Ringmakers: Custodians of Reality -Puzzlements of Saturn/Photographic Evidence of Celestial Beings

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➡ This text explores the idea that humans, like ants, may not fully comprehend the world around them. It suggests that our understanding of reality is limited by our biological capabilities, and that there are truths too complex for us to grasp. The text uses historical figures like Galileo and Bruno as examples of individuals who challenged accepted beliefs and faced backlash. It concludes by suggesting that new, groundbreaking ideas may be ignored or suppressed, and it takes brave individuals to uncover and share these truths.
➡ Norm, a highly accomplished scientist and engineer, played a crucial role in the development of the American aeronautics industry and contributed significantly to space exploration. His work included preventing probes from burning up when re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere and building the original Cassini spacecraft. Despite his achievements, some of his observations about Saturn, such as the changing sizes and shapes of its rings and the mysterious luminous points, were dismissed or ignored by mainstream science. Norm’s dedication to his work and his refusal to ignore these anomalies highlight the importance of open-mindedness and perseverance in scientific research.
➡ The text discusses a theory about Saturn’s rings, suggesting they might be created by an unidentified object, referred to as an “electromagnetic vehicle”. This object seems to be ejecting matter into space, which then forms the rings around Saturn. The theory is based on multiple photographs and observations, and it challenges traditional scientific understanding. The text also mentions that this theory could be tested by anyone with a powerful enough telescope or the resources to send a probe to Saturn.
➡ The text discusses the observation of various phenomena in Saturn’s rings, possibly caused by electromagnetic vehicles. These vehicles may be responsible for the formation and changes in the rings, including the creation of colorful bands and disruptions. The text also explores the idea of Saturn’s significant influence in the solar system, comparing it to the moon’s effect on Earth. Lastly, it mentions ancient mythologies that refer to Saturn and its electromagnetic properties, suggesting that these ancient stories might have a basis in reality.
➡ The text discusses unusual occurrences in Saturn’s rings, suggesting they could be artificially created or influenced by unknown forces. It also mentions a theory that Saturn might be a part of a ‘hard drive’ that programs our reality, similar to how a TV signal is decoded into a format we can see. The text also mentions secret CIA studies on the interaction of consciousness and matter, and references to ancient texts and teachings. Lastly, it encourages open-mindedness and exploration of these theories, despite their unconventional nature.
➡ The text discusses the importance of exploring new ideas, even if they seem strange at first, as many concepts we now accept were once considered odd. It also mentions the possibility of hidden truths being suppressed before we get to know them. The author shares an experience of discovering something that was thought to be concealed. The text ends with a mention of an artist’s depiction of an electromagnetic vehicle near the moon.


There are things in this reality that are biologically impossible to imagine. And there are some things we just have no business seeing anyway. But the curse of the curious persists throughout humanity. And sometimes we poke around in a subject better left alone, knowing that if we were to accidentally comprehend something too big for our human mind to download, the computer will crash, causing a nervous system breakdown. Epiphanous insanity, like the main character in any story by Lovecraft. Let’s take, for instance, the scope of sentience available to an insect. An ant can walk across a computer’s motherboard and see the circuits and strange symbols, but he won’t find it strange.

He will just move along to the candy on the other side, like all the other ants. If he was somehow able to comprehend the full scope of the circuit board’s purpose, this world would become overwhelming. And the deluge of anxiety pouring in from these implications would haunt him to his core. If his sanity survived to this download of proportionately cosmic scale, he would certainly go on to be cast out from the rest of his ant colony. Even if he kept the secret and let it burden his mind, it would weigh heavy on him, festering away with his once narrow character, depleting him of his ability to continue his duty of functioning within the colony.

They say curiosity kills the cat, and sometimes it’s best we keep our blinders on. There are those, however, that will choose to know, even at the cost of their own sanity. Bravery, perhaps. Or they just think, hey, how crazy could reality really be? Haven’t we figured out all the really big stuff already? This latter notion might be a bit naive. Nobody understands the weight of this burden more than legendary figures like Galileo, Copernicus and Bruno. Men who, like our little ant friendo, saw that the world they walked around in was absolutely not what the colony assumes.

Galileo folded and Copernicus was lucky enough to die before his greatest hits dropped. They both narrowly swerved the public’s visceral reaction to their findings. Bruno, however, stuck to his guns and paid dearly for it. You know the story, but why does the mass public, much like the church governing state in Bruno’s day, react with such a low sum, knee jerk reaction to their world being turned upside down? I don’t think the answer is hate or fear. I think it’s comfort. We feel like we are as a whole in control of the world and our own little ant line path in it.

Although we inherently know that there are things in reality that won’t fit into our understanding when another member of our species, that is another Ant walking with us across the circuit board forces us to realize something impossible. We get a sort of reverse claustrophobia, because things that are impossible are supposed to stay impossible for the simple reason that they are biologically impossible for our mammalian brain to manage. You can’t make the new Assassin’s Creed fit onto a Sega Genesis no matter how you format it. It takes numerous generations of advancement for the game council to slowly evolve and eventually become capable of accepting the new idea.

