Taming the Wild Pendulum: Esoteric Levels of Consciousness/Itzhak Bentov and the CIA

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➡ Itzak Bentoff, a survivor of Nazi concentration camps, was a brilliant inventor who wrote scientific books and worked with the CIA on understanding the mechanics of reality. His work, including his book “Stalking the Wild Pendulum”, explored the idea of transcending physical reality to understand the infinite nature of the universe. Despite his secretive work with the CIA, he openly shared his knowledge with the public. His theories, based on the concept of cymatics (the study of visible sound and vibration), suggest that the nature of reality is based on sound and that our physical reality is created by vibratory patterns.
➡ This text talks about how reality is made up of energy that constantly blinks in and out of existence. It suggests that we can tap into moments of rest in this energy through meditation, which can help us explore higher states of consciousness. The text also discusses how time is subjective and can be stretched out through certain techniques. Lastly, it mentions that meditation can help us deal with stress and achieve mental clarity.
➡ This text talks about the idea of being able to move at infinite speed, which would make you present everywhere at once and able to absorb all information, making you all-knowing. It also discusses the concept of consciousness and how it can be measured, suggesting that everything, even atoms and rocks, has some level of consciousness. The text also explores the idea of different realities and levels of consciousness, and how we can interact with these different levels. Finally, it touches on the concept of reincarnation and the cycle of death and rebirth.
➡ This text talks about how our consciousness can connect with other beings and even higher realms, which some people can do better than others. It suggests that our thoughts and dreams can evolve beyond just survival, and that intuition can be more reliable than logic in these areas. The text also discusses the idea that the universe is a system of love and information, and that we are part of its learning process. Finally, it mentions the concept of rebirth and the possibility of remembering past lives.


They say that if you want zero bullshit literature, read the words of men who died early. This is certainly the case when it comes to Itzak Bentoff as a brilliant inventor who survived nazi concentration camps and went on to write scientific books inspired with light hearted humor. This man danced with the very fibers of reality, led by a melody only the curious dare to hear. His work in nuts and bolts tech and obsession with altered states of consciousness caught the attention of the CIA, where he became responsible for an important bulk of the declassified documents that we have all come to pour over.

Bentov’s work with the CIA involved none less than the mechanics of reality itself. In fact, his specialty was helping people transcend the illusion of physical flesh and bear witness to the infinite nature of the universe for themselves. Despite this incredible resume, the introduction of his magnum opus humbly states that it was inspired by so called living room talks with friends, as he gracefully referred to himself as a plumber.

We all know better now as this book, stalking the Wild Pendulum, was released while the resulting CIA documents were still classified. But after his book was written, he went on to describe this information to civilians. And even though he never disclosed his work for the CIA, he had no trouble sharing what he knew with the world doing just that. He was on his way to a conference in Cali when he was, quote, killed on May 25 as a passenger aboard American Airlines flight 191 that crashed shortly after takeoff.

Ironic. Decades, marinated in covert operations, yet his death was as public as it gets. Your mom actually remembers this famous plane crash as it makes great pillow talk for us, but I am not making any claims of foul play here. Many of you know that an enormous amount of the people involved in this agency’s now declassified documents died in similar accidents. Easily a coincidence, but it seems as if when they are done with you, they are done with ya.

This is where the Internet and literature comes out to shine. There is a lot of bullshit out there, but none of it came from Bentoff. And although there is much online about Project Stargate and the gateway process, there is not much to be found about this treasure trove of work, and it involves the very essence of being itself. So let’s bust out the diagrams. So the death process seems to be a common theme on this channel.

Sorry about that, but it is a great place to start here. When we die, we return the borrowed substances back to the earth. But there is another component to life other than the physical body. During our lifetime, we collect information and categorize it. This is intellectual chaos into order, we collect both raw data and emotional information. This body of information is collected by a nonmaterial entity, that is us.

This information is absorbed back into the cauldron of universal mind that is produced by all conscious beings. The individual psyche might reside for some time in the astral or causal realms, but will eventually want to acquire more information. Where, you guessed it, reincarnation takes place. And on that note, I would like everybody to relax, because it seems that we choose this reincarnation according to our will and are not forced into it, as many modern day conspiracies seem to indicate.

But nevertheless, cymatics is the key to this entire thing. The nature of reality itself is based in sound, so much so that we even have these very specialized openings on either side of our head called ears, I think, that have the strict job of hearing things. And there’s a lot of people who might not realize that. The reason this is so important is because sound is an oscillation, just like everything else.

