➡ The text discusses the mythological and historical interpretations of Saturn, often associated with the sun in ancient cultures. It explores how Saturn was seen as a powerful figure, even considered a ‘primeval sun’ in some cultures. The text also delves into the concept of cosmic wheels, associated with Saturn and seen as a symbol of energy in the universe. Lastly, it discusses the connection between Saturn and the chakras, particularly the Muladhara chakra, suggesting a link between the planet and spiritual energy.
➡ The text discusses ancient beliefs about Saturn, its connection to the chakras, and its role in various myths and alchemical lore. It suggests that Saturn was once considered the source of all things, including the sun, and was often depicted as a cosmic monster ruling the heavens and earth. The text also explores theories about Saturn’s close proximity to earth in the past and its potential role in causing global catastrophes. Lastly, it delves into the idea that ancient cultures believed in a golden age under Saturn’s rule, which was followed by a devastating winter when Saturn fell from grace.
➡ Ancient cultures believed that the supreme God resided at the North Pole, the center of heaven. Scholars have found evidence in ancient language, symbolism, and mythology that suggests mankind’s oldest religion centered on a God of the celestial pole, specifically Saturn. This belief is puzzling as Saturn is now far from the Earth and constantly moving. Theories suggest that Saturn may have once been a star that collapsed into a gas planet, and that Earth might have been a satellite of Saturn, always facing it, before a cosmic event caused the planets to spread out.
➡ This text explores various theories about ancient civilizations, cosmic events, and their potential impact on human consciousness and evolution. It suggests that celestial bodies, like Saturn, could have influenced our DNA, leading to significant changes in human anatomy. The text also discusses the possibility that ancient people had a deeper understanding of the universe, which they expressed through mythology and symbolism. Finally, it delves into the realm of speculation, questioning if quantum physics could help explain these ancient mysteries.
➡ The text discusses the concept of passing knowledge from one generation to the next, likened to passing a torch. It emphasizes the importance of learning from the past but not clinging to it, instead focusing on the future. The text uses the story of Saturn and a painting titled ‘Delusion Scene’ to illustrate these points. It concludes with the idea that our descent into darkness, or death, fertilizes the future for our children, and we should embrace this cycle of life and death.
So without form and void, we might imagine this as everything, everywhere being one thing and absolutely nothing at the same time. If that is difficult and you’re not alone in that boat, Imag, imagine the software on your computer called Paint Workshop. Open a fresh tab and notice that it is blank void. Yet every single thing that you could possibly create with it already exists right there in the software, laying dormant and unmanifest, waiting for a creative hand to bring its potential to life. Great. But here’s the thing. Darkness was upon the face of the deep. It seems as though Mother Earth had company.
This should not be a surprise, by the way. Mother Earth was a good thing. And if we create good, this causes its opposite to also be born immediately as well. For example, if we lived in a flat two dimensional realm and I decided to invent the concept of up. Welp blamo. We immediately also invented the concept of down by default, because as Uncle Alan has told us many times, every front has a back, so we have darkness right in the face of the deep. Mark Booth bolded attempts to describe this happening without personification. Writing to a human eye, it would have looked as if the gently interweaving mists that had first emanated from the mind of God were suddenly overtaken by a second emanation.
There was a violent storm, like some rare and spectacular phenomenon. The death of a star, perhaps. Except that here in the beginning, it would have been on a completely overwhelming scale that filled the entire universe. I was to attempt the same, that is describing this happening without personification. I would show you a table of sand that is a perfectly smooth and uniform layer, then introduce a vibration to the table that causes it to separate into individual forms due to the combining of frequencies and of course, time. Mark’s words with my imagery might help the mind a bit, but it still doesn’t slap the Way it could.
Where’s the drama? We are a people of mythology. Mythology. And our aptitude for comprehension tends to thirst for a good story. And so personification swoops in to lend a hand. Hence, Mother Earth and Father Time, two titanic forces of unimaginable power are dueling it out. And everything touched by this brawl comes into a temporary form from pre existence to separation. Just like our hypothetical invention of up gives us down, this darkness upon the face of the deep was a cloaked phantom lurking in the distance and laying chaos on anything that had the balls to emerge into reality.
Let’s call this cloaked figure. Oh, I don’t know, Stan. Stan is not necessarily a villain, but this is a reality of duality, and we need a bad guy. Mother Earth would be remembered as soft and loving, but right now she has brass knuckles and a shotgun sawed off at the barrel. If you have ever accidentally come face to face with a bab baby grizzly bear cub, you’ll understand that her passionate aggression is simply a fractal of her loving nature. The Phrygians, for example, saw her as Sybil, a goddess riding a chariot pulled by powerful lions when needs be.
The force of Sybil was so wild that onlookers would be overrun by a savage delirium that caused them to castrate themselves. Now, I’ve been delirious before, but never felt the urge to twist my own balls off about it. But to each their own. Her opponen Stan, however, would not be remembered as soft and round. He is remembered as long, bony, and covered in hard scales. His two most prominent features were glowing red eyes and of course, a long scythe or harvest blade. A blade that was not meant for castration, but instead was aimed for the throat.
