Glitch in the Halo: A Cosmic Deviation-Gnosticism/Ancient Geniuses/Alchemy/Heros Journey Archetype

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➡ The text tells a story of a creator who made two beings, similar to humans, in a dangerous world. The creator, despite facing a powerful and unkind boss, gave these beings the ability to think and act for themselves. This angered the boss, leading to the creator being punished and the beings being banished. Despite this, the creator hopes that one day, these beings will become powerful enough to free him.
➡ This text discusses the concept of survival and how it influences our actions, even in creative pursuits like art. It delves into esoteric traditions, suggesting that beings outside our physical world have intentions not tied to survival, making their actions more complex. The text also explores the idea of duality, suggesting that neither extreme materialism nor complete rejection of material goods is ideal, but rather a balance between the two. Lastly, it discusses Gnostic lore, suggesting that our physical existence is a reflection of a higher reality, and that our journey through life and death is a cycle of moving away from and returning to this source.
➡ This text discusses the complex relationship between Yahweh, a divine figure, and humans, particularly through the story of Job. It suggests that Yahweh, despite his divine status, is dependent on humans for his existence and consciousness. The text also explores the idea that Yahweh’s behavior can be irrational and contradictory, leading to human suffering. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of understanding these complexities to avoid becoming victims of fate.
➡ This text discusses the concept of human responsibility in the face of immense power, like that of atomic weapons. It suggests that understanding divine nature and metaphysical processes can help us understand ourselves better. The text also explores the idea of hidden messages in the works of great minds like Da Vinci, suggesting they were trying to communicate important truths. Finally, it discusses the concept of transformation and overcoming challenges, using the metaphor of alchemy as a ladder to ascend and confront our own godlike power.
➡ This text talks about a person going through a tough time, experiencing pain and change. They feel like the world is transforming them, and they’re struggling with their identity. Despite the hardships, they’re determined to break free from their chains and stand up again. They believe that their true nature is revealed when they’re under pressure.


Your creation has come to give you many names over the course of their existence. None of them get it exactly right. But when you look at the total combined mythic history of your image that they have formed in their collected minds, you can’t help but remember the unit of time that changed the cosmos forever. You had one job, and that was to copy the perfection of the anthropos from the world above yours and reflect it downwardly into the world below. Easy gig, right? A world that was strange, new, and. And dangerous. So dangerous that you kind of see why.

There are rumors that this place was a mistake. But if your project is done well, the creature you are forming from the likeness of the anthropos will take care of this world so well that one day it will be a true reflection of the highest realms. And if that works, it changes everything. You had a team to work with. One half was your people, but the other half, well, they were appointed by the boss of this particular world of the below. You did what you were supposed to do while trying to stay out of sight and out of mind.

The new boss was not one to be displeased and was unimaginably powerful. After years of tampering with the codes which programmed a result in conscious flesh, you finally came up with a prototype that was perfect. After getting the green light, you call in the team to breathe pneuma into the new creature and stumble backward to behold it is waking up. It is two of them. Because it will need a dual version of itself. Itself to make more of itself. Because down here, everything seems to need an opposite to exist at all. Strange. But that’s how the boss man designed it.

You are beaming with pride. When the duo realized that they now have bodies, it was impossible for them to not notice these bodies, because having a tangible suit is what makes this results driven world so dangerous. The creatures seemed to know this instinctively and covered themselves with fabric cut from the flesh of paradise itself. The creatures look around programmed with limited sentience. The divine spark of the Great Mother was installed so that the creatures could be aware of themselves, but also hidden from them at the same time. Now, you carry a bit of resentment about this part, but hey, as boss’s orders.

And it is a job well done. Not only were you proud of the result, but start to catch the feels. You feel like these anthropic creatures are your children and give them a name called Adamus. You bid them farewell and they have never even seen your face. But soon enough, they will have to. It turns out that the Boss of this lowest celestial realm was not kind. He is demanding an extensive amount of work daily from your children. And even worse, were made to live in fearful reverence of the new boss man who called it worship.

This isn’t fair. These creatures carry the spark but were treated as objects. You have to say something to warn them. And even though your intention is that of good, you will have to be sneaky about it just to get in. You know you will be caught, but are willing to sacrifice the culmination of your collected years of wisdom to the greater good of this infant world. So one day, while the boss was off creating various other worlds that he spaced so far apart that none would be able to meet the others that he has built, because that could lead to a revolt, you step a foot into the below world and speak your truth.

