mythology lines up nice and neat with the declassified CIA findings. But believe it or not, Bens work did not stop there, and he indeed went on to study things that existed outside of our physical universe. The following codex speaks of multiplicities of universes, but this is not to be confused with parallel universes, as popularized recently. When we zoom out from our cosmic egg, we see that it is the body of our creator, so to speak. And then we realize that he is not alone.

There are others that lump together, and this togetherness is not static or chaotic. It seems to be staggeringly by design. Imagine a spiral or a helix reminiscent of a DNA strand. The cross beams or lattices on the DNA strand seem to be reminiscent of how these multiple cosmic eggs line up. This may or may not be a coincidence, considering that we live within the body of this creator. So this creator seems to live within the body of a much larger being itself. It is said that this being is impossible to comprehend, much less look at. So it seems to us to be split into three parts from its source.

This has occurred to us humans as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost in Christianity, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and Hinduism, and a myriad of others that seem to reflect the same notion. This forms the shape of a tetrahedron, which is essentially the most basic, stable three dimensional shape, which is essentially the most basic, stable three dimensional shape possible in physical reality. The Trinity takes up the corners at the bottom, and the unity of all three exists at the peak of this pyramid shape. Although the tetrahedron is explained as a physical shape, here, let’s not be confused.

That is just the best way for us to comprehend it, but instead think of it as a primordial consciousness that is a pre shape for our physical reality to spring from. Hence the universes or cosmic eggs emanating from it. Tremendous energy flows from this shape, and the next part caused Bentov to become quite puzzled, because, zooming out further, he describes an aleph, a specific aleph that happens to be the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. In his altered state, he asked into the void for an explanation of this, and said that the answer came almost immediately.

The answer could not be put into words by the void answering, but he still offers an explanation to us about it. Bentov states that the symbol has nothing to do with the Jews or the hebrew Alphabet, but instead an abstract three dimensional shape formed by the creative energies that are active on this level. He then goes on to hypothesize that the reason the shape may have become a letter of the hebrew Alphabet is because our ancient ancestors may have encountered the same shape while in similar meditative states. Now, I understand that this claim might be a bit controversial, but I personally find it to be fascinating.

And this is my channel, so it’s going in the video. But the notion is put forward that the symbols are parts of human consciousness and therefore become the archetypal symbols of mankind. Run with it if you want. Or sprinkle some salt on it. Sure. I just. I want to know what type of techniques were used to get to this point of the meditative state, as the book nor the declassified documents cover that part specifically concerning this, this particular vision. But at this level, he came to a understanding about the power of sound and how these symbols affect the space around them.

I’d have just flipped out. Though letters, numbers and sounds are equivalent, they have certain effects on creation. And when used correctly, a person can use them to create and alter the world around them. As we zoom out further from this supposed DNA strand, we find a surprise that may not actually be a surprise at all. Another Taurus shape, just like our cosmic egg. Again, we got russian dolls here for real. This is where our meditating subject, Bentov, found more symbolic characters. He had an epiphany about the symbols, inspiring him to write the following. This structure is modular, built up of cycles, each represented by a unit, a number.

The combinations of these units, or letters, express the laws of this level of creation in an ingenious way. The roots of many hebrew words can be read in two directions, from right to left and from left to right, producing opposite meanings. This appears to be the case here. If the letters, and I’ll put that letter on the screen, screen representing the will center are read from right to left towards the love center. Together they become that symbol meaning extinction and destruction. If read the other way, from the love to the will center, they become this, which literally means quote.

He kept walking. In other words, the cosmic law conveyed this way, is that to go from love to will is alright and safe. However, if you go from will to love, you are destroying because you must have love first. The whole system runs on love. Love is the cosmic law. This whole deal here he describes as a cosmos. So universes exist in the helix center of a cosmos most. And if you’re wondering if he is going to zoom out again, well, yeah, this is gradually becoming ridiculous. But, um, he describes multiple cosmos with alifs and universes within, pressed up against each other like frog eggs, the way that one might stack oranges.

Can we even pluralize cosmos? Cosmoses? Seems weird to say it. I know you can pluralize cosmopolitans, though. And no, I dont regularly drink cosmopolitans and listen to Elton John while wearing a turtleneck sweater and trying out new wax melts from bb and b while eating fruit salad just literally last Tuesday and every week to relax. Its not fair. People think that Im gay just because I listen to ram Dassem and have sexual intercourse with other gay men. I don’t listen to ram Dass because he’s gay, okay? I listen to him because he’s white. These cosmos are stacked like fruit in such a way that you have one at the top, three in the middle, and then seven at the base, and then it reverses.

This three dimensional model is akin to the tetrahedron. Again, they are jointed together just like a unit cell, like a crystal is, that is to say, not static or random, but structured and rigid, as if even these gigantic worlds are also cells or modules within another. Again, much larger structure. And this is reflected as a. As a fraction. In physics, one over 137 is known as the fine structure constant, which determines the size of atoms, crystals, mountains, or anything that has a structure. To be more specific, the fine structure constant is a measure of the strength of an electromagnetic force that acts between the electron and the atomic nucleus and thus determines the magnitude of the electron orbitz it, which in turn defines the size of an atom.

I slam dunked that one. Okay, so there is no way that bentoff can possibly zoom out any further than this. Okay, this is getting exhausting. Notice, in the middle of this sphere is a hollow space, five to six cosmos in diameter, where tremendous angel beings are building shells of cosmos. You can pluralize cosmos, okay, it’s a factory like those in Detroit, producing cars, which will later need drivers. Just as a biological cell has its DNA manufactured and assembled by the messenger RNA, which scavenges around picking up pieces of material for the DNA. Similarly, inside the super cosmos, golden cosmic shells are assembled.

They contain no consciousness and will require a crew of creators to run them. When a shell is ready, it is pushed out into the interior of the supercosmos to make its way up towards the surface. When a shell is ready, it is pushed out into the interior of the supercosm to make its way towards the surface. Okay, listen, we are not going to zoom out again at this point. There is no way you could. So I promise, from here on, no more zoom outs. I’m just kidding. Let’s go. The so called supernatural powers of the yogis come from this siddhi level, siddh I, which is located here.

If you can raise your level of consciousness to this level and put in a desire. It will be manifested somewhere inside the manifest creation. Infinite energy comes in at this level, and you can manifest it into anything. This is what Jesus did when he manifested fishes into bread. Again, controversial, but this is someone’s take. We’re reporting on it, comparing it to other things. At first it is sound, then it becomes light, then form. Having seen all this, you are again faced with the question, where do you go from here? And what other surprises are there in store for you? Benthoff would like to entertain Sir Nirvana.