Well, that’s how he was remembered anyway. Foreshadowing. If the mother created life just like our analogy of up, then induced order, death followed swiftly behind. Life and death are now different things that are in fact the same as they have birthed from the same force. But why? Well, formlessness into form occurs at a price. Written on that price tag is time. And Father Time is, of course, the one thing that no thing can survive. If something has a form seemingly separate from the whole, it is now a temporary unit, and time is going to eat it alive.
Father Time is going to eat his own children. This personification captures the fact that you are you and not anyone else. You occupy a specific space at a certain time. While you’re there, nothing and nobody else can. But they want to, because it’s a crowded universe. You may take up that speck of space time now, but you won’t for long. You are limited by the character of Limited himself, Stan. A character that lives between this world and the permanent fixed stars above. A character that patrols the outskirts of our homeland with his long blade of death and harvest, because so long as you are breathing, you live in his world.
The Greeks called him Kronos, Hindus call him Shani, Babylonians, Shemesh, and so on. But all personified figures seem to have a celestial origin. So to us, this barrier of the halfway point that marks our biological limitations is called Saturn. And if every myth has a scaled and icy dragon to defeat, it seems that humans would need a savior. That is where the blond haired and blue eyed personification of the sun comes in. And thank God. Right? Well, let’s hold on right there. All of this is the esoteric version of the myth that stands. But there’s a problem.
A giant wrench has been thrown into the cogs of this model. If there is anything we have learned from the esoteric, it is that the quandaries seem to duplicate the deeper you go. And eventually everything comes reversed and turned on its head. It turns out that the reason this Saturn mythology stands as such is because of translation errors. Not mistakes, by the way, but changes were made deliberately for a specific reason. Here’s the problem. The errors they were correcting were shared by all ancient cultures of all times on a global scale. Mother Earth was remembered as being safe and warm, remembered that way.
Is it possible that time has a hand in this remembering? Is it possible that a personification of fear taking up half of the night sky might have once been the reason for the human ability to experience the divine directly? What if, after digging just a little bit deeper, we find that the bad guy, once upon a time was what the world considered good? If we were to apply a scientific model to the occult understanding of Saturn, we might call Saturn’s orbit our celestial skin on some kind of macrocosmic cell. Cell. If we are like the mitochondria, the powerhouse or battery of the cell, the orbit of Saturn traces a celestial sphere that would be like the pellucid skin, the outside of which is chaos.
In both cases, as above. Ancestors of the Egyptian priest kings, the Dogon tribes, people spoke of ships near Saturn in the moon regions that worked as a gateway between our world and another near Sirius B. Working as a bridge across that chaos. They could also count Saturn’s rings and moons before we could peep that video. If you want and it is nice they spoke of these things back then. So we don’t have to all the way depend on an embarrassing organization that will color a picture of Nevada orange and say that they drove around on Mars, yet somehow still spending those tax dollars on something.
I don’t know. Digress. But when we go back further to a time more distant and obscure, we are met with unexpected surprises. We often hear about an ancient golden age for Earth. It was said we had one season, stillness and paradise. We can’t prove this, but. But there are a lot of old ass references to it. One of which we covered in Moon Impossible. The Zulu peoples speak of the time before the moon, which was the catalyst of our planet’s little weeble wobble procession. More recent to us we have works of literature by Hesiod, Homer, Virgil, ovid, John Milton, etc.
That speak of planetary bodies as figures of deity. In a way that refers to our, our sun as being Saturn in, in a. In a romantic way. In fact, the way our current sun is described, it seems like it wasn’t even a prominent figure in the sky. Whether it be the introduction of the current sun or the moon, something happened way back in the day that caused the Earth to have four seasons and, and a lot of extra turmoil. The reason being the castration of Saturn and many other myth equivalents that we’ll go over if you just hold on a damn second.
Yet today, like even in our intro, we refer to Saturn as some kind of hex or curse, even to the point of depicting him as a grim reaper type dude who eats his own kiddos. How can we reconcile this mix up? Well, being born today makes you a child of Kronos. And you’re in the party. Congratulations. You’re gonna die. So why did Homer and company consider Saturn’s rule as a golden age? Mythic lore maintains that Father time, your boy Saturn gave birth to delicious children. Children one of which escaped being eaten. This was Jupiter, or Zeus as myth holds it.
And just like any good prince, he was ready and willing to take over that throne. So, as one does, Jupiter had Saturn castrated like they did to Michael Jackson, to ensure that he kept his falsetto voice. Is that part true? Probably not. But we’re having fun. Mike was innocent. Time and space gave birth to children that we call planets. And if we are paying attention to natal charts and such, we might even compare them to the hard drive of which the software of our reality is programmed. So reality kind of funnels in through them, like the sensor of the Kabbalistic.
Tree of life diagram shows dark things can pour in also. That’s why your mom is listed as the sensor on this one. So why the mythy mix up? Anyway, let’s take a look at some ancient literature the way that David Talbot did. Ancient cultures the world over insisted that an exemplary sun once ruled the sky. For the Egyptians, this former power was the creator Atum Ra, ruling from the center and summit of the sky. In ancient Mesopotamia, we see the primeval sun as a turning wheel in the heavens and the astronomers named this body as the planet Saturn.