You start by speaking to the right half of the creature that might be able to understand your message. You want to make it simple and use an example that she would be familiar with a tree holding a fig seed out to her. You explain that it blossoms on the inside and not the outside like the other trees in the garden, and that this metaphor works the same for her and her left side partner. This is what separates them from the other animal creatures in the garden. You explain that her body is like the tree. She can take the power from the root and bring it up the trunk to activate the fig within the center of her head.

This would make the two creatures wake up to the same powers held by all divine beings in the causal realms above. Well, that is potentially. Her activation was contagious and spread very quickly to her other half. They were now free to have their own will, including the will to not be a slave anymore. Needless to say, the boss was enraged. Knowing that this augmentation could not be reversed, he kicks your children out of the garden to be completely on their own. A dim fate, yet still so much better off than the punishment that you knew you were gonna get.

You have rebelled against the boss of this world and your fate would become a cornerstone of mythology held in the minds of all your children, who are now duplicating at drastic speeds in their stories. Some would come to call you Prometheus and say that the boss chained you to a ro rock to be fed to vultures for giving them fire. Some would call you Enki and say that you were the ill fated architect of the human being. And some would call you Lucifer, making you out to be the bad guy for bringing lights to the below realms against the boss’s orders.

This last version is the history that the boss favored. After all, he was getting sick of his birth name Yalta Both and it was time for a change up of identity. Those who fear him would later say that you were a crawling serpent, a slithering mistake responsible for tempting the humans to become greater than they should be, causing death and pain. Despite being one of the creators, you would now be seen as a trickster. This was a small price to pay, because if the creatures that you brought light to would someday manage to perfect this divine spark within themselves, they might become powerful enough to be equal to their creators and then set you free.

But to this day, you are still waiting. They say the smartest thing the devil ever did was to convince the people that he didn’t exist. The Gnostics take this a step further and say that his smartest move was convincing the people that he was God. And so as an extra layer of protection to conceal his identity, he placed a barrier between the humans and the real God of the Highest a barrier that today we call a church. The Buddha implies in the first of his Four Noble Truths that life is suffering. The direct translation is actually there is suffering, but that doesn’t quite slap the same when going for a dramatic effect.

And although he is generally not one to argue with, we still seem to deny this part of his teachings and declare, almost as ironically as Jonathan Davis, that life is peachy. Could it be that many of us are suffering and don’t even realize it? Perhaps we are programmed by distractions. But that begs the question, is it better or worse to be well aware of your own suffering and the core it springs from? Even as I I typed out this paragraph, I feel a familiar emptiness that some refer to as emotional void. For me, it’s having an idea and automatically lifting my head to spill the beans to a person who is no longer there, but doing so this time I look up and I see my cat, Dr.

Pickles laying in the window. Sometimes he is just looking out the window, but sometimes he isn’t looking at anything, not looking for anything. He’s just Eckhart told he comes to mind. He said, I have lived with many Zen masters, all of them cats, and the little buddy is just there. He’s not concerned with a plethora of projects to be accomplished. My mind begs the question then why does he exist? Obviously another bit of my programming that has me fooled into thinking that I need to create purpose, to stay busy and in order for life on Earth to make sense.

But let’s ignore that For a moment and just look at the question, why does the cat exist? Well, if we have learned anything from the Kabbalah, it is because he is not an individual now. He is quite literally a place. A place that is necessary for a host of numerous amounts of other living organisms to live and also just be. Okay. Then why do they exist? Well, quite simply, it is the amalgamation of that entire community of living organisms working together that make it possible for the cat to just be. It’s a two way street that runs back and forth.

Nothing else is necessary. Animals are simple. Things are a lot more complicated for us humans, aren’t they? We have to be doing something. We have intentions. Does this give us a hint as to what the Buddha meant with his first Noble Truth? Well, let’s consider why we do anything in the first place. Our intentions will always have a backbone of survival attached to them. For the most part, it is food, water and shelter, all three of which come down to money. In our case, no matter what we do, even in the case of creating art, there is a ghost of survival mode lurking somewhere within the intention.