We are no different. Generations have gone by and we now collectively accept that the white dots dominating our night sky are also suns just like ours with planets of own, and can only hope that Bruno is now one of them, looking at us from the Milky Way and smiling with forgiveness. But that notion might also take a few generations of upgrades to fully settle in as well. But that’s the point here. Doing the math on this timed endured mental layaway brings us two stark possibilities. One is that we have advanced so far in our ability of understanding that we no longer have to come face to face with the friction of making, making ourselves imagine the unimaginable as truth.

Or two, that findings like that of Bruno continue to happen today and will also take multiple generations to fully swallow and digest. I don’t have to tell you which one of those is statistically more likely. Seems like just yesterday we thought that atoms were made of little nuggets of matter. Before that we thought that germs were supernatural entities. We’ve come a long way now to be clear. Sometimes people, people do present earth shattering ideas that turn out to be flat wrong. But those people are seldom burned at the stake or whatever other modern equivalents exist parallel to being utterly eviscerated over an epiphany.

So if we wanted to curiously poke our heads up to find out which earth shattering realizations of our modern day are the ones that will in generations time be accepted as a self evident truth, there are a couple places to look. We can follow the trail of backlash. Of course. Where there is a lot of noise and controversy, there is a trail of breadcrumbs to follow. But unfortunately we are living in a temporary time period of constant backlash on all sides. The seeker will only find an overwhelming amount of breadcrumbs intersecting and piled up, leading us nowhere but to more confusion.

Let’s go without that drama and follow a different kind of canceling backlash. The kind that is indeed the most effective way of cancellation. The kind that is quiet. When the media loudly lashes out against a new theory, it’s because it got too big. Too quick and needed to be intersected with adjacent propaganda just to save face. By then, it is often too late to put the beans back in the pot. The best way to keep new findings from the public eye is to not let it see the light of day in the first place. That is, to ignore it completely.

To let it stay underground to the select few ants who dare poke their antenna around in the realm of impossible possibility. If Bruno was not an expert in his field, the church could have laughed and shrugged it off, knowing that his findings were so crazy that the masses would do the same by not even addressing it. Many more generational rotations would have went by before his truth would finally dawn on us. But Bruno was anything but an amateur. That is why he was burned and ridiculed. His expertise in the field that he was exposing made him credible, even when talking about about the impossible.

I will never be in a position to persuade my viewers into believing anything. That’s not my job, because I am not an expert. I am just the curious ant willing to risk his own little nugget of sanity. We should listen to the experts. But therein lies the problem. They die. All too often the experts die before their findings pass through enough generations to see the light of day. And once they are dead, silent ignorance is blur lists for those in control of the current worldview narrative. Sometimes it takes a curious ant to dig up the dead to resurrect a theory laying dormant.

And if the theory does turn out to have earth shattering implications, well, it’s a good thing. An ant is capable of carrying 50 times its own body weight. Because when the excavator is dead, we like to bury the messenger. I say it’s electromagnetic because I can identify. Okay, you call it a ring maker? Yeah. You see the craft? Yeah, I call it a ringmaker. When I would go to the Weird section at Half Priced Books, I would always see ringmakers of Saturn behind glass with the other rarities. I kind of like the unhinged material and often looked at it like Wayne looked at that white fender strap.

I finally snagged it up one day and I read the first line. Presented herein are pictures of immensely large, enormously powerful extraterrestrial space vehicles located in the vicinity of Saturn and its moons. These photographic revelations are reinforced by and are consistent with scientific data extended over the centuries as far back as Galileo. Okay, so to say that Norman comes out swinging is an understatement. I put the book down for a while because as much as I enjoy the unhinged Stuff that was a bit outside of my comfort zone. But then I found out who Norman Bergeron was and I took a closer look at his street cred and I was flabbergasted.

It turns out this guy is not a theorist at all in any way, shape or form, but instead a highly respected scientist and inventor of. I then started to wonder if our community’s favorite abstract ancient texts like the Book of Enoch and the Vaminika Sastra might be better read like a sci fi without the phi. Because if there is any pictorial evidence at all of what those wild ass codices tried to describe, this would be it down to the very maintenance of reality itself. After all, the planet Norm was pointing to here is the same one that these ancients say is the king of our physical reality.

Norm himself didn’t bother with that esoteric stuff. So right off the bat we have a coincidence to address. Now, it will be impossible for me to show you this evidence without first listing his accomplishments and resume, without which we would have no video outside of an honorable mention of a man who died before his life’s work could be recognized. I’ll try to make this quick. Norm is not the host of a show on Gaia. Look at his bow tie. He is obviously everyone’s grandpa. But even more intriguing, he graduated from Cornell in 1943 and went on to the Navy where he climbed the ladder faster than a cat with a dog behind it.