But an archaic Latin name for Saturn was Sol, the Sun. In earlier Greek texts, the planet Saturn called Chronos was also named Helios, the Sun. Numerous figures of a universal monarch are translated as sun gods. But when translating these, there is quite a bit of assuming going on. We place the sun in that monarch’s place because, well, it’s obvious that it must be what they were referring to. Here’s the problem. The oldest, most ancient religions go out of their way to distinguish that the sun they are speaking of is not the golden star that we are assuming.
Among these distinctions, Saturn is impossibly described as the best sun, the primeval sun and even the great central Sun. For example, in ancient Mexico, myth flat out states that in the old world an exemplary sun ruled the world and was not the current sun that we have today, indicating a very unnerving concepts to scholars that ancient people were around to survive an impossible unexplained happening. Unless they didn’t have bodies that required surviving. We’ll get to that. Calm down. The Incas and the Egyptians on the opposite side of the Earth speak of the superior son as having retired after after its reign.
So in response to this impossible dilemma, 19th century linguists began swapping out the references to Saturn as the main sun with ancient names used for our current sun. For example, when they saw the word Kronos as referring to the great central Big Dog, they would just put Helios in their translations instead, claiming that it must have been what they meant. To this day, those word swaps remain in our literature as such. Side note, I feel it is very important to remember that this happens all the time and we don’t always know about it. The people who translated ancient texts for us took liberties with it according to what they preferred.
A huge problem in itself, but worse, if we don’t recognize it as a possibility. And these are not always mistranslations, but instead intentional changes that we the readers have no control over. But by the time our Leading expert Franz Bull pointed it out, it was too late. Sun worshippers referring to it as Saturn was vastly widespread and completely covered up. This mistake correction was the translator’s error and not what the ancient text meant to say. By then we were off and running, creating new information birthed through these corrected translations. I’ll be referring quite a bit today to David Talbot’s book that I couldn’t find anywhere online for any outrageous price.
So I went ahead and printed this out at Kinko’s or whatever. Among the Egyptians, the father of the Paradisal age possessed many names, but each tradition proclaimed the same original excellence of creation subsequently corrupted. The peaceful epoch was distinctly the Age of Kronos under a different title. Throughout their history, the Egyptians believed in a time of perfection at the beginning of the world with the God king Osiris, the Egyptians constantly associated a vanished golden age. As King Osiris, the beneficent being taught his subjects to worship the gods, gave them the arts and civilization and formulated the laws of justice, founding sacred temples and cities and disseminating wisdom from one land to another.
He became the benefactor of the whole world. But his eventual murder brought worldwide destruction. Egyptian sources too often portray him in human form. Yet the early religious texts say again and again that Osiris was the supreme light of heaven ruling from the cosmic center. Native American cultures describe a superior self sun responsible for an era of peace and plenty. Assyrians and Babylonians described a son called Shamesh as standing at a mountain’s edge with a big curved notch in his sword, almost like the curve of a bull’s horns. And he is turning a great celestial wheel. In multiples of those texts, the name for Saturn was found where the text was clearly meant to indicate the central sun figure.
This cannot be stressed enough. These puppies were fortunate enough to squeeze through history without our prior linguists assuming a different meaning. Which is good because we can now look at both and see an impossible connection widespread and on the opposite side sides of the world saying the same thing. Archaeologist slash historian George Rawlinson was perplexed by these anomalies stating how is it possible that the dark and distant planet Saturn can answer to the luminary who irradiates the nations like the sun? End quote. A weird side note coming in hot from Egypt, Horus, the bull of the sky, representing kingship and strength.
Strength was a personification of Saturn and within his head, specifically his eyes were the sun and the moon. As if the life giving sun itself is within the body of Saturn. Like our macrocosmic cell analogy at the at the top of this video was the outskirt of the celestial spheres traced out before our sun was created. Well, I am reminded of the aeons turned archons that emerged from Yolta booth before he created a great luminous fire. Peep that video. So Osiris has all that going for him and men seems to like what he sees, but like what’s going on here.
Now that we see the prior inversion, that myth has been changed. We will come back to tall bit here in a second but let’s first work with this whole first sun concept. Amongst the greatest of enigmas was the cosmic wheel. Recorded by every ancient culture. Images of a wheel in the sky carved on stone are older than civilization itself. Many archaeologists see these wheels as an imagined vehicle of the sun rolling across the sky. But in its most common form, the cosmic wheel doesn’t go anywhere. Often it rests on a stationary pillar or atop a stairway or ladder, or is turned by a rope while resting on an altar or table.
If we look at the chakra system we see them listed from 1 to 7. This starts from the bottom and moves up to illustrate the motion of energy taking place through due to the increase of Kundalini vibes. A viewer of a video like this is well aware that each chakra has a planetary association. This is one of our classic as above, so below examples. The seven chakras in this case being a microcosmic version of the seven celestial spheres traced out by the orbits of the macrocosmic planets. We are that. The first of which right there in your seat, is the Moldara chakra represented by Saturn.