This part of us cannot be stripped away. According to the esoteric tradition, this is due to the Fall. We’re getting there. We came down through the planetary spheres and into a physical world of survival. Pat yourself on the back. It’s the toughest neighborhood on the block. However, beings that exist outside of these planetary spheres also have intentions that are not snagged by the hooks of survival mode. So their intent is much more multifaceted and can move in dimensional directions that are completely unimaginable to us. So the cat lives in survival mode but doesn’t have any intentions.

The beings in the causal realms are the exact opposite, leaving us directly in the sensor realm as described so well in Egyptian cosmology. So how can we better understand the construct of these realms? All right, this feels weird, so we’re gonna make this quick. First thing to. It’s been on there a while. Lil Wendex here to clean up the rap scene. First thing to know is that Satan is not the opposite of God. Satan is the opposite of Christ. They both stem from the same OG These guys are happening in the causal realms. We can’t see that going down.

There’s about to be a little bit of drama. All right, it’s gonna split down the middle and the top is going to reflect down onto the below like trees over a lake. There you go. All right, all right. A little reflection there on the water down here. The Christ figure becomes Jesus or Yahshua, if you want to be specific. Jesus is a Greek word. And of course Satan in our realm is the devil or Antichrist or whatever your favorite mouth noise is for bad guy. So what do we have missing here, right? This is supposed to be reflection.

So there must be something that reflects down from big guns, right? And well, that is you, the experiencer, because everything from the below has a source in the above. And don’t be so surprised. Uncle Watts has been telling you for years that you are God. Now, of course we know that we live in a world of duality. So all the way to this side we have love of material things, right? Lust, greed, all that fun. All the way to its opposite side, though, we have its opposite non usage of anything material. But that should not be necessarily confused with good, though people kind of make that mistake thinking that one side is good and one side is bad.

We gotta shake that. Basically the opposite of material lust would be like the Zen master moving up into the mountains to live the rest of his life in isolation. Sure, he doesn’t need material anymore, but at the same time, he’s not sharing his wisdom with the people who need it most. So you kind of want to hover there in the middle, kind of wavering back and forth like a sine wave. Some might compare this to the middle path spoken about in Zen literature. Speaking of this split down the center that separated the two worlds, how did that actually go about happening? Well, I think it’s time to revisit an old Gnostic story and also get out of here because this feels weird.

Let’s get back to the studio, which is actually just right here. In Gnostic lore, when the father is thinking, as in the verb is called nous, but the mother is the result of the thinking called anoia suiting. And the combination of those two become the child. The third thing, the thought thinking itself into existence. The child exists, but only as a reflection of the above. It is the anointed one, like we see in mythology, resulting from that trinity, the Aeons expanded outwardly. This is space and time. And the child asked for companions because it’s lonely out here on the block, you know, mostly void.

And the Father was cool with it. He consented. Let’s keep that part in mind. And the companions came forth. There were 12 of them. The 12 lights, the four aeons looked after them. Is peep the chart. This is way oversimplified. In gnostic lore, these 12 might be seen as archangels. But we also know that when we see the number 12 as divided by 4. There is most likely parable of the zodiacal figures being expressed. But the child is the center, making him the Christ of this whole cosmos. Here, and by way of cosmic coinciding. And perhaps no coincidence, the Egyptians have a passage that reads.

The two join in consent to bring about the completion of the aeons. The next step is summed up quite well in the Apocrypha of John, where it reads. And through the revelation of the invisible spirit, the Father, the perfect anthropos appeared, called. Called Pajira Adamus. And it spoke, saying, it is for thy sake that everything has come into being and everything will return to thee. So here we have the term anthropos, hinting at a biological being, and of course the name Adam. The anthropomorphic principles of the above are resulting in the human pre existence, so to speak.

This also indicates that the resulting humanity is also a reflection of the above. And will travel far out from source, becoming physical, but always to return. This is kind of like looking at life and death in reverse. Almost as if the coming into the physical realm is death and the returning to source is closer to life. But not to be confused, though, this anthropos is still pneuma, so to speak. Not to be confused with the hylic anthropos that we are experiencing right now. The humanity we are speaking of here is still perfect and androgynous. And lives cozy up in the up there, so to speak, the pleroma.