Basically a kind of movement that comes to rest and then swings back, coming to another rest and back and forth like a pendulum. These oscillations cause vibratory patterns that we call physical reality. We have all seen sand take on incredible geometric patterns on a plate that is vibrated at a particular frequency. Frequencies spread out in this pattern across the metal plate, and the sand tends to avoid them, because, just like anything else, they prefer to be at rest.

So they clump together in these areas, where the frequency is less frequent. As we have seen, the faster the vibration of the frequency, the more complex the pattern is. This friction between the two worlds of rest and motion is what gives birth to our physical reality, and the suffering stemmed from that. Friction is what causes evolution and growth, something that we will come back to in a bit.

This experiment with cymatics is a perfect example of chaos into order. The once static and chaotic grains of sand interact with the friction of the sound frequencies and organize themselves into a particular order of geometry. As strange as it sounds, this is indeed why the entire universe exists. What is especially fascinating about cymatic shapes is the fractal holographic element to it. Only a small portion of this pattern is necessary to understand the entire rest of the whole.

We can predict what an entire snowflake looks like by only having a small portion of it. And parallel to that, we can understand the entire universe by simply looking within. Just like the Buddhists have said, all along, all the world is in a grain of sand. This is illustrated beautifully in one of Bentov’s most famous experiments. He illustrates how the universe is naturally holographic by dropping three pebbles into a bowl of water.

By looking at the ripples in the water interfering with the ripples from the other pebbles, we can accurately identify the whereabouts and motion of those very same pebbles without having access to them directly. The interference pattern of the water ripples are now raw information that we can use to extrapolate everything else about the unseen world beneath the surface of the water. Like the now unseen pebbles, a Zen master of no name posed a question to the modern science of today, asking, why do you spend all this time and money on rockets and microscopes when you can just understand the universe by sitting and watching a creek flow around some stones? This holographic concept is amazingly, also displayed in the human brain, which is just as holographic as our world.

Only one section of the brain is necessary to understand the rest of it. And if you need proof of that, check out some of the modern science that shows people being able to retain memory and continue to grow and learn with sometimes more than half of their brain removed from an accident or a surgery or something. And you don’t have to look very far, because I can vouch for this.

Once upon a time, at a very young age, I suffered a blow to the left side of my head that caused this ear to be deaf. And ironically, I could play the piano fluently from that moment on. And this is the same musicianship that you hear in these videos today. Perhaps you have also heard about people with multiple personalities. A person with five personalities could have one that is allergic to seafood, having drastic reactions, whereas the rest of the personalities don’t.

And enjoy a nice meal at red Lobster, despite it being way worse than Longjung silver’s and double the price. This certainly shows the holographic nature of mind over matter and proves that the brain is more of a receiver than it is a producer of consciousness. Some call it placebo without second guessing what that notion even indicates. But let’s get back to the subject. These oscillations like to be in sync with each other.

This has been coined with the term coherency. If you stack several grandfather clocks next to each other that are out of phase, eventually they will become coherent and tick right along with the other ones at the same time, the same way that multiple women will eventually sync up their periods when living together. And if you have multiple women synced up, that might be a good means to plan your time away from the house or vacation.

It’s not just grandfather clocks and periods here it is everything. A system of tuned oscillators will pick up even the thinnest, tiniest signal that has been admitted. This is why we resonate with certain people so easily and pick up on their body language in perfect step with our own. So it seems oscillation coherency is also what gives way to having a BFF. However, there are many stresses that cause irregularities in disharmony, but as soon as the source of disturbance is removed, orderly rhythm will return to the system.

Ad joke about governments here. You know what that’ll do. The ancient esoteric sciences and the modern CIA experiments both seem to indicate that atoms or solid matter don’t exist at all in the first place, but are instead just pockets of void that have been ignited with frequency. Think of the surface of a body of water that is totally still and undisturbed. It will be completely transparent, as if there is nothing there in the first place.

But when you ripple the surface, well, then you can see the water as if it becomes the void that gives way to that reality being the depths of the body of water remains still. Tapping into that space is very well illustrated by that 21 pilot song where he says, life moves slow on the ocean floor. I can’t feel the waves anymore. Did the tides forget to move so the sun and Saturday.