In only 18 months he was chief specialist in thermodynamic engineering at Douglas Aircraft. He went on to become a research scientist at NACA Ames Laboratory. Note this was before the existence of NASA. He helped form Ames in its conception. In fact, everywhere he went he started some kind of scientific institution. By the time he was 25 he was top of his field and literally set up the first aeronautics industry in America, the foundation of which today’s innovations in the field are quite literally built upon. He was then chairman and regional Director Director of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

He was the National Director of the National Society of Professional Engineers, and he was also the space and defense counsel for the Presidential Task Force. This list goes on. Feel free to read the screen so he didn’t acquire his evidence with his nose in a book like some chump like me would do. The reason these photos exist is because of him, because his most prominent title was the same as mine when tending to your mom. As Director of re entry, he kept probes from burning up when coming into penetration with the planet’s atmosphere. Basically, we can thank him for having this evidence in the first place.

If you like the photos from the OG Cassini. Thank Norm because he built that puppy. The point here is that when I looked at the first ultrasound of my son in the womb, it made no sense to me. It was just static nonsense. The nurse had to point out each feature to me, patiently showing me the hands and face and eventually the penis. That turns out, is always relatively endowed in ratio at that stage of development, making all dads, of course, make the same stupid joke. Joke. I couldn’t see my son in the ultrasound until the nurse pointed him out, because that is her field of expertise.

It’s her field of expertise because she studies, sees and points those things out every day. And our nurse, like most nurses, was far more experienced and intelligent than the actual doctor. So when Norman shows us a picture like this, and this, we will only be able to see what is there after he runs us through it. The same way that your guitarist friend has to explain why Wes Borland is the greatest unsung hero of guitar riffs while the rest of the party, without an untrained ear pretends to not love Limp Bizkit. Until that fifth Bahama Mama starts to slap.

I’ll do my best to show you what Norm wanted us to see. Let’s take a little tour. It was my first clue that there was something in space that was different. I was handed one day a set of data. The guy that gave it to me said, nobody else around here has ever been able to get anything out of these data. And if anybody can, you can. We have already talked about the ancient occult understandings of Saturn as the outer skin of our reality. But in the 17th century, Galileo and friends began looking at it. You know, the invention of the telescope and all that.

As telescopes got better and better, one might assume that some questions would be answered. Nope, looking at this thing is quite different than looking at any other planets in our hood. Among many anomalies, the rings would change sizes and in shape from one viewing to another. Thickness and diameter would be completely different from one week to the next. The most eye catching changes being drastic shifts in the placement of the rings gaps. And let’s keep this gap thing in mind for later. In the 18th century, it was noted by multiple astronomers that the rings would sometimes cast a shadow, meaning that they had a robust garbage Earth and the next week.

But same circumstances would not cast a shadow, meaning that they were very thin. These anomalies were accompanied by so called luminous points that unlike moons, would move on their own accord. Changing in direction and speed like we see ball lightning do on Earth. Of course, this was all blamed on crude telescope quality. Until the 19th 19th century when the same anomalies, even the luminous points persisted. There are too many to list, so let’s go with Norm’s favorite example. The now famous observations of a light Source came on February 9, 1917. Two astronomers, Maurice Ainsley and John Knight, observed the source independently.

During the observations, when the luminous point was in plain view, the light there from appeared to be elongated. There was a strange aspect about the traversal itself. Seeming to move through the ring plane without difficulty. The luminous point appeared to devour material ahead as it proceeded. Keep in mind that this elongated shape and it devouring material in front of it is a mainstream observation. We haven’t gotten to the weird yet. Eventually we finally got the tech to just send a probe up there and get a better look. Keep in mind this was before NASA realized they could just fake these expeditions in order to line their own personal pockets with our tax dollars.

But many older photos from Voyager 1 can actually be corroborated with civilian telescopes, despite a vast difference in clarity. But again, a satellite telescope flyby only created more confusion. Scientists don’t know of any other storm like this to exist anywhere in the universe. Saturn’s hexagons are a demonstration of the wonders our universe is capable of. But it’s not the only intriguing feature the planet has to offer. When looking through Voyager’s data, scientists noticed something odd. Mysterious spokes across the planet’s rings. But then something even stranger was discovered. During the Cassini mission. No signs of these ghost like features were detected, deepening the mystery behind this unexplained phenomenon.

A closer observation revealed that the spokes generally have a dark appearance when viewed from above. However, when observed from below, they tend to appear bright. Researchers still don’t know for certain what causes these mysterious streaks. These spokes would produce so called braids of gigantic electrical discharges that that nobody expected. One of its moons, Iapetus, was found to glow 10 times brighter on the sun shadowed side than on the exposed side. Worst of all, the ring thickness question not only persisted, but got weirder because Voyager 2 came around and found the rings to be 600 miles thick.