Side note, all of these sentences in the codex start with the Word. And we see this a lot in scripture. Well, in the old ones that haven’t been changed especially. But I find this to be a good way to illustrate to the reader that everything is connected by way of cause and effect. And nothing happens as an isolated incident. But we are about to take a drastic turn, a turn for the worse. This turn has often been called the Fall. And if you look outside and see your trees dying, you might get an idea of where this term comes from.

The mother we spoke about above has a name. She is called Sophia. You might be familiar with this next passage. And Sophia, being an aeon, conceived a thought from herself. She wanted to bring forth a likeness out of herself, without the consent of the spirits and without her consorts. And what came out of her was another form and misshapen. The universe is about to get spicy and this is the fall. So pumpkin spice. Now it always seems to go unmentioned as to what was supposed to happen. It was meant for the Sophia to Unite with the Christ to bring forth the next step of creation.

This can be seen as anointing humanity with wisdom. After all, Sophia is kind of our personification of wisdom here. But she didn’t do that. She around. And was about to find out by acting on her own as an isolated incident. No. And so to speak, there was a bleak result. Her creation was dark. A cosmic deviation, so to speak. There was a glitch in the halo. You guys are familiar with this guy? Well, that’s what’s going on here. This thing would be called Yeltaboth. And even my spell checker is telling me that this is wrong. This is the fall of Sophia.

This is our current residence. This is the demiurgos, the very first archon. He was armed with the cosmic powers of its mother Sophia. But. Oh my God. Dude. Okay, not. Not the whole time. You gotta go. You’re getting me off early. He was armed with cosmic powers of its mother Sophia. But more ignorant than your brother in law’s middle child. And he was about to run wild in this house. And he was about to run wild in this house. He created for himself a flame of luminous fire. It is suggested that this means the sun. Sorry.

And he created a whole street gang of other archons just like him. There are 360 of them in total. And they all have the face of animals. These are not to be confused with humans. At least if you ask me. Not yet. Oh yeah, it’s gonna be. It’s gonna get weird later. It is said that these are the seven spheres that rule over us, with Saturn being the outer limits. Once you cross that barrier of Saturn’s orbit or that particular celestial sphere, you are within the funnel of this fall into physical matter. And it’s a slippery slope.

So the difficulty becomes being able to ascend up and through those seven celestial spheres. Impossible for these guys with animal faces that were created by the bastardists and ignorant Yalta both. But humans? Well, perhaps that divine spark of the mother Sophia is hereditary. But we’ll get back to that. Yolta Boath has a multitude of faces to be shown. This reminds us of the trickster archetype that seems to always spring up in mythology as a creator God. It’s very interesting, but now we have a different chart than before. This one has Yolta Booth right at the center, just as he prefers it.

Especially if you ask job. In 1958, Uncle Carl unleashed his book Answer to Job onto the world. And there was outrage about it. Basically, everyone had been assuming that the story of Job was parable for staying righteous in the face of torture. Jung saw things a bit differently. He didn’t mean to infer that the story was necessarily literal, as many might infer it at face value, but that the object of the story is that Yahweh needed Joseph, that is human suffering, to be able to expound upon his own consciousness and existence. The book is incredibly dense.

It’s hard to capture. You can’t really summarize it, and that’s what I’m going to try to do. I want to read some of my favorite lines scattered throughout this unit. Reading these parts is assuming that the listener is already familiar with the book of Job, especially the part where Yahweh throws a fit when Job has questions, the Leviathan rants all that stuff, you know what I’m talking about. I lay my hand on my mouth. This is the only possible answer for a witness who is still trembling in every limb with the terror of almost total annihilation.

What else could a half crushed human worm reasonably answer in this circumstance? This man knows that he is confronted with a superhuman being who is personally most easily provoked. It is far better to say nothing of certain moral requirements which might be expected to apply to a God. He clearly sees that God is at odds with himself. Yahweh is not split, but is an antinomy, a total of inner opposites. He had a distinct personality which differed from a more or less archaic king only in scope, prying mistrustfully into the faithless hearts of men and exploring their secret thoughts, compelling a personal relationship between himself and man who could not help but feel personally called by him.