It seems that this controversial figure is the one kicking off your Kundalini. I suppose the phrase light a fire under your ass makes even more sense. Now the other celestial bodies we are talking about today have their own spirit spot within your sensor as well. The current sun, as weird as that is to say now, is your crown chakra. And just like that, we have opposites. Two figures that are the same thing but separated by way of poles. In this case, one could view it as up and down, quite literally. Let’s keep this in mind that ancient lore speaks speaks of Saturn as being cast out to the opposite side of the world axis during its defeat.
Knowing that ancient people considered their bodily anatomy to be a reflection of the zodiacal figures above, perhaps this gives us a hint as to this mix up of associations. And indeed the root chakra acts as a person’s infant survival instincts. The first ones developed instincts required when spawned into a physical Reality, the very reality owned by Saturn himself. This is supposedly why the seventh day, Saturday is the day of rest, you know, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. And there is that number seven again, reflecting the celestial spheres, our inner spheres and numerous other things.
But mostly noting here that chakras are considered as wheels, especially in Sanskrit. Well, chakra is Sanskrit for wheel. Even the people who attend the black cube of Mecca are to walk around it seven times counterclockwise, just like the rings of Saturn happens to orbit. And the black cube itself, Kaba, is considered by some as the navel of the world, just like Gobekli Tepe. And I mean that list goes on like everything back then was called the navel of the world. And how many belly buttons can one planet have? The door of the cube is gold by the way, and this seems to have alchemical connotations.
Asylum celestial giant called Zervan, who is Saturn by name of Zoroastrian myth, was known as the original seed. This seed of course contains the entire material cosmos. One might see this as an original unformed matter, or as the Egyptians would say it, primeval matter, AKA prima materia, a clear alchemical term. In alchemical lore, Saturn’s associated mineral is lead, and our sun’s is associated with gold, in that we are seeing a set of opposites as well, being that alchemical plates most prominently depict transmutation as lead into gold. So Saturn in this way can be seen as a seed of the sun.
If we compare this to the bottom to top sequence of the chakras, we have a solid connection, or 5. Not to mention the fact we don’t really know how old the concept of alchemy is. But there is a reason that utopia doesn’t work. With utopia there is no growth. So in a way alchemy makes sense as to why Saturn would be considered the source of all things, including the sun. Lead into gold. But that doesn’t even come close to explaining the plethora of ancient myths we have that describe Saturn as a gargantuan cosmic monster that ruled the heavens and the earth.
Not even close, because this Saturn stuff comes up in Gnostic lore as well. Brought to you car courtesy of Jung himself, who wrote Saturn is a synonym for Adam and the prima materia. The planet is the philosophical or original man, as covered in our last video glitch in the halo. This atom is not to be confused with the earthly man of flesh and blood, but the Anthropos, the pre existent man of the cosmos. This again ties Saturn to a title of a God, but specifically of the biological world of humans. Sound familiar? Well, the Kabbalah also shares this notion with the Gnostics.
But what about this whole best sun thing? It was said that we ended up with four seasons in the place of one constantly pleasant present one. This sounds literal. There is just no mythos or alchemical allegory to be found that would explain this. Talbot has the leading book and I think just about only book on this theory which explains why it’s so difficult to get a hold of. But in it he says the lost epoch of peace and plenty was the original eight of Saturn. Ancient myths and rights present Saturn as the God one, the first king and the all encompassing heaven man.
End quote. It was said that Saturn lived on Earth among men. As Ovid writes, old Saturn fell to death. Dark country. Dionysus of Polycarnias wrote Kronos ruled on this very Earth. An Orphic fragment states Saturn dwelt openly on Earth and among men. This notion is shared by many ancient texts hinting at something along the lines of Saturn being extremely close to people and then ascended back up into the heavens in a violent upheaval. Even if we are to assume that the myth myths are flat out wrong, we are still left with a huge question as to how and why these became the myths in the first place.
So let’s pay a bit more attention to what Talbot has to say. Emmanuel Velikovsky lit a fire for me. A distinguished scholar colleague of Albert Einstein. Velikovsky had claimed that planets formally moved on unstable courses and more than once a planet came close enough to Earth to cause global catastrophe. Most astronomers dismissed the book out of hand and some threatened a boycott of the publisher macmillan, forcing the company to drop the book when it was the number one best seller. But when the space age arrived, our probes of planets and moons revealed devastation surfaces, inspiring renewed interest in Velikovsky’s claims.
The myths of an ancient golden age are too much to be ignored. Something was different once upon a time. In fact, there are multiple separate ancient belief systems that claim we are living in the fourth world. That’s an amazingly specific number of worlds. Earthing and ending mythology remembers things that science cannot necessarily just carbon date. Let’s also keep in mind that gigantic ice sheets miles tall moved across the land surface like a cheese grater. Anything that couldn’t grow back was pulverized and buried. And rumor has it, if an out of place artifact of any significant size.