He maintains that first you have to get past the nagas that symbolically guarded this, to me, seems to represent overcoming fear and doubt before entering this realm of the absolute. And what better way than through? He enters into the mouth of the giant snake and is consumed by it, and thus is entered directly into this highest state of all worlds. Bentov says that it is difficult to describe the vibes and all pervading light of this place. We find these throne like structures with beings sitting cross legged at the top. There are angelic beings on them and around them, and in a way, they’re made up by them.

The angels are kind of the flesh of these beings. Bliss pervades everything. And the beings here are totally unaware of what is happening around them because they are so immersed in their. Their meditative state. This state is described as a constant and intense bliss, a bliss caused by pure consciousness. The void or the absolute, flows through their bodies. It enters through their head and flows out and out of the bottom of their spine. Spine, where it becomes manifest creation, kind of like they’re pooping universes. And here is where the Nagas have something to say about the people of Nirvana.

It says that this place is a blind alley of evolution. People are interested solely in their own bliss. In this state, they don’t necessarily care about others. That is why the Nagasses supposed to scare people away from this state or place. If people decide to come in any way, despite the warnings of the Nagas, it is their right to do so. They work to get to this place. However, they will not evolve beyond this point. The Nagas claims that most people are happy to bypass Nirvana for the sake of evolution for the sole purpose of helping their fellow menta.

This, of course, reminds us directly of the legend of Siddhartha. It is stressed at this point, though, that Nirvana is not a literal place, but instead a state of mind, or rather, no mind, really, that is. But of course, just like any good allegory, the best way to illustrate it is with a location being described. That being said, we are going to zoom out one more time. This is a big stretch of the consciousness. But eventually, after such an expansion, the bubble of your consciousness pops and you are met with a blinding white light that somehow does not burn your eyes.

After all, you don’t use your physical eyes. In this case, the white light comes into focus and you are meth with a single being. Upon getting a better look, you see exactly who this being is, and it’s you. In Bentoff’s case, it was Bentoff, and in my case, it would be me, giving us a startlingly clear reminder that reality is subjective and not objective. The all is mind, and we are indeed all just projecting reality and then agreeing on that holographic projection. Well, sometimes disagreeing on it. Verbal communication is absolutely futile at this point. So there is only one thing left to do, and that is to merge.

You merge back into yourself and look through your own eyes. Being now one with your creator, you. You crack your eyes open for the first time in this mind melting meditative state and find yourself right back at home. All of the pleasures and pains, all of the ups and downs, oscillating like a sound frequency in a cycle, spinning full circle to bring you right back where you started in the first place. That place is here, and that place is now, specifically right here and right now, because technically, nothing else can possibly exist until you get there.

And when you do get there, it will be here. You are not in a place. You are a place. Well, you’re in a place, too. That was meant to be dramatic. Reading a single line from manly P. Hall fucked me up pretty good when I was younger. He said, we are the gods of atoms that make up ourselves, but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe. When you find yourself in isolation, do you find yourself to be alone? Is it possible to imagine that what you consider to be void is alive and aware of you? You are not just a player in your environment.

There is a community within you that makes you tick. You are an environment for this community. The environment you are in is also a player in a much bigger, unseen environment. Consider the bacteria in your guts that are busy breaking down the food that you have eaten. They are not aware of your person as the figure that it is, but you are aware of them. Below that, we have the molecules that consider the bacteria to be their environment. Below that are the proteins, then atoms, then electrons, then quarks, and so on and on and on and on until you eventually get to the nothingness of pure consciousness that provides all of it.

So in a way, you are an entire universe. People seem to assume that the buck stops there with them as the largest and most sentient portion of all these realities. This is very silly and extremely nearsighted. In the same way that the bacteria cannot see or even imagine us, we cannot see or imagine upwards into dimensions above our reality. We have biological senses specifically developed for the survival of this thin layer of reality. We have not yet developed the perceptive attributes to perceive the other layers of realities. Without certain tools and methods. If you pay close enough attention, there are even conflicting personalities within a single persons psyche.

When Carl Jung went into his own head, deliberately into madness, he was astonished to find characters with greatly different views from his own, or what he thought was his own. We are able to discover that our Persona and belief systems might not be our own. But in fact a running program sets into place by our world. The way we think, speak and act consciously. Is simply the byproduct of many years of cultural dictation. When the subconscious mind, which is connected to a much higher reality, surfaces itself in our behavior, we will deem this to be events happening to us.

Our deeper mind has a stranglehold over our behavior. And we cannot see it any more than we can taste our own tongue. If you are able to tap into that portion of the mind, you can then start to analyze how it makes you tick. This is difficult because there are people in there who are not you. Or at least ones that you assumed were not you, but in fact are portions of you that you just dont like. Ironically, we must fully accept and understand them in order to integrate them into the whole. I mean, even the earth has to do this with mosquitoes.

If you think about it, nobody likes skeeters, but Earth is making it work for her. So as the godhead of your own universe, you prefer all of the community leader roles. But we are mechanisms of the so called godhead of many names. And when we do well to work with the same flow that our biology does for us, we will in turn be preserved the health of a higher and more sentient being. As I have said, to serve man is to serve God. These unseen beings and realities are also not where the buck stops. The same way that we will keep finding smaller and smaller things than atoms.

Thus, universes within universes. We will also find that what we consider to be higher powers are also cogs in the machine of an entirely greater realm. When you find yourself isolated, consider the magnitude of what is living, working, and playing with and without. Know that by simply existing, you both have a large and small portion of a many layered and unimaginably dynamic reality. We have no choice but to be a cog in this universe. And so the old phrase goes, as above, so below, as within, so without. So. A classic paradoxical phrase from Etidorpa reads, never less alone than when alone.

When we think of stories about gods and angels coming down from heaven or even alien abduction cases, I sometimes think of a biologist reaching into a petri dish to study microbes or an oceanographer interacting with fish. There is a penetrator of sentience into the familiar form of the lower worlds for differing reasons, reasons that these lower forms are not capable of comprehending. As your consciousness grows by feeding its adversity, your field of vision also grows. Thus expands into spaces of greater perceivable insights. The abrasive place that a conscious form is set to endure or currently adoring corresponds to the places of the above and the below, above and below, with and without, and a plethora of other dimensions that we have not conceived of yet.

The discharge of energy resulting from the survival rituals practiced by the eye feeds itself that very energy, thus becoming it once again. They say, you are what you eat. When this consumption of energy loops into itself, it perpetuates its state of expression into an unstagnant level within that space. Jeez, this. This whole video is just gonna seem like word soup. Sorry, but words invented for regular reality have trouble with other realities, so bear with me. By expanding the awareness of yourself as a place, you can grow that bubble of sentience outwardly, expanding into the inevitable path, a path that typically takes a catastrophe to realize even exists.