Father Zeus is certainly a figure, but not a personality. Yahweh, on the other hand, was interested in man. He needed them as they needed him. In this way, without knowing it or wanting it, he shows himself superior to his divine partner both intellectually and morally. Yahweh fails to notice that he is being humored just as little as he under understands why he has continually to be praised as just. The character thus revealed fits a personality who can only convince himself that he exists through his relation to an object. Such dependence on the object is absolute when the subject is totally lacking in self reflection and therefore has no insight into himself.

It is as if he existed only by reason of the fact that he has an object which assures him that he is really there. Loudly as his power resounds through the universe, the basis of its existence is correspondingly slender, for it needs conscious reflection in order to exist in reality. Existence is only real when it is conscious to somebody. And that is why Yahweh needs the acclamation of a small group of people. One can imagine what would happen if this assembly suddenly decided to stop the applause. We might be reminded of the Lovecraftian figure. What’s the Azathoth? It is amazing to see how easily Yahweh, quite without reason, had let himself be influenced by one of his sons sons, the devil, and made unsure of Job’s faithfulness with his touchiness and suspiciousness.

The mere possibility of doubt was enough to infuriate him and induce that peculiar double faced behavior of which he had already given proof in the Garden of Eden when he pointed out the tree to the first parents and at the same time forbade them to eat of it. In this way he precipitated the fall. From the human point of view, Yahweh’s behavior is so. I don’t even want to say that word. That one has to ask himself whether there is not a deeper motive hidden behind it. Job’s right is refused. In order that Satan not be disturbed in his play.

One must bear in mind here the dark deeds that follow one another in quick secession. Robbery, murder, bodily injury with premeditation and denial of a fair trial. The plea of unconsciousness is unvalid, seeing that he flagrantly violates at least three of the commandments he himself gave out on Mount Sinai. Yikes, bro. The tormented, though guiltless Job had secretly been lifted up up to a superior knowledge of God which God himself did not possess. Omniscience knows that might excuses nothing. The said intimation refers of course, to the extremely uncomfortable fact that Yahweh had let himself be bamboozled by Satan.

This weakness of his does not reach full consciousness since Satan is treated with remarkable tolerance and consideration. Evidently Satan’s intrigue is deliberately overlooked at Job’s expense. Let’s just get worse and worse. Yahweh sees something in Job which we would not ascribe to him, but to God. That is an equal power which causes him to bring out his whole power apparatus and parade it before his opponent. Yahweh projects onto Job a skeleton skeptic’s face, because it is his own, which gazes at him with an uncanny and critical eye. The new factor is something that has never occurred before in the history of the world.

The unheard of fact that without knowing it or wanting it, a mortal man is raised by his moral behavior above the stars of heaven. To his horror, Job has discovered that Yahweh Is is not human, but in certain respects less than human. That he is just what Yahweh himself says of Leviathan, the crocodile. So why did the archons have, symbolically speaking, the animal faces? Let’s keep that in mind for right now and for when we get to the end of the video. Unconsciousness has an animal nature. Like all old gods, Yahweh has his animal symbolism with its unmistakable borrowings from the much older theriomorphic gods of Egypt, especially Horus and his four sons.

Of the four animals of Yahweh, only one has a human face. That is probably Satan, the God father of man as a spiritual being. Ezekiel’s vision attributes 3/4 animal nature and only one fourth human nature to the animal deity, while the upper deity, the one above the sapphire throne, merely had the likeness of a man. Likeness also in quotes. This symbolism explains Yahweh’s behavior. Maybe that’s a sign that I need to shut this thing down. Oh, boy. All right. This kind of, you know. Okay, let’s continue on. This symbolism explains Yahweh’s behavior, which from the human point of view is so intolerable.

It is the behavior of an unconscious being who cannot be judged morally. Yahweh is a phenomenon and, as Job says, not a man. Yahweh’s divided attitude, which on the one hand tramples on human life and happiness without regard, and on the other hand must have man for a partner, puts the latter in an impossible position. At one moment Yahweh behaves as irrationally as a cataclysm. The next moment he wants to be be loved, honored, worshiped and praised as just. He reacts irritably to every word that has the faintest suggestion of criticism, while he himself does not care a straw for his own moral code if his actions happen to run counter to his statutes, statutes, statutes, whatever statute roots, one can submit to such a God only with fear and trembling.