That’s twice the girth measured previously. And I don’t recall a temperature difference from the first time when they attempted a measurement. One might argue that the newer image is different because it was sharper. But the technology was not too different from one to the next. And if you think about Possible discrepancies in image sharpness? Well, a sharper image would cause a thinner line, not a thicker one. So how can we explain vastly different measurements of the same thing? If the change was because of a moon collision, there would be pieces scattered everywhere. But the new mass was tightly organized and fitted into a neatly placed row like a damn file cabinet.

Mother Nature or not, whoever liked it sure did put a ring on it. A lesson you wished you had learned from Beyonce before you lacked the effort to keep the only partner who would ever put up with your bullshit, Sean. And now you’ve got a hundred problems. Also, the gaps between the rings were rapidly changing right before befuddled eyes. And dude, we haven’t even gotten to Norm’s pictures yet. All of these anomalies thus far are the mainstream accepted ones. That is important for a very specific reason. As Norm says it best, when new data are received that which do not conform to the fixed ideas, an impediment to progress is experienced and variations are intolerant.

Basically, we are about to see something that a viewer of this channel is well familiar with. When material science gets a result that is impossible, they simply quit the study or fudge the results to make them work within the frame of our expectations. In this case, fudging results was not an option because Saturn is in our sky too. We can see it ourselves. NASA will boldly lie to our faces, yes, but mostly about things they know we cannot see. So in this case, their best move was to quit looking, shut it all down and ignore it ever happened.

Well, not on Grandpa’s watch. After all, these photos were his babies. He had a hand in the project and was not going to stay quiet about it. Now, now, this is the part where he would have been openly ridiculed and mocked like they do. Graham and various others who started out as amateurs, easy targets because they can just say he doesn’t have a degree from our selected list of institutions or whatever, and swiftly followed up with calling him racist and bam. Most people buy the smear campaign and it works like a chunk arm. But they knew that doing this to an OG like Norm was not on the menu.

It would only bring more unwanted attention to an uphill battle. So silence was the only cover up available. The book became a rarity and put behind glass. Norm was out of sight and out of mind. And the only press he would get would be from people like this. Well, did we build it? Pardon? Do you? Did we build it? Who built it? The craft? I don’t know. Who built it? This Is the ring that ends up being the ring? Yeah, it’s plasma. Oh, really? Okay, so. And they’re. What your theory is they’re manufacturing it, Is that correct? It comes.

That’s. That’s exhaust from this thing. From the crown? Yes. Is it because are they stationary or are they moving? The craft moving? You’re saying things are getting critical. Because I’m really curious. I’m saying if they do, and there’s a good probability that is possible, then hey, you gotta get with it. You can’t wait around. NASA alters their footage coming from the moon, etc. Is she drinking? Uranus did not have rings. That’s right. But now it does. And so that kind of thing is going on and we really ought to get to the root of it. Okay, do you have a theory on why Uranus suddenly has rings? I think our grandpa deserved a little bit better.

But if you’re looking for a new and original baby name for your next daughter, look no further than this woman’s pronunciation of Uranus. I know I am probably the last person to be ribbing on someone else’s pronunciation, but I mean, come on. Okay, anyway, enough build up. Let’s see these plates. Let’s kick this party off with a general sense of size comparison to help us realize the utter magnitude of epic proportions we are dealing with. The body of Saturn is 10 Earths in diameter, because in America we will use anything except the metric system. The width of the rings are the size of six Earths, or 5,125,400 sperm whales.

Let’s keep this in mind, knowing that sheer size is just one of those things that we can measure and say out loud, but cannot manually conceptualize with the human mind. Accidentally doing so could cause literal madness. Something else that might cause literal madness is this picture. Plate 5 in Norm’s book immediately brings a startling sensation to the reader once they finally see what they are looking at. And. And what we are looking at is often called ring termination. A name for something so outside of our current understanding of the universe that we just choose not to address it.

Thus, why we have never heard of it in any science class. Basically, that is not the bottom of the photograph. This is the angle and point at which this particular ring of Saturn at the time of filming stops. But to the astonishment of everyone involved, this is far from a full stop, because this is where the rings seem to grow as they form. Not to be confused with stretching out in length, by the way. No, this ring is emerging. It is coming into being. It seems to be catalyzed by this impossible straight rod that was seen ejecting matter from itself and into the correct position required to complete a neat and tight fitting full ring around Saturn.

It was as if we caught someone in the act of placing this ring into position. And according to our grandpa Norm, if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. But there is that word probably. If Norm was here, he would politely ask us to remove that word from our equation here, because as he says himself, now look, this is not a theory. When there’s data, if I propose something that that is a theory. Okay, so your data or your conclusions? Yes, conclusions. Your conclusions. Yeah. This angle is weird because of the photo’s position being flat to our perspective.

If we turn it like this, we might get a hint as to how to see it. Norm lends us a much needed hand with plate 28. Whatever is ejaculating material particles into the orbit of Saturn is using the gravity of Saturn to its advantage. As the rod shaped anomaly, or cigar shape, if you will, it is traversing the path of Saturn’s orbit the same way we do with Earth satellites. The momentum is perpetuated by the gravity as it ejects a series of individual streamers that fall into a counterclockwise orbit. The angle of 15 degrees that we see from nose to tail situates the new rings into their even spacings.