Guys. Is found, the Smithsonian is hired to swoop in and playing the good guys they rebury their findings, this time in their own basement. So we are left with mythology in Iran. Yema is the lord of mankind and the physical world. The age he ruled knew neither cold nor heat, bringing us back to the one season thing. But when Yema fell from the path of justice, glory was lost on his kingdom. A case of paradise lost, and the world fell into a long devastating winter. Could this be referring to the beginning of the Ice Age? Because to be clear, we’re not talking about the Younger Dryas catastrophe in any of these stories, I think, but instead something much older.
Older? It’s kind of hard to tell, but many worlds have come and gone due to fire, flood and everything else. Just as the ancient Egyptian priest kings told Solon, the Younger Dryas is most likely just the latest of these global resets. We are attempting to look at something truly ancient and lost to history. In Peru, the Inca have a temple dedicated to the creator God or authentic son, who was known to be superior to the Son of today because he was able to rest and light the world from one spot. Let’s keep this rest and single spot thing in mind for a moment while considering that the door to enter this temple was built on the north end.
Because. Because before we can get back into that, we have to get weirder. A considerable amount of evidence shows that very ancient peoples considered daytime to be happening when modern man considers it night. Specifically after the solar orb went away to ancient American natives. This is widely acknowledged, even to mainstream scholars, specifically as a tune also sung by the Babylonians. Again, opposite side of the world or globe. If I enjoyed getting yelled at in the comments. There was something ominously shining in the sky. Many cultures called this the shining, but I mean, what the heck, right? What was bringing light to the night long before even these ancients were talking about it? Well, a surprising answer comes from Sumerian tablets.
Talbot talks about it. Sumerian texts identify Saturn as God of the dawn. Saturn came forth in an overwhelming splendor in the land. It became day. This does not equate Saturn with the solar orb on the horizon. Horizon. It means that the coming 4th of Saturn inaugurated the archaic day, which began at sunset. So long as the solar orb was visible, the fiery globe of Saturn remained subdued, unable to compete with the sheer light of the former body. But once the solar orb sank beneath the horizon, Saturn and its circle of secondary lights acquired a terrifying radiance.
Therefore, Saturn was the great God of the day and not the night sun, as scholars usually propose at a very early period. However, the difference between the day sky and the night sky was forgotten. Under normal circumstances, would one likely forget this distinction? If there is confusion, it is because radically different. Different celestial orders separate the present age from the former. Only in a later age did Saturn come to be confused with the solar orb. There is in fact, a decisive difference between the primeval God and the body we call the sun today. Unlike the rising and setting solar orb, the original sun God never moved.
Unlike this Kiki cat who has a lot of movement and is messing up my program. Okay, you. I love you. You’re so special to me. Where are you going? You want me just carry on here? Do you want to host the show? Here, read this part. What’s this? Nailed it. The home of the Great Father is the cosmic center or navel of heaven. As the Earth rotates on its axis, the northern stars wheel around a fixed point and never fall below the horizon. All of the ancient world looked upon the polar center as the middle place or resting place, place or steadfast region occupied by the universal monarch.
Written in Paradise Found. The religions of all ancient nations associate the abode of the supreme God with the North Pole, the center of heaven, or with the celestial space immediately surrounding it. Yet no writer on comparative theology has ever brought out the facts which established this assertion. End quote. In the following years, a number of scholars, each focusing on a different body of evidence, reached the same conclusion. A general survey of ancient language, symbolism and mythology insists that mankind’s oldest religion centered on a God of the celestial pole. Saturn ruled from the summit of the world axis.
This information is almost disturbing to contemplate. It seems utterly impossible to have even ever been written about in the first place. This is certainly not breeding like an allegory. So how do we reconcile this kind of talk? The way they are describing this as if Saturn was not only extremely close to the Earth, but was also stationary in the sky, and they spoke about it like it was normal. This concept indicates that many ancient glyphs and symbols were inspired by this impossible proximity and possibly even further reinforcing this idea like a damn loop of ancient evidence that Saturn was was in the polar north at the center of the world axis.
Because Saturn is on the move nowadays and far away. And this is clearly why those old translators couldn’t believe what they are reading and went ahead and changed it for us, I suppose, thinking they were doing us a favor. I am reminded of a book seemingly unrelated to this subject, Cygnus Mystery. Andrew Collins reported having a difficult time figuring out what celestial body was in the North Prior to Gobekli Tepe, as something was revered as shining in that spot according to the glyphs that are in this, in that very location. Collins came to propose that it was Cygnus, as that would have been the closest at the time.
But certainly the software being used to turn back the zodiacal clock would have never proposed that Saturn would have been in a non moving northern spot in the sky. This is the kind of information that haunts me, by the way, because it kind of forces me to speculate an unnatural occurrence that something absolutely gigantic and powerful move the planets around long before our recorded memory. Like one of those universe simulator simulator games, the Universe Sandbox or something. Imagine if we are within one of those software programs because either that or is our modern ability to reverse engineer time by cosmic observation completely whack.