Saturday I played that wrong. But we’ll assume that it was for copyright purposes. I promise. Won’t promise that won’t happen again. I think we all remember ten years ago when they said that the atom is 99% empty space. And then five years ago they said that it is 99. 99% empty space. And of course, as of last year, that percentage went to 99. 99. They just keep on adding nines to it instead of admitting that it ain’t there.

The solid mass just isn’t elusive. It just flat out isn’t. Bentoff stated that when we highly magnify the image of our solid reality to get a good look at what it’s made out of, we accidentally find a completely new underlying reality. On closer inspection, our reality seems to dissolve into this rapidly pulsating matrix of fields of energy, an interference pattern of waves that fill this vast vacuum of our bodies, and outwardly, forever.

Remember how the points of rest on the pendulum create a tiny moment where we cannot measure its trajectory or its inertia? Much like our metaphor of the pendulum, the so called particles that make up our bodies blink in and out of existence as well. This oscillation is said to occur 14 times per second, seven up and seven down. This is why it has been found that the electromagnetic field of the human vehicle vibrates at a frequency of 7 precipice and valley of this oscillation is that short moment of rest that happens in a blink.

It happens so fast that we don’t even notice it in our normal waking state. That is, until we start a thorough meditation practice. Although Bentov was certainly not the first to master this technique, he seems to be the one who brought it to scientific illumination. He explains that through meditative practices, one can extend the subjective time of those momentary outblinks that result from the small periods of rest at the opposing sides of this oscillation.

And we will come back to that shortly. But 7 is a harmonic fraction with the resonance of our very planet, and we can become in tune with that. This ability is not new or unique to us. It is exactly what birds used to fly enormous distances without having the waze app on their phone. And the same that whales do to meet up and make babies. This is why particular disturbances in the earth’s field, like a solar flare or tectonic divulsion, will cause multiples of whales to beach themselves or flocks of birds to fly into the ground.

The same exact thing happens to us when there is a stress buildup in the nervous system. Yoga and meditation is easily the best way to alleviate that buildup. Right here is where we find the difference between Jerry and Newman. Jerry began his meditative practice early in his career, and does so to this day. Newman, however, does not appreciate the fact that the male never stops. Alright. It seems as though reality comes to, so to speak, or becomes real due to the motion occurring between these two states of rest.

This indicates the obvious that when the oscillation of that motion comes to rest at either side of the pendulum, it technically blinks out of existence for that moment of time. In those moments where physical reality no longer exists, the realization of Zen is there waiting for us. We can tap into those moments of silence and explore much higher states of consciousness. In the book the secret Teachings of tibetan Buddhist Sects, Alexandra David Neal writes, the tangible world is movement.

Not a collection of moving objects, but movement itself. There are no objects in movement. It is the movement which constitutes the objects which appear to us. The movement is a continued and infinitely rapid succession of flashes of energy. Objects perceptible to our senses are constituted by a rapid succession of instantaneous events. There are two theories, and both consider the world as movement. One states that the course of this movement, which creates phenomena, is continuous.

As the flow of a quiet river seems to us. The Other declares that the movement is intermittent and advances by separate flashes of energy which follow each other at such small intervals that these intervals are almost nonexistent. But this begs the obvious question, where does matter go when it periodically disappears? And what happens to us as we blink on and off? To answer this question, we are forced to speculate the notion of time.

As we learned in the previous video, time does not exist, but simply occurs from us due to the involuntary measurements of movement. This so called time is subjective. Or if you ask Albert Einstein, Relative. As he once said, when you spend 2 hours with a Pretty Girl, you think it’s only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it’s 2 hours.

In the truly quirky and fun loving fashion that Bentov is known for, he develops a practice or technique that can harness the power of this ability to stretch out subjective time. This teaching is heavily based on the realm between beta and theta waves, but we’ll leave out some of that stark science for the sake of keeping it real. Here, I’m going to read what is written by Bentov on exactly what to do, but afterwards add my own take to it.

Step one. Relax. Position a watch in front of you. Step two. Look at the watch in a relaxed way and follow the second hand. Absorb and remember the rhythm at which it moves. This has to be done quite effortlessly. Step three. Close your eyes and visualize yourself engaged in your most favorite activity. This visualization has to be perfect. For instance, if you visualize yourself lying on a beach, you have to be there.