Something that would take natural gravity hundreds, maybe thousands, thousands of years to process out, if at all. Much like the definition of alchemy, this is a quickening of nature. Perhaps this is a glitch, an isolated fluke or a photo error. Well, plate six, seven and eight clear up that theory four times over, because we are looking at four individual photographs showing the same impossibility ability right down to the cigar shaped object that seems to be spraying this new ring material into position. To quote Norm, the implication is that orbital radius of vehicle position is set very precisely in order to have a gap produced.

General reluctance to accept viable ring system geometry occurs because of apparent failure to identify a physical mechanism suitable for producing recurrence change. Unquote, end quote. And if this is frightening, buckle your seat belts a bit more securely because the ejecta emanating from these rods seem to be a form of exhaust. And again, Norm would step in here and rid us of the phrase. Seems to be, because in his lengthy time in aerospace engineering, he has, like the nurse looking at an ultrasound, come to know what he is looking at. What he tells us we are looking at is, as he coined it, an electromagnetic vehicle.

Vehicles that match anomalous objects photographed long, even long after his published work and death. When Norm says exhaust, he doesn’t mean as a system of propulsion. Think of this exhaust as grass coming out of the side of your lawnmower. What is crazy about the activity happening in these photos is that they adhere to the scientific method, meaning that they are reproducible by anyone with the tech to do so. If you have a powerful enough telescope or the money to send a probe up there, we can see this happening right now. So what are we looking at? What is an electromagnetic vehicle? Inspection of plate 5 indicates that a slender body is orbiting clockwise and in doing so deposits a wide trail.

This trail, which can be recognized as the A ring, is generated by efflux emanating from nearly the entire length of the body. The efflux flux is generated along the body sides in the form of streamers. These streamers contribute to the A ring trail. The bulgy appearance of the streamers as they pass over the body suggests a circular cross section for the body. A light source somewhat greater in diameter than the body is positioned below the right end. This source is attached to the body with interconnecting emissions turning to an orange red arc along the top edge.

According to one of Isaac Newton’s laws of motion, forces can occur only in action reaction pairs. The reaction of the body to the action of the emissions is to move the body, presumably in a direction so as to complete the ring. This physically inherent mobile capability is justification for calling the body a feature vehicle. The ratio of apparent body length to thickness is about 13 to 1. If the description we just read was pulled from a single photo, we would have something kind of weird at best. The fact of the matter is that whatever this thing is, vehicle or not, it is captured looking the same way to this description every time it is photographed.

But it also matches many of the early descriptions of anomalous object activity we read about a moment ago from Herschel, Knight and Ainsley, the three of which reported their sightings independent of each other, and all three, of course, independent of our grandpa Norm here, all taken in different places and times. But what about the early reports of changes in ringside thickness and, most importantly, spacing? Well, we have a perfect cooperation in that regard as well. Plates 5 and 6 reveal that width of the Cassini division occurs neither accidentally nor with exact repeatability. The basic spacing depends upon the radius at which a mobile vehicle orbits with respect to the B ring.

A substantial degree of variability in character of the trailing flux can alter the radial location of the inner edge of the A ring. Also, the extent of flux emission along the length of a vehicle can influence the width of the Cassini division. These possibilities for differences explain the variability in measurements by different observers over the years. Plate 7 shows shows formation of the Enki division In the plates. The A and B rings as well as the Cassini division can be recognized. Once again, a vehicle is found depositing an orbital trail. Were the vehicle located at a slightly shorter radius, the gap would be lessened.

Inspection of the vehicle reveals numerous jets issuing from many different positions along the body. A fan of three jets appears to form the inboard part of the trailing efflux. Each jet appears to consist of a series of bulbous swellings. Such swellings are indicative of the form of electrically charged flows known as pinched plasmas. But there are more than one of these vehicles and I guess you’ll have that on these big jobs. Norm states. This second vehicle shown in Plate 8 substantiates the process by which the outer A ring and the Enki division are formed. In the plate the Cassini division.

The entire breadth of the A ring and the Enki division can be discerned. A conclusion is reached that the A ring outer annulus can be constructed with vehicles having different lengths and images patterns. Therefore, the Encke gap can be located almost anywhere or not at all within the A ring depending upon length and positioning of the vehicles forming the inner and outer annuli. In view of this possibility, the difficulty of early observers in pinpointing a single radial location of the Enki division is now readily understandable. Inability ability to obtain unanimous opinion for ring thickness is also explained.

Penetration of the stream through the A ring vaporizes in path material and renders the ring discontinuous. And remember our earlier mainstream observations about these luminous points that would easily go through rings and seem to devour anything in its path. It was an unexplained anomaly to mainstream science here. Norman seems to have an answer for that. The C ring and the F ring formations apparently depend upon the presence of a nearby vehicle at birth. The A and B rings appear to have electromagnetic properties in view of the generating mechanism. Heretofore confusing variations in observational results now become explicable.