Now to add to this haunting idea, the ancient Chinese astronomers called the celestial pole the pivot and referred to the genie of the pivot as being specifically Saturn. But wait, there’s more. The Iranian Kyivan or the planet Saturn was said to once occupy the polar center. And the hits keep pouring in. This video will not be long enough to list all of the ancient references to a Saturnian equivalent as having a home in a stationary northern central position. I suggest that you get the book yourself if you can, if you can track it down. But in each case they talk about it casually, like it was obvious.
Meanwhile, we find it, we read it and dismiss it as a mistake because it is just impossible. The most common explanation is that it was a figure of speech, an astral allegory with a meaning that we just haven’t found out about yet. Possible. But can an allegory be shared by numerous cultures worldwide? I would like to know how that would come to be without the Internet. Is it even possible to bring science into this without Neil Degrasse Tyson yelling at us? If a star collapses, can it become a gas planet? I’m going to let this cat out.
If a star collapses, can it become a giant gas planet? And let’s keep in mind how lightweight Saturn is said to be by mainstream science. And what about the rings? Well, another mainstream nugget swoops in on that. When two stars come close together, their winds compress and the gas forms dust which creates rings. The same happens with a stable magnetic field. In 1944, Brute Bruce Cer Bruce wrote, In fact, it may well be that both Jupiter and Saturn were at one time minor stars and that their satellite systems were formed as the result of minor or planetary nova outbursts.
Velikovsky has suggested that as a result of disruption, Saturn went through a short nova phase in which its light would have obscured everything else visible from Earth. And Emmanuel Velikovsky, who seems to have kind of the the OG source on all of this part. He writes, my conclusion that as a result of interplay with Jupiter, Saturn became a nova I found confirmed in many ancient sources in which Saturn is regularly associated with brilliant light. But I was led to this idea first of all by a certain clue contained in the biblical account of the Deluge. Independent of Velikovsky, Harold Tresman also came to the conclusion that Earth must have once been a satellite of Saturn.
Vilikovsky has suggested that many thousands of years ago, but still within human memory, the Earth might have been a satellite of Saturn. We are now supposing that the central fire was Saturn. The Earth was in orbit around Saturn and always kept the same face towards Saturn, like the moon is tidally locked to us today. It’s an anomaly that seems to have a pattern. And that Saturn, with Earth revolved around the sun in one year, day and night would be solar phenomenon, but caused by the revolution of Earth around Saturn, even at night, Saturn would provide illumination to the the part of Earth that always faced Saturn.
Whoa. And I mean, if you don’t believe me, look, you know it’s right there. Go ahead and get your salt shakers out because we about to speculate. So it seems Saturn ruled the Earth from the summit of the world axe before it fell from its kingly position. How can this be? And why? Okay, so while talking with Nico about this old Zaki came up. And although I don’t subscribe to that wild yet fun theory of his, it can’t be ignored in this place because, well, this theory is not less wild than his. In fact, look closer and they’re about the same.
Sitchin wrote of Nibiru as, loosely speaking some kind of red dwarf star with its own planets that were close enough to it to sustain life, but had a weak atmosphere. He said Nibiru came in hot on an elliptical orbit, disrupting everything it happened upon. Two of Saturn’s moons are said to be able to sustain life. Saturn is the least dense planet, being mostly, if not all, gas. Does this hint at it having been a failed or dead star, having gone nova despite being unlikely? We just saw that even mainstream science has not ruled it out as being impossible.
So this unhinged, yet mythologically sound crazy ass theory that has been driving me crazy for weeks. We have the following assumptions based on a magnitude of Accounts Saturn as some kind of retired star, held the Earth, but not in any kind of orbit or no tilt, no elliptic, just Saturn completely, no north of Earth and in control of the entire Chronos system. Chronos system. That should have been the name of this video. Okay. Then one day another star or sun came rolling in and intercepted the whole program. There was a tussle involving electromagnetic discord and plasmatic discharges, which we covered in our episode Ancient Apocalypse, causing all of the planets to spread out and become distant and spastic.
We got the seasons now and a bit of chaos to boot. Paradise Lost, you know, yada yada. They all spread out like pool balls. A war in heaven. Everything was on fire. I think Solon talked about that. But everything exploded, thus becoming more physical in nature. And hold on to that bit for a moment. I want to look at some adjacent myths that kind of remind us of this cosmic heyday. One constantly comes across the myth of two brothers, one bright, the other dull. Often the twins struggle with each other. Sometimes one is good and the other evil.
A feature which complements the black, white and rising setting aspect of Dioscuri Dioceri. Chinese myth describes two brothers named Opeth and Sichin at constant war. The Ugaritic twins Mot and Alian quarrel, as do the Celtic Gwyn and Gwythur. Remus dies at the hand of Roman Romulus. Acres and Protus quarrel while in the womb of their mother. Jacob and Esio do the same. I love how the name Jacob is just kind of stuck in there with all of these other wild ass names that my pronunciation is not doing justice for. The North American Indian Mother Goddess. He he, he wrote this book before we found out, I guess, that the natives were not Indians that we knew all along that they weren’t.
