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For real, for real. No caps. It’s Riz is straight time worn. This is so stupid. Understanding it takes the kind of focus and insight that comes from first stepping one foot in the door. This is where books like The Geballian come in to make for a great appetizer. Prepping the mind’s comprehensive patterning to actually absorb the mystical qualities that may otherwise fly over our heads. This is why I have always said not to read Carl Jung’s red book until after digesting his lighter and easier man and his symbols first. Once the latter is comprehended, the abstraction of thought forms produced by his red book will now have an easier way into the old pineal bean.
Unfortunately, too much understanding of the red book can lead to existential terror. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, right? That part’s not relevant, but a warning as such is at least polite. The Geballian states that the all creates the universe mentally in a manner akin to the process whereby man creates mental images. This helps us make sense of the terms used in the more cryptic Hermetica. For example, the name Poimandre itself is a Greek adaptation of a prior Egyptian word, meaning mind of authority. The term NOWse is not exactly parallel to our word mind, either, and is a bit more of a verbiage for the activity performed by the mind’s thinking and action.
The term naos is not exactly parallel to our word mind either, and is a bit more of a verbiage for the activity performed by the mind’s thinking and action. This is the part to be harnessed, as pure mind itself of course has no feedback to reflect on. The cobalion makes it clear that mind is the indispensable condition of existence. It is just already there first, and everything else is merely a form birthed from it. This helps us to better understand the Hindu concept of living within the dream of the Brahma. It is both parabolic and literal simultaneously.
Ryan Topping, whose last name is Topping, illustrates this beautifully. Form is an old word, but one worth remembering. Imagine two planks of oak cut from the same tree. A carpenter leaves behind one slab of wood and begins to work on another. An hour later, the second plank has become a table. What changed? In their chemistry, the two slabs remain identical. That is to say, in their nature, nothing changed. From the point of view of chemistry, the two things remain one thing. And yet, this is only one rather limited point of view.
From every other point of view, what altered is the wood’s shape or form. The names we give to things identify these differences between things. This alchemy is exactly what your mind does with reality. As the Buddhists say, everything is clay, and it is up to you to form it into something useful like a cup. Useful? Do only to its emptiness. The mind, like any tool, can be used well or badly. You can use a hammer to build a shed, or you can beat yourself in the face with it. This is why we shouldn’t forget our left brain logic in this equation.
Sure, of course, we shouldn’t let it weigh us down by carrying it on our backs during our practice. But similarly, logic governs how the mind grasps truth. It’s wired into us as much as it is programmed into the fabric of the universe. This logic is discernment between good and bad, truth and falsity, authenticity and bullshit. When we witness the savants and other people on the spectrum of neurodivergence, all of the above is made surprisingly clear. These are the most authentic people, many of which, incapable of lying and deceit. Studies have shown that they just don’t feel the body in the same way that we do.
They don’t process millions of scattered variables like we do. This is what makes them laser focused on one particular ability, while simultaneously disabled in all other departments, something that neurotypicals can only achieve if put to practice. Whether the accounts put forward in the telepathy tapes are so called real or not, doesn’t matter in the light of the message to be learned from these frankly gifted individuals. Like the teachings of Jesus Christ, forcing ourselves to decide whether or not he actually existed as a man or as an archetypal figure formed by the collective thoughts of man is not only irrelevant, but will quickly escape the point of focus from our learning mind, consciously or not when we connect the dots between all of the above subjects concerning mind, Poimandre in the Hermetica, Ingo Swan’s Reality Boxes, the Caballon, the old school rhetoric of Adler’s Finding of the Third Eye, and the teachings of Jesus, the Buddha and all other sages of antiquity.
And of course, the mental processing of neuro divergence, autistic or savants, they all share one backbone spine, creating a straight line traced throughout all the various fractals that this subject of mind has to teach. That backbone is the authenticity of love, the love for oneself and the love for another. Knowing that those two things are actually one thing, it is the loving honesty that it takes for one’s own self to face the inner turmoil reflected off the external world of chaos that creates these intrusive thoughts. Those thoughts have a purpose, those thoughts have a purpose other than just ruining your Florida vacation.
They are meant to be alchemically transmuted for a cleaner and clearer vision of reality. And it is as difficult as it is simple. The effort, self discipline and self acceptance it takes to repeatedly exercise this most important muscle that is the mind is no light task. But a sculptor finds ultimate form, not by adding to his statue, but by chiseling away its extra. And that is what takes backbone. That is what takes some spine. What if you could change how you see it all? If what goes on didn’t this necessarily have to fall? You feel way too much and they’ll nail a pile down to your bones.
If you can work on what they just know, you’ll grow, you’ll heal, you’ll know. How’s it go? Oh, they will always be watching you. If you want, I can be strange too. There’s no time, they’re stronger to you. Can you see a new way through? What if you could change how you perceive? On my sleeve, all the bullshit they try to make you believe. Wake up and see, there’s a life ahead that won’t let you eat. If you can swim against the current flow, you’ll know, they will always be watching you. If you want, I can be strange too.
There’s no time, they’re stronger to you. Can you see a new way through? Can you see a new way through?