The sun is primary of the solar system right now. About 15,000 years ago it was Saturn. The position of Saturn was in a northerly position. It was the sun of this solar system. Saturn’s orbit takes 29 and a half years, just as the moon relates to the earth in 29 and a half day cycles. And the moon is very influential over this orb, the Earth. Well, Saturn does the same with the sun. And astrologers know that when Saturn is in transit, where you might have some certain frictions like afflictions, when Saturn comes to those returns, those transits and stuff like that, people notice it, they notice it.

Astrologers know the effect of Saturn. They know the effect of the moon primarily. These two are the most powerful without a doubt in the solar system. In mythology you’ll find that one is electric and one is magnetic. It’s always like that. The relationship is always like that. L is one of those words that turns up in the mythologies all the time. You have Emmanuel, Israel, the Bible, Babel, the bell for BAAL that you have in the chapel and steeple and cathedral and Ello Inn or Elios. But Saturn also gets the title of El. Saturn is known as BAAL or Bael or Bel, or just plain old El.

And the Virgin shall give a child and we shall call his name Emmanuel. Well, Emmanuel, he’s got a friend, friend, a dark friend called Magdalene. Interesting about that, isn’t it? L and Mag. Electricity and magnetism. Throughout our tour so far we have seen reoccurring mention of massive electrical discharges and pinched plasmas. We are of course also dealing with unimaginable magnitudes of magnetism. I am reminded that Saturn was once called El by our ancient ancestors that seem to have had so much more of this stuff figured out than we give them credit for. If we have a look see at plate 16, we might be impressed by the sheer size of these giant lightning bolts.

Here we have a bolt of lightning the length of California, or 18,300 sperm whales. Now we are not saying that this, this is the result of electromagnetic vehicles. Plasmatic discharges are a natural occurrence that is fascinating on its own. But it does seem that norms EM vehicles have a lot to do with plasma and electricity on Saturn. Perhaps they are harvesting energy. But this conclusion almost seems too easy. Like every sci fi alien movie ever, we are just projecting what we humans do onto something otherworldly. Perhaps what we are looking at is more of a maintenance of sorts.

If the reality of the cosmos is hinged on electricity and magnetism and Saturn has been seen as the keeper of all physical matter, you know, the king of this world by all of our ancient mythology and esoteric tradition, perhaps we can make a connection that has been hiding in plain sight all along. But let’s hold on to that thought for a moment and explore this vulgar display of power in Norman’s book. Plates 17 through 22 demonstrate pointedly the massive power of electromagnetic vehicles. Two luminous sources, each about the size of Earth’s moon Drowning dramatize the vehicular capability and awesome power in the accustomed framework of human beings.

Looking at still images is one thing, but to have seen these so called luminous sources probably left quite a few jaws on the floor. Because we have to keep in mind that it is the combination of all these rapid fire snapshots like stop motion would have formed formed the complete picture that Norm and his team of scientists who bailed out on him would have seen. Images so epic and grandiose in size and power that we can only speculate as to the how and why. Which brings us to this haunting photo. Again, to an untrained eye such as mine, I don’t see anything more than the rainbow banned track from Mario Kart.

Running across the length of Saturn’s rings, Norm sees something different. One of the most massive displays of power is a large scale disruption in Saturn’s rings extending across the entire ring system. This dramatically colorful display presented in plate 17 gives the rings an appearance of being shifted rightward within a narrow band. A discontinuity band such as this is rare in photographs of the A and B rings. Hence the phenomenon likely is aperiodic and a fairly brief duration. In addition to the multicolored band, very narrow parallel markings can be seen extending chord wise across the rings in several locations.

Further, two luminous sources appear in the right hand sector of the rings. Noteworthy too is the completely filled Cassini gap. Usually this gap appears mostly as empty space. An astounding 136,000 miles is spanned by the colorful band. Roughly the equivalent of 17 earth diameters or 14,456,852 sperm whales. Obviously, a disturbance of such great magnitude requires a immensely enormous energy. Presence of electromagnetic vehicles on the right side of the ring system in Plate 17 is clued by two luminous sources. Plate 18 identifies these sources and pinpoints vehicles contributing to the apparent ring shift and to a filled Cassini gap.

Involved are at least five vehicles, locations of which are numbered one through all. These interconnected events are occasioned by the presence of an electromagnetic vehicle. The narrow discontinuity band across the entire ring system is aligned quite in a straight line. Several independent events acting in concert are required to create the linear uniform width discontinuity band across the tremendous Spanish of chord wise. Opposite rings ordinarily Only a single causative agent is dominantly responsible for an event here. However, at least seven powerful agents of like kind are involved in this situation. Intelligent coordination would appear to be a more reasonable presumption than the chance occurrence of numerous simultaneous events.