Don’t just think you are there, but feel the warmth of the sun and the texture of the sand. The results will be better if you choose a relaxing activity rather than a hectic one. Four. When you feel that you have stabilized this visualization, slowly open your eyes just a bit. Don’t focus on the watch. Just let your gaze fall on the dial, as if you are a disinterested observer of this whole affair.

If you have followed the instructions properly, you may see the second hand stick in a few places, slow down and hover for a while. If you are very successful, you’ll be able to stop the second hand for quite a while. To some people, this is a shocking experience. The moment one feels shocked, the second hand accelerates and resumes its normal speed. Now, this is the part where I must admit that I must not be doing it correctly because this experiment does not work for me.

I am just too uptight. If you put a lump of coal in my butt. You’ll have a diamond in two weeks. In fact, holding the thought of being at a beach or any other activity stimulates my mind even more. I can say, however, that even before reading this book, I have been able to slow down and stop subjective time with a completely different meditative technique. The way I discovered this was by accident.

Working in construction is sometimes very cold, so I would give myself a one up by utilizing the wim Hof method to make myself immune to wind and low temperatures, and it is very effective. What is not said, and possibly only unique to me, is that while holding on the exhale, this breathing exercise surely does slow down time and create a space of nonthought where I can perceive the self and consciousness in a way that I just don’t have words for.

I remember sitting in my car before work and noticing that during these meditative states, one or two minutes seemed like 15 to 20 minutes. And it was a fantastic way for me to find rest and relaxation and to get a grip for the day. And I only barely hesitate to say, be gifted with a sort of superpower and mental clarity and an immunity to pain. Mind over matter is a real life miracle that we can work with, and it is different for everyone.

And not to come off with a sales pitch here, but I break down step by step exactly how I achieve these particular altered states naturally, in videos that are visible to members of this channel. This isn’t a ploy to make more money as much as it is just not wanting to clutter the channel with a ton of extra videos that don’t pertain to our long form documentaries. When someone clicks on the channel for the first time, I would like them to see these long form documentaries that we’re watching right now, and not just a meditation instructional.

But I digress. Bentov does a fantastic job of taking the woo woo out of the subject of time, expanding meditation utilizing scientific diagrams. The breakdown of these would be an entire video of their own, but by all means, check out the book for yourself. I even think that it’s on YouTube in full. So being deceased, I don’t think that Bentov will mind you chasing that shortcut. In fact, if he were alive, I don’t think he would mind either.

It is the message that was important to him and not the money. The best way to wrap our heads around this, though, is to think about infinite velocity and points of rest being parallel. Imagine hypothetically being able to move at infinite speed. Well, you would be everywhere all at once, making you omnipresent. Now imagine that you are able to absorb information at the same time. Well, this makes you omniscient.

Ironically, this very state of infinite velocity, of being everywhere at once. Is exactly the same as being at rest. As you would just be in all places at once. With a parallel understanding of your own state. Despite having a paradoxical conclusion, this is scientifically sound. In both cases, time no longer exists. And in both cases, the location and velocity of the observer cannot be pinpointed, yet remains its integrity as an information processing unit.

Despite its rapid expansion into spacetime. As supernatural as this sounds, this altered state of consciousness can be attained. By harnessing the subjective time of these periods of rest. At either side of our pendulum. As the self blinks in and out of existence due to its quantum nature, we have to remember that mass cannot move at an infinite velocity. But as an observer being a non physical entity, we will have no problem doing this.

Pure psyche has no weight or rules attached to it. This helps us scientifically explain the abilities of people like Ingo Swan. Who can operate observation without the constraints of space and time. And could accurately describe events that occur in both the past and present. While working for the CIA, it seemed that he could also describe the future as well. But paradoxically, just by doing so, it would measurably affect the outcome of the future.

And I am hoping to do a full length documentary on Ingo Swan in the near future. So stay tuned. If we look at this diagram drawn by Bentov himself. You know what, Kriegon? Can you spice this unit up for us a bit? All right. There we go. If we look at these diagrams, we can see that the literal workings of stretching out the subjective time of these blinks out of reality as they occur 14 times per second.

Thus, at 7, experienced meditator can use the above techniques. To stretch out the perceived time of these out intervals, causing us to be able to spend as much time in the higher realities as we do right here in solid reality. By now, you might be thinking that this meditative time dilation. Is, in fact, not an altered state of consciousness technically. But it is. So shut up. Consciousness within a biological entity is actually kind of quantifiable.