Through this declaration, man, in spite of his impotence, is set up as a judge over God himself. The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when the conscious reason is blind and impotent. The drama has been consummated for all eternity. Yahweh’s dual nature has been revealed, and somebody or something has seen and registered this fact. Such a revelation, whether it reached man’s consciousness or not, could not fail to have far reaching consequences. In answer to Job, Jung writes, something empirically demonstrable comes to our aid from the depths of our unconscious nature. It is the task of the conscious mind to understand These hints.

If this does not happen, the process of individuation will nevertheless continue. The only difference is that we become its victims, dragged along by fate toward the unescapable goal which might have been reached walking upright if only we had taken the trouble and been patient enough to understand the meaning of the ghosts that cross our paths. A terrifying ignorance prevails in this respect, however, we find people who can no longer blink. The fact that something ought to be done with man in regard to his psychology. Unfortunately, the little word ought tells us that they don’t know what to do.

God lives through man, and for that purpose he has chosen through the Holy Ghost, the creaturely man filled with darkness, the natural man who is tainted with OG sin and the sciences of the fallen angels. The guilty man is eminently suitable and is therefore chosen to become the vessel for the continuing incarnation, not the guiltless one who holds aloof from the world and refuses to pay his tribute to life. In him, the Dark God would find no room. Apocalypse God is to be loved, but also to be feared. The uniting of this antinomy must take place in man.

This involves man in a new responsibility. He can no longer wriggle out of it. On the plea of his littleness, the Dark God has slipped the atom bomb and chemical weapons in his hands and given him the power to empty the apocalyptic vials of wrath on his fellow creatures. Since he has been granted an almost godlike power, he can no longer remain blind and unconscious. He must know something of God’s nature and of the metaphysical processes if he is to understand Himself and thereby achieve Gnosis of the Divine Hearing. The information presented in our intro today, as well as the middle section concerning Gnostic lore, is enough to put anyone’s psyche into overdrive.

Life the first time Hearing It I know my first time seeing this add up as such made me feel guilt and fear for just having the thought in the first place. But that is kind of the point. I mean, look what the canonical stories say happened to people who had these exact thoughts. When we combine this logic with the absolute fact that winners write the history, we are almost left without a choice but to consider this notion. But was it only the Gnostics who had these forbidden thoughts? Seems unlikely. It seems that way because they were open about it, but they were allowed to be open about it.

We often forget that Gnosticism might very well reflect a sect much older than Christianity. The birth of the latter is what made it very dangerous to speak of. And then we might look at some of the artwork and literature of the greatest minds to have ever lived in a new light. Think about it. Da Vinci most certainly hid messages in his work that elude us today. We can say the same for Bosch, who we covered recently. Epic works of fiction like Milton’s Paradise Lost and. Well, I mean, that list could go on. If Da Vinci had these thoughts.

You know damn well that he kept it to himself, considering who employed him was the very same party that composed the police equivalency at the time. But we are talking about a master genius. Da Vinci was superhuman. And intellect? We are talking about the unreadable minds of uncrackable men. They were not about to let these concepts die with them. And they slipped it under the radar like you fed the dog at the dinner table back when families did that. They wanted us to know that it was okay to have faith in the whatever’s up theirs, but that it comes with the price.

We have to remember that this ain’t atheism we’re talking about. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite. It reinforces the possibility in our minds with stark logic. But we have been hiding from the darkness for so long that we live in a fairy tale. And if we have learned anything from the differences between Disney movies and the actual mythological fairy tales that they are based from, we know that humans will not hesitate to leave out the most uncomfortable parts of our favorite stories. A perfect example is the Hero’s Journey archetype that was practically discovered by Grandpappy Campbell to be the backbone of all of our stories, modern and ancient.

Those who know the steps of the Hero’s Journey see very clearly that every movie we have today stops at the second to the last step to make the story end on a good note. Why? Because the last step is a fall from grace. The hero is slowly eaten by pride and becomes a shamed outcast of society. Not even a martyr. Most of the time the hero. Hero dies humiliated and alone in the Hero’s Journey archetype, and we ignore it for comfort, begging the question, why is it there? Why end our mythic image on such a dark note? Well, most will answer that question by saying that it is a continuing cycle, like an Ouroboros that eternally eats its own tale.