Even were the band caused by a single exceptionally large unit, the discontinuity band can be recalled. Regarded as something of a big show, the uniquely colorful band probably holds the distinction of having been constructed deliberately. Formation of the cross system band and generation of the A and B rings both imply lie that indigenous to electromagnetic vehicles is a portentous controlling power. So obviously the joke came up earlier about, you know, every video game that has that behind the character perspective and racing games or whatever, they always have that rainbow track in space some way or another kind of.

I guess they get their inspiration from mythology. Or possibly the powerful collected unconscious kind of replays these stories to us in our creative endeavors and arts today. But speaking of mythology, it’s funny how we have the allegory of these rainbow bands or rainbow bridges in in space. Our ancients talked about them all the time. Particular sections of our mythology. Indigenous people speak of these rainbow bridges occurring in Saturn, near Saturn. The Dogon in particular speak about. We’ve talked about that. They talk about a bridge which connects our realm to the outer realms of chaos, that of which goes through Saturn.

Could it be that. That some of these allegories aren’t just allegories? It’s also worth mentioning that there are a few cultures that would call Saturn the rainbow star. Now, we won’t be able to break down all of the plates from this book, and this video should really be considered just an appetizer. But a few quick honorable mentions would be plate 26, where we see a mass massive plasmatic discharge in the form of a braid, shooting from what is presumed to be an electromagnetic vehicle, but certainly something solid and thus anomalous. We can actually see a spurt of the plasma disappearing behind this strange solid object at the bottom.

Another honorable mention would be plate 25. It shows a discontinuation in the thinnest band of Saturn, the F ring, seemingly shepherded by this luminous source that was seen hovering around the rings at the time. And plate 20, where we see something that’s actually not surprising at all. If you zoom in close enough, you’ll see that they put in a dollar general at the Cassini gap. It is safe to say that we can only speculate as to the purpose of this activity, even if one denies Norm’s notion of alien activity. We are still less than ants, less than bacteria compared to this cosmic happening.

I only hesitate barely to say that if these happenings in the rings of Saturn are not intelligently made, you know, not artificial, a natural occurrence that would cause such finely tuned and precise detailed alignments that would almost be more astounding than the previous notion. If it is a natural occurrence, then frankly, it’s more weird. And that’s more startling at that time. I mean, was there some incident that happened that made you want to leave? It wasn’t that. Let’s just say that you’re confined to one room day after day, year after year, same walls, so forth. That’s claustrophobia.

I see. I had to sign my life away for 30 years. Is it still in effect right now? No. No. So could you tell me anything? No, you can’t. Why? What would happen? I’d prefer not to find out. The average person to lay eyes on these photos and hear this perspective might be quick to dismiss it. But there is a group of very powerful people who take these things extremely seriously. And those people are the CIA. Everyone here is familiar with with the Gateway Process and Project Stargate. Those are the popular ones. But there is another lesser known declassified document called Psychotronic Universe and Gravitation.

You can print these out yourself. Go up to FedEx. They’re available now. Declassified, Quietly declassified. The objective of these reports, Quartz are downright mystical. Where they studied the interaction of consciousness and matter, utilization of thermodynamics, electromagnetic force and gravitation. And well, remember what grandpa norms Cornell degree was for exactly this. Now, this once very top secret document would have to be an episode all its own. But I bring it up here because the scientists working for the CIA once upon a time, or still today, took very seriously the combination of consciousness and material science and were not at all shy about references to ancient religious texts.

And as a they phrased it Eastern teachings as a comparable source of information about our understanding of the universe. The point is that our modern material scientist rock stars will scoff at the study of ancient texts and global mythology. Certainly much more at Norman’s work. While the same organization that perpetuates that scoffing turn out to be the very ones who find great necessity in those very things. Dare I remind us that it was the CIA who coined the term conspiracy theory as a cover all for all of these things to kind of debunk them in the first place.

Meanwhile, they’re going ham on it. But as we have seen in several videos now, the Ancient texts seem to be describing modern notions like plasma and electromagnetism. So we can’t help but wonder about the ancient notions of Saturn’s orbit as a celestial sphere that encompasses our biological view of reality. When comparing those things, many of which we have covered on previous episodes on this channel, with Norman’s evidence and frankly confident claims, I can’t help but wonder if we we’re just witnessing the custodians of our physical reality firsthand. And then if we combine both of those with the practically now mainstream hypothesis of a simulated reality, the holographic universe theory, we might venture out to think that Saturn is an important part of the hard drive of which the software of our consciousness is programmed.

Thus our reality would be programmed. Is that crazy to say we created TVs? Humans did this. TVs would seem like magic to us only a little while ago. The way they used to work is a signal caught from a satellite dish would be beamed into the TV set and decoded into a format that we can see. If you destroy the tv, the signal is still there in the air, but invisible. So the person we see on the screen is obviously not inside the tv. I’m obviously not inside your tv, computer screen or phone. Right now. It’s a signal.