Bentov writes this. We can say that consciousness is the capacity of a system to respond to stimuli. This system may also be a nervous system, no matter how simple. Suppose we stimulate an atom by applying ultraviolet light. The electrons may get excited and respond by jumping into a higher orbit. Farther away from the nucleus. It will react with a number of different responses. If we take a bacterium and tickle it, it will react with an even larger number of responses.

The higher and more complex the organism, the more varied and the more numerous the responses. Let us define this number as the quantity of consciousness. We may at first have trouble trying to visualize a rock or an atom as a living thing because we associate consciousness with life. But this notion is just a human limitation. Minerals may also have difficulty in understanding human consciousness. We restrict the term live beings to beings that can reproduce.

This is quite arbitrary. We seem to project our own behavior onto other systems by saying that starting from the atom and going to larger aggregates, there is no life. And then suddenly, when the aggregates of atoms have reached a certain stage of organization, life appears. Because we can recognize our own behavior in it. It may be refined or primitive. Human beings are also designed that when properly trained, we can interact with anything that has consciousness at whatever level.

Thus, the bandwidth of f five to f six expresses the responses of the human nervous system to all possible stimuli. This system codes the information in an action and rest code from which our brain constructs our reality. But then the other bands in this diagram, the ones above human frequency response, such as f seven and f eight, or the ones below it, must also represent the realities for the population occupying those levels.

In short, what we are dealing with here are actually different realities. This implies that all matter in the universe, starting from the atom, is moving up in levels of consciousness under the forces of evolution, until it finally reaches the absolute. It goes on to illustrate how all consciousness moves up, graduating step by step, each gray area, until it reaches the absolute. What is fascinating is that this does not indicate a black and white duality between physical reality and nonphysical reality, like one including myself, is apt to think.

But instead we have the astral level, the mental level, and the causal moving up in that order until it reaches the absolute, which implies total control over nature. This thin membrane of reality between the causal realms and the physical seem to be where human consciousness often gets caught up in its emotional states, in this level that we call the astral. This is why it is instructed in esoteric science to be very careful when exploring this region during out of body experiences.

This is where the emotional body oftentimes hangs its hat, and is indeed inhabited by personalities that don’t have your best interest in mind. This is kind of like the backstreet, the hood of these reality levels. It is said that emotional turmoil ceases its movement above this realm, entering the causal realities inhabited by creator beings. And get your DMT ready, because the description of these realms will be coming up in the next video.

The term absolute, when describing this highest reality of both rest and infinite motion, was coined by the CIA and certainly seems to reflect the ancient concept of Tao. Well, the non concept, if we’re to be clear, this is what the Zen masters may have been aware of without the scientific terminology. It is interesting that the two contrasting concepts of movement and rest indeed become reconciled in the absolute.

This is a sort of baseline of reality above it and below it. This is the non reality that all existence springs from, just like the Tao. It has also been referred to as the waters of the deep in multiple religions. And we covered that in a previous video about manifestation and the philosopher’s stone. And if I’m not mistaken, I think you missed that one. The absolute or the Tao, is fixed, eternal and invisible, basically unchanging.

But the relative reality that springs from it is the manifest, or basically the temporary, changing aspect of reality known as Maya in the east east. The east east of all the easts. And the metaphor coined as the waters of the deep is a perfect analogy for this, because water moves as a wave function, of course. But we can also think of water as having multiple temporary states, fluid, solid ice, and, of course, vapor.

The states of reality change and are temporary, but it is still always water. Thus, the absolute all along. The idea of everything having consciousness, including minerals, is not new, by the way. In fact, what is new is the idea that they do not. In many bits of oral tradition known as folklore, especially that of native american cultures, it is said that everything has a primordial name and a sentience of its own.

Everything behaves as a wave in this primordial nature. But the reason we measure things as particles is because that is just the speed at which we are capable of measuring it. Our perception is likened to a frame rate of film. We can only pick up so many bits of information per second, therefore seem to articulate this field of infinity as being blocks or particles. Think of a cartoon that has been drawn.

Multiple frozen frames combined together gives the illusion of there being a fluid like motion. The way we measure reality seems to be just like that, but in the opposite direction. And I’ll give you a moment with that one. Slow down on Monday, not a sound on Wednesday. Why does he skip? He skips Tuesday and Thursday. Despite reincarnation being a very touchy subject. If we apply this law of oscillation to our gradient chart of consciousness moving up, it seems that there is indeed a spiraling pendulum of motion that moves up and forward along with the cycle of death and rebirth.