But that is purely symbolic and frankly, not what the heart needs to hear. The Hero’s Journey myth ends dark because if it didn’t, we will. Born in original sin. Remember, if we don’t learn from the mistakes of others, we won’t know that pride leads to the fall. That’s why My is important. That’s why darkness is important. Not just because it is the half of the yin and yang that can’t be ignored. No, because we need it to survive. We need it to remind us who we are so that we can break the cycle and break the chains put on us by these archons of Yota Boeth.

Whether he is literally real or not doesn’t matter one bit to the heart of sentience. So geniuses like da Vinci attempted to tell us something just as important as it is dark. So what is the modern equivalent of that message? Try this. Go for a walk on a sunny day and a attempt to look around completely sidereal, like you are an alien being that has never seen any of this planet. There are trees, hills, stores, joggers, animals, birds. You get the picture. What you might not observe immediately is the power grid referred to classically as telephone poles.

Despite being everywhere, we don’t notice them because they have always been there. An alien being might notice this first, however. I mean, how could they not? It is the largest thing to take up space all around us. And if you didn’t know what they were there for, it would look very odd. It might even be described as dark, like a spider’s web, haunting the landscape like a Halloween decoration. So why is it dark now? I don’t want to take us down a rabbit hole of, you know, Nikola Tesla making this entire grid system obsolete, only for evil people to destroy him in so many ways to maintain this unnecessary design.

But I am reminded of the movie FernGully where a wretched and slimy entity began spreading all over the movie’s previous landscape. That was an archetype for paradise. The the entity did not care that it was, for lack of a better description, a bad thing. An alien being looking in from the outside might be just as freaked out as it would be curious to see us all with full teeth, grins, smiling while walking our dogs, right next to and completely surrounded by the this big ugly and strange out of place web that we feel absolutely no urge to bring change to, despite knowing that it is outdated and unhealthy.

We know how it got here. We know why it stays. This web is the result of evil, suppressing the good that could have been and is a direct reflection of our everyday ignorance to that fact. They might wonder, looking in, why do they choose to live like this? Well, it’s because we don’t recognize anything as above us anymore. We are ignorant of powers outside of our human will. We think that we are the top dog and we Are running wild in this house. We have become the Demi Ergos. We are ill to both. The Demi Ergos thinks he is God, thus he says he is God.

Thus, as we see in the story of Job gets real pissed when people mention other gods. But let’s not get too bent out of shape here. I wonder if this might be a good thing. Alchemy, like nature, is all about transformation. Overcoming this gives us a goal, a purpose. What is more inspiring as a story, A man whose parents pay for his college years and then he goes on to become a CEO. Or a man getting out of prison late in life and then becomes a CEO. You see, the second one is a real story because it is the more difficult route.

And our mythology is our story. Rheology as we see it from a human, human point of view is a story. Our lives are that language put to use. We always root for the underdog in the movie, book, theater, play, whatever. Well, lucky us. Now we get to be that underdog with all the perils and struggles that come with it. And also lucky us, we have access to alchemical information and can understand that alchemy is more than just a mystic form of art. It is the ladder that we need to climb up those damn celestial spheres and is our attraction and footing when ascending that ice cold, slippery slope that’s built.

Built by Yolta Booth. And when you get up there and see the Demi Ergos face to face, tell them God sent you. The world has changed we all fall down But I seem to have been pushed I fell off the crown no brains knew that I went I get up Just don’t ask me how I became a monster in man skin now the hurt spread paid out a paper cow Looks like you figured me out do your hands create a flight she steals and take a turn for the worst could change your ways I swear through blood, sweat, tears and rain As I endure the suffering I sweat your eyes and I want that pain Nothing the world is killing me I see kinnav but inside I mean pieces yous world takes a hold I feel a world of misty shapes who I am Feels like you’re taking me in just your mouth speak love for lion She I swept through blood, sweat, tears in rain As I endorse the suffering I swept your eyes and I want to fight I think your world is changing me I think your world is changing me we all fall down But I seem to have been pushed Level off the ground My chains will break before they make so ask me how I became a monster and man skin now you’ll know me best when I push you down Looks like you figured me out I think your world is changing me I think your world is changing me and you should kill what’s left of me.


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