We have shortcomings, cuts in the way of spiritual alchemy, though eventually emerging into other bubbles of sentience. Higher bubbles of sentience. Worlds that exist outside of our experiential capabilities that could be met with and allowed to amalgamate with our current level of place, making us more whole, physically and mentally. Above and below, we can pierce into the higher worlds of place and person. These are faster frequencies of vibration that contain the information that gives birth to realities, a higher bandwidth, so to speak, of reality, and a wider set of tools for perception. But why would higher and lower worlds both exist in the first place? Is there a cause of separation outside of our place of understanding that causes rifts in once prior unified realms and into these deistic hierarchies? Why are there aboves and belows in the first place? Well, when you hit your tennis ball over the net to the other side of the court.

I am assuming that you’re hoping to get it back before we can pierce into this bitch and take a look see. First we have to know that we are the mystery to be looked at. You are the enigma. And that’s it. Nothing came before you and nothing will come after. So, uh, tag bitch, you’re it. Let’s get our heads around this real quick. Imagine a single point of consciousness unaccompanied by anything. Just a non dimensional point surrounded not even by void movement, size and direction cannot exist because there is nothing else to have. Those concepts in relation to this single point of awareness has thoughts and thus can reflect upon itself.

So now, in a way, there are two positions. Thought and no thought, or nous and prima materia. Now that there are two, we have distance and what is possible for movement and direction. Imagine this thing moves and conducts these simple activities again, spreading out, creating the concept of space and time. Well, now we have size and speed. As these activities continue, exciting what was once seemingly nothing. The activities become more and more complex as they fractal out in all directions. Creating dimensions and purpose of their own will. Spatial dimensions that we cant perceive and purpose that we are not aware of.

Yet as this goes on, certain laws of nature take place according to the mind of these fractals. Including would be our particular known laws of physics and many others that we cannot imagine. Think of these fractals like the tentacles of an octopus. Each has its own brain and unique thoughts, but is still connected to a main source. Out of this expanding mind of thought forms come very many levels of reality. Then of course, many levels of life and intelligence that learn and consume themselves in order to build themselves. The complexity continues on and on. And this process does not have a stopping point.

For the process simply is to be the process. It has no goal except for improvement. Creating pockets of order from this vast chaos. Language, tools, currency, buildings, all forms of society come into existence. Always still from the previous single dot of consciousness. Think of all dogs, big and small. They came from wolves. And after we intervened, of course. Basically your great ants labradoodle is only so many generations fallen from these giant strategic, cold blooded hunters that we call wolves. De evolution is real, y’all. And then there is you. For whatever reason, you feel as if you are separate from all of this.

You feel like you are looking at the process from the outside. The fact of the matter is that you are that single dot and you are the process at large. From the very beginning to the end, and we have forgotten. One might go into many theories on the mysteries of how we are born with amnesia, but no one seems to have an answer locked down. It seems, however, that we can realize or remember this origin of ourselves at any time, but are incredibly distracted by the circus of noise around us based on culture, which, too, is also the process.

You are the primordial first cause still going. And if you disagree with that, well, that disagreement is also just part of the process. And you look like a raindrop pretending that you ain’t water. If you stop moving up in the process, then you might just be trapped in the ice cube. Something that is fact, yet very hard to conceive is that you are the only one one who experiences your reality. And that entire reality is rendered in the dark inside of your skull. Your eyes do not see. Your brain does. Eyes are merely a lens, not the recording device, the memory center, or even the viewer.

Your ears do not hear. Your brain does that as well. The ears are simply a microphone, not the software, the listener, or the speaker. Everything you have ever seen was seen in the occipital lobe of your own head. Everything you have ever heard was heard in the temporal lobe within your own head. Even all the things you can touch are made aware to you by electrical signals triggered and sent from your nervous system and into the brain, where you can then go ahead and experience it. In this way, it is worth considering that everything is actually just you.

What you consider to be not you is indeed just your own consciousness forming a conceptual barrier. If you consider yourself to be outside of this concept, then even that notion itself, too, is just part of the concept. In the world of quantum physics, we have learned that atoms do not seem to come into hard material form until they are perceived. Until then, they are considered a superposition or a cloud of possibility. It seems that matter is just projected consciousness, as much as ideas or language are. Your world is projected, and the phrase life is what you make of it comes to mind.

But either way, it is us who take the patterns of a holographic field and buffer it into tangible worlds. And I mean, what a mind fuck, right? By the way, the holographic universe thing and simulation theory are two completely different things. And that episode is in the works. The Tibetan Book of the Dead has many instructions for what to do after death. Quite literally. Well, literally, but with an allegory attached. I mean, the book still has to be written in a language that we can understand. Despite talking about things that we cannot see or perceive. Thus, we don’t have words for but after you die, it is said that you are confronted by demonic beings called mara.

It is instructed that you are to remember and know that they are you, indeed, just projections of yourself. And just by doing so, you are free from them and apparently free from everything at that point. This seems like it might also serve as a parallel for of this life as well. When asked what the true name of God is, Jesus responded, I am. That I am. I am means God in its unimaginable format. And that I am means what is being done in this case, perhaps he was getting the party lit with red merlot and psilocybin.

By the way, if you’re ever at a fancy dinner party and they ask you what you want to drink, I encourage anyone to pronounce it merlot. And I promise you will be just the life of the party from that moment on. And no, I am not being sarcastic. There is nothing people love more than correcting others. And this is the definition of irony. There is no center of the universe, any more than we can find the center on the surface of a ball. To have a censor requires a conscious format to realize a center of being.

So reality is subjective to the viewer and not objective on its own merit. And, well, this is good news for everyone. Human is a verb. This is why we call it human being. It is something the universe does. Atoms are like a whirlpool. Never the same water, but maintaining the same form. So the universe is conscious simply because we are. It seems that all human beings are a God. Fetus, like the amalgamation of all human thought, seems to be a fetus of God that makes the earth sort of a 5d womb. We are gods that have forgotten that we are.

This is where that I am comes in. No, it hasn’t. Oh, this is the first time. Who threw up? Paul? No, Doctor Biggles threw up to be careful. Yeah, well, he had a little bit of Taco Bell yesterday. It was just a cheese. No, it doesn’t matter. Please don’t do that, okay? Only cat food and tuna and milk. Sometimes existence may have stillness, but reality is an oscillation. Dancing patterns, busy doing the process. It is void. And all at the same time. We pick from both. By being alive, we are interpreting that oscillation. It is a language for us.