If everything in nature and existence follows this same oscillation of cycles, it would only make sense that the concept of death and rebirth follow suit. In fact, given what we have seen today, it would be weirder if it didn’t. A rare case where Occam’s razor seems to be working in the favor of life after death and rebirth. These levels of consciousness overlap and are different to each person depending on the sensitivity of their nervous system.

This is why we can communicate with animals. Speaking of which, some better than others, I’ve met people who can practically talk to horses, and some people are even able to communicate with plants. And then, of course, we have the shamans, which are able to communicate with levels of consciousness in the causal realms above, as opposed to the below, where our eyes are often hypnotically fixed. It’s going to make noise if you do that.

That’s why we have a pop filter. But in these above realities, the human observer overcomes its emotional state, a state that stems back to the animal level of consciousness. Entering this state is where we have extremely high levels of creative output and flow. And the breakdown of this is illustrated in one of our older videos entitled modern mystics and ancient shaman, where we talk about the art of defocalization.

And I think you actually saw that one, so that’s cool. Thought is a very coarse and jagged thing. That we thought is a very coarse and jagged thing to have, if you think about it, pun intended. It is a process of the brain and not necessarily of the mind. It seems to be the function of the brain to amplify the signal of pure consciousness or the absolute into a useful form of survival being.

The thought process and dreams evolving past this point surely is the nature of Zen, and is both difficult and easy at the same time. When operating in these uncharted areas of the mind, intuition is surely more reliable than cold logic. Bentov illustrates this with a parable of the bicycle, showing that this information seems very unlikely or even impossible, until it becomes self evident through gnosis or experience. Basically, if you show somebody a bicycle and tell them what it is used for, the person might laugh out loud at how ridiculous it is to be upright on this contraption.

If they’ve never been familiarized with a bicycle before, it is a thin seat on two wheels and can easily fall over a very unstable vehicle. But what they are missing is the invisible principle of inertia that keeps the bicycle upright when in motion. This is a reasoning that can be only experienced and not explained. This is gnosis in a way. The soul, not to be confused with spirit, is parallel to the psychological term that we call the psyche.

The psyche is independent of the body, but uses it as a kind of garage, as a place of learning. I think of it like this. The universe wants to make itself known to those who can comprehend its language. This is truly an emanation of love. It is hypothesized that the concept of love and gravitation might be the same phenomenon. When reading this, I couldn’t help but remember a section in Edidorpa where the man who did it had mastered all of the great mysteries before him, except for gravitation, as he had explained that it pervades and pierces all things in the universe, whether physical or not.

And as above, so below. It seems that love itself seems to have a gravitational effect on us in this reality as well. Bentov maintains that the whole universe is love and is an information gathering system. The creator breaks himself up into smaller fractalized units in order to be able to experience all of the possible interactions among his particles on all possible levels, thereby learning to know thyself. This sort of knowing includes all things, as hermes t clearly states that the all is mind and this includes us and our potential growth.

Evolution seems to be built in to the friction of this learning process and pushes all matter, therefore sentience, higher and higher in complexity and construct until reaching the absolute and then starting all over again. But this time with a fat promotion I see entropy speak I fly on the window I’m put into motion to break the cycle a silent devotion to what happens after but how did I get here and what came before? I am drown in the ocean against the crane to fight the motion to serve and to struggle I won’t flow against the weather can’t remember what it is I’m doing close a drop from the rain cloud falls to the ocean what once was separate there’s no distinction see you in the mirror this time and connectivity I bear the weight of not knowing me when ain’t and griefing I won’t fight the current I’ll fly the ocean to find the center to feel the motion to hear the secret to catch the ocean to fly on wind and breath what if I remember what I came here to do what I came here to do wearing down you from above our missing crowns foreign loudly ignore the sound born with amnesia to realize that remember to realize, to remember I we fly down the hillside and dance in the rainstorm we float on the surface and go as if water to find the center to feel the motion to hear the secret to catch the notion to be the heaven just with because I remember what if I remember what I am because I remember what? Because I remain here after death I remember guidance blaring down from above our missing cloud far and loudly ignore the sound with amnesia awaken.

Awaken as a child. .


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