Just three episodes ago, we spoke of human bodies as being vessels for the soul or otherwise spiritual beings. What is if we weren’t the first ones to invent the concept of the tv? Is that insane? Probably. But in a raw as above so below fashion, I can’t help but wonder if Saturn is the tool used as a satellite dish to beam a signal of consciousness into the human body. Like a damn television set. Silly, right? Well, frankly, if we keep perpetuating negative reactions to this kind of wonderment, we will spin in circles on a hamster wheel, going nowhere forever.

Whether this notion is real, half true, or completely whack, we will sit stagnant it with our heads in the sand, never finding out a damn thing. If we continue to persecute experts who desire to find out what’s going on up there and within up there and within the inner reaches of outer space. Because I’ll tell you one thing that is for damn sure. Those two things are connected way more than we have been taught. The man who first hypothesized germs was ridiculed as superstitious by mainstream scientists of the day. They were like, you know, this guy is saying that there are invisible supernatural forces making, making us sick.

He continued to insist that he was onto something and the scientists had enough. He was clearly a madman, so they locked him away in a jail cell where he died, probably from germs. There is a man named David Ike, who love him or hate him, is a ridiculous dude who once got in big trouble for claiming that a transmission signal from Saturn amplified by the moon pierces our world and is responsible for our biological limitations to this survival mode of consciousness. Well, he got in trouble for saying other things too. But the coincidence occurring here between his research and Norman’s body of work cannot be ignored.

All the while we have a global notion from ancient peoples that Saturn itself is responsible for time. I’m not saying that any which individual is correct. What I’m saying is that each individual component is easy to ignore. Even when finding out that the government has been secretly studying these things all along under the title of psychotronics as a subcategory that they literally call new physics because one might argue that they have always pumped out disinformation. True that. But these documents were kept quiet and only silently released while we were distracted with you know what. And it fits right into the bodies of work by Ike and our new friend Norm like a damn puzzle piece.

All the while plausibly denying the credibility of both. We turn around and we find out that that these truth seeking men are probably the ones that the CIA got the idea from in the first place. What am I? I don’t know if those dates work out. But anyway, they were studying the same thing. Which is why I think whether or not we believe in Norman’s theory, bringing it to a modern platform is important. Just like Norm has shown us that one weird ass picture does not qualify enough evidence to make assertions of alien life. But when anomalies streamline into a specific order that become a larger picture, a wild ass hypothesis becomes impossible to ignore.

That is unless it is your job to ignore them. But the same is true for the larger scope of the esoteric. Esoteric and paranormal. It is easy to dismiss each individual happening as a fluke. But when you find out that ancient texts, conspiracy theorists, the government funded CIA, individual intuitions, the fact that astrology affects biological matter, and so on is strange. Photographic evidence by Norm here all belligerently point in the same direction. Those individual puzzle pieces fit in such a way that we can no longer avoid seeing the forest instead of individual trees. When Norman exposed his work, he was met with silence.

And he didn’t have the Internet that we do now. But with the Internet that we have now, there is so damn much to see. And hear that we find ourselves drowning in information. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. I guess with that being said, I don’t know if there are gigantic planet sized electromagnetic vehicles creating and or harvesting our reality. And the notion is enough to make anyone lose sleep over the implications. But I am willing to sacrifice that sleep, sleep and peace of mind for either one of two reasons. One, this could end up being another valuable piece of the biggest puzzle we have.

And two, if I can take up the torch that this man attempted to use to bring some light to the world and pass it to you for you to decide for yourself. I feel like I’m doing my job as a, I don’t know, a translator of the esoteric. Whether this idea is real or not, it deserves to be looked at a bit deeper than we have. Not only does it stir the imagination out of its comfort zone, you know, to grow and pave a way for a wider view and bigger consciousness. But more importantly, because of how many ideas we accept as truth today that upon first appearance we’re just too wild.

Quantum entanglement, heliocentrism, meditation, germs, the list goes on. Each one of these and so many more were damn near stomped out before they became self evidence. So I’ll leave you by asking this. How many potentially self evident truths have been stomped out before we ever got a chance to hear about them? But I knew that hey, there’s something going on out there and see if he can’t can’t find it. So even their footage is not always dependable, right? Although I guess it’s dependable to begin with. It’s just that they start altering it later. He asked me what camera did I get that image from on the moon.

I said hasselblad. And he said that’s right. He says, I thought we darkened that enough to that you wouldn’t find it fine. Oh yes. So you were finding things that they didn’t they thought they covered up. Yeah. Incredible. Yes. Yeah. That must have been a lot of fun breathing these O snow moving creature of the skies. We are aggressive and this is retarded. Young species will be the first to die. You made it hurt when I laugh. I still laugh your wicked ways. I can stand, you know. It hurts when I fall right back up. It doesn’t matter at all.

Nothing exists inside this home. No one to love, Nothing to hold this world. No one. This world will shrink as the ego and you need to let it go. Oh, guys. Okay, I almost forgot. Here is a nice artist rendition of an electromagnetic vehicle, but the moon. Our moon, to. To refill it, so I left that out of the video. Maybe it should probably stay out.


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