We get to pick what it says, what it means, and we do this little ditty every day. If a person refuses to partake in this interpretation, well, that refusal is also just another form of interpretation. We should also choose to take advantage of this gift, even though we dont know why. And sometimes it is difficult. It being difficult and not knowing why simultaneously is downright treacherous, I realize. But we keep going and we keep dancing. The song will make sense when we are ready for it, too. Until then, it smiles and winks at us like a pompous bitch in an ivory tower.

Rude. That pattern is made of laughter, by the way. A cosmic giggle, so to speak. And why not? Hindus called the active creation of the universe the Leela, or game. So if it is true that this reality is a joke, well, the universe certainly caught it, so maybe we should too. Coming from a viewpoint of hermetics, anxiety and laughter are actually the same thing, just separated by poles. So the Brahma sneaks up on itself in this cosmic game of hide and seek. It says boo. And for that sudden jerk of anxiety that is necessary for balance.

And then it chooses laughter directly afterwards because the jump scare was funny. And this is a game, a play, a dance, and maybe a test. I don’t know. The phrase everything is one is over said. And we even act as if we believe it. But understanding this notion, however, is another story. Because what if you made it all up? Every bit of it, the whole of everything, all the way back to the so called big Bang. You thought it all up. You dreamt it. You did. It’s you. But we gotta ask, does this make me alone in the universe? Or does it make us finally whole? I have a hunch that, like everything else, it is up to the viewer to decide.

Not the YouTube viewer. I mean, each and every one of us. You. You get it. And strange that I really can’t say any more than that without painting the notion with ideas that distract us from it. Basically, actions can be taken with a foresight instead of a hindsight, which, of course, is always 2020. But with foresight, some of us might need glasses. And, uh. And that’s okay. Speaking of which, there we go. Yeah. Do I look like I know what I’m talking about? Now, how can we act differently knowing that everything ever conceived is your perpetual conscious awareness oscillating in this cycle? Albert Einstein once said, the soul given to each of us is moved by the same living spirit that moves the universe.

And weird that if you’re a genius, you can say shit like that. But if you build skyscrapers, then you’re a crazy person. Yeah, I’m jealous. I’ll be jelly all I want. It was MJ Hawking who said, the world around us is a magnificent illusion. It appears to us as real because we are as much a part of the illusion as everything else. In fact, it is we who are the master magicians as it is we who are creators of the illusion. Again, something that you can say if you’re brilliant, but if you make a sandwich in the Costco cart because you don’t want to shop hungry, then you don’t get the privilege of shopping there anymore.

I guess single dads never shop hungry. The fact remains that absolute knowledge is absolutely free and waiting for you to discover it, to deserve it. You are already it, as the ancient Zen masters hinted at. Now it’s time to realize it. But to realize it, we have to stop carrying all the weight that comes with the logic needed to survive. That oftentimes gets very heavy on our back. But how do we get a grip? Or better phrased, how do we lose our grip and let go? We are in fact addicted to idealism, all of us. Everything that can be made ideal is certainly projected from within.

From within, we paint our reality on the outside. It seems to be that simple. But the discipline is the sacrifice here. There is within us and all living things, DNA that is very much a language that tells our material self when and how and what to form. But the why to form part. I haven’t yet gotten that coded memo. We have discussed that 98% of our DNA is said to be junk. But why would nature, as finely tuned as it is, waste so much time and effort by having so much extra information encoded in our blood? Nature does not seem to create extra shit for no reason.

Why would anything extra reside within the programming of the human genome? In previous videos, we learned about the possible syntax errors in the code of reality. Through our creation myths and gnostic lore, we started to get a hint about there being forces beyond our comprehension, forces that seem to want to study the biology and reproductive system of living creatures here on earth. And I wonder if this correlates. Is there a chance that long, long ago, human beings were fully awake in the usage of their entire DNA? Is there a chance that this DNA was somehow flipped off like a switch for research that can only be speculated upon? If so, would that lend credence to the idea that the earth is a form of school to be graduated? Or perhaps a pharmacologic project? Perhaps a kettle ranch of resource to be thrown away after using? These books are scary.

But in 2021, it was found that more than 10% of our genome can consists of nonsensical codes of genetic material that loop on repeat. For unknown reasons. This DNA has been referred to as satellite DNA because they do not, in fact, seem to encode any proteins. So many scientists have turned to calling this repeating process genomic junk. Why wouldn’t we have simply evolved out of that process? If it no longer serves us, then kind of like whatever organ it is that we don’t use anymore, uh, what’s that organ? Uh, the, uh, the brain, I think it’s called.

Just like our appendix. Uh, we, it must have once served a purpose. As this repeating loop insists on continuing on within our code of DNA language, yet we continue to ignore it. What if we didn’t? What if it is the cheat code of the transition from survival mode to creative mode that we can easily tap into? After all, it seems to be on repeat, as if to catch our attention. Either way, the idea that a portion of our DNA has been turned off by external forces is a disturbing one, to say the least. Looking at ancient architecture.

Architecture compared to what we build now, seems to reflect this possibility. The ancient Egyptians credited thoth the Atlantean for their brilliance. And ancient Greece, they credit the Egyptians. And now you have philosophers today crediting the Greek. It was known to Plato that the ancient high priests of Egypt considered the Greek to be children in knowledge, despite their comfortable living. And from there, some kind of de evolution has taken place, very much like our ways, viewpoints and living standards, choosing comfort over discomfort. Very much like our architecture, we have fallen into boxes like cookie cutter cubes. Our mathematics are no longer spiritual and inclined.

Through sacred geometry. We know that the ancients knew something that we do not know today. But is this our fault? Though? If you ask me, I wouldn’t be surprised if we did this to ourselves once upon a time through some kind of equivalent to water fluoridation or aluminum in the air type of thing. But I still can’t shake the haunting feeling that it came from somewhere outside of our control, outside of our understanding, and maybe even outside of our reality altogether, both within and without the structure that we once had. Well, it’s no longer there, and it’s been replaced with a black cube.

The master mason considers architecture to be equivalent with our character. He treats himself, that is to say, his words, thoughts and habits in general, to be likened to the building of a temple. This is why we say, I am the temple, which, of course, slid progressively into my body is my temple, because everything is super literal and material now. But when we pay attention to ourselves the same way that we would when doing precision work, like building a temple or a work of art, we find that the building of our character follows the same suit as the architecture.

That is an allegory for it. In the field of stone masonry, which has dwindled quite a bit, it was what the masonry moved from the stone that made it great, and not what he added to it. This is a sure connection of character, philosophy between the masons and the sand masters. You take away the excess to find the work of art, but to drive a chisel into ourselves, metaphorically speaking, even, is. Of course, it can be very painful. And this certainly takes discipline. We have to remember that we are the godhead of this location, this place that we call us.