A little forgiveness will be necessary when reading this unit. Awayhe conceived twins who battled while yet in the womb. There can be little doubt out that the Chinese yin and yang, primordial forces of light and darkness, or a close relationship to this general tradition of cosmic twins. And the whole womb thing even kind of takes us back to that cosmic cell of living within a like a almost closed system of plasma, like, like our sun is a binary star system. We even covered that with, you know, Robert Temple calls it the, the Anubis cell. And in a prior video we, I think talked about how our entire solar system might just be an atom inside of the nut sack of a guy who works at Quiznos.
Forgot which video that was, but is this what Sitchin was saying happened with Nibiru. Same story, different names. We see it all the time. But my attention is captured by the parallels where we have the fall in religious texts, especially concerning Saturn as the introduction of time and physicality. It’s almost as if the solar system was less gross matter when it was denser together. Other so do you guys remember when we chatted with Ashananda and she explained that the peaks and dips of the Yuga cycle as coinciding with the elliptical of closeness and distance between this system and the black hole at the center of our galaxy? She said the closer we are to it, the higher the Yuga.
Concerning human consciousness. I mean, take it or leave it. But she was a direct student of Yogananda, so I. I didn’t argue with her. And the dates of the Yugas seem to match the processions. We also hypothesized in th of Agartha that reality as we know it seems to break down the closer we get to the center of things. Comparing the Earth’s surface to the skull and the fabled Agartha to the inner brain leading into the pineal gland sensor equals weird in this formula. Less tangible and more dreamlike. The same concept is kinda proven with black holes.
The density and gravitation takes reality off of its hinges. The laws of physics are out the window. Is this a gateway to the so called other side? We don’t know what gravitation is like at all. Gravity is still a theory. So could it be that the quantifiable density and mass of things in reality have a direct relationship with the physical versus spiritual tangibility of it? Is this the fall? Is this why the Promethean figures tend to show up in mythology and warn people of their God’s wrath while simultaneously giving them gifts, AKA trying to connect, reconnect them with their divine roots? We are the same species as the children of these ancient people of a higher Yuga that lived during a time of a higher density of solar system? Is this why human beings still contain the.
The divine spark all these thousands of years later? Later? Is that how the Pneumic Anthropos became the Hylek anthropos? Is this why I am losing about half of my new audience who haven’t seen the prior three episodes? Well, if I might venture out and really risk losing some of you here, does this even help us explain the nature of quantum physics being so abstract and alien to us? Because. Because if a change occurred that was macrocosmic to us, it would deeply affect our reality. But its range of effect might dissipate as it crosses furthering microcosms, like ripples dissipate in a pond and have not yet caught up to our microcosm, the subatomic world.
I don’t know. But we are certainly digging around in the realm of speculation at this point. Considering these items are so ancient they can’t be measured and weighed. All we have is the ancientness passed down and, well, hallucinogens. That’s where we get a curveball. This unhinged theory is just that to anyone who has not experienced a properly gauged and specifically temperature session with, with, oh, you know, hanging in the. The DM of Terence McKenna, if you know what I’m saying. DM of Terence McKenna that works. I don’t know. I think I’m clever. Or even a trip to Peru to drink some ancient brew.
When the so called deities and Promethean figures left Earth, they said to have left open a gateway to communication with them. To the Brazilian ancestors, that gateway is two plants boiled together. I mean that is literally how they say they got the recipe for ayahuasca. And they say it puts us in touch with the ancient ancestors. If you ask the Amazonians how they knew that these two plants out of the hundreds of thousands available in the jungle, created this gateway, they will tell you that they were visited by the daughter of the sun who came on a boat with no oars after a great catastrophe.
Is she the daughter of the first son? Is this catastrophe referring to a much older, older one than the younger Dryas? Remember, we don’t know how old the recipe for Ayahuasca is. So could it be possible that DMT entities are quite literally our ancient, ancient, ancient ancestors? Perhaps they are the very same ancestors who lived back when Saturn was our sun and, and the universe as we knew it in our little pocket of solar system was vastly different in both coordination and physics. If that sounds crazy, let’s think about this. We have already shown in labs that electromagnetic radiation like that which comes from neutron stars can mutate the genome of fruit flies, restructuring their DNA.
What’s to say that Saturn would be any less effective with its radiation? Assuming of course that it would differ in its style of radiative rendering on a biological creature. But more importantly, what’s to say that humans would be any different than fruit flies? If celestial bodies have an effect on our DNA, we assume that a change of star would mean a drastic change in anatomy. You might have heard of the so called chromosome number two that seems to indicate a Cosmic intervention of our genome. At some point in the distant past, did the Anunnaki come to Earth and tamper with our DNA? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes.
But might it make more sense that these figures are a personification of celestial bodies, considering we know that ancient people utilized personification in place of scientific jargon? And for good reason. And yes, cosmic electromagnetic radiation can alter our genome. For more on that, you can see Cosmic Communion, A Message from Cygnus and A Science of Heaven. It’s all available. You get it. But even if this wasn’t the case, a change up in Homestar would certainly change the environment that humans would have to adapt to. Thousands of years of seasons of chaos would certainly also lay change to the anatomy of any creature.