In. The same way that we depend on the little guys within us to keep the clock ticking, they too, depend on us to watch over them. We are the shepherd of this neighborhood of little rascals, little rascals that are oftentimes trying to sneak out of bounds, both biologically and psychologically. For example, the gut bacteria, believe it or not, controls what foods we crave. And guess what kind of foods they get addicted to real quick. A shepherd of this situation will override the signals sent up from the, call them prayers of desire, if you will, from these little boogers.

And it will keep them in check. Our job is to keep them in check. And psychologically, we are going to have cravings as well. We all know how that goes. It is different for everyone. But to be the shepherd of this situation is not much different from the food. We just have to recognize what the people of our body, mind, universe are up to and try not to let them slip us up. Taking back to our axiom, as above, so below, it works here as well. The body and mind are connected. It can lift the other up or drag it down, sometimes both at once.

For example, a person could feel physically ill, but upon hearing good news, all of a sudden becomes not lethargic. The same goes for adrenaline. Our mind can very easily override the signals of the pain body, and the same goes the opposite direction as well. If we are in a depressed or anxious mood, a surge of good energy to the body can alleviate that. We often turn to quick fixes like drugs for that process to take place. And I know I am guilty, but the truest way, like the stonemason who subtracts instead of adds, will shed parts of himself and let them burn in this alchemical fire instead of adding stimuli to the pain body for an instant relief.

But nevertheless, all of the great mysteries really boiled down to who we are as a self with a capital s. This is the self that transcends our short time here in this life. In her book God, man, Ines Perry writes, a child brought to its mother a piece of ice and asked, what is this? The mother answered, it is ice. The child asked, what is there in ice? The mother answered, there is water in the ice. The child desired to find the water in the ice and procured a hammer, pounded the piece of ice into little bits, and the warm air soon changed all the ice into water.

The child was grievously disappointed, for the ice that the child supposed contained water had disappeared. And the child said, where is the ice that contained this water? The mother was compelled by the child’s persistent questions to say, ice is all water. There is no such thing as ice. That which we call ice is crystallized or frozen water. The child understood. A student brought to his teacher some water and asked, what is water? What does it contain? The teacher answered, water contains oxygen and hydrogen, and then explained how the two gases might be separated and set free by heat.

The student boiled the water until all of the molecules of oxygen and hydrogen had been set free, but he was surprised to find that all of the water had disappeared. Then the student asked of the teacher, where is the water that held the gases that have escaped? The teacher compelled by the students persistent questions to answer. Water itself is the product of oxygen and hydrogen. Water does not contain anything other than these gases. In reality, there is no such substances or fluid as water. That which we name water is a rate of motion set into operation by the union of two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen.

And, of course, the phenomenon disappears when the union of the gases is broken. The student understood. A devout scientist presented himself before God and said, lord, what are these gases men call oxygen and hydrogen? The Lord answered and said, they are molecules in the blood and body of the universe. Then spake the scientist. Spake. Then spake the scientist. Lord, wilt thou tell me of the kind of molecules that compose thy blood and thy body? It’s hard to kind of speak in this old English. The Lord replied, the same molecules, gases or principles compose my body and blood, for I and the universe are one and the same.

Once again the scientists said, my lord, may I ask, then, what is the spirit and what is matter? And thus the Lord answered, as ice and water are one, and the gases and water are one, so is spirit and matter one. The different phases and manifestations cognized by man in the molecules of my body, that is the universe, are caused by the word. Thus they are my thoughts, clothed with form. Now the scientist felt bold being redeemed from fear and asked, is my blood then identical with thy blood in composition and divine essence? And the Lord said, yea, thou art one with the father.

The scientist now understood and said, now mine eyes are opened and I perceive that when I eat, eat, I partake of thy body. When I drink, I drink of thy blood. And when I breathe, I breathe. Thy spirit, so called matter is pure intelligence and nothing else. Because there is not anything else. Pure intelligence cannot progress or become better. There is nothing but intelligence. Omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience must mean intelligence. Therefore, these terms are all included in the word. The above written words are intended to express, namely the word it. I stands for all, the eternal I and t stands for operation, manifestation, vibration, action or motion.

The I in the motion is t or crossification. We say it rains or it is cold. Orlando, it is alright. What do we mean by it? It does not progress, it does not need to. It forever manifests, operates, differentiates and presents different aspects or viewpoints of itself. But these different phases are neither good, better nor best, neither bad nor worse. Simply different shades and colorings of the one and only intelligence. And that breakdown of the word it being int kind of reminds us of what Jesus said when he spoke. I am that I am. This kind of gnosis is where we turn away from hard science temporarily and take a look at what myth has to teach us here.

In this life, people make the mistake of thinking that the allegory that comes with mythology comes from a place of ignorance on behalf of the speaker. Because the double meanings are meant to depict something that we can’t quite understand in this current mindset. But this is a fallacy. These double meanings are instead for the receiver, the listener of the myth. The allegory is taking that step on behalf of the listener. Thus the future generations and these myths are not written by single men. They are written by mankind as a whole. Mythology works as an uneraceable history, a history of man’s mind.

Mythology is the only unburnable book. The teachings of mythology are second nature to us without any effort. Because we are a product of it way more than it is a product of us. Mythology is all around you and obvious. But it is also that weird hidden space in the attic that is locked by a padlock. And it sparks our curiosity when we have thoughts about how temporary our time is. Here in this life, one might have a sense of dread. But there are those who see it with delight and opportunity. Having felt lucky to have experienced something in the first place.

Kurt VONneguT writes this in the last rites of the boganist faith. God made mud. God got lonesome. So God said to some of the mud sit up. And I was some of the mud that got to sit up and look around. LUCKY me. Lucky mud I got so much. And most mudd got so little. Thank you for the honor. Now Mudd lies down again and goes to sleep. What memories for Mudd to have. What interesting other kinds of sitting up. Mudd I met, I loved, everything I saw. Good night. Quite the bittersweet. The great mysteries are something timeless and much bigger than we can imagine while existing as this pinpoint of consciousness.

Right now. This is scary as hell, but still requires being accepted and absorbed because mud sat up only for a moment, and in that moment, it got to experience the greatest mystery of all, itself. The primate governments are gangs. We get the impression that they are elected officials because they are the biggest gang, and that gives the impression of authority. The only difference is they do their crimes through paperwork instead of violence. Well, they use violence, too. This should obviously make us skeptical of anything that comes from them. Occam’s razor is necessary in this world of bullshit, but we have to be careful not to slit our throats on it in the name of healthy skepticism.

We should be critical of all things, especially when coming from any form of government and military. While sometimes, though, it’s more appropriate to put down the weights of logic for a moment and realize that we have misconceptions. So if I was to tell you that reality is not taken in by the experiencer, but instead projected by him, or there were safe ways to open the doors to greater realities than perceivable by our own current biology, it is safe to say that a healthy dose of Occam’s razor would kick in if I was to tell you that matter in physical form does not exist and that reality is more of a dream or a thought formed hologram, the same skeptical response would be expected.

But what do we do with Occam’s razor when these things that are impossible become absolutely, verifiably real and practiced and accessible to all of mankind? When we think of government and deep state organizations like the CIA, the last thing that comes to mind is anything mystical. Well, surprisingly so. Metaphysics and spiritual matters are not only of interest to, but indeed a foundational cornerstone of the Central Intelligence Agency, an organization that’s been up to no good ever since they assassinated John F. Kennedy. Yeah, I said it. You all know I’m gonna get shot for this one. Right? And if we know anything about our own governments and its branches, we know that earth shattering scientific findings like these are not in safe hands with them.

And that is exactly why everything I’m about to tell you was deeply classified. So here’s a quick timeline. In 1956, the two b. Founder of the Monroe Institute, Robert Monroe, became interested in hypnopedia, or sleep learning. While experimenting with different methods, he stumbled upon a state of consciousness that was not planned upon or recognizable. Although the term astral projection had not yet been coined, this is by all means exactly what he stumbled upon. And besides finding that he could remove himself from his body, navigate the room outside of his body, and in fact, was able to look at his body, he also found himself coming face to face with some forms of non human intelligence beings, the majority of which seemed to be reptilian in nature.

And as strange as that is, hold on to that little piece of information as we get into the details of the research findings. This particular method of so called sleep learning caused him to have what is known as an out of body experience. And what is more startling is that he could replicate the same results for others. Robert Monroe was so successful in his methodology of transferring people’s consciousness from their body into the so called astral field, that by 1971, his book, Journeys out of body, created a movement of people actively taking advantage of this new research.

Anyone familiar with this channel will not be surprised that immediately following that year, in 1972, the us military began propaganda claiming that the Soviet Union was pouring money into this pseudo scientific research. This used to be a very effective way of debunking something before it gains traction. However, now with the Internet and this tactic can no longer be utilized by those who perceive themselves to be in control. And of course, in perfect fashion of our government, the very research that they were blackballing became of peak interest to them, but of course, in the form of weaponization and spying.

Although they failed in their attempts to weaponize this mystic science, as far as we know, the results of the extremely well funded research came to be one of the most reality shattering, unexpected findings of all time. They failed to weaponize it. And I wonder if their attempts of weaponizing such spiritual technologies because of this, the subject is parallel to the concepts of the Tao Zen and other ancient esoteric teachings of wisdom that are beyond the subjugation or abuse of ignorant man. But the ties between this science and ancient wisdom is something we can get to later.

The CIA and their unlimited funding began several cryptic and classified research operations, a few of which were called Mkultra, project, Stargate, and of course, the gateway process. Completely ignoring the sacred body of knowledge being tapped into, the CIA began its attempts to understand and weaponize the very fabric of reality and the infinite, earthless perpetuation that is consciousness, human consciousness. Guided by the patent of Doctor Monroe, they began experiments to induce and control the pliable fabric of reality through altered states of consciousness, particularly a method coined as hemisync, which is short for brain hemispheric synchronization, I believe.

And that’s a concept that sure does remind me a lot of our reoccurring theme on this channel concerning the unification of opposites. The CIA appointed Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonald to bring this seemingly mystical happening into the framework of stark science. The goal was to find how quantum mechanics and theoretical physics could explain the nature and functioning of human consciousness and its abilities. While untethered to the flesh, it was made pertinent to remove any stigma of cult or mystical connotations of this research. This is something that proved to be impossible. As we’ll see later, the conductors of this research, including the colonel himself, became complete non skeptic of the ancient teachings in which this science seems to derive from.

Although the comprehension and understanding of this hidden part of our reality was not attained by anyone involved, considering that subjects like these are just about impossible for man’s mammalian brain to grasp, there were results that are irrefutably eerie and raise more questions than answers. With Doctor Monroe’s methods, the ciataine was able to successfully prove the existence and in fact, induce states of consciousness that transcend the limitations of spacetime and the laws of physics as we know it. Subjects were successfully able to read from literature in segregated rooms by traveling their consciousness out of their physical form, therefore being able to witness and report verifiable things happening in other locations during the time of their experiment.

Another downright freaky example was an experiment that linked two men to the same frequency of sound, yet separated by a great distance, they raised the frequency of the men’s mental vibration by 10 hz. Each blindfolded both subjects and put a banana into the hand of subject number one. Honestly, this is the CIA, so they probably put their d in his hand, but, uh, nevertheless, when asking subject number two to imagine holding something in his hand, the first thing to pop into his head was banana. This test was repeated successfully with different objects, eliminating any statistical error of coincidence, as all of these experiments did.

The list of these experiments are enough to fill an entire video. The findings were eerily reminiscent of the experiences of patients who die on the operating table and are able to describe afterwards details of the happenings around them while their body was deceased, a strange happening that occurs far more frequently than I think anyone assumes. These government funded researchers were able to deduce that the atomic structure of matter is not solid, but in fact sort of a holographic, oscillating frequency of energy. Not only did we find that matter and form does not objectively exist, but these holographic fields of energy that make up our reality are in fact a product of sentient consciousness.

To put it bluntly, we are all either simultaneously dreaming reality or we are all living within the dream of a greater being, like hinted at in hindu mythology, that we are portions of the psyche dreamed by the Brahma. On the opposite end of the spectrum is the interpretation of these results in today’s language being coined as simulation theory, the idea that our reality is information stored on a giant computer or on the surface of a black hole. But let’s not pick one or the other, as we we know that interpretations oftentimes are only different in language, but sprout from the same root.

Its worth noting how interesting it is that mainstream scientists such as Neil Grass, Tyson and many others gleefully accept the idea of a holographic, computer simulated universe, but well, scoff at the idea of reality being a form of a dream. We are truly becoming lost in the language when it comes to these concepts. Time and time again, it comes down to it, several different mouth noises describing the same thing. There seem to be many ways to trigger these transcendental states of awareness, from hallucinogens to meditation and yoga, sound frequency manipulation, otherwise known as cymatics, to even near death experiences, and so on.

But it seems as though the cheat code utilized by the CIA required an equalization of electromagnetic brain patterns between the two hemispheres of the brain. The left logical side of the brain and the right creative side of the brain are constantly playing ping pong with each other, formulating your thoughts and your habits, and thus your reality. The two hemispheres of the brain are in fact separate from each other inside of the skull, connected only by the pineal gland and pituitary gland. As there is a thin layer of cerebrospinal fluid between the left and right encasing the brain within the skull.