And if it’s a rough go, mankind indeed would increase in tangibility, like we see in the Fall, thus being the reason why Saturn is both associated with death and a golden age. But here’s the thing. It reverses the notion put forth in our intro, and thus it reverses everything. A pronounced movement of Mars occurred close to, but not precisely on the planetary axis. Now, the celestial crescent appeared as the horns of the Warrior himself in his identity as the Bull of Heaven. And it should not surprise us that the foundation post bore the image of the bull at its apex.
When it reached the Earth, the stream presented the form of a great pillar or cosmic mountain. Perhaps it is too much to believe that the famous Bull of Heaven was just a pillar and shining horn, the first active form of the warrior hero. His upraised arms were precisely the same thing as the horns of the Bull of Heaven, a testament to the integrity of the substructure. The archetype. When seeing that something is clearly different than conventionally believed. But not having much else to go on to find out what did happen, we make connections that may or may not be relevant.
That being said, much of the following goes against theories proposed in prior episodes of this Channel. Channel. But that’s kind of what we need. This channel explores all ideas, and I tend to refuse sticking to one particular belief system. Beliefs are very limiting. So is it a stretch to apply these concepts to existing glyphs and art that we assume we have pinned down, yet kind of still remain in the domain of enigmatic. For example, the Sky Bolt archetype that we see everywhere, it’s clearly the sun resting within a crescent moon. But we might ask, why would they put the sun inside the moon like that? Certainly it never happened to have looked that way, but it does kind of look a lot Like Saturn.
Saturn and its rings, you know, as would be seen from Earth if it dominated the northern sky. Then we read the writings that went with this symbol and it furthers the twist. For example, Egyptian hieroglyphs speak of this global symbol as a bowl of heaven that held up the entire sky in a time much closer to our current age. Astronomers with early telescopes describe Saturn as having ears. I guess it is just safe to say. The only thing safe to say is that this entire Saturnian subject has always been enigmatic since. Well, since the Fall. And the fall, of course, being a catalyst of amnesia.
So what do we have here? A literal cosmic happening in the sky? Or a zodiacal allegory for something that happens within? Or both, as we see on this channel quite a bit. That’s for the viewer or reader to decide. But what I’m more concerned with is this. What can we learn from the story of Saturn being the first and best sun? I think this might be a story of transformation in multiple ways. In the rising of the Kundalini, we are, metaphorically speaking, passing the torch up to the next corresponding energy center. Each wheel comes to life as the torch is passed along.
This concept rings out in how we treat the esoteric. We keep the information safe and close to center until the next recipient is matured and ready enough to receive it. While doing so, we are to remember the past fondly, but not look back in angst. We face forward when we pass the torch onto the next generation to further refine it. In this case, we have to trust the future without clinging to the past. Peep this painting. It’s titled Delusion Scene for a good reason. The man is a attempting to save the father figure. In doing so, he neglects the wife and the son.
The wife symbolizes the present and the son symbolizes the future. The father, of course, symbolizing the same thing it has in all Saturnian lore, Father Time. Keeping in mind that the boy, being the son, would be the next up. But that’s not quite the point point here, is it? The father is going to die anyway, no matter how much he is cherished. That is just how time works. This painting indicates that the protagonist will lose all three by trying to hold on to what is clearly already gone. Because this painting indicates that that the protagonist will lose all three by trying to hold on to what is already gone.
We romanticize about the past as well we should. There is a lot to learn when looking backward, and it’s okay to hold it dear to oneself. But when thinking and acting, that Is to say passing the torch onto the next generation to take over. We should remain facing forward, grateful and proud of what we have built in our time here on Earth. We play our little part in something big using the knowledge of the past. But our desire should be aimed into the future. A future that we ourselves will not be around to witness again. It’s just how time happens to work here in this realm.
Whether referring to Saturn in the sun or not, the ancient people had a worldwide concept the begotten the willful suicide of a God to make room for another to take its footprint. We will lay down with the worms happily doing so, knowing that our descent into darkness is the very fuel needed to fertilize the plentiful life of our children. We will watch the universe consume itself and be eaten alive by it. And if we educate ourselves enough while alive on Earth, we might be able to do so with a smile. Let me see the down here with my sleep When I carry you sometimes when temper you start growing sometimes Times fantastic times fantastic Play the serpent swell its pearl lion feet on the beast Beast is consumed by us we will be fed to the wolves and watched by you Never gone so itself Planets eaten by stars and stars are swallowed by black holes we will lay down with the worms and watch the universe consume itself.
You’ll bear witness to the seeding of life’s fruits Eat of life Cast me inside I bear witness to the miracle of you Let me see how ma Seeing the way to walk away from here when you could stay Attending the garden Watching the fallout Mending the garments we chose we will lay down with the worms we’ll lay down with the worms the moon seen in water for us to consume Lions feed on the beach Beast beast is constant fire we will be fed to the w Planet eaten by sun and stars Are swallowed by black holes we will lay down with the worms and watch the universe sinking hole we get into the ride Sleep in its room it’s you of love youe flesh into mine youe’ll contribute to the seeding of life’s fruit Eats me the life we are divine I’ll contribute to the miracle of.