It seems as if when the game of ping pong between the two hemispheres of the brain ceases and comes to unification or coherence with each other, a sort of amplified consciousness takes place with. With many mysterious attributes and abilities. Hey, I’m reminded of let thine eye be single. Hmm. Interesting. But to the absolute shock of the researchers, the results, clearly visible on every EEG scan done, produce what can only be described as portals to other dimensions. That description, much like a DMT experience, is a loose illustration at best. Each participant, despite being compartmentalized and isolated from the other participants, reported similar experiences and were successful with confirming their OBE.

And when we consider the parallels between the gateway process and the esoteric philosophy, gnostic thinking, and the idea of the Tao, or primordial first cause being rebranded today as the unified field, it is almost as if nothing is real. And I we kind of all knew about it all along, but. But forgot. We have found that we have direct access to the energy of the unified field and the information of the Akashic records, and yet we squander this opportunity in mutual, agreed upon cultural ignorances. We sacrifice this cornerstone of our collective self to the glimmers and the circus and its spread.

The results of this experiment only get weirder and weirder. Much like Monroe had experienced initially, the participants in the experiment would also frequently witness intelligent, sentient beings of impossible biological nature, many of them described as having features that of a reptile, even to the point as being described as alligator people. These isolated participants described the identical creatures that Monroe himself had encountered when he began his research alone. This caused the investigator into a 35 year obsession of trying to understand what these beings are and their origin. What the f, right? These occurrences were so frequent that the participants were instructed to, quote, be intellectually prepared to react to possible encounters with intelligent, non corporal energy forms when time space boundaries are exceeded.

These coincidences of seeing these entities of reptilian features are, of course, impossible, and forces want to speculate whether or not these beings exist objectively outside of our minds, where we can gain access to their frequency with these techniques. Or psychologically speaking, humans have a common archetypal trait within our collective consciousness that involves the personification of reptiles. I almost feel as if Jung would side with the second, but the part of me that seeks excitement likes that first option quite a bit. But speaking of which, let’s divert from the experiment for a moment to mention how bizarre it is that this part the story is never mentioned.

After 35 years of God knows what kind of research, Monroe and his assistants reported the wildly speculative conclusions that I’ll list here below. And this gets a little weird, and it’s left out of pretty much all reported upon videos of this case. But this is what Monroe and his team reported, one, these vile lizards have controlled and enslaved humanity for millennia. Two, they exist and operate in the fourth dimension and are only visible to those people who can see beyond our extremely limited spectrum of visible light. Three, reptilians feed on our spiritual life force, which Monroe called Luch, the negative.

Low vibrational energy is essential for the their survival. Four, these parasitic beings see the earth as a huge farm where they collect human fear, hatred, anxiety, and they feed on it. Five, their intellect is equal or exceeds that of humans. Six, this elusive, reptilian like race considers itself the true and supreme ruler of humanity. Um, just a wild ride. And for that to be coming from the Monroe Institute as such, what the fuckery about it? And if you frequent this channel, I don’t have to mention how impossibly coincidental this is to what we learned in our Saturn video concerning the gnostic demiurgos and its archons.

I’ll leave that connection and speculation entirely up to you, though. How strange is it that DMT experiences are frequently saturated in the archetype of the jester, while with ibogaine, it specializes in contacting deceased persons, and with amantia mascara, mushrooms, they’re famous for elves. Ayahuasca has a reoccurring theme of serpents. It’s strange how these different altercations to consciousness yield specific archetypes in both character and setting. But anyway, back to the CIA and their shenanigans. After achieving their goal, results went as far as to hone in on and fine tune the process to make an accelerated version of the practice, similar to a ritual.

That can be sort of a shortcut to the otherwise six week process that is the gateway process. This shortcut is buried deep within the gigantic report. I did the legwork, and I’ll chat on that after some more of this mystical science shit. So they were able to successfully pierce into the unified field of which all things are birthed, the pre creation fabric of that which reality can reside. Not reality and its attributes themselves, but that by which reality can exist. And you know this to be the unified field or the Tao. As the vedic saying goes, it is not what the eyes can see, but there by which the eyes can see.

Know that to be Brahma the eternal, and not that which the ears hear, but that by which the ears can hear. Know that to be Brahma the eternal. As successful results became easier and easier to attain, the CIA likewise became concerned about the accessibility to this hidden knowledge to undeserving so called civilian folks such as ourselves. The way they decided. To combat inevitable possibility, they attempted one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read into, and, uh, you just can’t make this shit up. The CIA hired a military branch to develop a DMT perpetuating drip intravenous machine in order to send soldiers.

Soldiers into the unified field, or as called in the document, the absolute, with a mission to deter civilian practitioners from gaining access to these higher realms. So the government literally hired super astral soldiers to scare away any civilian human beings from sacred, hidden, and ancient knowledge. And tell me that’s not some bullshit. The egg is finite, yet infinite due to its circular shape and flux. This is both parabolic and literal. Parabolic in the way that a cosmic egg is the all and also the source of the all, in an infinite cycling state of fluctuation. Sentient while it.

The cosmic egg is also literal in the sense that the magnetic field of Earth is terroidal. The shape of a torus, a self repeating pattern that is both infinite and finite. The torus field occurs naturally throughout the universe on many levels. Galaxies, planets, the human heart cells, the atomic structure, photons, and so below. And that keeps going forever. And in that case, then, we are to assume up also forever. But as we have seen, infinite within a repeating pattern, a loop, so to speak. Well, in an egg, this God awful drawing is actually very poignant, and I wish somebody out there with the graphics design skills could, I don’t know, recreate this with symmetry and accuracy.

That would be very cool. Hit me up if you do that, I’d love to use it for a thumbnail in the sequel to this video that will concern Ingo swan. Looking at sections of the results of this gateway process, there’s a lot of coincidences that take place with the esoteric ancient teachings. For example, section 30, which is titled Advanced Techniques, is straight up just meditation, but more scientifically worded. This document. Towards the end, they tackle the idea of problem solving utilizing access to the Akashic record, this ancient, fabled library of information that stores all sentient happenings within the universe.

Many skeptics of the authenticity of the. Well, not the authenticity, but of the happenings during the gateway process. We’ll mention the placebo effect, but in that case, then what is the placebo effect? In fact, that’s just as big a mystery, and indeed, just like in this case, impossibly so. If the placebo effect didn’t exist objectively, and it was just rumored to be so and suppressed by our medical field and science, it would be cryptic, just like the rest of these teachings, such as meditation, yoga, and astral body experiences. Which brings me to a portion of the document that states the exercises and practices utilized in the gateway process, or just, it states that these are just tools to make the out of body transition easier.

But if honed in and perfected by the student, this state and I, other states like it, can be achieved by sheer willpower alone. This is very akin to what might be described as a Kundalini awakening or a realization of Zen enlightenment, if you will. The sort of life after death portion of this document seems to bring comfort to the reader, as opposed to the. I’m sure the agenda of the Central Intelligence Agency in which, which was conducting this study, came to the conclusion that there is some sort of a primordial eye within that transcends death, that a personality of sorts, when death arrives, leaves the body, and joins this Akashic record, this unified field of information and energy disperses, yet takes its teachings, its learnings, and its experiences with, essentially, I hesitate to use the word immortality of all human beings.

Unification through death is called the return to the absolute. And it seems like a nice and warm, fuzzy concept of which this document, being stark science, seems to take a left turn. There’s something that I think is important to remember when both experimenting with the gateway process and these ancient esoteric teachings and exercises that, yes, the CIA was able to conduct these studies, fund them, and successfully reproduce results. This paints sort of a good guy type feature to this government agency, but we shouldn’t be fooled. We have to remember that as being a portion of government.

Its idea in the first place was to create human soldiers, weapons, mindless robots intended to do the bidding of those who find themselves to be in control. I applaud the CIA for their research into these mystical states, but, I mean, shame on them for both keeping it sealed and restricted from us, you know, classified, and at the same time, shame on them for wanting to control reality against the will of the people. And that was the idea behind this entire thing in the first place. Now, let’s not get confused. Monroe meant well, and his team sought to understand a deeper sense of reality about the universe.

But when the CIA got ahold of his research and found him to be credible, they by all means, intended to use these findings against us. It makes me wonder if maybe they weren’t just out to weaponize this, but also, in a way, hoping to harness our attention in such a way that they could better control society. I can’t help but speculate about the intentions of the CIA and the intentions of the so called archons of the agnostic demiurgical ghost, the Sophia, these so called reptilian creatures that reoccur in all of these astral projections that were conducted and studied upon by multiple different sources and multiple different people.

It almost seems as if the CIA wants to better understand consciousness and suffering in order to appease a sort of, uh, an otherworldly, parasitic existence that by all means, maybe as best described as a reptilian. I’m trying real hard, guys, not to do an entire video on reptilians just because of how quickly I could be, you know, frowned upon. You know, I don’t want to be compared to flat earthers or any other very hokey conspiracy theorists, you know. But, man, I’ll tell you what. As much as it comes up throughout the researching of these videos, it’s very hard to ignore.

Amongst Ingo Swann’s lost work, he wrote in beyond the God’s devices, if humanity were suddenly to become honest with itself, it would have to admit that it has not been very noble, certainly not rational, and that the course of destiny of humankind has never been ruled by reason for longer than two minutes at a time. These are unpopular words, but if we look around us at a world now in planetary contract as a whole, we can easily see that humankind is a mess, that the ideas about ourselves are gobbledygook, and that’s a silly word, and that most of us are, at one level or another, suffering tremendously as a result.

Liberation means getting free of something in the psychic sense. Obviously, it means getting free of some psychic situation or condition in which one is stuck or trapped. When liberation is about to occur or is imminent, but has not yet actually taken place, this psychic situation or condition is felt or sensed as a prison. The walls, bars and chains of a psychic prison are always built out of the veals of lies that the humanoid intellect erroneously assumes to be truth. There are two kinds of psychic lies. Those that are created within the psychic systems of the individual and self, imposed by him or her, and those that are created outside the individual and imposed from outside upon the individual.

Psychic prisons generally are occults. Don’t let this word throw you. It simply means hidden. All lies constitute fake or pseudo realities. All truths constitute real realities. Fake realities can only be generated or created in one place. The humanoid intellect. Nothing else in the cosmos bothers to create fake realities. The inability to discern between fake and real realities is actually what creates the psychic prison. A fake reality seen through instantly ceases to be a prison and a sense of liberation results. There are lesser and greater liberations depending on the magnitude of the lie seen through in the enlightening brahmanical psychological philosophy of India’s ancient peoples.

The sanskrit term for illusion was Maya. Unfortunately, early western translators of this word mistranslated it, and this mistranslation has been perpetuated. The familiar illustrations in the Vedanta texts regarding the definition of Maya are quite clear and explicit, so clear that it is unclear why Westerners should mistranslate it. In the psychic wreckage of our present western culture, Maya has been reduced to a complex term meaning that all of our ideas derived either from inner perceptions or impressions of what is exterior or maya. To the westerner, Maya means that all is illusion. Doubtless this mistranslation was envisaged, created and perpetuated by certain intellectuals who already viewed all as illusion.

And if one seeks to study the rest of ancient India through this one lie, all ancient indian philosophy will be unintelligible. This has not stopped the lie makers and several all isolusian sects presently ramping through our psychically wrecked culture with great aplomb. Like voracious rats in a garbage heap, Maya means that a thing seen does not exist, but that we are blinded and our minds perverted by our own thoughts, and as a result, do not arrive at the real interpretation and meaning of the word or of the universe around it. We are restricted and limited, limited to our mianic misperceptions.

Hence the prison. This psychic psychological action is what creates psychological prisons. In the next to worst possible case, the prison can be so intense that everything begins to look like our worst fears. By far the worst case though, is when the illusion is defended as a truth and is used as a justification to attack. In our present psychically wrecked culture, truth finding is a difficult, risky, if not awesome task. Riddled with dangers, many people just give up with a sigh and say, who knows what to believe anymore? Come on now. The future will certainly dump on you if you occupy that attitude for very long.

So without further adage, lets get into this so called shortcut that the gateway process boasts of as written in the document and I quote a begin by using the gateway hemisync tapes to achieve enhanced brain focus and to induce hemisphere synchronization. B add strong Rem sleep frequencies to induce left brain quiescence and deep physical relaxation. C provide hypnotic suggestion designed to enable an individual to induce deep auto hypnotic state at will. D use auto hypnotic suggestion to attain much enhanced focus of concentration and motivation in rapidly progressing through focus twelve exercises e then repeat steps a and b following the use of the autohypnotic suggestion that an out of body movement will occur and be remembered.

F repeat step e to achieve faculty in gaining out of body state under conscious control, alter hypnotic suggestion to stress ability to consciously control out of body movement and maintain it even after REM sleep state ends and finally g approach focus 15 and 21 objectives to escape from the time space and interact. Unfortunately, this is where the documentation cuts.

5G Danger

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benefits of meditation concept of cymatics expanding awareness Itzak Bentov CIA work Itzak Bentov scientific books mechanics of reality meditation and energy connection mental clarity through meditation pain immunity through meditation pulsating matrix of energy fields subconscious mind and higher reality transcending physical reality universe within ourselves vibratory patterns in reality

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